#ina ares
kissmizmf · 5 months
Hi Hello Hi!!! ^^
*crashes youre lesbians*
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c7arisse · 2 months
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so i've been playing Omori...
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juustozzi · 5 months
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Like a déjà vu, but across the universes
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amethiosspouse · 1 month
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hereforthecartoons · 6 months
Go! Kidou: I understand your frustration towards Ichihoshi and the coach being unable to do anything, but attempting to attack him during the game could've led to less focus on the actual game, more distrust between the team, and made Ichihoshi look more like a victim than he deserved and discredited you-
AreOri! Kidou: he tried to hurt endou
Go! Kidou: -You should have stabbed him.
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nawemichi · 8 months
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Hiroto Kira
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puzzlevision · 6 months
if scooby-mario: where'd you go got sponsored by inazuma eleven victory road im gonna expload since the beta was recently released and it is the right time to promote it
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skylardoesthings · 9 months
Hello ina11 + ina11 go timblr fandom,,,,, may i get some moots pls,,, i have so mucb thoughts,,,
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st4r-fruitz · 4 months
for my next trick, i will explain boat boys as if youve never heard of them, but im sick and cant be botherd correcting my spelling mistakes:
boat boys forst origionated in this minhecraft server grian (their frined) amde called double life. double life is the thirud season of an on going sereies called the life series or, some poeple call it the traffic series bcuz the lifes u get go from 1-red 2-yellow green-3. anywasy so bopat boys are joel and etho(eefo). they wweere paierd in doubl;e life. on he first day they got to know eachother and they made some jokes and stuff, it was niv]ce. actuually they ar ecalled boat b hoys bcuz they went arounf the server in boats. like, on land. it was very funny. the seconf session joel made a big boat for them to live in called the "relation-shipo", (get iot, get it? nudge nudge). etho went tyo the warden and joel sount very concerned as he did so. i dont remeber much abouyt double life as ive been binging limited life for 3 months now. they died due to a trapped nether portal. the perotral had lava spilled aorunf it. it was very sad.
also inportant fact: ther forst time etho and h=joel ever in terected on the whole entire life series they were in boats. they were both riding in boats. are u joking me. THATS SO FUCKING POETOIC WTF CHBFSHVBSHJBJHVKS
onto liml li9fe. they firat saw eachorther in the forst session. etho said "oh so ur gonna make a boat with a new friend now huh?" bcuz joel and jimmy had planned to live in the water. etho was very jealous ogf this, it made me sad. then joel saw etho ina boat with a co2w and joelk saidn "CANT BELEIVE YOUVE REPLACED ME WEITH A COW EEFO!!!" and etho responded with "he keeps me company atleats" AHAHDBFBHVBHWJJVSB JKSNNOOO. anyways in session 4, etho KILLDED JOEL!?!?!?11?!?!??! it was vwery cool actually. joe, clutchedf a fall, and etho landed in huis clutch water and saidf" YOU SAVED ME. YOU SAVED ME JOEL, SO NOW I CAN KILL YOU" that was very cool of etho. even joel daid himself to etho "the fact you landed in my own water bucket trick" i thionk thats everything improtant in liml life?
then serect life. oh, secrect life. my beloved. my onbe treu savior. save me secret life, save me. so, the two sigificant events of secrect life between bgoat boys i can remeber are 1: joel and ehto hop in ab baot otghter and joel goes "we cant do tjis ehto, the fandom will go crazy" (true( then vthey go for a lottle ride untill they are fiorced to stop by a blcok in. their way and ehto goes "well tjis is where the relatiopnshoip ens" HDGBDFISBFCHBES 2: scott is talk9ng abt his task for the sessions=] which is "say i love you to three plkayers and get them to say ot back" so rheyre discussing who would say it back, andf scott goes "i love yoy " to etho and he goes "thank you?-' HAHAH ayways so one thing leadfs to another and etho is on joels front door stepo saying to joel "i loive you" and joerl responds "uhh ok eefo i know youre obbesed with me i saw u made me the thiumbnail for ur fist bvidoe but cmon ehto calm donw" and etho is sad NSJDWBHJSDCJH im sad jusbjbfdn. its alot.
