#india women dot balls
newsaza · 2 years
We Had Lot Of Dot Balls, Could Not Rotate Strike: Harmanpreet Kaur On 3rd T20I Loss
We Had Lot Of Dot Balls, Could Not Rotate Strike: Harmanpreet Kaur On 3rd T20I Loss
Harmanpreet Kaur’s India lost to Australia in 3rd T20I© AFP India captain Harmanpreet Kaur on Wednesday attributed the 21-run defeat to Australia in the third women’s T20 International due to their inability to rotate strike. Harmanpreet said her side had fancied their chances to chase down 173 but the too many dot balls the hosts batters played meant that they were restricted to 151 for 7 in…
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znewstech · 2 years
We Had Lot Of Dot Balls, Could Not Rotate Strike: Harmanpreet Kaur On 3rd T20I Loss | Cricket News
We Had Lot Of Dot Balls, Could Not Rotate Strike: Harmanpreet Kaur On 3rd T20I Loss | Cricket News
Harmanpreet Kaur’s India lost to Australia in 3rd T20I© AFP India captain Harmanpreet Kaur on Wednesday attributed the 21-run defeat to Australia in the third women’s T20 International due to their inability to rotate strike. Harmanpreet said her side had fancied their chances to chase down 173 but the too many dot balls the hosts batters played meant that they were restricted to 151 for 7 in…
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harpianews · 3 years
Dot ball by dot ball, India Women's chase unravels in 62-run loss to New Zealand Women
Dot ball by dot ball, India Women’s chase unravels in 62-run loss to New Zealand Women
Earlier this week, the bowlers helped paper over the cracks of the batters when India Women beat Pakistan Women. But against a high-quality New Zealand attack, the batters not only struggled to get close to the target of 261 but they also approached the chase like the match was happening in a previous era. The loss by 62 runs in their second game of the World Cup will give the think-tank plenty…
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oprerroma · 4 years
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from @terms_of_engagement on Instagram
Transcribed Image Descriptions below the cut
[Image ID: The first panel shows a round icon of the Romani flag which has a red wagon type wheel in the centre, blue in the top half to represent sky and green on the bottom for the land. This icon is on a black banner with the words 'terms of engagement' in white and three little dots beside it for the menu button. 'Terms of engagement' is written as terms (underscore) of (underscore) engagement. The main panel is a cream background with dark blue writing. The title is in a circle and this is surrounded by sketches of sunflowers as well as various wildflowers, some in bloom and some in bud. The name of the blog 'Terms of Engagement' is repeated again as regular text. The title of the panel reads 'Correlations between Witchcraft and Romani Traditions', then in smaller text 'How the spiritual practices of Romani peoples are intertwined with shamanism, stereotypes, mysticism and magic.' End ID]
[Image ID: The second panel is more so in colour. It has a dark blue background and is square. The part with wrting on is styled to look like square graph paper with lots of tiny boxes in blue and made to look as though it were torn out of a notebook with a piece of tape attaching it to the blue backing.  Underneath, so to speak, the tape, is a cutting of a wildflower with a green stem and buds and lilac petals. The text, again in dark blue black, reads 'Disclaimer (this is in capitals to emphasis it is a title and important). The following is a brief overview of what is a very long history of not only shamanism and witchcraft but also of the influences it has had on Romani peoples and vice versa. We would like to emphasize that witchcraft and the beliefs of the Romani peoples are not mutually exclusive. Romani communities are diverse in their spiritual beliefs and traditional practices. Historically and today, organized religion exists alongside and in cooperation with the shamanistic spiritual and healing practices of Romani communities. This is neither a commentary on any religion or spirituality, nor is it an expose on what have been and should remain closed practices within the Romani community. This is intended to breakdown the misconceptions that have led to the persecution of Romani peoples for their spiritual beliefs and to encourage those non-Romani who are interested in learning more, how to proceed with caution and respect. The information from this piece has been compiled from both non-Romani and Romani resources, with the emphasis on the insights of practitioners in the Romani community. End ID]
[Image ID: All the following panels are cream with blue black writing and illustration. The third panel is titled 'Historical foundations of witchcraft in Europe'. The illustration is an image of the High Priestess card from the Rider Waite tarot deck. The text reads 'Folk magic has been practiced around the world by many different groups for the majority of human history. From continent to continent, ancient civilizations have employed herbal remedies, divination, cartomancy, astrology and other spiritualistic services as paths to healing. The conquering and expansion of territories and trade routes, triggered a migration of healing peoples from Asia into Europe. Among them were the Romani drabarni/chov'hani. Healers were revered within communities as those who practiced "the people's religion ", providing townsfolk with crucial services to meet their physical, mental and spiritual needs. It wasn't until the 15th Century when the concept of "witchcraft" emerged and transformed the very fabric of society. During this period, there was a socio-political shift from the Christian state viewing folk magic as mere superstition to redefining it as witchcraft. At this time, witchcraft was seen as a "mode" of religion rather than a worldview, placing it in direct opposition to the Christian Reformation and Counter-Reformation. The movement sought to suppress spiritualities and folk magic which threatened power of the state who sought to weaponize spirituality as a means to control, exploit and supervise citizens. The state indoctrinated manifestos like the Malleus Maleficarum, which specifically identified women as "witches" and practitioners of devil worshipping, causing the inquisitions to commence. Efforts to suppress folk magic grew violently quick and quickly violent.' End ID] 
[Image ID: The fourth panel shows an image of a Romani woman with dark hair. She is cradling a crystal ball, has bangles on each wrist and  is wearing hoop earrings and a headscarf tied in the stereotyped way of a fortune teller, but from its pattern it appears to be a traditional Romani headscarf. Her eyes are closed and she shows an expression of calm focus. Her nails are long and well manicured and her fingers appear to be adorned with many rings. The title reads 'Modern implications of myths and stereotypes'. The text reads, 'The history, practices and influence of Romani healers on European society have long been neglected within the historiography of witchcraft. This has allowed mysticism to guide the public's harmful perception of Romani peoples and their beliefs, placing them in the same category of mythical creatures as fairies, unicorns and mermaids. Those accounts that do exist have been made by outsiders like Charles Godfrey Leland who, like many others in the 19th Century, created a disparaging depiction of the once celebrated Romani healer as synonymous with the archetypal g slur witch. As was done in the past, Romani women were specifically targeted by these efforts, cast as either the poor, haggard and disgruntled witch who curses innocent bystanders or the mysteriously exotic and promiscuous fortune-teller who swindles innocent patrons. Each of these depictions of Romani witches draw on centuries-old stereotypes of criminality, dishonesty, hyper-sexuality and mysticism. In truth, many Romani either assimilated to or adopted the beliefs and practices of dominant religions to avoid persecution. Today, the physical and cultural violation of Romani peoples continues by both the state and its citizens as a result of the perceived and real practices of Romani peoples. Many healers and their communities remain ostracized, struggling to teach the next generation a millenia's worth of traditional practices that are quickly being forgotten to an unwritten history.' End ID]
[Image ID: The fifth panel shows an illustration of flowers on the left hand side, seemingly poppies. The title reads 'Traditional beliefs in the Romani community.' The main text reads 'While biological and linguistic evidence places the Romani people in India near the 11th Century, traditional Romani beliefs mirror ancient Hindu and Buddhist shamanism. At the center of these beliefs is dualism, two opposite and complementary forces that-through ceremony, offerings, practice and prayer, must be maintained. This is reflected in Romani values of purity and impurity (marime), the presence of good and evil spirits, as well as the separation of the inner and outer worlds. Romani traditions emphasize keeping a close connection with creation and paying tribute to the Earth and all its creatures. Other traditions which mirror shamanistic practices in India include the belief in reincarnation and most importantly, the worshipping of a female deity, Sara-la-Kali. In opposition to hierarchy, misogyny, environmental derogation and the centralization of power, Romani beliefs were viewed as an obstruction to the Western colonial project. As there was no one book, place, ceremony, prayer or ritual that is commonly used by Romani peoples to article these traditional beliefs, it was easier for the Christian state to systemically fracture and then violate Romani traditions by correlating it to witchcraft.' End ID]
[Image ID: The sixth panel shows an illustration of a cup and saucer of seemingly porcelain, containing tea or coffee steaming genty. Beside it is a bottle with a vintage illustration of a beehive with the label 'honey'. The title reads 'Modern practices in the Romani community'. The main text reads 'For centuries, Romani matriarchs had passed down traditional practices such as tasseograpy (reading tea leaves), cartomancy (tarot), and chiromancy (palm reading) whose origins are in Asian shamanist traditions. With their migration to Europe in the 14th Century, these practices followed and were shared with royalty and townsfolk alike. Romani peoples began employing these practices as their occupations. Travelling from one countryside to the next, Romani healers not only financially prospered but also were able to build trust and influence local views. Not only did this threaten the Christian state's attempts to financially exploit and impose on community politics but it also allocated too much power to women who were viewed as intellectually and spiritually inferior.To regain power, the state targetted female practitioners, discrediting them by claiming that their witchcraft conjured evil spirits to make townsfolk depedent on hiring them. Since, the practices of Romani peoples have been steeped in wide-spread suspicion, invalidating its practitioners, and undermining women's rights to practice and be paid for their traditional occupations. To this day, tarot, palm reading and other forms of divination are used to both inform personal and community decision-making as well as a form of employment. The state continues to highly regulate witchcraft and the practicing of Romani traditions by forcing healers to register with the government as a business, which many Romani are unable to do and by heavily taxing them on their income.' End ID]
