#in which ash is the most relatable person on earth
ghost-proof · 1 year
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eatmangoesnekkid · 4 months
THE WOMB REQUIRES US TO LIVE NON-VIOLENTLY Most of what I see going on with those of us with wombs is that we are still looking at the world as 15 year old girls. We are looking at the world through old timelines, archaic imprints or predictive religious programming. The latter is lovely if you are religious, but most of us are unconscious that what we actually believe is true has been adopted from religious teachings taught by people who are no longer alive. Women have been taught to assume that anything related to their arousal is about sex and men because we don't have the proper perspective on how our female bodies truly operate. These deep foundational misalignments are subtle forms of violence internalized from patriarchy that hold us back from thriving in our magical female bodies in this 3D reality, elevating our consciousness and mitochondria, regenerating our cells, and transforming this world into the brighter—other women, men, children, all people, nature, and the like. It is your birthright to have ease, to feel safe, and experience heaven on earth. But so many women are doing the same thing year after year, lifetime after lifetime, and do not do anything differently in a radical way in order to create a new imprint. We must go deeper into what it is actually required in order to come fully alive in our bodies and transform our health, lives and this world's reflection. Principles, values, and rituals are essential and I will share an example of one of mine. Before I fly, I stretch a few times a day and fast on juices, water, and teas a week before to raise the quality of my light body, that internal halo, the mystical sacred lubrication which I know has contributed to me having beautiful easeful travel experiences. And what would register to another person as “annoying” or “messed up” resonates to my tissues as gratitude or a blessing. When your divine energy is flowing, you naturally integrate well into a new climate and culture and won't have to worry about getting sick so easily. I also pack early so that my tissues can be relaxed and thereby energy flowing even more. I cover my head with fabric or a divinely prayed over ribbon or scarf before boarding the flight. I stretch during long flights to keep my energy flowing. In other words, I am mindful not to live in my body violently-rushing here and there, staying up late, and packing at the last second. All the qualities and actions that make us come fully alive in our bodies and be more naturally radiant and beautiful have been dismissed and downgraded for the quick, fast, and convenient. The rise of health issues in the female line is devastating. What we have done to the female body is a tragedy and we have have to be better, less violent to ourselves by moving lower, taking our time, and being gentle with the discomfort that comes up as the universe catches up to our new frequency and brings more harmony. We need real philosophies, belief systems, and practical actions that actually work for our bodies and not against them. I mentioned recently how "lubrication" is my #1 core value. I didn't say that for giggles; I really meant that! I am deeply feminine woman but I'm also a strategist who knows that the female body works most magically and optimally when our energy is flowing -which naturally means that our tissues will be lubricated. Lubrication, libido, or the flow of fluids are certainly more than about sex, as lovely as sex can be. First and foremost, they are about strength, health, wellness, longevity, and mental clarity. How can you be a little more attention to your body? What are your core values? What are your principles for living in your body? What violent belief systems do you need to let go of? As we continue to wake up to the fact that the world is not what we've been programmed to believe it to be and the divine feminine continues to break through the ashes, messages like what I am saying will become more popular and less radical and jarring. If you are reading this, you are already ahead of the game.-India Ame'ye, Author
Tumblr won't let me edit post but should read: "Women are generally exhausted and bored which is why constantly consuming/taking information and shopping all the time is so attractive. The qualities and actions that make us fully alive in our bodies and more naturally radiant and beautiful have been dismissed and downgraded for the quick, fast, popular or convenient. "
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themadsquirrel09 · 4 months
Eric and Kenny: the paranormal connection (Season 1 to 7)
Some of this has been explored in analysis like this one, but I wanted to look into Eric's and Kenny's mystical connection 🪄
The transplant
Eric steals Kenny's eyes 〰 S3E3 ☆ The Succubus
There are real life stories about people having personality changes after organ transplants.
"The most intriguing finding involved 'disconnected memories.' Several recipients reported vivid memories that seemed unrelated to their past experiences. These memories often involved sensory details, potentially linked to the organ donor."
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I think it is also implied that Eric's optometrist is actually a monster (?).
The view of the fandom: For what I've noticed, it is a common headcanon that Kenny and Eric are connected since the transplant. There are fanartist who draw Cartman with heterochromia, mostly keeping one eye brown, or hazel, and the other blue.
I have heard mismatched eyes can be related to being able to see "the other world". Seems like Native American cultures believe people or animals with different colored irises see heaven and earth at the same time; in the pagan traditions of Europe, this was associated with witchcraft. I could not find a reliable source for this, though.
If you are wondering, eyes do not change color because of a transplant, or at least not like that; but it looks great and I think it works because it is South Park: weird things happens there.
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We get to see that Kenny has blue eyes on S01E08 ∣ Starvin' Marvin. And Princess Kenny has purple eyes.
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Kenny could actually have both; it is said Liz Taylor's eyes shifted color between blue and purple.
Through Kenny's eyes, Wizard Cartman has blue eyes!
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Ghost message
Kenny dies in the movie and he appears to Eric as a ghost 〰 South Park: Bigger, longer, uncut.
This analysis is one I haven't found! So why is Eric is the only one who can see Kenny's ghost in the movie? or is the right question: why does Kenny only shows himself to Eric?
Let's explore some possibilities:
Eric is the only who can see Kenny because he has his eyes. It makes sense and the Succubus episode airs before the movie. For what I've found, this is usually the view of the fandom.
