#but clipping netflix is so annoying LOL maybe later
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Kinda 😾 rn cause I realized the Senna show made the "can we be equal? 👉👈" scene SOOOO much less intimate/cute. Upon watching it, I was too distracted by "Oh! They're referencing dialog that actually happened!!" but now I'm peeved having rewatched the actual clip 😭
Why would they do this to me specifically
#skflka sorry i love to nitpick#i guess this kinda thing is fascinating to me#why change the setting and layout so much???? if you're going to portray dialog we have actual footage of#to me theres just smth so palpably different about them sitting pretty intimately close together on a couch#in much more informal zipped down racesuits. very chill. very close. etc. much more levity(if a bit awkward lol)#vs having them in this very formal setting. sitting in separate chairs. in full racesuit. team and press surrounding them.#having ayrton sit so much more stiff and alain more lax whereas they were both lax in the original. ayrton even more so w his arm draped#i guess im curious how little things like this contribute to the overall portrayal and narrative they are specifically pushing#id include clips to compare bcs i feel like the way they have them speak the lines is sooooo different from irl#but clipping netflix is so annoying LOL maybe later#smth about how they make ayrton feel like this innocent puppy whereas they feel like they're on very equal footing in the irl clip#idk how to describe it. i guess i felt in the original clip alain felt way more cutesy and earnest#joking abt fighting and being equal. and ayrton laughs w him and is much more the intense one yknow#whereas he is portrayed very earnestly in the netflix one. as if alain is this older driver who doesnt take him seriously.#hope this makes sense :) yes i am the annoying fan who holds up a microscope to everything slkjal#anyways. i love that clip. alain is sooooo cute in it#prosenna#catie.rambling.txt#f1
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good lord I am so tired of hearing about RJP and his so-called attitude towards Bridgerton. this guy has literally not said a single bad word about Bridgerton or it’s fans. pple are just mad he hasn’t spent every single day tweeting about how much he loved working on Bridgerton or talking about how ‘revolutionary’ it was. lol have pple considered that he viewed Bridgerton as just another job?? He is not part of fandom. maybe he doesn’t want that to be all he is known for. and that’s not an insult to the romance genre.
i reckon s2 will be great, but there is a certain segment of fans that seem to be annoyed that the duke is the character most associated with the show. it is his face pple in general (not fandom) think of when they think about Bridgerton. even pple who haven’t watched Bridgerton still know who the duke is. and a lot of fans really hate that it’s not Kate/Anthony (yet) who the general audience care about.
The thing is that unless you're really plugged into the show or the books, you don't know much about Kate and Anthony at all. We have a clip, some promo photos (most of which aren't of Kate and Anthony together) and a few paragraphs about the plot. If Netflix is smart, they'll promo blitz with Jonathan and Simone (honestly, they should really go for something like that amaaaaazing Outlander EW shoot that imitated old school stepbacks and covers) and then people will get hyped and they'll remember to read the book and so on and so on and so on.
Most people who watched the show probably haven't read the books. They don't know that TVWLM is considered one of, perhaps the best book in the series. They don't know who Kate is. Anthony has yet to ~redeem himself in their eyes, so he's just the brother, you know? The meddling brother.
They know the duke. They fell in love with the duke. My friends literally just refer to him as "the duke" and they adore him. Of course he's what they're focused on.
And RJP took that success and springboarded to other things, which is his right and the smart thing to do. His career is not "Simon from Bridgerton". His career is acting lol, and he's gotta do a lot more to build it up. And let's be real, he's a black actor, so he has to do more than a white actor would. Those opportunities are not going to stick, most likely, and they're definitely not going to stick if he doesn't make the most of them.
He's said nothing bad about the show. He's alluded to the fandom being a bit much towards him, which they have been, but he didn't drag anyone. Fuck, let's compare this to someone who was put in honestly a very similar position--at the mercy of a rabid fanbase, as a romantic hero of a romance series. Robert Pattinson trashed those books. And honestly, Twilight is pretty loaded so I don't think he was entirely off in those terms, but some things he said were demeaning in general, not just towards the books, you know? And he really got little to no backlash for that--he got praised for it later. (And as a former Twilight fan, I have zero ill will about all of that, but I do think he used a type of language discussing things women enjoy that would be side-eyed a bit more these days.). Now he's Batman.
