#indian moon mission
okbutwhy-rebooted · 11 months
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news4nose · 11 months
Chandrayaan 3 Successfully Landed on Moon!!!
History created!!!
Well Done isroindiaofficial for achieving a milestone in landing Chandrayaan 3 successfully on Moon!
Bharat, my home. ❤️The first ever country to land on the SOUTH pole of the Moon!
A whole new era begins in India's space 🚀exploration programme
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blightowlsreblogblog · 11 months
India has landed on the Moon!!! The landing is part of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)'s historic Chandrayaan-3 mission.
"'We have achieved soft landing on the moon,'" said ISRO Chairman Shri Somanath. 'Yes, on the moon!'"
"[Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi] then addressed the ISRO team, speaking in Hindi but adding in English, 'India is now on the moon!'
'The success belongs to all of humanity,' he said. 'And it will help moon missions by other countries in the future. I'm confident that all countries in the world ... can all aspire for the moon and beyond. ... The sky is not the limit!'"
The remote operated lander named Vikram touched down in the south pole region at 6:02pm IST on August 23, 2023. Vikram carried a small but mighty companion, the lunar rover Pragyan (Sanskrit, "wisdom").
Vikram is named after Vikram Sarabhai, PhD, physicist, astronomer, and a major figure in the development of India's space and nuclear programs. Sarabhai served as the first chairman of the ISRO, as well as the driving force behind the organization's creation. Recognizing the need for more coordinated space research in India, Sarabhai urged the Indian government to create INCOSPAR - the committee that eventually formed the ISRO in 1969.
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raffaellopalandri · 11 months
बधाई हो भारत!  Congratulations India!
Congratulations India!! ISRO – Indian Space Research Organisation has achieved the unprecedented soft landing of a probe on the Moon’s South Pole. Image taken on Internet This is a huge success for a nation that has been able to successfully send a mission to the Moon on a budget of just under $75 million (around ₹ 615 crore) to build the Chandrayaan-3. As a paragon, Russia’s Luna 25, which…
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aifyit · 11 months
Chandrayaan-3: India's Historic Soft Landing on the Moon
Introduction On August 23, 2023, India made history by successfully landing the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft on the Moon’s South Pole. This was India’s third lunar mission, and its first soft landing since Chandrayaan-2 in 2019. The successful landing of Chandrayaan-3 is a major achievement for the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and a significant step forward for India’s space…
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gkonboard · 10 months
In this video, we bring you exciting news from ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)! Discover the latest groundbreaking mission on the moon with the Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA) on the Chandrayaan 3 Lander. Learn about how ILSA, utilizing cutting-edge Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, is recording vibrations caused by the Rover and other lunar payloads.
ILSA's primary mission is to detect and measure ground vibrations, including those caused by natural moonquakes, impacts, and human-made events. We'll share fascinating insights into the vibrations recorded during the Rover's navigation on August 25, 2023, as well as an intriguing event that appears natural, documented on August 26, 2023 – an event still under investigation by ISRO.
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chandrayaannews · 10 months
Chandrayaan-3 अपडेट: ISRO ने घोषणा की, प्रज्ञान रोवर अब 'नींद मोड' में है, और 22 सितंबर को फिर सक्रिय हो सकता है!
Image Credit: ISRO Chandrayaan-3: चंद्रमा पर Pragyan रोवर ‘नींद मोड’ में, 22 सितंबर को फिर सक्रिय हो सकता है। ISRO के नवाचार से जुड़ें! भारतीय अंतरिक्ष और अनुसंधान संगठन (ISRO) ने घोषणा की है कि 22 सितंबर 2023 को, विक्रम लैंडर के प्रज्ञान रोवर मॉड्यूल सुनी हवाओं में ‘नींद मोड’ में प्रवेश करेगा। रोवर ने अपने कार्यों को पूरा किया है और अब सुरक्षित रूप से पार्क किया गया है, साथ ही APXS और LIBS…
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mommunity · 10 months
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Team Chandrayaan 3: By India’s Outstanding Women Scientists
Let's meet excellent women scientists who did really great things for the Moon Mission. Super Women Scientists and Chandrayaan 3
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jatsewasangh · 11 months
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comicsbyte · 11 months
Chandrayaan 3 - ISRO - India Creates History
चंद्रयान 3 - इसरो - भारत ने रचा इतिहास! (Chandrayaan 3 - ISRO - India Creates History)
ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation
#ComicsByte #Chandrayaan3 #ISRO #MoonMission #chandrayaan3mission
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ainews18 · 11 months
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newsprovidernetwork · 11 months
In the early morning of August 16, ISRO successfully executed another lunar-bound maneuver to facilitate the guidance of Chandrayaan-3 into a designated orbit measuring 153km x 163km. This development has paved the way for the separation of the landing module, which consists of Vikram (the lander) and Pragyan (the rover), from the propulsion module. The aforementioned firing, which was brief in duration, has effectively placed Chandrayaan-3 into its intended orbit.
The Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft has completed all of its Moon-bound maneuvers and will now prepare for lander and propulsion module separation.
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world-store · 11 months
The amazing camera aboard ISRO's Chandrayaan-3 that took this amazing moon photo
The Chandrayaan-3 mission, ISRO’s remarkable unmanned lunar endeavour, has gifted us with mesmerising visuals of both the Moon and Earth, enhancing our understanding of these celestial bodies. Intricate Details Revealed This awe-inspiring photograph, showcasing intricate lunar craters in great detail, was masterfully taken upon the spacecraft’s entrance into the Moon’s orbit on August 5th. This…
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everyone celebrating india's mission to the moon's south pole i love you and im with you but this is NOT india's first accomplishment in space!! im seeing a lot of people saying that but its not true. some other things we've done:
confirm the presence of water and ice on the moon
was the first asian nation to reach mars orbit, and the first nation IN THE WORLD to reach it in it's maiden attempt
saved thousands of lives from cyclone phailin in 2013 over the four days, resulting in 45 deaths when without them, would have been in the thousands at minimum
launched the first successful flight using the indigenous cryogenic engine
successfully neutralized a satellite in space with an anti-satellite (mission shakti, anyone?)
launched 104 satellites with one (1) rocket
THE VIKAS ENGINE??? HELLO?? NAMBI NARAYANAN??? even if you didnt know him before, surely youve seen the movie rocketry?
not to mention everything we've done in coordination with other nations, and achievements from Indian scientists and astronauts that were then taken by other nations, usually during war. plus, we've always been much more cost efficient than our space-faring peer nations
all to say!! we've always been there, and we've always been strong. our mission now only proves that, and we should scream it loud and proud for any westerner who ignores us again
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onlytrending · 1 year
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djodjo-2000 · 2 years
First Native American Astronaut Coffee Mug
American Indian heritage day, American Indian heritage month, Native American heritage day, Native American heritage month, The first native American astronaut, first Indian American astronaut, First day of American Indian heritage month, First day of native American heritage month
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