#inbound filtering
om-gay · 6 months
Adventures in Self Hosted Email
Photo de Yannik Mika sur Unsplash It has been a while since I’ve updated the situation on moving oh.mg to a self hosted email method, and let me tell you there is absolutely no fucking… … thing to report. It has been going well actually, pretty normal for once. There is a bit of a delay sometimes and I discovered this is down to Leafnode taking resources when the internal machines connect to…
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ineylesian · 2 years
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PREFACE | this is continuation of another fic, “me, or him?”. it’s advised that you read that before this
SUMMARY | you had made your choice, all you had to do was execute.
however, a small tinge of you knew that you could never be true to one side; and you would face the grim consequences of disloyalty in the vision of never resting nightmares and a smoking bullet.
WARNINGS | angst, smut, canon typical violence, vaginal fingering, a mix of rough and kinda soft sex, hard overstimulation, finger fucking, cum eating, make up sex if you could even consider it that, implied graves x reader (and a little action), biting, scratching, clothed sex, grinding, you make ghost cum in his pants, he does the same to you dw, unprotected p in v, cumming inside, thigh fucking, ghost literally fucks the shit out of you, but it’s angsty as hell, the mask stays on this time boys
AUTHOR’S NOTE | still can’t stand the people that say ghost is completely emotionless bro, like yeah he’s an edge lord BUT he cares about those closest to him and that’s how i portray him… my baby cakes fr fr
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11:07 PM.
“Exterior squad 414, report, over.”
“All good here, sir.”
Radio waves fell shallow as the remaining patrols checked in, leaving only the soft rattle of metal against concrete to your ears. A few seconds passed before the canister popped, engulfing the narrow exterior you stood in with heavy smoke, soon giving way to an array of green lasers on the walls. You ducked under the first two, gloved hands sliding along cold stone to fall into a prone next, just barely shifting past the harsh buzz after a few slow movements.
A quiet hum responded to the force of your hand on fluorescent red, leaving the last section of the underground tunnels in Fuerzas completely unguarded.
You crouched down beside the first corner in the system, pulling a flare from your pocket, setting it alight, and stepping away. A single spark shot from the pyrotechnic before it was crushed by your foot, the bundle of ashes seeping from the short lived explosion allowing you to trace a check mark onto the wall with your foot.
“Exterior squad 182 to Commander Graves, permission to send traffic?”
Your eyes narrowed at the panic steadily climbing each word, prominent even through static.
“This is Graves actual, send traffic.”
“There’s a hostile bird inbound, sir. Approximately 2 clicks away and approaching fast.”
A distant curse carried over the comms, followed by a short bout of silence save a few shuffles.
“Copy that, 182. Lock down and stand by for further instruction.”
Creaking metal followed your return to the surface, sliding a pair of binoculars out of your pocket, and peaking out above the fortress walls. The violent whir of fan blades led your vision to the southeast tower, clicking down on an effective zoom before holding the lens up to your eyes, spotting Price behind a sharp glint of light. A brief wave was shared between you before he raised a hand to his comms, giving you the green light to move.
“Cobra to Graves, what’s your location?”
“Heading to the FE General, be careful on your way over.”
Your fingers fell from the comms button on your shoulder, turning your attention to the array of warehouses ahead. A minute of dodging your own soldiers and you were kneeling beside a sequence of panels on the 4th warehouse down, sliding a screwdriver into each bolt while lightly prying at the edge. Once the metal surface plate popped off, you unclipped a small canister from your vest, tugging the cover off with your teeth before dropping it into the filter and fastening it back to the wall.
You stood back up at the cue of a soft hiss from the depths of the ventilation system, tugging yourself away from the building before it spread outside.
Price had called your part in their covert operation “The Fixxa Uppa”, point and blank. You had held your tongue at the lack of empathy he held for your situation, giving strict orders to kill any Shadows on sight, and apprehend Graves.
Quiet footsteps and sand hidden tracks led you to the Fuerzas Especiales General building, still pristine in coating and flying the Los Voqueros flag. You sighed at the recollection of Graves’ refusal to tarnish what represented your old allies, scolding your soldiers about reputation and the idiocy of raising an American flag in Las Almas.
The lower region of your chest pulsed slowly at the thought of Shepherd, now exposed and helplessly losing thousands of soldiers by the minute. Yet, your mind also flicked to the flip side: Graves, frantically barking out orders over Shadow Company’s comms while providing as much support as he could give. And you? Perhaps the rapid shift of your pulse with each waking step proved that you really did feel bad, but you and everyone that knew you were well aware that you despised Shadow Company.
Yet, you had stayed, fiercely protecting and slaughtering the men under you all the same. Every action for the sake of the man who you were set out to betray.
A heavy series of explosions coaxed your steps swifter, knuckles raising to deliver three swift knocks on the conference room’s door. The familiar rap pattern led the door to swing open almost instantly, your wrist being seized in the process.
Your eyes parted as you were pressed against the door, eyelids clamping down to adjust to the loss of light. Reopening, you were welcomed the slim, familiar outline of Graves, light pants representing the life you couldn’t see.
You clicked the flashlight fastened to your vest on, illuminating his face in a soft white glow. His skin glistened with a light coat of sweat and blood, hair disheveled, belt almost bare, rifle hanging carelessly from his side. Your gaze slowly drifted to his face, taking in the sight of his teeth fastened to his upper lip, eyes drilling into your own in a tight squint.
Any upcoming words of concerns that had planned on parting your mouth were washed away just seconds later, in their place the flaming sensation of Graves’ lips sealing over yours, swiftly, aggressively, filled to the brim with indecipherable motive.
Graves never kissed you on missions.
Yet here you were, inhaling the scent of smoke and pine on his collar while his blood dribbled down your chin, coating your tongue with metal as he brought your faces closer together. One of your hands subconsciously reached for the back of his head, keeping his mouth firmly planted against your own while he feverishly sank his teeth into your bottom lip, drawing a harsh breath from your nose.
The sudden blast of a breach charge broke you apart, followed by the rise of gunfire on the first floor. You frantically reached down, fumbling with your belt before snatching a case of 5.56 mm cartridge from the side, fastening it to Graves’ waist.
“They’re after you.” Your words came out jumbled, too focused on turning him towards the emergency exit just one room over. “You have to get out of here.”
Your efforts fell to no avail, however, as Graves was quick to pull your wrists down, rooting the both of you in place.
“I’m not leaving you here, Fangs.” He retorted, swiftly coaxing you behind a desk before crouching down, softly running a hand over your arm before falling to his gun. “We live together, or we die together. Remember?”
Of course, how could you forget?
The phrase echoed in hand with choruses of flying bullets and screams as a small group of your soldiers barged into the room, narrowly avoiding incoming spurts of fire. You raised your gun to rest against the desk’s surface, peaking over the side to ensure you were firing in dead areas. After spending the entirety of your mag, you pulled your rifle back, silently hoping they had noticed you flick your gun’s muzzle flash on.
An aggressive sequence of beeps fell close to your ears as you slipped a new clip into your weapon, leading your eyes to widen in shock at the sight of a semtex laid to rest on the surface right above you.
You threw your gun to the side before kicking Graves as hard as you could, sending him staggering a safe distance away and heading in the opposite direction. Bullets chased every fraction of your explosion-illuminated movement, forcing you to slide down on the floor next to one of your men.
However, you were only welcomed to the sight of glistening knife harshly jutting into the chest of your cover, spurting a hefty coat of blood onto your cheek. Your eyes widened in shock as the solider grabbed hold of the arm that held the blade inside of him, twisting himself and the attacker back into you, pushing away to leave him falling straight into you.
Sweltering winds kissed the hairs plastered to your face as the force sent you flying backward, crashing through the window behind you, fraying your skin with minuscule shards of glass. Your waist was roughly seized by the man on top of you, swapping your bodies seconds before you smacked against the ground.
You cried out in air deprived silence, hearing a series of cracks erupt throughout your upper region as the impact rolled you to the side, melding the world a fleeting series of red and white before fading to black.
“Cobra… you hear me? Try opening your eyes.”
The words reigned similar to static in your head, each inhale pooling a deep ache in the front of your head. A jittered breath pressed it’s way out of you as your eyelids pried apart, leaving you to clear the atmosphere with a few blinks before looking to the side. On the side of your bed stood Price, sending an affirming nod your way while he set a change of clothes on the table beside you.
“Welcome back, soldier.”
You slowly shifted your way up against the pillows, wiping a hand along your eyes while the other detached the ventilator mask from your mouth.
“The mission.” You breathed out, eyes snapping to Price. “What happened?”
“Well, your accident was distracting enough to stop the mission before we could complete it.” He started, offering a bottle of water your way. “We had to drop everything to save you.”
He paused, gaze drifting to your watch, surface glass now split unevenly down the middle.
“I was hoping you could help us. Graves is completely off our radar, and we need to take care of him before moving in on Hassan.”
Your breath hitched, hand clamping down on the bottle of water resting above your lips.
“Our mission is kill on sight.” He continued, lips settling into a thin line. “But I’m willing to give him a choice before that. Join the Task Force, or die.”
You remained silent for some time, taking a swift glance at your watch before looking back over to Price.
“Good.” He nodded, lightly patting your shoulder before standing up. “We’re meeting up at Flint’s in a bit. Join us if you’d like.”
Darkness enveloped your vision once his footsteps completely faded, hands growing clammy at the thought of even putting a hand on that watch. However, you’d agreed to it, and Price had certainly done you a favor by dropping the mission to save you.
Sighing, you leaned forward, legs kicking off the bed to stretch before you slid off of the sheets, wobbling slightly until your body adjusted to carrying your weight once more. Dim infirmary garments were swapped for one of your “civvy” outfit, leaving only the watch on the table as you slipped your right shoe on.
Cool metal snaked around your fingers, lightly securing hold around your wrist as you brought it down, following a soft click of worn silver and carbon fastened against your skin. You tapped on the messages app next, sliding down to Graves’ contact before placing your finger over it. Your teeth lightly rocked against each other at the blank canvas of screen before you, fingers hovering over the small keyboard as you thought. Ever so slowly, they began to move.
“Still alive?”
SENT. 5:48 PM.
Your watch sat idle as you pushed through the front doors of Flint’s, waving your hellos to Price, Gaz, and Soap before sliding into a booth nearby. Soft strums of an electric guitar fell to ring around your ears as a waitress walked up to you, setting a small glass of water in front of you with a smile.
A part of you hoped he didn’t answer. That this could all be over and you could leave Las Almas behind
But you knew it wasn’t that easy. It never was.
Minutes passed before a shadow passed across your table, the sudden halt of footsteps rousing your attention. Your eyes parted in surprise at the sight of the man now sitting directly across from you, setting a shot of whiskey on the table with a soft clink.
His eyes drifted up from the rim of his glass, locking you in his usual, hard gaze.
“Knew it’d take more than a fall to kill you.” His voice drifted out low, devoid of the gritted shout he adorned during missions. “Was worried you’d gone soft.”
Your eyes dragged along the upper region of his sweatshirt, stopping at a small strip of white that sat wrapped around his neck.
“You broke my fall.”
“Smart girl.” He leaned forward, lifting his mask up a fraction to take a sip of whiskey. “Antibacterial gauze works wonders.”
Your attention broke off at the rise of a buzz on your wrist, leading you to lift the device up while flicking it on.
Your heart rate picked up with each tap, fingers drumming noisily against the table as you waited for the screen to load.
Christ, Fangs, thought I’d lost you.
How are you doing? You safe?
Yeah, I’m okay. What about you?
“Cobra, hey, I’m talking to you.”
I’m good.
Still in Las Almas?
“Fucking Hell, [name].” You felt your wrist being snagged from across the table, pulling reality back to you in the form of an annoyed glint of narrowed eyes. “Stay on task. His location, that’s it.”
A lump pushed its way past your throat, following a shallow nod as you looked back down.
Can we meet up?
You flashed the watch in Ghost’s direction, eyes knitted in irritation at the feeling of his eyes hounding every movement of your fingertips.
“Ghost.” You pushed through partially grit teeth. “I can feel you staring at me. Stop.”
A swift glance upward showed pure negligence of your request, his gaze seemingly burning a hotter trail into your skin than before, sinking uneasiness into the veins below.
Shadow Company has one stocked warehouse on the outskirts of Quilán. Tomorrow work for you?
Ghost leaned over to look at your outstretched arm, giving a curt nod at the message before standing up. You followed, fingers typing one last message before showing it to him and shutting the watch off.
6pm. I’ll be there.
Cool winds swirled around the barren expanse of the vast plain ahead, coating your hands in tiny fragments of sand. You stopped at the foot of a tree line, spotting two sizable warehouses peaking out of a fortress of barbed wire. The sight of shifting masses atop the towers flanking each side of the perimeter led you to place your fingers against your shoulder, tapping into 141’s comms.
“Be advised, multiple armed personnel spotted.”
