#infant nutrition awareness
townpostin · 2 months
Jamshedpur Club Hosts Breastfeeding Awareness Program
Inner Wheel Club educates women and girls on benefits of breastfeeding at Beldih gram basti Inner Wheel Club of Jamshedpur organized an awareness program on breastfeeding benefits for women and young girls at Beldih gram basti. JAMSHEDPUR – At Beldih gram basti, the Inner Wheel Club of Jamshedpur held a lactation Week awareness event to inform women and girls about the significance of…
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villainsimpqueen · 2 months
Barren Lands Lore Dump 4.
Lore dump topics: Reproduction, Mating Rituals, and Child Raising & handling the sick or hurt.
Reproductive Parts/ SEX 
ALL barren navi have two slits, an outer slit which protects the inner slit which leads to their gentiles from sand. 
The inner slit leads to their genitals for males as their neat tucked inside their Penises would start to expand and slide out of the inner slit from the outer slit in full length. Once edjucalting it will start to sofen and deflate sliding back in and the slits will also start to deflate and slide shut. 
Males Testes are internal versus out. Though when they swell the bottom part between the outer slit opening and taint will start to expand allowing their internal testes to expand when needed. Males' pensies are loaded eith bumpd and groves being smoother at the base, the head having an arrowhead shape with two ‘spikes’ being flexible to anchor inside of the female not allowing the male to be able to slip out until ejaculation. Ensuring pregnancy 
Female inner slits will open up to their clit and entrance, their Clits being the opening of their entrance allowing stimulation to be formed by the Males penises ridges, bumps and grooves. 
This will aid in producing wetness which makes the act more enjoyable and add lubrication for when the males pensiss spikes start rubbing against their internal walls. 
Mating Rituals
Red sands & Golden sands 
Unlike other Na'vi clans, Barren Lands Na'vi do not actively search for mates. They trust in Eywa to guide a fully mature male to a suitable female. This belief reflects one of their few spiritual tenets regarding Eywa and is a critical aspect of their cultural practices.
When a male and female do meet, the male must demonstrate his worthiness. This involves successful hunts to show he can provide food and displaying strength to fend off predators and rival Na'vi. These demonstrations are crucial as they assure the female of his capability to support her and their potential offspring.
Upon acceptance, the pair mates and connects their queues, creating an eternal bond through this spiritual and physical union.
 Birthing Process
The birthing process of Barren Lands Na'vi starkly contrasts with other Na'vi clans. While other Na'vi species give birth to crystalisks and use their queues to provide nutrition and health care to the newborns, Barren Lands Na'vi do not follow this practice. Instead, females do not carry their pregnancies to full term, as prolonged pregnancy can lead to significant nutritional loss and expose them to risks from rival Na'vi and predators. They give birth prematurely due to their inability to sustain long-term pregnancies without jeopardizing their own health and survival.
Immediately after birth, parents rub the newborn with sand. This gritty cleansing removes womb fluids and birthing scents that could attract predators. Following this, the parents dig a small burrow some distance away and place the newborn inside. This marks the beginning of the newborn's connection ritual to Eywa.
Connection to Eywa from Birth
The newborn is left alone in the burrow for 24 hours, a critical period in which they are considered to be "in the hands of Eywa." This trial by exposure tests the infant's resilience to the Barren Lands' extreme conditions. Survival through this ordeal signifies strength and potential for future endurance.
If the child survives without freezing, overheating, falling sick, or attracting predators, the final test occurs when the parents return. They call out to the infant. A successful response from the child—indicating it has the strength and awareness to recognize and react to the parents' calls—signals to the parents that the child is protected by Eywa and worthy of their care.
If the infant responds, the parents retrieve and care for it, now assured of its strength and potential to thrive in the harsh environment. If the child fails to respond, it is deemed too weak or sickly to survive the Barren Lands, and the parents leave it, believing it to be in Eywa's care.
Through these practices, the Barren Lands Na'vi ensure only the strongest and most resilient of their offspring survive, maintaining the strength and survival of their clan in one of Pandora's most unforgiving environments.
The Blue Sands barren Na'vi 
Na'vi from the Blue Sands tribes can find mates within or between their tribes, but some choose to leave their tribes to embark on a solitary journey within the Blue sands believing that Ewya will guide their true mate to them.
 For those seeking a profoundly sacred experience, they venture beyond the Blue Sands, traveling to the Golden Sands and, in extreme cases, even to the Red Sands. This journey is fraught with peril, as it involves navigating unknown territories, lacking knowledge of where to find oases, and standing out in the unfamiliar landscapes. These risks make hunting more difficult and increase their vulnerability to predators and rival Na'vi.
Proximity to the Tree of Thorns.
Near the Tree:Tribes that live close to the Tree of Thorns do not resort to the "Leaving in the Arms of Eywa" method. Instead, they take their premature babies directly to the Tree, allowing the first connection to Eywa through the spirit tree. This proximity to a powerful spiritual site negates the need for more drastic measures.
Nomadic Tribes or Distant from the Tree
Far from the Tree:Nomadic tribes or those living further from the Tree of thorns, sometimes straddling the borders of Golden Sands and Blue Sands territories, face a different situation. These tribes have two primary options:
  Travel Back to the Tree:Some may choose to undertake the journey back to the Tree of Thorns to establish the crucial spiritual connection for their newborns.
  Alternative Method:Others might adopt the "Leaving in the Arms of Eywa" method, similar to the practices of the Red Sands and Golden Sands tribes of the barren lands. This involves digging a burrow and leaving the baby there for 24 hours, a practice believed to connect the child to Eywa in a deeply spiritual, though perilous, way.
Raising Young in the Barren Lands Na'vi Landscapes 
Raising offspring in the Barren Lands presents distinct challenges and varying success rates across the three primary landscapes: the Blue Sands, the Red Sands, and the Golden Sands. Each region’s unique environmental conditions and social structures significantly impact the survival and upbringing of Na'vi children.
Blue Sands Na'vi
The Blue Sands Na'vi have the most favorable conditions for raising children among the three regions. Their structured clan system provides a supportive environment for nurturing young ones.
 Clan Structure and Support: The Blue Sands Na'vi benefit from a robust clan structure, with numerous members available to assist in hunting, protection, and education. This communal effort ensures that children receive the necessary care and guidance.
 Spiritual Practices: Proximity to the Shadowing Thorn Tree, the spirit tree of the Barren Lands, allows the Blue Sands Na'vi to perform sacred rituals. These include connecting children's queues to the Thorn Tree, facilitating a spiritual bond with their ancestors and Eywa. This practice is similar to those of their forest-dwelling ancestors.
Care for Vulnerable Children: Children who are sickly or physically challenged have higher survival chances. They are often given to clans residing near the Thorn Tree, where they are raised to become the tree's keepers. This act of mercy contrasts sharply with the harsher fates that might befall them in other regions.
Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi
In contrast, the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi face greater difficulties in raising children to maturity due to the lack of clan structures and harsher environmental conditions.
Parental Responsibility In both regions, the responsibility of raising children falls solely on the parents. They must provide all necessary protection, food, and shelter in extremely harsh climates.
Environmental Dangers: Children are at constant risk from predators and rival Na'vi, who may attack in competition for scarce resources such as food, water, and shelter. The mortality rate due to starvation and dehydration is significantly higher in these landscapes.
Survival of the Fittest: The survival rates of children in these regions are low. Those who cannot thrive or are physically unable to survive face potential abandonment. If parents are indifferent or unable to spend the time to prepare a  merciful herbal concoction, these children might be left to perish.
Spiritual Practices: The opportunity for children to connect to the Thorn Tree and to Eywa is extremely rare, if not nonexistent. Spiritual education is primarily conducted by parents. Only a few Barren Lands Na'vi parents are willing to undertake the perilous journey to the Blue Sands to perform this sacred act.
 Comparative Analysis
Blue Sands: High success rates in raising children due to strong clan support, spiritual practices, and mercy provisions for vulnerable children.
