#ineffable angels
tampire · 1 year
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God and her Angels
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Their first meeting
Good Omens / Gotham
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
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Pairing: Gabriel x Fem. Reader
Summary : Gabriel. The archangel fucking Gabriel. He who refuses to sully the temple of his celestial body in any shape or form. And now, he has been ordered to take a day off. What started out as a forced holiday ends up in a night of many delightful firsts. 
Themes : Slow burn | Smut
Warnings : Mention of Alcohol | Kissing | Foreplay | Casual sex / One-night stand | Light dirty talk | Hand job (Gabriel receiving)
Word count : 5.6k words
Minors DNI | 18+
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This is part one of three separate fics, each with a different theme and a different character. The second, featuring Thranduil, and titled Temptation, will be up tomorrow, at the same time. 
Want to be tagged? Want to know the reader request rules? Read all  here
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One entire day.
The Creator gave Gabriel time off after that entire debacle following the child of the Adversary and what should have been the war to truly end all wars. Everyone was roused up and angry, and the heavenly authorities didn’t like that. A decision was made, and everyone was given time off to cool off and clear their heads.
And Gabriel?
One day, twenty-four hours, were given to him—well, forced upon him, in his mind at least—to walk amongst mortals, loosen up, and indulge in everything they enjoyed. Gabriel shivered. To desecrate the vessel of his celestial body was unseemly. Vile, even. But, the Creator insisted, and Gabriel agreed. Very, very reluctantly.
Gabriel thought, "How does one indulge oneself?"  For his subordinate, Aziraphale, it was easy. He had lived among mortals since creation, and indulging was second nature to him.  Fine food and drink, dusty old tomes, tartan—those were just some of the things he liked. Next, there was that bottom dweller, Crowley. Now he would indulge in many things, especially Aziraphale. Oh, they would like to pretend as if nothing were going on, but everyone knew. The Creator knew too, but they didn’t care. They once even privately admitted to finding Crowley rather amusing. 
But enough of that. Where did all of this leave Gabriel?
At a complete loss, he finally gave up and let his feet take him anywhere and everywhere. Gabriel wandered around London, peeking through windows, sniffing out the scents wafting from bakeries, restaurants, and everything else. He found himself listening to street musicians and had his portrait painted. A beautiful one, if he said so himself. And he did say so himself. He was, after all, the Archangel Fucking Gabriel.
The hours melted into each other, and Gabriel grew to enjoy the many distractions that mortal life had to offer. By nightfall, his stomach growled. Gabriel was being told he needed to eat.
"You’re making sure I make the most of this, aren’t you?" Gabriel grumbled as he turned his eyes towards the heavens.
I said, enjoy yourself. The Creator’s voice was as clear as a crystal bell on a summer morning. And I’m making sure you get a little bit of motivation for it, so to speak.
Gabriel knew arguing was futile. As was rolling his eyes. The Creator saw all and heard all. Even the thoughts in his head. You can curse me all you want, they cackled, but you still have to go through with this. There was a pause. Another ten hours, in fact. 
It was only nine p.m. still.
Gabriel groaned, shook his shoulders, and composed himself. He walked into the nearest café and found himself a seat. The menu was extensive, but he was not in the mood for alcohol. 
"What will it be?" You asked as he looked around, trying to figure out what he should do next.
When he looked up the first thing that popped into your head was sculpted marble, long-limbed, strong and dark. The next thing that popped into your head was, get it together, you blithering idiot! He’s just another customer, that’s all.
Gabriel stopped his dithering, deciding to ask for suggestions. "I have no idea," he mumbled, scanning the menu again. "Anything you suggest? But," He lifted his finger. "Nothing to fuzz up the mind."
You huffed. That left out all of the cocktails. And the heavy stuff. Gabriel even waived off all offers for coffee, and he was not in the mood for tea. You grinned and pick up a mug in the end. "Hot chocolate it is, then."
Gabriel watched, thoroughly fascinated with the process. His mouth watered and a sigh rose from the back of his throat when the rich scent of cocoa powder wafted into the air. "And do you drink this with those tiny white things?"
"What?" What tiny white things? You look down at the mug in your hands and see tiny white blobs floating on top. Oh, he was referring to the marshmallows. "You don’t drink them," you said, trying not to raise an eyebrow. "You eat them. They’re quite nice."