One of your hands raised in a wave, earning the reaction of one guard before moving forward. You imposed a sickeningly faux smile at the entrance gate, earning a series of nods from the guards stationed there as they let you in.
“Good to see you, Lieutenant.” One spoke, motioning off to the larger of the warehouses. “Commander Graves wishes to see you as soon as possible.”
“Thank you, soldier.”
You broke away from prying eyes by rounding a corner, taking a glance around to ensure no one was watching before patching into comms once more.
“Larger warehouse in 2. Cobra out.”
The earpiece was shoved into your pocket, leaving you just one stretch away from the warehouse. Turning to face the front door captivated your spine in a frigid chill, rendering your blood cold in comparison to the blazing sand chipping into your skin. A sigh pooled from the depths of your nose as your gaze dropped down to the handle, hand reaching out to hover above it whilst you waited for visuals on your team.
Your watch flashed 18:00.
Soap poked his head out from the top of the warehouse, sending a thumbs up your way before ducking back down.
A steady groan followed the drag of metal against the floor, illuminating the pitch black interior with marengo streaks of light. Your eyes traveled along the contents of the warehouse, eventually stopping to focus in on a large mass of crates and containers, and a thin shadow looming out of the side of them.
Through shifting shadows of grey and black, you saw Graves step away from an array of ammunition boxes, holding a finger up in wait as he fastened a few clips to his belt. However, his hand only dropped flat as he glanced over, taking in the sight of you with pleasantly widened eyes.
The last of your footsteps clicked against the vast space, rousing a shuffle instead as you stopped to look up.
You couldn’t bring yourself to smile at him. Hell, you couldn’t even speak, and he knew, arms stretching out to envelop your being, holding all of you against him like he’d die if he let go. Warm hands brought themselves up to grasp lightly at the back of your shoulders, allowing your arms to snake around his neck.
The two of you stayed there for some time, long enough to numb the soft movement of your arm running down his vest. Seconds passed before the safety of a gun clicked just feet away, shooting Graves’ head up as he let you go. The attempt of his body to turn around fell to no avail as one of your hands clamped around the pistol strapped against his vest, rooting him where he stood.
Price slowly made his way towards the both of you, gun pointing solely at Graves, allowing you to step away, tossing his gun under one of the nearby crates.
“You’re gettin’ two choices here, son. Only one of ‘em is gonna let you out alive.”
Graves’ mouth fell to rest in a flat line, hands leisurely moving to rest above his head. His gaze then traveled over to you, what was once a soft meld of blues hardened into something more practical. Then, he looked up, breathing out a quiet huff of amusement at the sight.
“Join TSF 141, or die.”
Price stepped closer, watching as Graves’ eyes lowered back down to you.
“Could’ve guessed you were playing me, Fangs.” He lightly shrugged, nodding up to the man crouching on the rails above you. “Big dog Ghost up there left a little something back at the warehouse, didn’t he?”
Your eyes narrowed. The knife.
“Make the right decision, Graves.”
“The right decision?” He scoffed, flicking a finger between you and Ghost. “I’ve been giving everything I have for you, only to figure out you’ve been fucking around with him? Now you want me to join you?”
“This isn’t about him, or any of them.” You snapped back, jabbing a finger against his chest. “You knew what Shepherd did to us, and you still chose to stay with him. How can you live with yourself?”
“You’ve got one last chance, son.” The gruff call of your captain rang out, feebly smothered against airborne tension. “What’s it gonna be?”
“Who was by my side the entire time?” Graves voice pushed out low, taking your finger and turning it to push against your vest. “Only you made that decision.”
A single, deep breath pushed its way from your mouth as you brought the same hand up, ripping Shadow Company’s insignia off of your chest, dropping it to the floor, and smothering it under your boot.
“It’s not too late to change.”
His head shook slowly, taking a step back from you before lowering his hands.
“Not for you, Fangs.”
The world before you sparked into a violent surge of smoke and fire as explosions broke out from above. Gunshots scraped against the ground near you as you ran, diving behind a nearby crate to cover yourself.
Only to realize the inside was fizzing.
You were sent flying backward as the middle of the warehouse erupted into flames, the sheer force of the chain linked explosions slamming your back into the wall. Air starved lungs desperately inhaled smoke, leaving your vision blurred and burning at the thickness of the atmosphere around you.
Your arms weakly pushed against the ground, pulling you far up enough to grab the side of a table, hoisting yourself to stand with a pained groan. A massive crash echoed from across the interior, shaking the ground below you and pulsing blistering waves of smoke against your face. Another followed shortly after, only leading you to assume the roof was collapsing, the shriek of stressing metal confirming your suspicions.
Raising a hand to your shoulder, you pressed on the your radio, using your spare hand to hold your earpiece to your ear as you ran.
“Price, Soap, Gaz-“ You paused, choking on a fresh inhale of fumes. “Does anyone copy?”
You cursed under your breath, bringing a hand up to hover against your lower face whilst running amidst the shadows. Your foot kicked against a railing, leading you to blindly turn for the stairs, narrowly avoiding falling chunks of debris from the ceiling as you neared closer to it. The thin flooring shook under each of your footsteps, the section behind you breaking off with a sharp clang just after you’d cleared it.
Sucking in the ashen material of your arm, you broke into a sprint, heading for the first gleam of light visible. Your arms rose to cross over your face, shattering glass as you dived outside, stealing harsh breaths of fresh air from the sky on your fall.
You landed in the midst of a large bush with a quiet thud, breaking into a coarse fit of coughs and retches in a desperate attempt to clear your system. Once the haze of CO2 had swept out of your lungs, you pulled yourself out of the mass of thick branches and leaves, staggering up to look at the warehouse before you.
“Cobra, do you copy?”
Your hands fumbled for the button on your shoulder, tapping into 141’s comms with a sigh of relief.
“Good here, Soap.” You responded, pacing away from the destroyed warehouse. “What’s going on with the others?”
“Don’t know, you’re the only one I could reach.”
“We need to find the others. I’ll take the second warehouse, you sweep the outside.”
“Got it.”
You let go of the comms with a hum, eyes moving up as you approached the smaller warehouse. The sudden rise of gunfire widened your eyes, clear that it came from the inside. Your boots fell hard against dry grass, kicking up heavy tracks before you jumped on top of one of the ac units hooked to the wall, using the slight leverage to pull yourself up to the hanging ladder halfway up.
A fury of dying lights sparked against the air as you peered down through the skylight, running towards the edge in sight of a vent. Gripping the ledge of the shingled roof, you slid in through the metal nailed to the wall, boots softly thudding against a metal walkway overlooking the inside. Thinly strung lights dimly lit the vast area below, only giving way to the continuous reign of bullets clanging against metal.
You dropped down to the next section, dodging weapon crates and supplies before breaking for the staircase. Frantic hands unhooked the Deagle on your belt as you grew closer to the ground floor, spurred on by the abrupt end of shots from all around. Your hands laid to rest against the nearest railing, watching with wide eyes as a lowly flashing streak of red shot past you face, and to the far side of the warehouse.
One of your arms instinctively raised against the mass detonation of the semtex fused with boxes of mines, lighting one side of the warehouse up in a raging sea of flames. Tugging the safety off of your pistol, you jumped down onto one of the crates below, kneeling against the edge in search of any signs of life against the weak light of fire. Eventually, a shadowed figure crossed not far off from where you perched, leading you to scale the line of containers in swift apprehension, keeping your movements light.
Your teeth grit firmly together at the rising waves of familiar heat brushing themselves against your skin, the waves in pursuit forcing you to climb up a layer to breathe. Eventually, your target led you to a small, void area of the warehouse, charred black, and holding a slumped body against the ash. Your eyes widened at the scarce patch of white on his face illuminated by edging embers, your breathing increasingly erratic by the second as the quiet click of a gun’s safety rang out from the shadows.
Before you could articulate a reasonable plan of action, your feet were sliding off of the containers overlooking the scene, landing just above the shadowed figure with a harsh thud. The reaction to the noise was not sufficient enough, as by the time the gun was pointed your way, you had blindly tackled them against the wall, hand moving to hold their gun up as you slid the Deagle against their chest.
A crude gunshot bounced off the walls, crawling into your ears in horrid sight of the body pinned against your leg. You stepped away from the mass of blood pooling onto the ground beneath, watching as the lifeless body of Graves slumped against the ground, his blood sickly warm on your hands. The warehouse grew silent in your wake, save the faint crackling of burning wood, ever softer the drops of red liquid falling to mix in with the rest.
The words spoke muffled to your ears, fighting against the deafening drum of your heartbeat pounding against every crevice of your being. A hand took hold of your shoulder amongst the scorching ripples of heat, turning you to face Price, who gave you a light squeeze where his hand sat as he took your gun.
“Good work, kiddo. Let’s get you patched up.”
Hey, didn’t get the chance to see you after the mission.
I owe you one, big time. Let me know when you’re free?
Tomorrow okay?
The watch fell limp against your side, following the brush of a bag hitting the ground. A briefcase was placed against your coffee table, beside you an SR-25 waiting to be taken apart.
Not an ounce of pride swelled in your chest at the achievement of killing Hassan. The honorary medal that had been draped around your chest now sat idle on the floor, particles of dust beginning to settle over the bright coat of gloss over the surface. Deft hands worked in steady motions, pooling out breaths of focused air as you pulled the weapon apart.
Your mind had been elsewhere for some time, thoughts scrambled by dull static while you sat atop that building, sparking not even an ounce of a reaction out of you as you pulled the trigger. Instead of confirming your kill, you pulled the sniper back, silently disappearing as soon as you’d arrived.
The visions had been relentless. When you closed your eyes, you saw horrified faces and snow white bandages stained red, the scent of gore and death so evident, so real that you choked on your breath. And you saw yourself, watching Soap and Gaz carry him away, earning nothing but stale breathing from blood coated nostrils.
You’d been told he had a 15% chance of survival. That was, before you left to finish Hassan and the cartel. It was said that chance would rise to at least 70 with a blood transfusion. They advised against it, you were taking his job, steady aim was more important that everything else. Just a little missing blood could have thrown off your aim, let one of the world’s most notorious terrorists walking free after dropping a missile on the Pentagon.
You did it anyways, taking the gamble that the doctors wouldn’t tell Price. Guess it paid off well — well enough for the rest of the world, anyway.
A quiet clink shuffled against styrofoam as you placed the last part of the sniper rifle in the briefcase, smoothing over the scope with your hand before shutting it and flipping the locks closed.
It was one thing to be a hero.
And another to be a killer.
The vision of Ghost wasn’t the only nightmare that haunted you since it happened. Graves, the blood, his blood on your hands; the .50 round of your Deagle in his chest.
His funeral wasn’t special, at least from what you’d heard. Your failure to show resulted in a brief visit some few hours after, placing the Desert Eagle beside the small pile of tempered soil that covered him. Ironically enough, it had been more like a late return.. you’d almost forgotten the pistol was originally his.
The door to your temporary apartment clicked shut, leaving you to the garage, and a brand new Porsche, one of the many thanks of service from the military for your success in killing Hassan. If only they knew about Shepherd, the Shadows.. Makarov.
Almost 15 hours and 2 full tanks of gas later led you to the coast of New England, “Her lady Boston” as specifically named by Price. The TSF had a good majority of their American warehouses here, probably as close to the UK as they could get.
Your legs fell limp as you let off the brakes for the last time, shifting into park before leaning your head back against the headrest. A few stretches later and you were off to a small facility on the edge of the city, steadily welcome to the chirp of seagulls and scent of the Atlantic.
An automated door and a cool gust of wind welcomed you to the inside, nodding a greeting to the receptionist before heading for the lounge. Upon seeing Soap, Gaz, and Price, you waved, to which all stopped their conversation and turned your way.
“Aye, if it isn’t the infamous Cobra.” Soap snarked, ruffling your hair with a smile. “Welcome to New England.”
“There’s a whole lot to do here.” Gaz added, giving you a pat on the back. “Hope you’ll hang with us a little.”
Lastly, you glanced over to Price who had just finished putting out his cigar, nodding to you before pulling you into a quick side hug.
“Good to see you, kiddo.”
You breathed out a small sigh of acknowledgment before sliding into the seat beside him, setting your briefcase beside your foot.
“What have you guys been up to?”
Soap and Gaz glanced at each other, then to Price, who shrugged.
“We’ve just been laying low for now.” Soap answered, following a nod from Gaz. “Waiting for Laswell to dig up what she can on Makarov.”
“Shit, Makarov..” Your fingers drifted along the table, the image of Price’s face upon looking at the man’s picture popping into your head. “And Shepherd?”
“As much as I’d like to go after him, the bastard’s untouchable right now.”
You nodded, figuring going after Shepherd would be a waste of time in this state. You’d need a whole lot of evidence to even begin to prove his guilt, and right now, you had none.
“You should get goin’, it’s bad to keep a geezer like him waiting.” Price’s voice rose to your ears, motioning a finger to your briefcase. “Room 24.”
