#innocent closeness
todorokis-girl · 3 months
Alright! I have some fluff ideas!
Could I please request shinso, hawks and dabi with an affectionate and oblivious reader, please? Like don't notice how close they get sometimes or how awkwardly they grabbed the boys arms.
Thank you!
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In the bustling halls of U.A. High, Y/N often found themselves caught up in their own affectionate world. Shinso, with his cool demeanor and sharp wit, was often the target of Y/N's unintentional displays of closeness.
One afternoon, as they walked together, Y/N absentmindedly slipped their arm through Shinso's, not noticing the subtle blush that crept up his cheeks. "Oh, look at that cute cat poster!" Y/N exclaimed, pulling Shinso closer to get a better look. Shinso's heart raced, but he kept his composure, enjoying the warmth of their touch despite the curious glances from passing students.
During training sessions, Y/N's supportive nature shone through. "You were amazing out there!" they said, practically bouncing on their toes. Without thinking, Y/N grabbed Shinso's hand and squeezed it, their eyes sparkling with admiration. Shinso's breath hitched, his usual stoic expression softening as he gazed at them. "Thanks," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, secretly cherishing every accidental touch.
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Hawks, with his easygoing charm and playful demeanor, found himself often caught off guard by Y/N's innocent affection. During a mission briefing, Y/N leaned in close to point out something on the map, their breath tickling his ear. Hawks chuckled, trying to focus on the task at hand while his mind raced with the proximity of Y/N.
"You're such a good listener," Y/N said one day, wrapping their arms around Hawks from behind in an impromptu hug. Hawks felt his wings twitch with surprise, but he quickly melted into their embrace. "Well, it's easy when you're talking," he replied with a grin, his heart fluttering at the unintentional intimacy.
On a rare day off, they strolled through the city, Y/N's hand occasionally brushing against Hawks'. Each time, a shiver ran down his spine. "Look at that bird!" Y/N pointed out, grabbing his arm to steady themselves as they peered into the sky. Hawks' pulse quickened, and he silently thanked the universe for giving him someone so obliviously affectionate.
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Dabi, with his tough exterior and fiery personality, was perhaps the most perplexed by Y/N's unintentional closeness. One evening, as they sat together by a crackling fire, Y/N shifted closer, their shoulder pressing against his. Dabi tensed, unused to such casual intimacy, but he didn't pull away.
"You must be cold," Y/N said, wrapping their scarf around both of them without a second thought. Dabi blinked, taken aback by the gesture. "I'm fine," he muttered, though he secretly reveled in the warmth of their shared scarf.
During a heated battle, Y/N rushed to Dabi's side, checking him for injuries. "You scared me!" they said, clutching his arm tightly. Dabi's usual smirk faltered, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm fine, really," he assured, though he couldn't ignore the way his skin tingled where they touched.
Even in the midst of chaos, Y/N's oblivious affection was a beacon of light for Dabi. Whether it was an accidental brush of their hand or an unplanned embrace, he found himself drawn to their warmth, cherishing every moment of their innocent closeness.
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while we wait.
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may i offer you all a pubby?? lil bby barns?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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best BEAST!!
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mmelolabelle · 4 months
random asoiaf/hotd headcanon - so you know the way the dragon/dragonrider relationship is framed as a bond wherein the rider has to ‘control’ the dragon, or at least make sure their will overpowers the dragon’s otherwise they end up being taken on a field trip to old valyria or idk accidentally murdering their nephew? cool
daemon and caraxes are the opposite. caraxes is the ‘sane’ one and daemon is the one who needs anchored lest he go completely feral. they have (1) braincell between them and noodle boi has it.
daemon every six weeks “i’m going to do something incredibly stupid and cool that may result in my death and in the deaths of an untold number of bystanders”
caraxes “OR hear me out bro we could not??”
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saturnsconstellation · 4 months
James “The crime occurs at the exact moment you break a law” Potter
Barty “it’s only a crime if you get caught” Crouch jr
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fictionadventurer · 17 days
In Which I Write a Sensible Victorian Novel
Once upon a time, a woman made some mistakes in a regrettable romantic entanglement. She married a rich, respectable man and didn't want her past shame to destroy the love they shared. She immediately told her husband about her past, and her husband, being a reasonable man, understood and forgave her. No one blackmailed her, she never needed to construct an elaborate web of deception and intrigue, and she never had to worry about her husband finding out her secret from other sources. And they all lived happily ever after.
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babsaros · 2 months
they talk about testosterone gel like it’s the fentanyl of hrt
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One of Us is Guilty; Chapter 2
The night started with only one body, and now there are two; both the Headmage and the Ramshackle Prefect are dead. Will the killer ever be found before more people die?
Characters; Vil Schoenheit, Divus Crewel, Rook Hunt, Azul Ashengroto, Silver, Jade Leech, Cater Diamond
Content; Unreliable narrators, murder mystery
Content Warning; Murder, blood, death, reader death, character death, description of a dead body & method of death, dead dove content in general
Word Count; 1.1 K
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As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Epilogue (Part 1) | Epilogue (Final)
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It was foolish, it was dangerous, but Jade could not blame the Ramshackle prefect for wanting out of that room. He may be used to — in some sense — the eyes clouded in distrust that are usually sent his way, but the Prefect? To have their friends turn on them in such a manner? He could not blame them for fleeing, for wanting to distance themselves. Yet, fleeing was how they ended up in this situation, and Jade froze at the top of the staircase to the main hall.
He had seen blood before, for the ocean was not a kind place, he had witnessed death, but the scene in front of him? He wanted to look away, but he couldn’t.
In some sick turn of events, you were now dead. Glassy eyes, and a peaceful expression on your face. You didn’t know… it was sudden.
“Jade-” Azul was coming up from down the hall… he wouldn’t be able to see the scene, and Jade lifted his hand, motioning him to stop, which Azul did. “... did you find them?” 
Jade nodded, and Azul could tell from his posture that something was horribly wrong. He was shaken, a rare sight, which could only spell the worst.
Everyone had come back to the mirror chamber, with the last two people being Jade and Azul. All eyes were on them.
