#indpendent consultant
brendanaurabolt · 2 years
Yes, our many consulting services are still being offered
Yes, our many consulting services are still being offered
  I know, it’s been two years since my last post. Current events in Boston, America and the world aside, not much has happened with me. Until now, honestly I haven’t been taking this 4 year venture as an Independent Consultant as seriously as I should have been. After recently getting some feedback, I am now all in with this moving forward. When I first started my work as an Indpendent Consultant…
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daisybvintage · 3 years
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Hello friends! I thought I’d just share that I am not an independent for The Body Shop at Home! This won’t change my overall content message & goals, it just means that now I have more tools & access to share with you incredible products! If you have any questions feel free to DM here or on any of my other socials!
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I'm sure you've discussed this before, but how do you incorporate gods into a practice that feels very goddess-centric? Also as a further question, how do you cope with the fact that the community is so small?
There is in Filianism a hierarchy of spiritual beings, with Déa being at the top. The Janyati are considered by some to be emanations of Déa and aspects of her that we can approach. My approach is that Déa is the mother of all gods. To approach one of her children is to approach her indirectly. It places gods on equal footing with the Janyati. This is my unverified (as in not confirmed by orthodox sources, although there is scripture that I could point at that suggests this) personal gnosis. The fact that there even is a community at all of indpendent Filianist and Déanist believers is a big step up for me. Previously, I was a solitary practitioner of a very weird form of witchcraft that had a major goddess figure and a laundry list of other gods that when consulted ALL went ‘yeah, that’s Mom/Grandma.’ I remain a hard polytheist, though all of this opens up the field for soft polytheism in a big way. (Hard polytheist = all gods are unique entities; soft polytheist = all gods are emanations of a larger godhead) In becoming involved with Filianism, my major goddess figure was revealed to have a Name and a cultus of worship.  I was trained Wiccan to the extent that I have the priestly authority to run covens. During the course of my training, I had powerful mystic experiences that align directly with Filianism. I’ve had these experiences through out my life and I have written about some of them. ( https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/brythwen-sinclair/drowning-in-light/ebook/product-15vqnr7j.html ) I first encountered orthodox Filianism in 2003. It was about 10 years later that I really had the opportunity to study and invest myself in it. Through that 10 year period, I had a ‘dark night of the soul’ and struggled a great deal because it seemed as though I had been completely abandoned by the Divine. Then I kept stumbling over breadcrumbs that lead back to Filianism. Which lead me out of that ‘dark night’ and to where I am now. Happy and relatively healthy. I will always be the weird one in the pack, it just seems to be my lot in life. But, I’m good at it, so I’ll stick with it. Hope this helps. Sorry about the wall-o-text.
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realtalk-princeton · 4 years
Is it worth continuing a language that I'm doing poorly in? I have a C in the one I'm currently taking, and even though I'm putting in a good amount of work, I just consistently do poorly on tests (both written and speaking). I would love to continue with the language, but I'm not sure if it's worth the space in my schedule if I'm just going to do poorly for another semester.
Response from Aarksh:
If you’ve finished the language requirement or have the time to do another language that you know for sure you’ll do better in, then I would say to not take the course formally next semester. You can ask the professor if you can sit in or just get the course materials and study on your own. You can also explore other indpendent ways to study the language. Speaking from personal experience, Youtube and the Internet in general is phenomenal for free resources that are really helpful. I’d also recommend trying to find films, shows, and music to watch/listen to in your interested language. 
Going back to taking another language for the requirement, I think some intensive year long versions fulfill the requirement, but you should ask your Director of Studies/Dean to verify. Those that I know of are POR 106 + POR 109, FRE 103 + 107, FRE 101 + FRE 1027, and ITA 101 + ITA 1027. The following two are one and a half year sequences: LAT 103+105+108, CLG 103+105+108.  Again, if interested, consult your Director of Studies/Dean to ensure if any of these paths can fulfill the language requirement.
