#insert horrified hamster meme lol
fluffypotatey · 2 years
Even in an "everything's fine and nothing hurts" AU, I just know that Arthur "Disaster Bi" Pendragon manages to give his dad an ulcer because that's just how he rolls.
Arthur: Father, I'm getting married-
Uther: Excellent!
Arthur: -to Merlin of the Dragonlords.
Uther: Less excellent!
Somewhere on the Isle of the Blessed, Morgana is laughing and doesn't know why.
And Balinor is working his way through the wine cellar realising he's about to be kin-by-marriage to Uther Fucking Pendragon. (Yes, they still hate each other, but their wives are besties. They think it's adorable.)
the horror Balinor must have felt when he realised what Merlin marrying Arthur meant for him lmaoooooo
Hunith: Aren't they cute! Balinor: Yes, sweetie, very adorable. Can't wait for the wedd- Balinor: WAIT
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