#including medical products you buy for yourself
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todaysbird · 1 year ago
I still think it’s incredible that people blindly accept big brands = unquestionably good when regarding pet care. If you can accept that human care products have been at times poorly researched or downright harmful (and with the brand’s knowledge) like in the Johnson & Johnson scandal, why do you not believe that a brand would mislead or lie to you when it’s regarding your pet?
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creamecafe · 2 months ago
I would so love to have a small fic about Gihun with a possible trans fem daughter reader. I don’t have much of an idea besides of that because I just want the girlies to be included and to have some happy Gihun moments and him learning about this thing and accepting you as who you are and have a little girl in his life again 😭
Seong Gi-Hun with Daughter that's Trans Headcanons
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Pairing: Dad!Seong Gi-Hun x Trans-Fem!Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of transphobia
Author's Note: Thank you so much for requesting this! I hope you enjoy it! We're so close to 1,000 followers I can't believe it! Also hope you guys notice what I did with dividers below 😏���
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• When you came out to your dad, he was confused at first, but still accepted you
• Losing custody of his daughter after the divorce was the hardest thing he ever had gone through, besides losing Sae-Byeok and Sang Woo in the first Squid Games
• But when you came out to him, it felt like a sign he's ready to be the dad of a daughter again. He always felt like being a girl dad was more for him, but he loved you as the son you weren't meant to be, and loves you even more as his daughter.
• With technology being everywhere, he searched up what being transgender means, dead names and how to make you feel accepted
• He buys you shirts and dresses, and makeup products to help you along your journey. He would also buy those "Protect Trans Kids"
• If you join the Squid Games with him, he's protecting you by his side and will curse our anyone who tries to misgender you or call him a bad parent condoning this "behavior" with his kid
• He would go to Cho Hyun Ju for advice on how to still support his daughter on her journey
• When after you guys leave the games, Gi-Hun covers for your surgeries and your medications, or whatever you prefer as you're long comfortable being yourself.
• Asking to go to your first ever pride parade and your dad's first time too, he was more than happy to take you. Hyun Ju, Young-Mi, Jun-Hee go with you guys and it was the most fun and emotional day you had.
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@deffreal, @sorry-meme, @itsnznn, @hobinistaworld, @ineedsmootching, @aeriwifee, @thanosslvt, @ennathewriter
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royalsunshinehotel · 1 year ago
a weaker woman (Sergei Kravinoff x Reader, 18+)
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A/N: First of a hopefully productive kinktober. Breeding/lactation kink I guess, reader is kind of a captive on purpose (beauty and the beast)
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Since coming to know Sergei Kravinoff, you had been the happiest you’d ever been. As his sweetheart, his mate, you’d wanted for nothing, and that included all of him. 
Of course, it wasn’t always like this. 
Here you sat, comfortably in your shared bed, having fallen asleep waiting for Kraven to come home. You’d expected him in the late afternoon, and  here you were, at 10pm, alone. 
It wasn’t just that he was late, it was the ache, deep in your heart. The only kind of pain you felt whenever Sergei was away. 
It was nothing that couldn’t be managed with time with your son, or time alone with your hands, but pain would still be pain. 
The air in your bedroom felt too hot. Combined with the hormones from your latest pregnancy, you didn’t wear many clothes anymore. 
He’s in the corner, staring at you while you doze, while he did prefer you comfortable, it did nothing to stop him from salivating at your exposed form. 
If he had a thousand years, he could never articulate how flawlessly and appetizing you looked. Your hair had grown long, your belly round, your tits fat. You could barely get up from a chair without help, and by some stroke of good fortune, you were all his. 
By good fortune, he meant his father, but not entirely all things for him. 
You were here, calm, and about to become the mother of his second child, and he owed all of it to a shoddy revenge plot. 
A scientist, hired to distract him, had somehow worked out wonderfully well. Your eldest, almost one year, was across the hall, and your second, a little girl, was due within the next month. Timing was truly everything. 
While he did fancy himself a reasonable man, after your true motives had been revealed, he thought he’d keep you as his whore. He’d already gotten you pregnant, and he’d intended to take the baby away, to punish you. As if any of this was your fault. 
And, despite the betrayal, despite the distraction he’d wrought on his won mansion, you’d wanted for nothing. In ‘captivity’, you’d given birth at home, in the company of the best medical team he could buy…for his son, he’d told himself. 
Sergei wanted to laugh, standing in the dark. He really thought he could keep you as a toy, something to breed to keep away the boredom.  
You smelled like heaven when he filled you with him. 
From the first moment Kraven watched your wide eyes roll, and struggle to stay open while he stretched you around him, he knew he simply wouldn’t be able to give you up. Breeding his father’s spy hadn’t been an accident. He’d gone and fallen in love. 
Unfortunately for you, you’d felt this way almost since the beginning. Sergei hadn’t believed you when you came clean about your connection to his father, and your pregnancy, so you had decided to wait it out. 
Maybe, if you were lucky, he could mourn the person he thought you were, and realize reality and fiction weren’t that different.
“The payoff would be worth it,” is something you’d whisper to yourself whenever the doubt crept in. 
Sergei and his temper, making grand threats he’d never be able to complete, while you stayed by his side. He’d never actually wanted someone before, and he’d never had someone stay. 
Sergei loved you too, this is what made your time in ‘captivity’ bearable. He could call you his whore, as long as he kept coming back to you. 
The feeling of having such an angelic, ferocious man wake you in the night, to warm his cock while he sucked on your breasts, would make a weaker woman’s head spin. 
He could hurl as many insults as he liked, have a tantrum if he wanted, but you wouldn’t budge. Though you were technically a captive, you love him, and you won’t move. 
The payoff would be worth it. 
Sergei was right there with you the day your son was born, and from that day, you knew it was only a matter of time before he’d bred you again properly. 
God knows he would try. 
You’d agree to marry him in the days after, and he’d fuck you full of him. You wouldn’t be a “whore” or a “pet”, you’d be his wife. 
Sergei would treat you as such, in most ways at least. 
You’d both come so far in such a short amount of time…
Gently pulling a strand of hair from your cheek, he pulls you from your rest. Taking a moment to admire your body, he pulls the blanket down to reveal more softness. 
“Sergei?” You question, reaching in the dark. 
“Yes my love, I'm here.” 
His weight bends the mattress, hanging over you. He keeps most of his weight off to not distress your condition. You hum happily at his warmth, and Sergei sees fit to trace his sharp nose around your nipple, with a sharp inhale.
From the day your son was born, the tantalizing scent of your milk had brought Kraven back from the edge. He had been addicted to you the whole damn time. Yet, he perfectly balanced it with love, just as someone should. 
It’s a sweet gesture, somehow, shoving his face into your breasts. It’s sweet, and just like your pussy, he uses his teeth. 
You moan, almost a plea, as your husband holds you. 
A chaste kiss to your lips, and you squirm. You’re still half-asleep when Sergei traces large, warm hands down your belly, right to where you need attention. 
