swinging by the chain of prospit!
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dangerdayyys · 4 hours ago
me: oh man, Joann Fabrics is closing. That's going to really suck for a lot of people
Sophia, the Victorian ghost who haunts a lamp I bought at Brimfield: not the least among them Joanne. though I suppose her business acumen must have been wanting if she gave the shop her Christian name- it just seems undignified. was that what drove her customers to other establishments?
me: well, nothing- it's a chain, and in most places, there weren't any other fabric stores.
Sophia: there weren't. any other dry goods stores. selling fabric.
me: not usually, no.
Sophia: in a whole town
me: no.
Sophia: and now there will be nowhere to purchase fabric at all in those towns
me: not in person. I guess people can buy it online
Sophia: what if they don't know what different weaves feel like? how will they learn if they never get to handle them?
me: some places have free swatch service on their websites-
Sophia: so they'll wait a week or more for a swatch, decide if they like it, then send away for the full amount of goods they need and wait even longer for that? what if they want something finished sooner?
me: they'll just be frustrated, I guess
Sophia: wait, why did Joanne's shops close? if she had such a monopoly, surely she'd have made quite a profit regardless of the name
me: an even bigger company bought them and couldn't use them to make billions of dollars, so they're forcing them to close
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dangerdayyys · 4 hours ago
forgot to post about this when it happened but here’s what my cousin (who is cisgender & in her 40s) got me for christmas. like imagine my face opening this
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i know she just clicked two things on my wishlist but it’s seriously the funniest gift combination i’ve ever received in my life.
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dangerdayyys · 8 hours ago
(so mad i can’t see straight) Yeah i just don’t think chat gpt is a good classroom tool
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dangerdayyys · 8 hours ago
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i'll acknowledge valentine's day with this shrimp. cause i made it today. on valentine's day.
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dangerdayyys · 1 day ago
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please look at this beautiful mouse
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dangerdayyys · 2 days ago
does anyone wanna hold hands until we feel a little braver
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dangerdayyys · 2 days ago
Everytime there is new teaser pics or a new trailer of the Minecraft Movie I'm tortured with screencaps from it
What do you mean they rendered baby zombies like that
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dangerdayyys · 2 days ago
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can a tumblr girl really love a reddit guy
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dangerdayyys · 2 days ago
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Danse Macabre & Danse Mystique
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dangerdayyys · 2 days ago
i love abortion and i love divorce
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dangerdayyys · 2 days ago
Put your fucking knight on a leash it keeps trying to duel mine
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dangerdayyys · 2 days ago
The humble and beautiful PDF does not deserve to now have the term “PDF file” be a censored version of the word pedophile. She has been nothing but good to us. You all apologize right now
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dangerdayyys · 3 days ago
If I hear one more person say "Federal workers should strike!" I'm gonna lose it.
1. While many federal workers are unionized, it is specifically illegal for us to strike. Before joining the federal workforce, we have to sign agreements to not strike against the government.
2. Musk wants to dismantle these organizations and dissolve the positions. If feds strike, they won't care. They'd love that. They'd lock the doors behind us. It would give them permission to fire everyone immediately and dissolve their positions forever.
YOU need to strike. Non-feds. For us. Federal workers have been holding the line against fascism for you, and it's time for you to get off your ass and hold the line for US. You need to strike because we cannot.
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dangerdayyys · 3 days ago
has anyone figured out how to be a real person yet
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dangerdayyys · 3 days ago
On the subject of Equius Zahhak: hypersexuality and patriarchy.
It's been a hot minute since I promised to write something like this, and I've been meaning to test a new writing style for these big posts anyways - so I'm going to try my hand at explaining my personal interpretation of Equius Zahhak.
Equius is one of my favourite side characters in Homestuck, and though the individual components of his characterisation are intentionally facetious and humourous, all of these components then come together to form a fantastic and deeply layered commentary, however unintentional.
Let's begin with the basics: our introduction to Equius proper.
The narrative makes it clear from the start how you're meant to feel about this guy for starters - he's a creep and a weirdo. Nepeta says as much in their very first interaction on-screen:
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This is backed up by the narrator themselves exhibiting a discomfort with him, painting him as a cryptic and eerily observant loner:
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Once again, he's making people uncomfortable. Discomfort is going to be a very common theme going forward, particularly once we tap into Equius' personal interests and the justification behind them.
