#india us uk eu netherlands
bogusfilth · 4 months
holy shit is it ever election season globally rn
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Keepers of the Quaich
This time, we're going to look at things a bit differently and this could very well be my most speculative post ever. So be it: it is a risk I am taking and warning you about from the get go.
The only thing Mordor understood about the next October 4 event organized by the US Chapter of The Keepers of the Quaich is something that probably gave them collective relief: S is not going to be with C on her birthday. Not together. Not on the same continent. Shut up, shippers, you are stupid.
As usually, Mordor takes things at a very primitive face value, without bothering for context. But they always focused on the lewd side of the story, not on its deep ramifications, of which there are many. Anything that denies S's halfwit manwhore image upsets them greatly.
The Scottish society of The Keepers of the Quaich is not one of those old, steeped in tradition clubs, but it is damn selective. It only dates back to 1988, which is almost five minutes ago, for Europe (and especially the UK) and is deeply rooted in Highlands' lore, celebrating excellence in whisky trade and promotion worldwide. General facts about it have already been discussed elsewhere, but with a bias and little to no context. Also, really LOL at Mordor's idiocy to think that was a fan promotion event and go ballistic for the members-only and by invitation access to it.
Membership is by co-opting and with a five-year proven performance history only (ten years, if you step up to Master level). You need not one, but two recommendations, which makes it harder to join than a Masonic lodge or the Rotary Club (and I know what I am saying, heh). That S could actively seek to be inducted, rather sooner than later, is pretty much clear, as he could use the network it readily provides, along with the prestige:
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(Sourced at: https://www.diffordsguide.com/encyclopedia/341/people/keepers-of-the-quaich)
I first had a look at the list of its International Chapters and it is interesting to notice Muslim countries as Turkey or the Emirates each having their own chapter, which clearly tells me it's all about luxury and more specifically, luxury hospitality business, in that case. If inducted after the customary five years' wait, S could also make good use of the German chapter's (a market that proved to be very problematic for him) network, along with the Nordics and Netherlands, if he would think about cleverly expanding his trade in the EU. Last but not least, I would keep an eye on Brazil and India (along with the more predictable South Africa and Australia), because he already has a solid fanbase in the first one and well, Asia is always interesting, when it comes to alcohol business.
I did not really bother with the list of the Patrons, which spells a good and prestigious sliver of Debrett's Peerage's Scottish section. But I also looked at the list of the Management Committee, who does all the hands-on dealings and is directly responsible for the induction ceremony of new members. Aside from representatives of Diageo and Pernod Ricard (giants of the alcohol business world), a familiar name popped right at the bottom of the page:
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Annabel Meikle, Director of The Keepers of the Quaich and as such, directly involved in the management of its activities (and probably also in all the underground shenanigans leading to the induction of new members, too). A great contact to have in your rolodex, judging by her public CV on LinkedIn:
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Glenmorangie (also a member of the Keepers) - keep that reference under your sleeve, we are going to need it soon :).
Could she be related to...
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I am leaving this without an answer, because I don't know and I will always refuse to go data mining for anything, but that sure as hell is not a common surname, as Smith or Martin!
At any rate, Mrs. Meikle is also (along with the Duke of Argyll, the current Keepers Grand Master) a member of The Scottish Committee of something very, very prestigious: The Worshipful Company of Distillers (https://www.distillers.org.uk/), based in London and founded in 1638, by Royal Charter (for “Body Politique and corporate” to govern the “Trade Arte and Mystery of Distillers of London” - how I love history, people!) granted by Charles I, a Stuart (of course). I am speculating and having visions of Livery status and Freedom of the City, followed by Knighthood for S (no bong needed, this particular narrative writes itself and believe it or not, it's not entirely without logic). And it is my strict constitutional right to be a poetic coo about it - that guy is smarter than we thought and I would curate that contact to death if I were him (but I am not, I am just a benevolent and intrigued observer, as you all know). Back to Earth from these optimistic conjectures, I will keep a tab on it, as I dutifully took note that one of their current interests is tequila:
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Onwards to the US. We can have a fair idea of October 4th event just by looking at one of their few press releases on the occasion of the Chapter's launch gala, on September 25 2019, in New York (https://www.distilledspirits.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/KOTQUSA-Release-10.04.19.pdf - with quotes selected by me):
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Moët Hennessy. Another reference to keep under our sleeve, for it will be soon very relevant. So yes, what has been speculated by Miss Marple is partially true: more business than aristocratic. But this is only if we do not consider as American aristocratic the venue of the next event. The Metropolitan Club is a very East Coast, WASP old money and (well, technically yes) Republican (but not MAGA Republican and this, to me, is very important for some reason) organization:
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That was the state of play on Friday, folks, and I was already excited to share my optimistic findings with you. And then, C went to Paris and more dots started to speculatively connect. Bare with me for this long passegiata, I think it's worth it.
It was particularly important that C would be seen in a very friendly-casual pose with Delphine Arnault, out of all the other people attending that event. Not because Arnault is currently the big boss of Dior and Loewe (as I already explained here: https://www.tumblr.com/sgiandubh/729801825900953600/city-of-lights?source=share). And not only because C suddenly seems very interested to renew and expand her fashion days' old network. But also, because, as I already said, Delphine Arnault is also the daughter of her father and in France, business and family are always closely entwined. Always.
The French luxury market is roughly split between two behemoth players: Bernard Arnault (LVMH Moët Hennessy • Louis Vuitton S.A) and Antoine Pinault (Kering, ex- Pinault-Printemps- Redoute). These people and their businesses are number 1 and 2, respectively, on the global market. And out of these two, the only one very interested in the alcohol business is Arnault (Pinault does not deal in this sector).
So I took a look at his very diverse alcohol and spirits brand portfolio (25 references - https://www.lvmh.com/houses/wines-spirits/): rhum, brandy, champagne, tequila, wines (Argentina and even China). Two Scottish whisky brands: first Ardberg (the graceful peat from Islay). And - oh, hello, Mrs. Meikle - Glenmorangie, acquired by Arnault in 2004, after a bitter battle with Pernod Ricard (https://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/21/business/world-business-briefing-europe-france-scotch-maker-acquired.html):
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Back at Mrs. Meikle's CV - hers was a pivotal role in the post-acquisition reshuffle, as part of LVMH:
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Coincidence? I think not.
And then also a bourbon reference. Woodinville (based in the state of Washington, USA) with a pitch that made me grin again like the Cheshire Cat:
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Sounds familiar? Rings a bell? See a pattern? You should: no, it's not S in disguise, but it could be SS in a couple of years, if S decided to sell it for a hefty profit.
But I was also interested in what is missing from this catalogue.
Who knows? Maybe these French people could be enticed? In that case (and remember: I am SPECULATING), it would have to be a brand with a proven track record. You see, Arnault is famous for always buying only brands with a proven history and proven recognition (Tasting Alliance, anyone? LOL). Up until now and as is, FMN is just a pet project and a virtual endeavor. Nothing more and we shall see. But that little wild Scottish gin which could win hearts and already an award in Frisco is something completely different.