[Image ID: The seventh panel shows illustrations of bunches of herbs in the top section of the frame, tied with string as though hanging from a wooden roof beam to dry. The main title reads 'Healing in the past and present'. The main text reads 'Practitioners used their natural and learned talents for healing to cure sicknesses, assist in births, and promote wellness. Using locally grown plants and animal by-products, healers were able to help prolong the lives of primarily poor townsfolk and other travellers who otherwise did not have the time or resources to see a medical practitioner. The onset of the Great Plague or Black Death was used as an opportunity for the Christian state to further justify the persecution of Romani healers. Having been accused of using spirits to both cure and cause illness, they were gradually ostracized from the communities they once lived and held influence in. What were once considered spells, incantations and elixirs used by Romani healers are now regarded as ointments, herbal teas and medicinal recipes, grounded in a basic understanding of herbology. Through close observation of and respect for the human body, plants and animals, the Romani healers were able to create powerful medicines that are still used to this day, curing everything from a sore throat, to energy imbalances, menstrual cramps and the presence of evil spirits.' End ID] 
[Image ID: The eighth panel shows a bunch of thin stemmed wild flowers on the right hand side. The main title reads 'Spiritual appropriation outside of the Romani community'. The main text reads 'Though various shamanistic practices have been intertwined for centuries, there has been an ever increasing rise in the adoption of neo-shamanistic beliefs and practices. While practicing a spirituality that resonates with you is not in itself oppressive, the ways in which they are adopted can be. As seen within other communities that have been exotified for their spiritual beliefs, the Romani peoples have also experienced the harmful appropriation of their tradtional practices. As previously mentioned, Tasseography (reading tea leaves), cartomancy (tarot), and chiromancy (palm reading) are intrinsically linked to the Romani culture and yet, they have been haphazardly adopted without recognition of their importance to the community. Most often, those who have appropriated the practice employ the same deprecating imagery and derogatory narratives that were used and continue to be used to persecute Romani peoples. Perpetuating these false perceptions of what it means to be a practitioner delegitimizes those within the community who have deep spiritual connections and divine gifts. What is most harmful however, is the commodification of these practices. The commodification of these practices by those outside the community not only draws economic opportunity away from a community which disproportionately experiences intergenerational poverty, but it also leads to the exploitation of resources and the unethical acquisition of traditional tools used by Romani communities to practice.' End ID]
[Image ID: The ninth panel shows an illustrated palmistry hand with all the lines and divisions marked. There are also astrological symbols and writing appears to be in Latin, while the wrist of the hand bears a frilly cuff. The main title reads 'Things to consider when practicing'. The main text reads 'Questions to self reflect on: How has your faith contributed to the persecution of Romani peoples? How are you perpetuating stereotypes of Romani peoples through your practice? How do your spiritual practices promote the liberation of Romani peoples? Ethical practice includes: 1. Learn more about Romani history, culture and tradtions. 2. Not seeking out practitioners to educate you on closed practices. 3. Not entering into Romani communities with the intention of learning without their permission. 4. Asking when and where it is appropriate to practice these traditions with Romani people. 5. Not commodifying these practices for your own financial gain. 6. Redistributing the wealth if you have profited off these practices.  7. Standing in solidarity with Romani women who are fighting to practice their traditional occupations. 8. Paying for their labour if you request the services of Romani healers. 9. Using ethically sourced materials from Romani owned businesses. 10. Not exacerbating or endangering natural resources for your personal or commercial practice. 11. Taking caution when using traditional medicines and seeking medical attention when necessary. End ID] 
[Image ID: The tenth and final panel shows a sketchy illustration of a table. On it is an open book with its pages fanned out in a semicircle. Beside that is a candle, in an old fashioned holder, dripping wax from the top and casting a circle of light onto the wall. Behind that is a stack of closed books. The main title reads 'Further exploration'. The main text reads 'Romani Practitioners Offering Services and Goods.' This is followed by a number of handles for Instagram. These are as follows: @mihaelamincaoffical @jezmina.vonthiele @schooloftraditionalmagic @thelivingaltar @opulentwitch @shuvanicandleco @snakeandwildroots @primordialsoups (underscore) @baby (underscore) reckless @katelanfoisy @fairybogma @spell aroma. The next piece of text reads 'Media resources' Followed by a list of books, as follows: A Practical Guide for Witches by Ylua Mara Radziszewski, Sara Kali: The Dark Madonna by Mihaela Dragan and Mihai Lukacs, The Appartition of Choxani by Luminita Mihai Cioaba's (this surname uses punctuation to express sounds not found in English I believe. The word with an x is pronounced 'Cho ha nee'). The Romani Goddess Sara Kali by Ronald Lee, Infoxicated Corner: Essay on Romani Poetics, History and Culture by Jessica Suzanne Reidy, We Borrow The Earth by Patrick Jasper Lee, Romani Remedies and Recipes by Gypsy Petulengro, Gypsy Folk Medicine by Wanja von Hausen. The final text reads 'If you are or know of other Romani practitioners or resources that can assist others in learning, please link them in the comment section below.' End ID]
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thenewsroom8 · 3 years
India Women vs England Women: Will India make changes for the second ODI to stay alive in the series? | Cricket News
India Women vs England Women: Will India make changes for the second ODI to stay alive in the series? | Cricket News
Having been completely outplayed by England in the opening ODI, India will look to bounce back with a far better performance in the second game at Taunton on Wednesday. Both batting and the bowling department will need to step up considerably in the day-night game. In the first game on Sunday, the batters literally crawled their way to 201-8 in 50 overs, consuming as many as 181 dot balls in the…
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harpianews · 2 years
1st Women's ODI: Sundar Smriti clinches victory for India as Jhulan is behind schedule
1st Women’s ODI: Sundar Smriti clinches victory for India as Jhulan is behind schedule
Sundar Smriti Mandhana once again extended her reputation as one of India’s biggest match winners with a lucrative 91 as they thrashed England by seven wickets in the opening women’s ODI here on Sunday. Harmanpreet Kaur won a fine toss and veteran India pacer Jhulan Goswami identified accuracy with 42 dot balls in one of her last international games as England posted 227 for seven thanks to…
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abhay121996-blog · 3 years
India Need To Groom Fast Bowlers, Says Mithali Raj Divya Sandesh
India Need To Groom Fast Bowlers, Says Mithali Raj
Sent in to bat in the first ODI, India Women played 181 dot balls to post a modest 201 for eight, which England Women chased down with 91 balls to spare
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hummingzone · 3 years
England Women vs India Women: Mithali Raj After Losing 1st ODI Says, Need To Work On Rotating Strike More Often | Cricket News
England Women vs India Women: Mithali Raj After Losing 1st ODI Says, Need To Work On Rotating Strike More Often | Cricket News
After suffering a defeat in the first ODI of the three-match series against England, India women skipper Mithali Raj said that her side needs to look into rotating the strike more often so that lesser dot balls are played. Half-centuries from Tammy Beaumont and Natalie Sciver helped England women’s team register an easy win over India in the first ODI on Sunday. England defeated India by eight…
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thenewsroom8 · 3 years
Under pressure India Women aim to level series with fresh approach against England Women | Cricket News
Under pressure India Women aim to level series with fresh approach against England Women | Cricket News
TAUNTON: India will have to shed their outdated batting approach and play more freely to bounce back against formidable hosts England in the second women’s ODI on Wednesday. India consumed as many as 181 dot balls on way to posting a below par 201 which England chased down rather comfortably to take a 1-0 lead in the three-match series on Sunday. Ahead of the World Cup in New Zealand early next…
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harpianews · 2 years
1054 dot balls in 7 games: How women cricketers need to change and hit the ground running
1054 dot balls in 7 games: How women cricketers need to change and hit the ground running
The BCCI might have been blamed in the past for the lack of focus on women’s cricket and they certainly need to walk the talk but the problem goes beyond them. India can blame the misfortune of a no-ball against South Africa for their ouster, but they also contributed to their own downfall. Archaic batting templates, worrying number of dot balls, frequent changes in the playing XI, lack of…
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History of Tea (Part 6): Replacing China
Britain's population was growing very quickly, and their colonies in the Americas & Asia were as well.  They needed more tea, and they didn't want China to be growing it.
