#inhate that guy
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irl · 1 year ago
google search results for how 2 stop bein INSANE ovr a crush tyty
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sh1noruuu · 6 days ago
I absolutely need a fanfic of shamrock getting back shots 💔
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kishs-kleanup · 29 days ago
What's something you can beat every expedition member in? Like chess, or something else. Vice versa, what's something they can beat you in?
"Uuuh... I'm obviously the best cleaner out of all of us, but, that's kind of basic.."
"Neptune kicks my ass at checkers. ...Um.." "I'm not allowed to bake or cook at all because apparently when I do it makes atleast 2 people threaten to end it."
"...yeah i can't really think of anything else. :("
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would-they-survive-fnaf2 · 1 month ago
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No home-brought weapons, no outside friends, only inhate abilities, and they have to survive at least 5 nights.
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aratakatism · 9 months ago
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okkotsuus · 2 years ago
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thinkjng abt it
More women should be taller than me
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croszukis · 1 month ago
I’m dying at the pics of Nick rn 😭😭😭
you guys i rly can’t MY POOKIES BEAUTIFUL SMILE
inhate the leafs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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reverendsrevenge · 1 year ago
Being easily influenced by other people’s opinions is actually so horrible I was watching a review on Green Day’s discog and the guy was like “I didn’t like this album” and I was like NOOOOOO NOW INHATE IT TOOOOOO MY FAV BAND IS RUINEDDD WTFFFFF
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solardick · 8 months ago
Theory of english vowel rulership.
A rules over BCD. E-FGH. i-JKLMN. O-PQRST. U-VWXYZ.
Vowels rule over the consonants as unifying governing bodies of information.
Y may be to Z.
In which case the sequence, the pattern leads a decline. The decline is on number 2. And leaves off to its continuation in nothing. 0 beckons 1.
Sequence of consonants by number. 3-3-5-5-5 or, 3-3-5-5-3-1. If 1 continued the pattern. 1 leaves off into negation. Deeper than 0. And a naked woman holding the centre of the cherub. As Z=1. Standing in a zero. 0. Not an O. Going deeper than the image. One structuring creation from within 0.
The sequence drops with Y. Standing in as judgement. Almost as a rebound. To say. Z moving left. And so here image is off some. Facing to her right. As 1 moves to Y. Y is becoming of number 2 the image is split so. 3 to the sun, and the couple trining a sun. The moon is to four. The two wolves, the moon, the crayfish. All four have faces. The star to 5. Though begins to lose focus on the play. Perhaps to show 5 8 pointed stars in the sky. Keeping its connection to justice. While 5 also playing to the patriarch. The tower for “imposed” limitations and stance. Belief and habituality. Should be a word. And then it’s entrance with the devil. Which at this point is 7. And the chariot as victory, being taken for a ride. The character arising from the water. Now shed of shell. …. Will stop that there, back to the tower and number 6 for the lovers. Temperance for 8. Connecting Star, Justice and, temperance as one.
Then it’s the old man hermit 9, to death9.
The wheel and the hanged man as 10. This places the man and turns him right side up.
And then on 11 a single card split like Y into 2. Is the strength card. The mother wrestling the lion.
Judgement and the priestess.
This is boring. Not engaged.
Well, let’s begin my old life based on sex. And never growing up. And never being happy or fulfilled. And having no physical inhibitions. Ill steal your wallet and use it to buy useless shit i don’t need. And then ill
Lie to your face about and say it eas the guy doen the hall. As i smile to the sound of bloodshed. A d then my conscience will come back and ill blow my fucken brains. Out.
Well cheers to a life of solitude. And emptyness. Used to it. Been 4 decades. Don’t know how to connect. Never had the chance free from persecution, fear and despair. Free from
Controling bodies, free from manipulation, Free from the vessels that degenerate mankind. Free from the words that are spoken for me.
Uh, inhate the weekends. Nothing to do. No kne to see, no tasks of onjectives to complete. No one to listen to and speak to. Even if it’s only task oriented. And has no substance. I don’t know how anyway. Tried save for this fucken jail cell of conditioning going on a decade now. Outside the 15’ orevious years.
