worldyouthskillday · 2 months
Skills for social inclusion: Global partnerships on migration and forced displacement.
Explore how partnerships can be harnessed to improve the benefits of migration for both countries of origin and destination.
Watch the panel discussion on "Skills for social inclusion: Global partnerships on migration and forced displacement".
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inksraven · 6 months
Can we just appreciate the wonderful writing that made it so Astarion's line early in game is repeated again towards the end of his story as well? What a beautiful inclusio. I am struck by it.
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athingofvikings · 2 years
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 138: Deus Vult
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Chapter 138: Deus Vult
Perhaps the most illustrative example of the difference between the orthodox nature of Christianity and the orthoprax nature of Judaism and Islam is the examination of their respective statements of faith, which structure their relationship with the divine.
In Judaism, the statement of faith is known as the Shema; found in the text of the Torah, it reads simply as, “Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad.” “Hear O Israel, The Lord is our God, The Lord is One.” In this simple passage, the nature of the Hebrew god is defined as being the Lord of the people of Israel, and a singular entity. While there is more to the text of the prayer in liturgical use, this single phrase is the structural core of the Jewish statement of faith in their god, their relationship to that deity, and that deity’s singular oneness. The rest of Jewish law concerns fulfilling the commandments of their Lord. No further professions of faith are strictly necessary beyond this, so long as the deeds and actions of the individual Jew stay on the path dictated by their deity.
In Islam, the statement of faith is known as the Shahada; found in the text of the Koran in various combinations, it also reads simply, “Ašhadu ʾan lā ʾilāha ʾilla -llāhu, wa-ʾašhadu ʾanna muḥammadan rasūlu -llāh.” “There is no deity but God, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.” In this simple passage, again, the nature of the Islamic god is defined as monotheistic, and being specifically the deity on whose behalf Mohammad acted as prophet. And while the formulation of the statement is not found precisely as-is in the text of the Koran, it is directly derived from it, and anchors the religious structure of the Islamic faith—they worship one singular god as Mohammad instructed them to, with the instructions being found in the text. Again, as another orthoprax religion, the instruction of faith is singular and focuses on singular points, with the rest of religious observance being defined by actions.
In contrast, Christianity, as an orthodox religion, has two statements of faith, the Nicene Creed and the Apostles’ Creed, both of which are lengthy, detailing the full beliefs of what it means to be Christian with twelve distinct articles of faith, in the Nicene Creed reading:
“I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.”
In this text, the full orthodoxic nature of Christianity comes through, detailing the specificity of belief that makes one a Christian. Further, this statement does not come from the Christian holy texts, but was instead compiled centuries later at various religious councils, as the early Christian faith struggled to define itself solely through belief; even later, as the Apostles’ Creed came into general use, due to its shorter nature, significant portions of the statement of faith require inclusion…
—Divine Light Through The Gem Of Man: Studying The Many Facets Of The Holy, Waterford University Press, 1692
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crystalelemental · 11 months
Alright, pre-anniversary, there's a lot of discussion around who it could be. And while it's probably Kanto, and Red specifically, I think looking at where the regions stand, both in terms of total pairs and general strength, is a good start. Because they do at least try to keep things mostly balanced.
Kanto Kanto currently has 42 sync pairs, and is the second most represented region in the game, losing only to Unova. Kanto is also fairly evenly split, with 22 alts, and 20 base characters. Kanto is not currently missing any major names from its roster, with all characters not in being secondary options like Bill. Kanto currently has only one Lodge pair. Kanto has two Master Fairs: one Flag Bearer, and one Spirit.
By strength, Kanto is...middling. Yes, it has claim to Dual Rat, but outside of that, name a currently meta relevant threat from Kanto. The only other thing the region got since Dual Rat, was the Variety Scouts, which did not go over well. Kanto hasn't gotten anything particularly modern barring the rats. Grid expansions for SS Leaf, Lance, and Blue were handed out, but these are less impressive options in the grand scheme.
Kanto is...justifiable for new pairs. I would be surprised if the Villain Arc didn't end on it. My concern is that Kanto's really only getting focus for Master Fairs now. Kantrio Act 2 is the big guess around the fandom lately, and it's not unreasonable given how long it's been since Blue, a really popular character, received an alt, nor how long Leaf, a goddamned protagonist girl, has gone without. But Kanto needs a bit more variety to stand out, I think. It's not my preference, they have enough, but new tools aren't unreasonable.
Johto Johto currently has 33 sync pairs, with 19 alts and 14 base characters. Currently, this places Johto dead last among regional representation. Johto is still missing Chuck. Johto has two lodge pairs. Johto has three Master Fairs: one of each kind.
