#infinite gravity pacifica
dawn-falls · 10 months
I turned one of my sketches into a digital and coloured drawing, so now it's time to post it!
Infinite Gravity Mabel Pines and Pacifica Pleasure
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I couldn't figure a good colour for the background, so I just left it white.
Hope you liked it!
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secretinasecret · 1 month
Here are some the canon information we now know after the Book of Bill and the strange website Soos FINALLY FIXED:
Saclene and Euclid are Bill’s parents.
Stanford’s middle name is Filbrick.
After spending only one day in Gravity Falls, Dipper and Mabel debated escaping through the window and calling the FBL on Stan. Mabel shook an 8-Ball, and they decided to stay. Stan overheard everything, and he considers it one of his lowest moments in life.
There is a high possibility that Dipper and Mabel’s parents got a divorce while they were in Gravity Falls, and that is why they wanted to send them away in the first place.
Bill feels remorse for destroying his dimension and wears his father’s hat, or a similar one.
Dipper’s legal name is Mason.
Back at home, Dipper once overheard his parents argue, and it gave him a nightmare.
Bill tried to make a deal with Pacifica before Blendin.
Eda Clawthrone was only one of Stan’s ex-wives.
Stan once considered to blame every crime he ever committed on Soos, and it is his darkest thought.
Bill cannot get over the fact that Stan was the one who threw in the final punch and saved Gravity Falls. He never will.
Soos hopes to have children with Melody, very soon.
Gideon still has feelings for Mabel.
Dipper and Mabel only survive in one timeline out of infinite. (The wildest one)
Mabel once tried to send her mother a videotape of her sticking gummy worms up her nose.
Stan wears a male girdle.
Dipper and Mable were born in 1999, which would make them 25 years old today.
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e350tb · 1 year
Gravity Falls - The Matchmabel - Chapter V
Chapter V: Strangeshrooms by Starlight
“We now return to the hit 1996 film Olympic, starring Raphael DeCaprisun and Kate Winslow!”
“So it is. Thank you Lookout.”
“I don’t get the point of this movie.”
Stan and Melody sat in front of the TV. The sun had gone down a while ago, and the room was lit only by the glow of the television.
“It’s about the romance of ocean liners in the 1910s,” said Melody.
“But… but why would you set it on a voyage where nothing goes wrong?” asked Stan. “The whole movie’s only ninety minutes!”
He took a sip from his cola.
“No wonder it bombed against Titanic.”
There was a slam as the front door opened, and soon Mabel and Soos entered the room.
“Did you do it?” asked Soos.
“Yeah, yeah, sure, I consigned it to the fire,” replied Stan.
“Good,” nodded Mabel, sitting down. “Candy’s delivered a note I wrote to Pacifica, so we’re all set for tomorrow.”
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” asked Melody. “I mean, I like matchmaking as much as the next person, but wouldn’t it be better to just let Dipper and Pacifica get together naturally?”
“Have you seen Dipper?” replied Mabel. “If we let him wait until he’s ready to confess to Paz, it’ll take years!”
“I’m with Mabel on this one,” added Stan. “I don’t think that kid’s ever been on a date. At least, not since that road trip back in 2012.”
“And that was only because Stan put him up to it,” added Mabel.
“I was stuck in a maze at the time,” said Soos.
“Does… he need to go on one?” Melody tilted her head.
“Dating is a formative part of a young boy’s life, Melody,” said Stan. “Especially dating rich people. Then you can mooch off ‘em.”
“I don’t know,” said Soos. “I mean, I never dated until I met Melody. And to be honest, Mr. Pines, your love life has been kind of… not good?”
Stan narrowed his eyes at Soos.
“Soos, go to your room.”
“But… I own the house.”
“Look, I’ve seen Dipper at home in California.” Mabel waved her arms to emphasise her point. “He’s actually been asked on dates - only twice in five years, but still! And he said no to both of them! I mean, I did pay both of them to ask him out but that’s not the point! And seeing that box out makes me think he’s still hanging on for Wendy, and he needs to get past that!”
She wrapped her hands around her knees.
“Dipper’s been going through a lot lately,” she said. “And I just want to give him something to be happy about.”
Stan raised his brow.
“Is this something I should know about?” he asked.
Mabel looked away.
“Besides,” she added. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have Pacifica in the family?”
Melody and Soos exchanged looks.
“Well, I guess one date can’t hurt,” replied Melody. “But why not just wait until they meet up on Saturday?”
“Because it needs to be a big romantic gesture!” exclaimed Mabel, jumping to her feet. “You can’t just wake up one day and decide you’re in love!”
“Sure you can,” said Melody.
“No! I’ve been planning this for years, and… argh! You just don’t get it!”
She marched up the stairs, shaking her head. Stan, Soos and Melody exchanged glances.
“Did she just say she’s been planning this for years?” asked Soos.
“It’s Mabel, she probably has a plan for me hooking up with Old Man McGucket,” Stan shrugged.
“I HAVE THREE PLANS FOR THAT!” Mabel called down the stairs.
Ford drew the marshmallow back from the campfire, taking a bite from it.
“Do you know,” he said, “there’s a dimension made entirely out of marshmallows. Marshmallow White House, marshmallow Everest, even marshmallow Wright Brothers.”
He frowned as he gazed into the fire.
“They flew too close to the sun,” he said gravely.
“So there’s, like, infinite versions of us out there?” asked Wendy.
“Yes,” replied Ford. “The idea drove more than a few dimensional travellers mad. Others became nihilists, convinced that nothing in the universe mattered. A friend of mine created an authoritarian society consisting of nothing but variants of himself - I meant to check on him, but his entire dimension became inaccessible after a few years.”
He finished the marshmallow.
“He lost track of what was important,” he said. “Sure, it’s easy to think you don’t matter when there’s an infinite number of yourself - but all the same, there’s only one you.”
“So, there’s a infinite number of Mabels, but I only have one twin sister?” suggested Dipper.
“Precisely so,” replied Ford. “Friends, family - the difference between he and I was that he viewed them as entirely replaceable. Me? Never.”
He tossed his charred stick aside.
“But I didn’t bring you both out here to contemplate infinity,” he said. “Let’s try some of these bad boys! …is that what the kids say? Bad boys?”
“Well, you’ve got the spirit,” replied Wendy, smirking.
Ford chuckled and pulled a sack of strangeshrooms over, taking a notepad out of his jacket. He’d already written the effects of the ones he’d tasted in the field, and now he rifled through the bag for ones he had not tried.
“Alright, here’s a pair I was looking at earlier,” he said, pulling out a small green one and a tall, thin pink one. “Remember, lick, don’t bite.”
He handed the green one to Wendy and the blue one to Dipper.
“Alright,” mused Dipper, “here goes…”
He closed his eyes and licked the strangeshroom. It tasted a little bit like cinnamon, but he didn’t feel any different.
“Eh bien, je ne me sens pas différent…”
Wendy snorted as Ford raised his eyebrows.
“Quoi?” quizzed Dipper, “Qu'est ce qu'il y a de si drôle?”
“Dude, is that French?” asked Wendy.
“It must be a member of the Babel family!” exclaimed Ford.
Dipper tilted his head.
“Pourquoi parles-tu anglais?”
Ford cleared his throat.
“Dipper, tu ne te souviens pas?” he asked. “Vous êtes anglophone!”
“Dipper? Je m'appelle Maison! Et nous avons toujours spoken French, that’s - what the heck was that?”
Dipper gazed at the mushroom, eyes wide.
“Whoa!” he exclaimed. “For a second there, I was convinced I was French!”
“A particularly powerful Babel Strangeshroom, then!” exclaimed Ford, writing frantically in his notebook.
“And dangerous,” added Wendy. “Who wants to be French?”
“There are an infinite amount of French Wendys,” said Ford mischievously.
“Ugh! I don’t even wanna think about that!”
She lifted up her own strangeshroom.
“Well, here goes nothing…”
She licked the strangeshroom. This one tasted a little sour.
“How’s it feeeeeeeeeee…”
Like a record slowing to a stop, Dipper and Ford gradually halted.
Wendy glanced around. The breeze, the rustling of the branches, even the flames of the fire had stopped - no, they were moving, just incredibly slowly. She ran her hand in front of her face - it left a blurry imprint behind it.
“Aw, sweet,” she said. “Superspeed.”
She got up, walking around the fire and leaving a blur behind her. She reached Ford, picked the pencil out of his hand and turned it around, so that now the eraser faced the paper. She then stepped over to Dipper, lifted his hat off his head and left it hovering in the air above him. Then she sat back down in her original spot and waited.
“...eeeeeeellllll, Wen-oof!”
Dipper’s hat fell back onto his head, while Ford lifted up his pencil in confusion.
“I’m guessing either time compression or superspeed?” he asked.
“Something like that,” replied Wendy. “Neither of you were moved for a whole minute.”
“Fascinating,” mused Ford. “This could be useful if we’re ever faced with another apocalyptic situation.”
He turned his pen around and scribbled some more notes, before grabbing another pair from the bag.
“These two look like the same species,” he said, holding up two fat, silver mushrooms. “We’ll need to see if they have the same effect. Dipper?”
He tossed one to him.
“Well,” Dipper shrugged. “Here goes!”
They both licked their strangeshroom. As they did so, Wendy blinked - then she let out a loud snort.
“What?” Ford tilted her head, her voice notably lighter.
“Dang, Ford!” exclaimed Wendy. “You’re really rocking that foxy grandma look!”
Ford looked down at herself and blushed, running a hand through her longer hair.
“Hmm,” she mused. “This one could have medicinal properties…”
Next to her, Dipper cupped her hands over her face as she looked down at herself.
“Oh,” she said. “This is… this is weird.”
“Not a bad look, Dip!” said Wendy, chuckling.
“Oh man, I sound almost like Mabel.” Dipper clutched her head. “Wait, voices sound different in your own head - is this what Mabel hears when she talks?”
Wendy blinked, and Ford and Dipper were back to normal.
“Well, that was interesting,” said Ford, grabbing his notepad.
“Save that one, I wanna try it later,” said Wendy.
Dipper rubbed his temples. “You’re welcome to it,” he muttered.
“I tried this one earlier, but it didn’t work,” said Ford, pulling out a three-headed strangeshroom - one green, one pink and one blue. “Perhaps each head needs to be activated. I’ll pass it around.”
He licked the green head and then passed it to Dipper. Dipper swallowed, then licked the blue one. He handed it to Wendy, who licked the pink one.
There was a burst of energy, and all three flew backwards, landing beside a stream a few dozen metres from the campsite. Wendy pulled herself up, rubbing her head.
“Was it a bomb?” she asked. “Wait, why’s my voice echoing?”
The three got up and looked at their reflections in the stream. All were glowing - Ford’s hair and eyes were green, Dipper’s were blue and Wendy’s were red. They all hovered a little bit off the ground.
“Uhh… okay,” said Dipper.
“I feel like this has been done,” said Ford flatly.
Several hours later, Dipper sat by the dying embers of the fire. Wendy and Ford had both drifted off to sleep in their sleeping bags, but nagging thoughts were keeping Dipper awake, and they simply would not leave him alone.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the college questionnaire.
“What I want out of college is…” he whispered to himself.
He sighed and fell onto his back, looking up at the stars.
“The boy’s got a prodigious mind, Mrs. Pines, but he wastes it thinking about werewolves and vampires and… and gremobolins! He needs direction!”
“I’m putting my foot down, Mason. Either you promise me you’ll finish this college application, or you don’t go to Gravity Falls.”