“What’s with the gloomy faces,” Cater asked, fidgeting with his phone, a nervous habit.
Jade cleared his throat, “The Prefect is dead.” His voice was monotone, but everyone could tell that it disturbed him, a rare thing indeed.
Several things happened at once. Professor Crewel started shaking visibly. Rook had silent tears rolling down his face. Vil took a step back, face pale. Cater stopped fidgeting and was now clenching his fists. And Silver clenched his jaw, and was standing stiff as a board.
Whoever the killer was, they did a good job of hiding it. Did they find this amusing? Why did they do this? What is their motive?
“Who came across them?” Professor Crewel said through gritted teeth.
Jade looked at the man with suspicion, “I did, sir.” He knew what the next question would be; ‘how did they die?’ “... their throat had been slit.”
If he had done it, wouldn’t he be covered in blood? Eyes scanned over everyone, but as far as they could all tell, no one had a speck of blood on them. 
“We need to stick together,” Azul spoke up, analyzing everyone knowing they were doing the same in turn to him. “And since the prefect,” his voice pitched a bit, his emotions getting the better of him, “was innocent, we have to vote again.”
Everyone shuffled, but once again they all wrote down who they thought the murderer was, the room, and the weapon; whoever killed Crowley had thought it would be ‘funny’ to dispose of the Prefect in the manner the majority thought they had disposed of the Headmage. 
“Seven people, eight rooms, six weapons. One person is guilty, two dead, and until they are found, no one is safe; from the perpetrator of the crime, or of being accused.” The mirror repeated what it had said last time, but with adjustments to reflect what had happened since then. 
Everyone waited with bated breath as the mirror started to show who was voted. And in the mirror was Professor Crewel in the main hall, with his mage stone in hand.
The mirror then faded again to black, “He is not the killer. The Headmage was not killed in the main hall. The weapon is magic.”
Divus was shaking again, and everyone knew that this time it was anger; he was first angry that the Prefect was killed, as he was technically responsible for them with being staff and all, but now that his own students had thought him capable that he would murder Crowley. Yes, the man aggravated him to no end, but he wouldn’t stoop to homicide of all things. And these pups had also thought that he would slit the throat of one of his own students… So yes, he was angry, rightfully so. 
Instead of lashing out though, Divus took in a long breath through his nose, and let it out through his mouth, getting a grip on himself. He was the eldest here, he couldn’t let his ire and grief get the best of him and make him do something foolish… that’s how you had met your end after all.
“From here on out we will be staying together,” he barked out. “Do not stray from the group. Am I understood?”
Everyone gave him a pensive nod as their answer, turning their eyes back to one another, judging, analyzing, trying to pin a motive on one another. 
Divus cracked his whip against the ground, gathering everyone’s attention. “Now, Jade, can you show us where the Prefect is?”
Everyone looked to Jade, and he nodded, guiding everyone to the main hall. “Do be warned though,” he murmured, just loud enough so that everyone could hear him, “it isn’t for the weak of heart.”
It had been a few hours since Crowley was killed, and now everyone understood why the crime scene was so clean; magic killed him, someone had used their magic to kill the Headmage. But your death was not clean, it was a bloody mess. And since Jade had seen the scene before, everyone else had not.
Rook grimaced but didn’t look away from you, tears running down his face again. Silver put his hand over his mouth and looked away, as if he was going to be sick. Cater nearly fainted, and was bracing himself on the bannister. Divus was shaking again, and his anger was back in full force. Vil had seen you, but then looked up to the ceiling; he didn’t want his last memory of you to be this. And Azul, Azul was shaking, and pacing; thinking.
Jade’s jaw was clenched, and he wasn’t looking at the scene again, but his mind was trying to put the pieces together. Why kill the Prefect?
But his train of thought was interrupted by a loud crash of thunder, and the power went out. The thunder continued for a solid minute, drowning out any other sounds. And by the time the power flickered weakly back on, Professor Crewel was crumpled on the ground, face distorted in anger and shock. 
He was dead, much like the Headmage and the Prefect.
There was no blood this time either, with the weapon finally pinned, it seemed like the murderer stuck with it, playing into this game. A sick game… would he win? Or can the remaining students find him before there is no one left?
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LINK TO FORM (Voting will end on Friday, October 13th at 9 pm EST)
- Silver; the kindhearted knight with a mysterious past, is it just for show?  (Plum) - Vil Schoenheit; the actor who is always pigeonholed into the role of a villain (Scarlet) - Divus Crewel; the alchemy teacher with a penchant for fashion, Crowley’s co-worker (Peacock) DECEASED - Rook Hunt; the enigmatic hunter who always has a hunch of what’s happening (Mustard) - Azul Ashengrotto; the owner of The Mostro Lounge, a businessman with dubious morals (Green) - Reader; the ‘house-keeper’, a role that was imposed on them by the late Headmage (White) DECEASED - Jade Leech; a student enamored by fungi and seems to have a foreboding presence about him (Orchid) - Cater Diamond; the preppy beau of Heartslabyul, but his smile seems forced (Peach)
- Main hall (eliminated in Chapter 2) - Teachers’ lounge - Cafeteria - Kitchens - Lecture theatre - Botanical garden - Alchemy lab - Library - Crowley’s office (eliminated in Chapter 1)
WEAPON: MAGIC (found in Chapter 2)
To be continued
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superbat-lmao · 2 months
Jason Todd Fic (De-aged?)
Of all the kinds of magic, Jason Todd hates death magic the most.
So when the call comes through about Grave Affair, he tells Oracle where she can shove it.
“Hood, if there was anyone else available I’d have called them. Believe me, you’re beyond my last choice for this.”
And he’s standing on a rooftop, firing rubber bullets at a guy wielding a magic scythe. He’s ranting about final words, last confessions, things Jason never had.
He’s trying not to think of dirt and starched sleeves and silk linings.
When he’s finally close enough, Jason disarms the guy, but not without the blade touching him.
There’s a thud behind him but he’s already got the wannabe reaper in cuffs by the time he turns around.