The next sign is when we first see him properly on-screen, and the narrator is immediately mortified by the state of his room and advises us to move on with the story.
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So, immediately, any cognizant reader knows what's up. This guy is a joke character. A punchline, a fool, a weird asshole with no redeeming qualities. This is, of course, the intended reaction.
...Which then brings us to the subversions involved with Equius' character. Every single off-putting and strange thing about him is subsequently repainted in a more flattering light by the conclusion of his screen-time.
What begins as an overcontrolling, possessive demeanour towards Nepeta becomes a genuine, albeit perhaps overbearing desire to protect his moirail from harm. The context of him being Vriska's neighbour helps us infer that he's very, very aware of the dangers of FLARPing.
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What starts as a bizarre and testosterone-poisoned obsession with strength becomes more of a fleshed-out character flaw. It's an inherent fault that Equius cannot control that brings him more distress than anything else. We'll delve into that later.
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This is not, of course, to say that Equius is without genuine fault. You are still meant to find problems with his behaviour, of course you are; the Aradiabot fiasco is an intentional violation of personal agency based around an unhealthy obsession. He allows himself and his moirail to die because of his refusal to disobey the vapid and classist hemospectrum.
Okay, so why is he like this?
I'm glad you've asked. This is where this delves more into conjecture, based around a few different things.
The state of the internet and online culture at the time of Equius' inception; and the ramifications therein.
What we know to be true about the aspect of Void, and how Equius interacts with it.
The added retroactive context of Hussie's handling of queer topics (as a non-binary person themselves!), particularly on the subject of gender identity.
Let's start with point one.
Equius and hypersexuality.
At the time of Homestuck's inception, it was a veritable fact that the internet was overrun with overt sexuality, oft for the sake of shock value as opposed to arousal. Screamers and shock sites like 2girls1cup, goatse, Mr. Hands... (that last one is particularly relevant).
I cite Mr. Hands in particular because therein we get to the use of bestiality as a gross-out punchline. This is what Hussie's invoking with Equius; you're looking at this guy and seeing a gross freak who hangs horse porn on his walls. It's appealing to the fact that:
Homosexuality was considered a funny punchline.
The furry fandom was considered a funny puchline.
Bestiality was considered a funny punchline.
And so, this thirteen year old child hanging gay horse porn on his walls is meant to be played for laughs.
But with the retroactive lens we're looking at this through now? It's not only deeply disturbing for reasons I don't think I need to explain, but it's also a portrait of unhealthy teenage sexuality and the ramifications of exposure to explicit content at a young age.
Because it's a veritable fact that Equius does not understand boundaries and has a deeply flawed relationship with his sexuality. It's the kind of hypersexuality induced by childhood exposure to sexual material, and I would go as far as to call it a kind of CSE.
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Need more proof of this? Dave Strider. Bro's weird sex puppets and usage of pornography as a punchline undeniably fucked Dave up, and explains the way he so regularly uses sex, particularly gay sex as a source of humour. Dave is the same problem that Equius rises, played seriously at a point in the story wherein these things are no longer treated so facetiously.
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Furthermore, it becomes clear that Equius does not actually understand what he is consuming and emulating. Pornography isn't pornography to him, it's fine art. He's uncomfortable and unhappy with his sexuality because he lacks a label for it and doesn't know what it is he's feeling. This is tied to his Aspect of Void; but more on that in just a second.
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This is uncomfortable. It is meant to be uncomfortable.
Equius' toying with casteplay and power dynamics is a clear representation of this frayed relationship - and it also segues into our point about his lack of self-worth.
Equius, the Heir of Void.
The Void Aspect. The Aspect of irrelevance, secrecy, ignorance, simplicity and absence, amongst other things.
The Heir Class. The Class that indicates an overabundance of the player's Aspect that overwhelms them and embodies them.
Equius is he who inherits, becomes and is consumed by emptiness. Because Equius Zahhak does not have a sense of selfhood or self-worth. The inference brought about by his title as the Heir of Void is that Equius is overwhelmed by nothingness.
Combine this with his Dersite status and the consensus on Lunar Sway (Prospit indicating externalisation, Derse indicating internalisation) and you get a very clear image of how Equius' title translates.
An overwhelming, consuming sense of internalised absence and nothingness. This is where Equius' hemospectrum adherence comes in! It's a cover up to compensate for his purposelessness and lack of meaningful identity. He sees himself as being deficient in anything real or of substance, and so adheres to the system placed before him because it is the only thing he feels he understands.
