#ines suarez
enalfersa · 2 years
Ines Suarez
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sailorrhansol · 5 months
One in the Grave | 00
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❀ Pairing: Vampire!Vernon x Dhampir!Reader (f) 
❀ Summary: Immortal problems require immortal solutions, but you never expected the unlikely help from a vampire lord and the destruction that might come with it. 
❀ Word Count: 1,366
❀ Genre: Supernatural, Dystopian,
❀ Type: Unlikely allies to lovers, slow burn, angst, eventual smut
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging in and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately.
❀ Chapter Warnings: Descriptions of a viral pandemic and global shutdown, depictions of sickness, death and disease, brief mentions of grief and general destruction of the world, mentions of murder and fear, a note that implies suicidal intent, collection of items that are somewhat nonsensical and not necessarily supposed to make sense
❀ A/N: I got the idea for a collection of items that show a little of the world before we dive into it, though a lot of it won't make sense until one reads further. I liked the idea of showing different sides of the event that takes place before this story with the articles, discovered notes and lab sheets, and then at the very end you see some notes to our characters that you'll find in the story later :) IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW I'M NOT A SCIENTIST AND SO MUCH OF THIS IS NOT ACCURATE LMAO. I know little about biology or viruses but I did try to look stuff up to be... somewhat believable.
❀ A/N 2: Huge thank you to @daechwitatamic and @eoieopda for beta reading for me and letting me plague them with this unhinged project. I love you both and I really enjoy when we three way smooch in the comments of the doc okay bye
❀ Disclaimer: Disclaimer: All members of Seventeen are faces and name claims for stories. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios. Moreover, none of my works accurately reflect, represent or take a stance on the nuances of Korean culture, cities, people etc. Seventeen members are not Seventeen culturally, intellectually, physically, or representationally in my stories, and should be considered name and face stand-ins for made up characters.
❀ Disclaimer 2: The names and emails in this specific chapter are not real and for the fictional purposes of this story!
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Excerpt from the New York Times
Global Shutdown Imminent as WHO Declares VAHS a Global Pandemic
Thursday, October 1, 2063
…In a historic announcement today, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak of Vampiric Acute Hemorrhagic Syndrome (VAHS) a global pandemic. This declaration has sent shockwaves across the globe, prompting governments and health organizations to initiate unprecedented measures in an attempt to contain the spread of the deadly virus. VAHS, a highly contagious and fatal disease, has been rapidly spreading across multiple continents, causing widespread panic and overwhelming healthcare systems. The WHO has warned that without immediate and decisive action, the virus could result in catastrophic consequences. In response to the WHO's declaration, governments around the world have announced plans for a global shutdown in an effort to curb the spread of VAHS. This shutdown will entail stringent measures aimed at reducing social interactions and limiting the movement of people in order to minimize the risk of transmission. Public gatherings including… 
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Excerpts from emails at the Center for Disease Control
From: Jelena Suarez <[email protected]> To: Alison.Murphy <[email protected]> Date: September 1 2063, 2:12 PM Subject: [SECURE] Report 09-01-2063-11 Mailed-by: CDC.org
Please find the attached report as requested. Confirm receipt upon review. 
Jelena Suarez Lead Biologist, Team 6 Center for Disease Control [email protected]
[IMAGE] Previous Report Subject 990 shows signs of degradation in cognitive condition. Lateral views of the brain demonstrate lesions in the frontal lobe. Subject shows signs of hydrophobia and increased hemorrhaging. Internal temperature remains stable at 110 Fahrenheit. Fever continues to degrade.  [IMAGE] Current Report Subject 990 experienced a spike in fever and internal organ failure. Lateral views of the brain demonstrate further decay in the frontal lobe. Subject died at 0200 and reanimated at approximately 0523, showing signs of clinical vampirism unrelated to Renfield’s syndrome.
