#character: solari lokisdottir
the-stark-three · 5 years
On Earth ||| Peter Q. x Solari
It had been a while since Peter had been back on Earth. Well, maybe ‘a while’ was a bit of of an understatement. None the less he was a little overwhelmed by how much had changed since he had been abducted as a child. More crowded, more shiny, but there was a lot of great things he liked that were new.
One new thing he enjoyed was meeting up with someone he had recently met after the whole fiasco with Thanos. Someone he never thought he’d even remotely like, but she turned out to be a pretty great girl. She had been the one to call him and have them meet in the park, wanted to do things today, she had said.
Nodding to the music that played from his tape player, he sat on the bench, watching everyone that walked by him. Well, at least people were more less the same, that much he was grateful for. He wondered what Solari could want to do today, he hoped it involved checking out music stores, another thing he was glad still existed.
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