Until the late 1700's, they were fine with buying tea from China. The East India Company had a monopoly on this trade, and they didn't really want to look at alternative sources.  From 1711 – 1801, they'd collected £77 million in taxes.
But more and more, European traders & entrepreneurs were wanting to control the tea trade themselves, and the trade of other commodities such as coffee, cocoa, sugar, rubber and opium.  Kew Gardens was established in Britain, and other lesser versions in other places.  “Collectors” could send specimens to these gardens, “to which the British could lay claim as soon as they were in possession of the place where they grew.” [?]  Sir Joseph Banks (1743-1820) was a naturalist and president of the Royal Society from 1778; he sent out plant hunters around the world to find such specimens.  Many “explorers” were doing the same thing.
In 1778, the East India Company asked Banks' advice on tea.  He replied that it grew best from 26-30° latitude, and that it might grow in Bihar, Rungpor and Coochbihar (all in India).  Green tea was believed to be a different species, and he said that it would thrive in the mountains; and that “proper inducements” would make sure that the people of Bhutan would grow it.  (Bhutan is another country in SE-Asia, north-east of India.)
He pointed out that Chinese people often came as sailors, and that “their neighbours at Honan [Chinese province of Henan] may be induced by the offer of liberal terns to follow their example” in bringing tea shrubs and tools to the Botanic Gardens in Calcutta (India); and they would teach the natives how to process them.  He insisted that tea “was of the greatest national importance” to Britain.
Banks stated that China was more difficult to deal with than other eastern countries – it was powerful and self-confident, and small armies couldn't overpower it.  It was “vain” and dared to think it could manage its own affairs!  They had to pull down the “haughty pride of the Chinese”, although this would be difficult.  And the only way that tea could be grown elsewhere was to take plants and put them in similar environments in the European colonies, or in climates in other places that were suitable, such as Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and St. Helena.
The Netherlands was the first country to take Chinese tea bushes to other parts of the world – in 1728, they were taking them to the Cape of Good Hope (the tip of South Africa) and Ceylon (in Sri Lanka).  However, they wouldn't seriously establish tea estates until 1828, and these would be in Java (Indonesia), much closer to China. These plantations thrived, as they had cheap labour.  But tea-growing in Java wouldn't take off properly until Indian tea plants were introduced in 1878.
Taking plants & seeds from Canton was a dangerous thing to do – the Chinese government put a price on the head of any merchant they suspected was doing this, and tried to capture their ships.
Two British embassies were sent to China, and both were encouraged to see if it was possible to bring out tea plants.  The first embassy was Lord Macartney in 1792 (with Banks accompanying him), and they brought back seeds & plants for the Calcutta botanical gardens. The second embassy was Lord Amherst in 1816, but the plants sent from that were lost during the voyage.
The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution took place from about 1760 to 1820-40. Human labour was replaced with machines, which were faster, cheaper and more dependable.
At the same time, an agricultural revolution was going on, in much the same way.  It began as a method that was focused on improved rotation, use of crops, and artificial fertilizers.  Everything was designed to maximize efficiency.  Jobs were carefully divided up into part.  The maximum amount of machinery & non-human power was used to reduce costs.
This made British agriculture far more productive, in terms of crops per acre and crops produced per person.  Britain was using large coal reserves to supplement animal, wind and water power.  Many entrepreneurs began to think of how they could use all these new things in the production of tea.  The way the Chinese did it was not nearly as efficient.
Tea Production in China
Tea bushes were planted in a rather haphazard way, and the implements used were simple, barely changing from the 800's to the 1800's. Family groups would often go out to pick the tea together.  Constance Gordon Cumming wrote about it in the 1870's:
I am greatly struck by the number of girls whom we meet working as tea-coolies, and by the enormous burdens which they carry slung from a bamboo which rests on their shoulder.  Each girl carries two bags thus slung, the weight of a bag being half a picul, which is upwards of 60 lb.  Thus heavily burdened, a party of these bright, pleasant-looking young women march a dozen miles or more, chatting and singing as they go...The tea-plantations are scattered over the hills, forming little dotted patches of regularly planted bushes. Here the girls and women are busy selecting the young green leaves, which they pick and collect in large basket-work trays of split bamboo.
The naturalist Ernest Henry Wilson wrote about higher-altitude tea growing in the early 1900's: “The culture extends up to [1220m] altitude, the bushes being planted round the sides of the terraced fields on the mountain-sides.  Very little attention is given them and they are usually allowed to grow smothered in coarse weeds to a height of from 3 to 6 feet.”
Processing the tea was a very long & arduous task.  An early manuscript gives the method for commercial tea manufacture:
Spread the leaves about 12.5 – 15 cm thick on bamboo trays, in a place where the air can blow on them.  Hire a ching fu (workman) to watch them.  Leave them there from noon until 6pm, when they begin to give off a fragment smell.
Pour them into large bamboo trays.  Toss the leaves with your hands about 300-400 times, in a process called to ching.  This gives the leaves their red spots & edges.
Carry the leaves to the kuo and roast them.
Pour them onto flat trays.  Roll them by hand in a circular direction about 300-400 times.  The leaves should end up close and well-twisted.  Poor rolling will leave them loose, open, straight and “ill-looking”.
Roast the leaves again & roll them; and then repeat those steps once more.
Take the leaves to the poey long (the fierce fire) and turn them without stopping until they are nearly 8/10 dried.
Spread the leaves on flat trays to dry until 5am, and then pick out the old yellow leaves and the stalks.
At 8am they are “poeyed” again over a slow fire.  Turn them once at noon.  Leave them to dry until 3pm, and then pack them into chests.
Near the end of the 1800's, Constance Gordon Cumming described the process, showing that it had changed little.  It had probably been used for a thousand years.