“Your mother’s right, Dipper. You can’t live in this fantasy world forever…”
In the night sky above him, he could see the Big Dipper. For a brief moment before he drifted away, he wished he was up there.
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sherbetgreeceuh · 4 years
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some old Gravity Falls stuff
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iamaicecreamlover · 2 years
Types Of Ships
The types of ships I have supported as a fan in my many fandoms. I can’t speak for every fan, but maybe one of these will relate to you. WARNING! This is gonna be long. You may disagree with some examples, if you do GET OVER IT. Also some ships may be from the same anime so mixed feeling alert incoming.
The Canon Ships
These are the ships that you shipped because they're canon. The creators and everyone behind the scenes guided you to supporting their choice. Rewarding you and every other fan with adorable and can’t help but love scenes. By time these ships become your OTP you’ll be pleading for them to finally become canon because you know it's going to happen, eventually. 
Personal Examples; Natsu x Lucy from Fairy Tail, Inuyasha x Kagome (honestly f*ck Kikyo the zombie) from Inuyasha, Midoriya x Ochaco from Boku No Hero Academia, and my favorite Hinata x Naruto from Naruto/Naruto Shippuden.
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When I first started getting into anime, I was only a fan of canon ships. I may have found other ships cute but because they weren't possible in canon I never thought about it with my imagination. Learned to get rid of that thinking quick, LOL!
P.S Hinata deserve better than just being a love interest!
The Gay Ships
I would love to say if they were a het couple I would still ship it, but it almost 100% possible its because there gay that I ship it. In a heteronormative society sometimes you just need a good old gay couple to hard core ship, whether there canon or not.
Personal Examples; Steve Rogers x Bucky from Marvel, Santana x Brittany from (hate to love this show) Glee, and my one of my many gay favorites Aziraphale x Crowley from Good Omens
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The Only Support As Fanon ships
Some ships you know should never be canon, but you can’t help but dream of the possibility. Something just draws you to the beautiful mess that would be that ship.
Personal favorites; Charlotte x Ichiya from Infinite Stratos, Hawks x Dabi from Boku No Hero Academia, my OTP of guilty pleasures Bakugou x Midoriya from Boku No Hero Academia
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Seriously, never let these ships be canon. My head might explode because of how much is wrong with it. So many toxic relationships
P.S Loveeee Barbarian Bakugou or Dragon Tamer Bakugou design, either way he doesn't have a shirt on so I’m good!
The Enemies To Lovers ships
Didn’t realize I was so into these ships until they recently became a bigger thing over the years.
Personal Favorites; Logan x Veronica from Veronica Mars, Garcia x Alvez from Criminal Minds, Claire x Bender from Breakfast Club, Lux x Amity from Owl House, and my one of my all time favorites Catra x Adora from She-Ra Princesses Of Power
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The Stumble Upon A Great Fanart, Fanfic, Donjin, or Video And Now I’m On Board ships
All of these ships I genuinely had zero interest in until their fandoms hit me over the head
Personal Favorites; Lisanna x Bixlow from Fairy Tail, Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna from RWBY, and wow there is sooo much fanfiction for them Harry Potter X Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter
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The Background Couple Ships
That couple thats always behind the main pairing or even further into the background but even a glimpse of them keeps the ship alive even if there not together.
Janna x Tom from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Pacifica x Dipper from Gravity falls, and all pairing from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun (seriously there all hilarious and would be great together)
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The Equal Footing Ships
Especially canon couples sometimes the ship feels uneven. Sometimes it’s there appearance but sometimes it just how one partner treats the other that you can’t help but ship another couple since each person in the relationship seems to have met their match.
Shego x Kim from Kim Possible and Kaito x Shinichi from Detective Conan.
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The Cry So Hard Ships
When the pairing you’ve been rooting for never happens and all you can think is, ‘whyyyyy!!!’
Personal Favorites; Yui x Hinata from Angel Beats, Kaori x Kosei from My Lie In April, and Hatori x Kana from Fruits Basket
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The Childhood Ships The ships you saw growing up that made you the fan you are today Personal Favorites; Ned x Moses from Ned Declassfied, Quinn x Logan from Zoey 101, and Sam x Freddy from ICarly
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The OTP Ships
The couples that you can’t stop squealing, daydreaming, reading fanfiction, looking at fanart, and yearn to see how their children look
Personal Favorites; Percy x Annabeth from Percy Jackson, Cress x Thorne from Lunar Chronicles, Ryuuosuke x Rita from Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo, Anya x Damien from Spy x Family and my recent top favorite Sasaki x Miyano from Sasaki to Miyano
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This defines their relationship so much ❤️
Thanks for reading to the end, especially since I know how long this is. Took me a while to type it all. This is dedicated to the fandoms. If you're a fan in any of my fandoms, I hope it's nice to know someone can relate to loving love. 
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neo-crimson-palace · 3 years
New Muses
Alright y’all, here’s the new muses that will be updated to the list. Hope y’all like what you see. 
DanganRonpa 1 & 2: Makoto Neagi, Hajime Hinata, Chihiro Fujisaki (He’s a huge Dick Dom, Cept with Makoto, then he’s his cute sub.) And all the DR1/DR2 Girls
Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright & All of the Girls from the Series
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic, Shadow, Infinite, Femboy!Tails, and all the girls from the Game Series.
RWBY: All the Girls, Qrow, Sun, and Oscar
My Hero Academia: Deku, All Might & All the Girls
Super Smash Bros: Mega Man, Sonic, Pit, Bowser, Ridley, Ganondorf, and all the girls.
Megaman Series: Classic, X, Zero, Geo, Lan/EXE, Grey, and all the girls from their respective games.
Naruto: Naruto and all the Girls from Naruto Series.
Bleach: Ichigo & all the Girls from the Series
One Piece: Luffy & All the Girls from One Piece
Fairy Tail: Natsu, Gajeel, & All the Girls from Fairy Tail
Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Ven, & all the KH Girls.
Dragon Ball Z/Supers: Goku (Along with GT), Super!Broly, Gogeta, Vegito, And all the girls from Z/Super, and FighterZ
Shield Hero: Naofumi and all the women in the series. (Note: Bitchy gets rough asks only.)
Goblin Slayer: Orcbolg, High-Elf Archer, Priestess, Cow Girl, Sword Maiden, Guild Girl, Apprentice Cleric, Hero, Witch, Fighter, Wizard
Code Geass: Lelouch, C.C, Kallen, Milly, Shirley, Euphemia, Anya, Cornelia
BlazBlue: Ragna, and all the girls from the series.
Pokemon: Ash, & All the Girls, Poke Anthros throughout the series. (Pokemon asks are aloud as well.)
Fire Emblem Awakening/Fates/Heroes: M!Robin, M!Corrin, Male Summoner, And all the girls from Awakening, Fates, & Heroes
Persona 3, 4, 5: Minato, Yu, Akira, and all the P3, P4, P5 Girls
Accel World: Haruyuki Arita, Kuroyukihime, Chiyuri Kurashima, Fuuko Kurasaki, Yuniko Kozuki, Mihaya Kakei, Megumi Wakamiya
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime: Rimuru, and all the girls from the series.
The Magic at Irregular High: Shiba Tatsuya, and all the girls from the series. AKA Tatsuya’s Harem
Date A Live: Shidou Itsuka, and all the girls.
Akame Ga Kill: Tatsumi, and all the girls from the Series.
Kill La Kill: Ryuko Matoi(Futa), Satsuki Kiryuin, Nonon Jakuzure, Nui Harime, Mako Mankanshoku, Ira Gamagoori (Mako asks Only)
Undertale: Frisk, Fem!Chara, Undyne, Toriel, Alphys
MonMusu: Kimihito, Kuroko, And all the Monster Girls.
Kid Icarus: Pit, Palutena, Viridi, Phosphora, Pandora, Medusa
Totally Spies: Sam, Clover, Alex, Brittany, Mindy, Mandy,
Yu-Gi-Oh Series: The Chad!Yusei, Jaden/Supreme King, Yuma, Yugi, Jack, Joey, And the Girls from the Series
Helltaker: Helltaker, Subject 67, Loremaster, All the Demon Girls
Attack on Titan: Eren, Armin (Normal/Femboy/Girl), All the Girls
Fate: Ritsuki, Young!Gil, Astolfo, All the Female Servants
Sword Art Online: Chad!Yui & her Harem of Girls. NO KIRITO!!!
Ben 10: Ben (OG ONLY), Gwen, Charmcaster, Eunice, Julie
FF7 Remake: Cloud, Tifa, Aerith, Jessie, Red XIII
Disney Girls: Helen Parr, Violett Parr, Mirage, Mulan, Elsa, Anna, Moana, Rapunzel, Princess Jasmine, Jane (Tarzan), Meg (Hercules)
Demon Slayer: Tanjiro, Inosuke, Nezuko, Kanroji, Shinobu, Kanae, Kanao, Tamayo, Fem!Muzan
Komi-san: Tadano, Komi, Manbagi, Osana Najimi
Kobayashi Dragon Maid: Kobayashi, Tohru, Lucoa, Iruru, Kanna (Physically of Age)
One-Punch Man: Saitama, Tatsumaki, Fubuki, Psykos, Mizuki
Gravity Falls: Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Pacifica
Nier: 2B, 95, A2
Highschool DxD: Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia, Irina, Rossweisse, Grayfia, Ravel, Sona (No Issei)
Rosario + Vampire: Moka/Inner Moka, Kurumu, Mizore, Yukari, Ruby Tojo (No Tsukune)
Danny Phantom: Danny, Sam, Valerie, Jazz, Maddie, Dani, Pauline, Star, Desiree, Ember, Kitty
Avatar: Aang, Zuko, Katara, Toph, Suki, Ty Lee, Mai, Azula, Jin, June, Princess Yue, Korra, Asami
Scooby-Doo: Shaggy, Velma, Daphne
Senran Kagura: Almost All Female Muses
Panty & Stocking: Panty, Stocking, Scanty, Kneesocks.
Crash Bandicoot: Crash, Tawna, Coco, Alt!Tawna, Isabella, Liz, Megumi
Legend of Zelda: Link, Toon!Link, Zelda, Tetra, Linkle, Lana, Cia, Shiek, Midna, Romani, Cremia, Malon,
Misc: Jessica Rabbit, Queen Tyr'ahnee, Callie Briggs, Felina Feral, Lola Bunny, Starfire, Blackfire, Raven, Terra, Supergirl, Batgirl Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Spider-Gwen, Nomu
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ultimateoptimus · 3 years
SCUBA Gravity Falls (Dipcifica) Part 2
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Red Alert to all Cyberspace Divers!
Out of the UltimateOptimus Microsoft Paint Junior Diver Fantasy DreamFactory into the infinite oceans of Cyberspace dives...
SCUBA GIFfany (The CyberYandere of Romance Academy 7 from Disney XD's Gravity Falls)!
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And here are all three of the Junior Divers of Gravity Falls: Dipper, Pacifica and GIFfany!
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Credit Where It's Due Gravity Falls Dipper, Pacifica and Giffany Bases by SelenaEde
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reddogcollar · 4 years
I desperately need to post like original content so wip time
literally entire concept from @the-gravity-is-falling 
Pacifica walked through the park, clenching and unclenching her fists.
Her parents were just... Non-stop.
She couldn't be in the same house as them anymore. It was big, sure, but it was no <em>mansion</em>, and 20,000 square feet was about what she needed between her and them right now.
She wasn't sure where she was going, exactly.
She could visit her friends. But they didn't exactly like her as much since her dad had blown all their money in the apocalypse. She couldn't tell if it was because they had less now, or if it was because her dad swore fealty to a demon on sight.
It could very well be both.
