one muse holding the other up against a tree. (Monroe pinning Kim)
It was raining, and the couple were planning where to put their future business that they had discussed earlier. The car was a bit too far to just run to, so they decided to stay under a tree, where while they still got wet, they'd still be able to servey the area.
It was only when Monroe slipped up on the wet ground, he pins Kim against the mighty oak, his hands surrounding both sides as he breathed heavily against her, lips just about to touch each other as the rain hits them from just under the tree's branches.
Nobody else would be there to catch them doing anything, as he somewhat hiked her upwards when he pinned her, young adult bodies touching against each other waiting for one to make the first move.
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Sharpe (Closed - insanityxofxmuses)
Thomas nervously fiddled with the edge of his jacket cuffs. Large social events were always rather overwhelming for the man. He felt like an imposter. Well, truthfully he was an imposter. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. He did not belong amongst good and decent people. After all the horrors he had taken part in. It felt like at any moment he and his sister would be discovered. Murders. Monsters. He would be dead and Lucille would have a fate worse than death. 
But the funds were running low. They needed another poor soul to swindle their money from. He could hardly function any more with all this guilt. How long did he have to live like this?
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astrostormclouds · 1 year
A New Recruit? [Closed Starter]
Interaction between Astro and Calli
Astro's eyebrows knitted together as she saw chaos ensue. What was happening? She pulled her mask over her face and swung over to the scene.
Astro wore a spidersuit that softly glowed in the dark of the night. Although the glow was coming from the web design of the suit, it seemed to make the whole suit glow a soft yellow. Her suit's base color was a shade of gold, the rest either being white or black. The eyes of her suit also made it easier to see in the dark. She was known as Sun-Spider.
Sun-Spider got to the chaos. This definitely wasn't her nemesis, it had to be someone else. And sure enough, a weirdly 3D character was causing mayhem. It didn't look like anything from her world, it was like it was from another dimension..
"Hey, big guy!" Sun shouted, trying to get the villain's attention. This guy was not in the mood to talk to her.
Sun shot her webs at a tall street light and hung from it upside down. The street light was in front of the villain, so she could talk to him without getting hurt.
"Hey! I don't think you're from around here.. Or, well, from this world.." Sun stared at the 3D person. It wasn't like she wasn't 3D, but this guy was a different kind of 3D..
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kingofthewebxxx · 9 months
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and for those who don't I hope you a restful week. Still accepting Christmas as well as other memes, take care everyone!
I also wanted to say thank you to these writers in particular, even if you are not included if you are reading this then I very much appreciate you
Many thanks to:
Thanks for making my year much better, best wishes for next year!
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scinglives · 1 year
family / baby starter call
"No, no, no. Don't move." Bucky said softly as he placed her plate on the coffee table, lying on the couch with her, his head rested by her stomach. He was amazed every day, feeling their baby kicking away, knowing they were really in there. And ready to meet them in a few months time. "Hi little one. It's papa." He whispered, smiling when he felt a kick against his right hand. He always used that hand to feel the baby kicking away. "Do you think they know my voice?"
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viosvisions · 5 months
List five songs you listen to and tag your friends! Repost ✦ Don't Reblog Tagged by: @insanityxofxmuses
Tagging: @the-expatriate, @lavaridgexflannery, @bubblyroleplayingworld, @submissiveking99, @tokufan400 and whoever else
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Kroi - Water Carrier
NEXUS - feat. Laco / Hiroyuki Sawano
Now or Never - English Cover by Hitonium feat, Jorpor, and ReddyChu
Dancing in my Room - 347aidan
Creeping in My Soul - Cryoshell
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┏━━━✦Song Meme✦━━━┓
List five songs you listen to and tag your friends! Repost ✦ Don't Reblog Tagged by: @heartxshaped-bruises ( Thank you! ) Tagging: @insanityxofxmuses @eeliabwrites @bcdomens @red-eyes-minnie @x-brokencrowns ▛▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝ ▜ I Am A Stone - Demon Hunter Unforgiven - Ghost Nation Monster - Fight The Fade Sad But True - Metallica This Is Who We Are - Hawthorn Heights
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novaxanomaly · 10 months
Thank you @noonaracha for the idea.(I was not tagged but I chose to do this.. my main blog is @insanityxofxmuses )
Take this test and share a pic of your SKZ bias!
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Tagging: @co11ywobbles (because your the only one I can think of.) And anyone else who wants to.