"Fascinating," Gabriel said, rubbing his hands together with surprised glee. The prospect of consuming something he once saw as gross matter appealed to him greatly. "Would this count as a meal?"
This time, an eyebrow of yours was raised. "I... what?"
"I’m not from around here," Gabriel added quickly. He was told to enjoy himself, but without giving his true identity away. "Um, this is all new to me."
"Are you from some far-flung corner of the world no one knows about or something?"
Say yes, say yes, rang The Creator’s voice. "Yes," said Gabriel. "From a very remote town in," the Creator pitched in again. "A-alaska? in fact."
"Well," you say as you shake your head and pass the mug to him. Gabriel held up the mug, took a deep breath, and sighed. Now I know why Aziraphale likes living here so much. "If you’re looking to eat, this will go well with it."
Gabriel inspected the slice of chocolate caramel brownie. He sniffed and took a bite. The flavours that washed down his throat were a delight to the very soul. "Oh lord," he mumbled, as if in prayer, and took another bite, another sip of hot chocolate. Gabriel was overcome, even enraptured. The smell, the texture—nothing could compare. 
And he was never going to look down on Aziraphale and his love of mortal indulgences again.
The brownie and hot chocolate put him in a fine mood and loosened his tongue. Gabriel grew curious about you and asked many questions. "So why do you work in a place like this?" he asked finally. 
"I like the hours, I get to sleep in most mornings," you said, as you wiped down the counter. "And the pay is good, so--"
"It’s a win-win for you?" This is what he picked up from Aziraphale.
"It is, yes."
"And the people who come here?"
"A blur of faces, actually." You walked to the other side of the counter and made yourself comfortable on a stool next to him. It was a slow night, but Gabriel aroused your curiosity. Why not make the most of it? "They tip me, give me no trouble, and I pay them no mind." You picked up a glass of water and sipped. "Save for you."
That piqued his curiosity. "Really?"
You leaned in, your eyes narrowing to thin slats. "You’re the first person I’ve met who’s never heard of marshmallows before."
Gabriel leaned in and played along. "You’re kidding." 
Your lips were so close, you were sure if one leaned in any further, they'd be kissing the other. "Mm-mm," you mumbled and pulled back, helping yourself to some olives. "I’m not kidding. Just about everyone I know knows about marshmallows."
"There's always a first," Gabriel said, holding up his mug.
You clinked your glass against it. "Yes. Yes, there is. So tell me, what is a man like you doing in a place like this?"
Gabriel kept up a lively chatter while doing his best not to give much away. "And they messed up all our plans," he said, in light of Aziraphale and Crowley meddling with the end of the world. "Now we have to start all over again."
"It was just a small business project," you say while trying not to gawk at Gabriel. The way he carried himself was very much in the image of a man in charge, very much the image of a raven-haired god that had stepped out of some Renaissance artist’s studio. You gulped and looked away. "And no one was affected by it, so it can’t be that bad."
"Oh, if you only knew," Gabriel exclaimed as he finished the brownie and requested another. The taste did wonders for him, put him at ease. He looked around, first at the other tables, then at you, how you moved, how your wool sweater and leggings clung to you in the right places. Gabriel flushed, wondering what was going on with him. "And the worst part is, they got to run wild again. No consequences at all."
"Such a terrible pair, getting away like that," you swallowed hard and averted your gaze when Gabriel flashed the type of smile that any rational person would have labeled as a weapon of mass destruction. Trying not to hum, trying to ignore yourself going weak at the knees, you continue. "But since your boss isn’t mad, I suppose it’s not that big of a deal?"
The Creator and their ineffable plan. "No," Gabriel mumbled. "No, they’re not. In fact, they insisted I take the day off to recover from the whole debacle."
"That’s a great boss you have there."
Gabriel flashed that jaw-dropping smile again. "Indeed." He caught the faint hint of red tinging your cheeks and smile even more, his heart slightly aflutter. "Indeed."