The leaves are then spread on mats, and are left in the sun till they are partially dried.  After this, they are placed in very large flat circular trays, and barefooted coolies proceed to use their feet as rollers, and twirl the leaves round and round, till each has acquired an individual curl...Then the whole process is repeated a second time.  The leaves have another turn in the sun, another foot-curling, and a more elaborate hand-rubbing.  Then once more they are exposed to the sun, till they are so dried that no trace of green remains. They are then packed in bags, and are sent off to the tea merchants to be fired under their own supervision in the great tea hongs, where the hitherto unadulterated tea leaf receives that coating of indigo and gypsum...Some of the tea farmers have charcoal stoves in their own houses, where firing is done on a small scale – but this is exceptional.
In the late 1800's, pressure from the Assamese industry's mechanization of this process led to attempts in some part of China to use machines instead of humans, but these attempts all failed, for various reasons.
The British agricultural revolution was a product of the application of capitalist methods, and the condensing of small farms into larger ones.  The methods the Chinese used were deemed to be incredibly unproductive.  The British wanted large-scale tea estates (or plantations) where things could be more productive, and this wasn't possible in China.
Transporting Tea in China
Britain used water and wheeled carts to save on transport costs.  In China, getting the tea to the coast greatly raised the cost of tea. Samuel Ball wrote about this in the late 1840's:
The usual route by which the black teas are sent to Canton, is through the province of Kiang-sy.  They are first transported down the river Min in Fokien to the small town of Tsong-gan-hien, whence they are carried, by porters, an eight days' journey, over mountain passes to Ho-keu, and the rivers of Kiang-sy, which conduct to Nan-chang-foo and Kan-chew-foo; and then, suffering many transhipments on their way, to the pass of Ta-moey-ling, in that part of the same chain of mountains which divides Kiang-sy from Quon-tong. At this pass the teas are again carried by porters – the journey occupies one day – when they are re-shipped in large vessels which convey them to Canton.  The time occupied in the entire transport from the Bohea [tea] country to Canton is about six weeks or two months.
In some places the tea was poled down the river – but bringing the boats back up again required immense human labour.  Isabella Bird wrote about it in the late 1800's:
...these men do the hardest and riskiest work I have seen done in any country...week after week, from early dawn to sunset...
Away they go, climbing over the huge angular boulders of the riverbanks, sliding on their backs down spurs of smooth rock, climbing cliff walls on each other's shoulders, or holding on with fingers and toes, sometimes on hands and knees, sometimes on shelving precipices where only their grass sandals save them from slipping into the foaming race below...these poor fellows who drag our commerce up the Yangtze amidst all these difficulties and perils, and many more, are attached to a heavy junk by a long and heavy rope, and are dragging her up against the force of a tremendous current, raging in billows, edies, and whirlpools; that they are subject to frequent jerks; that occasionally their burden comes to a dead stop and hangs in the torrent for several minutes; that the tow-rope often snaps, throwing them on their faces and bare bodies on jagged and rough rocks; that they are continually in and out of the water; that they are running many chances daily of having their lives violently ended; and that they are doing all this mainly on rice!
The terrain was too difficult for animals to be used.  Over much of the route (when the tea wasn't being transported by boat), the porters carried huge loads on their backs.  Ernest Henry Wilson (1867-1930) wrote about them, stating that they carried an average load of over 150kg each.  On a section of the route that was under 225km, it took them 20 days.
With their huge loads they are forced to rest every hundred yards or so, and as it would be impossible for the carrier to raise his burden if it were once deposited on the ground he carries a short crutch, with which he supports it when resting, without releasing himself from the slings.
The porters were paid about one English shilling for these 20 days of work, and “out of this he has to keep himself and pay for his lodgings.”  The porters were often emaciated from the gruelling work.  They carried tea to and from the ports, and also up into Tibet, which was just as difficult.
There were many middlemen who organized the porters and allowed the transportation of tea through their areas, taking money for tolls, taxes and protection money.  This also added to the overall cost of the tea.
Overall, though, tea was still relatively cheap to produce, in terms of labour and land.  Peasant households and the middlemen needed the money from it as a supplementary source of income.  But the British still weren't happy, as there was no centralized control over production; no way of improving or monitoring quality; and now way of applying science & knowledge to the production of tea, and the protection from various pests.
And the merchants at the ports made a great profit, which the British were not happy about.  IN the mid-1800's, Samuel Ball wrote, “Thus one considerable item which entered into the cost of tea to the foreigner, was the Hong merchant's profit.”
Ball also gave the average costs of each stage of production in Chinese currency:
The British hoped to undercut these costs.  And as other problems cropped up, it became more necessary to do this.
The British used several commodities to pay the Chinese for tea in the beginning, when only small amounts of tea were being imported. From 1750 to the start of the 1800's, they could use their hold over India to export cotton from Bengal to China, to pay for tea.  But the Chinese improved their own cotton manufacturing, and eventually could produce it cheaper themselves, so this was no use anymore.
The main commodity was silver, which had always been commonly traded from the West to China.  For the first 50yrs of the direct clipper trade (about 1720-70) it worked fine.  But in 1776, the American Revolution cut off the major Mexican source of silver; and the cost of silver also rose through inflation.  Britain was importing more & more tea, and they just didn't have enough silver to pay for it.
In 1758, Parliament gave the monopoly on opium production in India to the East India Company.  China had banned opium imports, but Portugal was still illegally importing it.  In 1773, Britain took control of this trade from Portugal.  By 1776, they were exporting 60 tonnes, and double that by 1790.
Opium was mainly grown in Bengal, where nearly 500,000 people were employed in the huge industry.  In 1830, Britain exported nearly 1,500 tonnes of opium to China, which was worth several billion dollars in today's money.  In 1833, opium exports ot China were worth $11.5 million dollars (in the currency of the time), and imports of tea cost just over $9 million.  Britain was making a profit overall.
The East India Company sold the opium to British merchants in India. These merchants exported it to China, and received silver coin as payment.  The silver went back to London, and was then taken back to China to pay for tea.
The Company wasn't officially involved, but of course they knew what was going on.  Chinese protests were ignored, or brushed aside with responses that it was nothing to do with the British Government or the East India Company.  American merchants had basically the same system, but they used less pure opium from the Ottoman Empire.
Between 1780 and 1830, Britain increased their opium exports to China by 1000.  The Chinese authorities tried desperately to deal with it, but constantly failed.  They resorted to drastic measures, burning a year's supply of opium in a huge bonfire and arresting the British and Chinese involved.
Britain declared war, and the First Opium War (1839-42) began). Britisn warships destroyed the Chinese fortifications, and they won the war.  They forced the Chinese government into major concessions, including huge reparation payments, and ceding Hong Kong to Britain. Amoy, Fuchow, Ningpo and Shanghai were turned into “open ports”, a further indemnity was paid, and the Chinese customs were forced to accept British supervision.
Growing Tea Elsewhere
But the main problem still wasn't solved.  According to Edward Bramah, “In 1822, the Royal Society of Arts offered fifty guineas to whoever could grow and prepare the greatest quantity of China tea in the British West Indies, Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales or the East Indies.  The prize remained unclaimed.”
And there was competition from the Dutch, who were succeeding in Java.  In 1833, Parliament ended the East India Company's monopoly in China.  The field was now open.  Huge profits were possible, but it was still uncertain if it would work.
In 1828, the Governor-General of India, Lord Bentinck, set up a Committee to investigate the issue.  The Committee consisted of businessmen and botanists, chosen by Bentinck.  The most prominent member was Nathaniel Wallich, who was in charge of the Botanical Gardens in Calcutta.  He showed the Committee a report sent to him by a Mr. Walker.  It began with complaints about China.