Now, then. You connect the dots. You draw your own conclusions. I see something very intriguing here and, as I already told you, the business underground situation is completely different from the bland façade.
You see, this is not about papers or checking a pulse or awkwardly grabbing a fist on some stairs. This is show me the money time. This is all about finding unexpected connections, at a very high level and on a very narrow niche.
So you think S and C can't stand each other anymore?
Humbug. They have each other's back from Day 1. And more. Ship on, ladies. Whatever clownery these days might bring, I know what I know. And by now, you should start asking yourselves the real questions, not if Waldo is with Carmen Sandiego (we KNOW), nor if they were online at the same time or not. I mean, that's cute: but to be honest, I think we're past that... uh... waypoint?
Next on my list is that Lallybroch trademark thing. This is the most complex one and I will take my time. I may speculate, but never without a logical base. And I always take these things very seriously.
Keepers of the Quaich, indeed. :)
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darkmaga-retard · 9 days
Technocracy is a system pitted against all others, including capitalism, Marxism, and outright Fascism. However, it will use those other systems to achieve its goals of Scientific Dictatorship. The Trilateral Commission kickstarted modern Technocracy in 1973 and devised a policy of using mass immigration as a tool to break down Western society. Peter Sutherland did it in Europe. Anthony Blinken is doing it in the U.S.
No other continent suffers from an immigration crisis. Not China. Not Asia. Not South America. Not Africa. Not India or Russia. What Trilateral policy did in Europe is working on America, with similar results.
Wade though this thoughtful paper and consider the author’s conclusions:
“The oligarchs that wish to see Technocracy established can capitalize on the ramblings of the real far-right minority by framing all dissent against the emerging Technate as “extremism.”
Perhaps more crucially, by perpetuating the left-right paradigm, pitting the identitarian movement against the advocates of identity politics, populations can be mired in pointless debates. This irrelevant distraction, embodied by the vacuum of party politics, leaves the global public-private partnership free to push ahead with the rollout of Technocracy while the people engage in counter-productive arguments and continually fail to recognize their real enemy: the oligarchs. ⁃ Patrick Wood, TN Editor.
In the UK, the so-called far-right‘s stance on immigration is said to be driven by “the Great Replacement conspiracy theory.” According to the influential global think tank the Institute for Strategic Studies (ISD):
“The Great Replacement” theory was first coined by French writer Renaud Camus. Identitarian movements across Europe (including in Austria, the UK, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Germany) have used the theory to recruit others to their cause, claiming their countries and national “identities” are under threat due to increasing immigrant populations.
It is true, in part, that Camus made this argument. Some elements of his philosophy are racist and do offer apparent rationales for religious bigotry. It is also true that Camus has been influential in the rise of the identitarian movement, which is perceived as “right-wing.” Identitarianism broadly stands in opposition to identitiy politics, considered progressive or “left-wing.”
While the identitarian movement generally opposes multiculturalism and defends ethno-culturalism, identity politics largely holds that states foist structural inequality of opportunity upon people based on their personal characteristics—such as their ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation and disability, etc. Those who oppose multiculturalism perceive identity politics as a deliberate attempt to dilute or even eradicate their culture.
These sociopolitical and philosophical concepts have a massive “influence” on our polity, public discourse and society. The right vs left paradigm is thereby created and perpetuated through the constantly reported clash between the identitarian movement and identity politics.
Those who espouse the Great Replacement theory often cite the comments of Peter Sutherland (1946 – 2018) as evidence that there is a cohesive “plan” to replace European culture. Sutherland was “influential” in guiding the development of the EU and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). He was a banker, business man, lawyer and politician. Sutherland sat on the Bilderberg steering committee, he was chairman of Trilateral Commission European division and the European Round Table movement.
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According to a new survey, lawmakers are playing an increasingly important role in holding corporations and governments accountable for failures to tackle the climate crisis.
The research was done by Columbia Law School, and was commissioned by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). It revealed that the number of climate-related court cases has more than doubled since 2017 and is steadily rising around the world.
Their report confirms a trend highlighted in the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2023, which claimed that individuals and environmental organizations were, more and more, turning to the law, as it became clear that the pace of transition to net-zero emissions was too slow.
“Climate litigation is increasing and concerns about emissions under-reporting and greenwashing have triggered calls for new regulatory oversight for the transition to net zero,” the Forum report said.
The UNEP report catalogues a number of high-profile court cases which have succeeded in enforcing climate action. In 2017, when climate case numbers were last counted, 884 legal actions had been brought. Today the total stands at 2,180.
The majority of climate cases to this date (1,522) have been brought in the US, followed by Australia, the UK, and the EU. The report notes that the number of legal actions in developing countries is growing, now at 17% of the total.
Climate litigation is also giving a voice to vulnerable groups who are being hard hit by climate change. The report says that, globally, 34 cases have been brought by children and young people, including two by girls aged seven and nine in Pakistan and India.
Here are five of the climate breakthroughs achieved by legal action so far.
1. Torres Strait Islanders Vs Australia
In September 2022, indigenous people living on islands in the Torres Strait between northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea won a landmark ruling that their human rights were being violated by the failure of the Australian government to take effective climate action.
The UN Human Rights Committee ruling established the principle that a country could be in breach of international human rights law over climate inaction. They ruled that Australia's poor climate record was a violation of the islanders’ right to family life and culture.
2. The Paris Agreement is a human rights treaty
In July 2022, Brazil's supreme court ruled that the Paris climate agreement is legally a human rights treaty which, it said, meant that it automatically overruled any domestic laws which conflicted with the country’s climate obligations.
The ruling ordered the government to reopen its national climate mitigation fund, which had been established under the Paris Agreement.
3. Climate inaction is a breach of human rights
Upholding an earlier court ruling that greenhouse emissions must be cut by 25% by 2020, the Netherlands Supreme Court ruled that failure to curb emissions was a breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The December 2019 ruling stated that, although it was up to politicians to decide how to make the emission cuts, failure to do so would be a breach of Articles 2 and 8 of the Convention which affirm the right to life and respect for private and family life.
4. Companies are bound by the Paris accord
Corporations, and not just governments, must abide by the emissions reductions agreed in the Paris climate treaty. This principle was established by a 2021 ruling in the Netherlands brought by environmentalists against energy group Royal Dutch Shell.
The court ordered Shell to cut its CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030 bringing them in line with Paris climate targets. The judge was reported as saying there was "worldwide agreement" that a 45% reduction was needed, adding: "This applies to the entire world, so also to Shell”.
5. Courts overturn state climate plans
Up until now, three European governments have been defeated in the courts over their climate plans.
In March 2021, Germany’s highest court struck down a climate law requiring 55% emissions by 2030 cuts, ruling it did not do enough to protect citizens’ rights to life and health. The same year, the French government was ordered to take “immediate and concrete action” to comply with its climate commitments. And in 2022, the UK’s climate strategy was ruled unlawful for failing to spell out how emissions cuts would be made.