The minutes seemed to melt into each other. Gabriel let you get back to work, content to hang around and savour all the food on offer while you were occupied. His body was a temple that should never be desecrated, that was what he always believed. But here, now, eating all the delicious food, and drinking soothing hot chocolate, he was convinced that a little desecration may not be so bad after all. When the time came to close up, and for him to pay, he was pleasantly surprised to find a shiny new credit card in a shiny new wallet.
You go over the company name on the card, "Gabriel, Celestial Holdings." Interesting, you think, but it doesn’t matter so long as the sale goes through. Much to your relief, and Gabriel’s, it did. "This is the name of the company you work for? And is your name Gabriel?"
"W-what?" Gabriel looked at the card, trying not to gawk. When he reached out for advice, all he got was white noise. The Creator had gone silent. Not knowing what else to do, Gabriel just nodded. "Yes," he said vigorously. "Yes. That is the name of the company. A family holding, if you will. And yes, my name is Gabriel."
"Y/n," you introduce yourself. "So is your dad the boss?"
"You could say that, yes."
"And the two who caused that epic mess?"
"My brother," Gabriel said of Aziraphale. "And a friend of my brother," he said of Crowley. "Curse my luck."
"Nepotism?" You purse your lips and return the card.
He came up with the only answer he could think of, one he’d heard Crowley give in such a situation. "In our line of business, nepotism is the only way to go."
"I see." You locked up the register and waited until your boss came out to close the shop. Gabriel watched too, realizing the night had to come to an end. He didn’t want it to come to an end. He flushed again when you smiled at him. 
"Is there anything else to do around here?" said Gabriel, as nonchalantly as possible. He never truly acquired the art of interacting with humans the way Aziraphale and Crowley did, and he hoped it wouldn’t show. "I have another," Gabriel looked at the time and calculated how many hours he had left. "Six hours left before I hit the road."
You looked up from rummaging through your purse. "Go on," your boss said. "Have some fun before heading home."
You lean over the counter, your mouth set in a grim line. "If you’re up to no good…"
"Nothing of the sort," Gabriel said calmly, raising his hands. "I just like spending time with you, that’s all."
There was this energy coming off of him, something you couldn’t quite describe, speaking to your gut and telling you to trust him, and there were plenty of places you could take him, all public and still full of people even at such an ungodly hour. "Alright," You grab your coat and your keys. "Follow me."
Gabriel was enthralled. You showed him the sights and took him on a train ride.
He sat close to you, looking around, talking to those around him. Gabriel was so full of energy and considerate. If he felt a conversation was going on for too long he’d make excuses before turning to you with a grin on his face, as if nothing made him happier than to talk to you.
It made you happy to have him talk to you, to have his attention solely on you. After a pleasant train ride, and a pleasanter walk, you took him to a twenty-four-hour movie theater. It was a completely different experience for an angel who had never seen a film before. He had seen acting during a stint in ancient Greece, but modern movies were a novelty he had not experienced till tonight.
Finally, after some back and forth, the two of you settled on a romantic comedy. Gabriel couldn’t take his eyes off the screen, especially during the romantic scenes. "Do people kiss someone like that, just because they’re acting?"
You nod over your popcorn. "Yes. Yes, they do."
"Interesting," Gabriel said as he leaned over to dust off a piece of popcorn that had fallen onto your blouse's collar. His fingers grazed against your throat. It was such a simple act, yet it made your pulse scramble, and your cheeks flush. You quickly face the screen, all too aware of Gabriel’s gaze on you.
Strange, how such a reaction could enchant him so. "We don’t have such things where I’m from."
"Really?" You shake your head in disbelief. "No films? No kissing?"
"No?" Your disbelief only grew as you gestured at the screen. "Then how do you know if the actors are even kissing?"
"I've been... taught the concepts," Gabriel said primly, his cheeks flushing with a sudden sense of embarrassment. "But I’ve not personally partaken in such acts, um…"
He was stumped. Here he was, a celestial being that was older than the universe itself, and he just admitted to never having been kissed before. Him. The Archangel fucking Gabriel. Oh, he could just see Crowley cackling over his wine now.
Gabriel wished for nothing else but a rock to crawl under.
You leaned in, and tilted your head to the side, your eyes filling with growing mirth. How you struggled to hide your smirk. And shock. This walking, breathing god of a man had never been kissed before? Unbelievable. You curl up in your chair, your chin resting on your fist. "You’ve never been kissed before?"