And is met with his 15 year old self, wearing an outfit he knows. An outfit that never made it back to his closet.
The boy’s in shock, momentarily disoriented and Jason’s lucky the kid isn’t running, but Oracle is in his ear, awaiting confirmation of something Jason doesn’t think he can say out loud.
He takes off the helmet, holsters his guns, and crouches as low as he can. The kid is squinting at him but he isn’t running.
“You’ve been displaced in time.” He jerks a thumb at the knock off grave digger behind him. “The scythe cut me and brought you here. I’m you, but older.”
The kid squints harder, if that’s possible. Jason uses a couple of the old bat-signs, and doesn’t remove his domino.
“Prove it.”
God, every time he’d tried to seem intimidating, that’s how he’d sounded?
Jason tilts his head and thinks a moment. His old scars are gone, it can’t be anything Jason would willingly volunteer, but even now he doesn’t want to say those things out loud.
“We never told Bruce about Catherine’s last dealer.” The kid stopped squinting. “Or, or about. Well, we never told anyone about Tommy.” The kid flinched. It was a name neither of them had spoken since he died.
“Are we going back to the manor?” Jason shrugged at him. He didn’t want to, but this wasn’t about what he wanted anymore. He wanted to take the kid back to his safe house and burn those clothes. He wanted to cut out his eyes so he wouldn’t have to look at him. He wanted to be anywhere but here.
“Depends. Let me call in the calvary to come pick this guy up and you can decide. It’s the manor, or my safe house.”
He put the helmet on to be met with silence, either Babs was finally at a loss for words or had muted his channel. He sent his location and the pick-up signal. There was no confirmation and Jason decided he had hit his limit on dealing with bats before physically disconnecting himself from the comms network.
“If I pick the manor, how upset will they be?”
And wasn’t that just a crowbar to the gut?
“Not in the way you’re thinking, but a lot. I’ll be honest, it’s going to be worse than when [insert]. I know what you think they’re upset about and for them, it was years ago. But you going back will be like a bomb going off for them. I’ll take you, but you’ve gotta know it’ll probably overwhelm you.”
“And the safe house?”
“I’ll take the couch. And make you wear a different set of clothes because just looking at you hurts. But um, you can ask questions or don’t. Eat, read, ignore me. It’ll be a breather until the manor, or until the spell ends and you go back.”
“Go back?”
Jason wanted to throw up.
“To Ethiopia.”
True to his word, Jason burned those clothes the second they were in his safe house.
The kid, because he wasn’t willing to think of him as himself, had locked himself in Jason’s bedroom with a couple paperback copies of things he said he hadn’t read yet. Jason was making a sort of pasta bake in the oven and cleaning his guns on the coffee table.
His gear, except for the helmet, was stashed away properly, but he hadn’t turned the comms back on. He was sure that Oracle had been alerting all of the bats to the presence of his 15 year old self and watching live feeds of the interrogation to see what spell was cast, or how the scythe worked, but Jason was trying to avoid thinking about it.
Because if it was him, if he was 15 instead of 23 and in an apartment with an adult man claiming to be himself but built like Bruce, he’d fucking lock himself in and refuse to come out. Sure, he wouldn’t want to see the bats, all the people he remembers letting down by running away and at the peak of their fighting where Jason had believed none of them actually cared about him, but that doesn’t mean he’d really want to be alone with the veritable stranger of himself either.
He has his phone shut off, his comms are physically disabled, and this particular safe house is one he hasn’t had the chance to use yet since it’s a sort of last resort. It’s kept in a spot with few to no cameras and hasn’t been around long. Jason makes a point of keeping one safe house as a last resort, so that if he really does fuck up beyond what the bats can tolerate, there will be one place they can’t immediately find him.
He’ll have to burn this one soon, but it gives them a couple hours, if not about two days.
He’s trying not to remember the fight, the hasty decision to leave, being told there wasn’t enough room in the helicopter. God, he doesn’t even know at what point the kid was taken from, but Ethiopia hadn’t surprised him. He must not have made it into the warehouse yet.
When the oven goes off, Jason is trying hard not to picture cigarette smoke and eyes in the dark.
He makes two plates, sets one on the counter and the other on the coffee table, and goes to knock on the door to the bedroom.
When the younger Jason emerges, he looks wary, but not frightened. There’s also a calculating look in his eye that Jason knows others assume he got from Bruce, but was present while he was on the streets.
“Do you mind if I eat out here?”
“Knock yourself out.”
They’re almost finished eating when the boy finally speaks up.
“I’ve got questions for you.”
“Sure, but I have one for you too. Only one, so you pick what you wanna do first. Ask or answer.”
“Go ahead.”
“The guy that brought me here, what does the magic entail?”
“I’m not a hundred percent sure. He was doing his little speech while we were fighting, something about meeting yourself and seeking absolution I think. It sounded like a chance to ask yourself questions or have a conversation with a different version of yourself but I don’t exactly know why. I also don’t know how long it lasts. I got the call about him pretty late and walked in without a full picture. One of the other bats is probably looking more into it right now and we’ll get an update at some point.”
“Other bats?”
Jason doesn’t envy Talia for having to explain to him Bruce’s knack for acquiring orphans.
“Remember when Bruce first took us in and we couldn’t understand what he wanted from us? Well, it’s morphed into a bit of a habit of picking up orphans. It isn’t just Dick, Alfred and us anymore. There’s a couple others and all the explanations are kinda long, so I’ll wait till the end to really get into that if it’s alright. In terms of how many are important for you to keep track of and you might come across at the manor, at least six, excluding the three you know.”
“Why aren’t you living at the manor? Why do you have a safe house?”
“A couple years from how old you are now, Bruce and I have a fight. We’re still kind of working on it, but it’s easier for me to have my own place than have to deal with all the riff raff. The manor isn’t as quiet as it used to be, and it’s too many variables.”
God, he’s really trying to be vague here instead of having to tell the kid he’s right and his Dad doesn’t love him. That his Dad doesn’t save him and that he’ll try to kill him. Jason doesn’t know if he can look his younger self in the eye and tell him everything he’s done. But he remembers being overwhelmed by too many people, too many emotions to try and navigate in conversations. It’s still something he struggles with, not that he’s told anyone about it.