Wood steadily creaked under your shoes as you set off in the direction Price had pointed to, briefcase wrapped tightly around your fingers. The hairs on your neck rose with each step down the hallway, forcing you to look down while fiddling with the keys in your other hand. No one had seen him for days beside the doctors, and not even they had permission to say anything regarding his condition.
The sound of the key turning in the doorknob made you step away, running a hand against the clammy skin on your face before placing it on the door.
A hushed creak followed your first step into the room, streaks of harsh light from the hallway clashing against the dim world inside. Your eyes fell into a squint at the loss of light from shutting the door, kicking your shoes off before taking a few steps forward. Seeing as there was nowhere else to go but the kitchen and bathroom, you peaked around the corner to what you presumed was the bedroom, gaze landing on a partially shadowed figure sitting on the edge of the bed.
The sound of the briefcase hitting the floor roused his attention, bringing his features to the light as you flicked the nightstand lamp on.
Part of you wished you hadn’t. Maybe it would’ve been smarter to leave the briefcase and go.
You bit back a grimace at the sight. Your eyes shut momentarily, blinking a few times, unsure then if you even be sure you were looking at Ghost. Throughout all the injuries, all the years, this was the worst you had seen him, less harsh on the eyes, almost.. small. His gaze mirrored that of a sick child, taking in the pure look of visual disgust reflecting your irises.
You weren’t really disgusted, but it sure looked that way.
“Just came to drop off your rifle.”
The words came out in a simple, quick murmur. You turned to leave, biting back a hitch of your breath at the hand clasping around your wrist.
Damn, he was fast.
Silence was quick to latch onto the atmosphere, dripping an uncomfortable buzz into the hand that held you. Your eyes glanced upward, taking in the sight of defiantly cold irises stricken with something.. unusual, the very sight itself turning discomfort to panic.
You blinked up at him, confusion evidently spreading across your features. That question could’ve meant anything, especially now, you’d done a lot of questionable things in the past few weeks. Whatever it was had his eyes shot open, looking like he was seeing a reflection of himself in the mirror.
And maybe he was. Maybe you being here wasn’t good for him.
“Why aren’t you angry?” He grabbed your shoulders, voice hoarse despite the lack of words spoken. “Why did you save me?”
The pure silence of the world around you gave way to a sliver of a crack in his voice at the dying syllables.
“It’s my fault Graves is dead.”
“No.” Your hands grasped at his forearms, feeling them shake through his jacket. “It was my choice.”
Your choice. You said you’d chosen him, and you did.
You’d never anticipated a happy ending after getting closure, but this — this wasn’t what you’d been anticipating. You never expected him to say thank you for saving his life, but you couldn’t wrap your head around why he was looking at you like you killed him.
“I betrayed Graves, and I killed him.” You continued. “Wanna take a good guess why?
Denial flashed through the whites of his eyes, causing him to let go of you, rubbing his hands across his mask.
Too late. You roughly snatched his arms, tearing them away from his face before sticking one of your fingers to rest against his throat.
“I did it because I fell in i-“
Your sentence molded into a mere mumble as his right hand cupped over your mouth, his posture gradually folding with each waking second.
“Don’t say something you’ll regret.”
You could feel his hand jittering against your skin, giving away what his eyes tried desperately to hide. And you saw right through it, the anticipation stowed away deep beneath seas of lifeless umber, practically begging to break free. So you placed your hand over his, slowly prying your mouth free before folding your fingers against his.
“If that’s not what you want to hear, I won’t say it.”
When you break Ghost down, Simon Riley is an open book. Right now, his pages of vulnerability were on full display, allowing you to run a hand along his arm, stopping to squeeze at the shoulder. Upon hearing a quit hiss of pain push through his lips, you’d knew Simon Riley was fully yours.
“So, what do you want, Simon?”
A shuddered breath heeded your question, eyes screwing shut as you ran your fingers everywhere they’d go, stopping to rest at the hem of his sweatpants. When you shifted to move, his eyes shot open, grasping your arm to keep you there.
“You.” He breathed, drooping down to rest his forehead against yours. “Always wanted you, Cobra.”
Years of built up tension… insufferable hatred, snapped. Just like that.
Before you could continue to move, Simon broke out into a rather violent coughing fit, leading you to usher him to the edge of his bed. Your hand drifted down to his pants once more, lightly prodding at his clothed erection to alleviate the tension in his upper chest. Seeing as it worked, you pushed him further into the sheets before climbing up yourself, gently moving to straddle his thigh.
The groan he let out at the pressure almost roused a smirk from your end, yet you stuck to lightly dragging yourself against his leg. Your hand groped softly at his dick, watching as his gaze rose up to the ceiling.
“You like that, huh?”
A partially coherent “yes” made its way to your ears, the slight whimper in his tone causing you to bite back a moan. Your own arousal became evident in the partially damp feeling of your clit digging into the fabrics of his pants, the warmth of the skin under threatening to make you drool.
Short, quiet breaths filled the air as your hand worked on rubbing along the base of his clothed erection, earning a muffled noise of suppressed pleasure from him every time your fingers grazed over the right spot. You gnawed at your lips as one of his hands lifted up, loosely grasping your hair while you rocked back and forth on his thigh.
“You like this.”
He shrugged, spare hand moving to run along the hem of your pants, the press of his cool hands against your skin drawing a gasp from your lips.
“You do too.”
You watched as his eyes gradually darkened with each ministration, sweet moans melting into rough groans and curses. It was almost like a switch, how fast he could go from Simon Riley to Ghost. The pure sight of his now bored looking gaze instinctively made you dig your nails into his cock before the pleasure built up too much, eliciting a sharp breath from him in the process. At the same time, he twitched under your fingertips, hips subconsciously jutting into your hands, silently begging you to go faster.
And faster you went, scratching and squeezing coarse groans of pleasure from behind the mask. You got off at the same pace, letting out a low whine as your lower abdomen began to cloud with heat.
“That’s it, cum for me, lovie.” Ghost encouraged, lightly tugging on a handful of your hair. “I’ll be right after you.”
A gravely moan pushed its way out from the back of your throat as you came, completely soaking the fabric underneath you. True to his words, he was cumming just seconds later, a warm patch of seed turning the base of his crotch a deeper shade of grey.
You had no time to regain your breath, as Ghost was already pushing a hand into your pants, rudely shoving your underwear to the side before stroking his pointer finger down your folds. A deep inhale passed him at the feeling of your arousal coating his fingers, encouraging him to being an extra finger in to you with your clit.
“Soaking wet.”
Your eyes threatened to roll at the cocky gaze irises carried, clearly proud of the power he held over you. Yet, he clearly wasn’t over his own pleasure, as two of his fingers were quick to stuff themselves into your pussy, swirling around your walls as they began to pump into you.
“How does that feel?” He asked, dragging his fingers in and out of you, horribly, agonizingly slow. “Got something on your mind, don’t you?”
“Too slow.” You mumbled, fingers sinking into the cool fabric of his jacket at the complete stop of movement. “Don’t- tease me.”
A hum answered your commands, returning his fingers into your leaking pussy at a much faster pace. His fingers grew increasingly slick with each pump until he was practically nailing you, eyes glazing over with pleasure as your fingers delved under his hood, raking blazing lines over ice cold skin.
“Fuck-“ He groaned, head tilting to look up at you as his fingers relentlessly fucked your hole. “Cum again for me, dirty girl.”
Your legs clamped around his arms, crying out in pleasure as you gave into your second orgasm, coating his fingers in a generous amount of slick. Your teeth grit together as he swapped hands, pushing into you with his other set of fingers, raising the others up show you just how much you’d soaked him. Then, he beckoned your hand toward his mask, allowing you to expose his mouth as he slipped his fingers between his lips, tongue wrapping around the sickeningly sweet taste of you.
Those same fingers gently pushed into your mouth after he’d had his fill, making you lap up his saliva as his fingers swirled around the front of your throat. You bit down on your cheek as his fingers slipped out of your mouth and back into your pants, not bothering to hold your legs apart as he started to rub at your clit.
“Mmph, Ghost..” you sighed, hands running along the irritated expanse of his back. “You feel so good.”
“Taking my fingers so well.” He muttered, nipping at your neck through the mask. “Think you can take my cock?”
“You already know the answer to that- shit.”
Your eyes shut tight at the rush of another orgasm building up in you, waves of pleasure messily sloshing in their threats to spill again. Just as you’d thought you’d gotten used to it, Ghost roughly curled his fingers upward, snapping the dangerously thin thread sitting in your abdomen.
“FUCK!” You groaned, shuddering as Ghost fully pulled his fingers out of you, allowing yet another wave of your juices to pool against his pants.
The quiet drag of his sweatpants rustled in your ear, following your own pants being peeled off of your legs, and tossed behind on the floor. You watched as he dragged his boxers down, running a hand along his dick before taking hold of your shoulders and settling you against the pillows perched against the headboard.
And then he stopped. The flash of uncertainty in his eyes clear as the sunny skies of New England.
“Is this the last time I’ll see you?”
Your eyes parted at the sudden question, the burning desire of your answer present in his still, solid gaze. You glanced to the side, thinking about the mere handful of suitcases carrying your life’s worth sitting against your apartment door in Chicago, ready to go on your word. The decision was sure before you came here; leave the Task Force, rebuild your life brick by boring brick.
Yet, when you looked into the ever-longing window of vacance in Ghost — Simon Riley’s eyes, that thought went straight out the window.
However, there was no forgetting the terrors that seethed around him, igniting his very being in a fearful light. You knew it better than anyone else, and as long as you lived around him, you’d be plucking hopes off of a no leaf clover, trapped with the living, breathing nightmare that was Simon Riley.
“I don’t know.”
Maybe you liked the horror, the constant reminders of your failure to stay loyal settling in each crevice of your mind as you woke up covered in sweat, vocal chords arid from screaming.
And Ghost? Oh, he’d fallen deep into it with you now.
Some would’ve called it love.
Others called it getting by.
As much as he hated the uncertainty wavering in your answer, Ghost couldn’t bring himself to stop, stop touching you, stop looking at you. Each flutter of your sweat stained eyelashes made him want to scream, to cry and beg for you to stay with him until he was nothing but a forgotten pile of bones six feet under.
He buried those feelings deep inside your weeping pussy, bottoming out against your walls before dragging himself out, hissing at the way you sucked him in. Meanwhile, you were fighting back the tears that pricked at the corner of your eyes as he relentlessly stretched open your overly sensitive walls, crying out at each full piston of his cock.
This was the misery, a feeling worse than any torture you’d ever endured. The absence of light in your fall from grace, leaving you a shell of the strong soldier you once were, a barely living, coldly breathing shadow. That shadow had spread to every part of you, poisoning your mind with acidic waves of remorse as you continued to be reminded of how you failed to save the man you loved. It was horrible, killing him with your own hands to cover up your failure to change.
You were horrible. And so was he.
Your body screamed at the sloppy thrusts of his cock, in, and out. Tears had long since began dragging down your face, painting the world in a static haze as you threw your head back, crying out at the painfully pleasant drags of his dick, carelessly abusing your pussy.
Maybe horrible wasn’t so bad, anymore. As long as it came with the face of bone white splattered on aged black, and the cold, broken soul that stared at you from behind it.
What felt like your twentieth orgasm hit you with crippling force, starving the air from your lungs as you screamed in grim bliss. Ghost continued to hammer into your sweet spot, chasing his own high and coaxing you back into yours just as fast. What was once slightly ragged breathing had bred animalistic pants, following a bruising grip of his hands on your thighs to keep you steady.
“If you leave.” He spit out, groaning at the sudden clench of your walls around him. “Promise me something.”
You feverishly nodded, pitifully clawing at the abuses of your nails on his back as his pace picked up. A strangled moan spilled from his lips as he painted your insides white, soothing the scorching burn with thick ropes of his seed.
The pull out was gentle, leaving you devoid of him yet so full as he lifted a hand, brushing stray strands of hair away from your eyes.
“Promise you won’t forget me, sweetheart.”
The request pooled out soft, a mere rumble finding it’s way pushed out of strained vocal chords. You thought it was the most beautiful thing — his voice, his body, everything about him seemed like a gift from heaven itself in your infernal world. And even though most of his body was covered, your eyes still fell victim to the mesmerizing sight of the glistening smudges of aged paint, glazed over with a heavy coat of sweat.
He’d never looked so bewitching. The sight alone enough to hound each waking memory and follow you until your last breath. And as long as you breathed, you would hold it with you like a fleeting spark of bliss.
“Promise me.”
His voice rang out again, practically begging for you to say something, anything. You looked at his eyes, taking the barren, so lifeless yet lively plain of his gaze, reflecting the sight of a breezy, cloudless day.
“I promise.”
If crossing empty skies was all this pitiful life had left for you, you would do it over, and over again, and never look back.