Kenny and Cartman have unfinished business. Since they made a bet just before the death! Kenny won the bet, but Cartman didn't pay. Some believe people with unfinished business are stuck and connected to the person who owes them.
It is said that ghosts and demons target the weakest: Cartman is a psycho, yes, also a very lonely child. In this scene Liane is singing to Eric, he asks her to keep going, but she "has to save her voice for work". Before she goes, Eric confronts about the porno video: she lies to him and goes away. Right after that, Kenny appears.
I think the V-chip could also have something to do, since electricity is shocking Cartman every time he curses and ghost are detected as electromagnetic changes in the ambience. It is a bit far fetched (?), but maybe he was working as a medium thanks to the chip.
Because it's funny! The idea of Cartman intimidated by Kenny is just something to giggle to.
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1 body, 2 souls
Eric drinks Kenny's ashes and shares his body with him for almost a month 〰 A Ladder to Heaven ☆ S6E12 to The biggest douche in the universe ☆ S6E15.
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I mean, wow. Cartman does not only access his memories, he feels like Kenny and sees through his eyes.
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And what about what Kyle says? Is that just a fat joke, or could he be referencing the animated postcard that initiated South Park? If you watch it, you see a boy who looked like Cartman, but he was called Kenny. He dies.
They both die.
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The name of a person can be important in literature and magic. Long ago, some people didn't revealed their name because it was believed that if other knew it, they could have power over them. An animation which references this is Spirited away (2001).
The awakening
The way Kenny awakes is awesome! This memory makes him speak up throughout Eric:
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Kenny awakes at the the third time he shouts "Shut up Cartman, you blood-belching vagina!".
If you like horror, you probably have read or seen this: the act of repeating something 3 times can be a way to summon something or someone. We also get to see this on S11E10 ∣ Hell on Earth 2006!
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Kenny was so willful to stand up for himself that he took control over Eric's body just to be heard; at the end of the episode, something similar happens:
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After Kenny and Cartman start sharing a body, it all escalates. We see Kenny overpowering the speech and actions. After almost a month, Eric is dying because of this and they have to exorcise him.
My curse is to remember
Lets consider that Eric remembers Kenny's deaths and also a bunch of stuff he should not! 〰 Volcano ☆ S1E3, Cartmanland ☆ S5E6, and others.
The boys go camping and Cartman starts playing with a gun, but it sounds like he is having war flashbacks. Stan says he is lying and of course he could be right, but what if Eric does remember? Pasts lives, Kenny's deaths and who knows what else.
Even if it has never been confirmed, it all points towards the fact that Cartman remembers Kenny's deaths. Here you find my favorite evidence compilation.
Eric seems to be the only one who knows Kenny dies, also he tries to do something about it sometimes. In the End of obesity special we have him trying to reach for Kenny's hand.
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Of course, Cartman remembering this kind of stuff can just be a gag, it also aligns with his character as he is some sort of trickster: on cartoon, the most likely archetype to know things they shouldn't, or break the 4th wall.
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With South Park, this can be relevant or not, we don't know because of its negative narrative, which I love!
I do think Kenny and Cartman' s paranormal connection is there and their destiny is intertwined by the narrative, but only time will tell.
This was made for the @kenmanweek2023 💘
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myinnerartist · 5 months
Hello, hello, it is i, load!
With something that was a meant to be a response to a reblog chain i hadve with hypnoi...
But I decided to make my response into its own post instead…for I have a lot to say. (I tried to restrain myself but– )
(And in my experience reblog chains that have a lot of reblogs and/or are really long can cause lag. Idk if their device experiences it but just in case i didn't want them to deal with the lag ^^”.)
I also had thoughts about making this type of post before as well. So I additionally took this as an opportunity to finally make it. I hope that's alright.
And now, I just wanna say, I will be going into detail on all my thoughts about almost everything about My Inner Demons. The writing, the story, the worldbuilding, the characters, the scenes, about almost everything.
And additional heads up because despite this show meaning alot to me, and something that I've created related to it has helped me through so much and something I've poured blood, sweat and tears into.
There's going to be sections that may not be pretty. Where I can't hide my feelings when talking about some of these certain points.
Also that I'm not a professional, these are just my personal thoughts, feelings and opinions on Aphmaus show.
But finally getting into it;
My thoughts on Aphmaus’ My Inner Demons.
—- Let's start with a quick recap.
Within an alternate dimension, there is a world known as Daemos. Where a group of 5 individuals take it upon themselves to find a solution to their world's magic-crisis.
Said group consisting of their leader,
a Second-Born Prince known as Asch, Along with his 4 Loyal Knights, an ex-assassin named Leif, an ex-soldier/general of Rhal(the first-born prince)s army named Pierce, an individual who would've been executed just for being considered weak if Asch didn't ‘spare’ him named Noi, and a not very much is known about member named Rhys, who has a student/teacher relationship with Asch's Grandmother.
Said Grandmother helps the five to find a solution to their world's magic-crisis.
A magic-crisis where the source of all their magic, which comes from human souls, is running out. (A crisis caused by not very smart decisions leading to an extinction of humans) (And a Crisis not known to the general populace and other kingdoms. only the royal family and its council from the most powerful kingdom of them all, know of the crisis.)
(Through Lady Grandma) They learn of a possible solution, which leads them to take on a mission to kill the last remaining human for their soul. In order to use it to open up a portal to another world, which they called “ea-urth.”