and now the decked o0ut stream. (ik th9s. was before secret life SHUTUPSHGUTPU) so, jimmy askes for a kiss from joel before he does his decked oyut run. joel goes "yeah sure. on the neckk" and jim goes silent till joel goes "WAIT NO ON THE NECK- I MEANT THE CHEEK IM MEANT THE CHEEK" nd it li9ke this hwole meme for the whole event. jimmy startes sing "etho and joel, sitting in a baot" and etho goes "kissing on the neck"!!!!!GSUGDEGUSDVJ!!!!then when they are at rens ice biat thgingy joel and wehto are sitting nect to eacher in thjeor boat s and etho goes "AWH GOTTA COVER UP MY NECK " joelsays "I DONT KISS [PEOIPLES NECKS!!!" then joel scooches up to etho in his boat and joel goes "schooching up to ya etho " and etho goes "his hand slowly reaches into my hair" LIKE EHTO IS HEE WRITING A WHOLE FANFIC OKKKK ETHO I SEE YOUUU. anyways rhat was very funny.
anyways. hermitcraft. oh boy. theres a lot and i will prpbaly misss a lot too but oh well its later and im sick and tired so SUCK IT UP. ill just do dotpointrs of the things i remeber.
etho sees jols banners and really like sthem and asks j]him for trhe pattern, whoch leads to many books which may or may nboit have been signed with neck kisees.
etho makes statues of jpel them pretemds oit wasnt him. joel rrqally liukes the statues and adds thjem to the front of hios nade awith his tori gate
etho so happens to be talk9inmg abt joel and joel hears him and goes "alsways talking abyt m,e eefo"
joel and etho are talki9ng and theres a camle and etho goes "joel mjust reallt like camels ciuz they goit the loonnnggg necks" and joel syags "oh for goodness sake" (ilobve when joel says oh for goodness sakes its like one of his mottos ayt tjis poibgt it so funny )
thatys all i camn remeber i migjt add mre when i thin k of it
thanks for taking the time to read this if u did (and u even could, oops) i doubt many people will make it down this far with reading it, so congrats i guess!! you get.. nothing-
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kastalani123 · 5 months
(if you prefer Ao3)
They learn about it in the slowly bubbling, uncertain high of victory.
She died a hero, Clarisse says, repeats, convinces, closing Drew’s hands around a bracelet far too innocent to make everyone’s hearts sink with just a glance. Its silver colour is barely visible beneath the blood. Drew’s hands were already long slick with crimson. She doesn’t say anything.
(The daughter of Ares tells them the story as they pick up their other fallen siblings. Nobody responds)
Fuchsia with an apple for Anders, seventeen and the loveliest relationship advisor. Lacy only manages a few words through her sobs and tears, her hair still in the intricate but effective braid he had put it in before battle.
Coral with a conch shell for Khalid, twelve with a love for anything one could find at the bottom of the ocean. Valentina grips his stuffed anglerfish so tightly that she almost tears it while making her speech about him.
Salmon with a thorned rose for Ina, fifteen and the best fighter in the cabin. Mitchell can barely stand while talking, choked by having been unable to retrieve more of her than a gnarled arm, recognizable only through the heart-shaped birthmark spanning the back of her hand.
Magenta with a dove for Sawyer, fourteen with the kindest eyes in the world. Drew lays the sword they had never wanted in the fire and watches it melt into perfumed smoke without a word.
Cerise with flowering myrtle for Jasmin, sixteen and the craftiest painter around. Aminah bites her knuckles to the blood in a failed attempt not to cry when the burning paints colour the fire in impossible hues.
… Hot pink with an electric spear for Silena. Clarisse sets the fire with a blank face, dried tear tracks gouging grooves down her cheeks.
(A grief-stained title of cabin counsellor for Drew, fourteen with the weight of her world suddenly on her shoulders. Cabin Ten cannot keep her from turning her head high, eyeliner sharper than it’s been in years.)
It’s not Drew who orders all signs of Silena Beauregard to be scrubbed from the insides of Cabin Ten. 