Red Sands and Golden Sands:  Low success rates in raising children due to isolated family units, high risks from predators and rival Na'vi, and severe environmental conditions. Opportunities for spiritual connection to the Thorn Tree and Eywa are extremely rare.
The Barren Lands Na'vi exhibit varying degrees of success in raising their young, heavily influenced by their respective landscapes and social structures. The Blue Sands Na'vi benefit from communal support and spiritual practices, resulting in higher survival rates for their children. In contrast, the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi face significant challenges, with solitary lifestyles and harsh environments leading to lower success rates in child-rearing. Opportunities for spiritual connection to the Thorn Tree and Eywa are minimal for the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi.
Child growth- Adulthood. 
When Barren Lands Na'vi are born, they have overly engorged tails. This evolutionary trait helps the infants survive the first 24 hours of abandonment by their parents, a ritual in which they are left in the arms of Eywa. The babies draw sustenance from their tails, enabling them to survive until they are reunited with their parents and can nurse.
The breast milk of Barren Lands Na'vi mothers is thick, condensed, and nutrient-rich. This is necessary because they only lactate for 6 to 8 weeks, as their bodies shut down lactation to prevent parental malnutrition. During these weeks, the babies gain fat and muscle rapidly, doubling their premature newborn size and developing all their baby teeth.
By the seventh week, parents start weaning their offspring, introducing them to a diet of raw, rare, or chewed meats. The Barren Lands Na'vi have evolved to grow rapidly from birth, slowing down after their first year. By the end of their first year, they are the size of a five-year-old human, capable of running and hiding from danger, and can be left alone safely while their parents hunt.
In the first few years of life, Barren Lands Na'vi children remain nameless until they prove their strength and resilience to their parents. This detachment helps parents cope with the potential loss of a child. A child earns a name during their first hunt with their parents, where they must deliver the final blow to the kill. This achievement is celebrated by tying the first bead to their spirit cord.
The child then participates in a ritual offering to the Great Mother, where they skin the kill, make a pouch, and place the best cuts of meat and the heart of the beast inside. They then leave this offering on the highest dune in sight.
The child continues to hunt with their parents and learns spiritual practices until they are 15-18 years old. During this period, tensions may rise as parents focus on younger siblings, often requiring the older child to look after them. If the young adult refuses, they must prove their independence by completing a solo hunt and catching an animal that provides substantial food. Failure results in being relegated to a child's role through physical punishment or passive-aggressive behavior.
Success in the solo hunt grants the young adult the freedom to leave and survive on their own, guided by Eywa to find a suitable mate.
 Treating the Sick or Severely Injured Among the Barren Lands Na'vi
 Blue Sands Na'vi
The Blue Sands Na'vi are better equipped to handle illnesses and severe injuries due to their structured clan systems and resource-sharing practices.
Healers and Medical Resources: Small tribes or clans often include skilled healers. These healers have access to a variety of herbal medicines, made possible through inter-tribal trade.
Resource Availability: The availability of diverse resources and the ability to trade with neighboring tribes enhance their capability to treat infections and other ailments.
Survival Probability: While death from sickness, infection, or injury remains a possibility, the survival rate is significantly higher in the Blue Sands compared to other regions due to better medical care and resource availability.
 Red Sands Na'vi
The Red Sands Na'vi face harsher conditions and have limited access to medical care, making illness and injury potentially fatal.
Tribal Support: In the rare instances where small tribe structures exist, there may be a slight chance of survival due to collective support. However, these tribes are few and far between.
Resource Allocation: The decision to treat a sick or injured individual depends on the perceived likelihood of recovery. Resources, time, and effort are allocated only if the chances of success are deemed worthwhile.
Merciful Endings: If treatment is not viable, the options are abandonment or administering a merciful herbal concoction to ease the individual into a painless death. Solitary mates or parents may abandon a sick or injured loved one if no resources are available.
 Golden Sands Na'vi
The Golden Sands Na'vi, often living as solitary couples or individuals, face the most severe challenges in treating illness and injury.
Scarce Resources: With limited access to oases and plant life, resources for medical treatment are extremely scarce.
High Mortality Rates: Sickness or injury often leads to death quickly due to the lack of medical resources and the harsh environment. A severely injured or ill individual is seen as a liability, risking the survival of the healthy.
Impact on Offspring: A sick or injured parent can jeopardize the survival of their children, leading to higher abandonment rates. Fatally ill or injured children may also be abandoned to protect the healthier members of the family.
Merciful Concoctions: The preparation of herbal concoctions to provide a peaceful death is rare due to resource scarcity. However, some may take the risk to gather the necessary ingredients to ease the suffering of a loved one.
The ability to treat the sick and severely injured varies greatly among the Barren Lands Na'vi. The Blue Sands Na'vi benefit from structured clans and resource sharing, resulting in higher survival rates. In contrast, the Red Sands and Golden Sands Na'vi face significant challenges due to limited resources and harsher living conditions, often leading to higher mortality rates and abandonment of the sick and injured. 
And now your all caught up! Im still working on animal lore and plant life lore.
Next post will show examples of Barren Lands Na'vi!
lore #5? A look at Barren Lands Navi Fanart
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menalez · 1 year
feel free to not publish this if it's inflammatory/likely to cause drama, but i just haven't seen anyone speaking bout this on radblr (that doesn't mean it's not happening ofcourse). i keep seeing cases of trans women inducing lactation and "breastfeeding" babies, with the most recent high profile case involving the trans woman in question feeding (i believe) his girlfriend's baby, who he's just adopted. there's an added fetish component in his case, as he does hucow type porn on his onlyfans. so in this instance, i think it's pretty clear he's a creep - but i wouldn't assume without evidence that it's a sexual thing for every trans woman. i can't deny though, that the idea of a man putting a baby to his breast to "feed" makes me feel physically sick (and furious). there are two studies about trans women linked on wikipedia about human male lactation but both of them are about how it can be done rather than, like, whether it's good for the baby. one of the studies even notes a concern about one of the drugs used and then just...doesn't follow up at all? idk, but if it can be done safely, and the nutrition profile of the "milk" matches that of a woman, i can't really see a rational reason for my visceral disgust at the idea (beyond awareness of men's general awfulness). like maybe instead we should be encouraging all fathers to do it, to lessen the burden on mothers (like some species of bat). idk i try not to equate natural with good, and i try not to assume the worst of people, but i feel like either i'm going crazy or this is just blatant child abuse
personally i think that there needs to be research into how harmful this potentially could be on the infants before promoting it in any sense. i just find it highly worrying that people taking hormones and other drugs sometimes drugs to induce lactation specifically are like promoting themselves breastfeeding babies as if there cant possibly be health concerns for those babies. even if its absent of any fetish or gross underlying reasoning, it shouldnt be allowed nor accepted until we know that it wont somehow harm the baby, that it has similar nutrients and that those hormones & drugs wont impact the baby either.
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rake-rake · 2 months
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Merlin facts.
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The legendary mage from the tale of King Arthur, her gender got lost in the stories due to period typical sexism and her own choice to remain a secretive and shadowy figure.
Very inhuman looking. Unnatural beauty, slitted eyes, pointy ears, sharp fangs and fingernails. Her blood is of a silverly-lilac color, which translates on her flesh being gray and her skin having cold undertones, as well as a gleaming quality to it, like sunlight reflecting on water. The hyperemic areas are also lilac or purple depending on blood flow, unlike humans' that are reddish or pink. This includes her eyelids, lips, fingernails, tongue, and even her blush; it's all shades of purple. She also has scales in certain areas such as around her eyes, knuckles, chest, and collarbones, hints of her succubus ascendence rather than just any fairy. Her hair is also incredibly silky and flowy looking, iridescent under any light.
Is this inhumanity that makes her incredibly beautiful and alluring, as succubus are. Most people attracted to women find it hard to tear their eyes from her, something she uses to her advantage. She's incredibly manipulative and underhanded, cruel and yet innocent, unbothered and yet thoughtful. In everything but blood she's fully a fairy, embracing that side of her being and lacking any sense of morality or value, living only for her own amusement. She enjoys playing with the heart of men and taking and taking until there's nothing left to give, to then move on to a new one. She's cruel, a sadist, and a liar, and does everything based on how much entertainment it can provide her.
