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it's discord time !
hi friends! so i have been feeling extremely bummed out on tumblr lately , and obviously i am exhausted constantly , BUT , i still want to rp. even if it's small discord rp's. so , would anyone like to have a private discord server so that we can just vibe & chill & not have to worry about tumblr ? :D go ahead & give this a LIKE if you would want to do that with me!
#𓆩✧𓆪 › 𝒐𝒐𝒄 : chitchat !#im officially on an indefiniate hiatus here#until things calm down at work#and home#and my depression gets better#<3
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The previous poll is still going, but since i'm impatient (like our main star of the week... ):
#morgoth into the void day#morgoth into the void week#melkor#morgoth#dagor dagorath#tolkien legendarium#silm#silmarillion#the silm#the silmarillion#turin turambar#anglachel
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"Her eyes follow me all the way home and into bed-- Endouring, deep, dark eyes... that see everything, and never look away. I dream a clammy "cold-turkey" sort of dream: Numb sex, an indefiniable sense of loss, confusion, blizzards of damp, peeling skin-- fat, blue tongues crawling free from corpse mouths... That's a pleasant surprise. Dreaming's a vital sign. First time I've dreamt since the Ice-Age set in. Your soul dies if you stop dreaming."
John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 2: The Devil You Know. "The Horrorist."

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Now then.
I know I said I was gonna put the blog on indefiniate hiatus after one more Elder Magic drabble and Pikmin drabble...
But I've changed my mind. I am in a slightly better headspace now than when I made that decision, so I'mma stick around.
I'm also gonna try to be a bit more pro-active about approaching people for RPs, and try not to get immediately discouraged when some of those plans fall through.
I will say one thing though...
Anybody with Yukari or Ran muses would be very much appreciated, Chen needs her moms~
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All of whom are wearing fancy dress from an indefiniable historical period (sometimes several different ones)
The plot structures of movies need to start taking more cues from classic opera. Open with fucker in a hat who directly addresses the audience and explains what's going on in a way that raises far more questions than it answers, then immediately drop the viewer into the middle of a shouting argument between three of the weirdest people you can possibly imagine.
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Okay, I've thought real hard about this one.
I see two major issues with firearms:
Extremely non-ideal in space or in any place where keeping the air in is vital;
Dependent on external resources (no bullets = you are fucked)
This explains why Lyctors do not use them. If you need to fight for indefinie amount of time and to not spend time on recharging (when fighting Heralds), melee weapons are way better.
The next bit does not sound very convincing to me, but it is the only explanation I came up with. Starting points:
Cohort is mostly used as an invasion force;
Spaceships are expensive, especially the ones that can make planetfall;
Planets invaded have some infrastructure, industry, supply chains;
So the way I see it: it is hard to transfer a lot of people and resources to the planet. The easiest way to do so is to take some light, fast and relatively small ship(s). Especially relevant if ppl of the planet have something to shoot at ships. Put there some necros and some soldiers. Stuff all free space with anything that will help necros in this inital and the most crucial period before they can make thanergic bloom.
Next, I do not think people on the planets are stupid and engage immediately to help necros. I think irl it is not some One Single Heroic Strike, and they need to spend quite some time. You shoot at people, people run away, you do not have thanergy and also out of resources. With cold weapons you do not need resources.
I also think that necros provide shields for everyone, because noone uses armor.
Also, there is a possibility of FFying your necro I think)))
I do not like this explanation.
Another one I have is darker: the other side actually has necros, but more in Dragon Age style, particularly Qunari, who are very anti-magic but do use mages in horrible ways, cause they need it to fight mages. And swords are helpful against all sorts of necromantic creations.
The darkest but actually the most logical explanation: Cohort is VERY not united. They fight each other a lot, while people on the planet watch and eat popcorn. The one who wins the infighting gets the most resources out of the planet. The empire wins anyway the moment they are on the planet.
weaponry in the locked tomb is so interesting because when you break it down it's like:
guns exist in-universe but are used by the freedom fighter terrorist organization almost exclusively
swords are (were?) commonplace enough that gideon was able to find and train with a decently well-balanced two-hander on the ninth, despite the fact that the ninth has no military force or even interplanetary traffic. gideon's sword is at least 20 years old, probably older
swords are definitely still in use within the empire, at least by cavaliers, but likely within the cohort as a whole. to my memory there are no mentions of cohort members carrying military-issue guns
even though they're trained in a variety of weapons and techniques, cavaliers (are supposed to) carry exclusively rapiers. gideon prefers her two-hander and cam carries twin shortswords, but these seem to be rare and shocking exceptions to the standard.