Long fingers tease your entrance, and you move your hips as best you could into him.  
It’s just been too hard without him, and damn near ridiculous. 
He’s made you stupid. All those years of school, all that work, and you were about to give birth to your second child in two years. 
You have a PhD for fuck’s sake. 
Sergei loves that he’s made you stupid. He swirls his tongue around your areola kneading as he pleased. 
Your milk had come in, with plenty to spare, and he was taking his fill freely, in the way he usually would. 
His mouth, god you loved his mouth, but “Cock! I wan’ cock!” You struggle to get words out, but you’re smiling. He always makes sure you’re smiling. 
It’s not that complicated. You just want to feel him deep inside you, scraping against parts you never knew about. You could make as many children as he wanted as long as he never left. 
As long as he kept touching you like this. 
Sergei pulls off your breast, earning a whimper, your wide eyes make his hair stand on end, and he has to ask, “I want more,” he growls, “Will you give them to me?” 
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A/N: I can’t lie, not as kinky and graphic as I had hoped, but this is heavily based on conversations with @false-girl-prophet about her OC, Grace. I guess we’ll see Daddy Kraven next August 
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creekwritersblood · 3 months ago
Today I would like to talk about the various kind of Authors that fits the category Writers.
Feature Writer: Usually is the one who write articles on magazines or newspapers.
Novelist: The one who writes Novels of any genre from Horror, to Romantic.
Poet: The one who writes poems about any topic in its mind.
Blogger: The one who writes Blogs.
Screenwriter: The one who writes the Screenplay for movies, TV Series, video games including acting instructions and scene directions.
Stage writer: The one who writes a Theatre play.
FanFiction writer: The one who writes about Fandoms.
Short Stories writer: The one who mainly write short stories.
Copywriter: The one who writes texts for advertisements or Publicity material.
Starting from this definitions, actually all of those can be considered Writers because to write each and every kind of thing like that Imagination, Knowledge, Studies and Research are needed. In whatever field you will write, you will always find those common elements and here’s why:
Imagination: Is needed because whatever you will write about, a True Crime or a Review of a certain book, you need to visualize the facts happened in a certain situation; if you cannot visualize those yourself, how your reader is suppose to? So this is fundamental, at least to me, I mean, if I read a True Crime article I need to know what happened and if I can see it in my head it can sort out a better reaction.
Knowledge: Know the topic you will write about. To start, write about things you know to have a better come-out.
Studies and Research: Glossaries will be your bestfriends on your travel in the topic you will talk about in your article/book. It doesn’t matter what you will write about, is always adviced to research a bit of words for the specific topic to be more precise and have a better know-how to explain certain things to your reader.
The sub-categories:
Feature Writer:
True Crime: disappearance, murder, or sexual assault, or the collective acts of a single criminal, such as a serial killer.
The first rule to apply to write about True Crime stories for Articles or Books is Do Not Lie on facts. True Crime Stories are something Serious and they MUST be Respected from head to toe. If you want to write about a True crime story, is it an article or an entire Novel, never forget to pay respect for the victims and respect the story itself without changing it. You must be the storyteller, the one who tells facts and keep the reader with you in the travel from the first letter to the last closing dot.
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Lighter Topics: There are a lot of things you can write about.
You can write articles on food, writing, design, products to buy, products to NOT buy, everything you can think about, can be written down.
Specific Topics: You can write about specific topics like Medical issues, College issues, Hair styles, As for lighter topics, Everything you can think about can be written down.
Fiction: The one who writes about a non-real fact, or at least, takes inspiration on something really happen, but not related to reality.
Action and adventure, Fantasy: as the words say, they can be set in an unexisting World completely created from the Writer himself, or can take place in real places with fictional Creatures and Characters.
Comedy: Usually is a fiction full of fun, meant to entertain the reader itself and cause him a luaghter as the lines goes on. It can be part of other genres too like Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Parody and many others.
Crime and mystery: Usually Crimes and Mysteries created by the Writer himself.
Horror: Stories intended to pass a shiver to the reader, transporting him into a world, real or fictional, filled with monsters and Creatures that usually are the antagonists.
Sci-Fi: Stories placed into fictional worlds populated by extraterrestrial creatures and spieces.
Recipes: They can be created taking inspiration from the real world, creating fictional stories around those
Non Finction: The one who writes about real facts, existing things related to the real world.
True Crime: As for the Articles, a True Crime story is a tale where is told a real fact happened without changing the facts, with real people.
Recipes: Yes, Recipes, infact, also those kind of books can be novels, the writer can talk about plates and write about the creators of those.
Autobiography: Is a tale of the life the Writer himslef lived.
Haiku: This kind of Poetry comes from the Western part of the world, Japan. Is usually very short (three lines) and the first and the third lines have five syllables, while the second has seven. They can be written to recall a mood or a moment.
Free verse: It is considered modern poetry, they do not follow a metrical rule and they do not have to rhyme necessarly.
Sonnet: This is a classic form of poetry, made famous mostly by William Shakespeare. Their origin is in Italy, created by Petrarch. Sonnets are typically following the scheme ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.
Acrostic: This kind of Poem is different, because Each capital Letter of Each Line, in the end forms a Message.
Villanelle: Originated in France, it has to be composed by 19 lines, following the scheme; ABA ABA ABA ABA ABA ABAA, this type of poem only has two rhyming sounds. Plus, there is a lot of repetition throughout the villanelle. Line one will be repeated in lines six, 12 and 18; and line three will be repeated in lines nine, 15 and 19. So although this takes out the extra work of having to write 19 individual lines, the real challenge is to make meaning out of those repeated lines!
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Limerick: Funy and sometimes also rude, were made popular by Edward Lear in the 19th century. They have a set rhyme scheme of AABBA, with lines one, two and five all being longer in length than lines three and four.
Ode: The ode is one of the oldest forms of poetry and believed to be born in ancient Greece. The Word ode comes from the greek word aedein wich means to sing or chant, originally were performed with musical instruments. It is written to praise a person or a Divinity, an event or a thing.
Elegy: It doesn’t have rules and have as a subject Death. Usually they are used to remember loved ones that has passed away.
Ballad: They are usually formed by four lines and follow the rhyme scheme ABAB or ABCB.
Blogger: A Blog can talk about everything you like and there is no genre to follow, let your fantasy go wild!
Screen writer and Stage writer: A play - written by the Stage Writer - is a performance while a film is a visual art.
Their main focus is Dialogue, but they differs when we start to talk about the mediums used for a play and a Screenplay; the first rely only on characters lines and is a bit more contained using only few sets, while the second use visuals and camera angles to deepen the story itself and is a bit more opened because of the use of Special effects and various sets.
FanFiction writer: FanFiction does not have rules of themselves, they give you the possibility to pull in an original Character and create a little story based on a yet affirmed fandom. Is a great exercise, because you can test your fantasy, pulling all the characters, or just one of your choice in a different AU that can be the real world, or another fandom, you can adjust those as you prefer.
This is the start of many writers and I must say is a great one.
