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Peter Thiel: Investitor și Co-fondator al PayPal cu Implicare Profundă în Finanțele Digitale
Peter Thiel este una dintre cele mai influente figuri din lumea tehnologiei și finanțelor digitale, recunoscut pentru rolul său esențial în co-fondarea PayPal și pentru investițiile sale strategice în companii de top din sectorul digital. Cu o abordare inovatoare și o viziune pe termen lung, Thiel a contribuit la transformarea peisajului financiar global, influențând dezvoltarea tehnologiilor…
#Peter Thiel#Tehnologie disruptivă#inovator#inovație în finanțe#lider de opinie#capital digital#influență financiară#influență tehnologică#mentor în tehnologie#viziune digitală#investitor de top#schimbare economică#investiții strategice#antreprenor#capital de risc digital#startup-uri fintech#ecosistem fintech#tranzacții online#platforme de plăți#gândire strategică#evoluție fintech#idei disruptive#mentor digital#succes antreprenorial#capital de risc#criptomonede#blockchain#Paypal#Inovație.#Securitate Financiară
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I am so stoked I finally have *this* Volume in my hand 😍🥰🥹💜💜 it's easily one of my favs next to vol.8 and it's finally out at my place 🥰🥹❤️❤️

I know the story but the in-betweens , illustrations and shorts/infos are always a delights to see printed.
Some of them are new to me, or I at least forgot about them 🤣
Like was I supposed to know that Soichiro was on Narumis Skill level and No. 1 next to him in the western region? 🥹 i considered him poweful and famous, but not THAT poweful and famous tbh.. sry Soichiro, i wronged you so much..🥺😭

The mini comic about him textin Soshiro 😭😭💜💜 i love him even more!!
Plus my two besties looking fine as hell.. 💥💥🔥🔥

#although i love it I need to admit they butchered Soshiros face in some of the panels tho..#but not horribly so it's ok#the cover and the key scenes make up for everything#my fine men#i can finally hold them#yes I am weird now move on#kn8#kaiju no. 8#kaiju no 8#laughing so much about this one translation with soichiro.#like whoever decided to dub the text into the word 'geflissentlich' was like: i want to dub this with words plp haven't read inover 50 years#manga vol.12
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white lotus makes me feel like i’m at the zoo.
most of these characters are “irrational” animals that i watch for entertainment, laughing at their idiocy over a jungle-themed soundtrack while admiring their beauty. the ones i don’t see that way are mostly staff, and i can’t help but feel sorry for them, having to deal with the wildlife like this.
#the white lotus#the white lotus season 3#not an inovative groundbreaking game twisting take#but it’s interesting to point out how this show makes me dehumanize white foreigners#in a luxury hotel of all places#in thailand
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i guess what my point really was is- i prefer a piece of media/franchise having a somewhat consistent canon so the fans can do all the twists and AUs as they want instead of the official canon being constantly retconned
#ganondoodles talks#personal#yeah i guess thats it#specifically about retcons and things retroactively being made to not matter#breaking hard rules for soemthing less itneresting#that stuff#i have no problems with fans making up a thosuand different AUs#and i also like the canon being inovated and reinvented#just not in the retcon way#delete old thing compeltely and replace with new thing like old thing didnt exist#ok im done
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I'm watching the Mononoke movie (not miyazaki). Why has everyone been yassified ??? Like it's lacking every quality the show once had wtf
#it's just a random anime now lmao#so so bland#wow#the animation is beautiful but the characters looks like random anime heroes where are the fun inovative character designs ?#i've been waiting since i was 15 to see some news about this show and I'm so disappointed#even kusuri uri is bland af#u were spice now ur flour
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In 1924, the Blattnerphone, an early magnetic tape recorder, revolutionized the way sound was made and played. Developed by Dr. Kurt Stille and Louis Blattner.