“What was the fight about?”
“Since we don’t know how much of this you’ll remember when you get sent back, I don’t really want to get into specifics, in case we create some sort of paradox. Once we know for sure I’ll give you more details but basically, appropriate levels of consequence alongside a heavy dose of blame for shit Bruce fucked up.”
“What about Dick and Alfred?”
“What about them?”
“What do they think? Do they agree with you or Bruce?”
“They’re a little more complicated. Alfred loves us, has made sure we know it, but abstains from voicing his true opinions on it. I think he disagrees with us, but doesn’t want to push. Dick is vocal about disagreeing with us, but doesn’t think Bruce is completely in the clear either. He’s harder to predict in conversation and his goals are less obvious than Alfred’s.”
“What’s your question for me?”
“What’s the last thing you remember before coming here?”
“Bruce getting in a helicopter and telling me to stay put.”
“That’s it?”
“All the useful information will come from this time, not yours. I just wanted to make sure I knew what part of the day you’d already been through.”
His younger self appears to think this over.
It’s almost a relief talking to him. Jason’s goals have always been pretty straight forward. Stay fed, stay warm, protect himself against adults, and stay alert. There are no mind games, or unspoken rules, or demands, or debts for his actions. As an adult, there is nothing he would want from a kid and as a kid, he’s found probably the only adult he’ll believe doesn’t want anything from him.
“Can you tell me about the other bats?”
“Sure, but I’m starting on dishes and you’re filling tupperware while I’m talking.”
So Jason explains Tim and Damian and Cass and Steph and Duke and Babs. He’s careful to avoid his own history and how he met them, only really stating how they each got taken in. How they met Bruce. His younger self doesn’t seem to mind the vague information, it’s been a long day and Jason doesn’t have much to hide from him except the obvious, his death and resurrection. So by the time the kitchen is clean, there’s little left to say except a brief rundown of what’s stocked where, what parts of the apartment have traps set, and what weapons are allowed to be kept in the bedroom.
He tells the kid he’ll be doing a short patrol tonight. They have a code for “all clear” that predates the bats, so they’ll stick to it. And he gives the kid a burner in case his training isn’t enough. He shows him how to contact himself, and if it’s really bad, the emergency beacon.
Nightwing is the one who finds him, but he isn’t stupid enough to recognize the others are likely on hand but just out of reach so that when he runs, they minimize his head start.
“Oracle says you shut off your phone, comms, tracker, and is locating your safe house as we speak.”
“And you’re telling me because?”
“Because we need to bring him to the cave. Because he won’t cooperate with any of us. Because we don’t want either of you to be alone and you damn well scared the hell out of all of us by disappearing like that.”
“You guys figure out the scythe and how long before he’s sent back?”
“Lantern figured it out. About 7 more days, from what we can tell.”
“How long until B’s planet side again?”
“About 3 days.”
There’s math somewhere in that sentence that Jason can’t calculate. A problem he doesn’t have the answer for. He refuses to acknowledge what’s about to happen, because if he does, he’ll step off the roof without his grapple.
“Tell the calvary to stop hiding and meet us here. I need everyone to agree to ground rules.”
Cass is the most proficient at B’s trick of appearing from the shadows, but the rest of the bats are a fair hand at it too. And suddenly, everyone who had been out of town slightly over a day ago, was congregated on a single roof. If Jason couldn’t solve the problem of seven days and Bruce Wayne, he’s not sure he really has a chance with so many more variables thrown in. Especially with the least predictable ones.
“We will meet you all at the cave tomorrow, in the morning. You are not crowding my safe house.”
There is some shuffling, but no objections.
“I have told him all of your names. He does not know more than how each of you loosely came to meet B. He does not know my vigilante name, the new kids vigilante names, except Oracle, or how I met any of you. Or when.”
The shuffling has stopped. It’s just the dark, silence, Jason, and everyone he’s spent what amounts to his current life avoiding.
“He is 15 and for him, Batman just got on a helicopter in Ethiopia.”
If there’s silence now, Jason can’t hear it over the rushing in his ears.
“For as long as he is in this timeline, I will remain close enough to get him out of any situation you put him in.”
He’s focusing on a spot in the middle distance. Jason is afraid he might black out.
“He will know that we are lying to him soon, although I can’t guess how quick he’ll catch on. When he asks about it, about our - death.”
It takes almost a full minute for Jason to keep speaking.
“You will direct him to me.”
Jason sweeps his unfocused eyes over a mismatched group of vigilantes in the dark. They are rigid and unflinching. Jason wants more than anything in the world to be somewhere, anywhere else.
“You will not leave him and B alone in the same room together.”
This time, his eyes are focused and he meets each of their gazes.
He looks to Cass last, and at her nod, Jason steps off the roof and swings away.
Jason gives himself ground rules the next morning.
“You can ask questions. You might not always get an answer.”
“If someone will not give you an answer, come find me.”
“If you want out, of anything, you press the button I gave you.”
“I will remain in the same building as you at all times. If you need space from me, say so. If you want me in the next room, signal. I will stay as close or as far as you prefer.”
“There are things that the others will know that you have not shared. I cannot undo that, and I am sorry. However, both things that I told you as proof of myself are, to my knowledge, things they remain unaware of.”
“I will respect whatever decision you make in what you choose to share with them.”
“I will not, under any circumstances, allow you and B to be alone in the same room.”
The final rule gets him a raised eyebrow, one that he stares unflinchingly at.
“Why not?”
“I do not trust his emotional regulation when it comes to you. He is still safe, still Bruce or Batman or B. But he has made far too many mistakes for me to allow him to make decisions regarding you. I believe him to be, emotionally compromised.”
There is still skepticism in his own face. The face of a child that will never become an adult. Not the way he should have.
“And you won’t tell me why?”
“Not until we know for sure about eh paradox thing. And we both know there are some things neither of us are ever gonna want to talk about - for me, this is one of them. So, for now, no.”