We all have a dream in life and mine has always been become a writer, so I started writing fanfictions first and I still do at times not gonna lie -lol- I personally would advice those to initate, there are a lot of places to publish them and they can be a great opportunity to start making a name of your own.
Short Stories Writer: As the name itself, they can be written from a minimum of two pages on a maximum of ten, in my opinion, others consider a short story from a minimum of two pages to a maximum of fifty, Think each one has his own objective look on it. As for Novels they can be on everything you want Fictional or not.
Copywriter: This is something a bit different from the others, because, Copywriters usually write based on products they must sell and advertize, so there is no other genre apart the Non fiction one.
Whatever kind of Writer you want to be, don’t hold back and be it!
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goodluckclove · 1 month ago
Ow Oof My Bones: Stocking a Home Pharmacy (A Guide)
Growing up my mom had a drawer she called “the pharmacy”. It was like a more buffed out first aid kit where we kept odds and ends for most forms of sickness and injury. I don’t know if this is a universal standard for all households, but it should be. Even from a practical standpoint, if you have a killer migraine, muscle pain, nausea, or even just a headache – the last thing you’ll want to do is stagger into a drug store.
I have been in that position a few times living on my own, and it sucks. Navigating a pharmacy is confusing enough without the added debuff of some kind of physical illness or disorientation. It can be costly to buy everything you might need all at once.
If I were to outline my own baseline for an at-home pharmacy, it would be the following:
Cough syrup (Day and Night)
Painkiller of some kind
Bandages (Varying sizes)
Alcohol pads (For cleaning certain medical equipment and wounds)
Ice pack/Heat Pack (Easy to DIY)
Antacids (For indigestion, nausea, and acid reflux)
Thermometer (Forehead is fairly accurate if you can’t do oral or ear)
That’s a reasonably sparse collection of supplies that I think can treat a variety of things. This guide is going to break down the specifics of these things and more, give some alternatives that can help you save money and tips to prevent you from hurting yourself in an effort to ease a symptom. Before we start, though, I need to address something you might be thinking if you’re anything like my wife.
Clove, cold medicine doesn’t actually cure the common cold. It just cures symptoms! So what’s the point?
Hey. I’m going to be kind here, but I’m also going to take your head in between both hands and hold it tightly in place. I’m aware something like DayQuil doesn’t cure the common cold. Rest helps though, doesn’t it? And it’s kind of hard to rest when you’re constantly leaking and coughing and sniffling, isn’t it? So you’re should probably take the medicine, my darling wife.
Okay. I'm getting distracted. Let’s get into it.
Choosing a Cold Medicine
Take one look at the shelf in the cold and flu section of your local drug store, and you’ll be hit with a variety of brands and chemicals. Some are familiar brands and some are generic. Different products have different claims. Where the fuck do you even start?
Do you have allergy-like symptoms? Itchy and irritated eyes, sneezing and coughing, nasal congestion, or some terrifying combination of any of the above? You want an antihistamine, or something that contains an antihistamine. Be aware that some antihistamines will cause brief fatigue. If that’s an issue, look for something that says non-drowsy.
Are you a little cough-guy (gender-neutral) that won’t stop coughing? You want a cough-suppressant, likely one with an active ingredient of dextromethorphan. Be wary: cough suppressants vary in effectiveness.
Specifically congested? Try a decongestant, or something that contains a decongestant! I would personally avoid nasal sprays like Afrin, as they’re weirdly addictive and can actually make inflammation worse if overused. If congestion is your main issue, consider relying more on humidity and maybe saline washes. Although saline washes suck in my personal opinion.
Are YOU the Goo Man with mucus All Up In There? An Expectorant can help loosen mucus and clear your airways. Look for something with an active ingredient of guaifenesin.
EVERYTHING HURTS HELP. Oh god get a pain reliever dude. They’re also called analgesics, and can include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or Naproxen.
Cold medicines will often contain a mixture of the fancy science names listed above. If you’re looking to save money, you can compare the ingredients in a brand-name medicine with it’s generic equivalent.
Goo or Capsule?
Honestly, the difference is sort of negligible. Liquid absorbs slightly faster, and sometimes I don’t feel like swallowing a horse pill. You might feel differently though.
Important Note: Follow the instructions on the bottle. I’m not being a bootlicker for Big Pharma here. A regular amount of Tylenol can help with a headache. Get weird with and you’re riding the express train to liver failure.
What’s the deal with Painkillers?
I know man. Here’s the deal. With over-the-counter (or OTC) medicine, you’re mainly going to find ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol). Both can provide relief for pain and even reduce a fever, but ibuprofen can also reduce inflammation. Naproxen (Aleve) is a stronger anti-inflammatory than ibuprofen, but usually requires a prescription.
Pain Cocktails for Special Occasions
There are some pain relievers you might notice I haven’t mentioned yet. That’s mainly because if you take a medication like Excedrin or Midol, you’ll find they’re actually a combination of many things I already listed.
Excedrin, for instance depends on acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. A small amount of caffeine can actually help a lot with certain headaches!
*A Note on Burns*
If you have get a scald or burn of some kind, avoid treating with direct cold. Ice and cold water will actually increase the chance of blistering. The best way to treat a new, minor burn is to immediately hold it under cool or lukewarm running water for around ten minutes (Or at least until it stops hurting). After that consider taking an anti-inflammatory painkiller, and applying something like aloe vera or petroleum jelly before covering it with a bandage.
Other Ways to Treat Pain
DIY Cold Pack: Cold treatment can be very useful for acute pain and recent injuries. If you don’t have access to a dedicated ice pack, you can make a reusable gel pack by using 2 cups of water, 1 cup rubbing alcohol, and a dash of dish soap in a secure zip-top bag. You can also just use a bag of veggies from the freezer or wrap a bag of ice in a few paper towels.
DIY Heat Pack: Heat is very soothing for relief from chronic and muscular pain. If you don’t have a heat pad or access to a hot bath, you can make a reusable heat pad by filling a clean sock with uncooked rice or oatmeal and sealing the end. Microwave it at no more than a minute at a time, testing it until it’s at a good temperature.
IMPORTANT: For heat and cold packs, avoid treating the area for more than 20 minutes at a time, or you run the risk of heat or cold burn.
Cannabinoids: How to Tell Them Apart
This isn’t where I explain why it’s worth keeping a pack of edibles in your pharmacy. There’s definite medicinal benefits to THC, but I’m going to let you decide for yourself if that’s something you want to keep on hand. For this section I’m specifically focusing on cannabinoids other than THC. A lot of grocery stores (Especially hippy-ish stores) carry these now, and certain cities have dedicated dispensaries that carry non-psychoactive hemp products.
I do add that you might want to consider your own judgment here. Some people benefit from having these on hand, some don’t. If you have no experience with cannabis, these are essentially the parts of weed that – on their own – don’t get you high. But the long-term effects haven’t really been studied, regulations can be iffy, and they can definitely interfere with other medications. I’m really only including this for people to be able to have an awareness of what they’re evidenced to do.