People act as if RJP owes them his life. Like... Dude was on the come up before Bridgerton. I'm not saying he would've blown up as quickly without it, but like....... He was poised for a breakout one way or the other.
RJP has said things about the romance genre that aren't fawning--I doubt he reads it for pleasure lol. But he hasn't said anything that I'd consider insulting. I think his comments are valid and sometimes insightful. An outsider's perspective.
He had a job, he did it well, he finished the job, he left, and he's doing other things. I get no sense that he's ashamed of Bridgerton--I imagine some of the things he sees online are awkward or embarrassing though, as is often the case when you become like this matinee idol type for women. But I don't get the vibe that he looks down on the role. He's just not like.... Soooo grateful to fans. Because ultimately? Where he got is a combination of hard work, and of course, some luck--being cast at the right time, being a naturally hot person. But it was mostly his work. He could be the hottest guy on the planet, with an appealing script, and if he didn't play it well and with charisma, he wouldn't have blown up. He deserves to be able to say "I did this, I earned this, I'm not going to fall over myself to thank people every day".
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So how did you start to ship Franletta?
Well, when I was a kid, Leonetta was basically the reason I watched the show. I lived for them. Rewatched the show so many times when it was on Netflix, skipped a lot of scenes, because I only wanted to see the scenes that was about them.
And then now i’m older, wiser... more experienced in the ship department. Leonetta was my first big ship ever, but then as I watched a lot of other shows in my teen years, I got a lot of more different kinds of ships. What I discovered was that I have a real guilty pleasure for shipping best friends. I still ship Leonetta very much, though, they are such soulmates.
When Violetta got on Disney plus, I decided to rewatch some random episodes. I mostly watched season 2, as that was my favorite season as a kid, and also s3 wasn’t out on Disney Plus yet (it’s actually still not out where I live. There’s a bunch of clips online in like every language in the world so i’m good and also I have seen it before, but I hope Disney Plus Scandinavia will bring it soon). Anyway, my more ”modern and cool” brain started to notice things like ”Oh my god Naty is totally in love with Ludmila?” and ”Why does it feel like Diego and Leon will kiss in every other scene they have together?” and just finding random scenes I didn’t notice when I was younger and just laughing about how insane this show really is.
Francesca was always my favorite character, but I never really, even as a kid, cared so much about her love life. I always thought Tomás was kinda whiny, Marco was super cute but their relationship didn’t evolve a lot and yeah, she and Diego were cute together, but I was more into the drama of ”omg when will Vilu find out about them oooooh~”. I always loved her friendship with Violetta. And Cami, too, she and Cami had some really funny shennanigans, but I mostly cared about her friendship with Vilu (lol).
So anyways here are some reasons why I ship franletta:
Fran was the first one ever to come to Vilu’s house and Vilu was so excited about it, and they had this little moment on her bed and it was so cute
Violetta wrote ”Amiga” in her diary and then looked at Fran with a sensual look. I knew she wrote ”friend” but like. Still.
In 2x06, Fran goes up super close to Vilu’s face and goes ”you’re my hero!” and Vilu grabs her face and says ”it’s called heroine”
The whole ”Fran moving back to Italy” storyline. Her father realised he couldn’t let Francesca leave Violetta behind. Like, he only mentioned Violetta. Not anyone else. Not even Marco, Fran’s literal boyfriend! He only ever mentioned Violetta as a reason for Fran to stay. Sure, he may have implied all her other friends too, but Violetta was the only one he mentioned so imma go with this now ok
Fran’s dad: ”If you love my daughter as much as you say you do-” OKAY I KNOW, LOVE AS A FRIEND BUT SHUT UP
Them in Madrid together!! Like, Diego and Leon sure were the ones that got some tension here, but Fran and Vilu got some nice moments too
Francesca didn’t want to have a birthday party without Violetta!!
Just all the little kisses on the cheeks. I know, I know, that’s a normal standard thing for friends to do, but i’m also kinda sqeak when they just talk and Francesca just gives Vilu a smooch on the cheek
^ My favorite moment of that is when they are talking about the party they will go to and Violetta is not going. So Fran asks if they should do something instead, just the two of them. Violetta says no, Fran continues to ask, but Violetta assures her that it’s fine. Fran is like ”okay” and gives her a big kiss on the cheek before heading to class. And Violetta just... turns around slowly, watching her go.