Here within Ea-urth, is where they temporarily experience utter suffering, And where they meet a human girl named Ava who finds them, and panickedly asks if they need help. Which, they awkwardly stand silently and glare & stare in response instead. (Because Pierce said don't show weakness. *Because Daemos society doesn't allow you to.*)
However she finds Asch collapsed on the ground behind them, quickly realizes he's unaliven’t and performs cpr. Saving his life, and as a show of thanks(/jk) they immediately threaten her. Before then abandoning her by hanging her on a tree by her hood.
They then get traumatized by cosplayers, return to force her to help them. She passes out after Asch turns the tree she was hanging on into ashes, and finds that their horns are real. (he burned the tree down because she didn't believe they were from another world and this in a way pissed him off. :3)
And now with her strangely intelligent cat they mistake as an earth spirit that somehow got outside despite the door being locked. Leads them back to her apartment with them carrying her like a bag of potatoes. Burning said doorknob off because locked and COULDN'T GET IN. (Johnny how???)
And soon after she wakes up, and tries to escape but fails. they spend HOURS. Literal HOURS. Waiting for her to STOP. SCREAMING. (which damn ava you got some LUNGS in you!)
When they finally get her to stop. Conversation and LIEing happens. Both sides. And a police station is involved until Ava dips out on that idea because they start threatening a police officer.
And this leads to her finally accepting she'll teach them how to live on earth!
… (*deep sigh*) …
The show is then quickly mostly about (forcibly) romantically pairing the boys with Ava.
With the occasional beginning or ending scenes within occasional episodes that portrays what's happening back on Daemos.
Which is about Rhals fiance, Lady Bish, (which one must assume is the (temporary) lead Villain of the season) Who slowly figures out what Lady Grandma has been up to, what's she hiding. And repeated hints & clues to Asch's fated sacrifice with more and more description.
The first season.. the show unfinishedly ends with the boys forcefully being returned to Daemos along with Ava magically disguised as a Daemos.
Got all that? Good, now onto
— what I gathered from My Inner Demons… (pt 1)
The story seems to have wanted to be a Harem rom-com (romantic-comedy) with a serious underlying tone & story. And i think also wanted to be for a more mature audience, at least for teens and up. Due to its inclusion of sexual jokes, (somehow minimal or non-existent) cussing, and… I guess violence?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (listen man i said “wanted”)
In my opinion, the show fails to succeed in what it wanted to be.
– Let's get into the romance first. Shall we?
The romance in this show is not done well. Not at all, To be honest.
The show forces romance onto the main cast whether it fits their character, their inner stories, or if they like it or not. When Ava finally thinks about possible romance, it's because she's being pressured into doing so because of the people in her life. Not just the boys. But adults that she's supposed to trust and be friends with.
And the boys? They don't love Ava. Even if the show tries telling us around the end of the series they do? Also that they suddenly gotten comfortable and adjusted somewhat to daily life on earth that they help do chores now? We didn't see that growth. We saw nothing. This is out of the blue!
If they were intending to be a shojo something jump type of story like ouran host club, this wasn't Previously established, nor does it fit the story (*cough* that could've been told. *cough*) additionally, even if the story was like this, they still needed to show that development!
And for most of the story, the boys only want to marry ava for power, because of a misunderstanding that she is princess of earth (*....Deep sigh…*). But suddenly they all are actually in love with or have a crush on her??
— onto about the comedy
I think, we can all agree… the comedy is atleast a hit or miss, and awkward and uncomfortable at most.
(I'm so sorry for mentioning these scenes 😭) Examples: Like… the bathroom scene with Rhys and Lady Grandma… plus every single… one of those jokes Ms.Oates and Lady Grandma has made.
I'll.. i'll talk about their jokes. Not right now, though.
I personally think the comedy aspect in general doesn't fit the story. Don't get me wrong, every story needs a bit of comedy. But with how serious the ‘underlying’ story is, the comedy is… yikes. Ofc, you could still do an overdramatic(/pos) comedy that ends up transitioning to a more serious tone at times, (Aka Romantic Killer on Netflix, which i think can count as a physiological horror/neu) but i don't think that style fits this story, or at least the story we got.
*deep breath*
– onto the serious tone/underlying story…
The serious underlying tone is overshadowed by the comedy. And the serious underlying story is not just overshadowed, but disconnected from most of the story.
Every. Single. Time. The show gives us what's going on on Daemos, and then goes back to what's going on on earth. Is almost whiplash. Due to the utter tone shift between earth and daemos. Idk how to describe it, but…
When we're on earth, it's a comedy. The way things happen on earth are dramatic, possibly one could even say theatrical and illogical, including the characters themselves. It tries to include serious moments, but again, they're overshadowed by the comedic atmosphere.
But on Daemos? It has a darker atmosphere, it's more serious. The characters on daemos are also taken (somewhat more) seriously. Though comedy tries to coexist within it... but it just feels out of place or doesnt work with what Daemos is described and supposed to be and feel like.
I wouldn't say the shifting of tone between worlds is inherently bad.. in fact it could be used quite cleverly!
In other stories. I personally don't think it works with this story in particular. I'll explain this further, later on.
Additional note; the boys were once treated with this seriousness. In the very first episode, they're in a more serious atmosphere, and treated more seriously! Like, Asch was kinda intimidating when he threatened to kill his loyal knights that respect him if they chose to stay! (... oh, we will talk about Asch.)
But the moment, we see them on earth? Say goodbye to them being treated seriously and as adults!