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doublesunsets · 9 months
fill me with your echo
Echo x Reader PWP/Smut 🔞 Word count: 3.1k
TBBAW 2023 @tbb-appreciation-week
DAY 2: Echo NSFW Prompt "Aroused by their voice"
Author's note: Is this late? Yes. But it was still inspired by that prompt, so credit is due. Please, accept my humble story. I wanted to try something, and it got... complicated (for me). I had never written dirty talk before, but I think I managed to get it where I wanted. -sunset
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dividers by @saradika
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Warnings: Masturbation / Guided Masturbation / Dirty talk / Voice Kink, /Praise Kink (slightly) / Comm Sex / No specific pronouns are used, but reader has a vagina / Basically, PWP, I am not interested in the logistics of comm sex, this is very indulgent. Echo is not a blushing virgin, and I'm here to prove it.
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“412 traffic, F-17, inbound for landing.”
The voice crackled through the communication system in your small office, and you jumped from your seat before Wina could get to it.
“Here 412 traffic, landing pad is clear,” you breathed out in your smoothest voice possible, while Wina tried to take away the mic from you. You were not scared about using a little bit of violence when necessary, so you smashed your hand on her face to keep her away. You were scared of stabbing your fingers with her Zabrak horns, though, and probably stop it and give me the mic filtered through the waves.
“Wonderful,” the voice on the radio answered, and you were able to discern the smile that would be probably accompanying the word. You melted a little, as usual.
With a little trepidation, you tried to calm your heart and prepared yourself to make the conversation as long as possible. You even pretended to be confident enough to use the name you have learned from your interactions.
“How is everything, Echo? Any problems? Do you need me to send some droids there to fix the ship?”
“No, no, we had no trouble out there, don’t worry. You are always so thoughtful, thank you, Fourtwelve.”
“My pleasure, Echo.” Seeing that you were not budging, Wina finally gave up and moved away. She shouldn’t even be in your office, in the first place, she was just nosey. You turned your whole body towards the comm, triumphantly. “You sure you don’t want— I mean, any of you need something else? I could come down there and take you some rations.”
You grimaced inwardly at the hint of desperation in your voice. When the signal came back, a hint of a chuckle could be heard in the background, and you felt your cheeks grow hot.
“Shh, I said!— Uh, I don't, no, no, really. You are an angel, but there’s no need for that.” Someone shouted coward in the background. “But I appreciate it, really, I do. Thank you, Fourtwelve. Over.”
The static felt like a slap in the face. You slumped into the chair and let out a heavy sigh. It has been the shortest conversation since the first one, and the disappointment sat heavy on your chest.
“I wanted to talk to some men, and you had to ruin it. You get strangely overprotective with that clone.”
You turned your chair to face the intruder in the room and frowned at her. “This is my job, if you want to talk with men, go to a bar. Besides, I’m not overprotective about anyone! It’s just that the last time you handled the comms, you made such a lascivious pun that I still have second hand embarrassment every time I think about it.”
“Pft, whatever. You need to relax, this is not even a real job. You don’t know how to have fun, I’ll entertain myself somewhere else.”
You didn’t make any more comments as Wina turned around and left the room. She was extremely annoying, in a rage you stood up and locked the door in case she decided to come back. You were more at ease by yourself, which, even if sounded hypocritical, usually allowed you to talk with some men. A man in particular, actually. But Echo had already commed, he would probably be on his way to a canteen with his brothers, and you didn’t have the chance to speak with him this time.
Echo. You were still giddy at actually knowing his name. It had all started a month or so ago. You were a volunteer in a group that was trying to give clones a chance after they were discarded by the newly founded Empire. It started as something simple, but as time passed, and the Empire started showing their true face, the operation became quite daring and secretive. It was almost like one of those holonovels, about rebels, and freedom fighters on the frontiers, fighting evil by day and having torrid romances by night. In reality, though, your job was pretty dull. You were basically a receptionist; you took messages, managed the landings of your allotted small Coruscant hangar, and occasionally dispatched droids if they were needed. Someone had to do it, though.
One uneventful night, a new voice came over your comms. Well. Not new-new. You had heard that same voice thousands of times, but this one had something that made it stand over the others. It was huskier, angrier. It made you wonder what his owner had witnessed to be so angry at the galaxy, but at the same time speak such soft words to you. You had timidly inquired him and Echo had actually told you some stories from his past, a short version at least, you had no doubt there was more to it. He had told you about his lost brothers and being the last one of his batch, about being imprisoned and then rescued by new brothers, and even how he had adapted to being a cyborg.
He also asked about you, if out of politeness or legit interest, you didn’t know, so you had told him the basics, very, very quickly. You preferred when it was him doing the talking. You were in awe at what he had lived through, but to your shame, you couldn’t help the other reaction you had at his stories. Truth was that he could have read you the Communication System Manual, and it would have turned you on all the same. His voice was like spice to you, the more you listen to it, the more you wanted. You had never tried one, but you had to guess this was what trying on aphrodisiacs felt like. You craved it, you wanted to have it whispered in your ear late at night, his naked skin on yours, and his hand exploring your body, while those angry tones melted away into sweet moans.
The static did scare you this time, and you took away your traitorous wandering hand from your thigh. Not the time to indulge in wildly inappropriate fantasies, not that it would be the first time. Since nothing else seemed to come from the other side, you tried to contact them.
“Here 412 traffic, do you copy?”
Static again. Whoever was on the other side didn’t seem to find their words.
You were about to tell them to find another pastime and leave your channel alone, when his voice cracked again through the speakers.
“Hey, Fourtwelve.”
“Echo,” you gasped, and thanked the Force that you had released the button, saving you the embarrassment of Echo hearing his name coming out of your lips like that. You cleared your throat, pressed it again, and tried to appear nonchalant. “Echo, good to hear from you again so soon.” Yes, nailed it. “Is there any problem?”
“No problem at all. I—” he hesitated and you waited patiently. If while waiting patiently you bounced your leg rapidly, he didn’t need to know. “I just wanted to talk with you, but you seemed busy earlier, and there was many people around here as well. Is it now a better time?”
“Yes!” His chuckle should have made you feel embarrassed, but it only fuelled your thoughts. If his rough voice was sexy, his low laugh was damn near Dark Side inducing.
“Good, I am glad. I really appreciate our chats.”
“Me too, I love your voice.” In your excitement, it took you a moment to register what you had said, but his silence at the other side gave you plenty of time. When your brain caught up, your face burned, and you started to ramble, trying to cover up your slip. “I mean, I love your stories, the ones you tell me, with your voice, so that’s what I meant. Because that’s what I hear, so, I cannot listen to the stories without your voice, obviously. So, I really love that you have… a voice with—”
“Stop,” you gulped down the rest of the sentence and clamped your legs by instinct. His tone of voice had been gentle but authoritative, as someone used to scold a child. But you weren’t a child, you were very much an adult, that was having a strong reaction to a man’s voice through a comm. “Good, mesh’la.”
A very strong reaction.
You were sure he could hear your deep breathing, but he chuckled again and couldn’t find in you the will to care. “I’ve been dying for you to say something like that for a while, so you are not taking it back now. Please, tell me, what do you love about my voice?”
It didn’t escape to you that he had made his voice deeper, rougher. He was enjoying this. It was true that you had been flirting with him, but not even in your wildest dreams you had envisioned him actually responding this way. For all that you knew, he hadn’t been paying attention to it. He apparently had, and had been waiting, no, dying, for you to take the next step. You were aware that this conversation could change the nature of your interactions forever, and you were going to seize it like a bounty hunter with their price.
“I love how deep it is.” Maybe not your best line.
“You can do better than that,” he encouraged you, not unkindly.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, your fingers clawing at your thighs, trying to control the pent-up energy that was growing inside you. “It is gruff, but caring, I don’t understand how.” You readjusted yourself on your seat, almost vibrating out of your skin. “It is hypnotic, mesmerising. Sexy.”
Echo hummed at that, and it spurred you on. You wanted to hear that again, you needed to hear every single noise that voice could give you.
“Every time I hear your voice, it is like you're grabbing me by the nape, firm but softly, and forcing me to listen to it. I can’t move, I’m captivated. It gets inside my chest and drives me crazy, makes me feel alive. It makes me want to go to my knees. It makes me want to behave and to be mischievous at the same time.”
“Fuck,” Echo groaned at the other side.
Your breath was heavy and laboured, you felt hot, and even if you were alone in the room, you could feel the weight of his presence. You weren’t sure what possessed you, but it seemed he liked it.
“All that… from just my voice?” It seemed he liked it very much. His voice has turned into a husky drawl, and you whimpered a little. “What else? What else do I do to you? Tell me, cyar’ika.”
There was a pretty obvious consequence of his voice, the dampness of your underwear a cold reminder right now. You pressed your hand into your core, trying to soothe your growing need, and another pitiful whine escaped you.
“What was that, cyar’ika? What are you doing right now?” His words were soft, whispered, but they were commanding, there was no ignoring them.
“I’m—“ you pressed harder the heel of your hand against your clit, the simple act of telling him out loud what you were doing was sending shivers down your spine. “I’m touching, ah, myself.”
“How? Tell me,” he snarled, like gravel on his throat.
“I’m pressing my hand against me, rubbing it a little,” you gasped at the end, involuntarily.
“You are going to do something for me.” He sounded breathy, almost like he was talking too close to the comm. His voice was just a rustle, but for you, it was deafening. You uttered a breathless yes, and he continued. “You are going to touch yourself, and I’m going to tell you how to do it, understood?”
You opened your eyes at that and inhaled loudly, feeling your cunt palpitate at his words. There was only one answer to that. “Yes, sir.”
“Oh, Maker,” he groaned, and then laughed softly, the smirk evident on his voice. “Aren’t we discovering kinks today?”
You laughed as well, a little more breathless than him. Sat back and widened your legs, waiting for him to continue.
“Listen to me, cyar’ika. Take your hand, and get it inside your clothes. Slowly, there is no rush.”
You stopped for a moment, your hand hovering over your groin, and thought about what you were going to do. In reality, you barely knew him, you had never seen him in person actually! And yet, since the beginning, there’s been this connection, not only were you aroused by their voice, but there was something else pulling you to him. If you believed in such things, you could be tempted to call it predestination. You were going to start by calling it a fun time. You took a deep breath and obeyed him.
“What else? Tell me, Echo,” you threw back at him in a pleased murmur, adding some more since he seemed to like it. “Please, tell me what to do, sir.”
“Oh, you naughty thing. Maker, you are going to be so good, don’t you? But first, reach with your fingers to your pussy, don’t really touch it yet, just feel it and answer me, are you wet?”
There was a determination in his voice, Echo was a man with a plan, and he intended to execute it, and since that plan seemed to be your pleasure, you could not complain. You did as he instructed, even if you didn’t need it to know how drenched you actually were already. Every word that came through the comm, every gasp, and growl, breath and rustle, was making you whimper at the back of your throat without even touching you. You did that again for him, you whimpered, low and long, feeling your own wetness slide through your fingertips.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he purred in a soft exhalation. “Slowly, I want you to put your finger down and circle it around your entrance. Yes, like that, I can hear your breath hitching, with just so little. You must be pretty sensitive, or is it just for me? Do you love my voice so much that it has you all worked up before we have even started? Keep circling it, mesh’la, keep gathering and spreading those sweet juices. They must taste so good. I wish I could be kneeling in front of you right now to taste it myself. Oh? Would you like that? That was a pretty filthy moan, I want to hear more of those.
“Now, cyar’ika, move your finger down onto your clit, drag it softly through it. Very softly, treat it like the precious thing it is. You sound glorious, you are being magnificent and oh, so obedient. Now press harder, back and forth, drag it back and forth harder. Faster, now. You must look splendid, I bet that pretty mouth of yours has a fantastic shape right now. Perfect for me. That’s enough, stop.”
You whined pathetically, but complied. A needy sound escaped your throat as your fingers twitched, right above where you needed them, and Echo made soothing noises peppered with praises that had you dangerously close to losing it. His voice had turned huskier and breathier in reaction to your moans, but he still sounded quite composed, unlike you.
“Echo, please,” a hoarse plea.
“Is Echo again, hmm? What happened with ‘sir’, I liked that one. But I have to admit that hearing my name on your lips, begging for me to keep talking is making me lose control a little, cyar’ika, and that doesn’t happen often, I can guarantee you that.
“Guide your hand down again, and stop at your entrance, is it there where you need them? Yes, I thought so. Now, easy, just one finger, sink it in. Maker, it must be so warm and soft. Out and inside again, like that. Easy, mesh’la, was that a pleased sob? You are being so good. I think you deserve another finger. Fuck, that one was good. Oh, what I would do if I was there right now, I bet you would enjoy my thick fingers up your cunt better than yours. I would fuck you with them until you were screaming my name. Faster now, yes, faster. I can almost hear the squelching noises every time you pull them out. Can you feel yourself clenching around them? Go on, feel it for me.
