#in which case please do i miss you so much queen i cannot remember your face and yelled wiener at someone else. it was embarrassing
sweet-milky-tea705 · 2 months
Am i aspec or just someone who is unable to find anyone who doesnt look gay attractive and lives in the middle of fucking nowhere
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queenofravens01 · 2 years
Time travel AU: Weeping Angels and Harry Potter
No one will ever see it, probably, but it's 5 a.m. somewhere, and I'm fandom crazy 🤷🏼‍♀️
So, I really love time-travel AU in almost any form and flavor, but being as obsessed with Marauders as I’m, you can imagine my favorite setting for such AU🐺🐶🦌🐭
I also live by Doctor Who 👨‍⚕️❓ — it's something about charismatic British (wo)men, you know — so it should give context for how this idea came to me.
Anyway, the idea itself. Weeping Angels 🗽 in Harry Potter universe. I consider Weeping angels to be one of THE BEST creations in fictional universe, and I believe the potential for their use is infinite.
Imagine a Main Character (up to you which one: canon characters, OC all the way, or I also really like to interconnect Marauders era and The next generation aka the kids). Imagine Hogwarts defenses get triggered; no one is found, everyone thinks it's false alarm or some ghost/boggart/something harmless, and no one notices an extra statue in the halls. Imagine people start missing. Imagine your character just walking the halls and noticing over time that statues change, that there's more of them. Imagine your MC not being quick enough one day, so an Angel gets them. Imagine them appearing in the same hall in 1970s. Imagine drama and angst, and romance, and found family (maybe even literal one, depending on the character). Imagine opportunities for plots and ships.
I love the idea that MC would  go to Potters or Blacks for help and protection, depending on who they are.
(And I get it, Blacks do not seem to be a logical choice, but I imagine MC going to Arcturus and Melania Black (aka Lord & Lady of Black), and being like: 'I'm f*cking Black, I'm stuck in the past, Angels are evil, so you will help me, or Morgana help me!'. Something similar with Potters, but much more cordial and wholesome)
MC becoming part of the family and sibling to one of the Marauders. Them coming to Hogwarts and integrating in. Living, breathing, learning, making friends and falling in love.
Also, MC not telling the truth to Marauders until much later or at all, and the only person that they would trust with the truth aside the family is McGonagall (let's be honest. this Queen✨ would be objectively the only one to handle such shit, with grace)
Imagine MC starting to become part of history, maybe trying to change it, but maybe ending up only causing it to happen. Imagine them starting to suspect that Angels were not so random in the first place. Imagine an Angel appearing in the 1970s...
As I said, potential is infinite. There may be more time jumps, there may be time loops, there may be evil plans and strategies, there may be even the Doctor themself (multiverse IS real, after all).
To conclude:
No one will ever see it, probably, but if YOU did, and have read it all trough, then it must be either 5 a.m. at yours or you're fandom crazy ❤️‍🔥. In any case, thank you for reading this and kudos for being fandom enthusiast, I love you just for that already. Share your ideas and opinions, and please let me know if I'm not the only one who thinks it would be ingenious 💡
Also, please share it with anyone who you'd think could make this idea come to life, and I'm always open to help (I do not have a patience to write a whole story by myself, but I work great in tandem. Or I can just drown you in ideas and headcanons for this AU universe I just dreamt up 🔮)
AO3: DevilishRaven (contact me there please if you can, tumbler is kind of a foreign shadow zone to me)
P. S. If You don't know about Weeping Angels, please go and watch Doctor Who 03x10 (remember: DO NOT BLINK), or read about them online. Basics here:
The Weeping Angels are an extremely powerful species of quantum-locked humanoids, meaning they cannot move if they are being watched. They got their name because of their need to cover their faces to avoid trapping each other in stone-state. They are known for being "kind" murderous psychopaths, eradicating their victims "mercifully" by dropping them into the past and letting them live out their full lives, just in a different time period. This, in turn, allows them to live off the remaining time energy of the victim's life.
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saturnsstufff · 3 years
Awsamdude/Technoblade- Rumor Has It
For my beloved @sugarandspicebutnonice
Warnings: sexual innuendo
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    Techno was a great Prince. He worked hard to keep his family's name in good graces. All of Phil's boys worked hard to keep their names held high with respect. Tommy was known around for keeping sprits high, any ball or formality with Tommy was always known as the best to attend.
   His older brother Wilbur was a skilled artisan with music. Always teaching and making new sounds like it wasn't any struggle. Anyone could find him out in the court yard with a guitar in hand. Humming and singing a casual song.
   The eldest, Technoblade was a skilled swordsman and statists. Anytime he was called into a meeting, the others shuddered knowing he would trump them all. He made swinging a sword look like art. Trust me, you would know.
   You had a wonderful relationship with techno for a long time. But sadly, you both had parted away from each other. Of course, it was on all good terms, He was more concerned with the kingdom rather than establishing a strong and sturdy relationship.
   You, being a knight- fully understood. But you also choose to be a bit selfish about it. You truly wished for him to give you a bit of attention at least when together. He could be such a ladies man when he choose to in public, yet when it came to the two of you he just became closed off and anything but warm. Even behind closed doors it was lacking some spark of passion.
   So you both agreed it was best to let things lie.
  But what left you with a sour taste was how quickly he moved on.
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   You would give him the benefit of the doubt of course, he was a well known man. She could have been someone he had met previously, and during your break off she was there to talk it out with him.
She, she ain't real
   But something about her screamed fake, her smile and movements seemed too thought through. Her words all laced with a sickening sweet hum, it also didn't help she giggled at basically anything techno said.
    Plenty of times you sat with the general and talked about how dense she came off. Respectfully, you had assumed Tech would have went for a well educated woman such as yourself. But after seeing her- you wondered if that type was in short supply.
   Anything she did, she would just bat her eyes and he was wrapped around his finger.
   It honestly made Sam and you laugh.
She ain't gonna be able to love you like I will
   As much as you started to loathe the woman, techno wasn't yours anymore. Thus you started getting closer to Sam. Both of you connecting on how your past relationships had been. Well you were casted aside, Sam was flatly cheated on.
   Of course knowing that, your heart ached for him. Sam was a well educated and handsome man with a heart of gold. Respectfully his whole job was centered on protecting and serving the people.
   Jumping into a relationship was Sam was like practically nothing. You promised him all the love in the world, and just like you, he promised to give you the same.
   And love each other you did.
She is a stranger
   Techno did see you grow close to his general, and honestly it didn't set well with him.
   He liked the woman he was with, but he also had known you since childhood. You both had played within the court yard plenty of times to claim it as your own.
   Sam didn't do that with you. Sam had only started to know you when you joined the ranks.
   Techno would often catch himself watching you and Sam spar. His eyes would watch as Sam's hand grabbed at your waist, gripping your hips and using his own to throw you off balance. He hated how close your bodies were.
   At one point he couldn't help but pull you aside and ask why you let him touch you. But that conversation drove spikes through his heart. "How can you just let him touch you like that?! He’s practically all over your body! You wouldn't let me touch you like that- and You and I have history" he yelled not believing what he saw.
   When your face twisted in front of him into disgust, he thought you were almost joking. "The hell is with you?! I'm not your girlfriend! Or don't you remember!?" You yelled at him. Lightly shoving him back from you. "Don't tell me where he can, and cannot touch me" You sneered. In all his years he never saw you so heated.
Sure, she's got it all
   Truthfully you saw techno leave you as a drop to his pride. He dropped a knight for a soft noble girl. A girl babied all her life. You knew as soon as she was exposed to blood she would have fainted like a goat in pasture. But in the end of the day, you weren't sleeping with her so what did it matter?
But, baby, is that really what you want
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   Arguments between Technoblade and you had become more frequent. Sam let you duke it out, he knew he had no place to tell you to leave it be. Sam also didn't appreciate how fast Techno jumped onto your case about finding someone else.
   Although he knew it irked you about Techno moving on, you never got in his face about it like he would. Sam viewed this as your way of showing you were the bigger person.
   On one particular day he found the arguments amusing. Techno had started up again when Sam was publicly teasing you. Well techno found your back talking distasteful, Sam relished with how powerful you were.
   Listening to techno ramble off on his pathetic reasonings left you a laughing mess, even to the point you cut his argument off. "Bless your soul, you've got you're head in the clouds, she's going to use you like a fool!" You laughed in his face.
   His jaw tightened as he spat at your words, pointing at Sam. "You made a fool out of you General. She doesn't even love you- Your wasting your time on a-" at Tech's words you couldn't help but push back even harder for him targeting Sam.
   "How dare you say that. Your common penny is getting around more than I- And, boy, she's bringing you down!" You called out. Putting a finger to his chest. "She made your heart melt- But its all a lie!" You didn't stop their, you had more to say to him. "She thinks your all that- a fairy tale prince to save her dreams! But you're cold to the core" you said to him. Causing him to back off.
   "Besides. Now rumor has it she ain't got your love anymore"
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Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh
   You weren't lying. Their were plenty of rumors going around saying she was sleeping with others besides Techno. Although Sam and you had no proof to this. Your hunches seemed right.
   On one day, Sam had left for a out of village meeting. You really didn't mind, you trusted him enough and knew he wouldn't do anything behind your back.
   But sadly you wished to go with him. Techno had asked for you to join him for a round of chess. Something you both greatly enjoyed when together. But now you knew there was meaning to the game.
   Sure enough when you sat with in in the court yard, he brought up Sam.
   "You know he is much older than you..." he said as he moved his knight across the board.
   "And She is half your age" you said flatly. Picking your pawn up. "But I'm guessing that's the reason that you stayed" you said moving it to where you pleased. His brows drew together in slight anger. But he did try and keep his calm.
   "I heard you've been missing me" he said, a small smirk growing on his lips. He found pride within those rumors. Knowing that you still supposedly whined and withered about for him.
   Of course, you knew he was gravely mistaken.
   "You've been telling people things that you shouldn't be" you said carefully. Knowing he was probably behind the rumors somehow.
   Techno took this moment to see if he still had a effect on you. Usually during chess you both would flirt a bit. So naturally, he took the chance. "Like when we creep out and she ain't around" he said bemused, your face twisting into disgust again.
   "I sneak out to see Sam... besides Haven't you heard the rumors" you said moving your queen. When he didn't respond you laughed. He didn't even under stand. "Bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds" you said, fully amused within the moment.
   "C'mon darlin... I know you fell hard for me when we started dating..." he cooed to you. Your eyes darting up like daggers.
   "You made a fool out of me" you said to him. Wanting to get your point across. Well he moved his pawns about you took your moment to explain how you felt. "You make me sick to my stomach.. And, boy, you're bringing me down" you said softly. Smiling to yourself slowly. "You made my heart melt, yet I'm cold to the core" You said, moving your queen to take his knight. Your eyes slyly skimmed over his. His lost knight now within your fingers.
   "But rumor has it I'm the one you're leaving her for"
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   After that game, rumors and tensions soared wildly. Sam at one point thought you were back and evolved with Techno again. Of course you explained to him the situation, which thankfully he understood and apologized for trusting second hand mouths.
Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh
All of these words whispered in my ear
   But Techno's mood plummeted fast...
Tell a story that I cannot bear to hear
   A engagement, specifically Sam and yours. Oh how his blood boiled at the news. He thought his hands all over you was bad, but now... now you would take Sam's name in law. You would he his wife. Not Techno's.
Just 'cause I said it, it don't mean that I meant it
   Because of this news he didn't hesitate to run and find you. More than hell-bent on giving you a piece of his mind. He wanted to make it clear you couldn't marry him.
People say crazy things
   He didn't care what people would say, he wanted to claim you again. Techno didn't want anyone else touching you. He especially didn't want Him touching you.
Just 'cause I said it, don't mean that I meant it
   Even if within the past week he yelled hurtful things to you, he hoped you would understand he just wanted to protect you from unworthy suitors. Sam couldn't provide for you like Techno could. Sam was a general born from a farmer. Technoblade was to be crowned king.
Just 'cause you heard it
   So their he stormed. Heading to the stables, knowing full well that's where you were. His anger was fuming. He couldn't wait to shove it in Sam's face that Techno wouldn't let you marry him.
   But lets just say Technoblade was the one left speechless in the end.
Rumor has it, ooh, Rumor has it, ooh Rumor has it, ooh,
   Especially when he slammed the door open to the stables and saw Sam's body covering yours, your legs around his waist in a tight hold well he was buried deep inside you.
But rumor has it he's the one I'm leaving you for
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simpz-art-stash · 3 years
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A friendship poisoned by bad blood between brothers.
Day 4 - Poison for Starsfic’s prompt list!
Have a lil fic from the rp which inspired these drawings <3
Fang had of course went the same route as she usually did via cloud. Picking up Mei and telling her to wait atop one of the nearby skyscrapers. That she'd stay connected with her via phone call to allow her to listen in just in case. And that she'd call for her help if it felt like backup was needed.
Hopefully that would not end up being needed.
But the closer she approached the peak of the tower, the more her instincts were screaming at her to bail. She could only chalk it up to nerves at that point.
Just seeing his blurry silhouette in the distance waiting for her left her a lil uneasy as she approached.
Red stopped pacing when he caught her approaching. He glared silently at her, trying to look mean. However, the pained look in his eye made the effect more akin to constipation.  
"You have 1 minute to convince me I shouldn't just throw you from this roof." He said, hoping she'd be combative and he could explode on her.
"Well you're lively as ever.." Her brows furrowed a little, at least he didn't look like a dead mess inside like she did. Though he did look like he'd been put through a few restless cycles... Stepping off the cloud, her eyes barely glanced around to the garden, her sights set on him. Everything put back as it were as if their little scuffle hadn't happened at all. She stopped a few feet from him, looking just as uncomfortable to be there. "I need you're help. There's something ancient and evil lurking beneath the city working with Spider Queen. And someone told me that you've dealt with it before..." She claimed. "I'm not looking to reforge what we had because I know you're right. That we can't be together...But I was hoping at the very least..that maybe just for this, we could truce?" She looked at him hopefully.
"You're coming to me to help defeat the Spider Queen yet again?? Are you serious!? Are you all REALLY so INCOMPETENT that you cannot just handle her for once!? She's not even that strong of a demon, she just keeps getting lucky!" He snapped.  "Why don't you go ask your ole daddy to save the day on this one?? I've got better things to do!" If she would just leave, get angry and run off, he wouldn't have to....
She grimaced at him blowing up at her. Any other day she'd hardly find it all that hurtful to listen to him rage his frustrations into the air about her. But then he had to go and make things personal. And she only barely manged to keep her composure at him throwing her dad into the mix like that. "My dad's missing Red...I can't.." She sighed, crossing her arms as she glared at the ground. "Interesting." A voice of static crackled to life in one of his ears. His father's voice. "Proceed with what we discussed." Red winced at the static in his ear, but tried to pass it off. "Your... dad is missing?" He asked slowly. "UuuuUUGHHH!! FINE! Just... fine, let's sit down, have a drink, and talk it out, Monkey Princess." He waved her to follow over to the table. He reached under and brought out the drink. Rather spicy water, even for him. Ancient and potent looking. He must really feel bad about their break up...
She shot him a glance, almost a little surprised to see him succumb to her words. Honestly thinking he would've told her to just 'get over it' or 'who cares'. This only stoked what little hope she had for them. She breathed out a little, "Thank you.." Before she made her way over with him, sitting herself down opposite to him. Though she'd abstained from drinking for as long as she could, all the stress was just begging her mental status to relax.
He poured the drinks white she was settling, slightly obscured to her when he did. 'Better you than me,' he thought as he dropped in the poison. This was a mantra he'd adopted over the centuries when he started to feel bad about the things he did. This was the first time he didn't quite believe it. He picked up the glasses and handed the poisoned one to her. He sat across from her and took a bigger drink from his than he ever normally would, needing this for courage not to knock the glass from her hands. To her, it would just seem that their falling out was harder on him than he let on.... which was true.  Evidenced by him  brushing a finger over his old facial scar, something he didn't even realize he did when he was anxious. "So what in the realms could POSSIBLY have you worried about that self-important pestilence infesting the sewers calling herself a queen?" He FINALLY asked.
Though a part of her wanted nothing more than to just drink the night away like it were any other, she knew they had more important business. And considered that through the end of it that maybe it would be better to simply savor what she could of what time they had. Opting for once to speak over her drinking for the first time in a while. "She's working with someone..someone a lot more powerful. An ancient demon with dark magic..." She contemplated aloud, "We think it might've been what gave her the boost she had when she tried to take over the city the first time..but we're not sure." She glanced at him. "You feel it too though don't you? The city has been restless for weeks...something worse is coming." He winced when she didn't immediately start drinking.  He did contemplate about the city being restless.  "I thought that was just me being a surly bastard." He tilted his head in thought.  But now that she mentioned it, yes, for once, it did seem to effect more than just him. He sighed and sat back, swirling his glass, looking bitterly into it.  "That would make sense, I suppose.  That something bigger than her would be what's allowing her to be more effective at her job than usual." Fang nodded a little, "We've got a name to her but..we're unsure of just how strong she really is. She's managed to put a curse on my brother..an lead my father down a path even I can trace him back to..she calls herself 'The Lady Bone Demon." There was a bit of an avid silence between them before that same gravely tone crackled to life in his ear, "Interrogate her on this enemy." If she wasn't going to off herself then to them then they might as well gain any intel they can on this enemy.
"Lady Bone Demon..." He furrowed his brow, not needing to be prompted by his father one bit on this.  "It seems like a familiar name, maybe I've come across her in my research." he shook his head.  "But do go on, please." he waved, urging her to divulge everything. "Someone did say that you've dealt with her before. It's why I arranged this meeting in the first place..they claimed that you 'dug' her up from the 'pits of hell.'" She pointed out, not really sure how true it was but she wanted to cover her source as he'd claimed he wanted no part in anything regarding it all. "I'm not pointing you at fault whatsoever, I don't think you'd purposely let someone loose like that just to give them the upper hand...I'm just going on the only lead I have at this point.." She claimed. Red Son's brow furrowed at that, and he wondered how closely his family was listening.  It had indeed been the Demon Bull Family to dig up this menace from the depths of the earth. "That's... That sounds like the ancient energy that my father had us dig from the earth... The one that possessed him.  The soul reason we blighted our names to team up with the Monkey King and Nyoodle Boy.  But we defeated that!  Noodle Boy dealt the killing blow!" So he had dealt with it before. "Apparently he didn't finish her like you thought he did, because she's underneath the city working to off us all." Fang stated, "All the signs are there, and this proves it." He shook his head, cursing his father's arrogance under his breath.  Not that Red would have done anything different, in fact he was one to help dig the spirit up, proud to help his father in his glorious purpose.  However, he was still sore that his father had turned on him and his mother, even if his mother had forgiven DBK. "So now this horrible power that possessed my father, nearly killed me, and already nearly destroyed everything anyone holds dear, is BACK?  With the Spider Queen of all people, that DOES explain how that little gnat took the city!" he growled and was on his feet.  "So?? What are you doing about it? What sort of measures are you taking to combat this?" She blinked a little in surprise at his sudden boisterous attitude, well at least he was putting his anger towards something more worthwhile instead of taking it out on her. "Weeell..we've got someone currently scoping out the sewers looking for them, in hopes that we'll be able to find out exactly where they are. We've also been looking for any manner of history regarding them, or any relic's that might be of use to us for this specific demon. As well as any other allies..but we haven't had much luck..we're sort of on our own here an I..well can I just be honest with you? I have no idea what the hell I'm doing..." Red had been pacing, but when she got down and honest with him, he stopped. He looked back at her, seeing the scared, vulnerable girl that she didn't let out much to anyone. She'd been working so hard to stop this, and she was floundering, and destined to fail. Maybe it would be kinder of him to end her. Maybe this was for the best. He came back and sat down, nearer to her. "Well. I suppose that..." he sighed. "Dont worry your monkey head about this. I will do everything in my power to stop this demon, then. Not for you!" He quickly amended, remembering his parents listening. "But to avenge my family's honor! Take down anything that thinks it could possibly be greater than the Demon Bull Family! The audacity of this Lady Bonehead." Hus ears were blowing out a tiny bit of steam after his fit of passion. And though it might've made sense to him that it would be best to truce in hopes of taking down such a powerful ancient enemy. His father apparently thought it just as much of a mockery the second time around than the first. Where Red saw logic, Bullking saw the only fleeting chance he had to finally one up his oldest enemy and lose what footing he could to overtaking the city. He didn't need the aid of ANYONE, the Spider Queen had simply gotten the jump on him. But he knew now that was just because of some devious relic. And he wasn't about to tarnish the family name further. So again he had to remind his son who was really making the demands here. "Remember your place child." He warned him, "If you value what little sliver of loyalty you have towards you're family you will do as I say. And follow through with your mission." A small chuckle escaped Fang then, and a tear almost would've escaped her had she not hid it by brushing back her bangs. "That's probably the most relieving thing I've heard all week..." She smiled at him, that glimmer of hope in her eyes in knowing he had her back. Her hand raising her glass to him as a toast, "May we both be victorious in the end." He felt his blood run cold at his dad's chastisement.  He knew he wasn't likely to be spared should DBK's wrath overflow.  His father had proven time and again that he was more or less expendable. He had a good upbringing, though, and raised his glass to her as well.  "May victory smile on the Demon Bull Family." he made as if to drink, but waited to be sure she was drinking first. Then he slammed his drink, standing up.  "We'll take it from here.  Just rest." he told her, brow twitching in dismay. She took her shot then, her face scrunching a bit at just how strong the after burn of it was before she sighed. "Thanks...I really needed this.." A tired smile stared down at the now empty glass, never the wiser. "I mean it..even if we'll never be able to speak to each other ever again after this. And pretend we hate each other's guts. I'll always cherish those moments spent between us all those years ago...Just so you know..in case something happens to you." She stated her claim, before slowly standing herself upright. "I'll always be here for you man." Oh sure. She was just going to twist the knife in his gut.  Curse these goodie two shoes and their sentimentality!  And she was outing him more and more to his family!  He should have used a stronger poison.  What if the alcohol nullified its effects?? "I will genuinely miss you.  Forgive me that I don't have your back..." he hunched his shoulders, thinking quickly.  His parents didn't have a visual on them, just an audio link, as far as he knew. Before her eyes, he started his agitated pacing yet again.  And suddenly, he yanked something out of his ear throwing it to the ground and crushing it under his boot.  "I'm so sorry Fang..." She tilted a little at his sudden abruptness to it all, having wondered if he was just getting misty at her being so forward of just how much she'd miss him. But watching his jerking motions prompted a bit of confusion to her. "What're you?-" Then there was a cough that escaped her, and looking back at her would reveal her holding a hand to her throat with a look of discomfort. As if trying to breathe only for further coughing to escape her. "Red?.." She wheezed a little, staring at him with a confused look. He paced a little more, trying to think of anything he could do to stop this.  Any antidote.  But there wasn't one, that's why they had chosen it.  At the cough, he froze.  "My father was going to kill me if I didn't--" was all the explanation he offered, before biting down hard on his tongue and turning his back to her.  Poisoning was one of his least favorite ways of killing someone.  Too personal, too up close.  Imprecise and messy.  This was DBK's own way of torturing Red, by choosing such a horrible demise. He couldn't look at her, and he turned his back, holding his head up.  "I'll take care of things from here.  Just rest." he repeated.  He tried to look dignified but he was close to throwing up. Further coughing ensued, her fighting just to get any ounce of air in her lungs at that point. Her mind finding it hard to focus on his words but she heard him, and she felt a sharp panic drop in her stomach as a swelling heat rose in her core. "W-what did you-" She tried to get another word in, trying to edge around the table to meet him, but found her limbs betraying her and forcing her to collapse on the ground with a cry. Tears pricked her eyes at the surge of heat that was becoming overbearingly hot within her. Like she'd just eaten a demon pepper, only it was causing her to lose every manner of senses and replace it with pure hellfire. Where all she could do was grip at her chest in agony and let out a wrenching noise as she bellowed out a pleading cry. But that wasn't the only thing that bellowed out of her right then, a plume of red smog began to leak from her nose and mouth. Only furthering her suffering as she choked on it all, unable to breathe in nothing more than the pure rage inducing concoction she'd had forced upon her. A sickened snarl escaped her right then as one of her hands gripped at the ground, clawing at it enough to leave marks buried into the concrete that had forged it. And though her breath was shallow, it warped in comparison to the haunting fury that now laced her breath. "What did you do to me?!!" She screamed. He tried to be cold and cool, aloof the way his mother had taught him to be.  A strong man, not a quivering, weak boy.  But when he heard her collapse on the ground choking he let out a pained cry of his own, ducking his head and covering his ears.  He should have just let his father kill him.  It would have been preferable to this!  His only friend choking to death behind him.  His eyes squeezed shut, causing tears to fall that he hadn't realized even welled up. The last scream made his blood run cold, a particularly horrid sensation for a man so hot.  Something was different about her voice at a primal level, and it caused him to spin around to face her.  Any pretense he had held before this point was gone, and his face was just that of a sick, scared child.  "Fang!" Another pained cry left her curled in on herself as she almost looked like she was having a stroke. But that couldn't of been farther from the truth as a wicked sense of something horrid radiated off of her, like a mix of dark magic and death. A whimper escaped her as her fur began to warp from its pure sunshine blonde to a morbidly dark black, her hands involuntarily flexing in on themselves as she let out a haggard breath. "I trusted you..." It was low, warped and hollow, and through it all somehow she forced herself up onto her knees. If not to just look back at him with a look he'd only seen her wear the first time they'd met when he'd fought for his life and given her that horrid scar of hellfire. A look a pure primal rage.