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artbookdap · 4 years
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Walker Evans was born #OTD 1903.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Images here are from 'Walker Evans: The Interview'⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ In 1971, @artinamerica published an interview with Walker Evans conducted by Leslie George Katz, writer and publisher of @eakinspress⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ The interview is charming and illuminating in its clarity and candor. Nearing the end of his life, Evans speaks freely about his influences and how he got started as a photographer (“I was damn well going to be an artist and I wasn’t going to be a businessman,” he remembers), and reflects back on his work and his thinking. The interview has become legendary, consulted by curators, scholars and students for half a century and considered a definitive source for insights into the process, philosophy and personality of one of America’s greatest photographers.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ In 1995, the Eakins Press Foundation republished Evans’ interview in a deluxe clothbound edition titled 'Walker Evans Incognito.' More than 20 years later, this new edition brings the Evans interview back into print in an elegant and affordable volume for a new generation. Walker Evans scholar Anne Bertrand introduces the interview and its publication history, and contributes notes throughout the text that provide important contextual information. 'Walker Evans: The Interview' offers an opportunity to rediscover the man behind the famous images, in his own words.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Read more via linkinbio.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ Order from your favorite indpendent #bookstorehero⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ #walkerevans #walkerevansinterview https://www.instagram.com/p/CHJQ9gBphJv/?igshid=11ynutyrdww8r
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mybookplacenet · 5 years
Featured Post: The Thanksgiving Scrooge by Rose Bak
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"About The Thanksgiving Scrooge: There are two things Lana Lewis avoids like the plague: relationships and holidays. Although she's famous for her epic Halloween parties, family holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas bring back bad memories she would prefer to forget. Unfortunately the marketing consultant her company just hired, Ian Sherman, is determined to convert the self-proclaimed Thanksgiving Scrooge into a holiday lover - and a relationship person. Can Ian convince Lana to look past her fears and give holiday love a chance? "Thanksgiving Scrooge" is book two of the "Good with Numbers" holiday novella series. This steamy standalone short read features an indpendent woman, an alpha Englishman, matchmaking friends and a romantic HEA. Grab another slice of pumpkin pie and check out the Good with Numbers friends as they find love. Targeted Age Group: Adult Written by: Rose Bak Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Link to Series Buy the Print Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Author Bio: Rose Bak has been obsessed with books since she got her first library card at age five. She is a passionate reader with an e-reader bursting with thousands of beloved books. Rose lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family and special needs dogs. In addition to writing, she also teaches accessible yoga and loves music. Sadly, she has no musical talent. A frequent blogger at rosebakenterprises.com, Rose also writes both fiction and nonfiction stories. Romance novels have always been one of her favorite guilty pleasures. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page Twitter Instagram Read the full article
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saec-be · 4 years
SPRO-Freelancer aide placer des freelances SAP
SPRO-Freelancer aide placer des freelances SAP
Oprationnelle depuis la semaine dernire, SPRO-Freelancer permet aux consultants SAP indpendants de se regrouper et ainsi d’avoir une meilleure visibilit sur les offres de missions en cours. La plate-forme est propose gratuitement aux freelances ainsi qu’aux apporteurs d’affaires.
Dans son dernier baromètre, la société de placement Club Freelance révélait qu’une expertise de l’ERP SAP…
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israel-jewish-news · 7 years
Foreign Ministry Issues First Statement on Catalonia Crisis
New Post has been published on http://hamodia.com/2017/11/01/foreign-ministry-issues-first-statement-catalonia-crisis/
Foreign Ministry Issues First Statement on Catalonia Crisis
Israel’s Foreign Ministry issued its first public comment Wednesday night on the crisis over the Catalonian indpendence movement in Spain, after pressure from Madrid to back the central government.
The tweeted statement, which mentioned that Israel and Spain “share longstanding, strong and friendly relations,” was carefully non-committal, calling for the crisis to be resolved “quickly and peacefully.”
The statement did not condemn the secessionist movement, nor did it endorse it, though there is known to be sympathy for the Catalonian separatists in Israel.
“Israel hopes that the internal crisis in Spain will be resolved quickly and peacefully and through broad national consensus,” the statement said.
Initially, Israel had planned not to comment on the crisis at all, but after consultations with Madrid decided to accede to their requests.
However, it remains to be seen whether the statement issued will satisfy the Spanish government’s request for an expression of disapproval of Catalonian secession.