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Excerpts from the journal of Nathalie Wharton
October 20, 2063
… This isn’t like those old-school movies Mom and I used to watch when I was little. These vampires are real, and they don’t sparkle in the sunlight. Tara says that the older ones, the real vampires, don’t go crazy like the new ones do. I say they’re all the same. We’re leaving to go to the cabin tomorrow. Mom is worried that we’ll get stopped at the checkpoint and sent back because we’re technically in a quarantine zone, but Tara said the checkpoint south of the city fell last week.  There’s not much news. We’re the only family on the street now, and Tara’s radio doesn’t always work.  I’ll miss home, but maybe the woods would be nice… 
October 25, 2063
… Tara was right, there was no one at the quarantine fence south of the city. The roads remind me of those zombie movies with abandoned cars on the side, full of stuff people left. Thankfully the National Guard cleared the road on the way up north. No one has driven this way since it looks like.  Dad keeps looking for Carriers but we haven’t seen any. It’s like humans don’t even exist out here anymore. Mom says it's because all of those infected have gone to the big cities where the human population is higher.  She said Memphis collapsed last week, with no radio signal going in or out but the screams can be heard for miles.  It’s hot all the time now. The air outside makes me feel breathless like that one time we went to Florida and it makes me tired. I’m going to miss Tara but the radio said there was a breakthrough on a vaccine.  I’m so tired… 
October 26, 2063
… I had nightmares last night and could barely sleep. It is so hot in the car that it feels like my skin is on fire. Dad is making us ration our water and food. All I want is a cold shower to wash the sweat off and to not be starving. It’s just water. I just want to cool off.  We have two days until we get to the cabin…
October 27, 2063
… I hate this trip. I want to go home. It’s too hot down south and I’m hungry all the fucking time. Mom and Dad look at me like I’m crazy, but I just want to not be hungry. They won’t give me any more food.  I can’t sleep. It’s too hot. I’m too hot. Why is it so hot… 
October 28, 2063
It’s too hot to write. I just want to go home. I’m hungry. I just want more food. 
October 29, 2063
It’s so hot and I hate my fucking parents. They won’t let me eat more. I’m starving. I’m hot. It’s too hot. 
October 30, 2063
I didn’t mean to kill them.
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Bloodied note in abandoned warehouse, Columbus, Georgia 
To whoever finds this note, Are humans still alive? I hope they are. If they’re not, I understand. They didn’t tell us that this would happen. They told us that it would be okay. It isn’t okay. It was never okay. They told us to stay inside and wash our hands as if that could ever stop the virus from spreading.  I’m alone now. Mom died in the first wave of the virus. Dad died a few weeks later after Mr. Johnson attacked and tore out his throat. Daniel and I made it to the quarantine center in Albany with his friends from high school, but a week after Atlanta fell the Rabids showed up and tore through the quarantine. Those older vampires - the ones not infected - they didn’t even help us. They just keep fighting each other in the big cities. Daniel died yesterday. He wasn’t even a Carrier. He just starved. I don’t have anything to bury him with, so I’m going to leave him here and hide him the best I can. The vampires won’t bother with dead blood. It’s the Rabids who will eat him but there aren’t so many away from the big cities.  I hope that Daniel forgives me for not giving him a proper grave.  I don’t want to starve like Daniel. I don’t want to keep walking either. My shoes are busted from running when we left the quarantine. I know we passed a canyon on the way here. I thought it might be a nice place to die. I’m going to go right before sunset so I can watch it one last time before I jump. I’m not afraid to-
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Crumbled lab sheet in Buenos Aires, Argentina
[ORIGIN]: Bloodline, turned [NAME]: Leanna Cordova [DOMAIN]: Eukarya [KINGDOM]: Animalia [PHYLUM]: Chordata [CLASS]: Lamiae [ORDER]: Carnivora [FAMILY]: Hominidae [GENUS]: Inmortui [SPECIES]: Vampiris
[ORIGIN]: Natural, birthed [NAME]: Manuel Onzari [DOMAIN]: Eukarya [KINGDOM]: Animalia [PHYLUM]: Chordata [CLASS]: Mammalia [ORDER]: Primate [FAMILY]: Hominidae [GENUS]: Inmortui [SPECIES]: Dhampiris 
[ORIGIN]: Fever, turned [NAME]: Leandro Trejo [DOMAIN]: Eukarya [KINGDOM]: Animalia [PHYLUM]: Chordata [CLASS]: Lamiae [ORDER]: Carnivora [FAMILY]: Hominidae [GENUS]: Inmortui [SPECIES]: Rabidus
[ORIGIN]: Unknown, turned [NAME]: Unknown [DOMAIN]: Eukarya [KINGDOM]: Animalia [PHYLUM]: Chordata [CLASS]: Lamiae [ORDER]: Carnivora [FAMILY]: Canidae [GENUS]: Inmortui [SPECIES]: Canis familiaris
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Ripped sheet of paper, abandoned home, Yunnan Province, China
Weaknesses:  Sunlight Stakes Holy water Beheading Batrachotoxin* Fire Chest damage  ripping out heart Carrier blood *Temporary paralysis that only affects vamplings and Dhampirs. Older Bloodline vampires seem to have higher resistance to paralysis. 
