#incorrect SoT quotes
atsushis-fangs · 4 months
Past Scotland: ... no, actually, I can't do that. It'd be against my moral compass North: YOUR MORAL COMPASS IS A ROULETTE WHEEL
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winterwrites23 · 1 year
SoT incorrect quotes based on @atsushis-fangs series part 9:
Past Scotland be like: My life isn't as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it out to be.
Seán at the clan: You'll have a hard time believing this because it literally never happens but I think I might have made a mistake.
Callum: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Ian: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Andrew: I got distracted about halfway through.
Seán: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Andrew: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Past Scotland: Wasn't Seán with you?
Seán: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Scotland would be like Flynn Rider in Rapunzel:
*looking at the wanted poster with a glare*: "They just can't get my nose right! >:("
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faefaye · 1 year
I only have like one specialised tag, but I thought it might help to make a non-exhaustive list of whatever I've frequently used to help in following / blocking:
#[fandom] - #lotm, #tokyo ghoul, #pokemon, #ayakashi romance reborn, list goes on.
#[fandom] fanart
#[fandom] incorrect quotes - So far there's #lotm incorrect quotes and #tokyo ghoul incorrect quotes. I try to tag the source if I know, otherwise leave it as unknown. Do tell me if you know the source of something so I can add that info.
#[fandom] spoilers - I think the only kind I've used so far is #lotm spoilers.
#official [fandom abbreviation] - for any canon content
#duo: let's meet as ordinary people - Akane and Kougami (tag name refers to the post-S1 phone call)
#duo: a friendship you can't get out of - Ginoza and Kougami (tag name refers to a scene in SotS Case 1)
#duo: a diver and his lifeline - Arata and Kei
#trio: classic psycho pass - Akane, Ginoza and Kougami
#cute / #funny / #relatable / so on - "feel" tags for stuff I reblog.
#history / #writing / #fanfic writing / #cats / so on - topic tags for reblogs.
#long post
#my fics - pretty obvious :p.
#behind the text - random tidbits about my fics I sometimes have.
#asks / #ask game - also obvious.
#personal - nothing super personal (ex: this post :p) but yeah.
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dragongirl642 · 3 years
Pirate: I am no longer onboard...
Sir Arthur Pendragon: Don't finish that sentence! Now I know you may have some reservations, Flameheart is a dangerous foe indeed, but I believe if we work together, we can defeat his minions and save my crew. 😎
Pirate: *fell of the ship due to a Megalodon and swimming after the ship waiting for the Mer to appear* 😑
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silasthecat · 2 years
nathaniel: let's talk about the emotions you're feeling right now
elisabeth: stabby
nathaniel: stabbing isn't really an emotion, it's more of an ... activity. which I hope you don't do to me. see, an emotion is more of a feeling
elisabeth: well maybe i feel stabby
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 2 years
Jonah : I’ve never had a friend before.
Y/n : It’s okay, I’ll be your friend.
Jonah : . . .
Jonah : I’ve never had a girlfriend before either.
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gargalesthesia · 4 years
noya: my ideal man is {proceeds to perfectly describe asahi}
tanaka, who literally just asked him what he wanted from the vending machine: what the fuck
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rubencondrai · 4 years
Stitcher Jim: You seem hard to kill.
Grace Morrow: Aww, thank you. I haven't been killed yet.
Stitcher Jim: To your knowledge.
Grace Morrow: What.
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sanhasoftie · 6 years
Rocky: (is sad)
Sanha: I have some emotional jumper cables, I'll boost you. So, just attach like so...
Rocky: This is just a hug
Sanha: Is it working?
Rocky: ...yeah
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lindalofbroome · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
(tap for quality)
12 - Friend
He had brought them to this place. The Dread Gnomes had left their safe, protected stronghold. The Ralads had done the same. The Jalis, and the best fighters of the Mere and of Del had left their own cities almost unprotected, to come to the Plains.
They had done it because they believed in Adin. On the morrow, they would all learn whether he had led them to victory, or to disaster.