Once again, this is uncomfortable and a real phenomenon amongst teen boys. We see it with Eridan, too; young and confused teenagers with no sense of purpose falling into harmful and bigoted pipelines because they have no sense of direction otherwise.
(In a roundabout sense this explains Tavros' role as well; The Page indicates a deficit in their Aspect throughout the session and so the trolls lacking Breath in the form of directionlessness fits fairly well).
It's almost like watching a young boy fall into the alt-right, or start feed into Andrew Tate-style snake oil bullshit. It's the exact same kind of exploitation on a much larger scale; because it's the whole of Alternian society orchestrated by Doc Scratch.
You know... the Doc Scratch meant to represent online groomers?
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So, we've been over about all I can cover about Equius' sexual trauma, lack of boundaries and emptiness/lack of self. So, how does this translate? Particularly thinking on the last point, I'd like to give my two cents about a very interesting headcanon for Equius that's been circulating a lot lately.
Equius, and gender identity.
A transfeminine reading greatly enhances the content of Equius' character, and provides a narratively satisfying character arc and means of development for them.
(From hereon out, I will be referring to Equius by the pronouns she/her).
I've seen Nekropsii sum this up beautifully, and I'll paraphrase this interpretation to the best of my ability; Equius' manifestation of masculinity is akin to a poison to her.
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It makes her into a grotesque, testosterone-poisoned freak that physically cannot interact with anything around her without hurting it. It is the metaphorical confusion and fury of dysphoria made literal. It is the emptiness and lack of self that I myself can corrobate as a trans woman myself.
Masculinity is a curse for Equius. Much like quite a few other Homestuck characters (Dave & Jake come to mind), Equius really fucking hates being a guy.
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So, this ties into my final point.
How I personally would have developed Equius had she been given the screentime to keep being relevant to the story.
The transfeminine character arc seems obvious. I believe that, if a person would be willing and able to tackle the more obscene and deliberately uncomfortable components of Equius' character, you could make an incredibly raw and interesting portrayal of transition and identity.
What's more; this is corroborated by Equius' closest relationship. Nepeta Leijon, the Rogue of Heart. The girl whose role indicates the ability to share identity and selfhood. Nepeta could very, very easily function as a catalyst for Equius gaining her own identity and being helped through the transition process. It makes an already STRONG and stable moirallegiance all the more interesting and heartwarming to witness.
This is not to say that Equius should not have agency herself, of course; an important part of this development would be the formulation of an independent self without debilitating outside influence. It would be allowing herself not to be consumed needlessly by Void.
Equius, and further relationship dynamics.
Equius' relationship with Gamzee (which I have always read as a one-sided kismesis) is also very important to me. This is not healthy. Equius is using Gamzee as a vessel for her fantasies and lack of boundaries, and through her black feelings she vents out her frustration with her sexuality and intrinsic need to obey and serve someone of a higher caste.
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I don't think I need to tell any of you how well that works out once Gamzee goes sober. (I'd rather not dwell on the topic of the Makaras too long; that's something for a wholly separate post - and one that I'm sure would end up being rather scathing towards Hussie).
Finally, Equius' relationship with Aradia. This is also one I feel is unhealthy and once again one-sided. It is the same principle as Gamzee; merely in the red quadrant as opposed to the pitch one. Equius is using somebody as a vessel to vent out her feelings of purposelessness and frustration, and deliberately ignoring the lack of reciprocation.
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Both of these connections are similar; and both of them end with Equius getting her shit kicked in.
How one would retool and treat these relationships post-character development is up to them, but I personally think it would be healthier for Equius to step away from both of them. I don't think Aradia would want or need Equius' continued presence in her life, and Gamzee is notoriously terrible at relationships. (We know damn well how a reciprocated blackrom with him turns out, just ask Terezi).
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Equius, in conclusion.
That's all I really have to say on this matter; a long-winded and ultimately self-serving wall of text that I'm sure will come off as masturbatory and stupid when I read over it again. That being said, I wanted to lay all of this down in one place.
tl;dr - Equius Zahhak is a complex and interesting character with commentaries on teenage hypersexuality and unhealthy masculinity, and reading her as a trans woman provides an incredibly interesting character arc for her in the long term.
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dangerdayyys · 3 days ago
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Stupid doodles but what if they did the breakfast club dances
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dangerdayyys · 3 days ago
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