She really wouldn't blame them. For the latter, at least. Even if she wouldn't turn him to stone for it, she had a hard time looking her dad in the eye after that. It had been a little over a month and she still did.
Considering the former, however, left a bitter taste in her mouth, no matter how hypocritical.
At least she had grown as a person a little, and hung out with the Pines kids at their party. And it wasn't just because they saved her life and also the world.
She didn't notice the park melting into the forest, surrounding her with trees.
The Pines kid were really some of the only kids she could tolerate in that stupid town. 
Maybe it was because they weren't from that stupid town. They didn't know who she was on sight, and they started off more or less hating her.
She'd hesitate to call them friends (they very well could still hate her), but it was refreshing to meet a couple of kids on her own and actually build some sort of relationship, instead of her dad just telling her to hang out with one of his friend's kids and immediately being at the top of the hierarchy.
Things get a little boring at the top, especially in a tiny dead end town like Gravity Falls, and it was nice to have a challenge.
Unbidden, she found herself walking in the direction of her old mansion.
She scoffed, turning away from the path and taking a new one.
Even after some of her personal growth, that stupid hillbilly buying it left just as bitter as her friends did. She really had no right to feel like that though, did she?
He was richer than her now, after all. And he'd technically funded her whole family. And he clearly wasn't stupid, if he was selling his machines to the government.
She was bitter about it anyways. Her life had been upended, after all. So that should be fine.
She was glad to have the mansion out of her sight.
Eventually the path melted into a dirt road she had come to recognize, after a few private visits to the forest in the back end of summer. Regrettably, she wasn't in a car this time.
It was the exact place her parents would kill her for being in, she'd damaged their reputation enough, and that little rush of adrenaline at rebellion was just what her spirits needed.
"I want to be alone" shifted perfectly into "I want to piss of my parents" and she walked up to the door of The Mystery Shack. 
The little bell that rung when she opened the door made her flinch and freeze.
For a second, she forgot where she was and tried to remember what order she'd failed to follow, before some woman's voice made her blink back into reality.
"Welcome to The Mystery Shack, kiddo!" The lady standing behind the counter smiled at her.
She didn't recognize this woman, she hadn't been around The Shack since the party. Her voice was infinitely more welcoming than her own mother's.
Still a little dazed, she just gave her a bit of a wave and walked through the small selection of little souvenirs, making sure not to look to much at the woman at the counter. Or the slightly horrifying statue next to it.
Bumper stickers, bobble heads, snow globes, clothing. She had no intention of actually buying anything when she'd come in, she just wanted to be there because he parents wouldn't want her there.
But wasn't the point of rebellion doing something you weren't supposed to do, and making sure the authority knew you'd done it?
She grabbed a shirt at random, a black shirt covered in neon green question marks with "The Mystery Shack" written on the back. She could only describe it as tacky.
It was definitely the loudest thing she could bring home.
She took it up the counter and paid for it without a word, and immediately changed into it in the bathroom.
The switch from a thick long sleeve shirt to the thin t shirt made her entirely aware that it was getting cold, and The Shack was painfully underfunded. It wasn't bad at the moment, but it she'd be shivering pretty hard by the time she was home.
She'd just have to deal with it. She was making a statement, after all.
She left the bathroom, holding her shirt and wishing she'd brought some kind of bag, and almost left The Shack, before the lady stopped her.
"Ya know kid, it's getting pretty chilly out, and a little late. Ya should probably wait to change your shirt till you're home." She leaned over the counter a little to look her in the eye.
She talked to her like she didn't know who Pacifica was. In her current state, that was a blessing.
"I'll be fine. You wouldn't get it, but I really need to wear this shirt."
The woman considered her for a second, before coming out from behind the counter and pulling a hoodie off the rack.
She checked the size and shrugged before offering it to Pacifica with a smile.
"On the house."
Pacifica stared at her, having a hard time believing anyone working at this place would pass up a good sale, before taking the hoodie.
"Thanks, I guess."
She pulled the hoodie on as she opened the door, stiffening at the bell, and started walking home.
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suitjackets · 5 years
I wanna know all ur Alcor thots but first things first: Which era of his life is ur fav Alcor??? :0
my alcor thots are infinite but this is a good starting point...i have two fave eras sjkgh but my number ONE is him, mabel, and henry pre-triplets. the dream team. the mystery trio. its so fun imagining insane scenarios the three of them can get into, the options r literally limitless...and if u include the rest of gravity falls’ residents like stan, wendy, pacifica, etc. getting involved with their shenanigans? the chaos is off the CHARTS
plus, this dipper underwent SO MUCH change/development. it’s so interesting thnking about all the change he went through and comparing? like, compare 12yr old dipper/teen dip, just changed, is freaking out all the time, resistant; to say 30yr old dip, who is still slightly resistant but has clearly changed so much in both appearance and mannerisms and hes barely noticed. (12yr old dip: “i dont want— TEETH as payment for a deal! I dont want anyones teeth for ANYTHING, i dont even want to make deals” 30yr old dip: “TEETH sweet ill take em lol. can i have that jar of mysterious blood in the corner over there too. im going to paint a sigil above my great uncle’s bed and scare the shit out of him”)
which brings me to my OTHER fave era which is thousands of years in the future and dipper has no support left, no family or friends, which makes him just this....chaotic...horrible...slimy...annoying...little...shit....this era is so fun for purely self-indulgent reasons lol i love imagining him as this terrible little demon!! causing chaos!!! laughing way too much!! hes got no tether!!!! he just turned all ur eyeballs into grapes!!! what r u going to do about it!!!!!! and on the flip side, when eventually he is tethered back to earth/humanity due to a mizar, a reincarnation, etc....watching him try and be human....comedy gold
An era that gets a special shout out is dipper, mabel, henry and the triplets when the kids are like 12. that too invites shenanigans of all SORTS and i love the idea of dipper teaching willow magic :’) 
LDSKFGJLH i tried to put my feelings into words as hard as i could but theres a reason i love to draw lol!!! the entire time i was writing this i was thinking “i could just doodle this and show u what i mean” but alas i got no time...thanks for the question!!!
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dawn-falls · 2 years
Infinite Gravity, Season One — Episode Two: On a Slow Boat to Will
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Will Cipher and the Dame of Magic and Witchcraft, Pacifica Pleasure.
Check it out on my Wattpad account: @fallingunDawn.
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andrewmoocow · 5 years
Gravity Soul chapter 14: Take Back the Falls, Inner Strength Never Fails! (originally posted on November 29, 2019)
AN: At long last, the final chapter is here. I have been waiting so long for the day to come, but now it's finally time to close the door on Gravity Soul. Or perhaps not, for now at least. Oops, spoilers! Anywho, enjoy the epic conclusion of this RESONANCE. GEKHF AGQRVH, DSG TUG FRXLZR BRIME GGACAAKSEWZWCS SQVXIV, KR CNP AZR KSPRRVW IINSNLRF, YEMLSQ AEG AV E KCHNQ USLP JSFTF YMKLAB N SBWRU QABQ AAF E JSMBQ BBFC
The air was filled with nothing but Kishin Cipher's manic roar of laughter as he had destroyed both Death City and the Mystery Shack by smashing them into one another. "Oh you should see the looks on your faces!" he chortled. "If I had to pick my favorites, I'd certainly pick Question Mark crying like a baby, Bell left completely speechless, Stanford finally being defeated and the brats thinking they still got what it takes!" "You murdered everyone we ever loved." Maka snarled taking Soul's hand firmly gripping his scythe form. "Eh, that's what everyone said to me. What makes you any different?" Kishin Cipher callously remarked. "Well, maybe aside from showing me what you got?" "With pleasure." Maka snarled leaping up in the air and preparing to strike. "KISHIN HUNT!" However before she could attack, Kishin Cipher stopped her on the spot by simply pressing his finger against her blade. "Silly little brat, there's no way you can use that to stop me." he scolded her. "Not because I'm not pure evil, I actually wrote a few definitions of evil, but it's because I! AM! GOD!" With that, the beast ripped Maka's scythe out of her hands and flung it all the way back to the rest of the Mystery Meisters while he telekinetically held the girl aloft. "Ah, satisfaction! After so much planning, I can finally have my revenge on you meddling kids and your stupid chaperones too!" Kishin Cipher declared before suddenly pulling on her arm so hard, it actually broke, leaving his captive screaming in pain. "There, now you won't use any stupid courage punches against me! And now I'm gonna break your other arm just for the heck of it!" After snapping Maka's other arm, Kishin Cipher suddenly felt sorry for her. "Aw, too bad. You would've made a great punching bag." he mourned mockingly. "But now, I don't wanna play with you anymore." Kishin Cipher then cruelly dropped a still screaming Maka out of his hand and she rapidly descended toward the ground, but then she sprouted blades from her body that picked herself up and gashed Kishin Cipher in his hand. "You can turn into a weapon too?!" he shouted in disbelief before tossing her back. "You gotta be kidding!"