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Unaddressed note smeared in blood, Seungcheol’s Blockhouse, Southwest of Black Harbor, Red Republic 
Find me, motherfucker. You owe me. -GR
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Neatly folded note, Vernon’s office, The Tower, Black Harbor, Red Republic
Lord Chwe, Your request for documents regarding the sect of Grim in the Undercity has been denied by Master Archivist Ilsa per security clearance IA-45-KL7. My recommendation is to seek a writ of clearance from your Lord Father or any member of the High Council. Alternatively, I suggest seeking an audience with Lord Hong, who has extensive experience with the Grim that pre-dates the existence of the Undercity.  Yours in loyalty and service, Lead Archivist Jeon
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Crumbled note, Chan’s pocket, The Tower, Black Harbor, Red Republic
I need you to steal something from the archives for me. Meet me in the Shadow Grove one minute after midnight.  -V P.S. Don’t bring Mingyu 
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mothandpidgeon · 7 months
wip wednesday friday
tagged by lovelies @wannab-urs @ezrasbirdie and @schnarfer
I'm having really bad adhd with my wips. I feel like I start 3 new ones every week. I've love a little encouragement to finish one.
Step one: Post snippets of the fics you're working on (can be a summary if there's no snippet)
Fame Whore (Dieter Bravo x f!reader) - a fic inspired by Pedro's SAG interviews
You haven’t seen Dieter in a while, not since he shot to stardom. It seemed like one day he was doing the same little parts you’re taking— pilots that never go to series, supporting roles in schlocky action movies— and the next he was the internet’s boyfriend. It wasn’t just roles. He was everywhere. Talk shows, Super Bowl commercials, Cliff Beasts 5 merchandise tie ins. Beyonce’s internet is inundated with memes from his horny little fans. I watch Narcotics for the plot. The plot being a topless photo of Dieter as his character– the brooding, loose canon Detective Enrico Suarez. You can’t turn around without seeing that handsome face you absolutely despise.
Everybody in Hollywood has some charming anecdote about Dieter Bravo. If only they knew what he was really like.
Untitled Regency!Joel Miller au (Regency!Joel x f!reader)
Joel watches the girls as they walk through the village. two neat columns of single file. They travel with poise, following behind you like a mother goose. 
He’s done this for years, searching their faces for any familiarity. One of these girls is his daughter, which one he does not know and neither does she. He’s never met her. The scandal of her birth made anonymity the best choice nearly sixteen years ago. But Joel wishes it could have been different. 
He chose the school because it was close to home. But, of course, he didn’t know any others. Joel wasn’t well educated himself being a common tradesman. When he wrote to his brother with the militia, Corporal Miller always teased him for the brevity of his letters. Despite that, he trusted that you would see that his daughter would not be stymied by her inferior birth. 
Step two: put them in a poll and let people vote on which one you should work on
Step three: Every vote is one minute you put on a timer to work on that fic (ex. 15 votes = 15 minutes of writing)
Also feel free to ask about these or the 500 other wips in my brain. Or just say hi. My ask box is always open.