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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Chapter 1: The Company
"Do you have to leave?" Lani asked as she handed me my bag, she was always the nervous one.
"Yes, it's important. Take care of things while I'm gone, I have faith in you Lani. I'll be back before you know it." Lani was like a younger sister to me, the one always hiding behind the older one. While I was going to be missing, I put her in charge of the kingdom. She knew how everything worked, she was always there next to me when I was taking care of business anyhow. Of course, after a few days of traveling to the shire I wanted to turn back to see if she was alright, but I knew I had to keep going. And eventually, I stood in front of the green door with a dwarven letter carved into it. Taking a deep breath I knocked, and the voices I had heard went quiet. It's just a bunch of dwarves, nothing to be worried about. The door opened to reveal a hobbit, not as tall as me but he was up to my shoulders.
"Uh, c-come in." He steps to the side, and I walked forward, they must've been expecting me. Setting my bag down by the front door, I took in everything. It was small and cozy, I wish my home looked like this. Continuing on I came across the thirteen dwarves Gandalf had mentioned.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n, I believed she could be a wonderful asset to our quest." The raven-haired man couldn't keep his eyes off me, it was like he was dazed, now that I think about it every dwarf's gaze was still on me. Including a young man about my height, maybe even taller. I smirked, hello handsome, my cheeks burned a shade of crimson as I realized my thought process. Gandalf nudged the man to get his attention, and he snaps out of his trance.
"My name is Thorin Oakenshield, it is a pleasure to meet you, my lady." He bowed his head slightly, giving me a small smile.
"You won't be saying that in a few seconds," I muttered, Gandalf swallowed nervously as he said his next words carefully.
"I should mention, that Y/n is also...The Queen of The Digonisks. The Soul Of The Black Dragon." Everyone's eyes widened, but no one said a word except the blond man in the back.
"What's a Digonisk?"
"There dragons, and murderers." Thorin glared at me with a fire in those blue orbs. I just rolled my eyes, of course, that's what he thought of me. Yet how could we be the murderers when their kind slaughtered mine? "I want her out, that filth cannot come on this quest with us."
"'That filth' has a name you know, and for your information, it's not really up to you now is it?" I exclaimed, he went to protest but Gandalf held out his hand to silence him.
"She can help us Thorin, she has the ability to take down Smaug. She might be the only one who can."
"I don't care." He abruptly stood, not even a foot away from me. "Leave, or I'll strike you down where you stand." Silently, I conjured a dagger and placed right against his side making him gasp.
"You'll be dead before you can even draw your sword, you should be thankful I came to help. I could've easily said no and let karma continue it's pace. Especially after what your kin did to us, you took my home, killed my people! Your no better than Smaug himself. Now sit." I forced him back into his chair, his hand gripped tightly on his blade. He wants to play does he? Bring it on.
"Enough!" Gandalf stood, making the room fill with darkness. "I brought her along, and so she shall stay, if you try to lay a hand on her I won't hesitate to lay one on you." He was furious, but as he sat back down the room turned back to normal. Each dwarf was scowling at me, except the two in the back. Right, they don't know the history between us.
"It was nice meeting you, your majesty." I bowed, and turned back towards the door. "I'll be outside, tell me when we're leaving."
"Wait! You haven't even heard about-" Gandalf stands but I raise my hand, silencing him. "At least stay and listen." I stopped, I already new of their quest, there was no reason for me to be in this room. And none of them probably didn't want me to stay anyhow.
"You can sit by us." The man in the back offered, patting the seat next to him with a smile. The other's hissed at him but he ignored their comments, making my way to the end of the table, I sit between him and the blond. Both were slightly blushing, and staring at me with those beautiful eyes though trying to make it less obvious. Thorin continues to eat his stew, making very little eye-contact with me.
"Perhaps we could do introductions? I still only know two of the people in this room."
"Right, that would be best." Gandalf agreed, and he pointed to each individual as he named them off. "Here you have Thorin, the leader of our company. Bofur, with his brothers Bomber and Bifur, then Dwalin, Balin, Gloin, Oin, Dori, Nori and Ori. Then last but not least the two next to you, Kili and Fili." None of them seemed happy, if looks could kill I would've been dead the moment Gandalf mentioned what I was. When Gandalf named off Kili, he winked at me while slightly smirking. I winked back making him look away embarrassed, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.
"What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?" Balin asked, looking over at his king, who nods.
"Aye, envoys from all seven kingdoms."
"And what did the dwarves of the Iron Hill say? Is Dain with us?" Dwalin asked, Thorin hesitated as he stated his answer.
"They will not come." The other dwarves become visibly upset, I decided that this might take awhile. So I played with the little flame that came from my finger, it didn't burn me for I was immune to fire. I was in my own mind, my own little world while humming a melody.
"Can she please leave?" I heard Thorin whisper, leaning closer to the wizard. "She does not belong here." Gandalf knew nothing would get done if I stayed, so he gives me a pleading look. Happily I left the table, and headed back outside, it felt nice out here. Sitting on the pavement I watched the stars, they were a lot farther away now. My kingdom was high up in the sky, higher than the mountain of Erebor. It's far above the clouds where no eye can see, Gandalf made it that way with the help of my mother's grimoire. He made what's called a floating island, only digonisks and wizards can enter. I heard the hobbit door open, and out came Kili with a bowl of food.
"Here." Kili smiled handing me a bowl of stew. "I thought you would be hungry, so I brought you some stew."
"I'm not eating that, especially not from a dwarf." He slowly brought it back to himself, he seemed upset for some reason.
"It's not poisoned if that's what your worried about." He muttered, sitting down next to me. "Here I can test taste it." He quickly took a bite, showing that it wasn't fatal. He handed it back to me with a look of hope.
"Thank you." I took it from him, and hesitantly took my first bite. It tasted delicious, even my people didn't have soup made like this. "Did you make this yourself?"
"Ah no, Bombur made it, mostly for us but I figured you were hungry." Well at least he had some manners, he's certainly more nicer than Thorin. "Don't worry about my uncle, he just, he told me why he hates your kind. Even though that happened, you weren't the one doing the killing."
"Of course he's already spreading rumours." Kili glanced over at me with curiosity. "How about you hear my side of the story. Believe which ever one you want, it won't matter." Cause soon my people will be set free, and each and everyone of you will be filled with guilt. "My kin aren't killers, the village of Hargen had been over run by orcs. We were the first ones to respond to the crisis, and we had driven out the enemy. Yet when the dwarves showed up, Thror believed it to be us who slaughtered them. That wasn't the case, blinded by rage he started rumours about us, saying we weren't peaceful and that we were murders. There already had been rumours, but that was mostly because Digonisks are extremely powerful. The people of Middle Earth knew that if we tried, we could over power them. When they started making rumours, they thought that we would go hide in the shadows. Yet we stilled stayed strong, and when that wasn't enough..." A single tear slipped down my cheek, the horror that occurred in that building was enough to make someone insane. I quickly wiped it away, I can't let him see me weak. "...The dwarves became the true monsters, them and mankind had invited us to the grand ball. I was only a child then, but I remember I was so excited to see the tiny men that roamed our world. Most of us had showed up, and when the doors closed the explosions started."
"...I'm sorry you went through that, but if you hate dwarves so much. Why come and help us?"
"There is something in that mountain that proves my kin is innocent. Reports from Thror himself about what really happened that day. And I intend to find it, so my people can be free once again. That's the main reason why Gandalf brought me here, he showed me a letter from Thrain. Explaining where to find the reports." He looked back to sky, wondering what to say next. I continued to eat my stew, and once I was finished he offered to take the bowl from me.
"Come back inside, surely if you explain to my uncle what's in that mountain he won't hate you as much." I hadn't thought of that, but what if he decides to go burn the papers before I get there? Though he seemed like a respectful man, and if we are going to be working together on this journey then he has to see me as an ally.
"Alright, might as well give it a try." He smiled and grabbed my hand dragging me along with him. "K-Kili wait!" He seemed more excited than I, as we passed each dwarf grimaced at the sight of me.
"Uncle!" Kili exclaimed catching Thorin's attention, he immediately separated our hands. Stepping infront of his nephew he pulled out his sword, pointing it at my neck.
"I suggest you put that thing away, wouldn't want a wizard and a Digonisk fighting you now do you? I have come to show you something, it might make this trip a whole lot easier." He didn't budge, reaching into my cloak I pulled out the same scroll Gandalf had brought me. Thorin slowly took it from my hands and undid the ribbon, his eyes widened in shock at his father's handwriting.
"How did you get this?" He looked back to me, he had hope that his father was alive.
"Gandalf gave it to me, it's the main reason I'm here." Thorin seemed to be more at ease with me in the room now. Did he actually believe his father's words?
"What does is say Thorin?" Balin asked coming closer, Thorin couldn't believe his eyes. Gradually he handed the scroll back to me, and all I saw was remorse in those blue orbs.
"It was written by my father, he says that in my grandfathers room the truth about her kind remain. The real reports about what happened that day in Hargen, if this is true then..." He couldn't finish his sentence, a thousand emotions appeared at once.
"This doesn't mean anything, it could be a lie. Those reports could show something different, but we still don't know if the evidence lies in the mountain." Dwalin interrupted, making the furious look on Thorin's face return. Well so much for that, Gandalf sighs in disappointment. Even he had hope that Thorin would be reasonable, I went to head back outside but Thorin grabs my arm.
"If your coming with us, then you have to sign the contract. I won't be responsible for your death, nor do I feel like dealing with a bunch of angry dragon slayers." Balin, kindly handed me a piece of paper, inside read the rules and what not. They would not be responsible for anything that happens to me, which was fine but if I were to die who would set my people free?
"I want to add something to this, if I am to go on this journey and I die. You must set my people free, get the reports from your grandfather's room and show everyone that my people are innocent. That is all I ask." He seemed shocked at my request, although I didn't want to trust him with this kind of task it was the only way my people would be safe after I'm gone.
"Get me a pen." He grumbled, using my magic I summoned an ethereal white feather. He watched as I wrote down my terms and signed it, then when I handed him the pen he couldn't help but stare at it. It glowed brightly in his hand, never had he seen something like this. After examining it he signed his name on the line, then handed the pen to Balin who signed it as a witness.
"Welcome, Queen Y/n to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." He smiled, that made me feel somewhat welcome. At least he has manners like Thorin's nephew, maybe all dwarves aren't so bad.
"Your welcome to stay inside, get as much sleep as you can. You'll need it for the journey ahead, I have a feeling we're going to be needing those wings of yours." Gandalf suggested but Kili and Fili perked up at his comment.
"Wings? She has wings?" Kili asked coming closer, taking off my cloak I spread them. "I didn't even realize the you could fly!"
"They look a lot smaller when folded, but yes I have wings. There easy to hide under a robe, and not very noticeable." He reached over to touch them, I flinched slightly as his fingers ran over the scales.
"May I?" Thorin asked with a light blush on his face, how could the king under the mountain have rosy cheeks? I nodded, watching him cautiously as he ran his hand over my skin. He let out a small smile as he stretched them farther to get a better look. "They're huge, how could they be so small when tucked away?" He muttered, but when he realized he was getting a little into this he stepped back. That stern look returning to his features. "Get some sleep." That was the last thing he said before walking away, at least he's somewhat warming up to me. I settled in the corner of the hobbit's house away from everyone else, surrounding myself with my wings to keep me warm. After a few minutes of silence, I heard voices again except this time it was the dwarves singing a song. "Far over the Misty Mountains cold. To dungeons deep and caverns old. We must away ere break of day. To find our long-forgotten gold." Thorin's voice was most audible, and for some reason, it soothed me.
"The pines were roaring on the height, the winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread. The trees like torches blazed with light." I sang along, which made the dwarves silent. The song wasn't unknown to me, everyone outside of the shire knew the story of Erebor. After a moment they sang along after I joined, but softer than before. Maybe because they loved my voice? Or maybe my voice soothed Thorin and he wanted to hear more, as he reassured me.
@fili-is-my-lover @lunariasilver @kirenia15
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Forever Mine
chapter six
❦ summary — The time for Princess Riley to step into her role as queen fast approaches and finding the future king is Cordonia’s top priority. Commander Liam is aware of that, and has plans to make sure the princess ends up with someone suitable.
➺ chapter warnings: smut, manipulation, slight degrading (??)
❦ catch up here!
➺ word count: (+/-) 2120
*all characters belong to Pixelberry, except those unique to my story*
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Walking to the Commander's office alone was a bad idea. Even worse considering that it was past midnight. But Riley couldn't help it; nor could she hear the voice in her head telling her to stop over the thundering in her ears.
Maybe she should have gone to Drake instead, or even Maxwell. Even Olivia would have helped.
She wears slippers and a gown, one that wasn't appropriate in case someone saw her. The lights of the guest bedrooms she passed were on, she could hear some maids and guards in the distance; there were too many chances of her getting caught, yet her feet still led her down the cold hallway.
Leo had sent her a text an hour ago, telling her that he finally came back from his day's activities and that their father was upset. She could walk to her father's office and say what she needed to tell Liam. Or she could even walk to Leo's room, her older brother wouldn't push her away, would he?
But her feet kept moving. She had put on the wrong shoes before leaving her room: she hadn't worn these in more than a year, and they were a size too small. The cold floor stung the heals of her foot every time she took a step. Riley longed for the warmth of the library fireplace, the softness of Liam's fingers, his gentle embrace.
But that wasn't what she was going to him for. Yes, she was lonely, and yes, she wanted some company, along with some validation that she had done a good job today, but she was going towards the Commander's office to complain about one of her suitors. Riley knew that out of all the people she'd tell about her grievance, Liam was the one who would take action.
She doubted that Leo wanted to help her with anything that had to do with the season, and she knew that her father would tell her to bear it and stop complaining. Drake and Olivia's intimidation tactics wouldn't work to drive away someone she didn't want around, and Maxwell's family was slowly losing significance, so he couldn't help either.
But Liam, Liam could. Riley knew. Out of all the people in her circle, he had the most power. He wasn't self-absorbed like her father, he didn't avoid responsibility like her brother, he isn't afraid of the spotlight like her. He'd be the one to take action.
Since before the season began, she had dreamed up hypothetical situations in which she, in a flurry of emotion, didn't wish to marry any of the men who presented themselves to her, and she would run to Liam to tell them to go away.
It would be perfect for both of them, wouldn't it? There wouldn't be another power-hungry man near Constantine trying to take Liam's position away from him, and there would be no one controlling Riley. It would be perfect for both of them.
The belief that Riley was doing the right thing, not only for herself but for Liam, too, gave her the confidence to open the door to his study.
Her eyes land on unruly hair that had been perfectly styled this morning, hunched over stacks of papers, pen in hand with ink staining his long fingers.
She didn't move from the entryway, forgetting that there was an open door behind her, listening to the pen scribbling away on paper. The Commander had missed the day's festivities and was still working? Riley couldn't imagine the stress he carried on his shoulders, visibly weighing him down.
"Commander?" she calls as quietly as she can.
He looks up at her, but she cannot make out his eyes from such a distance. She walks up to him slowly, remembering why she came. Tears form in her eyes from the frustration, though her voice is steady when she says, "I wish to talk to you about—"
"Princess, please," he soothes, standing up to brush tears from her eyes. He leans closer to her, and Riley shivers when she feels his breath on her cheek. "I'm busy right now, darling." Another shiver shakes her spine. "I'll meet you in the library in twenty minutes."
He sits back down and she is left staring at the top of his head again. Riley only moves when she hears footsteps from outside the room, prompting her to dash towards the library.
When she reaches the library, Riley makes sure that it is empty. She checks her phone and finds messages from her brother and Drake asking where she is. Her heart thunders in her chest, running wild with excitement that Liam will join her shortly. She doesn't want anyone interrupting them, so she tells Leo and Drake that she's reading a book in the library, and warns them not to bother her.
She takes a seat on a desk near the fireplace, thinking of how to introduce her complaint to Liam. How would he react to her words? Would he call her childish, think she overexaggerated or misunderstood? Would he laugh at her? She loved making Liam laugh but knew that if he ever laughed directly at her, she would cry in front of him.
And even though she doesn't want to show Liam any tears tonight, a dull sense of dread rises in Riley's chest and stops her breath. How much longer did she have to endure this? Why did she have to suffer through unsolicited comments, not only by the men and nobility who participated in the season but all the reporters who spoke to the world?
She wanted it to stop, it was too much. She felt disgusted with herself that she prefered to go back to the life where she didn't have to worry about anything; other people would do that for her. She wanted to go back to the sweet noble life.
The library door opens and she spins around. Liam's hair is still out of place, and his military coat unbuttoned. She can see the shirt that usually stretched under his muscles, now hanging untucked and lose from his slouch.
She doesn't want him to see her tear-stained face, so she wraps her arms around him and buries her face in his chest, pleasantly surprised by the smell of lime and jasmine.
His calloused fingers come to rest at her hips, and she can feel the depth of his voice in his chest as he says, "Tell me what happened."
"Lord Michael..."
She only manages to utter his name before he speaks up again, "Say no more, I'll get rid of him."
"Please don't do something rash."
"I won't, darling. I'll make sure he's gone by morning."
She feels his attempt to move away from her, but Riley wraps her arms tighter around him. "I missed you today," she states, without realizing the weight of her words.
Liam doesn't respond. He looks down at her, the scent of lavender shampoo filling his nostrils. His fingers tighten their grip. Riley gives a soft whimper but doesn't protest.
Should he let go? Leave and return to his office? Stay and comfort her? What type of comfort did she need? He was stressed enough as it is, but he didn't want to leave his darling alone.
"Come here," he says into her locks, leading her towards a reading chair. There was only one chair, and when he sits down she continues to stand, looking around for another seat.
Liam, lacing his fingers through her's, gives Riley's hand a gentle pull, motioning her to sit on his lap. He expected her to pull away, every voice in his head told her that she better do the proper thing and move away, go grab another chair.
But after a moment of hesitation, Riley sits between his knees, taking the time to wrap her legs and arms around Liam's back. She tucks her head into his neck and takes a deep breath, while Liam's breathing quickens.
"You had all those men around you," he reminds her, feeling her breath catch in her throat, "and you still missed me?"
He hears a soft hum in his ear and continues, "Cordonia's greedy little princess."
Riley's face heats up from those words, but she doesn't move. Nor does she stop the Commander from moving his hands below her gown or grinding his hips against hers.
