21threjectedsoul · 7 months
Yknow what? I was 'bout to say something really misogynistic but there's still a part of me who doesn't fully believe in my reasons to having this hatred
It's not that I care about what people would think, I just can't say something I don't fully agree even if it's 99%—
What the fuck? I was adding tags about mysogyny and for some damn reason there's a KINK about mysogyny???
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Holy fucking fuck. Yknow what else does it reminds me? I was scrolling through incels.is and I found a post pointing out about a hella big subreddit about RAPE KINK and most of the posts I saw were about women fantasizing about being brutally raped. I-what the fuck is wrong with women?
Yknow what else it reminds me? Most violent porn is consumed by women. Goddamn it, sometimes I think I'm just overreacting or going too far whenever I think about blackpill but it only ends up being proved again and again
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researchincpda · 4 months
Currently looking for anon volunteers, including individuals who identify with incel beliefs/culture/communities, to participate in this research questionnaire comparing the schemas (mental models of world) and truama expereinces between incels and non-incels.
Questionnaire takes approximately 10-15 mins.
Researchers hold no prejudice towards community.
Participants do not need to share personal or identifying information.
Outcomes from research may be helpful in reshaping societal views and contribute to better understanding of the community and encouraging more compassionate responses to individuals with challenging life circumstances.
This research fulfills partial criteria for PhD course with The University of Nottingham https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/.
Any questions PM or use [email protected].
Please use the following link or scan the QR code if you would like to participate.
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froody · 13 days
I troll incel forums to feel better about myself and one of the funniest posts I’ve seen on incels.is lately was like “my dumb bitch sister things [voting in the interest of] abortion is more important than the economy” SHE IS RIGHT.
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rootjin · 3 months
it baffles me that a site like “incels.is” is still up and running
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womensunite2 · 1 month
I think that if incels.is are allowed to exist. Women should make a femcel version that rivals its depravity. That would really be equal.
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themoralgoats · 1 month
right now im adding some closed captions to my old rev putty compilation and i forgot how unfunny and gross those random sermons from 2012 are. how do people piss and shit themselves over the fact that orel's disastrous moral misinterpretations are slightly grosser than usual in the first few episodes then turn around and treat reverend putty practically reading off of incels.is as canon?
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imsooooorrrrysorry · 4 months
Incels.is has been shit lately, even looksmax has been way better than incels.is. crazy
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hyperdemona · 1 year
racists deserve to be strung up by the nearest tree, cur.
your tree is waiting for you
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Always quick to blame the exact same women who birthed you hideous scrotes in the first place, go take it out on your fellow incels on incels.is, loser.
You won't. We all know why. You'll make your own mother regret birthing you before you find the guts to stop throating the balls of white men.
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stargirlsuicide · 7 months
Hello. Do you know Elliot Rodger? If so, I recommend seeing my profile. In it, you will be accessing unprecedented content, which confirms that Elliot Rodger is a Solar God, father of the new era, predicted by the people of Mexico hundreds of years ago, in codex such as the Dresden codex, whose birth was announced by 3 eclipses in sequence. Follow the results of my research, in the 3-part article, called: Elliot Rodger - The Forbidden God. ;)
take this typa stuff back to incels.is idc
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tinytimkisser · 1 year
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some kind soul retrieved this photograph for me . Never encountered the full photograph before , just the top bit . He really looked like the average incels.is account holder restinpeace larry love you would had loved incels.is
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lookwhatilost · 2 years
one of the earlier things that brian gilmartin notes in shyness & love is that most of the 300 “love-shy” men he profiled for his book didn’t participate in risky behavior – alcoholism was rare in his sample and none of them gambled.
but if you check out incels.is, a LOT of them have substance abuse issues. lots of threads in the lounge subforum talking about benders and withdrawal seizures.
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21threjectedsoul · 7 months
I hate every single one of you who can't use your fucking brain to search a bit about inceldom and associate it purely with misogyny and rape
Nobody besides the mentally distorted (who are the most extremist and don't represent even half of the community) believes that "men are entitled to sex"
you think incel is a synonym for misogynistic and while there is some merit about this logic, there is also the halo effect which I'd be generous and unrealistic to think any of you would understand
everybody loves to talk about how incels have a distorted world vision even if at the deep every single fucking social movement uses by some extention the same points of view from blackpill
yknow what? We are the ones who actively rethink if we're wrong because it's such a dry pill to swallow because we have humans (shocking, I know) and we were taught the same "just be nice and you will eventually get a girlfriend" bluepill shit while all of fights by thinking "I still chase the same type of men who are leagues above me while me and my fellas gaslight ourselves we are actually 10/10 despite being mid, therefore all men sucks!" or the early abused girl who didn't had a good father
if you can't argue about it without thinking your worldview is the objectively right then don't hide you're just blatantly dishonest and biased
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andsheoverthinks · 2 years
why i'm skeptical of the success rate of an american sex strike (re: roe v wade and twitter discourse)
tldr: if men don't get laid, it's entirely women's fault (according to the patriarchy). although we should abstain in order to protect ourselves from harm, we can't expect anything to change as a result.