The kid seems to accept this and they pack a small bag of Jason’s gear and books. They’re on his motorcycle in less than half an hour and are pulling up to the cave entrance in less than two hours.
There is no welcome party. Just the cave, and Alfred.
There is no glass case.
When Jason cuts the engine on the bike, he feels pins and needles down his spine.
He takes his gear out of his bag and moves towards the lockers to store it. He can’t watch this. Can’t watch his younger self approach Alfred. He tries not to hear what they say to each other. He fails.
Jason doesn’t have to imagine what he would have said to Alfred when he was 15, if he had gotten home. The conversation is eerily similar to his own nightmares.
“Hey Alfie.”
“Master Jason, it has been a long time since I have seen you, although I suspect the reverse is not quite true for you.”
He hears a huffed laugh behind him and squeezes his eyes shut.
“I’m sorry I ran away.”
Jason knows he must have steeled himself to the words, to say them now or risk not saying them at all.
“Master Ja-“
“And I know that I shouldn’t have done it. And that he, I said that it’s been years since you’ve probably thought about it, since I ran away, so maybe you’ve already gotten the apology but for me it was yesterday. And I don’t know how I’m going to go home and tell you that I’m sorry, and I know I will never get to skip chores for the rest of my life but Alfie I just need to know that you don’t hate me too.”
Jason remembers being 15 and thinking that Bruce didn’t trust him anymore, thinking that he killed a man, and that Dick was never really his older brother and that he just wanted a parent. Someone normal who could love him normally without it being twisted up into expectations and disappointment. He remembers the polite distance that he thought Alfred was using every time he called him Master Jason, and how it had felt like a barrier to one of the only adults he was almost convinced loved him. How he all but threw it back in the man’s face by running away to another continent to chase down a woman who sold him out.
Jason doesn’t know what Alfred’s face looks like. Doesn’t want to know.
Because he knows the tension in his own voice, the way it spells out tears. Knows that his younger self if already crying even if he can’t hear it at this distance. Cannot allow himself to picture what Alfred must look like.
“Oh Jason, my boy.”
And there is a soft sound behind him, a rustle of fabric and a hiccup pressed into a shirt.
He’s sure Alfred has bundled him up and carried him over to one of the cots, or chairs, or even the training mats. He doesn’t turn around. He wasn’t meant to hear this.
Because Alfred is murmuring nonsense into his hair. And holding him while he cries. And Jason forces himself to walk upstairs to the kitchen, to sit at the counter and wait.
He doesn’t know how much time has passed by the time he calls Babs.
“Jason, what do you want?”
“I need an alert set up. One that will go straight to my phone the second B is planet side. One that tells me when he is within 100 yards of the manor, even if he comes by Kryptonian.”
There’s a silence on the line. Either the bats were broadcasting to her through an open comm during his little speech the night before, or Dick filled her in. Either way, they both know she knows his last rule.
“Thank you.”
Jason drifts for a while. At least until he hears footsteps closing the familiar distance between the cave and the kitchen.
Jason gives them both a small nod when the come in, and the younger Jason takes a seat right next to him, without a buffer, but they don’t speak much as Alfred starts his prep work on lunch.
It’s obvious the kid has a question when his shoulders start to tense.
“What’s your question?”
“What room am I staying in?”
Jason glances over to Alfred, and he looks about as calm as to be expected. He’d never expected to see Alfred cry, but he feels a dulled shock at the sight of his reddened eyes.
“You are welcome to your old room, or I can prepare a guest room for you.”
“Why wouldn’t you be using our room?”
“That fight I mentioned? Well, I was - hurt a while after. It was easier for me to stay on the first floor than to take the stairs. I’m not here as often anymore, so I mostly stick to the guest room if I am. You can take our room if you want it.”
There’s a small part of him that wants to pray that Alfred made the room look less like a shrine, or a time capsule, because the kid knows several years have passed for Jason and if he walks into the same room he remembers from earlier “that day” Jason isn’t sure how he’ll face those questions right now.
“I had some time to prepare it this morning, it might be close to what you remember and I took the liberty of stocking it with your old clothes that fit you now.”
“Thanks Alfie.”
After a while, the kid glances at him and Jason supposes he’s got a fair guess as to where he wants to go. He clears his throat.
“We’ll be in the library until lunch. And um, thank you.”
He doesn’t want to read the look on Alfred’s face. He doesn’t want to be in this kitchen. In this building. The look on Alfred’s face is kinder than he deserves.
“Of course, Master Jason. Do enjoy yourselves.”
They aren’t ambushed on the way to the library, but they aren’t alone when they enter.
The kid stiffens beside him and shoots a glance at Jason’s left hand. Counts the taps, and then relaxes.
Jason knows Cass also probably counted the taps, and might be able to figure out what they mean, but they’ve never talked about it.
“Hello, Cass.”
“Hello, Jasons.”
There’s a snort from the kid and Jason is grateful that she staged their meeting like this. Of everyone else in the manor, Cass is the one who hates seeing anyone, including Jason, in pain. She’s the only one aside from Alfred who seems to understand when he needs to leave and lets him.
“Want me to read in here or go put books in your room?”
The kid eyes Cass for a moment, and then Jason.
“You can take the books. But if you want to read too I won’t stop you.”
Jason takes that for what it is, that the kid will be alright for a few minutes, but doesn’t want more than 20 by himself.
Dick is waiting for him outside the door to his old bedroom.
“You didn’t say the rest of us couldn’t see him alone, just Bruce.”
Jason’s mouth is dry. He pushes the door open and is off kilter. It looks like when he was 15. It looks like he never went to high school. It looks just enough like his old room and yet everything that had made it his, was gone.
“It’s up to him. Bruce is the only one I won’t allow to be alone with him. It doesn’t have to be me in the room if the kid doesn’t want, but they won’t be alone.”
“You think he’ll hurt him?”
That startles Jason, badly enough that he laughs. It’s a broken sound, scratches all the edges of his throat and teeth as it leaves his mouth. Dick tenses behind him.
“You don’t want to know what I think.”
“Jason, I don’t know how to fix this.”