By strength, Johto remains a powerhouse on supports, but very lacking on offense. The additions in the last year have been Winter Jasmine and Whitney, Eevee Day Lyra and Kris, SC Lyra, SS Silver, and Eusine. Again, really strong supportive options, damage dealers are largely awkward, with the Eevee Day alts suffering from Silver Syndrome of not having sync benefit from their own field effect, SS Silver being awkward to set up, and Eusine being another no-penalty AoE DPS guy who is Strike.
I'd say Johto is very justifiable for more, because they're dead last. They got a decent amount of alts in the last year, but are still last. We need more. I think they need to lean into other popular options. Morty and Lyra aren't enough. Seasonals would be a nice direction. but I'm not expecting much with the new influx.
Hoenn Hoenn currently has 39 sync pairs, with 16 alts and 23 base characters. This puts them at #4 for overall representation; very middle of the road. Hoenn is currently missing Wattson and Juan. And the other battle facilities I guess, but I find those super skippable. Hoenn currently has two Lodge pairs, with May and Steven. Hoenn has three Master Fairs: one of each kind.
By power, Hoenn is the inverse of Johto: strong damage dealers, terrible support. This in spite of how many common supports they have. New introductions have included SS Wally, NY!Lisia, SC Steven, SC Zinnia, and the Summer Twins. All of them have been incredibly relevant.
Hoenn feels like a region that can go on the back burner. Obviously, include all the missing major faces, but beyond that Hoenn has a good spread. I say this knowing I desperately want a Roxanne alt. They just aren't as hard required compared to other regions. If anything, Hoenn just needs another really good support, which can be achieved however they want.
Sinnoh/Hisui Currently, Sinnoh has 36 sync pairs, with 13 alts and 23 base characters. This puts them at #5, tied with Galar. Sinnoh is currently missing Byron, and due to the inclusion of Hisui, literally all of that region. Sinnoh has 4 lodge pairs: Cynthia, Dawn, Adaman, and Irida. Sinnoh currently has 4 Master Fairs: two Flag Bearer, and one of Spirit and Pride.
By strength, Sinnoh is the game's most improved region, with a ton of powerhouses across offense and support. Aura Cynthia, NY!Dawn, Adaman and Irida, and Eevee Day Lucas were new inclusions. Despite getting less, they remain hugely influential, with options like the Sinnoh E4 being incredible, and SS Cyrus/Renegade Cynthia remaining highly relevant Zone setters.
Sinnoh could take a back seat for a bit...but it won't. Hisui will happen. I'm all for it, personally. Overtake Kanto, I'll love it. But I don't expect them to be the anniversary focus. While Hisui could be, I think Sinnoh is well-represented in Master Fairs. We need more PokeFairs and especially seasonals/special costumes. The alt game is weak.
Unova Unova has 51 sync pairs; 27 alts and 24 base characters. They are #1 most represented in the game. Unova is currently missing the Striation Trio, Lenora, and Drayden. Also Benga if anyone cares, and Zinzolin if you're me. Unova currently has three Lodge pairs: N, Rosa, and Elesa. Unova currently has only one Master Fair in Anni N.
By power, Unova is similar to Kanto. Much of its focus was in the early days, while modern options are less prevalent. Still, they received SS Hilbert, SS Hilda, SS N, Hugh, and Colress with their villain arc. Unova is not in a terrible position, given they have the best Bug damage dealer, one of the best Fire damage dealers, some really funny Gauntlet soloists, and the best defense debuffer in Colress.
Unova can easily take a back seat, and it pains me to say that because Caitlin Alt When? But Unova...really isn't in a needy position. They really only need some Master Fairs to be completely even with the rest of the regions.
Kalos Kalos has 35 sync pairs; 13 alts and 22 base characters. Kalos is #7 in representation among regions. Kalos is currently missing Malva. Kalos has 3 lodge pairs: Sycamore, Calem, and Serena. Kalos has 3 Master Fairs: one of each kind. Unless you count the BP Master Pairs, then they have 5, but don't be silly.
By power, Kalos has come a long way, thanks to Dual Frogs, SS Lysandre, SS Diantha, and Emma. Further additions of Shauna, Olympia, and Drasna to the general pool have aided their F2P status as well. SC Shauna and Anabel are competent supports as well.
Kalos needs more representation overall, but by power is doing alright, having the dominant pick in at least three types. Dark is up for debate. Kalos is unlikely to get anniversary focus, and I think that's fine. They don't really need Master Fairs, just more stuff. Seasonals would be nice, given how weak their costume game is.
Alola Alola currently has 40 pairs; 17 alts, 23 base characters. Alola is #3 in total representation. Alola is missing Ilima as the only trial captain. Alola has 2 lodge pairs, in Lillie and Acerola. Alola has 2 Master Fairs, in Anni Lillie and SS Lusamine.