Gabriel seemed to shrink into his seat. "Yes," came the barely audible mumble.
Far-flung corner of Alaska indeed. "No girlfriend? Boyfriend? One of each?"
"Neither." Gabriel coughed, and straightened himself, trying to regain some sense of dignity. "Ever."
You take in those too-full lips of his and lick your own. “Would you like to?” You ask, stunned by your own boldness. “To kiss someone I mean?”
“I-” It was his turn to blush. “Yes,” Excitement washed over him, his senses coming alive at the thought of such an experience. To kiss for the first time, to feel for himself what mortals celebrated in poetry was something he no longer wanted to miss out on. “Yes. I would like that very much.”
You go over his admission, and then the time. You still had four hours left with him. Why ever not? 
"Come on," you take Gabriel’s hand and stand up. "Let’s get out of here."
He stood up and followed you out onto the aisle, his fingers impulsively lacing around yours, squeezing it gently when he felt your palm tremble against his.  "Where are we going?"
"To kiss," You whisper, just enough for only him to hear. "But only if you want to go through with it that is.”
Gabriel knew he may never get another opportunity like this, certainly not with someone like you. And he was told to enjoy himself. "Alright, where do we go?
The cab ride to a nearby hotel was filled with anticipation. The both of you kept stealing glances from each other, then quickly turning away with red-tinged cheeks. At one point, you felt a hand graze your thigh, and a jolt go up your spine.
Gabriel felt it too. Anticipation, and a sudden, not-so-delicate sexual tug arrowing in neatly into his gut when his eyes skimmed over your thighs. His pulse was racing, he felt all hot and feverish and did his best to dampen it. It was just going to be a kiss, he kept telling himself. Nothing more. He looked at you and turned again quickly.
No no no. This wasn’t going to happen. He couldn’t let it. He was an Archangel, for crying out loud. He couldn’t sully his vessel this way.
But was that really true? Couldn’t he let go for just a few hours at least? He was given the freedom to do so after all. Gabriel gulped and loosened his tie. He kept looking out the window, counting the minutes until the cab ride ended and the hotel came into view.
"And here we are," you say as the cab starts to slow down, startling him a little.
Gabriel insisted on paying for the taxi. He insisted on paying for the hotel room, and a sumptuous breakfast in bed for you. "You shouldn’t have to, you know," you said while you waited for the room to be booked. "I could have taken care of it."
"I insist," said Gabriel, pocketing the credit card. "It’s the least I could do."
He took your hand as you led the way to the elevator. "Thank you."
"You’re welcome." Gabriel grinned while the two of you stood on opposite sides of each other.
You cock your head to the side and study him. "So tell me, what will you do when you go back?"
"Go back to work, get cracking on the project again." He actually felt uncomfortable now, at the thought of ending the world.
"You look unsure now."
Gabriel, once certain that ending the world and the other side was the way to go, was now filled with doubts. True, the world was filled with darkness, despair, and misery, but it was also filled with joy and hope, and as he very recently discovered, you. He gulped. "I am," he confessed. "I thought our--" what was that word Crowley used? Oh yes. "Demolition plans were the way to go. And now…"
"Now you think this site deserves another shot at redemption, so to speak?" You said simply, just before the doors opened to the top-floor suite.
"Yes," Gabriel flushed with embarrassment. How quick he was, to pull the trigger on everything. And how oddly grateful he now was, that Aziraphale thought differently. Aziraphale and Crowley, obviously, but the demon would never hear that. If he did, then Gabriel would never hear the end of it. His eyes then went wide at the views that greeted him. "Oh my word," he gasped as he admired the night skyline, the lit-up buildings, and the full moon up in the sky.
You couldn’t hold back your awe either. "My word indeed."
You joined him by the window, the both of you staring out into the night sky like a pair of awe-struck children. "I’m so glad I decided to take this day off," Gabriel mumbled happily.
"I’m glad you decided to take the day off," you said as you gazed into the night sky.
A hand brushed against yours, startling you, and reminding you why you were here. "Right." You look around for the perfect spot. The chairs looked cozy but would grow uncomfortable in a while. The carpeted floor was out. That left only one place. The bed.