It is also due to said nature that she's unable to feel love, a concept foreign to fae. She might get infatuated sometimes and obsessed others, but something pure like love is out of her reach. She's aware of this too, but she doesn't mind it.
She has the skill to copy any physical skill she sees, a mirror like effect, and store them for later use. She fights by using Vortigern's moveset, with her staff taking the place of his spear. However, said movements are just imitations without the real power of the original user behind them.
She's extremely light and can float, a side effect of being a dream like existence. She can hover slightly above the ground and will do so over the shoulder of people she's comfortable with. She also has a tendence to blend in the backgroud when she so desires giving the impression of suddenly appearing out of nowhere. This is also aided by the fact she makes no sounds when moving, and her every movement is extremely graceful and fluid like water. She has no smell either, rather being enveloped by the fragrance of flowers she always brings.
She uses her clairvoyance to get only an outline of the way things should develop. She has no interest on every little detail on how to get there, only the bigger strokes. As such, she takes whatever paths she thinks will get the intended result, as long as said result amuses her. Still, she would rather prefer it if humanity survives, as it's her source of entertainment and nutrition, and will often aid them when in need.
As such, she aided Vortigern during his rampage simply because she thought it would be fun, but relinquished her role as his court mage once she realized if things were to go his way humanity would go extinct. Seeking Uther to aid him instead, she eventually would leave an infant Arthur with Ector and continue to serve Uther for the remaining of his reign. Uninterested on the development of the future king, she wouldn't met Arthur again until the time to pull Caliburn from the stone came.
Unsurprisingly, she's a Beast Candidate for seat IV, Cherishment, and a Juvenile Beast, if not mature simply due to her little interest for the position. The Beast of the Planet, she could fully take on the role if she so desired, but has no inclination for it. It's the same with the role of Grand Caster, which she left to King Gilgamesh instead rather than trouble herself with it.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
What about when the twins bitty comes?
News of an Autobot carriage spreads like wildfire. Everyone is talking about it. Someone must have seen the blueprints or the unmistakable shape of a newspark cradle-pod being built, and while far-fetched rumors had popped up, many optics turn to the ‘bot that’s currently benched from anything and the entire drama that unfolded recently.
Multiple mechs look at you, then at the Terror Twins, and back to you. Questioning it all. Like, did you knock one of them up?
Sweet, sleeping Primus, is it Sunstreaker that’s carrying?!
The realization of horror isn’t washed away by the news of you as the carrier, it still means that the Terror Twins had reproduced.
Of course, many mechs are speculating on how it happened. Which one bared everything? Cold, sadistic Sunstreaker? Impulsive, bloodthirsty Sideswipe? Both at the same time??
Sunstreaker refuses to speak about his strong suspicion, nor do you have anything to say about it. The newspark is coming, no matter what.
The night when Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had spiked you at the same time is the same night Ratchet does a house visit. With Prowl in tow. Apparently, you were loud and shrill enough to have multiple mechs report possible abuse.
Sunstreaker is the one to answer the door and the scents of scorched circuitry, ozone, lubricant, and transfluid smack Ratchet and Prowl in the face. Surprisingly, the yellow frontliner lets them easily because-
Sideswipe needed repairs. He called it: joint stress and sprained cabling. As well as heat-related internal damage, depleted coolant, and minor fractures in his endoskeletal structure.
Ratchet is angrily muttering about “stupidity” and “sex injuries” as he catalogs the total damage while Sideswipe is barely aware of their audience. Sunstreaker is being helpful by answering Prowl’s questions at the bare minimum. You’re completely out cold on the berth with a sheet tucked around you.
You were more amused rather than upset that the twins broke into your habsuite to clean, but you did give them the code for access. Your mornings get very fulfilling. It’s easy to tell apart which twin is in your berth.
Sunstreaker tends to wait until you’re semi-awake before opening your legs. A little freer with kisses as he drags you into them. A fierce onslaught between frustration and devotion.
If Sideswipe spends a night over, then you usually wake up with a spike grinding deep inside your valve. It’s the charge that gets you. There’s the taste of ozone on your glossa, a hot pool in your belly, and the repetition of Pit Kaonite in the room.
Both of the twins do their own thing to prepare for the newspark, besides attending the mandatory infant/child care modules in the medbay because Ratchet wants this to go smoothly.
Sunstreaker breaks out his paint kit and tools for the cradle-pod and playpen. Sanding, filling, and decorating it with little swirls and knobs. Adds in handles for chewing since the twins were bitey, gnawing sparklings.
Sideswipe heads to the betting tables to get specific services and supplies as well as looking into those jumbo, plush toys.
As the carriage progresses further, you get warmer and warmer, especially your abdomen. Your lap becomes a prime heat source for Blaster’s cassettes to cuddle and relax, so it becomes a common sight to see a cassette upon your person during their downtime. Sometimes two or three cuddle on your lap since you don’t really show through your thick plating.
Bitty takes after the sire(s). So even if your abdominal plating is off, you barely look bloated, but your protoform right there is soft and flushed with minerals and absolutely heated from their construction and bulking.
Over the sonograms, they develop finials that flick in their sleep. Twitching as they suck on a thumb.
You also need to deal with leakage. Not just your array that runs hot but your chassis as well. Ratchet hands you a pump to empty your refineries, but between the newspark and the dense nutritional slurry, it’s becoming a near-daily thing to contend with. At least, the medbay has a great stock of backup in sparkling-grade now.
Your chassis aches from the heavy swells of your backed-up refineries and it becomes simpler to let it out in private.
Sideswipe is mouthy and good with his mouth. Worshiping that chassis like a starving sinner that found bountiful paradise. 
It happens during the night shift and you’re on monitor duty. There’s been a persistent ache in your lower half but you didn’t think anything of it when Ratchet said nothing out of order from the last checkup and the datapads said that the carrier’s frame needs to shift to accommodate the newspark.
And you really didn’t think of it until you had to get up from a strong, deep throb between your hips, just to realize that the warm tickle wasn’t your overactive lubrication, but bright, lucid green.
You log out and comm Blaster that he needs to come in early. The mech mutters something hanging up before hailing you back to back as you make your way to the medbay.
You’re in a bizarre calm as you enter the medbay. Ratchet is already pushing you into a berth as bitty decided to come early because, of course, they did.
The twins are twisted up with a whirlpool of emotions: worry, anxiety, excitement, annoyance, and so much more as, for slaggen once, neither of them was nearby.
The twins are enamored by the tiny being. By their little hands and small, kicking feet. By the mewls and cries and how their field reaches out and latches solidly to them. It’s not unusual to wake up with Sideswipe or Sunstreaker awake and watching the cradle-pod.
If it’s Sideswipe then he uses you as a perch. He lies perpendicular to your frame and rests his elbows and chin on your side as he gazes into the cradle. He likes flicking his field and feeling the newspark mimic him.
Sunstreaker has his own setup in your habsuite. He angled the mirror just right to have a perfect view of the cradle and you as he does his morning routine.
The newspark is well-developed. Even with all the hurdles to get them to this point, they didn’t even need an incubation chamber, only a few nights of observation along with you to keep an optic on other complications.
Sideswipe is such a proud papa. Practically shoves pics and clips to mechs’ faces of the newspark rolling around in their decorated cradle-pod: sleeping, eating, crawling, chewing. Sunstreaker is far quieter in his own feelings, but he allows the bitty to drool on his shoulder with no fuss.
Sunstreaker had threatened, quiet and menacing since the newspark decided to nap on his frame, Sideswipe to keep the clips of him and bitty private or so help him Unicron-
Sideswipe shows it to you, and only you, and it’s really adorable. And you don’t doubt that people would disbelieve it on the basis of that soft expression on Sunny’s face. But they would definitely have nightmares of his face when Sunstreaker made that threat…
Mechs eat up the pics and clips because it’s the only newspark they got after a long, long time. And the kid’s really farking cute, especially when they wiggle those audials.