You can buy them on your own – but keep in mind that you can also buy vitamins on your own, and you might not actually need those either. I highly suggest talking to your doctor before adding more stuff like that into your body.
Below are the basics of the main cannabanoids I’ve come across.
CBD: Mainly helps with stress and anxiety.
CBG: More focused on pain and inflammation.
CBN: Sleep aid and sedative.
All three of these have been found in some to help with nausea and inflammation.
Other Sickness Remedies
I think a lot of home remedies for sickness are pretty useful, even if it's just for the comfort they can provide. Plus, a lot of cures that don’t seem medically accurate do have traits of medicinal things. That bowl of hot soup can relieve inflammation and clear sinuses. Ginger ale can help with nausea – but you’ll want to make sure you pick one with actual ginger in it. If you’re nauseous, a carbonated drink with low or no sugar content can be very helpful.
You may have seen or heard of Theraflu. Is it useful? Sort of! Look at the ingredients and you’ll see a lot of the medicines I’ve listed above. It has to be made hot – at least while the powder dissolves – and some find it can aid in sore throats, coughs, fevers and body aches. It might have side effects though.
Emergen-C and Airborne are also hotly contested remedies. I’ll straight up say Airbone has gotten into legal troubles for their effectiveness claims. Emergen-C is debatably more useful, because it can help a lot of people to raise their Vitamin C and Zinc levels – but a blood test will tell you if that’s actually something you need. You don’t want too much Vitamin C in your system, especially if you take stimulants. And if you need more, it’ll likely be cheaper coming from a vitamin.
Vapor Rub has been used in a variety of ways. Some grew up having the goo rubbed under their nose as a decongestant – which technically works, but mainly thorough tricking the brain. A solution is a solution, though. And I remember it mainly being used on me before I went to sleep, so I stand by it being useful in that case if feeling stuffed up will keep you awake. It is mainly used to provide temporary relief for muscle and joint pain, similar to Tiger’s Balm.
Homemade Humidifiers
A humidifier can help a lot for congestion. If you don't have a specific humidifier, there are two DIY options that I've tried myself to moderate success. Boiling a large pot of water can help for a smaller space. If you have an electric kettle, I've kept mine cycling with the lid open to fill an enclosed room. The best I've found is also the weirdest. You fully dampen a towel and hang it over a chair, with one end dipped in a container of water. Then you leave a fan pointed at it. It sounds and looks crazy, but it works. 
Stock for What You Need
There are things at any pharmacy that you will likely never need. Over enough time you’ll collects bits of medicine for an issue you had once and never again. If you don’t wind up with a lingering cough every time you get a cold, you probably don’t need to stock up on cough medicine. If you aren’t in a constant battle with your toilet, you might not need to always have stool softeners or Pesto-Bismal on hand. The goal is to determine the type of pain you’re most likely to experience, and try and make sure you have something to take care of that oopsie when it happens.
If you require soup or chocolate when you're sick, see if you can keep some on hand. They're fairly shelf-stable. Sometimes I need a Little Treat when I'm upset. This is not a silly thing. This is what we do to stay alive.
Everything above are just things I’ve had to work out in my own personal experience. I’ve absolutely missed some things – both from being relatively able-bodied, and for my specific issues being niche enough that I don’t find them relevant for what’s supposed to be a fairly general overview. Hopefully with this you’ll be able to be a little more confident for the next time circumstances nerf you into a revere of pain.
So rest up as much as you can. Rest and water are pretty great across the board. Any of the Muppets movies aren't TECHNICALLY medicine, but they don't hurt either.
Do you have any additions to this guide? Add them below! I'd love to hear them!
Any requests you'd like to know for How to Human? Let me know! It's always good to learn, and no subject is too obvious!
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justinspoliticalcorner · 11 months ago
Mia Gingerich at MMFA:
The Daily Wire announced the launch of a new “men’s lifestyle” company named Responsible Man on May 1, promoting its only current product — a men’s dietary supplement that it says is “designed to help … sharpen brain cognition” and that it suggests will help address what the outlet calls the “increasing health risk” of declining “sperm concentration.” On April 30, The Daily Wire’s parent company Bentkey Ventures registered the assumed name “Daily Wire Ventures.” The next day, on May 1, it debuted Responsible Man, a new company for men’s health products. 
The Daily Wire is promoting Responsible Man as an alternative to “woke” companies and by fearmongering about some of the outlet’s frequent targets, namely gender-affirming care and drag queens, asking its readers, “Do you want to buy your men’s health products from a company that partners with drag queens and supports radical organizations that push gender procedures on children?” Responsible Man’s website uses similar language, promising its customers that “together, we can reclaim masculinity” and claiming that “Emerson’s Vitamins are a simple step towards improving yourself, creating order, and building the future.”
The Daily Wire’s promotion suggests Responsible Man’s products can help address various health issues, including the purported “increasing health risk” of declining “sperm concentration” worldwide, promising to help men stay healthy “for the survival of the human race.”  The company’s only product, a men’s multivitamin, is marketed as being “professionally engineered by medical doctors” to “support your immune system, maintain energy production, sharpen brain cognition, and support the health of your heart and muscles.” 
The Daily Wire is promoting the new company by targeting Men’s Health magazine
The Daily Wire’s previous ventures into consumer goods have been framed in opposition to specific companies it deemed too “woke,” such as Harry’s Razors and Hershey’s Chocolate, for refusing to advertise with The Daily Wire and featuring a trans woman in an advertisement, respectively. (Jeremy’s Razors and Jeremy’s Chocolate, The Daily Wire’s answers to Harry’s and Hershey’s going “woke,” have received poor feedback from customers.) The Daily Wire’s promotion of Responsible Man singles out for criticism Men’s Health, the largest men’s lifestyle magazine in the United States.
The Daily Wire comes out with a right-wing alternative to "woke" products, this time with a multivitamin that claims to boost sperm counts and fight "wokeness" under the Responsible Man brand.
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lajali · 1 year ago
holiday shopping guide for Palestinian Solidarity
Were you planning on spending any money on clothing or accessories for yourself or loved ones this month / next month?
Here's a list of products and collections that are contributing 100% of profits from tees, sweatshirts, jackets, hats, totes, accessories, stickers, keffiyehs, etc. to Palestinian relief. Most are giving to Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF). The details of profit donation on this list were updated on 11/20/23 using information from the product listings on each website.
I also included links to two keffiyeh factories in Palestine and Jordan if you are interested in directly supporting them.
