#indepently awesome
drivemetogeek · 10 months
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Ten characters*, ten gifs, ten tags.
*I fudged on the characters a bit cause pairings and OT3 FTW
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glance11 · 6 months
How to Remove Glance from Lock Screen In Mi, A Pause Before You Proceed!
Unlock the Fun: Why You Should Keep Glance on Your MI Lock Screen!
Hey there, tech-savvy pal!
Ready to dive into the world of smart lock screens and discover why Glance is the secret sauce for transforming your MI lock screen into a vibrant hub of awesomeness? Let’s chat about how to remove Glance from lock screen in Mi smartphone — but hang on, I’ve got a compelling case for you to keep this gem right where it belongs.
The Smart Lock Screen Extravaganza
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of Glance and how to disable it via Mi glance settings (yeah, we’ll reluctantly discuss it), let’s marvel at the wonder that is the smart lock screen.
It’s not just about unlocking your phone anymore. Smart lock screens have become the cool kids on the block, curating personalized content and turning your lock screen into a dynamic canvas of entertainment and information.
Key Features of Smart Lock Screens
Dynamic Content Delivery: Always something new based on your preferences.
Customization Options: Tailoring your lock screen to reflect your style.
Efficiency and Lightweight Operation: Smooth performance without draining your battery.
Glance Smart Lock Screen in MI: A Symphony of Delight
Now, enter Glance — your ticket to a world where your MI lock screen isn’t just a gateway but a portal to an array of tailored content and engagement.
Main USPs of Glance Smart Lock Screen in MI
Immersive Content Experience: Dive into 19 content categories tailored to your interests.
AI-Powered Personalized User Experience: A friend that learns from you — it just keeps getting better!
Efficient and Lightweight Operation: It’s not an app, so no extra load on your MI phone.
The Temptation to Search “How to Remove Glance from Lock Screen in Mi”
Okay, I get it. Sometimes, you’re just in the mood to simplify things, declutter, or go back to the classic experience. And that’s why, you are searching “How to remove Glance from lock screen in Mi” via Mi Glance settings.
But, that might not be the solution you want in the longer run.
So, you might be contemplating — How to remove Glance from lock screen in Mi. Before you embark on this journey, let me share a few reasons why Glance deserves a prime spot on your MI phone.
How to Remove Glance from Lock Screen in Mi — The Sad Story
Now, if you still want to go down this route and strip your MI lock screen of Glance’s magic, here’s how to do it:
Unlock your MI device using your usual method.
Head to Settings. You know, that gear icon that holds the secrets of your phone’s universe.
Find the Lock Screen settings, often termed as Mi Glance settings. It’s usually nestled within the Display or Wallpaper options.
Locate the Lock Screen Style or Wallpaper settings.
There it is — the gateway to Glance bliss.
Choose a new lock screen style. Here’s where you’ll be tempted to bid adieu to Glance. Go ahead, if you dare.
Save your changes. Confirm the breakup with Glance.
Why Keeping Glance Is a Brilliant Idea
Now, my friend, before you make that irreversible choice of removing this awesome feature via , Mi Glance settings, let me tell you why keeping Glance on your MI lock screen is like having a personal genie granting your wishes.
Your Lock Screen, Your Rules:
Tailor your MI lock screen to reflect your style. With Glance, it’s not just a lock screen; it’s an extension of you.
A Symphony of Content:
Imagine unlocking your MI phone to a curated feed of content — news, entertainment, sports, and more. Glance transforms your lock screen into a symphony of delight, ensuring each unlock is a moment of joy.
A Friend That Knows You:
Glance isn’t just a feature; it’s a friend that gets you. The more you use it, the better it becomes at delivering content tailored to your interests. It’s like having a friend who knows you, and understands, what you need!
No Extra Load on Your MI Phone:
Here’s the coolest part — Glance is not an app. It operates seamlessly, and independently, ensuring maximum performance without draining your smartphone’s performance or slowing down the device. It’s like having the perks of a full-fledged app without the baggage of high resource requirements: A win-win for all!
Keep the Element of Surprise:
By searching “How to remove Glance from the lock screen in Mi”, you might be missing out on unexpected joys and unlimited fun. With Glance, your lock screen becomes a portal of discovery — you never know what interesting piece of content or recommendation awaits your next unlock!
The Magic of AI:
Glance isn’t just a passive feature; it’s powered by AI. That means it learns from you, constantly evolving to deliver a lock screen experience that’s uniquely yours. By executing searches such as “How to remove Glance from lock screen in Mi” you are bidding farewell to a dynamic, fun-loving friend, and it is something you don’t wish to do!
Your MI Phone’s Personality Boost:
Glance creates and infuses a definitive personality into your MI phone. It’s not just a device; it’s a reflection of your interests, preferences, and the things that make you smile and jump with insane joy!
With Glance, your MI phone becomes an extension of your personality. This is the reason that users are now not looking for How to remove glance from lock screen in Mi, but rather, embracing it.
Stay Engaged, Seamlessly
With Glance, you play games, watch videos, and engage in activities right from your lock screen, without any password or pin.
Wrapping It Up — Keep Glance, Keep Smiling!
So, my tech-savvy friend, now that you know How to remove ance from lock screen in mi, I urge you to pause and reconsider. Why strip away the magic when you can have a lock screen that’s not just functional but a delightful part of your daily routine?
Keep Glance on, unlock joy with every glance, and let your MI phone be the beacon of personalized content and engagement it was meant to be. Cheers to a lock screen that’s as cool as you are! 🚀✨
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i-have-so-much-love · 2 years
9:18 : i cant tell if the accounts that r following me r bots or not so. welcome bots and humans alike idk. anyway in class and having a good time reviewing (kidding obviously) im so tired . i fell asleep late last night , very nap time 
2:39 : I GOT A FREE LAPTOP!!!!!!!IM NOT EVEN KIDDING. its a dell one but its still fucking awesome i was like crying. i need some indepence from my parents. especially my mom. she is super overbearing and i am so happy i got this. i got a SHIT ton of candy too :DDDDDD. im having a pretty good day. started off tired but my grades r doing better and im just so happy. i also have my finals this week starting soon and i am just trying my hardest to prepare so i dont fail. i think ill be fine. my hardest one will probably be either AV or math :P. also i do the wordle everyday but today i FUCKED up by not figuring out that it was the word “usual” ._. i was actually livid in class bc i got it on the very last try and i needed help to figure it out. :’( but wtv at least i got it. studying rn for chem 
15 minutes later
i just went and took a fat shit bc i had too. it was taking forever but i finally finished and went out to wash my hands. then my mother texted me and said i love you. i didnt even respond and started to put it in my pocket.... THEN MY FUCKING TEACHER WALKED IN AND SAW ME PUTTING AWAY MY PHONE AND SAID. dont ask to use the bathroom again. MOTHERFUCKER I WAS PUTTING IT AWAY!!!! ISTFG I HATE THIS GODDAMN LADY SHES SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!
anyway. i have my concert tonight. i think i got this. i hate this one freshman in band bro she makes me so mad. istfg imma punch her in the face if she makes another face at me for no reason. but wtv. anyway i should probably post this now but i might update later so lol 
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clatterbane · 2 years
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And, more beverage production underway!
