#insane considering the bts stuff they are sharing now
bidonica · 8 months
Turns out yet another person has started playing Death Stranding because of my posts… Kojima pay me
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Today I started the Mama chapter, which will lead me to my favorite part of the map (the mountains). But not yet! There’s a long cutscene first and also I took on a side mission near the waterfall that I thought I could do away with quickly (ha ha)
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Convinced that Mama, more than Fragile, is the resident Sexy Anime Girl
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Can’t help thinking her backstory with ghost baby is a metaphor for how Kojima had to give up on Silent Hills, which can only exist as frozen in a specific time and place, like PT on the PS4.
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Anyway! Going around and about that damn waterfall triggered the appearance of the jellyfish BTs which you can only see from a certain vantage point with the BT music kicking in because otherwise the area looks clear:
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This is interesting because in the first playthrough I only met them very late in the game while going through the tar belt. Can’t tell whether this is a director’s cut addition or just an effect of me skipping this specific mission and its corner of the map the first time around (or did I? I certainly remembered the ruined bridge)
Bonus: look at BB… how cute is she… living in the moment… I just wish other players didn’t build structures IN the hot springs goddammit have some respect for the landscape design
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dearweirdme · 10 months
sometimes i read taekook blogs just to see yall say stuff like "if they're doing this [insert literally anything no matter how insane it is] publicly then they're definitely not dating" and i just smile and pray yall keep this mindset going cause it's what's giving jikook the freedom to do whatever the hell they want under the guise of fan service.
they wanna go on multiple trips and spend time together before enlisting but film it all so no one suspects why they're doing it only with each other? they can. they're hitting two birds with one stone and they couldn't have done it if it weren't for the fandom considering everything they do company fan service. cause yeah, the company totally forced two grown men to go on a filmed trip together for the fandom instead of sending all of the remaining members or any other duo that the fandom would actually care about and make more money. you think BH wouldn't send vminkook if they were all willing? if ships are money then sending the maknae line would guarantee money from all sides. jikook alone as a ship is nothing but bad business for BH and it shows in the outrage whenever they breathe the same air. (like hello??? have you not seen when jjks have been up to since the news dropped today??) tkkrs have cancelled DVD orders, trended hashtags and emailed BH before to cut down on jikook content. they cost them money. but BH still sent them on a trip together? makes perfect sense (sarcastic)
Hi anon!
Oh if that’s what keeps you confident by all means keep reading Tkk blogs. Why on earth would Jk and Jm share their destination with the world if they could easily go on a private trip together. Who’s gonna say anything about it (except all of you) if they would go somewhere without the cover of the company. They could jump on a plane to anywhere without anyone knowing and stay totally hidden for weeks if they’d choose to. This is business anon. No doubt in my mind about it. You don’t want it to be business, which is odd since it should not be that weird a concept for you to understand that Jk and Jm are in BTS together… which is business. You greatly overestimate the ‘bad for business’ seeing Jkk together is. What their outing now does (directly after enlistment news of the last four members; an unsure time for their business) is show investors that BTS are still going strong and are working. It shows army, that they are still making content. It’s a reassurance. What it is not, is Jk and Jm going on a romantic trip under the guise of it being a work trip 😂.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
Please don't ever change! I felt everything your last anon said about the tension surrounding BTS rn. There's sooo much that makes absolutely no sense regardless of shipping, promotions aand the boy's relationships with each other. Frankly, I don't blame anyone for being confused and frustrated by it.
In shipping alone, we get content that feels manipulated on all sides but apparently, we're not allowed to discuss those parts. Like many of your anons I think, I get confused and search for discussions only to find all accounts content to glorify the good parts and ignore everything else. And in the midst of all that I cannot tell you how refreshing your blog is. It's truly an open and honest discussion about things hey we might have no idea of...but at least we are talking abt it. So many ppl got over the Holland attack soooo damned fast its INSANE, jikookers included.
All morning, I've seen them switch fast to hype the upcoming vlog that you wouldn't ever know Jimin posted those pictures if not for Tkk trending right now. No one wants to address the fact that it happened and that personally, I don't understand why JK said it the way he did. These guys are smart, JK especially is brilliant in how he puts things across on camera to say enough without saying too much. On top of that they are somewhat aware of what's going on in the shipping world... so why talk about the vlog like it is something he was forced into knowing the way it can be construed..why not post anything on Jimin's birthday at least knowing that there are ppl who will check on it? It's not for our benefit but it makes no sense considering jkkers show JK to be someone who would love for others to know they are together and loves being associated with jimin? The bar is soooo low it's nonexistent at this pt and nothing makes sense.
Hi anon,
I'm glad you find my blog refreshing. A lot people think it's a pain in the ass lol
But yeah, nothing makes sense and once it does it's because it's been edited to fit what the fans want.
In a way, the blame is not all on jkkrs either. They want things to make sense too and some stuff must be swept under the rug for that to happen although it is not very honest. There is no bar anymore!
If jikook is downplaying jikook, I will sound delusional talking about how jikook is real. Because they are.
Perhaps my blog can take a more neutral approach to things and allow for conversations to flow instead of throwing in my thoughts. I still think we need a place to voice the opinions that get shut elsewhere. Maybe that's the best option.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
Part of me thinks Jimin had a real tough time we didn't know about other than going solo and this is why he was in tears in the dinner announcing the break, and saying things like "we can't tell you some things" and JK seemed to not wanting him to break down, going from light mood to mature prespective of don't cry who made you cry and teasing him about music. I feel like things with JK were good and stable as always so it could have been a combination of stuff and stress over the unknown and career but he seems so much more talktive and chill and fun and as if he's feeling loved and relaxed nowdays ..
Dear Nowdays,
I agree with you. I think a LOT has happened in 2022 behind the scenes that would raise the hair off the back of Armys necks, to be honest. Which is probably why BTS couldn't talk about it.
I mean think about all the chaos. Tampered mail. Doxxing addresses. Possibly blackmail attempts. Serious illness. Insane schedules around two 4-day concerts. Grammys during quarantine craziness. Solo era uncertainties. Military enlistment conversations. Stocks crashing. Pressure to make perfect individual albums. ANYONE would have their mental health taxed from all that stress, but someone as empathetic and sincere as Jimin?
Yeah. He had a tough time.
And I will be honest and say I still haven't seen much evidence of caretaking (what I would consider caretaking) from JK toward Jimin. I haven't SEEN back hugs and compliments and massages and quiet encouragement YET. Watch Memories 2022 come out and bitch-slap my doubts into a far-left field. But I HAVE seen him stare, seek out, tease, and do his best to bolster Jimin's spirits.
Nowadays, Jimin seems creatively engaged, giggly, more relaxed. Jikook feel more "settled." They may not look at each other with butterflies in the tummy or find every excuse in the book to touch or stand next to each other, but there's still comfort, playfulness, affection, and concern for each other and it's becoming very much evident. I think they are dating, though I'm not sure about sharing residences right now. They do, as you say, seem good and stable.
The point is: Jimin and Jungkook seem happy and literally that's all I need.
I realize I'm treading parasocial relationship waters here, but when I see Jimin or Jungkook muted, sad, angry, frustrated, or nervous, then I feel upset. When I see them happy (regardless of relationship status), I feel like life is going pretty fair. *shrug* For better or worse, that's my truth.
I'm a happy Jikook fan.
Now, as an Army, I'm a bit worried about issues like artists' privacy and certain solo efforts being neglected, so I do my best to report invasive material and stream the hell out of everything possible (I got two computers and a phone going!). But as a Jikooker, I feel much more secure these days. I WISH I had daily Jikook content, but I'm learning to be really patient and let more of the picture be revealed over time.
In this moment in time, Jimin seems happy.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
You need to back up your ON break up theory with more than just fake subs and vague statements about 'claiming behavior'.
During the period you allege they were broken up, Jimin pulled Jungkook in a hug on run behind, Jungkook called Jimin sexy at a press conference, Jimin and jungkook did that whole 'how does it feel to be in the same unit'/'time to change' flirty thing, Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the lapels... and more. Begging pardon but if they were grieving the loss of their romantic relationship while trying to be professional colleagues and pals.... isnt that sort of insensitive? Like I know you admitting you might have read it wrong and have changed your view in light of new footage might be a blow to your ego, but I don't think you are thinking rationally when you insist on this break up theory. It's sad because I found so much meaning and connection in some of the stuff you have written, particularly pertaining to internalized homophobia, racism, mysogynoir and bts changing over time to become more enlightened, but your devotion to this ONE theory, and defensiveness whenever it is (rightly imo) challenged makes me wary of your theories in general, which might be extremely unfair to you, as a thinker. Your log is really funny and great in a lot of ways so i cant really quit you.
Ahhhh it's been a while I got one of these...
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Hello, how you doing! Lol. Silver is that you?
Chilee, it's the name calling for me.
Ego, irrational, charlatan, Tuktukker- I'm desensitized to such ad hominems at this point. You don't throw words like these around and expect me to sit at the table and talk. Imma yeet myself out real fast. Lol.
There's just something different, wholesome almost, about this post though. Sounds constructive I think. Or maybe it's because I just woke. Chilee. Lol.
It doesn't feel at all like you are attacking me. It's strange...
You're gaslighting though but it's fine. I've built a resistance to that from years and years of dealing with my abductors or family. Potato potahto.
I often put my sanity before other's insanity which is why I don't indulge posts such as these and I'm not sorry about that. I mean is this an Ask or Submission? I don't- what am I supposed to say? What is the call to action?
If I come across as defensive sometimes, 10 out of 10, it's probably because the person on the other end is being offensive. Straight up. Cause and effect, the science don't lie.
You don't expect me to not defend when I'm being attacked. That's just tacky.
I don't think there's anything wrong with challenging views and notions because at the very least, that's about the exchange of ideas and I welcome it.
I set the limits at the racial slurs, the mocking tones, the emotionally charged rants meant to disparage me and my entire ancestry rather than argue a point, the interference with my personal life and business all because I hold a different view on a topic, the doxing, gaslighting, the bad mouthing, spreading lies about me, turning my friends against me, stripping away my rights and copyrights, harassing people who enjoy my work among- other things.
I usually exercise my right to self preservation in these instances- imma block, delete, ignore, forward or clap back. Word. Lol.
I'm sorry, but if you have to attack the individuality of a person to argue your point, you've lost the argument and you never had one to begin with.
Take for instance, the bit you wrote about me taking a blow to 'my ego' - do you see the problem with that?
What has holding a view different from yours on a particular subject got to do with the ego?
Do you mean to say the only way I can hold an opinion different from yours on a matter is if I were hubristic?
Are you projecting? What's happening? Lol
And if I call you out for this, I'm defensive? Way to add gaslighting to your bigotry and intolerance of opinions that don't align with yours. No offense.
I give myself permission to hold unpopular views. I give myself permission to think differently from others. I give myself permission to see what I see and believe what I believe and form an opinion on what I see and believe divorced from others' views and based on my own understanding of the workings of this world or in this case Jikook.
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No amount of name calling will change this fact. We see things from different perspectives after all.
You need to back your ON break up theory with more than just fake subs and vague claims about claiming behavior.
Lol. Fake subs? You mean the Hajima bit from the On comeback special I put in my video? Interesting.
I think I see what you mean about my break up theory and I agree to some extent. Like, come up here with charts and paragraphs and excel spreadsheets on why I think Jikook were broken up?
I would be happy to do that kind of analysis.
I think the problem for me here is, I feel tasked to convince rather than to share my opinion on the matter or even expand on my theories for discourse sakes and that makes me really uncomfortable.
Not to psychoanalyze you, but I feel when you ask this of me you are not just asking me to divulge my thoughts on a topic but to disabuse you of your own biases surrounding the topic.
I don't think this is about my opinion at all. I think it's about your own beliefs about Jikook. And there's nothing wrong with that. If you believe in something you need to stand for it. Just don't mind if others do same and don't call them names for doing so. Because if you do mind, then that's bigotry.