No pressure tag: @joeloverture @goodwithcheese @for-a-longlongtime @xdaddysprincessxx
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blackbellaswan1 · 4 months
ranger suarez giving up a first inning home run today is starting off #notgood
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Lunedì 23 Settembre 2024 alle ore 20.30 il GdL "Chiave di Lettura", presso i locali della Biblioteca San Valentino, si incontrerà per discutere insieme del libro “Oltre l’inverno” di Isabel Allende proposto dalla nostra Arianna Pascetta
Lucía, cilena espatriata in Canada negli anni del brutale insediamento di Pinochet, ha una storia segnata da profonde cicatrici: la sparizione del fratello all’inizio del regime, un matrimonio fallito, una battaglia contro il cancro, ma ha anche una figlia indipendente e vitale e molta voglia di lasciarsi alle spalle l’inverno. E quando arriva a Brooklyn per un semestre come visiting professor si predispone con saggezza a godere della vita. Richard è un professore universitario spigoloso e appartato. Anche a lui la vita ha lasciato profonde ferite, inutilmente annegate nell’alcol e ora lenite solo dal ferreo autocontrollo con cui gestisce la sua solitudine; la morte di due figli e il suicidio della moglie l’hanno anestetizzato, ma la scossa che gli darà la fresca e spontanea vitalità di Lucía restituirà un senso alla sua esistenza. La giovanissima Evelyn è dovuta fuggire dal Guatemala dove era diventata l’obiettivo di pericolose gang criminali. Arrivata avventurosamente negli Stati Uniti, trova impiego presso una facoltosa famiglia dagli equilibri particolarmente violenti: un figlio disabile rifiutato dal padre, una madre vittima di abusi da parte del marito e alcolizzata, un padre coinvolto in loschi traffici. Un incidente d’auto e il ritrovamento di un cadavere nel bagagliaio della macchina che saranno costretti a far sparire uniranno i destini dei tre protagonisti per alcuni lunghi giorni in cui si scatena una memorabile tempesta di neve che li terrà sotto assedio.
Isabel Allende (1942) è una scrittrice e giornalista cilena naturalizzata statunitense. Considerata una delle scrittrici più famose dell'America Latina, “La casa degli spiriti” è il suo romanzo più famoso. Ha partecipato a molti tour mondiali per promuovere i suoi libri e ha anche insegnato letteratura in vari college statunitensi. Vive in California dal 1989 e ha ottenuto la cittadinanza statunitense nel 2003. Nel settembre 2010 è stata insignita del Premio Nazionale di Letteratura del Cile. Ha scritto romanzi basati sulle sue esperienze di vita, ma ha anche parlato delle vite di altre donne, unendo mito e realismo, ha scritto anche romanzi storici, come “Inés dell'anima mia”, basato sulla vita di Ines Suarez, la prima spagnola ad aver raggiunto il Perù, oltre a “L'isola sotto il mare” che racconta la vita di una schiava di nome Zarité a Santo Domingo, ora Haiti, alla fine del XVIII secolo. La sua opera viene accostata al movimento letterario conosciuto come posboom, anche se alcuni studiosi preferiscono il termine novisima literatura. Questa corrente è caratterizzata dal ritorno al realismo e da una prosa più facile da leggere. Si abbandona il tentativo di creare nuovi modelli di scrittura (metaletteratura), e si pone l'accento sulla storia e la cultura locale.
Se volete partecipare, contattateci all'indirizzo mail: [email protected] oppure all'indirizzo, sempre mail, [email protected] e riceverete, in prossimità dell’incontro, il link di riferimento.
Vi aspettiamo per confrontarci insieme su questa autrice e scoprire il suo libro, non mancate!!!
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theredandwhitequeen · 2 years
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Playoff win, game 1. We won 4-0 against the Blue Jays. Luis Castillo was excellent and so good, pitched into the 8th inning. Julio Rodriguez got hit by a pitch twice, he was 1-3 with 2 runs scored. Cal Raleigh hit a 2 run home run and was 1-4, eugenio Suarez was 2-4 with 2 RBI’s. A good game. I’m so happy!!!!!!!
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twins2994 · 15 days
Angels Take Opener From Twins.
Angels 6 Twins 2 W-Detmers (4-6) L-Festa (2-5) SV-Suarez (1)
The Minnesota Twins have fallen on hard times after scoring two runs in Kansas City over the weekend. The team returned home to host a reeling Angels team tonight at Target Field. The Angels were ready from the jump as Taylor Ward led-off the first with a walk and Zach Neto hit a ground-rule double to left-center. Nolan Schanuel singled home a pair to put the Halos up by a pair before the Twins grabbed a bat. The Angels kept adding on in the third when Nolan Schanuel walked and Brandon Drury smoked a David Festa fastball out to left for a two-run homer. This doubled the Anaheim lead to four and Minnesota would find some offense in the bottom of the third. Mike Helman led-off with a double to right and Carlos Santana singled him home. The Twins kept inching closer in the fourth when Kyle Farmer belted a Reid Detmers curveball out to left for a solo homer. Minnesota was within two after four innings of play. The Angels bounced back in teh sixth as Logan O'Hoppe lined a two-out single to right and Niko Kavadas blasted a Ronny Henriquez slider out to right for a two-run home run. Anaheim regained their four-run lead and Reid Detmers finished off six solid innings. Jose Suarez threw three shutout innings for the save and the Angels took the series opener.