(Not just because it's a little hot here, and cold drinks are good. But also partly because I have another gastroscopy scheduled for tomorrow, and anticipate (a) having a sore throat iced drinks should help soothe, and (b) feeling too crappy to do it then. Better to stock up in advance!)
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This time, it's some Japanese iced coffee using some of these beans from a pretty awesome local roaster, which have stayed stashed in the freezer.
Basically just use half the usual water amount, with the rest as ice to brew it straight over. (This is one place where it's definitely a scale for the ice, or one hell of a lot of trial and error to find the right amount!) You can also brew it a little more concentrated and add some milk/cream. But, not the plan for this particular fruit bomb.
Those are some of the super fruity Kenyan beans, in a light roast. The overall effect is more like a tea full of berries, and I found that I actually liked it better cold. Very refreshing! (That's also one of the Kenyan coffees with a slightly weird tomato tone, which to me is way more noticeable hot.)
I would have just used the Clever Dripper for this too, but I got lazy. 😅 That would have meant giving the thing a really thorough washing before I used it for tea again, so I made do with a half-assed version of exactly the same "steep and release" approach using the drip machine.
(Turned off as soon as it finished spitting out hot water, since you can't indepently turn off the hearing plate on this model! 🙄 DO NOT NEED under a jar of ice.)
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Hey, my other pickle jar just barely fits under the filter cone! 😁 Just. I considered just using the machine's carafe, but there's even less washing if I brew it right into the jar.
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(Yeah, you can bet I gave that new jar a couple of good soaks with hot water and baking soda, to neutralize the pickle stank. The lid too. We go through a lot of pickles, okay? 😊)
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Nectar! I did manage to resist just swilling the whole jar, and now it's waiting in the fridge.
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bixisarusher · 3 years
Bix Reviews: Call Me Kat (Season 1, FOX 2021)
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I thought a lot about how I feel about this show, and there are lots of words, so it’s gonna go under the cut.
In summary: I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as I hoped to, and i discuss why I think that was. BUT there are great things in this remake, and I want to name them as well!
There are two ways to look at Call Me Kat: As it’s own thing, and as a Miranda remake. As a Miranda Hart stan, I’ll have a lot more to say about the latter, so let’s start with the show itself.
On It’s Own
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That felt appropriate, nvm me
It’s a cute show. It’s not a groundbreaking concept, and it’s not re-inventing the genre, but it has some really good things going for it:
Kat is happy and confident in her quirks, but doesn’t have it all together - so she has room to grow and is very sympathetic, all the while encouraging the viewer to celebrate their own quirks. Lovely! Also Mayim is a treasure and it’s great to watch her perform.
The show openly discusses “taboo” topics, like using anti-depressants and their side-effects, freezing your eggs, comparing yourself to a hallucinated version of your crush’s ex...  The show isn’t a trailblazer, (partly because there have been many great shows in the last couple years) but I thinks it’s awesome to see them further treading out the ground and normalizing these topics.
It has a nice set of characters that go through their indepent stories, I found myself excited for any new episode and enjoying the varying storylines. (Most of them Randi.)
And, although the last episode dragged it right back into the romantic territory, Kat has a genuine friendship with Max and I value that a lot. Neither of them harbours secret feelings, instead they are open and honest about it. The only thing they overdid here was to have an exchange of “Do you remember, when we were in college together and [blank] happened?” in at least every other episode.
Another thing on the down side: Neither the writers nor Mayim seem to fully know what to do with the fourth wall breaks. I don’t mind the thing, it just doesn’t feel fully rounded out - like how much they want to use it, what purpose it really has, ...
I think it’s due to the circumstances of the filming (pandemic restrictions and all), but more on that later. So much for the show itself.
As a remake
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First of all: Do I love Jim Parsons for looking at this absurd british gem of a TV show and deciding “the world needs more stuff like this”? Absolutely! Because I agree! There were two or three moments that leaned on Miranda a little too much for their own good, but overall: it is content inspired by Miranda, but neither correcting, it nor copying it. More power to this concept.
More power to celebrating the silly joys in this live, to celebrate not being normal, more power to amazing friendships and women who find their own path. Call Me Kat does all of these things.
However, it doesn’t quite live up to it’s Mothership. Let me elaborate.
There is a myriad of reasons why Miranda works and I will not attempt to list them. However there’s one thing that does stand out to me in the original, and that I really miss in the adaptation: Miranda didn’t just write “a plot” and salt it with “a few jokes”. She carefully built tensions and different storylines to culminate together. Sometimes it’s a funny word that the character hears in the first act, and later nervously blurts out in the wrong moment. Sometimes it’s a parade of characters she met through the episode that all meet in one spot at the end. Or there is a throw away comment in the beginning of an episode that sets up a revelation toward the end.
I could swarm you with examples, a good one is in 1x03 Job: trying to impress Tilly, trying to deny waitressing, and then: the multiple “You weed in a ball pool?” and Gary in uniform walking in right on time to sell the lie about being an undercover commander. Another one of my personal favorites is in 2x04 A New Low, when Miranda in the end tells Gary that he lost her trust, and he’ll “never get to see her naked sweep” - and then he find’s the portrait Tamara did of Miranda’s “naked sweep”. Just hit’s right.
That is a testament to how well crafted the episodes are. In Call Me Kat? All Nighter and Gym had moments like that, and Double Date very early on set up Kat’s dream to use the sound system, but it just never reached that same level of mastermind.
But, in defense of CMK: Miranda was crafted over ten years with a full of 20 episodes airing (21 if you count the radio series) and the cast worked together a good year before they filmed the first series of 6 episodes. Compared to that, work on Call me Kat started around 2018, the cast was assembled in the first half of 2020 and started shooting in late October. They then shot 13 episodes in their first season. (which is more than half of the total episodes of Miranda, just saying) Sources: english wikipedia articles for Miranda and Call Me Kat, as well as Mayim’s Youtube. (Jep I did research for this.)
Also the CMK episodes were written and directed by a variety of people, while the Miranda episodes have all been at least co-written by Miranda Hart and all except for the last two were directed by Juliet May.
These are - as much as I as a humble consumer with a bit of wikipedia knowledge know - basic differences about how shows are made in the UK vs. in the US, and neither formula is any way of guarantee for the quality of the final product. However I think somewhere in those facts is the reason why the Miranda ship feels a lot more in shape and ... coherent. The pilot that we know and love is the fourth time they recorded the script, and I don’t even want to know how many times the script had been edited in between. The cast knew each other well, the material had been tested in front of multiple audiences. Call Me Kat had neither of these luxuries. On the contrary, CMK has been put together under restrictions due to the pandemic.
So on the one hand, I am majorly grateful that this show even got to see the light of day! That means that a full cast and crew had jobs in these trying times, and it means that we were provided with good entertainement.