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"Collective Liberation" graphic tee pre-order. $42 USD. (100% profits to PCRF)
"Free Palestine" graphic tees, sweatshirt, long sleeve shirt, multiple designs. $55-80 USD. (100% profits to PCRF and medical aid for Palestinians)
"From Gaza, With Love" tee and hoodie pre-order. $35-75 USD. (100% profits to PCRF)
Graphic tees, hoodies, tote bags, multiple designs. $23-63 USD. (100% profits to PCRF and Ajyal Foundation for emergency intervention)
"Palestine" in Arabic tote bag. $26 USD. (100% profits to PCRF)
"FTRTTS" and "Free Palestine" graphic tee, sweatshirt, hoodie, hat, multiple designs. $34-60 USD. (100% profits to PCRF and Islamic Relief)
"Free Palestine" sticker. $5 USD. (100% profits to PCRF)
Palestinian flag-color beaded jewelry. $10-150 USD. (100% profits to PCRF)
"Palestine" graphic tee. $15 USD. (100% profits to Islamic Relief)
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Keffiyehs, pre-order in 46 colors. $35 USD. (Buy from here to directly support the last keffiyeh factory in Palestine)
Keffiyehs, keffiyeh patterned tops, vests, and accessories. $17-116 USD. (Buy from here to directly support refugee-owned keffiyeh factory in Jordan. 10% of purchase goes to either education, food distribution, or emergency relief in Palestine)
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ilovegirlssomuch123 · 7 months ago
Skincare brands are a bunch of misogynistic bullshit. They sell the idea of "perfect skin" as the goal, of which their idea is unachievable for most people and they know it.
Taking care of your body shouldn't be mixed in with all these weird standards... I have naturally oily skin and am prone to acne, especially at a certain point of my cycle (hormonal acne?? Idfk) and it would make my skin picking urges worse + they were painful. My doctor prescribed a topical clindamycin and i got otc niacinimide and it seriously reduced my acne and picking urges by consequence and all that.
Anyway that to say, wearing sunscreen is great, not because of the Horrific idea that you might look older if you don't wear it, but because it prevents burning and literal cancer. Retinoids (including retinol but there's more than that) have medicinal purpose, since they increase cell turnover in the skin (usually used for acne), but most people like it for getting rid of fine wrinkles, which is medically unnecessary. Vitamin C can help repair sun damage and heal your skin faster if you get a cut or acne or whatever else gets through your skin, but it's used for... you guessed it, getting rid of dark spots and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid improves skin hydration which can help with ezcema and conditions like rosecea, but its used for... wrinkles. Moisturizing your face can help improve your skin barrier, you know, that thing that keeps particles and bugs and bacteria from entering your body. But why is it touted? So that your skin LOOKS bouncy and so that you dont DARE look old one day.
Like all of these ingredients have use beyond cosmetic, a lot which are used for medical conditions and specific, solvable (or managable) problems. Almost no one needs a routine with all of these items, but taking care of an issue of which there is an easy chemical solution to shouldn't come packaged with all of these sexist messages that you must be keeping yourself pretty and young looking all the time.
I just feel like these things shouldn't come with pretty packaging and promises. In an ideal world, they should be packaged like an otc medication with dosage and use case info, to be used by people who will actually benefit from them instead of people on instagram with a blurring filter on who tell people if they don't slather 7 different products on their face every day and night they might look their age.
Buying one product you need once and using it until it's gone isn't expensive, what's expensive is buying entire skincare routines you were shamed into getting and stopping using it the next day or week or month because you never had purpose for it in the first place, then starting that over again once you see an influencer talking about a new one... it's so pointless. It exists to get people to spend their money.
Idk I wish we could just take care of our body for the sake of taking care of our body.
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ninapedia · 10 months ago
I saw your post 623829004122718209/hey-i-can-finally-post-this-heres-one-of-my through radar, i have a question I am an illustrator but so many say to sell their illustrations on etsy or gumroad or a trillion sites but I dont comprehend what is different between someone getting an illustration of mine on tumblr or deviantart and then one on etsy, what is the difference in yours?
Hihi! I'm answering this publicly because I think others could benefit from this as well.
So, full disclosure. Art is not currently my full time job. I have a day job doing marketing/graphic design for a medical device company (I'm on my lunch right now, hi!) and do art on the side because it makes me happy.
When it comes to the art I do sell, my primary business is not prints. It's other merchandise such as clothing, key chains, enamel pins, stickers, buttons, etc. Basically things most people cannot make on their own. Some examples below:
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When I do sell a print of my work it's typically at an in person event like a convention or art show. Most of my online sales are not prints, though I do have an InPrint and a print listing on my webstore (and I used to have a RedBubble and Society6). Hell, most of my in person sales aren't prints. Usually it's my hats and shirts.
For selling illustration prints online the biggest difference between someone buying a print and someone just right-click-saving-print-themselves it quality.
Most of my work is uploaded as a 72 dpi png that is significantly scaled down from the digital canvas size I actually used to draw/paint it. Anyone who's saving and printing it out is going to get a pretty shitty quality print. Buying a print directly from me is getting a nice crisp 300dpi jpeg print that look GORGOUS, if I do say so myself.
The quality of the paper is important as well. The people who don't have the funds to purchase a print typically also don't have the funds to invest in fancy paper or specialty printing. I do sell a lot of 'gimic' prints (foil, holographic, pearl) and most people who attend conventions are willing to pay a premium for something like that, but even my standard matte prints are on nice heavy or textured linen paper. I use professional print services mostly (thank u CatPrint for my life) but even if I'm printing at home for a smaller con I have a very nice printer and very nice cardstock. A lot of convention artists who just do prints also sell fancier things like canvas prints.
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Unrelated to the actual 'product', you should watermark your work and offer the unwatermarked version for sale if you want to do prints. I don't always do this out of laziness but, again, it's not my primary source of income. The Beloved illustration you linked was specifically for a larger DND 5e supplemental. It wasn't even designed to be sold as a print, so I didn't bother watermarking it. I honestly still should have but in my mind the value of that piece was contained around the book it was drawn for. The illustration is nice but it feels empty without all additional information included in Bardic Inspiration.
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To circle back to something I said early, don't limit yourself to only selling prints. Make stickers of your illustrations, put it on tote bags and tshirts. If you don't want to source products yourself RedBubble and Society6 are fairly decent print on demand services. The only reason I left their platforms was because I didn't like the way they were changing their payment structure for artist, but it's not a bad place to upload things and make passive income. If you're flexible with your art and are willing to source products yourself, you can make other merch. The upfront cost is higher but the eventual return is MUCH bigger than any print on demand services. People wound up liking Beloved enough for me to make an enamel pin of her
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Maybe it's the circles I travel, but most people do want to support the artist they like and the people who are right-click-save-print either can't support you financially or were never the type of people who were going to support you financially.
As long as no one is re-posting my art as their own or sharing it without credit, I really don't care if someone decides to save my illustration to admire it later. If you're broke and want to print one of my illustrations out at a library and slap it on your wall go for it.
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vivzilla · 1 year ago
Meditation and Stress Relief
Meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress. Deepak Chopra said, “Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It's a way of entering into the quiet that's already there, buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day." In other words, meditation allows you to turn off your stress-generator, your mind. Once this becomes a daily habit, you will develop the ability to click here to learn more carry that peaceful mental “quietness” with you outside of the meditation more and more easily. Eventually, over time, daily meditation becomes a welcome part of your lifestyle, providing much needed stress relief.