The fact is my opinion contradicts your beliefs about Jikook and you either want to punish me for it hence the slurs, are in denial, or you want to believe my point of view- can't really tell.
I think there is a limit in general to how far I can prove Jikook in anyway and that has nothing to do with lack of evidence, my ego or my rationality. And yes, I often shroud my beliefs in vague expressions because I don't want to set myself up or open myself up to legal suits. I can only prove Jikook to a point and nothing beyond my belief. Beyond that, I would be skating on thin ice and making bighit a tad richer.
During the period you allege they were broken up, Jimin pulled JK in a hug, grabbed Jungkook by his lapel, JK called Jimin sexy, they did the flirty challenge...
So if I understand you correctly, all these is what makes Jikook a couple to you and indicate they are dating?
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Alright then.
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Hobi calls Jimin sexy all the time. BTS calls eachother sexy all the time. I don't think that's a sign they are in a polyamory.
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Jungkook plays with his hyungs' dick and ass and talks about falling for them most times. I don't think that makes him gay or in a relationship with any of them.
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Lemme just cut to the chase. I've reached my photo limits. I have said a countless times now, that I don't view skinship and all these interactions you've pointed out as indication two people are dating- especially not two Koreans working within the homoerotically charged space of Kpop.
And I have given out a few of the metrics I use in considering whether any ship in BTS is real over the course of my blogs- intimacy, exclusive behaviors such as and not limited to claiming eachother and exercising certain rights and authorities over eachother and against the group, stress trails as a result of keeping their relationship a secret, the microaggressions, breaching the fourth wall and others.
I think what this comes down to is differences in perspectives on a fundamental level. Not egos.
I don't see the things you see as the signs Jikook are real and dating, as signs Jikook are real and dating. If I did, I would be seeing every ship in BTS as real but I don't.
And you consider the metrics I use in ascertaining Jikook as vague something something. I think we are at an impasse.
But explain the bit about 'insensitive' to me please. I would love to engage in that discourse. Why would it be insensitive for two exes to act cordially with eachother within a workplace in the aftermath of a breakup?
Then the bit about grieving...
So grieving is one of your metrics for accessing whether or not two people are broken up?
That's interesting. I mean I don't disagree but I also don't think Jikook are gonna come to work with oversized pajamas, dark shades, boxes of tissues and a blanket slung over their shoulders because of a broken heart... it's 2020 not Manila. They've grown, are learning and getting better at dealing with their emotions on camera because, as Suga pointed out, they are aware the least bit of tension translates to the screens.
I mean Jimin said it himself in his 2020 interview, he's learned to react less intensely to certain things. And sometimes, he tries to downplay certain things. He tries to perform Jikook when Jikook are not in a great place. It's only in recent times, On era, where JK has opted out and not gone along with it.
I think he does that and uses their shared 'Jikook agenda' and performances of Jikook as a means to fix things or break the ice between them at least.
But clearly Jk wasn't having it that day as he kept putting up boundaries with Jimin throughout that Run episode- unless of course you are disputing this as well on the grounds Jimin dragged his ass into a hug. Chilee.
I think most people wouldn't have felt there was something off with Jikook in that On period at all had it not been for Run 116. It's similar to how, had it not been for Jimin's birthday saga, the Esquire shoot behind scenes and Grammy reaction video, no one would have felt there was something going on between Jikook in the October timeline.
I think we would have seen and felt the less interactions and professionalism between them in the aftermath of it but for the most parts, moments like the couch scene in the Grammy reaction video wouldn't have made sense to any of us especially as we had just witnessed JK in the ON:E concert rushing to comfort and console JM when he was tearing up at the end of the concert.
At least when he pushed JM into a ditch somewhere in the dark in Soop we know he had been drinking and they were playing competitive sports. Even with that he still showed some concern when Jimin fell and injured himself afterwards.
I think we would all be wondering if Jikook were fanservice at that point, a fanservice relationship where JK only consoled Jimin when he cried infront of thousands of people at concerts and nibbled his ear while he was at it.
And I think we would be on opposite sides of the argument: me, arguing Jikook were experiencing a hiccup in their relationship and you, rationalizing that moment with anything from 'JK don't have to be at JM's beck and call' 'he is an introvert who is shy to show affections publicly' to even something about the weather.
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But I would have looked at this moment from the October pop up video behind scenes and assumed JK was mad at Jimin for something JM had done and had done something in retaliation and was now feeling sorry he did.
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And I would have based it off of this moment, or a countless similar ones from around On era or the previous eras where JK had done this exact same thing- frozen in place and staring at Jimin in the middle of a shoot or interview after sliding his hands down Tae's chest, clung on to the others unnecessarily to get a reaction out of JM.
Would I have been right? It really doesn't matter to me as long as it makes sense to me. I ship Jikook in a way that makes sense to me. Jikook are gay, in a gay relationship with each other and are human like anyone of us- that makes sense to me. Whether I am right or wrong.... who cares and why does it matter?
Personally, I think the only person grieving in that period was JK not JM and I don't think he grieved for long before he switched off his humanity and went stone cold tit for tat terminator on JM and BTS's ass. Lol. He had JM looking all kinds of subdued in that era. Lmho.
People grieve in various ways. In my opinion. For Jimin, I feel he puts on a strong facade most times when he has to film during such times and lately I feel he masks his emotions with anger.
Jk masks his pain with anger too sometimes but I feel in recent times, he is leaning more towards indifference. I think he tries not to be as affected by certain things as compared to the early half of 2020...
But I understand what you mean when you talk about grieve. I think for me rather than look for physical evidence of grief like a sad face, a tear drop dripping down a face, I love for vulnerability in them.
JK's is easy to tell because he tends to open himself up to others such as Tae or Jin or Hobi- and I don't mean like his interactions with them. I mean he leans on them for moral or emotional support.
In the Holiday remix video where he was hiding behind Jin, I felt he was feeling very vulnerable and exposed after that intense moment with Jimin.
It's what he does when he is feeling vulnerable. He turns to others especially Jimin and if Jimin is the cause of his vulnerability he turns away from him like he did within On era or even in Run 116.
When he is in a good place with Jimin, often he is closed off to the others. Jimin does the opposite. He shuts himself up entirely from the group. I don't think he likes to go through his pain by himself.
I've always found that bit fascinating about them. Jk opens himself to people when he is at his lowest while JM closes himself off when he is at his worst.
It played out in their rainy day fight as well. In JK's vulnerability, that's when he let Jimin in, lowering his walls while JM on the other hand closed himself off to him.
Can you give me more than they were together in that period because they played with eachother's lapels?
You don't think I'm thinking rationally when I insist on my theory? Uhmmm... okay? What is rational in this case?
Listen, I recieve a lot of hate for my 'irrational thoughts and opinions' out in these streets. I've lost potentially great friendship on this platform because of it. As I type this, there is someone in someone else's DMs persuading them not to read and engage with my posts because I'm extremely evil I think Jikook break up from time to time in their relationship.
If I genuinely believed in the slightest least or had the least doubt that Jikook were together in that period I would change my mind on the topic- damn my pride and ego. It simply isn't worth the hustle.
If it helps your sanity, please stop reading my blogs. My blogs are not for everyone. It makes some people happy, it makes some people mad and some people experience both.
My gratification is in sharing my thoughts and chronicling Jikook's journey for my own appeasement and support of Jikook. I owe it to them as a believer and a supporter to humanize them as much as possible.
I do not seek to convert others, change minds, or convince anyone of my opinions or to disabuse anyone of theirs.
Let's just agree to disagree on the matter please. Or if you can drop the ad hominems, I would be more than happy to go back and forth with you on this very topic. It's actually shaping out to be one of my favorite Jikook eras. I love me some terminator JK. Lol.
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gillian-greenwood · 3 years
My Episode 7 Predictions!
Mother of God! How have these weeks passed by so fast?! I've decided to share what I think will be answered tomorrow night and some of the fates of our beloved characters! The series has gotten off to an even bigger success than it's predecessor and EVERYONE'S talking about it! Without further ado, let's see what I'm predicting!
Who's H/fourth man (or woman) and will we find out?
The question that's on the nation's minds. That has been boggling us since 2017... My personal prediction still stands as CC Philip Osborne, however... I think he's purely sitting on his arse and pulling the strings, whilst others are doing his dirty work. Those people are Patricia Carmichael: who in all honesty I'm manifesting isn't actually bent but is so career driven and a bit of a lick arse that she's just taking orders and not questioning anything, plus she doesn't think much of Ted either... I have joked that she's been shagging Osborne on the side which would be quite funny. I also believe Buckells has been Osborne's true scape goat for years. Someone as laid-back and unpassionate as Buckells is easily manipulated - I mean how the hell has he become a super? As Steve rightfully says, he couldn't order a piss up in a brewery. Seeing the connections go well back into the early noughties whilst Buckells was part of an oasis tribute band, it's an easy conclusion to make. Lastly I will mention Thurwell, now I think Thurwell may have been more involved on his own doing anyway but I think he'd still been pretty busy doing things on behalf of Osborne up until his alleged death in sunny Spain (Belfast but shh). I know a lot of people still think Buckells, some reckon pas-agg Pat is the top woman... and a few still think our beloved Kate is 'H'.
Now the other part of my point is actually finding out... I think us as viewers will certainly know the identity of this mysterious individual. But, I think we'll find out in the very last few seconds and poor AC12 won't be any the wiser which will open up the foundations for a possible series 7. I think a lot of things will be answered for us viewers but not everything for the characters. I know that if they had a series 7 there would be an other primary focus but I just think it would be clever. Just like how we found out as viewers at the end of series 1 that Dot was a wrong'un.
Is Thurwell really dead?
I'm still very amazed by the whole induction of Jimmy Nesbitt as a series of photos. I know we were supposed to have a secretive guest actor appearance and I believe it was Robert Carlyle's name floating about which would have been insane! But that moment we saw Jimmy, I yelled at the screen. So, this answers the question of seeing a character that had only been mentioned previously - which has been very much hiding in plain sight. Even with a rewatch, I had forgotten about Thurwell and therefore hadn't even considered him. But, I did mention the list from series 3 which did loosely tie in. Anyway, when we learned that Thurwell and his Mrs were now dead and clearly had been for a while - it was cleverly shot so we didn't see who it was, only the Spanish Police's word. You know, I think if we were to get a series 7, Thurwell could appear and he's in fact not dead. It's very rare you get a very well known actor in for something so small without it leading to bigger things. Although, they got Andi Osho, a very much loved comedian in purely for archival photos and videos... I do feel that Thurwell could have easily been on the other end of the fake MSN, and doing Osborne's dirty work - especially with the Spanish connection. In a BTS photo we have seen a clue to a piece of paperwork regarding a time share (Spain mentioned) in front of Kate which will likely have a connection to Thurwell and Spain. I think he's possibly still alive but we'll see...
Joanne Davidson
Kelly Macdonald has been welcomed with a very warm reception. Wow, her connection to Tommy Hunter (albeit disturbing, homozygous DNA... nasty business) was not something I ever expected although I guessed very much so when we learned of the DNA match with a nominal. Would I define her as bent? I mean in layman's terms, yes she is. However each guest star has had a very complicated relationship with the definition - all have done dodgy things and usually for good reason... But I do sympathise with her because of her background, born into trouble, it was very hard to escape - even if her mum took her to Scotland for a life away from it all. From the very start of her career she was doing the OCG's bidding and it transpires she was in the police on Tommy's orders - so very much another caddy. I do feel Jo had always wanted to be a good person and do right and in some ways she did - however she's in too deep. Next I'll mention her relationship with Kate and it's something I'd never have predicted. A lot of suggestive and sapphic behaviour from the off. Now, I do think Jo cares deeply for Kate and has developed strong feelings - and I think Kate deep down has also but I don't think anything will happen sadly. And that's more for the fact that they had run out of track before they could even get going as so much has happened. Kate's gonna save Jo when her transport gets ambushed, that's a given... but I don't think we'll see anything happen that we want to happen. I hope I'm very wrong and we get something but with the hour we've got I don't think it'll be the case. And as for her fate? I think she'll survive. Guest leads usually die, eventually... with the exception of Roz who's serving time with one arm in Brentiss. Giving how unfortunate her life has been from her conception, I think it'll do her justice to escape with her life. Witness protection? Hmm perhaps... Although I think she's done enough dodgy stuff to warrant a prison stretch. Will she be instrumental in revealing who the fourth dot is? Well yeah actually, I think she grew up thinking Thurwell was her dad... and of course having connections to both Osborne and Buckells. Jo joined the force just before the turn of the millennium so would have been a copper when the Lawrence Christopher case occurred in 2003. Even though not directly working with them, I'm sure she knew what was going on and would have come across Osborne and Buckells at that time. I have a strong inkling that she knows exactly who she's been talking to and has been under their wing since the start. If she dies I will be gutted.
