#indoor rubber flooring
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Discover trusted rubber flooring suppliers in UAE with TradersFind and discover leading service providers offering sports rubber flooring for your business needs. Connect with trusted rubber flooring manufacturers effortlessly and find durable and versatile flooring solutions. Visit TradersFind and post your request today!
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Eco-Friendly Recycled Rubber Flooring - Sustainable and Durable
Our eco-friendly recycled rubber flooring is the perfect solution for those who want to be kind to the environment without sacrificing durability or quality. Made from high-quality recycled rubber, this flooring is not only sustainable but also slip-resistant and shock-absorbent, making it ideal for high-traffic areas such as gyms, playgrounds, and schools. Its non-porous surface makes it easy to clean and resistant to mold and mildew, ensuring that it lasts for years to come. Choose our recycled rubber flooring to create a sustainable and long-lasting flooring solution that you can feel good about. Learn more: https://www.usrubber.com/survivor-sportfloor/
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Guide to Choosing the Right Outdoor and Indoor Mats â Paladin Mats
Find out what you should know when selecting outside and inside mats in addition to their substance and toughness to patterns and safety. Find out how a good mat can serve as a shield to your floor, boost your interior decoration and ensure your workplace is clean and comfortable.
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Granul Karet untuk Lantai Gym: Diskon Spesial dari KFI Sport
Jika Anda sedang mencari solusi lantai gym yang tahan lama, tahan air, dan memiliki diskon spesial, KFI Sport siap membantu. Kami menawarkan granul karet berkualitas untuk berbagai kebutuhan, termasuk gym, arena bermain anak, dan lapangan olahraga. Bagi Anda yang tertarik, bisa langsung hubungi kami via WhatsApp di https://wa.me/6281320008163.
Mengapa Memilih Granul Karet untuk Lantai Gym?
Mengapa granul karet adalah pilihan terbaik untuk lantai gym? Sederhana saja! Granul karet menawarkan fleksibilitas, daya tahan, dan keamanan yang tidak tertandingi dibandingkan bahan lainnya. Apakah Anda pernah merasa khawatir akan cedera saat berolahraga di lantai yang keras? Granul karet membantu mengurangi dampak benturan, sehingga Anda dapat berolahraga dengan lebih aman.
Selain itu, lantai karet juga anti-slip dan tahan terhadap air, menjadikannya pilihan yang ideal untuk ruangan dengan aktivitas fisik intens dan kemungkinan terkena cairan, seperti gym. Bayangkan saja, memiliki lantai yang tahan lama dan tetap nyaman meski digunakan setiap hari. Sangat memudahkan, bukan?
Keunggulan Granul Karet dari KFI Sport
Kenapa harus memilih KFI Sport? Berikut beberapa keunggulan yang kami tawarkan:
Harga bersaing dengan kualitas terbaik di pasaran. Ketebalan bervariasi, sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Tahan air dan anti-slip, cocok untuk gym dan area olahraga. Diskon spesial yang hanya berlaku bulan ini! Kami memberikan garansi bahwa produk kami tahan lama, mudah dipasang, dan mampu menahan beban berat serta aktivitas olahraga intens.
Pilihan Ketebalan Lantai Karet
Lantai karet dari KFI Sport tersedia dalam beberapa pilihan ketebalan untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan, seperti:
Rubber Flooring 5mm: Cocok untuk area yang membutuhkan lantai tipis namun tahan lama. Rubber Flooring 10mm: Pilihan populer untuk berbagai jenis lapangan olahraga dan playground. Rubber Flooring 15mm: Tebal dan kuat, ideal untuk area dengan aktivitas fisik yang intens, seperti gym. Setiap ketebalan memiliki kegunaannya masing-masing, tergantung pada kebutuhan dan jenis aktivitas fisik yang akan dilakukan.
Spesifikasi Produk Rubber Mat SRB
Rubber Mat SRB merupakan salah satu produk unggulan kami dengan variasi ketebalan dan warna. Berikut beberapa pilihan yang tersedia:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp. 495.000/m² Tebal 2 cm: Rp. 520.000/m² Tebal 3 cm: Rp. 565.000/m² Tebal 5 cm: Rp. 720.000/m² Setiap varian dilengkapi dengan underlayer hitam dan top layer berwarna merah bata atau hijau tua, yang memberikan tampilan elegan sekaligus fungsionalitas maksimal.
Spesifikasi Produk Rubber Mat EPDM
Jika Anda membutuhkan lantai karet dengan motif dan warna beragam, Rubber Mat EPDM adalah solusinya. Beberapa opsi yang tersedia antara lain:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp. 620.000/m² Tebal 3 cm: Rp. 710.000/m² Tebal 5 cm: Rp. 940.000/m² Produk ini sangat ideal untuk waterplay area dan plaza kolam karena tahan air dan mudah dibersihkan.
Penggunaan Granul Karet untuk Gym
Granul karet tidak hanya cocok untuk lantai gym tetapi juga memiliki banyak kegunaan lain. Misalnya, untuk lapangan olahraga indoor seperti basket, voli, dan futsal, serta ruang bermain anak yang membutuhkan permukaan yang aman dan empuk.
Dengan granul karet, Anda tidak perlu lagi khawatir tentang kebersihan dan ketahanan lantai. Lantai karet mudah dibersihkan dan tahan terhadap air serta kotoran, membuatnya pilihan sempurna untuk gym.
Harga Terbaik dan Diskon Spesial
Siapa yang tidak suka diskon? Bulan ini, KFI Sport menawarkan diskon spesial untuk berbagai produk granul karet. Dengan harga mulai dari Rp. 495.000/m² untuk Rubber Mat SRB dan Rp. 620.000/m² untuk Rubber Mat EPDM, Anda dapat memperoleh lantai karet berkualitas tanpa harus merogoh kocek dalam-dalam.
Jadi, jika Anda ingin memperbarui lantai gym Anda dengan harga terbaik, inilah waktu yang tepat untuk berbelanja.
Kota-kota di Indonesia yang Menggunakan Rubber Flooring
Banyak kota di Indonesia yang sudah menggunakan rubber flooring untuk fasilitas olahraga mereka, seperti:
Jakarta: Fasilitas di Gelora Bung Karno (GBK). Bandung: Taman Tegalega dan GOR Saparua. Surabaya: Taman Bungkul. Yogyakarta: GOR UNY. Semarang: Stadion Jatidiri. Makassar: GOR Sudiang. Keberadaan rubber flooring ini meningkatkan keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam berolahraga.
Cara Memesan Granul Karet di KFI Sport
Untuk memesan granul karet dari KFI Sport, Anda cukup menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp di https://wa.me/6281320008163. Kami siap membantu Anda memilih produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan gym atau fasilitas olahraga lainnya.
Tips Memilih Lantai Karet untuk Gym
Memilih lantai karet untuk gym bukanlah perkara mudah. Berikut beberapa tips yang bisa Anda pertimbangkan:
Ketebalan: Pilih ketebalan sesuai jenis aktivitas fisik yang dilakukan. Harga: Pertimbangkan anggaran Anda. Lantai yang lebih tebal mungkin lebih mahal, tapi juga lebih tahan lama. Kualitas bahan: Pastikan memilih granul karet yang tahan lama dan ramah lingkungan.
Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ)
Apa kelebihan lantai karet untuk gym? Lantai karet memberikan daya tahan, fleksibilitas, dan keamanan yang lebih baik, serta tahan terhadap air dan benturan.
Bagaimana cara merawat lantai karet gym? Sangat mudah! Cukup bersihkan secara rutin dengan air dan sabun ringan untuk menghilangkan kotoran dan debu.
Apakah lantai karet tahan lama? Ya, lantai karet sangat tahan lama dan cocok untuk penggunaan intensif, terutama di gym dan fasilitas olahraga.
Apakah tersedia diskon untuk pembelian lantai karet? Ya, KFI Sport menawarkan diskon spesial bulan ini. Hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan penawaran terbaik.
Apakah lantai karet mudah dipasang? Benar! Lantai karet dapat dipasang sendiri, dan kami menyediakan panduan pemasangan yang mudah diikuti.