Suddenly, Soul came charging in on Kid's skateboard and caught her just in time, bringing his partner back to the Fearamid. "Maka!" Dipper exclaimed gazing at the battered Meister. "Stein, you're a doctor! Tell me that aside from the broken arms, she'll be alright!" "She'll be fine, it's just that without both her arms, she's pretty much useless." Stein stated. "You'll all have to hold down the fort while she recovers." "But it's only just us! Everyone else is pretty much dead!" Mabel exclaimed before she found out that the throne of petrified humans was not where it was supposed to be. "Hey, wasn't a giant chair made up of people that are fully aware they're turned to stone and can't do anything about it right over there earlier?" "You called?" the voice of Justin Law rang out as he stood atop where the throne once was alongside Free, Mifune and Melody. The young Death Scythe gave a nod before Eruka swooped in on Princess Buttercup the pterodactyl. "What?! I literally just killed you all!" Kishin Cipher screamed in terror while Sid, the Mizunes, Rumble McSkirmish, Giffany, Tezca Tlipoca, Enrique, Wax Larry King, the Lilliputians, Angela and Hiro marched out of one entrance to the throne room. "Teleportation bitch!" Free cackled dancing around with both middle fingers in the air. Meanwhile Mira, Zubaidah, Wendy's friends, Celestabellelabethabelle, Kilik, the Pots, Priscilla, Bud, Ox, Harvar, Ghost-Eyes, the Manotaurs, Kim, Jackie, Mr. Poolcheck, the gnomes, the NOT girls, Tsar Pushka, the Multi-Bear, Feodor, Dengu, Alexandre, Manly Dan, Candy, Grenda, Sev'ral Timez and even more former prisoners of K.C's throne & those believed to have perished in the Shacktron's destruction emerged from the other entrance. Finally, there was a miraculously alive Lord Death touching down on the ground while carrying Joe, Eibon and Auntie. "Father." Kid muttered in awe of his dad's survival. "You're all still alive!" Mabel cheered seeing everyone still in one piece. "But how did you all get out in time?" "It's like he said, that crazy eye of his saved us all at the last moment." Grenda explained. "Thanks for the lift hunky werewolf!" she thanked Free while Kim came to Maka's side to heal her broken arms. "Okay, you all want an epic, cinematic final battle?!" Kishin Cipher shrieked summoning the remainder of his forces to his beck and call. "Then come on, I got enough ridiculous looking monsters to suffice!" "Challenge accepted." Dipper smirked raising Excalibur to the sky. "TOGETHER EVERYONE!" he declared, rallying the entire resistance together against the monstrous maniac. "Let's get weird." Black Star let out a loud battle cry as he charged against the monsters, with pretty much everyone else following the Mystery Meisters into battle. Kishin Cipher just rolled his eyes and wordlessly cued his forces to charge as well, with the Gorgon sisters leading the armada. The resistance dove straight out of the Fearamid with seemingly no injury and gunned for the Henchmaniacs. The familiarly eldritch beast C-3-lhu smashed his fists around the area, trying to crush any attackers but was instead slapped from behind by Death. 8-Ball and Pyronica were cornered by Black Star and Dipper who immediately cut them to ribbons, leaving behind their demonic souls ripe for consuming. "Seriously? We just began this final battle and already I've down a few guys!" Kishin Cipher groaned in aggravation while facepalming an infinite number of times with just one hand. "Fine, I'll do it myself!" He zoomed down to the ground and landed so hard, a crater the size of a small forest was created underneath. Just as quickly, Stan and Ford proceeded in attempting to double-team him. "Wow, you two are just suicidal!" "This is where we end this you beast!" Ford shouted strangling K.C. "Like I said, suicidal!" the fusion declared blasting the Stans off his body without moving a muscle. "Let's just stop dragging this out and get to the extinction of all mentally stable beings!" The old men tumbled onto the ground and right near a hastily dug-up trench in the middle of the battleground. "Down here!" Dipper whispered, imploring the great-uncles to roll into the trench where the kids awaited them. "So what, are we gonna form a plan down here?" Stan asked while an explosion of madness went off nearby. "Exactly!" Dipper proclaimed. "Now what can we do that'll stop him once and for all?" he asked. "I got an idea!" Mabel piped up. "Remember that wheel thingy with all the pictures on it? Let's use that like we did with the Zodiac last year!" "You mean that new one Kishin Cipher put up when we first fought him?" Kid responded. "Yeah, that one." Mabel added. "We'll just need to gather everyone up and form the circles." Dipper was very impressed by his sister's planning. "Wow Mabel, this is kind of unlike you. Usually, I'm the planner here while you're the sidekick." "Actually Dipper, you're the sidekick." Mabel stated as an aside. "Enough talk, I'll draw the circle and the rest gather everyone up!" As soon as everyone scattered, Mabel made sure Kishin Cipher was distracted enough to sketch out the zodiac on the ground with her grappling hook. "Drawing stuff to save the world, doodly-doo." she sang to herself as she went along. "Okay Mabel, so remind me again." Stan stated when he and Ford returned with Stein & Spirit. "What are you even drawing, some overly complex game of hopscotch?!" "No brother, this is our destiny." Ford proclaimed gazing upon his great-niece's work. "Though it would make a good game of hopscotch." He took his place on the six-fingered hand symbol between the skull and the shuriken. "Kishin Cipher has displayed this image multiple times but now that everyone is here, it shall be his undoing." the scientist explained. "You, Stanley, are the mackerel." "Wait, that's a mackerel? Thought that was some kinda claw thing." Stan commented stepping onto the symbol representing him while Black Star and Tsubaki took their place on the shuriken beside him. "And the symbols can represent multiple people this time too!" Ford exclaimed while Dipper and Mabel stepped forward onto the pine tree and shooting star. "We're getting warmer everyone! Maka, Soul, you get the scythe and piano keys!" "Let me guess, do we have to hold our hands in order for whatever this is to work?" Soul wondered holding Mabel and Stan's hands just in case. "Exactly Soul, you're catching on!" Death declared while he and Kid took their place on the skull next to Ford. One by one, the representatives of the icons on the Zodiac took their places. Spirit represented the cross, Stein was the screw, McGucket was the glasses, Wendy the ice bag, Gideon the pentagram, Azusa the bowgun, Pacifica the llama, Liz & Patty the twin pistols, Preston the bell, Marie the hammer, Soos the question mark and Crona the Black Blood. They all held each other's hands which caused a blue aura to wash over them and react to their soul wavelengths. "Oh my gosh," Maka gasped. "is this a form of Soul Resonance!?" "Seems like it Maka. Keep holding hands!" Stein exclaimed. "Woo-hoo, it's working!" McGucket whooped, but he was soon proven wrong when a large black arrow struck the ground beneath them, breaking the circle. And the source of that arrow was none other than Medusa. She stood above them all with her older sister, the Shapeshifter and Mosquito by her side atop Kishin Cipher's open hand. "So you all cracked what the zodiac meant, eh?!" he smirked. "Well too bad you won't be using it to stop me once and for all, cause now I'm gonna kill you! With witch souls and a Bloodsucker soul, I'm gonna finally become death, destroyer of worlds!" "Wait, you want our souls?!" Mosquito suddenly panicked, realizing what would happen. "Why has no one else told me about this?!" Arachne put a hushing finger on her servant's lips. "He still requires a witch to become all-powerful my dearest butler. But too bad, you'll just have to face your death." "No please, I don't want any part in this anymore!" Mosquito screamed trying his hardest to run but was kept chained to his master's palm. "Shinigami, I beg of you! I surrender myself to your organization, just please save me!" Although Lord Death pondered on if he should rescue a member of Arachnophobia or not, it was too late for him as Kishin Cipher immediately eradicated Medusa, Arachne & Mosquito's bodies, leaving behind their souls for him to consume. Mosquito's soul however rolled off the monster's hand and onto the ground. "Oops, five second rule!" K.C. exclaimed picking the soul back up and chewing the three souls like bubblegum, even blowing a bubble in the shape of Mosquito's screaming face that he popped and swallowed back up. "And now, it begins!" Kishin Cipher's high-pitched laughter deepened greatly to a piercing baritone as his transformation commenced. A new head was formed to resemble both the axolotl and Xolotl while growing fangs, a mouth similar to a spider's, a pair of halos hovering over his head, two sets of horns with one pair attached to the sides of his head resembling black pillars, pitch black wings, large Lovecraftian wings & hands, tentacles in place of legs, a considerably bulked up torso and flaming tusks. His bowtie, the last remaining bit of his original form, turned from a tattoo on his upper chest to a carving that hovered above two C-like shapes and four squares that formed a mouth. "Bill Cipher? Kishin Asura? Phooey, they are no more!" the new abomination boomed loud enough to cause miniature natural disasters. "I am become Incarnate, the ultimate god of weirdness and madness! All who think are now mine to control! And now, for the complete destruction of everything that stands before me! BWAAAAA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" "Aw son of a bitch." Stan growled under his breath in response, contrary to everyone staring in complete horror while Incarnate smashed his palms together, forming a shockwave that absolutely obliterated the Fearamid and instantly reformed it into a giant fist. "PERISH!" Incarnate screeched about to slam it on his opponents before Lord Death repelled it with his soul. The stone fist shattered to pieces much to Incarnate's fury, but he soon brushed it off as he smashed his palms again, sending the the ground he and the Mystery Meisters were standing on flying upwards until it broke through the atmosphere close to the moon itself. "This is it everyone. All of humanity is on the line." Dipper declared planting Excalibur into the ground. "Whether we perish or not, Bill and Asura must die." Maka added while her soul expanded to protect herself and the others. "We'll win this! I know we will!" Mabel stated cheerfully preparing her grappling hook. "Let's finish this." Soul concluded. Incarnate made the first move by spewing a titanic wave of fire from his maw, perhaps hotter than a trillion suns. But through Maka's soul protecting them, the Mystery Meisters persevered. Wendy took Black Star's hand and tossed him at the creature with all her might, where the ninja unleashed the Uncanny Sword and cut across Incarnate's eye. "AGH, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" "Nice teamwork you two!" Ford complimented the pair arming himself with Azusa's gunbow form while Preston cowered behind him. "You know what? I believe you all got this covered." the Northwest nervously said. "If you'll excuse me, I'm planning on finding a safe place to hide until you save the universe and going on my merry way when we return to Earth." "Oh no you don't Northwest, we're all in this together and that includes you!" Stanford scolded his rival while handing him Azusa. Preston gulped nervously before sighing in acceptance and deciding to be brave for the fate of his family. "Alright fine, what can I do?" "Shoot him as a distraction while I find a weakpoint!" Ford commanded charging forth while Preston knelt down and took aim. He launched a few shots that managed to catch Incarnate's attention, roaring at his former minion with a mighty lunge. However, another shot managed to ward him off. "Uh, can anyone help?" "You got it!" Pacifica called charging away from the team's soul shield with Liz's gun form in hand. Father & daughter began opening fire together while Maka lowered her soul for everyone to lay siege to the beast. All at once, the Mystery Meisters struck Incarnate down. Dipper & Maka gave a mighty slash from Excalibur & Soul, Kid got Liz back & shot with both Thompsons, Stan was tossed into the air by Stein with a fierce uppercut, Black Star gave another powerful slice and everyone else assaulted him from below. "ENOUGH!" Incarnate bellowed, knocking everybody away. "I've had it up to here with all this resistance to my awesome power!" he finally snapped. "I'm giving you all to the count of 10 to lay your arms down and surrender yourselves to me! TEN!" "What kind of idiot is he? He's literally buying us enough time to stop him!" Spirit commented. "NINE!" "Everybody, zodiac again!" Ford declared getting everyone into two circles. "EIGHT!" "Keep holding hands, keep holding hands!" Dipper panicked. "SEVEN!" "We need to act quickly!" Maka added as the blue aura washed all over them. "SIX!" "Hey, is this supposed to happen?" Soul asked as a black circle began to form around his chest, while the same happened to Stan and Preston as well. -- "I don't want to go." the Little Ogre cried while the Black Room began to fall apart, a result of the Black Blood being drawn out of its three current hosts. -- "FI-hey, what's going on?" Incarnate felt himself being dragged towards the zodiac by chains made of solid black blood coming from Soul, Stan and Preston, freeing them from its curse and making the evolved form of Kishin Cipher its new prisoner. "WHY DID I EVEN COUNT DOWN FROM TEN ANYWAY?!" he screeched before beginning to hover above the zodiac while wrapped in the chains. Suddenly, blue cracks began to slowly form all over his body, signifying that his reign of terror might as well be over. "Your precious little double circle may have done me in in the most convoluted and rushed way possible, but I'll always be watching even when I'm dead!" "Not for long!" Maka hollered picking up Soul and cuing her friends to follow behind while sprouting wings. "What are those?!" Mabel gasped in wonder at the glimmering pair of wings. "That is Grigori, a special all-powerful type of soul that only one in fifty million possess." Kid explained. "And as it turns out, Maka is one of them." "We can talk about how we never explained this earlier, let's go!" Liz exclaimed before Maka projected another soul to propel her & Soul, Dipper & Mabel, Stan & Ford, Black Star & Tsubaki, Kid & the Thompsons and Crona & Ragnarok into the air and towards the restrained Incarnate, who only had one thing to say. "DIE!" In one last desperate attempt