#infamous ali
tododeku-or-bust · 7 months
wait sorry, what does muhammad ali have to do with drafting? /genq
I assume you're referring to my addition on this post? All right!
Well first, famed (and to many, infamous) boxer Muhammad Ali wasn't technically a draft dodger. He was a Conscientious Objector on the grounds of his religion (he was in the Nation of Islam at the time). They just didn't accept his objection.
But Muhammad Ali was very, very known for being confident and outspoken in his beliefs and in himself. And the main political reason he gave for not wanting to go to war was that he "had no quarrel with the Vietcong". He was arrested in 1967 for refusing to go, and White America swore he was a coward, an uppity n*gger, and every foul word in the book (for being unwilling to entertain and/or die for them).
Essentially, he recognized and pointed out that to go to war with Vietnam, war with other people of color, for a country that refused to respect his own people's basic civil and human rights was stupid. He has no issues with Vietnam. He had issues at home! If he went to war and died, he'd be dying for furthering the interests of Western Imperialism and white supremacy via a genocide. If he went to war and committed said genocide, lived and returned, he'd return to the very same white people who sent him to fight treating him like he was subhuman.
It happens in every war; Revolutionary War, Civil War, World War I, World War II. To this day, we are learning of and pushing contributions of Black soldiers and platoons that got ZERO credit in comparison to their white counterparts. Silently sent to the back in history, treated like garbage upon their return, and expected to risk their lives for a country that hates them.
Why would anyone want to fight for that? Why would I want to commit a genocide? Why would I risk my life to commit violence the world over for a country that hates me and disenfranchises my people?
Anyway, so he was arrested and convicted for refusing to go to Vietnam, his boxing titles stripped, (also deadnamed! For they refused to call him his chosen name of Muhammad Ali, but Cassius Clay!) and again, white america had nothing but vitriolic hate for this man. But he stood on it, and eventually the conviction was overturned.
Also, because he was willing to say what needed to be said as a famous face to the world, his words had an effect worldwide. Y'all know how y'all want your celebs to say something? He did! And he risked it and lost it all! So that's why I brought up Muhammad Ali. Famous Black man who wasn't just a boxer and entertainer, but an activist who did the right damn thing in the moment, and will be remembered by history as doing such.
Happy Black History Month, and Free Palestine!
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
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Y'all.... I just got the most GORGEOUS Soul Gem replicas off Ali Express!! They seriously feel like official merchandise and are SHOCKINGLY well-made for being unofficial products. They're also huge; I got the larger 8cm version, but there's also a smaller (but still show-accurate, size wise) 6cm version. You can see a size comparison with my hand, but I have infamously tiny hands so take that with a grain of salt, lol.
I seriously can't get over how much I adore these. They were pricey at $40 each so I was a little worried I would get ripped off, but that wasn't the case! The seller even went the extra mile by giving me Soul Gem buttons, along with providing adorable PMMM stickers on the outside of the box. Their name is DokiDoki Cosplay Store, if anyone wants to buy from them (although they are not the only seller of these Soul Gems; I will say they're all in the same price range tho).
Anyway, needless to say I immediately went back and bought Sayaka and Kyoko's gems as soon as I realized how much I love these. I'll have the full set soon!
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ladythornofrivia · 10 months
Kingdom of Fire & Blood || (Part Four)— Revised
Next Chapter
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summary: Aemond and reader meet. King’s Landing became interesting as he often asked himself since the night of your arrival: “where did she come from?”
pair: aemond x reader
warnings & disclaimer: smut, violence, p in v sex, sexual content, aemond being arrogant, modern reader doesn’t know how the world of GOT works but is a Aemond stan, praise kink, breeding kink, spitting kink, voice kink, fluff, angst—family drama, oral sex, hate sex, stalking, jealousy, virginity loss, obsession, reader being sassy and aroused, sweet moments with reader and aemond. Reader is a huge GOT & HOTD fan. Pro-Green, Reader is a green supporter. Aemond becomes king instead of Aegon. (P.S. Alys who? I only know Aemond x Reader)
Chapter Four: The Wandering Light
~Your POV~
As the council is dimmed with silence—exchanged with whispers, Aemond escorted you out from the room with his hand clutched to yours. As much as you’re in content beside him, you’re mortified perceiving him with the uphold of his infamous reputation as a one-eyed dragon prince. Let alone sliced Ser Marrow’s head split into two. Nonetheless, his infamous reputation precedes you in a pleasant way; the way you acted, all composed and alleviate. With you under his protection, nothing can go wrong.
Gladly, at the end of your little accomplishment, he seems relieved that Helaena is safe and sound. But, the undeniable and tangible evidence of him and Aegon being present is caused for others to choose chaos. Though, of course, this wasn’t your misdeeds. Unsure what to think—due to you beaten to a pulp, you decided to rest your eyes and relaxed your tensed shoulders and leaned back more whilst walking.
You couldn’t help but swore that Aemond was smirking at your relaxed movement. But when you look up, Aemond’s eye darted onward. But once in a while, Aemond’s blue eye gleamed at you. Despite your sleepiness, your heart found giddiness at his mannerism, of holding your wrist and leading you out from trouble.
However, it wasn't a good time to scream.
Your eyes snapped wide open.
"Wait, stop!"
He didn't stop; his hand compacted your wrist, continuously striding up the staircase, then lead to a narrow hall.
"I said, "stop"," you said, a little frantic.
“I’m taking you far from here, my lady,” he said, composed.
“Huh? No, just let go of me,” you answered. “I know where my room is.”
“You’re injured,” Aemond replied.
“I’m fine,” you protested.
“Lie all you want, my lady, but you cannot lie to a dragon,” he said.
Is he serious?
As he halted his tracks in the midst of the great hall nearby the staircase, he released your wrist, giving you a chance to breathe air.
“That was unnecessary,” you told him. “I mean, your life is going to be at stake if you keep doing this. What the fuck are you thinking?”
Aemond’s eye glared at you.
You gulped, stepping back. “There’s enough trouble as it is. Now all the people inside are so caught off guard. They won’t stop questioning you, won’t leave you alone until you give the satisfaction they acquire.”
Guards stepped forward with their hands on the hilt of the sword, but Aemond reassured them to stand down. You watched as the guards backed away.
“You could’ve at least bestow me your gratitude, girl,” he said with quiet venom.
Stuttered, you compiled and strained the anxiety from talking to the dragon prince. “I don’t mean to offend you; all I’m trying to say is that you should just stay out of it. You could’ve been punished by defending some stranger—a woman, no less. I’m an outsider! The people here, no one knows shit about me.”
“My, my,” Aemond began, his head slightly tilted, striding as slow and scheming; the hint of venom is long gone. “It appears you have quite a mouth on you.”
Stepping back, clutching your abdomen, you uttered, “The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Aemond chortled, hands on his back, staring at your discolored and drained look upon your bleeding face. Aemond stood tall over you, all proud and formidable elegance, while you positioned your neck to meet his infamous scar, as you’re vulnerable and pathetic, you kept your head high despite the white sting scorched in your vision. “Interesting, indeed. I never met a woman of my age would consider to be so agile with hostility.”
Your eyes bewildered at him, head spinning at his tall imposing stature.
“Most noble ladies would send their most beloved gratitude on me if I chose to shield them and battle the opposers with my sword and wit. And yet, somehow, you seemed ungrateful.”
His voice sent a tingle down your spine—hot and bothered. Seeing your favorite fictional up close whilst speaking to you, you wanted to faint on the spot.
Sighing, your head lowered. “Don’t get me wrong. I am grateful, but what I don’t get is that—”
Grunting, your body was shot forward and descended with twinge and suffocation. Your nose was bleeding and the noise in your ears were ringing, almost scraping like nails on a chalkboard.
“Come, my lady,” he said, gathering you in his arms, but you maintained your distance.
Your hand held up, stepping backwards from his outstretched hands from wanting to hold you. “Stay back. Scandal is the last thing you need.”
Aemond chuckled once more. “My dear warrior, you have fought and withstood your ground. Allow me to accompany you, at the very least.”
“Are you usually this…”
His head tilted. “This what?”
You shook your head in embarrassment, not wanting to say from your intrusive thoughts. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”
Aemond studied you as you marched onward with your hand clutched on your bruised abdomen, back slightly slouching.
You studied him for brief moment before you could turn away with blush, walking beside him. “I hope I didn’t cause too much trouble,” you said, with apologetic eyes aiming at him. “Well, disregarding the bridge incident.”
“You did what you have to survive, my lady,” he said. “Ser Criston brought you here at the Red Keep. What were you saying earlier? You never finish your word.”
“I was going to ask if you’re always this persistent,” you clarified. “But I don’t want to be rude, especially when I’m talking to someone important as you.”
Aemond hummed. “Where did you come from, if I may ask?”
You halted your tracks, heart pounded. “What makes you say that?”
Aemond lowered his gaze for a moment before returning his gaze back to yours. “Your voice,” he started.
“What about my voice? Is it weird?” The fingers on your left hand touched your throat, alerted.
Aemond’s eye blinked. “It’s unusually different. You don’t speak as the ladies in court. I assume you’re from another kingdom. Or perhaps from elsewhere far from Westeros.”
Oh yes. Very far.
And having a different accent is a dead giveaway.
“Sorry,” you replied, flustered. “It’s kinda difficult for me to explain. You’ll have a hard time keeping up. You already saw my clothes before. It’s not a gown or a dress. That might be as the first clue. Not might, sorry. I mean, you already got one.”
“I’ll attempt to gain knowledge,” he insisted, getting closer to you. “Whatever it takes, especially a fearless maiden who saved my sister.”
You shook your head. “Trust me, you won’t get it. Not everyone here will get it. It’s best if you forget and move on. I’m just an outsider.”
Aemond watched your movements. “That is why I’m questioning you, my lady. You have managed to garner everyone’s attention from the moment you stepped into King’s Landing, even the wandering light.”
“What wandering light?”
Aemond stood in silence, his face paled.
Shrugging, you recollect your strength. “You’re not wrong about garnering attention,” you said. “Then again, I’ll do my damndest to answer your questions. Hope you’re ready by then.”
“May I acquire your name? I wish to properly thank you,” Aemond insisted, the sound of his quiet voice tingling against your skin and prickled the sides on your back.
You found yourself flustered again, somewhat chuckling as your face veiled by your long hair from your head lowering. Aemond took this by surprise, unsure of how to act of a giggling maiden like you.
“Is something the matter, my lady? Your face is quite red.” Aemond looked at you with concern yet with keenness of the unusual act.
“I’m okay, but you’re so persistent,” you commented, heaving a sigh, then a notion of how to say your introduction. Fuck, after reading so many fanfics, romance books and watching K-Drama in your spare time, you think you know what you’re doing. But you have to fuck all your flirting up.
“You’ve certainly captured my utmost attention,” he said, gentle.
Gazing into his dreamy face and his glow flowing locks, your heart melted.
He is undeniably gorgeous.
“Alright,” you said with smallest grin, somewhat fatigue, “guess is as good time as any.”
You went near him—cautiously with your hand out. “Name’s…” The pain in your stomach grew hotter, sharper. Then a shot of cough drained on the floor, filled with blood; the blood stained in your cupped hand first from trying to shield the ailing condition.
Meanwhile, you caught a sight of Aemond gobsmacked at the sudden blood spilled from your mouth, his hand reached to your back shoulder but never grasped it.
Smiling, you resumed, “My…name…is…”
Dropping down onto your knees, wobbling, then your upper body collapsed, and the last thing you saw was Aemond caught you in his arms; his right hand placed behind your head, and the glowing silver-blond hair casted like halo under a sunlight, gaping at you in perturbation.
If this is heaven, you’re sure you’ll die happy in the arms of a Targaryen prince.
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~Aemond’s POV~
By the time they found Aemond, the Maester took care of your new abrasions, over layered the old ones, dabbing your skin with wet cotton, a wet cotton that contains a chemical that summons a sting and a hiss producing from your lips.
In a blurry haze of a daylight sun, he examined Alicent and Aemond’s older brother, Aegon, who wore a subtle smirk and darting his glances back and forth between you and Aemond.