-Final Thoughts- David Festa got knocked around a bit. He lasted four innings and gave up four runs on four hits with three walks and four strikeouts. Ronny Henriquez gave up two runs over two innings, Michael Tonkin struck out two over two innings of work, and Scott Blewett had a scoreless ninth. The Twins scattered five hits and went 1-for-6 with runners in scoring position. They left five men on base. Tomorrow, Griffin Canning faces Pablo Lopez in Game 2. The lead for the final Wild-Card spot is down to three games.
-Chris Kreibich-
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novumtimes · 2 months
Diamondbacks aim to continue surge against Nationals
Jul 29, 2024; Phoenix, Arizona, USA; Arizona Diamondbacks second baseman Ketel Marte (4) celebrates a home run in the eighth inning against the Washington Nationals at Chase Field. Mandatory Credit: Matt Kartozian-USA TODAY Sports The Arizona Diamondbacks never led Monday’s opener of their three-game series with the Washington Nationals until after the very last pitch. The Diamondbacks will try to ride the momentum of a five-run, ninth-inning comeback when they face the Nationals on Tuesday night at Phoenix. Corbin Carroll’s pinch-hit, two-run line-drive homer over the fence in right capped the rally and gave Arizona a 9-8 victory. It was the Diamondbacks’ 17th win in 25 games, but also one that was very unlikely. Washington scored five runs in the first inning and later led 8-2 before Arizona scored the final seven runs. “We’ve been saying it all year — we’re never out of the game,” Carroll said afterward. “It’s not over until it’s over, and we’ve been putting together some really great late-game at-bats and it’s been paying off.” The Diamondbacks often are called the “Answerbacks” around Phoenix due to their propensity for fighting back from deficits. But even Arizona manager Torey Lovullo had doubts as Washington scored the first six runs of the game. “That was a team that played with heart, determination and a lot of will,” Lovullo said. “The first couple innings were very difficult. We got flattened. But we kept chipping away.” Ketel Marte also hit a two-run shot in the ninth — his 24th homer of the season — as Arizona lit up Washington closer Kyle Finnegan for five runs in a non-save situation. “Just wasn’t able to get it done tonight,” Finnegan said. “I was ahead of every guy I faced — just wasn’t able to put them away.” Nationals manager Dave Martinez didn’t have any second thoughts about using Finnegan (28 saves) when it wasn’t a save situation. “We came out swinging the bats well,” Martinez said. “Those guys are known to chip away like that and come back. “To be up four runs and get the ball to Finnegan, I felt pretty good about it. It just didn’t happen tonight.” Alex Call hit a three-run homer to cap Washington’s five-run first inning. He was recalled from Triple-A Rochester on Sunday. “Alex jump-started us with the home run and that was awesome,” Martinez said “… We have to come back tomorrow and forget about this one.” The Nationals traded outfielder Lane Thomas to the Cleveland Guardians for three prospects prior to Monday’s game. Arizona could be without standout first baseman Christian Walker in the middle game of the series. He exited prior to the top of the fourth on Monday due to left oblique tightness. Lovullo said he was concerned and that Walker will undergo an MRI exam on Tuesday. Washington left-hander Patrick Corbin (2-10, 5.26 ERA) is making his second start against Arizona this season. He received a no-decision on June 19 when he gave up one run and three hits over five innings. Corbin, 35, has never beaten the Diamondbacks. He’s 0-3 with an 8.87 ERA in five career outings and has experienced trouble with Marte (5-for-12, two homers), Walker (5-for-10) and Eugenio Suarez (8-for-22, one homer). Corbin lost to the San Diego Padres on Thursday when he gave up three runs and four hits over seven innings. Arizona right-hander Ryne Nelson (7-6, 4.85) will make the start on Tuesday. Nelson, 26, gave up one run three times in a four-start span before allowing four runs and nine hits over six innings against the Kansas City Royals last Wednesday. He received a no-decision. Nelson defeated the Nationals on June 20 when he gave up two runs and three hits in a 5-2 road victory. He is 1-0 with a 3.00 ERA in two career starts against Washington. Keibert Ruiz is hitless in six at-bats against Nelson. –Field Level Media Source link via The Novum Times