Dengan granul karet dari KFI Sport, Anda dapat memiliki lantai gym yang nyaman, aman, dan tahan lama. Jangan lewatkan
#Bagaimana Memilih Rubber Flooring Berkualitas dengan Harga Murah?#Rubber Flooring untuk Arena Bermain Anak#Rubber Flooring untuk Area Bermain Indoor#Perbandingan Harga Rubber Flooring 2025#Lantai karet#Granul Karet untuk Taman Bermain: Harga Terbaik#Cara Mendapatkan Rubber Flooring Murah dengan Kualitas Terbaik#Pelapis lantai untuk area basah
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Granul Karet Murah dengan Harga Terbaik dari KFI Sport
Pengantar Granul Karet
Siapa yang tidak ingin memiliki area bermain yang aman dan nyaman untuk anak-anak? Granul karet merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan ini. Di KFI Sport, kami menyediakan granul karet murah dengan harga terbaik. Apakah Anda tahu bahwa penggunaan rubber flooring dapat meningkatkan keselamatan dan kenyamanan saat beraktivitas? Mari kita bahas lebih dalam tentang granul karet dan manfaatnya.
Keunggulan Granul Karet
Granul karet menawarkan banyak keunggulan yang membuatnya populer di berbagai aplikasi, mulai dari taman bermain hingga lapangan olahraga. Beberapa keunggulan tersebut antara lain:
Keamanan: Permukaan yang empuk dan elastis membantu mengurangi risiko cedera pada anak-anak saat bermain. Tahan Lama: Granul karet dirancang untuk tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrem dan aktivitas fisik yang intens. Ramah Lingkungan: Terbuat dari bahan daur ulang, granul karet adalah pilihan yang lebih ramah lingkungan dibandingkan material lain. Mudah Perawatan: Permukaan karet mudah dibersihkan dan dirawat, sehingga tetap terlihat baru dalam waktu lama.
Ketebalan Rubber Flooring
Ketebalan rubber flooring bervariasi dan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan proyek Anda. Berikut adalah beberapa pilihan ketebalan yang kami tawarkan:
Rubber Flooring 5mm: Cocok untuk area yang membutuhkan lantai tipis namun tahan lama, ideal untuk taman bermain dengan intensitas rendah.
Rubber Flooring 10mm: Pilihan populer untuk berbagai jenis lapangan olahraga dan playground, memberikan keseimbangan antara ketahanan dan kenyamanan.
Rubber Flooring 15mm: Tebal dan kuat, ideal untuk area dengan aktivitas fisik yang intens seperti lapangan futsal atau basket. Kegunaan Granul Karet
Granul karet memiliki berbagai kegunaan, antara lain:
Untuk Sekolah: Menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang aman dan nyaman. Untuk Taman Bermain: Membuat area bermain yang menyenangkan dan aman bagi anak-anak. Lapangan Olahraga Outdoor: Memastikan permukaan yang aman dan tahan lama untuk berbagai olahraga. Untuk Area Bermain Indoor: Menghadirkan solusi lantai yang aman untuk ruang bermain anak di dalam ruangan.
Harga Rubber Mat SRB Berikut adalah beberapa pilihan harga untuk Rubber Mat SRB yang kami tawarkan:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp. 495.000/m² Tebal 2 cm: Rp. 520.000/m² Tebal 2.5 cm: Rp. 540.000/m² Tebal 3 cm: Rp. 565.000/m² Tebal 5 cm: Rp. 720.000/m² Harga ini sudah termasuk kualitas terbaik dan tahan lama, sehingga Anda mendapatkan nilai yang optimal untuk investasi Anda.
Harga Rubber Mat EPDM Rubber Mat EPDM juga tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran dan harga:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp. 620.000/m² Tebal 2 cm: Rp. 640.000/m² Tebal 2.5 cm: Rp. 660.000/m² Tebal 3 cm: Rp. 710.000/m² Tebal 5 cm: Rp. 940.000/m² Waterplay area (9-10 mm): Rp. 60.000/m² Harga Rubber Tiles Rubber tiles (indoor dan outdoor) juga kami sediakan dengan ukuran 50 x 50 x 2.5 cm dan harga Rp. 470.000/m² untuk warna merah bata, hijau tua, dan hitam. Permukaan halus untuk indoor dan kasar untuk outdoor memastikan kepraktisan penggunaan.
Penggunaan di Berbagai Kota
Beberapa kota di Indonesia sudah mulai mengembangkan fasilitas olahraga dengan menggunakan rubber flooring, antara lain:
Jakarta: Lapangan basket di Gelora Bung Karno dan taman kota. Bandung: Taman Tegalega dan GOR Saparua. Surabaya: Taman Bungkul dan jogging track. Yogyakarta: GOR UNY dan lapangan futsal/basket. Semarang: Stadion Jatidiri. Makassar: GOR Sudiang. Penggunaan rubber flooring di berbagai kota ini meningkatkan keamanan dan kenyamanan pengguna saat berolahraga, berkat bahan yang lentur dan tahan lama.
Mengapa Memilih KFI Sport? Di KFI Sport, kami menawarkan:
Harga Terbaik: Dengan diskon menarik untuk setiap pembelian. Kualitas Terjamin: Produk kami dibuat dari bahan berkualitas tinggi. Pelayanan Memuaskan: Tim kami siap membantu Anda dalam memilih produk yang tepat. Cara Memesan Granul Karet Ingin mendapatkan granul karet murah dengan harga terbaik? Hubungi kami sekarang juga di WhatsApp untuk penawaran spesial! Tim kami siap memberikan informasi yang Anda butuhkan dan membantu Anda dalam pemesanan.
Granul karet adalah solusi ideal untuk menciptakan area bermain yang aman dan nyaman, baik untuk anak-anak maupun dewasa. Dengan harga terbaik dari KFI Sport, Anda dapat memperoleh kualitas yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami dan dapatkan penawaran menarik hari ini!
Hubungi Kami Sekarang!
Jika Anda tertarik untuk mendapatkan rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga terbaik, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di https://wa.me/6281380351143,. Tim kami siap membantu Anda!
Apa saja kegunaan dari granul karet?
Granul karet dapat digunakan untuk taman bermain, sekolah, dan berbagai lapangan olahraga outdoor. Berapa harga rubber flooring di KFI Sport?
Harga rubber flooring bervariasi tergantung ketebalan dan jenis, mulai dari Rp. 495.000/m². Apakah granul karet tahan lama?
Ya, granul karet dirancang untuk tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrem dan aktivitas fisik yang intens. Bagaimana cara memesan produk dari KFI Sport?
Anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui WhatsApp di sini. Mengapa harus memilih KFI Sport?
Kami menawarkan harga terbaik, kualitas terjamin, dan pelayanan yang memuaskan untuk setiap pelanggan.
#Granul Karet Berkualitas untuk Area Bermain Anak#Rubber Flooring untuk Area Bermain Indoor#Lantai olahraga karet#Rubber Flooring untuk Lapangan Futsal#Pelapis lantai ramah lingkungan#Lantai karet anak#Promo Granul Karet Terbaik untuk Proyek Anda#Penawaran Granul Karet Murah untuk Taman Bermain
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Harga Rubber Flooring KFI Sport di Bogor
Apakah Anda sedang mencari solusi lantai yang aman, tahan lama, dan nyaman untuk area bermain atau lapangan olahraga? Rubber Flooring dari KFI Sport di Bogor bisa menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk Anda. Rubber flooring kini menjadi tren di banyak kota, termasuk Bogor, karena fleksibilitas dan keamanannya.
KFI Sport menyediakan berbagai pilihan rubber flooring dengan harga bersaing dan kualitas terbaik. Mulai dari lantai untuk gym, taman bermain anak, hingga lapangan futsal, semua bisa Anda dapatkan langsung dari pabrik. Tidak perlu khawatir soal ketahanan, karena rubber flooring dari KFI Sport terkenal akan keawetannya!
Keuntungan Menggunakan Rubber Flooring Keamanan dan Kenyamanan Rubber flooring menawarkan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi, terutama untuk area bermain anak-anak. Bahannya yang lentur mampu meredam benturan, sehingga mengurangi risiko cedera.
Daya Tahan dan Kualitas Selain nyaman, rubber flooring juga tahan lama dan cocok untuk berbagai kondisi cuaca. Ini menjadikannya pilihan ideal untuk penggunaan baik di dalam maupun luar ruangan.
Jenis-Jenis Rubber Flooring yang Ditawarkan KFI Sport Rubber Flooring 5mm Rubber flooring dengan ketebalan 5mm cocok untuk area yang membutuhkan lantai tipis namun tetap tahan lama. Misalnya, lantai gym atau area indoor lainnya.