to live, Incarnate fired a gigantic laser from his only weapon left, his eyes. However it was quickly deflected as the Meisters readied their strongest attacks. Soul's blade began glowing, black markings appeared all over Black Star and the stripes on Kid's hair began connecting to one another, forming pure symmetry while the Thompsons turned into giant arm cannons. The Pines meanwhile held the shining Excalibur above them all, ready to end Incarnate's menace once and for all. "No! NO! NOOOOO!" Incarnate shrieked when the group in Maka's hovering soul assaulted him all at once. "Farewell," Ford snarled. "you three-sided son of a bitch!" "SIX-SIDE SOUL RESONANCE!" Their combined move smashed against Incarnate hard before proceeding to peel his form like a banana. "THIS CAN'T BE POSSIBLE!" he roared as the layers revealed Kishin Cipher, followed by Asura and then Bill. "YOU CAN REMAIN MENTALLY STABLE! BUT AS LONG AS YOU ALL STAY MAD AND WEIRD, I'LL ALWAYS BE THEEEEEERRREEEE!" -- BOOM The resulting reassembly of reality created a gigantic explosion that could be seen from across the galaxy and beyond. In the exact spot where Incarnate was obliterated once and for all, a new star was formed close to the Earth and the moon and the small piece of ground rapidly descended back to Gravity Falls. "Uh, what just happened?" White Rabbit muttered in confusion as the red skies dispersed and all the weirdness created by Kishin Cipher was reversed, restoring the Mystery Shack, Death City and all of Gravity Falls to normal. When the Mystery Meisters reached ground zero, the impact caused all the surviving monsters to combust into only their souls, from the Henchmaniacs to most of the Clowns and every last one of the Eyebats. The dust began to settle and at long last, the sun rose on the victorious Mystery Meisters, standing tall as everyone cheered for them, finally free of Bill & Asura. "Priscilla, my dear!" Preston cried racing into his wife's arms. "Mom!" Pacifica added following her dad. "Together again, at long last." Priscilla sighed in relief. "We did it, we did it! Lo hicimos, we did it!" Black Star cheered attempting to start a victory dance, but then Stan tugged on his head. "Simmer down Dora, I think we all know what we need more than a dance party." the old man remarked falling down on the ground fast asleep. "You're right. All that fighting for our lives made me pooped." Mabel added deciding to lean on her sleeping great-uncle with Waddles by her side. "Oh Waddles." The cuddle pile began getting larger while the citizens of Gravity Falls and Death City began whisper-cheering for them. Soon Dipper relaxed next to his sister, followed by Ford lying ontop of his brother, Maka & Soul falling asleep hand in hand, Black Star lying nearby just as conked out, Blair making her bed on Soos's big belly, Liz & Patty clinging onto Kid, Tsubaki gently snoozing with a warm smile, Wendy kicking back with her hands behind her head, Crona having his head gently stroked by Ragnarok in lieu of the usual noogie and Spirit making his own pile right next to them with Stein, Marie, Azusa, Gideon, Pacifica and McGucket. Excalibur just chuckled and benignly declared "Never change you fools." -- Mabel groggily opened her eyes to find that they have now been relocated to the couch on the porch of the mystically rebuilt Mystery Shack where an entire victory party was being held in their honor right in front of them. "Wait just a second!" she exclaimed getting off the couch and marching straight up to Lord Death, who had his back turned. "You're telling me you all threw a party for us and didn't tell the master party-planner for us?!" "Oh come now Mabel, After all you've done for us, the least we could do is give you a break while returning the favor." Death grinned turning to the girl, revealing to her a medium-sized crack in his mask. "Oh my gosh, what happened to your face?!" Mabel cried in shock. "It's all crackly! Do you need some face cream, or a dermatologist?!" "Mabel?" Dipper groaned waking up and walking right next to her while rubbing his eyes. "Whoa, did you do all this while we were sleeping?" "Yes, yes we did sport!" Joe declared pridefully with a slice of cake in hand. "You hungry?" he offered the confectionary treat to the boy. "I'd be happy to, after all of this." Dipper beamed taking the cake. "Hey, what's the big idea?!" Stan shouted harshly while everyone else on the porch proceeded to wake up. "Who's shindig is this for anyway?" "It, Stanley, is for all of you. For helping to save reality from Bill and Asura." Death announced. "Oh don't mind this crack on my mask. It's just a sign that my baby boy is growing up so fast." "He's right, look Kid!" Soos agreed looking at Kid. "One of those lines on your head, it's been connected!" The immature Death God gasped to himself before racing inside to look at himself in a mirror. "My stars, they're all correct." he said in wonder that the bottom stripe on his hair had now connected. "Almost perfect symmetry, just like I've desired!" Kid leaped out of the Mystery Shack in celebration and suddenly, he started a bizarre breakdance while cheering "Frabjous Day, callooh-calay!" The reception to Kid's celebration was decidedly mixed. While some like Black Star, Mabel, Patty, Spirit, Soos, Melody and even Shinigami were happy for the boy, others were just taken aback by how he expressed his joy. "What is he, Johnny Depp?" Liz rolled her eyes. "Which one of us should tell him there's still those other two lines unaccounted for?" Stan added high-fiving the teenage pistol. "Just let him have his fun." Ford grinned tapping his foot to the beat. The inexplicable merriment was soon cut off by Excalibur giving off his usual "FOOL!" "Oh, do you want to say something Excalibur?" Dipper asked the Holy Sword. "There's just a few somethings for our Meister friends as well." Excalibur announced revealing a group of souls underneath a cloche. Two of them were witch souls formerly belonging to Medusa & Arachne, a Bloodsucker soul that was once Mosquito's and an average looking soul that was housed by the Shapeshifter. "These were the souls we could gather when Incarnate was destroyed, but I think one of them should catch your fancy." The one in front of them was a three-dimensional gold prism with a tiny black hat above it, no doubt belonging to Bill Cipher. "Is that Bill's soul?" Ford gasped. "I can't believe it, we actually killed him! But where's Asura?" "Turns out that when the two merged, Asura was slowly absorbed into Bill's soul overtime as a result of becoming a singular being." Stein exposited. "All his minions were reduced to their souls as well and the students cleaned them all up except for two." he revealed turning his screw. "Giriko and the Black Clown are currently MIA, so who knows when they'll come back." "But wherever they'll go, we'll be there. Stronger than ever." Maka declared. "Speaking of which Soul, which do you want to eat tonight?" she asked her weapon boyfriend. "Dibs on Arachne." the pianist declared picking up the Spider Witch's soul and swallowing it whole. "Now how many souls does that make?" "Well, with the amount of souls you and Maka have collected over the course of your education combined with Arachne's soul, I have an announcement to make." Death stated. "Congratulations, you have finally become a Death Scythe!" "Soul, we finally did it!" Maka shrieked joyfully with a kiss on her partner's cheek. "It's just like we always dreamed of!" Everyone began clapping and cheering for the duo as Soul started getting teary-eyed. "Aw shucks. Twas nothing." he stated bashfully. "Nothing you say? I say you earned it sport!" Spirit declared. "Your family would've been so proud of you." "Thanks Spirit." Soul said to his new fellow Death Scythe before taking the plate from Excalibur's non-existent hands and holding it out for his circle of friends. "Anyone else want some? It's on me!" "I'll take Medusa and Bill." Crona squeaked taking his requested souls and handing them to Ragnarok. "Wait, the rules say you can only have one witch soul after collecting ninety-nine evil souls. Am I breaking the rules?" "Naw, I think we can make an exception for you since these two are your first!" Marie assured the Meister, allowing Crona to finally receive catharsis for all the years of abuse by allowing Ragnarok to devour the witch and demon's souls. "Damn that felt good!" Ragnarok cheered after he gulped them down. "Serves that snake-faced bitch right for melting me down!" Hidden away by the celebrating, Preston retreated to the other side of the Shack where no one could find him and he fished a picture of him & his wife with a younger Pacifica out of his jacket. "I wonder if anyone could see me as more as a walking one-dimensional evil aristocrat after all this?" "Hey, Northwest." Ford called out following behind. "Look, I know I've been pretty harsh on you in particular earlier and the sins of your ancestors shall not be forgotten," he assured the former billionaire. "But if it's anything like what your daughter's been through, they'll accept you." "Thank you Stanford." Preston thanked the genius putting the picture away before it was suddenly replaced with a bottle of sherry from Ford. "So, you want to join me, my brother and Spirit for a few drinks later?" he offered. Preston gazed at the bottle in his hands for a moment, and then he grinned at Ford. "Of course." -- "Okay, a little to the left!" Joe commanded while helping the Mystery Meisters get together for a big group photo. "No, your other left! No, further to the other left!" "Just accept there's no such thing as an other left and take the photo!" Stan shouted. "Sheesh, this is taking forever." he muttered to himself. "After this picture is taken, you're gonna vamoose, right?" "Exactly." Kid replied. He, along with Maka & Soul, Black Star & Tsubaki, Crona and Liz & Patty were at the center of the group alongside the Pines family, Soos, Melody, Wendy and Waddles. Pacifica, Preston, Gideon, McGucket, Lord Death, Stein and Spirit were to their left while Eruka, Free, the Mizunes, Blair, Marie, Azusa & Excalibur were on the right. "Remind me, where did we hide the journals again?" Mabel asked. "Why, in the same place I first found the third one last summer!" Dipper answered. "And I even had a little note telling people to noti find it." Soos added. "Yeah, they're totally safe now." "Okay, everybody ready?" Joe exclaimed just about to take the picture. "Everybody say something stupid!" Mabel commanded making a silly face. "Something stupid!" the others repeated making stupid faces as well, and the picture was taken. -- "Last call for Death City! I repeat, last call for Death City! All aboard!" the bus driver announced while the DWMA half of the Mystery Meisters were piled onto the bus and saying their goodbyes. "Farewell everyone!" Lord Death exclaimed waving a foam hand out the window. "Til our paths cross once more!" "Goodbye everybody! Be sure to keep in contact!" Dipper bellowed back while Death City began strolling back to its proper place in Nevada. "A walking city. Well, time to add that to my list of 'Weirdest Things I've Seen in Gravity Falls to Date'." he muttered. "Hope you like those sweaters I made you all!" Mabel exclaimed. "I'm really going to miss you!" "My Miniature Equine fans for life sistah!" Patty fistpumped before Liz shoved her back in her seat. "We'll miss you too gang." the older Thompson sister said. "Goodbye." Maka muttered when the bus finally began to take off back to their home. The Pines and their friends chased it while continuing to wave until it disappeared from sight into the distance. Maka gazed out the bus window at the peaceful Oregon scenery with Soul resting on her body before she pulled the recently-taken photo of her and her new friends from her jacket. Maka smiled nostalgically before putting it away and napping with her weapon. -- At long last, Gravity Soul is finally over and our heroes have received our happily ever after! Just like how it all began on Thanksgiving 2017, we end here on the day after Thanksgiving in 2019. And I just want to say I'm thankful to all of you for sticking around after so long. But there's just a few treats in store after this author's note. Until we meet again everyone, remember to go three letters back! -- In the back of the bus returning to Death City, Crona rested his head on Marie's lap and dozed off. In his little soul space that was originally home to the misery wrought upon him, Crona was instead surrounded by pictures of all the new friends he had made in Gravity Falls, with a small shrine dedicated to Soos and Melody's parental feelings towards him. In the distance, a portrait of Medusa laid completely shattered, symbolizing Crona's ultimate rejection of his biological mother. Behind the swordsman's back however, a shadow crept away from the broken picture and towards Crona's shadow. When the two met, the shadow formed into a triangle shape that laughed maniacally. Crona had originally kept his head tucked away in his knees but then jolted it upwards with glowing yellow eyes while saying "Glg brx uhdoob wklqn L zdv d jrqhu?" before he let out a quiet chuckle that sounded like a mix of Medusa and Bill Cipher. -- Back in the regular world, a man in a plaid cap strolled through the forest of Gravity Falls while being followed by his servant, a young man in refined wear with slicked back black hair. "There has to be something here." the capped man muttered to himself while examining the trees. "Gopher, knock on every last tree in the area for clues." he ordered his young servant. "Yes master." Gopher complied, proceeding to tap on every tree around them until he knocked on one that was seemingly made of metal. "Master, this tree is not like the others." "I can hear that Gopher." Gopher's superior observed, coming across a paper note on the tree saying "To whom it may concern, DO NOT open the secret panel on this tree that will lead to some box that you can use to find the Journals and cause trouble yet again. Thanks dude! Love, Soos." "Now you're just asking for trouble." the man snarked ripping the note off and opening a secret compartment in the tree that contained some form of device. Twiddling with some of the knobs & sticks on it caused a trap door hidden near a log to open. "What is it now master?" Gopher asked his boss while they examined the crevice. Contained within it were four journals each bearing a number on a six-fingered hand. The man picked the third one up and began skimming through it. "Gopher, contact Lady Ponera at once." "What for master?" Gopher asked, ready to obey his master Noah Grimoire's every last word. "Tell her we found something she'll like." Noah smirked as he closed the book and examined the other three.        