Through all that, the princess slowly lifts her head to let her eyes meet Liam's. Their breaths getting faster as they stared into each other, trying to find an answer or queue.
Liam wanted her to pull away, while Riley, unsure of herself, wanted him to continue. She had no idea what she was doing, but her heart had never moved this fast or felt this warm, she never before had wanted a man to tell her that he loved her. So she let him continue.
With his hands on the underside of her thighs, Liam stands and walks her over to a desk, lifting her gown off of her as he places her down. Riley doesn't want the Commander to look at her body, so she gently pushes her lips against his.
Liam instantly regrets his decision, but she doesn't pull away so he continues.
Riley's insides burn with shame, but he doesn't scold her, so she moves to help him undress.
Pain and pleasure break through her as Liam tells her to lie on her back and greedily thrusts into her. She holds her hands against her mouth, forbidding any sounds to escape. Meanwhile, Liam's filthy words feed the pleasure and shame inside Riley.
He grabs her wrists and holds them over her head. She struggles to hold in moans and tears, wanting to scream from the way he was pushing into her with the intensity of a man who had long been deprived of sexual gratification.
Panic and fear build in her chest after a knock at the library door. Liam doesn't turn his head or slow his pace.
"Princess?" a voice comes from outside the door. Riley hopes that they cannot hear what's happening. "The royal secretary has been searching for you." Riley recognizes the voice, it was her handmaid, Maria.
"Princess Riley," the royal secretary speaks out. "Your father is requesting your presence. He understands that it is late, but the issue is urgent. Prince Leo told me you would be here."
Frantically, Riley turns to Liam and squirms, wanting to release her hands from his grip and push him off of her, but his fingers tighten around her wrists.
"Go on, princess," the hulking man prompted in a hushed, sultry tone. "Answer them."
"I... I'm okay!" she manages to belt out, just before his thrusts increased tenfold.
Riley felt blood on her tongue from how hard she bites down on it. She tries desperately not to release the hot flurry of moans that wanted to spill from her lips. The metallic taste flusters her more.
The pleasure Liam causes is enough to make her head spin. The way he curves toward her cervix, hitting a spot just near it with every pound, made her see stars. Riley fears that she may soon give away her and the Commander's compromising position if he didn't stop.
"Please," she sobs quietly, to which he responds with a dark chuckle in her ear.
Liam had been waiting so long for this. Why would he stop now, when he had her exactly where he wanted her since they had first met? She was enjoying him. She was accepting him.
"Does my little girl want to cum?" he taunts. "After teasing me like a little whore for years?"
It was what she needed that moment, but she was more concerned about the people outside the door entering and seeing her like this. She wanted the release. She wanted this. She wanted Liam, or at least in this moment, she believes she does.
Nevertheless, she didn't want anyone to witness her in such a vulnerable state beneath him. She didn't know what would happen. Worst of all, she didn't know what Liam's fate would be, once her father discovered his treachery.
"Ah... ah, the... d-door."
"Do it before they decide to check on you, because I won't stop.
And she believes him, because this isn't the sweet, caring man she knew. This is someone who wanted nothing more than to dominate her. This was someone who had been wanting to do this.
All those fleeting glances and touches, had they been precursors to this? But the thought was lost as he brought her to climax around him, and only then did Liam begin to worry about who was still at the door.
a/n: okay y'all i've never written smut before and i know this is really bad so please don't judge. I told myself i would never write smut. but i had to do it for the plot🤌🏻 anyways i hope y'all enjoyed this lol
@twinkleallnight @gkittylove99 @sweatyrysconnoisseur @kingliam2019 @queenrileyrose @royalromancer @princess-geek @mom2000aggie @claireloutoo @tessa-liam @21-wishes @yourmajesty09
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shadowturtlesstuff · 3 years
I’m sorry too..
Based off Speak now by Taylor Swift. There will be a chapter two eventually in Thomas’s perspective which will be way more dramatic but my brain is bad at finishing things so we shall see how long it takes. Posting this during my history class as there is nothing else to do...so enjoy
In all my time falling in love with Mr. Cresswell, I never expected to be an outsider at his wedding. Sitting alone on the back row to wallow in my misery. It is cruel that once I got over my fear of marriage and decided it would be perfect to spend the rest of my life with Thomas, it is torn from us by his father. The church is nice, made up with everything his bride-to-be wanted without a trace of his charm. He stands at the front, staring intensely at the door as though it will swallow you up and save him. He tries his best not to look at me or display his heartbreak. To everyone else he is impatiently waiting for miss Whitehall. However, I know all his calls. Knuckles white as he tries and bite down his anger. Pushing his emotions away in order to get through this.
This is surely not what any of us thought it would be. I want nothing more than for it to be our wedding. For him to be more relaxed, truly impatient and bursting with emotion. His expression will haunt, embedded in my brain like a wine stained dress, I'll try my hardest to forget his grief stricken face watching his future- our future, dissipate. To count the minutes until everything changes and we become trapped in our feelings that can never show. With everything that is happening I may have to stop working with Thomas. How would it be fair to us both if we continue on thinking nothing has happened and pretending we are not in love? That when I am away from Thomas I almost lose my mind. Yet, not only is our wedding taken away from us, our friendship shall be too. Back in Romania Thomas had told me the world is neither kind nor cruel; but as I sit and watch Thomas become shackled in this marriage I find it hard to believe the world is not vicious. It is full of murderers, liars, thieves and people intent on ruining other peoples lives.
The organ starts to play a song that sounds like a death march and everyone in the room stops breathing as the door opens and Miss Whitehall begins to float down the aisle like a queen. I steal a glance at Thomas who has finally caved and is staring at me. It is a piercing gaze, pleading and begging for something to save him. Even though there is nothing to be done.
Thomas’s stare costumes me, setting me alight, destroying me completely. He is stranded, helpless. I feel sick. I want to reach out and tell him it will work out even though it won’t. I want to hold him close to me, to feel his arms around me as we try and hide in false hope. But I am not the kind of girl who would interrupt a wedding even though my skin is crawling with the need to scream how wrong this is.
Miss Whitehall nudges Thomas and he reluctantly looks away from me. She throws a scowl my way because I am all Thomas can think about. I ignore it, just as I ignore the growing silence that pounds against me. The priest starts to do the speech but no sounds are made except my beating heart. Silence stretches on for an eternity and my heart stops beating as I hear the words: ‘Speak now or forever hold your peace.’
There is a silence that differs from before. It has changed as anticipation seeps into the room. Thomas looks, scanning the crowd before landing on me. Could I really interrupt? Save Thomas from this fate and change our futures. It is perhaps my last chance. I take a risk and make a decision so reckless Thomas would've been proud at the dramatic nature of it -if it wasn't about us.
I close my eyes and breathe in deeply as I stand up slowly. My eyes open and Thomas is still staring at me. I hide my hands behind my back. There are gasps and horrified looks from everyone in the room but I can only focus on Thomas. Relief and fear and emotions I can't figure out are mixed in his dark brown eyes. There is a faint smile as we stand staring at each other.
I recall all the times Thomas has saved me, how many times he has dragged me from dark thoughts with his teasing, witty remarks. I remember all the times we have saved each other. How we were meant to spend the rest of our lives having adventures, saving one another and loving each other with our whole heart. I can't imagine a world where I am not beside my annoyingly charming best friend. To not be able to rely on someone who knew what I was thinking when I didn't seems impossible. We were meant to stop crime together with uncle Johnathan. Start a family so one day sir Isaac can have a friend. I wanted to keep discovering everything about him and never feel like I truly know everything because we promised each other a lifetime of surprises. I want to be able to fall in love with him in ways I never expected. For his love to make me feel safe, for early mornings where he traps me in his arms and we forget everything but each other.
I want to be the one walking down the aisle to Thomas surrounded by our family. To feel loved by everyone in that room as I take my place beside my friend and hear Thomas's vows to me. Ones that radiate his love and make me feel his promises to me. I want to do the same for him, say my vows and see him smile, no doubt saying something inappropriate just to see me smile. I want to spend the rest of my life making Thomas smile and smiling freely at him.
We cannot do any of that if he is married to another.
The world fades till it is just Thomas and I. Staring and waiting for me to interrupt. Slowly I let my fears ebb away as I began to say all the reasons why this wedding should not occur. No words escape. Thomas remains still, waiting. I reach up for my throat and try to say his name.
I remain silently screaming, pleading, hoping that I will regain the ability to speak or Thomas will react. Yet nothing happens and I feel as though I am suffocating. There is nothing I can do, no way to prevent such heartbreak. There is just nothing i can do no matter how much i try and move or say Thomas’s name. Helplessness gathers around me, suffocating, crawling all over my skin.
No. No. No. No. Please....
“Audrey rose?'' Thomas's voice slices through me. The world comes back to me and I am not standing up interrupting Thomas's wedding, but sitting across from him in the library. His glance is filled with concern and I wonder how long he has been trying to talk to me. I blink away the image of his wedding I conjured in my mind and how real it felt. How real it will be as he is still yet to marry miss Whitehall today. The sound of his fingers tapping on the wood is normally a sound I hate. However, I stare at his hand and wonder when the sight of him will not be available to me because I am no longer in his life.
He clears his throat and I slowly look at his face. My handsome friend is full of grief and concern as his eyes meet mine. He tries a smile, a sad smile that breaks my heart because instead of his usual smirk or his genuine smile, it is small and full of pity for us both.
Swallowing my own pain I return it as I don't know how long or how many smiles we have left. We haven't spoken about after the wedding or after this case but we both understand how unfair it will be if we remain working together. So I cherish the smile even if it will remain in my dreams whenever I think about everything that has and will happen.
“Thomas?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. I watch as he quickly glances at the clock, the one hanging above us that feels like it is counting down to the end of the world. I have refused to look at it, to count the minutes until Thomas has to leave for his wedding. His. Not ours.
It is time, no matter how much I want to deny it, it is time for him to leave and get ready for his wedding. Sucking in a sharp breath as I look back at Thomas, I can't decide whether marrying someone you don't love is worse than watching someone you love marry someone else. Either one creates such hopelessness and a pit of despair that threatens to drag me down and prevent me from ever escaping. I can't imagine what Thomas is feeling, the emotions waging war inside of him.
“I am so sorry about this Wadsworth.”
“I know, I don't blame you Cresswell, you know this.” I interrupt him before he apologises again.
“Even if you don’t blame me I can be sorry for you, for us both.”
We sit in silence and I feel I can hear the time speed up and try to take Thomas from me even if he remains seated across from me.
Thomas begins to stand, my heart rising as though to go with him. Before he leaves I debate trying to keep him here but instead I say “I'm sorry too.”
It makes no difference, solves nothing as he grabs his coat and leaves to get ready for his wedding.
@fangirling-again @kittycat2187 @goatahoan @city-of-fae @the-hoofflepooff @ink-insomnia @purplecreatorhorsewagon @boredbookwormgirl @goddess-of-writing-wars @lovecakeandmore @yikesitsmaddie @loveyatopluto @bookscressworth @androgynousdeputylawyershoe @fandomtakeover @throneoftsc
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
So you want to Play?
Prompt + Pairing: Historical AU, ‘Play’ + Hades and Persephone
A/N: I'm so so happy with the way Day 4's fic turned out- Super happy! I never thought writing for the greek gods would be this fun but I defintely want to do more of it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! <3 from me!!
Read on A03                 WritersMonth 2021
“Your Majesty, there is a visitor for your daughter,” the guard informed the Queen.
Demeter seemed unimpressed. “Who? And where are they from?”
The guards went silent with only the sound of mumbling and hushed whisperings.
“Well?” Demeter raised an eyebrow.
“It is King Hades of Erebus,” The guard said dutifully. Queen Demeter nodded and dismissed the guards.
The princess who had been eavesdropping immediately came skipping in with her dress bunched under her hands as she made her way towards her Mother with excitement drawn all over her face.
“Is it true mother? Is The King Hades of Erebus himself here to visit us?”
Demeter, who did not see much taste in Hades herself, simply gave a curt nod that did not match the enthusiasm portrayed on her daughter's face.
“Is he coming in? When will I see him? Mother, don't you agree that he is most handsome? I do envy any woman whom he may court- Do you think he would ever ask to court me, Mother? No, that would be ridiculous, do you think not?” Persphone rambled, her facial expressions varying with her words.
“Absolutely not.” Demeter’s voice was stern with her daughter. “ Do not entertain such fantastical ideas, Kore. Hades, I believe, is here on official business. Nothing more. And please, do wear something of a higher caliber- Make no mistakes, I do not intend for him to fall for your beauty, but I do not wish for us to embarrass ourselves in front of such an important personality, is that not correct Kore?”
Persephone sighed and nodded. Her body slumped as she dragged herself to her room where her dressing maids had found her a more ‘appropriate’ outfit for the visit. Persephone could not say she wasn't disappointed- Oh just how romantic would it be if Hades was here to beg for her hand in marriage or even the chance to have a simple outing with her!
And yet, her outfit was… unlike her. Normally, she wore yellow and pink- similar to her springtime colours and the domain and land which her mother ruled over. However today it seemed that her mother wanted nothing of Perepjhone’s innocence today. Her dress was gold, glimmering like the sun and with it was a green cloak, emerald green, like the blades of grass around her beautiful palace. There was no doubt that it made her look beautiful, the gold contrasting with her dark skin but she felt off.
The dress felt foreign around her body as she made her way to the throne where she was to take her place beside her Mother. Her hand was on the banister as she called out.
“Mother! Are you sure this is mine? I do feel that it seems much too grandiose for my tastes!” Persephone made her way into the throne room only to be met with the sight of a dozen guards all standing around a man who wore an elegant black suit, and was adjusting his golden cuffs.
Persephone noticed that the guards were not their own. Were they under attack? She did not have a weapon on her- what was she to do!
“Kore,” Her mother said in what seemed to be an affectionate attempt, “ King Hades is present. Do make yourself scarce and take your place.” Her hand batted towards her daughter’s throne and immediately, Persephone bowed, her head kept low as she hurried towards her throne and quickly took her place.
Before she sat, she made a small curtsy toward the King who in turn nodded back at her.His hair was long and messy but it suited his face. His eyes were so dark brown, Persphone swore that they were black. They had to be. She was drunk on him, his face, body- everything about him. He dressed like a man who knew what he wanted and Perphone could only wish that she was it.
“If you do not mind,” Persephone suddenly interrupted, earning a glare from her Mother, “What business is it that requires your presence here and not one of your messengers?”
Hades let out a small laugh and when he spoke, Persephone thought she might just melt. “ Do you not wish to see me? Is my presence here too unnerving for a spring princess?”
Persephone’s eyes largened and she shook her head frantically. “ Oh no! That is not it, your Majesty. It is simply that someone with as much power and business as you should not have to waste so much time travelling to simply put in a small request or discuss a little business when it could wait until one of the solstices.”
“Humour me Persephone,” Hades' eyes somehow darkened.” Do you often get suitors?”
Persephone was lucky that her blush was not visible. “What is such a question?”
“Yes, indeed, Hades- What is such a question?” Demeter’s eyes narrowed at the King whom she had known, realising she could trust his intentions no longer.
“My dearest Demeter, it is only a question. Why must you get so protective over her as if she is only a babe?”
“She is my only child, so please hurry up and take your leave Hades.”
“Mother!” Persephone gasped in horror, “We don't speak to our guests in such a dismissive manner. I am sorry, your majesty, my Mother must be getting old. Normally, she would never behave in such a manner! It must be the weather- when it gets colder, the crops begin to die and it does have the most disastrous effects on one’s behaviour. I apologise profusely. Please, let it be seen that you are taken to a guest room.”
“My name is Persephone or Your Highness- I’d appreciate it if you were to call me either of those, Mother!”
“See it that King Hades here is put in the best guest suite available. Perhaps one furthest away from the chambers of Persephone. Thank you,” Demeter, ignoring her daughter's outburst, told the maid who immediately guided Hades towards the staircase. Hades paused and turned around.
“What about my legion? They have travelled far, Demeter and I would be deemed an unfair ruler if I were to force them to deal with the nearing winter and station them outside your doors.”
Demeter sighed. “Please also see that the Legion are suitably equipped.”
Persephone was almost singing melodies from her excitement. She couldn't wait to tell all her friends about this day! Artemis and Apollo wouldn't believe her when she got to tell them. In fact, to make sure they would hear of the incident when it was as clear as day in her memory, she rushed to her chambers and immediately set out to write them a letter.
Her quill dipped in the ink as she wrote out the exciting events of the day. She had finished her intimate description of him that lasted at least a page and the events that had acted out in the Throne room. She was about to end the letter but she had been called for dinner which she had been informed would be with Hades.
Almost skipping to dinner, she smiled- She would be supping with Hades tonight! How exciting! She had to make sure to include this in her letter to the twins!
She took her seat with glee and despite the fact that her favourite dessert was not being served, she did not seem to portray any sadness.
“Kore? I would have thought you were to say something about there being a lack of your favourite dessert,” The servant cleaning up after her murmured into her ear as she picked up her plate. Persephone shrugged, still smiling brightly.
“Now Hades, why are you here? You have yet to grace us with your reasoning for travelling all this way. What could be so urgent that you came this distance through this weather? Especially to a palace where you know you have no place.” Deemter added a snarl to the last line.
“Mother!” Persephine begged under her breath.
Hades chuckled. “Demeter, still as stiff as usual. Well, I came here to discuss the everlasting problem of Gaia. It seems she is infatuated with the idea that she could combine forces with some other armies and avenge her Son, Kronos,” Hades explained.
“And why take this to me? Why not to any of the other stronger, more armed lands? I’m sure Ares or Athena both have advanced plans on how to deal with this.”
“They are all well informed about current affairs- you, on the other hand, due to your insistence to avoid any foriegn affairs that do not concern you, are not informed. I come as a helper of sorts. Prepare your armies.”
“Is that all?” Demeter asked, her tone arrogant.
Hades smirked. “There may have been other reasons for my coming here. Benefits perhaps.”
Demeter inhaled sharply. “ Such as?”
Hades gave a small glance to Persephone who was oblivious to all of this before he waved her off. “I must say the wine you serve here is delicate. I must buy some for my home In Erebus.”
“I’m afraid, My lord, that this wine is only available here, in the Springlands,” Persephone informed him.
“Just like you,” he murmured.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Oh nothing.” He batted his hand. “That is truly a shame. In that case, I do hope I can pinch some before I take my leave?”
“Of course,” Persephone answered.
“In that case then, I must be off to bed. I have a tremendously long and tiring journey to make tomorrow.” And with that announcement, Hades took his leave towards his chamber.
Persephone was ecstatic as she practically ran back to her chambers to finish writing her letter to the twins. She couldn't wait to continue telling them all about the dinner and just how beautiful Hades had been!
As she pushed open her door, she found that her letter was missing. She searched all over her desk but could not seem to find it anywhere.
“Oh my, where could I have left it?” She mumbled to herself.
“You would not believe how handsome he is- he has the most ethereal face and his eyes! Oh I get lost in them continuously and when he speaks, one cannot help but be drawn to his lips. How I wish they were stuck to mine for eternity! They are the softest lips, almost like the skin of a newborn babe, that one could ever see,” A familiar voice read out.
Persephone, remembering that those were the very words she had written in her letter, turned around and to her most dismal horror, found Hades leaning on the wall furthest away from her desk and closest to her bed, clutching the letter in his hand.
“Oh, do give that back, will you!” She cried as she ran forward, trying to save herself the embarrassment. Hades sidestepped, making Persephone fall straight into the wall as he read another section of the letter.
“His aura is undeniably superior to any other suitor I’ve ever met! But unlike any other suitor, he is not here for me! It does break my heart that such a man, so handsome in his appearance and -dare I even say- seductive in his personality, is not here for me and instead here to discuss important matters. Why, if I were to ever get a simple night with this man, I believe that my lifetime satisfaction would undeniably be reached.”
Persephone could feel the will to live quickly draining her body as Hades read out her utmost desires- worst of all, the desires which she had tried so hard to conceal from him!
“My dear Persephone, who knew that you held such desires? And to think you were simply an innocent face?”
“Give that back Hades!”
Persephone, this time realising he would try and sidestep, grabbed Hades and with all her strength which she had accumulated from her training lessons that her mother simply insisted on, pushed Hades onto the bed before scrambling on top of him and reaching over him to try and pry the letter out of his firm grasp.
She had nearly grabbed the letter when Hades switched it to his other hand and so to prevent him doing it again, she grabbed both of his wrists and immobilised them above his head before prying the letter out of his hands. She breathed happily as she held the letter in one hand and pushed down on both of Hades wrists in the other.
“Persephone,” Hades murmured, his voice deeper.
“I won!” She smiled on top of him, her head falling closer to his making her small afro bob slightly .
“So this was a game?”
Persephone shuffled around, unaware that she was straddling Hades. “Yep. And I beat you!”
Suddenly, Hades ripped his hands free, gripped Perephone’s hips and used his momentum to flip them so that he was lying on top of her, only being supported by his arms which lay beside her head. She looked up at him.
“If you want to play, Persephone, you’ll need to know a few rules. 1- I’m always on top.
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Gundham angst. It’s after his execution, you & the Devas sleep in his cottage with his scarf heartbroken. The next morning the Devas wake you up & take you to Gundham’s desk. You open the drawer & find a letter that he wrote if he died. You read it & it’s him apologizing he’s not with you, how much he loves you, favorite dates, how you met. In the letter you find one of his rings that he would give to you if he were to propose. The Devas snuggle to comfort you and you feel better.
Oh my god....this is so....I love it.
His Last Wish-Gundham Tanaka x Reader
You felt numb.
You felt nothing but despair and sadness as you stared at the screen where you had watched your boyfriend Gundham get run over by a stampede of animals. Even as you heard the others walk to the elevator, you remained. You didn’t want to leave. You couldn’t. If you left without him, then it would become reality.
Eventually you heard footsteps come up behind you, though you didn’t turn around. “Y/N?” You heard Fuyuhiko’s voice. “You should come on. Staying here...it won’t do any good.”