Aemond, of course guard you over from Aegon’s stupidity, but in gladness, Alicent defended Aemond by sending Aegon away, but Aegon’s stubborn. The Maester informed the Queen that your wounds will take another week to rejuvenate with recuperation. Alicent is distraught of a young woman such as yourself nearly snapped in half by men who are twice the size or the strength.
Needless to say, Aemond agreed. Albeit he found your strength is great quality of stubbornness—a good kind of stubbornness—untouchable. Whoever you are, Aemond wished to thank you.
From there, Alicent dismissed the Maester and left the four people alone. While you’re asleep, Alicent encountered Aemond with, “Aemond, I thought I gave you an order to steer clear from the council,” she lectured. “Your father nearly threw a fit.”
“I was curious to what it was all about, mother,” Aemond replied nonchalantly. “If it wasn’t for me, you would all be in grave danger.”
Alicent shook her head, facing the oldest son. “And why in the Seven Hells would you accompany him, Aegon,” she asked, eyes broadened. “Taking this as a thrill is no jesting matter!”
Aegon shrugged. “I came there for the wine, but it seems to be rather empty. I needed catharsis on sending the guard seriously injured.” Then he threw a soft chuckle.
Sighing, the Queen is disapproved from the recklessness from her sons. “The Blacks were there to bequeath her a gratuitous moment. As do I. But Ser Marrow was a dull-witted for throwing a fit that is worse than Aegon’s drunken antics.”
Aegon ignored the statement; his eyes focused on you with curiosity. Queen Alicent pivoted her focus onto your sleeping figure.
At the corner of Alicent’s eye, Aemond glimpsed at you, longer than it should’ve been.
Alicent’s head lowered, shutting her eyes and sighed. The harsh timbre in her voice softened, as does her hues, all drained from anger and guarded nature she mustered up against the former member of Kingsguard. “If Aemond wasn’t there, Ser Marrow might annihilate the members of the council with his foolishness. And with Aegon’s quick act prevented another traitor.”
Both Alicent’s sons flabbergasted, but briskly shifted their attitude to normalcy.“Regardless, we must get on. Aegon, return back to whatever you’re doing. I shall see you both at supper.”
Uninterested, Aegon left, leaving Aemond, Alicent and you alone in your quarters.
“Aemond, what is your real reason for you to rescue her?”
Aemond’s heart pattered. “As I have declared before. She rescued Helaena from those wretched cunts from Flea Bottom.”
Alicent shaken her head. “I know you. Lying to your mother is no good. You have caused a scene—the Black saw to that testimony.”
Aemond said nothing, lingering his gape at you.
Her gaze widened in fret, her voice lowered. “Was it…was it because of that dream again, is it?”
Aemond hasn’t shifted.
“That dream—when you lost your eye and obtained Vhagar, you saw the green star—the wandering light that befell from the sky,” Alicent concluded. “It’s the same one, isn’t it?”
The vision of wandering light flashed before his eyes, clouded his judgment as he fixed his eye on you. He could’ve sworn he heard voices, but it’s never clear cut.
The question replayed. Where is she from?
“Do you think it’s possible, mother?” Aemond began.
Her hand soothed Aemond’s upper arm, then a thick string of silver-blond locks. “Whatever your heart lies, anything you’ll do, it will be possible to prevent the causes—terrible things must prevent and prevail with redemption. But the truest of your heart—your love must be hidden in secret.”
Aemond’s heart stung at her words.
How could he kept his feeling furtive when the answer from his dreams lies before him?
“Watch her for me,” she begged. “I cannot afford to witness another innocent girl suffer.”
With Alicent fled, Aemond sat down on a spare chair and monitored your every move.
Unfortunately, his supervising has been cut short by the summoned doubts and bleak conclusions, somewhere far where he could no longer see you—the wandering light. His duty as a prince mustn’t fail. At what cost? His love in secret has been deeply buried, bound by duty, bound by the fate of fire and blood.
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~Your POV~
The lively soul in you nearly slipped.
It was close.
Too close, in fact, you went too far to stand out apart from crowd of army and spectators. And you paid it with blood. Blood of the blade you withheld against the blood of men. Blade against the blade of injustice. A world that rules by lords and dragons, someone like you—a women in a modern future—have no place to outshine. But how could you stand out, when you all did was to survive the game?
In the world of Westeros, women aren’t allowed to hold daggers and swords and shields, rather needles and jewelries and dresses, infants and books—the hymns about goodly knights and godly kings and graceful princesses—due to a fan of Game of Thrones, you know this. You’re aware of the risks, if standing out too much from the patriarchal system. Damn the patriarchy and its rules. Being as a girl from a modern world, you’d rather eat and sleep on the couch, replaying F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episodes, reciting every line from the show while eating stacks of cheesy pizza and burger with spicy takeout food and big chunk of chocolate chip cookies and large cup of soda.
But there you were, laying down on the bedside, eating less meals, waiting for the new wounds to heal. After the Maester treated your lesion and gashes, he informed you that it will take more days for your strength to revive.
Nearly a month or so—thought you’re positively unsure and inaccurate the timeline.
Unfortunate, but better weeks than years.
It was then Westeros was nothing but another cage, despite a large continent with millions of people—of nobles and peasants and knights and criminals alike--dragons, included. It’s no different, but in the medieval century, least in the fictional world, you want nothing more but this as a fever dream, and admire the world from afar and separate—hoping you’d jump back into the real world from fictional novel.
Only then, the hell descended further.
Fever rose in your weakened system. Long story short, it went away for three days. By then, the servant informed you of meeting with Queen Alicent. First and foremost, Lady Rhaenys and Lord Coryls Velaryon from Driftmark visited you, but by then you were asleep at the time, resting in a lingering dreamland, but awoken, spotting them in your half-asleep. Secondly, Rhaenyra, who seems to be not to be disturbed in your sleep, but says her words of gratitude, regardless—while you’re half-awake. Thus, Rhaenyra left the premise—she promised beforehand that you and the Blacks are going to have a proper discussion.
After three days rest, the fever was gone, and the following hour—in sundown—the guards awoke you, without so much of announcement or decency to alter and improve your appearance—beaten you when you resisted—and escorted you out to a long passageways and stopped at the great doors, despite your body is drowned with milk of the poppy.
With the great doors shut, yanking you in, you were walking towards the council, everyone laid their eyes on you, and you eyeing them back—anxious and daring thrill and paralyzing unprepared all in one. A new odyssey and purpose lies in the council has begun.
Taglist: @galactict3a @daonenonlysandman @toodlesxcuddles @hufflepuff1700 @me753 @fredskum @omgsuperstarg @xcharlottemikaelsonx @paninisstuff @danika1994 @angeljcca @taintedlovesworld @kukulyarva @darylandbethfanforever9 @kimsubin05 @colored-tr-panels @valeskafics
@ aemondswifffeeeyyy - all rights reserved
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mhsdatgo · 5 months
The Helaemonds/Helaegons need to calm down.
Don't get me wrong, it's always refreshing to see some people fill in the gaps of a basically untold relationship such as the one between the green kids in general, but this goes beyond basic obsessive shippy discourse. Leave this poor girl alone. Why's there an obsession with having her be romantically paired with her brothers, one worse than the other?
I understand the show has basically shown so little of her to the point where we didn’t even have a coronation for her on screen, so therefore you can self insert through her and have fun with headcanons regarding Aegon and Aemond. Really, I'm not faulting their girlies, you can be head over heels for whatever actor in character you want (unless you put them on pedestals and start acting like they did nothing wrong and pounce on whoever contests them, THEN we have a problem) but I assure you, Helaena would barely want anything to do with either of them.
Aegon is a sex pest turned sex offender, a drunkard and a neglectful father and husband at best. Her infamous toast in ep.8 has us believing that he cannot for the life of him interact with her unless he's horny drunk or that he forces himself on her at worst.* He was ready to leave them all in ep.9 before he was caught. Even the book is subtle about their relationship: all we know of them is that they sleep in shared chambers, that she was someone important and reliable in Aegon's council before B&C, and that he named her and Alicent the true Queens of his reign.
*(⚠️TW: PERSONAL OPINION⚠️ I'm not saying this last one isn't a possibility but it's sill outrageous for the way people speak about Helaena in defence of this "claim". No, she wouldn't joke about her own r*pe in front of the whole table full of people she doesn't know and right beside her abuser, and despite the hour-long metas I've read about how she's basically "too sheltered" to know what r*pe even means, I assure you she's a high-functioning autistic, not 5 years old. She can understand it perfectly.)
Helaemond is a pure show invention, I honestly wasn't expecting this many people to go up this kind of train. They barely interact, and most of the time it's Aemond saying he'd "perform his duty" should Helaena ever be wed to him, or that stare in ep.9 when he enters her chambers toiling after Alicent. It's, as always, the Aemond girlies who think poor Helaena would live her best life with Aemond, or that they are already romantically involved behind the scenes. The amount of "if one possesses a thing, the other will take it away" edits from people that are FULLY CONVINCED "the thing" is Helaena and that "the one" and "the other" are Aemond and Aegon respectively is honestly concerning.
Fics that are all about Aegon doing the worst and unspeakable things to her so "Aemond can come and save her" are y'all okay? Out of all people, HE has to save her?
Babes, I'm sorry to break your bubble, but this isn't Aegon IV/Naerys/Aemon on steroids. Aemond didn't give two shits about Helaena. No, he wasn't jealous when Jace came to ask her to dance, he just wanted to stir some shit. If we talk about the books, he didn't fucking hesitate to leave King's Landing, his sister, his mother and whatever he was doing for the Riverlands the second he heard that Daemon was there. And he brought the only means of defence they had with him. If he knew how important Vhagar was for the city's defence, he's evil, if he didn't realize it, he's dumb as fuck. Which one is it, Aemond girlies?
People beat each other to the curb about Jaehaerys, Jaehaera and Maelor's paternity like it's the Wars of The Roses. They put Helaena and Alys against the other like they have personal beef with one of them.
Stop mentioning this sweetheart only when it's about praising or hating one of her brothers. No, it's not the only option you have because she's underdeveloped as a character. There's actually another one.
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witheredoffherwitch · 10 months
Speculations and Spoilers: A Breakdown of the Trailer
Overall, here are my initial thoughts on the trailer: it exceeded my expectations. I was prepared for the rumoured "leaked" version but I am pleasantly surprised with what we got instead. The aesthetic of this season has already improved - the colour grading, costumes, and makeup all seem to have upgraded from previous seasons.
Now let's get to the trailer itself. I won't analyze every single scene, but rather focus on a few intriguing ones and share my own theories. Just a heads up, there may be some spoilers mentioned in the following observations. So, proceed with caution!
The first shot of Rhaenyra is absolutely heartbreaking. She appears shattered and defeated, likely searching for her son's body by the Shipbreaker's Bay:
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Both shots seem to be part of the same sequence as she is wearing the same outfit.. and the first shot could be the aftermath of her unsuccessful attempt to find her son's remains.
In the next scene, we are presented with two dragons on opposite sides: Syrax and Rhaenyra on one side, and Seasmoke on the other. This will potentially show Addam or Laenor swearing allegiance to Rhaenyra's cause.
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The third scene I wanted to highlight is Alicent caught in the midst of a riot. While many assume it will occur during the funeral procession, I believe it takes place much later in the series. One hint is from the leaks revealing Alicent's funeral attire, which looks quite different from what we see here.
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The first image is from the leaked footage, while the second one is what we see in the official trailer. It's possible that they may have reshot the scene with different costumes, but it seems unlikely. In the second scene, which I assume will be set much later in the season, it seems likely that they might finally introduce the Shepherd. Personally, I will be thrilled if they bring him into the series earlier on as he becomes one of the most prominent voices against House Targaryen. His early introduction will showcase his growing hatred for their dragons, and his sermons will only become more antagonistic as Rhaenyra's rule progresses. Eventually, it will lead to the infamous storming of the dragon pit where the mob will eventually slaughter all of their remaining dragons.
A brief glimpse at Helaena's scenes with B&C and her attending Jaehaerys' funeral procession:
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The second scene captures her gazing upwards, likely indicating one of two possibilities: 1. she is giving the command for Dracarys to Dreamfyre, or 2. she is looking up to see Aegon on Sunfyre, who may perform the final rites himself.