Oh yeah. Additionally, they are not treated as adults. What do you mean? They act like children! Which doesn't make sense for… their world and culture they're from. They wouldn't.. act like children, even if the show might imply that daemos are cruel and selfish, but if they TRULY were, this stroy wouldn't.. really work. (I'll explain, i promise)
AND that the boys seem to almost fit the group of misfits trope! They all would've been killed for being weak or being who they are because who they are is deemed weak if Asch didn't save them, spare them, or show mercy! They're alive because Asch took them in and his position as a second-born prince, right? (We will talk about Asch…)
--- This is Part 1 of a multi-part series of my thoughts on Aphmau's show because I have an abundance of thoughts, and there's a character limit on posts! 💜💜💜🫶
See you in the next part! (If you choose to, ofc!)
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tarotenchantress · 3 months
heyy I love ur postsss😭🩷🩷
Actually u see I have my Saturn and my mars both in 10 house as u said it makes that stuff lack like it does give reward later but uk
So what like impact might that cause like haven’t mars and Saturn both in 10 house
Hello aluminium♡ thankyouu so muchhhh for appreciating my work🙏💗
For @aluminiumtab
From my understanding [of your question] it seems like youre asking about the impact ofhaving saturn and mars in 10th house.
10th house is a public house. It determines how people see us and heres the thing, saturn and mars both are considered to be malefics which is not always a bad thing. The impact this may have is
1) people may view you as a competition. Point blank. Saturn gives maturity and structure, discipline and drive and so does mars. I always deem mars as a militorial planet because of the fact that it rules aggression, drive, force, impulsive actions, quick actions which are all neeeded to succeed in life. There is also a lot of respect for your drive and people may knoe that you will be successful or will achieve something. They may consider you to be very focused but never compliment you in person.
2) you will have to work harder to attain your career goals too. As saturn dekays and mars requires strategic planning but guess what? Saturn also rules patience sooooo that means that you may be impulsive but also understand the importance of patience and may struggle balancing the two at times. Always remember strategic planning requires patience.
3) your karma lies in your actions. Since both are in 10th house, you should be very careful of eing impatient and dishonest as it will impact your reputation, career, structure and ethics. You may feel like others tend to get their goals faster than you and that might frustrate you alot too but whatever you achieve, it will be in your mind forever.
4) 10th house is an earth house and having mars in it imo may result in anger issues. Supressed anger issues. This may mean that you tend to supress your anger or have issues letting itout properly. It is also very much possible that people may demonise you for expressing your anger or boundarues and may constantly try to test it.
5) dont wait for karma to get them or try and take the matters in your own hands cause these placements indicate a grudgy personality (nothing wrong with *sometimes*). Move on with your own thing and leave them in ashes.
6) people might feel the need to confront you or "humble you down" but never let them love♡ esp people with more masculine energy.
7) you may have some issues with authority every now and then due to rebellious nature or udess but overall you may respect people with power and hierarchy even if it is not openly done. You may even dream to command a room full of people and may have an idea of militorial approach which is something that you may never admit publicly.
8) you may hate people who victimise themselves or dont follow the rules and hierarchy or those who disrespect the ones in power esp teachers, mentors and bosses and those who maintain the structure and servants as well or the underpriviledged class.
9) your father may be very hardworking, distant , disciplined. You may respect your dad but it could be that you may have a strained relation with him or may feel like you need to work hard for his approval.
10) this placement provides you the drive, patience, ambition, aggression and time to be successful in the most lasting way so dont worry about not being as quickly successful as your peers. Satuen creates lack so that we stop depending on it. It is a placement that teaches independance and drive alongside patience and mars is a warrior planet by nature and to win a battle you must be patient. Alsoo your career could be something related to strategy, control, law and order, related to structure, may require precision and patience,the working environmant may be full of ambitious and competitive people and may have a militorial approach.
And dont worry about late success and not having friends or weird confrontational people broskiiiii youll do well in lifeee♡♡♡ alsoo different but i also feel like you could fantasise alot about being respected, being the best and undefeatable for some reasonn.
Also the signs and degrees matter alot too.
By tarot enchantress🧚🏻‍♀️
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asma-al-husna · 4 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Kareem— The Generous, The Honourable, The Beneficent— on two occasions in the Quran. He is Al-Kareem in both His essence, being the source of all virtue, good and honor. He is Al-Kareem in His dealings with His creation; He forgives, He follows through and His continually giving forth of the most precious bounties exceeds all expectations!
The Most Generous, Most Esteemed and Beneficent
Kareem, Akram, and Ikraam come from the root kaaf-raa-meem, which points out to two main meanings. The first meaning is to be generous, giving, and beneficent. The second main meaning of this root is to be highly esteemed, honoured and valued.
This root appears 47 times in the Quran in eight derived forms. Examples of these forms are al-akram (“the Most Generous”), kareemun (“noble”), kiraaman (“dignified ones”), al-mukrameen (“the honoured ones”) and al-ikraam (“and Honor ”).
In the Arabic language ‘kareem’ does not just mean generous but the term embraces many meanings. ‘Kareem’ includes being forbearing, kind, gentle, patient, noble, pure and beneficial. In other words each and every laudable thing is being described as ‘kareem’.
Examples are a precious ‘kareem’ stone, a beneficial ‘kareem’ letter and a noble, good-looking, a ‘kareem’ person.