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diarioelpepazo · 9 months
David Rodríguez estuvo casi perfecto de 4-3 con un boleto, dos remolques y una anotada YELIMAR REQUENA Con un rally de siete carreras en el octavo inning, Bravos de Margarita doblegó este sábado a los Tigres de Aragua y se impuso 10-4 en Maracay para acabar con la racha de seis victorias al hilo que tenían los bengalíes. El juego estuvo cerrado durante los dos primeros tercios del juego. Con la pizarra 3-1, a favor de Margarita, abrieron el octavo inning en el que todo cambió y los insulares maniataron cualquier esperanza del rival. Capitalizando las pifias de la defensa, el descontrol del pitcheo y las buenas conexiones de Carlos Herrera y Wilson Ramos, Bravos consiguió anotar siete carreras, cinco frente a Claudio Custodio, que fue incapaz de colgar siquiera un out. Tigres intentó reaccionar en esa misma entrada, apoyados en Keyber Rodríguez y José “Cafecito” Martínez, pero tan solo pudieron anotar tres. La victoria fue para el grandeliga Jose Suarez (1-1), que lanzó 6.0 innings de apenas una carrera, ningún boleto y un ponche para mejorar su efectividad a 1.89. El revés, en tanto, se le apuntó a Guillermo Moscoso (1-4), que en 3.0 entradas recibió par de anotaciones. David Rodríguez fue el mejor de los margariteños al terminar casi perfecto de 4-3 con un boleto, dos remolques y una anotada. Wilson Ramos (5-1) y Carlos Herrera (5-2) también empujaron un par de rayitas cada uno. Margarita (29-24), que ganó el tercero en fila, se consolida en el tercer lugar a juego y medio de Tiburones (28-26) y a dos de Tigres (27-26), que batalla por ser cuarto y eludir el Play In. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Líder
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coronellotainfo · 9 months
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10-9: Estamos respondiendo a prestar apoyo en un incidente que no es una emergencia en las esquinas de MILLARAY y INES DE SUAREZ, en la comuna de CORONEL. Concurre un carro de Bomberos de Coronel #Coronel #BX7 https://viper.cl/m/?q=-36.999284526925%2C-73.169102750622&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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juarezesdeporte · 1 year
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Ciudad Juárez, Chih., sábado 19 de agosto de 2023.-Los Indios de Juárez pierden en casa ante los Algodoneros de Delicias en el sexto juego de la semifinal de la Liga Estatal de Beisbol con una pizarra final de 14-10, y son eliminados, con lo cual suman ya 23 años para la "tribu" sin poder ganar un campeonato
Tal y como ha sucedido en las tres últimas temporadas, el factor localía jugó en contra de Ios Indios de Ciudad Juárez, quienes anoche sucumbieron 14 carreras a 10 ante los Algodoneros de Delicias, quedaron fuera de la contienda en los playoffs (cuatro juegos a dos) y el anhelo de llegar a la final y conseguir el ansiado título estatal no se pudo cumplir nuevamente.
Con el triunfo como única alternativa para seguir con vida en la batalla contra los delicienses, los indígenas entraron al terreno de juego del Estadio Juárez con la estadística en contra, 1-8 en juegos de postemporada en casa, del 2021 (0-2 ante Jiménez) y 2022 (0-3 frente a Cuauhtémoc) a la fecha, sea en cuartos de final o semifinales.
En estos playoffs, los pupilos del manager Heriberto ‘Talismán’ García compilaron números de un triunfo y cuatro reveses frente a los Mazorqueros de Camargo (1-1) y Algodoneros de Delicias (0-3), con lo que ahora el récord indígena en casa en playoffs es de 1-9.