In addition to Rhaenyra's dragon-riding scene, we are shown Baela and Aemond on their dragons. Baela is decked out in armour, possibly indicating her involvement in a war. This supports the popular theory that she will be present at Rook's Rest.
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Baela's scene has many fans speculating that it may be when she witnesses the death of Rhaenys.
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Moving on to the Aegon scene, I am thoroughly amused by his attitude. I was afraid we would be stuck in another sombre period with Aegon, but thankfully we have moved on and entered his cunty phase.
Lastly, I won't delve deeper into these two scenes since I've already addressed the question here.
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However, I have heard the theory about it being a dream sequence, which is something I personally prefer over the idea of it being about Alys.
Now, my final thoughts: Rhaenyra looks more pro-active as most of us had expected earlier. However, I still doubt if they will include her in any of the war sequences. Her role will be much more covert (which the maesters wouldn't have known to record in the history texts.) On the other hand, Alicent appears to have given up this season altogether. A side note: both women look stunningly beautiful in the trailer.
Aemond continues to dominate as the most interesting character, and it seems we can anticipate his reign as Prince Regent this season. Even in his brief appearances, he manages to captivate our attention and leave us wanting more. Aegon will be taking charge and we can expect a major comeback now that he is leading the Green faction.
AND that concludes everything for the time being! I may come back to this post later and make some revisions, but for now, this is all.
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yallcantread · 1 year
Before delving into the current drama circulating, I'd like to emphasize that this controversy seems rather pointless, and people are getting upset over nothing. It's important for me to clarify that I have no personal connection with Taylor Swift or Matty Healy. I appreciate both of their artistic work. I am not being compensated by anyone to express my thoughts on this matter.
Who am I? I'm a small artist who creates music. While I have some connections with labels, I'm still in the process of establishing myself. I'm sharing this perspective using a separate account to avoid making it about me. I won't be promoting my music or seeking followers in this context.
The reason I'm addressing this issue is that no one else seems willing to provide context in these situations, not even the so-called "news" applications. TikTok and Twitter have become breeding grounds for misinformation, as people seek attention and likes. It's disheartening to witness how easily words like "Nazi" or "racist" are thrown around simply because someone doesn't approve of the person an artist is dating.
As an artist myself, it's concerning to see how quickly people believe things based on out-of-context 60-second videos or viral and impulsive tweets sourced from TikTok and Twitter. I understand that neither Matty Healy nor Taylor Swift should have to address this situation, and it's unlikely that they will.
This thread aims to offer context and explanations for some of Matty Healy's controversial and "problematic" comments. It includes discussions about the infamous "ghetto gaggers" comment and the recent ice spice comment. Unfortunately, the community on the 1975 subreddit seems unhelpful as they discourage discussions about current events, even when seeking clarity or defending the group. A very useless subreddit with useless mods. Every topic will have sources.
1. “Matty Healy is Islamophobic.”
Let's address the misconception that Matty Healy is Islamophobic. His views on religion are not targeted solely at Islam; he holds an anti-organized religion stance. It is essential to understand that his concerns lie with the principles of organized religions as a whole, including Islam. People often label him as Islamophobic because he retweeted tweets from Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a well-known Somali activist who has left Islam and openly shares her reasons for doing so. Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaks out against various issues that women and young girls face, drawing from her own experiences as a former Muslim woman.
A particular incident that left an impression on me was when Ayaan Hirsi Ali made a short film discussing her departure from Islam and the oppression faced by women. As a result, both she and the director of the film received death threats. Tragically, her friend, the director, was later murdered by an Islamic terrorist. By retweeting the account of this credible and respected woman, Matty Healy was not displaying Islamophobia.
He had tweeted:
“I saw a film about Islam the other night, with people saying things like ‘I’m a Muslim and I’m white’ or ‘I’m a Muslim and I’m an American’ or ‘I’m a Muslim and I'm a patriot.’ You didn't see any ‘I’m a Muslim and I’m gay.’ Or ‘I used to be a Muslim and I'm fine”
“Isis are cutting little girls heads off and you want to challenge a non-religious, humanist perspective? I don’t understand the world at all.”
Criticism ensued following these retweets, especially during a time when openly expressing any criticism of Islam was considered unacceptable. Matty Healy received criticism on Twitter for the retweets.
One individual, who was both a Harry Styles fan and a Muslim, expressed disagreement and sought to educate him on Islam. Matty Healy's response, "I resent being 'educated' on religion by a Harry Styles fan account. Not having a go at him obvs, but it's hard to take seriously," should be understood in the context of a young fan displaying bias in favor of her own religion due to her age and limited perspective.
While Matty Healy acknowledged the criticism, it's worth noting that engaging in debates with young individuals on Twitter, particularly those in the age range of 12-22, is not his preference. He rightfully points out that trying to argue with someone who lacks the necessary understanding or context can be unproductive.
In this case, it wasn't about dismissing the person's views solely because they were a fan of Harry Styles, but rather because of the combination of their young age and their inclination to defend their own religious beliefs without considering broader perspectives. It's worth noting that engaging in meaningful discussions on complex topics like religion requires an open mind and a willingness to consider multiple viewpoints.
It's important to acknowledge that many religions have historically exhibited forms of sexism and misogyny.
2. “Kissing fans/underage fans”
Don’t know where this particular rumor started but here we go.
So, in 2022 during a concert a fan who was of age (22!!) had a sign that was like “it’s my birthday be my first kiss” and kept waving the sign. Matty noticed it and kept asking her over and over again that she was of age, had a stage crew member check her ID, asked her if it was okay, and then it happened.
In another incident, he kissed a 24-year-old fan, and various individuals attempted to speak on her behalf, claiming that she felt uncomfortable. She came out and said differently.
Regarding the notion that "kissing a fan is an imbalance of power," it can be argued that this statement is overly simplistic. While it is true that celebrities kissing their fans is not an everyday occurrence, it does happen on occasion. One example is Halsey, who has been involved in such incidents (although there was controversy surrounding one instance where there were allegations of the fan possibly being underage, the veracity of which I cannot confirm). It is important to consider each situation individually rather than making sweeping generalizations about power dynamics in all such cases.
Some individuals criticized him for checking IDs before kissing fans, with one viral tweet implying that his thoroughness in verifying the ages of the fans he invites on stage to kiss suggests he has engaged in sexual activities with underage girls. However, such insinuations are unfounded and unwarranted. It is not unreasonable for him to check IDs as a precautionary measure and ensure that he is engaging with consenting adults. In fact, verifying the age of participants is a responsible and necessary action given the potential legal and ethical implications. Therefore, labeling his actions as weird or inappropriate for checking IDs is unjustified.
3. “Matty Healy is a Nazi”
No, he isn't. This particular criticism appears to be the most unfounded of them all, as if words have lost their meaning. Before addressing it, however, I want to express my dislike for certain fans who deny that he imitated a Nazi salute. It's evident that he did an imitation as a satirical reference to self-identified Nazi, Kanye West. The context is important: during a performance of the socially conscious anthem 'Love It If We Made It,' he made the salute while singing the lyric 'Thank you Kanye, very cool!' which references Trump's infamous tweet thanking Kanye for his endorsement. Matty has discussed this further in his statements.
I’m a history buff. So I know a lot about most history, but mostly fascist history. But let’s talk more about “what/who is a Nazi/what do modern day nazis believe in?”
Nothing that Matty Healy believes in. The modern day Nazi is mostly known as a “Neo-Nazi.” Neo-Nazi literally means “new-Nazi” or “revived Nazi” and it refers to people who have adopted ideologies similar to those first identified with the Nazi Party, which ruled Germany under Hitler between 1933 and 1945. “Nazi” is a contraction of the German words meaning “National Socialism”. Nazis used to be more so known for their opposition to communism and for their mastery in propaganda.
Another controversial way this song was involved in yet another controversy was when it was first mentioned that an innocent black man named George Floyd had died at the hands of a police officer (a Nazi) named Derek Chauvin.
In response to this incident, many celebrities and individuals with platforms spoke out about the situation. In a now-deleted tweet, the singer wrote, 'If you truly believe that 'ALL LIVES MATTER,' you need to stop facilitating the end of black ones.' Healy included a link to the band's song 'Love It if We Made It,' which addresses racism and police brutality through its lyrics.
Many people falsely expressed outrage and insinuated that he did it for 'views' or to 'promote his music.' Firstly, such a claim is preposterous, considering the song was released in 2018, and in 2019 alone, nearly 1,000 people were killed by the police. It is important to note that artists do not primarily generate income from streaming, but rather from touring and selling merchandise. Though I haven't had the chance to tour myself, based on the discussions I've had, it is a significant source of income for artists, covering their expenses. That's precisely why merchandise is sold at concerts. To put it into perspective, artists typically keep 85% of their touring revenue from each venue. If they sell items like shirts, hoodies, vinyls, hats, and more, at an average price of $25, selling 200-500 items would generate $5,000-$12,500 from merchandise sales alone.
If he had intended to profit from the situation, he would have done so through merchandise, using George Floyd's face or name to make money in connection with his lyrics. Sharing a link to his song when an issue arises does not make it about him; it is his way of expressing his thoughts on the crisis. I tend to ramble a bit, but with my music, I attempt to address questions in a more structured manner. I assume that when Matty shared the link, his intention was to convey 'this is how I feel about it,' as people were urging him to speak up.
He subsequently apologized and clarified his intent, stating, 'Sorry I did not link my song in that tweet to make it about me. It's just that the song is literally about this disgusting situation and expresses it more eloquently than I can on Twitter.”
4. Matty Healy watches torture p*rn of black women/C*MTOWN, The Adam Friedland show/ghetto gaggers.
Firstly, if you're not familiar with the podcast Cum Town, it can be summarized as exactly what you'd expect. The episodes of Cum Town usually ran for approximately 60 minutes and were predominantly improvised. The show primarily revolves around a collection of explicit sexual humor and political commentary. Additionally, The Adam Friedland show can be regarded as a spin-off of Cum Town.
According to Wikipedia and feedback from listeners of the podcast, a prevalent theme of the show is centered around crude puns, rhymes, and sexually explicit scenarios, often involving well-known figures like Louis C.K., humorously referred to as "Louis SeemsGay." The show also occasionally incorporates ethnic and racial stereotypes into its comedic repertoire.
The humor of the show is primarily based on dark comedy, often featuring jokes that mock racial stereotypes and those who perpetuate or believe in them. It shares a similar style to that of South Park and many stand-up comedians. However, it's important to note that if this type of humor doesn't resonate with you, it simply may not be your cup of tea. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and personal preferences. Cum Town/The Adam Friedland show are leftist shows. They use vulgarity as a way to make their point, they’re considered “Dirtbag Left.” Click orgins of this Wikipedia page and you’ll see it listed as an example.
On February 9, 2023, Matty Healy appeared as a guest on the Adam Friedland show. Interestingly, this episode gained attention as people were searching for things to criticize Matty Healy for, starting with the Nazi salute controversy. Subsequently, they discovered a podcast episode featuring Matty Healy on TAFS, which they then seized upon.
During a random part of the show, Adam Friedland brought up a story claiming that Matty Healy was caught watching explicit content called Ghetto Gaggers by a person named Olive, who had gone back to retrieve her water bottle. Adam chuckled as he shared the story, mentioning that immediately after hanging out, explicit content played on the tv via airplay mode. Matty responded by questioning the behavior of airplaying pornography and even jokingly calling it psychopathic. The following conversation is a transcript of what was said by who and when. The conversation is color coded. Adam will be red, Matty will be purple and Nick will be green. As I don’t want to keep going “and ____ responds” over and over again.