*an aside: i don't really like the terminology of 'sex strike.' women aren't employees, and sex is not a job.
you may or may not remember alexandra hunt's tweets earlier this year. here's a refresher:
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obviously, a right to sex is an absurd idea, and i say this as someone who considers themselves to be involuntarily celibate (in the original, non-hateful, self-effacing sense as when a female Canadian college student coined the term back in the 1990s [source][source]). you have more of a right to drink a gallon of chocolate milk a day.
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alexandra hunt used this image as evidence for a right to sex; the fact that young men are apparently having far less frequent sex compared to women than ever before in the united states is problematic and a sign of deeper problems, and women must remedy this by whoring themselves out to the nearest buyer/converting their vaginas into a soup kitchen. again, this is absurd for obvious reasons.
even a MGTOW (who at the very least generally mildly dislike women) website called her out [source]:
And here’s where she goes terribly, terribly wrong. As I and many other people have argued before, a “right to sex” is fundamentally incompatible with the right of others to say no to sex. And we can’t use sex workers to “pick up the slack” and have sex with men no one else will have sex with. If you spend even a few minutes reading the Incels.is forums — the most popular incel site by far — you’ll see that there are good reasons why no one is having sex with these guys. It’s not because they’re too ugly, or because their wrists are too small — or any of the other reasons incels cite for their sexual failures. It’s because they’re nasty, bitter, and often quite dangerous boys and men who fundamentally hate women as much as, if not more so, than they hate themselves. These are the sorts of men that most women reject instinctively — and that sex workers try to screen out.
as you can see, us women are apparently already on somewhat of a sex strike. since the educational and financial liberation of women, we have less and less incentive to couple with potentially dangerous/abusive men, which given their online behavior and links with mass murderer, incels often are. i'm certain the number of young men not having sex in a year has only increased since the pandemic and post roe era.
it's interesting that this rise in sexless young men has accompanied gamergate, the incel community, and the rise of misogynistic podcasters/youtubers/influencers.
[last year, a man killed seven women (six of whom were Asian) and one man at a massage parlor. he claimed it was due to sex addiction, saying he saw the women at the parlor as 'sexual temptation' and therefore had to eliminate them. btw sex addiction isn't even in the dsm.]
[there's also 'fresh and fit,' two guys who host a podcast in miami. i found out about them because one of my childhood friends moved there (i think she may be involved in the sex industry) and went on their podcast. the concept of the podcast is that they bring pretty, but regretfully shallow and not very smart women who are themselves misogynistic, talk about their misogynistic ideals, and berate their guests whilst their chat calls the women names like 'whore' and 'free use'. women are compared to cars and other objects. women should put out on the third date, but also not be whores. additionally, they also hate Black women to an extreme degree which is just the cherry on top. i feel i'm lucky, though, that misogynists usually hate Black women and avoid us like the plague and so i don't have to deal with them as much as white and Asian women do.]
In a nutshell, the hosts take the predictable stance that women ought to serve in a subservient role — you know, like in the kitchen — otherwise men won’t be interested. They argue that women who are successful are not appealing to men, and hold that while men should be allowed multiple sexual partners, women should remain faithful to one man. Ironically, given how busy these guys are sleeping with multiple women (allegedly), one wonders if they’re glad that the women they sleep with, at least, reject their advice. ... So, why are Fresh & Fit popular? The answer is only partly because Gaines and Weekes appeal to the type of guys who lay the blame for their own dating woes on women.
as women, we are socialized from birth to self-critique. is our personality annoying? our breasts too small? stomach too flabby? face too asymmetric? if no one likes us/the way we present ourselves, we are trained to try our hardest to change -- to shave more, wear more makeup, get plastic surgery, be less argumentative, act more agreeable, smile more, et cetera. women aren't socialized to believe they have a right to sex. therefore, when rejected, we simply believe that there's a set of criteria which we haven't met and therefore we should attempt to determine what said criteria is and adjust to match it. this can be as simple as wearing different clothes or as dramatic as expensive and dangerous plastic surgery [source]. my parents would often tell me as a child things like 'i feel bad for your future husband, don't nag/be so aggressive' or 'with your stretch marks, you'll never get a boyfriend' or 'your eczema scars look horrible, you'll never get a boyfriend' etc so this type of fix-yourself-for-the-male-gaze- thinking becomes very natural to us. on the other hand, my male cousin would be asked at the same age what kind of girl he found attractive, what type of girlfriend he wanted, etc, without any admonishment/direction as to what flaws he needed to fix.