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
What Russia can't win on the battlefield it will try to accomplish with disinformation, propaganda, and plain old bribery.
A Russian cabal operated a propaganda site masquerading as a news site called the Voice of Europe. In addition to publishing items designed to undermine confidence in various European governments, it outright made payoffs to various EU politicians.
Investigators claimed it used the popular Voice of Europe website as a vehicle to pay politicians. The Czech Republic and Poland said the network aimed to influence European politics. Voice of Europe did not respond to the BBC's request for comment. Czech media, citing intelligence sources, reported that politicians from Germany, France, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Hungary were paid by Voice of Europe in order to influence upcoming elections for the European Parliament. The German newspaper Der Spiegel said the money was either handed over in cash in covert meetings in Prague or through cryptocurrency exchanges. Pro-Russian Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk is alleged by the Czech Republic to be behind the network. Mr Medvedchuk was arrested in Ukraine soon after the Russian invasion, but later transferred to Russia with about 50 prisoners of war in exchange for 215 Ukrainians. ' Czech authorities also named Artyom Marchevsky, alleging he managed the day-to-day business of the website. Both men were sanctioned by Czech authorities. Poland's intelligence agency said it had conducted searches in the Warsaw and Tychy regions and seized €48,500 (£41,500) and $36,000 (£28,500).
"Money from Moscow has been used to pay some political actors who spread Russian propaganda," BIS said in a statement. It added that the sums amounted to "millions" of Czech crowns (tens of thousands of pounds).
I went looking for the Voice of Europe site but it is now missing (Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site). So I held my nose and visited their Twitter account and nothing new has been posted since the scandal broke.
We need to be careful when looking at news online. Recently a series of fake sites pretending to be legit US news sources was uncovered.
Russia-Backed ‘Fake News Organizations’ Revealed Across the U.S. in Bombshell New York Times Report
The fake news sites have names that sound like they are legit but aren't. Examples: D.C. Weekly, the New York News Daily, the Chicago Chronicle, and the Miami Chronicle. There is a legit New York Daily News – note the different word order from the fake. There once was a newspaper called the Chicago Chronicle but it folded during the Theodore Roosevelt administration.
Google News searches spew a lot of crap. In a lot of cases the "news" sources on Google are just the proverbial guy in his underwear in his mom's basement posting bullshit. They may not be Russian but they are often dubious.
It's best to create a bookmark folder of known legit news sources. There are still numerous good sources not behind paywalls. And many countries have public broadcasters who post news in English. Just a few: NPR, BBC, DW, CBC, ABC (Australia), RFI, YLE, Radio Sweden | Sveriges Radio, NHK-World, and even EER in Estonia.
When running across a news story which sounds peculiar, check to see if it's being reported in known legit media before posting or sharing it.
There are national elections this year in a number of countries including India, the US, and (probably) the UK. Don't inadvertently assist Putin's effort to spread disinformation and sow chaos.
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chocolateandsilver · 1 year
The Restrict Act 2023
About the Restrict Act
There’s a lot of information/misinformation I’ve been seeing about the Restrict Act. I’ve stared at the damn bill for around thirty hours at this point, so I thought I’d give people a summary of what it’s actually doing as well as what it isn’t doing, to help you avoid misinformation.
Buckle in, folks, because this is going to be a long post. I know Tumblr is allergic to nuance, but hopefully you’ll be able to see both the good and the bad in this bill by the time I’m done, and be able to understand what’s actually going on. If you just want to see problems with the act, the last section is devoted to that.
tl;dr good in spirit because of the rising rate of infrastructure cyberattacks, but the letter of the law could use a little work to make sure that the government can't overstep
Why the Restrict Act?
Let’s start with the why. Why does the US government feel like this Act is necessary? The stated purpose is: “To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to review and prohibit certain transactions between persons in the United States and foreign adversaries, and for other purposes.” Which is a bunch of legalese, so I’ll give you some examples of things that are happening in the real world which the government wants more authority to look into.
The author of the bill, Sen. Warner, specifically cited Huawei and Kapersky as companies that were doing Suspicious Things, so we’ll look at those first.
Huawei: Huawei is a telecommunications company. The US, Australia, Canada, Sweden, UK, Lithuania, and Estonia have all taken various actions against Huawei over the last decade or so. In 2012, a malicious software update was installed on Huawei devices in Australia, attacking Australia’s telecommunications network. In 2021, a Washington Post review suggested that Huawei was involved in mass surveillance programs. In 2014, a Huawei engineer was caught hacking a cell phone tower in India
Kapersky: The UK, Lithuania, the Netherlands, the EU, Germany, and Italy have all taken action against Kapersky. This company produces antivirus software, and was accused of working on secret projects with Russia’s Federal Security Service, especially in the wake of Russian interference in the 2016 election. Allegedly, the company used the popular antivirus software to secretly scan for classified documents and other information, and allegedly stole NSA information.
In addition to these two companies, there have been tons of cyberattacks worldwide.
Half of the United States’ fuel supply was compromised due to a hack on Colonial Pipeline, shutting down fuel for some areas in the American southeast for days
A hacking group disrupted Iranian steel factories and even started a fire
Costa Rica had to declare a national emergency after government systems were hit, including systems for exports, pensions, taxes, welfare, and even Covid-19 testing.
A ransomware attack caused a major outage to emergency health services in the UK
The stated purpose of this act is to give the USA some kind of formal process to make decisions when something like this is suspected of happening, and when it’s caused by a “foreign adversary.”
What’s a foreign adversary?
A foreign adversary is a country that has engaged in a “long-term pattern or serious instances of conduct significantly adverse to the national security of the United States or security and safety of United States persons.”
The bill kindly provides us with a list of six countries that fit this description: China(including Hong Kong), Cuba, Iran, Korea, Russia, and Venezuela
The Secretary of Commerce can add/remove countries to this list at any time, as long as Congress is informed within 15 days of the reasoning behind that decision.
Once Congress is informed, Congress can disagree via joint resolution (So both Houses have to vote to disagree with the Secretary of Commerce’s decision). If Congress disagrees, there’s a whole complicated process for getting the label added/removed.
We’ll get into the ethics later, in the Genuine Problems section.
For the rest of this post, I’ll be saying Scary Countries instead of foreign adversaries, so that it’s easier for people to understand.
What is the United States allowed to investigate using this Act?
So first we’re going to define some things, because the Act is very specific about what the United States can investigate.
The bill defines something called a “covered transaction,” which is basically a financial or technological action taken by a Scary Country or on behalf of a Scary Country. For the rest of this post, I’ll be saying Scary Action instead of covered transaction.
The bill also defines something called a “covered holding,” which is essentially any group that is partially or fully owned by a Scary Country, on behalf of a Scary Country, or that falls under a Scary Country’s jurisdiction, even with degrees of separation. The group has to affect either 1+ million Americans or has to have sold 1+ million units of a tech product to Americans. This group is usually a company, but it can be other things, too. For the rest of this post, I’ll be saying Scary & Important Group instead of covered holding.