Where are we going with Kate? Well she's just killed Ryan (lawfully) and has gotten away with it. But Carmichael isn't thick... and nor is Steve and Ted. They all know but I think that'll be that for now. For ages I thought she was gonna D word but I think she's gonna be alright now. I hope that somehow she gets back into anti-corruption permanently because that's where she's best suited. I'm shocked that she hasn't had a glass box spectacular - my predictions for her to be accused of being bent and all that were way off the mark... and not a single mention of the two dying declarations... With only an hour tomorrow and so much to deal with, I guess that's not going to be mentioned. And Kate ain't gonna be sanctioned either. But, there's always opportunity with a series 7... She'll definitely be back in AC12, interviewing... I can't see all the BTS photos being Jed Herrings. But we'll see tomorrow!
Poor Steve eh? He's not had an easy time of it. Addicted to painkillers as I rightfully predicted, unable to trust his gaffer, torn on a transfer and a up and down friendship with his 'mate'. Oh and the car, actually let's not talk about the Mazda... Anyhow I believe that Steve will talk about his back and recent struggles with meds after a lot of emails from occupational health. Will he get pulled off the job at the last second because he didn't book an appointment... yeah I think that might happen and Kate takes his place or something. But there is a counsellor or something credited so I'm pretty certain on that. Will he lose his long overdue promotion? It's possible! I don't think the test was going to come back as a fail but more of a cause for concern - just that the levels of codeine etc in his system was higher than it should and it would be best advised to talk to someone. We haven't seen much pill taking going on since the drugs test so has Steve been going cold turkey? Or have they just veered away from that part of the story? In all fairness he's appeared fine with his back since the Windermere convoy - he ran across an industrial estate... I mean. I hope Steve gets a glimmer of hope and happiness because he rightfully deserves it. Ever since the start he's had his fair sharing of aggro and he deserves a break. I do think however he may be partly responsible for nailing the final nails into Ted's coffin - especially after he discovered the 50K up Merseyside and the truth from Lee Banks. I think he could be potentially happy with Steph, it would be nice for something to happen with them but we'll see. Steve needs a big hug.
This is going to pain me saying it. But, I don't think Ted is going to make it to the end. His retirement is inevitable. I can see the argument of the retirement being rescinded if they unmask the fourth dot etc and solve stuff but realistically, he's past retirement age. He's so focused on getting to the end of this marathon that I don't think he will see it through and know who it is - because he'll... yeah I don't need to say it. How? I've been saying his heart is gonna pack in. He's going to be in deep trouble over that 50k because Steve and Kate know the truth. But why would the likes of Carmichael find out... Well we've seen a clue of 'definate' on some paperwork - I reckon Ted by coincidence also makes this spelling mistake often as it is one of the most commonly misspelt words and therefore will be in the 'H' running again - he wont be 'H' as I reckon Osborne makes the same mistake... He alleges he misspelt it cos he studied the texts carefully but I think he spelt it how he usually would. They'll all go down the wrong path and accuse him which will lead to his ultimate downfall. Another little teaser is Steve appearing to listen to Ted's 2019 glass box spectacular however notably Carmichael says AC12 interview and not AC3... so mixing two different interviews to tease us? Maybe Ted might feel he has no choice but to sacrifice his career for the truth. However it all gets too much. Lies cost lives... I can't see Ted going on from beyond here and Ted was always supposed to be a minor character until he was very well received by the audience and he was made a main character. Realistically, his story is told and he's at his endgame. I hope he survives, by god I do... He's one of the most loved fictional characters at present. But I have a really bad feeling and I'm worried! It seems a total Jed thing to do for Ted to meet his end without ever finding the truth... seeing that's what his heart has been set on for about four years... I'm sorry to even be going there but it's what I think will happen. And I want to be wrong.
Miscellaneous Predictions
I want to round this all off with other little points. Carmichael won't be bent, maybe still involved with anti-corruption, you love to hate her, there's so much more they could do with her character. I don't think Steph's dodgy at all, she's just a widow whose been helped out by Ted in an unlawful way. I think her and Steve would be well suited. I hope Chloe will get to the end and continue on in anti-corruption, she's got a lot of potential. If Osborne isn't sussed, I reckon he'll still be CC. DCC Wise isn't bent either, just getting on with her job. But if Osborne does get caught and I'm wrong, there will be a lot of chaos for both him and Wise. Farida gets out of jail and starts afresh. Buckells I reckon will get out but won't be apart of the police force anymore. Lomax isn't bent, just a regular cop trying to get the work done. The rest of Jackie's remains will be found under the workshop floor, maybe with someone else? God knows who. Or maybe with some evidence that helps lead AC12 on the right track. Steve will still be an officer and Kate will be back where she belongs. There's probably more but my head hurts.
Will there be a series 7?
Thank you all for reading my jumbled thoughts all packed into a text post. I'm nervous but excited for tomorrow night's finale. Let's see if I get anything right... probably not...
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jimines · 3 years
Hey so this is pretty random lol but I'm not sure what to think and I really wanted someone else's opinion. So I have this blog that I blocked because its essentially just endless negativity and criticizing bts and army, I mean you could scroll for days and not find a single positive or even neutral opinion about bts. Which is fine, like its their blog, I heavily disagree with a lot of the absolute insane takes they have about stuff (I actually thought this person just enjoyed being a contrarian so much that they would just defend bizarre takes for the sake of having a different opinion lol), but its their blog so I just blocked and moved on. but recently I decided to search the blog name just to see if anyone else had mentioned them, however when I did, I found that multiple blogs I follow were actually mutuals with this person (like they had done mutual tags and stuff like that within the last year). So now I'm not sure what to think about these blogs I follow that are mutuals with that blog. I get having friends/mutuals with different opinions, but that blog is basically just a bulletin board for people to shit on bts/armys, so it makes me feel weird. For example, if you run a jimin blog and then are friends with blogs who use their blog to shit on jimin, its valid to feel weird about that right? Idk, am I blowing this out of proportion? Am I allowed to feel weird about that? I will say I'm jimin biased so I have unfortunately gotten used to seeing big accounts on places like twt get exposed for being in group chats just shitting all over him, so now I think I'm a little more sensitive about who I follow. I really like these blog content, but I've been considering unfollowing them and I just wanted someone else's opinion
(also this isn't about you haha just wanted to make that clear and ease any anxiety, I have no idea if you are a mutual with the blog I'm talking about so just wanted to make it clear I'm not trying to hint at you being involved or anything)
Ahhh I think it's valid to feel a little weird about it. I mean, I don't know what blog you're talking about or what they post, but I'd definitely feel a little strange if a bunch of my mutuals followed a toxic blog that shit on bts and its fandom all the time... Personally, if it were me, I don't think I'd go so far as to unfollow/break the mutual or anything with them, unless they were reblogging or preaching this blogs negativity all over my dash. As long as they themselves aren't toxic. Some people may just not see the issue, or maybe these other blogs just don't have a problem with this blog sharing their "opinions" and see it as just that. I've got no idea. Though if this blog you speak of is just spewing hate left right and centre and being an ass just for the sake of being an ass, that's a different story, because I feel anyone would know not to associate with a blog like that unless they felt the same way. That's a red flag for me and I'd consider unfollowing. But again, I don't know this blog or their content sdgjlhdfskgj it's all subjective to how you feel about it. If it would make you more comfortable to simply unfollow everyone associated with that blog, then go for it. It's up to you, I can't tell you what to do. And I can't say whether you're "blowing things out of proportion" or not because it's just how you feel and you have a right to feel uncomfortable about it. Do what would make your experience better on tumblr, hun.
And sjkghldhfg you didn't need to specify it wasn't about me kalslkalksa I don't follow any toxic blogs LMAO I've blocked the five I've come in contact with so far😂
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yaz-the-spaz · 4 years
But I want to know your theory. :(
ok ok i guess i’ll spill…i was kinda hesitant to share just cause i’m still not all that solid in my belief in it myself but basically it seems like maybe ziam has made it a tradition to have some kind of couples trip most years (if not every year) in february ever since 2014…
(btw for future reference this ask is a continuation of this ask re ziam both being publicly in vegas earlier this year)
ugh sorry guys! hit enter by accident and posted this wayyyy before i was anywhere near finished lol…this will be updated within the hour (if it doesn’t take me too long to get my thoughts out)
narrator: she did not finish it within the hour.
ok so part of the reason i’ve been hesitant to share this is because a good portion of it is VERY speculative and just based on a lot of guesswork and assumptions, but also there’s the fact that it feels like this is something major that more people in the fandom (or at least someone, other than little ass me lol) would have noticed before now and it kind of freaks me out that maybe no one else has?? (unless ofc i just haven’t happened to see any other posts there are about it idk)… 
also fyi a lot of what i propose throughout this is heavily based on info from this post just to make sure i remember to site my sources before we get into it lol
alright now onto the actual theory…
SO. all this started with me scrolling through old posts from late 2013/early 2014 and being reminded of the fuckery that was zayn’s bday that year (with the douche canoe crew and everyone pretending like liam was barely there as seemingly some sort of weird over-the-top cover-up)…the same party that seemed kinda like liam’s possible “introduction” to the malik family as more than just zayn’s friend/as his possible significant other. which was also only a month after that suspicious engagement-looking ring first showed up on zayn’s ring finger in december 2013 from bts midnight memories mv footage (and which stayed around as a necklace throughout january 2014 and early febuary 2014 right before the first appearance/debut of the mandala tat in mid feb). 
bts midnight memories mv with the ring in view - dec 2013:
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(suspicious?) malik family outing/celebration with the ring in view - dec (or possibly late nov?) 2013:
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[putting the rest under the cut cause as per usual with me this got insanely long]
liam and aunt zileh at zayn’s bday party - jan 2014:
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liam and one of the little cousins at zayn’s bday party - jan 2014:
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then sometime in between late jan and early feb 2014 liam went on a trip to barbados with his whole family (and supposedly also sophia lol more on that later*) while zayn was SUPPOSEDLY still home and steadily “posting” pics of himself at home with various members of his family (with the ring on a necklace clearly visible in the pics lol), anddd as some have also pointed out his hair was suspiciously unchanged in these pics despite his claim of getting a haircut BEFORE most of the pics were posted lol
zayn in family pics with the ring on a necklace - late jan/early feb 2014 (sorry i’m not the one who cropped his fam out lol):
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but yet we’re supposed to believe zayn - who had just gotten awarded the asian ambassadorship for the VERY FIRST time - mysteriously (and willingly) MISSED the ceremony on feb. 5th with absolutely no explanation. which…we all know how big a deal that was to him from the way he talked about it and how honored he was when he went in 2015…which begs the question if he was really just home not doing much of anything at the time in 2014 why in the world would he just pass/bail on that HUGE HONOR with no explanation??? mayhaps because he was actually already an ocean away with liam and fam in barbados celebrating his engagement (and getting his own “introduction” to the payne family) and literally COULD NOT ATTEND?
anyway so then, we have him getting the mandala tat around feb 18th 2014 - or at least this is the day he debuted it on his old ig, so the date may be a few days off from when he actually got it - but this still would’ve been shortly after they got back from the barbados trip when he debuted this particular tat (aka another solidification of the engagement??) 