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thursdayfilebuzz · 7 years
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Catalan contagion? Independence movements in Europe take note after vote Photo:  A Pro-Catalan independence supporter waves a flag during a rally in Glasgow, Scotland on September 21, 2017 - by Andy Buchanan // October 04, 2017 - by Anne-Diandra Louarn - This article has been translated from the original in French. - http://www.france24.com/en/20171004-spain-europe-catalonia-catalan-referendum-contagion-independence-movements -- Notes: Catalonia articles from France24: http://www.france24.com/en/tag/catalonia/ Basque article: http://www.france24.com/en/20170408-basque-group-eta-hands-french-police-list-arms-caches-disarmament-separatist Scottish Indpendence articles from France24: http://www.france24.com/en/tag/scottish-independence/
-- Three years after its initial illegal referendum in 2014, Catalonia held a new independence vote on Sunday, despite steadfast opposition from Madrid. The regional government said 90 percent of voters (albeit with only 40 percent turnout) cast a “yes” vote on Sunday, a figure that might well be the envy of other European independence movements. Barbara Loyer, a professor at the French Institute of Geopolitics at Paris 8 University, says “the potential for destabilization [in the rest of Europe] is very great”. In her opinion, the images of violence that accompanied the vote are particularly dangerous. “That opens the debate on the question of democracy. The incidents are reduced to a battle of the people against the state and the police. It’s a godsend for regionalism in Europe,” Loyer says. And yet, she points out that, even though Spain is one of the most decentralized countries on the continent, it did not manage to “change the relationship with nationalism”. Vincent Laborderie, who teaches at Belgium’s Université Catholique de Louvain, for his part believes the historical and cultural contexts elsewhere in Europe to be far too different for the developments in Catalonia to have an impact. “The police repression could perhaps incite Catalans who were undecided to side with the people, but a vote marred by violence is more likely to discourage [other separatists elsewhere in Europe]", Laborderie argues. The Basques, the Scots, the Flemish…FRANCE 24 takes a closer look at the independence movements that may – or not – draw inspiration from the Catalan vote. The Basque country After the Catalan referendum, observers naturally turn their gaze to the other separatist pocket in Spain, the Basque country. That autonomous region, with its particular status, has enjoyed enlarged powers since the end of the 1970s. While its decades-long struggle for independence was embodied by the separatist and terrorist ETA movement, that group laid down its weapons earlier this year. To Loyer and Laborderie, that state of affairs makes the risk of contagion from the situation in Catalonia unlikely. “They already have more autonomy than Catalonia, and in particular the fiscal autonomy Barcelona has long demanded,” explains Laborderie, who adds that at the moment the mindset in the Basque country is instead one of “healing the wounds of the civil war”. Scotland After a defeat for the independence camp in the 2014 Scottish referendum, Scotland could set the table for a second vote. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon stumped for a new referendum after Europhile Scottish voters rejected Brexit only to see it prevail nationally in that 2016 vote. “Scotland is perhaps the region most likely to take the plunge and organise a new referendum, but the prospect is still a way off; the regional government is still considering it,” says Laborderie. Indeed, after the British general election in June that saw her Scottish National Party lose ground, Sturgeon deferred the decision to hold a new referendum to the autumn of 2018 and the conclusion of Britain’s Brexit negotiations with Brussels. If the holding of a new referendum is finally approved, the vote itself would therefore not take place until the spring of 2019 at the earliest, after Britain’s effective exit from the European Union. In any case, Sturgeon did express her support for the Catalan referendum via Twitter and criticised the Spanish government’s heavy-handed response. The Scottish first minister tweeted her concern as early as Sunday morning, when Catalans were filling queues at polling stations and violent imagery of the police response was rife on social media. “Increasingly concerned by images from Catalonia. Regardless of views on independence, we should condemn all the scenes being witnessed and call on Spain to change course before someone is seriously hurt. Let people vote peacefully,” Sturgeon wrote. Sunday evening, the first minister took to Twitter again to blast what she suggested was a tepid British Foreign Office response to the events in Spain. “Statement from the Foreign Office on Catalonia is shamefully weak. A true friend of Spain would tell them today’s actions wrong and damaging.” Balkans Ravaged by civil war in the 1990s, the situation