The Secretary of Commerce is allowed to find/investigate/stop any Scary Action or Scary & Important Group that wants to do one of the following:
sabotage information and communications tech in the US
damage critical infrastructure or the digital economy of the US
interfere with a Federal election
undermine democratic processes
Pose any other unacceptable risk to the USA.
This is a list of Really Bad Things, so from now on I’m going to call it the List of Really Bad Things.
If it’s a Scary & Important Group instead of a Scary Action, the Secretary will refer the information to the President, who will then decide what to do to stop the threat. Otherwise, if it’s just a Scary Action, the Secretary has the authority to stop it.
If the Secretary finds out that something Scary is going on and that it falls under the List of Really Bad Things, the Secretary is REQUIRED to publish information in a DECLASSIFIED form about why they thought there was a threat and what was done to stop it, as long as none of the information is already classified. (This is a good thing!)
First, the Secretary is given authority to find and investigate Scary Actions and Scary & Important Groups. The Secretary is also allowed to delegate this to Federal officials. Something key here is that the bill says that Federal officials can only have investigative powers that are “conferred upon them by any other Federal law.” They don’t get any extra powers. Anyone who tells you otherwise is panicking too hard to properly read the bill.
So what happens if, in the course of investigation, the Secretary finds out that a Scary Action or Scary & Important Group is trying to do a Really Bad Thing? Simple. The Attorney General will bring the case to an “appropriate district court.” The max fine for a civil penalty for an individual here is $250,000. For a criminal penalty for an individual, the max fine is $1 million and/or 20 years in prison, as well as giving up any of the things they used to do Really Bad Stuff with.
If someone is found guilty, they can appeal that decision, but only to the District of Columbia Circuit. Note that this is only for appeals! Otherwise, everything will be through the normal federal district courts.
If the appeal fails, too, the US will file all of the information that they used to make any big decisions with the court, and will give the defendant all of the information that is not classified, so that the defendant can ask for a full review.
Once the United States has stopped a Scary Action or a Scary & Important Group from doing Really Bad Things, it’s illegal to go around/against any of the actions that US has taken to do that.
Specifically, the bill says that “no person may cause or aid, abet, counsel, command, induce, procure, permit, or approve the doing of any act prohibited by, or the omission of any act required by any regulation, order, direction, mitigation measure, prohibition, or other authorization or directive issued under, this Act.”
Yes, this is legitimately scary. We’ll get into the ethics later, in the Genuine Problems section.
The bill gives the USA power to ban VPNs!
No. Unless the VPN company is trying to do one of the Really Bad Things under the instruction of a Scary Country or is suspected of doing one of the Really Bad Things, the VPN company will be fine.
The bill gives the USA power to investigate way more than they could before!
No. “In conducting investigations described in paragraph (1), designated officers or employees of Federal agencies described that paragraph may, to the extent necessary or appropriate to enforce this Act, exercise such authority as is conferred upon them by any other Federal law, subject to policies and procedures approved by the Attorney General” (emphasis mine).
Important here is “exercise such authority as is conferred upon them by any other Federal law” — this act is not giving them additional leeway. Really, the USA is making use of the lack of privacy that’s already baked into law in order to investigate.
If TikTok is banned and I use a VPN to access it, I could go to jail for 20 years!
Possible but severely unlikely, at least according to this law. Let’s go through some scenarios:
Scenario 1: The USA takes TikTok to court. In the decision, the USA says the TikTok app is no longer allowed to be on any app store. In this case, using a VPN to access TikTok would still be allowed, since the ban is for TikTok’s actions, not US citizens’ actions.
Scenario 2: The USA takes TikTok to court. In the decision, the USA says that TikTok is required to have some kind of filter banning US IP addresses. In this case, using a VPN to access TikTok would still be allowed, since the ban is for TikTok’s actions, not US citizens’ actions.
Scenario 3: The USA enacts a law forbidding citizens from accessing TikTok. This is unlikely, since the USA would have to have an entirely separate non-court procedure to do this, which is only kind of in the scope of the law. I guess it’s possible, but it’s skating on thin ice. In this case, using a VPN to access TikTok would be a crime. 4. If you’re charged, you have to go to the DC Circuit Court and not any of the other courts!
Actually, you’d first be charged under an ordinary district court in your state. If you decide to appeal, however, then you have to appeal to DC.
Genuine Problems
Adding a Scary Country to the list seems really easy. There’s nothing to stop the government from adding every single country to the list and then investigating every single action. Granted, it’s highly unlikely that this would happen, simply because then the amount of information would be difficult to go through, but it’s possible.
In the list of Really Bad Things, there’s an additional list item saying “otherwise poses an undue or unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States or the safety of United States persons.” Who determines that?
The definition of a Scary Action is ridiculously broad. It covers any financial or technology-related action. That could refer to a lot of different things.
While the bill is clearly intended only to prosecute people doing Really Bad Things, the wording is kind of vague in some places, and could be used to prosecute others, too.
Specifically, I’m thinking about this clause:
“no person may cause or aid, abet, counsel, command, induce, procure, permit, or approve the doing of any act prohibited by, or the omission of any act required by any regulation, order, direction, mitigation measure, prohibition, or other authorization or directive issued under, this Act”
Yeah this could definitely be used for overreach. It’s far too broad. If there was an infrastructure attack on the USA that affected the police dept, and an ACAB armchair activist tweeted “haha karma” would that count as grounds for prosecution? I have a genuine problem with this clause. The loopholes here are ridiculously large.
Overall, it seems as though this bill is aimed at large companies rather than citizens, but there are definitely loopholes for the government to exploit.
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ohsalome · 2 years
In 2022, Russia has redirected a significant portion of its energy exports to China and India.
Countries that have scaled back their trade with Russia most drastically include the U.S., the UK, Japan and Singapore. Germany continues to be the source of a large share of Russia’s imports despite significant reductions.
Sanctions have significantly reduced the trade between Russia and the US. By October 2022, Russia’s exports to the US had fallen by almost 50% compared to 2021. During the same period, US exports to Russia declined by $2.5 bln compared to the previous year.
The sanctions regime, closely coordinated by the US and EU, was able to disrupt the Kremlin’s direct access to western technology in the short term.
Russia established alternative routes fairly quickly with imports of dual-use and controlled commodities now exceeding pre-war levels.
Evasion routes can be detected with macro-data analysis, for example, by correlating the chronology of relevant events (e.g., the onset of Russia’s military assault on Ukraine in late February 2022, the western imposition of sanctions) with significant shifts in goods’ origin, volume supplied by trading partner, and their position as share of overall trade with Russia by each respective partner.
Our data shows that countries most actively facilitating circumvention of wartime sanctions by Russia include: China, Turkey, Cyprus and the UAE.
In 2022, China became Russia’s most important trade partner, receiving about 20% of Russia’s total exports and serving as the source of 35% of Russia’s total imports.
US sanctions have resulted in a significant decline in the monetary value of global transactions by designated Russian companies, but did not eliminate them.