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the-stark-three · 5 years
On Earth ||| Peter Q. x Solari
It had been a while since Peter had been back on Earth. Well, maybe ‘a while’ was a bit of of an understatement. None the less he was a little overwhelmed by how much had changed since he had been abducted as a child. More crowded, more shiny, but there was a lot of great things he liked that were new.
One new thing he enjoyed was meeting up with someone he had recently met after the whole fiasco with Thanos. Someone he never thought he’d even remotely like, but she turned out to be a pretty great girl. She had been the one to call him and have them meet in the park, wanted to do things today, she had said.
Nodding to the music that played from his tape player, he sat on the bench, watching everyone that walked by him. Well, at least people were more less the same, that much he was grateful for. He wondered what Solari could want to do today, he hoped it involved checking out music stores, another thing he was glad still existed.
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the-wind-walker · 5 years
Prompt: difficult decision | SPN ALT Fic | Gadreel, Kevin, and Eve
“Look, I’ll give you a choice” Metatron had said “There’s two prophets and I need one of them gone, alright? You can decide on either it being Eve or the boy”
It should be a simple choice, she was right in front of him. It’d be so easy “I won’t hurt you, Eve” he said softly to her as he approached her carefully. She seemed troubled, and he knew it was because she was aware that he wasn’t who he claimed to be. Raising his hand he watched as she flinched before calming down when he gently placed it on her cheek.
Now, do it now he thought to himself as he looked down at her. All he would have to do was burn her from the inside out, it would be so simple. He noted how small she felt in his hand and how she looked up at him and he couldn’t help but smile when he caught sight of her eyes.
Maybe it would be a mercy. She had mentioned before how sad she got a lot of them time, how she had slept so little since she been woken as a prophet. He had seen - through Sam’s eyes - the heartache and betrayals she had been through. If he did this now she would never be hurt again. He would be the last one to ever hurt her.
Something soft touching his hand has stirred him from his thoughts and he realized she had rose her hand and placed it over his own “Are you okay?” she asked him.
No one had ever asked him that.
Closing his eyes he made his decision and brought his other hand up so that he was cupping both of her cheeks “I’m sorry” he told her. With that he watched as her eyes closed and she collapsed into him “I can’t do it, not to you” he said quietly as he carefully laid her down.
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somethingheretosave · 4 years
Ripley was sitting beside evilyn, happy to be there with her. “How are you Evilyn?”
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🦇(for Monroe from Kimberly) ((just for fun))
Monroe woke up in the middle of the night, feeling odd. He felt cold, and very thirsty..no...hungry. But still tired. Without disturbing Kim, he walks up towards the bathroom to get into the bath, gathering the usual things he uses for it.
Once he walked past the mirror however he lets out a horrific scream.
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New follower! insanityxofxmuses
"It’s not every day I have a guest" Fey chuckled flashing her Cheshire cat like grin. “I have one question though, why exactly are ya in my neck of the woods?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
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astrostormclouds · 11 months
What the hell was that?! || CLOSED
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@insanityxofxmuses || Kimberly gets a distress signal from Harrington's baby cousin? Nah, she's his sister now.
Gwendolyn gripped the walkie-talkie tightly, her whole body shaking. She just had come face to face with a.. creature. Her brother wasn't home. He was at work with Robin, probably busy right now. Either way, she was hiding in her room under her desk, desperately whispering "S.O.S." and "There's something here."
She held her breath when the creature managed to get into her room. She turned the walkie-talkie down and held it to her ear, hoping to hear a response.
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kingofthewebxxx · 3 months
Pinterest tag game: The first character, real person, outfit & quote when you open pinterest is your vibe
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Tagged by: @thecockysniper thank you!
Tagging: @immortalled, @debelltio, @baby-royalty, @endlss-voiid, @inmentemusae, @theweredrifter, @heretoboogie, @insanityxofxmuses and you!
Note: The first picture is Hamlet btw
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Question: What kind of villain are you? Overseer: @heartxshaped-bruises Next in line: @x-brokencrowns, @eeliabwrites, @red-eyes-minnie, @dork-in-a-trenchcoat, @insanityxofxmuses, and you!
Subject: Danny ████████
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Results: Unwillingly Evil
You were forced. Your resolve was broken slowly but surely, and now you're unsure of whether you'll ever get it back. For some reason, you believe that your current position is your fault. It isn't. It's the fault of those who did it to you. And yet you soldier on, facing forwards even as you slowly lose your will to continue. When you die, you're calm. Unafraid for the first time in a while. This is the one thing they can't take from you.
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