Las cosas empezaron mal para la tribu y para el abridor Jordan Suárez, quien vio como los visitantes timbraban cinco anotaciones en la misma primera entrada.
Omar Jaramillo abrió la tanda con doble, Iván Gándara recibió golpe, Aarón Sillas dio infield hit y la casa se llenó de algodón.
Alexis ‘Oso’ Sáenz también fue alcanzado por un lanzamiento de Suarez Miranda y Jaramillo timbró la carrera de la quiniela para los visitantes, 1-0.
El catcher Alonso Mendoza conectó un rodado ideal para doble play pero Julio Pacheco se coló, la pelota se le fue entre las piernas al prado izquierdo y, en la jugada, Gándara y Sillas entraron a la registradora con las rayitas dos y tres de los Algodoneros.
Carlos Rubio tocó la bola por el lado de la tercera base, ‘murió’ en la inicial, en tanto, Sáenz y Mendoza se colocaron en posición de anotar, con un solo out.
Alberto Rodríguez vino a la caja de bateo, pegó un elevado al prado central que Óscar Aragonez perdió en el fildeo y los Algodoneros aumentaron su ventaja con las carreras cuatro y cinco anotadas en los spikes de Sáenz y Mendoza.
El rallie deliciense cayó como balde de agua fría en los aficionados de los indígenas quienes registraron un lleno en el inmueble de Avenida Sanders y Reforma, hicieron un gran ambiente y jamás dejaron de alentar a los Indios de Ciudad Juárez, aún en los momentos más negros del juego.
Después de reunirse en la caseta, de hacer un team back y de asimilar el primer golpe deliciense, los indígenas timbraron dos rayitas en el cierre del tercer inning.
Con un out, Carlos ‘Hulk’ Díaz dio hit al central, Yahir Gurrola pegó sencillo al prado izquierdo y
Eudor García sacó una rola lentísima por la antesala y, en mal tiro a la primera base de Carlos Rubio, fue safe en la inicial.
Con el cuarto congestionado de penachos, el catcher Víctor Ruiz elevó al derecho y en pisa y corre, Díaz Chávez timbró la primera rayita aborigen y las notas de Aquel Amor se escucharon en el graderío del inmueble.
El bateador designado Miguel Rodríguez remolcó la segunda carrera indígena en los picos de Gurrola y acercó a la novena juarense, 5-2 en el score.
La entrada terminó cuando el abridor Marco Tovar dominó a Aragonez con fly al izquierdo con la casa llena. En total, los Indios dejaron ayer 12 hombres en los senderos.
El conjunto visitante respondió de inmediato y, en la parte alta del cuarto capítulo armó otro rallie de cinco carreras que movió el pizarrón 10-2 y, a la postre, enfiló a los Algodoneros a la final de la justa contra los Dorados de Chihuahua.
Alberto Rodríguez se embasó con una rola a lo más profundo del short stop, en un claro infield hit, Erik Sagarnaga tocó de sacrificio y Joel Flores dio sencillo.
Con ‘hombres en las esquinas’, Jaramillo la botó del parque por la pradera derecha empujó a Rodríguez y a Flores y él mismo anotó la octava carrera de los ‘Vencedores del Desierto’.
El palo de vuelta entera marcó la salida del juego de Suárez, quien no gozó de una buena actuación y fue relevado por Andrés Ledezma quien dominó a Iván Gándara con rodado a la inicial para el segundo mate.
Aarón Sillas depositó la esférica del otro lado de la barda del jardín izquierdo y aumentó la ventaja deliciense a siete anotaciones, 9-2.
Tras hit de Sáenz y pasaporte a Mendoza, Ledezma Galaz dejó el juego y en su lugar subió a la loma José Ángel ‘Serafo’ Hernández, quien al igual que Diego Mercado no cumplió con las expectativas en su calidad de refuerzo.
Hernández permitió un ‘podridito’ de Rubio y Sáenz entró sin problemas a la goma con la décima carrera de la novena visitante.
Sin el poderío de otros días ni de otros juegos en su bateo, en el cierre de ese mismo cuarto episodio, los Indios fabricaron un par de carreras gracias a un doble productor del antesalista García Pacheco, quien envió al pentágono a ‘Hulk’ Díaz y a Gurrola Rivera.