...the jealous policy of the Chinese government in her intercourse with all nations; the apprehensions which she had always entertained of our formidable Empire in the East Indies; the ignorance, pride and prejudice of the Government;...the rapacity and corruption of her officers; and occasionally the misconduct of our own people.
These problems had hindered efforts to grow tea elsewhere other than China.  But it was still possible, he stated.
Tea plants could be easily transported, unlike other things they'd tried (such as mangosteens).  But China's resistance was the problem. Foreigners were only allowed in Canton.  “It is an acknowledged fact that the Chinese empire is the most powerful on the face of the earth,” so it was able to enforce strict rules on the importing of foreign goods.  But Europe's weapons were better, Walker continued, implying that they could deal with China in that way – this was only a few years before the First Opium War.
Walker gave figures that showed how tea was now everybody's drink, “the common people using it as a portion of food.”  Each year, the government earned £4 million from tea.  And tea was known to grow in other places – for example, reports from Buchanan Hamilton in Burma 50yrs earlier had spoken of a tribal people called the Singphos bringing tea down to the plains in baskets.
Tea grew best on hillsides on gravelly soil, like all camellias, and India had plenty of these, “of very little use to the East India Company.”  They could bring Chinese people from Calcutta or the East Indies to oversee the growing & manufacturing.  The East India Company was wanting to provide “some reasonable occupation” for the natives, and the Indians would be ideal labour, with their “sedentary and tranquil habits”, and their ability to live on 2-3p a day.  And the Company's revenues would increase if they didn't have to buy tea from China (this was before their monopoly was ended).
Bentinck was convinced by this report, and Dr. Wallich drew up a report on the tea plant.  He stated that it liked moist valleys and riverbanks, but also recommended growing it on the slopes of the Himalayan range, the Kumaon hills, Gurwhal, Dehra Dun and Kashmir. He suggested that the tea plants be put into a warm nursery for a while, and then transported to somewhere with frost and snow for at least six weeks.
The Tea Committee decided to send Mr. Gordon (one of their members) to Penang and Singapore, and China if possible, to get information, plants, and Chinese people.  Gordon also took a questionnaire for the Dutch.  How much did it rain in Java's tea districts?  Were there fogs and/or snow?  Were there trees for shelter; and what about manure & irrigation?  How much were the labourers paid and fed? How were tea chests made.
The Dutch answered willingly, and Gordon sent a report back.  The Dutch had over 3 million plants in Java.  They found it difficult to get Chinese people to emigrated, because they were afraid of the sea, but they had “recourse to forced labour”, which would be no problem in India.
In the 1840's, Samuel Ball wrote about moving tea production to India, and how it would be beneficial for the Indian people:
The population of British India and its dependencies is computed at 114,430,000.  Supposing these to become, like the Chinese, all consumers of tea, the impulse which this novel demand for labour would give to a country mainly dependent on its agricultural resources; the new, unprofitable and otherwise unoccupied mountain lands which would thereby be brought under cultivation; the industrial activity its manipulation and preparation would call forth; as well as the new and indirect demands on industry it would develop; and lastly, though least to be considered, but nevertheless of high importance, the new sources of revenue it would open to the government – are all considerations of such vast interest, that it ought not to be a matter of surprise, that the encouragement of the cultivation of tea on an extensive scale, is daily becoming more and more a subject of anxious solicitude on the part of the India government.
If tea drinking became widespread in India,
...when we consider the abstinence from animal food, which is imposed on the Hindoo by his religion, we cannot but think that the introduction and adoption of the Mongolian method of using tea in its broth-like form, mixed with butter and meal, would furnish not only a refreshing, but a somewhat substantial adjunct to his meagre dietary; while the leaf used as an infusion...would administer greatly to his comfort, healthy, and sobriety.
Robert Fortune (1812-80) was a Scottish botanist who would steal tea plants from China in 1848 for the East India Company.  He wrote:
In these days, when tea has become almost a necessary of life in England and her wide-spreading colonies, its production upon a large and cheap scale is an object of no ordinary importance.  But to the natives of India themselves the production of this article would be of the greatest value.  The poor paharie, or hill-peasant, at present has scarcely the common necessaries of life, and certainly none of its luxuries.  The common sorts of grains which his lands produce will scarcely pay the carriage to the nearest market-town, far less yield such a profit as will enable him to purchase even a few of the necessary and simple luxuries of life...If part of these lands produced tea, he would then have a healthy beverage to drink, besides a commodity that would be of great value in the market.  Being of small bulk compared with its value, the expense of carriage would be trifling, and he would have the means of making himself and his family more comfortable, and more happy.
It had to be decided on where the tea would best grow, and how the tea-growing methods could be improved to make it profitable.  The British were soon to discover their location.
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abhay121996-blog · 3 years
India Need To Groom Fast Bowlers, Says Mithali Raj Divya Sandesh
India Need To Groom Fast Bowlers, Says Mithali Raj
Sent in to bat in the first ODI, India Women played 181 dot balls to post a modest 201 for eight, which England Women chased down with 91 balls to spare
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pkstudiosindia · 4 years
Pet Food India-Hudastore || Premium Products || VoMii PU Memory Foam Insoles Plantar Fasciitis Arch Support Insoles for Women Men and Kids, Comfortable Breathable… || 2020-10-18 16:00:03
Huda Store || Premium Products ||VoMii PU Memory Foam Insoles Plantar Fasciitis Arch Support Insoles for Women Men and Kids, Comfortable Breathable… || 2020-10-18 16:00:03
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trendsdresscom · 5 years
The Sash on Melania Trump’s White Jumpsuit Has a Special Meaning
Thanks to her former modeling career, Melania Trump can turn even the most casual outfit into a major fashion moment, and she has consistently wowed Us with her classic-with-a-twist style choices since moving to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue (a.k.a. the White House).
See Ivanka Trump’s Washington, D.C., Style Evolution
It became clear from the onset that the Slovene-born beauty was taking wardrobe cues from previous trendsetting first ladies. For the inauguration in January 2017, she wore a pale blue Ralph Lauren cashmere coat dress with matching suede pumps and gloves that called to mind Jackie Kennedy’s chic style, and she’s continued to rock high-fashion designs ever since. Though, much like former first lady Michelle Obama before her, Melania’s outfits keep Us guessing.
Whether she was hosting her first state dinner for French President Emmanuel and First Lady Brigitte Macron in a sparkling Chanel Haute Couture gown (which originally appeared on the brand’s spring 2018 runway as a jumpsuit) or sporting a pastel Burberry coat to read to children at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, the First Lady’s wardrobe creatively and tastefully embraces color, texture and design. Oh, and we will forever be amazed by her ability to have a rainbow-hued stiletto (Christian Louboutin is her fave) to match just about any outfit.
Keep scrolling to see her best looks!
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February 24, 2020
When visiting Ahmedabad, India, the former model donned an Atelier Caito for Herve Pierre white jumpsuit that featured a green and gold sash with a meaning behind it. “The sash was cut in an early XX century Indian textile documents I found in Paris through very good friends who are collectors,” the designer wrote in an Instagram post. “The sash is made out of green silk and gold metallic thread. We used the border which was the most Interesting piece we could use as it was a vintage piece.”
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February 19, 2020
Showing Us how to wear a winter white, Mrs. Trump spoke at the Women of Distinction Luncheon in Palm Beach wearing a sleeveless Brandon Maxwell number with a high neckline featuring black trim.
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February 16, 2020
Attending the Daytona 500, the first lady stunned in a black-and-white polka dot sundress with lace detailing around the waist for an extra touch of sunny day sophistication.
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  February 12, 2020
FLOTUS paired a $7,700 Salvatore Ferragamo python-print leather skirt with a white crewneck sweater and a green wool coat when greeting the president of Ecuador at the White House.
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February 9, 2020
For the 2020 Governors Ball at the White House, the former fashion model looked elegant in a floor-length black gown with silver embellishments detailing the neckline. She wore her hair down in loose curls and accessorized with diamond earrings.