Tales of Deltora // The Battle for Deltora
so these are two OCs i unintentionally developed when i was doing concept art for the seven tribes attire 
basically, they live during Adin’s time and when he united the tribes to defeat the invading Shadow Army they met, and (perhaps grudgingly) grew to respect each other as a fighter and as a friend. their dynamic is like 50% banter, 30% party, 20% sparring, 100% respect and disregard for percentages. they are ready to throw hands if their wives are insulted or threatened.
i drew a Jalis blacksmith way back when and i’ve decided that she’s the daughter of this Jalis warrior, and that the Dread Gnome is her godmother/honorary aunt
anyway i know that the Battle didn’t work like above; while the Dread Gnomes were on the walls at Hira, the Jalis were behind the city. but for the sake of a lotr incorrect quote, let us imagine that there was a mix of everyone up there for a little bit 
OH ALSO AFTER I STARTED DEVELOPING THEM i re-read sots at some point and the interaction between Gers and Gla-Thon was pretty close that i was :’)
‘I offered to take Paff myself, but [Doom] would not have it.’
‘No doubt he thought the poor girl was sick enough, without being scared to death by your ugly face, Jalis,’ grinned Gla-Thon.
With a roar, Gers swung around, reaching for Gla-Thon but succeeding only in upsetting one of the jugs with his elbow. Wine flooded the table. Everyone jumped up, shouting or laughing.
The Sister of the South // Ch 15
like that’s them, babes, that’s them
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
Part One: Claims about the Song of Clarity/the Song of Turmoil and the Nie Clan
Intro - Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4
1) The SoC is expected to heal NMJ completely
This one is fairly straightforward: one of the Nie cultivators literally says that he didn't expect the Song of Clarity /not/ to heal NMJ completely, around 12:30 in: "Master's illness is getting worse. I didn't expect that cleaning music can't completely cure him." While this could just be one person's incorrect idea, the cultivator he makes this observation to does not correct him, and in general, FJ does not at any point suggest that he is wrong.
As far as I can tell, the claim that the SoC is expected to completely heal NMJ is not made anywhere in MDZS or CQL; nor is there any suggestion the music had been used to treat the sabre curse for past Nie cultivators, so, indeed, how would they know what to expect? Moreover, in neither MDZS or CQL does anyone seem surprised that it failed to heal NMJ entirely, including LXC who would know if anyone would; rather LXC seems to consider his turmoil-induced progression entirely plausible despite (he thinks) JGY's consistent playing of Clarity.
2) A few brief passages from the SoC, even when played by someone with weak cultivation, can very quickly bring a halt to NMJ's violence
On multiple occasions we are shown the gold SoC very quickly visually affect NMJ, returning him to normal from sabre-curse-red. Twice, it halts him partway through significant violence—JGY preventing his attack on NHS in the beginning, and NHS temporarily preventing his attack on NZH. This is so even though NHS and JGY canonically have weak cultivation (ch 14 and 21 for NHS, a whole lot of chapters for JGY but see also this next paragraph).
Consider by contrast this passage from ch. 64:
Wei WuXian, “Jin GuangYao’s spiritual energy isn’t high. He wouldn’t have been able to take someone’s life with just seven notes. And killing him this way would’ve been too obvious. He definitely wouldn’t have chosen a song so powerful. But, if he could use the reason of playing the Song of Clarity for ChiFeng-Zun to calm his temper and continued to play it for three months, would the song be able to act as a slow poison and catalyse ChiFeng-Zun’s outburst?”
It's clear that JGY's ability to affect things via musical cultivation is limited, precisely because he does not have high cultivation.
As a side note: WWX's speculated timeline here is sometimes given as evidence that JGY was playing the corrupted SoC for NMJ /before/ the stairs incident. However, I'll observe that he is, indeed, speculating, and moreover that he is contradicted by his own experience in the Empathy flashback, especially as he also says—see the next point—that JGY would have used very little spiritual power in the unaltered SoC (ch 49):
Since then, Jin GuangYao would travel from Lanling to Qinghe every few days, playing Sound of Lucidity to help quell Nie MingJue rage. He tried his hardest, without speaking even a single word of complaint. Sound of Lucidity was indeed effective. Wei WuXian could clearly feel that the hostile energy within Nie MingJue was being suppressed.