rapiers are used by cavaliers explicitly for the purpose of lyctorhood. they're light enough that a scrawny necromancer without swordfighting experience can pick it up and rely on their cav's training without needing to build the muscle to wield the sword effectively
because of the secretive nature of the megatheorem, and lyctorhood as a whole, most people just follow the rapier rule because it's tradition. it is what is done. harrow makes this pretty clear at the beginning of gtn
cavaliers can carry a variety of offhand weapons. it seems like the full spectrum of middle age weaponry is possible - but still, no guns. not even secretly, as with cam's dual blades. some cavs choose to carry material for their necromancers as their offhand - ortus carries a bowl of bones for harrow, and i can only assume "the powder" mentioned as harrow's choice for gideon's offhand towards the beginning of gtn is some kind of bone dust
from a doylist perspective, all of this creates a aesthetic that starts very analog and gothic and gradually grows into a more standard sci-fi space opera through the series. by ntn, we've hit most of the established genre weaponry tropes that we've come to expect from older futuristic space media like star wars and alien. blasters and guns are standard fare, and it makes sense to hold off on introducing them until the scope of the story gets broader and more interplanetary
from a watsonian perspective, it's a little more difficult to draw concrete conclusions without the context that atn will inevitably provide. but if i had to hedge a guess, i'd say that, as with most things, It's All John Gaius's Fault. when he resurrected the galaxy i'd assume that he wanted to keep the aesthetics of medieval imperialism, and given his 21st century liberalism probably didn't want guns to be part of the equation. but they were anyways - we know this because wake carries a big one - and instead of standardizing firearms within his military and for his lyctors, he clings to the aesthetics of swordplay. please correct me if i'm remembering it wrong, but to my knowledge every gun shown in the series is either directly linked to boe or implied to be sourced from them. jod dooms his own lyctors and military by refusing to update their weaponry.
all of this poses a lot of questions about atn: who will carry a gun, and why? where did the gun come from? why DON'T the lyctors just use firearms? and most importantly: will they be fighting zombies with swords???
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Era uma criança que perdera o pai a pouco tempo - e o “monge”
É um curta muito sensível
Ele fica revoltado com Deus
E sobe todas as escadas ate o templo revoltado querendo quebrar tudo
Ele tem apenas 10 anos
Ele entra no templo e quebra um vaso e todo desnorteado briga com Deus e diz “você não existe”
É quando o monge começa a dizer a ele sobre a vida, e sobre a vida ser um milagre, do ano de fazer mitose e meiose no útero ao nascer, e depois o de se transformar, Deus é um construtor, nem ele tem uma ideia acabada do próprio universo “penso eu” diz o monge. O monge então apresenta ao menino uma ideia de um deus que não podemos compreender, mas que se expressa através do nascer e do morrer, do construir e do desconstruir. E que nos também podemos construir e reconstruir nossa relação com deus e nossa forma de pensá-lo. Definir deus é indefini-lo, porque esse ser é indescritível. Tudo precisa nascer, viver e morrer, e tudo está fazendo isso o tempo inteiro. Todo tempo ele está trabalhando, ele é a própria vida e todas as reações químicas acontecendo agora.
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Morgoth's ultimate fate — results
Thank you for voting!
The most canon-ish option (Turin kills Morgoth + Arda is destroyed) won the poll.
Summary: 43 votes fro Arda being destroyed, 25 for not destroyed, 16 for other. Among the two first groups: 16 for Morgoth being defeated simply by the War of Wrath happening, 34 for Turin Turambar with his talking black sword, 7 for a different way of killing Morgoth, 11 for something more nuanced than killing him.
Is defeated for good, we're done: 3 votes.
Won't come back, but for the full result we need Arda to be destroyed: 13 votes.
Will come back and be killed by Turin w Anglachel|Gurthang and we're done: 14 votes.
Above + but also Arda needs to be destroyed: 20 votes.
Will come back and be killed in a different way and we're done: 3 votes.