Rubber Flooring 10mm Pilihan ini sangat populer untuk lapangan olahraga, seperti futsal dan basket, karena ketebalannya memberikan daya tahan lebih baik terhadap aktivitas fisik yang intens.
Rubber Flooring 15mm Dengan ketebalan yang lebih besar, rubber flooring 15mm sangat ideal untuk area yang membutuhkan perlindungan ekstra, seperti ruang angkat beban atau arena bermain anak.
Harga Rubber Flooring dari KFI Sport Rubber Mat SRB
Berikut adalah daftar harga rubber mat SRB yang ditawarkan oleh KFI Sport:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp 495.000/m2 Tebal 2 cm: Rp 520.000/m2 Tebal 2.5 cm: Rp 540.000/m2 Tebal 3 cm: Rp 565.000/m2 Tebal 5 cm: Rp 720.000/m2 Rubber Mat EPDM Jika Anda menginginkan motif warna-warni, rubber mat EPDM adalah pilihan yang tepat dengan harga sebagai berikut:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp 620.000/m2 Tebal 2 cm: Rp 640.000/m2 Tebal 2.5 cm: Rp 660.000/m2 Tebal 3 cm: Rp 710.000/m2 Tebal 5 cm: Rp 940.000/m2 Aplikasi Rubber Flooring di Berbagai Lokasi Sekolah dan Taman Bermain Rubber flooring sangat populer di sekolah dan taman bermain karena keamanannya. Permukaannya yang lembut membuat anak-anak bisa bermain tanpa khawatir terjatuh dan terluka.
Lapangan Olahraga Outdoor
Rubber flooring juga sangat cocok digunakan di lapangan futsal, basket, dan olahraga outdoor lainnya. Bahannya yang elastis membantu menyerap guncangan sehingga mengurangi risiko cedera pada atlet.
Perbandingan Ketebalan Rubber Flooring Rubber Flooring Tipis (5mm) Untuk area dengan aktivitas ringan, ketebalan 5mm sudah cukup. Misalnya, untuk gym ringan atau area bermain indoor kecil.
Rubber Flooring Tebal (10-15mm) Untuk aktivitas berat, seperti lapangan olahraga atau ruang angkat beban, disarankan menggunakan rubber flooring yang lebih tebal agar tahan lama dan kuat.
Rubber Tiles: Alternatif Hemat dan Praktis Rubber tiles menawarkan kemudahan dalam pemasangan dan bisa menjadi solusi hemat untuk Anda yang ingin memasang sendiri. Harga mulai dari Rp 470.000/m2.
Pemasangan dan Perawatan Rubber Flooring
Anda bisa memasang rubber flooring sendiri dengan panduan yang diberikan oleh KFI Sport. Pastikan untuk membersihkannya secara rutin agar tetap awet.
Rubber Flooring di Kota-Kota Besar di Indonesia Kota-kota seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, dan Yogyakarta sudah menggunakan rubber flooring di berbagai fasilitas olahraga, seperti lapangan basket di GBK Jakarta dan GOR UNY di Yogyakarta.
Kesimpulan dan FAQ Rubber flooring dari KFI Sport adalah solusi tepat untuk Anda yang membutuhkan lantai tahan lama, aman, dan nyaman. Hubungi kami di WhatsApp untuk info lebih lanjut!
Ingin mendapatkan lantai karet berkualitas terbaik untuk ruang Anda? Kunjungi hargarubberflooring.blogspot.com untuk pilihan produk dan informasi lebih lanjut. Jika ada pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di https://wa.me/6281320008163 Pesan sekarang dan ciptakan suasana yang sempurna untuk ruang Anda!
#Rubber Flooring untuk Ruang Bermain Indoor#Rubber Flooring untuk Sekolah#Pelapis lantai untuk area basah#Lantai tahan guncangan#Lantai karet anak#Rubber Flooring dengan Harga Murah untuk Taman#Rubber Flooring Langsung dari Pabrik#Lantai peredam suara
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Elevate Your Game with Elite Floors LTD: The Ultimate Sports Flooring Solution
When it comes to excelling in sports, having the right playing surface is paramount. Elite athletes know the significance of a top-notch sports flooring system that not only enhances performance but also minimizes the risk of injuries. Enter Elite Floors LTD, a leading provider of sports flooring solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and sports facilities alike. In this blog, we will explore the array of high-quality sports flooring options offered by Elite Floors LTD and why they are the go-to choice for gymnasiums, athletic facilities, and indoor sports surfaces.
Elevating Performance with Sports Flooring
At Elite Floors LTD, we understand that an exceptional sports flooring system can make all the difference in elevating your game. Whether it's basketball, volleyball, soccer, or tennis, each sport demands specific attributes from the surface beneath your feet. Our sports flooring solutions are carefully designed to cater to the unique demands of each game, ensuring optimal performance and player safety.
The Versatility of Gymnasium Flooring
Gymnasiums serve as multipurpose spaces, hosting various sports and events. Elite Floors LTD offers versatile gymnasium flooring options that can withstand the rigors of multiple activities without compromising performance. Our multi-purpose sports floors are engineered to provide a perfect balance of shock absorption and energy return, reducing the strain on athletes and maximizing their potential.
Performance-Driven Athletic Flooring
Athletes push their bodies to the limit, and our athletic flooring systems do the same for your game. The specially crafted surfaces not only enhance athletic performance but also mitigate the risk of common sports-related injuries. With Elite Floors LTD's sports performance surfaces, you can focus on honing your skills, confident in the support provided by our cutting-edge flooring technology.
Safeguarding with Indoor Sports Surfaces
Indoor sports surfaces require a unique set of features to ensure the safety of players and durability of the flooring. Our indoor sports surfaces are designed to resist wear and tear, withstand heavy foot traffic, and deliver consistent ball bounce, making them ideal for intense indoor sports like basketball and volleyball.
Court Flooring: Paving the Way to Victory
The foundation of any successful court is the quality of its flooring. Elite Floors LTD provides top-of-the-line court flooring solutions that cater to various sports, including basketball court flooring and volleyball court surfaces. Our innovative designs contribute to better grip, quick movements, and reduced impact on joints, giving you the edge you need to secure victory on the court.
Synthetic Sports Flooring: A Sustainable Choice
Sustainability is a key consideration in today's world. At Elite Floors LTD, we offer synthetic sports flooring options that not only deliver on performance but also align with environmental values. Our synthetic floors are made from eco-friendly materials, offering a durable, low-maintenance, and sustainable alternative for your sports facility.
Rubber Sports Flooring: Impact-Resistant and Resilient
The shock-absorbent nature of rubber sports flooring makes it an excellent choice for high-impact sports. Our rubber sports flooring provides the right balance of cushioning and stability, reducing the strain on joints and muscles during rigorous workouts or competitive matches.
Setting the Standard for Sports Facility Flooring
Elite Floors LTD sets the standard for sports facility flooring, providing unmatched quality, durability, and performance. Whether you operate a community sports center, university gymnasium, or professional training facility, our sports flooring solutions are designed to withstand heavy usage while delivering consistent results.
Fitness Center Flooring: Supporting Your Workout Regime
Fitness centers require flooring that can endure the demands of various exercise routines. Our fitness center flooring solutions offer slip-resistance, shock absorption, and noise reduction, creating a comfortable and safe workout environment for fitness enthusiasts of all levels.
Sports Hall Flooring: Creating the Perfect Arena
A well-designed sports hall deserves equally impressive sports hall flooring. Elite Floors LTD offers customizable options to suit your specific requirements, making the arena not only visually appealing but also high-performing and safe for athletes and spectators alike.
Tennis Court Surfaces: Enhancing Your Aces
For tennis enthusiasts, having the right court surface is essential for consistent play. Elite Floors LTD's tennis court surfaces offer excellent ball response, consistent bounce, and optimal grip, ensuring your game reaches its full potential.
Elite Floors LTD stands at the forefront of the sports flooring industry, providing an extensive range of solutions for diverse sporting needs. From basketball court flooring to fitness center flooring, our dedication to quality, performance, and safety is unwavering. Elevate your game and experience the difference that Elite Floors LTD can make in your sports facility or gymnasium today.
Contact us now for top-notch sports flooring installation and take your sports endeavors to new heights!
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Red Hood x Reader: Convenient
Word Count: 962 Warnings/Notes: Inspired by the Batman: Wayne Family Adventures. Masked men enter the convenient store that the Reader is in, no harm comes to the Reader, Red Hood knocking out bad guys Summary: While shopping, the Reader spots masked men entering the store. Jason is on the way, but when will he arrive?