Instead, Mitchell passes through the cabin while the others haunt around Camp like the ghosts they had avoided becoming. Carefully, carefully, he folds up Silena’s fashionista posters, picks pictures of her off the clothing clips on the strings strung up throughout the cabin, strips her bed of the flower pillows they’d all collaborated to get for her last (final) birthday, collects clothes from her section of shelves and drawers, and packs everything with even a trace of her into the suitcase under his bed. Grief echoes off the bare spaces, sandalwood perfume soaking into the walls, a vestige of one of the many lives struck short these past several days.
His siblings don’t say anything when they finally come and find him curled up on Ina’s bed, clutching her morning star plush like it’s the only thing keeping him tethered to his body, the entire cabin missing key elements. Drew starts to get ready for bed, Aminah throws herself onto Jasmin’s bed and shatters, Lacy tears her hair free of Anders’s braid with a wail, and Valentina screams into Khalid’s pillows until her voice is hoarse. Mitchell swears he hears similar sounds from the other cabins.
(Rory comes the next day, backpack full of clothing designs he hadn’t bothered to unpack in his rush upon hearing about the strange happenings in New York. He takes one look at his siblings’ hollowed faces, at the bare beds, at the empty spaces, and breaks, begging for forgiveness for not being there to fight along their sides, for not protecting them like an older brother should, for working on his college projects while they fought and died for the world. Drew scoffs, lips perfectly painted, and says there’s a reason they didn’t tell him war was brewing over their last Iris Message. The others pile onto him, cursing and crying and trying to keep themselves from falling into pieces.)
Officially, Silena Beauregard is a hero. She had been burned with laurel wreaths, and offerings were tossed into the fire to aid her journey to Elysium. Her photo has been put up in the Big House alongside many others, and even Mr D managed not to butcher “Silena Beauregard” for once, prompted by a centaur kick. Her name is whispered under the topic of the ultimate sacrifice, of the power of love, of the bravery of unexpected leaders.
Unofficially, the only one who speaks her name with pure reverence is Clarisse La Rue, and no one says it with such vitriol as Drew Tanaka. Her spy bracelet, still drenched in blood, has been hurled against a wall and remains hidden and gathering dust under her bed. Her cabin has been scrubbed clean of any mentions of her, her name unspoken in fear of Drew’s newfound cruelty.
(Drew builds back up the walls her siblings had dismantled with so much care, taller and thicker than ever before.)
(Mitchell retreats back into himself, the skittishness he had worked so hard to shed shrouding him in full force once again.)
(Lacy melts into the crowd like never before, burying her voice beneath a blanket of sorrow.)
(Valentina ditches her soft colours and loose wardrobe, forcing attention onto her new tastefully torn jeans and bold shades and away from her wail-wrecked throat.)
(Aminah tugs her grief tight around herself and leaves with the summer, her goodbye lacking a definitive “see you later”.)
Two boys, adorned in pearls and guided by geese, arrive in a cabin full but hollow, plagued by dead siblings and a traitorous hero. Twins, they are, nine years old and unknowing of the carnage of war, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Drew scoffs and scolds but leaves them to her remaining siblings, for her sharp tongue has never been suited for introductions, and even in the wake of her death-stained rule, she will not dare shut children down so soon after arrival.
Names of all the ghosts haunting the cabin become unspoken, none willing to explain them and blemish the twins’ innocence.
It does not work.
Not when Lev walks in on Lacy sorting and resorting dozens of vials of perfumes with shaking hands and trembling breaths. Not when Ren asks Valentina about the night sky painted on the wall over an empty bed and she shuts down entirely for the rest of the day. Not when Lev holds up a mirror to help Mitchel neaten up the impulsive haircut he had given himself after a game of Capture the Flag. Not when Ren catches Drew in a screaming match with another camper over a girl he had never heard about.
Not when something weighs heavily over the empty spaces in the cabin, over the necks of their newfound siblings.
So they ask someone else.
Clarisse La Rue. Will Solace. Connor Stoll. Nyssa Barrera. Malcolm Pace.
Slowly, slowly, they collect pieces, find ways to fit them together, compare conflicting accounts. They get the story of clashing metal, raging fire, slithering scales. A frightful fairytale, starring their fellow campers as the main characters. The missing limbs, the overabundance of scars, the paranoid glances — it all clicks together, and the uncomfortable hollowness of Camp Half-Blood is suddenly apparent.