Al-Kareem Himself says: O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, Al-Kareem (the Generous), Who created you, fashioned you perfectly and gave you due proportion? In whatever shape He willed, He put you together. [Quran 82: 5-8] and… Read! And your Lord is Al-Akram.[Quran 96: 3]
Al-Kareem Related to other Names
The name Al-Kareem implies all that is honourable, good, and virtuous and therefore is strongly related to various other Asmaa was-Sifaa (names and attributes) of Allah ‘azza wajal.
Al-Kareem is related to Al-Wahhaab (The Giver) and Ar-Razzaaq (The Provider) in the sense that He initiates favors to His slaves, beyond what we deserve. Al-Kareembrought you into existence even though He was not obliged to do so. Al-Kareem gives us the whole world, as He tells us: It is He Who created for you all that is in the earth. [Quran, 2: 29] Our book, the Quran, is not only an instruction but also a cure. Our prayers are not only rituals, but also treasure chests of multiple rewards. Our food is not just one kind, but an amazing variety of tastes, structures and flavours; this is the giving of Al-Kareem!
Al-Kareem is related to Al-‘Afuw (The Pardoner) because even when you sin and forget about it, Allah deals with you generously and makes you live comfortably. It is He who covers your sins and when you turn to Him out of His amazing generosity He doesn’t just forgive but completely erases your bad deeds and on top of this turns them into good deeds. He is At-Tawwaab. What a generous Lord!
Related to Ash-Shakoor (The Appreciative), Al-Kareem rewards you generously when you only present to Him little sincere acts of worship. The ultimate example is Jannah: everlasting pleasure for a couple of years of worship in this life!
Al-Kareem is also related to Al-Haleem (the Forebearing), whenever He gives He gives most generously and when Al-Kareem is disobeyed, He forgives most forbearingly, subhanAllah. He has the most generous and gracious way of forgiving.
Al-Kareem is related in meaning to Al-Wadood (The Loving); us being worthy of His divine love is truly a generosity we should recognize! Al-Kareem says: Verily, those who believe and work deeds of righteousness: the Most Gracious shall bestow love upon them. [Quran, 19: 96]
His Attribute of karam truly is beyond our imagination!
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Be generous to be close to Al-Kareem.
Allah’s names and attributes are of two types: those that are attributed only to Him ( e.g. Al-Khaaliq, The Creator) and those that can and should be strived for to be attributed to ourselves, one of them is Al-Kareem. Be generous with your belongings, time, and even your words. The prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: The generous one is close to Allah, close to people, far from the fire; a stingy person is far from Allah, far from people, far from Paradise; and the generous ignorant person is more beloved to Allah than a stingy worshipper. [At-Tirmidhi]
2. Develop a relationship with the Quran al-Kareem.
Allah’s book, the Quran, is kareem because it is full of benefits and guidance, good things and blessings, it includes not a single error or contradiction. Open Al-Quran al-Kareem at least every single day; even if you read one ayah a day, understand it and let it transform your character, mind and heart and see how it will make you more kareem, insha’Allah!
3. Spread the message of Islam.
Al-Kareem honoured (karram-na) us as human beings and specifically honours us as Muslims. Recognize the worth Al-Kareem gave you in being a human being with intellect and use it to benefit the Ummah. Share the ayaat of the Quran with others, teach someone else, even if it is one hadith and spread the message of Islam by showing beautiful, honorable manners to non-Muslims.
4. Don’t forget the fire.
Indulging in all the blessings Al-Kareem gave you, don’t forget about hellfire. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, The people will be thrown into Hell ( Fire) and it will keep on saying, ‘Is there any more?’ till the Lord of the worlds puts His Foot over it, whereupon its different sides will come close to each other, and it will say, ‘Qad! Qad! (enough! enough!) By Your ‘Izzat (Honor and Power) and Your Karram (Generosity)!’ Paradise will remain spacious enough to accommodate more people until Allah will create some more people and let them dwell in the superfluous space of Paradise. [Saheeh al-Bukharee]
5. Study about Al-Kareem.
Al-Kareem says: O man! What has made you careless about your Lord, Al-Kareem (the Generous). Study about Allah, learning about His names and attributes and what they mean to you. Do not be deceived by this world and by the Shaytan. Know that Al-Kareem will never let down those who spend their lives obeying Him, even though others might say practicing your deen is not “cool.” Don’t ever think those who have much in this life but are denying Him, will have any share in the Hereafter. You are here because of Him and for Him; use the intellect and skills Al-Kareem gave You to work towards His pleasure and His ultimate generosity: Paradise!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Al-Kareem, we know that You are the Most Generous and Most Esteemed in Your being and dealings. Guide us to be generous to others, aid us to develop honouroble and noble manners, adorn us with understanding and practicing of Your book. Guide us in spreading the noble message of Islam and return the honour to the Ummah. Make us reflect Your attribute of karama by always being thankful for Your favors which are beyond our basic needs and only turning to You when we ask and enter us into Your greatest generosity, Jannatul ‘Alaa without reckoning, ameen!
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Record of Practice: Fire, Spirit(Akasha), and Moon.
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Original photography by https://www.instagram.com/daryavaseum/
We are back! and I apologize for not keeping a strict log on the elemental log and I always seem to miss/not properly write for Fire and Spirit in most of my work haha. Anyway what I would say about the Fire, Spirit , and Moon which seems like the moon is the biggest "photo" or player here haha. To Summarize it to the best of my ability it would be:
Fire clarify, banishes illusions, brighten your awareness, and bring you to true reality.