You looked down at the floor. “...I...I can’t, Fuyuhiko.” You whispered. “I can’t go on without him.”
The Yakuza sighed. “I understand what you’re feeling right now, Y/N. It’s...it’s hard. Fuck, is it hard. But you gotta think about what he would want.” You bit your lip at that. “He’d want you to live. Those were his last words, remember? That was why he did what he did. To make sure the rest of us could live.”
You were quiet for a while until four furry little critters popped out of the purple scarf you had been gifted before Gundham’s death. They nuzzled your face, and you sighed. “Right. That’s right.” You turned and gave Fuyuhiko a very small smile. “Thank you, Fuyuhiko. I’ll...I’ll be going now.” As you finished speaking, you walked past him to the elevator.
You made your way to Gundham’s cottage and opened the door. You placed the Devas in their cage before stumbling over to the breeder’s bed and collapsing onto it. You held onto his scarf tightly, and you could still smell his scent of pumpkin and cedarwood. This only made tears well in your eyes as you clutched the fabric. “W...why? Why, Gundham?!” You cried into his pillow. “Why did you leave me?! I need you! I...I know you wanted to save us, but....b-but...I can’t do this without you. I can’t...I...” You whimpered softly as you closed your eyes, clinging to Gundham’s scarf as you slowly cried yourself to sleep.
You awoke the next morning to something gently poking your cheek. You blinked open your eyes to see San-D next to your face. You gave a small smile. “Hey, San-D.” You greeted the hamster quietly, your voice breaking. The Dark Deva squeaked at you before scurrying off the bed. As you sat up you watched her run over to a desk. You noticed the other three Devas were there as well.
Curious, you stood and made your way over to it. Jum-P leaned over the desk and pawed at a drawer. Furrowing your brow, you opened it. Inside, you saw a folded piece of paper that had the words ‘To my Dark Queen Y/N. Read only in the event of my death.’ on the front. You bit your lip before taking the paper and sitting down on the bed. You hesitated on reading it, just staring at it for a while. You only gave in when the Devas gently nudged your hands. With a sigh, you unfolded the paper. When you did, something tumbled out. You picked it up, and you felt like crying again as you recognized it as one of Gundham’s rings. You let out a shaky breath as you placed it to the side, then began reading the paper.
My dearest Dark Queen,
If you are reading this, then the impossible has come to pass. I have been struck down. I have no doubt the only way this has come to pass is I perished protecting you. If this is the case, I have no regrets. However, I sincerely apologize I can no longer be with you. I wish I could stay beside you and leave that cursed island.
I am sorry that cannot happen.
I love you from the bottom of my dark heart. You have made each passing moment in this miserable killing game bearable. You are the most incredible, stunning angel I have ever had the fortune to encounter, and even now I still cannot believe you wished to be with such a cursed being as myself.
But I am grateful. I am grateful for every time you held my poisoned hand. I am grateful for each blissful kiss you planted on my tainted lips. I am grateful for every moment I spent in your presence. I am grateful for you.
Do you recall how we met, my love? You came to the shelter I had been offering my assistance to requesting help for your familiar. You showed such worry and passion for your pet’s wellbeing. You were already aware of everything that was required to keep them healthy, and what you needed to get them well. I was so surprised and pleased with your love for beasts, I struck up a conversation. It turned out the two of us shared many passions, and we became friends rather quickly.
After that day, you visited me at the shelter. You spoke with me when I was not busy, and eventually you requested the two of us go and watch a movie together. So we did, and we quite enjoyed the other’s company.
You were not aware of it, my angel, but I had already fallen for you. No one had ever showed such an interest in my passions or myself before. You were special, and I did not need the All Seeing Eye to know that.
We continued to do this for quite some time, until eventually, you confessed to me. It took me completely by surprise. I never would have expected you to return my affections. You had assumed my reaction was one of disgust, so out of panic I kissed you. I was cursing myself for doing so when it was not even official we were dating, but I relaxed when you returned it. Ever since that eventful day, for a few wonderful years now, we have been together, and I treasured each moment.
I believe my favorite of our dates was the occasion we visited the local zoo. I do believe you were more excited for the event than I was. With each beast we encountered you would grow ever more excited.
I found it incredibly adorable.
I adored watching you gush over each creature, explaining facts I already knew, but I did not care. I loved how you looked while you were commenting on how well made the habitats were, or how cute you found the animals. I loved hearing you talk about your passions. The way your eyes light up and your mouth upturns and reveals your hidden dimples is one of the many things I am going to miss seeing.
Another date I adored was the night of our first real kiss. Of course the day we became official I kissed you, but I never considered that our first kiss, for I did that out of panic. Then came that night, where we laid underneath the stars and pointed out constellations. You became cold, so I shed my coat and offered it to you, laying it across you.
Of course, than I soon began to be stricken with the night air, so you came up with a solution. You pulled me close to you, draping my jacket across the both of us. I was completely surprised and unsure what to do as you held me close, nuzzling into my chest with the most adorable smile on your face.
As I looked down at you, I quickly relaxed, and made a decision. I gently caressed your beautiful face, and as you looked up to me I kissed your soft lips lightly. I could feel you smile into the kiss. It became a loving and passionate moment, one that I treasure to this moment. I wished for that night to have never ended.
I am sure this is going to be hard for you, my angel, but I know you can persevere. I may not be with you in body, but I shall always be there in spirit. I will watch over you and will never allow you to be harmed. It is almost as if nothing has changed.
There is one last thing I wish to mention to you. Enclosed in this letter you found one of my rings of power. There of course is a reason for this. This particular ring was gifted to me by my mother. I treasured it greatly. I had planned on using it to seal our love contract.
I was going to propose to you with it when the time was right.
I know we are still quite young to be considering such things, but that is how certain I am of my love for you. I was going to wait until after our graduation from Hope’s Peak, but because of our...predicament, that is no longer possible.
Because of our age, and our inability to wait any longer, instead of engagement, why don’t we consider this more of a promise ring? Will you promise me we will be together forever, even in our next life? Of course I cannot know your answer, but no matter what it is, my love for you will never falter.
Please do not give up, my queen. I know how hard it must be for you right now, but I beg of you to live for me. That is my wish for you. I shall see you again some day, but please do not make it sooner than it must be. I will wait for you for an eternity.
I am afraid it is time for me to go now, my fallen angel. I hope this letter has filled you with the hope you require to continue. You will never truly be alone, my love. I will forever be with you.
This is not a goodbye. This is simply an until we meet again.
Until I gaze upon your beauty once more,
Gundham Tanaka
As you finished reading the letter, your vision was blurred with tears, several of which fell onto the paper. You were filled with all of the wonderful memories you had made with Gundham, and a mix of happiness and pain filled you.
“Oh Gundham.” You hiccupped, holding the note to your chest. “I love you so much. I...” You wiped at your eyes and placed the note to the side, picking up the ring and inspecting it. You smiled sadly. “Of course I’ll promise that, my love.” You whispered, slipping the ring onto your finger. “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”
You felt soft pawing at your leg, and you looked down to see four hamsters looking at you. You smiled softly and picked them up. They crawled onto your shoulders and began to nuzzle you. You chuckled quietly. “Thank you, little ones.” You whispered. “With you four, it’s like having a small piece of him.” They squeaked in response, nuzzling you with their noses.
As the Devas comforted you, you looked to the side and grabbed onto Gundham’s scarf. You looked down at it in your hands and smiled softly. “I can feel you, my love.” You said quietly. “I...I know you’re here. You always will be, won’t you?” You then placed the scarf around your neck. “I’ll do it. I’ll live for you, Gundham. I won’t let your sacrifice go to waste, my dark king.”
As you said that, you could have sworn you heard a soft laugh, and felt a gentle hand on your face, but both sensations were gone before you could be sure.
The Devas buried themselves into the scarf, and as they did, you stood. You looked around Gundham’s cottage with a soft smile, looking down at the ring he had left you. “I love you, my king.” You whispered. With those last words, you left the cottage.
This almost made me cry. I hope you all liked it!
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Hi! Can I have a Virgil-34 please? Bonus points if he's not leaving of his own accord and whoever he's addressing responds with a mix laughing and crying. 💜
So This Is Goodbye?
prompt: “will you miss me at all?”
pairing: prinxiety
Words: 1630
TWs: crying, arguing, kissing, slight homophobia, basically this is a breakup fic
AN: ok on one hand i loved doing this request, thank you for sending it in! on the other hand, goddamn this hurt to write. literally i had to message my partner to make sure they still love because it was messing with my emotions so much (they do don’t worry)
 There was a rapping at the heavy wooden door, and the prince instantly stopped pacing. He pushed back his shoulders and raised his chin as he called out to the person on the other side. “Come in!” He did his best to keep his voice steady, free of the panic that he felt growing in his chest with every passing minute. He had to stay strong, at least for now. He had a reputation to uphold, after all. 
 Roman breathed deeply in through his nose as the door creaked open. He tensed when it swung the rest of the way open, expecting the worst. Instead, he met eyes with the best possible outcome.  
Virgil slowly closed the door as he walked into Roman’s room, a hand lingering on it for a moment after it was shut. He faced the rough wood, praying to every god he knew for enough strength to say the words he needed to say.  
Roman broke the silence after a moment. “Virgil, my dear, what happened? What did he say to you?”  
Scrunching his eyes shut for a moment, he shoved as realistic a smile as he could manage onto his face and turned to face the prince, who was standing expectantly in the middle of the room. 
 “Heya, Princey,” he said, using every ounce of strength in him to keep his tone light and casual. He walked over to Roman confidently, sliding his muscular arms around his neck and smiling down at him. “Did you miss me while I was gone?”
  Roman huffed and gave an affectionate eye roll. “You were barely gone ten minutes,” he retorted, but reached up to kiss him anyway. 
  He could tell something was wrong the moment that their lips met. Virgil’s hands, which were resting between his shoulder blades, curled into fists, and he could feel him shaking slightly. Roman broke away from the kiss gently, not missing the flash of desperation that shone in Virgil’s eyes for a moment before being hidden away behind a curtain of fragile normalcy. 
 “Virgil,” Roman spoke softly, using one hand to press against his chest and keep him from bending down to kiss him again. “What’s wrong?”
  “What?” Virgil said, trying for a casual half-smile and not quite succeeding. “Nothing’s wrong, why?”  
“Virgil,” Roman said again, giving him a stern look. “When we entered this relationship we both agreed to no lying. Please, tell me what’s going on?”  
He visibly hesitated for a moment, before he let out a shaky breath and the ruse of normalcy shattered. He hung his head, withdrawing from Roman slightly. “Ro,” he said, this time in a noticeably shakier voice. “When I say this, please try not to be mad at me, okay?”
  Roman furrowed his brow, reaching up to brush his thumb over Virgil’s cheekbone. “Of course not. I could never be mad at you, my brave and loyal knight.”
  Virgil hesitated for another moment before screwing up his face and saying the words all in a rush, like getting them all out at once would make them hurt less. “I’m leaving you.”
  There were several beats of awful, heart-breaking, stunned silence. Then Roman began to laugh. It started as a little giggle, but once he started he found he couldn’t stop. He laughed until his sides hurt, and he let go of Virgil to slide down the wall and sit on the floor. Virgil just watched, frozen, as tears rolled down Roman’s cheeks without the prince even bothering to swipe them away. His laughter slowly morphed into a choked sobbing, a sound of pure heartbreak. Virgil could feel the tears on his own face, but couldn’t care less about wiping them away right now.
  When the last of his giggles faded away, Roman looked up at him, his round green eyes so filled with pain it made Virgil’s heart wrench. 
 “Are you serious? Just like that? We’re not even going to talk about it?” He said, his voice distinctly broken. Virgil said nothing, only shaking his head and sinking down to rest on the floor as well.
  Roman scoffed, but this time it was a sound of dismissal and disbelief. “No, I don’t believe you. There’s something else. What is it, did you fall for someone else? A servant, maybe? That’d be easier, you wouldn’t have to worry about losing your job if you were caught. Or maybe-” 
 “Stop,” Virgil’s voice was hoarse and so quiet Roman could barely hear him. “Roman, stop, please. There’s no one else, I promise. I just…” 
 “You just what?” Roman pleaded, meeting his eyes intensely even as a fresh batch of tears streamed down his face. “Tell me, Virgil. Give me a reason, please.”
  Virgil winced as he looked into Roman’s eyes, trying so hard not to fall apart completely.  “I can’t tell you.”
  Roman’s face took on a look of anger and disbelief. “I cannot believe this. Where did this even come from?” He shouted, using his hands to gesture wildly. “What did I do wrong?”
  “Roman,” he spoke quietly, reaching out to still his hands by taking them in his own. “You did nothing wrong, I promise. This is completely my fault.” 
 The rage on Roman’s face melted away as quickly as it had come, leaving behind only heartbreak. “Will you miss me at all?” He asked, his voice so fragile Virgil was afraid of breathing too harshly in case it broke.
   “Oh Princey,” he whispered, letting go of his hands and cupping his face instead. He swiped his thumb across Roman’s cheek absently, clearing away a tear or two there. Roman leaned into the touch, and Virgil felt his voice catch in this throat. “I’m going to miss you every single day. You’re the love of my life, Roman.”
  At that, Roman broke. He let out a sob, then another. One of his hands flew up to cover his mouth, as if that would keep them from overflowing. Fighting tears of his own, Virgil very gently pulled him forward until his face was tucked against his shoulder, then wrapped his arms around his shoulder, shushing quietly. He rocked back and forth a little as his free hand carded through Roman’s hair, ignoring the teardrops that fell into it. He waited patiently for Roman to collect himself, and when he went to pull away Virgil didn’t stop him. 
  “If you love me,” Roman spoke quietly, his voice hoarse. “Then why? Why are you leaving?”
  “I…” Virgil hesitated, remembering the conversation he had with the king right before coming to Roman’s room. The conversation where the king had greeted him formally, then invited him to sit in his study. He had then told him that he knew about Roman and Virgil’s relationship, and that he couldn’t allow it to continue, something about “maintaining image.” He walked out of that study with orders to be gone by tomorrow, and that if he was caught trying to contact Roman then there would be consequences.
  Virgil’s hesitance was all that Roman needed to put the pieces together. “It was my father, wasn’t it? He’s making you do this?” 
 Virgil nodded, and Roman’s face was once again overtaken by anger. “He can’t do this. We’ll just have to be more careful, or we could just tell him that we’re in love,”
  “Ro,” he interrupted gently. “He said I have to be gone by tomorrow.”
  “Then I’ll go with you,” Roman said, taking Virgil’s hands and squeezing. “I’ll run away with you. My father is so wrapped up in his wife, he’ll barely notice I’m gone.”
  Virgil just shook his head sadly. “You can’t. You’re the crown prince, heir to the throne. You’re meant for more than life as a commoner with a disgraced royal guard.”
  Roman dropped his hands and cupped Virgil’s jaw, rising up onto his knees and kissing him fiercely. “I don’t care,” he said when they paused for breath. “I don’t care about any of that. To hell with my father, I want you. Virgil, I need you. You’re the love of my life, and I won’t accept you leaving.” Virgil opened his mouth to respond, but Roman rushed forward and kissed the words out of his mouth, threading his fingers into his hair. He kissed like a man dying of dehydration drank water, as if it were the only thing keeping him alive, and he needed to get as much as he could before it was gone. 
  Virgil let Roman kiss him for a bit before gently pushing him away with a hand on his chest. “Ro,” he said, a little breathless, “honey, can we please go to bed? It’s been a stressful day, and I just want to sleep.”
  Roman, though he looked a little put out, nodded and stood up, taking Virgil’s hand to help him up too. The two got ready for bed, and soon enough they were snuggled underneath the covers, Roman curled in to press his face against Virgil’s neck. Virgil allowed himself a small smile, and he pulled him closer until there was as little space between them as he could manage. He was about to drift into sleep when he heard Roman speak in a small voice.
  “We’ll figure something out in the morning, okay? I love you. I’ll find a way for us to stay together, I promise.”
  “Okay, sweetheart,” Virgil said, trying his best to keep his voice light and even. “We’ll figure something out then, alright? For now you need sleep. I love you, too. There’s not a single space in my heart that isn’t taken up by you.”
  Roman smiled sleepily. “Okay. I love you too, Vee.” He fell asleep soon after that, warm and safe in Virgil’s arms. 
 Virgil was gone by the time morning came.
General: @definitely-a-living-human @my-friends-art-and-writing @arodynamic-enby @ari-the-writer-enby @me-a-mess-morelikelythanyouthink @irritating-lady-knight @asexualtrashcan @the17thmeatball @inku-snas-art @fandoms-are-my-world
Prinxiety: @queen-of-tragedy-and-strife @humanbeingiguess
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star-maiden · 4 years
Weekly Tarot Forecast  10/26/20 - 10/30/20
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Hello and welcome! This is a general outlook tarot reading for the collective, by zodiac sign. This week, I have channeled in some guidance from Spirit regarding what you need to know in the coming week in order to find the most success and happiness. If you happened upon this reading, then there is a message here that is meant for you! As with all of my readings for the collective, these messages are meant for a wide range of people, life paths and situations. It is general outlook advice. As such, you may find that not everything resonates with you completely, and that is ok. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. You will also want to check your sun, moon and rising signs for the message or messages that are meant for you. I sincerely hope that these messages will serve your highest and greatest good, and assist you in making wise, informed decisions. Best wishes and many blessings!
♈ - Aries: Two of Wands - This coming week, Aries, you are entering a planning phase. There is a situation coming, or that has already been set into motion, that requires your careful consideration. This card brings you the message that you need some time to think in order to move forward with your plans, or to bring something into being. This is likely going to be a highly creative process for you, and your thoughts and ideas should be flowing well. As the moon is currently in her waxing phase, it is a good time to work on bringing your goals to fruition. There is an abundance of free moving, creative energy around you at this time.
♉ - Taurus: Page of Wands - This week, you are being called to rekindle your curiosity and perhaps discover a sense of adventure. The page of wands asks us to embody the archetype of the Free Spirit, and go with the flow. In this way, we will discover new opportunities, and be able to find our joy and happiness again. This message is especially about rediscovering your joy if you have recently been going through some tough times. You are being called back to yourself, and your creative potential. Spirit wants you to know that it’s time to move forward again. At the same time, the card carries a precautionary note. When working within your creativity and going with the flow, take care not to lose all sense of foundation and stability. You’ll need to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground, or all of your inspirations will sputter out like a dying candle flame.
♊ - Gemini: 10 of Pentacles - This week you are reminded to stay close to home. Some attention and care is needed in areas of your personal home life and familial or close relationships. If things have seemed to be rushing by lately, with no chance to rest or slow down, then this card is asking you to take a pause. Things should be pretty stable right now. You have done and accomplished much. It’s time to slow down and relax in the comforts that you have secured for yourself. Someone from your family, or a close friend is missing you.
♋ - Cancer: Ace of Swords - The most important thing you will find yourself needing this week is clarity. There is a situation on the horizon that will require your absolute, honest truth and attention to details. Honor your truth in all situations, and be sure to recognize the truth in others. When we allow our judgement to become clouded by fear, projections or strong preconceived notions, we miss opportunities to understand and build relationships. Sometimes, the truth is not very pleasant to here, but it is only by standing in the truth that true healing and growth can occur.
♌ - Leo: The High Priestess - This week, you are being called to explore the depth of your spirit. Go deep, connect with something that you hold sacred. This may be your higher self, divine source energy, love or even taking a moment to pause and check in with how you have been feeling lately. At this time, there is some higher wisdom that has been trying to catch your attention. It wishes to make itself known to you at this time. This week, you may find contemplative and restorative practices helpful. Mediation, breathing exercises, taking a walk and self care are all great ways to connect. Be sure to make some time for yourself this week, and listen to any insights or reflections that you receive.
♍ - Virgo: 2 of Pentacles - You have been trying to maintain a balancing act for so long now, that it is beginning to feel like your natural state of being. There is too much energy around you, too many things to focus on and your attention has been divided. In such a state, it is difficult to do anything well and a strong focus and purpose cannot be maintained. If you feel as though you have needed to do a million things at once, or that you have been unable to make up your mind, it’s time to take a step back. Balance between action and inaction is needed at this time. You are strong and capable of maintaining the work for a while yet, but it is wise to take a step back and evaluate your current situation before you burn yourself out.
♎ - Libra: The Lovers - Libra, this card heralds in a sacred connection of some sort. The most popular thing that comes to mind when this card appears in a reading is a romantic connection. For some of you, this will be true. There is the potential for a strong romantic partnership on the horizon. However, in essence The Lovers card speaks of the blending or merging of two opposite ideas or forces. This could mean that you will find a way to integrate two sides of yourself into something harmonious and supportive. The relationship of give and take is well balanced, and greatly serves your highest good at this time. If you are not currently looking for a romantic connection, consider this week which areas of your life could be better integrated. How do they relate to each other? How can you create flow?
♏ - Scorpio: Death - This week, there is a prominent theme of change. Something in your life is ready to be let go, transformed and used to bring about a new direction in your life. You will recognize what needs to change in anything that feels stagnant, decayed or no longer useful. This week, Spirit is saying to you that it’s time to let it go. Right now, you still have some control over the situation, but this won’t be the case for long. This week, take some time to identify anything in your life that could be shifted to better serve your health and happiness. This does not have to be anything negative. Consider the changes that happen in the natural world at the turning of the season. Leaves change colors, fall and decay. Summer crops wither away to make room for new growth. This is not a terrible thing! In fact, if we think of the natural world as a metaphor for life, we can see how some things need to decay and be let go in order to make room for new life and growth. Without the stages of decay and rest, the soil would become depleted of nutrients, and nothing would grow. What do you need to let go of, Scorpio?
♐ - Sagittarius: The Magician - This week you are being reminded to stay in your power. There is a situation in your life or that will be coming in soon in which you will need to remember your autonomy and agency. In this case, it is very true that you create your reality with your words and actions. If something is not to you liking, change it. Maintaining control and moving toward the outcome you desire is sometimes as simple as believing you have the power to do so. Don’t let anyone take these decisions from you.