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 Sunshine, it was not the usual weather for Gotham City. A rarity in its own right. Were you out and enjoying the surprisingly pleasant day? Technically, yes. Despite the change in weather as of late, you found yourself indoors. Granted, you had to leave your home before entering another building.  Currently, you were doing some light shopping in a convenient store. In a single hand, you managed to cradle a few essentials: floss, a box of bandages, and a pack of pens.  As you looked over the items, you wondered if you were forgetting anything. Standing in one aisle, you decided to take out your phone to make a call.  âHowâs my favorite person?â Jason asked, answering your call rather quickly.  âHi, Jay,â you giggled. âIâm at that one convenient store and was wondering if you needed anything while Iâmââ You paused, your breath catching at the sight across from you.  âWhat is it?â His tone changed dramatically, loosing its happy charm.  âTwo masked men,â you whispered and ducked down. Curling up, you knelt next to a hip-height basket of DVDs.  Jason cursed. âJust stay quiet and remain hidden. Iâm on my way.â  Ending the call, you quickly set your phone to silent and stashed it away into your bag. The attempt to stay calm would be another story entirely. You could feel your heart beat against your chest and an uncomfortable warmth spread over you.
 Laughter from the front of the store filtered to your ears. How many were there? You had seen at least two enter through the main doors. As time ticked by, you strained you ears to determine their whereabouts in the store.  Presumably, they stayed primarily toward the front of the store. The front counter, the cashier counter, was the likely target. Anyone wearing a black ski mask in a Gotham store was always up to no good. No good and money.  The strangest part of it all was the talking. They seemed almost conversational. Both with each other and the other silent shoppers. The words strange and weird both came to mind.
 Taking a much needed breath, you hoped that Jason would arrive faster than time felt at the moment. It dragged and stilled, but you knew that he would show up. Then again, you did not now how far away he was at the time of the call. What if heâ?  Footsteps closed in on your hiding spot. Your heart sank to the bottom of your stomach.  âHey there.â  You had been spotted.  The masked man kneeled down in front of you. âWhatcha hiding down there for?â  Initially, you did not want to answer. For one thing, it was obvious. However, you thought it would be better than risking angering him. You did not know either of their intentions or reactions to such things.  âI was shopping for floss,â you said as simply as you could manage.  âFloss? You floss?â  Keep him talking. Distracted. âYeah, some times its hard to find the good kind.â  His eyes widened in amazement. âThereâre different kinds?â  Another bad guy called over to him. âHey, man, hurry up!â  âHang on, I was asking a question!â He turned back to you expectantly.  âThe cheap kind is like using a rubber-band,â you complained, âand the wax flakes off. Itâs horrible.â  âWow, thatââ  âDONâT MOVE!â A booming and threatening voice demanded at the entrance of the store.  Making an instant fist, you punched the man in front of you. As he spun from the impact, you pinned him down on his stomach. The items within your grasp, now on the floor behind you.  âAH!â  âRed Hood!â  âHey, man!â The men closest to the vigilante spoke with a certain amount of familiarity. âWeâve kept our masks on.â  âGood.â The altered voice beneath the helmet did not sound at all pleased. âNow, whereâs the third one?â  Groaning, the man beneath you managed to raise a slow hesitant hand. âHere.â  Red Hood stepped into view, guns up at the ready, at the end of the aisle. A small impressed laugh made you look up at him. âThings seem to be going well for you,â he said, overlooking the goon. âNow,â he said, turning to the others, âyou know what time it is.â  The masked man dropped his head onto the floor defeatedly.  âYeah.â The two other men mumbled sadly before being swiftly knocked out by Red Hood.
 The jacket wearing vigilante walked over as you remained perched on top of the criminalâs back.  âPlease make it quick,â he said into the floor. âMy throat hurts.â  THWACK!  Holstering his weapons, Red Hood reached out a gloved hand for you to take.  As you stood, you looked into the helmetâs white eyes. Knowing that your dashing hero was behind it, made you feel all the more safe. âThank you.â  âYouâre very welcome. AlthoughâŚit looked like you had a handle on the situation.â  You smirked. âOnly when you showed up yelling.â  He placed his hands on his hips. âSo I was the distraction you needed?â  âYes,â you snickered. âThank you for the assist.â  âI feel like I should be insultedâŚbut Iâm feeling too proud for that soâŚâ Stepping around you, he knelt down to pick up the items you were going to purchase and handed them to you. âYou might as well get another pack of floss. That oneâs on sale.â Afterward, he leaned in and whispered. âIâm glad youâre okay.â  You smiled.  âAre you busy later?â  Faking astonishment, you gasped at him. âRed Hood, Iâm flattered, but I do have a boyfriend.â Playfully, you shoved his shoulder as you walked passed, smothering a laugh on your walk to the check out counter. All the while, you felt his gaze on you the entire time.
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
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Donut Co. Rainboho-tastic - Halfway There Rugs đ˘ Simmers, Are Your Sims STILL Stepping Onto Snore-fest Rugs?! đ´ (We're Looking at You, EA!) đ˘
Let's be real, folks. Finding decent rugs in the Sims 4 is like searching for a unicorn in a haystack. You spend hours scouring the build catalog, only to be greeted by a sea of beige, blah, and just plain BORING. đŤ
And don't even get us started on the elusive "half rug." Seriously, EA, where are they hiding? Did they get lost in a time portal? Are they being held hostage by a rogue pack of Build Mode gnomes? We need more options! đ¤
But fear not, fellow decorators! Donut Co. is here to rescue your Sims' floors (and your sanity!) with our Rainboho-tastic - Halfway There Rugs! â¨
These aren't your grandma's rugs, folks. We're talking vibrant, playful masterpieces that'll make your Sims want to ditch their shoes and do a happy dance! đ
đ A Rainbow of Possibilities:
Whimsical Rainbows:Â Step into a world of color with our signature rainbow arch designs.
Playful Rubber Duckies:Â Add a touch of whimsy to your Sims' bathrooms (because who doesn't love a rubber ducky serenade in the shower?).
Blooming Leaves:Â Bring the beauty of nature indoors (without the risk of your Sims forgetting to water them... again).
Enchanted Mushrooms:Â Step into a fairytale with these whimsical mushroom designs (no, they won't make your Sims trip out... we think).
Unique Designs:Â For those who love a touch of abstract flair (and maybe a little mystery).
⨠Why You'll Love Them:
Perfect for Entryways & Bathrooms:Â Finally, a rug that's the perfect size for those often-overlooked spaces! No more awkwardly oversized rugs in your tiny bathrooms!
Plush & Comfy:Â Your Sims will love sinking their toes into these soft, inviting textures (it's like walking on a cloud... but without the fear of falling through).
Vibrant & Playful:Â Add a pop of personality and charm to any room (because let's face it, beige is SO last century).
So, ditch those snooze-fest bath mats and welcome your Sims home with a burst of color and comfort! Donut Co.'s Rainboho-tastic - Halfway There Rugs are here to transform your Sims' homes into havens of style and personality. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GUYS - A friend of mine saw my rugs while WIP and has decided to make some wallpapers to go along with them - Using my png files!! So they will match exactly to these rugs! They're already a wonderful cc creator - so you should definitely check them out; but be sure to watch out for the wallpapers coming really soon! Xx (They look amazing already!!!!) Find them here: https://crimsonrozes.tumblr.com/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All images have my reshade on - You can find no reshade images on the patreon and curseforge posts!*** If you are interested in my reshade, or want to see how much it changes the color - you can find it here: https://www.tumblr.com/noideabutsims/763209634729345024/remember-those-days-reshade-preset-guess-what?source=share ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Has 17 swatches New mesh
All of our CC can be found by typing " Donut " into the search bar! Name:Â Donut Co. Rainboho-tastic - Halfway There Rugs Buy Mode Description: "Add a splash of personality to your Sims' entryways and bathrooms with Donut Co.'s Rainboho-tastic - Halfway There Rugs! These vibrant creations blend playful patterns and eye-catching colors to transform those often-overlooked spaces.
Imagine your Sims stepping onto a plush rainbow archway as they enter their home, or sinking their toes into a cloud of softness after a relaxing bath. With whimsical rainbows, playful rubber duckies, blooming florals, enchanting mushrooms, and unique rainbow swirls, there's a design for every style.
So ditch those boring bath mats and welcome your Sims home with a burst of color and comfort!