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THEN we get the very first ig ziam likes from the famous and beloved aunt zileh (!!!) in this same month (still feb for reference, but she continues steadily and heavily liking stuff all the way through april when she seems to cool down again). fast forward to the 2014 brits at the end of february where we have the infamous moment with 1) ziam giddy as fucking ever, 2) zayn whispering into and practically mawling liam’s neck in public, 3) liam talking about how it was great to “fill each other in” on what they were up to during their break while zayn’s just steady standing there smiling like a loon and then 4) liam still later being like ‘you don’t wanna know’ when asked what he got up to (and zayn still grinning like a fool)
ziam being gross at brits 2014:
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so to sum up so far: 1) one of them possibly proposed around nov/dec 2013 (or that’s my best guess anyway based on the evidence lol), 2) then zayn shows up with a suspiciously-engagement-looking ring in dec 2013, 3) then all the weirdness with liam’s attendance at zayn’s bday party a month later (possibly also liam’s formal intro to the malik family), 4) then liam takes his barbados trip with his fam (and supposedly sophia lol*) just a couple weeks later while “zayn” stays home and posts family pics (but is very likely secretly on the trip with liam lol which is also possibly zayn’s formal intro the payne family and a belated celebration of their engagement), 5) and then we get the beginning of aunt zileh’s likes, 6) the debut of zayn’s mandala tat, 7) and the 2014 brits wildness…all in the space of like 3 months. and most of it happening in FEBRUARY. what a wild fucking journey right?
*side note/fun fact: liam and his fam were posting stuff regularly throughout the duration of the barbados vacay but there were literally zero pics of sophia posted from this trip until like dec 2014 or sometime around then when like ONE random pic suddenly surfaced/was posted and lots of ppl had already speculated that sophia was never there in the first place so once this one pic came up that idea got upgraded to people theorizing that they maybe had some of the fam go back a second time later in the year just to stage take photos to retroactively prove/authenticate the narrative that sophia was there lol
but anyway so back to the actual matter at hand - most of that shit happened in february right? specifically the barbados trip (aka the possible engagement celebration trip)…and when i was talking about all this to a friend we realized ZIAMI WAS ALSO IN FEBRUARY. AND SO WAS THIS YEAR’S VEGAS SHIT. AND THEN. AND THEN. My friend did some research and there was apparently this little known/barely talked about article (or at least barely talked about that i’m aware of) about liam taking a TRIP TO THE MALDIVES IN FEBRUARY 2016… which coincidentally (or not lol considering these shady ass hoes) is also around the same time he got his 4 tattoo (I believe this was the first article, or at least one of the first articles, that mentioned the tat’s debut) 
specifically on liam’s wrist in preparation for the 2016 brits (photo posted to his brits stylist’s ig on feb 23rd). and he didn’t take it off till like june.
so. quick timeline:
february 2016 - maldives trip and debut of liam’s 4 tattoo (around feb 21st); debut of cartier bracelet via liam (feb 23rd); (there was also that valentine’s day roses pic liam posted feb 14th of this year which was quite interesting considering he and c hadn’t even been officially announced as a “thing” yet…ofc we know it still got retroactively attributed to her anyway but whatever, we all know who it was really for lol 😏)
february 2017 - i don’t have anything on this year, partly cause i stopped paying as close attention due to heavy ramping up of stunts, although if anyone has more concrete info on this period that hints at anything please do hit me up and i will add it in, but anyway just based on a little light research there does appear to be a good period of inactivity from both of them during this time (as in both of them had quite a bit of time in february where they were pretty inactive on sm, not being papped, and essentially mia and would have potentially had time to go on a private trip) - UPDATE: HOLY SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT THIS BUT THIS IS THE YEAR LIAM SHOWED UP AT THE BRITS WITH THE MOTHERFUCKING 25 ON HIS JACKET AND FUCKED SIMON ALL THE WAY UP BY SWERVING ON HIS UGLY BITCH ASS SPEECH IN FRONT OF GOD AND ENTIRE WORLD (and i think also thanked zayn in his speech if i’m not mixing that up with another year??) - all on feb 23rd to be specific.
february 2018 - ZIAMI OBVIOUSLY (which specifically started feb 22nd, or at least that’s the day i’m counting it as ‘started’ cause it’s the day liam joined zayn in miami, can’t recall the exact day zayn arrived but pretty sure it was only a couple days before that)
february 2019 - zayn starts wearing this distinctive fishhook earring in all his ig pics, which on the surface seems like a pretty small thing, but quite possibly commemorates their famous august 2014 fishing trip (directly after which he also started wearing a fish hook pendant on a necklace back in 2014); this was also another period they were pretty quiet/mia as far as i can recall, although again if anybody has more concrete info from this time that could point to something please let me know, but anyway point being they again would have had a good chunk of time to possibly go on a private trip together
february 2020 - VEGAS BABY
ofc i’m sure you all will notice one year was left out - february 2015 they were on tour with no breaks coming anytime soon so they obviously weren’t able to go on a trip that year. BUT. february 14th 2015 (aka valentine’s day lol) is also the day liam was famously papped with some small shopping bags that looked suspiciously but precisely like the type that usually come from a jewelry store, and then later that same night they had a performance (for otra tour) where we have zayn pictured wearing a new gold bracelet (as in he hadn’t been seen wearing it ever before on tour or anywhere else) - btw the op of this linked post actually marks this day as the debut of the cartier bracelet but there’s a lot of counter speculation that it’s not and given that it doesn’t quite look like the cartier bracelet looked in later pics (it’s more round and more gold than the cartier bracelet which imo looks more angular and more kind of a two-tone/silvery-gold than this vday bracelet) i’m inclined to lean more towards it just being a regular but still very sweet vday-gifted bracelet. but anyway back to more important stuff. now considering this was literally just a little over a month before zayn left - and one of my theories for zayn leaving was that it was possible he felt it was the only way to save his relationship with liam…i mean if they were still giving each other vday presents they were clearly still VERY in love at this point. like that’s not the kind of thing you’d expect from a couple that was on the rocks and on the verge of breaking up and i know a lot of ppl (myself included for a brief minute) speculated that zayn leaving the band meant he maybe left liam too/or things weren’t working out b/t them or whatever, but given this context of the vday gifts just a few weeks before him leaving that doesn’t really line up…what does line up though is him being so in love and so sick of the bs that he might be driven to just be done with it all (as far as the stress of the band and mgmt bs is concerned at least). and ofc liam did say that zayn is the most emotionally impulsive/emotionally driven out of all them so when you think about it it really shouldn’t come as that much of a surprise…
anyway, in conclusion: 
it appears quite possible ziam has made it a couples tradition (ever since that first honeymoonish vacay in 2014) to go on some sort of trip/getaway together around the end of every february (or at least do something special together/for each other when they can’t) and in further conclusion I AM NOT OKAY AND WILL NEVER BE OVER THIS REALIZATION OKAY THANKS BYE 😭😭😭😭😭🌈🌈🌈 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever shared a shower or bath with someone as an adult? I did it a couple of times with a past girlfriend, but I’m honestly not a fan of it unless I’m somewhere with a serious lack of bathrooms and it’s the only choice available. I like my space when I get myself all cleaned up lol.
What kind of pizza toppings do you like?  Different kinds of cheeses do it for me, really. If I absolutely have to pick toppings, I do like bacon, bell peppers, barbecue chicken, or onions on my pizza.
When did you first take a shot of alcohol?  I have no idea, actually. Maybe 20? 21? I never noted the year down. I don’t even know the first shot I ever took...if I had to guess, it was probably tequila.
Did you babysit for money when you were in middle school? No. I babysat because I was the eldest daughter and granddaughter in an Asian household, haha.
Who is your favorite band? How long have they been?  Paramore; 17 years, have loved them for 14.
Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? Many times. She used to be a welcome guest.
Have you ever been to a spa?  I don’t think I’ve ever entered one, no. There’s been no reason to in the past.
When talking on the phone, do you place it against your left or right ear? Right. I don’t remember ever placing it on my left, come to think of it.
What’s your favourite Lunchables meal?  Idk, I’ve never had them. American thing, I’m guessing.
Do you like Bob Marley?  I don’t hold an opinion on him; I’ve never tried listening to his music.
Have you ever eaten at Golden Corral? Nope, I don’t know what that is, either.
Do you sit and eat dinner at the same table with your family?  Yes, we have dinner together every night. We’ve been doing it since the start of the pandemic; and, with that, since my dad has had to stay at home since he can’t report to work anyway considering the situation. I imagine we’d be back to eating separately once he can report back to his job.
Are you listening to any music right now? If so, what are you listening to?  Yeah, I’m listening to Map of the Soul: 7 and UGH! just started playing. This is such a good FUCKING album it’s absolutely insane how good it is. Whatever spirit possessed BTS throughout 2019 to produce an album this unbelievable wasn’t playing.
Who was the last person to make you genuinely smile?  Hobi, since I rewatched the Run BTS segment where he called Conan O’Brien ‘Curtain.’
Is there something you want to say to someone but can’t/won’t? No.
Do you like men who have a sensitive side?  I think it’s nice when anyone has a sensitive side and isn’t ashamed to be in touch and expressive with their emotions. Doesn’t have to apply to just guys.
Have you ever tried to get someone into a certain band/artist?  I don’t do that with any of my interests because I don’t want to potentially irritate or bore someone, or to potentially face the disappointment I’d feel when they don’t end up being enthusiastic about what I’m into. I’m totally okay with my interests just being My Thing, no need to drag other people into them.
Have you ever carved you and someone else’s initials into a tree?  Nopes.
Do you like Dairy Queen?  Just some items, like their Oreo Frappe or whatever it’s called. I’m not a big fan of ice cream cakes and I’ve never really explored their Blizzards.
Is there anyone you know with an amazing personal success story?  Andi.
Is there a song in a different language that you can sing? Well Filipino is my first language rather than English, so yes.
How do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts?  I’ve never experienced this other than One Direction using fireworks at the end of their concert here (and they weren’t launched from the stage either, but somewhere backstage), so I don’t really know what to feel about this other than they should just make sure they’re following safety protocols and standards to avoid mishaps.
Ever fallen down a hole?  I don’t think so.
Do you like bananas?  Not so much, but I don’t passionately hate it as much as I do other fruits. I do like some dishes that incorporate banana, like banana bread and banoffee pie. Recently I discovered Korean banana milk and it ended up tasting pretty good!
How long do you normally spend in the shower? Not even 10 minutes, usually. I've never understood how people can take such long showers. < Yeah, pretty much on the same page. The only times I take a while is if I feel like shaving, but otherwise I shower quickly. Maybe around 4–7 minutes at most.
Have you ever been a featured member on any website?  I don’t think that ever happened, at least when having featured members was still a thing.
Have you ever had any weird pets?  Nope.
Are you currently talking to/texting/instant messaging anyone?  I am not. Though I know I have unread messages from Andi...I just don’t feel like checking them right now.
Have you ever experienced insomnia?  Only when I was a teenager. It’s been a while since I’ve faced any trouble in trying to fall asleep.
Do you like egg nog? I’ve never had a chance to try it but it sounds delicious, and I would definitely take a sip the first opportunity I get.
Would you ever wear Converse with a prom/formal dress?  I don’t see why I would have to but if it’s just for funsies, it sounds pretty harmless so yeah, I would.
Do you prefer hot chocolate with or without marshmallows?  Withoooooooooout. I’ve never understood marshmallows.
How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over?  In a romantic sense, none. But I’ve cried for other reasons, like when I mourned over my grandpa and Nacho.
Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician?  Surgeon, since there’s a tiny part in me that had always wanted to take up med school.
Would rather be a musician or a painter? Painter, if anything. I’m not creative by any means, but I feel like I’d enjoy a lot more freedom with painting.
Would you rather write your own book or make your own movie? [continued from last night] Write my own book I suppose, but I could only work with non-fiction. I’d embarass myself if I had to write something not based off of real life.