Con la tribu abajo 10-4 en el score y con la sensación en el aire que la reacción del equipo local llegaría, la esperanza puesta en ello de parte del público que no se movió de sus lugares y animó a una sola voz a sus peloteros con el ‘Vamos Indios’ y el ‘de hit, de hit’, los anfitriones fabricaron un rallie de cuatro rayitas en la parte baja del sexto inning.
Marco Tovar dejó el juego después que Díaz Chávez dio sencillo, con Pacheco y ‘Hulk’ en los senderos, el relevista José Raúl Castro concedió pasaporte a Gurrola y con el cuarto lleno dominó con elevado al cuadro a ‘Euthor’ para el segundo out, por regla, por cierto.
Castro lanzó cuatro bolas malas a Víctor Ruiz y, enseguida a Miguel Rodríguez y los Indios se acercaron 10-6 con anotaciones de Pacheco y Díaz.
Frente a la serpentina de José Torres, Diego Mercado impulsó a Gurrola y a Ruiz y los anfitriones recortaron peligrosamente su diferencia en el pizarrón 10-8, cerraron el juego e hicieron abrigar ilusiones de una posible remontada en los corazones de sus adeptos, pero no fue así.
Torres dominó al emergente Édgar Jiménez con rolling al cuadro para el tercer mate.
A excepción del relevista zurdo profesional Rodolfo Aguilar, quien silenció los cañones delicienses y no permitió carrera limpia, el pitcheo aborigen no pudo contener los bats algodoneros.
En la apertura del octavo rollo, Mendoza le dio hit al estelar relevista Luis Serna y Ulises Baca puso tres carreras como tierra de por medio de los Indios, 11-8.
Frente a los lanzamientos del derecho juarense Miguel Ángel Esparza, con la casa llena y dos outs James Cubillos dio sencillo e impulsó a Eudor con la novena rayita aborigen pero Cristian Renova se ponchó con tes compañeros a bordo para el tercer mate.
Los Algodoneros, un equipo con un gran oficio y experiencia para jugar esta clase de duelos y en el cual, sus integrantes se conocen a ojos cerrados, remacharon el éxito y aseguraron su pase a la final con tres anotaciones más en la parte alta de la novena entrada.
Frente a Serna Saláis, quien tampoco salió en su noche, Ildefonso Amaya pegó largo sencillo al prado derecho y remolcó a Joel Flores con la carrera 12 de los delicienses.
Ya con Gabriel Aguilar en la lomita, Carlos Rubio sacó un rodado a la inicial de rutina en el que Díaz Chávez se coló, Sillas y Amaya pisaron la registradora con las rayitas 13 y 14 que ‘mataron’ el espíritu guerrero de los indígenas.
En el cierre de la tanda nueve, Gurrola Rivera la sacó del parque y colocó las cifras definitivas de 14-10 a favor de los actuales tricampeones estatales del torneo.
García Pacheco elevó al central, el ‘Potrillo’ Jaramillo capturó para el out 27 y de este modo, las aspiraciones campeoniles de los Indios, se esfumaron y quedaron sólo en eso, en aspiraciones en otro amargo final de temporada para la tribu.
Equipo 123 456 789
Algodoneros 500 500 013
Indios 002 204 011
Equipo   C             H             E
Algodoneros         14           14           0
Indios     10           14           3
PG: Marco Tovar. 5.1 IP. 10 H. 6 C. 2 BB. 4 P.
PP: Jordan Suárez. 3.1 IP. 6 H. 8 C. 2 P. 1 HR
Mejores bats
Indios Juárez:
Diego Mercado. 4-3. 2 RBI. 1 BB
Miguel Rodríguez. 4-2. 2 RBI. 1 BB. 1 P
Eudor García. 5-2. 2 RBI. 1 CA. 1 BB
Yahir Gurrola. 4-2. 1 HR. 1 RBI. 4 CA. 2 BB
Algodoneros Delicias:
Omar Jaramillo. 5-2. 3 RBI. 2 CA. 1 P. 1 BB
Alonso Mendoza. 4-1. 3 RBI. 1 CA. 2 BB. 1 P
Jesús Rodríguez. 6-2. 2 RBI. 1 CA. 1 P
(Por Sergio Arturo Duarte)
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