(Eventually, they ask about their own Cabin’s side of the story.)
(They receive no answer beyond solemn looks and half-hearted shrugs.)
Piper McLean falls from the sky, crashing straight through the fragile roof of the system Cabin Ten has established for itself the moment she bursts with pink light.
She is… argumentative. Unwilling to cram herself into the tattered tapestry of their Cabin the war had left behind. Determined to be different, to stand out, to raise her hackles at those around her. Filled with an anger towards the paints and ruffles her siblings wrap themselves in, and unconcerned with not letting it spill over and burn them.
She challenges Drew, and they cheer.
(Will the sister-that-never-left finally come back to them?)
Drew scoffs and huffs, sharpens her nails on the sound of Piper’s voice, but does not fight.
(They have fought for so long, and she is tired, and maybe an older kid with none of the wounds that mar the rest of them is needed in Cabin Ten.)
(Within a month, Drew wrenches permission for them to leave Camp for a shopping trip out of Chiron, and they know she is coming back.)
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radioactivesweet · 2 years
record of Ragnarok Hermes fluffy relationship headcanons
Hope you'll like it! Hermes isn't among my favorites, but I enjoyed writing these :)
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Hermes is quite the gentleman, always composed, always reliable. Even ina relationship, there are aspects he doesn't dismiss, despite letting himself go a little more. He is more carefree with you than he is with the other gods - even than with Ares.
Hermes knows everything that is going around in Valhalla, every single gossip - being the messanger of the gods has its own perks. And he is more than willing to share his secrets with you over a cup of tea - he has carefully chosen the flavour so that it could suit your taste. From Ares' latest embarassing fight to Zeus' hooking up with some deities to some gossips going around in the Underworld, he tells you a lot.
Hermes sees you as his muse and would often play the violin for you, composing new pieces named after you. If you don't know how to play the violin, he is eager to teach you how - being actually a fairly good teacher, even though a little too demanding.
Hermes is quite teasing too, making sarcastic remarks when he gets the chance, but he never goes as far as insulting you - like he does toward Ares. Most of the time you are actually mocking his brother together.
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cannibl-canine · 3 months
hullo,, thought I'd share my Phighting polymorph Mimic forms cause they ar interesting !! :D
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ive really only gotten medkit and subspace so far,, I used to get Banhammer every once ina while but some of my forms kinda just come and go ^_^
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also ther ar somany pros n cons about being subspace SIGH. theres the fact that I'm VENOMOUS HEHHEHEH I get venom in my fangs and my tail hehehheheheh and also. breath some sort of gas ? its like the stuff that'd make you pass out I thinjk heheh. but the cons are that SUNLIGHT SUCKS. LIKE SUUCCKKS. it feels weird on my burns and my mostly exposed arm,, just uncomfy. then also I'm terribly thin, being rotten ykyk and eating feels weird. sometimes I just cant eat cause my stomach will IMMEDIATELY reject it sigh.
anyway enough rambles I'll try to post again soon,, hehehehheheheh
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amethiosspouse · 2 months
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graismil · 2 months
[ALBAM NUA] - Thread le hAmano
Geallta dúinn ar tús mí an Mheithimh, fé dheireadh, tá an chéad albam le hAmano ó nuair a tháinig sí ar ais go dtí an domhan ceoil, ar fáil ar Spotity. Ach cad é an t-albam nua so? Mar a dúirt cheanna, 'sé an chéad albam ón ceoltóir leath-seapánach so a dhein sí riamh, agus an chéad rud a bhaineann leis an gceol in aon chor a dhein sí ó nuair a stad sí ag cur amach rudaí timpeall ar 8 bliain ó shin. Maidir leis an séanrá, tá a lán focail ann is féidir a chur ar an t-albam nua so, ach ar a cainéal Youtube féinig do thug Amano "Alt-Electro-Gaeilge-Pop, or something like that" air ina leathanach pobail. Go ginéaralta is dearud é go bhfuil ceoltóir nua ag déanamh a debut sa dhomhan ceoil gealach, rud a bhíonn ag tarlú go minic sna laethanta so (mar a chítear le ceoltóirí nua mar SÉiMí) agus rud atá súil agam go tarlóidh fós sa todhchaí.