At home, do you have a trampoline? No. But this reminds me of when we’d go to Rita’s place to have meetings whenever we couldn’t hold them in school. She’s the richest one out of all of us, lives in a very old money village, big-ass house, big-ass kitchen, big-ass receiving areas (plural)...and they also have a nice trampoline in their big-ass yard. We always used to horse around in there as soon as we were done with our meetings.
When you are about to go to bed, do you put on some sort of noise?  I used to put on a YouTube video that would entertain me enough to feel relaxed and eventually sleepy, but I haven’t done that in the last few weeks. These days I usually look for a fanfic to get absorbed in, then I read until my eyes start feeling heavy.
What is your favorite Christmas movie?  Love Actually or It’s A Wonderful Life.
And what about your favorite Christmas song?  It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas makes me feel festive and fuzzy.
What is your ultimate favorite stocking stuffer?  My family doesn’t really keep up with this tradition. I remember how our grandparents would fix up stockings for us when we were much younger, but they were usually filled with candy. 
After Halloween, do you sort out all of your candy into little piles?  I never collected candy for Halloween.
When you listen to music with headphones, do you keep the volume low enough to hear surrounding noise faintly, or do you blast it?  Depends. The rare times I’m working and do feel like putting headphones on, the volume has to be just decent enough so I can still focus. If I’m not doing anything else or at least doing something that doesn’t involve too much ~brain activity~, I like my music very loud.
What did you have for breakfast this morning?  It doesn’t really count as breakfast but I’m currently finishing off the remaining two pieces of McNuggets I got last night. 10 pieces is apparently too many for my appetite, haha.
What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet?  Cooper has probably been the biggest and heaviest so far.
Do you own any kind of helmet?  We have a bike helmet here at home, but it’s not exclusively mine.
Out of everything currently in your refrigerator, what food or drink is your favorite?  I don’t memorize the fridge so I can’t tell you my favorite food that’s currently in it; as for drink, I just stick to cold water.
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?  Sprained ankle after I tripped at one of the parking lots in school.
Do you like the taste of cough syrup?  I’ve never had it.
What is something you like to have conversations about?  People with experiences vastly different from mine, because it lets me explore different perspectives. It’s why I always look forward to family reunions with one of my uncles - who’s a foreigner, from a very different country - since he’s able to share a lot of fun and reflective stories about his life and stuff he did in his youth, stuff I never got to experience and live through.
What all is in the trunk of your car?  The trunk used to be my trash can lmao, back when I was still driving everyday. My mom has since cleared it out since the beginning of the pandemic; I believe only a laptop bag is sitting there now.
Do you ever put fruit on your cereal? No. I don’t even eat either.
Is your heat or air conditioning currently on?  My electric fan is. I don’t turn on the aircon until the evening.
Have you ever fallen off of a horse?  Nopes.
Which do you value more, your appearance or your intelligence?  Both are important to me.
When was the last time you drove something other than a car or truck?  I don’t remember. I’ve only ever driven cars.
Were your grandparents present when you were born?  Neither set wasn’t in any of the photos from my birth, so I don’t think so...? My maternal grandparents definitely wouldn’t have been present, since my parents had been living in Manila then.
If you drink/smoke, how often do you do these things?  I vape...pretty much all day. I’m doing it while taking this survey. As for drink, I would say 1-2 times a month. Usually after a particularly grueling shift.
What do you think of fast food?  I love it. Unabashedly. I just don’t have them a lot because I don’t find it filling and the quality is obviously lower; but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the way fast food tastes.
What website do you spend the most time on and why?  Google Suite, if it counts. I work 5 days a week; it’s pretty much an extension of me at this point.
What’s the most amount of time you’ve spent online? Is this usual for you?  All day. I’m always using the internet to do things. I used to be embarrassed of it, but these days I feel like having a connection is virtually an essential.
When it comes to travel, what kinds of places intrigue you most? Museums, historical sites, cultural sites, and spots where they show you how they do practices native to the place. I’ve always been about immersing myself in the cultures of the places I visit.
What is the farthest you’ve walked in one day and what made you do it?  I remember having to walk for a very very very VERY long time when we were in Bali - my family wanted to explore more of the city - and the weather wasn’t cooperative at all, so I ended up feeling super cranky. I remember also walking around a lot in Shanghai, but that was a slightly better experience since the city was incredibly lively and there were a lot of things to see and stop at; not to mention the weather was also kinda pleasant. The cold was biting but I would always rather be too cold than walk around with sweat-soaked clothes.
What is something important that’s often on your mind lately?  Our financial situation what with Covid affecting both my parents’ jobs. We get by enough for me not to worry too much, but I also hope my dad can get called back to his ship soon just so I can finally exhale with relief.
What about something unimportant, but you can’t stop thinking about it?  My workplace recently introduced this workout challenge thingy for the month of May that we’re invited to join to encourage us to get fit and healthy. I get notifications whenever someone’s able to exercise for the day and it makes me feel super pressured hahahaha. Since I don’t wanna be known as a killjoy co-worker I know I’ll have to take part in it, which I will start on later.
Do you like oatmeal? If so, what kinds of things do you like in it?  No. Back in elementary my grandma made me eat oatmeal every day for breakfast before heading to school, so I don’t ever want to have another bowl of it.
What was going on the last time you felt nostalgic?  My family and I were having a conversation during dinner last night and for some reason it eventually veered towards mine and my sister’s experiences from our first school and how we managed to get up at 5 AM everyday, have classes from 7 AM–4 PM, then get home from anywhere between 5–6 PM for 14 years straight. How tf did we do that and never complain???
How much attention do you pay to the movements of the stars and planets, and do you believe they influence anything?  None.
What is the most difficult or involved video game you’ve ever played?  While I love watching playthroughs, I am not skilled at video games at all and in most video games I’ve played I never made it past the first mission, unless I was playing a Nintendo game that’s already marketed for kids in the first place lol.
Which accent do you find most sexy, alluring or appealing?  There’s a certain British accent I find very pleasant to listen to, but since I know there are a lot of variations I’m just not sure which one it is. I guess an accurate point of reference would be Hugh Grant’s or Florence Pugh’s accent.
Which accent do you find most annoying, disturbing, or bothersome?  None of them.
Can you cry on cue? Is it any kind of useful?  Nope.
Does it take you a while to actually get jokes?  Sometimes.
Can you wear socks to bed or does it annoy you?  I don’t really like the feeling of socks, so no. I find them a bit itchy, and too tight.
Have you ever bleached your hair?  Never done it before.
Do you like jelly beans?  Erm, it would depend on the flavor, I guess. But they aren’t so much my snack of choice. The texture is a bit weird.
Do you have trouble sleeping when it’s storming?  Not at all, I feel a lot cozier when it’s raining hard.
Who was the last person you know that graduated? (high school or college)  Sofie posted her graduation photo not too long ago, so probably her.
Were you happy or sad when you found out your babysitter was coming?  I never had a babysitter because I was the babysitter.
Did you have a boyfriend in kindergarten?  No. I went to an all-girls school, so I didn’t even get to interact with a lot of boys until the middle of high school.
Did you ever read the Magic Treehouse series?  Nope.
Who was your best friend in elementary school?  Angela. I was also friends for a long time with a girl named Jaynie, with whom I actually started to reconnect ever since she found out I was now into BTS. I find it so cool; I don’t think I’ve talked to her since the 2nd grade, 15 years ago.
Did you ever watch The Land Before Time movies?  I didn’t.
Did you collect anything when you were a kid? Stickers. I'd put them on my dresser everywhere to the point it was absolutely covered. < Literally this entire answer; I don’t have any clue how my overly neat mom managed to never spank me for destroying her closet. I also liked collecting Pokemon cards and pogs even though I never knew how to use them. It just felt nice having large stacks of them lol.
Did you get an allowance?  Not until high school. My grandma (and eventually househelp, when we moved) fixed up packed lunches for me and my siblings. When my mom decided to stop having house helpers at home, that’s when she started giving us an allowance to buy recess and lunch ourselves.
Were you into American Girl dolls?  I was never into dolls in general. Since my sister and I were the only girls at home, we were surrounded by toys marketed for boys and that’s what I enjoyed playing with more.
Were you friends with your childhood neighbors?  We played with the neighborhood kids every afternoon but I wouldn’t call them friends. I was a very shy kid and I found them too rowdy for my liking, especially the boys.
What was your biggest fear when you were a kid?  Flying cockroaches. It’s still one of them.
Did you ever play the "Reader Rabbit" computer games?  I don’t think so.
Did your parents let you drink soda growing up? I’m pretty sure they would’ve allowed me to, but I just never liked the feeling of fizzy drinks so I never drank soda anyway.
What was your favorite kind of cake as a kid?  I think I liked mocha sponge cakes growing up, but that has changed now.
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queenahnhyejin · 4 years
A very long post about RBW and Mamamoo
If you follow Mamamoo news, recently eSNa, a former RBW artist who collaborated with Mamamoo on Aah Oop! shared her story and the mistreatment she received from RBW. She was taken out of her own project, the song she wrote and made and was basically pushed aside by the company because of a few negative comments. Here the link if you are interested:
RBW Entertainment was never considered a good company. Their mistreatment and complete underestimation of Mamamoo has been brought up so many times. The worst is their complete oblivion and ignorance towards hate comments and the constant harassment Mamamoo (especially Hwasa) receives on a daily. Never have they cleared rumors and false narratives, it was always on us. We can't silence all the hate. We can't clear all misunderstandings and we can't clear Mamamoo's name. They never used Mamamoo's full potential and half-assed their projects so many times and if it weren't for Mamamoo's insane charisma and talent, they wouldn't have made it this far. Yeah, RBW did "well" at the beginning but half of the time they didn't do shit. Constantly, their new projects are hijacked by antis and false narratives are spread. The recent one with Hwasa being disrespectful towards Nigerians was HUGE. And people till this day speak on it, even though it was cleared and explained. She was not wearing ANY African traditional clothing, yet people still trend Hwafricana or whatever and RBW still hasn't said A WORD. Wheein's recent collabs and solos haven't been promoted AT ALL (please show love to her new feature on Peakboy's Diet). She announced new songs she wrote in 2017 and we still haven't heard them. I get people defending RBW because they give Mamamoo space and creative freedom and I support that. However, with better management Mamamoo would have reached such immense success and it is mindboggling to me that someone actually questioned their potential. Mamamoo themselves are unsure and too humble if you ask me, but it's very understandable coming from a background where your boss calls you ugly and tells you to do better to compensate for it. I mean, they are wonderful human being and literally trend- setting artists in SK. In six years, no effort was made by RBW to help them get international recognition. Most of imoos found them by accident.
Even though they now try to appeal to international audiences, they do the bare minimum and it's mostly Mamamoo and moomoos who give 150% to compensate for RBW's lack of promotion and catering toward non-Korean speakers.
I am so sick of some bs they pull. I agree that some companies are way worse and none is perfect but RBW would be at the top with Bighit, only if they did a bit better. Thank God Mamamoo works with amazing producers like Park Woosang - show him some love here is his official channel:
He basically did 80% of the work with producing, filming and delivering Mamamoo solo and group activities. I mean, is my dude even paid enough for it?? I am really mad at RBW for slacking off so much. I don't want to attack all of the people there, because most work so hard and do their very best. But the managment, the public relations sector, the CEO? You are doing a very bad job guys, just saying it again if it wasn't clear enough. On top of that I have no trust in them that they are going to promote Mamamoo well after the new girl group Purple Kiss debuts. Especially if their debut is a success. (I still wish them the best ofc)
I am not quick to wish Mamamoo would change companies. I have witnessed it too many times where a group disbanded and continued with solo activities after their contracts ended. There are only few, if at all, instances where all members succeeded in those pursuits. I mean, take 2ne1. At one point they were the biggest girl group in the world, along with Girls generation. And now? Literally pushed away and abandoned by YG. Bom had such a hard time coming back. Minzy is still struggling. Dara barely does any music and CL independently released stuff that didn't do as well at it should have. And they were the very top. I hate to break it to you, but in SK you need a good company. Not everyone can pull an IU. I really do believe that Mamamoo members would all do well and still meet up but they couldn't continue as Mamamoo. Literally even if they just changed labels, they would lose rights to their name and songs they made. I only wish them the best and support what is best for them, but I, as any other moomoo, would be heartbroken. Not only that, but Mamamoo is now at the peak and they are going even further in their careers. Every CB is better. Honestly just thinking about award shows without Mamamoo makes me sad. I'd only watch it for BTS and Monsta X, but they also need to do militarily service. Girl groups have a good shot at having successful and long careers, but all this is just making me sad and frustrated.