Adam goes on laughing saying
“30 seconds after the hang just hardcore pornography. I heard that story and the only thing that bothered me was the air playing”
And Matty responds
“what you text me immediately being like I need the info on this story. Like how psychopathic do you have to be to like airplay porn on the TV?”
then Adam goes on and says
“I remember when porn on the phone became a thing and everybody’s like oh this is weird and it’s like no this is what I always wanted to be, i want to be hun hunched over have the phone jammed in my face you know jacking off on my own face”
“Edging for two days”
“Yeah crumpled up”
Nick says “well you’ve been doing porn on the Apple Watch”
Matty sarcastically says “oh no way for real? :O”
“that would be so sick”
“Like images. This is how James Bond jacks off”
“yeah just a yoga class filled with fat black women and one guy just on his phone, one guy jacking off and people were like “are you jacking off to us? and they’re pleasantly surprised yeah and he’s like no there’s women of size on my watch, my Apple Watch and then they say yeah you’re fired from Apple, you’re fired from coming up with that idea”
Well i was there it wasn’t just 30 seconds it was the combination of the fact that was you’re not exaggerating it’s just 30 seconds like you guys were still waiting outside she came back in i was already flustered like i was dressed as guy who was jacking off so i had untucked shirt and i think it literally was ghetto gaggers was on the tv it’s just somebody getting like brutalized and it wasn’t like some cool sceney New York art girl it wasn’t like “oh I’m sorry it doesn’t matter “ (matty says this imitating a rough, dirty person with like rasp) but it was little Olive, who comes in” (matty starts doing a preppy British imitation of Olive) and says “I’m so sorry-“
Adam chimes in with “yeah she’s like britishly apologizing”
And matty goes non chantly “and I’m like yeah it’s fine, it’s fine it’s okay. Well 10 minutes would’ve been fine but 30 seconds was like it was kinda almost like i was worried that was offensive”
“I think when you’re a guy living alone the order of operations is you before you go to sleep you just have to Jack off”
“you said to me, you said to me”
And Adam cuts him off like “sorry I’ve got a story to tell” and he talks about a guy he used to live with(?) who brought home a girl, had dinner, he struck out she got drunk and slept on the couch he went inside his room and started blasting pornography loud hoping she’d hear it and I’m trying to sleep” and the whole group laughs at it.
Then Adam goes to speak about a product for an ad or whatever . And that’s literally it .
(38:40) is the beginning of the conversation.
It seems like the conversation between Matty Healy and Adam Friedland involved sarcasm, but certain individuals deliberately shortened the podcast clip to create a misleading impression. Consequently, people who came across that shortened clip may have started watching it without understanding the context and thus formed misconceptions.
In my personal opinion, it is evident that the story shared during the podcast episode was not genuine. Upon watching the full clip, it becomes clear that the story lacks coherence and does not align with the overall context. It seems to have been created on a whim, similar to other improvised scenes they engage in during the show. Taking the full clip into account and examining the story in its entirety, it becomes apparent that the narrative was not meant to be taken seriously or as an accurate account of events.
When Matty retells the story, he claims that Adam and Nick were waiting outside his trailer while he engaged in the act for precisely 30 seconds. It seems illogical for Adam to text Matty for details if they were already waiting outside the trailer. Additionally, if Matty was indeed watching explicit content and masturbating, it is reasonable to assume that the trailer door would be locked, making it unlikely for others to witness the act.
Overall, it is important to approach this story with skepticism. Believing that Matty watched Ghetto Gaggers solely based on this account seems unfounded and lacks credibility.
I want to clarify that I don’t believe Adam Friedland watches Ghetto Gaggers, either. My understanding of Ghetto Gaggers is similar to his, I believe. Before I explain how I even know of such content, I want to emphasize that I am not a fan of pornography in any form.
On Twitter, there is a prevalent joke or gimmick among popular male accounts, often known for copying and pasting tweets or becoming the target of jokes from their own followers. When these accounts gain viral tweets, it is common for someone to reply with an inappropriate video or picture, seeking a reaction from others. These videos are often extreme and fall into the realm of unethical pornography, deliberately posted to provoke a response.
In response to such replies, the OP hides the video from being directly seen in the replies. Another person, either the OP or a follower, then quote tweets the popular tweet with a message like “DON’T CHECK HIDDEN/DON’T CLICK HIDDEN/DON’T LOOK AT HIDDEN,” intending to entice others to view the hidden content. This is a specific aspect of Twitter culture that might not be familiar if you are not active on the platform.
can provide examples of tweets that employ this gimmick and hide content using GG (Ghetto Gaggers) if needed. A lot of the “DONT CHECK HIDDEN” with ghetto gaggers clips have been deleted or the accounts have been removed so struggling to find any account where the hidden video is that but that’s alright. Just type in “DONT CHECK HIDDEN” on twitter search bar. Also, NSFW for a lot of these examples.
1. Nsfw (look at the replies)
2. hidden reply (the account that posted the hidden comment is notorious for posting such content. I did a quick scroll and already saw black fetish content)
3. Yeah I’m not showing anymore for your sake and mine.
5. “Matty Healy trashes Ice Spice, says racially charged comments at her, said racist things about her made fun of her”
Other part to bring up was the Ice Spice thing? Ice Spice, the rapper isn’t Hawaiian or Asian in any sense, the hosts and Matty know this. Matty didn’t say anything racist about her, the hosts made the joke. I don’t believe people know that Matty Healy is British because the ones in the podcast that even make such remarks are clearly American. The following is a transcript of the conversation:
Matty: “Ice spice, you know who that is?”
Adam: “Nick does know who she is. She’s like one of the spice girls”
Matty: “She’s a rapper from the Spice Girls.”
Adam: “Inuit Spice Girl. Just this chubby Chinese lady.”
Adam: *Mimicking Asian accents* “I rap music.” Do they talk like that?
Matty:” They don’t talk with a Chinese accent.”
Nick: It’s more Hawaiian style.
Adam: *Pops mouth*
Matty: “Yeah, more Hawaiian. Welcome to Hawaii.”
Adam: “Locals only.”
Matty: “Yeah, that’s what Ice Spice is like.”
Nick: “She’s a very attractive woman who released one song, and basically everyone…”
Adam: “So, you slide into her DMs and go, ‘So what are you, a f**king Eskimo?’”
Matty: Yeah, yeah, that’s what I was like, you f**king dumb- yeah.”
That was the extent of the interaction, which was clearly intended as satire. Matty did not make any racist remarks.
It’s worth noting that Adam is known for doing impressions, as mentioned on his Wikipedia page. Mocking accents can be seen as humorous to some people, and the intention behind such humor is often to be offensive. The concept is that the joke would not be funny if it weren’t offensive. However, if you don’t find it funny, that’s okay. If you consider laughing at such corny satirical jokes as racist, then the same argument could be applied to shows like Family Guy, South Park, and others that make fun of certain beliefs. It’s important to recognize that Matty did not participate in the impressions.
In my view, racism goes beyond stereotypical accents of certain groups and involves systemic discrimination. People who grew up during the “your fave is problematic” era on Tumblr may have been influenced in a way that hyper-focuses on superficial issues like hairstyles and tattoos in different languages, while real issues affecting black people and other minorities, such as employment, housing, and food insecurity, are neglected due to factors like bad credit or minor offenses.
It’s crucial to choose our battles wisely and prioritize addressing systemic racism and inequality rather than getting caught up in trivial matters.
Regardless of personal opinions or feelings, it seems likely that they will continue to see each other. There have been previous reports and articles suggesting that they had a romantic history. One article, dated back to 2015, quoted Matty Healy discussing his troubled relationship with the press. It mentioned his connection to Taylor Swift, explaining that although nothing happened between them, the media’s interest in Swift created an unsettling presence for Healy. He expressed his discomfort with being scrutinized and judged by the world of fame.
It’s interesting to observe that people are now acting concerned about their involvement together, while they remained silent when Taylor Swift performed “The City” at one of the 1975 concerts or when Matty Healy assisted her with her album. It’s worth noting that they had a previous relationship as well.
It can be exhausting to witness Matty Healy’s name trending for trivial reasons, and it’s frustrating to see the out-of-context video from the Adam Friedland show circulating repeatedly. Moreover, labeling him as a bigot is far from accurate, as he has shown support for various political causes.
To gain a more comprehensive understanding, I would recommend watching the following videos where he expresses his views on specific political issues: there’s so much more but I CBA to find them but you can
1. Abortion
2. Gay rights/donated to LGBTQ center in England
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simpingland · 2 years
To young for war, too beautiful for battles// Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!oc
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The first daughter of Daemon with Rhea has a special bond with Aemond, but his green conciusness sabotages the relationship. Romeo and Juliet could (literally) never...
The Black's came to King's Landing for Aegon and Helaena's wedding. They all knew that intense days were going to be happening. Uncomfortable dinners, awkward breakfasts and silent lunches. Specially for Alyssa, the first born daughter of prince Daemon, her late mother Rhea Royce was barely a memory for her, only the name her septa would say when they reminded she had a mother. Laena was closer to a mother than Rhea, but it was clear that her own daughters were her priority. Her loss pained still, again she felt like an orphan, and now she had two beautiful half sisters to care about, at least she ached in company. She was the oldest of Daemon's daughters, and the one she trusted the most, so she was the first to welcome Rhaenyra as her new step-mother. She was excited for her new brothers, Jace and Luke, lovely children, even tho, a bit naives to be true dragon blood. But she also felt like that sometimes. Alyssa was a lonely girl, she did not dare to ask too many questions to her father, knowing well that he wasn't the honorable men every girl wish for a father to be. Growing up she found herself surrounded by the King's children, Rhaenyra accepted her as her ward. Helaena was her closest friend, the only girls in the court. But the princess was too much of a dreamer to be an entertaining friend. So Aly wondered for hours through the Red Keep, and Aemond usually followed her. They had very much in commun, not only age, but also they felt outsiders in their own family. Of course, she was more comprehensive of those who ignored her,as she daughter of the infamous prince, so she never accepted Aemond's anger and eagerness, but she did understood him. She tried very hard to calm him, to talk him down, but he refused. He would annoy her, as children did, because it was the only way he thought she would notice him. They would end up bickering non stop some days, always when the family was present. But when he followed throw the Red Keep, she would catch him, and she always gave him a welcoming smile, letting him walk beside him, exploring together. Nobody really knew about their chemistry, with time, Aly realized that Aemond was the one hiding it. Many times she approached him kindly for a dance during feasts, or asked him to ride with her in the yard, and it was always him who responded rudely, as if he haven't enjoyed her company so many times. The only person aware of the bond was Rhaenyra, who caught them once in the dungeons, she saw them giggleling together and talking nonsense, but very peacefully. She even remembered the time she enjoyed Alicent has her best of friend, so she always reassured Aly when she ended the day with tears because of Aemond's bullying. Aemond regretted his behaviour Aly's father came back, he asked Rhaenyra to send her back when Baela was about seven, wishing to have her daughters together and safe. Even though he missed her, he didn't let her know it the day she saw her again, that day at Driftmark. He only looked at her. She tried to convince him not to take Vhagar, to respect the late Leana, and let poor Baela claim her. But he didn't listen and he lost an eye that day. That night, Aly saw the reason why Aemond mistreated her, why he was determined to hate everyone. It was her own mother the one to seek vengeance, the one who was blind to forgiveness, and the only one who seemed to care for Aemond. He felt so lonely that he did as her mother said, and because he did what his mother said he was becoming more lonesome. It was a circle, a terrifying one.
In Dragonstone, Aly grew into a woman, never forgetting Aemond, she dreamed of him, pitying him, his good friend and worst enemy. She felt so stupid for it, falling for someone so cruel, willing to kill his own. So she felt conflicted when she saw him for the first time in years. How can someone change so much in a few years? He was training, fencing with Ser Criston. A patch on his eye, her face longer, slimmer than last time, so tall and quite attractive. He didn't saw her until he put his sword down.
They looked at each other, Aemond found trouble to keep himself as cocky as he usually was, Ser Criston was there, and if Aly was there sure was the rest of the Blacks.
"You look sharp, my prince" smiled Alyssa.
"You look a bit prettier, I'll give you that"
"Only a bit? Well, that is because you can only see the half of me" she joked. A laugh sounded behind her. Aemond turned and saw his nephews. Jace didn't even try to hide it. Luke eyed him carefully, seeing the work he did years ago on his face. "Are you exited about the wedding?"
"I'm not the one fucking tonight and i don't enjoy drinking and dancing, so all the excitement is left to the groom" he couldn't hide the look he gave her, up and down, she looked stunning even in her simple dress. Jace and Luke explored the yard like the teenage boys they were, Ser Criston entered the Keep. Aly started to examining the weapons in front of her.
"Oh, lucky Aegon, he will jump his way into the septa" she gave a malicious grin to Aemond, knowingly.