Gabriel’s gaze followed yours. A kiss was always perfect in bed. That’s what he had read about, anyway. "Perfect," he said as made his way over. "Jacket and shoes?"
"Off. Same for the socks." You mumbled as you slipped out of your boots and socks. "I'd never been a fan of socks and shoes in bed."
"I’ve heard of that," Gabriel shucked off his jacket, leaving a pair of well-toned arms neatly outlined in a fitted shirt. You gulped when sculpted back muscles flexed under crisp white cotton as he undid his tie. The urge to run your hand down that powerful back grew so strong. 
"Do mortals actually like that?" Gabriel went on, oblivious to the effect he was having on you. His shoes were the next to go, as were his socks. "Socks in bed?" He winced. "Very unappealing if you ask me."
"Mhmm.” You hummed when he made himself comfortable, and the bed suddenly looked so tiny in the process. So tall. You didn’t even realize how truly tall Gabriel was still now. He caught the way you were looking and raised an eyebrow. You felt like giving yourself a good smack to the back of your head. "Very unappealing," you said as you join him, sitting on the side of the bed.
And what a comfortable bed it was, even though it was just enough for the two of you and what had been planned to happen. You found your gaze drifting over his forearms when he rolled up his sleeves. Gabriel turned his head and caught you gawking again. You squeak, not knowing where to look. A shy smile tugged at his lips. He shifted and turned to his side. "So," said Gabriel, as butterflies fluttered in his belly. "How do we go about doing this?"
You tap your cheek with a finger. You better start with the basics. "Right." You sit up and encourage him to do the same. "You face me like so," You gulped when your eyes drifted to those lips of his. Oh, to feel those lips on yours. "And close your eyes."
Gabriel closed both, and then abruptly opened one. "And then what?"
"Just close your eyes, silly." You giggled when he shook his head and shut both eyes. "Or you’ll ruin the moment."
You then leaned over and placed your hands over his cheeks, letting your fingers trace over every bump and line. You felt his jaw clench. So strong. So very strong, and so very tense. "Relax," you whisper and lean in. "It’s nothing to worry about."
Nothing to worry about? Nothing to worry about?!? His first kiss was nothing to worry about. Gabriel was about to open his eyes, to protest, and then the air was knocked right out of his lungs when your lips pressed against his.
Gabriel could barely breathe, he could barely even think. All he could focus on was the softness of your lips, the taste of buttery popcorn still lingering in your mouth. The kiss felt so light and exuberant and left him feeling more than a little dizzy. His hands left his sides to glide up your waist while his mouth opened over yours. Gabriel felt light-headed again, this time when his tongue slipped past your parted lips and dipped into the warmth of your mouth. He felt like he was floating on air. A kiss should have been a mere trifle to a being like him, but there you were, robbing him of every thought, of every breath, just with the softness of your lips.
“Sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly when his nose accidentally bumped into yours. Gabriel stopped for a breather, chest heaving, to gather his thoughts. He felt greedy and wanted more. He debated if he should take the initiative and kiss you. 
The sight of you all flushed, your pupils all dilated, made up his mind for him. “It’s alright,” you murmured before Gabriel dipped his head and dragged you in for another kiss.
This time it was a kiss that was rough and hungry leaving you breathless and gasping for air. Gabriel felt sure of himself now. Pure instinct was driving him along, and something else. Something he couldn’t quite put a finger on. It made him want more than just a few kisses. "To hell with it,” he mumbled, his mouth greedy for yours.
It felt like a dam had burst and suddenly Gabriel was all over you. His kisses were demanding, his mouth plundering, taking all you were willing to offer him. His arms circled your waist in a vice-like grip. Your entire body trembled when your name blew through that sinful mouth of his. It felt soft and luscious, and you heard him groan when you answered him in a low purr. Feeling his lips skim over your chin, down your neck to the hollow of your throat made you gasp, especially when teeth gently scraped over your skin. When you reached up and grabbed onto his collar, to pull him closer, he moaned, “c-can I t-touch you?”