Spirit is both the start, middle, and end of Practice. The space between stimulus and response, the silence between every sounds/thoughts, and the source of it all.
Moon is the combination of the four elements and enliven the four elements. Through it we get Nourishment. Reflectivenesss, Psychological Projection, and many other attributes are part of the moon both personally, inter-personally, and in the real world.
Let me get more into it:
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You will remain eternally pure, and will not be reduced to someone who eats all promiscuously. Only the flame from your viler parts of the body will be a consumer of all things. Everything burnt by your flames will become pure. Brahma to Agni ( Source: Mbh Adi Parva, Chapters 5 to 7 )
The first you can imagine with fire is that it "lights up" literally physically, astrally, mentally, and on all levels. You hit the flint, strike the match and then what? "And said God let there be light, and there was light" That's the Light. Fire is in front of you right now, you're reading these words in the form of Fire(Sight). At least I think most people would prefer to hear my thoughts and actual ideas on it instead of just rehashing the usual. Simply without Fire, most of the practical work we do magically would be aimless, unguided and without direction. If we ourselves don't put the correct lighting, candle, lamps in our communication then the messages comes out weird both ways. Imagine the lighting during dinner, during lunch, during a spooky night time story, or the lighting in places like during sunset. The Light/Fire sets the tone for how stuff are clarified, Yes fire is ever expanding based on the fuel that you gives it. Fire will keep expanding but what's left from the fire would be Ash. What's ash except the purified state of Earth, The water and air get moved out of it through Fire and we come back to...
Akasha: As Ash..
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Once a block of earth is enlivened by water and nourished by Air, burned by Fire we get Ashes. Space is created again and all the elements that were once coagulated are now dissolved, solve et coagula. That's in a sense what Spirit give us, the space to both create and dissolve, the space to actually know what we are doing, the space to stop and start anew. Akasha is deep sleep, it is the darkness behind the eyes, akasha is all of this an none of that because once you grasp it then it's not "it" anymore. In a way this is what make akasha as a necessary step because without it we can't really start anything new or stop anything old. Momentum doesn't go endlessly, and if you don't take the time to breath then you can't keep going forever, it's a marathon not a sprint and do you really rush yourself when you go traveling or go on a holiday? same idea. Are there spirits in akasha(?) maybe but I don't know how to contact them haha. Akasha is the rest and the new start, take some akashapill. Between Akasha and the Moon is something related to Merkavah literature and sadly I don't know if I am in the right place to disclose this or talk about it.
Moon: Nourishment, Reflection of Truth, and Misinformation.
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The Moon is a lot more subtle and serious this time. If last year the general theme of the Moon was cleansing then this year it would be Nourishment and by that I mean the spiritual nourishment. We need to stop to see if the materials and stuff we are consuming in media, in literature, in practice, and in real life are nourishing us or just "filler" food? Bad food is harder to purge out of our bodies. I definitely encourage the reader to look more into this topic here , but overall? The Moon is seen as this deceptive planet but it is only as deceptive as we are deceptive to ourselves, we have to know where we stand and not to ask excessively. The Moon is part of the "veil" but also part of the whole world, if everything considered psychic or mediumship is under the moon then the moon is where it is at to start the process properly. I did take longer than a week, with the moon because I lacked astral Nourishment and by that it is lacking the "juice" or water to make the whole "thing" work. A Machine would break and crash without grease, and this grease is through the moon. If that analogy makes sense, consciously consuming our mental, astral, and physical world is something we should pay attention and heed it. In the end We can see how the Fire(Screen) Display information/reflections(Moon) and we have to take the akashic space/moment where we can process what we are seeing or consuming "mentally"/"astrally" as we look at it. Until next time :) take care.
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universallychaoticpan · 9 months
Hey! Can I request some comfort/fluff with Isaac foster and a transmale reader going through a PTSD episode related to a fire? If not just some issac and transmale reader fluff please -🐍
I'm sorry if this isn't entirely what you were expecting, but I hope you enjoy this attempt to get back into writing- and thank you always for your patience and support.
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Issac was not comforting by nature.
It simply wasn't who he was. Any reasonable person could see why- abused, left alone in the world, seen as a monster...well, there was not short list of reasons why he was the way he was.
But that didn't mean he didn't care.
Actually, despite how much it enraged him at times, despite how annoying it was, he cared about you.
You were...tolerable. Yeah. Tolerable. Between you, the creepy doctor, and the little necrophiliac, he'd pick you every time. He liked you- you could make him laugh, you went along with and stoked his 'creative flare' (which most of the time meant being creepy little shits together.) But he liked you a lot; as much as he might like too, he couldn't deny that.
He knew you better than anyone. Given the limited company you both kept, the competition wasn't exactly stiff, but hey, it had to count for something. It had taken him months to remember things like your favorite color or foods, but one thing he never forgot was that you were like him:
Fire was the one thing that could stop you cold in your tracks.
Now, he never asked too many questions about it. It was another thing he appreciated about you: the two of you had an odd understanding that stories were hard. The past was painful enough without dredging it up all the time, so the two of you never felt the need or desire to dig too deep. He didn't know why you hated fire- he didn't need to know.
All he knew was that the one person in the world he could admit to caring for was staring off into space with glassy eyes so far away, you could've been in another universe entirely.
Isaac Foster was not comforting by nature, but sometimes he wished he was, if only for your sake.