By power, Alola...still feels kinda mid? The Tapu were their big strength injection, with P!Mallow being fairly middling, but even the Tapu are only okay. Mina feels pretty bad, Hau without 3/5 is pretty bad, Lana is fine, and Acerola is a standout as support. But Alola feels very middle of the road.
In spite of its reputation, Alola could stand to get a bit more. Master Fair game is a little weak, and their general power level suggests we really need to get on grid expansions. Like come on, Burgh got the expansion and not Lusamine or Guzma? Come on.
Galar Currently, Galar has 36 pairs; 19 alts, 17 base characters. This puts them in a tie for #5 with Sinnoh. Galar is missing Milo, Kabu, Opal, Mustard, and Peony, among others. Galar currently has 3 Lodge pairs: Marnie, Raihan, and Gloria. Galar currently has 4 Master Fairs: Leon, and the Neo Champions.
By power, Galar is doing quite well for itself. Gloria got an insane buff, the Neo Champions are outrageously strong, even Leon got a buff that drastically improved his performance. We also got the Villain Arc pairs, which are all quite respectable as damage dealers.
Galar does not need for more, exactly. What it needs is an F2P roster. Everything in the region is limited. I'm really hoping to see some BP pairs with Galar attached, so it has something to work with. You can't put everything on Hop.
Paldea Paldea only has Nemona at present, and is yet to make a name for itself. Personally, I expect Paldeaversary. Nemona was a big draw for new players, and judging by Reddit, it worked. We have a lot of new players coming in asking questions, and showing up openly just for Nemona. Not capitalizing on this would be highly bizarre, so Paldea for anniversary just feels natural. That said, Paldea is likely to get a lot of focus. Remember Galar's first year? How like every other seasonal event was pure Galar? Expect that for Paldea once the new characters start rolling in.
Final Thoughts By representation, Johto is the most in need, followed by Kalos, then Sinnoh and Galar tied at #5. Johto really needs alts, Kalos really needs alts, and Galr really just needs BP pairs. Sinnoh will get plenty from Hisui.
By lodge, Kanto is a guarantee in the next few months, they're so far behind. Similarly, by Master Fair, Kanto is far behind, tied with Alola at only 2, but no one's hurting as bad as Unova. They desperately need a focus.
By power, it's Kanto and Alola. The other regions have gotten a lot of powerhouses, while Alola's VA didn't seriously improve their lot in life. Kanto I'd say is the furthest behind, having received very little. Which...I mean, give it a month. The end of the VA is going to be Kanto-centric because it's Giovanni-centric. They'll get the power injection.
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asylos · 1 year
Darkest Desires - Interview with Author Alessa Hale
Miri: Hello friends! Today on the blog we have a good friend of mine, Alessa Hale. Alessa is releasing her first published novel on February 17th, 2023 with Skye High Publishing and I for one, am very happy to see it coming out. As an ace who loves to read the kinky, dark side of things, Alessa has long been a provider of my guilty pleasure reads, though I’m trying to stop using that term, as we should not feel guilty about our pleasure. 
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To start out, why don’t you hit us with the good old “back of the book” blurb? What is Darkest Desires?
Alessa: Darkest Desires is a dark, kink-heavy erotic romance, featuring a MMF (Miri note: that’s male-male-female for those who aren’t familiar with the short form) polyamorous triad. Oh, and the two male leads are demons.
Elias and Caelan are the gorgeous rockstar duo behind Goëtica, a concept band where they play the role of otherworldly, demonic creatures. Except it’s far more than an act. Shannon runs into them after a concert and learns the truth about them; they are demons. They’re powerful, terrifying, dangerous, and irresistible, all in equal measure. One thing leads to another, and they end up spending the night together.
What starts out as a rockstar-and-groupie style one night stand soon becomes much more, as Shannon learns more about them, their stories, and their rather dark inclinations in the bedroom.
Darkest Desires is very much a character driven story, focusing tightly on their interactions and burgeoning relationship. Anticipate something more like a dark, fucked up slice of life… if your life involved two demon boyfriends of highly questionable morals and a lot of spicy, kinky sex.
Miri: Demons? 
Alessa: In a manner of speaking. The boys are demons, but they are also trapped on our plane of existence and in human forms now. They weren’t too happy about that.
They still retain a fair bit of their power and a few not-so-human features (no spicy demon peen, though–perhaps a missed opportunity on my part!) but mostly they’re just minding their own business and trying to make the best of their circumstances. By starting a band, because what else would you do if you were a demon stuck masquerading as a human. 
That leaves the setting of the story more or less contemporary, but with a paranormal twist and just a sprinkling of demon metaphysics to make life more exciting.
Miri: This is a kinky book, and you’ve kindly posted the list of kinks and content warnings as well (links). Was it important to you to make these contents clear to the audience?
