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Hello! I was curious whether ch 1-113 (I believe?) Has been translated yet? Thank you all again for your hard work, I really appreciate it!!
close, it's chapters 1 to 132 that are missing! 1 through 71 are done, we're currently partway through chapter 72 :) even though those first 70 are done, we're waiting to publish the whole set at once so there's not just a sudden gap in the middle
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Hiya! Adore all of your works!
Curious to know your twist on a muggle Harry who can't perform magic at all (or is he?) but is for some reason REALLY LUCKY (aside from having to deal w/ the dursleys) who accidently stumbles upon the wizarding community due to trying to run away from the dursleys, somehow manages to Mcguyver his way into living there w/out anyone the wiser and picks up a hobby of helping ppl out while still being undetected. He sees some of the shit going on and goes, huh that ain't right, and welp Harrys always had a clever head on his shoulders, common sense thru the roof, and crazy luck.
So he goes out of his way to to set things right the Harry way! So he does, using completely muggle means (?) to unknowingly fix wizarding society, after all nothing like a bit of duct tape, grit, wit, blackmail, ALOT OF LUCK, and a hyperfocused willpower to get the job done! But then people start Noticing and some get curious, and somehow everytime this tiny kid leaves somewhere, a messy situation is somehow magically(?) fixed but they don't understand HOW....and then Harry accidentally stumbles upon this bald dude in the forest he was picking some herbs and stuff from (mans gotta eat) and thru the power of concern (bruh you could get some weird disease from slurping raw animal blood wtf) and sheer luck manages to strike a weird tentative friendship(?) with the pasty bald dude w/ a vampire fetish(?) that clearly needs to get some help....but have no fear Harry's up to the task! He's always wanted a friend and he can start with this one, offer up his services and gain a friend!
Hello! Thank you - you're very sweet!
Harry just bullshitting his way through the wizarding world is absolutely hilarious. God, it's the ultimate bluff, and given the general lack of awareness the rest of wizarding Britain has, I fully believe they'd just never clue on.
I'm not sure if I'd ever write something like this, since I tend to like to do magically powerful Harrys. But it'd be fun to do as maybe instead of becoming an obscurial, Harry's magic finds other, safer ways to manifest. Uncle Vernon never quite remembering to lock the cupboard door. Dudley tripping over whenever he tries to start a new game of Harry Hunting. Aunt Petunia getting a call from a neighbour just before she launches into a scathing rant.
Harry doesn't understand his insane luck, but he's also smart enough not to question it. So one day, when Dudley is sick, and Aunt Petunia forgets to pick him up from school, Harry decides to walk home. Only, he doesn't quite remember the way - but that's okay! Because things just fall into place around him.
Along the way, he stumbles into the Wizarding World, and his luck carries him into finding a new home, with neighbours that dote on him - and Harry's always been a kind boy that is used to doing odd tasks to help out. So he...does.
His friend Tom comes later, and even though Harry found him when he was more misty and a hell of a lot less corporeal than most people, he still treasures him! And sure, sometimes Tom tries to drink his blood, and maybe he possessed a cat once, but he also starts to talk to Harry, and teaches him how to...target his luck and turn it into a weapon.
#infinitesky27#harry potter#i probably wouldnt write this#but if someone else wants to take it on#feel free!
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Pls help me find a BNHA fic where Izuku knows, i think, his friends from the future, like he knows their history and what they are like as adults but doesn't know them personally? He could probably see them from the future or from another dimension? (Not sure on this)
But! I know for sure that in the fic he had the power to turn back time too, and I just remember this one scene where during the entrance exam Uraraka got killed by the 0 point robot and so Izuku reversed time in order to save her.
If anyone knows this story pls let me know! Im pretty sure i read this on fanfic.net but my memory is blurry.
this isn't ringing any bells, i don't recall ever reading anything from ff.net!
do any followers know this one?
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Have you ever read Tuna Fish and Red Splattered Pages? If so what are your thoughts on this brilliant story?