And then, talking to LWJ and LXC following shortly on the three months quote above:
Thus, Jin GuangYao didn’t dare straight up play to him the dark song and instead took trouble to combine two songs of different styles with opposite uses. And he combined them so well. They sound as though there were the same. His musical talent is indeed excellent. I’m guessing that he used little spiritual power in the Cleansing sections and only exerted power in the section of The Collection of Turmoil.
I don't think this is particularly mysterious—WWX has gone through quite a bit since experiencing these moments in the Empathy flashback, including the rest of the Empathy flashback where, since he feels NMJ's anger, he would have been experiencing a great deal of anger at JGY.
In CQL though WWX doesn't specifically give JGY's low cultivation as a reason for him to choose the SoT instead of the instantly deadly song, JGY does still have low cultivation.
In terms of FJ, I'd like also to note that in MDZS, there's a similar scene in ch 49 where NMJ is upset at NHS for not knowing where his sabre is, and tells NHS to burn the fans he's playing with; in FJ NMJ /actually/ breaks NHS' brush, and doesn't indulge in burning or threats thereof, but it's a clear parallel to the MDZS scene). However, there are a few significant differences. First, this happens before JGY starts playing for NMJ without LXC present; that is to say, regardless of when you think JGY started playing turmoil for NMJ, he could not possibly have started yet. Second, JGY defends NHS to NMJ's face, and in front of NHS:
In a hurry, Nie HuaiSang dropped a few fans on the ground. Jin GuangYao picked them up for him and put them into his arms, “HuaiSang’s hobbies are quite elegant. He’s dedicated to art and calligraphy, and has no propensity for mischief. How can you say that they’re useless?”
Third, although NMJ is angry, and expresses his anger through violence to nearby objects ("Nie MingJue slammed his palm onto a table, causing it to crack"), he does not actually directly attack NHS, or indeed actually harm NHS' fans—although NHS nevertheless falls to his knees in his terror at NMJ's initial approach.
And fourth, and most relevantly to this point, although JGY does save NHS from NMJ's anger here, he /explicitly textually does it by being a more appealing target/:
Jin GuangYao walked in from outside the hall. Nie HuaiSang looked as though he saw a knight in shining armor, beaming, “Brother, you’re here!”
In reality, it wasn’t that Jin GuangYao could calm Nie MingJue’s anger, but that since Jin GuangYao came, all of Nie MingJue’s anger would be directed at him alone, having no time to scold others. Thus, there was nothing wrong with saying that he was Nie HuaiSang’s knight in shining armor.
CQL is missing many of these scenes, but there is not as far as I remember any evidence that JGY could quickly stop NMJ's violence via music.
3) The SoT is so powerful that its brief corrupted passage will totally overwhelm all positive effects from the unaltered SoC, even if the player is using equal cultivation power throughout.
This isn't explicitly stated, but it's the only mechanism by which the plan of 'have NHS play the corrupted SoC' makes any sense at all. Otherwise, as far as I can tell, NHS would actually be helping NMJ, just more slowly than if he had the full SoC, since he would have no reason to use less power in the unaltered section. Indeed, we see the gold flow of the regular SoC affecting NMJ when NHS plays it, which suggests he's using regular amounts of power there. Consider by contrast what WWX says to LXC and LWJ in ch 64, as above:
Thus, Jin GuangYao didn’t dare straight up play to him the dark song and instead took trouble to combine two songs of different styles with opposite uses. And he combined them so well. They sound as though there were the same. His musical talent is indeed excellent. I’m guessing that he used little spiritual power in the Cleansing sections and only exerted power in the section of The Collection of Turmoil.
I am, I want to note, not an expert in the theory of musical cultivation, or in the xianxia genre. Nevertheless, the obvious inference from what WWX says there is if JGY had been using full power in the Cleansing sections, Turmoil wouldn't have worked.
And of course as I mentioned above, WWX gives a timeline of three months and calls it a slow poison. CQL pretty much matches here, giving the he didn't use much spiritual power in cleansing, the slow poison part, and indeed the three-month timeline.
The Nie Clan
1) When the curse is coming on them too strongly, they remove themselves to the tombs to die there.
This is explicitly stated by NMJ when he and NHS have fallen into the tombs.