Above + but also Arda needs to be destroyed: 4 votes.
Will come back and some nuanced answer in comments (Arda is not destroyed): 5 votes.
Will come back and some nuanced answer in comments (Arda is destroyed): 6 votes.
Won't come back, but won't be fully defeated either, it just goes on indefini: 10 votes.
I'm strongly attached to more than one option depending on (in comments): 5 votes.
Something even more nuanced (in comments): 1 vote.
#morgoth into the void day#morgoth into the void week#melkor#morgoth#dagor dagorath#tolkien legendarium#silm#silmarillion#the silm#the silmarillion#anglachel#turin turambar#poll results#silm stats
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Bonjour les amis
Hier, nous avons vu les bases du féminin et du masculin des noms communs.
Aujourd'hui voici une petite fiche de notre module "L'orthogram" du Café Croissant sur la différence des articles définis et des articles indéfinis.
A la fin de cette fiche, vous avez un petit exercice pour vous entraîner.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour plus d'explications. Les quiz vont suivre.
A très bientôt pour d'autres activités et d'autres ressources gratuites----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello friends
Yesterday we saw the basics of feminine and masculine common names.
Today here is a small sheet of our module "The orthogram" of the Café Croissant on the difference of defined articles and indefinite articles.
At the end of this sheet, you have a small exercise to train.
Do not hesitate to contact me for more explanations. The quizzes will follow.
See you soon for other activities and other free resources
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[Teaposting #1]
🌿Name: Sweet Fireweed Honey
🍯Brand: Alaska Black Tea
🌿Type of Tea: Black
🍯Caffeinated: Yes
🌿Where to Buy: alaskaherbtea.com
I'm starting this blog off with a review of a tea I got from the man who got me back into teas, my lovely partner Noel.
He got this in Alaska while visiting family, and I have to say it is something I will likely end up buying myself online as it is quite nice! It is one of three included in a sampler pack.
I tend to try teas plain at first, and then with additions to see how I enjoy them. I have to say this tea is quite nice on its own, but it is also great with a little bit of sugar or honey!
I tend to prefer more sweet or fruity teas during the day, this would definitely be one I drink in the evening to relax.
All in all, I would rate this a 7/10!
Hope y'all have a lovely day. Mine was a bit tumultuous, but hey, it's a long weekend. One more day to sleep in to look forward to!
✨️Yours indefini-tea, Montgomery.✨️
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Grand Theft All-Star Break (403)
Support us on Patreon Call the PON Sauce Line: 604-283-9469 (nice)
BROCK FINALLY DID IT! He scored thirty goals, and before the all-star game no less!
Ryan, Geeta and Arash start the show off this week discussing the 2018 World Juniors sexual assault investigation which saw four active NHL players, and Adam Formenton take indefiniate leave of absences from their teams.
They also discuss Brock Boeser's latest hat-trick which puts him at thirty goals for the first time in the midst of his seventh full season in the NHL. The Canucks had an incredible comeback win on Saturday vs Columbus to send them to the All-Star Break on a positive note in what Ryan was calling a must-win game.
They also chat about the slumping Los Angeles Kings and Ryan returns to his Facts and Stats figures from early last month.
They play Sauce It? or Toss It?, answer listener questions and have some fun as the NHL slows down for a week.
Support the show on Patreon! Pledge a coupla bucks ($5, $15 or $25) for access to our bonus content including vlogs (including our upcoming cooking vlog), our Rank City weekly segment, EXCLUSIVE NEW MERCH, video commentaries, access to the PON Discord and our weekly 5 Minutes For Paying segment. On This week's segment: Ryan and Arash chat about Paul Pierce's social media habits, cooking pasta and Ryan's exceptional hangover on Sunday.
PON T-shirts are back in stock. Email us today to place your order!
Looking for our social media? Here's our link tree
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Muse dont je suis éperdument amoureux
Aimée et désirée du sommeil au reveil
Rêves réciproques affleurant dans ses yeux
Chaleur humaine et saine incessante merveille
Égerie idyllique évoquant un ailleurs
Lune magnétique elle m'attire vers elle
Louange a ses beaux pieds dessinés dans la lueur
Indefinie d'une chandelle la rendant belle
Nocturne indien jouant quelques accords majeurs
Émanation de joie bien meilleur est mon zèle
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