On the other hand, the circumstances are showing in the final product. The cast had an awkward chemistry with each other, and the comedic timing, though not horrible, could have been a lot better.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think studio audiences can be a blessing. There is something about the actors having a genuine connection to real time observers that helps me as a screen audience connect to it. And for this staged multicam show that includes glances at the camera? I think a real audience would have grounded the concept. And it would have given the team a direct feedback as to which moments were working comedically and which weren’t.
What I’m trying to say is: they had big shoes to fill, and the odds were not really in their favor, and so it doesn’t really hold up in comparison.
That’s sad. But that doesn’t mean that it’s a horrible show. As I said in the beginning, I love that this show is done in the spirit of Miranda, even if it’s not just as good.
I have no idea how the show’s chances are to get a second season. If they do get renewed - I’ll keep watching.
Now, let me finish with a few gifs that I feel like they can be applied to the whole “they remade Miranda and it went both ok and less then ok but at least the word is being spread, right?”-situation.
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because Kat/Max is good but could anything ever be Miranda/Gary?
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Not really...
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ok that one’s a bit rude. but you thought it, too.
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Jim turning in bed at night overthinking if Mayim was the right choice. But she was. Much like Stevie was for Miranda.
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Honestly a very good part of the remake is Mayim and Cheyenne performing together! I personally think this moment above is responsible.
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Trying to match the CMK characters to the Miranda characters like: I thought Phil is supposed to be the Customer but turns out Phil originally was supposed to a Phillys? So Phil is Stevie, but then who is Randi? Tilly? So many questions.
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And with that, dear Caller, back to you.
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
Ok, so at first I really liked the idea of stydia but like, when they actually got together I hated it? Does that make sense? But, yeah I liked it at first, especially when she kissed him to stop his panic attack. But I stopped liking it in season 5, or maybe 6. I don’t even know but they got together cannonly and I just didn’t like it? Sorry for ranting lol
okay, so here’s my thing with stydia
In season one, I liked it. Let’s be real, it was a pretty light-weight thing in S1, it’s just a nice little comedy fic about a kid who becomes a werewolf, it’s aimed at young to mid-teens, and it’s just fun, you know? So, having an unpopular and geeky smart kid who’s head over heels for a hot and popular heartthrob of the school who’s in a relationship with a jackass and has features that are only noticed by the geeky kid because that's the only person who truly sees them for who they are, and not their looks and status? Seems about fucking right, and we all ate that shit up.
Then, of course, season two comes around, and we all get a little bit tortured by it and that’s cool too, but there was some super cute moments and that was really nice, it teased us, we were like ‘is it going to happen, is it not?!’ but then Lydia was still falling over Jackson at the end and I totally understand where she’s coming from, but because she didn’t move on, it killed ‘stydia’ as a concept once again, right?
Then we get to the third season, and in the first half of season three, we get a lot of little teasing moments between them, not to mention that fact that she fucking kisses him, but by then, she’s also now with Aiden/sleeping with him/holding a light for other dudes, so once again ‘stydia’ is ruined because she clearly isn’t into Stiles, even a little bit. We’re starting to lose hope. Then Malia comes into the picture, and while I personally don’t go crazy over ‘stalia’ either, but her and Stiles had a connection.
Now, I liked Malia’s little story-arc as an individual - separate to Stiles - because it was interesting. During season four, we were shown her (Malia) developing as a person, and things were never going to work out with her and Stiles, really, because she didn’t even know herself as a person, she was finding out who she was, but Stiles was a huge part of that. Not to mention, Stiles being with Malia was him finally moving on from Lydia. He was also discovering himself. Stiles was no longer just “Scott’s best friend” or “the kid in love with Lydia Martin” or “the sheriff’s son”, but he was Stiles Stilinski, period.
By now, I’m over ‘stydia’. Stiles, for pretty much the first time in his life, isn’t relying on another person. Everything falls to shit for him in season five,  but he learns how to be independent in his feelings. Lydia also starts dating Parrish, that’s a whole thing, and so she clearly till doesn’t have feelings for Stiles. We get a few moments which a lot of people call ‘stydia’ moments, but honestly? In my opinion, that’s just a totally pure friendship forming, Lydia finally feels like she can really call Stiles a friend because he’s no longer in love with her, he just loves her like he loves Scott. It’s platonic, and sweet, and I loved that.
Then suddenly in season six, she loves him? Like, sorry, did I miss something? She went from no feelings for Stiles at all to suddenly being the only one that loved him so deeply that she was the one who remembered him? I THINK THE FUCK NOT. It was incredibly forced, and while Dylan and Holland acted it incredibly, the plot made me feel like it was neglecting his relationships with literally every other character in the show, while also overdoing the whole ‘stydia’ thing. 
The relationship between them in S6 genuinely made me cringe a little bit, because they’d strung it along and made ti as a friendship for so long that I looked at them more as best friends/siblings, so when they got into a relationship it made me feel like they were kissing their cousins. They felt more like a familial love by this point, and it stresses me out that they forced ‘stydia’ just for a plotline. 
We were strung along for so long that it’s evident that their intentions to make ‘stydia’ actually happen weren’t solid until they needed it for a plot, and so what could have been an awesome plot was really thrown off. It still could have been Lydia that remembered him, perhaps some kind of banshee explanation, I don’t fucking know???? But it was rushed, and forced, and in order to make ‘stydia’ happen they had to disregard every other relationship Stiles had, and all the newfound indepence and freedom he got after the ‘nogitsune issues’ in S4 and S5 was thrown away entirely because suddenly, he was once again relying on love for Lydia Martin to make his self-worth known. 
Lydia remembered the boy who had been in love with her for years, but Scott didn’t remember his best friend of over a decade? Malia didn’t remember the boy who helped her find herself? The sheriff didn’t remember his son? 
I’m sure that if it had been conducted better, and the threads had been back woven properly throughout the seasons, that I would love it. But, it's as rushed, and too much pressure was put on it, and so the relationship was really ruined as a concept. It had such good potential, and I loved it at first. I am not in any way stepping on it as a concept, but as an actual ship that sailed, no thanks.
But that’s just my opinion.
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nwbeerguide · 4 years
A milk stout for those campfire moments, Dogfish Head Craft Brewers releases Campfire Amplifier.
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Press Release
Milton, Del., Monday, Oct. 12, 2020 – Break out those s’mores fixin’s … everyone’s favorite fireside treat is about to get a liquid companion!Dogfish Head Craft Brewery introduces Campfire Amplifier, a 6.5% ABV milk stout brewed with real marshmallows, graham crackers, coca nibs, cinnamon, Madagascar vanilla beans and a pinch of smoked malt. Inspired by fall nights around the campfire, this chilly-weather-warmer boasts delectable aromas of chocolate, vanilla, graham cracker, light roast and subtle smoke. Rich with memory-inducing notes of milk chocolate, vanilla and of course, s’mores, Campfire Amplifier is NOW available on taps and shelves nationwide. 
“We started testing the idea and recipe for a s’mores-centric stout at our Milton Tasting Room & Kitchen sometime last year,” said Dogfish HeadFounder & Brewer, Sam Calagione. “In fact, I specifically remember our Brewmaster, Mark, roasting countless marshmallows over the open flame of our Kitchen’s outdoor, wood-fired grill to use during our first brewday. The resulting beer was a big hit among both our co-workers and guests. Afterall, there’s really nothing better than a gooey s’mores sandwich … except maybe a s’mores beer!”