As far as I can tell, there's no evidence for this in either MDZS or CQL. Indeed, in neither does NMJ seem to be doing anything to deal with the fact of his increasing anger—that is, he accepts the treatment of the SoC, but he doesn't do anything about the fact that his increasing anger and hence increasing use of violence are dangerous to the people around him. If anything, he seems rather in denial. This is probably more justifiable in CQL, where he dies at the stairs and thus doesn't have the chance to reevaluate post-stairs or post-burning NHS' things,* but nevertheless there's no sign of it.
*That is, we don't see him burn NHS' things in CQL, and in MDZS it happens after the stairs, so it seems reasonable to assume it didn't happen in CQL; that said CQL does not as far as I know actively tell us he did not burn NHS' things.
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atsushis-fangs · 3 months
North: adults are the most insanely stupid people I have the displeasure of interacting with. Ian, referring to himself and the Clan: even us? North: especially you guys. Hamish: petition to kick Killough out so he stops insulting us. Malcolm: seconded.
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winterwrites23 · 1 year
SoT as incorrect quotes based on @atsushis-fangs series part 1:
Seán: *is being oblivious like always*
Malcolm: damn, you're so oblivious, it's a wonder how you've even managed to survive this long. Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
*Flashback to Ireland proudly showing a baby North off to his brothers for the very first time holding him the same way Rafiki held Simba before accidentally dropping him on his head and panicking.*
Seán quietly: No.
Andrew: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions Angus?
Angus: No.
Andrew: Oh...
Seán: I do!
Andrew: I know Seán.
Seán: I'm sad...
Andrew: I know Seán.
*You could also do this with Callum*
*Seán whenever the clan were being assholes and he decides to be dramatic about it:* I am disgusted! I am revolted! I've spent 20 years of my life helping you out and THIS is the thanks I get!!!
*Proceeds to disappear within his pile of blankets.
*Based on Andrew and Seán's argument scene.*
Andrew: That's why your momma's dead.
Seán: 🗿
Andrew: Dead as hell.
Seán: 🗿
Andrew: What kinda shoes she got on?
Seán: 🗿
Andrew: What shoes she got on in her casket?
Seán: 🗿
Andrew: That's why your grandmommy ain't got no knees.
Seán: 🗿
*Based on when Ireland and Scotland find out that North had been teleported somewhere.*
*Scotland slowly backing away from Ireland because he knows that Ireland probably isn't too happy with him at the moment.*
*Ireland smiling like a serial killer:* Scotland. Where are you going???
Scotland: *Starts booking it out of the train.*
*Ireland's head twitches slightly and his smile widenes; says calmly:* Seize him.
*A flock of seagulls descend on Scotland screeching and pecking him.*
Scotland: *Screams.*
The last one is based on a short by NaturalHabitatShorts on YouTube:
-Anonymous A
Omfg these are golden and totally on point 😂😂😂😂
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nightsinthdmuseum · 3 years
Night at the Museum blog!
Place your bets for how long you think this one would last before it dies.
Pfp and background were made by me, I’ll make a better one later.
This all is for the following:
Posts about Natm in general.
Asks for me to answer or One shot requests.
Incorrect quotes
The most common ships you’ll find here issome of the cannon ones and some fannon ones.
When I get enough Oneshots I’ll post a master list, same if I have books on here.
I will not have Any pedo things or Beastiality things on here.
No hate speech of any kind please!
This will span over the Movies but if I’m correct there is a book(?) this meansNight at the Museum, Battle of the Smithsonian and The secret of the tomb.
(I have not watched SoT for a while so, possible inconsistency issues are expected.)
I may add some Oc’s In here who knows.
Enjoy, reading and have fun,
Stay Bright,
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dragongirl642 · 3 years
Pirate: Bitch!
Captain Flameheart: Blocked
Pirate: Wait unblock me I have something I need to say...it's nice I promise
Captain Flameheart: ...
Captain Flameheart: *sigh* Fine
Captain Flameheart: Unblocked
Pirate: BITCH!
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silasthecat · 2 years
elisabeth: i mean, small creatures are
way more vicious than big creatures. it's
because their anger has less space to be
bottled up in
nathaniel: ridiculous, give me an example
elisabeth: wasps
katrien: spiders
elisabeth: silas
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