First, it is important to note that stress causes very real physical reactions in your body. Some stress-related physical responses include tension, strokes, inability to concentrate, increased blood pressure and pulse, headaches, weakened immune system, and irritability. Some of the scientifically-proven ways that meditation can lower stress include: reduced fear of dying, reduced anxiety and nervousness, less production of the stress hormone Cortisol. Meditators often report simply looking and feeling calmer and more energized. Medical insurance companies have studied meditation's effects and found that meditators were 87% less likely to be hospitalized for heart problems and 55% less likely to be hospitalized with cancer.
Stress is generally brought on by a never-ending stream of thoughts running through the mind, whether it's your schedule, your errands, or the future with which you're preoccupied. Meditation's main goal is to turn off that recurring voice in the head, in order to experience calmness and stillness—even if you only buy yourself a few peaceful minutes in the beginning. Think about it this way, taking an afternoon power nap is rejuvenating to the body and mind. Meditation takes that same state of mental relaxation to a deeper level. Coming out of a meditation, you'll have a renewed sense of peace and tranquility, in other words, stress relief.
If you've never meditated before, don't stress out! Oh no, another thing to put on the “to do” list? No! Go to Amazon.com and simply download a guided meditation track for $.99. It only takes 2 minutes from start to finish if you have an existing Amazon account. You might try “Guided Meditations for Stress Relief” by Bodhipaksa, “20 Minute Guided Meditation for Releasing Stress” by Guided Meditation, or “Indigo Dreams: Adult Relaxation - Guided Meditation, Relaxation Techniques Decrease Anxiety, Stress, and Anger” by Lori Lite. You'll simply find a quiet, comfortable place to sit up straight without distractions as you listen to the guided meditations for stress relief. A voice will tell you how to breathe, how to position yourself, and how to clear your mind. You might also join a meditation group if you know of one that's readily available and convenient. Much like exercising with a supportive group, being a part of a meditation group can help you stick with it and get more benefit for your time investment.
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buypoppersonlineus · 1 year ago
Exploring the Sensory World: A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Poppers in the USA
In sensory exploration and heightened experiences, poppers have carved out a unique space for themselves. These tiny bottles of aromatic liquid promise intense sensations, euphoria, and enhanced pleasure. As the popularity of poppers grows, individuals across the USA seek to delve into this world of sensory delights. In this article post, we will take a deep dive into the realm of poppers, exploring their origins, effects, legal status, where to buy them in the USA, and tips for a safe and enjoyable experience.
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The Origins and Appeal of Poppers Poppers, also known as alkyl nitrites, have a long history dating back to the 19th century when amyl nitrite was used for medical purposes. Today, poppers are popular among diverse individuals seeking to amplify their sensory perceptions and add an extra dimension of pleasure to their encounters. Understanding the Effects and Risks The primary allure of poppers lies in their ability to induce a quick rush of blood flow, leading to feelings of euphoria, relaxation, and heightened arousal. Users often report intensified sensations, enhanced orgasms, and a temporary escape from stress and anxiety. However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks associated with popper use, such as dizziness, headaches, nausea, and vision problems. Long-term use and misuse of poppers can lead to serious health issues, highlighting the importance of responsible consumption. Legal Status of Poppers in the USA In the United States, the legal status of poppers varies from state to state. While alkyl nitrites are not classified as controlled substances at the federal level, some states have restrictions on their sale and distribution. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the laws in your state regarding the purchase and use of poppers to ensure compliance with regulations. Where to Buy Poppers in the USA For individuals looking to buy poppers in the USA, several options are available. Online retailers offer a convenient and discreet way to purchase a variety of popper brands, including popular ones like Jungle Juice, Rush, and Amsterdam. Adult stores and specialty shops may also carry a selection of poppers for in-person purchases. It is essential to choose reputable sellers who offer genuine products to ensure the quality and safety of your popper experience.
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Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Experience Before indulging in poppers, consider the following tips for a safe and enjoyable experience:
Start with a low dose: Begin with a small amount of poppers to gauge your tolerance and sensitivity.
Avoid mixing substances: Refrain from combining poppers with other drugs or alcohol to reduce the risk of adverse reactions.
Maintain good ventilation: Use poppers in a well-ventilated area to minimize inhalation exposure and prevent side effects.
Stay hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after using poppers to stay hydrated and counteract potential dehydration effects. Conclusion As you navigate the world of poppers in the USA, remember to approach their use with caution, mindfulness, and respect for your well-being. Whether you are exploring poppers for the first time or seeking to enhance your sensory experiences, understanding the effects, risks, legal considerations, and where to buy authentic products is essential. By embracing a responsible and informed approach to popper use, you can elevate your sensory exploration and create moments of heightened pleasure that enhance your life in meaningful ways. Explore the sensory world of poppers in the USA and embark on a journey of discovery.
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crybaby-writings · 1 year ago
"kids these days are asking for skincare and this and that and the third, when i was their age (9 to 11) i was asking for toys!"
no the fuck you weren't. you were asking for electronics, and skincare, and clothes you probably had no business wearing, and literally anything that was on trend or that you saw a commercial for- which was mostly shit that kids ages 9-11 would be considered as having no business having.
almost every single one of you are lying so you don't get bullied by strangers on the internet for saying something other than what everyone is complaining about. the reason you, as an adult, are buying random kids toys for yourself now is because you grew up too fast and now you regret it (no judgement there, me too!) but let's not pretend that the reason isn't exactly the same.
most kids ages 9 to 11 are aging out of toys anyways because there are barely any marketed towards them AND they're getting closer and closer to middle school, which means most toys are considered baby-ish by their peers because WE, as adults, expect children to mature and grow out of things like toys as they get older.
stop acting like this is not history repeating itself, because that's what it is. it's how life works. kids grow up. kids ask for things they don't need or aren't necessarily meant for them. and news flash, babes, if the brand has a line catered towards children in LITERALLY any way, including sizes, formulas or designs, it's age appropriate for children to ask for it- and yes that includes perfume, makeup (within reason based on what THEIR PARENTS determine), and skincare.
"but but but! they're asking for drunk elephant!" most people in their TWENTIES don't even actually need most of the drunk elephant products they buy and use because the ingredients aren't necessary for skin that young/unaged- and that's based off multiple informational videos from actual, medical dermatologist i've seen. get over it. the outlier is not the majority.
that's all. i've said my piece. im done being mad about it now.
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yesireadbooks · 2 years ago
Pretend that I've just asked you a question that you've been dying for someone to ask you about your work, and answer it
Oooooh, you put yourself in trouble Madame Diplomat, cuz this would be looonggg...
Imma pretend you asked about the origins of Scalmropia. hahha
Ok, so I did say sometime earlier that this was part of my 12-year-old world domination plan, haha. And this will get carzy so please don't judge me. :)
Well, the thing is, back then, I had an obsession with starting a business. Not a normal one, I wanted a business empire like the Virgin Group which has a company like for anything. And then, while I was think about this, I also read about of taxation, tax havens and local restrictions. That made me realise that if I were to make to big profits, I would be losing a ton to the governement. This is was during my capitalist era so, yeah, haha. And then I also realised that much of my companies would be put under great surveillance because they included things like weapons production, medical testing, etc.