He didn't have the words to comfort you; there was nothing he could say that would bring you back to earth. But he stayed with you as you sat in the grimy hallways of the nightmarish complex you called home, stayed close, scythe nearby in a constant promise of protection. He would protect you- he had your back. You knew that just like you knew your name, your real name, or that the sky was blue the last day you'd seen it. He stayed with you and you were grateful- it really was simple as that at times. He brushed soot and ash from your cropped hair, muttering about needing to cut your hair again soon. He talked to himself, filling the silence, never once forcing you to pick up the silences. Issac did what no one in your life did before him- he stayed.
Issac Foster was not a comforting person by nature. But when he looked at your sleeping face, finally peaceful, he wondered if he could ever be something different.
He wondered if he could change if it was for you.
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fateandloveentwined · 7 months
Anle and Nirvana in Fire: what's so mesmerising about NIF's worldview
Edit, a bit of context: @llonkrebboj did this really eloquent "eulogy" on the gripping nature of NIF, so I guess here's my take on it.
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I was watching some episodes from The Legend of Anle, and again the striking similarities between NIF and Legend of Anle surface. Especially with Ren Anle pulling an identity porn game of chess and plotting against the political arena to overturn the unjust ruling of the throne from a decade ago.
And then there's 江山为聘, and, well, Royal Nirvana, The Legend of Haolan, many other kingdom/royalty cdramas and web novels, all about the protag and the heir incumbent working hand in hand to rid the kingdom of injustice and corruption and debauchery of the elite, start anew an epoch of prosperity. It's as if (as if not) every story is hardwired to eulogise a tale of valiance and honour.
So the quality of drama production aside, how does NIF stand apart from all this in my heart, after all this time? Genuinely sometimes I wonder, but the protag Mei Changsu has taken shape and left a unique impression in my mind ever since I've learned of the series, became one of my favourite fictional characters -- while you might as well say that every other cdrama protag is almost exactly like him. What makes him different?
There is no one who is completely free in this world to begin with. So long as one has feelings, has desires, he could never be absolved of all responsibility.
The Legend of Anle reads like NIF. They have the similar motives, they've gone through the same hardships, and in a similar manner have found a way through the pugilistic jianghu back into the undercurrents of the court. Yet the former shapes itself to be a tale of seeking justice, while the latter reads like something of a far greater scale. The bulk of NIF is incoherent handwavy political intrigue, and yet in a very idealised, glamorised interpretation of Mei Changsu, the crux of the story uncovers itself to be not one of retribution and waging a war against bygone injustices, but of an idealistic visionary future for the peace and prosperity of the kingdom that one so loved. And I have never seen something like that.
I've got to go back! I've got to go back to where I truly belong!
Most protags in cdramas are noble. They are people of integrity and righteousness, and they struggle, they sacrifice their lives to fulfil the moral code they live by. 以身殉道、以死证道 as they say in the book of Mencius (Mengzi): to make apparent the righteousness through bodily flesh and blood, to do what is right in life and death. [1]
Yet humans are fickle, and bodily flesh and blood cannot serve that long a fuel for the flame betwixt the wretched of the earth before fading into glowing embers. There are times of humanity, and there are times in which we yield, just a little, to our own lives and passions and aspirations. We live for ourselves, which is not at all wrong. Most protags are like that. Yet there's this NIF protag who sheds his light for 13 long years and keeps the new flame alight as the past dies into cinders and ashes. It's idealistic, it's surreal, but that's what humans gravitate to: it's not the relatability of it all, it's the beauty of the insurmountable that we aspire to, the deified transcendent that gives us hope, brings one joy, takes us with them one step closer to the utopian ideal that we all once dreamt of as kids.
And this is what my heart longs for and treasures: though I die nine thousand times, I do not regret it. [2]
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[1] 以身殉道,以死证道。(yǐ shēn xùn dào, yǐ sǐ zhèng dào) Former is taken from Mencius and often used to mean one sacrificing for the fulfilment of righteousness. Latter should be more commonly said as 以身证道, I just replaced the "body/life" in the second character with "death" so not to use the same character in the parallel phrase. This is from Tao Te Ching but is nowadays often adapted for use in xianxia settings where the person sacrifices themselves or goes through some great traumatic events to achieve ascension.
[2] 亦余心之所善兮,雖九死其猶未悔。(yì yú xīn zhī suǒ shàn xī, suī jiǔ sǐ qí yóu wèi huǐ) From Qu Yuan's poem Li Sao.
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aimee-maroux · 2 years
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It's #NationalBirdDay so I want to talk about birds in mythology. There are many stories from ancient Greece about mythological birds and half-bird creatures.
Birds of Ares
The Birds of Ares (Ornithes Areioi in ancient Greek) were a flock of arrow-feathered birds which the god had set to guard his sacred shrine on the Black Sea island of Dia, also called Ares' Island. It had been built by the Amazons, his daughters. The birds were encountered by the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece. The heroes raised their shields as a defence against the birds' deadly volleys of arrows and with a clash of shield and spear scared them away.
The Birds of Ares were sometimes identified with the Stymphalian Birds driven off by Herakles (see below).
The Griphoi or Griffins is a hybrid creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. They guard a treasure of gold by the border to Hyperborea. Griffins were popular decorations in ancient Greek art, for example the helm of the statue of Athena Piraeus:
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Source: Athens, Archaeological Museum of Piraeus © 2014. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
The Harpyiai or Harpies were depicted as winged women, sometimes with ugly faces, or with the lower bodies of birds. They were the spirits of sudden, dangerous gusts of wind and were sent by the gods to snatch up people and things from the dark earth. A missing person was said to have been snatched by the Harpies.