Surprises everyone, even the twins, that the sparkling takes after their carrier’s mellowness. Like really? The Terror Twins’ own bitty is so low-key and sweet and cuddly; if it isn’t for the shape of their optics, the exact nose, and the pinpricks of claws (and eventually their fangs), then no one would have batted an optic if they were Beachcomber’s or Hound’s.
Sideswipe likes to joke that the kiddo will have a nasty bad/dark side. Rage of gentle giants and all that jazz.
Eventually, it's found out, they're a femme. And oh Primus, between their carrier and sires, the kid will be a damn, solid bombshell as an adult.
The twins figured out the perfect game to include them both with their bitty: Airball.
It’s no surprise that their little one, regardless of her gentle deposition, will be an adrenaline seeker. Look at that child, squealing with absolute delight as she sails through the air.
This caused many mechs to have a pump failure and spark palpitations as the sparkling soars and flails as they fall.
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Ultimate Decades Challenge
Year 1303
Infant and child loss was not uncommon among peasant families in historical times. Unfortunately, due to various factors such as limited access to healthcare, poor living conditions, and inadequate nutrition, many families had to endure the heart-wrenching experience of losing their little ones. The emotional toll of these tragedies was immeasurable, as parents grappled with grief and the challenging realities of life. These sorrowful events serve as a somber reminder of the hardships and vulnerabilities faced by families in the past.
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During the unsettling times of the Middle Ages, Bridget navigated through various hurdles in her quest for herbal remedies for the consistent illnesses that their village experienced, striving to provide the best for her beloved family. As she embraced the joy of welcoming twin blessings into the world, her heart broke when her newborn daughter, Elizabeth, succumbed to the merciless grip of smallpox. This heart-wrenching loss would forever change the course of the Stonewalls.
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Hugh experienced immense grief after losing baby Elizabeth. The pain was beyond bearable, and his heart felt shattered. In addition to the overwhelming sadness, he had countless racing thoughts and worries. His child, Edith, had a twin sister, and he wondered about the long-term impact of this loss on her.
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Hugh, filled with love for his family, embraced Edith tenderly, aware of their fragile state. Determined to alleviate their suffering, he embarked on a job as an Artisan's Assistant, aiming to secure a better future for his children and future generations. His unwavering dedication aimed to spare them from the hardships he himself had endured as a peasant.
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Edith Aged Up! "Infants! A world of discovery, communication, and play is waiting to be attained!" Trait (Randomized): Wiggly
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Bernedicta plays an incredibly vital role in the family's healing process, particularly during Hugh's absence due to work. Despite the challenges they face, their precious little one, Edith, is thriving and filled with contentment. Bernedicta's profound nurturing nature truly shines as she lovingly sings lullabies to her beloved grandchildren, ensuring they experience tranquil slumber.
“Lullay lullow, lullay lully, Beway bewy, lullay lullow, Lullay  lully, Baw me bairne, sleep softly now. I saw a sweet and  seemly sight, A blissful burd, a blossom bright, That morning made and mirth among. Lullay lullow, lullay lully, Beway bewy,  lullay lullow, Lullay lully, Baw me bairne, sleep softly now. A  maiden mother, meek and mild, In cradle keep, a knavë child, That softly sleep; she sat and sang. Baw me bairne, sleep softly now Lullay  lullow, lullay lully, Beway bewy, lullay lullow, Lullay lully, Baw  me bairne, sleep softly now.”
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maaarine · 2 years
The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture (Gabor Maté, 2022)
“For many years the most difficult question that could be put to me was “What are you feeling?” My customary response was an irritated “How should I know?” 
I faced no such problem on being asked what my thoughts were: on those I am a tenured expert. 
Not knowing how or what one feels, on the other hand, is a sure sign of disconnect from the body. 
What causes such a disconnect? In my case, the answer requires no speculation. 
As an infant in wartime Hungary, I endured chronic hunger and dysentery, states of acute discomfort threatening and distressing to adults, let alone to a one-year-old. 
I also absorbed the terrors and unrelenting emotional distress of my mother.
In the absence of relief, a young person’s natural response—their only response, really—is to repress and disconnect from the feeling-states associated with suffering. 
One no longer knows one’s body. 
Oddly, this self-estrangement can show up later in life in the form of an apparent strength, such as my ability to perform at a high level when hungry or stressed or fatigued, pushing on without awareness of my need for pause, nutrition, or rest. 
Alternatively, some people’s disconnection from their bodies manifests as not knowing when to stop eating or drinking —the “enough” signal doesn’t get through.”
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hamaripahchanngokanika · 11 months
"Empowering Women in India: Challenges, Initiatives, and Solutions" - by Kanika
"Empowering Women in India: Challenges, Initiatives, and Solutions" - by Kanika
**India and the World**
The world is divided between developed and developing countries, and India, as a developing country, has a history of colonialism until gaining independence in 1947. Since then, there has been significant progress in gender trends, but it's not comparable to the advancements made in human rights, gender issues, liberty, and equality by developed nations. They are far ahead of India in these areas, and to achieve similar levels of progress, India needs to work diligently on these issues. In developed nations, women are relatively empowered due to their access to basic rights, whereas in India, women do not have the same access to these fundamental rights. "Women in India suffer significantly." This sentiment is echoed in the words of Baba Saheb Ambedkar, who said, "I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved, and the condition of women in India is dire."
**The Challenges Faced by Women in India**
1. **Female Foeticide and Gender Bias:** In India, the preference for male offspring persists from rural to urban areas and across all socioeconomic levels. Female foeticide is alarmingly common, stemming from the societal belief that a male child is more valuable. This cultural bias leads to the termination of female foetuses or the tragic killing of female infants soon after birth. Economic burdens, particularly related to education and marriage, fuel this mindset, as marrying outside one's caste is often perceived as a threat to family status.
2. **Societal Expectations and Sacrifices:** Indian society conditions women from a young age to be sacrificial and tolerant. Girls often sacrifice their education for household chores and caring for siblings. Even in educated households, the burden of domestic responsibilities is placed upon girls. This ingrained notion mandates that girls manage household chores before attending school, perpetuating the idea that these responsibilities primarily belong to females.
3. **Nutritional Challenges:** A significant portion of women in India lacks access to proper nutrition. The UN Women's recent report highlights that over 70% of women in India suffer from undernourishment, leading to health complications. Malnutrition affects their ability to study, engage in activities, and, in severe cases, results in early mortality. Poverty-stricken families, especially those discouraging female education, exacerbate this cycle of deprivation, leading to a lack of education, unemployment, inadequate nutrition, and ultimately, a lack of support for future generations of women.
4. **Limited Education Access:** When deprived of education, women lack awareness of their rights and suffer in arranged marriages, often regardless of the groom's age or suitability.
5. **Restricted Professional Lives:** Early marriages hinder women from pursuing professional careers. Their societal obligation to bear children significantly limits their professional growth and personal aspirations.
6. **Victims of Violence:** Women often endure physical and mental abuse from husbands and in-laws, adding to their already challenging lives.
7. **Menstrual Hygiene Concerns:** Menstrual hygiene remains a significantly under-discussed issue. Poor women, lacking access to sanitary pads, resort to unhygienic alternatives like cloth, risking infections. This lack of proper hygiene hampers their education and participation in society.
**Empowerment of Women**
1. **Education as Empowerment:** Education serves as a fundamental right rather than a privilege. It empowers women, altering societal mindsets and providing them with opportunities.
2. **Encouraging Love Marriages:** Encouraging love marriages over arranged unions grants women autonomy and a voice in their marital future, reducing the perception of being treated as property after marriage.
3. **Involvement in Extracurricular Activities:** Encouraging girls' participation in extracurricular and sports activities promotes physical fitness and broader skill development.
**Government Initiatives for Empowerment**
1. **Women's Reservation Bill:** The introduction of a 33% reservation for women in legislative bodies ensures women's voices in policy-making, addressing women-centric issues effectively.
2. **Free Services:** Free bus services, like those provided by the Delhi government, ensure greater female presence in public spaces, enhancing safety.