Your hands guiding his was too much for him. The softness of your skin beneath his palms turned his bones to water. Gabriel let his hands glide up your waist, let his fingers curl over your trembling belly. When he dragged you in again for another kiss, his fingers hooked around the hem of your sweater. You didn’t wait for him to ask. You simply helped him lift your sweater over your head before tossing it to the side. On the next kiss, you felt his hands reach back, then struggle with the clasp of your bra. “Let me guess,” you smirk and move your own hands to your back, to help him. “You were just taught the concepts?”
Gabriel, red in the face, nodded. “Exactly.”
You chuckle and toss your bra to the side as well. That was when Gabriel took the time to really see you.
Merciful creator, he thought. All his life Gabriel thought the earthly vessel that held his being was to be left without blemish and untouched, and devoid of any mortal influence. But seeing you like that, your lips already bruised, your eyes darkened with lust, well, it made him think that experiencing earthly delights and desecrating his body may not be such terrible things after all. He cupped your cheeks, taking his time to pull you in with a kiss.
This kiss was soft, tender, almost lazy. Gabriel pulled you onto his lap, holding you flush against him, a soft hum rising at the back of his throat. You felt every shaky breath he took, and relished every tingle as his hands went up and down your spine. When those hands cupped your ass, squeezing on soft flesh, you press yourself against him even more.
Gabriel took his time to savour every precious second. His heart raced when you arched into him. His pulse scrambled when you whimpered with each breath you took. More. His body kept screaming More. On impulse, he moved his hands up, to your hair, yanking on it and pulling you back. Warmth spread in his belly as he kissed his way leisurely down your neck, and in a move that surprised you both, he had you under him in a heartbeat.
“Very good,” you giggle, a gasp ripping through you when a cool hand glided over your ribcage.
“Well, I aim to please,” he replied huskily before dipping his head to taste.
Gabriel felt like he was pulled into a tunnel of darkened desire. His lips moved over a nipple, his tongue twirling around the already tender bud. He moaned, deep and throaty, when your legs hooked around his hips, when your fingers raked over his back. He trembled with desire as he moved from one breast to the other, a hand ready to take over what his lips left unattended.
And it still wasn’t enough. Gabriel, hard as ever by now, wanted to experience your body in all its glory. He placed a tentative hand over the waistband of your leggings, his eyes never leaving yours. “Can I?” he asked in a soft breath.
You say “yes,” as you lift your hips. Your body started to throb when warm fingers grazed against your flesh, goosebumps rising over your skin as Gabriel pulled down your leggings and your underwear, leaving you exposed.
He gulped as his eyes raked over your body. “Merciful creator,” he whispered. “You’re so beautiful.”
And he was still dressed. That had to be remedied, and quickly. You squealed when a shirt button popped and nearly hit you in the nose, so eager was he to get out of his clothes. His shirt was disposed of, as were the rest of his clothes. Fully naked now, Gabriel towered over you, like a perfectly sculpted statue come to life. You just wanted to reach out, and run a hand over his torso, but he put a stop to all by pushing you back into bed and crushing your lips with his.
Your skin felt so soft to his touch. If he had more time, Gabriel could have worshipped your body, as he rightly believed so. Alas, he didn’t have that time, so he did everything he could to make it count. He caressed your tummy when your arms went around his shoulders, groaning when you hooked your legs around his hips and your slick heat rubbed up against his cock. “Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked. “We may never see each other again after this.”
Having been pulled into a darkened tunnel of need, you assure him that yes, this is what you want. Gabriel dipped his head and kissed you again, his hand clamping down on yours and pinning it to the mattress. You had to help him, guide him, your entire body trembling at that intrusion. Gabriell’s moan was deep and ragged as his cock pushed deeper, throbbing around your velvety walls. You felt so good, so hot, it took every ounce of willpower he had not to just plunge in. Feeling your walls clench around his cock almost undid him, almost undid you. “You feel so good,” you breathed, biting your lip. “You feel so good inside me.”
That put a smile on his face. Gabriel moved, slowly, hesitantly, trying to get a feel of what kind rhythm you’d like. His thrusts were shallow, gentle, dragging out mewls every time his hips ground into your thighs. “H-harder,” you beg, “You d-don’t have to be gentle.”
Gabriel simply let go, gave into the madness that threatened to consume him. He slammed his hips against you, moaning every time you arched back or whenever your fingers raked down his skin. He dipped his head for a kiss. “I love how you taste,” he breathed. “You could intoxicate a man just by those lips alone.”