When they are arguing in season 3 after Vilu found out Fran and Diego dated and Camila sings while both Fran and Vilu have flashbacks of their good memories together while they are apart
You know how Fran used to wear a lot of pants and kind of casual clothes in season 1 and then in later seasons mostly sticking to fancy dresses and skirts? While Vilu on the other hand always wore blouses and skirts and stuff in season 1 and then in season 2 she started to wear more pants sometimes? Maybe, just MAYBE... the girls inspired each other?? Or it could just be an excuse for me to write another reason
I just think they would look cute ok? Also imagine Germán being overprotective over all the boys and Violetta comes home like ”ok good because i’m dating a girl” LIKE THE CHAOS THAT WOULD CREATE WITH HER DAD LOL
As a kid I found Roxy and Fausta funny, but I was annoyed of them always flirting with the boys, as I knew it would lead to something bad. I just liked them being together, being crazy gal pals, without any boy drama
Uh Yeah uh so conclusion I still ship Leonetta but I love Franletta and I believe I may have shipped then too all this time
#I need to stop caring so much about ships from kids shows#franletta#francesca caviglia#violetta castillo
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Do all the asks coward

1. what does your wallet look like?
-i got it as a present from my uncle for christmas and its really expensive but also so ugly im sorry uncle tom. its like that ‘southern fashion’ bullshit that white MAGA moms wear. but it was better than my old wallet, which looks like this and i got when i was 12:

2. favorite color?
- baby pinnk
3. do you own a pride flag, or more than one?
-heres the thing: my parents basically know im not straight but i havent told them. my brother has thought i was a lesbian since freshman year, i have a small pride pin on my backpack, ive never been on a date, its complicated. but no, i dont have one. maybe one day, hopefully.
4. describe your favorite outfit
-black pants, platform doc martens, hoodie under a jean jacket, one clip on earring, and holding my crushes hand :]
5. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter, and what’d she do?
-okay so theres this girl in my theatre class who is really cute, and she put her head on my shoulder and shes pagan so she drew a little sigil on my arm that means “safe and homely” so like :)))))))))))))
6. do you use nail polish?
-i do, i mostly do black tho
7. do you keep organized?
-absolutely. i have things online filed accordingly, i pick out my outfits the day before, my binders are neat, i learned how to army fold my shirts, i keep my shit CLEAN
8. ever take naps?
-only accidentally. ill be laying in bed watching youtube and next thing you know my autoplay has me watching a markiplier video even tho i dont like him and its 4 hours later
9. who was your first crush?
-idk if this is a real person or not so ill do both. my first fake person crush was either troy from high school musical or frankie stein from monster high. and my first real crush was on a boy named dominic in elementary school. i told him i liked him at the end of 5th grade because i thought i was switching schools but then i didnt and we never spoke again.
10. what are your crush tendencies? fall hard or often?
-both both both. i am the worst with crushes. i have crushes all the time because im romantic and a fucking fool. i have 3 crushes off the top of my head rn and i like them all for different reasons. thats not to say that i want to date them, but its that i like them a lot and i kinda wanna kiss their cheek or hold their hand idk
11. describe your ideal day
-play overwatch with my best friend (u gonble >:) ) then hang out with my cat, go get a smoothie, buy some cool shoes or something, take a shower and be asleep by 9 :,)
12. describe your ideal date
-i have stated that build a bear is an amazing first date and im NOT BACKING DOWN. ITS CUTE AS FUCK AND ILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS!!
13. whats your favorite food?
-either sushi or strawberries :3c
14. who do you feel most comfortable around?
-my theatre class, people from camp, and gobble
15. what is your favorite compliment to receive?
-i dont have a favorite, any and all are going to make my face go red so i have to cover it and maybe make me cry
16. did you/do you like highschool?
-the first 3 years fucking sucked but senior year has been amazing so far. mostly because i just kinda stopped giving a fuck but its amazing
17. favorite animal?
-i think its cats now. i really like cats
18. do you like your name?
-eh, its okay. its pretty but also it seems like there are 60 million fucking people named grace and its so annoying. i wish it was something more unique idk
19. what kind of weather is your favorite?
-a light rain. no swinging trees or thunder, just lots of rain. its nice to stay inside and feel secure
20. do you believe in horoscopes?