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fereality-indy · 6 years
Wendip Week Day Two - Typical Pines Luck
I went a different direction with this story. 
Gravity Falls High School
Friday October 10th, 2014
 Man, the first couple of weeks here at Gravity Falls High have been fun. I’ve been able to spend a good amount of time with Wendy and the gang. I’ve got homeroom (English Lit) and lunch with Mabel, Biology with Wendy and Candy,  Creative Writing with Pacifica, Lee, and Tambry, French with Wendy and Grenda, Calc 2 with Wendy and Tambry, and Cooking with Grenda. Wendy, Nate, and Pacifica are in the same lunch as Mabel and I. That leaves me with one class where I really don’t know anyone, Conditioning. Being on the track team I felt I needed to take a athletics class to keep my stamina up during the off season.
The only down side is I seem to have attracted to attention of Allan Weems, one of the muscle heads who plays tackle for the Gravity Falls Grizzlies. At six foot two and approximately three hundred pounds of muscle, his size really is all he has going for him. The nose ring he wears outside of football games only adds to the reason he’s nicknamed Bull, mostly he has it cause he’s about as bright as one. He’s not an actual Gravity Falls resident, he comes from one of the little towns that are still in the county but lay just outside the valley. Hirschburg or Ritterton maybe.
 “Alright guys, you have ten minutes till the bell. Get in there and get clean. I don’t want any complaints from the other teachers.” Coach Doherty said after he blew his whistle to signal the end of the class.
 I stayed back as the rest of the guys headed into the locker. After I was certain that everyone should be mostly in the showers I head in and quickly get out of my gym clothes. Wrapping my self in my towel I head to the shower stalls and grab the first empty one. When I was done I dried off and rushed out to get dressed. Unfortunately Allan was waiting on me. Even worse, we were the last ones in the locker room.
 “So Dipwad, how’s my favorite tackling dummy?” he asked as he held something behind his back, as I got closer I realized it was my gym shirt and he had wrapped it tightly around his fist, “You know what, I really don’t care.”
 Before I knew what was happening he stepped close and punched me twice in the stomach. As I gasped for air he dropped my shirt over my head and started walking away.
When he got to the door he looked back and said “Well this was fun, let’s do it again tomorrow.”
 After catching my breath, I got dressed just as the bell sounded. Walking out of the locker I found Coach Doherty waiting on me.
 “You ok, Pines? Mr. Weems told me as he left that he thought he heard you trip on something as he left the locker room.” He asked as h saw me exit.
 Just my luck, Allan gave the Coach an explanation for why I took so long. Not really wanting to press the issue I said, “Eh, I just stubbed my toe is all Coach.”
 “Well I hope you didn’t break it. From everything I’ve seen so for I‘m looking forward to seeing you on the track this year.” He said as I headed towards the door.
 I stopped at my locker and traded out my morning books for the ones I’ll need after lunch.
 “Hey broseph, ready for the Friday meatloaf?” Mabel asks as she opened her locker. She had art the period before and still had some paint on the back of her hand.
 “I guess, it can’t be any worse than Stan’s mystery meat surprise.” I replied still holding my sore stomach.  
 We got our food and headed towards the table that Nate had grabbed. We were the last ones there as Wendy and Pacifica were already eating.
 As Mabel sat down she turned to Pacifica and said, “Oh man, Paz.  Did you hear what happened today in the Candy’s gym class? Apparently there was a big fight between two of her classmates.”
 “Yeah, I heard. Apparently Jimmy Holman found out that Marion Albert, his girlfriend, was seeing Aaron Holtz on the side. He just walked up to Aaron and punched him, ended up taking half the class to separate them. Someone said it looked like Aaron’s nose looked broken.” Pacifica said as she sort of picked through the food on her tray. She’s told me that she no longer cared about her food meeting a four star rating but she still was leery of school cafeteria food. Welcome to the club princess.
 “That’s what Candy said too. Though she said it looked like Aaron actually threw the first punch.” Mabel said around a spoonful of mashed potatoes.
 “Eh, either way they both got suspended.” Pacifica said just before it seems like hunger won out and she took a bite of the meatloaf.
 That there was one of the reasons I just took the punches earlier and didn’t fight back. Heck. He didn’t hit anywhere near as bad as Rumble, so there’s that also. But there is a reason that is even more important to me.
 “God, I hate it when guys fight like that.” Wendy said after she swallowed her bite of meatloaf. “This could have easily been handled by talking. And they’re fighting each other and are either wondering what her opinion of the situation is, I mean maybe she didn’t think they were exclusive.”
 And there is the most important reason I didn’t fight back. Wendy dislikes guys fighting.  And after we lost Robbie, I realized  just how short life can be and I decided I would follow my own advice from a couple of years ago and strive to be someone worthy of her love. That doesn’t mean I’m changing anything about me, it just means that I’m gonna improve the me that I already am. Oh shoot, Mabel is talking to me.
 “Huh?” was all I was able to get out as a response.
 “I asked if you were gonna finish that?” Mabel said pointing towards my less than half eaten tray and more specifically the chocolate pudding.
 “Oh, yeah. Here you go, take what you want.” I say as I slide the tray over to her.
 “Hey  Dip, you still coming over to work on Calc and Biology homework?” Wendy asked after Mabel snagged the last half of my meatloaf and the pudding.
 “Sure, I’ve even got The Monster Of The Cape to bring over to watch if we have time afterwards.” I say with a smile.
 "Sweet. We’ll have to rush through the homework then.” Wendy says with a smirk.
 The rest of the day went by like normal and soon Mabel and I were back at the house dad found on the outskirts of downtown.  I took a moment to look over Mabel’s homework while she got ready for a night with the gals. Pacifica, Candy, Grenda, and surprisingly Tambry are all gonna be there. I think Mabel is wanting to plan the baby shower.
 After I was done, her work was on par for her which means she’ll get a b plus at least, I grabbed my bag, the DVD, and a microwave burrito. I was just heading to the front door when my phone went off.
 “Hey there.” I said as I heard Wendy’s voice on the other end, “Yeah, I was just heading out. You’re where?”  
 I heard a knock echo through the phone and from the front door. When I opened the door there she stood.
 “Well since you’re ready I may as well come pick you up.” She said as a greeting.
 "I was gonna walk, but a ride with my best friend does sound great.” I said as I walked out the door. Once I was out I noticed something, her truck wasn’t there. Turning to her I asked, “Ok, if you’re giving me a ride where’s your truck.”
 “It never really was mine, Dad was just letting me use it. Marcus just got his license so dad is letting him use it now.” Wendy said as she shut the door and started heading towards the street.
 “Ok, if you don’t have the truck how are we getting to your house?” I asked looking around as I followed her, thinking that maybe she had borrowed the Mystery cart from Soos or something.
 “Well you see, when I got home Uncle Randy and his son Seth were there. At first I was afraid they were there cause dad was making plans to send me up to the logging camp next summer. But no, they were there to give me an early birthday and graduation present.” She said as we got to the sidewalk. We headed past our driveway when we stopped in front of a charcoal grey van. “Here she is, a seventy-nine WV Uberkreuzung Microbus. It was my Grandpa’s, then Randy’s, and now its mine.”
 “Cool,” I said as she unlocked the door. I hopped in as she ran around to the driver’s side. I unlocked her door for her and she climbed on in.
 “We need to stop and grab some snacks but then back to my place to study.” Wendy said as she turned the key.    
 We sopped at the store and picked up a couple bags of chips, a bag of puffed corn, and a case of Pitt. After that it was a quick drive and we made it back to her place. The homework was done in less than ten minutes and that was with me going over the definitions of an infinite series and partial sums twice to make sure she got them. But really the homework is just an excuse we use to hang out anyways. We then cracked open the snacks and tossed the DVD into her player. She then plopped down on her stomach while I leaned back on a backrest pillow I had bought and left here last year just for movie nights. Grabbing a handful of puffcorn settled in for a marathon of jokes about the quality (or lack of it) of the special effects.
 “Ok, that suit doesn’t even have matching seams. I meant look you can see the actors neck right there.” she called out as the ‘monster’ chase a hapless co-ed through a dock of fishing boats.
 “Ok, there are several potential weapons on those boats. I mean I see a spear gun laying on the deck of that one.  Why don’t she go for one. Or maybe even just get on one of the boats and hide in it’s cabin.” I added after I had taken a swig of Pitt.
 “They probably didn’t get permission from any of the boat owners. Hell I would be surprised that they permission to even film on the dock.” She said as she playfully swatted my stomach. Unfortunately I was still tender and I winced at the contact. Now Wendy is definitely no dummy and noticed something was wrong. “You ok, Dip? I barely touched you there.”
“Oh, it’s nothing.” I said as I tried to play it off. I did not want her worrying about me getting into a fight or worse her getting in trouble fighting him in my place.
 “Dip. We’ve been friends for a couple of years now, I know when you’re lying man.” She said as propped herself up with her right arm before sitting to look at me better. “And if it’s something that you feel like you have to lie to me, then I know it’s gotta be something big. You don’t lie to me. So what is it?”
 “It’s nothing.” I said as I tried to withdraw from her gaze.
 Not buying it she said, “Nope, something is wrong. Luckily for me I have learned of a weakness in your armor from Mabel for just this occasion.”
 Before I knew what was happening she was on me and began tickling me. She started under my arms but quickly worked down my sides. I started laughing and as my diaphragm contracted during a particularly loud laugh I again grimaced.        
 Seeing that she grabbed the edge of my shirt and lifted it. I hadn’t seen it myself yet, it looked like him wrapping his hand didn’t do much towards preventing a bruise from forming.
 “Dude, what the hell?” She yelled as she got a good look at it. “Who did this? Tell me and I’ll beat the crap out of them!”
 “That’s why I was hiding it, I don’t want you getting in trouble on account of me. Principal Reeves has been doing nothing but praising the turnaround you have made in the last couple of years and I don’t want to ruin that on my account.” I said as I tried to pull my shirt back down to cover it back up.
 She let go of my shirt and sat back up,  pulled her legs under her, and then leaned against the wall behind her. When was done she asked, “Please tell me you at least gave it to them as good as you got?”
 “No,” I said not looking her in the face.
 “Wait a minute.” Was her response. She followed up with, “What? Why?”
 “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine” I said almost feeling like I was twelve again.
 “Nope, I’m gonna worry about you man.” She said with a look of genuine concern, “Now why didn’t you fight back? Whoever did this couldn’t be worse than those two gnomes that found the growth crystals back in June. We kicked their tails.”
 I mumbled something barely audible.
 “What was that?” she asked as she leaned closer to me.
 “You don’t like guys fighting.” I repeated at a volume that she could hear.
 I started to get up before I felt her hand on my shoulder. She pulled me back down and turned me so I was facing her in one turn. “Yeah, I hate guys fighting for stupid reasons. Defending yourself is never a stupid reason.”
 She pulled me into a hug, “Dude, I want you to be safe. But next time this guy does something, defend yourself. I mean why else was Stan giving you and Mabel boxing lessons.”
