#indigenous interception
mochi-yu · 1 year
Empathy pt.1
pt.2 pt.3
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The world of pandora was vast in terrain and creatures, being a home for various species of fauna and Na’vi - the indigenous natives who inhabited Pandora as their home. The planet was covered in varying green hues of lush green jungle to translucent blue oceans reaching as far as the eye could see. Some would say the most breathtaking part of Pandora was its large territory of tropical land with it’s fearful creatures, multiple subspecies of biota and phosphorescent overgrowth. Nothing could compare to the sight of your fortress high in the mountains however.
You sat between your Na’vi friends legs, his arm laid loosely on his propped knee as he let you patch him up, brows slightly furrowed at the stings of his wounds. If only he wasn’t such a skxawng then he wouldn’t be in this predicament. Your fingers dipped into the yalnabark, smearing it tenderly over his chest.
“You could’ve died you know..” your voice was soft but he noticed the irate undertone, he knew that. The lecture his father gave him was more than enough to sour his mood, he didn’t need to be reminded. Your fingers felt the way his chest rose and exhaled rigidly, peering up your eyes trailed the outline of his tense jaw and his furrowed brow, a deep sigh left your lips.
They had intercepted a supply train on route to the sky people’s stronghold, Brighead City, effectively bombing the tracks resulting in a successful loot. The two Sully brothers were lookout, scoping out the perimeter on their Ikrans with their duty to relay any odd activities to their father, Jake Sully, but the younger brothers sense of curiosity and adventure got the best of him, unfortunately pulling his older brother into his mischief to relive their post and be a part of the ground team. Ultimately failing to report the approaching gun ships.
Although the ground team was able to bring down most of the ships, one was able to shoot a few volleys of missiles with one of them blowing Neteyam a few feet away. To say the lecture they received was bad was an understatement - Lo’ak got an earful from his father and was prohibited from flying for a month, Neteyam had to get his wounds patched up by his grandmother.
You stood from your kneeled position, bending at the waist to softly push Lo’aks head back so he was coaxed to look at you, his troubled golden eyes looking into your own yellow hues - “I know you’re in a bad mood right now but you did promise me a patrol..” your lips trailed off, happily watching the look in his eyes slowly disappear and his tense features finally relax. A smirk pulled at his lips, hand swatting your own away from his head before grabbing your upper arm and rushing out of the hut in search for the rest of your group.
“A promise is a promise!”
Upon finding the rest of the members of your party you all decided to stop by the biolab where Norm and Max, along with all the scientist, transferred into their avatars and did their research; which also housed your mothers tank. Kiri and yourself happily agreeing to see mom before departing.
The two of you had been birthed by Grace’s avatar in a mysterious conception as it happened a few months after her passing -no clue on who your father was or where he was. Kiri and yourself both had some differences in appearance compared to the other Na’vi, from your five fingers, slightly more humanistic appearance, to your odd bond with Eywa. But Kiri was the one with the closest connection, often finding her in a deep slumber on the forest floor with the blades of grass pulsating around her like ocean waves, able to hear Eywa’s mighty heart beat.
But you could not.
It was not a known fact to the rest of your family or the clan but Kiri had a gift, a gift you knew would make others believe she was a freak, as so she only shared this gift with you; her sister. You did not have as much of a strong connection with Eywa but you were much more in tune with your world, your Ikran accepting you with no troubles, feeling the waves of life through Pandora, much more sentimental to all living things - you saw the planet in a whole different perspective. It was like a living breathing being. This undoubtedly made your relationship with Kiri much more sentimental, sharing the same feelings of being different. Outcasts.
you all flooded into the building, shooting a quick hello to Max and Norm before you and Kiri made a B line to your mothers tank, your sister hopping on top of the tank in a straddle before lowering with outstretched arms - hugging the glass. Snatching one of the small computer screens, you sat on the counter, finger swiping to find your mothers vlogs; hearing Kiri mumble a faint ‘hi mom’.
You especially loved watching the ones where she would go on and on about Pandoras fauna and flora, the awe on her face and pure delight in her voice as she described every minuscule detail made your heart ache. You would’ve loved to meet her, your shared love of the world was identical. Truly your mothers daughter.
Spider leaned against the tank railing watching Kiri as she traced your mothers face over the glass, his lips a faint smile. His crush on her was obvious, it hurt to watch truth be told, he followed her around like a lost puppy. You giggled behind your hand.
“What are you giggling about?” Lo’ak appeared in the room, walking over to the counter where you sat and propping a leg on it, an oxygen mask dangling around his neck, he eyed you; your head tilted towards the two, watching his face grimace. You held back a laugh.
Lo’ak peered down at the screen in your hands, the silence lasting only seconds before he trailed off, “So who do you think knocked her up?” you inwardly groaned, “pretty sure it was Norm.”
Spider piped in, chuckling, “totally!”
Kiri and you exchanged annoyed looks, staring at the two boys with an incredulous look on her features as she hopped down, “You do not deserve to live!”
The Sully boy gestured to his human friend while pointing at the screen, “No, no, think about it right..” making hand gestures.
Spider pursed his lips, holding in a laugh as Lo’ak continued, “He’s the teachers pet, he’s at the lab with her all the time..”
Kiri’s face was deadpan, glancing at you before turning to the two boys, her words serious. “I would kill my self. I would drink acid.”
Spider couldn’t contain himself any longer, letting out a heart snicker as he pointed at the computer screen, “Bro you’re right, he’s like in every shot! L-look look he’s giving her the looks!” Kiri snapped her gaze to him, giving him an exasperate “Hey!” You offered her an apologetic smile, inwardly finding this whole conversation entertaining.
“See I’m thinking their two avatars went out into the woods,” Lo’ak placed a hand on his chest, tone suggestive as he turned to you for a second, a playful smirk on his lips, “all alooneee..”
Your foot connected with his ankle, giving him a light kick with your hand covering you mouth to conceal your laughs, Kiri lightly shoving Lo’ak with a disgusted ‘gross!’
“Guys, guys, sometimes it’s not so great to know who your father was!..” all of the attention turned to Spider, the smile on his face twitching insecurely as the atmosphere in the room turned awkward, feeling small from all of the focus on him. His face fell, hurriedly turning his back to you all - “whatever, don’t even remember him”
Lo’ak and you glanced at one another, Kiri made her way behind him, hugging him and grasping onto his upper arms, giving him supportive squeezes, her words were full of resolve, no doubt in her mind.
“You are not him..”
You disagreed with whoever said that within the forest was the most beautiful place to be, wholeheartedly believing Pandora’s most greatest creation to be the Ayram Alusìng - the momentous floating mountains with cascading waterfalls and thick girthy vines connecting each individual summit to another, the land below like a large green blur from how distanced the Hallelujah mountains were from stable terrain. The adrenaline that shot through your veins from nimbly jumping from vine to vine, branch to branch was unparalleled by anything else.