Sadly I have not. i tried looking it up but i think its been deleted now
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Hiya! Is I wish you were my boyfriend an actual Harem for Shen yuan?? Is that the end goal?
sorry I didn’t see these asks earlier, Tumblr seems to be eating my message notifications again aaa
for now it seems like monogamous bingqiu is endgame, there is just… quite a lot of liushen pining and I’m dying a little bit on the inside
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5 Things
Nice! Thanks to @light-no for the tag!
Rules: Say five things about your self then tag ten people
1: I was a business major for one semester in college. It was awful
2: The first anime I started was Soul Eater but the first I finished was Fruits Basket
3: I’m basically craving ice cream 24/7. That or jelly beans
4: I have a dermal piercing on my stomach
5: The only soda I really like is Dr.Pepper
Now the hard part. I Tag:
@jewdadew @sher-locked221 @nidorhino @knellseeker @danganphobias @watachan @bleuberrys @sobbingswan @cloudbankshero @infinitesky27
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Hiya! Perchance, do you have any recs for just a general baddass Harry? Where he does surprising things, or everyone is somehow sucked into wanting to know/imteract more with him or him doing crazy stuff and creating chaos? Gen or slash preferably :)
I don’t really have anything new for you, I haven’t read that many HP fics lately. There’s the usual populars: Batsutousai, robst, and there are two I read recently - Adventures in Magick and Something Wicked by PseudonymousEntity. And The Sum of Their Parts by holdmybeer,
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Do u know any time travel Harry fics (new to the fandom) or gen fics, that show a close relationship between Tom + Harry?
Here is a list of fics that include time travel!
Solace in Shadows | The Fictionist | 188k | NC-17 | WIP |
When Harry is kidnapped by a seemingly sixteen year old Tom Riddle at the end of his second year, he’s convinced that he would do absolutely anything to escape – but “anything” can be a dangerous conviction to have, and even heroes can grow tired of fighting without hope. Sometimes, survival means making a home in the dark…
Fate’s Favourite | The Fictionist | 315k | PG-13 | complete |
You always get the stories where Harry goes back into Tom Riddle’s time, then either stays or gets sent back. End of, unless he tries to make Voldemort good. But what if things went differently? What if, just once, someone followed a time traveller back?
Prince of the Dark Kingdom | Mizuni-sama | 1.2mil | NC-17 | WIP |
Ten years ago, Voldemort created his kingdom. Now a confused young wizard stumbles into it, and carves out a destiny.
Hit the Ground Running | Tozette | 120k | PG-13 | complete |
The Horcrux in Harry’s head wakes up and begins talking to Harry long before he’s ever heard the name Voldemort.
Soul Magic | CeNedraRiva | 18k | PG-13 | complete |
It seemed as if a second became eternity as the spell struck the Potter child. The innocent curiosity on his face did not change as the curse hit and bounced, and then suddenly the viridian light was flaring and brightening, and Tom Marvolo Riddle swore as he realised he was within point blank range, there was no chance to avoid-
And he felt the curse wash over him, and it was as gentle as silk.
The Darkness Within | Kurinoone | 365k | PG-13 | complete |
What if Wormtail hadn’t told Lord Voldemort the Potters hideout. What if he took Harry straight to him instead?
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Hi! Im kinda confused on the post you h d of jared shirtless and another guy that looked a bit similar who was also shirtless. Basically the Jensen having a type part. Did he have a crush on a guy before?
Hi, darlin’! The guy in the picture is Austin Peck, he was on DOOL with Jensen and here’s a picture of the two of them:
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I present to you a cursed notion.
We all know that Voldemort is a narcissist. Man literally goes on monologues all about how Amazing,Powerful, and Basically a gift to the world he is...well what if he sees Tom and goes hmmmm...yah I'd go for myself
You put that thought right back in Pandora's box.
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Ooh! I see that with your Great taste in Tomarry you are also a fellow Cedric x Harry lover! What about their relationship do you like? Why Cedric? What does he see in Harry? And Harry back?
And also, do you have any recs for this ship?