-absolutely not. but theyre fun if you like them
21. tell us about your music taste
-its horrific. to sum it up, my two favorite musicians are the gorillaz and frank sinatra. take from that what you will
22. have you had your first kiss? if so, what was it like?
-i havent had my first kiss yet. gonna be honest, i felt like i was going to, a few times at camp and recently when classes ended. but yeah, nothing yet
23. did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid?
-i went thro cycles of favorites. but one ive had for years is a plush shadow the hedgehog from universal studios i got when i was 6. i used to carry him around, even to a pool once
24. what time do you usually wake up and go to bed?
-if you know me, you know i go to bed ridiculously early. i usually get tried at around 6pm and fall asleep between 7:45 and 8:30. and i always wake up before 6 am. i havent slept past 6 am continuously since the end of junior year. please help me
25. what dream trip would you take with your wife?
-maybe to go explore new york, just the two of us that sounds like fun :]
26. do you have any pets?
-i have 2 dogs and a cat. the family owns the dogs but that cat is mine
27. what pair of underwear is your favorite?
-uhhhhhhhhhhh i have some with rainbows that are cool? i dont have favorites, none of them are cute anyway
28. what makes you smile?
-funny jokes make me smile real hard, and if you compliment me at the right time, i kind of pull my legs up and hide my face? its cute and charming i promise
29. what makes you feel heavy?
-in both the physical and metaphorical sense, eating bread
30. what makes you feel better?
-watching bo burnham always makes me feel better, hes my go to whenever im really depressed
31. how do you show your love?
-i show my love in everything i do. everything i do is for love, i love love so much its sickening
32. when is it time to get a haircut?
-whenever u want to lol?
33. where would you live if you could live anywhere?
-maybe san francisco, its beautiful and i love the city
34. do your friends and family take good care of you?
-as much as i allow them to. sometimes i go days without communicating and i know thats annoying but my friends put up with it (they shouldnt have to, i know) and my family is okay. its cliche to say, but they honestly dont understand what im going thro alot of the times, esp with my anxiety and shit
35. have you always used the labels you use now?
-back in the beginning of highschool, i used they/them pronouns and identified as asexual/aromantic. eventually, it didnt feel right, so i know identify as cis and bisexual and that feels right to me
36. what makes you laugh?
-my friends, when people shit talk gobble and i in overwatch even tho???? we didnt know him?????? and the mcelroys always get me
37. who is your favorite fictional character?
-too many options, see list here
38. who do yo admire?
-my father when hes not threatening to throw my phone into a fucking lake and my friends for putting up with me
39. describe yourself in three words
-i am baby
40. how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
-usually about 45 min, more or less as each day goes
41. what do you wish you could tell your younger self?
42. what would you do if you win the lottery?
-get my parents settled, see about other family members, and then distribute the money to charities accordingly, starting with flint and getting them water
43. would you call yourself a romantic?
44. what is your gayest childhood memory?
-my mom had cosmos magazines
45. do you have tattoos or want any?
-i dont have any tattoos but ive been obsessed with them since the 6th grade. id love to get tattoos, i just dont know what or where and also im afraid of pain
46. whats your worst habit?
-either biting my thumbs, starving myself, or ghosting my friends. prob ghosting my friends
47. what are you proud of?
-i guess coming out of my shell finally? idk, i actually have friends now and it feels amazing tbh. im in 5 group chats now. i havent been in a group chat since 6th grade. :))))))
48. did you know that youre actually a gift to the world, for real?
-hi i love you?
49. whats your favorite memory?
-there are so so many. but what comes to mind first is our dance night at camp where we all stood outside and i finally gave ian my tumblr and we all ran inside to dance to mr. brightside then ran outside again and we requested nightcore and rivers was fucking dancing their hearts out and we all sang along and im going to crying just typing this out
50. do you have a sweet tooth?
-i guess so. too much makes me feel like shit but i do really enjoy smarties
51. what do you like most about yourself?
-this is dumb, but my sense of style. since i got a job ive been wearing shit i actually like and its amazing. ill admit i have cool clothes
52. what makes you fall for a girl?