Campfire Amplifier is not only the newest addition to Dogfish Head’s portfolio of offbeat ales, but it offers a sneak peek at the collaborating artist for the brewery’s 2021 Off-Centered Art Series. An annual collection of limited-edition beers that personify the creative expression at the intersection of art and ales, Dogfish Head’s 2021 Off-Centered Art Series lineup will feature label artwork by Ryan Besch. Hailing from Buffalo, New York, Besch has been designing posters and vinyl art for more than 20 years, and has worked with a wealth of well-known groups, including Phish, The Black Keys, O.A.R. and many more. 
“It may have been his awesome gig posters that first caught our eye, but after seeing his visual interpretation of Campfire Amplifier, it’s safe to say that Ryan’s comics-like, collage-centric design aesthetic is a perfect match for Dogfish Head’s unique and eccentric beers,” said Calagione. “The intricate details within his artwork for Campfire Amplifier have me beyond excited to see what he comes up with for the rest of Art Series lineup.”
Campfire Amplifier’s illustration-based artwork features a colorful group of misfit characters congregating around a campfire. A figure with a marshmallow head, whose melting face suggests he is hanging out a little too close to the flames, plays campfire songs on a ukulele. As a group of only three, the characters quickly realize there is no need to amplify their tunes. So, they throw their Dogfish Head-branded speaker into the fire and watch it burn as a full moon looms in the star-studded sky above.
For more information about Dogfish Head’s 2021 Off-Centered Art Series or to track down a case of Campfire Amplifier, please visit www.dogfish.com.
About Dogfish Head Craft Brewery:
Dogfish Head has proudly been focused on brewing beers with culinary ingredients outside the Reinheitsgebot since the day it opened as the smallest American craft brewery 25 years ago. Dogfish Head has grown into a top-20 craft brewery and has won numerous awards throughout the years, including Wine Enthusiast’s 2015 Brewery of the Year and the James Beard Foundation Award for 2017 Outstanding Wine, Spirits, or Beer Professional. It is a 350+ co-worker brand based in Delaware, with Dogfish Head Brewings & Eats, an off-centered brewpub, Chesapeake & Maine, a geographically-enamored seafood restaurant, the Dogfish Inn, a beer-themed inn on the harbor, and Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, a production brewery and distillery featuring the Tasting Room & Kitchen and Dogfish Head Distilling Co. Dogfish Head supports the Independent Craft Brewing Seal, the definitive icon for American craft breweries to identify themselves to be independently-owned, and carries the torch of transparency, brewing innovation and the freedom of choice originally forged by brewing community pioneers. Dogfish Head currently sells beer in all 50 states and Washington D.C. For more information, visit www.dogfish.com, Facebook: @dogfishheadbeer, Twitter: @dogfishbeer, and Instagram: @dogfishhead.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3iZOq4m
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cptsdceliac · 4 years
Good thing: my local thai restaurant is being kept alive by my community during covid
Great because it's an indepent local thai restaurant, that makes halal, kosher, vegan, dairy free, and gluten free options! And for a celiac that's awesome!!
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thesuperabsurdist · 2 years
Creepy Zombies Walking Classic T-Shirt
Get official merch for The Super Absurdist printed on awesome products. Support me at #Redbubble #RBandME:
💀 https://t.co/m9qgvtmvW5 💀
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spicynochu · 6 years
I needed to write my s7 thoughts out,,,plz skip lol😬
I had time to stew on this season and process it properly and it had good parts ngl it was a good season in regards to the characters growing and learning from their lions etc and the lions being total badass and the fucking animation was fucking brilliant..
The wolf was fucking awesome in every fucking way
The spaceships were cool,,,
Coran was great and hilarious as always he’s so fucking smart like I’m gonna make a coran appreciation post cos that bitch deserves it
but everything else was disappointing??? Idk how to explain it? Idk I’m probably reaching and being over dramatic but whatever they can kick rocks
But okay
Like I liked the family reunion for lance bc my boy deserved it but the lack of one for hunk??? They made it bareable because Keith was there to support him and that was cute. I liked the fact that we saw other characters but they literally gave that bitch sadna a better mourning that they gave Adam??? I literally didn’t look up from my phone when that bitch got killed but I fucking cried when I knew that they were gonna fuck Adam up as soon as I saw him getting on that ship because of that cunt sardines orders (literally fuck her). Everytime the bitch Sandra showed up I wanted to punch my tv I knew that bitch was a snake
I was dissapointed because Keith’s mom left him once again even though she said she wouldn’t and you want me to believe he was okay? yeah they reunited again but what if they didn’t??
The game show episode was necessary but calling lance dumb every second wasn’t? Not having any of the other paladins sticking up for him, after all he’s done?? My heart broke seeing him frown the whole time,, they could’ve disprove the whole dumb shit and had him answering all the characters name right ( which by the way was fucking stupid like most of the guesses the characters faces were fucking covered??? U were setting him up for failure??? Not surprised???) I didn’t even fucking know the characters names TBH i only know rolo because that bitch wasn’t covered AND THAT WAS AFTER THE PALADINS SPELLED IT OUT
the garrison pilots, like James and all them or whatever they were cool but I didn’t care for them,, I deff didn’t give a fuck about James dude he’s hot but at what cost,, kinkade should’ve had more screen time and stuff hello.
Romelle was useful and funny till a point and I think we all know which one. After a while they just stopped showing her?? I felt like it ?? Anyways that’s just lazy writing.
The love tropes were literally weird and forced. Like Acxa I like her she’s fucking cute and cool and I was totally expecting her to be Keith’s aunt or sibling and her having a crush on him or something was like???? I don’t know like kinda lame?? Like “oh another one? (Het relationship) I thought she also had a thing for Lotor but whatever,, I know something was up with her cute ass since Keith saved her that one time ???
Ezor and zesthrid totally they were cute like?? why’d they have to die??
I thought lance last season was coming to terms with allura not reciprocating his feeling and then in this seasons he’s back to his allura ship and I mean if she didn’t always shut him down and brushed his feelings off in the other seasons and didn’t treat him like he was annoying and didn’t kiss Lotor and had a thing with him that apparently suddenly went away???, then sure they’d be cute. I feel like she should be alone and not because I want her to be alone but I feel like her character deserves more than that like hello?? Upgrade from princess to queen and show her Indepence as the leader and ruler she is.
I rather nobody gets paired than just throwing people together just because.
I literally didn’t see that Matt was holding a girls hand till I saw the pics later like I just saw his long hair and that’s all I saw. something that simple could’ve been done for shiro and Adam. Shiro has suffered so much like from the beginning like the least they could’ve done was to have his significant other there for him, but nah u just gave him this extra burden of guilt and sorry towards Adam and probably regret like y’all literally been fucking shiro over since the beginning like if you didn’t like him you should’ve just killed him off when you said you would you cowards.