(Its a small sad pool for this ship unfortunately)
I think I just like the general idea of the softness between Cedric and Harry. They would balance each other splendidly - Cedric tempering Harry’s recklessness, and Harry drawing out Cedric’s passion. And I think if Cedric survived his relationship with Harry would have been a beautiful thing. Cedric’s unwavering support, during the fifth year in particular, would have been a stabilising element that Harry desperately needed. And, following on with that, I can fully see Cedric tagging along on the horcrux hunt (because he would have been at the wedding, and dragged along after the attack) and again, acting as another solid support for Harry, and a good balance for Hermione and Ron as well.
Cedric would just openly admire Harry, not because of his status, or because of the story surrounding him, but because Harry is a really nice guy that has been dealt a horrible hand in life. He’d admire Harry for his strength and sense of fairness - after all, Harry had gone out of his way to tip Cedric off about the dragons, even though the entire school hated him and he was an outcast and had no reason to level the playing field.
And I think Harry just genuinely appreciates Cedric’s gentle nature and his kind way of doing things. I think the inherent softness of Cedric would have been something Harry could use a bit more of - and the fact that Cedric would take Harry at his word would be especially compelling for a boy that has never seen his own worth and is often silenced by authority figures.
I don’t have any recs for this one off the top of my head, unfortunately. But if someone else does, then they can maybe chuck it into the notes?
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Lmao Tom actually planning to fck Hufflepuff Evans JUST to prove he DOESNT have feelings-he genuinely is just onto his EVIL ASS
Maybe not fck, but I can see him totally making out with Harry to prove a point, only oh no he actually is a good kisser happens and then the crisis grows 😂
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Real talk tho. What physical features do you think Death would settle on that isn't some manifestation of dead souls he's collected? Or at least one we arent familiar with?
Also I propose a new ship. We've seen Tomarry, we are desperately hoping for Heath, but now I raise to you Tom/Harry/Death. The ultimate OT3 of the century, give me antagonism in all directions and Harry the tired mediator but also harbinger of Chaos
Death’s ‘normal’ physical form is the tall, shadowy figure that’s been stalking Harry. If It wants to look like a human, It has to take the form of a soul It has consumed. It think for now, It will maintain the form of Nathan, purely to fuck with Harry. It likes causing him pain, after all.
And I could see that OT3. It’s the best of both worlds lol.
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It’s been a big week for everyone involved 😂
#infinitesky27#ybtm(ibty)#Harry is pressing down on the accelerator#Harry ‘gotta go fast’ Potter#Tom ‘no restraint’ Riddle
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yello. so should we wave goodbye to hogwarts from now on, has our boi harry moved on (lolz) from this arc
Yello to you too. 'Not yet’ would be the safest answer to your question.
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Hiya! I noticed that there wasnt a romantic tag in ybtm, but do you think there is a potentiality for more between Harry and Tom? I'm fascinated to see how you'll develop their relationship and the other's relationship with "Ciro" but will it get to the point where Harry will be like a friend, enemy, or teacher towards them? Also will you introduce Hagrid and Myrtle in your story? If so will they play a big part? Also I completely adore this story and believe that you write better than novelist!
Hello darling!
The situation with the relationships in ybtm(ibty), is that there are a lot of things going on with both Tom and Harry, that make me hesitant to tag them romantically.
To answer the first bit of your question, yeah, it’d be simple for them to tip over into a romantic pairing. It’d honestly be super easy to write them that way. But I’m trying to hold back on that front, because if I do go romantic, I want it to be realistic. Harry is, in his mind, in a committed relationship, and he won’t be moving on from Ginny unless he is certain there is no way back to her, and that their relationship is well and truly over. The main way I see it going currently is more along a one-sided, pinning sort of situation, predominantly on Tom’s side of things. That boy would take one look at this competent, aggressive, powerful young man and be absolutely gone.
As for “Ciro’s” relationship with the others - it’ll probably be an unholy mixture of friend, enemy and mentor all rolled into one. He’s going to be wrangling this gaggle of baby psychopaths, trying to coax them away from murder and mayhem, and likely being bitten by the little hellions.
And Hagrid and Myrtle’s presence and involvement in the story are a secret ;)
But thank you so much for that compliment omg - that means the world to me, love! xxxx
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