Alessa: Definitely. I come from a fandom background where tagging your work is a common courtesy, plus I’m a big believer in “your kink is not my kink and that’s okay”. There are absolutely kinks in the book that are not going to be to everyone’s taste, or could even be triggering for some.
A lot of BDSM themes are present throughout – fully consensual, enthusiastic, and negotiated – but some of the kinks involved are considered taboo or fringe even within BDSM spheres. Specifically, there is a heavy emphasis on knife play and blood play. These have a significant part in the story, such as an entire scene that is primarily focused on knife play, so it’s not really something that can be glossed over.
It’s definitely something people should be aware of beforehand, so they can make an informed decision as to whether the story is right for them. That said… if you’re on the fence but curious, give it a try. I have been told I’ve introduced people to kinks they never knew they had on a fairly regular basis. 😉
Miri: That you have, that you have! I certainly have… learned a few things about myself over the years. :D
Your Instagram (over here) features one of the locations that makes an appearance in the book, a restaurant the characters have a date at. The photo is of a most delicious looking dessert and I just have to know what it was.
Alessa: It was so good it even got an honorary inclusion in the book! That is a white chocolate bread pudding, from a restaurant called The Perch in L.A. (The restaurant itself isn’t named in the story, but now you know the secret.)
Miri: Ooh. That does sound as good as it looks. Folx in the L.A. area, if you can get out there and try it, snag your own pictures! You don’t have to take a demonic date with you, but if you have the chance, well, you know I won’t judge.
Alright this is one of those questions I hit every writer with: pantser or plotter? (Or as some people like to phrase it, Gardener or architect?) Or that magical in between? Plantser? Garditech? (Who knows what bonkers words we’ll come up with next.)
Alessa: Pantser, absolutely 100%. Even gardener sounds a little too refined for my process! This wasn’t intended to be a novel originally – it started out life as a short one-shot story, which was just their initial meeting and a one night stand. But I loved the characters so much, I loved their dynamic so much, and there was so much potential left open, I ended up coming back to it again and again. More parts were added as and when the ideas came… and then I eventually realised I had written enough to count as an entire novel. Some heavy streamlining and polishing later, and here we are.
Miri: Isn’t that just the way of it. Those pesky characters rarely do what we expect them to. You sit down for a quick 1k, and next thing you know… years of your life gone.
I know, I know, I’m asking you to pick a favourite child here, but do you have a favourite moment in the book - not necessarily a favourite scene as it turned out, but one that was the most fun to write? (Fun doesn’t always mean the easiest, of course.)
Alessa: That first section, the original short story it started life as, will always be the most special thing to me. It’s far more than just one moment, of course—I think chapter 2 to 5 cover what was initially the self-contained one shot. But that was the most fun I’ve had writing anything in… ever.
It was 3am in the coffee shop around the block, typing feverishly away at my laptop because I’d rather be writing it than sleep. Notebooks in every bag, scribbling on the bus, in checkout lines, any single second I could get. The inspiration, flow, and sheer joy of writing it was an as-of-yet completely unparalleled experience. I adored that thing.
For a little more of a specific moment, perhaps some of more amusing dialogue. During the editing process, I reread a line that I had entirely forgotten I’d written, and it caught me off guard and made me snort-laugh in a most inelegant manner. Of course, maybe I just have a terrible sense of humour... 
Miri: Where can folx find out more about you, the book, and pre-order it? I hear there’s a sign up for ARCs (that’s advanced reader copies) as well? I know I’ve signed up so I can get an early review for the blog.
Alessa: Absolutely! Anyone who signs up can get a free electronic copy (Kindle or ePub) of the book. The publisher will be distributing these around two weeks before the release date. If you read it and enjoy it, an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads would be greatly appreciated, but there’s definitely no pressure.
Instagram is the best place to keep up to date with promotions and release information. I also have an author site with a full blurb and all the links you could possibly need, as well as some fun extras like character bios and a secret playlist.
Socials: Instagram, Twitter
Preorder at Amazon *The book will be available on Kindle Unlimited from February 17th.
Add to your Want to Read at Goodreads! 
ARC Sign Up Form - Sign up by January 31st to make sure you are on the list!
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Miri: One thing that I have always felt has come across in your writing (and folx, trust me, I have devoured a lot over the years) is your passion. You care about your characters, and their interactions. And I think that’s something that helps your work stand out from the crowd. There’s a lot of books out there to pick from, and I hope folx will give this one a read if it’s up their alley!
Well folx, that wraps up this preview interview, as I’d like to get it out in time for you to have a chance to sign up for an ARC or Preorder the book. I’ll be back again with my review once I’ve had a chance to read it!