Jason sets the books down on his old desk and turns. He doesn’t want this conversation. He doesn’t want to keep talking to these people. He’s sick of the echoes of his old life, the one he can’t return to. He can’t sew himself back into belonging, he doesn’t have enough of the fabric of himself to try.
“You don’t have to try.”
Dick makes a sound like he’s been punched.
“Of course I do -“ Jason cuts him off.
“We weren’t brothers, Dick. You made that clear, not just to me, but to him. I don’t know what you’re trying to do now, but you don’t have to. I’m not asking you to. It’s not your job to try and clean up B’s mistakes. You’re running yourself into the ground trying to play clean up crew for him. Just stop.”
“I’m trying to fix my own mistakes Jason, not his. I shouldn’t have treated you like you weren’t my brother. I want you to be my brother now. But I don’t know how. I don’t know what you want, but I want to try. It’s the only regret I can’t live with.”
Dick looks close to tears. Scratch that, Jason can see them, running silently down his face. His breath just isn’t hitching and he can’t seem to decide if Jason will be more or less upset if he keeps up the eye contact, but he continues to stand outside Jason’s childhood bedroom. Waiting. Asking for permission. Asking to be let in.
“Is this your dry run of the speech you’re gonna give the kid?”
“This is the first time you’ve been in one place long enough for me to get the words out. You’ve bolted long before I had worked up the nerve to say it to you before.”
“You don’t know me.”
“I’d like to.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then tell me how to prove it to you.”
Jason thinks it over. He thinks about himself, about a kid sitting on a roof and squinting at him, asking for proof. He’d known how to convince his 15 year old self. He’s not sure how to convince himself now. He wishes the dull ache in his chest would go away. That he could stop wanting people, stop remembering the familiarity they used to share, even if it wasn’t always happy.
It never stopped him, even when it should have. He would still run jobs for Willis, or get a fix for Catherine. He still tried to save Shelia. He wasn’t sure if he could survive it again. He didn’t last time.
But the part of him that he couldn’t avoid thinking about anymore, the part of him standing in his favorite room on the planet, just down the hall, felt like it was clawing through his ribcage. The part of him that would always be 15 and desperate to have an older brother, to have a family, someone who could just make the world go away for a minute. Not another fucked up parental figure, but someone else. That part of him was trying to escape himself and curl up inside the person who wouldn’t even cross the threshold of his door without permission.
“Ask me again in two weeks.”
“Once the kid is gone, give me a week. If you’re serious.”
“I am. In two weeks, what then?”
Maybe more of his composure had cracked than he was willing to admit. Because the look he was giving Dick made the man crumple.
“I don’t know, but. I’d be willing to try.”
“Can I - please, Jason I won’t. Right now I just. Please come here. Just for a minute, please Jay.”
And maybe in two weeks Jason would be able to let him in, maybe he wouldn’t have to wait outside the door. But he knows the week he’s in for. It’s going to be long, and worse than any torture Jason’s been through so far. He isn’t sure he’ll be able to get through it.
To look a 15 year old in the eyes and send him to his death.
Jason fucking hates death magic.
So he takes a step forward, and another and another until the door is shut behind him. Until Dick has a death grip around his waist and forces Jason’s arms over his shoulders. His face is jammed right into his chest and Jason rests his own against Dick’s shoulder.
“I am so glad you’re alive, little wing.”
Jason allows himself five minutes. To memorize the sensation in a way that he wouldn’t be able to forget. Sometimes, when he would try to think back and picture Catherine, he would wish he had been able to memorize the hugs she gave him more clearly.
When he steps back, Dick’s hands spasm beneath him for a minute before seeming to remember himself and let go. He doesn’t try to wipe at his eyes and the smile he tries to give Jason is shaky. Jason doesn’t know what his face looks like. He’s not surprised when Dick’s hands brush tears from the undersides of his eyes.
He doesn’t think he can say anything else. And Dick seems to understand, because he gently turns them both in the direction of the library and walks with him until Jason’s steps are more sure.
When he turns to go in, Jason knows he’s damming himself. Because the glance he risks behind him, not quite turning back, but not not tuning back, is met with a smile he’s never seen before. One that makes his chest seize painfully because it’s full of something Jason can’t believe is still in him. That hasn’t been drowned out by the relentless wave that Jason has struggled to keep his head above. The one thing he hadn’t parted with even in his final moments.
From the looks of it, the kid’s conversation with Cass had gone better than his own with Dick. He looks weary, and still a bit on edge, but he hasn’t been crying, nothings broken, no one’s yelling, and Cass has a small smile that is usually reserved for Steph on her face.
Whatever Cass can read in his own posture doesn’t seem to alter her stance, but the kid looks slightly more alarmed when he meets his eyes.
He taps his leg four times and gets a look of utter disbelief, but the subject is dropped before it’s even picked up.
“What’re you reading?”
“The Brothers Karamazov.”
Huh. Jason’s not sure what to say to that. Not without spoiling more than a book.
“Let me know if it’s any good.”
That gets him a laugh. Small, but there. And yeah, he wouldn’t believe he hadn’t read it either.
Cass looks like she’s said all she wanted to, so he sets up shop, cracks open something at random, and settles in. She briefly squeezes his shoulder, and then is gone.
It’s maybe 20 minutes before Jason hears the pages of a book not in his own hands stop turning.
“Are you sure about the four?”
One meant danger. Two meant stay alert. Three meant “safe enough.”
Four meant safe.
They’ve never used four taps for anyone. If Jason had to hazard a guess, the only person that would come close is Alfred, but he’d hadn’t shared the street code with the Bats back then, so it wouldn’t have meant anything to them.
“Yeah, Dickface wanted a quick chat. I’m not sure when he’ll try and drop by to talk to you, but I’d guess before lunch. Once he settles down a bit.”
“Cass said she’s new to learning English, that she doesn’t have much practice speaking yet. Said she reads posture better than words.”
“She gives the old man a run for his money in combat. Of all of us, she’s the best at hand to hand.”
“You didn’t try and school your posture when you came in.”