“Those shuddering moans are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. Do you know how hard I am right now? It’s almost painful, I’m hard and hot just for you, just for those sweet little cries. I know you are almost there, your panting is getting faster. Hush, don’t worry, I have you, you have all my attention. I’m not even touching myself, so if you give me one good enough, I will go up there to your office and fuck you hard against your desk as a reward.
“Do me a favour, mesh’la, stroke your clit with your thumb. Now. Good, ner cyar’ika.”
You came with a strangled moan, your orgasm wreaking havoc through your body, legs cramping over your hand with your fingers still inside you. When you came down from it, soft sobs fell uncontrollably from your lips, and you touched your clammy forehead with your shaky hand, trying to recover control of yourself. The sudden silence at the other side made you recover quicker.
“Echo? Are you still there?”
“Yes, cyar’ika, I’m still with you, I haven’t gone anywhere,” he sounded restrained, but there was a painful edge to his voice that told you it was forced.
“Was it— was it a good one?” You asked him shyly, still trying to get your breath under control.
“A good… Oh. Stars, cyar’ika.” Echo groaned and cursed under his breath, but his next words were softly spoken, a touch of concern in them. “Are you sure about that?”
“Yes, please, come here,” you said, more determined this time. You stood up and unlocked the door, but an accidental glance made you stop at your reflection in one of the panels. “Oh, wow, I look like a mess. First, I’ll need some time to fix myself.”
“Don’t even bother, ner cyar’ika, I’m planning on making a bigger mess of you. Over, Fourtwelve.”
The static at disconnecting the channel drowned your drawn-out moan, and you plumped down on your seat. It seemed that in this one, the receptionist managed to find a torrid romance for themselves at the end.
You couldn’t wait for your reward.
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@motte-the-goblin @fenharel-enaste @nahoney22 @stunkbiggu @gt13tbbart @dangraccoon
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singularscissor · 2 months
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Bright Crown is a highly experimental orbital iterator project. They were built in space in order to study and make use of conditions there.
A lot of words about their structure and how it works under the cut:
Their facility is consists of three main portions: the outer 'habitable' ring, a second concentric 'conduit' ring, and the central neural core.
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Normally, the entire structure rotates along the outer/hab ring, in order to generate centrifugal artificial gravity (which is far more efficient than using gravity cores). This is particularly important, because the hab ring is home to an ecosystem of purposed organisms. These are designed to automate many processes, such as waste recycling, maintenance, handling of inbound supplies, etc. In times past, small research teams also lived in the hab ring.
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Skipping the conduit ring for the moment, the neural core is where most of the stuff you'd normally expect to find in an iterator is located: neurons, processing strata, memory conflux, all those parts which actually form the brain of the iterator. And of course the focal puppet chamber.
Since the neural core is at the center of the spinning structure, it is not affected much by the centrifugal artificial gravity. Therefore, it can effectively utilize the natural low gravity environment as opposed to maintaining a constant antigravity field, as land-based iterators do. Additionally, heat sinks radiate heat directly into the vacuum of space, eliminating the need to use water as coolant.
However, water is still needed for use by the internal biological processors and neural tissue. Thus we arrive at the conduit ring, placed in between the hab ring and the neural core.
Without luxuries such as atmosphere and the ground, water on Bright Crown must operate on an artificial closed system. The conduit ring is a series of pipes, filters, and reservoirs intended to form a rough equivalent to the natural land-based water cycle.
Each section can pivot independently of the other sections and the overall spin of the station. While idle, the conduit ring spins slowly on its pivot (this helps it process water).
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Bright Crown follows a similar cycle system as land iterators, where water is 'expelled' at regular intervals; only in this case the water is expelled into the conduit ring rather than the atmosphere. When enough water has been used, the conduit ring locks onto the neural core, and the entire station begins spinning along the conduit ring instead. The same method of artificial gravity is thus used to push the water out of the neural core, flooding the conduit ring.
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But, keep in mind, the conduit ring could be at any point in its rotation when a flush cycle begins. Changing the spinning direction of the entire structure disrupts the hab ring's artificial gravity, and would generally not be great for anything living there (it would throw them around like they're in a giant washing machine). So there are shelter areas throughout the hab ring which are protected by antigravity cores, which suppress the spinning forces.
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nishablog0288 · 3 months
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Exploring Free Job Opportunities with Kaam24
Kaam24 knows how important it is to find work without having to make large financial commitments. Because of this, they offer a platform where job searchers can peruse a wide range of job advertisements without having to pay any registration fees or additional costs. Kaam24 has options for all types of users, from seasoned professionals to recent graduates seeking to expand their experience.
How to Navigate the Kaam24 Platform
The Kaam24 platform is easy to use and navigate. Finding relevant jobs in their desired region and area of expertise is made easier for job searchers by the ease with which they can peruse job postings by city or profile. You can save time and effort throughout the job search process by swiftly filtering opportunities based on your criteria thanks to a seamless search functionality.
Unlock Your Career Potential with kaam24.com
 Are you prepared to advance in your professional path? There are jobs available on kaam24.com, therefore there's no need to search elsewhere. Regardless of your level of experience, kaam24.com provides a large selection of free job postings that are customized to your tastes and skill set. With kaam24.com, bid adieu to the frustration of job searching and hello to a better future.
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Your Gateway to Success: kaam24.com
Ready to take a fresh approach to your career? The best place to find free work opportunities is kaam24.com, so stop searching elsewhere. Jobs at kaam24.com include those in the driving, delivery, sales, call center, and back office sectors. The ideal employment is only a few clicks away thanks to our user-friendly website and up-to-date job listings. Get started on your path to a better future right now by joining the thousands of happy people who have achieved success with kaam24.com.
Your Path to Employment Starts HereWith Kaam24, finding free job opportunities has never been easier.Explore free job opportunities with kaam24.com today and take the first step towards a fulfilling career. Whether you're seeking employment in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, or Faridabad, Kaam24 offers a seamless platform to connect job seekers with top employers. Explore the diverse range of job profiles available and take the first step towards your dream career today with Kaam24.
Some important FAQs-
Q1. Are there any registration fees to access job listings on Kaam24?
  Ans - No, Kaam24 provides access to job listings without any registration fees or hidden charges. Simply create an account and start browsing for free.
Q2. Can I find part-time or freelance opportunities on Kaam24?
   Ans- Yes, Kaam24 offers a variety of part-time and freelance opportunities across different job categories to suit your preferences and schedule.
Q3. How often are job listings updated on Kaam24?
   Ans- Kaam24 regularly updates its job listings to ensure that job seekers have access to the latest opportunities available in their desired location and field of expertise.
Q4. Is Kaam24 available only in specific cities?
   Ans - While Kaam24 primarily focuses on job listings in cities like Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, and Faridabad, it also caters to job seekers in other regions across India.
Q5. Are there any eligibility criteria to apply for jobs on Kaam24?
  Ans - The eligibility criteria for each job listing may vary depending on the requirements specified by the employer. Make sure to review the job description carefully before applying. 
Get started on your job search journey today and unlock endless possibilities with Kaam24!
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exlval24 · 3 months
The Importance of SEO in the Finance Industry
The financial industry is changing in a rapid manner, and it is awash with FinTech start-ups and SaaS entities providing new technologies and inventive solutions. Organizations within this sector must change to thrive in this digital environment. Traditional marketing and lead generation methods remain important, but strategic SEO is a critical component of online growth for the financial company’s SEO service.
SEO in the finance sector is considered a key digital marketing strategy that helps prospects find websites through search engine results pages. Moreover, financial SEO in the financial sector supports driving natural traffic to your financial services website through tapping into relevant organic searches. To get the highest rank, you will have to provide informative content, confirm your site is healthy and safe, and generate valuable backlinks from higher-authority sites.
However, as a provider of the financial SEO service, you are probably going to face additional scrutiny from visitors and search engines alike. You shall go the extra mile to confirm that your SEO information is up to scratch. After all, you are assuming individuals will entrust you with their fortunes.
In this article, we look at the important role of SEO in the finance industry.
The importance of SEO in the finance industry
Enhanced traffic
One of the most direct results of a well-formulated SEO strategy is an increase in the number of organic visitors to your website. As you attain higher rankings for significant keywords, more and more individuals will see and click on your site to read its content. Therefore, companies running is financial sector as financial advisor SEO can increase traffic on their website by proper SEO strategy.
Better conversions
The higher the number of visitors who visit your website, the more of them you could finally hope to convert into paying consumers. SEO is regarded as one of the best converting traffic channels because it draws in actively interested individuals rather than attempting to gain their attention through paid advertisements.
Improved branding
As your finance company’s SEO services organisation begins to show up for more searches and more people become aware of it. They would eventually associate your brand with being a major player in the financial sector. Moreover, if your on-site content actually provides what they are searching for, you will also reinforce your brand's credibility by positioning yourself as a reliable expert.
Emphasis on the creation of high-quality content
The generation of high-quality content is one of the essential factors. The finance sector demands security, reliability, expertise, and trust, as organisations and clients alike desire peace of mind when it comes to goods and services that handle the money of people. The reputation of your brand is the key.
The creation of excellent-quality content supports you in winning the trust of leads and prospects and generating brownie points from search engines such as Google that rank informative, authoritative, and correct online content highly. Google employs content evaluators who use search quality rating guidelines to rank the quality of pages that appear in search results pages. The evaluators also set up the manner in which Google's algorithm is filtering out low-quality content around the specific project.
Relevance is the chief goal in content marketing.
However, when it comes to creating high-quality content that adheres to the main aspects of search engine evaluators and algorithms, your first priority should be the relevance of your content to your client.
This customer-centric mechanism is the main element of the inbound marketing method. The alignment of organisational goals with the requirements of consumers supports engagement of the audience and reflects the manner in which your company has the solution to their requirements, issues, and pain points.
At the time of planning marketing content and programs, you shall initially examine the things that your clients and prospects are most interested in, what drives their decision to purchase, and how the services provided by you could support them. This simplifies the process of creating content and helps to make it relevant and worthwhile.
Content optimization can help prospects find your website.
Apply language, keywords, and questions that your target client is probably looking for. You could form assumptions on the basis of your experience, but it is significant to run suitable SEO ranking and keyword volume/complex research. This confirms that your content and tags implement the keywords and queries that people are actively using to find solutions to their issues.
Some other technical SEO considerations for optimization of your online content involve:
·         The exactness of your content
·         Anchor text
·         Image tags
·         Meta tags
·         Relevant links
It is significant to have an outreach strategy for your content marketing plan, as achieving backlinks for your article or key website page supports improvements in traffic, ranking, and domain authority. It also supports the building of trust and social evidence.
Observe the performance of your content and make use of the available SEO tools.
The creation of unique and classic content for your target client is significant, but you must continuously observe your content’s performance to confirm it stays relevant, correct, and optimized. It is suggested that you carry out continuous content audits.
Though entities should not become very obsessed with the marketing activities of competitors, as it is important to maintain a distinct brand identity and reflect differentiators, it is important to observe what they are doing well and what they are not. This would support your organisation in ascertaining prospects for improvement and giving it an edge over identical financial company’s SEO services entities in your market.
In a nutshell, an effective SEO strategy is crucial for making the most of your marketing content potential, driving organic growth online, and creating consumer trust. We have demonstrated the fundamentals of an effective system for SEO for financial advisor sector organizations. Now it’s time to get to work.
If you want to get more information about what services are provided by our organization, check out our website. Or if you want to increase your business’s online presence through combining SEO and content marketing and applying a targeted inbound approach, then connect with us.
To learn more Contact me!
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seriowan · 1 year
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✨ wrote a fun little snippet below to go with the drawing of the twins ✨🫶🏼
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Kiho sprinted out of the bushes with a heaving breath, brows rising when he noticed his sister peacefully leaning against a boulder among the tall pine trees. With her hands poised at her waist, she balanced her double-sided saber and its various parts in midair. Each piece kept screwing and unscrewing, building and breaking like a puzzle as she fixed its jammed parts. Swiping the back of his hand over his forehead, Kiho looked back the way he came, panting while searching for any sign of being followed. 
   “I think I lost them,” he huffed, tiredly leaning against the tree. “Damned droids. At least we’ve got the information we need from the cybercenter, right, Kie?” 
   “Right, Kio,” she distractedly hummed. “Everything is safe and sound back on the Iris. Has Sargeant Ares pinned our location? I sent the distress beacon a few minutes ago when I arrived here before you.” 
   Her teasing tone was hard to ignore. Kiho turned and glared at her. “Yes, he has. And if you’d like to wave around a flag to announce your victory to the entire planet, please, be my guest.” 
   Kiana bit her lip to hide her prideful smile as she shrugged. “The race to the rendezvous was your idea. I simply won it.” 
   Kiho huffed an irritated sigh. “You left me behind-” 
   The comm on his wrist crackled before a familiar voice filtered through. “Eh, generals? We’ve got a squad of assassin droids inbound. We can’t pull in without getting caught in the crossfire so we’ll meet you higher up the mountain.” 