3. **Free Education and Nutritional Support:** Free education and mid-day meals fulfill educational and nutritional needs, particularly for underprivileged girls.
4. **Self-Defense Training:** Implementing self-defense training in educational institutions and across various platforms prepares women to handle diverse circumstances confidently.
5. **Ujjwala Yojana:** Providing LPG cylinders to households, primarily benefiting women who face health issues while cooking on traditional stoves.
6. **Access to Menstrual Hygiene Products:** Mandating the provision of free sanitary pads to all women, regardless of economic status, can greatly impact their health and participation in various activities.
7. **Job and Educational Reservations:** Instituting reservations for women in jobs and educational institutions could significantly contribute to their empowerment.
NGOs like "Hamari Pahchan" actively work to empower women through initiatives such as providing sanitary pads, education, legal aid, and imparting entrepreneurial skills, aiming for women's financial independence. This organization was founded post the Nirbhaya incident, dedicated to making public spaces safer for women.
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Breastfeeding Myths and Facts: Separating Fiction from Reality
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A wonderful and natural method to nourish your baby is breastfeeding. It gives your baby all the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Breastfeeding not only delivers the best nutrition for the infant, but it also has many other advantages for the mother.
Breastfeeding for the baby can help strengthen their immune system, lower their risk of illnesses, and minimise their risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Additionally, breastfeeding fosters a close link between mother and child by providing safety and comfort to your infant.
Breastfeeding can help moms lose weight, cut their risk of postpartum depression, and lower their risk of developing certain cancers. Additionally, nursing generates hormones that facilitate bonding and relaxation, making it a wonderful method to establish a connection with your child.
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Along with the beautiful journey of breastfeeding, it comes along with lots of myths and misconceptions. Many mothers are not even aware of the reality of these myths.
Breastfeeding is easy: It’s not easy to breastfeed a baby because a mother needs practical support with positioning the baby so that the baby can latch. Breastfeeding takes time and practice for both mothers and babies and is also time intensive, so mothers need space and support at home and work.
Mothers should only eat plain food while breastfeeding: breastfeeding mothers should need to eat a balanced diet. There is no need to change food habits unless the doctor suggests it.
You should separate the newborn baby and mother so that she can take rest: Doctors, nurses, and midwives encourage the practice of skin-to-skin contact immediately after the birth. Bringing the baby to direct contact with the mother helps to establish breastfeeding.
Mothers shouldn’t breastfeed if sick: Mothers can typically continue nursing when unwell, depending on the disease. You must ensure that you receive the proper care and enough rest, good nutrition, and hydration. Often, the antibodies your body produces to combat your sickness or illness will be passed on to your baby, helping him or her to develop their defences.
It’s hard to wean the baby if mothers breastfeed for more than a year: There is evidence that nursing for up to two years is advantageous for both women and children, but there is no proof that stopping breastfeeding beyond one year is more complicated. Since every mother and baby are unique, they must decide jointly how long to nurse.
Breastfeeding is a journey for mothers and babies that is both challenging and rewarding. In today’s generation, too many households believe in such myths and probably there is no one to debunk them. Filaantro along with Child Help Foundation has helped breastfeeding mothers understand the benefits of breastfeeding, the myths, and the facts. The organization has also established 18 Baby Feeding Centres in Pan India at hospitals, temples, and railway stations. Through this initiative, 56,615 beneficiaries have benefitted. Thus, helping mothers with a safe and secure haven to comfortably breastfeed their babies.
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foodandbeverages · 3 days
Infant Formula Ingredients Market Segmentation Application, Technology & Market Analysis Research Report To 2033
During the forecast period, the infant formula ingredients market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 6.3%. Beginning the forecast period in 2023 with a market value of USD 42,645 million, it is likely to reach a valuation of USD 78,818.9 million by 2033.
Future Market Insights expects there to be an astounding surge in the market size of the baby formula ingredients market due to its nutrient content. It is also the highest-preferred alternative to breastfeeding. Globally, the market is also gaining rapid success as working women with infants can make the switch to infant formula to keep up with their busy lifestyles.
The market’s growth can be credited to the rising sales of infant formula ingredients, sourcing a replacement for women’s breast milk with nutrients available in the soymilk, cow’s milk, and protein hydrolysates form.
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/infant-formula-ingredients-market
Key Takeaways:
The United States holds a significant market share of 18.9% in the infant formula market, highlighting its strong presence and leading position as a major consumer and producer of infant formula products.
Germany maintains a notable market share of 8.6% in the infant formula market, emphasizing its significant contribution and role in providing high-quality and nutritious infant formula options to meet the needs of infants and their families.
Japan accounts for 6.9% of the market share in the infant formula industry, showcasing its importance as a key player in the market and its commitment to offering reliable and quality infant formula products.
Australia contributes to the infant formula market with a market share of 3.5%, underscoring the country’s role in providing safe and nutritious infant formula options for the well-being of infants and their development.
China experiences a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.3% in the infant formula market, indicating a steady growth trajectory and increasing demand for infant formula products driven by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and rising disposable incomes.
India demonstrates a robust CAGR of 9.7% in the infant formula market, highlighting the country’s expanding consumer base, growing awareness about infant nutrition, and rising demand for high-quality and nutritious infant formula products.
The United Kingdom showcases a CAGR of 7.6% in the infant formula market, reflecting its sustained growth and continuous efforts to provide safe and reliable infant formula options, meeting the changing needs and preferences of parents and caregivers.
Calling all industry enthusiasts! Engage in a captivating conversation with our analyst about the Infant Formula Ingredients Market. Uncover valuable insights and gain a competitive edge. https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-question/rep-gb-11027
Competitive Landscape:
The leading suppliers of infant formula ingredients are found to be engaging in aggressive business practices such as several mergers and acquisitions, capital expansion and strategic alliances. Leading businesses are also bringing their focus to boosting the productivity of their companies through technological innovation and increasing the share of their sector. Manufacturers who are active in the infant formula ingredients market are also constantly working on research and development to create products that meet consumer demands.
The following are the actions taken by some leading companies in the market:
In February 2018, Arla Foods announced its plans to invest £70 million in the United Kingdom, as a part of its strategy to secure long-term opportunities for its farmers all over Europe. In April 2022, Kerry Group acquired Natreon, Inc, a United States-based supplier of branded Ayurvedicbotanical ingredients.
Some other leading players in the market are:
Co-operative Group Limited AAK AB Royal Friesland Campina N.V.
Key Segments in the Infant Formula Ingredients Market
By Ingredient Type:
Fats & Oils Minerals Proteins Vitamins Carbohydrates Prebiotics Others (Probiotics, Nucleotides, and Emulsifiers)
By Source:
Soy Protein hydrolysates Cow Milk Others (Goat milk and camel milk)
By Application:
0 to 6-month-old infants 6 to 12-month-old infants Infants over 12 months Specialty Formula
By Form:
Powder Liquid & semi-liquid
By Region:
North America Latin America Asia Pacific MEA Europe
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prajwal-agale001 · 9 days
Global Lipid Nutrition Market Growth Projected at $24.71 Billion by 2030, Led by North America
According to the latest analysis by Meticulous Research®, the global lipid nutrition market is projected to surge to $24.71 billion by 2030, growing at a robust CAGR of 8.9% from 2023 to 2030. The market's growth is primarily fueled by rising incidences of chronic diseases, an aging population, and a heightened demand for infant nutrition and dietary supplements. However, challenges such as the limited availability of fish oil and an unpredictable regulatory landscape are expected to moderately impede the market’s growth.
Download Sample Report Here @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=3045
Market Segmentation and Growth Drivers
The lipid nutrition market is categorized by type, source, form, application, and geography:
By Type:
The market is segmented into omega-3 (including EPA, DHA, and ALA), medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), omega-6 (including ARA, GLA, CLA), long-chain triglycerides, omega-9, and others.
Notably, the omega-3 segment is projected to dominate the market in 2023 due to its health benefits, particularly in reducing the risk of heart disease and managing rheumatoid arthritis. Growing demand for omega-3 in animal feed is also anticipated to fuel this segment’s growth.