The zephyr winds carried your laughter along the sky, your journey down to the forest below was distant and challenging, having to descend from the high mountains and down the cascading vines with precaution of not falling to your death. Growing up in this land made you skilled mountain and forest dwellers, being able to easily maneuver the ways of the forest. Tuk awed and oohed at the plethora of flora that brushed against the skin of her arms as you all made way through the narrow path of a large fallen log. Spider and Lo’ak eagerly walked ahead, leading the way. Lo’aks keen desire for adventure yet to be satisfied, honestly you wouldn’t doubt if that desire was never fulfilled, he was a curious soul that yearned to find new things to learn and discover, even if it cost him lectures and his fathers anger. You knew he felt like the black sheep of the family, his fathers attention always focused on Neteyam.
Always living behind his fathers legacy of Toruk Makto and his brothers golden child status, in the shadows, trying to live up to his father’s expectations. His reckless behavior a consequence of such pressure, only gaining his fathers recognition through mischief and trouble making.
Tuk kneeled down to brush her fingers against the tentacles of a nearby plant, laughing in joy at the strange sensation.
“Tuk keep up!” The eldest Sully called out, she whined before catching up, her pace right behind yours as your tail brushed against her cheek teasingly.
“Bro why’d you bring her anyways?” Spider breathed out, all of you coming to a halt as Lo’ak faced the group, his tone slightly irate. “She’s such a crybaby!-“
“I’m telling, you’re not supposed to go to the battlefield, I’ll tell mom if you don’t let me come.” He mocked, pitching his voice higher to mimic Tuk’s, she stuck her tongue out at him. Kiri gave him a look as he continued onward, you all followed behind - “Don’t pick on her!”
Lo’ak hoisted himself onto the large curve of a fallen tree, his hands expertly climbing up the vines and onto the remnants of a long forgotten gun ship, moss had made it’s home in both the exterior and interior, thick vines holding the broken machine up in a bittersweet embrace. Your eyes watched fondly as Lo’ak inspected to his hearts desire, tracing his fingers along every dent and arrow puncture. He truly was his happiest went out adventuring.
“Hey, where’s Kiri?” You heard Spider inquire from below, him and Tuk looking around amongst the plethora of Forest tree trunks and large bushes. You crouched down, a hint of worry crawling into the back of your mind as you too observed around you, looking for any sign of her, she was probably off doing what she does best.
“Spider could you go find her for me please? I’ll stay here and make sure Lo’ak doesn’t get into any trouble.” Your voice softly pleaded, the wink you gave him made his cheeks flush, giving you a thumbs up before running off with Tuk, you knew the human boy wouldn’t pass up on some alone time with Kiri.
“Why’d you wink at him for?” Lo’ak looked down at you from his position beside your crouched form, his eyes gazing at your back. You stood, turning to him, sizing him up with your hands clasped behind you, “What? Are you jealous?” Those teasing yellow eyes peering up at him through long lashes. His gaze unwavered.
He craned his neck down, the height difference between you obvious. You could almost feel his breath on you, his eyes vague but his stare intense. It almost made your teasing falter - “So what if I am?”
His words caught you by surprise, your usual calm demeanor hesitated, the warmth on your cheeks spreading. Lo’ak was never this bold in his response to your teasing, it made butterflies in your tummy.
You broke your gaze from his, hands connected with his chest in a light shove before making your escape, “Don’t say stuff like that!”
His laughter echoed in the forest as his footsteps trailed behind you. “Cmon bro, that wasn’t even my best!”
Lo’ak chased after you, weaving through stray branches and overhead leaves, the wide smile on his face a stark contrast to the forest around, the breeze from his speed blowing against his cheeks. Everything in his peripheral was a blur, only focused on you and the way your body curved with every turn, legs nimble as they jumped over rocks, branches. It reminded him of when the two of you were younger, chasing each other through the forest with his fathers regards long forgotten, searching for insects, rocks, and crystals; he had forgotten how much he enjoyed your rendezvous.
You arrived at a small clearing, the suns warm rays leaking through the canopy of trees above, the feeling of lush blades of grass underneath your feet ever so inviting. Lo’aks steps started to slow down, wondering why you had stopped, the feeling of your fingers wrapping around his hand and pulling him down with you interrupted his questioning, your giggles flowing into his ears - his body landed on soft ground, chest heaving as the adrenaline from the chase starts to come down.
Your body laid facing his, watching as his chest rose and fell before looking up at his face, golden eyes already on you. Your lips pulled into a smile, unaware of your still intertwined hands, “brings back memories doesn’t it?”
He nodded, eyes drooping, with his mind tracing back to the past, when times were simpler and he needn’t worry about expectations. His hand squeezed yours, savoring in the warmth. Ever the observant girl, you noticed the way his eyebrows furrowed and his slight tightness on your hand, “Something wrong?” you inquired.
He was silent for a few seconds, slightly hesitant. His eyelids opened but he looked up at the trees above, watching the breeze prompt them to dance, “I wish it was the same as before, without my fathers yaymak rules and expectations..”
“Times change Lo’ak. When we were younger we did not have to worry about sky people or responsibilities..” he grunted at your words, knowing there was truth behind them. You continued, “your father is Olo’eyktan, you and Neteyam are his sons, you will take his place when the time comes, I believe he simply wants to keep you safe Lo’ak.” Your words were gentle, he appreciated your listening ears and the way you thought deeply of ever word you said to him, but his resentment had grown over the years.
the grip on your hand tightened further, his fingers caressing the tip of your own, “He does not even acknowledge me, ____.” He shifted his gaze from the trees and onto you, his eyes held such emotion within them, your heart ached for him.
“it’s always Neteyam, Neteyam, Neteyam- I am tired of always being compared to my brother..”
His breaths were rigged. You sat up, inching closer to him as you brought your intertwined hands to your chest, causing Lo’ak to prop himself up, slightly embarrassed at revealing his troubled feelings. But you understood, you always have, your own thoughts of not being as good enough as your sister coming to mind. She has always been closer to your mother compared to you, having an unyielding connection with Eywa, being able to hear her heart beat and mothers whispers. It was something you longed for, to feel known to your own mother. It was truly frustrating.
The silence that curtained the two of you was tranquil, the rustle of the leaves and chirping of the prolemuris flooded your ears. Eyes swirling with his own, an unspoken understanding between the two of you, you didn’t have to say anything, he had long known. Revealed to him when you were fourteen, the same time when he started to let you be a part of his own troubles. It’s what made you closer, attached. It’s what made those feelings blossom from friendship to something beyond, too scared to explore those feelings caused a rift in your relationship but the lingering touches and stares preserved, teasing the possibilities.