So, my solution was to make my own country. First, I looked onto to buying huge amounts of land and declaring it as my territory under the Montevideo Convention. I planned to buy 25% of Russia, given the low population density and hence the possibility to relocate. But then I scrapped the idea due to the sheer amount of money needed and the possible backlash. Then I decided to plan to make a new land. I read about these land extentions (one was happening In Sri Lanka too) so I planned that.
So I began reading up on sand, soil and gravel prices. Quotas, providers, shipments and stuff. I also read up on microstates, sovereign states, Kingdom of Lovely and Asgardia. Then also maritime boundaries, declarations of independence, etc.
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The name is an acronym haha. And I also made a flag, coat of arms, a (bad) national anthem, a (partially made) constitution and a wiki page.
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National Anthem
Sunshine and Water We depend on as much With our worthy souls upon you We devote to you as such Freedom and Justice Honesty and Unity Is what makes us greater Upon all worlds Upon this world We choose to live upon you This is a land of wonder In which all Faiths are met This is a land of harmony In which all tongues are spoken Freedom and Justice Honesty and Unity Is what makes us greater Upon all worlds Upon this world We choose to live upon you When all of the world shall meet We shall rise above all We shall help our friends grow And achieve the goals we’ve achieved Freedom and Justice Honesty and Unity Is what makes us greater Upon all worlds Upon this world We choose to live upon you Scalmropia! Scalmropia! We would kneel upon you Scalmropia! Scalmropia! We’re with you till the world ends Scalmropia! Scalmropia! I shall protect you with my own blood
0001 – This is the constitution of The Economical and Technological Republic of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A. 0001A – This constitution will never be expired, not even in terms of time. 0001B – This constitution may not be replaced, removed or amended at any circumstances. 0002 – The flag of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A is the “Earth and Elements flag”. 0002A – This may not be changed under any circumstances. 0003 – The emblem of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A is the Emblem in the Fig.1.1 0003A – This will not be changed under any circumstances. 0004 – The national anthem of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A is 0004A – This may not be changed under any circumstances. 0005 – All the Physical Employees of [Redacted] will be declared citizens of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A. 0005A – Family members of the Physical Employees up to the count of 7 members maximum will be declared citizens. 0006 – People from other countries will not be granted citizenship unless being a Physical Employee of [Redacted]. 0006A – Foreign citizens seeking citizenship in S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A under all categories such as Migration, Refuge etc. Will be granted a temporary [Redacted] 0007 – The power of controlling S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A will be in parallel with the [Redacted] 0007A – The ownership of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A will be in Parallel with the [Redacted] 0007B – Under no circumstances should the ownership of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A will be sold, leased or rented to any party. 0008 – No agreement or document which has the slightest danger for the Republic, or its citizens and their rights will not be signed under any circumstances. 0008A – No agreement or document which has the slightest danger for the constitution of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A will be signed. 0008B – Even if such document is signed, the document or agreement shall be cancelled as a whole including its powers against the country, it’s citizens, laws and regulations and the Constitution under the powers of the constitution of S.C.A.L.M.R.O.P.I.A. 0009 – All cases of crime will be taken towards an independent Court with a Judge panel of experienced and educated judges. 0009A – All the members in the jury must not have any relationship with both the defendant and the victim. They must not also be a beneficiary of a certain judgement of the court. 0010 – Every person under the age of 18 will be considered a child according to the International Standards. 0010A – Half of the prices for the acquired basic needs of a child such as food, education will be granted by the government. 0011 – This country is not a [Redacted] 0011A – Every result of the research will be made public. 0012 – No child is to be used for working, warfare, drug trafficking, child trafficking etc. 0013 – When producing goods and services from companies other than those of [Redacted], the sales owners must reserve a business license and must provide respective goods and services within Economic cities. 0014 – During medical emergencies all the citizens must obey The Quarantine Act.
After some time, I let go of the idea and it has been since been in the depths of my drive. I did use the country idea when I played Politics & War but then I later deleted the page and now that I needed a country idea for my wips, I decided to to use the name, but with different meaning and backstories. Much of what I have at the Scalmropia page are things I thought of recently. But this is the OG idea.
Thank you if you read far, much love and appreciations!
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justbedbugtreatments · 2 years ago
6 Benefits Of Orlando Bed Bug Treatment
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Whether you have actually ever before coped with a bed pest problem, you know how bothersome as well as irritating it could be. These tiny bloodsuckers can quickly switch your peaceful nights in to a nightmare. Bed bugs are recognized for their resilience as well as capacity to increase rapidly, making it essential to address the issue immediately. Within this article, our team will certainly discover 6 advantages of mattress pest treatment as well as why it is actually crucial to seek qualified aid.
Bed bugs, medically called Cimex lectularius, are small, reddish-brown bugs that devour the blood of human beings as well as animals during the course of their sleeping. They are well-known for their hitchhiking capabilities as well as can easily infest homes, hotels, dorm rooms, and also even mass transit. Bed insect attacks have actually become a significant worry worldwide due to their raising frequency and also resistance to particular chemicals.
Early Discovery and also Intervention
One of the notable benefits of bed bug treatment Orlando is early diagnosis as well as interference. Specialist parasite control specialists are actually qualified to recognize the signs of bedroom bug infestations, also in their onset. Swift action may stop the problem from spreading out even further, conserving you from needless tension and also financial concern.
Protecting Against Wellness Issues
Bed pests are not only a nuisance; they can pose major health and wellness threats. Their bites can cause skin rashes, allergic reactions, and irritating. Damaging the bites may trigger second skin diseases. Moreover, some people might experience mental results including anxiousness and also sleep disorders as a result of the anxiety of being actually attacked. Suitable bedroom bug treatment can aid lessen these wellness concerns.
Tranquil Rest
A mattress bug-infested bed room may swiftly become a sleepless area. Regularly getting out of bed to itchy bites as well as the idea of bedroom infections crawling on you may disrupt your rest patterns. Expert treatment gets rid of the mattress infections, permitting you to redeem your relaxed sleep and get up rejuvenated.
Protecting Your Possessions
Bed bugs possess a knack for hiding in various products like beds, furnishings, and clothing. If remaining unattended, they can mess up these possessions as well as cause costly substitutes. By opting for Orlando bed bug treatment, you may safeguard your possessions coming from permanent harm.
While some individuals try do it yourself mattress bug treatments, they usually show unproductive, triggering duplicated attacks. Acquiring specialist mattress bug treatment might seem expensive initially, yet in the future, it can save you funds by eliminating the concern successfully and preventing future infestations.
Possibly some of the most notable perks of bed bug treatment Orlando is actually the confidence it brings. Understanding that your house is without these pesky parasites allows you to rest and appreciate your home without constant stress over bites as well as invasions.