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conatic · 4 days
Un nouveau centre pour 350 demandeurs d'asile à Laeken, dans l'ancien couvent de l'avenue de Lima - La DH/Les Sports+
Source: dhnet
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seo-gold-mine · 5 months
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personalisedsupports · 6 months
Disability Support Services
Professional disability support services can help people with disabilities live a happy and independent lifestyle. They also provide them with professional health care and help them develop their skills.
Accommodations are not the same as modifications. Modifications are changes in a course delivery system or instructional method. An example of a modification would be giving a student extra time on tests.
What is a disability?
A disability support services is a health condition that limits one or more major life activities. It can be a mental or physical impairment. It can also be a chronic or episodic condition, such as anaphylaxis from food or back pain.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects people from discrimination on the basis of their disability. The ADA defines a person with a disability as someone who has a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. The ADA requires employers, states and local governments, places of public accommodation (including rental offices) and commercial facilities, transportation providers, and telecommunication companies to follow ADA requirements.
Disability can be hidden because the symptoms are intermittent or mild, such as chronic fatigue syndrome or back pain. It can also be hidden because it is invisible, such as anaphylaxis or a hearing or speech impairment. Other disabilities reveal themselves over time through extended interaction, such as when a person needs assistance with oral communication or written communications.
What is DSS?
DSSs provide a variety of tools to help decision-makers process information, make better choices, and understand the implications of those choices. These tools can include predictive analytics, optimization algorithms, simulation models, and forecasting techniques. They also often provide data visualization and exploration tools to help decision-makers find insights in their data.
Unlike a computer program, a DSS is designed to work with humans. This means that it can understand the context and constraints of a problem, provide humanreadable explanations of its decisions, and support human users through the decision-making process.
Disability Services staff are available to assist students with the impact of their disabilities on their college experience in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended 2008. When a student requests accommodations, their DSS manager will evaluate the documentation provided and determine eligibility using a holistic approach.
Information about a student’s disability remains confidential and will be shared only on a need-to-know basis.
How can DSS help me?
Disability Support Services (DSS) helps you apply for public assistance programs. These may include Temporary Assistance, food stamps (SNAP), medical coverage through Medicaid, energy assistance and child care benefits. DSS staff work with you to help you become self-sufficient and independent.
DSS offers accommodations to students who have documented physical, mental, emotional or learning disabilities. These accommodations are designed to give students every opportunity to access academic programs and services while maintaining their dignity and independence.
The accommodation process is a partnership and the DSS advisor will work with you to determine your strengths and areas of difficulty. It is important that you come prepared with medical and/or professional documentation. It is also your responsibility to follow published procedures when requesting accommodations. If you disagree with a decision by DSS, you have the right to ask for a fair hearing. You will receive a notice explaining how to request a fair hearing. This notice will contain contact information for legal assistance in your area.
How can DSS help you?
Disability support services near me are a range of programs and assistance that promote inclusion, independence and overall well-being for people with disabilities.
Depending on the disability, these services can be anything from practical help with day-to-day tasks to mental health and wellness support.
If you have a disability and need to request accommodations, you should contact DSS as soon as possible after admission to the college. The DSS coordinator will set up an intake session to work with you to determine what accommodations are appropriate.
DSS can assist you with getting the Social Security Disability benefits you deserve. We can help you with the entire process, from completing the application to representing you at your hearing. We have years of experience fighting for the rights of New Yorkers with disabilities. We're proud to be a part of your team. For more information, visit our website today.
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prabhatjairam · 7 months
Student Lifestyle
The lifestyles of students are both demanding and exhilarating. They must deal with a variety of situations, but they also pick up new knowledge and abilities in the process. For students, academics and tests are the only sources of stress and anxiety. In order to thrive in life, they are occupied dealing with these issues. Their lives are always centered around academic progress, athletics, discipline, rules, and regulations.
Schools and colleges strive to enhance student educational experiences by offering the finest resources and opportunities while taking into account many facets of students' lifestyles. In this essay, we'll concentrate on the aspects of students' lives that link them to enjoyable and novel experiences.
The essence of a student’s life
Student life is the most memorable phase of an individual's life. During a school or college days, children do not just learn from books; rather, they learn to grow philosophically, emotionally, socially, and physically. These days are the "golden days of life," when they learn, grow, and develop. The essence of students’ lives lies in little things such as:
Wake up early in the morning and get ready for school.
Rushing to the bus stop to get the school bus on time.
Sharing lunch with friends.
Ask queries and clear doubts right before the exams.
When homework or classwork is not complete, pretend to find the notebook when the mentor asks for it.
Give silly excuses for taking two or more leaves.
The excitement for arts and crafts or games period.
Discuss questions and answers after attempting mock test papers or unit tests.
Wait for the grades and results.
To go on school trips and picnics with classmates and friends.