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Ace Jack who has rizz like crazy and has the regular occurrence of taking things too far and having to make a very hasty escape before it escalates
#Tired Jack with rizz has bedroom eyes because he wants to sleep but that doesn't exactly get across the correct bedroom activity#Home just wants to sleep let him be#Jack Kelly is the man of getting inover his head it's what he does#Newsies#Jack Kelly
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so i fear i cant live alone <3
i saw a LADYBUG in my living room w my sister and when i tell you she screamed, i screamed and we both dashed for our LIVES
#i wish ii recorded this cause i was here bEGGING this child to come help my simply place a cup over it#we were inovating ways to keep it away#female hysteria#was us#i havent run like that in MONTHS#my heart is racing#anywho im just a girl#love yall!#but imagine i had to deal w that alone :(
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Nick Szabo: Pionierul Contractelor Inteligente și al Criptografiei în Sistemele Financiare
Nick Szabo este recunoscut ca una dintre cele mai influente personalități în domeniul tehnologiilor digitale, fiind pionierul conceptelor de contracte inteligente și a aplicațiilor criptografice în sistemele financiare. Prin ideile sale inovatoare și prin cercetările aprofundate, Szabo a pus bazele unui domeniu care astăzi stă la baza multor tehnologii blockchain și a revoluționat modul în care…
#dezvoltare fintech#inovator#smart economy#startup blockchain#tendințe tehnologice#influență tehnologică#mentor în tehnologie#gândire inovatoare#consultanță digitală#modele de afaceri digitale#consultanță fintech#reglementare blockchain#impact digital#Hashcash#inspirație tehnologică#securitate informatică#tehnologii de securitate#pionier crypto#contracte digitale#digital trust#fundamente crypto#sisteme financiare digitale#blockchain pentru afaceri#leadership în tech#fintech#Automatizare#Inovație Tehnologică#criptografie#contracte inteligente#smart contracts
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Placed in a box
Thrown in a drawer
And forgotten
Neat and tidy
Perfect as ever
Hollow inside
And rotten
#my art#yeah yeah#it’s a metaphor for depression#and it’s so inovative and nuanced#look it’s how I feel okay?#I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel I’m just trying to express myself#look at it more as a self portrait#I just wanted to draw something that felt like… me#and this is how I’ve been feeling lately
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Quick fanfic for my new obsession
It was Red’s first party. Well, at least it was her first good party. In this timeline she had probably attended plenty of joyous happenings and balls in Wonderland, but she had no recollection of them as she had technically come from a completely different time. In the timeline she came from, parties were full of stalking about in gardens while people pretended not to tremble in fear around her, and her mother by her side coaching her on how to be the most fearsome queen. They didn’t involve real laughter and sweet treats. And the wine was extremely limited; only two drinks for those who could pay for them and had permission from her royal highness, the Queen of Hearts. And Red was never on that list. She embarrassed her mother enough when she was sober, dressing and acting the way she did.
This was different. Chloe, her roommate and partner in time travel, had received an invitation from one of her many friends at Auradon Prep for a new school year mixer. Red rolled her eyes as she continued her walk down the hall, but was quickly pulled back by the girl with blue hair next to her. The boy extending the invitation was quick to include her. It almost felt ingenuine, but with her best friend beaming at her side, she decided to take the chance and accept. Chloe squeezed her hand and Red found it grounding, and she found herself growing somewhat excited. That excitement dimmed throughout the day however with their remaining classes.
——————————————————-Chloe had been flitting about their shared dorm for over an hour getting ready.
“What about-”
“Oh! Or I could-”
“Sure...” Red just nodded at any questions directed at her as she scrolled through her phone.
“And for shoes-” Red’s head shot up as she heard those words from fall from Chloe’s mouth.
“Absolutely no glass, we're going to the woods for crying out loud!” Chloe spun around from the mirror at her roommate’s sudden interest, glass shoe already in one hand to be compared with another blue fabric heel in the other. Taking a second look at the shoes already in her possession she processed. Then she stepped back into their shared closet.
“What about a pair of sturdy boots?” she asked coming back out. Red looked up from her phone once more and found Chloe holding Hook’s boots that she had stolen for her during their adventures in the past. She couldn’t help the smile that matched her roommates.
When they arrived, Red found herself regretting her acceptance. The party had loud music, and there were many teenagers stumbling around already drunk with drinks in their hands. This was a big first step, and she did not feel ready for it. That was until Chloe’s hand found hers and her eyes landed on the princess smiling at her.
The game was supposed to be truth or dare. The name alone had Red on board, and she eagerly pulled Chloe along with one hand and her drink in the other. A smaller group of them gathered away from the rest of the party. An argument started over who would go first, until she grabbed a nearby wine bottle that was empty.
“Aren’t we normally supposed to spin for turns?” The boy to her left that had invited them to join the game grinned, and Red smirked back.
“You’re right. In that case, everyone gather in a circle, Princess Red is spinning first.” Red rolled her eyes at the title. Chloe was separated from her as the crowd gathered into places to sit, but the bottle landed on her and Red let out a sigh of relief. The rest of the group waited.
“Ok go ahead, tell me a truth princess,” Red posed at her friend across the circle. Some laughter arose. The boy that stayed to her left leaned over.
“You’re supposed to ask a question for her to answer truthfully,” he told her softly. Her smile faltered for a moment but then she regained it.
“Well, I don’t know any of you and this is my first time playing, but I think my version is more intuitive,” she challenged back at the boy. “At least by the name.”
Chloe beamed at her best friend finding her footing, and the group around her seemed to be accepting of the choice. She thought for a moment.
“You know how to backflip, and I know Aristotle.” The other girl rolled her eyes.
“Ok now I get why you’re supposed to ask questions. That was boring.” The group around them laughed, but Chloe didn’t lose her smile as she kept looking at Red.
The next turn belonged to Chloe and many continued to happen after that. The energy was good and everyone was laughing. Red showed off some of her dance moves and gymnast skills born from evading the Card Army, much to everyone’s delight and entertainment. And more dumb actions were taken by those who also chose dare. After a few rounds the bottle spun back to Red and a blonde girl stared at her as she chose truth for once.