it's not surprising that women expect that if since when we are rejected, we modulate our behavior, attitude, and presentation, men will too if we reject them enough. if no one wants to sleep with us, we assume it's for a reason (usually our looks). this is not universal.
well, we are rejecting them, more than we ever have. and instead of a mass realization amongst men that maybe (1) the majority of them are misogynistic shitheads or at the very least enablers and they should stop behaving that way (2) if women are less likely to fuck them if abortion is illegal, it might be in their best interest to keep abortion legal, this mini sex strike has done the opposite.
a perfect example of cognitive dissonance theory, men have changed their worldview but not their behavior. it's modern western women's fault, you see, women who aren't marriageable, women who are slutty, women who are prudes, women who could have her pick of a hundred nice guys at any given time but instead we all get ran through by the same ten top 5% of men. i've even heard some rancid and moronic youtubers suggest that the world is 80% women and 20% men or vice versa in order to justify our 'bad behavior' of not putting out/getting ran through by a mysterious and elusive subpopulation of men.
women are often berated for not putting out [source][source][source], as if sex is automatically owed as a natural consequence of going on a date.
When Alaska Gurl questioned her date about his last-minute decision to go Dutch, he asked, “Are you going to give me some a**?,” inquiring as to whether she’s willing to have sex once they left the restaurant if he picks up the tab.
To that, she responded with an emphatic, “No,” which prompted the less-than-chivalrous chap to hand over her bill, totaling $42.74 (AU$60)
“F**k you,” barked Alaska Gurl. The man sharply retorted: “See? That’s your problem. You don’t want to.” Adding insult to injury, he said, “Hey, how do you plan on getting home?,” suggesting that he wouldn’t be escorting Alaska Gurl back to her residence and stranding her as a punishment for rebuffing his sexual advances.
“You’re f**king taking me home,” she spat, to which he asked, “[Do] you got gas [money]?”
After yelling “No,” Alaska Gurl zoomed in on the man’s face and spouted off a warning to his future inamoratas, saying: “You guys, he’s making me pay for my food, because I won’t have sex with him. That’s a sad shame.”
“Look at this man,” she continued. “Don’t ever go out with him. Don’t give him your number. Just f**king run!”
this fury comes from the idea of being owed something, of having a right to sex. even employers don't have a right to labor from employees; that's why employees are paid, and why striking makes sense at all and why it is so powerful. since the employer is not owed labor, employees may withhold it in order to pressure for better conditions, pay, et cetera.
for a significant portion of the male population, the response to not getting laid for a while is to hate women to a violent degree. on the other hand, we have the joke that long-term single women like to knit, eat microwave dinners, and adopt cats.
it's often quoted that women initiate 80% of divorces; yet i know of no large cultural zeitgeist amongst husbands to please and accommodate their wives to stave this off. instead, it is said that women who divorce simply want to get their hands on the alimony. this is despite the fact that 30% [source] to 50% [source] of women in het marriages outearn their husbands. in many cases, women are paying men alimony. i know women in my family who are paying their husbands alimony.
no, so even if we all as a global collective refused to have sex with men for an indeterminate amount of time, i doubt that men as a global collective would decide to change their behavior, because, at the end of the day, alexandra hunt did voice what a lot of men (and some even more deluded women) believe. men are owed sex. a women saying no is depriving him of a civil right -- the use of her body. alexandra hunt said the quiet part out loud. women choosing to exercise their reproductive and sexual freedom by abstaining causes fury and indignation, not self-reflection and contemplation.
while this 'right to sex' idea exists, a sex strike will never work because the basis of a strike is that the labor of employees* puts employers* in debt; our employers* will simply believe they are being wronged. of course, never believe that you owe anyone sex, the right that you do have is the right to say no. but don't hold out for a miracle. let's go on a sex strike (especially if you live in a red/pro birth state)! but for us!
and last of all, dear men, if you've made it this far: have you considered smiling more [source]?
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mitchipedia · 2 years
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wastelandt-t · 4 months
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imsooooorrrrysorry · 2 months
If any of y'all have been wondering, I recently joined incels.is. After all these years in the community I managed to get into the forum. 40 minutes in the womb my momma said I wasn't going to be shit...if she only knew what I achieved, this means more to me than my bachelor's degree.
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