Sanctions have not stopped Russia’s import of controlled and dual use high tech goods critical to its ability to wage war on Ukraine, such as UAV/parts and microprocessors/semiconductors.
UAV deliveries continued to Russia as late as November and December from UAE, Hong Kong, China, and Singapore.
Russia’s imports of microprocessors/semiconductors increased from $1.82 bln in 2021 to $2.45 bln in 2022 (for the year as a whole).
China has become Russia’s most important source of semiconductors and integrated circuits. In 2022, China, Hong Kong, Germany, the Netherlands and Finland led by dollar value of microchip sales to Russia; China, Hong Kong, Estonia, Turkey and Germany led by the number of transactions.
Despite sanctions, in 2022, Russia hit its highest current account surplus in history. The surplus in 2022 reached $227 billion, more than twice the previous record ($122 billion in 2021).
Russia has retained its access to vast amounts of foreign exchange, which has been critical to its ability to continue its war on Ukraine.
Sanctions have resulted in a 16% contraction of Russia’s imports in 2022 for the year as a whole.
The significant 35% contraction in the first few months of the war was followed by a recovery that we expect to be sustained in 2023.
Russia’s total exports increased by more than 30% between January-September 2022 over the corresponding period in 2021, driven mostly by oil and gas exports.
Since the start of the war, foreigners have paid Russia $190 bn for oil exports or $225 billion in the entirety of 2022 (comprising 11% of Russia’s GDP).
The delay in the EU embargo implementation and the G-7 price cap has weakened the effect of the EU embargo. For now, even data on Russian oil prices is limited. However, it appears Russian oil is selling already below the current price cap of $60
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eliteweb · 1 year
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tamanna31 · 15 days
Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing Market 2024 World Technology, Development, Trends and Opportunities Industry Research Report to 2030
Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing Industry Overview
The global pharmaceutical sterility testing market size was estimated at USD 1.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.02% from 2024 to 2030.
Increasing government investments, R&D activities, a growing number of drug launches, and a rising focus on quality & sterility are expected to drive the market growth. The development of comprehensive sterility testing procedures is regulated with stringent policies and quality control standards.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing Market
In addition, several government initiatives play a pivotal role in shaping the healthcare landscape, and their financial support significantly influences the development & implementation of advanced sterility testing procedures within the pharmaceutical sector. Increasing government funding for enhanced R&D activities for novel therapeutics, especially vaccines, biologics, and sterile products, which need sterility testing to ensure safety & efficacy. This leads to the introduction of cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions in the sterility testing market. For instance, according to the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), total healthcare R&D expenditure in the European Union (EU) was around USD 48.5 billion in 2022 compared to USD 46.4 billion in 2021.
Global Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segments from 2018 to 2030. For this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global pharmaceutical sterility testing market report based on the type, product type, test type, sample, end-use, and region:
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Product Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Kits & Reagents
Test Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Sterility Testing
Membrane Filtration
Direct Inoculation
Product Flush
Bioburden Testing
Bacterial Endotoxin Testing
Rapid Microbial Method
ATP Bioluminescence
Fluorescent -Based
Solid-phase Cytometry
Sample Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Medical Devices
End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Compounding Pharmacies
Medical Device Companies
Pharmaceutical Companies
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
New Zealand
Latin America
Middle East and Africa (MEA)
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Browse through Grand View Research's Clinical Diagnostics Industry Research Reports.
• The global cancer biopsy market size was valued at USD 30.05 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.11% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global pediatric cancer biomarkers market size was estimated at USD 815.81 million in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Key Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing Company Insights
Several key players are acquiring various strategic initiatives to strengthen their market position offering diverse services to customers. The prominent strategies adopted by companies are service launches, mergers & acquisitions/joint ventures merger, partnership & agreements, expansions, and others to increase market presence & revenue and gain a competitive edge drives the market growth.
Key Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing Companies:
The following are the leading companies in the pharmaceutical sterility testing market. These companies collectively hold the largest market share and dictate industry trends. Financials, strategy maps & products of these pharmaceutical sterility testing companies are analyzed to map the supply network
Pacific Biolabs
Steris Plc
Boston Analytical
Sotera Health Company (Nelson Labs)
Sartorius Ag
Solvias Ag
Pace Analytical
Charles River Laboratories
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
Rapid Micro Biosystems, Inc.
Almac Group
Labor LS SE & Co. KG
Recent Developments
In January 2024, Rapid Micro Biosystems, Inc. company announced the launch of the Growth Direct Rapid Sterility application by mid-2024
In August 2023, Pace Analytical Services improved its capabilities by adding advanced hydrocarbon analytical support and expanded sediment & tissue testing with the acquisition of Alpha Analytical
In May 2023, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. announced the launch of a sterile drug facility in Singapore. It would help deliver new vaccines and medicines in the Asia Pacific market
Order a free sample PDF of the Pharmaceutical Sterility Testing Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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pavanpj · 9 months
"Navigating Emission Control: Marine Scrubber Systems Market Size, Share, and Future Trends"
 The global marine scrubber systems demand is subjected to growth at a CAGR of 10.4%. The market revenue is likely to be valued at US$ 6.34 Bn in 2022 and exhibit a revenue growth of US$ 17.06 Bn by 2032. The marine scrubber systems market from the wet technology sector is expected to develop at a rapid pace, owing to the increased use of sustainable scrubbing methods.
The offer in this portion accompanies many open doors including fabricating items, appropriation, retail, and showcasing administrations. Broad rounds of essential and far-reaching optional exploration have been utilized by the examiners at Fact.MR to show up at different assessments and projections for the Demand of Marine Scrubber Systems Market both at worldwide and provincial levels.
Download Sample Copy of This Report: –https://www.factmr.com/connectus/sample?flag=S&rep_id=3055?PJ
Marine scrubber systems, often referred to as exhaust gas cleaning systems, are used to control air pollution from ships. These systems work by cleaning the exhaust gases before they are released into the atmosphere, reducing the emissions of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. The two primary types of marine scrubbers are open-loop and closed-loop systems. Open-loop systems use seawater for the scrubbing process, while closed-loop systems use freshwater with the addition of an alkali. These systems have gained importance due to stricter environmental regulations imposed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to reduce emissions from ships.
Market Players: –
Yara International ASA
Clean Marine AS
Kwangsung Co. Ltd.
Damen Shipyards Group N.V.
CR Ocean Engineering
Ecospray Technologies S.r.l.
VDL AEC Maritime B.V.
Langh Tech Oy Ab, DuPont
Fuji Electric Co. Ltd
Key Growth Drivers:
Environmental Regulations: The implementation of stringent international regulations, such as the IMO’s sulfur cap, has been a significant driver for the marine scrubber systems market. These regulations require ships to reduce sulfur emissions by using cleaner fuels or installing exhaust gas cleaning systems.
Economic Considerations: Marine scrubbers offer ship owners an economically viable option to meet emission standards, especially when compared to the higher cost of low-sulfur fuels or alternative compliance methods. This economic benefit has driven their adoption.