   Kiana grinned when Kiho ran his hands down his face, hiding his annoyed expression in his palms. Dropping his hands, he walked back towards the steep mountainside that he had just struggled to run up, eyes narrowing at the dust being unturned in the distance. Their shelter within the trees only gave them a brief moment of cover, and while Sargeant Ares had enough time to pinpoint their location on the Iris, the assassin droids they’d been fleeing had found them as well. 
   Turning back around, he put a hand on his hip and gave Kiana an impatient frown. 
   “This is why Master Barra stresses the importance of carrying your saber as if it is an extension of yourself,” he pointed out, arching a brow when Kiana chuckled. “You have to hurry.” 
   “My saber is not another limb, Kiho,” she calmly sang. “It is a tool that I use to defend myself, nothing more. And you know that I can’t break my concentration or I will lose my place.” 
   He rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath, “Your pacifism is vexing.” 
   The earth beneath their feet began to tremble as the assassin droids grew nearer. Kiho readied himself in a defensive position, one hand stretched out in front of him while the other reached for the saber behind his back. 
   “Fix your saber and let’s go, Kiana!” 
   His twin smirked. 
   “Have a bit of patience, brother,” she gently chastised, patiently guiding the remaining parts to their place. 
   Kiho growled in annoyance, grabbing the two sabers off his hip and back before igniting them both. The brilliant blue light bathed over him, casting a foreboding light over his face as he readily swung them in a circle. “I’ll have patience when we are back on the ship!” 
   “Afraid of a few droids, Kiho?” 
   “I have no fear,” he snapped, watching as the pebbles and dust began to tremble above the ground. “But I don’t fancy dying in the middle of this endless forest with my wretch of a sister.” 
   The roaring engines grew louder… and louder… and just as the trees began to sway in warning, and the winds moaned like gusts of raging alarms, Kiana screwed the final piece to her saber and grabbed it midair, igniting its green light before immediately slashing it towards her right. 
   The assassin droid that had burst through the bushes suddenly collapsed, sawed in two and fuming on the ground. Its speeder continued through the trees before crashing, igniting in a ball of flames that felt a bit too dramatic for Kiho's liking.
   Lowering his sabers, Kiho gave his sister an equally surprised and displeased look. 
   She returned it with a cheeky grin. 
   “Well? Are you waiting for more to come? Let’s go up the mountain, brother. The Iris is waiting.” 
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🫶🏼 my mailbox is open for any questions about the umaki twins
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archronova · 1 year
Security in Project (2/9+)
2\\ Network Flows
Mengacu pada aliran data dan informasi melalui jaringan komputer dan sistem keamanan yang dibangun untuk melindungi aliran tersebut.
2.1\\ Flows Matrix
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Sumber adalah komputer yang memulai koneksi, sedangkan tujuan adalah yang mendengarkan socket (data tentu saja dapat ditransfer dari tujuan ke sumber)
Arus keluar (Outbound flows) harus melalui Proxy Server
Arus masuk (Inbound flows) harus melewati Reverse Proxy
2.2\\ Administraton interface (nominative accounts, encryption, IP restriction or Two-Factor Authentication)
Bahasannya bakalan dalem kalau masuk kesini dipaduin sama OSI Layers
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Dalam model 7 layer security, 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication) dapat diimplementasikan pada beberapa lapisan keamanan yang berbeda, tergantung pada rancangan keamanan dan infrastruktur jaringan yang digunakan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh implementasi 2FA pada beberapa lapisan keamanan dalam model 7 layer security:
Lapisan Fisik (Physical Layer): 2FA dapat diimplementasikan dengan memasang sistem pengenalan sidik jari atau kartu pintar pada akses ke ruangan data center atau server room.
Lapisan Data Link (Data Link Layer): 2FA dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan MAC filtering dan port security pada switch atau router jaringan.
Lapisan Jaringan (Network Layer): 2FA dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan VPN (Virtual Private Network) dengan sertifikat digital atau token pada koneksi jaringan jarak jauh.
Lapisan Transport (Transport Layer): 2FA dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan protokol keamanan seperti SSL/TLS pada koneksi HTTPS yang melindungi lalu lintas data antara klien dan server.
Lapisan Sesi (Session Layer): 2FA dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan protokol keamanan seperti SSH pada koneksi jaringan untuk memastikan bahwa identitas pengguna yang terhubung adalah yang sebenarnya.
Lapisan Presentasi (Presentation Layer): 2FA dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan protokol keamanan seperti S/MIME pada email atau PGP pada file yang dikirim melalui jaringan.
Lapisan Aplikasi (Application Layer): 2FA dapat diimplementasikan dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang memerlukan dua tahap verifikasi untuk login, seperti aplikasi perbankan online atau manajemen proyek.
Untuk penjelasan ini, terbuka banget jika mau ngasi masukan. Sejauh yang saya ketahui. ini ditahap praktis yang secara konsep mungkin belum paten atau saya belum menemukan literatur yang sesuai...
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drjdorr · 2 years
Jysgo moved through the empty landscape, almost graceful in his execution.
3 o'clock. Pew. his silenced pistol directed a bullet at the target with casual ease
10 o'clock. Pew. he knew to adjust for the slight disruption from the gloves.
6 o'clock. Pew. it was pretty soothing going through such a familiar routine
2 o'clock, close range. pistol away garrote out and choke him out
9 o'clock 3 o'clock. flick one end of the garrote around 3's wrist, dodge 9's swing and wrap up their wrist as they over shoot, gun out. Pew. straight through both hearts
7 o'clock, projectile inbound. Pew. shoot away the knife before flicking back with his own
4 o'clock. BANG! Jysgo looked at his gun. this wasn't the gun he did his work with, too loud, too easily traced, and where are his gloves? he looks at the target
"Jysgy" the familiar figure said, a trickle of blood dripping from a single expertly placed hole in her forehead
Jysgo jolted out of his trance. his breathing heavy. he reached into his coat and took out his gun. safety on, too cool to have been shot recently, all bullets accounted for. he had to make sure.
he got out of his chair and left his office heading for the master bedroom. and silently cracked open the door and peeked in, the bright early evening light filtering in through the window onto a form lying motionless on the bed, blank eyes slowly blinking up at the ceiling in trance, a raccoon curled up on her chest.
he breathed a small sigh of relief, just a bad dream. Jysgo headed back to his office and his rest. he was just about to slip back in when the door opened
"Jysgy?" Zarra stood in the doorway, Grabby Hands dangling annoyed from being awoken from her arms, the right one of which she unconsciously held. "I had a bad dream, could I trance in here with you?"
Jysgo sighed "I have some cushions in the drawers over there you can use. the possum better stay out of my stuff"
"Grabby Hands is a raccoon"
"and thanks Jysgy"
"yeah yeah, now set up a seat and trance already, i got some work tonight"
Zarra got to work setting up a makeshift trance spot with a faint smile, she knew Jysgo cared, you nervously don't check in on someone like he did if you didn't
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techblogz · 1 day
What is Outbound Call Center Software?
Outbound call center software is a specialized tool designed to facilitate outgoing calls made by agents or automated systems to external parties, such as customers, prospects, or leads. It enables organizations to initiate and manage outbound call campaigns efficiently, driving sales, nurturing relationships, and gathering feedback. Key features of outbound call center software include:
Auto-Dialer: Outbound call center software often includes auto-dialing capabilities that automatically dial phone numbers from a predefined list of contacts. Auto-dialers help agents maximize their calling productivity by eliminating manual dialing and optimizing call connect times.
Predictive Dialing: Predictive dialing algorithms used in outbound call center software predict agent availability and call answer rates to dial multiple numbers simultaneously. This ensures that agents are connected with live calls as soon as they become available, minimizing idle time and maximizing talk time.
Campaign Management: Outbound call center software allows organizations to create and manage multiple outbound calling campaigns simultaneously. Campaign management features enable administrators to define campaign parameters, set call quotas, schedule call times, and monitor campaign performance in real-time.
Call Scripting and Dispositions: Call scripting tools within outbound call center software provide agents with predefined scripts, prompts, and responses to guide their conversations with prospects or customers. Additionally, agents can categorize call outcomes using predefined dispositions such as "interested," "not interested," or "call back later" for reporting and analysis.
Compliance Tools: Compliance features are crucial in outbound call center software to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) or National Do Not Call Registry. Compliance tools include call scrubbing capabilities to filter out numbers on do-not-call lists and opt-out management for handling customer preferences.
Key Differences from Inbound Call Center Software:
Initiation of Calls: The primary difference between outbound and inbound call center software lies in the initiation of calls. Outbound call center software is used to proactively reach out to external parties, whereas inbound call center software is designed to handle incoming calls initiated by customers or prospects.
Focus on Campaigns: Outbound call center software places a strong emphasis on managing outbound calling campaigns aimed at achieving specific objectives such as sales, lead generation, or market research. In contrast, inbound call center software focuses on handling incoming calls and inquiries from customers seeking assistance or information.
Auto-Dialing and Predictive Dialing: Outbound call center software typically incorporates auto-dialing and predictive dialing capabilities to maximize agent productivity and efficiency. These features are less commonly used in inbound call center software, where call volumes are driven by customer-initiated interactions.
Call Scripting and Dispositions: Outbound call center software often includes call scripting and disposition tools to guide agent interactions and categorize call outcomes. While inbound call center software may offer similar features, they are primarily geared towards providing support and resolving customer inquiries rather than outbound sales or marketing efforts.
In summary, outbound call center software is a specialized tool designed for initiating and managing outgoing calls to external parties for sales, marketing, or survey purposes. It differs from inbound call center software in its focus on outbound calling campaigns, use of auto-dialing and predictive dialing technologies, emphasis on call scripting and dispositions, and compliance with regulatory requirements. By leveraging outbound call center software, organizations can drive proactive engagement with customers and prospects, maximize sales opportunities, and enhance overall business performance in today's competitive marketplace.
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ipurewater · 13 days
Softener Manufacturer in Delhi
Ipure is the finest Softener Manufacturer in Delhi NCR, which helps customers to protect from hard water and make their lives healthy. Customers can benefit from our fine-quality Sand Filter which is perfect for sifting the inbound water supply if there should be an occurrence of light business and local circumstances.
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Enhance Your Market Automation with the Ping Post Software Solutions
Are you facing a problem managing your leads with your current list of publishers? Well, in today’s fast-paced world, a successfulPing Post Software will be your perfect market lead distributor to get control over business complexities.
Businesses often face issues when grappling with their inbound leads between marketing and sales teams, it directly affects the conversion rates and rate of investments or ROI. So, the success of getting control over your leads lies in the lead generation process that enhances the ROI and customer management leading to higher revenue.
How Can You Successfully Manage Your Lead Distribution?
To successfully manage your Lead distribution, an automated lead distribution software will help you track your lead and make you profitable. Let’s learn about the successful strategic steps.
The best lead distribution software allocates your leads using a modern algorithm to distribute sales among sales and marketing teams.
Then, the advanced lead software analyses the distribution and provides a detailed report on the lead distribution performances.
After that, you can make changes to your software systems as per your specific business needs and filter your rules according to the demographics, resources, and other parameters to make your business operation flexible.
With perfect lead-generation software, you can track your lead with a perfect CRM system, marketing campaigns, and other lead-generating methods.
After that, you can create a perfect user-friendly interface to enhance your lead generation with automated software distributions to make any kind of business automation.
The above steps will help in Lead Generation for Health Insurance sectors, e-commerce market industry, industry sectors, or any kind of organization that wants to manage their lead solution.
The best lead generation software will create more than thousands of leads per day, whether you are a large company or individual owner.
Get Your Best Lead Generation Software Now!
If you are searching for the best lead generation software to get control over your lead to maximize your business operation and increase your conversion rate, then Ping Tree Systems will be your perfect partner to track your lead.
The company provides you with advanced lead distribution software that will enhance your business lead management by applying a successful campaign strategy. So, visit their website and they will help you to save time in providing your clients the best services and overall, it will enhance your image as a lead company. Hire the management team and maximize your business lead generation now!
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exlval24 · 2 months
The Importance of SEO in the Finance Industry
The financial industry is changing in a rapid manner, and it is awash with FinTech start-ups and SaaS entities providing new technologies and inventive solutions. Organizations within this sector must change to thrive in this digital environment. Traditional marketing and lead generation methods remain important, but strategic SEO is a critical component of online growth for the financial company’s SEO service.
SEO in the finance sector is considered a key digital marketing strategy that helps prospects find websites through search engine results pages. Moreover, financial SEO in the financial sector supports driving natural traffic to your financial services website through tapping into relevant organic searches. To get the highest rank, you will have to provide informative content, confirm your site is healthy and safe, and generate valuable backlinks from higher-authority sites.
