#ines x jakob 001
rviner 11 days
@ofwrxth ines x jakob - vr ding dong, texas
Ines doesn't know anything about Earth's big historical moments or landmarks. Schools in The Wards just don't teach that. So when she's asked where she wants to visit, she's scrolling for the first thing to jump out at her. And then she sees it. Ding Dong, Texas. She snorts so loud that the people in line shuffle impatiently, making her clear her throat. It's probably just gonna be you in this server, and some AI. That okay?"Perfect, yeah." she had said, still laughing and not surprised no one else is dying to visit Ding Dong.
This is a once in a lifetime thing for Ines. She knows she'll never afford the experience ever again, so it might as well be the most hilarious place name she's ever heard. After downing her nutripack, Ines 'arrives' in Ding Dong, still giggling as the world around her shifts and blurs into focus. It's disorientating for a second, like her brain can't catch up to so many sensations at once. She glances at her hands, half expecting her to be what glitches, not the scenery.
But, she's on a mission: find the sign. There's no way she's leaving without taking a picture in front of the "Welcome to Ding Dong" sign. Except, when she gets there, it's half-loaded, flickering in and out like it's buffering. Or, having a seizure. She sighs, comms in hand, hoping she can time it perfectly for the shot. But, just as she gets into place, the sign disappears again, allowing her to see someone approaching from the other side in her screen. "Holy shit." Ines jumps slightly, spinning around and squinting.
At first, she thinks it's AI and she's suddenly curious about interacting with the human-like intelligence when it's...a human. But as they approach closer to one another, Ines's stomach does a somersault. Jakob Ranstrom, of all places, has picked Ding Dong. "Oh." it's not disappointment, more like awkward surprise. Her cheeks flush as she tries to push away the...very vivid thoughts, the reasons why she's been avoiding him. "I thought you were AI. That's hilarious." Ines chuckles, squinting at him again. "Wait, are you AI? Like...not normally, I mean right now." things were a little too real to be AI the last time they saw one another. "Is this an AI you?" her hand lifts up, giving a pat to his face, and then retracts as she feels ultra realistic skin under her palm. "Oh shit, no, that's you. Hi. Hey, or er...Howdy. The sign's broken."
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rviner 1 month
@ofwrxth ines x jakob - grand gala
Ines knows Jakob is here, somewhere among the glittering grand gala. It's like a current beneath the surface, a pull she can't quite resist, though she tries to keep her gaze from constantly seeking him out. Despite her efforts, her eyes find him time and again, as if drawn by some invisible force they've both found themselves navigating. It's strange, this silent magnetism between them, something neither of them can fully explain. There's no obvious barrier keeping them apart, but an unspoken hesitation lingers. Her father's voice echoes in her mind, a warning that came without much explanation: "Be careful around the Ranstroms. They're not to be trusted." Why, exactly, she isn't sure, but the words replay over this undefined thing between her and Jakob.
But then there's a moment, another meeting of their eyes across the room, and she decides that wanting to speak to him is enough of a reason as any. With a subtle nod towards the doors, she signals her intention to step outside. Smoking is a habit she picks up and drops, her training and competitions usually keeping the temptations in check. But ever since returning home and discovering the existence of her newborn half-brother, she figures a little indulgence is the least she deserves.
As she slips out and Jakob falls into step beside her, a slight grin tugs at her lips. She glances up at him, her gaze lingering longer than she intends, tracing the lines of his features, memorizing them in a way that feels almost wrong to. "Have you won anything yet? Or even bet on something?" she asks, but the small talk is only a filler until they're outside and have escaped the bustle of the gala. "My dad didn't make them do garlic mussels this year and I'm actually so bummed, you have no idea." she laughs, the sound freer now they're alone. "Have you been to this thing before? They're amazing. It's like my cousins recipe but he does this twist to it, won't tell me what it is either. Maybe they're not even mussels." she chuckles, slipping her cigarettes from her clutch. "I like...this." Ines hesitantly gestures to him, clearing her throat at how the compliment almost leaves her so easily and trips her up in the process. "It's kinda pointy, like cat ears but for guys." she adds, hoping she clarifies that it's about his bow tie. And not well...all of him.
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