The role of academics in students’ lives
Academics play a key role in children’s lives. It is the most important aspect that enables students to learn new skills and develop talent. With education, learners can face the challenges of life and appropriately deal with them. However, academic skills can help a child's development, which will be beneficial in making them better and more responsible adults. Let’s review the role of academics in enhancing students' achievement levels.
Academic success provides multiple job opportunities with satisfactory wages or salaries.
A high level of education entitles students to make their presence felt in the advanced and digital world.
Technologically demanding occupations can be grabbed by students, offering positive outcomes and a good payout.
Academically good students actively participate in societal matters as they are rich in quick decisions and problem-solving skills.
Apart from that, children can become self-reliant by gaining knowledge, values, skills, and attitudes.
If you’re in search of an online educational portal, get help from India’s leading eLearning platform, i.e., "study24hr.com". It is an incredible site that focuses on enhancing students’ academic performance by providing authentic services and facilities to learners. It gives them access to mock test papers, quizzes, daily boosters, promotional videos, and academic notes. The study materials offered by "study24hr.com", not only help students with exam preparation but also foster their intellect and skills.
The role of sports and extracurricular activities
Several students are interested in sports or extracurricular activities held in schools and colleges. These activities help pupils learn life skills, including accountability, leadership, patience, teamwork, and self-confidence, that prepare them to tackle challenging situations in life. Sports improve thinking ability and keep the body fit because they activate all of the cells and keep the mind active. The following points indicate the role of extracurricular activities in a student’s life.
It’s a great opportunity for those candidates who are interested in outdoor activities, as it allows them to show their skills and talent in that particular field.
Values such as equality, inclusion, fairness, respect, team building, and discipline can be developed through such endeavors.
Besides, extracurricular activities provide children with something fun and creative to do aside from school.
It allows them to explore their passion and discover things they may be interested in beyond their studies.
In addition, after-school activities help children boost their social skills and develop high moral standards.
Related: Daily Booster Article| study24hr.com
Important factors of a student’s lifestyle
As all students pass through the growing years, they need to take care of their lifestyle in different aspects. Some of these are:
Adequate Sleep
Students must get enough sleep in order to focus better on their studies. Adequate sleep recharges both the mind and body, making the brain more focused and memories more powerful. As a result, students can attentively listen to their peers' lectures.
Balanced Diet
Another prominent factor in a student’s life is getting the right amount of nutrients throughout the body. The more children are fit, the more they can focus on their studies. So, children need to grasp the concept of a balanced diet that must consist of fruits, vegetables, cereals, whole grains, and dairy products.
Physical health and mental health
Both physical and mental well-being build a healthier lifestyle for students. Learners should be physically as well as mentally fit to achieve academic success. can reduce their risk of several diseases and avoid mental health issues by developing a routine for physical activity.
In the end, we would like to convey a message to all parents regarding choosing the stream. We all know that after the 10th grade, children need to opt for college to pursue their careers. So, it’s our humble request to all parents: please don’t pressurize your child according to your desired field. Let them choose according to their interests because a career is not something that can be built based on other people’s opinions; it can only be built through dedication and determination.
Whether your child is interested in science, commerce, or the arts, just support them in their decision. All of them are superb and provide ample opportunities. The thing that matters most is the student lifestyle. If your kid is passionate about becoming a doctor, an accountant, a teacher, or interested in any other profession, allow them to create their own path to success.