What else
What else
I also feel like the holts are always reuniting and saying goodbye and reuniting?? Give that screen time to the mice they’re the real fucking heroes
I totally understand everyone’s dissapointement with everything like this aside, the show is a fucking cool show they have fucking mechanical lions that come together to form one fucking giant evil fighting badass robot
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brokermukuldesai · 3 years
I could not take part as freedom Fighter due to 11 years late. Happy Indepence Day.
I was born into this world as a naive and innocent soul, but today I’m stronger, kinder, and more mature than ever. So Happy Birthday to me!
I believe that I am the equivalent to a fine wine or a delicious old cheese. The older the better. I am thrilled to be another year older today!
Happy Birthday to me!
May God bless me with a long life! Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday to me!
Here’s to all the struggle, all the pain, all the lessons, and all the growth of my life. Here’s to celebrate a good human being!
Happy Birthday to me!
The fresh air, the bright sunlight, the fragrant flowers- everything is gifted to me today! May I get to lead a beautiful life ahead!
A whole year has passed and it has been 365 days of pure blessings, love, and care! I am grateful to have a wonderful life, so Happy Birthday to me!
Today was the only day when I cried and my mother Smiled on it. Happy Birthday
Mother’s lovely child, Happy Birthday to Me.
Happy Birthday to someone who is full of unbelievable awesomeness! Yes, that’s right. It’s my birthday.
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swarkles-is-otp · 7 years
Found my rant and 100 reasons why swarkles should´ve ended up together which I wrote shortly after the finale. Thought I should post it
Is a ted/robin ending okay? (Absolutely no imo, but let´s have a look at all the seasons and at what points I wouldˋve accepted it) After season 1: OKAY (though 1. Zip, Zip, Zip was perfect and swarkles had great chemistry back then) After season 2: OKAY (though 2. Robin acting like she's stabbed when Ted "proposes" and B&r Shared cute moments like: Holy crap, You're beautiful. 3.Or robin caring for him when he is ill) After season 3: Swarkles was on, they were pretty cute, but they could've turned it in the Ted/robin way. (When they would've cut the scene where barney talks about everything he loves). Wouldn't have been the best finale, but OKAY (4. Though the chemistry in sandcastles was beyond perfect. Like do you watch them kiss? Their was more Passion than in ted's and robin's entire relationship, but okay, that's my opinion) And just want to add one thing: Ted is such a dork in this. I mean, yeah barney slept with his ex-girlfriend, but Robin doesn't seem to feel uncomfortable when she (!) invitied him to go to her place and watch the video, she was looking at him in awe e whole time they watched the video and got closer and closer to him and Robin was really into it, when kissing him... SO TED GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. SHE'S A FREE WOMAN WITH A FREE WILL AND YOU WERE NOT TOGETHER! SO I THINK IT'S REALLY UNFAIR HE ABANDONS BARNEY AND STILL TALKS TO ROBIN. AND EVEN IF MARSHALL SAYS HE HAS NEVER BROKEN AN ARTICLE OF THE BRO-CODE, LET'S BE HONEST, TO BARNEY HE WAS A REALLY REALLY BAD FRIEND THROUGH THE WHOLE SERIES. After season 4: NOT OKAY, because: 5.they showed Barney having a softer side 6.they showed Barney doing everything, so Robin won't be deported and getting her a job 7. poor barney being so hurt when learning Ted sleeps with robin 8. "If you ever do meet someone special, take a shot at it, will you?" "I'll try." (But no, Carter and Craig didn't write towards barney and robin) 9. they showed in "The Front Porch" that Ted and Robin would be miserable if they'd get old together (and no, not only because of the kids) 10. they showed this beautiful swarkles-friendship in the "Murtaugh List" and showed barney and robin have the same opinion about being old, etc. 11. barney: I miss her when she's not around, I think about her all the time.... 12. "Look at her, she's the greatest woman on the planet!" 13. THE LEAP (if you don't know what I mean, watch the episode and you'll know) After season 5: NOT OKAY, because: 14. the summer of Secret love between swarkles 15. "Robin 101" barney really tries to keep robin, robin says: "You're an idiot" (not sure, but did she say that to Ted?) 16. the sexless innkeeper: barney/robin's opinion against ted's again 17. poor heartbroken Robin who is crying because of barney (she didn't cry after the relationship with ted (except the one time Ted and she talked and broke up)sure, she was in argentina, so we didn't see it, but robin crying about barney was also shown in flashbacks) (another thing: she immediately started dating after Ted, but she didn't want to date after barney-and their relationship didn't last that long) 18. she's willing to choose her relationship with Don over her career, but then she doesn't do it for her husband??? 19. first blink at barney as groom... (It's season 5 now- so 4 FREAKING SEASONS TEASING A WEDDING THAT ENDS IN A DIVORCE. THIS IS SO NOT RAVEN) After season 6: NOT OKAY, because: 20. more glimpses to the swarkles-wedding 21. barney being the one who gets robin to dress up again instead of moping over her failed relationship (even after Don she was more devastated than after the breakup with ted) 22.Natural History: swarkles-chemistry at it's best- including barney and robin talking about his father 23. "Babytalk": Ted's opinion against barney's opinion concerning Robin's independence. Ted said once we should wait for someone who not only accepts our quirks but also kinda likes them (or smth like that)... Ted hates her indepence, but yeah they end up together. Great story 24. Robin was on Barney's side in the arcadian fight the whole time!!! She reminds the other ones how barney likes his job and after the arcadian is blown up, she also goes with barney 25. their "I kinda get it... Ted loved Zoey for a minute there, didn't he?" "Yes... And she loved him too, didn't she?" "Yeah....she did" -conversation... Everybody knows what they really talked about, another example where robin tells she loves barney 26. Robin's face when Nora says to barney: it's never too late. Barney is all happy about it. Robin looks really hurt and sad about it After season 7: NOT OKAY, becaus 27. the dance... I don't have to say more, do I? 28. Lily says to Robin: you and barney have the Kind of chemistry that just doesn't go away. -don't tell me it's suddenly away 29. Robin says: if you have chemistry, you only need one more thing. Timing, but timing is a bitch. -THEY HAD CHEMISTRY AND TIMING AND THEN THEY DIVORCE, NOOO 30. Robin:"I know we didn't work out the first time, and I know it doesn't make any sense. BUT I CAN'T SHAKE THIS FEELING THAT WE BELONG TOGETHER. (Ähhhhh sorry, short question: at what point was this show written towards Ted and robin after season 3?????) 31. Robin being crazy about barney and Nora dating- she sits under tables and cries, um yeah, she never did that when Ted dated other woman, just saying 32. Robin even attacks a woman because she has such conflicted feelings towards barney- and just to make him happy, she keeps this woman from talking to barney. She loves him so much, she just wants him to be happy, even if it's killing her. AND THEN THEY GOT A FUCKING DIVORCE? 