“Figured out pretty early on it’s not really worth it. And with multiple people in a room, trying to sort out all the contradictions can give her a headache. She’s never used it against us in a way we didn’t deserve, so I don’t hold it against her.”
“What did Dick want?”
“My fight with B is a bit bigger than I really wanted to concern you with. Dick wanted to talk to me before speaking with you so that I don’t complicate what he has to say to you with what he has to say to me.”
“Can we please figure out quicker whether or not there will be some sort of paradox once I’m sent back? Because I’ve been pretty good at rolling with your vague fucking answers, but I’m reaching my limit for bullshit.”
“Noted. After lunch I’ll try and get in touch with Lantern and see what the full deal is.”
“Do you want to be in here when Dick comes to talk to me?”
“Not about me kid. It’s up to you.”
“You didn’t stick around for Alfred.”
Jason doesn’t have anything to say to that. The kid’s right, it was the only break he was willing to give himself.
“You’ve done alright with him and Cass so far. Do you want me in here when Dick drops by?”
“I don’t know.”
It should surprise him more that this version of himself is giving him such direct answers. But then again, after reorienting, he supposes that out of everyone, Jason really had only trusted himself. He knew the lengths he would go to to protect himself, to stay alive. And if the kid knows he uses guns now, then maybe it really has settled in that nothing has changed except the knowledge of how far he’d really be willing to go.
“God, what is it with all of them and talking?”
Jason laughs a little at the frustration. It’s one he shares.
“One and I’ll get you out. Two and I’ll stay but Dick will leave. Three and we’ll both stay. Four and I’ll leave.”
He gets a brief nod, and then they’re both absorbed in their books for at least an hour.
He notices Dick in the doorway a full 15 seconds before the kid does. Neither startles, but he can see the kid roll his eyes from behind his book.
When he seems to catch himself with what he’s doing. He tenses.
Dick looks different from when he was 18. To Jason he’d seemed like an adult, but it’s obvious to him now that he’s a far cry from the adult he is now. He’s steadier, less volatile. Less teenage angst, more adult grief.
“Hey, Dick.”
There’s a small smile on Dick’s face and Jason tries to tell himself to focus on his book. He doesn’t succeed.
“Hey, Jason. I wanted to come and see you before lunch. It’s going to be pretty hectic and you’ll probably meet most of the new kids. But, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you at 15, and from what Jason tells me of the day you came from, I figured we should talk just between us.”
“I - you’re off world right now. Um, I left a note for B and Alfred but yeah. I kinda ran away. And, I don’t know if it’s different now because Jason said B adopted like a million people, but I did try and call you before I realized you were off world. I left a voice mail and. And maybe we’re not really brothers right now. But, I’m still sorry. I don’t know how I said it in the future, or when you got back, but -“
Jason doesn’t know what his own face is doing. But he can’t look at the kid. All he sees is Dick, who had already cried himself out earlier, get a fresh sheen of tears in his eyes.
It would have been kinder for Jason to shoot him.
The younger Jason risks a glance at Dick and then shoots Jason a look with far more panic in it than he feels equipped to handle. Jason taps three times.
Dick sucks in a long breath, trying to recenter himself under the scrutiny.
“It’s alright, little wing, I know I wasn’t a very good brother when you came to the manor. I couldn’t set aside my problems with Bruce and it wasn’t fair to you. I promise you none of that was your fault, or about you at all. You don’t have to apologize.”
There’s a look on younger Jason’s face that he’s trying and failing to school away. Of all the traits of Bruce he’s been told to have, Dick was the only one of them that ever properly managed that blank and unreadable look. Jason has always been too expressive.
It’s longing and a whole lot of distrust.
“B thinks I killed Garzonas, Dick.”
Dick does take a step forward then. Jason seems to realize that the couch he’s sitting on really is big enough for two, because he scoots over just a bit.
“B says a lot of things he regrets, little wing. I know for a fact that you didn’t kill him, that B’s wrong and it wasn’t fair of him to accuse you of that.”
“You know now maybe, but you’re not really my Dick Grayson.”
Dick takes another step forward and Jason stays perfectly still.
“Maybe not right now, but you’re still my little wing, no matter how old you are.” He shoots a wry glance at Jason. “Or how many of you there are.”
“What did you say before? Eighteen year old you?”
It’s an effort for Dick and Jason not to look at each other. To not give it away.
“By the time I got back planet side, things were different. We never really talked about it much, but I ripped B a new one when I learned what he’d said to you. It’s one of the bigger fights we’ve had actually. But I don’t think that’s really what you mean.”
“I should have told you that it wasn’t your fault. That when I was your age I wanted nothing more than to kill the man who took away my parents. That watching him walk around was an injustice I couldn’t stomach. That B had to physically restrain me and I had lectures about it for weeks before he let me anywhere near the case. I was so angry with him, with Zucco, and a part of me is still the kid that wanted him dead. That not every death is always a sad one, even if we’re not responsible for it. And I’m sorry he made you feel like he didn’t trust you because of it. You are my brother and I love you so much and it wasn’t your fault.”
Dick takes his final step towards the small couch and Jason throws himself at his brother. The brother he always wanted and could never seem to have.
“He just fell Dick, I swear I didn’t push him. And I’m glad he’s dead, he killed her and I just, I can’t believe B didn’t believe me. That he doesn’t trust me. I’m sorry I ran away, I’m sorry he fell. He said I’m not his son.”
Dick was wrapped around the younger Jason who had finally given in to the brother he’d always wanted.
Jason wonders if it would have been that easy if Dick hadn’t been in space. If he’d been able to crash at his apartment and talk this out with him before running off to Ethiopia.
But they hadn’t really been on the best terms anyways back then. Even leaving him a voicemail had felt like pushing the boundary of what Jason was allowed to ask for. At 15 he had only learned to mostly accept Alfred, and sometimes B. Dick was more of a distant idea than a real person, a tangible relationship.
When Jason tuned back into the conversation, eyes were being dried and there was a faint look sent his way. But no taps, so they were in the clear.
*I sometimes write drafts of fics in the notes section of my phone but a lot of them never get finished or are incomplete.