Woah-oh - You're halfway there - to having the best rugs in town! XD" Will be releasing more content soon! stay tuned! â¤ď¸ (NOT affiliated with EA or Maxis in any way! We just make CC!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOWNLOAD: Curseforge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/donut-co-rainboho-tastic-halfway-there-rugs Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/116930384 Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MF3sWv5ZzL10PgM_kNZZ6pJZfN5hhIPe/view?usp=sharing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Due to financial issues and our promise of never paywalling our content; We have to ask that you guys download on our curseforge if you are willing and able. Just using their site to download makes us be able to have at least a small income that helps us when things get tough - however no matter where you download; we genuinely appreciate every download regardless!! If you can, you can find our curseforge here!: https://legacy.curseforge.com/members/the_lady_gaia/projects
Download it today and let the color explosion begin! đ⨠@alwaysfreecc @maxismatchccworld
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hi! do you have any ideas on how to reward a dog who doesn't have any strong motivators? Treats are the only thing that work but he doesn't really care if there is something else he wants, doesnt care for toys, pets are ignored. I just have no idea what other rewards could be used
Id take a good look at Why the dogs motivation seems to be lacking, what environment it tanks in, and ensure to keep an eye out for things like stressors, overstimulation, fear, met needs, and other variables that may impact a dogâs comfort taking treats or exhibiting play behaviour. Things like illness or pain should also be considered as a factor for a lack of motivation (schedule their annual and take a good look at their behaviour and their movement- do they sit sloppy, pop hip often, hunch back, etc. these can all be more overlooked signs of pain!). Breed can also be a factor as some are more self motivated than people pleasing so their motivation tends to just look a bit different!
I'd also be curious to know if this dog has always been disinterested or if this has cropped up over time. A common factor for decreasing motivation is the fact that training itself has become unfun. Usually as a result of asking too much of the dog too fast, not paying them adequately for the work they're doing, working in far too complicated settings, too many competing reinforcers, getting frustrated during the session, using rewards to lure a dog towards feared things or simply having training sessions run on for too long where the dog then ends sessions feeling bored or tired. This can cause even the most active dog to become averse to training as a whole which can present itself as an aversion or lack of interest in many common rewards.
Additionally see what sorts of environments the dog is comfortable being rewarded in, perhaps they take treats okay in a certain room of the home but not outside. This can give us a lot of info and allow us to start in an environment they can succeed in and gradually shift to other environments with more complex challenges (like the competing reinforcers you mentioned)
Reinforcers can be Anything the dog actually wants. The sky is really the limit here. I can stick a treat in every dogs mouth and itâs not going to help anything if the dog itself doesnât find that treat rewarding. Some options might be:
Treats- experiment with different types and textures. Smelly cheeses, hotdog, and sausage are common high value snacks that can help increase motivation in difficult situations but all dogs are different and some might find a satisfying crunch of a crispy biscuit more rewarding. Try new things and see what they gravitate towards. Additionally watch the way you deliver the reward, a common mistake is to push the treat in towards the dog's nose- this can be off-putting as you add spatial pressure which over time can cause a dog to refuse to take treats altogether. Instead try to offer the treat a distance away from their nose so they step towards it to take it (also watch for things like the way you hold your hand, some dogs may find a hand looming down with the treat threatening while a hand held below nose level with the palm up to be nicer to take treats from). You can also deliver treats in more engaging ways instead of just handing it to them. Toss it in the air for them to catch, roll it along the floor to chase, scatter a few pieces in grass, have them chase and follow the hand for a bit prior to releasing the treat. Make getting the treats a whole Experience!
Toys- rubber toys, canvas, biting, chasing, squeakers, tug. There's a ton of options. Not all dogs like playing in the middle of training as it breaks their focus but others live for it. While not for every dog I will say that playing is a good measure for a dog's comfort. If, for example, you can play tug indoors and have a fun time but the dog is unable to play tug at all outdoors that tells us the dog doesn't feel comfortable enough to exhibit that behaviour. That's information we can use!
Petting- Not my favourite thing to use, affection isn't really something you want to be bargaining off in exchange for favours but it has its uses. A fearful dog may love some pets to help comfort them and reduce that fear response, some affection can also go a long way in just grounding your dog and keeping a training session light and fun. A bit of a social fun break. There's definitely some dogs that can appreciate a pet as a reinforcer and they can work in a pinch if other reinforcers aren't available.
Sniffs- Not something you want to overuse as sniffing is a fundamental part of how dogs explore the world but an excellent way to shift to self reinforcing fundamentals like loose leash walking. Most dogs love a good sniff, your hound types especially, and you can use that to your advantage as you ask for a behaviour and then release them to go snuffle away. Sniffing is also a calming behaviour that can reduce heart rate and build confidence in their environment which can reduce issues like not taking treats outdoors in the first place.
Speed- A lot of dogs find human walking paces slow and frustrating (a common cause for leash pulling) so you may find that in outdoor environments you can reward your dog by simply jogging for a short burst. The speed is fun and enticing and as such can often become quite the powerful reward.
Personal play + Volume - Whether this be the opportunity to howl and bark or you getting loud and excited with them. Sometimes a dog may not be interested in toys but they may be interested in your engagement. This might be baby talking to them in a happy tone or fully getting down on their level to wrestle and bop around or perhaps running away and having them chase you. A different way to initiate play for those disinterested in toys.
Premack's Principle - When you are dealing with competing reinforcers most people will find they lose this battle where whatever you have is not as valuable as what the dog actually wants (chasing a squirrel perhaps). In many cases you cannot fight instinct and genetics with a piece of cheese. At least not without prepwork. This is where Premack's Principle comes in to play, where a dog is able to do a less desirable behaviour (ignoring the squirrel) in exchange for a more desirable behaviour (getting to go chase the squirrel). You can use the thing you're struggling with to reinforce what you'd rather see. Another example may be having your dog a distance away from other dogs, waiting for eye contact and then releasing them to go greet the dog. Over time this could cause an exciteable greeter to offer frequent eye contact to you whenever they spot a dog in anticipation of getting to go greet the other dog which is a nice alternative to barking or pulling. Practically everything your dog would Rather Be Doing you can use as a reward for what You would rather they be doing.
I'd also take a look in to "engagement games" online, there should be a load of force free resources out there for ways to make yourself more engaging and fun which can really help in encouraging a dog to be more excited to train. Strong foundations in how they view interacting with you and training as a whole can really go a long way in impacting motivators and training results.
There's a whole lot more to consider and a ton of more complex things that could be at play but without knowing your dog personally I'll leave this here for you to ponder and play with!
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Bagaimana Memilih Rubber Flooring Berkualitas dengan Harga Murah?
Saat ini, rubber flooring semakin populer digunakan di berbagai tempat, mulai dari sekolah, taman, hingga lapangan olahraga outdoor. Kelebihan utama dari rubber flooring adalah kemampuannya memberikan kenyamanan, keamanan, dan daya tahan. Namun, bagaimana cara memilih rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga murah? Apakah ada faktor yang harus diperhatikan sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli?
Jika Anda sedang mencari rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga murah, Anda berada di tempat yang tepat! Artikel ini akan membahas panduan lengkap tentang cara memilih rubber flooring yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda, tips mendapatkan harga terbaik, serta berbagai informasi lain terkait jenis, kegunaan, dan harga rubber flooring dari KFI Sport.
Jika Anda tertarik untuk mendapatkan rubber flooring dengan kualitas terbaik dan harga yang kompetitif, bisa langsung menghubungi KFI Sport melalui WA di sini.
Mengapa Memilih Rubber Flooring?
Rubber flooring adalah solusi lantai yang sempurna untuk berbagai lingkungan. Mengapa rubber flooring semakin diminati? Karena material karet ini menawarkan keamanan dan kenyamanan yang sangat dibutuhkan, terutama di tempat-tempat yang rentan terhadap kecelakaan seperti taman bermain anak, lapangan olahraga, hingga sekolah.
Keunggulan Rubber Flooring:
Anti-Slip: Permukaannya yang elastis membantu mencegah tergelincir, sehingga aman digunakan di area outdoor dan indoor. Menyerap Benturan: Membantu meminimalkan cedera akibat jatuh, terutama di taman bermain anak. Tahan Lama: Tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrem dan bisa digunakan selama bertahun-tahun tanpa memerlukan perawatan intensif. Mudah Dirawat: Cukup dibersihkan dengan air dan sabun ringan untuk menjaga kebersihannya. Kegunaan Rubber Flooring untuk Berbagai Tempat Rubber flooring dapat diaplikasikan di berbagai tempat dengan fungsi yang berbeda-beda. Berikut beberapa penggunaan utama:
Untuk Sekolah Sekolah membutuhkan lantai yang aman dan tahan lama untuk area bermain dan olahraga. Rubber flooring cocok karena membantu mengurangi risiko cedera pada anak-anak.