 As I pulled back I got lost in her eyes again, they were so full of worry for me. A part of me wondered if there was something else there too.
 “I will.” I finally said as I realized how long I had been staring turning my head I saw that the movie was over. Looking down at my watch I said, “Man, I gotta get going. Mom and Dad want me home for dinner. Tell you what, keep the DVD here and we can watch it next time.”      
 I leaned forward and gave her another hug.
 When I let go Wendy said, “Do you really have to go. I was hoping we could get in another movie at least.”
 “Yeah, unfortunately the rents aren’t as forgiving as Stan is for coming home late.” I said as I gathered up my school books.
 “You want a ride back?” she asked as she slid off the front of her bed and turned off her tv.
 “Yeah, thanks.” I replied as I zipped up my backpack. “You’re working tomorrow, right?”
 “Sure, maybe we can hang after work tomorrow.” She said as we headed out of room.
 Mystery Shack
Saturday October 11th, 2014
 Well today has mostly been about organizing displays and placing some in mothballs till next spring. Soos did take one group out on a tour and should be back sometime soon, but really the season is over. I mean we may get some to come through for Halloween, but this is Oregon tourist season is over.
 I was dusting some souvenirs when I felt a large hand on my shoulder and heard a voice I was not wanting to hear, “Why Dipwad, what a pleasant surprise.”  
 He roughly turned me around and pushed me up against the shelves. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Wendy look like she was about to jump the counter. I waved her off just as he continued, "Well I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. I mean a freak like you must fit right in with all of this junk.”  
 “Now you can call me names, but you best not insult the Shack.” I said as I for once push him back.
 It doesn’t move him much but it does seem to phase him. It seemed to crack his veneer of superiority, but he seemed to recover his bravado quickly. Glaring down at me he said, “Whatchu gonna do about it. The only good things in this pig sty is red over there and that cute lil sister of yours. Where did she go anyways, she was here when I got here. “
 “That’s it. Step outside.” I say as I once again pushed him. This time it moved him enough that I was able to start heading towards the door. Wendy was staring daggers at him as I neared. In a whisper I ask, “Is he coming?”
“On your six, but he just started moving.” she responded her gaze softening as she turned it towards me. “Is he the one?”
 “Yeah. There’s gonna be a fight, I’m not sure you’re gonna want to see this.” I said as I reached the door.
 She pulled a ‘closed for break’ sign out from under the counter and set it in front of the register. “I’m not gonna miss this.”  
 I found out later that she had pulled out her phone and sent a group text to Mabel, Soos, and the rest of the gang that read ‘Dipper about to confront a bully outside of Shack, fight probable’.
 As I made it outside I headed towards the grassy area south of the parking lot. Mabel was running out from behind the Shack carrying a stack of signs, the visible one read ‘Round One’. She made it over to where I was about the time Bull got out of the front door. He was followed shortly by Wendy.
 “So you’re fighting Bull. Man, what an idiot.” Mabel said as she saw who I was looking at. Realizing that what she said could have sounded like she was calling me the idiot, she clarified “Not you, him. It takes him forever to get something through his thick skull. He most have asked me out at least twice a week since school started and I’ve turned him down every time.”
 “Oh there she is.” Bull said as he realized Mabel had joined me, “Hey there cutie. How about after I beat the snot out of your brother, you n me go to Hermanos Brothers for a tray of tacos?”
 “Kick him where the sun don’t shine, broseph.” Mabel said as she backed away and headed towards Wendy.
About that time Soos showed up with his tour group. I recognized three other members of the football team and a guy that looked like he could be Bull’s dad.
 “This him?” I heard the older guy ask.
 “Yep, he’s my project this year. He’s got all the basics; weird name, class geek, smaller than me, crush on a girl out of his league, you know the works.” Bull said as he looked at his dad. And with that what hope I had that his dad would help out faded. At least it looked like he had shocked and maybe disgusted his fellow team members, “He's a push over. He hasn’t even complained yet.”
 “Then why is he fighting you now?” I heard his dad ask.
 “Oh, he’s just trying to show off for Red there.” Bull said throwing his thumb in Wendy’s direction. It was a good thing that Mabel was there to hold Wendy back or I may not even got a chance to have this fight.
 “Well he at least has some good taste.” Bull’s dad said as he took a look at Wendy, “And if looks could kill, you’d be dead son. I wonder if he isn’t reaching to far there. You ever try for her?”
 "Oh hell no dad, she’s a Corduroy. The whole family plays with axes like they were toys. That’s a crazy I’m not touching. She’s the one that dislocated Lorenzo's shoulder last year when he tried to cop a feel.” Bull said as he grimaced remembering the incident, “Now Dipwad here won’t last five minutes. He’s a wuss.”
 “You’re right, he isn’t much to look at. We’ll see how he is doing after this fight, maybe we can use him as a janitor at the farm.” His dad said almost pushing bull towards me. “Enough talking, go get him.”
 As he got closer I held my hands up and said, “Before we start I have to warn you I have a purple belt…”
 Before I could finish he rushed at me yelling, “I don’t care, we’re here to fight not talk fashion.”
 I side stepped him and brought my hand down across the back of his head, smacking him. This did nothing more than anger him, good an angry opponent is a sloppy opponent.
 We threw punches back and forth for a moment. I did my best to remember what my teachers’ taught me and kept my guard up to deflect most of his blows, all the while ensuring I landed mine. He still got me a couple times and I am gonna be sore tomorrow. Finally I got an opening. He threw a wild punch that I deflected, as soon as I did I brought my right knee up straight into his gut. After that connected, as he went backwards I snapped my right foot out and connected to his jaw. He fell flat.    
 “Do you give?” I asked as he went to get up.
 There was still fire in his eyes as he stood. He rushed towards me with murderous intent. I reached out and grabbed his collar, put my left foot into his stomach, and rolled backwards flipping him in the process. I gained my footing first and as he tried to rise I brought my left foot down on the back of his head knocking him flat. When he didn’t try to rise again I reached down and felt for a breath and checked his pulse.
 "You lil son of a…” His dad yelled as he tried to get to me, only to be stopped by the other members of his sons football team.
 “Just grab Allan and go Mr. Weems,” said the one I now remember is named Frank, I think he's in French with me. “And tell Allan not to bother showing up at the game tomorrow. We’re gonna report that he admitted to the bullying to Coach. He has a zero tolerance policy.”  
 “And we’ll just deny it, it’ll be your word against ours.” Mr. Weems said as he started towards his son.
 “Probably not dood, I’ve got like the whole thing recorded on my phone. Including everything you and sleeping beauty said.” Soos called from where he was standing with his phone aimed at Mr. Weems.  
 Wendy and Mabel rushed over to me as Mr. Weems gathered his son as he came to and got him to their truck.
 “That was great man, I knew you had it in you.” Wendy said as they both hugged me.
 “Way to go bro, glad to see the classes finally are paying off.” Mabel added.
 “Alright, not so tight you two.” I said as I winced from how sore I was now that the fight was over.
 Wendy remembered my bruised midsection and released quickly before asking Mabel, “Classes? I wouldn’t really call those boxing lessons Stan gave you and Dipper classes.”
 “Not those, but Dip did use some of those techniques today. I’m talking our kickboxing classes. We’ve been going since we were ten, but Dip here didn’t take them serious until we got back from that first summer. That’s why he only has his purple belt, I’ve got my brown belt.” Mabel replied as she backed off and got into a fighting stance.
 “Oh, so that's what you were trying to tell him.” Wendy said as she brought her arm up and settled it down on my shoulder. “I thought you were just trying to confuse him.”
 “It wasn’t my intention but it did seem to work out that way.” I said as I try to head towards the Shack, the next thing he knows he is being hoisted up on a uneven pair of shoulders as Wendy and Soos carry him towards the Shack. It seemed Mabel was already sharing the video Soos had taken with the rest of the gang who hadn’t made it to the fight. I wouldn’t be surprised if I hear from the Stans before the Weekend is over about it, too.  
 “Thanks guys but really, I’m good. I just want to get some ice on my lip and jaw and, if it’s alright with you Soos, find somewhere to collapse. The adrenaline is wearing off and I am sore.” I said as we got to the porch.
 As they sat me down on my feet Soos said, “Oh, sure dood. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. You’ve earned it.”
 After a look from Melody, which carried some sort of mental message that married people seem able to do (I’ll have to investigate that later), Soos added “Hey Wendy, you have the most knowledge out of us when it comes to first aid, why don’t you take the rest of the day off too and take care of the Dipster.”  
“Oh yeah, Wends. I’ll cover for you if needed.” I heard come back from wherever Mabel was at.  
 “You don’t have to tell me twice. Sit right here and rest Dip, I’ll go grab the ice and then we can go back to my place and try to watch that movie again.” Wendy said as she help me to the chair Soos had placed by the gift shop’s entrance. Then she ran on into the shack.
 “You can thank me and Melody later dawg.” Soos said before he and Melody entered the Shack. And believe me I did.  
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softheartstm · 3 years
“your eyes are closed right? you better not be peeking!” maddie continued to pull pacifica over by the hand to where she’d set up the big valentines surprise for her; if she ruined the surprise then maddie would be seething with rage- but so far it looked like, with every quick glance she took behind her, that pacifica was still following her lead. only in the backyard of the hawthorne mansion, right in the center of their gardens maze, did maddie finally stop and run over to her setup, letting pacificas hand go. “okay! open them, come on, cmon!!” when pacifica opened them, she’d find that maddie had dozens of red bouquets, a dozen or so huge candy boxes, and a five story valentines themed cake all set up on a table for her. “this is ALL for you! happy valentines, my little gem!”
surprise prompts // always accepting! // @velvrose
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"Puh-leaze, Mads, I'm not looking to face your wrath today." She says it playfully, a tease despite both of them knowing how powerful Madeline truly was. It was terrifying and awe inspiring all at once. She had only seen a glimpse of what this power looked like back in Gravity Falls and now, free from her parents' expectations and demands, she was allowed to explore it.
She was better than when she lived in Gravity Falls. And now, in Moonsdale, she was in many ways, infinitely worse.
Not that Maddie cared. In fact, Maddie seemed to like her more. More than her friends back home who only cared about her for her status. No, Maddie saw potential in her. Kinship. And Pacifica, for once, was all to keen to be the follower instead of the leader.
They press onward and Pacifica, trusting literally blindly, continues to let Maddie lead her somewhere outside the Hawthorne family mansion. When finally instructed to open her eyes, Pacifica beholds the mountain of flowers and candies, with the gorgeous red and pink and white cake towering above them all. She was used to being spoiled, had often been given anything she wanted from her parents. This, however, was a whole other level. Especially coming from Madeline, someone who thrived on attention and love as much as Pacifica did.
"...Okay, be honest, how many of these are gifts from your adoring fans you're regifting?" She tries to tease but the wide-eyed gaze and awed tone of voice make the humor fall flat. Her smile widens before she's fully aware of it, tearing her eyes from the spectacle to the girl who caused it. "Now how in the world am I supposed to top this? You're incorrigible, maybe I wanted to spoil you too!" Pacifica sighs dramatically, though her smile still quirks her lips even during her act. "I suppose for now I'll have to settle with enjoying this stunning cake with you."