You had long known that you no longer saw Lo’ak as the childish boy from your childhood, the boy who always stole you away from your studies and friends, dragging you along with him to the forest to explore, the boy who shoved rocks and little finds into your face with a wide grin, beaming with pride at his new discoveries. But you were scared. Scared of causing an even further rift, but you knew you had to get your point across, have him know and understand that you saw him for who he was, not for who his father wished.
He felt the way you hesitated, the tremble of your hands that you fought to suppress but he was adept at catching the smallest of details, watching as you inhaled deeply before letting out a deep sigh, your eyes searching his, lips parting as you finally spoke.
“I see you..”
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fatehbaz · 1 year
You know about the Fenix nickel project in Guatemala? It’s a massive area where nickel is mined via mountaintop removal. The mines have been in operation since the 1960s. The Fenix mining complex was a major asset for the US-backed military coup leaders and dictatorship during the long and horrific Guatemalan campaign(s) against Maya people. Here, for 60 years, Indigenous residents have stood against environmental degradation and violent reprisals from security forces. In late 2021, to quell Indigenous protestors, the federal military enforced a month-long “state of siege”.
Remember the news from March 2022, when a major investigation from The Intercept and multiple other international researchers and outlets looked into leaked corporate emails? Remember the revelations from the leaked emails, about public officials and police working for the mining corporation to brutalize local communities resisting extraction?
Well, check out this news from April 2023.
The United States has a plan to basically unofficially acquire the mine.
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A “substantial discount”.
The way that Newsw**k frames this revelation? Read the exclusive report for yourself, but basically: “The US needs stuff like nickel and lithium so that it can make more money and remain dominant in the future transition to, like, ‘green energy’ and electric cars. But China is outmaneuvering the US. China has better access to some of these resources. The US seeks cheaper sources of nickel and lithium. Therefore, the US has used its sanctions against Russian businesses as a convenient rationale to penalize sponsors/owners of the Fenix nickel project. The US ultimately wants access to the mine, so the US applies financial pressure, and forces the company into a situation where its best option is to simply sell itself to a Canadian mining company. And that Canadian mining company is basically under orders from the US government and US investors.”
And if you want a primer on the Fenix mine? Highly recommend checking out The Intercept’s report from March 2022.
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Accessible, clear, well-researched. With input from and interviews with local people. Here: Sandra Cuffe. “The Hidden Story of a Notorious Guatemalan Nickel Mine.” The Intercept. 27 March 2022.
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galenachrysanthemum · 4 months
i've been impressed by the ability of this seemingly rag-tag team of white aussie dipshits to do journalism lately
some of you may recognise friendly jordies as the guy who had his house firebombed after discussing links between former new south wales deputy premier john barilaro and organised crime (this is a mirror upload, as the original was taken down due to continued threats, the nature of which have not been made public)
Pine Gap is a military installation near the centre of australia run by the CIA, NSA, NRO, and a token presence of australian military personnel. It is notable for being the groudstation primarily responsible for all us military or intelligence satellite traffic in the eastern hemisphere, which is to say all sattelite traffic that cannot be picked up by a groundstation on us soil. it has been operating since the mid 60s and as such has played a significant role in us involvement in vietnam, afghanistan, and iraq.
as well as being one of the sites named by edward snowden as part of the us program of intercepting civillian communications worldwide (including, but likely not limited to, XKeyscore and interception of communication satelite transmissions), it is known to provide targeting telemetry for missile and drone strikes and it is currently in use by the idf for this, and likely other purposes.
in the mid 1970s, australian prime minister gough whitlam threatened to terminate australia's end of the treaty allowing the us to operate pine gap as part of an effort to gain some independance from foreign superpowers. he was later dismissed by governor general john kerr and it is alledged by a former CIA contractor that the CIA pushed kerr to dismiss whitlam as they had him in their pocket (describing him as "our man kerr")
the number of us military bases and installations in australia has largely not been a topic of discussion in recent years, perhaps it should be again. it has been nice to see indigenous rights and land rights gain some traction these past few years (because of course all these bases are built on stolen indigenous land, why wouldn't they be). perhaps gaza can be a wake up call for what happens when you let another country's government make your decisions for you and perhaps we can even do some good for other important causes along the way as well.
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mrmrswales · 2 years
The EARTHSHOT PRIZE AWARDS 2022 Ceremony will take place at the MGM Music Hall at Fenway on December 2nd.
44:01 (Oman) - According to the UN, removing CO2 is essential if we are to limit global warming. Oman-based 44.01 removes CO2 permanently by mineralising it in rock.
LanzaTech (USA) - Carbon, released into the atmosphere, heats the planet. LanzaTech are using bacteria to recycle carbon pollution into profitable and sustainable products.
Low Carbon Materials (United Kingdom) - Concrete is responsible for an extraordinary eight percent of the world’s CO2 emissions. Now, thanks to UK based LCM, production could soon go from unclean to green.
Ampd Enertainer (Hong Kong) - The construction industry is difficult to decarbonise and is one of the biggest drivers of air pollution. Ampd Energy has revolutionised the way we power construction. 
Mukuru Clean Stoves (Kenya) - Across Africa, 700 million people use traditional cookstoves, which emit harmful chemicals and lack safeguards. Mukuru Clean Stoves are different. 
Roam (Kenya) - The electric vehicle revolution is coming to East Africa. Roam is bringing affordable, electric transport to one of the world’s fastest growing regions.
City of Amsterdam, Circular Economy (The Netherlands) -  In 2020, The City of Amsterdam committed to becoming a circular economy. By 2050, it aims to waste nothing and recycle everything.
Fleather (India) - Flowers cast into the Ganges river contain highly toxic pesticides. Phool used this floral waste to make a sustainable alternative to leather. 
Notpla (United Kingdom) - 6.3bn tonnes of untreated plastic waste currently litter our streets and fill our seas. Notpla shows us that the future is not plastic, it’s seaweed.
Desert Agricultural Transformation (China) - The climate crisis means more of the Earth will become inhospitable desert. But now, thanks to Desert Agricultural Transformation, barren landscapes are turning into lush, green oases.
Hutan (Malaysia) - In Malaysian Borneo, research organisation Hutan is working with the local community to develop a more harmonious coexistence between its wildlife and people.
Kheyti (India) - Eight in ten of the world's farmers are smallholders. Beset by climate-affected harvests, Kheyti's Greenhouse-in-a-Box is helping them reduce climate risk and increase yields.
Indigenous Women of the Great Barrier Reef (Australia) - The Great Barrier Reef is under constant environmental threat. Now, the Indigenous Women of the Great Barrier Reef are empowering each other to protect critical ecosystems. 
SeaForester (Portugal) - Human activities and the climate crisis are decimating underwater seaweed forests. Pål Bakken and the SeaForester team are on a mission to restore them. 