Untuk Taman Bermain Di taman bermain, rubber flooring memberikan permukaan yang empuk dan aman bagi anak-anak yang sedang aktif bermain. Ini melindungi mereka dari cedera saat terjatuh.
Untuk Lapangan Olahraga Outdoor Rubber flooring di lapangan olahraga outdoor memberikan kestabilan dan kenyamanan ekstra bagi atlet, serta memperpanjang umur lantai di area yang sering digunakan.
Untuk Area Bermain Indoor Untuk area bermain indoor, rubber flooring juga sangat efektif karena mampu menyerap suara dan benturan, menjadikannya pilihan ideal untuk ruang bermain dalam ruangan.
Untuk Lapangan FutsalRubber flooring banyak digunakan di lapangan futsal karena permukaannya yang anti-slip dan mampu memberikan traksi yang baik selama pertandingan.
Jenis-Jenis Rubber Flooring Berdasarkan Ketebalan
Ketebalan rubber flooring adalah faktor penting yang harus Anda pertimbangkan karena akan mempengaruhi kenyamanan, keamanan, dan durabilitas. Berikut beberapa ketebalan yang tersedia:
Rubber Flooring 5mm
Rubber flooring dengan ketebalan 5mm cocok untuk area yang membutuhkan lantai yang tidak terlalu tebal, namun tetap tahan lama. Biasanya digunakan di area dengan aktivitas fisik ringan.
Rubber Flooring 10mm
Ketebalan ini ideal untuk lapangan olahraga dan playground karena memberikan bantalan yang cukup untuk menyerap benturan.
Rubber Flooring 15mm
Jika Anda membutuhkan rubber flooring untuk area dengan aktivitas fisik yang intens, seperti lapangan futsal atau basket, ketebalan 15mm adalah pilihan yang tepat. Lantai ini memberikan perlindungan ekstra bagi para pemain.
Perbedaan Rubber Mat SRB dan EPDM Rubber flooring dari KFI Sport tersedia dalam dua jenis utama, yaitu Rubber Mat SRB dan Rubber Mat EPDM. Berikut perbedaan antara keduanya:
Rubber Mat SRB
Warna polos seperti merah bata dan hijau tua tanpa motif. Tersedia dalam beberapa ketebalan: 1,5 cm, 2 cm, 2,5 cm, 3 cm, hingga 5 cm. Cocok untuk penggunaan di lapangan olahraga dan area outdoor. Harga Rubber Mat SRB:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp 495.000/m² Tebal 2 cm: Rp 520.000/m² Tebal 2.5 cm: Rp 540.000/m² Tebal 3 cm: Rp 565.000/m² Tebal 5 cm: Rp 720.000/m²
Rubber Mat EPDM
Memiliki motif warna-warni yang menarik, cocok untuk taman bermain anak dan area yang membutuhkan estetika lebih. Tersedia dalam ketebalan yang sama seperti Rubber Mat SRB, tetapi lebih tahan terhadap sinar UV. Harga Rubber Mat EPDM:
Tebal 1.5 cm: Rp 620.000/m² Tebal 2 cm: Rp 640.000/m² Tebal 2.5 cm: Rp 660.000/m² Tebal 3 cm: Rp 710.000/m² Tebal 5 cm: Rp 940.000/m² Panduan Memilih Ketebalan Rubber Flooring yang Tepat Ketebalan rubber flooring berpengaruh langsung pada keamanan dan kenyamanan. Bagaimana memilih ketebalan yang tepat?
Untuk area dengan aktivitas ringan, seperti taman bermain atau sekolah, rubber flooring dengan ketebalan 5mm hingga 10mm sudah cukup. Untuk lapangan olahraga outdoor atau indoor seperti futsal dan basket, pilih rubber flooring dengan ketebalan 10mm hingga 15mm untuk memberikan bantalan ekstra dan daya tahan yang lebih lama. Untuk area dengan aktivitas fisik tinggi, seperti gym atau lapangan futsal yang sering digunakan, rubber flooring 15mm memberikan perlindungan dan daya serap benturan terbaik.
Harga Rubber Flooring dari KFI Sport
KFI Sport menawarkan berbagai macam rubber flooring dengan harga yang terjangkau namun tetap berkualitas tinggi. Anda dapat menyesuaikan pilihan dengan anggaran dan kebutuhan spesifik.
Keunggulan Rubber Flooring untuk Lapangan Olahraga
Banyak lapangan olahraga, baik indoor maupun outdoor, menggunakan rubber flooring karena beberapa alasan berikut:
Anti-slip: Menjaga pemain tetap aman selama pertandingan, terutama saat kondisi lantai basah. Menyerap benturan: Mengurangi risiko cedera pada pemain saat terjatuh. Daya tahan tinggi: Mampu bertahan dalam jangka waktu lama meski sering digunakan, bahkan di luar ruangan dengan paparan cuaca ekstrem.
Penggunaan Rubber Flooring di Kota-Kota Indonesia
Banyak kota di Indonesia telah menggunakan rubber flooring untuk fasilitas olahraga publik. Berikut beberapa contoh:
Jakarta Beberapa fasilitas olahraga di Jakarta, seperti Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), telah menggunakan rubber flooring untuk lapangan basket dan taman kota.
Bandung Kota Bandung juga memiliki beberapa lapangan dengan rubber flooring, seperti di Taman Tegalega dan GOR Saparua.
Surabaya Taman Bungkul di Surabaya memiliki fasilitas olahraga dengan rubber flooring, terutama untuk jogging track.
Yogyakarta GOR UNY di Yogyakarta juga menggunakan rubber flooring di beberapa lapangan futsal dan basket.
Semarang Stadion Jatidiri di Semarang mulai menerapkan rubber flooring di lapangan lari dan area olahraga lainnya.
Makassar Beberapa fasilitas di Makassar, seperti GOR Sudiang, menggunakan rubber flooring untuk lapangan voli dan basket.
Tips Mendapatkan Rubber Flooring dengan Harga Murah
Bagaimana cara mendapatkan rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga murah? Berikut beberapa tips yang dapat membantu:
Beli dalam jumlah besar: Banyak penyedia menawarkan diskon untuk pembelian dalam jumlah besar. Bandingkan harga: Sebelum membeli, pastikan Anda membandingkan harga dari beberapa penyedia untuk mendapatkan penawaran terbaik. Pilih ketebalan yang sesuai: Jangan membayar lebih untuk ketebalan yang tidak dibutuhkan. Cari promo: Banyak toko menawarkan promosi atau diskon pada waktu-waktu tertentu. Cek kualitas: Pastikan meskipun harganya murah, kualitas tetap menjadi prioritas.
Hubungi Kami Sekarang!
Ingin mendapatkan rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga terbaik? WA kami di https://wa.me/6281380351143, dan dapatkan penawaran menarik hari ini!
Memilih rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga murah memang tidak mudah, tetapi dengan informasi yang tepat, Anda bisa menemukan produk yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan anggaran. Rubber flooring dari KFI Sport adalah pilihan terbaik bagi Anda yang mencari lantai karet berkualitas untuk sekolah, taman, lapangan olahraga, dan area bermain anak.
Jika Anda tertarik untuk mendapatkan rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga terbaik, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi KFI Sport melalui WA di sini.
Berapa harga rubber flooring per meter persegi? Harga rubber flooring berkisar antara Rp 470.000/m² hingga Rp 940.000/m² tergantung jenis dan ketebalan.
Apakah rubber flooring cocok untuk area outdoor? Ya, rubber flooring dirancang untuk tahan terhadap cuaca ekstrem, sehingga sangat cocok untuk penggunaan di area outdoor.
Apakah rubber flooring aman untuk anak-anak? Sangat aman, karena bahan karet mampu menyerap benturan dan mengurangi risiko cedera.
Bagaimana cara merawat rubber flooring? Rubber flooring mudah dirawat, cukup bersihkan dengan air dan sabun ringan secara berkala.
Di mana bisa membeli rubber flooring berkualitas? Anda bisa membeli rubber flooring berkualitas dengan harga terbaik di KFI Sport. Hubungi melalui WA di sini.