“Is there anyone at this school that you’re in love with?” The group stilled and held their breathes, and Chloe found herself doing the same. Red didn’t hesitate.
“That’s easy, Chloe,” she said with a nonchalant shrug.
Chloe faltered as the circle broke out in gasps and whispers. Red was staring directly at her with a small, sideways grin. The princess’s eye contact was broken when the boy to Red’s left cleared his throat among the murmurs and announced the game over. Chloe quickly crossed the breaking circle and grabbed the princess of Hearts and dragged her somewhere private.
“Why would you say that?” she questioned once they were alone. Red gave a confused look.
“Because it was the truth?” Chloe watched Red. Both of their brows furrowed. She felt like she was missing something.
“You know?” When Chloe gave a small shake of her head, Red stepped towards her, confusion still evident.
“I mean, you’re the one who told me about all the love stuff. Being able to put someone else before you? Ready to give that person your all?” Red was met with more confusion. Chloe stepped back, shocked.
“Ok, but still...Me?”
“Who else?” Red took a step forward but stopped as her friend inhaled. She tilted her head at the uncertainty. “I mean you know me better than anyone. You’ve been with me through some of the toughest moments and believed in me. Did I somehow get this wrong?”
“Get what wrong?” the princess blinked. Red shrugged again and then tensed.
“How am I supposed to know? It’s not like I grew up with this. This love stuff,” she stepped back and tried to put more space between her and the blue-haired girl, her supposed friend. “I mean that’s what I thought I felt. It’s not like I have any experience with this. I certainly never grew up with a mom that felt that about me. And I’ve never had any friends who cared.”
“Red...” Chloe started, still not sure she understood. The turning of her stomach made her even more uneasy. “we’re friends-”
“Yeah of course,” the girl kicked the ground as she spun to face her.
“Just friends.” Confusion crossed Red’s face again.
“Yeah, that’s what I meant. What else would we be?” Chloe felt her stomach drop when Red agreed with her, but she didn’t try to dwell on it. Maybe she was beginning to understand.
“When you say you’re in love with me?” she left the question hanging. Red let out a sigh and started to walk away.
“You know what forget it. I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“No!” Chloe stopped her. The girl opposite risked looking back. It was a lot to process. Her tone softened as she spoke again. “When you say love, do you mean like as a friend, or family, or-” she paused for a moment trying to gain the courage to even say it. “in love?”
Red shifted her eyes down for a moment as she turned around to fully face her. When she finally raised her eyes back up her voice sounded unsure and soft. “Is there a difference?”
The words felt like a punch to Chloe’s stomach. Did this mean Red really did grow up without any love? Did she really not understand the difference between love and in love? The difference between love felt for family and friends and... romance? The blue princess finally let out her breath and all of the tension she was holding.
“Yeah, Red. There’s typically a difference.” She glanced up at the taller girl who seemed to be processing.
“Oh.” It took a moment, but the girl with fiery hair finally looked back at her. “I didn’t realize. Um,”
“It’s ok.” Chloe interrupted her. Red nodded briefly.
“In that case...” words were still failing her. Her mouth close and then opened for another moment of silence. Chloe decided to try and clear things up for her friend.
“When that girl was asking if you were in love with anyone, she meant romantically.”
“Oh.” Red’s stare��widened at the ground until she looked back up at Chloe. “I’m, I'm not sure that's what I meant.”
“I figured,” Chloe sighed. Her stomach felt uneasy still. “but either way, we are still friends.”
Red finally relaxed her shoulders and Chloe held out her hand for her to grab. Red glanced at it, then up at her.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.” Chloe’s voice was confident and a smiled found its way on her face as she walked towards Red and reached for her hand. Red didn’t back away, she just let out a quiet sigh and let Chloe take her hand. They walked back to the dorms that way with matching grins, and when the tension eased, they were able to laugh at the events of the night.
#rise of red#Red of hearts#Chloe Charming#TikTok has so many edits of them to the Taylor swift song highschool#that's where I got the idea#This still feeds into my hc#Red fell first but Chloe fell harder#red is absolutely romantically inove with Chloe here#but like she doesn’t know because she has never felt it before
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great dance, not as cool as stephen’s
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Nissan faces record debt with only one year left to save itself from bankruptcy
Nissan faces record debt with only one year left to save itself from bankruptcy
P.S. Nissan is a good example of what will happen to the other legacy automakers in the near future: the lack of innovation in the field of electric cars, the expensive and difficult to repair CVT transmission will drive this company into bankruptcy...! When the "new" Nissan Leaf appeared with a larger battery, but without active thermoregulation, I realized that something was definitely wrong with the management of this company....
#Japan#Nissan#bankruptcy#competition#Nissan Leaf#inovation#EV manufacturing#debt#electric car#electric vehicle#Youtube
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Trajectory Mapping
// Michael Sevilla
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