The Great Bubble Barrier (The Netherlands) - Every year, more than 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans. The Great Bubble Barrier's solution intercepts plastic waste before it reaches the sea.
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
Lost and found family
(That’s right I hopped onto the avatar 2 wagon Everyone is slightly aged up in this im just trying to get shit to work so bare with me neteyem is 21 so is reader. I’m still a new writer and this hasn’t been profed) bold means Navi language
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My name is Caspian lane. The year is ( ) when I was ten the man that basically raised me went off to another planet in the place of his twin brother. I waited five years before I was told Jake wasn’t coming back. At 16 I joined the marines the youngest I could be since I had no actual guardians. For years I climbed the ranks and became a marine just like Jake until the RAD came and found me. They told me that Jake had been captured, and has been the Navis leader Toruk Maktos prisoner all this time. That they were putting a team together to go and find and rescue him and the others that were captured. I should have known this all was a lie but the prospect of Jake being safe is all I heard. I joined without a second thought.
Present day, I arrived on Pandora but not as a human. I left earth as an almost 30 year old red headed human who spent her formative years training to be a soldier working towards one goal. Now I'm 20 or at least my body is.. I'm a Navi now, the indigenous species here. It’s definitely different being so tall and blue but hey I've always liked the color blue. I definitely miss my red hair but after braiding a piece of it into my new body’s hair,I'm getting used to this.
Today I met Quartich and his crew. The general explained that they were called the blue team and that they were there to help find and rescue Jake with me. I'm grateful to them, having more than one person will definitely be advantageous but They are a little rough around the edges, all definitely being way more guarded with me then each other. Oh well I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to save my family.
We’re all dropped off in the forest, everyone super vigilante as we make our way to an old outpost station they are looking for clues in. The station is decrepit and overgrown with vegetation. I simply look around in wonder at the nature around us as quaritch and his goons look into the body that was left there. A noise captures my attention, I turn back to see if the others heard it but they’re still preoccupied with their own searches. The noise is heard again and I know I shouldn’t go off on my own but my gut tells me there’s no danger. I slowly make my way over and see children. Three Navi children and one human one. Wait why are there children here, but before i can speak they all are intercepted by the others and manhandled to the ground
“Hey hey stop, they're just kids what are y'all doing!”
“Stand down corporal.-quaritch
“No they are kids were not here to hurt anyone this is a search and rescue mission i say as i get in his face. Now let these kids go.”
“You know I've been real patient with your nonsense but now I think it's time to pop that bubble.
Next thing I know, pain explodes across my cheek as I fall to the floor, one of the other soldiers grabbing me and putting me in the same position as the children.
“What the fuck?”
“Shut up lane. I've been patient but here's the real talk: we aren't here to save Jake Sully, we are here to kill him, for the traitor that he is.”
“Yes sir, your dear old jake isn't a prisoner here he’s their damn leader. And we’ve come to stop him starting here.”
“Look sir this one has five fingers” one of the others shouts as he holds up the teen girl's hand.
“Well would you look at that. What about you boy, let me see your hands.”
The young male then flips quaritch off. And damn if he didn’t remind me of someone right there.”
“Well i'll be damned your his”
“What are you talking about?”
“These kids belong to none other than our dear jake sully.”-quaritch
“What.” I look around looking at the children. “They’re jakes?”
“And now that we have them, well for sure be able to lure Jake and that she demon he’s married to out in the open.”
“No I can’t let this happen, I won't let these children get hurt.
“Well I can’t wait to see how you try and stop us. Captain call the ship for Rendezvous and tell them we have captives and a traitor.”
“Sir yes sir.”
All I can do is thrash in the soldiers hold as my temper gets the best of me. How dare these hired guns lie to me. All my thrashing earns me though is a swift punch to the gut,knocking all the air out of me. On the ground now I try to think of a plan but all I can focus on is the scared looks on the kids faces.
“Hey, ugh hey: gaining their attention. “What are your names? Im caspian”
“Tuk”. The smallest child states the others shush her as the soldiers echos be quiet to all of us
“Ignore them. Tuk is a pretty name. I'm sorry you guys are in this mess but I promise you with every fiber of my being i won't let these guys hurt you.
They all look at each other and come to a silent consensus that im telling the truth. And silently introducing themselves to me.
“Why are you here? The older girl ask me
“I came here to find my family, your father.”
“You know our dad?”. Lo’ak asks softly
“Yes, Jake and Tommy basically raised me. So when Tommy died Jake went off here to make sure that we could get by and his salary alone was enough to last us years. So he took the job. I thought this whole time he had been captured and was being held captive so I worked hard and joined up to become blue and be able to rescue him. I guess now that I think about it there’s some holes in my plans.
“You think!” the human boy spider comments.
“Hey im still young cut me a break I’m here aren’t I.
“Can it you.” Quaritch commands as he walks toward spider .While they are talking I take in my surroundings. It’s gotten dark and the rain lightly pours. They've disarmed me from my gun but they forget I'm every much a marine as they are as I subtly pull out a smoke grenade from my belt. The kids all come to attention when a light clicking noise is heard in the wind.
“Kids look at me. They all turn their heads. Lo’ak seeing what I’m doing. subtle nods and motions to the other.
“Kids run!” I yell as I release the Grenade, the soldiers dropping the kids as they get away.
“I wrestle with the one holding me as an arrow suddenly flies through his head. I hid for cover. No idea what's going on as long as the kids were able to get away that's all I cared about.
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The sullys pov
“Hey hey "Jake yells as he sees his children all running towards him.
“Dad dad.”
“Tuk you're ok. Are you all ok” as he goes and checks on his children
“Yes the lady helped us dad she helped us.”
“What who helped you”
“A lady, she said she knew you”. - Kiri
“She said her name was caspian”- lo’ak
Caspian what what are you talking about- jake
“Yeah she’s the young one with the red braid, she helped us, we have to help her”- kiri
“Ok Kiri ok right now i'm not worried about that i just want to make sure you're all safe ok. You guys get to the Irkrans now, Neteyams there, go now.
Jake watches his children leave as he goes to help his mate.
Caspians pov
The kids got away and now arrows and bullets are flying through the air as the colonel calls for the others to capture the kids or the ones firing at them an arrow narrowly missing his head
“Is that you mrs sully” i hear quaritch yell out into the air
“Demon" I hear being called back. “ I don't know how you are here but I will kill you as many times as I have to” the colonel Finally reloading begins to run ramped once again shooting towards the tops of the covered trees.
Wait he said misses sully that means jakes here. Getting up I weave through the vines and trees towards the Colonel trying to take out whoever I can with the small pistol I have left. The one I believe named Prager gets in my way thinking he intimidates me. But I've gone my whole military career having men underestimate me and me putting them on their asses so that's exactly what I did. Jumping up and kicking Prager in the face I beat him to the ground putting two shots into his chest. Another rounds the tree though making eye contact with me lifting his AR ready to fire when a hatchet flies through the trees making its target in his head.