I’m not sure I’ll ever come back to/finish this but people are welcome to add/rewrite or do whatever with this.
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 2 months
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You will never love me in the same way I did, but that’s okay. I will let you hate me for a thousand springs if it meant you would love me in a winter.
extra doodle or whatever
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
Garmadon is totally into strong women who can and will beat him to a pulp whilst cussing him out.
For some reason, it runs in the family.
Edit: you know that tag i added saying “wish i could say Morro too but he’s probably the strong woman in the relationship”?
Yeah, that’s the Fsm too.
No, I’m not explaining.
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hearts401 · 6 months
She makes me sick i guess
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sysig · 9 months
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Two big softies(?) (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Flowey#Flowey is still my favourite UT character so honestly a lot of this was just self-indulgent doodles lol#But then - as always - it did turn into Thinking A Lot about [thing] lol#Starting with the classic tho! Flowey friendly-like coiled around whoever he's talking to ♪ It's too fun hehe#I love Flowey getting just a liiiiittle too close and personal to a discomfort degree ♫ He's just being friendly! It's a hug! A snuggle!#He's your best friend so you don't mind right? :) Why would Fellplates!Gaster mind ♪#He's always posed to stage right when I draw him haha - I'm still fond of the one Gravity Falls/Undertale crossover piece I made with him#Anyhow lol - yet more fluffy wings! It's just fun if they're expressive I want real feathers lol#Gaster's face completely neutral but his wings all puffed up and freaked out hehe#Flowey would definitely be able to tell if those are when he chose to wrap around!#If they were just the decorative version he'd fall right off from his own weight pulling them loose lol#Absolutely thinking of the one of Gaster screaming while being vine-wrapped by Flowey haha - he's totally innocent here! ♥#And then a little idea of how each of them react to humans - UkaGaster talks a lot about his general positive feelings for humans#And Fell!Flowey is.....well I have my own thoughts about how he might react to humans now that he's been...himself for a while#There have been Fallen Humans in the time between being locked in the Underground and [now] even in Underfell hasn't there?#I guess none of them would've made it as far as meeting up with Gaster - bit of a dark thought heh - but Flowey would know#Is it selfish? To wish for humans or to keep them a secret from the rest of the Underground? What might happen?#It's interesting to think about! If there were humans then surely Gaster must be aware of the Souls?#But even if not - even if this could be before all that - Flowey would still know about human Determination to an extent - being what he is#It wouldn't turn out well for anyone :) That's what makes it interesting ♪
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dykedvonte · 6 months
Ulysses obsession with the Courier is a special type of sad to me cause the Courier’s part was so important but so unwitting. They had no idea what was in the package they delivered and neither did he. Neither had an idea of what it could’ve done and the Courier was only caring out their job (mind you the Courier could be killed via notes in the express contract if they don’t). To them it was just another regular delivery to the divide and one that they likely thought would help, just like all the ones before.
It’s so tragic for Ulysses to hold so much ire to the Courier when it really was the case of it could’ve been anyone. Anyone could have delivered that package but they did and so he focused the blame on them and it destroys what he is trying to instill in the courier on a fundamental level.
#like yeah the courier delivered the package but in the end that’s a job#any random courier could’ve delivered it especially since we know in the past the factions were farther apart and this travel was a smidge#safer but courier six got it and this Ulysses blamed them#like I don’t care much for Ulysses because I think lonesome road embodies don’t shoot the messenger at it core#and what people focus on doesn’t focus on the fact that in the bigger picture#everything went wrong because two factions were at war and at some point the codes would have been delivered#and the divide destroyed cause with how close it is to NCR territory it would of been found#like there is an inevitable and too many people treat Ulysses as if he knows more or is more aware of the idiosyncrasies of conflict#when he’s like fundamentally flawed just at the standard of being a legion apologist STILL and just how focused he is on one persons#involvement cause yeah choices matter even the small one but I think Veronica’s quest says it best with a line from the courier#you can’t control what they do#like the courier couldn’t and can’t control what they deliver and yet it’s got them in hot water multiple times#like do you think they enjoy being shot or knowing they are indirectly responsible for activating the annihilation of a community#to me it’s hypocrisy to be willing to end the world or one world to prove a point and whatever argument made that only military factions#suffer forget there are innocent civilians suffering that had no part and Ulysses is no better than the Courier#I don’t like devils advocate and a lot of the dlc just feels like that but idk I know people love it but the depth is just not there for mr#ulysses fnv#fallout#fallout new vegas#courier six#the courier#lonesome road#the courier has very little personality outside what we give them but some lines and delivery paint a picture#like uhhhh undertale deltarune rules ig
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aurorangen · 6 months
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Renee and Vincent had just visited the hospital when they saw a toddler crying alone on a bench. Vincent couldn't bear to see this happening and rushed over to help. "I hate D-Daddy!" he cried through muffled sobs. "Hey, that's my son!" someone yelled. He picked up the kid and went to the guy.
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It was clear to Marco that Casper was refusing to let go of the stranger's arms and he dramatically sighed, "If you don't give him back, I'm calling my lawyer!" Oh he had the audacity to blame him even though it was his own fault his son would much rather stay in this stranger's arms. And this stranger was also a lawyer.
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Vincent had no idea who this problematic guy was but he was hella annoying! He had a hunch of what was happening and had dealt with cases like this before. Seeing the pleading eyes of the kid in his arms reminded him of the neglect from his own father.
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"For fuck sake Marco," Petrah cursed under her breath, "Honey! Let's not make a scene, there are people here," she shot secret daggers at him, worried about her reputation. If paparazzi saw any of this-
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Then Renee came over, "Calm down sir." When he wouldn't, she gave up and showed her police ID. Marco recognised her but couldn't quite place when they'd met. But she was a detective and he didn't want to get into trouble. You're in deep shit now Marco...
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"I apologise for my husband's childish outburst but I can explain." With her best acting skills, Petrah explained the situation her own way. "Let me buy you some drinks perhaps?" she didn't want to get into trouble either and surprisingly settled all the misunderstandings.
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spindle-and-nima · 2 months
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