However, as a provider of the financial SEO service, you are probably going to face additional scrutiny from visitors and search engines alike. You shall go the extra mile to confirm that your SEO information is up to scratch. After all, you are assuming individuals will entrust you with their fortunes.
In this article, we look at the important role of SEO in the finance industry.
The importance of SEO in the finance industry
Enhanced traffic
One of the most direct results of a well-formulated SEO strategy is an increase in the number of organic visitors to your website. As you attain higher rankings for significant keywords, more and more individuals will see and click on your site to read its content. Therefore, companies running is financial sector as financial advisor SEO can increase traffic on their website by proper SEO strategy.
Better conversions
The higher the number of visitors who visit your website, the more of them you could finally hope to convert into paying consumers. SEO is regarded as one of the best converting traffic channels because it draws in actively interested individuals rather than attempting to gain their attention through paid advertisements.
Improved branding
As your finance company’s SEO services organisation begins to show up for more searches and more people become aware of it. They would eventually associate your brand with being a major player in the financial sector. Moreover, if your on-site content actually provides what they are searching for, you will also reinforce your brand's credibility by positioning yourself as a reliable expert.
Emphasis on the creation of high-quality content
The generation of high-quality content is one of the essential factors. The finance sector demands security, reliability, expertise, and trust, as organisations and clients alike desire peace of mind when it comes to goods and services that handle the money of people. The reputation of your brand is the key.
The creation of excellent-quality content supports you in winning the trust of leads and prospects and generating brownie points from search engines such as Google that rank informative, authoritative, and correct online content highly. Google employs content evaluators who use search quality rating guidelines to rank the quality of pages that appear in search results pages. The evaluators also set up the manner in which Google's algorithm is filtering out low-quality content around the specific project.
Relevance is the chief goal in content marketing.
However, when it comes to creating high-quality content that adheres to the main aspects of search engine evaluators and algorithms, your first priority should be the relevance of your content to your client.
This customer-centric mechanism is the main element of the inbound marketing method. The alignment of organisational goals with the requirements of consumers supports engagement of the audience and reflects the manner in which your company has the solution to their requirements, issues, and pain points.
At the time of planning marketing content and programs, you shall initially examine the things that your clients and prospects are most interested in, what drives their decision to purchase, and how the services provided by you could support them. This simplifies the process of creating content and helps to make it relevant and worthwhile.
Content optimization can help prospects find your website.
Apply language, keywords, and questions that your target client is probably looking for. You could form assumptions on the basis of your experience, but it is significant to run suitable SEO ranking and keyword volume/complex research. This confirms that your content and tags implement the keywords and queries that people are actively using to find solutions to their issues.
Some other technical SEO considerations for optimization of your online content involve:
·         The exactness of your content
·         Anchor text
·         Image tags
·         Meta tags
·         Relevant links
It is significant to have an outreach strategy for your content marketing plan, as achieving backlinks for your article or key website page supports improvements in traffic, ranking, and domain authority. It also supports the building of trust and social evidence.
Observe the performance of your content and make use of the available SEO tools.
The creation of unique and classic content for your target client is significant, but you must continuously observe your content’s performance to confirm it stays relevant, correct, and optimized. It is suggested that you carry out continuous content audits.
Though entities should not become very obsessed with the marketing activities of competitors, as it is important to maintain a distinct brand identity and reflect differentiators, it is important to observe what they are doing well and what they are not. This would support your organisation in ascertaining prospects for improvement and giving it an edge over identical financial company’s SEO services entities in your market.
In a nutshell, an effective SEO strategy is crucial for making the most of your marketing content potential, driving organic growth online, and creating consumer trust. We have demonstrated the fundamentals of an effective system for SEO for financial advisor sector organizations. Now it’s time to get to work.
If you want to get more information about what services are provided by our organization, check out our website. Or if you want to increase your business’s online presence through combining SEO and content marketing and applying a targeted inbound approach, then connect with us.
To learn more Contact me!
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Azure VPN security considerations
Azure Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a service provided by Microsoft that allows organizations to securely connect to their Azure resources and protect the confidentiality and integrity of their data. When setting up an Azure VPN, there are several security considerations that need to be taken into account to ensure the network is secure from potential threats.
One important aspect to consider is the encryption protocol used in the VPN connection. Azure VPN supports multiple encryption protocols such as IKEv2, SSTP, and OpenVPN. It is crucial to choose a strong encryption protocol to secure the data in transit and prevent unauthorized access.
Another key consideration is the authentication method used for VPN connections. Azure VPN supports various authentication methods including pre-shared keys, certificates, and Azure Active Directory integration. Using strong authentication methods helps in verifying the identity of users and devices connecting to the VPN, thus enhancing overall security.
Network segmentation is also an essential security consideration for Azure VPN. Segmenting the network into separate subnets or virtual networks can help in limiting the potential impact of a security breach. By implementing proper network segmentation, organizations can reduce the attack surface and prevent lateral movement of threats within the network.
Additionally, monitoring and logging VPN connections are crucial for detecting and responding to security incidents in a timely manner. Azure provides built-in monitoring tools that allow organizations to track VPN connection activities and generate logs for further analysis.
In conclusion, securing an Azure VPN involves implementing strong encryption, authentication, network segmentation, and monitoring practices to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over the network. By addressing these security considerations, organizations can create a more robust VPN infrastructure in Azure.
Benefits of using a firewall with Azure VPN
Using a firewall in conjunction with Azure VPN offers a multitude of benefits, enhancing the security and performance of your network infrastructure. Here’s a rundown of the advantages:
Enhanced Security: A firewall acts as a barrier between your network and external threats, filtering out malicious traffic and unauthorized access attempts. When combined with Azure VPN, it creates a secure tunnel for data transmission, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected from potential breaches.
Granular Control: Firewalls allow you to define and enforce specific security policies, giving you granular control over inbound and outbound traffic. This level of control is essential for safeguarding your network resources and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
Threat Detection and Prevention: Many modern firewalls come equipped with advanced threat detection and prevention capabilities, such as intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). These features actively monitor network traffic for signs of suspicious activity and can automatically block or alert administrators to potential threats.
Improved Performance: By filtering out unwanted traffic and optimizing the flow of data, a firewall can help improve the overall performance of your network infrastructure. This is especially beneficial when using Azure VPN to connect remote offices or users, as it ensures a smooth and reliable connection experience.
Centralized Management: Azure provides centralized management tools for configuring and monitoring both VPN connections and firewall settings. This simplifies the management and maintenance of your network security posture, allowing you to efficiently scale and adapt to changing business requirements.
Comprehensive Compliance: By implementing a firewall with Azure VPN, organizations can meet stringent compliance requirements, such as those outlined by GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS. This is crucial for industries handling sensitive data, as it helps mitigate the risk of data breaches and regulatory penalties.
In conclusion, leveraging a firewall alongside Azure VPN offers a robust security solution that protects your network infrastructure while providing the flexibility and scalability needed to support modern business operations.
Network security for Azure VPN deployments
Network security is paramount in Azure VPN deployments, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected from unauthorized access and cyber threats. Azure VPN offers a secure way to connect on-premises networks and virtual machines to the Azure cloud, but it's essential to implement robust security measures to safeguard the network.
One of the fundamental aspects of network security for Azure VPN deployments is encryption. Azure VPN supports various encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS and IPsec to encrypt data transmitted between the on-premises network and Azure resources. By encrypting data, even if intercepted, it remains unreadable to unauthorized users, enhancing data confidentiality.
Authentication mechanisms play a crucial role in controlling access to the VPN. Azure VPN supports multifactor authentication (MFA), requiring users to provide additional verification beyond passwords, such as a phone call, SMS, or biometric authentication. This adds an extra layer of security, reducing the risk of unauthorized access even if login credentials are compromised.
Firewalls are essential for enforcing security policies and filtering network traffic in Azure VPN deployments. Azure Firewall, a managed firewall service, provides capabilities such as application and network-level filtering, threat intelligence, and intrusion detection and prevention. By configuring firewall rules, organizations can restrict access to specific resources and prevent malicious activities.
Regular monitoring and auditing of Azure VPN deployments are vital for identifying and mitigating security threats promptly. Azure Security Center offers continuous monitoring, threat detection, and security recommendations for Azure resources, including VPN gateways and connections. By leveraging these capabilities, organizations can proactively address security vulnerabilities and enhance the overall security posture of their Azure environment.
In conclusion, implementing robust network security measures such as encryption, authentication, firewalls, and monitoring is essential for ensuring the security and integrity of Azure VPN deployments. By adopting a comprehensive approach to network security, organizations can mitigate risks and protect sensitive data in their Azure environments.
Azure VPN best practices for secure connectivity
Azure VPN Best Practices for Secure Connectivity
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) play a crucial role in securing network communications, especially in cloud environments like Microsoft Azure. Implementing best practices for Azure VPN ensures a secure connection between on-premises networks and Azure resources. Here are some key best practices to follow for achieving secure connectivity with Azure VPN:
Use Strong Encryption: Always configure Azure VPN Gateway to use the latest encryption standards like AES with a minimum of 256-bit keys. This ensures that data in transit remains encrypted and secure from prying eyes.
Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adding an extra layer of security through MFA helps in preventing unauthorized access to the VPN connection, even if login credentials are compromised.
Regularly Update VPN Gateway: Ensure that Azure VPN Gateway and associated VPN client configurations are updated regularly to patch any vulnerabilities and strengthen security.
Network Segmentation: Implement network segmentation to restrict access to specific Azure resources based on user roles and privileges. This reduces the attack surface and enhances security.
Monitor VPN Traffic: Set up logging and monitoring for VPN traffic to detect any suspicious activities or potential security breaches. Monitor VPN gateway metrics for performance optimization and security assessment.
Implement Firewall Policies: Configure network security groups and firewall rules to control inbound and outbound traffic flow through the Azure VPN Gateway. This helps in enforcing security policies and access control.
By following these best practices, organizations can establish a secure and reliable VPN connection with Azure, protecting their data and ensuring confidentiality and integrity of communications. It is essential to regularly review and update security measures to stay ahead of evolving cybersecurity threats and maintain a robust VPN infrastructure in Microsoft Azure.
Firewall integration for secure Azure VPN connections
In the digital age, ensuring the security of virtual private network (VPN) connections is paramount for businesses and individuals alike. One effective way to enhance the security of Azure VPN connections is by integrating a firewall into the network infrastructure.
Firewalls act as a barrier between trusted internal networks and untrusted external networks, filtering incoming and outgoing traffic based on a set of security rules. By integrating a firewall into an Azure VPN setup, organizations can add an extra layer of protection to their network, safeguarding sensitive data and resources from potential cyber threats.
A firewall can inspect VPN traffic, detect and block malicious activities, prevent unauthorized access to the network, and ensure compliance with security policies. In combination with other security measures, such as encryption protocols and multi-factor authentication, firewall integration can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks.
When integrating a firewall into an Azure VPN deployment, it is essential to configure the firewall rules properly to allow legitimate VPN traffic while blocking potentially harmful traffic. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the firewall settings are also crucial to adapt to evolving cyber threats and ensure the continued security of VPN connections.
By proactively integrating a firewall into their Azure VPN infrastructure, organizations can establish a robust security posture, protect their confidential information, and maintain the trust of their customers and stakeholders in an increasingly digital world.
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Client VPN for AWS access
Title: Enhancing Security and Accessibility with Client VPN for AWS Access
In today's digital landscape, securing remote access to cloud resources is paramount for businesses. As companies increasingly rely on cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) for their infrastructure, the need for secure and convenient access becomes more critical. One solution gaining popularity is the use of Client VPN for AWS access, offering a reliable and secure connection for employees working remotely or from various locations.
Client VPN provides a secure and encrypted connection to AWS resources, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity. By utilizing industry-standard protocols such as OpenVPN or IKEv2/IPsec, Client VPN establishes a secure tunnel between the user's device and the AWS Virtual Private Network (VPC). This means that sensitive data transmitted between the user and AWS remains protected from interception or unauthorized access.
One of the primary advantages of Client VPN for AWS access is its simplicity and ease of deployment. With AWS's intuitive management console, administrators can quickly configure and provision Client VPN endpoints, define access policies, and distribute client configuration profiles to users. This streamlined process reduces the administrative burden and enables rapid deployment across multiple devices and users.
Furthermore, Client VPN offers granular access controls, allowing administrators to define who can access which resources within the AWS environment. This ensures that only authorized personnel can connect to specific instances, databases, or services, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.
Another benefit of Client VPN is its compatibility with a wide range of devices and operating systems, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Whether employees are using Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, or Linux devices, they can securely connect to AWS resources from anywhere with an internet connection.
In conclusion, Client VPN for AWS access offers a secure, convenient, and scalable solution for businesses seeking to enhance remote access to cloud resources. By leveraging Client VPN, organizations can ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their data while empowering employees to work efficiently from any location.