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minijenn · 7 years
So doing this pallet swap last night made me come up with a new UF AU idea, one that has some… pretty good angst material… So…. A while back one of you guys (and I can’t exactly remember who, sorry, feel free to identify yourself so I can give you credit for this concept!) brought up the concept of an AU where the roles of humans and Gems are kinda swapped in the framework of UF. So instead of Gems being the space faring race bent on conquering all planets they come across for their own needs, humans do that instead while the Gem Homeworld is its own peaceful little corner in space, much like Earth is in regular UF. But here, the humans are trying to expand Earth’s empire (for reasons explained in a bit) but a few human rebels (who you might be familiar with (imo there’s a lot less history here, all of this war stuff happened within the last idk 30 or so years btw instead of over thousands because well… human lifespans are fuckin short) fought back against their own kind to protect the Gem Homeworld and they managed to actually save it. 
Thing about Earth in this AU is that its kinda… a mess? Like their whole “let’s go conquer other planets thing started out of mankinds’ own selfishness, and they were actually pretty successful at it but after they failed to get a hold on Homeworld, a certain illuminacho decided to take advantage of their failure and just sorta… take over. So yeah suffice to say that its kinda Weirdmageddon all the time back on Earth, with Bill having been in charge for about a decade or so, and he kinda just enslaves humanity and forces them to go out and get more planets for him (and he still wants Homeworld because he’s a dick). As for the Diamonds, they’re sort of a background influence back on Homeworld, not in power, but working in the shadows so they can eventually get in power of the planet and rule it as their own. So yeah kinda a swap between the Diamonds and Bill in here as far as roles go.
So yeah kinda scrambled and all over the place with the history here, but let’s go into the infinitely more interesting parts in here, the character swaps. So first off, Greg and Rose switch roles here. Which means Greg (of all people, I know) actually led the rebellion against Earth to save Homeworld, fell in love with Rose, and then (idk how) was the one who “died” when Steven was born (Steven’s like the only character in this AU who doesn’t switch with anyone, but he also doesn’t have a Gemstone though he does have some Gem powers (not as many though, here the emphasis is on how he’s different from everyone else around him because he’s human, seeing as how he’s living on a planet almost entirely populated with Gems).
So in a sense, the Crystal Gems are kinda swap with the Pines family in this AU as far as roles go (there’s basically no personality switching here… mostly). So the Gems are like idk doing their own thing and they consist of Steven, Amethyst, Pearl, and Rose. Where’s Garnet you might ask? Well let’s work under the assumption that Garnet was the one who had the idea to build the portal in this AU (after being influenced by the Diamonds, who kinda swap roles with Bill in this AU) and she worked along with Stan and Ford and Greg (and the other Gems) back in the day to do it but she inevitably got sucked into it and has been gone for 30 years (so basically, Garnet and Ford switch roles). So the other Gems are trying to get her back (while keeping all this a secret from Steven, who doesn’t even know anything about Garnet, of course).
So on the Pines side of things, we have Stan, Ford, and Mabel (I’ll explain where Dipper is in a bit), with Stan and Ford being kinda all that’s left of the human rebellion on Homeworld so they still try to keep the place safe and sound and everything while training Mabel to do the same (Pines parents are dead I guess, whatever), and the camaraderie between them and the Gems is more or less the same. 
As for the rest of Homeworld, we got Gems everywhere instead of humans, and quite a few of them swap roles (more or less) with some variations with the residents of Gravity Falls in UF. Peridot and Pacifica would probably swap roles (kinda), so would perhaps Jasper and Gideon (though Bill would also fill in bits and pieces of Jasper’s role too for reasons I’ll explain in a bit) and while this is a rough comparison and isn’t perfectly parallel, like I said, that whole pallet swap between Dipper and Lapis inspired all this, so they would kinda kinda swap roles kinda. So while Lapis wouldn’t really live with the Crystal Gems per say, she’d be on actually good terms with them and she’d out there trying to figure out the reasons why whatever little sector of Homeworld they all live in is so strange. As for Dipper, I kinda think the main idea would be that he got I guess separated from the  other Pines when him and Mabel were really little thanks to some Earth-loyal humans still poking around Homeworld, But instead of taking him back to Earth, they kinda just…. idk, keep him imprisoned for like several years (basically the poor kid kinda grows up as a prisoner) until he’s about 12 and he’s finally saved by Steven, Mabel, and the others. Yet even after being reunited with his family, Dipper’s kinda bitter cause it took them so damn long to find and rescue him, and he bitterly doesn’t consider Homeworld to be his home and so he wants to go back to Earth and he does (not knowing that its currently being ruled by an insane dorito). But he eventually escapes Earth after learning that and makes it back to Homeworld and him and Lapis bond just like in UF and its cute and sweet until Pacifica and Gideon show up (after similar to UF events) and something akin to the Return/Jailbreak happens? And the whole Malachite equivalent here doesn’t involve Gideon it involves Bill who decides to just show up and intervene and get rid of the Pines  (and the CGs and Lapis), but Dipper stops him by agreeing to let Bill possess him (possession’s knida different here than it is in UF so Dipper stays in his own body during all this, idk I haven’t fully figured it out) so Bipper happens but Dipper takes control from Bill just long enough to trap them both in… idk a Kindergarten or something like that. And of course Lapis is distraught because her baby, so she ends up fusing with Jasper (who was sent by the Diamonds) into Malachite in our Sock Opera equivalent in an attempt to save Dipper but of course it doesn’t work and then idk from there, angst or something happens but yeah eventually Dipper is saved and he’s still kinda distant from the rest of his family so he ends up settling down with a post-redemption arc Pacifica at whatever barn equivalent there is because ship (Lapis and Peridot still get together in this AU of course)
Woo well that was a fucking wall of text but as for other ideas for this AU, mostly I just got other character swaps in mind, like McGucket swapping with Bismuth, the teens/cool kids swapping with like the Off Colors maybe? Perhaps Aquamarine and Topaz swapping with Lars ans Sadie and so on? But yeah generally in this AU Gems are pretty chill and non antagonistic while most humans are. Oh! And I almost forgot to mention Connie! I'm not completely sure about this yet but she might be a full Gem in this AU (a younger one, who's still close friends with Steven amd Mabel (who are already close friends here). As for everyone else... Idk like I said this AU just sprouted in my brain last night so its really new but idk I think it has a lot of interesting potential. So feel free to ask me more about it, give some thoughts/headcanons/ideas/AU name suggestions/whatever! *runs back to my corner and cries about how angsty this AU could be*
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mandareeboo · 7 years
Title: Tremors
Summary: Dipper and Mabel return for the summer. Pacifica is overworked. Mabel gets bitten by a were-possum. Dipper's trying to organize their journal.
Chapters: 1/3 
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Eyyy, a non-Teen!Delinquent AU related GF 'fic!
I've always had a soft spot for werewolves. But why not other were-creatures? Anything can be a were-creature if it wants to be. Were-possums, were-foxes, were-snails- infinite universes, infinite were-critters!
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allieinarden · 8 years
What's your opinion on the theory that Dipper is treated unfairly throughout GF? For example, Dipper sacrifices a lot for Mabel, while she only seems to sacrifice her sock-puppet show for him. There are also many suggestions in the show that some episodes overlap, like that from July 11-15, Sock Opera, Blendin's Game and Into the Bunker overlap. Which means D was under a LOT of pressure that week and he sacrificed a LOT for his sister. But she doesn't thank him for that. What are your thoughts?
See, maybe it’s the big sister in me, because I’ve never understood this particular complaint. The fact is, Dipper loves Mabel so much that her happiness is his own; his actions of sacrifice on her behalf are freely chosen. That’s why Bill’s behavior in “Sock Opera” is so insidious; he builds on Dipper’s momentary frustration with Mabel (why won’t she help me?!?!) by bringing up the various ways he’s helped her in the past, implying that she hasn’t done much to return the favor. He seeks to engender resentment where there was none, where Dipper was previously unwilling to give him so much as a stitch of Mabel’s puppet show; hey, she worked hard on those.
The key assertion I have to address here is that “Dipper sacrifices a lot for Mabel, while she only seems to sacrifice her sock-puppet show for him.” I imagine that viewers come to the conclusion that Dipper has the losing end because, when they compare Dipper’s problems to Mabel’s, they see Dipper’s as more serious. Dipper has a crush he can’t shake (relatable), Mabel is gaga over a pig she just saw at the fair (less relatable); Dipper is pursuing the latest lead in his search for the Author (important), Mabel is rigging up an elaborate puppet show to impress the Boy of the Week (unimportant). Yet the show is always keenly aware that Mabel’s problems, as trivial as they may seem to us, are as important to her as Dipper’s are to him. Bill highlights this when he says, “Who would sacrifice everything they’d worked for just for their dumb sibling?”, causing Mabel to respond, “Dipper would.” Dipper’s “everything” is his investigation of Gravity Falls and Mabel’s “everything” is her puppet show, but each of their projects is everything. Coming from Mabel, the sacrifice of the sock puppet show–and, by extension, of a shot at the “epic summer romance” she’s been seeking as ardently as Dipper has been seeking the answers to his questions–is a very real loss, one she’s willing to accept because Dipper would do and has done as much for her.
Nor is Mabel’s puppet show the only casualty of her greater love for her brother; the loss of her dream world is no mean thing. Mabeland might not be to everyone’s taste (I would personally have thinned out the crowd and lowered the 80s club music a notch), but it’s Mabel’s ideal universe; it’s a world where everything is as she wants it, where she’s never bored or lonely, where every boy loves her, where the high court judge is a kitten. With the threat of change weighing on her and the most important relationship of her life under siege, the prison bubble presents Mabel with an irresistible retreat. Bill, who has banked on human greed in the past to great success, believes that the trap is inescapable, that no one handed all their heart’s desires on a plate will be capable of leaving (just as Mabel is taken in by her desperation to stop time, Dipper wavers when presented with the possibility of growing up on the spot). But without Dipper, all of it is hollow; she prefers in the end to leave her safe place and to follow him into an uncertain world.
For much of the show, Dipper is the more responsible one within the context of their relationship. Regardless of actual birth order, Mabel is the baby; sometimes the baby gets in a habit of relying on charm to carry her through, taking it for granted that her older siblings will always step up to the plate on her behalf, because she’s just that cute (looking at you, youngest sibling in my own family). But if Mabel’s occasional thoughtlessness with regard to Dipper is a character flaw, it’s worth measuring against the depth of her concern for the world at large, a quality that Dipper himself, who tends to value his select group, could stand to learn from. Dipper’s only real issue with the destruction of Northwest Manor and all of its visitors is that Mabel happens to be among them; Mabel is the first to see the potential for redemption in Pacifica, even though Dipper is the one who becomes close to her.
But Mabel loves Dipper more than anyone, and she is grateful to him for everything he does for her and shows it. She apologizes to him at the end of “Sock Opera” for letting a transient enthusiasm skew her priorities: “I spent all week obsessing over a dumb guy. But the dumb guy I should have cared about was you.” After escaping the prison bubble, she makes it clear to him that he can stay with Ford if he wants to–her noblest moment in the series, because Dipper is her entire world, infinitely more to her than crushes and pet pigs and magical trees that grow stuffed animals. He stays with her, not out of guilty obligation, but because he wants to be with her–because she’s his best friend, because growing up without her would be unthinkable. He’s a fair-minded guy, not one to take the fall without good reason–when he operates against her in “The Time-Traveler’s Pig,” he does so on the assumption that her pig is an enthusiasm of the moment and that his love for Wendy is permanent. When he realizes that losing Waddles will truly hurt her, he doesn’t hesitate. “I could never break your heart, Mabel.”
But look at how she thanks him. She knows this wasn’t easy for him and she’s ready to show him how much it means to her. She tackles him in sheer strength of feeling. She lifts him right off his feet.
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Treated unfairly? Dipper gets back everything he gives away with interest. Dipper’s happiness is his sister’s happiness and he always gets it because he is her happiness. Dipper is a lucky kid.
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