Global Shipping Industry: The continuous growth of the global shipping industry has increased the demand for marine scrubber systems. Ship owners and operators are investing in these systems to ensure compliance with emission regulations and maintain their competitive edge in the market.
Fuel Price Fluctuations: Fluctuations in fuel prices have a direct impact on the cost-effectiveness of marine scrubber systems. When the price differential between high-sulfur and low-sulfur fuels is significant, it becomes more economically advantageous to install scrubbers.
Key Segments Profiled in the Marine Scrubber Systems Market Survey
By Technology Type :
Wet Technology (Open Loop, Close Loop, Hybrid, Others)
Dry Technology
By Fuel :
By Application :
Regional analysis includes
North America (U.S., Canada)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Rest of LATAM)
EU – (Germany, France, Italy, Spain), UK, BENELUX (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg), NORDIC (Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden), Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Czech Rep., etc.), Rest of Europe
CIS & Russia
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan (Greater China, India, S. Korea, ASEAN Countries, Rest of APEJ)
Industry News :
IMO’s Global Sulfur Cap: The IMO’s global sulfur cap regulation, which came into effect in January 2020, mandated the reduction of sulfur content in marine fuels to 0.5%, significantly boosting the demand for marine scrubber systems. Ship owners scrambled to adopt compliant technologies.
Post-2020 Scrubber Installations: Many ship owners retrofitted their vessels with marine scrubber systems to continue using high-sulfur fuels while adhering to the IMO’s sulfur cap. This led to a surge in installations before and after the regulation’s implementation.
Challenges and Controversies: The use of open-loop scrubbers, which discharge washwater into the sea, faced opposition and controversy due to concerns about the environmental impact of the discharged water. This controversy led to discussions and potential restrictions on open-loop systems in certain regions.
Increased Scrubber Manufacturing: The increased demand for marine scrubber systems prompted several manufacturers to expand their production capacities and offerings. This competitive landscape offered ship owners a wider choice of suppliers.
Monitoring and Compliance Services: Companies specializing in monitoring and compliance services for ship emissions have emerged to assist ship owners in ensuring their scrubber systems meet regulatory requirements. These services provide transparency and accountability in emissions reductions.
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brookston · 10 months
Holidays 11.25
Blasé Day
Carers Rights Day (UK)
CNSO Day (India)
Day Against Domestic Violence (EU)
Don’t Utter a Word Day
Evacuation Day (NYC)
Family Day (Palau)
Global Family Business Day
Hari Guru (a.k.a. Teacher's Day; Indonesia)
Homeland Security Day
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UN)
International Hat Day
Mangé Yam (Yam Festival; Haiti)
Meh Day
Monkey Buffet Festival (Thailand)
Moquegua City Foundation Day (Peru)
Mousetrap Day
National Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Lap Dance Day
National Natural Fibers Day
National Play with Dad
National Rugby Day
National Shopping Reminder Day
Pig Day (French Republic)
SAK Meatless Day
Shopping Reminder Day [1 Month 'till Xmas]
Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence begins [ends 12.10]
Vajiravudh Memorial Day (Thailand)
White Ribbon Day (Australia, UK)
Women's Merrymaking Day
World Safari Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Egg Fried Rice Day (China)
National “Eat with a Friend” Day
National Parfait Day
4th & Last Saturday in November
Canadian Craft Beer Day [Last Saturday]
ClauWau begins (a.k.a. Santa Claus World Championships; Switzerland) [Last Saturday]
Holodomor Remembrance Day (Ukraine) [4th Saturday]
International Aura Awareness Day [4th Saturday]
Minnesota Pint Day (a.k.a. MN Pint Day; Minnesota) [Saturday after Black Friday]
Saturday after Thanksgiving (US) [4th Saturday] (a.k.a. ... 
Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Small Business Saturday
Swine Time Festival (Climax, Georgia)
Turkey Leftovers Day
World Day of Giving ‘Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Duaktoserija (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Ongal (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Statehood Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Suriname (a.k.a. Srefidensi; from the Netherlands, 1975)
Feast Days
Bitterness Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Catherine Labouré (Christian; Saint)
Catherine of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Elizabeth of Reute (Christian; Saint)
Erasmus (a.k.a. Elme; Christian; Saint)
Gazpacho Soup Day (Pastafarian)
Isaac Watts (Lutheran Church and Church of England)
James Otis Sargent Huntington (Episcopal Church)
Lucy the Australopithecine Discovery Day (Pastafarian)
Maurice Denis (Artology)
Media Autumnus IV (Pagan)
Persephone (a.k.a. Kore; celebration for the Goddess of Vegetation; Ancient Greece)
Richelieu (Positivist; Saint)
Tom Turkey (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Aladdin (Animated Disney Film; 1992)
Anticipation, by Carly Simon (Song; 1971)
The Artist (Film; 2011)
The Beatles: Get Back (Documentary Series; 2021)
The Bodyguard (Film; 1992)
Brooklyn (Film; 2015)
A Bug’s Life (Animated Pixar Film; 1998)
Caveman Inki (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Creed (Film; 2015)
The Croods: A New Age (Animated Film; 2020)
Ferdinand the Bull (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Frozen: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Album; 2013)
Gentlemen Jim (Film; 1942)
Geri’s Game (Pixar Cartoon; 1998)
Giantland (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Good Dinosaur (Animated Film; 2015)
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (TV Special; 2022)
Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne (Novel; 1864)
The Last Waltz (Concert Film; 1976)
Lego Scooby-Doo! Knight Time Terror (WB Animated Film; 2015)
Let It Go, by Idina Menzel (Song; 2013)
New Wave Hookers (Adult Film; 1985)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Film; 1987)
The Princess and the Frog (Animated Disney Film; 2009)
The Saint Steps In, by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1943) [Saint #25]
Sevens, by Garth Brooks (Album; 1997)
Slide, Donald, Slide (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Spotlight (Film; 2015)
Three Men and a Baby (Film; 1987)
Tintin in Tibet, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1960) [Tintin #20]
Walter Woolfe, or the Doom of the Drinker, by Thomas Dunn English (Novel; 1842)
You Always Hurt the One You Love, by The Mills Brothers (Song; 1944)
Today’s Name Days
Katharina, Kathrin, Katja (Austria)
Kliment, Klimentina (Bulgaria)
Erazmo, Katarina (Croatia)
Kateřina (Czech Republic)
Catharina (Denmark)
Kaarin, Kadi, Kadri, Kadrin, Karin, Katariina, Kati, Katre, Katri, Katrin, Triin, Triina, Triinu (Estonia)
Kaarina, Kaija, Kaisa, Kaisu, Katariina, Kati, Katja, Katri, Katriina, Riina (Finland)
Catherine (France)
Katharina, Kathrin, Katja, Jasmin (Germany)
Aikaterine, Aikaterini, Katerina, Merkourios (Greece)
Katalin (Hungary)
Caterina (Italy)
Kate, Katrīna, Trīne (Latvia)
Germilė, Kotryna, Santautas (Lithuania)