He chucked at the comment. "Now, that part I will enjoy it at least"
Rhaenyra saw them talk and smile from a far. She now remembered herself with her husband Daemon.
The ceremony was quick, but very boring. Rhaenyra purposely let Alyssa stand infront of her, holding a very sleepy Luke as an excuse. So Aly had Aemond beside her, his shoulder very close to her face. The slow voice of the maester soother her into a sleep she didn't knew she was holding, her eyelids became so heavy...she couldn't helped it, she dropped her head into Aemond's shoulder, his long steady arm enduring her. She wasn't sleeping, but she was somehow resting like this. Aemond looked at her cautiously, she looked extremely tired. He turned to look at her mother, but she was holding tears while looking at the bride, not happy tears, sad tears, he knew that that day Alicent would be grieving the fate of her only daughter. So Aemond let Alyssa rest for the rest of the ceremony, only the applause woke her up. Confused, she apologised to Aemond, who only smirked to himself. Non of them could see the death stared Daemon was giving them from behind. Rhaenyra saw them, she will took care of that when the time comes.
The feast was another story. Alyssa loved music, and of course, she loved to dance. On very little occasions she had an excuse to enjoy it, only on name days. She found her sisters the loveliest of dance partners and Rhaenyra was always disposed to join the dance floor. Her father did too but that day he kept himself nailed to his chair. She was the first to stand and walk to the dance floor, bringing Baela with her. Almost everyone was either drunk or dancing, many were both. Rhaenyra took her husband to dance with her, to make him forget about Aemond for a bit. Aegon was so drunk it was embarrassing to watch and poor Helaena looked at her rings as if she had never see them. Alyssa saw her then, and remembered the lovely time they used to have as children. She reach for the princess and offered her hand.
"A bride should tire her feet from dancing on her wedding day"
She smiled at Alyssa and took her hand. Everybody look at both of them. Two Targaryen princesses, one with silver hair, the other with auburn locks. One dressed in a clear green dress and the other in a red gown. They spoke little, but the princess started to move through the floor, exchanging partners and laughing at the playfulness of the moment. Alicent saw her from her table, and Rhaenyra invited her to join, quickly connecting her to her daughter, she smiled when she partnered Helaena. King Viserys smiled at the image, a moment of peace, Aegon, on the other hand, felt sick, not only of the alcohol, but because of the noise. People ignoring the silent war they had. He looked at his brother Aemond. He had his eye locked into Alyssa. Aegon was about to speak to him, probably insulting someone, when the younger stood up, the music just changed, a slower dance.
Luke was dancing with Alyssa when he reach them.
"Dear nephew, mind i take your lady?" Said Aemond, already standing in front of Alyssa pushing Luke back.
"I do mind, un--" he was slowly but strongly pushed away by Aemond. He gave up, he learned his lesson in Driftmark.
"I don't see the need on being rude at every fucking moment" spilled Aly.
"You are the one swearing around ladies and lords" they had already started the dance "besides, I hold you the entire ceremony this afternoon"
"Oh, damn it...you noticed it...I should have slept under your right shoulder..." she shamelessly smiled at him.
"What a funny little lady" he smirked. "You definitely are a dragon born. Daring to mock the prince like that..."
"Good customs must never dissappear"
"Well, if you have decided to be so immature then I'll have to inform the entire court about your tendency of farting on the carriages"
She laughed and playfully hit him on his arm. He pretended to be deeply hurt.
"Oh, my prince, did I hurt you? My poor, poor prince..." she laughed.
"You keep laughing at me, maybe I'll send you to keep old Fred in company down in the dungeons for insulting your prince" Aemond remind her of old Fred, the ghost that only existed on their adventures during the Red Keep days.
"Well, many people had to dissappear before you can sit on the throne..." they continued to dance, ignoring the exchange of the partners "maybe then I'll fear for my sake, my prince"
"You see me willing to kill you, Lady Alyssa?"
"I saw you willing to kill my step-brothers" she no longer smiled.
"But I did never touch you, did I?"
They stopped dancing.
"No, but you sure remember the way you made me feel in front of everyone"
"Well, we treated ourselves as the children we were then" he obviously lied, she would never fell for that.
"That's not true, Aemond..." she did in fact, not fell for it. "You and I shared a bond, you made me laugh for hours when you dare to aproach me...but then you remembered that I was not to be trust. I cried myself to sleep so many nights. I thought you were my friend, that made it so much more painful..."
"You were a Black" he said.
"I was a child...so were you". She had tears threatening to fall on her face. He hold her hands but she pushed him away and, very quietly, disappeared from the room.
He felt his loneliness drop into his body as if someone just throw a gallon of water over his head. The music became a noise and the people became faceless. He then saw Daemon, staring at him. Aemond did admire his uncles...he admire him as much as he feared him. But Alyssa was something else. All his childhood he'd found trouble associating Alyssa to Daemon, not only for he hair, but because Alyssa was an equal. Thats how he felt with her. For him, Alyssa wasn't someone's daughter, or someone's ward, or someone's friend. She was just Alyssa, the girl she would seek for a little walk, the girl who spoke the truth in the sweetest of manners, a terrible dancer but a dedicated one. So, Daemon became a faceless person too, and Aemond decided to turn and leave, searching for his friend.
She was where he hoped she would be. In one of the secret corridors of the Red Keep. She often hid there as a child, and she showed it to Aemond in a moment of trust. He remembered that day when he saw her, just like she was years ago, Alyssa laid her body against the wall, her head down, and arms crossed. When they were six years old, Aemond found her there after she was humiliated by Aegon, the young prince did not spoke in her defence and Alyssa ran away. He took care of the little wound Aegon put on her little knee. To calm the girl, Aemond told her about that time he caught his brother jerking off, joking about the possible sexual fantasies of the boy. He made her laugh so much she forgot the pain, and she rewarded him with a kiss on the lips. Aemond was too surprised and too small to respond it, and they didn't make a deal out of it, but it was a secret, and they each kept in secret the fact that they remembered that kiss every single night before falling asleep.
"I've found more secret places in the Red Keep since you left" he spoke softly.
"I know most of them..."she had been crying.
"Why did you choose this one then?"
"This one's my favorite, so you will do me a favor if you left"
"This one is my favorite as well..." he got closer. "The ones I discovered were never as special as this...They were dull, boring...lonesome".
"I have spend my days feeling stupid for missing you...you never respected me...never appreciated me as much as I appreciated you...you have hurt my brothers and I invented so many excuses to forgive you for hurting me".
"You are right, Alyssa. We were kids, but you do understand that something bigger was over us...that we had to keep our distance".
"Can you just...apologies?" She looked at him now.
"I will admit, I have missed you" he hold her hand again. "Did you miss me?"
"You know that I have".
She touched Aemond's face. He closed his eye at the soft hand.
"As much as you love your family, I love mine as well" spoke Aemond, putting his other hand over Alyssa's. "But I do apologise, and I beg for your pardon, here, in the corridor where I felt in love with you. And I swear to you that I would never, ever, hurt you".
To say "I forgive you" would have been enough, but the emotions left Alyssa voiceless. So she kissed Aemond right there. Their lips met in a passionate but slow kiss. As if they were made for each other, they melted in an embrace. When they separated, they spend a few moments in silence. Caressing their faces and hands. They walked together through the secrets corridors. Kisses between the path and laughs and jokes. Maybe they could end the war, maybe they both die during it. But the uncertainty was the spark of passion.
The farewell came between secret walks and stolen kisses. Alyssa had told Rhenyra and Rhaenyra had told Alicent. But the response was a no. No, they would not be married. The daughter of man like Daemon. He was refusing as well, the son of a woman like Alicent. Too much pain has been already cause and no marriage will solve that. So they reunited again one last time.
"I think the gods made us enemies because they were afraid we could reach them"
She laughed softly "If I was your wife you would have locked me in a room, with babies and needles...The gods made us enemies because they love me" she joked, trying not to cry.
"I would never let you root like that, Alyssa, never"
Aemond spoke softly on her ear, moving her brunette hair aside. Alyssa pushed him away putting a hand on his chest. She looked at him in the eye. They shared one last kiss, a tear falling and Aemond could taste the salt of it. He cleaned it with soft stroke.
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mooniedust · 20 days
Aemond targaryen prompt
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Plot: Aemond, driven by a burning ambition to solidify his place in the war, seeks out Alys Rivers, hoping to secure a pact that will tip the scales in his favor. However, as the shadows of their encounter deepen, he begins to realize that the witch before him may not be the ally he anticipated—or perhaps, she is exactly who she is meant to be.
Credits and Considerations: The seed of this idea was planted by my fascination with the bot from @dragonismo, "The Prince and his witch" on Character ai. All credit for the initial structure of this story belongs to her, and I encourage everyone to explore and appreciate her work. I haven't read it Fire & Blood yet, so I apologize for any creative liberties taken, my imagination tends to run wild, especially on sleepless nights. English is not my first language, sorry :')
With all my heart,
Moon Dust.
The decrepit halls of Harrenhal, scarred by the passage of relentless time, were steeped in a palpable atmosphere of desolation, where silence was broken only by the insistent crackle of rain, striking mercilessly against the ruins of what had once been a feared and indomitable fortress. The sound of Prince Regent Aemond Targaryen’s leather boots echoed through the void, reverberating like a dark omen with every step. His every movement, firm and deliberate, exuded a grim elegance, like a shadow passing through the twilight.
Rumors, whispers laced with curses, danced on the lips of courtiers, carried by the cold winds that haunted the decaying fortress. They spoke of a witch who dwelled in that accursed place, a creature of darkness who, in exchange for infamous pacts, fulfilled the darkest desires of men. Aemond, with his icy gaze and mind sharp as a killer’s blade, did not easily succumb to folly, but the murmurs of "Alys Rivers" and her cunning had reached him in a moment of desperation, and even the pride of a dragon could bow to necessity. One does not win a war with honor; one wins with blood and fire.
As he entered the main hall, one of the few chambers still preserved in the rotten heart of Harrenhal, Aemond was enveloped by a heavy, unnerving aroma, a mix of burnt herbs and incense that seemed to poison the air. The prince wrinkled his nose but remained steadfast, his good eye scanning every shadowy corner of the room before he raised his voice, a command that sliced through the air like a blade.
"I’ve come to negotiate, witch."
For a moment, silence reigned once more, filled only with the wind's laments and the distant growl of Vhagar, the old dragon patiently waiting at the entrance, ever ready for battle. But the silence did not last. A feminine laugh, laden with malice and provocation, echoed through the corridors, mocking the prince’s proposition.
Aemond glimpsed a figure slinking through the shadows, too quick to be caught, but not quick enough to go unnoticed. He understood swiftly: he was being hunted, but not by an ordinary prey. What unfolded before him was a cruel game, orchestrated by a twisted mind. The image of Daemon Targaryen emerged first, but soon other familiar faces followed from the darkness: Helaena, with wide eyes and trembling lips, murmuring about an inevitable death; Aegon, consumed by flames; Alicent, gazing at Aemond as if he were a monster she herself had created; even the brothel keeper of the Silk Street had not been spared. The witch, cunning and relentless, toyed with his memories, with his deepest pains, forging illusions that assaulted his mind. But Aemond was a Targaryen, forged in fire and steel, and he would not be defeated by cheap tricks.
"Enough games, Alys," his voice thundered through the room as he advanced towards the hooded figure he had cornered, his gaze as sharp as a blade poised to deliver the final blow. With a swift motion, he spun her around to face him, but what he saw was not the witch.
The illusion, quick and painful as a blade through his chest, dissolved before he could react, leaving only the empty hood at his feet.
"Not amusing, is it? Invading my home and demanding my services. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I’m not Alys either." The voice, dripping with sarcasm, came from behind him. "She’s gone, but I’m here." When Aemond turned, he found himself facing the true witch, a figure who, despite her fragile appearance, exuded a dark and unshakeable power.
He stepped forward, his presence dominating the space between them. "You too grant men their deepest desires, don’t you? I’ve come here to test the limits of your power." His voice, cold and as sharp as winter, filled the room with an unquestionable authority.