Coping with a bed bug problem is no small concern, yet taking the ideal actions can easily conserve you from unnecessary anxiety and also health problems. The perks of mattress pest treatment, featuring very early discovery, improved sleeping, and also protection of possessions, surpass the prices of professional intervention. Do not permit these tiny parasites take control of your life; buy effective bedroom insect treatment as well as recover the convenience as well as harmony of your home.
All American Pest Control
390 N Orange Ave Suite #2300
Orlando, FL 32801
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Bed Bug Treatment
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loominggaia · 2 years ago
How is disabled treated in lamai
I assume you're talking about people with disabilities? Well, Lamai Nation is not the worst place to have a disability, but it is certainly not the best either.
Lamai Nation signed the Nymph Pact. This means that its technology--including medical technology--is stunted. If you have special medical needs, you may not be able to get proper treatment in this kingdom. If you're lucky, there may be magic potions or herbal medicines to help you. Otherwise, medical treatments are quite primitive.
Lamai Nation is famous for its pharmaceutical exports...however, they only export raw products, such as plants and minerals. More advanced kingdoms like Zareen Empire then refine these products into effective medications, but these medications are often not allowed to be imported back to Lamai because of the Nymph Pact, which forbids synthetic additives and such that Zareen uses.
Advanced treatments like cancer drugs are forbidden in Lamai Nation. If you have cancer or any other complex illness, you're pretty much screwed unless you're willing to dip into the black market to buy drugs illegally imported from Zareen. It's possible but quite risky.
I think the Lamaish are sympathetic to the disabled, but also a bit "bootstrappy", in that they believe everyone should pull their own weight whenever possible...even if it means pushing themselves over their limits and being miserable. This is a culture that values hard work and self-sacrifice very much. If you aren't contributing to the community in some way, then you are shit in the eyes of the Lamaish unless you have a very good reason for not doing so. And by "very good reason", I mean you're basically sprawled out on death's doorstep.
I imagine the Lamaish government invests a lot in its disabled population. By that I mean, they have many programs to teach and accommodate these individuals so that they can still be part of the workforce. Some of these disabled individuals probably shouldn't be working at all because it's putting them into an early grave, but this is a highly collectivist culture that believes in pushing through the pain and martyring yourself for the good of the community.
Basically what I'm saying is...if you are a disabled person in Lamai Nation, you will not be given much slack. You will not face overt cruelty, but you will be encouraged to push yourself beyond your limits. You can receive accommodations to make it easier for you to contribute to society, but you will contribute, even at the expense of your health.
The concept of "retirement" is foreign to this kingdom. In this land, you will see the most ancient and feeble people struggling their way through a job that they should have quit decades ago, simply out of a cultural sense of duty and pride. Their peers might shame them for quitting as long as they can still hold a broom, even if it hurts their arthritic fingers to do so. The government will give them free painkillers to manage that pain, but damn it, they will continue to sweep those floors until they physically can't anymore.
That's the Lamaish attitude in a nutshell. They are highly supportive of eachother while also industrious to an extreme. They encourage the disabled to be industrious too, even at the expense of their health and safety.
To be considered truly "disabled" in this kingdom, you must be completely incapacitated. Paralyzed or in a coma, essentially.
Let's compare this attitude to, say, the Matuzans. If you are a disabled Matuzan, maybe you technically can work, but doing so would tank your quality of life so much that you may as well die. Matuzan government grants disability status and welfare to people in this position so they can still enjoy life, at a small expense to tax payers.
Lamai's government doesn't consider quality of life when making these decisions. If you can do the job, even at great expense to your comfort, then you are expected to do it. The government will provide any accommodations it can to make the job easier for you, like a free wheelchair, surgery, prosthetics, caregiver, etc...but getting full welfare for a disability in this kingdom is damn near impossible.
Lore Masterpost
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coolcurrybooks · 2 years ago
Which Is The Best Supplements For Your Health And Beauty To Improve Your Wellness
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In our fast-paced society It is essential to look after yourself. Many people are turning to health and beauty supplements as a way to achieve maximum health and enhance their food regimens. However, with so numerous options on the marketplace, it can be challenging to choose the right products. In this post we'll guide you in selecting the most effective health and beauty products for your wellness.
Understand Health and Beauty Supplements
It is important to know what supplements for health and beauty are before we can choose the best one. They contain herbal extracts as well as vitamins, minerals, and various other ingredients to enrich your diet. The supplements are offered in various forms including tablets, liquids capsules, powders and capsules.
Considerations to make when selecting cosmetic and health supplements?
1. You'll need to meet your nutritional requirements
One of the most important factors to take into consideration when selecting health and beauty products is the nutritional requirements. There must be a way to determine nutritional deficiencies, and choose products to treat them. In the case of example, if your iron levels are low it is possible to think about iron supplements.
2. The Purity of Quality
When it comes to supplements, quality and purity is essential. You should look for supplements made by companies that are tested and certified as pure and high-quality. This information is available on the label of the product or manufacturer's site.
3. The form of supplements
The packaging of the item is essential to be considered in deciding on cosmetic and health supplements. They come in many kinds, like capsules, tablets and powders, and liquids. Pick a method that's convenient and easy for you to use.
4. Dosage
It is crucial to consume supplements in the correct dosage to ensure their effectiveness. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage on the package of the product. Don't exceed the suggested dose unless instructed by a medical professional.
5. Allergies and Sensitivities
It is essential to read product labels before buying any supplements if you are intolerant or allergic to particular components. See a physician if you're unsure. Look at www.eatcafe.it web site if you need details information about health and beauty supplements.
6. The price of the product
It is essential to take into account the cost of supplements when selecting them. Choose supplements that meet your budget however do not reduce the quality or purity of your supplements.
7. Ratings and reviews
It is crucial to look up reviews and opinions about the product from customers who have used it before buying. This will provide you with a greater insight into the quality of the product and possible side consequences.
Commonly asked questions
1. Supplements can replace an energizing diet.
They aren't able to substitute for a healthy diet. Supplements are made to supplement an a balanced diet, not replace it.
2. Do supplements cause side effects?
There are some supplements that can cause negative effects, especially when consumed in large quantities. It is crucial to adhere to the dosage guidelines and speak an expert in the field if you are experiencing any negative consequences.
3. Should I consult a health professional before taking supplements or vitamins?
See a doctor prior to taking supplements, especially if you're taking medication or have underlying medical conditions.
4. Do expensive supplements work better in comparison to cheaper supplements?
Not necessarily. Price does not always indicate the quality of a product. It is essential to consider the quality and purity of the product, along with your nutritional requirements, the form of supplements, dosage sensitivities and allergies, as well as reviews and ratings before making the purchase.
5. How long should I take supplements?
Based on your requirements and the supplement you are using, you will need an appropriate duration for every. Ask a medical professional for advice to determine the ideal dosage for your supplements.
The final decision to select the best health and beauty products for your wellness requires careful consideration of your nutritional needs, quality and purity the supplements are made of, their form, dosage, allergies and sensitivities, cost, and reviews and scores. It is possible to improve your health by choosing the best supplements.
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