I hope RBW does better. I hope Mamamoo is happy and healthy and I hope they do what they want. At the end, moomoos can only wish for an outcome that is truly best for the girls. Hopefully it is a bright future with Mamamoo, but we still have to wait and see
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
The game didn't say that someone couldn't ask you what you wanted to respond to people who send you that stuff in and that you couldn't respond to that message
So I guess save this until it's done (or do it now) and say everything you want to say to them here because I'm curious to your responses. I also agree on the show love to zee even without ask games agenda maybe we should all collectively start doing that again 👀
omg wait.... anon big brain THIS IS THE BEST.... thankfully one of us has the brain cell bc i’m definitely taking up your offer (and no need for the show love agenda HAJDKWKSL even just sending random asks about whatever is love enough for me!! being able to be weird with my anons is good enough for me 😎) anyway, everything is under the cut because this gets long LOL ILY ALL
first anon: OH MY GODDDD THE WAY MY EYES TEARED UP WHILE READING YOUR ASK HELLO????? if you’ve followed me since tlhc... i literally WAS just 18 back then and now i’m 21?? TIME ISN’T REAL?? i really can’t believe that there are people Out There who have followed me for so long,,, idk how to express myself well (which is funny bc i’m supposed to be a “writer” lol), but i just wanna say that i’ve always been scared of whether my followers actually like me or was just here to read my fics so hearing your words really helps me calm my anxiety a lil LMAO i’m just on this weird lil blog,,, writing my weird lil stories (and oversharing about my life and my poops as you said HJSADHJASHD i literally screamed when you said that bc damn you are so right) and i just hope that i come off friendly to people at the very least,,, so thank you dude (if we’ve spoken off anon before, i’m sure that i enjoyed whatever exchange we had since you sound like a genuinely awesome person,,, ily and i hope you have a great week!!
second anon: HAHAHHA YES I AM SUPER ANXIOUS!!! ALL THE TIME!!! i try to be funny but humor is subjective, yenno? i’m just glad i was able to find people who share the same kinda crackhead humor that i have :3 and you’re so right,,, what’s life without a little spicy angst? and dw about parasocial relationships HAJSDHASJ like,,, i know you’re on anon and i have no idea who you are, but if you (or any anon really) have sent me a nice ask in the past, even just to say hello or whatever, i kinda already consider you a friend?? like MAYBE you’re just a wooper in my brain (i imagine all my anons like woopers LOL) but the fact that you took the time to send me anything in the first place is just??? like WOW you thought of me??? that’s amazing and i have no words,,, thank you so much and i hope we can continue to speak with each other more!!
third anon: ah yes... my main genre of crangst... but it seems like the past two years have transformed me into a fluff smut writer as well... shows that i’m growing at least LOL gotta expand my horizons or whatever... BUT I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKE FOX RAIN LIKE,,, ANYTIME FOX RAIN GETS MENTIONED, MY HEART GROWS TEN MORE SIZES LIKE ;-; i know authors whine all the time about notes, but fox rain really is my babey and i just wish more people liked her, yenno? so i’m glad you’re able to enjoy it (and living vicariously thru y/n because aren’t we all? LMAO) and i hope you’ll stick around until the next chapter of fox rain gets published (whenever.... that may be.... sweats)
fourth anon: LOL i have a guess as to who this is but imma keep my mouth shut in case i’m wrong,,, but if i’m right, then yea i’m glad to have been your mutual for so long SAJDHJASHD i think we’ve been mutuals since??? 2018?? maybe 2019??? either way, that’s a LONG TIME and i’m always happy to see you in my notifs. it’s so wonderful to see you grow over the years and i know you’re only going to be much greater with due time!! stay epic and phroggers, my dude,,, ily
fifth anon: ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE WRITERS PLEASE... I AM GOING TO CRY ;-----; if you’ve been following me since outcast, that’s like??? early 2018??? late 2017??? HOLY SHIT THAT’S ALSO BEEN A WHILE,,, god i remember how fucking insane that time was and how many memes i made about that au LOL they were good days,,, i’m flattered you think i was funny enough for a follow,,, and that you’ve stuck around until now even though you’re not even into kpop anymore??? which is SO CRAZY bc that means ;-; that you’re here ;-; because you... y-you like me? 😳👉👈 LMAO ok but in all seriousness, it always boggles my mind to know that people follow me for like... me... because as someone who doesn’t really have many friends outside of social media, knowing that people out there like me enough to follow me despite not liking bts or kpop anymore is... just nothing short of amazing. so thank you for sticking around, and i hope you can continue to hang out with me on this silly little blog 🥲
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oncloud999 · 5 years
more on the delulu train
So after watching more jikook videos (yes i know they can be biased), the one thing that is still kinda making me lol is how often they touch each other’s butt. i mean yes, i’ve been a kpop fan since the earlier dbsk days and korean men are touchy feely so the thigh/torso/arms are all just free estate. but i’ve never seen so much butt touching. like is that normal too...? like sometimes at award shows and such, when jimin, esp, is putting a hand on jk to move him along, normally, people will aim for the waist or back, but more than once or twice, he’s essentially pushed jk on his butt. it’s obviously an innocent touch without any meaning but they’re clearly very comfortable touching each other on the ass. and yes, they all smack each other on the ass all the time, but again, it’s the abnormal number of times, esp in the last year, that they’re doing it. 
ok, also need to get this off my chest...
so i was actually more into taekook when i first got into bts. not even romantically but as friends, and they look good together and they have so much fun together, esp when they were younger. i was always a bit sad that they seem to have drifted apart a bit over the years, but such is the nature of relationships. and i actually thought jimin was very competitive with jungkook, esp during run bts. but then i have still noticed that they’re pretty close and i have to say, sometimes i did get annoyed at jimin because he was clearly jungkook’s favourite, sailing against my ship! and there have definitely been more moments etc of jimin and jungkook together and it’s undeniable that they’ve clearly got a close bond. even though tae and jimin keeps calling each other their best friends and soulmates, i always get the feeling jimin is closer to jungkook and maybe even jhope. and for whatever reason, people just doesn’t seem to ship vmin as a couple despite all the stuff they put out there. it’s actually quite interesting. out of the three ships, vmin probably actually gets the most official spotlight but they’re somehow not a popular ship. i don’t really get it, but maybe collectively, we just don’t feel like there’s something more there. 
i actually watched that infamous NJ vlive when i was still all for taekook. but even then, i was like “what is going on...?” esp in the beginning... and jikook constantly trying to kick everyone out. i was like, what... and then when jungkook told tae to leave, i was like nooooo, finally it’s just you twoooo. but anyway. and then there was that little “i love you” that jimin said to jungkook. like, it made me wonder, even when i wasn’t shipping them. it was just a little too genuine. it was still teasing, but it’s missing that slightly overly saccharine tone that would probably make it less awkward. but even then, what i got out of it was that taekook excercised together. lol
more embarrassing ramble. even though i didn’t really see them as romantic, when i thought about it, taekook makes a terrible couple. they clearly share a lot of interests like gaming and even their fashion sense is slightly similar (tae far more out there, but they do share some traits) neither of them are, sadly, the sharpest tools in the shed. they’re both a bit too spontaneous and free spirited. they would make terrible decisions together essentially. i think the fact that both of them were pretty young when they joined and are both so good looking has made them think less about consequences because they probably are both a little used to getting away with tings. like i still remember when namjoon kept saying that v will be fine when travelling by himself because he’s good looking and friendly and will make friends. while jungkook is not as friendly, he’s also got a puppy like quality about him that is just so endearing. whereas jimin, would probably balance it out a bit more because he’s clearly pretty street smart and has great interpersonal skills. he is not considered as conventionally good looking and definitely had a lot of anger issues growing up. he can definitely take care of himself. 
wow that was tangential 
so i don’t even know what i was watching or reading, but like 2 weeks ago, it just clicked with me that actually jimin and jungkook makes far more sense. as in they’re clearly very close from all the gestures they’ve made towards each other over the years. i’m not talking about the on stage moments, but more the getting each other presents, flying back to korea for jk’s bday etc. and lets be real jk, jimin is def the star of the gcsfs. it’s just so cute. 
now how i view their relationship (whether it’s just very close friends, very good brothers or something more, i don’t know)... jimin clearly wears the pants in the relationship. as in, he sets the tone and the pace of a lot of their interactions. but he’s also put himself out there a lot more and made his feelings (if there are any) fairly clear over the years. but despite having a dominant personality, he seems to enjoy being manhandled by jungkook. jungkook, on the other hand, was probably a bit shy and clearly still has trouble experessing his feelings. he teases but sometimes, the intentions are probably more ambiguous so it’s not clear whether his feelings are as strong. 
now i’ve thought about why jikook material doesn’t make it onto the cutting room floor because if they are truly a couple, you’d make more an effort to not make it so obvious. i’m of the idea that if anyting is indeed happening, it was only in the last 1-2 years... and tbh, they prob haven’t let everyone they work with know anyway. tbh, i’ve noticed for a while that the run bts editors, whoever they may be, loves jungkook just a little more than the others. there’s always more shots of him than the other members (and i say this as a jk fan) and there’s always some comment or other about him being pretty, or perfect or amazing. some are warranted and some are like, why? they do that for other members too, but less often. it almost made me a little uncomfortable at times cos jk was probably underaged during some of those... idk if the same crew that does the tour movies, but it’s def less obvious there. 
but then i thought about momo and heechul... like they were not clearly hiding their preference for each other either... so... 
and another reason i love run bts, other than the insanity and fun, is that they’re all much more genuine on that show. obviously, there’s still a bit of putting up a front but i think by now, they’re just SO comfortable with the crew (who sounds like they’re mostly the same people), their true selves come out more 
alright, this is very disjointed and all over the place, but it’s good to just get it out there. 
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bluemoonpunch · 5 years
Hey!! Your blog really helps me "widen my horizons" and I'm curious about whether you will continue to do readings for this blog after the boys eventually get seperated. Personally I would love you to be still active on this blog even if it's just for answering asks or mini readings. Have you thought about it?? Take care!
Yeah, of course, I’ll still be doing stuff with the blog, lol. One, this is my business, like it’s my job, so I can’t just quit because BTS integrated higher timelines (which they’ve done like twice now anyways, lol). They’ll still exist along with a million other celebs/idols that people might have an interest in seeing readings for. The goal of the BMP is to “help people broaden their perception of themselves and the world around them by presenting a deeper understanding of the people they look up to and admire,” and that doesn’t just fall under BTS.
Plus, I still have like a whole bunch of different solo readings I still need to do for the guys, and no matter what I’m always going to like lowkey be 👀 at BTS because their soul shit is insane, so you know, I’d say there’s still plenty to work with. 
Anonymous: The reading about BTS behavior while vulnerable is so interesting. Basically it’s exactly how I imagine them to be except for Hoseok. Tbh I thought he’d be much more affected while being critisized or smth like this, but he is really unbothered billionaire and I am glad he got this confidence and unbotherness in himself) Thank you for the reading)
Anonymous: What you said about Taehyung not wanting to let people see him cry…I felt that in my capricorn rising soul! That’s why I get so upset when they air footage of him crying because I know he doesn’t really want us to see him like that most of the time. Especially about the things closest to his heart, like when he cried in BV in Malta after his grandfather’s death. That was so deeply personal and we shouldn’t have seen it. Does Tae give them the ok to air stuff like this or does it upset him?