in countries that made up the former Yugoslavia remains tense. “We can imagine that the autonomous province of Vojvodina in Serbia wants to demand more. There is also Bosnia, where the Serb part could also do a referendum. The difference with Spain is that the police could not step in because they do not have the means,” notes Laborderie. Flanders Flanders, Belgium’s Dutch-speaking region, also has a sizable nationalist movement. The region already has its own parliament, where nationalists hold 50 of the chamber’s 124 seats. “The Flemish are ready for independence, but is it in their interest? They are already in a virtually confederate system in which the central state has almost no remaining prerogatives,” says Loyer. Laborderie concurs, arguing that Flanders “has never been so far away from independence.” The specialist says, “After the 500-day political crisis in 2010 and 2011 that led to the sixth reform of the state, Flanders obtained more powers; its demands were met. Besides, the NVA [New Flemish Alliance, a nationalist party] has entered the federal government and can influence politics from the inside.” While two NVA lawmakers manifested their discontent by leaving the party, dissension remains, for the moment, essentially internal to the movement and stability predominates. Nevertheless, the NVA criticised police violence in Catalonia on Sunday, tweeting that there is “no place in Europe for political leaders who resort to violence. Those who continue to reject the call for international mediation are denying democracy”. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, for his part, was one of the only European leaders to take a stand on Sunday. “Violence can never be the answer! We condemn all forms of violence and reaffirm our call for political dialogue,” Michel tweeted in English (in a social-media missive retweeted, in fact, by Scotland’s Sturgeon). Padania and Sardinia In Italy, the populist Lega Nord, or Northern League, has campaigned to make Padania - a contrived area composed of a patchwork of territories in northern Italy - a region autonomous from Rome. A consultative referendum on the issue is due to be organized in the autumn in Lombardy and Veneto, two of the wealthiest regions in the country. The Lega Nord is an anecdotal movement, according to Loyer, “a small group with strong egos at its head that quickly disappeared when they allied with [former Italian Prime Minister Silvio] Berlusconi. Today, they have converted into an anti-immigration party and are searching for an electorate.” “Padania is a vast myth that has collapsed,” adds Laborderie. “They have no historical reality; the north of Italy was always separate. In Sardinia, on the other hand, the independence movement is more concrete, even if they are still a very long way from demanding a referendum. Moreover, they already have a lot of autonomy.” Faroe Islands With their autonomous status and their own government, the Faroe Islands, which have been part of the Danish empire since 1948, already handle their own affairs, with the exception of defence. Separatist desires resurfaced on the islands when sizable oil and gas deposits were discovered more than 20 years ago. Independence proponents see in those resources a means of freeing the territory from its economic dependence on Copenhagen and diversifying an economy largely reliant on the fishing industry. A referendum is due to take place in April 2018 over a proposed constitution that would, among other things, define Faroe Islanders' right to self-determination. Corsica Corsican separatism remains vibrant. During French legislative elections in May, three independence proponents won seats in the National Assembly – a first. The  Isle of Beauty already holds a special status in France, enjoying enlarged powers. “For the moment, things are calm in Corsica because the context is not a favourable one. But if Corsica organized a referendum, the situation could be similar to that in Catalonia, where one could see the police confronted with the people,” says Loyer. The nationalist majority in the Corsican Assembly adopted a motion on September 22 underlining the “uncontestable legitimacy of the Catalan government” in the face of an “evolving and worrisome” situation. Assembly President Jean-Guy Talamoni even tweeted his support to the “free people” of Catalonia. ---- Steven H MacDowall www.thursdayfile.com
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acn59685-blog · 7 years
Un Guide Complet Pour Les Personnes Qui Veulent Faire Partie D'acn Business
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supergamermom · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiS53aMa5_o)
Shop the party at https://michellel.scentsy.us/?partyId=300280280
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theapothecaryisin · 10 years
My Scentsy starter kit came in today and I am super hyped to get started!! I've made a Facebook page and will be making a separate tumblr and twitter accounts. Which I will be posting here shortly if anyone's interested feel free to check out my website!
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