By Source:
Lipid nutrition products are sourced from both marine (fish oil, algae oil, krill oil) and plant-based sources (coconut oil, flaxseed oil, chia seed oil).
The plant-sourced lipids segment is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period, driven by rising health consciousness, increasing vegetarian populations, and readily available plant-based raw materials.
By Form:
The market is divided into liquid and dry forms, with the liquid segment forecast to hold the largest share in 2023. This is attributed to the liquid form’s popularity in soft gel capsule production, ease of consumption, and cost-effective processing.
By Application:
Key applications include dietary supplements, food & beverages, pharmaceuticals, and animal feed.
The dietary supplements segment is expected to dominate in 2023 due to rising consumer awareness about nutrition, the surge in product launches, and increasing demand for health supplements.
Regional Insights
Geographically, North America is set to lead the lipid nutrition market in 2023, driven by factors such as the presence of major nutritional lipid manufacturers, a growing vegan population, significant investments in research & development, and high disposable incomes.
Competitive Landscape
The global lipid nutrition market is moderately competitive, with a mix of global, regional, and local players. Leading companies include:
Koninklijke DSM N.V. (Netherlands)
Polaris Nutritional Lipids (France)
Archer Daniels Midland Company (U.S.)
BASF SE (Germany)
Cargill, Incorporated (U.S.)
Omega Protein Corporation (U.S.)
These companies are at the forefront of innovation and development within the lipid nutrition sector, striving to meet the growing consumer demand for health-focused lipid products.
Read Full Report:- https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/lipid-nutrition-market-3045?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=13-09-2024
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tamanna31 · 9 days
Omega 3 2024 Industry – Challenges, Drivers, Outlook, Segmentation - Analysis to 2030
Omega 3 Industry Overview
The global omega 3 market size was valued at USD 2.62 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9% from 2024 to 2030.
This is attributable to the rising use of ingredients in the human diet to support brain and heart health. Furthermore, the increasing consumer investment in healthcare and one’s well-being is also expected to boost product demand. The market is witnessing continuous diversification in its product offerings as consumers are looking for alternatives to traditional fish oil. Krill oil is one of the widely used sources of omega-3 due to its superior properties as compared to conventional fish oil. The majority of consumers in Europe and North America prefer krill oil over any other source of fish oil owing to its acid reflux, unpleasant taste, and large-sized pills. Such factors are anticipated to trigger product demand during the forecast period.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Omega 3 Market
The demand for omega-3 fatty acids in the U.S. is projected to grow significantly over the next few years owing to rising consumer awareness in the country regarding the several health benefits offered, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol and reducing risks related to heart diseases. Moreover, growing consumer preference for a healthy and nutritional diet is further expected to fuel product demand shortly.
Numerous manufacturers present in the U.S., including BioProcess Algae, Martek Biosciences Corporation, and Omega Protein Corporation are focusing on research and development activities for launching pharmaceutical-grade product in the market. Increasing consumption of enhanced medicines to treat and prevent chronic diseases is likely to spur overall consumption in the coming years.
Rising pressure on anchovy fisheries to extract fish oil has increased the demand from non-fish sources, including flaxseed, walnuts, algae, and krill oil. Furthermore, increasing government initiatives to promote the product usage in different end-use applications are projected to positively impact the market demand.
Browse through Grand View Research's Additives & Nutricosmetics Industry Research Reports.
• The global fumaric acid market size was valued at USD 561.5 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.2% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global nisin market size was estimated at USD 502.93 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Omega 3 Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis on the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2018 to 2030. For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global omega 3 market report on the basis of type, source, application, and region:
Type Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)
Source Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Marine Source
Fish Oil
Algal Oil
Krill Oil
Plant Source
Nuts & Seeds
Vegetable Oils
Application Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Supplements & Functional Foods
Infant Formula
Animal Feed & Pet Food
Regional Outlook (Volume, Tons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
The Netherlands
Asia Pacific
New Zealand
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Growing consumption of the product in various applications coupled with rising awareness regarding health and chronic diseases, and regulations favoring the use of omega-3 in infant formulations has influenced manufacturers to invest in technologies and product development in order to meet consumer demands. The market has been experiencing an increase in the number of new entrants across the value chain owing to the growing profits and huge market potential of manufacturers.
In March 2023, Epax announced an investment of USD 40 million in molecular distillation technology for improving the processing of highly concentrated omega 3.
In May 2023, Nuseed Global introduces Nuseed Nutriterra plant-based oil enriched with omega-3, tailored to meet the needs of the human nutrition and dietary supplement markets.
In addition, key companies such as Aker Biomarine Antarctic AS are focusing on expanding their capacity by introducing new catching vessels to increase their products, which was reflected in the sales of the company in the year 2021. Governments across developing regions are taking several initiatives to support Antarctic Krill fishing by providing research funds and creating innovation alliances, which may trigger industry growth
Key Omega 3 Companies:
Aker Biomarine Antarctic AS
Orkla Health
Omega Protein Corp.
GC Reiber Oils
Croda International Plc
BioProcess Algae, LLC
Koninklijke DSM N.V.
Order a free sample PDF of the Omega 3 Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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colinwilson11 · 11 days
Necrotising Enterocolitis Market Will Grow At Highest Pace Owing To Rising Prevalence Of Preterm Birth Complications
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Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating gastrointestinal disease that primarily affects premature infants. It is characterized by inflammation and necrosis of the intestine. The risk factors associated with NEC include prematurity, formula feeding, and bacterial colonization of the intestine. Infants with very low birth weights have the highest risk. NEC treatment involves management of sepsis, support of vital organ function, bowel rest with no oral feeding, and surgery if necessary.
The Necrotising Enterocolitis Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 7.10 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.6% over the forecast period 2024-2031.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the Necrotising Enterocolitis market are AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Baxter International, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Fresenius Kabi. Rising prevalence of preterm birth complications globally is expected to drive the growth of the market during the forecast period. According to the World Health Organization, preterm birth complications are the leading cause of death among children under 5 years of age, responsible for approximately 1 million deaths in 2015. Technological advancements in parenteral nutrition and minimal invasive surgery have provided improved treatment outcomes for NEC.
Market Trends
Increasing research on nutraceuticals and probiotics for NEC prevention: Several clinical studies are evaluating the role of pre and probiotics such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in reducing the risk of NEC in preterm infants. This presents an opportunity for novel prevention strategies.
Rising adoption of minimal invasive surgery: Advancements in minimal invasive surgical techniques such as laparoscopy has resulted in reduced recovery time and complications for NEC patients undergoing surgery. This trend is expected to drive the future demand.
Market Opportunities
Development of novel therapeutics targeting inflammatory pathways: Researchers are investigating potential drug targets such as Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signaling pathways to develop novel anti-inflammatory therapies for NEC treatment.
Increasing healthcare expenditure on pediatric care in emerging nations: Emerging countries in Asia Pacific and Latin America are witnessing increased healthcare spending focused on neonatal and pediatric care. This will propel the growth of therapeutics and medical devices market for pediatric gastrointestinal conditions.
Impact Of COVID-19 On Necrotising Enterocolitis Market Growth
The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted the growth of the necrotising enterocolitis market globally. During the peak of pandemic in 2020-2021, the concentration of healthcare resources towards treatment of COVID-19 patients has negatively affected the diagnosis and treatment of other health conditions including necrotising enterocolitis. This led to reduction in number of surgeries and procedures carried out for necrotising enterocolitis management. Moreover, restrictions on non-essential healthcare services along with fear of virus spread stopped patients from visiting hospitals even for emergency cases. This impacted the market growth negatively during the period.
However, with gradual lift of restrictions in 2022 and availability of COVID-19 vaccines, the market is recovering slowly. The healthcare facilities are focusing on clearing backlog of non-COVID cases and regaining lost momentum in treatment of other diseases. The manufacturers are expanding supply chain capabilities and ramping up production to meet the increasing demand. Various initiatives are being taken by governments and healthcare organizations to raise awareness about timely management of necrotising enterocolitis. This will potentially boost the market in the coming years.