*both asks referring to this post.
Just to clarify, the answer I had for Hoseok was sarcastic, lol. Things do affect him quite deeply, but he pulls some superficial Aquarius shit and pretends it doesn’t, wears that stone-cold outer shell like a boss. I have no doubt that he can see beyond plenty of things when it comes to hate, but I mean... he deadass didn’t go on VLive for like 78 years because people were being dickheads, you know?
And yeah, when it comes to what they show in films/official productions like that I assume they don’t really have a choice. Like any reality television show, you sign off on cameras being there in your face no matter what. You literally sign away your right to be like, “nah, I don’t want to be filmed right now,” or “don’t put that in.” I’m sure, especially now, there is a lot of respect and care applied to what goes into these productions and the staff tries to find a nice balance between showing intimate sides of the guys and still maintaining their privacy and sense of dignity, but they also work with other producers and company heads who know fans want to see that shit even if it doesn’t make them happy as it strips that wall between them and their idol down even more.
Anonymous: hi can I ask how do jikook interact with each other? (if that makes sense) like how is their relationship
I have a few different readings for them:
Relationship Reading for Park Jimin and Jeon JungkookEnergy Check-Up (November 2018)Energy Check-Up (February 2019)How do the members of BTS see Jungkook?How do the members of BTS see Jimin?Will Jimin find someone that makes him happy?
@mandristyles Hello love, i hope you’re doing great 💙 I always wondered, if Namjoon wasn’t the leader, what other member would play that role better?
Lol, I honestly can’t imagine anyone else being the leader, but if I had to guess, I’d say either Jin or Yoongi because of their production and business skillz?? Maybe?? Honestly, I can’t imagine anyone else being the leader because I can’t imagine anyone else WANTING to be the leader, lol.
Anonymous: helloo,, this question is based on the latest jungkook reading u did, but I was wondering how the members see namjoon. thanks
Anonymous: this may be repetitive of some of the relationship readings, but I was wondering if u could do a reading on how the members view namjoon (like the recent jungkook one) thx
I’ve done this reading already, you can find it here. 
Anonymous: how do bts feel about fansites?
I’ve done a reading regarding how they feel about sasaengs, and I feel like they float in the same boat, so I’ll link that post here.
Anonymous: Okay your past life Yoongi reading was beautiful and poignant and so energetically clear even though we have little physical context for how that time/line must have been! I just…I was laughing so hard because there’s this deep reason but I can’t help but think of when he waddles/jogs like an old man. LOL!
Anonymous: I have a question about Yoongi’s past life reading. When you did a Namgi reading you mention they shared every past life with each other if I can remember correctly. Was Joon in this past life as well and what was the relationship between them during that past life. Or is there a past life that Namgi share that still impacts their relationship now? Also, there was another reader that did Yoongi a past life and said also he was from a place that’s not from this world too. It’s super cool
*both asks refer to this post.
Yeah, Yoongi has really been living that 90-year-old-man lifestyle for centuries, lol.
And yeah, I don’t remember what reading it was that I talked about it, but Yoongi and Namjoon have shared every lifetime together. Every single one. However, there have been somewhere one was acting as the other’s Spirit Guide. So, they existed together, worked together on a soul level, but where not consciously connected. I’ve only every seen one clearly and it was one in which Yoongi was acting as a Spirit Guide for Namjoon, and Yoongi looked like a freaking ghost fish swimming around Namjoon’s shoulders. 
When it comes to conscious level connection and physical contact, there was no one from the soul body present in that lifetime that was focused on in Yoongi’s reading. Like, I’m not even sure if any of them were existing physcially in that space at that time. Considering how closely connected Yoongi was to external and internal guidance, I would assume that if they were present, they were present as Spirit Guides but stayed at a distance. Like, they would have guided him but in a way where Mr. Pisces Man wouldn’t remember the soul body and instead focus on his personal development, which seemed to be a major factor and purpose in that lifetime.
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potato-an0n · 6 years
What we all need to realize and learn about BTS
I’m not a blogger, or anything like that, but i feel like i want to share some thoughts about BTS’ speech for MAMA 2018. It might be long and disorganized, so bare with me here ok?
For those who aren’t caught up, BTS won almost every category they’re in (congratulations, again), but wen receiving the artist of the year award, they broke down and told us something.....kind of personal and shocking. Jin said in speech (while having an emotional breakdown) that they were thinking about disbanding earlier this year bc of personal reasons we may not know about. now......
Disclaimer: I obviously don’t know anything about them personally, and this isn’t a theory either, think of it as a speculation/ rant of what I think is what bts is going through. I’m using some stuff that we know about bts and what they’ve shared with us and combining it with common knowledge on celebrity life in general and fan culture, international and in Korea. So no hate in the comments, have a problem, talk to me reasonably and we’ll sort things out calmly. Ok, let the chaos begin!!!!!! 
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We saw bts have a meltdown right in front of us and though they didn’t go into full detail on why they wanted to disband, despite having a successful 2017, I feel that it gave me a glimpse of how they felt about having all this success. It’s pressuring and overwhelming. Imagine being on top of the world, winning awards left to right, selling out stadiums, breaking records for most views in 24 hrs (Youtube stop deleting views plz), made it on top charts in every music streaming platform, rich af, and having the whole planet wrapped around your fingers. Bts got everything they dreamed of and accomplished so many goals, but do you ever consider the price for their success? I’ve watched this anime called My (boku no for the weebs) hero academia (watch it, highly recommend it) one of the characters mentioned a very interesting line:
“Once you’re at the top, others will try to bring you down.” as accurate as I can get.
Just, let that sink in a little. I mean, they’ve made a lot of distracks to the haters and that includes mic drop and burned them, but that won’t stop them from tearing bts into shreds. For example, raise your hand if you’ve heard somebody say this once in your life
“You listen to kpop? They look like girls? Do they wear make up? Why do you listen to this crap? They’re so overrated. You can’t even understand what they’re saying.” Kpop this, kpop that.
First of all, there’s this thing called English sub titles, use it. and you seem to enjoy despacito, even tho you probably don’t speak español. If you do, then kudos to you, use the fuckin subs! And those boys are more beautiful (in and out) than you’ll ever be, so don’t even try dissing on their looks wen you can’t manage to make yourself look nice for once. (Sorry off topic lmao.)
Anyways, next topic
Keep in mind, this is going to address the fan base, and know that not everyone is a bad fan, some of you guys are chill and total crackheads. just know, if you’re not a crazy fan, you’re not a crazy fan, so don’t feel the need to defend yourself when someone is actually telling the truth about the fan base bc you guys know damn well that the fan base is very aggressive.
I read a post that a research student made on the army, and some people were offended and this person made some good points and means no harm. What stood out the most was when they said, “We’ll be each others downfall.” It sounds over dramatic, but it’s actually very accurate. I mean, you guys seen the fan base, though I hang around the chill and funny armys, I don’t really see or  hear the toxicity of the fan base, however, I still see people post about the toxicity and it’s insane.
 Maybe that’s why bts almost disbanded, bc they couldn’t take it anymore. The pressure of remaining on top of the world, toxic fans stalking them, shoving cameras in their faces, crowding them in airports, not being able to anything without a fan spotting them (side note: some fans were respectful and gave them space, but some also stalked them and even caused an accident (look it up, it happened twice this year), cameras filming them every second of the day, and can’t really be friends with a girl bc dating scandals, let alone fall in love with someone, whether it’s a girl or a boy. This is mostly Korean fans, but this also implies international fans, but Korean fans are the ones who mostly get affected when an idol is dating someone and jealous af. Like seriously, THEY ARE NOT YOURS! Yes, you buy their albums, and merch, but that doesn’t mean you own them!!!!!! Get out of your weird, shitty fantasy mind palace and wake the fuck up!!! Same goes for shippers (mostly taekookers). You can still support them, but frikin, let them be people!!!! GOSH!!!!
Sadly, it’s the cost of being worldwide celebrities. We’ve seen their vlives, bomb/ run episodes, interviews, and burn the stage. All those combined barely scratched the surface on what they’re going through as celebrities. The hardships they dealt with getting here and now the hardships of being on top and maintaining that position, it’s exhausting, mentally and physically. And on top of that, their freedom is technically stripped away. Honestly, even if you say “I support them no matter what,” that’s good for you, but what about the rest of the fan base? If bts decides to come out and lay everything out there for us to see, what now? If they have a girlfriend or a boyfriend would these people still support them? Would you stay by their side? Bc that’s I think they fear the most, us leaving them if they show who they are. There are so many things we don’t about bts and we’ll probably never know, and that’s totally fine. We may be each other’s comfort, but we’re also the downfall of each other. We can’t have a perfect fan base, and there’s always toxic people out there, and are going to probably read this. If you are, look yourself in the mirror, is this who you want to be? If you’ve done some crazy shit and are in denial, then gtfo and get help. PLEASE!!!!! 
And that’s all folks. Sorry if it’s messy, my writing is trash. But please, give the boys love, they really need it, and please respect them and each other. And to bts, please, think of yourselves. We appreciate the hard work you’ve done, we stan hardworking men, but you guys already have a lot on your shoulders and it sucks to put on a smile for us when you’re having a bad day. Just know, you guys are human and you’re allowed to feel things. I’m happy you guys are able to pull through, and I’m glad you guys even talked it out. If things get too hard, or pressuring, talk it out with one another or if you want, maybe talk to us about, it probably won’t really help, but we can try, if you’re comfortable with it.
OK I’M DONE AND EXHAUSTED and I’m fixing some spelling and grammar errors
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 Also read some of the comments bc i missed some stuff and I’m too lazy to add in more and they point out really good stuff (for now at least).
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tannie-bell · 5 years
100 Questions!
thanks to the lovely @chioo92 for sending this my way~! 💕💕💕
edit: putting this under read more bc it’s looooong 😂😂
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. What is your birthday?
october 16
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
in general black, but i do really like teal and deep greens
6. What’s your lucky number?
i don't really have one, but i like 13 and 16 and 3116
7. Do you have any pets?
yep! two dogs~
8. Where are you from?
a little italian town in the lower half of illinois
9. How tall are you?
technically 5' 1&¾". please feel free to round up to 5'2"
10. What shoe size are you?
depends on the brand, mostly between 8 and 9 u.s. sizes—they have to be wide though, or i have to get bigger sizes and just deal with the looseness 😅
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
i think 8?? but i only actually wear like 4
12. What was your last dream about?
in the last dream i *actually* remember, i was a character from my wip and she was with her husband in like this cozy, dim-lit room filled with furs and ancient pieces and neat stuff and she was moderately pregnant so i just remember feeling so warm and loved inside. looking back it's kind of weird bc i've never been pregnant or in love romantically, but it's still heartwarming
13. What talents do you have?
um, I bake well i think 😂 so far i haven't had any bad feedback...😅
14. Are you psychic in any way?
15. Favorite song?
gaaaaaaah why is this always so hard mikrokosmos ~ bts or lucid dream ~ monogram
16. Favorite movie?
singin' in the rain, howl's moving castle, moana, all mcu movies i've seen so far
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
someone who shares my beliefs/morals and who supports my passions/interests (and i would do the same for him). has a few quirks he needs a few to survive me lol and is musical, respectful, and romantic. also has a sense of humor i appreciate and vice versa. there are other qualities, but that's the gist 😂
18. Do you want children?
yes! not necessarily biological though, i am very open to adoption
19. Do you want a church wedding?
most likely yes
20. Are you religious?
it depends on your definition of religious. in the sense of believing in a particular faith/religion, then yes
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
yes 😫
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
if you count the drummer from a now-disbanded band, then yes 
24. Baths or showers?
showers most times
25. What color socks are you wearing?
plain white—they're extra thick ones though! 😁
26. Have you ever been famous?
in what sense? 😂 locally or within a specific community of people, then i think so??