Your eyes nearly rolled back when he grew rougher with each thrust. Clinging onto him, your kisses deepening as he rode you relentlessly. Gabriel felt he was reaching the point of no return. He tightened his grip on your hand, caging you against the mattres. The sounds escaping his lips matched yours, the sheer pleasure of his hips slapping against your thighs made him plunge into you like a wild beast. Gabriel surrendered to the void, no longer caring of about if he got into trouble for this, for what he was doing to you. How could any of this be wrong when it all felt so right?
The room seemed to spin like all around you. You could feel your pussy quiver. Your muscles started to tighten, as if readying to snap. “D-don’t stop,” you beg. “Please don’t stop.”
Gabriel pressed himself into you, his lips sinking into your neck. He felt the beckoning pull, of a taut cord that was about to snap in two, and  then--
And then it felt like your body had splintered. You threw your head back and cried out his name, your entire body shaking violently as you came. You were vaguely aware of Gabriel fucking you while you orgasmed, and when his embraces grew intense, too intense, you quickly regain some control and force him to his knees with you straddling him. Gabriel sputtered in utter confusion. “Wh-what? Did I do somehting wrong?”
You smile as you pull away from him, one hand wrapping neatly around his cock, the other gripping onto his shoulder for support.. “You did nothing wrong, I just prefer this.”
Gabriel moaned, buried his face in the crook of your neck as you pumped his length. The air was peppered with words uttered in a language you didn’t understand, but Gabriel was enjoying himself, you could feel it in the way he thrust his hips everytime you pumped his cock. When he was close you felt it, his cock stiffening, his breath catching, his hand moving above yours, as if to guide you. The bite along your neck went unfelt. You felt more than heard the deep moan, a spurt of warmth pouring over your hands as his body trembled voilently
His chest heaved, and gleamed with the faint sheen of sweat. Gabriel tried to find a sense of equilibrium, then pulled you into his embrace, wanting your lips over his again, before laying you back in bed. The both of you lay there, blissed out and exhausted, content to stay as you were as time slowly ticked by. 
There was no talking this time, just blissful silence. You hummed as your fingers traced their way over flawless skin, as if trying commit each bump and line to memory. Gabriel may never come back, you thought, but the memories of tonight would remain sweet and evergreen to you. When he stirred, you curled into him even more, sighing contentedly when his nose brushed against your hair.
Gabriel glanced at the time. Barely an hour left. He stayed with you, not wanting to leave until your eyes closed. You barely heard a whispered goodbye, barely felt the kisses that brushed over your cheek.
When you finally woke up, your entire body aching, there was a beautifully penned note, with a gold feather on top of it. The letter was sincere and heartfelt, and thanked you for everything. You grinned and stretched yourself, loosening the sore cricks in your body, before heading to the bathroom to freshen up for breakfast.
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sweetlemondream · 1 year
the angel and demon on the shoulder symbolism oh im sick
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eklmrlos · 5 months
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thinking about their peaceful morning in the cottage
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yourangle-yuordevil · 1 month
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Good Doggos...omens? ❤️
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jacobglaser · 1 year
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He's just an Angel... I know.
Good Omens (2019-)
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flopicas · 1 year
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I found this picture on Pinterest and I immediately knew I was going to draw it
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plumbum-art · 11 months
Can I watch?
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idea: Crowley convices Aziraphale to start a tiktok channel ("Just for funsies, angel. To show your ah cooking skills!"), but then edits the videos to make them look as lasciviously as possible. You know...like That foodporn guy.
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diavalkitty · 17 days
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I am the sand in bottom half of the hourglass...
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armageddidnt · 1 year
Best of Neil's stage directions/commentary in the good omens s1 script book
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I went back and read this to help me cope after s2, as one does
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Creatives 💫
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fenja-art · 1 year
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Aziraphale is handling his role as archangel just fine.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
Thought of giving something new a go. A good omens smut fic, and featuring the one and only:
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Currently at 2500 words and nearing the good bits only now. 
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punkeduppirate · 1 year
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look at you, you're gorgeous💥
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scales-n-art · 6 months
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✨️ Starmaker Fallen Angel ✨️
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