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kneedeepincynade · 9 months
The dpp can cry about it all it wants,but the one China Principle is perfectly in line with the policies of the international community
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇵🇦 Amado Cerrud - Presidente del PARLACEN, ha rilasciato un'intervista a CCTV, in cui ha ricordato che il Principio dell'Unica Cina costituisce il Consenso Universale della Comunità Internazionale, e che la decisione di includere la Repubblica Popolare Cinese come osservatore permanente del Parlamento Centro-Americano rappresenta la Tendenza dei Tempi 😍
🌎 Il PARLACEN racchiude sei nazioni: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Repubblica Dominicana e Panama, e funge da istituzione politica e organo parlamentare del Sistema di Integrazione Centro-Americano 🤝
👍 Il Popolo Cinese apprezza la corretta decisione da parte del PARLACEN di revocare lo "Status di Osservatore Permanente" del cosiddetto "Yuan Legislativo" del regime-fantoccio di Taiwan, in quanto la Regione di Taiwan è Cinese e appartiene alla Cina, e lo "Yuan Legislativo" non ha alcun valore legale a livello internazionale. La sua inclusione nel PARLACEN è il frutto di una geopolitica anti-Cinese molto datata, ed è giusto che un tale errore sia stato corretto 👍
🇨🇳 只有一个中国, 台湾是中国的一部分 ⭐️
😍 L'accettazione dell'Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo, l'Organo Legislativo più importante della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, come osservatore permanente del PARLACEN dimostra la saggezza e la correttezza nelle decisioni di questo organismo dell'America Centrale 😉
🇵🇦 Dopodiché, Cerrud ha trattato il Tema della Cooperazione con la Cina, dichiarando: «Dal punto di vista economico e commerciale, la Cina è il centro della crescita globale, e il collegamento con la Cina aiuterà il nostro sviluppo» 📊
❤️ La Cina sarà il motore della crescita dell'Economia del Mondo nel 2023 📈
📈 L'impressionante Sviluppo della Cina ha creato numerose opportunità per l'America Centrale, ha sottolineato Cerrud:
💬 «Vorrei sottolineare ancora una volta la mia gratitudine al Governo e al Popolo della Repubblica Popolare Cinese. Sono profondamente colpito dallo Sviluppo che il Popolo Cinese ha raggiunto negli ultimi anni. [...] Noi Latinoamericani vediamo la Cina come un luogo pieno di opportunità» 💕
🇵🇦 Cerrud è Panamense, e ha trattato - durante l'intervista, il Tema del Legame tra Cina e Panama:
💬 «Gli elementi della Cultura Cinese sono stati integrati a Panama in molti settori, dall'istruzione alla cucina» 😍
💬 «Vorremmo congratularci con il Popolo Cinese per i suoi continui progressi attraverso sforzi incessanti, e per l'enfasi posta sull'eccellente Cultura Tradizionale», ha dichiarato Cerrud 🇵🇦
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇵🇦 Amado Cerrud - President of PARLACEN, gave an interview to CCTV, in which he reminded that the One China Principle constitutes the Universal Consensus of the International Community, and that the decision to include the People's Republic of China as a permanent observer of the Central American Parliament represents the Trend of the Times 😍
🌎 PARLACEN includes six nations: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Panama, and serves as a political institution and parliamentary body of the Central American Integration System 🤝
👍 The Chinese People appreciate the correct decision by PARLACEN to revoke the "Permanent Observer Status" of the so-called "Legislative Yuan" of the Taiwanese puppet regime, as the Taiwan Region is Chinese and belongs to China, and the " Legislative Yuan" has no legal value internationally. Its inclusion in PARLACEN is the result of a very dated anti-Chinese geopolitics, and it is right that such a mistake has been corrected 👍
🇨🇳 只有一个中国, 台湾是中国的一部分 ⭐️
😍 The acceptance of the National People's Congress, the most important legislative body of the People's Republic of China, as a permanent observer of PARLACEN demonstrates the wisdom and correctness in the decisions of this Central American body 😉
🇵🇦 Afterwards, Cerrud addressed the topic of cooperation with China, declaring: «From an economic and commercial point of view, China is the center of global growth, and the connection with China will help our development» 📊
❤️ China will be the engine of growth of the World Economy in 2023 📈
📈 China's impressive development has created numerous opportunities for Central America, stressed Cerrud:
💬 «I would like to once again underline my gratitude to the Government and People of the People's Republic of China. I am deeply impressed by the development that the Chinese people have achieved in recent years. [...] We Latin Americans see China as a place full of opportunities" 💕
🇵🇦 Cerrud is Panamanian, and during the interview he discussed the topic of the link between China and Panama:
💬 «Elements of Chinese culture have been integrated in Panama into many sectors, from education to cuisine» 😍
💬 «We would like to congratulate the Chinese People for their continuous progress through unremitting efforts, and for their emphasis on excellent Traditional Culture», said Cerrud 🇵🇦
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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Resolución: — 1.º La prohibición respecto de la prueba testimonial en la 2.a Instancia se limita de que ella recaiga sobre los mismos ó contrarios artículos en que fue producida ya igual prueba en r.a Instancia.
En los autos testamentarios de D. Oscar Sumbland con los Sres. Fusoni y Maveroff sobre la propiedad de un terreno.
Buenos Aires, Noviembre 18 de 1879.
1.° Que la causa fué recibida a prueba en primera instancia con asentimiento de las partes.
2.° Que durante el término ninguna se produjo por actor ni demandado.
3.° Que antes de alegar el actor, presentó unas posiciones, acompañando como antecedentes de una de ellas varias cartas de personas que se manifiestan conocedoras de hechos del pleito.
4.° Que desechada la demanda, el mismo actor apeló para ante la Cámara respectiva, deduciendo ante esta la petición de que se abriera un breve término probatorio, a efecto de presentar testigos de que no recordó, que podían declarar sobre hechos que constituyen la demanda.
5.° Que la mayoría de la Cámara no ha hecho lugar a dicha presión, lo cual ha motivado el recurso por inaplicabilidad de ley traído ante esta Corte.