That’s when I saw him. He's taller, with dreaded hair and paint on his face, but before I can say anything bullets again fly through the air sending everyone to cover however they can. I see in the distance the new Navi fighting with the others exchanging blows as the command ship finally comes into view. There's no way I'm letting these bastards go without a fight. All of the remaining team blue are retreating as I see quaritch pick up a fallen rocket launcher. Oh hell no. I run full force and tackle him to the ground a moment too late however if the ringing in my ears from the explosion hitting the big tree is an indicator.
“Lane i must say you are definitely living up to your name sake on being a pain in my ass”
All i can do is hiss at quaritch as he bring out his knife
“You all lied to me and I don't take kindly to that.” With that said the fight is
Blows being landed back to back but quaritch definitely has the advantage with the knife in his hand. Just barely keeping up when I hear yelling from my side. I see the others have somehow captured spider. Slinging him over their shoulder to board the ship. The distraction costs me, for the next second there’s a knife now plugged into my side
“Let's see how long you last with that corporal”. Quaritch sarcastically says as he pulls the knife out and hustles over to the ropes to board the ship. All I can do is stumble away as I watch them get away in the midst of the smoke.
The knife wound in my side definitely is not fun. Jesus did he use the biggest thing he had. I'm resting against the side of a tree trying to keep the bleeding minimal. When the foliage in front of me moves to the side revealing a Navi woman with yellow face paint and a bow to my face.
“Wait wait, I'm friendly”. I try to get out as I try to show that I have no weapons but moving both hands is impossible unless I want to bleed out faster than I already am. She says something, probably signaling her companion as he now comes out or the foliage.
“Who are you, why did you help us”, he surprisingly says in English
“My name is Caspian Lane. I'm here to find my family.”
“Wait what did you say your name was”
The male asks and I finally look up. We both make eye contact and the longer i look at him the more recognizable he becomes
“Jake?….. is that really you.”
“How do you know me? who are you?”
“It’s me, Caspian,You and your brother practically raised me as a kid. That ringing any bells”
Jake steps towards me, the woman saying something to him but I guess by his words when he turns back to her she no longer considers me a threat as the arrow is no longer pointed at me.
“Are you really little Cassie?”
“Yup it's me jake it's really me.”
“How are you here? How are you Navi? I Have so many questions.”
“Oh trust me so do i but could you first help me out a little im kinda bleeding out”
“Oh shit” Jake comes to my side and lifts my hands to look at the wound. He curses under his breath as he begins to put pressure on the wound.
“Damn we need to get you taken care of, neytiri we need to get her to mo’at.
“Jake,bag there’s a cauterizer”
“What I'm not.”
“Jake im not going to make a journey with this kind of wound take the round device out of my pack and use it”
Jake hesitantly does as i say telling the woman to come and hold my side
“Listen i'm not gonna lie this is gonna hurt but i've got you little red i've got you
“Ha little red I haven’t been called that in.. ahhhhhhh”
All thought is gone from my head as the pain infiltrates. Until nothingness and the world goes dark.
Jakes pov
I can’t believe she’s here. How is this happening right now, the young girl I thought I'd never see again and unfortunately haven’t thought of in several years is here now in front of me as a Navi. She looks young about the age of neteyam. She looks the same and not, probably much like i did in the beginning when I transferred to my avatar. The wound wasn’t looking good.
“Neyteri come, I need you to hold her on the other side so she doesn’t jerk away when I do this.”
“Are you sure of the person ma jake”
“Yes I'll explain everything once we're out of here but first we need to help her.”
Turning back to Caspian, I take the tool in my hand and prepare to use it. I gently take her face in my palm to make her look into my eyes.
“Hey little red i've got you ive got you. I speak softly before beginning to cauterize the wound. Her scream resonates in my ears until i feel her body going limp
“Shit, cassy, caspian can you hear me.”
“She’s passed out from the pain ma jake we need to get her to mo’at.
“Yeah yeah I’ll grab her, can you grab her stuff.”
“Good come, let's go home. The kids are waiting.”
The sullys leave, venturing home with a very interesting friend in tow.
I did my best drawing this. Caspian in here human clothes
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xxxdragonfucker69xxx · 9 months
Hiya again, I'm looking to draw a map of Xiatian for my game but its a bit difficult without the rest of the districts and their geographical necessities, do you have a shirt description of them I could borrow for map making purposes, even if they're not set in stone yet? Thank you!
so ive actually given this a bit of thought, though i don't have a workable map yet. and i sort of don't want to, i want to force every group to draw their own city. but heres mine
the island of xiatian is rather longer north-south than east-west, with a bit of a gouge taken out of the western coastline. mount gongshan stands in sort of its northeast, a lake on top of it, rivers draining down to wetlands in the eastern part of the island. to the west there's a small strait, and then the mainland; to the south there are lots of little islands.
jiaotou is very nearly at the exact northern end, big horn sticks out over the water to intercept stormwinds coming down
gongshan district sort of extends a bit down past its slopes, the river sort of winds down the mountain and theres lots of sort of isolated little spots all over, its very picturesque and pastoral
the river drains out into a flat delta called buntin, where the indigenous gayun people of the island originally had their fishing village; they've got a lot of swamp farming techniques, and nobody else really wants to drain it, so they've sort of been left alone. buntin covers a lot of the eastern shore
on the southern end of the island there's a yet unnamed docks district. not super sure what to do with this yet
the docks feed a lot of their cargo into an industrial district called huoxi that has sort of grown larger and larger and really started gobbling up the districts around it. this is much of what the megacorps were interested in. some it used to be quarries but much of that is mined out now
there's a thin little strip called babble alley 鬼話街 between the docks and buntin that's sort of a foreigners enclave, all tossed in together, japantown and indiatown and americatown jammed all in. it's where you end up if you immigrate in and can't manage to land on your feet. hear like five different languages on any street
swing back up the western shore of the island and that's yuanhai, stretching in a pretty thin boardwalk up along that bay
an unnamed suburban district covers the inland behind yuanhai. if you're an office worker for qinglong, you probably live here. stretches all the way to caiwan
youdu is mostly underneath the strait, which is why it's in such danger of being flooded. there are a lot of overland highways and sort of gas stations in between the asphalt
there's an unnamed shopping district that sort of occupies an embarrassingly large portion of the northern island rn, in between yuanhai and jiaotou
a likewise unnamed university district nestles between gongshan, jiaotou, and caiwan; i assume Tianbian at least partners their mad science labs with the university
swinging back around the island, just next to babble alley there's a slum called shilang that's obviously a little bit kowloon walled city but is really just where all the rejects from babble alley, gongshan, buntin, and caiwan all end up. great place to fish for desperate workers, great place to lay low
a little north of the island's heart is caiwan. they carved a perfect square grid out of all the districts around it, it's visibly scalpeled out on a map. this is the ultimate downtown.