Network security for AWS instances
Network security is a critical aspect of managing AWS instances to ensure the protection of sensitive data and prevent cyber threats. As more businesses move to the cloud, understanding and implementing effective network security measures for AWS instances is essential.
One of the fundamental steps in securing AWS instances is configuring security groups. Security groups act as virtual firewalls, controlling inbound and outbound traffic by setting rules that specify which protocols and ports are allowed. By carefully defining security group rules based on the principle of least privilege, unnecessary exposure to potential threats can be minimized.
Utilizing AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) can provide an additional layer of security by filtering and monitoring HTTP requests to protect web applications from common exploits and attacks. WAF allows customized rules to be implemented to block malicious traffic before it reaches the AWS instances.
Implementing AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) helps to isolate AWS instances logically and control traffic flow between them. By setting up VPC subnets, route tables, and network access control lists, network segmentation can be achieved, enhancing the overall security posture of the AWS environment.
Regularly updating and patching the operating systems and applications running on AWS instances is crucial to address known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of exploitation by attackers. Additionally, monitoring network traffic, utilizing encryption for data in transit, and implementing multi-factor authentication are key practices to fortify network security for AWS instances.
By adopting a proactive approach to network security and staying abreast of the latest threats and security best practices, businesses can effectively safeguard their AWS instances and data from potential cyber risks.
Remote access to AWS resources
Title: Exploring the Benefits and Best Practices of Remote Access to AWS Resources
In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, remote access to AWS (Amazon Web Services) resources has become an indispensable aspect for businesses worldwide. This capability allows users to manage and interact with their AWS infrastructure from anywhere, offering unprecedented flexibility, scalability, and efficiency.
One of the primary benefits of remote access to AWS resources is the ability to streamline operations. With remote access, administrators and developers can securely access and manage AWS services such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and databases without being physically present in the data center. This flexibility is especially crucial in today's digital age, where remote work has become the norm.
Furthermore, remote access enhances collaboration and productivity among team members. By enabling multiple stakeholders to access AWS resources from different locations simultaneously, teams can collaborate seamlessly on projects, troubleshoot issues in real-time, and accelerate the development and deployment of applications.
To ensure the security of remote access to AWS resources, it's essential to implement robust security measures. This includes using multi-factor authentication (MFA), encrypting data in transit and at rest, and regularly monitoring access logs for any suspicious activities. Additionally, limiting access permissions based on the principle of least privilege helps minimize the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches.
Moreover, optimizing performance is crucial when accessing AWS resources remotely. This involves leveraging AWS services like AWS Direct Connect or VPN (Virtual Private Network) to establish secure and high-speed connections between on-premises infrastructure and AWS cloud resources, thereby reducing latency and improving overall user experience.
In conclusion, remote access to AWS resources empowers businesses to harness the full potential of cloud computing while ensuring flexibility, security, and performance. By adopting best practices and leveraging advanced AWS services, organizations can unlock new opportunities for innovation and growth in today's digital economy.
VPN requirements for AWS infrastructure
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a crucial component for securing and managing the network traffic within an Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. By implementing a VPN in your AWS environment, you can ensure that the communication between your on-premises network and your AWS resources is encrypted and secure.
When setting up a VPN for your AWS infrastructure, there are several requirements to consider. Firstly, you need to choose the right VPN solution that is compatible with AWS. AWS supports a variety of VPN options, including AWS Site-to-Site VPN, AWS Client VPN, and third-party VPN solutions available in the AWS Marketplace.
Secondly, you need to establish a secure connection between your on-premises network and your AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This involves configuring the VPN connection on both the AWS side and your on-premises network devices, such as routers or firewalls. It is essential to follow AWS guidelines and best practices to ensure a reliable and secure connection.
Additionally, you need to define your traffic routing policies to determine which traffic should be routed through the VPN connection and which should directly access the internet. Proper traffic routing helps optimize network performance and ensures that sensitive data is transmitted securely through the VPN tunnel.
In conclusion, setting up a VPN for your AWS infrastructure requires careful planning and configuration to ensure a secure and efficient network environment. By meeting the necessary requirements and following best practices, you can establish a robust VPN connection that protects your data and enhances the overall security of your AWS infrastructure.
Secure connectivity to Amazon AWS
Title: Ensuring Secure Connectivity to Amazon AWS: Best Practices and Strategies
In today's digital landscape, businesses rely heavily on cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) to streamline operations, enhance scalability, and drive innovation. However, with the convenience of cloud computing comes the imperative need for robust security measures, particularly concerning connectivity to AWS.
Here are some best practices to ensure secure connectivity to Amazon AWS:
Virtual Private Network (VPN): Implementing a VPN is fundamental in securing data transmitted between your organization's network and AWS. By encrypting traffic, VPNs safeguard sensitive information from potential interception or tampering.
Direct Connect: For high-volume and low-latency requirements, AWS Direct Connect offers a dedicated connection between your on-premises infrastructure and AWS. This private connection bypasses the public internet, minimizing exposure to security threats.
Network Access Control Lists (ACLs): AWS provides Network ACLs, which act as firewalls for controlling traffic at the subnet level. By defining rules based on IP addresses, protocols, and ports, ACLs offer an added layer of defense against unauthorized access.
Security Groups: Leveraging AWS Security Groups allows you to manage inbound and outbound traffic for your EC2 instances. By specifying allowable communication patterns, you can restrict access to essential services and prevent unauthorized entry.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enforcing MFA adds an extra authentication layer beyond traditional passwords, mitigating the risk of unauthorized account access. AWS supports MFA for user logins and API access, enhancing overall security posture.
Regular Audits and Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of network traffic and access logs is crucial for identifying potential security breaches or anomalies. Implementing automated alerts and periodic audits helps maintain visibility and detect suspicious activities promptly.
Data Encryption: Utilize AWS services like AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to manage encryption keys and encrypt data at rest and in transit. Encrypting sensitive data adds another level of protection against unauthorized access or data breaches.
By adopting these best practices and staying vigilant, organizations can establish and maintain secure connectivity to Amazon AWS, safeguarding critical assets and ensuring business continuity in the cloud environment.
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VPN port filtering on Netgear devices
Title: Understanding VPN Port Filtering on Netgear Devices
VPN port filtering on Netgear devices plays a crucial role in enhancing security and managing network traffic effectively. Netgear routers and firewalls offer robust features to regulate VPN connections, ensuring only authorized traffic passes through designated ports while blocking unauthorized access.
Port filtering involves controlling the flow of data packets based on specific port numbers associated with VPN protocols. By configuring port filtering settings, administrators can tailor network access policies to meet their organization's security requirements.
One of the primary benefits of VPN port filtering is strengthening network security by preventing unauthorized access attempts. By allowing only designated VPN ports to transmit data, Netgear devices create a secure gateway for remote connections, reducing the risk of potential cyber threats and unauthorized intrusions.
Moreover, VPN port filtering enables administrators to optimize network performance by prioritizing VPN traffic over other data transmissions. By allocating bandwidth resources efficiently, organizations can ensure seamless connectivity for remote users while maintaining optimal network performance for critical applications and services.
Netgear devices offer flexible options for configuring VPN port filtering settings, allowing administrators to customize policies based on their specific requirements. Whether it's restricting access to specific VPN protocols or prioritizing traffic based on port priorities, Netgear's intuitive interface simplifies the setup process for seamless integration into existing network infrastructures.
In conclusion, VPN port filtering on Netgear devices is a vital component of network security and performance management. By implementing robust filtering policies, organizations can fortify their networks against potential threats while optimizing bandwidth utilization for reliable remote connectivity. With Netgear's comprehensive features, administrators can effectively safeguard their networks without compromising on performance or usability.
Netgear port filtering with VPN
Title: Enhancing Network Security with Netgear Port Filtering and VPN Integration
In today's digitally interconnected world, safeguarding your network against potential threats is paramount. Netgear, a leading provider of networking solutions, offers robust tools like port filtering coupled with VPN integration to fortify your network's security.
Port filtering serves as a virtual gatekeeper, allowing or denying specific types of traffic based on predefined rules. With Netgear routers, users can easily configure port filtering settings to regulate inbound and outbound traffic. By strategically opening or closing ports, users can thwart unauthorized access attempts and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
Integrating a VPN (Virtual Private Network) adds an extra layer of security by encrypting internet traffic and routing it through a secure server. This shields sensitive data from prying eyes and ensures confidentiality, especially when accessing public Wi-Fi networks or transmitting confidential information.
Netgear's port filtering capabilities complement VPN technology seamlessly, providing a comprehensive defense mechanism against cyber threats. By combining these features, users can create a fortified network environment that safeguards against unauthorized access, malicious attacks, and data breaches.
Setting up port filtering with VPN on Netgear routers is straightforward, thanks to intuitive user interfaces and step-by-step guides. Users can customize filtering rules to align with their specific security requirements and business needs, ensuring optimal protection without compromising network performance.
In conclusion, leveraging Netgear's port filtering functionality alongside VPN integration empowers users to bolster their network security posture effectively. By proactively implementing these measures, individuals and businesses can mitigate the risk of cyber threats and safeguard their sensitive data in today's increasingly interconnected digital landscape.
VPN port configuration on Netgear routers
Title: Configuring VPN Ports on Netgear Routers: A Comprehensive Guide
In the realm of network security and privacy, Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) play a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring anonymous browsing. Netgear routers, renowned for their reliability and performance, offer robust support for VPN connections. However, configuring VPN ports on these routers can be a nuanced process that requires careful attention to detail.
To begin, access your Netgear router's administrative interface by entering its IP address into your web browser. Once logged in, navigate to the port forwarding section, typically found under the "Advanced" or "Security" tab.
Next, identify the specific ports required by your VPN service provider. While the ports may vary depending on the VPN protocol being used (such as OpenVPN, PPTP, or L2TP/IPsec), common ports include 500 (UDP), 1701 (UDP), and 1723 (TCP). Refer to your VPN provider's documentation or support resources for the exact port numbers.
In the port forwarding settings, create a new rule for each required port, specifying the protocol (UDP or TCP) and the local IP address of the device running the VPN client software. Ensure that these rules are prioritized correctly to avoid conflicts with other services.
After configuring the port forwarding rules, save your settings and restart the router to apply the changes. Test the VPN connection to confirm that the ports are properly configured and accessible from external networks.
It's essential to periodically review and update your VPN port configuration to adapt to changing security requirements and mitigate potential vulnerabilities. By following these steps and staying informed about best practices, you can optimize the performance and security of your VPN-enabled Netgear router.
Netgear device port filtering and VPN setup
Title: Enhancing Network Security: Netgear Device Port Filtering and VPN Setup
In today's digital landscape, safeguarding your network against cyber threats is paramount. Netgear, a renowned provider of networking solutions, offers robust features like port filtering and VPN setup to bolster your network's security.
Port filtering is a crucial aspect of network security, allowing you to control which types of data can pass through specific ports on your Netgear device. By configuring port filtering settings, you can restrict access to certain ports, thereby thwarting potential malicious activities such as unauthorized access or data breaches. This granular control empowers you to tailor your network's defenses according to your specific security requirements.
Additionally, setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on your Netgear device adds an extra layer of protection by encrypting data transmitted between your device and the VPN server. This encryption shields your data from prying eyes, especially when accessing the internet over unsecured networks such as public Wi-Fi hotspots. Netgear's intuitive VPN setup process ensures seamless integration with your existing network infrastructure, allowing you to establish secure connections with ease.
By combining port filtering and VPN setup on your Netgear device, you create a robust shield against cyber threats, safeguarding sensitive information and preserving the integrity of your network. Whether you're a small business looking to fortify your digital assets or a home user concerned about online privacy, implementing these security measures ensures peace of mind in an increasingly interconnected world.
In conclusion, Netgear's port filtering and VPN setup features provide indispensable tools for fortifying your network against cyber threats. By leveraging these capabilities, you can bolster your network's security posture and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. Stay ahead of potential threats by harnessing the power of Netgear's advanced security solutions.
VPN port settings on Netgear router
When it comes to setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) on your Netgear router, configuring the port settings is crucial to ensure secure and unrestricted access. VPN port settings help direct traffic through specific pathways to enhance security and privacy.
To get started, log in to your Netgear router’s admin panel by typing the router's IP address into a web browser. Navigate to the 'Advanced' or 'VPN' settings section where you can find options to configure port settings.
Common VPN protocols such as OpenVPN typically use specific ports like 1194 or 443. Ensure these ports are open and properly forwarded on your Netgear router to establish a successful VPN connection. You may also need to enable Port Forwarding or Port Triggering to direct traffic through the specified ports.
It's important to note that some ISPs or network setups might block certain ports. In such cases, try using alternative port numbers to establish a VPN connection securely. Always check with your VPN service provider for the recommended port settings and any specific requirements.
By configuring the VPN port settings on your Netgear router, you can enhance the security and privacy of your network traffic. These settings help ensure that your VPN connection is stable, secure, and delivers the level of anonymity and data protection you desire.
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