-besides acknowledging me, probably getting to know me and not like, putting me on a pedestal. idk its weird, ive met a lot of people this year who like to place me so high it feels like i cant make a mistake around them without disappointing them. idk, i want someone to call me out on my bullshit instead of assuring me im okay. i want to know what i do wrong so i can fix it
53. make a recommendation
-for what? uhh okay for music, listen to ‘clay pigeons’ by michael cera (yes i know michael cera) and for television, watch bojack horseman and for movies, watch the docuseries called ‘7 days out’ on netflix
54. have you ever had your heart broken?
-yeah, when i broke up with maddy because we werent ready to date. i cared and continue to care about her and i didnt want to hurt her but i knew its what we both needed. its what i needed, atleast. and i cant be a good girlfriend if i feel like im doing badly. but also ive had friends break my heart and family break my heart. but im okay now, this heart is ready to be broken again
55. when do you feel most yourself?
-def when i was at camp, that place is magical in the way it allows you to be yourself. but also when i talk to gobble because hes my best friend and when im at college, we can talk more and its gonna be dope as shit
56. name a gorgeous celeb
-jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal
57. what are some of your favorite songs this week?
-fake happy by paramore, im not okay (i promise) by my chemical romance, tomorrow comes today by gorillaz
58. tell us 2 or your biggest hopes and fears
-biggest hopes: i publish a book someday & i get a job doing something i love
-biggest fears: i end up homeless and broke & something horrific happens in college
59. what flavor chapstick/lipbalm is the best?
-raspberry i guess
60. are you okay?
-i answered a lot more honestly then i shouldve for some of these and i start new classes tomorrow so im feeling really anxious so im doing alright i guess.
gobble you test me but i do love you
#g0bbleb0ners#that took 90 minutes#also i got kinda real here.... :////////#whatever no one reads these things anyway
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9x06 / TFD TWD / Rickless eps. speculations
#twd spoilers
I saw a clip of Michonne and yeah I teared up. I think the saddest part of Rick’s being gone is that Michonne is so sad and had to raise her kid(s?...!) alone. I mean I already thought of that but it kinda feels worse or annoying since we know Rick’s been alive for six years too. I’m still interested in this uh new TWD show... it still interest me in some parts. I just don’t wanna see emo!Michonne. :( I hope she finds hope soon. (idk I’ll watch it..maybe on Netflix later on..but I’m reading spoilers and see gifs)
9x06, this episode is gonna a big a test for me to what TWD show will be like after Rick’s gone and six years had passed. (and for the fandom and ratings)
I think since the bridge was ruined, I think that means the communities don’t interact anymore. They’re not as united. The mains are affected the most from Rick’s not being there. They all probably haven’t seen each other much. Michonne is very harden ..again. It seems like she’s back to being like comic-Michonne in some ways. She’s in the misery plot and ...will find her happiness when she finds Rick. I think she doesn’t want new people or doesn’t want to leave ASZ. She’s holding on to the old ways or what it use to be. Idk about Carol, but from spoilers, she sounds like Morgan by going back & forth with pacify or pragmatic/violence. Idk I’m annoyed with writers, aren’t these people by that time have laws now? Idk what’s endgame of Carol’s journey exactly. Daryl is ofc out in wilderness alone with a dog(?). Idk about Maggie. I hope we get some kind of closure with her.
Omg that spoiler about the Richonne baby. I knew if it’s true it would be a boy. heh Like I mentioned before, I have mixed feels about this. I don’t like that Michonne and have to raise him alone with Judith as she think Rick’s dead. It’s so sad. Before I knew Rick’s alive, I really didn’t want this because it’s sad and added top of more sad feels. Now we know Rick’s alive, it’s like annoying because Rick doesn’t know and he doesn’t help her raise the baby. Another part of it is that since Rick’s gone from the show(AL leaving), I kinda want the baby to happen so that Richonne’s love and part of Rick is still there in the show.
We don’t know the baby’s name. I hope it’s not Alexander. meh. It’s probably Rick(Richard) Jr., but I hope they all call him RJ. I don’t want them calling him Rick. Like it’s weird ok.. Some names I had thought of: Stanley (lol), RJ, Andrew (with Andre/Andrea thing), any A-name like Arthur or C-name like Cedric, or Eric because of comic Elodie/E name. Anyways, it reminds me that Judith is Clementine and Richonne Jr. is AJ. lol whatever. #twdg Oh and maybe TWD show people can dress Judith as Andrea in the comics, because she kinda looks like her and that hat. Little Annie Oakley.
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