The United States holds the major share of necrotising enterocolitis market in terms of value, owing to large patient population, high treatment cost and adequate reimbursement framework. The region accounted for over 35% revenue share of global market in 2024.
Asia Pacific region is poised to witness fastest growth during the forecast period. Factors such as increasing healthcare expenditure, rising medical tourism, growing birth rate and expanding private hospital infrastructure will aid the market growth in Asia Pacific. China, India and Japan are emerging as profitable markets for necrotising enterocolitis treatment.
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.trendingwebwire.com/necrotising-enterocolitis-market-is-estimated-to-witness-high-growth-owing-to-advancements-in-parenteral-nutrition-solutions-and-devices/
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
What Are The Key Data Covered In This Necrotising Enterocolitis Market Report?
:- Market CAGR throughout the predicted period
:- Comprehensive information on the aspects that will drive the Necrotising Enterocolitis Market's growth between 2024 and 2031.
:- Accurate calculation of the size of the Necrotising Enterocolitis Market and its contribution to the market, with emphasis on the parent market
:- Realistic forecasts of future trends and changes in consumer behaviour
:- Necrotising Enterocolitis Market Industry Growth in North America, APAC, Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Africa
:- A complete examination of the market's competitive landscape, as well as extensive information on vendors
:- Detailed examination of the factors that will impede the expansion of Necrotising Enterocolitis Market vendors
Q.1 What are the main factors influencing the Necrotising Enterocolitis Market?
Q.2 Which companies are the major sources in this industry?
Q.3 What are the market’s opportunities, risks, and general structure?
Q.4 Which of the top Necrotising Enterocolitis Market companies compare in terms of sales, revenue, and prices?
Q.5 Which businesses serve as the Necrotising Enterocolitis Market’s distributors, traders, and dealers?
Q.6 How are market types and applications and deals, revenue, and value explored?
Q.7 What does a business area’s assessment of agreements, income, and value implicate?
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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drdaniellarscheid · 12 days
Empowering Parents with Expert Tips: Dr. Daniel Larscheid’s Ultimate Children's Dental Health Handbook
Raising a child comes with countless responsibilities, and ensuring their dental health is often one of the most overlooked aspects. In his latest book, Daniel Larscheid’s Ultimate Guide To Children's Dental Health: Ensuring Bright Smiles and Healthy Teeth from Infancy to Adolescence, Dr. Daniel Larscheid offers parents a practical and comprehensive guide to help them confidently manage their child’s oral health at every stage of development. With over 20 years of experience in pediatric dentistry, Dr. Larscheid equips parents with expert tips, actionable strategies, and easy-to-follow routines that promote lifelong dental health.
The Importance of Starting Early
Dr Dan Larscheid emphasizes that oral health begins even before the first tooth erupts. By starting early, parents can set their children on the path to a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. In the book, Dr. Larscheid explains the importance of cleaning a baby’s gums, using a soft cloth or infant toothbrush, to remove bacteria and prevent plaque buildup. This early introduction to oral care not only promotes healthy gum development but also helps children become comfortable with having their mouths cleaned, reducing resistance as they grow older.
Once baby teeth begin to appear, Dr. Larscheid advises parents to brush their child’s teeth twice a day using a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Early exposure to brushing not only prevents early tooth decay, but it also helps establish a habit that will last throughout childhood and beyond.
Establishing Healthy Habits with Brushing and Flossing
One of the core themes in Dr. Larscheid’s book is the power of habit. He provides parents with clear, actionable advice on how to make brushing and flossing a consistent part of their child’s daily routine. Dr. Larscheid suggests making oral care a fun activity, turning it into a bonding experience rather than a chore. For instance, parents can create a brushing chart to track their child’s progress or use apps that play music or videos during brushing to ensure kids brush for the recommended two minutes.
Dr. Larscheid also offers guidance on choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste for each age group. For younger children, he recommends soft-bristled brushes with smaller heads and toothpaste containing the appropriate amount of fluoride. As children grow older, their dental needs change, and Dr. Larscheid provides tips on transitioning to larger toothbrushes and managing more advanced care routines, such as flossing.
Flossing, while often neglected, is just as important as brushing. Dr. Larscheid advises parents to start flossing their child’s teeth as soon as two teeth begin to touch. He explains that flossing helps remove food particles and plaque from between teeth, areas that a toothbrush cannot reach. In his book, Dr. Larscheid includes step-by-step instructions on how to floss a young child’s teeth and offers advice on making this a stress-free part of their routine.
Addressing Diet and Nutrition for Healthy Teeth
What children eat and drink plays a significant role in their dental health, and Dr. Larscheid dedicates a substantial portion of his book to discussing the impact of diet. He highlights that sugar is one of the primary contributors to tooth decay in children. Parents should be aware of the hidden sugars in common foods and drinks, such as fruit juices, processed snacks, and even some seemingly healthy options like flavored yogurt.
Dr. Larscheid provides parents with actionable strategies to minimize their child’s sugar intake without completely depriving them of treats. For example, he suggests offering water instead of juice and encouraging children to drink milk, which is rich in calcium and beneficial for developing strong teeth. He also advocates for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products, all of which contribute to stronger teeth and healthier gums.
Additionally, Dr. Larscheid offers tips on how to help children brush after meals or at least rinse their mouths with water after consuming sugary foods, further reducing the risk of cavities.
Managing Dental Anxiety and Creating Positive Experiences
One of the most valuable insights Dr. Larscheid offers is how to address dental anxiety, a common issue for both children and their parents. Dental visits can often be a source of fear, especially for young children, and negative experiences early on can lead to a lifetime of dental phobia.
In his book, Dr. Larscheid provides parents with practical advice on how to make dental visits a positive experience. He recommends preparing children for their first dental visit by explaining what to expect in simple terms and avoiding words like "pain" or "hurt" that could trigger anxiety. Parents are encouraged to read books or watch videos about visiting the dentist, role-play dental checkups at home, and even bring a favorite toy or blanket to help their child feel more comfortable during the appointment.
Dr. Larscheid stresses that regular dental checkups are key to preventing anxiety because they help children view the dentist as a positive part of maintaining their health. Routine visits, starting from age one, allow the dentist to monitor the development of a child’s teeth and address any potential issues early on. By fostering a relationship of trust with the dentist, children are less likely to fear future visits.
Orthodontic Care and Preparing for Adolescence
As children grow older, their dental needs evolve, particularly as they enter adolescence. Dr. Larscheid’s book provides parents with an overview of common dental issues that may arise during this period, such as misaligned teeth, crowding, or overbites, all of which may require orthodontic care.
Dr. Larscheid helps parents navigate the often daunting process of braces and orthodontics by explaining the different treatment options available, including traditional braces, clear aligners, and retainers. He breaks down the signs that may indicate a need for orthodontic intervention, such as difficulty biting or chewing, crooked teeth, or significant gaps between teeth. Dr. Larscheid also emphasizes the importance of early orthodontic evaluations, which can help identify issues that may be easier to correct with early treatment.
Preparing for Wisdom Teeth and Beyond
Wisdom teeth are another concern that many parents face as their children transition into young adulthood. In his book, Dr. Larscheid explains when and why wisdom teeth may need to be removed, and what parents can expect during the process. He offers detailed guidance on preparing for wisdom teeth removal, managing pain, and ensuring a smooth recovery, equipping parents with the knowledge to support their teens through this milestone.
Conclusion: Equipping Parents for Lifelong Dental Success
Dr. Daniel Larscheid’s Ultimate Guide To Children's Dental Health is an empowering resource that provides parents with the tools they need to ensure their child’s oral health from infancy through adolescence. With expert tips, practical advice, and actionable strategies, Dr. Larscheid guides parents in fostering healthy habits that will lead to a lifetime of bright smiles and strong teeth. By following the expert advice in this book, parents can confidently support their child’s dental development, from teething to teenage orthodontics and beyond, setting them up for lifelong dental success
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Empowering Growth: How Modern Nutrition Shapes Infant Development
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The Infant Nutrition Market plays a vital role in providing essential nutrients to newborns and infants during their critical early developmental stages. This market encompasses a range of products such as infant formula, baby food, and nutritional supplements, designed to meet the dietary needs of infants from birth to the age of two. With growing awareness about the importance of infant health and nutrition, the market has seen significant growth. Factors like rising birth rates in emerging economies, increasing healthcare expenditures, and a growing number of working mothers contribute to the market's expansion.