♑ - Capricorn: Queen of Cups - This week, you may find yourself needing to connect to a situation from a place of empathy in order to understand. You are usually quite logical and precise, but there is something coming into your life in which a more emotional-based perspective will serve you better. Consider your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. Are all parties feeling heard and respected? If not, a different approach is needed. Take care not to project your perspective onto that of others. Try to see a different side. You will gain greater awareness and clarity if you listen, rather than trying to solve or control right away.
♒ - Aquarius: Queen of Swords - This card speaks of the perfect blending of empathy, compassion and logic. You will be asked to use your discernment this week, and to not immediately trust anything you hear. It is not that others around you are dishonest, but rather that the situation at hand would better be served by careful, and logical consideration. You’ll want to be careful not to leap into any situations without first carefully examining all angles. You’ll also want to pair your sense of discernment with wise words and clear communication. Remember, we are still under the effects of the Mercury retrograde, and anything you say is more likely to be taken completely out of context and misconstrued if you do not take care to express your thoughts and ideas as clearly as possible. A good rule of thumb is to communicate only with the truth, but act from a place of empathy and compassion. This week, you may also find yourself needing to set some boundaries. It may be uncomfortable, but in the end this is what is needed to move forward.
♓ - Pisces: The Knight of Swords - There is a situation in your life right now in which, thus far, you have only engaged with in an intellectual way. You have perhaps considered, imagined, debated and reasoned, but now is the time to act. Consider carefully what the situation is, and what it would entail for you if you move forward. If you feel certain that this is the direction you want to take, then act on it. Nothing will happen by itself. If you don’t take action, the opportunity will slip away. Sometimes action can be difficult for you, Pisces, because you are happiest when exploring the realm of imagination and dreams. However, in order to make our dreams into a reality, we must pursue them on the physical plane of existence. We must go after what we want not only in thought, but also in body. This week, consider: What action steps are needed at this time? How can you move forward logically and with precise steps?
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scribeofmorpheus · 3 years
Himmeløyne [27/?]
Pairing: Loki Odinson x Reader
Catch Up Here | Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N: Wowieeee, it's been a long time since I've written a chapter this long. It feels like the old days. But also, I wrote this without my glasses, so... there will be errors.
Taglist is open! Reblog, comment or leave a like please ☺
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“Do you think we’ll be hanged?” Fandral asked from his cell. It wasn’t intended as a question to the room. From his tone, he certainly wasn’t in the mood for conversation, but in need of anything besides the quiet of the prison area. “I think I’d hate a hanging. There hasn’t been one in centuries. You think it will be public?”
In the parallel cell, Sif paced about. Checking the golden barriers of her cage and then pounding her fists against the barrier couple of times. Each hit barely made a sound, let alone a dent. Adjacent to your own cell, Heimdall struggled to stay upright. He looked won out. In need of a long, long sleep. Normally, seeing him in distress would make you worry, but nothing felt normal with the amulet on.
“I’m not sure I’d prefer banishment either,” Fandral kept speaking.
“At least you’ get to keep your pretty head,” Volstagg chimed in, annoyed. His face was getting redder. It seemed his friend's ruminations were becoming tiresome to listen to. “Which is better than what I’ll do to you if you don’t shut up for a minute!”
“Yggdrasil’s branches!” Sif huffed. “I can’t hear myself think with you all yapping like starved pups!”
Her tone was different from everyone else’s. Sharper. That made them afraid. Talking was a way to keep distracted. With Sif’s outburst, everyone was forced to face that silence they were too afraid to let settle. Well, everyone except Heimdall and Hogun. You, on the other hand, weren’t feeling much of anything. Strange…
“Leave them be, Sif,” Hogun said softly. His face was calm, legs crossed at the ankle as he reclined comfortably on his cot, eyes closed. “Everything will work itself out.”
“You sound so certain,” she seemed surprised. “Why?”
“Because,” Hogun stretched, sitting up on crossed legs. “One way or another, everything always reaches a conclusion.”
 Fandral let out a shaky laugh, “You’re a real comfort.”
 Hogun shrugged, “Could be worse. You could have had Thor for a cellmate. You know how he hates small spaces. Especially if he’s confined in said small places.”
Sif tried to fight her smile, a reminiscent look on her face. All the warriors had it. Even Heimdall. It must have been a shared memory. Before your time.
“That big oaf,” Sif finally let her teeth show through the smile.
As the others began to trade anecdotes from the past, mainly about Thor’s claustrophobia and a previous stint in prison, Heimdall scooted closer to you, his back pressed up against the barrier o his cell, head turned at an angle to meet your eyes.
“Are you alright?” he squinted at the amulet and then focused on your face. He was searching for something, you weren’t quite sure he found. A moment later, he sighed. “Can you even hear me?”
Yes, you said. But he didn’t respond. He didn’t hear.
He wasn’t discouraged by his inability to communicate two ways with you. He soldiered through and found another question to ask, “Does it hurt?”
It doesn’t feel like anything, you said. Again, he didn’t hear.
He was frowning now, asking question after question as if the right one would get you to open your mouth. A task so simple, yet so difficult to do.
Minutes passed—or maybe hours—when guards came to round everyone out of their cells. Everyone except you. There was a commotion. Some unpleasant words exchanged. Someone tried to rile up the Captain from before. She ignored them, acting above reproach. An impenetrable shield, shining with true Asgardian worth. The guards never lowered your cell’s barrier, and after another minute—or hour—you finally registered that you were alone in the prison ward. It didn’t bother you though. Nothing did. Not even the spot of blood that marked the spot where two guards were knocked unconscious by Loki’s hands. Two more stood slack, in a headlock between Thor’s large arms. Frigga was with them too, casting sleep spells on the last few on guard duty.
The barrier to your cell faded in the blink of an eye.  Faster than lightning, Loki rushed to your side, cradling your body against his own. He felt strong, like an anchor in the impossible storm. Smiling seemed the right thing to do, but you weren’t sure if you managed to.
He was trembling, his body hot from exertion. He kept his voice a whisper, his words only for you. “When I saw that the cells were empty, I thought… I don’t know what I thought. But you’re here. I wasn’t too late. I found you again. I have you in my arms again and I promise not to let go. Never to let go.”
Those words should have meant the world. You should have been elated. Relieved. But there was still nothing.
When you didn’t reply or lean into his touch, Loki pulled back to study you. He tugged at the clasp, but the amulet refused to separate. It took a while for Frigga to understand what was happening, to notice the amulet for what it was.
As Loki turned to use his magic against the amulet’s hold, Frigga raised a hand in warning, “No, Loki, wait—”
Loki’s magic was invasive to the amulets, and you felt the ancient device retaliate, slapping his magic away. He was knocked back on his ass before Frigga could finish her sentence.
She knelled next to you, tearing a piece of fabric from her skirts and chanting below a whisper. The fabric began to shimmer, imbued with magical essence.
“The amulet siphon’s magic, drains the wearer and attacks anyone who tries to take it off,” she explained. “You have to trick it into focusing its curse on something else, and then…” She wrapped the fabric around her hand and used it to unclasp the amulet. As it fell, the fabric was turned to nothing in a flash of cold fire. The amulet dropped onto the floor. Loki and Frigga were cautious not to touch it.
You shuddered to life. Everything bright and real. The floor was cold. Your body was every bit as tired as you remembered. And the pull of Loki’s magic returned. Beautiful. Right.
He rushed to hold you again, and this time you reciprocated. Wrapping your arms around his midriff and clinging onto him as if he were the source of all life.
“I love you,” you said abruptly.
The air left his lungs. His chest grew still. Unmoving. You loved how that sounded. His heart racing. Your words. Everything about that imperfect moment suddenly became perfect.
You laughed, euphoric. “I really do. I love you.”
You looked up to him, saw his shock and adoration and a mix of every look he’d ever given you worn under one instant. His lips quivered. He tried to speak. To breath. But he was stunned in silence.
“I regretted not telling you before,” you kissed him. Your body finding solace in the proximity. Your heart beating strong and steady, in a way it never had before. In a way that promised forever. To love forever. To live forever. To be near him forever. You had forgotten what it felt like to be exhilarated. To actually cherish each heartbeat. And, as if a flood had passed over your body, you felt renewed. Loved. You poured all of yourself into the kiss, into him. And he drank gleefully. Greedily.
“Ahem!” Thor cleared his throat, obviously flustered from witnessing you and Loki’s moment. “I’m… Uh—I’ll just… be… over there… keeping watch for patrols.” He stalked over to the staircase and pretended to keep watch. Cheeks turning tomato red.
The kiss finally broke and you both needed more than a few seconds to fill your lungs with air again.
Loki grinned from ear to ear, “To think, I’ve waited countless of your lifetimes to feel this way about anyone, and you only needed the one. I knew I was missing something since I was a little boy. You restored that part of me. Gave me the chance to see that I could be something whole. You’ve healed a broken prince, and I wish I could give you more but… I suppose… this will have to do…” He trailed off, staring intently at your face. “I’ll love you fiercely for every lifetime I spent without you. Half-mortal or not, I’ll love you a thousand year’s worth every moment of every day. For as long as we have.”
“That’s a big promise.”
“No. It’s just what you deserve.”
“Then you deserve the same. It goes both ways, so that makes two thousand year’s worth.”
He arched his brow, some of that self-assuredness he used to carry with him returned. “That’s technically not true.”
A mounted torch holder fell off the wall with a loud clang! Everyone turned to see Thor kicking the polished bronze ornament into a darkened corner. He held up his hands in a silent apology. Loki rolled his eyes.
“My brother with his insightful contribution,” Loki said, tongue-in-cheek. Loud enough for Thor to hear this time, he asked: “Would you like to make a little more noise? I don’t think every guard in the lower levels heard you.”
“I just might,” Thor grumbled, placing his hand close to another torch holder. Daring his brother to say another word.
“I don’t mean to cut this short,” Frigga interjected, helping you up off the floor. “But if we mean to do this, we must get to the others before Odin has had time to pass judgement. After that his will is paramount. Not even the Rite of Conscription will save your companions.”
You wobbled on your feet and Loki instinctively slinked an arm around your waist. You leaned into him.
“What is the Rite of Conscription?” you turned to Loki.
He frowned, “It’s… It’s the best of my bad ideas. Conscription can only be evoked by senior members of the Asgardian royal family. Once enacted, it places a subject in a position of servitude. They become agents of the court and crown. And it also means, they cannot be tried as traitors. Once conscripted, they have full protection under the King, or, in this case, Queen.”
“Sounds simple enough,” you said. Loki’s expression didn’t reassure though. “But… it’s not, is it?”
 “No. Conscription for you, given how little we know about your true lifespan, it could end up being a life sentence.”
“But I have no home to return to. No family besides Heimdall…” you felt a wave of dizziness and had to clutch onto Loki’s jacket to keep steady. His fingers found yours. He twined them together, holding them close to his chest. You looked up at him. “Up until recently, I was ready to accept Asgard as my new home. For good.”
“But it wouldn’t just be you, my dear,” Frigga pointed out. “We’d have to conscript them all to Asgard’s service. Forever. They’d never have the chance to become anything different in the future. Neither would you.”
A life of servitude in exchange for freedom from Odin’s unpredictable wrath. Or was it his illogical fear? If you had to make the choice alone, you wouldn’t hesitate, even if it landed you in a precarious position in the future. But you couldn’t dare play arbiter of fate over everyone else’s lives. That would be selfish. And you’d be no better than Odin.
“I don’t think I can agree to this,” you said solemnly. “If it was only me that had to make the decision, then… maybe. But, I was only just beginning to get to know everyone. I don’t want to be a source of tension. And Heimdall’s the only family I have left. From what he’s told me, of the Great War, of his people, conscription would be a cruel thing to do without even talking to him about it. This whole mess started because of scheming and secrecy. We can’t continue that pattern.”
Frigga’s eyes flitted to your hand interlocked with Loki’s, a new thought percolating to the surface. “Family,” she murmured.
“What?” you asked.
“Handfasting!” she said hastily, her voice the loudest you’d ever heard it.
Loki’s eyes went large, “You can’t mean…”
Frigga nodded, taking one of your hands in each of her own.
“We don’t have a priestess,” Loki spoke too quick, anxious.
“I don’t—” you tried to get a word in, but Frigga talked over you.
“It’s the best alternative. At the very least, it will grant us a year of peace. A year we can use to persuade Odin to forgive whatever transgressions he found so grave that he’d risk imprisoning the protector of the Bi-frost. I know him. If he truly wanted this, he’d have acted without hesitancy. This—” she gestured towards the prison “—this is all to buy time. He’s undecided. So we must decide for him.”
Loki brushed off her explanation, unwilling to listen, “He’s the king. His will is law. If he truly didn’t want this, he wouldn’t have done it.”
Frigga shook her head, a wizened edge hanging on her words, “Only tyrants rule in that manner. And he is not his father.”
“What does Bor have to do with any of this?” Loki said, eyeing his mother suspiciously. She dismissed his prying with a flick of her wrist. She did it with the same flourish that Loki did.
You looked to Thor then back to Frigga, lost. “Is anyone going to tell me what handfasting is, or—”
“It’s a marriage,” Thor blurted out.
Now it was your turn to go silent.  
“Subtle, brother. Thank you for that,” Loki chided. He placed his attentions back on you in an effort to explain things more smoothly, avoiding your gaze. “Handfasting isn’t exactly as binding as marriage. Handfasting is like… a trial period. It was used in arranged marriages to see if the betrothed were… agreeable. It was also a way to end disputes politically. Give the respective sides time to assess and recuperate.”
“I see,” was all you could muster, your voice small.
“In fact, Odin and I were handfasted,” Frigga said. “And if you have any doubts, remember, as Loki said, it isn’t binding. But as a betrothed, your family gains diplomatic immunity. And since Heimdall is Vanir, both of you fall under allies, not subjects.”¨
Finally, you found your voice. “What of Sif and the others?” 
“They’d be protected too,” she assured you. “The handfasting period is a period of peace. If anyone acts out violently, then they disrespect the old ways. And Odin is too traditional. The old ways are his ways. His father’s ways. He will respect the year of peace. I’ll make sure of it.”
You took a sure, deep breath. Steeling yourself. You had dreamed of a future with Loki. Years spent discovering each other, learning of intimacies beyond touch. Sharing desires and thoughts. Spending days in the library, discovering more about your peoples, more about your magic. It may not have included a mysterious boy from Verdenspeil. Or a handfasting ceremony as a last-ditch effort to one-up Odin, but then again, your life on Asgard had been far from ideal. Loki waited for your answer, his eyes holding a darker edge to them; desire. Frigga and Thor waited with bated breath, both their postures too ramrod straight, towering over you. Expecting an answer.
“Then, my answer is yes.” You smiled, both anxious and excited. There was a shared sigh of relief in the room.  
Frigga turned to her son, happy for him. He pressed his forehead to yours and mimicked your actions.
“Yes,” he said with a laugh caught in his throat.
Frigga whispered a spell, and suddenly, a spool of ribbon inked itself between your hand and Loki’s. Twisting into an infinity loop at the wrist. You thought of the snake from the cave, then immediately, you remembered the dream with the snake in the cave. Something in you stirred. Through your conjoined hands, you felt Loki’ magic reciprocate that feeling. A yearning. He looked at you with a devilish smirk, making heat spread in your belly. You almost turned away, face too hot.
Frigga’s chant ended. The lyrical music notes of it lost to your unfamiliar ears. Loki and Thor seemed to recognise some of it. You made it a point to remember to ask one of them about it. Especially since the last line made Loki blush.
“I need something to seal the incantation. Something with magic imbued,” Frigga said, searching the surroundings for anything that could work.
Thor opened his fist and after a few seconds of awkward silence, his hammer came crashing through the walls perpendicular to where he was facing. Rumble rolled to your feet, and Frigga looked at him with the most motherly expression you’d ever seen.
“Will this do?” Thor shrugged and held the hammer above you and Loki’s linked arms.
“Just,” Frigga said as she finished off the incantation. A torrent of light, holding all the colours of the rainbow encircled the spot of union.
Everything was as clear as a summer’s morning. Colour giving life to the room. Magic tingling everywhere.
Frigga cleared her throat, “Marked by magic, and witnessed by a prince of Asgard, do you, Loki, and your betrothed, vow to keep the peace and set aside any grudges and conflicts for one year? Do you vow to share, in confidence, the truth of your thoughts and the full extent of your feelings for one another, whatever they may be, however they might grow?”
“I vow,” he said, openly.
A roucus above the floor alerted you to a group of guards immobilising on your position. Distracted, your head tilted up, as if you could will yourself to see through the stone. Your heart quickened and Frigga nudged you. Thor’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t move his hammer an inch.
“Dear, you have to vow,” she brought you back to the present.
“Yes. I vow,” you nodded, trying to stay calm.
Frigga concentrated her magic, her palms coming close. “Then, with these words, I bind you to one another. Bind you in peace. And hope a union will spring from your time together.”
Frigga’s eyebrows drew close together, her hands straining to maintain the magic. A bead of sweat meandered across her temple. And with a grunt, Mjölnir went flying into the wall, a burst of energy exploding out war. Frigga released her grip, panting. “It is done. You are handfasted.”
“Was that supposed to happen?” Thor pointed to the new hole in the wall.
Frigga shook her head, “No. There was…” she regarded you carefully, making sure not to let her face betray whatever she was thinking. “Resistance. It—It’s probably nothing. We’re all tired. We’ve all been through ordeals. It could simply be fatigue.”
You glanced at your tattoo. It had cracks along the artificial ribbon, as if unfinished. The colour of bright emeralds flawed by golden veins. Hints of cerulean in the right lighting. The triquetra, Mjölnir’s symbol, had formed an endless pattern on the ribbon. Easily missed, and of delicate line work. The prick and bristle of the tattoo's magic was bewildering. Sparking with a deeper connection than you could articulate. It wasn’t just the symbol of a bond, but an actual link to both you and Loki.
Loki rushed to his mother’s side, placing a hastened kiss on your forehead beforehand. Thor’s palm called out to Mjölnir and it returned with the sound of thunder rumbling outside. The hoard of guards descending upon you sounded closer. Their voices louder.
“Bit much, don’t you think?” Loki frowned at Thor.
 “Subtlety is lost on me,” Thor said.
“Yes, well… you wouldn’t be my brother if it wasn’t.”
Thor and Loki shared a moment. Their bickering giving way to something deeper. Something neither of them would voice aloud anytime soon. It was trust. A different kind of love. Greater than blood.  
“We should get out of here,” Thor began spinning his hammer and suddenly a gut-punching realisation hit you.
You yanked on Thor’s bulky arm, “Wait! Where’s Baldrick?”
All three of them looked at you, confused.
“Who?” they asked simultaneously.
The child that had come through the portal with Heimdall and Y/N was strange. Odin had brought him to his study and asked him questions.
The boy—Baldrick as he came to introduce himself—possessed knowledge beyond his years. An aura to him, almost ancient, yet also too young, too powerful. Odin had given him a puzzle to solve, one that required intimate knowledge of magic and science. Baldrick had fiddled with the pentagon-shaped object with a blasé expression. He had solved it faster than Odin had when his father had presented him with the same challenge.
“Astounding,” Odin remarked as the boy set the puzzle down. Baldrick busied himself by staring at the books in Odin’s study. He had made it a point not to speak beyond saying his name.
The boy seemed so familiar. A likeness in his small face.
Odin knew he was biding time by trying to figure out how Baldrick’s mind worked, but he was thankful for the distraction. When Loki had pounded at his door, demanding an audience, Baldrick had studied Odin as if he was the old man and Odin was the boy. It was a peculiar feeling.
When Aisling had been the one to knock on his door, hiding her true thoughts behind pleasantries, he knew he couldn’t put it off any longer. A judgement needed to be passed. After all, the Allfather does not lash out on a whim. He’s concise. Calculative. And pragmatic. And he had pushed things too far when he’d sent the Destroyer.
Regret. That’s what had been eating him since Loki fell unconscious. And what had he done once his son awoke? Cowered away. All in the name of protecting his family’s legacy and keeping the truth of his father’s reign buried. It was his curse. His duty. But, at least it hurt less than what he did to Hela. That was a transgression he could never make right, failing as a father.
 He left the boy in his study. Odin feared he may have been more perceptive to emotion. And emotion was the last thing he cared to face.
 Heimdall was held down by the straining arm of a member of the royal guard. His knees kissing stone. Beside him, Sif and her companions held the same posture; necks refusing to stay weighed down, heads facing Odin with arms tied behind their backs, armour stripped for simple clothing.
 “What am I to do with you?” Odin finally spoke. His fingers ghosted over the intricate designs carved into his stave, feeling the schism between each drawn line and folded knot; feeling the obvious divide in his family and peoples. With a sigh, he continued, “Disobedience, theft, evasion and escape. Worst of all, you all knowingly defied the will of your king. One son wasted away in a tower, the other in taverns. And Frigga… My health is barely as it was. What would you have me do? Make an example of you? Show you lenience? Leave you to the mercy of the Destroyer?”
“Do as you wish. I have made my peace with my decisions, and I’d do it all again to ensure my daughter was safe,” Heimdall said.
His voice wasn’t intended to sound defiant, but lately, to Odin’s suspicious ears, everything sounded suspect.
“Safe?” Odin didn’t mean to condescend, but he couldn’t help but laugh. “And can you say the same for everyone in this room? Sif? Volstagg? Hogun? Even you, Fandral? Could you all say that you’d go to the gallows for an outsider? A mortal?”
“Half. Mortal.” Heimdall corrected. A withheld threat somewhere beneath his red-hot glare.
“Now, hold on a minute,” Fandral’s voice fumbled, “that seems an overreaction.”
“Is it not part of our teachings to show benevolence to those that see us as more?” Sif challenged, hurling the guard that held her down over her shoulder. “A mere mortal? You’re the Allfather, the one Midgardians pray to, the one whose story they carve onto mountains. Even if she wasn’t Heimdall’s daughter, it is our duty to protect her, to protect all of them.”