33.Barney and Robin acting all goofy and sweet when trying to find out what's wrong with ted's date and tease marshall/Lily about their baby's sex 34.Disaster Averted: my all time favourite episode. The flashback-scene: When I let a day go by with not talking to you, that day's just no good. BUT THEN THEY DIVORCE? (Sorry overwhelming feelings, I will cut down the "they got a divorce" 35. the second Moment in disaster averted: their really, really hot kiss in the cab- and don't tell me barney hit on her, she offered to take barney home, she started the talk about their almost-kiss 36. so, barney and robin slept together, though both of them were in a relationship. Though feeling guilty the next day robin was not drunk or anything, so she was full aware of what she was doing. (Friendly reminder: back in season 1 when Ted was still dating Victoria and kissed her (while she thought they broke up) she freaked out afterwards and was mad at him for a few episodes. And it was just a kiss. And suddenly she can't hold herself together and SLEEPS WITH BARNEY though BOTH of them are in a relationship. Hmmm what could that be? Love, maybe?) 37. robin actually considered going back to barney- yeah she broke his heart when saying no, but she seriously considered it 38. the speech of nora's dad where barney imagined robin (when you meet the right person, you know it. You can't stop thinking about them. They're your best friend and your soulmate. No one and nothing else can compare.) AND THEN THEY GOT DIVORCED, ARE THEY KIDDING ME, LIKE SERIOUSLY, THEY WROTE TOWARDS BARNEY AND ROBIN, NOT TED AND ROBIN 39. though robin refused him, barney is still there for her. Later this season Ted avoids her, really great friend, Ted 40. barney and the Rose petals (sorry can't talk more about this, it hurts) 41. the pregnancy scare- just saying: robin Imagines two (!) kids, so she imagined getting more kids with barney. And the room where she is talking to their kids: the stormtrooper, so many little details, all this points to robin imagining a future with barney (though she was still with Kevin at this point) 42.ROBIN SAYING RIGHT INTO TED'S FACE SHE DOESN'T LOVE HIM (in addition to that: Ted, get your shit together, she just broke up with her boyfriend, crying on the rooftop and saying she can't have kids and you have no better idea than hitting on her! ARE YOU SERIOUS, TED?) 43. Ted saying he could finally let her go. "There was no part of me clinging to the dream being with robin. I can finally go on." HAHAHAHA, nice joke. Ted getting over Robin, yeah sure. All these episodes about ted letting robin go make absolutely no sense anymore. Why do they put us through this shit? 44. Trilogy time along with their make-out-Session (okay no real point, but come on, this scene was hot) 45. Robin being not amused when barney and Quinn announce they are engaged 46. they should've run away to Mexico together. They really should have, leaving Quinn, Ted and this whole shit behind. And she knows he's 100% awesome. 47.Robin is the bride- HOORAY (it's season 7, TWO SEASONS OF KNOWING BARNEY IS MARRYING ROBIN AND THEN THEY GET DIVORCED. -_-) Season 8, FUCKING NOT OKAY, AT THIS POINT IT'S ONLY A BIG OFFENCE, because: 48. Robin being really, really sad when discovering barney has "destroyed" every evidence they ever were a couple 49. BIG QUESTION: I GOT THE FEELING WHEN THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT THE "LEBENSLANGERSCHICKSALSSCHATZ" AND SHOWING ROBIN CRYING ABOUT ALL THE STUFF BARNEY STORED FROM THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND CRYING ABOUT THEIR PICTURES AND THEN SHOWING BARNEY LOOKING OUT OF THE WINDOW CLEARLY THINKING OF ROBIN, THAT THEY MEAN BARNEY AND ROBIN ARE EACH OTHERS LEBENSLANGERSCHICKSALSSCHATZ. LEBENSLANG MEANS "LIFELONG", SO WTF IS HAPPENING THERE. ANOTHER POINT THAT SHOWS THIS WAS NO WRITING TOWARDS TED AND ROBIN. So are you thinking the same or am I just stupid for believing this scene was hinting at barney and robin? 50. Barney not trusting Quinn, but Robin, making no prenup and bilson (was it bilson? Unsure at this point) saying to his dog: SEE TUGBOAT, THAT'S LOVE (no, tugboat, forget it. True love doesn't exist. And you don't deserve it when you have a clinging ex-boyfriend. No matter how much you love another one, you have to be always there to be the backup for your ex when his wife dies and you have to raise his children though you never wanted one. BECAUSE THAT'S TRUE TO LIFE. Go with it, tugboat) 51. we discover barney went with robin to her aunt to give her the dogs. She was with that at that point, he wanted that she gives the dogs away, and BARNEY is driving with her, saying a lot, don't you think? 52. Robin being so worried about barney and helping him with brover. And then she goes with barney to give brover back to his owner (who thinks they are a couple, btw) 53. BARNEY'S SPEECH, BARNEY'S WONDERFUL, HEARTMELTING SPEECH, WHERE YOU JUST WANNA HUG HIM AND CRY BECAUSE HE LOVES ROBIN SO MUCH: (I love everything about her. And I'm not a guy who says that lightly. I'm the kind of guy who has faked love his entire life. I thought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to. And there have been times that I wanted to. It was overwhelming and humbling and even painful at times. But I could not stop loving her anymore than I can start breathing. I'm hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows.) AND SUDDENLY HE STOPPED LOVING HER. IT MAKES ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING SENSE 54. Robin's face after hearing the speech and confronting him afterwards with her hopeful looks and everything 55. Robin helping barney looking for a new strip Club (and choosing the one with the old people- kinda shows she doesn't want him to be touched from women he could be sexually attracted to) 56. Them having fun together at a strip-club. Shows how alike they are and their kiss was just omg 57. Robin going nuts when barney says the door on them is closed and he is done trying to get her. She is really desperate to get him there... 58. Robin being obsessed and breaking into barney's appartement, so she can find the playbook and show it to Patrice. The other ones even have an Intervention because she is after barney. 59. Robin questioning Patrice about barney and almost fireing her because she is that jealous. Then Robin even cries and says "I really don't like feelings" (I guess she gets back together with ted because there are not too much feelings involved? At least, it seems like it) 60. Ted realizing Robin still has feelings for barney. Robin crying and being angry when Hearing about the proposal. Robin chooses to run to barney (what should I do? Kick the ring out of his hand and saying "you should be with me"- so it's kinda clear what she wants) instead of going with ted who has kind of a big night that day? So, NO you can't convince me she loves Ted more than barney (or even loves Ted at all) 61. THE ROBIN (no more words needed here, it was just perfect, showing how well barney knows her and even though she was angry at first, she IMMEDIATELY (comparing to ted's "proposal" where she says about 100times no) says YES) 62. Swarkles standing on the rooftop being all in love (the nose-kiss!). Leaving barney&robin, Lily&marshall&marvin, and Ted being alone but soon finding the one, so they are all in happy relationships (at least I got it this way, guess I was wrong) 63.Ted moping about robin again, but robin makes it pretty clear SHE WANTS THE BAND NOT THE DUMB DJ (hope you know what I mean with that metaphor) 64. barney caring so much about robin, that he finally gets her dad to talk properly with her 65.Robin saying she's marrying barney any way (though nothing ever seemed to be as important as her dad's approval) 66. Barney is cured from his one-night-stands 67. Robin realizing the true power of the ring. Lily: Oh, sweetie, I know it's nice to be groped by strangers, but nothing beats the rush you get when that one special person looks at you. Marshall: It’s true. Like, here, in this bar, there's only one thing that I see, and I see her brighter and more clearly than anything else in this world. You know what that is? That’s love. And possibly alcohol mixed with some very powerful antibiotics. Lily: And that's Barney sees you. And I know that's how you see Barney. Then we see barney and robin looking at each other and seeing each other brighter and more clearly than the Rest of the world. BUT NOOOO, CRAIG AND CARTER, YOU ALWAYS WROTE TOWARDS ROBIN AND TED. YEAH, SURE 68. Marshall asks Robin if she's figured out how she's going to get drinks at the bar now that she's engaged. Her answer: "Oh sure, I know a way that's going to last forever." Then she leans to barney asking for a scotch on the Rocks (WHAT CONCEPT OF "FOREVER" DO CARTER AND CRAIG HAVE?) 69. Barney getting obsessed over robin's past. Robin saying to him it's okay cause he is her "Dobler" (meaning both of them are into each other, you know what: I think ted is robin's dahmer). 