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Brazil’s Air Force intercepts plane over Yanomami Indigenous Territory
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Brazil’s Air Force on Monday intercepted an unidentified aircraft that was flying in airspace over the Yanomami Indigenous Land, a protected territory in the Amazon that has been invaded in recent years by illegal miners and loggers.
Air traffic in the region has been restricted since January of last year when President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva signed a decree creating the “Defense Identification Zone” over the Yanomami reserve.
The measure was taken to contain the spread of illegal mining in the region, with air transport widely used by miners entering the Indigenous territory and leaving with illegally extracted gold.
Authorities suspect the single-engine Cessna 182 — which was intercepted over the Indigenous reserve by E-99 and R-99 aircraft as well as an A-29 Super Tucano turboprop plane —  was transporting miners.
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slaygentford · 1 year
fucked up no records for borderland indigenous fams obv but it is truly fucking insane how much you can learn about the conquistador who intercepted the history of your family line and rerouted their future in like 1590
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
At his initial court appearance, Castillo looked downcast as he gave simple yes or no answers and his attorney argued that he had been arbitrarily ousted from Peru’s presidency on trumped-up charges of rebellion.
The U.S. condemned Castillo’s power grab as illegal and even leftist allies have refused to speak out against his overthrow. A major exception was Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who called Castillo’s removal a “soft coup” fueled by deep-seated racism against the former school teacher from the heavily indigenous Andean highlands.
“It is no longer military intervention,” said López Obrador. “It’s done with control of the media by the oligarchs, undermining legal and legitimately constituted authorities, especially if they want to do something for the benefit of the long-suffering people who do not belong to the elites.”
Meanwhile , Castillo’s successor, like many Peruvians, seemed eager to turn the page. In comments to journalists Thursday, Dina Boluarte, who served as Castillo’s vice president, appealed for a “truce” from the political feuding that has paralyzed Peru for years so that she can “reorient” the country. With polls showing Peruvians despising Congress even more than they do Castillo, she suggested that she would consider holding early elections — something that requires approval of a hard-to-muster constitutional amendment. [...]
But once in office he cycled through dozens of inexperienced Cabinet choices, a number of whom have been accused of wrongdoing. He also faced a hostile Congress, which first tried to impeach him last December. At the time, a relatively small group of opposition lawmakers cited an investigation by prosecutors into illicit financing of the governing party. To remove the president requires two-thirds of the 130 lawmakers to vote in favor. Only 46 voted in favor.
Congress tried to impeach Castillo again in March for “permanent moral incapacity,” a term incorporated into Peruvian constitutional law that experts say lacks an objective definition and that Congress has used more than a half dozen times since 2017 to try to remove presidents. The effort failed, this time with only 55 votes in favor.
On Wednesday, Peru was girding for a third impeachment vote. The night before, the president said in an unusual midnight address on state television that a certain sector of Congress had it out for him and that he was paying for mistakes made due to inexperience. [...]
The president can dissolve congress to end a political standoff but only in limited circumstances — after losing two votes of confidence in Congress, which last occurred in 2019, when then President Martin Vizcarra dismissed lawmakers. [...]
Despite the high political drama, only small clashes erupted between a handful of Castillo supporters and riot police on guard outside.
Boluarte, a 60-year-old lawyer, was sworn in as Peru’s first female president. She said her first order of business would be to address corruption, ostensibly what led to Castillo’s downfall. [...]
López Obrador said Thursday that he had greenlighted Castillo’s request for asylum that he made in a phone call to the Mexican president’s office. But he said those plans were frustrated when Castillo was intercepted by police on his way to the Mexican Embassy in Lima, where a group of protesters awaited.
Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro said Castillo had committed “political suicide” by weaponizing a seldom-used clause of the constitution to combat his adversaries in Congress, who he said never allowed Castillo to govern.
Anti-democracy can’t be fought with more anti-democracy,” he said, echoing similar comments by Brazil’s incoming president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.
8 Dec 22
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michellelebelle · 2 years
Who Were the Navajo Code Talkers?
During World War II, the act of sending messages which could not be intercepted was becoming a more and more difficult task thanks to the advent of new technologies.  As a result, code began to be used more and more prevalently.
This is where the Navajo Code Talkers, also known as Diné code talkers, come in.  Comprised of U.S. Marines that descended from at least 14 Native nations, they used their indigenous languages to develop special codes which allowed for communication across the Pacific front from 1942 to 1945.  Not once during those three years was the code ever cracked.
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These individuals and their knowledge of indigenous language proved a great asset to the U.S. military.  An incredibly ironic fact as many of them had been forced to attend government or religious-run American Indian Residential Schools.  Schools which actively sought to force Native American children into assimilation, in part by discouraging indigenous languages.
Learn More: National WWI Museum, United Service Organizations, Naval History and Heritage Command
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S1E3 — Betrayed
starts at the HO.
Gravik comes across this test chamber like thing. Speaks of what would soon become the meaning of "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
“I invite you to join me at the extinction of the human race" is a cold open. It’s basically the same as historical events where colonists seek to basically wipe out the indigenous species/peoples so said colonists can have the place to themselves.
Place and time, New York 1998. Who is Varra? Also the throwback to Dreykov, last seen in Black Widow. Perhaps this was a memory, a flashback.
Scilla is...Fury's wile?
G’iah speaks with Gravik.
Gravik meets up with Talos, and speaks about the choice between remembered in glorified paintings or in boots-on-the-ground sacrifice. He chooses the latter.
Gravik make a statement about how people just murder each other. That's painfully true as it reflects the world we live in. It may not be true in many people's day to day lives, but when push truly comes to shove, what humans are truly capable of in cold blood, is scary.
Gravik has been given the Extremis treatment. That's what was on the computer screen G’iah was looking at last episode.
The pre-planned attack on the UN is not the first time the UN has been attacked. Last time it happened, it was in CATWS or CACW, where a bomb went off and killed King TChaka.
"Truth's a mother dog" that is hilarious, Fury had the one chance to say "Truth's a bitch" but looked the other way 😂
A Neptune submarine headed for under a UN plane, but…
Mission aborted.
G’iah tries to escape, gets intercepted by Gravik. He shoots her without remorse and drives off.
Scilla goes to a private storage place and retrieves her gun. Asks to speak to Gravik but...
Thoughts: overall, pretty intriguing episode, with strong undertones of politics as always, this is not surprising. Less dark than last episode, but once Talos learns of his daughter’s death, it’ll be all over for the Skrulls. I think.