The guard tried to retaliate, but Odin held up his hand, stopping their advances.
“Your notions are young,” Odin said with a sad smile. “I miss seeing the world as simply as you all do, but that is not our reality. And that is why you do not bear the weight of a ruler. I hope none of you do.”
Heimdall watched him closely as he stood to walk closer. Some of that trust they’d built over years of infighting and war was still there, despite them both trying to act otherwise. Bonds of war and patricide were hard to shake.
“Are you still willing to risk everything to keep this fragile peace? This lie?” Heimdall asked. When Odin did not give an answer, Heimdall lamented to himself, “So, this is how it is then.”
“I must pass judgement now. Chaos cannot stand,” Odin quieted the room with a strike of his stave. The room grew very still. Then, Thor’s hammer burst through the door, causing a commotion.
Odin’s breath was stolen away when he saw Frigga stride in a few paces behind their son. And his heart stopped entirely when he saw the tell-tale ribbon tattoo shared between Loki and Y/N.
To his surprise, he was relieved.
“No judgement shall be passed today!” Frigga announced. “No judgement shall be passed until the year is over.” She walked over to pull attention to Loki and Y/N’s matching tattoos. “They are handfasted, and the rules of the old ways are clear. Y/N and her Father, being both of the Vanir, both of my homeworld, cannot be harmed. Nor can they be tried by the king of another realm. Especially since it is your son who is handfasted.”
Odin smiled, and everyone in the room was shocked by his response, “The old ways are sacred, and so, I accept your conditions.” His smile grew wider, “My Queen.”
Frigga walked over to his side easily.
He struck his stave once more and gestured for the guards to stand down. Y/N rushed to Heimdall’s side helping him up, while Sif and Thor and the Warriors Three had their own little reunion.
Yes, he thought to himself. This is a far better outcome.
“Mark today as the start of a passive year. A year of peace,” he decreed.
“Where’s Baldrick?” Y/N demanded, a protective scowl on her face.
Curious, he thought. That they’d form such a bond in such small time. The boy obviously had a way of influencing those around him. Albeit, passively.
Odin was about to answer when the boy shimmered into the room as if summoned, a favourite of Loki’s tricks. Loki stared at the boy, noticing the same thing.
“I am here,” Baldrick said. Y/N took large strides to his side and offered her hand to him. Baldrick walked to the other side, accepting the arm that wasn’t marked by the tattoo instead.
“Well, that was rather unpleasant,” Volstagg stretched, his stomach growling deeply. “How about some good, old fashioned merriment and song tonight?”
“Aye! I have a bone to pick with you all for abandoning me in a tavern to go off on your own adventure,” Thor pouted.
Sif ribbed his arm casually, “You were brooding. You’re utterly useless when you brood.”
“I am not!” he refuted.
“You are too,” Fandral and Loki said simultaneously.
Hogun patted Thor’s back, a teasing smirk on his lips, “Wait until you hear of the snake made of stone.”
Frigga walked over to Loki’s side, whispering something in his ear. He adjusted his collar as if he couldn’t breathe. His gaze fell on Y/N as he strode purposefully to her side. But before he could reach her, Heimdall blocked his path, imposing and large as he looked down at him with a set jaw.
“You and I have much to discuss,” Heimdall glanced at the handfasting tattoo with disapproval. “But,” he sighed, letting his body shrink lower, “it can wait till the morning, I suppose. Your father and I have much to sort through.” He turned to Odin and they both nodded in agreement.
Loki heaved a sigh when Heimdall turned his back. Y/N and Loki shared a secret laugh--the kind Odin had shared with Frigga in youth--before he got on his knee and extended his hand to the small boy.
“I’m Loki,” he said. “I take it, you’re Baldrick?”
Heimdall came to stand close to Odin, arms folded. “Where do we go from here?”
Odin sat back on his throne, his bones aching. “We let them savour their youth.”
“And what happens once the year is done?”
Odin eyes the dispersing crowd, unsure of how to answer that question.
 To be continued...
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Our Nightly Confidant 4
War Games
Warriors needs fresh air.
The hand resting in the crook of his elbow is soft, but its grip is threatening to cut off the blood circulation to his hand. The pain has steadily numbed as the ladies exchange thinly veiled insults about this or that province and this or that financial ruin.
He used to like this.
The attention, the admiration, the glory! When did it start to taste like ash in his mouth?
If his queen heard that thought, she'd have another one of her brutal truths for him. 'When war stopped being a game and became a duty.'
When he realized that not even being the Chosen Hero of Courage would shield him from the game. That it made him twice the target every other soldier was. When the bodies of fallen comrades couldn't go past the numb exhaustion that took him every evening.
“Lady Farosh, Lady Ordonas, if you'll excuse me for a second...” he says, flashing them his flashiest smile.
Lady Ordonas brings out her fan to hide her rosy cheeks and agrees with an obvious giggle. Lady Farosh, whose fingernails are on the verge of piercing skin, delays her reply by the barely polite amount of time.
“Oh, Captain Link, you cannot abandon me so swiftly,” she tries, eyes flickering to her father, an esteemed general in discussion with Impa.
“But of course not, only a second to freshen up.”
The instant she releases him, he pulls away and bows. Though, despite his instincts screaming at him, he doesn't run a straight line for the glass doors of the Queen's ballroom. Lady Farosh would take it as an insult. He weaves through conversations, dropping the minimum expected of him here and there, snarks at a Legend that looks ready to murder Lord Lonnayru (and Warriors wishes him to succeed), never touches a drink or bite offered that he did not pick for himself, and eventually reaches freedom.
The cool night air is a balm on his skin as it strokes his hair and face.
Even the small, military tents he's slept in during the campaign didn't feel half as stifling as that ballroom. And some of the tents, he couldn't even stand up inside!
Above, the moon shines its silvery glow down to the garden's fountain. With the ball in full swing inside, no one walks the peaceful path of stone amidst the roses and the arches. Shame. It's a beautiful place. His first stroll there had been a pleasant experience, though not his first conversation with his queen. Impa had chased away the rest of the escort and glared the patrolling guards into submission. Any attempt to bargain had been met with stony silence and a dare to prove themselves worthier of the Queen's protection than her Sheikah general and mentor.
Warriors stops by the hedgerow. If he focuses, he can see the spot where Zelda sat down, where she picked a rose for him, and pinned it on his breastplate.
They had had hopes for the future. Have. He still has hopes. Don't get him wrong. But he's a little more tired than he used to be. Where had the time gone?
'Captain Link, I must introduce you to my daughter.'
Must. Must. Must. Always a 'must', never a 'may'. Duty traps him and the wild beasts know it. They sniffed his blood long ago, and he can only ever bandage the wound so much before it becomes infected.
Traipsing around with the heroes of previous eras is a blessing and a reward that Hylia offered him. A thank you, he feels, and perhaps the beginning of an apology.
“You shouldn't be out there on your own, Captain Link.”
Those are normal words, spoken with careful reverence. Nothing about them should bring his walls up this quickly. But Warriors is no longer accosted by the common soldiers. Hasn't in a long time.
The cracks on his heart spread just a little further. Deeper.
“Someone might try to hurt you, sir.”
The reverence is gone.
And the spear points straight at his chest.
He doesn't have time to bring out his sword.
A snarling mass of fur tackles the traitor, and by the time Warriors can react, the cry of fear stops abruptly. In its stead is a steady gurgle, a fading wheeze. A limb that thuds against the garden grounds.
Warriors doesn't flinch. He's seen worse.
Once his prey has been deemed sufficiently mauled, Wolfie turns to him, muzzle dark with blood, and worry clear in his eyes.
“Good boy,” he says, absentminded, a hand ruffling through the beast's sinfully soft fur.
It's a testament to his companion's state of mind that no warning growl responds to the familiarity. Warriors doubt he would hear it anyway. He's staring at the dead body.
The guard was young. Maybe... Hyrule's age. He must have hated the war, if he'd gone to the front lines. Hell is hardly enough of a description for the dance of bodies and hacked limbs. He had probably lost a brother or a father or a cousin to the fighting, if he was earning his keep in the Queen's castle at that age. Maybe Impa had taken pity on him.
“Simple-minded fools who can't resist basic mind magic,” Warriors repeats, a wobbly chuckle in his voice.
Wolfie noses his hand, and the little shock of cold and wet jolts enough that he can avert his eyes from the traitor. Defeated, the events of the night all playing on loop, he drags himself to a secluded spot by the hedgerow. One from which he can see people coming, with his back to the branches. Wolfie plops down next to him.
“Mind magic. What I wouldn't give for that to be the case,” he confesses to the wolf-like companion. “Hylia. I'd take cowards over this. I'm not asking them to fight my battles for me. Not even fight by me. Just...”
His fingers curl into his scarf. Holds onto the lifeline.
“I just want to be able to turn my back on the people I protect. Is that really so much to ask for?”
Soft fur fills his sight. He ought to resist the urge. An officer must be strong. Cannot let the soldiers down. Fear spreads like wildfire. One spark, and the whole army goes up in flame.
He knows this.
He knows, and he sobs anyway. Farore, please, just for an instant, allow him to be weak.
He buries his face in Wolfie's shoulder, relishes the warmth and protection that comes from the sacred beast. It doesn't matter that some blood splatters might stain his official knight armors. It doesn't matter that for a split second, he doesn't scan his surroundings for exits, potential ambushes and traps. He gives the taut ropes of tension inside him just enough relief.
Until he pulls back.
Sniffs twice, wipes his face once and plasters the charmer smile.
“I'm alright, Wolfie... I'm alright.”
Wolfie doesn't buy it. Makes an inquisitive little whine. A question.
His hand trembles in the fur. “I am. I will be.”
Wolfie turns, quick not to notice one's tears. Strange for a wolf, but he doesn't pounce on their weaknesses. They trust he never will.
Silly as it sounds, there's more than a few noble daughters in that ballroom that could take lessons in civility from Wolfie. At least, in his presence, he doesn't feel like a bloody piece of meat dangling in front of a pack of wolves. Now, that's irony.
“You know... you kind of make me miss Midna.”
Warriors jumped back when Wolfie suddenly straightened, his eyes laser focused.
“Yeah, I know her,” he said, feeling a hint of a real smile. “We have a statue for her in the Temple of Souls. Hell of a woman.”
His hands went to his sword the second his ears picked up a low growling noise, only to realize it had come from Wolfie. Was... was their canine companion protective of the Twilight Princess? Or, Hylia forbid, jealous? Goddess, that was too cute.
“Shh, don't alert the others,” Warriors said, hands held in front of him in mock surrender.
Wolfie, with very Hylian-like intelligence, puts a paw first on his muzzle, then scratches one of his ears. It's a good point. He'd know first.
Warriors relents before Wolfie starts nipping. He remembers Time's mud bath. “She mentioned you too. Called you her favorite pet.”
He hadn't know what disgruntled looked like on a wolf before, but now he had the perfect picture. No wonder Midna had loved to tease him.
“She went into battle with this shadow spell. Wolf-companions.”
Wolfie's interest shifts into disguised wariness. There are hints that he might like to pull back a bit, but Warriors' hand remains firm on the back of the wolf's neck.
“Called her main one Rinku,” he adds, waggling his eyebrows. “Reminds you of something, huh?”
Wolfie blinks. Then blinks some more. He's almost completely frozen, like he has no clue what to make of that information. Or is trying to choose the right way to react. And when he does, Warriors bites down on a burst of laughter.
The puppy eyes. The good boy smile. It's worrying how they almost work.
Warriors keeps a sly grin on his face and waits. He's in no hurry to return inside the palace.
It takes another change of beat in the music coming from the ballroom before Wolfie gives, and shadows swallow him.
“Since when?” Twilight says, sighing.
Warriors' smirk is immensely punchable, he's aware. He loves to live dangerously.
“Are you implying that I would deliberately play dumb so that one of my fellow Hero of Courage would act like a dog when he doesn't need to? That I knew from the very beginning and asked Wild to take pictures for posterity? For shame, Twilight.”
A vein twitched under Twilight's jaw. “No, I wasn't implying that. I was saying you're an asshole, Wars!”
Warriors fails to dodge the lunge, half-paralyzed by muffled chuckles. The momentum throws them on the grass, and there's a split second of disorientation before his back hits the ground, and a weight lands on his chest. A heavy weight. Goddesses be good, the farmer lifestyle paid, huh?
“Twilight, move your fat ass.”
The mullish expression on his brother's face would have made a raging moblin sweat. “No. We're still doing this. I have a great track record, and I'm not letting you narcissistic goatfiddler break it by being your usual self. Talk.”
His eyes widen in alarm. “Really? This is the setup? Me, suffocating, and you, thinking of a place to hide my body. What is this, a deathbed confession?”
“You could have had the amazing emotional support of everyone's favorite wolf. But noooo, you're too good for that, so spill. Better be fast, because I had double serving of Wild's chili. Gives me gaz like thunder.”
“You. Wouldn't. Dare.”
The silent glare he receives is all Time.
Warriors squirming renews. “Farmhand, I will skewer you on the Master Sword myself if you don't-”
“Why would you go off on your own like that? We were all in the ballroom. You could have gotten any of us.”
“Let's not reverse the roles here,” Warriors hisses, one eyebrow raised. “I'm not the one playing double-life around our group. You can't talk about trust when you constantly hide in plain sight. You want trust? You tell me why.”
The boyish, almost light air between them breaks. Guilt blooms on Twilight's face. He can't meet Warriors' gaze and doesn't even try.
“... It's Dark Magic.”
“I couldn't care less. I've fought amongst noble fighters with dark magic and against monsters with the opposite. Next.”
Twilight's ears droop slightly. It's dog-like, and amusingly fitting for a moment of hesitation. Every second that passes without a word hammer the fact that 'dark magic' is the surface excuse for Twilight's shifty dealings about their group. Warriors tries not to be angry. Twilight did just save his life with that very secret.
“I've had...” Lips mull the words for a few seconds. “Mixed reactions.”
Warriors feels himself frown. “Mixed how?”
“You know me, the country boy, raised in the small farmer village lost in the woods. Country bumpkins, the lot of us... You ever heard what they think of wolves?”
His breath hitches. Slow dread creeps on him. He hates the ease with which images come to him. He's never seen Twilight's hometown, never met any of his family, but he's suddenly overwhelmed by the idea of a mob of pitchforks and pickaxes held high, of dogs barking through the woods as a grey wolf scampers. Narrowly avoids a bear trap snapping its deadly maw on thin air instead of a limb. Overhears angry grumbling about making a pelt out of his skin.
They should be farmers, but he sees old faces instead. Soldiers. Commanders. Officers. Brothers-in-arms he's long trusted. Thought he could trust.
“W-what do they know about those majestic beasts?” he says, jokingly because he's afraid to let the mask slip an inch. (It'd fall a mile, shatter too hard for him to ever glue back the pieces.)
“My father threatened to skewer me,” comes the quiet admission, less than a whisper.
Warriors' heart squeezes. “Twilight.”
“Didn't know it was me though,” Twilight adds, failing at even a small smile. “To him, I was just this wild animal circling the village right after most of the children had been stolen. He... he only threatened me. Just words. Nothing like what you had to deal with.”
“The words are the worst part for me,” Warriors hears himself say. “I hear them in my nightmares, even if I forget what they tried to do. Couldn't tell you who came at me with a spear, with a sword, with a dagger. But I see their eyes in the mirror, the hate as they died.”
“The fear. The 'Get back, beast!' and the screams.”
“'It's your fault!'” Warriors repeat, the same tone that echoed in his head. “'You should have died instead!'”
Twilight's face twists, and there's a split second when Warriors thinks his heart will give out. Even the shadows of Twili magic can't compare to the darkness that covers the blue of his eyes. But Twilight turns his head to the side and spits in disgust.
It hits the traitor's cooling corpse.
“Bastards,” he says, venom lacing his tongue. “Should have made that last.”
He says, with blood all over his face , Warriors thinks dryly.
It's a sharp contrast, that violence on him. Twilight has always had that air of earnest, straightforward honesty. One look at him and strangers will put their trust in him without hesitation. He lacks the battleworn scars (at least where it's visible), is old enough to be taken seriously and his bumpkin accent breeds familiarity with most commoners they meet. Warriors himself has to deploy all his charms to get the same results, and he's still being glared at by a lot of the men.
They peg him a charmer, and not without reason.
“I don't like it either,” Warriors says, quiet.
“What?” Twilight replies, an eyebrow raised.
“The knight act, you know.” And before Twilight's mouth can drop – “At least, some of it. The game. The doublespeak. The mask. It all feels pointless sometimes.”
“I... really?” Twilight's baffled words hurt, just a little.
Warriors scoffs. “Yes, really. I'm not meant to play knaves and daggers. I'm a soldier. An officer. I'm meant to be out there, defending the kingdom I love. Inspiring the people to fight back against darkness, to stand up for their lives. To be at the front of an army, to lead as one amongst the great... it's incredible. It's what I was born to do, I know it in my bones. The act is necessary. But by the Goddesses do I wish I could live without it.”
He sees the way his meaning worms itself past Twilight's gaze, understanding dawning on him. “No matter where one goes, huh?” Sheepish ruffle of his own hair. “Is it something in the water?”
“Like they'd lower themselves to drinking water,” Warriors sneers, a smirk hidden underneath. “Wine only, my good sir. And only the finest year, from the finest yard. Vintage, my good peasant, it's all the vintage that shows breeding.”
“They do know that for everyone else, breeding is something you check for your horses and your dogs, right?”
“I... couldn't tell. I've stopped listening a while ago. I just nod and play my handsome part. It is the only use for a Hero once the King of Evil has been defeated, it looks like. I don't know if I even should call myself a knight anymore.”
“Wild was touched, y'know?” Twilight says, looking up to the moon. “When you called him an honorable knight,” he adds with a sigh. “He's always associated his life before the Calamity to knighthood, to that incredible soldier that had trained for a decade before facing his destiny. Someone whose shadow he chased for months, not realizing it's his own. You might have been the first to call his current self a knight.”
“He is!” Warriors near jumps to his feet. “Wild may be unorthodox, but he is a loyal, devoted man that served Hyrule to the best of his ability despite having lost everything but his life to the cause. Most generals in my army could not even measure up to his standard.”
“Should have seen the look in his eyes when I mentioned it.” There's a hint of sadness beyond the pride and joy of this memory.
He hates the curdling feeling that brings forth. “Remind me to knock a couple of heads together next time we visit his Hyrule, would you?”
Twilight's chuckle is fond, gentle. “Yeah, that's what I meant. I never thought to tell him in those words. To me, he was always good enough. But you saw that side of him too. You know what it's like to want it. I can't relate that well to this, but... well, anyone under your command has to look up to a guy like you.”
Hands ball into fists. Eyes drift to the corpse. “Not everyone does. Obviously.”
Twilight bumps shoulders with him. “I'm sorry, pretty boy. I'm sorry these assholes think they have any right to blame you. To resent you. You're an amazing leader. Much better than me. I... I honestly admire you and your skill.”
Warmth settles in his stomach. He can't... For a second, he needs to blink away tears.
“So he admits it.”
There's a wry, wolfish quality to Twilight's grin. “You speak a word of it, and you'll meet an unfortunate fate, Captain.”
“As if anyone but my Queen could make me fall in battle,” he laughs, pushing Twilight's shoulder, hard.
“Careful there.” His brother's grin sharpens, and the returning shove almost sends Warriors crashing into a bush. “You might touch my cursed stone, and then you'd be stuck as your true self. What would your queen think if she saw a plague-ridden rat try to command her armies?”
Laughter bubbles in his chest. “Be happy to send the rat to infect the goat-loving hillbillies before they spread out of their mudholes! Imagine the half-goat, half-hylians that would invade Hyrule!”
Twilight's gauntlets fall to the ground. Knuckles are cracked. “A'right. Someone needs an asswhooping.”
He could not stop smirking if the Goddesses ordered him to. “Bring it, dog-boy. I'll put a collar on you.”
Taunts, past this point, become superfluous. The breath they would waste could be better utilized trying not to die (lose) against this moblin (his brother) and his freakish strength (no, really, he pushes giant metal crates on ice, the goron-born idiot). The honor of Hyrule rests on his victory.
At some point, they roll over in the fountain.
This does not, in fact, stop their roughhousing.
 “Should I ask why you both have black eyes and split lips when no one noticed any monster for miles?” Time wonders at his seconds-in-command. “While we were attending a ball?”
“No,” they growl with a ferocity to chill bones.
“Not fair!” Wind protests, to the nodding of most. “Why did they get to have all the fun?”
Ah, youth.
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vexing-imogen · 3 years
the persistence of 9/?
read from beginning | read on ao3
“Am I allowed to touch you?”
His sister’s question, nearly identical to the last time they’d met, almost breaks Vax. He takes her hand in his, the heat of her skin almost scorching against his, and brings it to his face.
“You can touch,” he assures her. “I’m here, Vex. I’m real.”
She throws herself into him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his shoulder. “I’ve missed you,” she says. “Which doesn’t make any sense because I don’t remember you being gone, but I have.”
“And I you,” he murmurs, combing his fingers through her hair. An image of the Raven Queen appears over Vex’ahlia’s shoulder, and he instinctively wraps his wings around her, shielding his sister from his goddess.
I did not send you here to dawdle, my champion.
Vax sighs, pulls out of Vex’s embrace just enough to see her face, but keeping her within the circle of his wings. “Are you ready to start?” he asks.
Her eyes widen. “You’re helping me recover my memories?” she asks. “You can do that?”
He chuckles. “Through the power of my goddess, yes. We both felt that you would be more comfortable with a familiar face, so she allowed me to come in her place.” 
Not that it had been that simple. From the moment he’d known Vex’ahia would have to come to the temple, he’d made his case for why he should be the one to see her. It had taken a great deal of arguing, but she had eventually relented. On the condition that he remain professional.
He hadn’t even tried, if he was totally honest.
“So, what do we have to do?” Vex asks, her voice shaky. She’s nervous, even with him, which cements his belief that he made the right call. “What all does this entail?”