70. barney saying he lies, but there is one true thing: HE LOVES HER. 71. Barney willing to sell his "fortress" because superman used the fortress when he wants to be alone. He realizes he doesn't want to be alone anymore, he wants to be with robin. 72. Robin: "If I ask you to change too many things about yourself, You're not gonna be the man i fall in love with. Turns out, I appreciate even the grossest, most sociopathic parts of you." 73. Robin knows barney just as well as he knows her: THE BARNEY (wow, Carter, Craig... Let me guess: another hint that ted and robin belong together? -_-) 74. we're gonna be legen...wait for it...married- Legenmarried!!! I love you so damn much, robin scherbatsky. I love you too, Barney Scherbatsky :,) 75. the two of them against the annyoing couple was just precious and showed their perfect Team-work once again. All in all, at the end of the episode they were all lovey-dovey and in high anticipation of their wedding Season 9, NONONONONONONONONONO NOOOOOOO, THIS IS THE WORST ENDING YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE, THE THINGS YOU DID WERE MOST PEOPLE'S WORST CASE SCENARIO AND YOU WENT THROUGH WITH IT? SORRY, BUT ONE LAST TIME: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Because: 76. they were considering staying together even when they thought they were related!!! 77."I've got you. I don't have to wait for it anymore." 78. "AWWW, it must be a soulmate thing" ROBIN is saying that. She says BARNEY is her SOULMATE 79. They couldn't get their hands off each other because they were so in love. 80."I don't need them to believe in true love anymore. I've got you for that now." (Carter and Craig, you must hate us big time. Do you know how mean this is? Showing us a couple for such a long time, giving them a whole season for their wedding, showing that even two broken and messed up people can find together and experience true love. You made many believe in true love-because of barney and Robin- now you destroyed everything. Thank you) 81. Barney going to Robin to the carusell after all. He just was not as fast as Ted. So don't even dare to come with the comment "Ted knows Robin better" 82.We know it was more of a joke, but Barney broke with his family, just to show Robin how much he loves her -- "I'm always gonna have your back, no matter what" (but wifi is the big exception) 83.YOU CHOSE POORLY (just saying) 84. they're lone wolves, but "Maybe we can learn how to work together". And they did. This was the special charme of barney and robin: always afraid of commitment, always Independent and alone, but together they made the perfect match, because they knew what the other one feels and overcame their problems together. But yeah, every couple who grows and develops so much together must get divorced at some point. I mean 1. it's true to life and 2. Nobody is allowed to be that happy, when he isn't based on a writer. So letˋs give Ted (*cough carter*) two happy ends while barney and robin are reduced to their season 1-selves and get none... Life can be wonderful, right? 85. Robin can't have kids- FLASHBACK- she tells barney. And what does barney do? He is concerned about Robin and just hugs her and even asks shyly if this is weird. (Contrary: Ted! When he discovers it, it all turns around him AGAIN. He confesses his love and blablabla...Ted PLEASE, the woman is hurt and has enough emotional things to deal without you already. Leave her alone or hug her or anything, but don't do that. It's rude, not the whole life is about you, Teddy Boy (exception: you are based on Carter Bays, then yeah, sorry, everything is about you) 86. barney saying: "No I never wanted kids, I always liked kids." "I'm not marrying a Future possibility of starting a family. I'm marrying a girl who means more to me than kids." (AND THEN HE ENDS UP BEING A DAD AND WITHOUT ROBIN. ARE YOU AWARE HOW MUCH THAT HURTS. NOTHING IS RIGHT HERE!) 87. The mother saying: No, this is gonna take more than 20 minutes. This is the big one! (And in the finale she suddenly doesn't care they are getting a divorce and barney is picking up Bimbos again? SRSLY, WHAT KIND OF SICK ALTERNATE UNIVERSE WAS THAT?) 88. "From this day, I had one challenge and one challenge only. Get robin scherbatsky fall in love with me." - "Challenge completed" (But of course she ends up with ted, nothing would make more sense at this point (just in case: SARCASM)) 89. " THE REHEARSAL DINNER, THE WHOLE EPISODE, JUST WATCH IT (He brought whole canada to her. He did everything to make her happy. Tell me in what universe stealing a stupid blue french horn is better than this lovely gesture?) 90. "Robin along with the idea that vengeance will soon be mine has made me 100% awesome" "I always felt kinda broken... But I don't feel that way anymore" 91. Sunrise- a whole stupid episode of Ted letting Robin go, watching Robin flying away like a stupid balloon. ALL FOR NOTHING 92. Robin acknowledges the fact Barney only lied to them because he wants them to feel better (....that we could rally). And barney says how much he loves his friends. And they treat him like shit. 93. The wedding!!! Barney willing to give up his lying, because this is the only vow he will make to robin and the only one that counts. 94. Sweetest scene: Robin flings her arms around barney's neck kissing him and they hug. This was so cute and honest and yeah, it made me cry. 95. The ceremony itself. Barney and Robin looking at each other full of love. 96.THEY GET MARRIED. AFTER 6 YEARS OF PINING FOR EACH OTHER THEY GET MARRIED. (AND THEN DIVORCED AND I REALLY NEED SOMEONE TO SLAP REALLY REALLY HARD IN THE FACE) Okay, I think I should get the 100 done, so 97. robin complaining why she can't be "Gretel". Ted tells her she hasn't found the right "Hansel" yet. He tells her she will find the one for whom she wants to dress up and everything. First of all, she SUITED UP for him back in the first season. the Murtaugh List: both of them dress up together. Then, when she discovers barney is one-quarter-canadian, she is so delighted about it and teases him with the mounty-costume. Herself going as a Hockey-player. She had found her Hansel...but suddenly after their divorce, she's the only one at that party not wearing a costume. Anyone else having tears in the eyes??? 98. Both of them love scotch, cigars, Challenges, etc. They have a similar humor and Robin even takes his phrases once in a while (Challenge accepted, true story). In Addition to that barney sees through her right at the beginning. When Ted sees her, he's instantly thinking about getting married, barney saying: "you just know she likes it dirty." Robin hated marriage at that point, but we all know she indeed likes it dirty ;). And the phrasing is kinda revealing to. Ted thinks:"see that girl, I'm gonna marry her someday"- and it's all about him again. Sometimes I really wonder of this guy ever thinks about robin's feelings. She refused him many times and he is still hitting on her with that horn. 99. the first thing she says to Ted when they talk