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princepotatosack · 8 months
What If Choices' Race-customizable LIs Had Surnames Reflective Of Their Ethnicity?: An Experiment Just For Fun (Part 3/3)
Info in Part 1
Part 2
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This is a special case and not only because Clarke doesn't have a canon surname: the top row of face options are described in the asset files as "Middle Eastern" and the bottom row are described as "Caucasian". Caucasian is used in the U.S. interchangeably with "white" even though the Caucasus region is in east Europe/west Asia and can be interpreted to encompass parts of Turkey.
Clarke's family members (including parents of both face options) all have Turkish names and if I’m remembering correctly, it’s heavily implied in the text and art that their country is based on Turkey. Which makes the name Clarke really confounding. I wanted to replace it with a Turkish name but I couldn’t find anything that sounded remotely similar. So I chose the unisex name Derya because I like how it sounds!!!!!
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Devin Rhee
These face options are described in the asset files as “Asian”. The masc face option’s haircut leaves me no choice but to headcanon him (and by extension the fem face option) as Korean. What the extremely common Korean surname Rhee lacks in being spelled similar to Wright, it makes up for in sounding kinda like Wright. If you were hearing it spoken from another room. Lmao
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Ian Wang / Ina Wang
These face options are described in the asset files as “Asian”. As discussed in Part 1, there are not a lot of sound matches in Asian languages or Spanish for King(sley). I did read a theory online that this LI’s name comes from the fact that they’re the counterpart to the MC who is the titular queen of the series, so I went with the thematic route and chose the surname Wang, which means “king” in Chinese and Korean. The fem face option reminds me of several Korean women I know so I headcanon these face options as Korean, although Wang is a rare surname in Korea whereas it is one of the most common (if not thee most common?) surnames in China. So I guess they could also be Chinese?
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Ian Reyes / Ina Reyes
These face options are described in the asset files as “Hispanic”. Same as above, not too many Spanish sound matches, king/queen themes and motifs, etc., so I chose the Spanish surname Reyes which means “kings”.
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Drew Yáñez
This one was so hard lmao. These face options are described in the asset files as "Hispanic" and there were not a lot of Spanish-language surnames that are a sound match for Young.
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Drew Yadao
Also a hard one! These face options are described in the asset files as "Asian" which is really broad, and they don't look "typically" East Asian to me or like any East Asian person I know. The masc one reminds me of someone I know who's Filipino so I'm going with that for my headcanon. Again not a lot of sound matches for Young just like in general, and I decided on the Ilocano surname Yadao because it was one of the only Filipino surnames I could find that started with a Y.
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Theodore Kassavetis / Theodora Kassavetis
These face options are described in the asset files as "Mediterranean", although the wiki does note that there's a scene where they say they're Greek. So I initially decided on the Greek surname Karakostas since it kept the "K-AR-T" sound pattern from Carter but then I changed my mind and gave them the surname Kassavetis because I like John Cassavetes the Greek-American director.
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Reagan Tong
These face options are described in the asset files as "Asian". The "th" sound in Thorne that's found in very few other languages like come on now don't piss me off. These face options honestly give Vietnamese to me but I couldn't find any Vietnamese surnames that matched Thorne and the Cantonese surname Tong sounded closer in my opinion.
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Ryder Villanueva
The face option on the left is described in the asset files as "Hispanic", and the one on the right is described as "Filipino". A unique situation here as many people in the Philippines have Spanish-language surnames and some speak Spanish due to Spain's historical colonization of the Philippines, meaning "Hispanic" can sometimes apply to Filipinos. We're touching on a complicated issue of using "Hispanic" as an ethnic descriptor but this post is not the place to discuss that. Sooooo since Spanish does not traditionally use the letter W (?) there aren't any Spanish-language surnames starting with W, and the only surname from a Filipino language starting with W that I cound find was Wenceslao which I didn't think was a good match for Wilson. So we're going with the Spanish Villanueva which has the initial "il" sound . Also means "new house" which I think is thematically appropriate for this book? Idk I don't have VIP so I can't play it yet and I just read the summary.
Part 1
Part 2
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