“It’s pretty simple, actually,” he explains. “Just a spell. Like Greater Restoration, but with a little more oomph.”
Vex frowns. “We tried that though,” she says. “Pike tried multiple times, and it didn’t work.”
“As much as we might tease, Pike’s not actually a goddess,” he counters. “And her spells did work, in a way. Made my job easier, at least.”
It takes him a minute to find the right analogy. “When that spell hit you, it’s like a dam went up in your head. And all of your memories of the past five years got locked behind it. Now think about what happens to the land in front of a dam when it breaks.”
“It floods,” Vex says, nodding. “Everything in the water’s path is overwhelmed. Destroyed.”
“Right,” Vax says. “And if we had just broken that dam in your head without preparing your mind for it first...”
Vex laughs nervously. “That’s not terrifying at all.”
Vax strokes her cheek. “You’ll be fine,” he promises. “If Pike hadn’t tried Greater Restoration herself, we would have had to stagger this over multiple sessions. Bring your memories back bit by bit instead of all at once.”
“Sort of like opening a sluice gate.”
“Exactly.” He grins. “But, since Pike did try Greater Restoration, it’s safe for us to just destroy the dam.”
Vex swallows. “What’s the cost?” she asks softly. “I mean, there has to be a price, right? Everything has a price.”
He smiles sadly. “The price is remembering, Vex’ahlia.” He cups her face gently. “It hasn’t been all weddings and babies and slaying dragons. There’s some awful, ugly, heartbreaking shit locked in there. You have to take the bad with the good. That’s the price.”
She’s quiet just long enough for him to get worried. “Vex’ahlia?” She looks up at him, eyes wet. “Do you still want to do this?”
She sniffles, but nods. “Let’s do this. I’m ready.”
Vax moves his fingers to her temples, speaks the incantation, and allows the Raven Queen’s divine power to flow through him and into his sister. He feels the exact moment the barrier inside her mind dissolves. Her eyes go wide, her breath catching on a gasp as her memories flood back. A trickle of blood drips from one nostril, and for a moment he’s terrified that Pike’s preparation wasn’t enough.
But then she sobs out an oh god and collapses against his chest, her whole body trembling. Screw professional he thinks, holding her tight and studiously ignoring the gaze of his Matron. His sister is here with him, deeply upset, and death hasn’t made him cruel enough to push her away.
She cannot stay here, champion.
He almost growls. She’s overwhelmed. Just give her a fucking minute, alright?
You know it is dangerous for mortals to spend too much time in the void. She has family and friends outside to comfort her. You have to let her go.
Just one minute. Please. He’s not sure if he’s asking for Vex’ahlia or for himself.
She relents. One minute. Any longer and I will eject her from the pool myself.
It’s been forty-five seconds when he finally speaks. “You have to go.”
“I know, I know.” She clings to him tighter.
He removes himself from her embrace, holds her at arm’s length. “They’re waiting for you, Vex’ahlia. You can’t stay.”
She nods, tears flowing freely. “I love you.”
He kisses her forehead. “I love you. And I will always be with you.”
He gives her a gentle push upwards, and as the physical connection between them breaks, she disappears.
Lieve’tel is waiting by the edge of the communion pool when Vex emerges, towels and a basin of water at her side. They exchange no words as she helps Vex clean as much blood from her body as she can. Her hair is mostly a lost cause, she’ll definitely need a bath when she gets home, but they manage to get it to stop dripping at the very least.
Vex dresses in silence, taking stock of herself as she does. Her headache and vertigo are gone, the perks of being healed by a literal goddess, she supposes. The nausea still lingers, however, and she freezes in place when she remembers exactly why.
Oh. Shit.
It’s been nearly an hour on the dot when the temple doors open again, and Vex emerges with Lieve’tel. There’s clarity when her eyes meet Percy’s, and he feels all of the tension of the past two days leave him when she nods. They collide somewhere in the middle of their friends, and he only just stops himself from spinning her in circles, mindful of the side effects that have been plaguing her.
“It worked?” he confirms, and she nods, tears soaking his shirt where she’s pressed against him.
“I saw Vax,” she says after a moment, her voice raw.
He holds her a little tighter. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She shakes her head. “Later.” A sniffle. “We have...a lot to talk about later.”
A memory comes to him, one he’s kept pushed to the back of his mind since she woke up two days ago. Their last night in Emon. Vex teasing him with news that she wanted to wait to tell him until they were home alone, together.
He kisses the top of her head, grimacing at the copper tang. “You have so much blood in your hair, love.”
She groans. “I know. It’s going to be a nightmare getting it all washed out.”
Percy chuckles. “Well, I did offer to draw you a bath earlier...”
Vex lifts her head from his chest, kisses him softly. “What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go home.”
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period-dramallama · 4 years
Spanish Princess Episode 5: many many thoughts
Strap yo selves in 
-WHERE WAS THE APOLOGY?? Lina’s just back with Catherine like nothing happened?? 
-Katherine, I get why you’re upset, but you kind of should be unsurprised?? Your dad was unfaithful to his wife, most kings were. Henry VII and Richard III were the exceptions, and even they had illegitimate sons before their marriages. Many kings also had official mistresses that everyone knew about, so by the standards of the time Henry and Bessie are actually being pretty tactful in at least trying to keep their affair out of sight. (Sexy dancing aside). 
-Honestly it would have been so much more moving if KoA was like “I know kings take mistresses...but I thought...I was so sure... he would be different...”
-”they gave me a purse of gold!” It’s expected that you give the monarch lavish presents, lmao Ursula and Stafford would do that even if they hated each other and you
-”everybody loves a masque” the only sensible thing Henry has said so far in this show. Also court probably had way more masques than we see in the show, and it would standard to have a masque every holiday. 
-”she is not a boy” hurry up with your character development and learn to love Mary already i am so TIRED of this miserable BS
-seems a rather depopulated masque? If the Chateau Vert pageant is anything to go by putting on a masque was a court activity, with most of the ladies performing.  
-Bessie Blount in her cute masque costume... sweet mother i cannot weave Aphrodite has overcome me with GAAAAAAAAAAAAY
-”I never enjoyed carousing...my mother scolded me” look i love the Neville sisters with my whole heart but a) Margaret was 3 at most when her mother died, how does she remember her? She’d have clearer memories of her double-uncle and double-aunt, Richard III and Queen Anne b) Isabel Neville in the White Queen was established as very prim and proper, a well-bred girl who cared about enforcing decorum, she refused to ‘carouse’ and she certainly would never bring a 3 year old to a party c) we saw little Margaret as a girl at the end of the White Queen and she didn’t seem at all shy. 
-”she died young, didn’t she” ...yes? most people did?
-”they both did” understatement of the year. Isabel Neville died young because she was ill, George died young (in the universe of The White Queen, at least) BECAUSE HE WAS FORCEFULLY DROWNED IN A VAT OF MALMSEY WINE. THESE TWO THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME! I do at least trust the writers of this show that the understatement was intentional, I’m sure even Emma Frost couldn’t forget a major character getting violently drowned.
-So the court only noticed the plague when one of their own got it so obviously and then died? Yes, plague could move fast, but if there was a whiff of plague the court would flee with the speed of the Looney Tunes road runner. If an acquaintance of an acquaintance of a cook had a cousin who saw someone with the plague, the court would flee to the country. How have these people not died of terminal stupid?! Like Compton was in the same building as the heir to the throne
-To be fair, it makes sense that they’re surprised Compton’s dead. Because the real Compton died of the sweating sickness. In 1528. Also he was involved in Buckingham’s downfall so... you just wrote yourself into a corner.
-Oh wow an actual good reason for More and Pole to be quarantined together i am amaaaaaazed
-”attend the queen” Boleyn, what do you think your daughter’s been doing all season if not attending the queen? Playing tetris?
-Katherine helping Anne into the wagon...I actually like that little moment. Like it does make sense, because the two have no reason to hate each other yet. (And who couldn’t like Anne? She’s such a babby!)
-Thomas More in the Tudor equivalent of casual clothes... much better. Shame about the 1930s lady’s wig.
-”what else should we do?” Maggie, this cannot be the first epidemic you’ve ever lived through. Have you forgotten the sweating sickness of 1485? You’ve probably lived through more epidemics than Oviedo has, you should know the protocol better than him.
-Oviedo continues to be the only man with rights. I wish we could see him crying and missing his wife and babies, but then my lil heart would break so maybe it’s for the best.
-They burn Maggie’s weird blue hood AS THEY SHOULD! IT WAS UGLY AND STUPID! I NEVER HAVE TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN NOW! THANK YOU SO MUCH! yes they also burned her nice dress with the strawberries on it but honestly it’s worth it, bc now i can rest easy, knowing the evil hood has been defeated.
-”you were a plaything” Katherine is so obviously insecure. I’m getting second-hand embarrassment. Like if she really was certain Bessie wasn’t important, she wouldn’t need to say it, would she? Except to rub it in. Which this KOA would absolutely do. 
-literally all Bessie said was good morning?? Like Bessie is doing her best?? The masque was Henry’s idea, not hers, she hasn’t shown off about her affair, she hasn’t demanded money or titles, she hasn’t demanded any status to rival Katherine’s, she doesn’t flirt with or even speak to Henry when Katherine’s around, she acts like they’re strangers, she doesn’t even react when Katherine loses her temper...someone please please stick up for Bessie!
-”the rocking of the cart is unsettling to the stomach” is Anne naive, or is she covering for Bessie? I hope it’s the latter, in which case Anne is the one person looking out for Bessie...the babby is Soft, I repeat the babby is Soft!
-the irony of Mary being cold to Bessie when she’s next in the firing line...
-”it is not the rocking” Thank you Lina, where would we be without your gift for stating the obvious?
-”where did Wolsey get his money”...He’s a churchman...at the top of the church hierarchy...how do you fuckin think he got wealthy. Have y’all not been in the sixteenth century for five minutes? Why do you think Luther is so mad at the church?
-”I know of no other man in her bed most nights” Honestly wow I’m surprised KoA wasn’t like “well :/ a girl like that :/ who knows how many men process in and out of her bed :/” KoA gets half a point for being less bitchy than usual. Also Bessie looked so uncomfortable with Henry groping her stomach in front of Katherine. I pray the next man in her life treats her right and that Fraham don’t prematurely kill her off like they did with Compton.  
-”the future king” if you’re regent on his behalf, then he’s already king! “Civilised companionship” back at it again with the Scots-are-barbarians.
-Laura Carmichael is utterly stunning this episode, with her hair down. The cinematography was beautiful in general this week.
-”freedom to speak and licence to speak are two different things” hey look at that one of Thomas More’s actual beliefs. I am giving all the credit to the historical advisor for that, I don’t believe for one second Fraham knew that beforehand.
-Maggie I love you but no, God does not sanction adultery. For any reason. 
-KOA smirking and gloating about Bessie’s pain...she has never been so punchable. I would understand, if not condone it, if Bessie was manipulative, or greedy, or ambitious, or trying to supplant Katherine. But Bessie’s been betrayed by Henry too, and there’s no concrete evidence she ever gloated about her affair, to anyone let alone Katherine.  
-”You think only of your own fate while London is struck down with plague” Earth to Katherine?? What concern have you shown for the Londoners?? Also calling Bessie selfish...Bessie’s not the one who lashed out at Lina, was jealous at Lina for having twin boys, and who wanted to continue a war for personal reasons. And then Bessie proves KoA wrong 5 hot seconds later by sticking up for Mary. Bit rich of KoA to be all “how dare you leave my daughter unattended” when she herself won’t even hold Mary. 
-”Louis didn’t last a year” What! Is! The Timeline!
-Meg in that cloak reminds me of the Scottish Widow adverts. Georgie is so greedy- she steals every single scene she is in! Even when she’s raging she has more dignity and more presence than KoA ever has.
-”YOU LYING SOD” i burst out laughing it’s really not the little two-timing shit’s day, is it?
-Mary receiving Charlie B in the most Extra way possible. A++
-Why does Wolsey look like he’s about to cry?
-”thoughts are not actions” Lina I love you but... that is NOT what the New Testament says. Jesus said evil thoughts are very very much sins. I’ll give you a pass because maybe you haven’t been Catholic as long as Katherine has? Idk your backstory.
-Aaand now she’s wishing death on Bessie and her unborn baby and Lina isn’t disgusted? At least Katherine is feeling guilty. AS SHE SHOULD.
-”must it always fall to me to be magnanimous?” Katherine, you think only of yourself, for 23 out of every 24 hours. 
-”God wants me to be compassionate to Bessie because of my sins” God wants you to be compassionate because that’s how Christianity is supposed to work. It’s not very selfless of you to decide to be selfless so that you can get what you want. 
-oh wow look at that! She’s getting some self-awareness, i never saw that coming.
-”you betrayed Bessie” 5 points to Katherine of Aragon for standing up for Bessie when Henry screwed her over. Finally, some positive character development.
-is henry so dumb he thinks that baby is Katherine’s? Katherine was so obviously not pregnant
-When a baby’s born his skin needs to touch his mother’s skin so they can bond. They should have at least an hour’s cuddle time. Katherine of Aragon is literally traumatising a baby the very minute he is born. For her own selfish, selfish desires. 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Dare To Forget Me
Ch. 32: One More Time
Previous chapters // Montserrat's masterlist
Fandom: SVU // Pairing:  Rafael Barba x OFC
Warnings: Due to the nature of the series’ plots, I do have to rate this as ‘mature’ for constant mentions of rape.
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother​ @anotherunreadblog​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​ @perfectlystiles​ @averyhotchner​ [If you’d like to be added to this specific OC’s stories/edits, send me a message!]
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Chapter Summary: Montserrat and Rafael are losing their minds away from each other over the course of one month...
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1 Month Later.
"Oh, he's adorable," Montserrat gushed at the baby boy in her arms. The baby, in return, gurgled as if he was trying to agree out loud with her. Montserrat shifted on her chair to switch the baby to her other leg. "Olivia, I can't believe you actually adopted him," she told the sergeant sitting across the desk.
"Not adopted," Olivia corrected as she watched Noah fiddle with his hands. "His name's Noah and for the time being, he's going to live with me." She had explained the situation since Montserrat had been out of SVU for a good while now. She only came back and forth every once in a while and this time, she came to the surprise that Olivia had become a foster mother to the very child she saved almost a year ago.
"He's really cute," Montserrat loved Noah's rosy cheeks. "Definitely livens up the place, huh?"
"Yeah," Olivia chuckled and reached over her desk to toggle with one of Noah's hands. The baby gurgled with a toothless grin.
"So then...Ellie's...dead?" Montserrat lowered her voice as if the child in her arms would understand that his biological mother was dead.
"Yeah," sighed Olivia. "We had her in a safe house but...she left in the night and…we couldn't save her then."
Montserrat hadn't seen the pictures - not that she wanted to - but she assumed they were thoroughly graphic since Ellie had been burned to death along with other terrible things they'd done to her. "Do you have any ideas who might've done it?"
"Well, we assume it was someone from the high up but, for now, Little Tino is taking the fault."
"If he's taking the fault then it means he's scared of whoever actually did it." Montserrat stood up with Noah and gently handed him back to Olivia. "And, speaking out of experience, the person who did it might be the one in charge of the whole operation Ellie was part of." Olivia had no doubt it as well. "I should get going. I'm meeting with Damian and Calhoun again."
"How's your brother doing?" Olivia asked as the two slowly went for the office door.
"Well, he's better in that he's not in jail but...he's on trial now and things aren't as well as we hoped." Montserrat shrugged. "Things aren't adding up, Liv. Damian and Gael swear they did the final evaluations and the thing is...that footage is missing. Like, it's not where it should be."
"What - the company misplaced it?"
"No, the company is actually helping us look for the footage. Not having it makes them look just as bad as Gael."
"Well, I really hope you find what you need," Olivia said. "We really miss you over here. Plus, we're understaffed since Nick's doing cop work in Queens."
"Yeah," Montserrat's smile was a bit tight but Olivia didn't seem to notice. She was genuinely sorry Nick had to go back to being a regular cop for Queens, but at least with that he would eventually be able to come back to SVU as a detective. It would just take a bit of time. He'd gone for a month now without any problems, so...he was doing good.
"Honestly, I can come back if you really need me," Montserrat told Olivia wholeheartedly. She wouldn't want Olivia to go crazy trying to cover all their cases with only 3 detectives. "I'd just like to ask time to go Gael's trials."
"Thanks Montse," Olivia could breathe a bit in relief. She wouldn't call the detective in unless they truly had to, but it was nice to know Montserrat was up for the early return.
After leaving Olivia's office, Montserrat went for her things she left on her desk.
"So, any word on when you'll be back?" Fin asked from his seat. "Not that we're complaining but Carisi's a bit too much to handle."
"Ha, ha," Sonny rolled his eyes.
"Oh c'mon, he's not that bad," Montserrat swung her bag's strap over her shoulder. "Just give him some candy and he'll be good."
"One of these days, your jokes will stop being funny," Sonny frowned.
"But it's not today," Amanda chuckled.
Montserrat smiled at her squad. She missed them terribly. "I gotta go meet with Damian and Calhoun so I'll see you guys around," she wiggled her fingers and turned to leave.
"Hey Montse," Sonny called and easily caught up with her in the hallway. "Listen, I know things might be a little awkward, but…"
Montserrat turned so that she was in front of him, making him bump into her. "Awkward?" she repeated and tilted her head. "Why would things be awkward?"
"You know what I mean," Sonny gave her a meaningful look until she shifted on her feet. "I was there, remember?"
"Sadly," she flatly said. "But you know what? Over it. Done. It's been a month and I'm over it."
"I know you're mad-"
"Oh no, no," she shook her head. "I'm not mad."
"Really?" Sonny knew that tight, sour smile meant Rafael was still in her bad graces.
"Yeah," she shrugged. "Even though he lied and chose to be with some woman who manipulated him, he has all the freedom to do it. I-" she gestured at herself, "-am simply removing myself from the situation because I'm pretty sure if I had him in front of me I might murder him - wait…" she pretended to think about it for a second before saying, "No, I'm sure I would murder him."
Sonny sighed. "Montserrat, if you would just listen to what Rafael has to say then you would see that it's not what it looks like."
Because it wasn't like Rafael hadn't already tried. He'd struggled to get Montserrat to listen to him for just a minute, even more to just stand still but...Montserrat was adamant that the choice had been made. He made it so it was only fair that she make hers...even though her choice was being made out of spite, something Rafael had mistakenly pointed out which brought out a whole new type of argument. (Sonny may or may not have sat Rafael down afterwards to go over everything he'd done wrong).
"Sorry," Montserrat waved Sonny off, "I have better things to do."
"Montserrat-" Sonny called as the woman backtracked towards the elevator.
"Seriously," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "And feel free to mention that murder part. I may be over it, but I hold a wicked grudge. I've been lenient this past month but I'm done now."
"Maybe this is another reason why we shouldn't be together - I might kill him on the first date," Montserrat shrugged ever-so-casually with her wide, innocent smile.
Oh yeah, she was still furious. It was the quiet type of furious which, generally, turned out to be worse than the loud, screaming fury.
~ 0 ~
"See, this is the only video we have," Damian played the security feed of the final evaluation he and Gael did before the building collapsed.
Montserrat, Gael and Calhoun leaned forwards on the table to see the computer screen.
"But that's not it," Gael pointed with a deep scowl on his face. "That's the very last one - the one after I had checked for everything. It makes me look like I barely did my job."
"Okay, so we have to find that other security feed," Calhoun said. "And in the meantime, I'll be taking that video-" she pointed at the screen, "-as part of the evidence."
"But it's got me showing that I did nothing!" Gael exclaimed. "Why would you want to show people that?"
"Because the label is wrong," Calhoun said sharply. "And that means someone intentionally labeled it wrong."
"So it's part of the bigger evidence," Montserrat said for her brother's sake. "Proves that they were switched intentionally."
"Okay, then we gotta go back to work and find that other video," Gael rose from his seat but both Montserrat and Calhoun brought him back down.
"You cannot go back there until the investigation is over," Calhoun practically snapped so Montserrat went ahead and explained.
"If you go back, the D.A will make it look like you were going to plant something to prove your innocent. It's better if you stay far away from there until we figure things out."
"But what am I supposed to do!?"
"Be with your daughters?" Montserrat very wisely reminded him. "They really need you, especially Juliana."
Gael sighed. He learned of his teenage daughter's 3 day suspension when he first got out on bail and was overly upset with her, though he did understand her behavior sprang from his situation. Now as his trial had begun, he really strove to make sure both his daughters weren't in the fires of the media. "I suppose they do."
"Let us take care of it," Damian said. "I can go back and look for that video."
"If you do, be sure to have another employee with you so they don't claim you planted it," Calhoun warned then pointed a finger at Montserrat. "You're banned from that building as well."
"I know," the ginger woman rolled her eyes. "I'm not new at this, you remember right?"
Calhoun's smile was the definition of a frenemy. "Just do your job detective and I will do mine."
"This is my job right now," Montserrat reminded the woman as the latter prepared to leave the apartment. "So keep me updated at all times."
"I know," Calhoun playfully rolled her eyes. It was truly novelty being on the same side. "See you in court tomorrow."
When she was gone, Gael readied to leave as well. "I'm picking up Ivana and then Juliana early. Maybe we can have lunch or something."
"Honestly, that's the best thing you can do right now," Damian told him. "Just be with your girls. Montserrat and I have this."
"He means I got this since, reminder, being a detective is my job," Montserrat folded her arms over her chest. "It's literally what I do to eat."
"Still, I don't want you guys overexerting yourself on my case," Gael looked between his sister and best friend. "So please get some sleep and just take care of yourselves."
"We're fine Gael," Montserrat smiled at him.
"No you're not," he said too fast for her liking. "You've got something going on and you won't say anything. And don't try denying it."
Montserrat rolled her eyes. She would not be discussing any of these problems with anyone. She hadn't even told Kara about it - though Kara had assumed who Montserrat's problem was before actually hearing the story from Sonny later on - and Montserrat planned to bury that awful moment. Was it healthy? Probably not. Did she care? Nope.