1.° Que la ley 19, Tit. 9, Lib. 4, Recopilación Castellana, dispone: • que cuando cualquiera de los dichos nuestros Jueces, hubiera de recibir á prueba en el grado de apelación y suplicación, que expresamente declaren y digan en la sentencia que sobre los mismos artículos o derechamente contrarios, sobre que en la instancia o instancias pasadas FUERON TRAÍDOS Ó RESCEBIDOS TES-TIGOS, que no se pueda hacer ni haga probanza por testigos» cuya disposición reitera ordenando, que si hallaren que son sobre artículos, que en las dichas instancias FUERON TRAÍDOS Y RECEBIDOS TESTIGOS, ó sobre derechamente contrarios, que los tienten y repelen».
2.° Que del claro contestó de esta ley se desprende, que la prohibición respecto de la prueba testimonial, se limita á que ella recaiga sobre los mismos ó contrarios artículos, en que fué producida ya igual prueba en la primera instancia.
3.° Que esta inteligencia se encuentra sostenida por la doctrina (Castro núm. 270; Esteves Sagui núm. 720; Febrero reformado por Vicente y Caravantes núm. 621, tomo 4°; Curia Filípica, núm. 40, párrafo 3., quinta parte; Sala Novísimo, núm. 7, título. 9, « De las Apelaciones » tomo 2.°, Cañada, Capítulo 2.°, « De las Apelaciones» núm. 4.°, tomo 1.°; Escriche, verbo apelacion; Malaver, Moreno y otros, página 275).
4.° Que, en la causa COCLXXXI seguida por Don Félix Irasusta con la Testamentaría de Don José Goni, esta Corte, fundada en las precedentes consideraciones, declaró esa misma inteligencia de la ley 4,ª citada.
5.° Que, en el caso sub-judice no han sido presentados ni recibidos testigos en primera instancia, como se ha expuesto en el 2º resultado.
6.° Que, por consiguiente, es de aplicación la decisión recaída en la causa recordada.
7.° Que, por otra parte, lo favorable en caso de duda sobre recepción á prueba, debe considerarse que está en pró de la prueba, porque como dice la L. 34, Tít. 16, Part. 33 «los jugadores siempre deben ser apercibidos para puñado de saber la verdad por cuantas partes «pidieren»; y la conciencia de los jueces no puede des-causar tranquila en este pleito, en el que solo aparecen vislumbres de verdad.
8.° Que la L.5, Tít. 6, Lib. 4 de la misma Recopilación que manda que después de publicadas las pruebas, no puedan ser tomados ni traídos otros testigos en 13 ins-tancia, lejos de oponerse á lo dispuesto en la ley 4° ántes citada, viene a corroborarlo por el principio de que inclusio unius est exclusio alterius.
Por esto, y fundamentos de la minoría de la Cámara, se declara que en la resolución apelada, existe inaplicabilidad de ley y de doctrina.
En su consecuencia, devuélvase a la Cámara 19 para que, abriendo un término probatorio, proceda y resuelva según derecho. Re Pónganse los sellos.
Originally published at on https://sguera.com.ar/ June 21, 2023.
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
How 3 parents built a Dieppe cafe that serves more than just coffee
A new Atlantic Voice documentary details the story of Cafe Inclusio, a coffee shop that employs young adults with disabilities.
from CBC | New Brunswick News https://ift.tt/7vZDERG
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davidt22p1 · 1 year
Blog #8 La Final, Encontrar un comercial en español y transcribir. 
Para este final vlog, yo vi un comercial en español y lo traduje el comercial. Yo decidí vi y traduje un comerical porque yo veo muchas comerciales cuando veo televisión y es interesante para entender las comerciales. Yo veo un comercial de Iphone 6S porque la comercial no fue muy dificil para entender.  Yo aprendí nuevo vocabulario y comprendo comerciales. Me gusta la actividad porque yo vi comerciales en español casi todos los días pero nunca entender las comerciales. Al principio, yo tuve mucho dificultades entender la comercial porque la comercial era muy rápido. Tuve ver la comercial al menos diez veces. Tambien yo veo la comercial en lento velocidad. Creo que yo transcribir 50% de comercial lo siento. 
Transcripción en español
Anuncio TV iPhone 6S en Español (España) - YouTube
Este el Iphone 6s y no cambiado demasiado expecto que ahora responde presion tu dedo asi puedes hojear con un clic y abrir todo con un pop esto cambia canción es un mensaje y mailes y lees las noticias y supuesto ahora puedes cambiar en si enterar los sitos este el nuevo color y rosa. 
[Muchas personas preguntar siri]
Ahora la camera grabar videos asi la peliculas tambien inclusios los selfies ahora tu pantalla la flash y realidad las fotos cambien ahora con vida y bueno esto todo cambiado.  
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