Market Dynamics
Increasing Number of Working Mothers: The growing number of women in the workforce has increased the demand for convenient and reliable infant nutrition products like formula and ready-made baby food.
Rising Birth Rates in Emerging Markets: Countries in regions such as Asia-Pacific and Africa are witnessing rising birth rates, driving demand for infant nutrition products.
Healthcare Awareness: Parents are becoming increasingly conscious of the importance of proper nutrition during the early stages of child development, which is fostering growth in the market.
Regulatory Hurdles: Stringent regulations around labeling, product safety, and marketing practices can create barriers to market entry, particularly for smaller players.
High Cost of Premium Products: While there is a growing demand for organic and premium infant nutrition products, their high costs can deter middle-income consumers, particularly in developing nations.
Innovation in Organic and Plant-based Formulas: The demand for organic and plant-based products is on the rise, with consumers increasingly focusing on natural and clean-label options.
Growth in E-commerce Channels: With the rise of online shopping, companies have an opportunity to expand their reach and offer a more convenient purchasing experience for parents.
Regional Analysis
North America: The region has a well-established market, driven by high healthcare spending and strong awareness of infant nutrition standards.
Europe: Europe, particularly countries like Germany, France, and the U.K., has strict regulatory standards and a high demand for organic and premium infant nutrition products.
Asia-Pacific: The fastest-growing market, with large populations in China, India, and Southeast Asia driving demand for infant nutrition products. Rising disposable incomes and increasing awareness contribute to this growth.
Sample pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/form/175?name=Sample
Market Segmentation
By Product Type:
Infant Formula: The largest segment due to its widespread use among working mothers and its ability to provide essential nutrients.
Baby Food: Ready-to-eat foods that complement infant diets are gaining popularity, especially in developed regions.
Nutritional Supplements: These are gaining traction among health-conscious parents concerned about deficiencies in their infants' diets.
By Distribution Channel:
Supermarkets & Hypermarkets: The most common distribution channel for infant nutrition products.
Pharmacies: Trusted for purchasing infant nutrition products due to their focus on health.
E-commerce: Online sales of infant nutrition products are rapidly growing due to convenience.
Competitive Landscape
How much share do large players hold? Large multinational companies like Nestlé, Abbott, and Danone hold a significant share of the global infant nutrition market. These companies dominate due to their established brands, extensive distribution networks, and continuous innovation in infant nutrition.
Do big players control the price? Yes, premium infant nutrition products, especially organic and specialized formulas, are largely controlled by big players. However, private-label brands offered by retailers are creating price competition in some markets.
Do small and mid-size companies challenge the large companies domestically? Smaller companies often focus on organic and niche product offerings, challenging larger players, especially in markets with a demand for natural or locally sourced ingredients.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/market-reports/global-infant-nutrition-market
Future Outlook
Does new product development really help companies? Yes, new product development, especially in organic and plant-based infant formulas, has proven to drive market growth and consumer loyalty. Companies that continue to innovate in this space are expected to capture a larger share of the market.
Do sustainable products hold strong customers' minds? Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the infant nutrition market. Parents are more inclined to purchase products from companies that prioritize sustainable sourcing and packaging, reflecting a broader shift toward eco-conscious consumer behavior.
The infant nutrition market is poised for steady growth, driven by factors such as rising birth rates, increasing healthcare awareness, and innovations in product offerings. Challenges such as high costs and regulatory complexities persist, but companies that focus on sustainability, convenience, and organic products are expected to gain a competitive edge.
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husnaot · 15 days
The Apple Does Not Fall Far From The Tree 🍎
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Maternal and child health is a priority to the well-being of society. It is foundational in influencing the health outcomes of the community from a public health perspective. Mothers that are healthy have a better ability to care for their children. These healthy children become productive adults which contribute positively to the social and economic state of the community. Maternal and child health is, therefore, crucial to the overall development of society and an individual’s well-being.
Studies have shown that a focus in maternal and child health provides society with substantial returns in terms of reduced healthcare costs and improved quality of life. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that effective maternal and child interventions in terms of health can reduce infant mortality rates and improve maternal outcomes. This leads to improved economic productivity and social stability. It emphasises that early interventions in a mother’s health can prevent complications which may lead to long-term health issues for both the mother and her child. (World Health Organization: WHO, 2019)
Concerning Occupational Therapy (OT), the effects of maternal and child health are significant. Occupational therapists play a role in supporting the development of both the mothers and children holistically. (Dagvadorj et al., 2018) This means that we focus on offering support in their physical, emotional, as well as cognitive development. At a community level, however, OT also includes working with families to address issues that they are facing. These issues could be postnatal depression, children with developmental delays and the barriers to access healthcare services. (Minkovitz et al., 2002)
For example, an OT working with a new mother may develop coping mechanisms and strategies for managing the physical and emotional difficulties of postnatal recovery. This may entail helping the mother establish a customized schedule that will support her child's care as well as her own self-care (ADLs, or activities of daily living). Thus, this will encourage leading a more balanced and healthful lifestyle. In terms of developmental delay, the OT can work with the mother to improve her skills in nurturing her child’s development through client-centred intervention such as intervention focused on play, as well as making environmental modifications in their home to assist with development. (Sepulveda, 2019)
Furthermore, at a community level, OTs will collaborate with other professionals and stakeholders concerning the systemic issues which affect maternal and child health. This will include working on community health interventions which focus on enhancing access to resources. These interventions could be offering nutritional support and parenting education programs focused on educating parents about how best to care for their child, as well as themselves. Through these community-based programs, OTs will help to foster a supportive environment for mothers and their children which will result in better health outcomes.
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In my current community that I have been placed in, for example, occupational therapy has been a service provided by the university for years. The locals are familiar with the students entering the community and trying to make a change wherever possible. Although I have only been there for one week, it is clear that the community faces high rates of socioeconomic challenges, as well as poor awareness of mental health with regards to mothers. Intervention for OT will focus on providing support for mothers who struggle with mental health and addressing the social factors that impact the maternal and child health. OT will also focus on creating awareness into postnatal depression by doing health promotion at the clinic through the help of the first-year students who will be working with us.
In conclusion, maternal and child health is integral to the well-being of society, influencing both individual and community health outcomes. OTs play a crucial role in offering support by addressing their needs at a systemic level in the community. Through client-centred interventions and collaboration with the multi-disciplinary team, OTs will contribute to a healthier, more resilient community resulting in the improvement of maternal and child health in order to benefit society.
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The apple does not fall far from the tree, but it sure thrives in the tree’s shade. We need to assure the improvement of society by creating strong roots in the tree in order for the apple to grow.
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Dagvadorj, A., Ganbaatar, D., O. Balogun, O., Yonemoto, N., Bavuusuren, B., Takehara, K., Mori, R., & Akahira-Azuma, M. (2018). Maternal socio-demographic and psychological predictors for risk of developmental delays among young children in Mongolia. BMC Pediatrics, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-018-1017-y
Minkovitz, C. S., O’Campo, P. J., Chen, Y.-H., & Grason, H. A. (2002). Associations Between Maternal and Child Health Status and Patterns of Medical Care Use. Ambulatory Pediatrics, 2(2), 85–92. https://doi.org/10.1367/1539-4409(2002)002%3C0085:abmach%3E2.0.co;2
Sepulveda, A. (Apple). (2019). A Call to Action: Addressing Maternal Mental Health in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Practice. Annals of International Occupational Therapy, 2(4). https://doi.org/10.3928/24761222-20190813-02
World Health Organization: WHO. (2019, September 23). Maternal health. Who.int; World Health Organization: WHO. https://www.who.int/health-topics/maternal-health#tab=tab_3
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