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
nope. i used to dream about what it would be like, but i seriously value my privacy and i would feel like i had none if i was famous
28. What type of music do you like?
pretty much anything and everything—except country 😅😂
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
this weird twisted position on my side. it usually ends with my shoulders hurting 😅😅
32. How big is your house?
it's decently large, but we just updated our tiny two bedroom, one bathroom house (for five people for 15+ years 😳) to a five bed, two bath with an open living area/dining room/kitchen. we made it big enough to accommodate both sides of my family around the holidays (bc we have a decently large family that's only growing 😂)
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
cereal or a fruit smoothie with either coffee or black tea (preferably earl grey) assuming i even eat breakfast
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
not yet, but i would eventually like to! thinking about a concealed carry permit as well depending on circumstances
35. Have you ever tried archery?
yess, and i love it!! it always makes me feel like some woodland elf heroine or something 😂
36. Favorite clean word?
like just regular words? pretty much any soft-sounding, flowy word with l’s, like melody or lucent
37. Favorite swear word?
i don't swear so none
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
like 36-ish hours
39. Do you have any scars?
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
...not that I'm aware of??
41. Are you a good liar?
.....i do my best to be honest, but.....i can be....😅 just don't tell my mom
42. Are you a good judge of character?
i think so? i'm not going to be right 100% obviously, but most of the time i think i am
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
yeah, but they're not very good 😂
44. Do you have a strong accent?
depends on where you're from tbh
45. What is your favorite accent?
i reeeaaally like australian accents...
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
a top and skirt set someone i know bought for a wedding and never wore again. i think she paid $100+ for it?? so i got it for nothing which was amazing
48. Can you curl your tongue?
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
50. Left or right handed?
51. Are you scared of spiders?
most of the time no
52. Favorite food?
i'm just gonna go with italian beef with mozzarella bc it always sounds good
53. Favorite foreign food?
ramen, bingsu, turkish delight, gulab jamun, and this one chicken rice dish that i have no idea what it's called but it's a.maz.ing.
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
in general? clean. my room? the best way to describe it is definitely-not-so-organized chaos
55. Most used phrase?
oh my goodness or oh my word
56. Most used word?
like or eyyy
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
......depends. literally anywhere from 5 to 45+ mins...
58. Do you have much of an ego?
i don't think so
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
if i didn't i'd go insane
61. Do you sing to yourself?
^ see above
62. Are you a good singer?
i'm decent if my vocal chords are warmed up enough 😂
63. Biggest Fear?
failing/disappointing others. that and falling from heights
64. Are you a gossip?
no. i do my best not to be, anyway
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
i literally don't know what's considered dramatic anymore
66. Do you like long or short hair?
for my hair? long
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
give me a piece of paper and a pen and yeah 😂
68. Favorite school subject?
english and music
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
71. What makes you nervous?
being put on the spot
72. Are you scared of the dark?
not really, but it also depends on where i'm at and who's around
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
if it's one of my really close friends I'll jokingly correct their grammar, but that's it
74. Are you ticklish?
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
a couple times, yeah
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
79. Who was your first real crush?
this one kid when i was like four or five. his name is tyler. he actually just got married! random i know
80. How many piercings do you have?
81. Can you roll your Rs?”
no 😥
82. How fast can you type?
not terribly
83. How fast can you run?
slower than my 70 lb. dog
84. What color is your hair?
dark brown with some blonde and red hints
85. What color is your eyes?
dark chocolate so brown
86. What are you allergic to?
pollen 😥 i think i also have oral allergy syndrome (but that's purely self-diagnosed 😂), so there's that too
87. Do you keep a journal?
i have the past couple weeks for a class, but otherwise no
88. What do your parents do?
my mom is a nurse and my dad is a letter carrier
89. Do you like your age?
ehh, ish
90. What makes you angry?
things taken out of context of conversations, situations, etc. and twisted to portray something else entirely
91. Do you like your own name?
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
yes! these are just some of my favorites
for girls: lacie everest, elizabeth marie, roselyn chae (or chaela rose)
for boys: vincent alexandre, killian gray, quinton james
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
94. What are you strengths?
um....i'm very musical 😂
95. What are your weaknesses?
i procrastinate too much and i don't really know how to work on a project with a group
96. How did you get your name?
my mom knew someone with the name (but they shortened it). she later found out that my dad's great- or great-great-grandmother had the same name
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
like seeeeeeeeveral hundred years back, but yes
98. Do you have any scars?
99. Color of your bedspread?
off-white/cream and a purple-y maroon
100. Color of your room?
not tagging anyone bc this is like super long 😂😂 if you see this and want to fill it out, go ahead! you brave soul  😂
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dailyjeons · 6 years
BTS account 13/10/18
didn’t do merch cause i did that in london, didnt go for studio cause that was probably not feasible with how our lines were going (at least i was too scared to do it).. sucks cause i didnt get allowed into the london booth while in the amsterdam booth everyone was queue-ing up anyways and getting in lol
bolding the subjects so you can skip parts that dont interest you
pre concert stuff So I was going to the concert with a person(Julie) I met through tumblr, she responded to my message asking if people wanted to queue up in GA with me cause I was alone. She was with a group of people and they basically adopted me so that was nice!!  Julie was super kind, constantly looking out for me, for my anxiety too and just I really loved being with her, time really flew!! We prioritized looking out for eachother over seeing the boys so I was really happy bout that! We basically queued up at 7AM in the 'unofficial line' that later on became the official one! Campers were sent out, I believe, but they probably came back early still! We still had a fairly decent spot I suppose? The camping out itself wasn't too stressful but I had a lot of anxiety bout being in the pit in a crowd of people, not havin bathroom breaks and being on 2 hours of sleep gjkfg Julie tried to reassure me through all of that. there were some fans giving out some stuff in the line!! like arts and stuff and i got this from a jimin fansite, i think she was japanese? 
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it was so funny basically she did rock paper scissors with fans to determine if they’d win.. i lost but she gave it to me anyways?? LOL she didnt give it to anyone else that lost LOL
gettin into pit Eventually we got in and fortunately my tickets worked!! We like rushed into the left side but the view was not bad, ok, then we tried for the right side and we got similar views? But I think overall it was just a little better! We were around the sixth/fifth row in the pit but we moved up a bit to the fifth/fourth during the concert. I had a fairly good view on the stage, and could see the boys clearly!! I still used my iphone to film cause of the amazing quality zoom it has and i have so much gooood footage ahhhh my hands are super shaky though so thats annoying but oh well, its something! they like handed out water very often thank god so i could cool off and drink durin the concert!! we had to stand for like 3 hours inside so i was getting really nervous but once the concert started it was fine!!
concert Anyways the concert itself was mindblowing? They're actually sosososo good live it's actually insane how they sing live through their choreo or while bouncing around. Tear is still my favorite performance but the crowd went a little too wild around then so i didnt enjoy it as much :( They also did the medley I prefered (w Baepsae) which made so happy cause i got to experience both medleys now jdskfhfsdf.. i do feel like the performances were better for the London date, but the interactions and the boys happiness were on a much higher level in Amsterdam, especially with jungkook flying around trying to dance!! That said I felt like the crowd fell a little bit flat.. When the Jimin/Namjoon VCR was playing everyone was screaming initially for both but after a hot minute they like only screamed for Jimin?? The silence was actually deafening so Julie and I decided to help with Namjoon's screams then, and it was so disappointing we were legitimately the only 2 people screaming for him in such a venue lol. Crowd did however go wild at Kim Seokjin's performance, and IT'S WHAT HE DESERVES. Overall I think Seokjin and Jimin had the best reactions in Amsterdam, and London both.
impressions on boys As for the boys. Gonna be honest with y'all I was so busy filming Jungkook solo all day that I didn't really notice others?? fdjkghdf since i already had thel ondon date i figured today was jungkook's day now i had sights on him proper.. Some notes, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon spoke some Dutch and it was super cute!! Yoongi did it first fjgdkhfdg 
Yoongi: Super smol but big hands, and fluffy cheeks (he bloats really easily lolol) his see saw performance was REALLY good today too, i feel like reaction to seesaw is the best, everyone's always singing the whole song w it while most of the crowd struggled with their title tracks in both london and amsterdam LOLLL yoongi must be so proud over it.. also he's the first to speak in dutch to us but it was like really suddenly right before they were performing so nobody really noticed fjghkdfg and u know when he makes a dad joke and he smiles flustered, but nobody reacts to his jokes.. he did that thing LOLLL
Namjoon; very long and slender, his legs are legit 70% of his body and he went offffff today like when he's into shit like tear i cry cuz oh my god merCY kjdfhgdhjkfg Namjoon seemed to really love Amsterdam tbh he kept talking bout stuff to do while the others had fairly standard stuff to say, with a lot of repeat from the london concert too (which is fine vconsidering its hard for themt o speak in eng too)
Hoseok: He looks a lot sharper irl?? im not sure if i said differently last time, but now i saw him up close he's definitely much more handsome, cameras dont do him justice.. also he always has the most gentle smile on his face and it calmed me down a lot jkfgh
Taehyung: tbh im not sure if i missed him but i didnt really see him on my side a lot? i think like a few times i tried to film but couldnt really get it..?? julie did tho.. he's kind of.. small? but not small like yoongi but small like i'd confuse him for a high school kid.. BUT his face?? is really smth else his face is SO small but his features are sooooooo big and sharp.. god himself shaped this boy
Jin: ok yeah this man is 10000% more handsome irl liek i was filmin jk and lost focus and then jin appeared and i almost dropped my phone cause what the fuck?? hes GORGEOUS.. he didnt do the forehead/glasses look today though, unfortuantely cause jesus christ that was something else. he was bein a crackhead to jk again today rofll
jimin: he's legit a fairy irl lol it doesnt make sense.. like.. he's... really pretty....... super super super pretty, guys like legitimiately glowing.. he was super playful today and he seemed really happy to perform on his birthday which is super pure considering.. who likes working on their birthday? he like moved his dressshirt/blouse off shoulder a bit during the fake love portion of the set and oh ym god h..e..........HE... his collar... i want 2 kiss it.......platonically.
as for jimin's birthday.. omg he's so cute? they were at the extended stage when his birthday message came up (a message in dutch) and he like instantly rushed back to the main stage to show off his birthday message and he proceeded to talk in dutch about how it's his birthday, and how army are his gift?? it was suuuper cute!! imagine Jimin practicing his dutch just for this moment fdgkjhdf
Anyways onto ma boy!! Jungkook is absolutely unreal pretty. He didn't look as bloated/pained today so i guess i saw The Jungkook today and he's so.. sharp looking??? like his jawline and cheekbones are insane and like the dimple?? ughhhhh he looked a lil smaller now i was upclose but his thighs were still gods gift.. also he did forehead kookie instead of coconut kookie, i remain blessed.. he always hears my prayers..
throughout the show he was honestly super cute, he kept dancing in his chair to the choreo, spinning in circles while doing it, hopping around the stage slowly to wave and look at every fan.. he even looked towards me at some point but i legitimately dodged and turned away cause like I FELT SO GReaYS ANd i'd rather not have him see me like that lmaooo anyways it's so super cute how despite his injury he still tries to give it his all at all times, and now he could walk around he's instantly back at trying to make interactions with all fans?? a precious baby honestly!!
his ending ment was really-really sweet as well and it always amazes me how eloquent he can get when he gets to share us his real feelings.. i really am glad he's not too disappointed in himself anymore and has reached a point where he's just working on getting better instead<3!!
other than that, just like in london.. jungkook's vocals are insane. i don't care that he's not top tier vocalist in terms of technique but he got smth completely else and thats' how comffortably he can move around in his range and remain stable and it's just.. so amazing to hear him hit certain notes with almost.. ease? voice never cracks even after 23948234 songs it's so sickkkk
anyways this was definitely one of the best nights in my life.. despite allt hes tress and anxiety.. i’m sosoosos glad i went through all of this for that.. i had the greatest company and ended up having the greatest experience<3
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