what they like about each other- robin: I think I like your suit. (Who wears suits all the time? Who always tells Ted it suit up? Hmmmm, who was that again? I think his Name begins with a "b") 100. THEY ARE BARNMAN AND ROBIN, THEY ARE R-TRAIN AND B-NASTY, THEY ARE SPARKLES AND SWARLEY... THEY ARE SWARKLES FOREVER <3 So, I know opinions are really different on this. Some think it was the perfect end where the circle with Ted and robin and the Blue french horn is concluded. They see it as a happy end cause Ted is the Main character and he got everything what he wanted: kids and the woman of his dreams. They see that barney could only grow up with having a child. They see that Lily and Marshall both got times for their careers and their kids. I would love to see it this way (though I could never ship Ted/robin. I think they are gross-sorry I can't help myself. No offence), but I can't. What I see is widower-Ted still living in the past, can't moving on, still idealizing a girl that refused and hurt him more than once. I see a lonely Barney, never really accepted by his friends the way he is, never feeling loved. The only one who accepted him is away, but he never felt good enough for her anyway. All his hopes that someday, someone might love him unconditionally are on his daughter. The woman he loved more than anything, the woman he chose over kids is not his anymore, so he hopes there's at least this little baby, depending on him, who has to love him, because kids are supposed to love their children. Barney, though always portrayed as the bad womanizer only searching for one thing: love. His daughter can't be taken away from him. Robin may find another man, but ellie won't find another father, one who loves her as much as I'm sure barney does. That's why I hated the plot with ellie too. Yeah the scene is kinda sweet, but all in all, it's showing barney being changed by something he never wanted as an escape from his sad life. What I see is a lonely Robin. She was willing to choose love over her career- then Don left her, for his career. In my opinion Robin just loved Barney too much and couldn't bear the idea to be left by him too. So she choose the career this time. But not only she Looses the love of her life, the career doesn't seem to fulfil her either. We don't know what happened with her job in 2030, but as it seems, she's not that busy anymore, otherwise she couldn't have Five dogs (AGAIN) and living in the appartement (which looks quite similar to the one from season 1). She wasn't fulfilled back in season 1, she doesn't seem to be fulfilled now either. So what I want to say, I see Robin being lonely, having lost the love of her life, her career successful but not making her too happy either and being glad when someone comes to her. Even if it's the one that she refused before, the one she never really loved, but the one who was always a safe choice in her eyes, who was always available. It's her last chance not to die alone getting eaten by her dogs. What I see is Lily, who always struggled between having a family and a career. Who chose her career over marshall a long time ago. Then she faces this choice again, difference is: she has marvin and another Child on the way. So she has to choose again. Marshall is willing to give her that one year in rome though, but after that? After that, it seems to be over. She is the birthing machine, the supporting wife, but nothing more. So what they did with the women's characters is in a way pretty offending. When a woman can't have kids, she's not worth it (barney is changed by a baby, the only thing she could never give them. And Ted also has two kids). So the Message we got, is that a woman has no value when she can't bear children. We learn that women have to choose. Either they choose their family and give up on their career (Lily) or they put their career first and there will be no place for their loved ones anymore (robin). All in all I think, marshall is the only one that wasn't screwed in this. So what I see are four people, evolving for 9 years, bringing the best out of them, only to put them back in the EXACT same place they have been in season 1. so if that's the story they wanna tell us, that no one can grow cause eventually they will be at the exact same place again, great. So, for me the story was not a fulfilling end, not a circle being finally closed, it was a big disappointment. All the life lessons, all the magic, all of that means nothing. Because all was a lie, all of it was a red herring to keep the fans watching. And in the end, I just can say this: All of it was unnecessary. It would've been the EXACT same story if we'd just seen the pilot and the end. For some this is the greatest thing ever because the pilot along with the end makes perfect sense. For me, it's a huge pain in the heart because all the magic, the evolvement that happened in between is gone. I feel it was a waste of time, putting so much love in creating these characters, letting them grow, only to regress all their evolvement in the end. I loved himym so much and I still do (except the crucial "Last Forever"), but the end was so not worth it.
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trainpopculture · 4 years
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TPC S2 E6: Getting To Know You - Wrestling Future Favourites / Looking Ahead - Our Picks. First up, Straughan, and his impassioned plee for you all to get involved with local independent promotions - you might be missing out on your GOAT or new favourite (new to you, anyway) without even knowing it! Special shout outs to some extraordinary talent connected to local indie @prowrestling4u : @holliebarlow_ @themyattlegacy @mattburnsuk www.PW4U.co.uk and from @barracks_pro_wrestling @benjaminxharland @jacknudsen01 @andycondavice What is your local independent wrestling company? Brag to us about how awesome they are! Get in touch! - TPC https://shows.acast.com/namachal-productions/episodes/tpc-06-getting-to-know-you-wrestling #trainpopculture #gettingtoknowyou #TPC #wrestling #wwe #wcw #aew #aewdynamite #NXT #impact #pw4u #realwrasslin #lookingahead #onestowatch #indepent #local https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzlx0AlVO6/?igshid=ifbbr18ro2qu
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ricciardo3fanpage · 5 years
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It's February 14th on 1 side of the world already. Have a good day with your lover or just have an awesome indepence day as a single 😘 and to everyone HAPPY FRIDAY 😋 #danielricciardo #gogoricciardo #dr3fans #ricciardo #motorsport #f1 #racing #renaultf1team #renault #valentinesday #valentine #independenceday #singles #friday #friyay #happy (bij All Over the World) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hDSRPB3sO/?igshid=19dlsohjpv818
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Just a Few Longboxes and Shortboxes I brought back from Pur Temperature Controlled Storage Units that Im putting ALL Books Up For SALE!! Has Everything From Golden Age to 2015, and features Comic Books from ALL Publishers and Indepents! BTW, #TrueCollectors I have another 71 Longboxes and 29 Shortboxes left to still Check Out!! LOL! Then all the Long and Shortboxes plus Everything Else in My PC! SUPER LOL!! Remember FREEBIES with Every Purchase!! #lou_tom_tram_collectibles #AWESOMENESS #CollectibleCOOL #LOUnacyComicsAndCollectibles #LOUnacyComics #igcomiccommunity #comics #TrueCollector #ComicBookCulture #igcomicfamily #igcomiccommunity #ComicBooks #dccomics #KeepCalmAndCollectOn #MARVEL #igcomicstore #igcomicshop #comicsforsale #igcomicbooksforsale #igcomicbookstore #igcomicbookshop #comicbooksale (at Nassau County, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzNQHZNBBD3/?igshid=4p6isjpt11s9
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