Even standing before her, imposing, Aemond kept his distance, for to touch her would be to lower himself—and foolish, given the unknown extent of her powers. His good eye, intense and penetrating, studied every detail of the woman before him, trying to unravel her intentions. She could easily be mistaken for a demure court lady, small as a rat, and he, a prince ravenous for power, had no qualms about crushing a few rats.
"It should be me on the throne," he murmured, as if the words were obvious and needed no further context, as though they were uttered by the gods themselves.
The witch’s response was a low laugh, a sound that crackled like a spark in the darkness. "And it will be, it can be permanent," she said, with a softness that pricked the soul. "But understand, war is not the ideal path, and to plot against the life of your king? A bit treacherous, don’t you think?"
Aemond leaned over her, his arms rigidly crossed behind his back, the tension in his body evident, his eyes burning with fierce determination. "I cannot stand by and watch my brother destroy our house’s legacy. He is not worthy. The throne is mine. What do you suggest, witch?"
For a moment, time seemed to stop. Only the sound of her nails scraping against the wooden table broke the silence. Then, the witch sighed, adjusting her silk dress with calculated indifference, as if the weight of the words she was about to speak could not touch her.
"Your brother is practically dead, a breath of wind would topple him. Your sister, the poor girl, lost to madness, unable to recover after the loss of her son. And then there’s only you, prince regent—or should I call you… my king?"
"My king." The words, dripping with venom and promise, ignited a flame of fury in Aemond’s eyes.
"And what do you gain from this, witch?" He stepped closer, rage pulsing in his veins, his eyes locked on hers, daring her to flinch.
"I am a simple woman," she said, her voice as soft as it was treacherous. "All I desire is safety, the assurance that my life will be preserved. And, of course, a slightly bolder request: I want a seat at the small council during your reign."
A seat at the small council. The demand, bold and provocative, inflamed Aemond’s mind, each word a strike against his honor. A woman, on the small council? His expression hardened, his hands fell heavily on the table, as if he could crush the affront before him.
"And what use would you have on the small council? Perhaps as my cupbearer during war councils," Aemond’s tone was pure derision, a challenge thrown at her feet.
"My price is low," she cut him off with a sour expression, her words laced with disdain that almost made him laugh. "I’m not asking for riches, titles, or lands. Just a seat at the table. I’m merely ensuring that the king I place on the throne remains there, and I doubt those weak, pathetic men could keep you there alone. Not when all they offer is flattery and incompetence. Let me remind you, I’m accomplishing in one afternoon what they haven’t managed in years. Pathetic."
Aemond’s eyes narrowed, darkening further as he scrutinized every detail of her face, searching for any sign of weakness, any hint of doubt.
"You are a witch. I know the power your magic carries," he said, his voice deep and laced with threat. "But you will never, ever, use that power against me. That means no deceiving me, no enchanting me, no forcing me to say, do, or feel anything I do not desire. My mind and my body are my own. The only power I grant you is the right to whisper advice in my ear—occasionally."
The woman waved her hands dismissively, showing little interest in the prince’s words, gesturing towards her well-organized desk, with only a few scrolls and quills that seemed untouched at that moment.
"Your body and mind will be yours, my words and counsel will be delivered solely to the king. But do not be mistaken. I will not hold my tongue if I see something wrong. I am not giving you the title of prince regent; I am making you the damn king. Still, I will have the decorum not to embarrass you in front of others. Now, now, how shall we seal this contract, hmm?" She blinked her large eyes with a glint of mischief at the prince, awaiting a reaction beyond his usual scowl.
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illicit affairs | am. targaryen
Description: It was forbidden to fall for a man like him - but you were never the type to control the urges of your heart. Aemond Targaryen has been married to his wife Alys Strong for the past decade. It all started when he was 18, and she was 27. Pairing: Aemond Targaryen/Kpop!Reader Face Claim: Jennie Kim Rating: 16+ (dark suggestive themes, mentions of grooming, internet sexism, domestic abuse, child abuse and cyberbullying)
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Everything about him was the color green - his scent of warm peaches and lemongrass, his eyes that had a hint of sea green in them, his zodiac sign - gemini and his crooked thinking that managed to lure you in. He was a married man - and the media would fry you at the tiniest sound of you being around him - but it wasn't enough to keep you apart. You move the blanket up your torso - covering your heavy breasts.
He looked innocent when he slept - his eyes were slightly narrowed, eyebrows merging into each other, and his mouth was slightly ajar. He was peaceful - completely oblivious of the world around you. Your hands snake towards his chest, providing him with a warm embrace.
You would give the world to be Alys Strong. You would kill to have him beside you every night without the fear of being caught. "Darling," he breathed - slowly stirring awake. He burned for you - he craved you in the nights that he wasn't starving. He loved you - but he wouldn't ruin himself for it. "Good morning," you hummed - inhaling his minty scent.
"What time it is?" he groaned, staring at the digital alarm clock on his bedside. It was 8am, and he could already hear the people moving around his trailer. "Filming will begin in a few hours," he breathed, reminding you that there could be other people around you. "A few hours more for us, then." you buried your face on the crook of his neck. It would be nice to forget about the world.
"You're right," he smiled - slithering his hands deeper into your waist. He doesn't know why he's cheating on his wife with you, when he could easily divorce his wife and be with you openly. He couldn't do it - he couldn't get rid of Alys. Alys has known him since he was six. She was his brother-in-law's sister, and she was part of their inner circle. His reputation would be ruined - with or without the knowledge of his infidelity.
In spite of the power that his wife held over him - he couldn't stop thinking about you. He couldn't stop visiting you. "How long are we going to keep doing this?" you inquired - itching for the feeling of release. You didn't want to be anyone's secret. You wanted to love him - and you knew that he wanted the same. "Please divorce her, she's doing more harm than good." you closed your eyes.
She's known him since he was a little boy - that was weird for you.
"We have a son, (Your Name), I don't think I can abandon him." he reasoned - trying to not show his fear of Alys. "Won't he be happier? You keep telling me that you're fighting with her all the time." you argue. You couldn't stand being his mistress.
He closed his eyes - taking a deep inhale.
"Please give me time to think about it." he begged.
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aemonddefender it's funny how i suddenly support cheating now that aem's doing it
arthurkerry: BITCH WHATT?? -aemonddefender: someone from tiktok saw that y/n and aemond were walking around harrods (holding hands and laughing) -arthurkerry: I HATE Y/N'S DANCING BUT I KINDA LIKE HER NOW, everything to free aemond from his grandmother 😭
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Member of Blackpink Y/N L/N and Aemond Smith have both been trending over tiktok and twitter for the weekend because of an alleged fan that saw them together in a popular british shop. According to CelebrityGossip, the rumors started after a tiktok user posted a video of the alleged couple walking around in Harrods.
Aemond Smith is noted to be married to the infamous scandal baby of Lyonel Strong - but due to the pretty major age-gap and icky beginning of the relationship, his fans are not fond of his wife.
For more updates please follow us in www.celebritygossipmag.uk
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y/nlikesflowers: 'Argentine' movie premiere afterparty. I had an amazing time with my cast members, I hope that ya'll love the movie. #Argentine #Y/NL/N #Movie2023 #Argentine2023
22,290 comments 826,284 likes
Y/Nkorea: 예뻐요 언니 💗 - y/nlikesflowers: 감사합니다 🥰
almond'stoysreview: Let's get rid of Alys (translation for u: Alys라는 할머니를 없애자) -y/nlikesflowers: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ😭
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aemonddefender BYE IT'S CONFIRMED so I'm going to make this ANNOUNCEMENT for Miss Y/N
Dear @y/nlikesflowers, pls take aemond and put him in your custody, amen. if you do this then we will all stream your comeback song and never make fun of your dancing again. yours forever and ever, aemond's fans.
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Panic began to flood Aemond's features - seeing that his phone was currently bombarded by messages from his wife. His phone rings - and he picks up immediately, not spending another second. He was scared that his wife would yell at him - and threaten to keep his son away again. "What is this I'm reading about?" Alys' tone showed that she was fuming with rage. "What is it?" he tried his best to stay calm, but his hands began shaking. "That fucking girl you're working with - are you cheating on me?" Alys asked, voice growing dark and dim.
A sigh escaped his mouth - he couldn't lie to save himself.
"I think we should take some time off," he bit the inner corners of his cheeks. He wished that you were here beside him - comforting him. "Time off? We're fucking married and I'm stuck here with your son." her voice dripped with venom.
He clenches his fists - swearing that he'd regain his confidence and not cower underneath his wife's questioning. "Our son." he reminded, and that seemed to switch something deep in her psyche. "Fuck you." she yelled at the phone - screaming insults in her mother tongue. He had no doubt that she'd kill him. "Alys calm down," he stuttered, fearing that he'd do something to Aegon.
"No you calm the fuck down." she replied - gritting her teeth and throwing a piece of object in the other direction. "Are you drunk?" he inquired, knowing that she had violent tendencies. "Listen, if your mother doesn't pick Aegon up - then you're going to see him in the police station. I'm not a fucking nanny, you take care of your son." she cursed - trying to lower her voice by a few decibels.
The same panic began to rise through his lungs.
"Alys, don't you do a damn thing to my son!" his yelled - feeling his heart pump through his chest. His hands shakingly reach for his burner phone, dialing his mother's number - and praying to the gods that she'd pick up. "I'm not doing anything to him," her voice thinned - feigning innocence. "I'll fucking kill you, bitch." he threatened - and she hangs up.
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"-I'll fucking kill you, bitch." he hears his voice echo through the screen, his PR Manager had that deadly glare on her face. Myrna clears her throat, turning the television off.
"The cheating rumors were alright - but this? Kill me, Aemond." she groaned, feeling a headache form in the back of her brain.
"You have to understand that she was about to hurt our son." he buried his face in his palms, still high from the adrenaline that last night gave him. He wasn't aware that Alys would double cross him - but that girl's anger brought her to do the deadliest of crimes.
"- but she didn't and now you're fighting a public trial. You're about to get cancelled, Aemond."
"I don't give a fuck about cancel culture, my son could've died."
"What do you want me to do? I can't salvage your reputation."
"Tell them the truth."
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In a recent interview with 'The Hollywood Gossip' a voice mail was given by an 'anonymous' source, but an insider claims that it was Alys Targaryen.
The Aem-Y/N cheating rumors have been viral since the start of this month, now the angry housewife is trying to burn bridges and ruin her husband's reputation. According to Mrs. Alicent Targaryen, Mrs. Alys Targaryen (or should we say, future Ms. Strong.) threatened to hurt her son if the rumors continued.
Police arrived on the scene past midnight and arrested Alys Targaryen.
For more updates please follow us in www.celebritygossipmag.uk
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y/nlikesflowers: #flowers #chanel #khaki
4,890 comments 5,918,912 likes
magicmikeswallower: Thoughts about Alys Strong, senpai? - y/nlikesflowers: 보안 💗 (security)
AlysTargaryenOfficialUK: Replying to the comments about me reeks of childish behavior. If you are as mature as you make yourself seem, please stay away from married men. 😊 - the wife of the married man you're with. -y/nlikesflowers: 감옥에서 전화를 사용할 수 있습니까? 💗 (you're allowed to use phones in prison?) -AlysTargaryenOfficialUK: The same way you're allowed to sleep with married men 😊 -y/nlikesflowers: i could say a lot of things that could ruin your reputation, but i'd rather not. 나랑 문제가 있으면 법정에서 만나자 💗 (If you have a problem with me, let's meet in court.)
comments have been restricted.
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@watercolorskyy @glame
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a0random0gal · 10 months
Let's talk about hotd's deleted scenes
Soo hotd has a lot of interesting scenes that were deleted. Some people love them, others believe that removing them was for the best.
Today I'll check em out and tell you how I feel about them, and how I think they could have benefited the show if kept in.
1. The infamous Daemon hug scene
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Uhh I have.. feelings towards this.
And I already hear you go:
"How could you not like this, it's so wholesome!" Yeah I know I know, trust me, I think this is adorable, just a weird scene.
From what we know this shot was completely improvised by Matt and it shows.
Cause almost all of his character's nicer scenes that make people think "maybe he isn't that bad" were ideas Matt came up with. We can see throughout the show how the poor guy does his best to not make Daemon look like a psycho and it's nice on paper, but the contrast between his improvised scenes and the scripted ones is jarring.