Damian and Montserrat had stayed in the latter's place going through more of the files Damian took from his job. Being as thorough as possible meant neither noticed the time pass by until Kara and Sonny walked into the apartment.
"You guys are still working?" Kara wasn't surprised at all. For the past week this had been the way she'd find her best friend, not to mention her apartment kept looking like a storage room than an actual apartment.
"Well, my brother's still being accused of murder so…" Montserrat's sarcasm made Kara roll her eyes. "And he's on trial."
"Did you guys find anything useful?" Sonny asked. He hoped the afternoon had been used only for work purposes and nothing else.
"I mean, I guess so?" Damian looked over to Montserrat for confirmation. "I found some papers that Montserrat thinks Calhoun can use."
"It's just the previous signed evaluations indicating Gael did previous evaluations for each stage of construction before the final one," Montserrat explained.
"That's great," Sonny smiled for her. "It's definitely helpful in the case."
"Is it?" Kara smiled almost like him.
"Yeah," the detective nodded his head. "It establishes that Gael did the required evaluations before the building was finished."
"Yeah, except we still don't have that security feed of the final evaluation," Montserrat sighed. She leaned back on her chair and folded her arms. "If we had that, we would end all of this once and for all."
Damian put down his side of papers and moved to Montserrat's side. His hand went on her shoulder as he bent down beside her chair. "Hey, first thing tomorrow I'm gonna go back to work and I'm not gonna leave until I find that video."
Montserrat met his look with a soft smile. She would love nothing more than to finally put an end to this nightmare. "I really wish I could go there too."
"You heard Calhoun. It's best if you don't. I've got an idea, why don't we grab some dinner?"
Sonny scowled. Wow, the guy didn't miss a chance did he?
"Or we could order in?" suggested Kara who walked up to Montserrat's other side.
Sonny then smiled. That's why I love her.
"Thanks guys, but I think I'll just head to bed." Montserrat pushed herself up to her feet and offered both Mackies a polite smile. She loved that they tried so hard to cheer her up, but she just wasn't in the mood. Lately, she wasn't in the mood for anything.
"Are you sure?" Kara asked. She shared the same disappointment as her brother.
"Yeah, I'm tired." Montserrat shrugged again. "I'll see you tomorrow. Oh-" she stopped by the doorway and looked directly at Sonny, "-and I may come back a little earlier to SVU. My desk better be cleaned up."
"Oh that's great," Kara was relieved to hear that at least some part of normality would come back to Montserrat's life. "I really hope this can all end. It's taking a toll on Montse and I'm worried about her."
"I'm gonna go to work tomorrow and find that damn video," Damian promised as he went back to the table to clean up the mess of papers.
"Do you have any idea where it could be?" Kara asked. She started helping him put the papers together. "I mean, what guarantee do you have that it's even in there?"
"Because the video disappeared the same day the building crashed and there's been more security ever since. No one could slip out with the video much less not be noticed on camera they're trying to leave with it." Damian neatly stacked the papers on one end of the table then looked up at his sister and Sonny. "I'm gonna find that video if it's the last thing I do. For Gael. For Montserrat." Once everything was set, he bid them goodnight and left.
"If this trial doesn't end soon, I'm afraid both my best friend and my brother are going to lose their minds," Kara sighed once they were alone. She expected more commentary from Sonny, but all she got was a small nod and a distant expression. "Sonny?" she called and because her voice was sharpened, he finally looked at her. "What's the matter with you?"
Sonny shook his head, one hand lightly tapping the top of the chair Montserrat had sat in. "Nothing."
"Do not take me for an idiot, Dominick Carisi. You've been acting strange and even though I know you and Rafael have formed this newfound, closer friendship, it doesn't account for this strange behavior." Kara made a gesture at his current stance and though she walked up to him he seemed to move away. "What are you doing?"
Sonny exhaled and made a gesture towards the hallway, meaning to indicate Montserrat but all that came out of his mouth was a sigh. He didn't mean to do that, but what was he supposed to say? That he was frustrated two of his friends were equally hurting? That his girlfriend's brother was actively trying to win over Montserrat?
His face scrunched. "I should go, Kara. There's work tomorrow, after all."
Kara raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you really going to do this?"
"Do what?" he flashed her a smile but the moment he did she pointed a finger at him.
"Don't you dare use that charming smile on me. Why won't you tell me what you're up to?"
"Because I'm not really up to anything?"
Kara rolled her eyes. "Oh please, I know that's a lie. You think I don't know when Rafael tries to talk with Montserrat? She comes home with a face as red as her hair."
"Sorry, doll, but I'm not up to anything."
"Mhm," Kara pretended to fix the lapels of his jacket by pressing it down. "Listen, I'll believe what you say but...if you do happen to come up with a way my best friend can be happy again, I'll love you a thousand times more."
There was a brief smile on Sonny's face before Kara looked up at him. "I gotta go," he said softly.
"Aha," Kara smiled and leaned on her toes to kiss him. "Go on then. Do nothing. Goodnight."
Sonny had to smile as he left the apartment.
Each night when Rafael visited Forlinis, it was usually always done to grab some nice dinner that he had no intention of cooking at home. It was usually accompanied by the drinks he just generally loved. But as of late, the entire past month, he came to drown himself in alcohol. And since Forlinis had a wide variety of drinks, he had a vast option list.
"I would hate to think how bad your liver is," Sonny came to take the empty stool beside Rafael. The ADA rolled his eyes. "I'm serious. You always drink but now you're overdoing it, don't you think?"
"I think I should be allowed to drink however much I want to," Rafael raised his glass in the air, showing off the tiny bit of alcohol left. He then drowned it all in two seconds and called for a new one.
Sonny nodded and watched the bartender go get a new drink. He wasn't surprised, least not anymore. It had been a very tough month. "This solves nothing."
Rafael graciously accepted his new drink filled to the brim. "I never said it did. Look it's been a very busy day therefore I deserve to end it however I want to." He pretended to salute with his glass then drank it down.
Sonny knew that was bullshit. He let Rafael finish his glass, once again, before speaking up. "I saw her, if you're interested."
"Mhm, and I saw her yesterday and two days before that…" Rafael pretended to do some calculations of how many times he'd seen Montserrat that always ended with an argument. "Yeah, and none of those times have gone well."
"Well, you just have to keep trying."
Rafael shook his head. Each day the discouragement became more and more evident on his face. And how could he not be? Each time he attempted to talk with Montserrat she would either a) shout at him to leave her alone or b) very calmly, but equally angry, tell him everything was done. She was done.
"I think I have finally expended my attempts," Rafael said. "Montserrat despises me and with good reasons."
"Yeah, but the thing is-" Sonny tilted his head, face scrunching, "-she doesn't really hate you. Hate would imply she's over things which is a clear lie. And you should know that Olivia has asked Montserrat to be on standby in case SVU needs her back earlier."
But Rafael didn't seem so surprised. "Yeah, Liv mentioned it to me earlier in the day."
"And what did you say?"
"Nothing, was I supposed to?"
Sonny once again tilted his head at him, his expression seeming more accusatory than anything.
"What do you want me to do!?" Rafael scowled and looked away. The fact that Sonny may have heard him huff was just another novelty. "I'm not gonna further ruin Montserrat. She wants to come back? That's great. It just means I'm going to have to talk with her about something else." The matter of 'when' was just one of the problems.
"You know I could facilitate that-"
"No," Rafael pointed a finger at the detective, warning him not to even try. Montserrat didn't need to be angry with Sonny as well. Even if he was irritating sometimes, Rafael appreciated Sonny's constant help throughout this horrible month. "You're not going to do anything anymore. Just tell me...how is she doing?"
"... she's alright, in what fits. They're getting new evidence for the trial which, actually, is really good. Damian's taking it upon himself to find that missing a video - the very video that would exonerate Gael from all charges."
Despite not facing Sonny, Rafael could see from the corner of his eye that the detective was waiting for him to say something. "Well I hope he does find it, then. Someone should make her happy."
Sonny rolled his eyes. "We're not doing this - you-" he snatched Rafael's glass right out of his hand, "-are not doing this."
"Doing what!?"
"Wallow in self pity, what else? That's unbecoming of you, not to mention plain weird," Sonny put the glass down on the counter, by his side.
"It's not pity, I'm just tired," Rafael slowly corrected as he glanced at the detective. "You can understand why, right?"
"Yes, I can, but it's not really over. Not yet."
"That's all great, Carisi, but it's over for tonight at least. I'm taking a break, one that I'm sure Montserrat would deeply love." Rafael pulled out a couple bills to cover his drinks then promptly got up from his stool. "So, thanks but...why don't you just go back to Kara or something? Don't want to make her mad too."
It took a lot of courage for Montserrat to walk into the D.A's building, much more into the office of the person she wasn't quite ready to see yet (not that, that had stopped him from trying to talk to her). She drew in a deep breath before walking - striding - into Rafael's office.
"Morning, we have to talk," she said in a jumbled tone.
Rafael was stunned to see her plopping down into the chair across his desk. "Morning…"
"So Olivia's asked me to come back - officially sometime later this week - and of course I agreed," Montserrat shrugged. Her tone was fast but she couldn't quite look Rafael in the eyes. "I'll only be away to attend my brother's ongoing trial but I'm pretty much back."
"Well, that's great for you. Honestly," Rafael was slow with his words, cautious really. He never expected her to come into his office and much less willingly speak to him without shouting.
"I'm just here so that we can both get on the same page about what happened. I think it goes without saying that I don't want anyone to know. Nothing happened. We're just normal co-workers."
"I understand what you want but I have to say that I'll have some trouble with that…"
"I had trouble with your choices but I made it through," the sourness covering Montserrat's words were out of her control. But if it stung, oh well. "Think you can do the same for me."
"I can certainly try but I have to say it would be a lot easier if you would just allow me 5 minutes to explain--"
"And we're done," Montserrat got up.
Rafael frowned at her and got up as well. "No, we're not."
She matched his frown with one of her own. Equally matched, the irony.
"You realize if you would just give me those five minutes we could end all of this."
"That would mean I would have to give in and I'll be damned if I do that anytime soon."
Montserrat's smile was both endearing and frustrating. "Get a taste of what you'd be in for." She was attractive yet about to kill him.
"You're making yourself miserable, Montserrat," Rafael moved around the desk until he was standing in front of Montserrat.
"No, you did that all on your own," she glared.
"So then let me fix it. Let me explain and if you still hate me afterwards I'll leave you alone for good. Five minutes and if you still don't want to talk to me, then I'll stop trying. You'll have some peace."
Montserrat looked away but there was a slight look of inclination. She might give in…
But it all disappeared when Olivia herself walked into the office. She was, of course, surprised to find Montserrat already there.
"I was waiting for Casey to finish her some paperwork so we could go to the trial together," Montserrat easily supplied the excuse then discreetly threw a look at Rafael to warm him not to say anything. "Thought I'd wait here in the meantime."
"I hope it all goes well," Olivia said, nonethewiser of went went on with those two.
"I'll be back to the precinct afterwards, though," Montserrat promised. "Are there any new cases I should know about?"
"We've got a new girl, Luna, who might tie back to Ellie Porter's death," Olivia looked at Rafael and Montserrat for that piece of news. "But we're going to need some help since Nick is the only one who can help bring closer our two connections."
"Nick?" went both Montserrat and Rafael. They then gave each other looks for their unintended synchrony.
"No wait a minute, I thought Nick was stuck doing deadbeat cop stuff in Queens?" Montserrat asked.
"He's the one who arrested Luna, actually. But we want to use him to get to Luna's pimp and make him think Nick is on his side."
"It could be believable since 1PP did sentence him to a lower status," Rafael considered the opportunities this little gig would bring them in their case.
"That, uh, sounds…" Montserrat scrunched her face, "Honestly, I just sounds like I have a lot of files to read through to catch up."
Olivia sent her a smile. "It's all waiting for you when you get back."
"Goodie," Montserrat chuckled and started on her way out. She didn't bother looking back. Why should she? It wouldn't change a damn thing.
There were various trials going on in the courthouse. SVU had one going for an earlier case, at the same time Montserrat had her brother's trial.
She painstakingly sat through her brother's trial and silently listened to all the baseless accusations the prosecutor, Geraghty, threw at her brother. My God she hated that woman. 
"I hate that I can't find that video," Damian muttered after they walked out of the courtroom.
"We'll find it," Montserrat tried her best to sound as positive as possible, but that missing video was seriously screwing them up.
Calhoun had already told them - warned them - that if they didn't find the missing video, their chances of winning were half and half. Montserrat wanted the full 100%.
From the other end of the hallway, Olivia was leading the way out of their own trial. "Tell me we've got this guy."
"It's basically a done deal," Rafael told her and Sonny. "No matter what he says, he's screwed."
Olivia seemed to believe him. She nodded and motioned Sonny to follow her out.
Of course for some reason Rafael called Carisi back all of a sudden. The detective in question slowly returned after getting the ok from Olivia.
"What is it, councilor?" Sonny asked but for the first few seconds Rafael didn't answer.
He was watching something, or rather someone. He finally understood what Sonny had been trying to tell him all month. There was Montserrat with Damian, talking yet the latter seemed to be unable to keep his hands off the former.
And it made his blood boil.
The worst bit was the fact Montserrat seemed to be taking comfort in Damian's touch. She had that warm, relieved smile on her face and her glossy eyes which could only mean she was close to crying. And about what? Her brother's trial. It had to be going bad.
"Councilor?" Sonny broke through Rafael's concentration. "Did you need something?"
"Yes," Rafael answered in a low mutter. He grabbed Sonny's arm, a bit harder than he intended to. "You know that stuff I said about giving myself and Montserrat a break?"
"Yeah…" Sonny was now giving him a strange look.
"Forget about it. One more time. I'm going to do it one more time and you're going to help me."
"Really?" Sonny's eyebrows raised. He didn't think Rafael would get over it so quickly, but then he noticed what Rafael had been looking at and completely got it. "You're jealous, aren't you?"
"Shut up," Rafael ordered and pointed a finger behind them. "Now listen because you're going to bring Montserrat into the conference room. Got it?"
"Got it. How do I do that?"
Rafael's smile was promising.
"Look Sonny, I haven't actually caught up on the cases," Montserrat trailed after Sonny down the courthouse hallways. "Actually, I haven't read at all. I'm gonna need a few more days before I actually return to SVU."
"That's okay, Liv just wanted a word with you," Sonny turned the conference room's doorknob and gestured for Montserrat to go in first.
"Well I don't imagine what about considering I'm way behind," the ginger walked in and went around the table only to see Olivia wasn't anywhere inside. "Where's Liv?"
"She's back at the precinct, where else?" Rafael came striding in much like she when she'd visited him the day before.
Montserrat tilted her head, eyes squinting a bit as she thought.
"What are you doing?" Rafael asked her. He expected her to start yelling the moment she realized she'd been tricked. The fact she was quiet was scary. Yes, she actually managed to scare her sometimes. That idea was still troubling to him.
"I'm thinking…" Montserrat answered in an eerie calm voice.
"About how to talk calmly?" Sonny went with the most hopeful reason he could think of.
"Noooo," Montserrat whispered, still thinking, "I'm thinking that a premeditated murder would get me a longer sentence so I won't think about murdering you -- I'll just do it!" And she actually ran, almost charged, for the detective.
"Montserrat, stop!" Rafael moved in front of Sonny as if the woman would actually cause him harm. "This is between you and me so let's finally finish this, alright? One more time and then we're done. I swear!"
Montserrat turned her head slightly, looking him over with a natural suspicion. "Is that a promise?"
"I give you my word."
Montserrat backed away and gestured Sonny to leave. Before the detective actually left, he stopped by Rafael's side and whispered. "You know what you're doing, councilor? She's pretty pissed."
Montserrat walked towards the other end of the room, mentally preparing herself for this awful moment.
"I just need 5 minutes with her, I know it," Rafael sounded pretty convinced which led Sonny to wonder what the ADA had up his sleeve. All Rafael knew was that he almost had Montserrat yesterday if Olivia hadn't interrupted them. That was what gave him hope that it wasn't all over.
"Good luck," Sonny said with all the genuine care he had. He might actually dream tonight about Montserrat charging at him.
When she heard the door close, Montserrat finally pulled her gaze from the mahogany table. "That was a low trick and you know it."
"It was the only thing that would get you here, isn't it?" Rafael countered with the perfect argument. Montserrat folded her arms, lips pressing against each other since she knew he was right.
She absolutely hated that he was always right.
"What do you want from me?" came her quiet question. "Because, frankly, I'm a little confused. You told me to move on and I tried but now you're here trying to unravel what I've been working on so hard. I don't get it…" her voice cracked towards the end.
"That's what I've been trying to explain this past month, Montserrat, but you haven't given me the chance--"
"Don't you dare pin this on me!" she snapped. She stormed up to him with the deepest scowl that could mar her face. "I gave you ample time to speak up, but you always told me the same things. 'No, we can't.' 'It's unprofessional.' 'We need to stop'. It's only now - when I finally realized you had Yelina on the side - that you want to talk with me."
Rafael's hands shot in front of him, curling and uncurling in frustration. "For the last time - there is nothing between Yelina and I!"
Montserrat laughed in his face and turned away from him. "Sure. She's only the reason you were late to my brother's arraignment and you know, Kara pointed out to me that you didn't have to come. I should've just been grateful that you showed up. But that's not true. You made a promise and you blew me off for the woman who tried manipulating you."
"I didn't know she was going to suddenly drop back into my life. And the only reason I accepted to meet with her is because I didn't want her coming into my office - which she clearly did anyways. But I swear to God, all we did was have lunch - well, we danced around with words but that was it."
Montserrat shook her head. She kept her back to him so that could buy some time and get rid of the tears in her eyes. "Why lie about it, then?"
"Because I didn't think it was important?" Rafael flinched with her humorless laugh.
"Didn't think it was important," she repeated.
"It wasn't!" He had enough and grabbed her arm to turn her around, forcing her to finally look at him. "She wasn't important and I just didn't want to bring that up when you already had so much problems. I wanted to help you find the solution, not add to your list."
"How'd that work out for you?" Montserrat looked him dead in the eyes.
Rafael could look her in her glossy eyes and openly admit it. "You're in pain and I'm the reason for it. Worst mistake of my life."
Montserrat's scoff was a low and quiet one, like she was making herself do it. She didn't exactly have anymore words to keep fighting. She was too tired to keep arguing.
"Montserrat, please," he touched her face, immediately freezing her. She watched his hand as it stroked gentle circles over her cheek and then near her jaw. She had to physically stop herself from shuddering. He let her slowly walk her backwards until her back pressed against the edge of the table. "I've messed up several times and I am so sorry. I only wanted to do what was best for you but...I may just be selfish by coming back to you." His hands ran down the sides of her body, sending tingles down her back but she wouldn't push him away. 
"I hate you," she whispered, sounding like she was out of breath. 
"I know," he whispered back. "But if you give me a chance…" he nuzzled his nose on the side of her face, letting her feel his patterned breath against her cheek, "...I would really like to make you happy. You deserve to be happy."
Montserrat let her eyes fall close. She was so weak for his touch it was honestly ridiculous. When did this happen? When she first started in SVU, she was very sure that she didn't want any of his hands on her because he was outright annoying. Now she never wanted his hands to let her go...and she really wanted him to stop toying with her and move those lips of his onto hers.
Seriously, when did all this happen?
She moved her hands to press against his chest and push him away a bit, though it didn't really seem to do much since they only had minuscule inches between them. "That night...in your office, why was Yelina coming to see you?"
"Montserrat, is that really what you want to keep discussing about?"
"I need to know. She walked in like she owned the place..."
"That's just her personality. She came in because I cut our lunch short. That was it."
"She's someone clearly important to you and I...I'm really tired, Rafael. I don't want to keep arguing, much less fighting with some other woman."
"Yeah, she was important to me...once. But that ended a very long time ago. You are important to me now," he pressed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes at the same time she did. "I've laid everything out for you. In conclusion, you basically own me." Montserrat couldn't help but chuckle and hearing her laughter gave Rafael new hope that things were turning out good.
"Bring in your job why don't you," Montserrat opened her eyes.
"It's bound to happen at some point," Rafael did the same and opened his eyes. "You'd find out if we, uh..." 
Montserrat's breath hitched when he purposely came closer to let his lips hover over hers. All Montserrat could smell right now was him and his cologne and that alone was enthralling. Her hands gripped the lapels of his blazer and the little bit that she tilted her head up brought them to the point that they were one move away from a kiss. "I want to kill you," she said flatly, though a small smile spread across her face in the next minute. "But I think I might just be saying that more often now." She rolled her eyes when he smirked not-so-subtly. "And wipe that smirk off your face."
"Make me," he challenged.
She'd save the snap for his smugness for another day. She kissed him like she'd been wanting to for such a long time. It was a hungry kiss that let all their initial feelings and tension out of the cages they'd worked so hard to keep shut. Rafael could finally throw that caution away and would never have to think about it again (or maybe just a tiny bit for later who knew). He wrapped his arms around Montserrat's waist and hoisted her up on the table. There was a slight laugh murmuring against his lips but his rough kiss silenced her. But with seconds passing he came to realize that Montserrat had her own tricks and ways because no matter how much he tried to be in control, she was pulling the strings. And the right ones too. She had him following her lips in whatever way she moved them. Her hand had found a way to tug his neatly-kept hair at the right moments that would inadvertently make him kiss harder each time, and once she figured it out she took good advantage of it. 
Eventually, they parted to catch their breaths but Montserrat showed her widest smirk possible. She passed her tongue over her teeth, almost inviting him to come back. She passed her hands over his chest, letting them drift under his blazer until they found his suspenders and she was able to pull him right up to him.
"You've surprised me, detective," Rafael murmured, still breathless.
Montserrat arched an eyebrow at him. "Really? Well...just in case you were thinking about going back to...that woman." He rolled his eyes at her. "I dare you to forget me after that kiss...and the ones to come."
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