#Granul Karet Murah untuk Taman Bermain Anak#Rubber Flooring Berkualitas dengan Harga Terbaik#Berapa Harga Rubber Flooring untuk Area Bermain Anak di Luar Ruangan?#Lantai karet outdoor#Rubber Flooring untuk Ruang Bermain Indoor#Apakah Harga Rubber Flooring Impor Lebih Mahal dari Lokal?#Panduan Harga Rubber Flooring untuk Lapangan Basket#Berapa Harga Rubber Flooring untuk Arena Bermain Anak?
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Lights Out
Santiago Garcia x AFAB!Reader (no y/n)
warnings: oral (afab receiving), fluff and feels (be warned)
words: 2.9k
a/n: this comes from a request from my lovely bestie @flightlessangelwings. it uh... well it got away from me a bit and therefore is a full fic. talk about coming back to tumblr fanfic writing with a vengence. sorry not sorry.
The storm outside was loud. So loud that every boom of thunder felt like it was shaking your entire house. You held your cat on your lap while on the couch, curled up with your favorite blanket, and the television turned on to the romance movie you had started earlier in the week. The plus side to working for the small town bar was that your boss, your best friend, didnât force you to come in during storms.
The unexpected night off meant you got comfy in a large oversized t-shirt and soft cotton sleep shorts. Which was the call for the blanket as the temperature outside cooled down more than you were expecting. Your calico Ellie also helped keep you warm as she purred on your lap.
The lights flickered, but nothing else seemed affected, so you ignored it and returned to watching the movie. After months of built-up flirting, the male protagonist had just gotten the nerve to kiss the female protagonist. His hand on her chin made goosebumps rise along your skin. You were hopelessly romantic and loved all those movies and seeing the characters kiss for the first time. It was electric, and you always dreamed of having that for yourself.
The lights flickered three more times in rapid succession before everything went dark. Even though your heart rate elevated with anxiety, you managed a breath before muttering, âDamn it,â and getting up from your comfortable spot. Ellie gave a soft chirping meow to let you know that she didnât like being moved, but she managed to get to the other end of the couch and curl back up to sleep. You shook your head at her before heading to the kitchen. In one of the drawers, you dug through the piles of receipts and take-out menus, rubber bands, and scotch tape until you found the little purple sparkly flashlight.
Just as you pull it out to turn it on, a loud knock at your door makes you jumpâyour heart races as you try to steady your breathing. You get the flashlight turned on just before you reach your front door. You peeked out the top window from your tiptoes just enough to see the top of a head covered in onyx-colored curls. You opened the door to find Santiago, your neighbor, soaked to the bone and panting.
âSanti,â you sighed as you lowered the flashlight and stepped back to allow him inside. His head is lowered as he steps in but remains on the indoor welcome mat, seemingly trying not to drip water all over your hardwood floor. You closed the door, rushed to the oven to grab the hand towel, and handed it to him. He offered a soft âthanksâ while drying his face and arms.
âWell, I see youâre out of power too,â Santi mentions as he stands up straighter and looks around your living room with a soft chuckle, then back to you.
âJust lost it. Interrupted my movie too,â you offer with a soft laugh; turning off the flashlight as the moon glows from outside is enough to see Santi as you converse.
After an awkward silence, Santi hands the now-damp towel back to you, and you put it on the counter beside you.
âDidnât know if you and Ellie needed anything,â he finally spoke after clearing his throat. His brows lifted as he looked at you. Even in the dark, there was no denying how handsome Santi was. Add in how wonderful of a neighbor he had been over the last year since you moved in, and he was pretty accurately the perfect man.
He had helped change the spark plugs in your car, repaired the front gutter, helped build your back deck, and replaced the upstairs bathâs faucet. All for free. He never asked for anything in return except for some free pastries when heâd stop by your bakery. You couldnât say no. His sweet tooth was like no other, and for the rugged man he appeared to be, knowing he had a soft spot for your cupcakes and brownies made you just that little bit mushier.
âItâs fine. Weâve survived worse,â you commented, a wry laugh being pulled from you. The words and meanings were heavier than you intended them to be. Santi seemed to catch on as he stared after you, watching you move further into the kitchen.
âDid you want some water?â you offered as you reached into the cupboard for two glasses. The fridge, thankfully, still worked for a few minutes after a power outage. You knew it would eventually run out of the reserved energy to keep things cold, but at least you had the water jug in there.
âSure,â Santi answered, wiping his feet before venturing toward you over at the sink. But as he waited, he did so very close to the side of the fridge. You turned after filling the first glass and bumped into him with your elbow, causing the cold water to splash onto you, eliciting a shriek.
âOh! Shit, Iâm so sorry,â Santi started apologizing and immediately grabbed the towel from the counter you had let him use. He started patting you down with it, but the dampness of the towel from his usage and the cold water already absorbing into your shirt caused you to shiver and shake your head. You set the glass on the counter by the fridge and mumbled to him that you were okay. He handed you the towel but stood dumbfounded as he watched you.
âAre you sure? Can I get you something else? Where are your other towels?â he asked rapidly before hurrying around the kitchen, opening drawers and cabinets to find something else to dry you off.
âSanti,â you said with a laugh. âIâm good. Let me get changed. Help yourself to the water, though. Iâll be right back.â
You disappeared around the corner and down the hall. Stripping off the T-shirt once in your bedroom, you opened your wardrobe to find... nothing else in the comfort level to be worn. Your dirty laundry was still in the washer in the basement, and you hadnât switched it over to the dryer before the storm. You mentally and physically facepalmed. âGreat,â you muttered before closing the drawer and moving to your closet. It wasnât exactly ideal, but it would have to do.
Walking back out toward the kitchen, fiddling with the buttons on your exâs dress shirt, you didnât notice Santi had moved, and you ran head-first into his solid chest. âWhoa,â he laughed, his arms coming out to steady your shoulders. His hands were warm on your cold skin, even through the shirt's material.
You swallowed thickly as you looked up at him. The moment was fleeting, but it was there, and you swore you saw the sparkle in his deep brown eyes. But perhaps that was just the lights flickering back on. You heard all the machines in your kitchen turn on, and it must have cleared Santiâs mind because he, too, backed away and cleared his throat.
âWell, look at that,â he said and nodded slowly, looking around to see everything turn back on - including the television. The movie must have paused when the power went out because it picked right back up where it had left off. The two main characters were getting into their kissing, and the music was swelling, indicating which direction things were going in.
âOh!â you shouted as the moans from the actors started to fill the room and romantic close-ups of their bodies began to show on the screen. You practically fumbled and ran from Santi to find the remote. The moaning and panting got louder, and you swore the remote was on the couch. You bent in strange ways, trying to see it, lifting the blanket from where it had crumpled, and felt your heart racing faster and faster with each passing moment.
Santi looked on, bemused, a smirk on his lips, taking a mental note of what kind of movies you enjoyed. Was it because he wanted to know you a bit better? Yes. Was it also because the noises from the tv sounded erotic and affected him? Also yes. And how you bent over at one certain angle, perhaps giving him the slightest hint of the bottom of your backside? Absolutely yes.
He walked over after you seemed to be failing at locating the remote. âCan I help?â he asked, standing closer to the tv, the actors getting into the steamy sex scene now. You could barely hear him over the thumping in your ears from your heart. Where the fuck did that little remote go, and why was there so much moaning on the television now?
You turned and saw Santi watching the tv as the sex scene played. It was rather raunchy for being a romance film, but it was steamy and sexy, and you swallowed thickly. You cleared your throat, staring at how Santi watched the scene play out.
âWhat movie is this?â he asked before facing you and noticing you staring at him.
Caught off guard, you stumbled through an answer. âOh, uh, itâs just some romance movie based on a book series.â Vague, yes. Keep it vague.
Santiâs smirk took over, and your knees would buckle if it were a romance movie like the one on your screen. He was so ruggedly handsome, and you were brought back to just a few minutes before when his hands were on you. The feeling had this moment of staring at each other, turning you into a puddle. Especially as Santi moved away from the tv and toward you, his head cocked to one side, seemingly studying you.
âDo you like romance novels? And movies?â
There was no judgment, no mocking in his tone. He was genuinely asking. You quickly ran through the scenarios of what a yes answer and a denying no answer could look like. You opted for honesty. After all, other than your crush on him, your neighborly friendship with him had always been honest and straightforward.