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February 6, 2020
Looking refined in a black and white ensemble, FLOTUS attended a speech at the White House wearing a pencil skirt, a polka dot blouse and a cardigan worn over the shoulders.
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February 4, 2020
For the State of the Union address, the former model wore a business chic navy Dolce & Gabbana skirt suit complete with a double-breasted jacket and pencil skirt.
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February 2, 2020
The first lady wore a white, red and navy color-blocked dress from Atelier Caito for Hervé Pierre, paired with a navy coat and stiletto heels when returning from the Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.
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  January 13, 2020
When attending the college football playoff championship game in New Orleans, FLOTUS rocked a shiny patent leather trench coat from Theodore Scanlan that retails for $2,000 and paired it with black knee-high suede boots.
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January 7, 2020
It’s a jumpsuit, not a dress! The former model posed for a photo with President Trump, the Prime Minister of Greece and his wife, wearing a chic black-and-white plaid Chanel number. She paired the ensemble with Christian Louboutin boots and a belt with a buckle.
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December 31, 2019
The first lady donned a glistening black and gold sequin gown for the Trump family’s New Year’s Eve party on December 31 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida. The elegant silk georgette frock, which features gradiant gold paillettes at the neckline and a floor-length hem, was designed by Duchess Meghan’s wedding dress designer Claire Waight Keller and costs $4,740. 
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December 24, 2019
The first lady attended a Christmas Eve dinner in Palm Beach, Florida, on December 24, 2019, in a chic little black dress with a sparkly collar necklace and Louboutin pumps for added appeal.
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December 20, 2019
For a trip to Andrews Air Force Base, the former model rocked a tan ensemble complete with a sleek sweater, ankle-cut trousers and a stylishly slouchy camel hair coat. She topped off the chic look with maroon pumps and a matching bag.
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  December 17, 2019
FLOTUS posed for a photo in Washington with President Trump, Guatemalan president Jimmy Morales and his wife, Marroquin Argueta de Morales. For the special occasion, the former model wore a $3,300 checkered Chloé Coat paired with burgundy-colored, velvet heels.
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December 12, 2019
A flawless example of how to do winter white, the first lady stunned in a white cape dress with silver beaded details down the cape’s trim when attending the Congressional Ball at the White House.
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December 9, 2019
The first lady attended a Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Drive wearing a sleek and casual ensemble complete with a white T-shirt tucked into a red-and-white striped Gucci midiskirt.
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December 5, 2019
For the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Washington, D.C., FLOTUS donned a holiday-perfect red and white plaid collar coat that elegantly tied at the waist.
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December 4, 2019
Opting for plaid print outerwear, the former model stunned in a black and white number when joining local students and U.S. Marines stationed at the U.S. embassy in London. To tie together the chic look, she wore slick black heels and a matching top underneath.
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December 3, 2019
For NATO’s 70th anniversary summit, Mrs. Trump wore a bright yellow Valentino wool cape coat worth $7,700, which she paired with a long-sleeved magenta dress and Christian Louboutin purple suede pumps to match.
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December 2, 2019
Dressed in a bright red trench coat with a belt at the waist, the first lady stepped off of a private plane in London to attend the NATO Summit with Donald Trump. She styled her hair in loose curls and wore Christian Louboutin pumps to match the bold topper.
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November 26, 2019
The first lady joined President Trump at the 72nd annual Presentation of the National Thanksgiving Turkey at the White House wearing a festive brown suede designer ensemble complete with a Burberry trench coat and matching knee-high Saint Laurent boots.
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November 25, 2019
FLOTUS attended the White House Christmas tree lighting in a chic black ensemble that she elevated with a white, red and green floral overcoat worn open. She tied the super stylish look together with stiletto boots.
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November 21, 2019
Pulling back out a favorite coat previously spotted on the former model earlier this month for Veteran’s Day, Trump re-wore this dressy outerwear for a return trip to D.C.
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November 20, 2019
For an event at the American Red Cross Headquarters, FLOTUS wore a buttoned-up beige leather top with army green pants and a thin brown belt. She rewore a pair of her favorite snakeskin loafers from Zara, which reportedly only cost $50!
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November 13, 2019
 The first lady and Donald Trump welcomed Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his wife, Emine Gulbaran, for a visit to the White House. For the special affair, the former model wore a long periwinkle peacoat with black pointed-toe heels. 
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November 12, 2019
Giving Us the winter wardrobe inspo we didn’t know we needed, FLOTUS exited Air Force One wearing a long tweed Red Valentino Double Breasted Coat with a black top, skinny jeans and combat boots when returning to Washington, D.C.
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November 11, 2019
For Veteran’s Day, the first lady stood by her husband during a wreath-laying ceremony in NYC, looking absolutely fabulous in a black coat with stand-out gold buttons down the front. She topped off the look with her favorite pumps: Manolo Blahnik BB four-inch heels. 
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October 30, 2019
While arriving at Joint Base Charleston in South Carolina with second lady Karen Pence, FLOTUS wore an olive coat with large black buttons up the front and a belt tied at the waist.
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October 28, 2019
The first lady and Donald Trump handed out candy to children during a special trick or treating event held at the White House. For the occasion, the former model wore a belted, neutral-colored patchwork coat with black heels.
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October 23, 2019
In a perfectly tailored two-piece, FLOTUS looked sharp and stylish in a dusty rose suit with a black shirt underneath for a roundtable discussion on the opioid crisis in Washington, D.C. 
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October 9, 2019
Going business chic, FLOTUS wore a simple yet stunning charcoal gray mididress during a Be Best panel on vaping that she hosted in D.C. She amped up the look with a pair of nude snakeskin pumps. 
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October 7, 2019
For a dinner at the White House with military leaders, FLOTUS stood out in a red and blue patterned satin dress. She styled her hair down in loose curls and wore black pumps to make the fancy frock the focal point.
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September 24, 2019
The first lady wore a sleek white Gucci coat that featured a stylish belt and oh-so-many pockets to visit the United Nations General Assembly in NYC. She wore her hair down in curls, plus a coat of lip gloss to complement her signature glam makeup look. 
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September 23, 2019
The former model wore a form-fitting, sleeveless black dress to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange in NYC alongside children from the United Nations International School. She wore her hair down and added a touch of pink lipstick for the event. 
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September 20, 2019
During an arrival ceremony for the Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, and his wife, Jenny Morrison, FLOTUS evoked pure sophistication in a white A-line dress with puffy sleeves and a structured top.
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September 19, 2019
The first lady attended the reopening of the Washington Monument wearing a chic white sleeveless dress with a stylish belt detail. She wore her hair down in loose waves and added a touch of color with floral high heels.
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August 26, 2019
While visiting with French first lady Brigitte Macron at the G7 Summit, the U.S. FLOTUS stunned in a white sleeveless dress with a graphic black pattern printed on the bottom of the skirt. To top off the summer-perfect look, she paired it with Louboutin pumps.
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August 25, 2019
The former model opted for a red Alexander McQueen dress designed by Sarah Burton, accessorizing the chic look with sling-back pumps for a more formal evening during the G7 Summit. 
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August 25, 2019
During a walking tour of a village in France, Esplette, FLOTUS kept things casual yet sophisticated in a white Calvin Klein dress with a long belt and matching Louboutin ballet flats with an extra pointy toe. 
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August 24, 2019
She looked elegant and cool in a pleated Gucci dress with silver embellishments on the waist and her go-to silver Louboutin pumps at a dinner with the French president and his wife during the G7 Summit. 
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August 24, 2019
While exiting Air Force One for the G7 Summit, the brunette beauty was spotted wearing a colorful yellow and pink Calvin Klein mididress and hot pink heels.
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July 8, 2019
Who knew travel-wear could be so elegant? In a dark navy knee-length trench dress, FLOTUS was spotted boarding a plane at an airport in Huntington, West Virginia. She topped off the look with brown pumps and a matching belt. 