Not much point exploring the eorld. It inly has one thing to offer you.
Im goign to go wat a bag of dotitos for breakfast and go back to bed.
Sommuch for love winning,eh? You bunch of rapist nazies. I dont even know what live is. Ive never seen it before. Not from anyone else. Ill just live i hatred like j have done for iver 25! Years.
Abd anything that promises ither wise is a fucken lie.
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starkrpro · 3 years ago
Peter may not get jealous and gets annoyed at Tony sometimes for his overprotective nature but there’s no way he doesn’t love when Tony whines about him even looking in another man’s direction
i think this is from a couple months ago hejshsjs
peter doesn’t intentionally do things with the idea of tony becoming jealous in mind, and he definitely doesn’t want tony to be jealous because he knows just how insecure tony is. but let’s say there’s an event, a party that neither tony nor peter wanted to attend but had to since tony’s the host of it and needed his eye candy on his arm for the entire night out.
tony gets trapped in an extremely boring conversation, and he asks peter to go get them something to drink because he’s kind enough to help peter out of such an annoying situation. peter squeezes his hand and practically runs off to find them literally anything without alcohol (peter’s been helping tony reduce his alcohol intake over the last few months).
when he finally finds simple glasses of water, a boy approaches him with a soft smile. peter does the same, his lips in a small line as he attempts to move around the guy to get back to tony.
tony’s jaw is clenched when peter returns and hands tony the water, and peter giggles to himself knowing the older man was jealous for absolutely no reason. usually this would end up with peter giving a speech about how being trusted is a highly important part of being in a relationship, however he can’t help but love tony so much more as the man proved how much he loved peter in a tiny expression that only peter could notice.
the little things were always worth more than huge gestures according to peter. tony, on the other hand, had no clue as to why peter was suddenly so giddy. the boy talked to himself constantly, so it wasn’t much of a surprise.
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dangerdayyys · 2 years ago
girlbloggers when they are oh so sleepy but also so so scared
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years ago
I love your writing so much that I will often come back to this blog to re-read your pieces and like an IDIOT forget that most of your stuff I have already liked and/or reblogged so when I IMPULSIVELY double tap to give that FAT HEART IT BREAKS THE ONE THAT WAS ALREADY THERE AND INFREAK THE FUCK OUT BECAUSE IM LIKE OH NO OMFG THEYRE GONNA THINK INHATE THEIR STUFF WAOSODMKSOSOEOEKEKEK and immediately reclick to like it again to save my ass. I’m sorry if I’ve caused you pain. 🤡
okay so
1. it´s really sweet of you to say this
2. I´m not the police, I won´t punish you for unliking my stuff and I also won´t think badly of you so you´re really not obligated to say this, this isn´t a confession lol
3. I actually don´t see who unliked or unreblogged! So don´t worry about it, I thankfully have better things to do than go through the notes of every one of my works every single day
I just noticed the follower thing since it says 2.379 on the side and when I actually click on followers it says 2.345 which I couldn´t care less abt the notes and followers, numbers don´t mean shit to me
I´m just sad about it cause I literally don´t know what I´m doing wrong, people don´t talk to me and give me feedback so I can´t improve, but I want to. So the lack of feedback is getting to me a bit since I really wanna know what it is, I wanna give you guys content you enjoy!
I still will write and post whatever I want and what I like too but I at least want to give you guys more of what you like
idk if that made sense lol
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dawn-vampyra · 4 years ago
Dee: well, I'll would have more that glad to assist you... But I al sadly not going to be able to
Reg; why not?
Dee: well... I'm Death the Reaper, if I fight, even in self defence, I'll probably just going to end up killing someone, I could had gone for the guy responsable myself, but Inmade Mist the promise of no killing anyone while being in here, and the promise made by Death can not be broken, ugh, Inhate loop wholes.
RHM sighed, he knew he's not going to be able to stop Reginald when the clan was at risk.
RHM: I'll go with ya Reg, lets just make the otha' know 'bout the plan
REG: "fine... I trust you..."
The pair went down to Comms...
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stra-tek · 5 years ago
What is AXANAR?