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yerpenachams · 9 months
'Organ Donation' [WT] Script
A sickly young man receives an organ donation from someone around the same age... but someone tries to intercept the delivery in transit.
The setting is Patagonia; some geography is simplified/shrunk down to make the story work. I think I chose Patagonia because it's a mysterious corner of the world, where arid hilly country quickly gives way to mountainous, rainy, beaten coasts.
For anyone wondering about my 'qualification' with regards to the culture and character names, I am a white American. The characters are mostly indigenous people from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil. The script is intended to be performed with each character speaking in their native language.
If you're wondering why I chose Patagonia, it really fits as a mysterious and obscure setting. It resembles the Eurasian steppe in that it's often very cloudy, despite being a desert. Tierra del Fuego was the southernmost inhabited place on the planet for a great deal of time, and at least in my opinion, the three language families from southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego really pop off the page in terms of lexicon (Kawesqar, Yahgan/Yamana and the Chonan languages). They have complex consonant clusters, ejectives and true labiodental fricatives (rare for the Americas).
The conceit of the series is that the "original protagonist" is brutally killed in the middle of his quest. His organs are donated after his body is discovered, with his heart ending up in the body of another young man. With the heart comes a mysterious spirit, which brings the quest to our real protagonist: Aftsartqal Yerpenachams.
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chaletnz · 2 years
Antigua to Cerro Verde, El Salvador
After enjoying the buffet breakfast of hash browns, fruit, bread and cake I walked down to get a flat white from Fernanda's. There was a precious little grey cat asleep on the counter and the coffee was top-notch! We all sat on the bus waiting for our driver Edwin to secure all the bags on the roof under a tarpaulin and listened to Emily and Georgi's crazy story about how they'd ended up going from a rooftop bar in Antigua to a house party in a dodgy neighbourhood where the police were called. The tale involved drugs and a BMW being driven at high speeds down the cobblestones at 6am to get them back to the hotel early this morning. I had actually heard them walking in shouting "hola chicos y chicas!" repeatedly. Walter intercepted Emily on her way to her room and warned her about the beers she was carrying in each hand and Georgi ended up having a complaint sent to Intrepid Travel's head office about her behaviour trying to sneak her British boytoy back in to her room. Georgi slept on the floor of the bus for most of the three hour ride to the El Salvador border. While we drove Walter told us about the Mayan history of Guatemala, which only remains here because Mayans and indigenous peoples in other countries were all murdered. Unbelievably Guatemalans of Mayan heritage were considered second class citizens until 1997 when they were finally given even rights and access to medical care. While literacy levels are improving throughout the country, the average ratio of public school students to teachers is 450:1 for the first 6 years of education. Only the best and brightest 20% make it to secondary school and even less into universities with scholarships. We drove through a lot of rural farmland as we neared the border and the fitting fact that 38% of Guatemalans rely on growing their own food source was shared. We exchanged our Guatemalan quetzales to USD while standing in the line at the border waiting for our turn to cross. It was hot and when I stood at the window to hand over my passport I could feel the air conditioning from inside the immigration officer's office on my hands. Once successfully in El Salvador Walter gave us a bit of backstory on the new El Salvadoran president who is cracking down on gangs and violence. He also changed the official currency to USD and Bitcoin to help the economy prosper. El Salvador looked more run down to me than Guatemala, without such beautiful scenery and more trash. The gas station toilet even lacked a door. Due to the American influence they seemed to make more effort with using English though - I saw a sign reading "car wahs". We were dropped off at a mall to buy lunch and groceries before we went to our campsite for the next two nights. I didn't wait around for the others and just headed to the food court to have a Pollo Campero sandwich meal. They took my order and gave me a receipt but didn't actually serve my meal. I figured out by watching the other people who skipped over me that I was supposed to hand my receipt to the person standing beside the cashier who would then build the order. I waited stupidly for ten minutes before giving him my receipt and them finally making it, all the while watching an obese family drinking their weight in coke and refilling while they waited for their orders. I took a table and ended up sitting with Boukje and Wout - the Belgian couple, British girl Jess, and Dutch girl Tyrza to eat lunch. It was a lunchtime-rush food court complete with screaming kids, lazy parents, and inconsiderate people leaving trays of rubbish all over the tables. We hit the supermarket to buy a few drinks and snacks and then our bus took us all to Tres Volcanes, a campsite in the Cerro Verde National Park near Santa Ana volcano. We were briefed on tomorrow's optional activity - a $45 hike up to the volcano crater, followed by lunch at the campsite, and then a trip out to the lake for the afternoon. The price tag was steep but there was nothing else to do around here so I was in. Our dinner was pasta, then a couple games of Uno and it was time for bed.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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See how the FAB acts in the defense and control of Amazon airspace
The Air Force employs radars, satellites and aircraft, 24 hours a day, in actions that guarantee the sovereignty of the country
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 08/08/2022 - 12:30 pm in Brazil, Brazilian Air Force, Military
The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) is responsible for the Brazilian Aerospace Defense System (SISDABRA), which meets the needs of Brazil to control and exercise actions against air movements circulating in the Brazilian Airspace that are in confrontation with national interests or in disagreement with the rules and norms in force, both in peacetime and in an eventual conflict.
The System consists of a set of organizations that have in common the performance of activities, or the possession of means that can be used for the benefit of the purpose of ensuring the exercise of sovereignty in the Brazilian Airspace. Participation in SISDABRA is not restricted to the Armed Forces. Eventually, organs of the Auxiliary Forces, Federal, state and municipal governments, regional bodies and even non-governmental entities may be integrated into it.
Operation Yanomami
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The FAB acts uninterruptedly in the fight against illegal mining activity on indigenous lands, integrating Operation Yanomami. The missions are carried out in compliance with the Federal Police and other security and inspection agencies. As an example, since July 22, the C-105 Amazonas and H-60 Black Hawk aircraft have been employed in actions such as destruction of mining structures and equipment, seizure of ammunition, transportation of teams of Federal Police and other agents, totaling about 60 hours of flight.
The Air Force maintains defense alerts in the airspace that comprises the Yanomami Indigenous Land, operating from Boa Vista (RR) and carrying out airspace policing actions 24 hours a day.
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In 2022 alone, 34 aircraft interceptions were carried out in the vicinity of Boa Vista, including the aforementioned region. In addition, the FAB conducted, among others, logistics air transport missions for the infiltration and exfiltration of Federal Police, transportation of food baskets for the Yanomami indigenous Brazilians, completing more than 230 hours of flight in 2021 and 2022, in support of other agencies.
Operation Ostium
Permanently and jointly with Public Security Agencies in Brazil and neighboring countries and in compliance with Decree No. 5,144 of July 16, 2004, the FAB maintains Operation Ostium, with the aim of curbing irregular flights that may be linked to crimes. In the last three years, 652 interceptions have been carried out throughout Brazil with Brazilian Air Force aircraft in events related to Air Defense missions within Operation Ostium.