Kari, Katarina, Katrine (Norway)
Erazm, Jozafat, Katarzyna, Tęgomir (Poland)
Ecaterina (Romania)
Katarína (Slovakia)
Catalina (Spain)
Katarina, Katja (Sweden)
Caitlin, Caitlyn, Carina, Caryn, Catherine, Cathleen, Cathy Kaitlin, Kaitlynn, Kara, Karen, Kari, Karina, Kate, Katelyn, Katelynn, Katharine, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathryn, Kathy, Katie, Katrina, Treena, Trina, Trinity (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 329 of 2024; 36 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 13 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 12 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 29 Mir; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 12 November 2023
Moon: 97%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Frederic (12th Month) [Richelieu]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 63 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 4 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Holidays 11.25
Blasé Day
Carers Rights Day (UK)
CNSO Day (India)
Day Against Domestic Violence (EU)
Don’t Utter a Word Day
Evacuation Day (NYC)
Family Day (Palau)
Global Family Business Day
Hari Guru (a.k.a. Teacher's Day; Indonesia)
Homeland Security Day
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (UN)
International Hat Day
Mangé Yam (Yam Festival; Haiti)
Meh Day
Monkey Buffet Festival (Thailand)
Moquegua City Foundation Day (Peru)
Mousetrap Day
National Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
National Don't Utter a Word Day
National Lap Dance Day
National Natural Fibers Day
National Play with Dad
National Rugby Day
National Shopping Reminder Day
Pig Day (French Republic)
SAK Meatless Day
Shopping Reminder Day [1 Month 'till Xmas]
Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence begins [ends 12.10]
Vajiravudh Memorial Day (Thailand)
White Ribbon Day (Australia, UK)
Women's Merrymaking Day
World Safari Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Egg Fried Rice Day (China)
National “Eat with a Friend” Day
National Parfait Day
4th & Last Saturday in November
Canadian Craft Beer Day [Last Saturday]
ClauWau begins (a.k.a. Santa Claus World Championships; Switzerland) [Last Saturday]
Holodomor Remembrance Day (Ukraine) [4th Saturday]
International Aura Awareness Day [4th Saturday]
Minnesota Pint Day (a.k.a. MN Pint Day; Minnesota) [Saturday after Black Friday]
Saturday after Thanksgiving (US) [4th Saturday] (a.k.a. ... 
Buy Nothing Day (UK)
Small Business Saturday
Swine Time Festival (Climax, Georgia)
Turkey Leftovers Day
World Day of Giving ‘Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Duaktoserija (Declared; 2016) [unrecognized]
Ongal (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Statehood Day (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Suriname (a.k.a. Srefidensi; from the Netherlands, 1975)
Feast Days
Bitterness Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Catherine Labouré (Christian; Saint)
Catherine of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Elizabeth of Reute (Christian; Saint)
Erasmus (a.k.a. Elme; Christian; Saint)
Gazpacho Soup Day (Pastafarian)
Isaac Watts (Lutheran Church and Church of England)
James Otis Sargent Huntington (Episcopal Church)
Lucy the Australopithecine Discovery Day (Pastafarian)
Maurice Denis (Artology)
Media Autumnus IV (Pagan)
Persephone (a.k.a. Kore; celebration for the Goddess of Vegetation; Ancient Greece)
Richelieu (Positivist; Saint)
Tom Turkey (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Aladdin (Animated Disney Film; 1992)
Anticipation, by Carly Simon (Song; 1971)
The Artist (Film; 2011)
The Beatles: Get Back (Documentary Series; 2021)
The Bodyguard (Film; 1992)
Brooklyn (Film; 2015)
A Bug’s Life (Animated Pixar Film; 1998)
Caveman Inki (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Creed (Film; 2015)
The Croods: A New Age (Animated Film; 2020)
Ferdinand the Bull (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Frozen: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Album; 2013)
Gentlemen Jim (Film; 1942)
Geri’s Game (Pixar Cartoon; 1998)
Giantland (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
The Good Dinosaur (Animated Film; 2015)
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special (TV Special; 2022)
Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne (Novel; 1864)
The Last Waltz (Concert Film; 1976)
Lego Scooby-Doo! Knight Time Terror (WB Animated Film; 2015)
Let It Go, by Idina Menzel (Song; 2013)
New Wave Hookers (Adult Film; 1985)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (Film; 1987)
The Princess and the Frog (Animated Disney Film; 2009)
The Saint Steps In, by Leslie Charteris (Novel; 1943) [Saint #25]
Sevens, by Garth Brooks (Album; 1997)
Slide, Donald, Slide (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
Spotlight (Film; 2015)
Three Men and a Baby (Film; 1987)
Tintin in Tibet, by Hergé (Graphic Novel; 1960) [Tintin #20]
Walter Woolfe, or the Doom of the Drinker, by Thomas Dunn English (Novel; 1842)
You Always Hurt the One You Love, by The Mills Brothers (Song; 1944)
Today’s Name Days
Katharina, Kathrin, Katja (Austria)
Kliment, Klimentina (Bulgaria)
Erazmo, Katarina (Croatia)
Kateřina (Czech Republic)
Catharina (Denmark)
Kaarin, Kadi, Kadri, Kadrin, Karin, Katariina, Kati, Katre, Katri, Katrin, Triin, Triina, Triinu (Estonia)
Kaarina, Kaija, Kaisa, Kaisu, Katariina, Kati, Katja, Katri, Katriina, Riina (Finland)
Catherine (France)
Katharina, Kathrin, Katja, Jasmin (Germany)
Aikaterine, Aikaterini, Katerina, Merkourios (Greece)
Katalin (Hungary)
Caterina (Italy)
Kate, Katrīna, Trīne (Latvia)
Germilė, Kotryna, Santautas (Lithuania)
Kari, Katarina, Katrine (Norway)
Erazm, Jozafat, Katarzyna, Tęgomir (Poland)
Ecaterina (Romania)
Katarína (Slovakia)
Catalina (Spain)
Katarina, Katja (Sweden)
Caitlin, Caitlyn, Carina, Caryn, Catherine, Cathleen, Cathy Kaitlin, Kaitlynn, Kara, Karen, Kari, Karina, Kate, Katelyn, Katelynn, Katharine, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathryn, Kathy, Katie, Katrina, Treena, Trina, Trinity (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 329 of 2024; 36 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 47 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Gui-Hai), Day 13 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 12 Kislev 5784
Islamic: 12 Jumada I 1445
J Cal: 29 Mir; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 12 November 2023
Moon: 97%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Frederic (12th Month) [Richelieu]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 63 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 4 of 30)
0 notes
visamintglobal · 10 months
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Schengen Visa Enables Indian Travelers to Journey and Transit in these Non-EU Destinations
The Schengen Visa grants access to countries within the European Union (EU) for purposes like tourism, visits, or work. The Schengen Area encompasses European nations that have abolished border control at their shared boundaries, enabling unrestricted movement in this region.
It's important to note that certain non-EU countries also honor Schengen visas for entry. These countries include Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Northern Cyprus, Georgia, Gibraltar, Kosovo, Mexico, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia, and Turkey. Indian passport holders can enter Belarus, Colombia, Gibraltar, and Turkey with a valid Schengen visa.