You nodded as he moved closer and now stood directly before you. His nod was much slower than yours, thoughtful, and you noticed all of the stubble along his jaw. That hadnât been there the last time you had seen him. But it suited him. His hand gently came up in front of your chest but paused, his eyes searching yours. Your gaze flicked from his eyes to his lips and back as your head gently nodded.
His rough, calloused hand ghosted in front of your chest and to your jawline. The contrast of the feel of his hand against your jaw and your skin caused both of you to take shuddering breaths in. âSo you enjoy the idea of being kissed⌠softly?â Santi asked, his soft, graveling tone sending a shiver down your body.
Your heart felt like it had jumped into your throat, making words hard to come out. Instead, you nodded and breathed in, holding it. Your gaze on Santi was soft but begging him to move even closer. You had wanted to feel his kiss for so long, but you didnât know that he even had an inkling of romantic feelings toward you.
âMay I?â
The question surprised you. Santi didnât seem the type to ask. You had seen him with women at the neighborhood picnics and gatherings. He always seemed so in control and cocky. The first time you officially introduced yourself to him, his smirk nearly made you hate him because he looked so full of himself.
But it was becoming more apparent that that was a facade, and with that, you nodded and mumbled a soft âpleaseâ in answer. His look was pure contentment as he leaned in, his hand sliding over to hold your chin and lifting it ever so slightly. He leaned in, his lips nearly at yours before he spoke, causing you to whimper.
âIâve wanted to kiss you for six months.â
You blinked and looked up at him. Your face did a slight double take, blinking harder.
âI came over to help you fix more stuff because I had this ridiculous fantasy of coming over sometime and finding you half-dressed. Iâd take you on the couch and devour you, tasting all of you. Like some romance movie,â he admitted, and your entire body became alight with lust. You couldnât even stop your hands as they lifted to his fitted t-shirt and gripped the front of it, pulling him to you so that his lips had no choice but to land on yours.
The groans he let out let you know that you had done something right in taking the first move. His free hand slid down the side of your body to your hip, where his rough fingertips dug into your flesh, crumpling the shirt. You took a step back, tugging him with you until your knees buckled at the couch, and you both landed, Santiâs knee on the left side of you on the sofa.
Your hands moved up to his face, cupping his scruffed jaw. His lips chased yours, but you had other plans as you held his face and moved your lips along his cheek and to the soft spot behind his ear. Your tongue played against it, licking him before moving to his jugular. His hand on your chin slid down to cup your breast through the shirt, and you moaned, arching your back into his touch.
âOh, thatâs what you like, hm?â he breathed out, moving his face down to echo the licking and nibbling at your neck that you had just done to him. His smirk could be felt against your skin as you mewled in pleasure.
Hands moved all over; mouths continued to explore the upper parts of your bodies until they were reunited again in a heavier, hotter, more passionate kiss. Santiâs hand trailed down your body to between your legs, where he found your moist center. He groaned, his thumb pressing gently against the sensitive button that had your hips wildly thrusting toward him. His hand continued to move but in such a teasing manner that it was starting to frustrate you. Just having his body on yours was better than anything, but having his hand at your most needed part was already better than all your nights with your toys.
His mouth ventured down, suckling at your breast through the shirt, moistening it before moving down until he was on his knees on the floor in front of the couch and you. His hands slid up your thighs, pushing the oversized shirt out of his way. He leaned in, kissing up one thigh, then, when he barely reached your apex, his mouth moved to the other, starting the trail north.
âGod, Santi, please,â you murmured, a mumble. Your brain was working on overdrive that this man would do this to live out the fantasy he had admitted to you.
His hands worked down your shorts and panties in one fell swoop. A master at undressing you already. Either that, or you were just that needy and desperate. He leaned in the moment he saw the glistening of your sex. His tongue swiping along your slit, bottom to top, your hands nestled into his curls.
âSanti.â You breathed out his name in pants and moans, and he was done for. His mouth closed over your warm cunt, lapping at you before stiffening his tongue and pressing into you. The curl of the muscle of his tongue pushing into you had your breath catching in your throat. His mouth was magic, and you were sure to come undone quickly.
But just as your peak nearly hit, your hips pressing up against his face, he pulled back, his hands pushing your hips back down. âOh, baby. Not yet. I want to see you crumble and hear you scream, but I want to keep tastinâ you. I want to know that Iâm making you shudder and shiver from pleasure. Okay?â
You whine, but if the last few minutes were any indication, Santi had no plans to leave the space between your legs soon. His tongue gently licked at you, to which you shuddered from sensitivity. His hands worked in slow circles on your thighs, and when his mouth wasnât against you, his eyes were studying his fingers played gently against your clit, watching the way you would tense and clench around nothing.
And you were right. Three orgasms from his lips and mouth alone later, Santi finally comes up for air, his scruff glistening with your wetness. You reach out for him and pull his head up to you so that you can lean forward and capture his lips against yours. You moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue and in his mouth as you deepen the kiss.
When you broke the kiss, Santi leaned his forehead against yours to catch his breath. âI.. am not done with you,â he grinned as he kissed you chastely and pulled back. Showing you the wicked grin on his lips and the devilish glint in his dark eyes. You laughed and shook your head.
âYou really shouldnât wait six months to kiss me next time,â you quipped. His chuckle seemed to rumble deep into his chest.
âOh, so youâre sassy too, huh?â he laughed as his hands gently tickled your sides before sliding one up to hold your chin again to you could look directly into his eyes.
âIâm never waiting to kiss you ever again. Ever,â he told you sternly, the laughter dying off as his lips retook yours in a soft, gentle, but firm kiss.
#santiago garcia#santi garcia x reader#santiago garcia fic#santiago pope garcia#pope garcia#santiago garcia smut#pope garcia smut#triple frontier fic#triple frontier smut#afab!read#triple frontier#oscar isaac#oscar isaac characters#the purity pen
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Ignihyde 6
Summary: Idiaâs not quite better but he refuses to stay in his room, so you wrapped him in a fireproof blanket and took him to see little Ortho.
If there was one trick youâve learned to have feral pets become comfortable around your presence, itâs to wrap said critter up in a blanket and take them everywhere you can. Though, honestly, having Idia snug against your chest as you walked up the stairs was more the result of Idia wandering in places he shouldnât. His panicky nature makes you a bit paranoid that heâll start a house fire.
The will oâ the wisp shrieked when your hand reached out to the doorknob, though it wasnât as loud as it was when he came to consciousness. Nor was his flame as sparking. He burned you but that was your fault for thinking heâd be knocked out for longer.
You bobbed his blanket-covered head. âItâs just my hand. Calm down.â
He didnât struggle to get your hand off. You looked down to see him staring up at you with his little jewel eyes. Honestly, you didnât think theyâd show any sort of emotion, precious stones as they are, but you can tell heâs not maddened with paranoia and panic. Just, mild discomfort as most. Kinda like when Jade and Floyd gave into their fate of being held by you.
âHey,â you inclined your head through the doorway, âtake a look. Itâs Ortho.â
Ortho, on the other hand, took to you very quickly. And as such, you trust him to wander about without making accidents happen. His tank was open just a crack in case he couldnât take the indoor air and the entirety of the floor was covered in various pillows and blankets so the little flame doesnât hurt himself.
Off to the side, you heard a weak squeak before a light ghostly cough trailed after it. Somehow or another, Ortho managed to construct a mini fortress right next to the tank using the blankets. One hand was gripping it, like he was trying to drag it inside his tank.
Idia, upon seeing his sickly little brother, started to shuffle and squirm. You patted him back down when he tried to squeeze out of your grip.
âNope, not yet. Heâs still sick.â Youâve watched Idia care for the Ortho to the point of stressing both himself and his brother. The smaller wisp was still in a delicate period and you donât want to set his recovery back. âBut see? Heâs doing alright. I didnât do anything bad to him.â
As though to placate him, Ortho did a small wave before crawling right back into the tank, apparently giving up on trying to get his fortress in there. He closed the glass lid before collapsing on his various sheets and toys youâve found buried in your closet. He kicked up a rubber ball before just collapsing on a nearby wrinkle.
âWell,â you smoothed Idiaâs head when he retreated deeper into your grip, âhe tuckered himself out. What about you?â
All you heard was a wispy sigh. Seems his nerves were all tied up until now. You should put him back to bed.
#twst#twisted wonderland#twst-drabbles#ask#drabble#ignihyde#idia#idia shroud#ortho#ortho shroud#house pet au#reader insert
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