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A Star Trek fan film and the brainchild of this guy. Alec Peters is Fleet Captain Kelvar Garth of Izar. Garth was originally played by Steve Inhat in the TOS episode "Whom God's Destroy"
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This is his ship, the USS Ares. It's armed to the teeth and totally badass.
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Space battles! The Prelude to Axanar short film was released in 2014 and is really cool. It's on YouTube and features Tony Todd, Gary Graham, Kate Vernon, JG Hertzler and the late Richard Hatch. It was released to hype up a 90-minute "Independent Star Trek feature film" about how Captain Garth won the war against the Klingons (remember, this was before Star Trek: Discovery came along with it's version of the Klingon/Federation war). Fundraising commenced, and it was even endorsed by George Takei.
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Unlicensed Star Trek merchandise! Model ships, uniform patches, promises of an anthology book (to be written by actual Trek authors), uniforms, coffee table art books, official Axanar licensed coffee (yes they were licensing Star Trek out to others) and more. All perks as part of the Axanar fundraiser, which raised more than $1.4 million. They weren't technically sold, they were "given away" when you donated certain amounts.
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And best of all, fans weren't donating to make a Star Trek film, they were donating to fund a film studio where the first third of the movie would be shot. That's right, they were using Star Trek to solicit donations for their own buisness venture. Genius. Except, CBS and Paramount Pictures noticed and sued.
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Once the lawsuit hit, Alec changed his tune regarding the salary he paid himself from fan donations, desperately trying to rewrite history. Unfortunately, nobody told him that the internet remembers everything. Details emerged in court filings about salaries and perks for himself and his Axanar friends, about attempting to sell Axanar to Netflix (even though Axanar is set in the Star Trek Universe, features Star Trek characters and Peters has no legal claim to Trek whatsoever). Many people publicly fell out with Peters, including Tony Todd (citing lack of financial accountability), his publicist Mike Bawden (who is suing him over another coffee-related failed buisness venture), his tech guy Terry McIntosh (lawsuits were threatened but never followed up on), his co-writer on the feature script Bill Hunt, and Robert Meyer Burnett, who was to direct the Axanar feature (Peters did try to sue him, but botched the filing spectacularly and it went nowhere. And Burnett replaced Prelude director Christian Gossett who left because he didn't like Peters' studio-funding plan)
A year passed, the last of the donor money dried up and once the judge ruled that Peters had made profit from the Star Trek name, he settled with CBS/Paramount. New fan film guidelines were established to prevent others from doing similar, much to the chagrin of fans who were enjoying the likes of Star Trek New Voyages and other full-length fan episodes and movies like Of Gods and Men and Horizon. Axanar was to be made not as a 90-minute "Independent Star Trek feature film" but as 2 15-minute shorts which are currently (as of 12/30/19) in production with a planned release in summer 2020. All the details, court documents and whatnot are on the Axamonitor site for all to see.
What was the planned Axanar movie gonna be like?
The script for the 90-minute feature was leaked by would-be director Robert Meyer Burnett when he (like almost everyone else involved) fell out with Peters. Without the cool documentary format, it's Alec Peters self-insert Best Captain Ever fanfiction. The Axanar Sporkings shreds the script, and it's far more entertaining than reading the script itself. Some highlights:
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So there's the ultra quick, super condensed version of the Axanar Drama™. Please don't donate to anything involving Alec Peters.
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screamydreamy · 5 years ago
My doctor diagnosed my with gender dysphoria 4 fucking months ago, told me id need a second doctors diagnosis to get a prescription for bridging hormones and that she would refer me to him as soon as she could. and i havent heard a fucking thing in 4 fucking month's..
Meanwhile i meet an 18 year old trans guy who gets an appointment within the month, has one appointment and already has a prescription for T.
Its not like im not diagnosed, i just have to 7 hoops i need to jump through and beg my doctor to reply to my emails! I don't get how any of this works but i hate it and feel like every day og my life is been taken i hate it inhate it!!!
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Inhate that harry isn’t that kind of guys that if you hate 6 consecutive photos on his ig he will get the hint that you want him to rearrange your guts bc he’s the only guy i have the balls to do that
I only understood half this message but I somehow get whay you’re saying and you’re right
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