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July 4, 2019
At the president’s Independence Day address, the first lady stunned in a white Carolina Herrera dress that featured multi-colored stripes down the flared skirt and asymmetrical sleeves.
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June 12, 2019
While meeting the Polish president and his wife at the White House, FLOTUS looked smart and chic in a pale pink pantsuit that was tailored to perfection.
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June 6, 2019
On a visit to the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer, France, Trump chose a black Dior coat and Roger Vivier Heels.
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June 5, 2019
FLOTUS went light in a white coat from The Row, a white hat by Philip Treacy and nude Dior shoes to an event marking the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Southsea Common.
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June 4, 2019
Hosting a dinner in honor of Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall at Winfield House, London, the First Lady stunned in a red cape gown by Givenchy. The elegant floor-length piece (by the designer who created the Duchess of Sussex’s wedding dress) featuring a subtly shimmering sequin neckline was worn by Trump before, to an affair in Palm Beach in 2017.
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June 3, 2019
For the state dinner at Buckingham Palace, the former model went custom — she chose an ivory haute couture Dior gown with sheer detailing at the top, which she wore with gloves and ivory suede Manolo Blahnik shoes.
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June 3, 2019
In an outfit that’s being likened to one seen in the movie My Fair Lady, the first lady stepped out in London in a crisp white and navy belted Dolce & Gabbana suit and matching hat by Herve Pierre.
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May 28, 2019
The first lady returned to Washington, D.C., after a four-day trip to Japan in a $2,430 Calvin Klein 205W39NYC mididress she first debuted at the 2018 NATO summit in Brussels. She paired the navy frock with ivory Manolo Blahnik pumps.
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May 28, 2019
Visiting with Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako in Tokyo, the first lady brightened things up in an orange-and-white printed Dries Van Noten trench coat.
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May 27, 2019
Mrs. Trump chose a $4,490 pale pink J. Mendel feather embroidered caftan for a formal banquet at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
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May 27, 2019
It was all about the flower power for the first lady in her $4,290 Carolina Herrera floral-print dress and hot pink Manolo Blahnik pumps at the Akasaka Palace in Tokyo.
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May 26, 2019
Trading her go-to mididresses for a chic jumpsuit, Mrs. Trump wore a $3,450 Loro Piana one-piece for a visit to Tokyo’s Digital Art Museum with her Japanese counterpart, Akie Abe.
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May 26, 2019
The first lady took a page from Duchess Meghan’s playbook with her $2,020 Roland Mouret fuchsia frock at the Summer Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo. The royal wore a navy blue version of the dress the day before her May 2018 wedding to Prince Harry.
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May 25, 2019
Arriving in Tokyo for a four-day state visit, Mrs. Trump opted for a postcard-printed Calvin Klein shirtdress and Christian Louboutin pumps.
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May 7, 2019
The first lady celebrated the first anniversary of her Be Best initiative in the White House Rose Garden in a $1,195 denim fit-and-flare frock by one of Kate Middleton’s go-to designers, Emilia Wickstead.
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May 6, 2019
Attending Tiger Woods’ Medal of Freedom ceremony in the Rose Garden at the White House, Mrs. Trump wore a $7,450 Elie Saab illusion mididress that she first debuted at the 2018 NATO Summit. 
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May 2, 2019
The first lady chose a $2,010 green Emilia Wickstead fit-and-flare frock paired with printed Christian Louboutin pumps for a gathering in the White House Rose Garden.
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April 26, 2019
The first lady celebrated her 49th birthday — and welcomed the president and first lady of Japan to the White House — in a $1,690 Lela Rose lace mididress and red patent leather Christian Louboutin heels. 
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April 24, 2019
Proving last summer’s polka dot trend is here to stay, the first lady traveled to Atlanta with the president in a $2,294 Alessandra Rich spotted midi that she paired with a chunky brown belt and reptilian-inspired pumps. 
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April 22, 2019
The first lady welcomed children to the White House for the annual Easter Egg Roll in a $4,995 blue suede Michael Kors trench coat dress.
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April 21, 2019
Mrs. Trump attended an Easter service at Bethesda-by-the-Sea church in Palm Beach in a $2,490 flowery Carolina Herrera frock that she paired with a lavender Max Mara belt and Christian Louboutin pumps. 
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April 18, 2019
Departing the White House to spend Easter weekend at Mar-a-Lago, the first lady wore a $2,250 floral-printed Adam Lippes coat with a white sheath dress and peach Christian Louboutin stilettos. 
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April 11, 2019
Pretty in pink, indeed! Mrs. Trump welcomed the president and first lady of South Korea to the White Hose in a $4,750 fuchsia Louis Vuitton wrap coat that she secured with a knotted black belt. 
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March 31, 2019
Upon returning to D.C., the first lady looked casually chic in a pair of blue jeans and a purple jacket that’s the spring outerwear we didn’t know we needed. 
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March 22, 2019
Greeting Caribbean leaders at Mar-a-Lago in West Palm Beach, the First Lady wore a $565 black and orange printed mididress by L.K. Bennett (i.e. one of Kate Middleton’s go-to designers). She paired the sleeveless frock with matching tangerine Christian Louboutin heels. 
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March 17, 2019
Mrs. Trump looked ready for spring at a St. Patrick’s Day service at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C. in a white scalloped-trim coat and nude Christian Louboutin pumps. 
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March 11, 2019
While walking with her family on the White House South Lawn, the First Lady’s casually chic ensemble gave us the perfect spring wardrobe inspo, complete with a short trench jacket with skinny black jeans and thick-heeled booties. 
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March 8, 2019
The First Lady was seen leaving the White House in a casual red, white and blue ensemble, which included a navy Tommy Hilfiger peacoat, ivory sweater, burgundy J Brand skinny jeans and matching Adidas kicks.
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March 7, 2019
The First Lady presented at the 2019 International Women of Courage Awards wearing a dark green leather dress that almost looks like sleeker version of a trench coat.
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February 18, 2019
For several outings in Miami on Monday, February 18, the First Lady embraced a bit of pattern play in a $2,500 floral-print Gabriela Hearst shirtdress and red patent leather pumps. 
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February 15, 2019
Departing the White House for a weekend at Mar a Lago, the First Lady kept things monochromatic in a $2,300 Ferragamo cashmere poncho, Gianvito Rossi boots, an Hermes bag and shield-like shades.
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February 14, 2019
Mrs. Trump was thinking pink in a pastel Cédric Charlier coat and matching sheath dress to celebrate Valentine’s Day with children at the National Institute of Health.
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February 13, 2019
One day before Valentine’s Day the First Lady greeted the President and First Lady of Colombia to the White House in a pink houndstooth Fendi coat and nude pumps. 
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February 5, 2019
The First Lady attended the State of the Union in a $2,000 black button-front Burberry military coat dress and matching leather gloves.
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February 3, 2019
Returning to Washington, D.C. after spending Super Bowl weekend at Mar-a-Lago, Mrs. Trump kept things classic in dark-wash blue jeans she paired with a matching, duster coat and heels.
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February 1, 2019
Leaving the White House for a weekend trip to Mar-a-Lago, the First Lady paired her tan leather $1,625 Gianvito Rossi boots with a matching $3,875 double-breasted Roksanda coat. A cherry red Hermès bag provided a pop of color.
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December 26, 2018
During her surprise visit to Al Asad Air Base in Iraq, the First Lady wore a $995 mustard yellow suede Victoria Beckham jacket with J Brand skinny jeans and Timberland boots.
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December 24, 2018
Mrs. Trump spent Christmas Eve manning the phones of the NORAD Santa tracker in a navy blue Ralph Lauren turtleneck dress.
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December 15, 2018
At the annual Congressional Ball at the White House, Mrs. Trump stunned in a white sequined Celine turtleneck dress from the French fashion house’s spring 2018 runway.