I mean we go from him violently beating his first wife to death with a rock, to him tenderly breaking the news of Luke's death to Nyra or picking up Vizzy's crown and gently crowning him.
It does work more with his book characterization though so that's cool.
It's cute, it makes casual viewers go awww, but it's a bit inconsistent in the grand scheme of things.
I guess some people will interpret it as the softer spot Daemon has for the people he truly cares about, but knowing how he also treats them in other scenes...
Cough cough Rhaenyra choke scene cough cough.
I'm just left a bit confused.
Overall, I like it, but there's better.
2. Criston taking his Kingsguard vows.
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God I wanted this to make the cut soo bad.
It's just that in the past I've already talked about how dirty Criston is done in the fandom, and I truly believe he deserves more screentime, he's a very interesting character.
So getting a scene like this would have been awesome, and by showcasing the pride and happiness Criston felt at achieving his dream thanks to Rhae, her eventual treatment of him would have hurt even worse.
Personally I'm not sure if it could have swung more people to feel for him and criticize Nyra, but it would have generally enriched his character and relationship with the princess and I would have looved it.
Only point against it is that it's probably one of the least important deleted scenes.
It sucks to say it, but I didn't really feel it's absence, you know?
If I had to cut a scene, I too would have chosen this one, but with a veery heavy heart.
Really solid idea though.
3. The Rhaenicent fight at the end of episode 2
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Finally, we're moving onto Alicent related scenes.
And this... is my villain origin story.
I can't believe it was cut, wtf!
I get that maybe they wanted to stay loyal to the rule "show don't tell" cause it was already obvious that Rhae was mad at Alicent when she ran out of council meeting room after the announcement of her father's betrothal, but like... The possible angst!
Alicent crying, trying to explain the situation and appealing to their friendship to try and get Nyra to calm down while she screams at her and calls her names for not revealing the truth sooner, god this would have destroyed me even further!
The missed potential drives me insane, I would literally pay money to see how this scene was supposed to play out.
This awesome interaction would have also perfectly set up the hostility and tention that would characterize the next deleted gem...
4. Rhaenicent preparing for Ali's wedding
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Godd, this is another one of those scenes that, in my humble opinion, should have stayed in the show.
Not only because of the possibility of more Rhaenicent angst to break my heart,(Yeess) but also because this is one of those scenes whose absence is really felt in the story for me.
We go from Ali and Viserys's betrothal to them being already married with a toddler and another baby on the way and even though I'm aware that hotd has a lot of time jumps, I do feel like we should at least have seen the wedding celebration before moving onto the future.
This event being glossed over really left a bad taste in my mouth.
I can just imagine the sad and awkward silence during that scene, poor girls.
5. Viserys testing Daemon regarding Aegon's prophecy
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Soo, time to talk about the most incompetent targ king and his very problematic bro.
This scene had a loot of potential.
Apparently it was supposed to be about Viserys toying with the idea of revealing the Conquerer's prophecy to Daemon, but ultimately choosing not to after his brother showed little to no interest in what he was saying.
It would have been great to set up Daemyra's fight in the last episode
(honestly it would have been quite funny to see Daemon have a meltdown after hearing of the prophecy that he thinks his brother didn't trust him enough to tell him of, when he literally had the chance of knowing about it but threw it away lol)
And it also would have showcased how unfit Daemon is to rule, and given Viserys yet another reason to pick Rhaenyra as his heir over him.
In conclusion:
Yes I know there are a lot more deleted scenes to discuss, but I really don't want this post to get too long, so I'm going to end it here.
Personally, I think all of these deleted scenes were good, and there genuinely wasn't a single one I would have hated to see on screen.
But what were your favourites? Please tell me, especially if they weren't featured in this post, I'm super curious to find out about more cut scenes to learn what we all missed lmao.
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baabaapinksheep · 5 months
Kendrick-Drake Beef Playlist
(Disclaimer: All accusations between the two artists are alleged. As of 5/9/24, there has been no formal investigation regarding allegations of sexual trafficking, abuse to minors, illegitimate children, or domestic violence. Viewer discretion is advised.) Out of the loop? Here's the track list of disses in order:
1) Control (Big Sean ft. Kendrick Lamar & Jay Electronica)
Infamous enough that former President Barack Obama was asked who would win a rap battle between Kendrick and Drake. He chose Kendrick Lamar.
Bout who's the best MC? Kendrick, Jigga and Nas I'm usually homeboys with the same n---a I'm rhymin' wit But this is hip hop and them n---as should know what time it is And that goes for Jermaine Cole, Big KRIT, Wale Pusha T, Meek Millz, A$AP Rocky, Drake
2) First Person Shooter (Drake ft. J Cole)
First response from Drake after Control dropped, this time featuring J Cole who completed the ultimate trifecta of today's popular rap artists.
Love when they argue the hardest MC Is it K Dot, is it Aubrey or me? We the big three like we started the league But right now, I feel like Muhammad Ali
3) Like That (Future, Metro Boomin, Kendrick Lamar)
Second response after FPS. Kendrick refuses to share the crown with Drake and J Cole and challenges them for the top spot.
Think I won't drop the location? I still got PTSD Motherfuck the big three, n---a, it's just big me N---a, bum, what? I'm really like that And your best work is a light pack N---a, Prince outlive Mike Jack N---a, bum, 'fore all your dogs gettin' buried That's a K with all these nines, he gon' see Pet Sematary
4) 7 Minute Drill (J Cole)
J Cole decides to beef with Kendrick after being called out in Like That. He quickly disowned 7 Minute Drill and days later apologized to Kendrick Lamar during a live show. Allegedly, after hearing that the beef between Kendrick and Drake was serious, J Cole bowed out of the beef because he thought it was a friendly competition.
He still doin' shows But fell off like the Simpsons Your first shit was classic Your last shit was tragic If he wasn't dissin' Then we wouldn't be discussin' him
5) Push Ups (Drake)
While J Cole ducks for cover, Drake moves forward with the beef, though it's also a collective diss to Rick Ross, and Metro Boomin. This is also where he drops Kendrick's fiancee's name, Whitney and makes fun of his height. You won't ever take no chain off of us How the fuck you big steppin' with a size-seven men's on? This the bark with the bite, n---a, what's up? I know my picture on the wall when y'all cook up Extortion baby, whole career, you been shook up 'Cause Top told you, "Drop and give me fifty," like some push-ups, huh
6) Taylor Made Freestyle (Drake ft. Tupac AI and Snoop Dogg AI)
Second shot at Kendrick, this was released on IG. Drake uses AI for this track, using Snoop Dogg and 2Pac to taunt Kendrick. 2Pac's estate demanded that the track be taken down as it was an unauthorized use of 2Pac's voice. Drake eventually took the track down, but the damage was already done.
Dot, I know you're in that NY apartment, you strugglin' right now, I know it In the notepad doing lyrical gymnastics, my boy You better have a motherfuckin' quintuple entendre on that shit Some shit I don't even understand, like That shit better be crazy, we waitin' on you
7) Euphoria (Kendrick Lamar)
Kendrick officially warns Drake that he has dirt on him. Euphoria is also a hit show about troubled girls, which Drake is a producer of. This is also the infamous track where KDot demands Drake lose his N-word privileges.
I make music that electrify 'em, you make music that pacify 'em I can double down on that line, but spare you this time, that's random acts of kindness Know you a master manipulator and habitual liar too But don't tell no lie about me and I won't tell truths 'bout you
8) 6:16 in LA (Kendrick Lamar)
While waiting for Drake's response, Kendrick shocks the hip hop world with a second shot a couple days after Euphoria, exactly on 6:16am (PST). This track is meant to spook Drake. Kendrick gloats of how he got his hands on a mole in Drake's entourage and they're feeding him scandalous information about Drake.
But let me tell you some game 'cause I can see you, my lil' homie You playin' dirty with propaganda, it blow up on ya You're playin' nerdy with Zack Bia and Twitter bots But your reality can't hide behind wifi Your lil' memes is losin' steam, they figured you out The forced opinions is not convincin', y'all need a new route It's time that you look around on who's around you Before you figure that you're not alone, ask what Mike would do
9) Family Matters (Drake)
A few hours after 6:16, Drake finally responds to the beef. He ups the ante by taking shots at Kendrick's family and drops that Kendrick beats his wife. Drake also threatens other artists who may be siding against him. This is also the most he's said the N-word in his song, taunting Kendrick for revoking his N-word privileges in Euphoria.
When you put your hands on your girl, is it self-defense 'cause she bigger than you? Your back is up against the curb, you diggin' for dirt, should be diggin' for proof Why did you move to New York? Is it 'cause you livin' that bachelor life? Proposed in 2015, but don't wanna make her your actual wife I'm guessin' this wedding ain't happenin', right?
EDIT: This post on reddit believes that Family Matters was the whole reason for the Euphoria drop. This is pure speculation, however, so decide for yourself the validity of these receipts!
10) Meet the Grahams (Kendrick Lamar)
Not even 45 MINUTES after Drake drops Family Matters, Kendrick responds, robbing Drake of his temporary triumph. He straight up lays waste to Drake's entire family, offering to be Adonis' mentor because Drake's a deadbeat dad, calling out Drake's parents for raising him terribly, and revealing that Drake has another illegitimate child, this time a daughter he's been hiding for eleven years. He also warns the female listeners that if they like Drake, they're exposing themselves to a predator.
Dear Aubrey I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body This supposed to be a good exhibition within the game But you fucked up the moment you called out my family's name Why you had to stoop so low to discredit some decent people? Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you
11) Not Like Us (Kendrick)
24 hours after Meet the Grahams, Kendrick drops a new diss track, this time actively calling for Drake's life, saying he has fake street cred, called the people in his entourage pedophiles, and releasing the track just before everybody hits the club on a Saturday night just to rub salt in the wound. He calls out Drake on behalf of 2Pac and promises he has at least five more diss tracks waiting, knowing that Drake hasn't had the chance to respond yet. He also mentions Family Matters, which meant he wrote his responding diss in less than 24 hours.
Let me break it down for you, this the real n---a challenge You called Future when you didn't see the club Lil Baby helped you get your lingo up 21 gave you false street cred Thug made you feel like you a slime in your head Quavo said you can be from Northside 2 Chainz say you good, but he lied You run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin' colonizer
12) The Heart Part 6 (Drake)
Also 24 hours after Kendrick's last diss track, Drake finally drops a response. He addresses some of the allegations, including purposefully feeding info from the mole to Kendrick about a daughter that doesn't exist. He takes a few more shots at Kendrick's relationships, implying that his partner Whitney hasn't denied the accusations of domestic violence. He also clowns on Kendrick's sexual abuse as a child and blames that on his witch hunt to prove Drake was a pedophile. He ends the diss saying that he was tired of the whole beef and he didn't want to fight with an alleged woman beater. As of 5/9/24, THP6 has more dislikes than likes on Youtube.
My mom came over today, and I was like, "Mother, I— Mother, I—, mother—," ahh, wait a second Wait a second, that's that one record where you say you got molested Aw, fuck me, I just made the whole connection This about to get so depressing This is trauma for your own confessions
This is the BARE BONES summary of the long, bitter history between Kendrick Lamar and Drake. This doesn't even cover it all. This is just about the disses. I recommend looking up the history between them for more context in other places.
It's 5/9/24 and 3:00pm (PST) as of this post. Updates will be posted accordingly.
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blackinperiodfilms · 3 months
Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist | Official Teaser | Peacock Original
Synopsis: Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist, based on the acclaimed iHeart true-crime podcast, follows the infamous story of how an armed robbery on the night of Muhammad Ali’s historic 1970 comeback fight changed not only one man’s life but ultimately transformed Atlanta into the “Black Mecca.”
Cast: Kevin Hart, Samuel L Jackson, Don Cheadle, Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson and Chloe Bailey.
Limited series releasing on September 5 on Peacock.
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
kinktober request where sanderson sisters!rhaenyra,alicent and helena are summoned back to life by virgin fem reader and they decide to thank her with kinky magic sex !
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
The cold breeze of the forest easily brushed over your body that was hardly covered. Only a black, see through material was wrapped around you as the words of Latin began to fall from your soft lips. Gods, you could not believe you were doing such a thing. To summon these infamous sisters; one of them was dangerous enough..but all three.