Moreover, travelers can transit through both Schengen and non-Schengen countries using their Schengen visa, though they may need to apply for a transit visa if required. It is crucial to possess a Schengen visa for the specific transiting country, as Indians may be denied boarding without it. Currently, only four EU/Schengen countries—namely the Czech Republic, France, Germany, and Spain—mandate Indian passport holders to obtain a Transit Schengen Visa for transiting through their territory.
Alternatively, for Indians heading to the UK, there are options to transit through the Netherlands, and certain Middle Eastern countries also provide visa-free transfer opportunities.
It's worth mentioning that some countries, apart from India, may necessitate a transit visa when passing through an EU/Schengen country. These countries comprise Afghanistan, Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sri Lanka.
It's important to stay updated on visa requirements and procedures, as they can change. Always check with the specific embassy or consulate of the Schengen country you intend to visit or refer to their official website for the latest information and application procedures. Timely visa applications can greatly aid in planning a seamless journey. VisaMint Overseas Services experts are well-informed and can assist with the visa application process.
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skylark2020 · 1 year
Studying in Netherlands | Skylark Overseas Education
Study in Netherlands, a country known for its quality of education and standard of living for students around the world. International students from around the world come to study in the Netherlands.
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The Dutch educational system is highly qualified and refined.  Universities and colleges in the Netherlands are acknowledged worldwide for competing with universities from the UK and U.S. India is one of the top five non-EU countries which has shown a significant interest in having their students study in the Netherlands.
The best advantage of studying in the Netherlands is that the government has subsidized the tuition fee which makes it a comparatively affordable option to study as opposed to other countries. The education cost in the Netherlands is quite affordable.
To know more about studying in Netherlands, Contact us.
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sanemyamen · 1 year
Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) Market to Witness Excellent Revenue Growth Owing to Rapid Increase in Demand
Latest Report Available at Advance Market Analytics, “Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) Market” provides pin-point analysis for changing competitive dynamics and a forward looking perspective on different factors driving or restraining industry growth. The global Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) market focuses on encompassing major statistical evidence for the Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) industry as it offers our readers a value addition on guiding them in encountering the obstacles surrounding the market. A comprehensive addition of several factors such as global distribution, manufacturers, market size, and market factors that affect the global contributions are reported in the study. In addition the Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) study also shifts its attention with an in-depth competitive landscape, defined growth opportunities, market share coupled with product type and applications, key companies responsible for the production, and utilized strategies are also marked. Some key players in the global Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) market are SolarisBank (Germany),PayPal (United States),Fidor Bank (Germany),Moven (United States),Prosper Marketplace (United States),Braintree (United States),Coinbase (United States),GoCardless (United Kingdom),Oanda Corporation (United States),Currency Cloud (United Kingdom),Intuit (United States),Gemalto (The Netherlands),Invoicera (India) Banking-as-a-service (BaaS) is a process that is an endwise process where third parties such as (FinTech, developers, non-FinTech, etc.) can easily access and perform the financial services capabilities without any interference and developing them originally. These services also enable third parties to reconnect with the main systems of financial services providers so that they can establish a banking services infrastructure through an application programming interface (API). Moreover, it aims to integrate third parties’ capabilities with financial services providers into a comprehensive process to complete a financial transaction seamlessly and effectively. Furthermore, the service providers in this market third parties can build their own banking offerings with the use of BaaS APIs on top of the banking providers’ regulated infrastructure. For instance, In United Kingdom, API calls have surged over the last year, from roughly one million a month in May 2018 to more than 66.7 million in June this year and also keep on continuing and making the market grow in forecasted periods.
What's Trending in Market: The rising adoption of retail banking, as well as the third-party registrations in the UK and EU for open banking access, has unlocked capabilities towards baking as a service. For example, the retail lending in India has a growth rate (CAGR) of 16.2% over the FY2013 among emerging markets and thus improving the standard of BaaS from a different genre.
Challenges: High Initial Cost Required by the investors to Invest in BaaS
Conventionally, Banking Services have Remained within the Closed Confines of Banking Institutions this has Hindered the Reach and Democratization of Banking Services on a Social Scale
Market Growth Drivers: Cumulating Demand for Digital Money among People has Increased the Market Potential of the BaaS
Rising Fame of Internet Banking is making its way to Drive the Industry Parameters
The Global Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) Market segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (API-based Bank-as-a-Service, Cloud-based Bank-as-a-Service (Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Banking as a platform (BaaP), FinTech SaaS, Humans as a service (HuaaS))), Application (Government, Banks, NBFC), Banking Mode (Web Banking, Mobile Banking) Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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Veterinarians—a Deep Dive into Number of Animal Doctors Based on Countries
Veterinary services have witnessed an unprecedented spike on the back of surging demand for quality pet care. Some factors, such as an uptick in pet adoption, the prevalence of chronic diseases and growing pet insurance services, have spurred the market penetration of animal doctors. For instance, Europe has around 309,144 veterinarians (39 FVE member countries), according to a European Federations of Veterinarians survey. Clinical practice (contributing to 58% of all respondents’ occupations) is the most prevalent employment sector. 
The database lists the U.S. with the maximum number of veterinarians. The U.S. houses over 45,857 animal health organizations. The final report, along with the database, will peruse the following dynamics:
• Insights on leading countries, including U.S., France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Netherlands and   Malaysia.
• Number of veterinarians based on the primary area of specialization, occupation, or core specialty, including but not limited to companion animal exclusive, mixed animal, food animal exclusive and companion animal predominant. 
• Growth opportunities and trend assessment.
• Qualitative and quantitative analysis.
Get your copy or request for a free sample of the report “Estimated Number of Veterinarians by Key Countries, and Year, 2017 – 2021.”
Estimated Number of Veterinarians by Key Countries - Report Scope
Actual estimates/Historical data
2017 - 2021
Quantitative units
Number of Veterinarians from 2017 to 2021
Regional Scope
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa
Country Scope
U.S.; Canada; UK; Germany; France; Italy; Spain; Denmark; Sweden; Norway; China; Japan; India; Singapore; Australia; South Korea; Brazil; Mexico; Argentina; South Africa; Saudi Arabia; UAE; Kuwait
By Practice Type
Practice type includes private clinic practice and public & corporate employment. These segments are further subdivided into sub-segments, and data available are only for the key market: U.S.
By Area of Work for Veterinarians
Quantitative data on the number of veterinarians who work with companion animals, food-producing animals, equines, and aquaculture and data availability for EU countries
Companion Animals/Food producing animals/Equine/Aquaculture
Numbers are based on the survey of veterinarians and vets are not exclusive of companion animals
Related Reports:
• U.S. Veterinarians Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Sector (Public, Private (Food Animal Exclusive, Companion Animal Exclusive, Mixed Animal, Equine, Others), Academics), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030
• Veterinary Services Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Animal Type (Production, Companion), By Region (North America, Latin America, APAC), And Segment Forecasts, 2021 - 2028
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