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December 13, 2018
Visiting the Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., the First Lady was festive in a $750 red and white Tomas Maier wool-blend coat that she paired with matching Manolo Blahnik heels and an ivory sheath dress.
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December 1, 2018
The First Lady visited the Museum of Latin American Art in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in a polka dot Christian Dior frock and ivory coat.
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November 30, 2018
It was all about the flower power for Mrs. Trump in a colorfully printed Gucci knee-length dress during a visit to Villa Ocampo as part of the G20 Summit in Argentina.
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November 28, 2018
The First Lady attended the annual National Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in Washington, D.C., in a winter white Max Mara wrap coat, matching turtleneck sweater and beige suede thigh-high boots.
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November 20, 2018
Attending the annual turkey pardon at the White House, the First Lady was an autumnal dream in a $9,400 Dior geometric-print coat that she paired with black suede Christian Louboutin boots. 
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November 19, 2018
The First Lady was on hand to receive the White House Christmas tree in a festive $3,995 tartan Michael Kors cape coat that she paired with $1,550 thigh-high Christian Louboutin boots.
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November 11, 2018
The First Lady attended a luncheon at the Chateau de Versailles with her French counterpart Brigitte Macron in a pleated grey Dior mididress and black pumps.
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November 10, 2018
Arriving at the Elysee Presidential Palace in Paris with French First Lady Brigitte Macron, Mrs. Trump wore a navy Bottega Veneta coat dress with black Christian Louboutin pumps and leather gloves.
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October 28, 2018
The First Lady welcomed trick-or-treaters to the White House for a Halloween celebration in a $3,950 yellow and black plaid Bottega Veneta coat dress. 
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October 23, 2018
The First Lady welcomed students to the White House movie theater for a screening of Wonder in an $1,130 burgundy leather and navy suede Victoria Beckham jacket and skinny jeans. 
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October 7, 2018
Arriving back at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland after her solo trip to Africa, the First Lady kept things color coordinated in a scarlet turtleneck that she paired with red-accented khakis and neutral flats.
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October 6, 2018
Visiting the Great Pyramid in Egypt for the final stop of her four-day, four-country tour, Mrs. Trump sported a sand-colored Ralph Lauren jacket, wide leg trousers, a white Chanel blouse with a black tie and a cream fedora.
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October 6, 2018
She sported a short-sleeve, animal-print Chufy belted shirtdress and suede pumps departing Kenya.
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October 5, 2018
Meeting with the First Lady of Kenya at the State House in Nairobi, Mrs. Trump belted a yellow and white striped Thierry Colson caftan.
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October 5, 2018
Touring Nairobi National Park in Kenya, the First Lady seemed to channel Meryl Streep’s character in Out of Africa in her Ralph Lauren ensemble.
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October 4, 2018
It was all about the art of the re-wear as she arrived in Kenya in an avian-printed Erdem shirtdress that she first wore in July 2018 with orange accessories. This time around, she sported a yellow belt and matching shoes with the look.
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October 4, 2018
Mrs. Trump wore a tan Joseph safari dress with a matching belt and pumps to pose with Malawi First Lady Gertrude Maseko.
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October 4, 2018
The First Lady kept things conformable in olive green jeans, a pale blue button-down and Converse for her flight from Ghana to Malawi.
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October 3, 2018
Continuing her tour of Africa with a stop in Cape Coast, Ghana, Mrs. Trump paired a $595 olive green Veronica Beard cargo jacket (a repeat-wear for the First Lady) with khaki J Brand trousers and $49.90 reptile-inspired Zara loafers for an interesting mix of high and low. 
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October 2, 2018
The First Lady met with Ghana’s First Lady Revecca Akufo-Addo for tea in a $2,000 custom red and white striped Celine shirtdress and white stiletto pumps, before slipping into white skimmer flats to visit a pediatric clinic.
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October 1, 2018
Trump was photographed leaving Andrews Airforce Base en route to her first solo international trop as First Lady wearing a $1,695 suede Vince trench coat and leopard print Manolo Blahnik stilettos for her departure. 
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uzagedu-blog · 7 years
Kate Moss And Naomi Campbell Steal Spotlight In Burberry FROW
Celebrities such as former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and supermodel Naomi Campbell are just two high-profile sufferers of a condition that every year affects two-in-three women - foot discomfort. Naomi Campbell arrives at the party to celebrate re-opening of the Versace boutique on Fifth Avenue during Style Week in New York, Feb. 7, 2006. FRENCHKISSES Naomi Campbell arrives in Could 2005 at the Legends Ball, an award ceremony hosted by Oprah Winfrey honoring girls who paved the way in arts, entertainment and civil rights at the Bacara Resort & Spa in Santa Barbara, Calif. And lastly, in sharing her excitement for her pal Edward Enninful to take Schulman's spot as editor, Campbell also writes how she's "Looking forward to an inclusive and diverse employees now." This is but an additional reminder, in case we missed the message, that British Vogue and its former editor failed to employ an inclusive and diverse employees ahead of. Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Twiggy, Gisele Bundchen, Christie Brinkley, Kate Moss, Cindy Crawford, Petra Nemcova, Beverly Johnson, Elle Macpherson, and Janice Dickinson are a couple of well known prime models who are recognized in all households all over America. Daria Werbowy, Gemma Ward, Lily Cole, Natalia Vodianova, and Karolina Kurkova are a couple of of the notable prime models of now. The Louis Vuitton organization utilizes excellent advertising skill by using larger profile actors and models utilised inside their campaigns. The much more present instance of this was Scarlett Johansson and Uma Thurman, prior to them had been Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, Christina Ricci and Jennifer Lopez, amongst other individuals. The LV firm utilizes the print advertisements within larger fashion magazines, along with billboards inside prominent cities. She could have a fierce reputation but for those in the know, Naomi Campbell is famed for her seriously huge heart. So its comes as no surprise that the supermodel is teaming up with Italian brand Diesel, for a collection that is devoted to her Style For Relief charity - Kid At Heart. I practically drop my pen. Is Campbell congratulating individuals for not being late? With out irony? She, of course, is famously late or, in the PR's delicate phrasing, sometimes runs behind schedule”. Witless statements like that 1 served to muffle the sensible points Campbell has been creating about the fashion business for a extended time. The model may perhaps be tone deaf to coming across as a spoilt brat, but several senior figures in the business have a much more damaging lack of sensitivity. Naomi Campbell is a supermodel and has now added actor to her resume as she is on the new hit drama, "Empire." She just about turned down the part but was persuaded by producer Lee Daniels to accept the portion. Lip-syncing in the campaign with the likes of up-and-coming supermodel Adwoa Aboah ('she's turn into in a league of her own and I am really proud of her,' Naomi gushes), the still extremely in-demand supermodel and her bevvy of H&M beauties sport the brand's new collection, which is teaming with higher-waisted trousers, high-neck puffa jackets, oversized knits, and cute-as-a-button pussy-bow polka-dot shirts. Emily and Naomi do not speak till they meet at Freddie's shed. Naomi ultimately reveals her accurate feelings: that she had often loved Emily but she was scared by the effect Emily had on her, so she attempted anything to lessen it, including messing around with boys. However, she states that she is done operating, and presents to her two tickets to travel to Goa, India soon after graduation, and therefore she and Emily resolve their concerns. She is last seen getting a terrific time at the celebration at Freddie's shed with Emily and the rest of the gang. But Campbell was fast to clarify that The Coalition is not branding the listed labels as racist. "I'm saying the act of not deciding on models of colour is racist. We are not calling them racist, we are saying the act is racist," she mentioned. Naomi Campbell is taking challenge with British Vogue for the lack of diversity in its employees. Supermodel Naomi Campbell has made her South East Asian catwalk debut at Digital Style Week in Singapore.
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