But you had no choice. Not with that beast circling you like a meal. You would be dead by the end of the month, you were sure of it. It was your last resort; you prayed to yourself as the fire around you only built to higher flame. The wind howled and had you shivering once more as those sweet breasts of yours pebbled with ease.
A gulp escaped you as soft laughter began to echo in your ears as well as the woodlands surrounding you. Shivers ran down your spine as you began to play with your slender, ringed fingers that were painted blood red. The wind only grew now as you sweetly looked over your shoulder; your heart pounding in your ears.
“Oh, we do seem to have gotten such a gift.” A soft, silky voice that sent shivers down your spine for other reasons than the cold had you slowly turning your head. A soft gulp escaped you when those doe eyes of yours found the three sisters who were seemingly Goddesses as much as witches. You had not been told of their beauty.
It was hard to make the differences between the blondes but you had heard enough of their pecking order to realise the one who spoke was the leader herself; Rhaenyra. A soft gulp escaped you as your eyes moved down her voluptuous body that the blood red dress seemingly clung to. You could hear your heart pounding in your ears already.
Those bright eyes of hers were burrowed into your own as a smirk tugged on those soft looking lips. “It seems she likes you.” A voice purred from behind and only caused you to gasp aloud, much to the amusement of the three. “Don’t get jealous now, Ali.” Rhaenyra purred as you finally turned around to face Alicent herself.
Those auburn locks of hers cascaded down her back as the emerald dress wrapped around her seductively. It was those big, dark eyes that you found yourself getting lost in as her mouth watering scent washed over you. A giggle echoed around your body as you stepped forward as if in a thrawl. “Oh, does she have a new favourite?” Rhaenyra purred in amusement.
“She’s not as mean as she looks.” A new voice came into the conversation and you knew it was the last sister. Helaena’s angelic body came into view with those soft, bright locks in a loose braid. Alicent only huffed and moved to the side for Helaena to replace her. If you weren’t so lost in Helaena’s hypnotic presence; you would have noticed the soft kiss the other two women shared.
The white, lace dress flowing around her body as she steps closer. “Hmm, now what could you possibly need?” Helaena purred as her hand gently reached for your own lock of hair and began to play. She tugged on them and you couldn’t stop the bright blush moving across your cheeks at the gasp escaping you with ease.
Her free hand slowly moved down your arm before she was soon resting on your hip. The thin layer of material gave no fight as she began to stroke you. “My coven–they want to murder me.” The words fumbled from your soft lips as you only had eyes for Helaena but you knew your words had gotten the other two’s attention.
“And why would they want something like this?” Alicent whispered; perfect eyebrows raised as she came into view once more. Her big eyes were full of something you couldn’t place as they moved over your body. Your lips parted for you to lie but all you were met with was a twitch of a smirk on her lips. “Oh, it seems we have a little, pretty liar on our hands.”
“You taste so delicious.” Rhaenyra purred into your ear; not that you were truly understanding any words coming your way as the intense pleasure took over. Your now bare, soft body arched from the bedding that had seemingly appeared at their convenience. “Please—oh,ah.” You hardly knew how much time had passed since your punishment had begun.
Soon, she leaned back in for her hot mouth to engulf your soft breast. Her free hand roughly palmed your other as it bounced. Your legs were shaking as you found the strength to look down. Those famous locks of Alicent greeted you before those big eyes of hers did. Her soft mouth practically makes love to your creamy, sensitive pussy.
The obscene, wet sounds her mouth was making as she feasted had you whining out her name. “I wonder, will you lie again?” Helaena purred, brushing your noses together as those tears that had welled up in your eyes finally fell down your cheeks. The act only had her giggling as she licked at them whilst her slender hand slowly moved south.
“Please…no more, I …” Your scream of pleasure echoed around the woods once more as they giggled. The electricity that Helaena could control had your sweet, sensitive clit on fire in all the best ways as you couldn’t hold back the climax. You were soon squirting on Alicent’s face whilst your toes curled. “I imagine you are hungry..” Rhaenyra purred as she gracefully moved.
Gods, when was it going to stop, you thought as your eyes watched the Goddess above you. “Good girl, so good.” Rhaenyra whispered her praises as your mouth could only water and receive her. Her delicate hands moved into your hair now as you began to suck. Your tongue kitten licking as you hummed and moaned against her.
The red, silk ties that had wrapped around your wrists slowly moved away on their own as you greedily reached for Rhaenyra. Your hands palming at your arse as your hunger only increased even as your body still shook with the pleasure coming your way. You cried into Rhaenyra’s body as two slender fingers pushed inside your warm, welcoming pussy. 
The sparks Helaena was playing with continued as you heard them whispering to each other. “Hmm, we should keep her..” Helaena whispered as Rhaenyra slowly began to move her body against your greedy tongue. Her wetness feeding you now as you hummed; sending vibrations against her whilst her hold on you tightened.
“She would be ruined.” Alicent’s soft voice continued as her thumb was swiping across your clit again and again. Your stomach was tightening in anticipation as your sixth climax of the evening was easily building. A cry of yours was muted as Rhaenyra’s moans began to echo when Alicent pushed a third finger inside your soaked, fluttering pussy.
Alicent curled them with expertise and easily bullied her soft, spongy spot that had her eyes rolling back once more. Rhaenyra whispered her praises as her own head fell back; those locks of hers free in the cold wind that hardly bothered you now as the heat from the sisters wrapped around you. It was an addictive feeling, you thought to yourself. 
“I am sure we can protect her from your husband, sweet Helaena..” Rhaenyra hummed but there was no reply from the angel until you realised her hot mouth was now sucking on your clit. The questions of her husband or what they had planned completely fell from your lips. Still, you knew you would be safe away from your coven now. A sharp gasp escaped you once more as you felt a larger object being pushed inside you. “Shhh, do not worry…you will like this…” Rhaenyra whispered whilst her own moans were falling from her lips. Her movements only quickened now as she obscured your view of Alicent fucking you with the strap that had materialised as if it was her own fat, throbbing cock. Helaena’s soft tongue still teases your clit and you soon lose yourself in the pleasure. Their bodies engulfed you as the pleasure became too much. Your vision was darkening as your body was like a woman possessed against them. “We have such plans for you..” Helaena purred before biting down on your thigh.
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cartermagazine · 1 year
Tumblr media
Today’s Inspiration
(Above) - Carl Stokes, Walter Beach, Bobby Mitchell, Sid Williams, Curtis McClinton, Willie Davis, Jim Shorter, and John Wooten. (Below) - Bill Russell, Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (known as Lew Alcindor at the time)…
It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, June 4, 1967. Some of the greatest black athletes in the country gathered in Cleveland, to support brother Muhammad Ali, who had been stripped of his heavyweight title and faced charges of draft dodging for his refusal to serve in the Vietnam War.
On the eve of the infamous March on Washington, August 28, 1963, I encouraged the people to stay woke and gain strength through knowledge of self….
Love your brothers and sisters, grown to build, celebrate one another, instead of destroying each other.
Let’s make is easy to love and harder to hate… Peace.
CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #historyandhiphop365 #cartermagazine #carter #muhammadali #billrussell #jimbrown #kareemabduljabbar #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #history #staywoke
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ghelgheli · 4 months
Stuff I Read In May 2024
bold indicates favourites
Hogg, Samuel Delaney
Land Reform & its Direct Effects in Iran, OIPFG [link]
Blackshirts and Reds, Michael Parenti
Black on Both Sides, C. Riley Snorton
The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant
Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle
maintenance, crvptozoology [link]
Shimeji Simulation, Tsukumizu
If We Can Meet Tomorrow / Ashita, Kimi Ni Aetara, Aoto Hibiki
Love Thy Neighbour, Willow
Short Fiction
Let's Not, Isaac Asimov
Each an Explorer, Isaac Asimov
Blank!, Isaac Asimov
Exiting Law and Entering Revolution, Basel al-Araj [link]
Resisting the Nakba, Joseph Massad [link]
Rain is Coming, Mohammed El-Kurd [link]
Novel Evil, Miriam Gordis [link]
Queer &c.
The Logics of Gender Construction in Asian Modernities, Emiko Ochiai
“It’s Only a Penis”: Rape, Feminism, and Difference, Christine Helliwell [link]
In the Dark Room: Homosexuality and/as Blackness in James Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room, Josep M. Armengol [link]
She's always a woman: Butch lesbian trans women in the lesbian community, Hannah Rossiter [link]
No Sex Please—We’re Hobbits: The Construction of Female Sexuality in The Lord of the Rings, Brenda Partridge
Toward a historiography of the lesbian transsexual, or the TERF’s nightmare, Jules Gill-Peterson [link]
Sick Woman Theory, Johanna Hedva [link]
The Myth and Tradition of the Black Bulldagger, SDiane A. Bogus [link]
This Infamous Proposal, Jules Joanne Gleeson [link]
Transing and Transpassing across Sex-Gender Walls in Iran, Afsaneh Najmabadi [link]
What Is It Like to Have a Gender Identity? Florence Ashley
Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe, Hortense J. Spillers
Egg Theory's Early Style, Grace Lavery [link]
NEVER EVER TRANSITION, lily bloodguts [link]
What Was To Be Done? Protest and Revolution in the 2010s, Jasper Bernes [link]
Anarchy and Scientific Communism, Nikolai Bukharin [link]
Against Innocence, Jackie Wang
Islamology, Ali Shariati [link]
Signals of Disorder: Sowing Anarchy in the Metropolis, A. G. Schwarz [link]
Foucault: The Faux Radical, Gabriel Rockhill [link]
Extractivism in the Anthropocene, John Bellamy Foster [link]
The Xinjiang Atrocity Propaganda Blitz, Roderic Day [link]
I Accuse This Liberal University of Terror and Violence, Fredy Perlman [link]
Public Transit, AJ Julius [link]
Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Excess, Linda Williams [link]
The Myth of the Boiling Point, Hasok Chang [link]
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witheredoffherwitch · 10 months
Have you seen the theories about Alys possibly appearing as both Alicent and Rhaenyra in the trailer? I have mixed feelings about Alysmond, but I do find Alys interesting. What are your thoughts on these theories and how do you think Alysmond would evolve if they turned out to be true?
Hi nonnie,
Yes, I have looked through some of the theories floating around - and if someone's not sure what this question is alluding to, here's a Twitter thread for reference. Please note that this post will delve into leaks and potential spoilers, so proceed at your own risk!
Now this speculation is based on the leaks which hinted at Alys using glamor magic to take Rhaenyra's form in her attempts to seduce Daemon. In theory, this would make sense because that one shot of both Rhaenyra and Alicent's look completely misplaced in the trailer. In Rhaenyra's case, she is obviously broken after learning about Luke's death.. and the trailer for most part shows her character in mourning except for that one scene in crown. Some have pointed out that the background looks different from the Black council room at Dragonstone. As for Alicent, her scene by the lake raises questions. As someone familiar with the books, I can't help but wonder if this lake is the infamous God's Eye. If so, what could Alicent be doing there? I must admit, when I first saw the shot from behind, my mind went to Alys...but then they revealed it was Alicent and I became even more confused!
I am not a big fan of this theory because this seems to be heading in the same old formulaic 'femme fatale' trope that we Alys fans were dreading for a while. Many fans believe that the accounts of Alys from the books reek of common misogyny, and we were hoping for the show to avoid falling into that trap. The idea of Alys "bewitching" Aemond comes from their surprise at a Targaryen prince being smitten with an older woman who is seen as nothing more than a baseborn bastard. But, let's wait and see how this plays out in the show. Also as @richardsthirdnipple pointed out to me earlier, both Aemond and Criston hold devotion towards Alicent.. which could potentially contribute to the rift between them over Alys.
Talking about how this might affect Alysmond's story, I am not going to speculate much because the story may still evolve even if they have questionable origins. That being said, most of us Alysmond shippers will still stan these two characters regardless of how their story pans out. While I am still maintaining a healthy caution, I hope that the showrunners will avoid turning her character into Melissandre 2.0.
If any of you have thoughts to contribute, please chime in! I am eager to hear your perspectives on these emerging theories.
That's all! 🤗
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