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In 2021, interceptions at events related to Air Defense missions, as part of the Operation, resulted in about 1,680 kilograms of drugs seized. Since 2017, the amount has totaled more than 7.2 tons of narcotics taken out of circulation. In 2022 alone, interceptions caused the seizure of more than a ton of drugs.
Surveillance of Brazilian airspace is carried out 24 hours a day by the FAB through a radar network that covers the continental territory of the country, as well as parts of the Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the traffic control carried out through this equipment, the FAB uses R-99 and E-99 aircraft to monitor Brazilian airspace. The Airborne Early Warning (AEW), available in the E-99, is a technology that allows you to detect other aircraft, distinguishing friendly and enemy aircraft over long distances.
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The use of this technology is indispensable in an air operations scenario, in view of the flexibility of positioning the aircraft along with the ability to detect traffic at low altitude, allowing radar coverage of the areas of interest of the Air Force Command (COMAER), in addition to the control of aircraft, regardless of the Command and Control structure existing on the ground.
This information is gathered in Brasilia (DF), at the Aerospace Operations Command (COMAE), which can, as necessary, drive Air Defense aircraft in any region of the country. The participation of the Brazilian Air Force also involves the monitoring of air traffic, in order to collaborate with information to SISDABRA members.
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The FAB also uses the satellite systems controlled by COMAE, and which will receive the reinforcement of the satellites that are part of the Lessonia Project, recently launched, expanding the possibilities of monitoring in the country, as well as support for border surveillance and control operations.
The Amazon Surveillance System (SIVAM), for example, consists of 27 radars located in Barcelos (AM), Belém (PA), Boa Vista (RR), Cachimbo (PA), Conceição do Araguaia (PA), Cruzeiro do Sul (AC), Eirunepé (AM), Guajará-Mirim (RO), Imperatriz (MA), Jacareacanga
Destruction of clues
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The FAB also participates in the destruction of clandestine airstrips. However, it depends, first of all, on the completion of investigations to be carried out by the competent bodies, and is not a single action by the Air Force Command. Thus, the character of interagency work in the fight against illicit activities in national territory is emphasized. It is important to highlight that it is up to the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), to regulate and supervise the activities of civil aviation and aeronautical and airport infrastructure.
Air Resources
Specifically in the case of the protection and curbing of illicit activities in the Amazon Region, the FAB employs aircraft from the Hunting, Rotary Wings, Transport and Reconnaissance aircraft. Among the aircraft used are the A-29 Super Tucano fighters - used, for example, for interceptions and destruction of clandestine runways; the H-60L Black Hawk helicopters - used to support inspection teams or security forces and also destruction of clandestine runways, among other missions; and E-99 and R-99 radar aircraft, which complement ground radar coverage.
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Amazon Agate
A recent example of the intensification of actions in the Amazon region was the participation of the FAB in Operation Ágata Conjunta Amazônia - another interagency operation - in the first half of 2022. In all, 14 aircraft of the Hunting, Rotary Wings, Transport and Reconnaissance aircraft were employed in preventive and repressive actions against crimes such as smuggling, embezzlement and drug trafficking, as well as illegal mineral exploration and mining, practiced on the border strip.
The FAB also used the satellite systems controlled by COPE, which allowed the monitoring of more than 225,000 km2 of the Amazon Forest, assisting in the location of possible illicit activities and environmental crimes.
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The intensification of the actions of Operation Ágata Conjunta Amazônia resulted in seizures of illegal mining equipment, as well as flagrant environmental degradation through river, land and air patrols carried out during the month of March in the region of the triple border, between São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM).
The Operation, which also reinforced customs control and supported indigenous people and other residents in the border strip, took place in an articulated way between military personnel of the Brazilian Navy, the Brazilian Army and the Brazilian Air Force, carrying out preventive and repressive actions with the Federal Police, the Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA), the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and the Secretariat of Public Security of the State of Amazonas (SSP-AM).
Photos: Lieutenant Enilton; Petty Officer Johnson; Sergeant Bianca; Corporal Silva Lopes; Corporal V. Santos / CECOMSAER
Tags: Military AviationFAB - Brazilian Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in a specialized aviation magazine in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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digitalwibe · 2 days
Japan Anti-Ship Missile Defence System Market with Business Prospects of Competitor | Forecast (2024-2032)
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Japan, known for its technological prowess and maritime interests, faces significant security challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. This blog examines the business prospects, competitor dynamics, and forecasts for Japan's anti-ship missile defense system market from 2024 to 2032.
Market Overview
Japan's defense strategy emphasizes the need for robust maritime defense capabilities to safeguard its extensive coastline and strategic interests in the Pacific Ocean. The adoption of advanced anti-ship missile defense systems is crucial for countering maritime threats and ensuring national security.
Competitor Landscape
Key players contributing to Japan Anti-Ship Missile Defence System Market include:
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries: A major player in Japan's defense sector, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries develops and manufactures advanced defense technologies, including missile systems and interception capabilities.
NEC Corporation: Known for its expertise in IT and defense electronics, NEC provides critical components and systems essential for Japan's anti-ship missile defense capabilities.
Raytheon Technologies Corporation: Through partnerships and collaborations, Raytheon Technologies offers advanced missile defense systems and technologies crucial for Japan's maritime security.
Business Prospects and Forecast
The Japanese market for anti-ship missile defense systems is poised for substantial growth during the forecast period. Factors such as increasing defense budgets, geopolitical tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, and technological advancements will drive market expansion.
Business prospects include opportunities for international collaborations, joint ventures, and technology transfers to strengthen Japan's indigenous defense capabilities. The integration of AI-driven technologies and advanced sensors into defense systems will further enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness.
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Market Forecast (2024-2032)
Forecasts indicate steady growth in Japan's anti-ship missile defense system market, supported by ongoing defense modernization initiatives and investments in next-generation technologies. Strategic partnerships between Japanese defense contractors and international allies will play a crucial role in fostering innovation and market competitiveness.
In conclusion, Japan's strategic focus on enhancing maritime defense capabilities through advanced anti-ship missile defense systems underscores its commitment to regional security and stability. By leveraging technological advancements and fostering collaborative partnerships, Japan aims to strengthen its defense posture and contribute to maritime security in the Asia-Pacific region.
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tracknews1 · 8 days
Police dislodge secessionist group, arrest 4 suspects in Anambra
POLICE Command in Anambra has raided and dislodged the secessionist group in the state following credible intelligence report. The Command’s Spokesperson, SP Tochukwu Ikenga, disclosed this on Tuesday in a statement in Awka. Ikenga said a Police-led Joint Security Force intercepted four members of the military wing of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and the Eastern Security…
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