The Hippalektryon, literally "horse-cock" or "horse-rooster" (hippos = horse, alektryôn = cock) is a hybrid creature with the head and sometimes forelegs of a horse and the wings, tail and back-legs of a male chicken. @sigeel drew them most beautifully, tended to by Demeter and Persephone.
This bird is still well-known today through the saying "rising like a Phoenix from the ashes". It was said to resemble an eagle, with feathers partly red and partly golden. The Phoenix flies from Arabia to the Temple of the Sun (Ra) in Heliopolis in Egypt every 500 years to bury its father encased in myrrh. And there only is a father because the Phoenix begets itself. The tale of the Phoenix actually rising from its own ashes is related in a 4th century CE Roman text called "The Phoenix":
...the pyre conceives the new life; Nature takes care that the deathless bird perish not, and calls upon the sun, mindful of his promise, to restore its immortal glory to the world. Straightway the life spirit surges through his scattered limbs; the renovated blood floods his veins. The ashes show signs of life; they begin to move though there is none to move them, and feathers clothe the mass of cinders. He who was but now the sire comes forth from the pyre the son and successor; between life and life lay but that brief space wherein the pyre burned. His first delight is to consecrate his father's spirit by the banks of the Nile and to carry to the land of Aegyptus (Egypt) the burned mass from which he was born.
The Seirenes or Sirens were depicted as birds with either the heads or entire upper bodies of women. They are well-known from the Odyssey for their enchanting song.
Lovely Terpsichore, one of the Muses, had borne them [the Sirens] to Akheloos, and at one time they had been handmaids to Demeter's gallant Daughter [Persephone], before she was married, and sung to her in chorus. But now, half human and half bird in form, they spent their time watching for ships from a height that overlooked their excellent harbour; and many a traveller, reduced by them to skin and bones, had forfeited the happiness of reaching home. Apollonios Rhodios, Argonautika 4.892
The shape of the Sirens, a bird with a woman's head, was popular as a vessel for perfumes and cosmetics.
Stymphalian Birds
The Stymphalian Birds were a flock of man-eating birds of prey which lived around Lake Stymphalis in Arkadia on the Peloponnese. Herakles had to deal with them for the sixth of his twelve labours:
Herakles was stumped by the problem of driving the birds out of the woods, but Athena got some bronze noise-makers from Hephaistos and gave them to him, and by shaking these from a mountain adjacent to the lake frightened the birds. Not enduring the racket, they flew up in fear, and in this manner Herakles reached them with his arrows. Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 2.92
The Stymphalian Birds were sometimes identified with the arrow-shooting Birds of Ares that were encountered by the Argonauts (see above).
According to Pausanias' Description of Greece there was also an old sanctuary of Stymphalian Artemis in Stymphalos and near the roof of her temple the Stymphalian birds had been carved.
Which is your favourite birb story from mythology?
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alyjojo · 10 months
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Love Reading 🤼‍♀️ - November 2023 - Virgo
Overall energy: 6 Wands
How you will meet: 9 Swords
How they will treat you: 4 Pentacles
Long-term Potential: The Empress
You’ve got a Twin coming in, it could be rekindling an old flame or even meeting them for the first time, either way it’s a very intense connection full of PASSION 🔥 heat 🔥 probably conflict too 🔥 You can’t seem to have one without some of the other with these. This person could have player ways about them, or you do, or that’s the experience you’ve had with them before - there are other people in the background creating competition and it’s being entertained = conflict.
You could work together, or be friends initially, maybe both. Or these are the people causing problems. The heat & attraction definitely makes its appearance before the emotions do, it’s more of a rip each other’s clothes off sort of connection, than a love letters & flowers kind, at least initially. They treat you in an emotionally closed off way, could be holding grudges or just protecting themselves, depending on which side of this conflict they’re on. Either they’re trying to get over hurt you’ve caused them due to other people, or they’re guarding themselves from the conflict & backlash of you being pissed at them for doing the same thing, hoping you’ll heal from this. One of you could be pretty possessive and combative, with good reason - Knight of Wands being immature and following their wand wherever it gets excited today, as opposed to yesterday and the day before that. Again, could be a player. Or a flirt.
If you’re reuniting, it’s more hopeful for the long term. If you’re just meeting them or newly involved it’s…kinda cringe, they’re really immature and not ready yet. Or you’re not. Long term potential is a possible pregnancy and single parent life - Queen of Pentacles, that could be you. This can also be growth in career, making a name for yourself, receiving all of your rewards and growing beautifully, but pregnancy is the most obvious story. Could also be them. Be very careful 🙏 A runner is going to run, if they haven’t already, or if not a Twin then they’re the type to move along quickly, or one could be returning.
Messages -
Their side:
- Sexually Driven
- Quietly Observing
Your side:
- You’re the perfect person for me ❤️
Oracles -
Their side: Twin Flames 🔥
- Yin/Yang Balance
- Union & Duality
- Complement
- Polar Opposites
Your side: Phoenix 🔥
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise from Ashes
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Capricorn & Leo, earth/fire
Overall energy: 2 Pentacles
Current: Ace of Cups
Challenge: King of Pentacles
How they feel about you: 10 Cups
How you feel about them: Knight of Swords rev
Outcome: 10 Wands
You two are on totally different pages 💯 It’s looking like you’re the problem, though you may have a valid reason for that, I don’t think it’s being expressed in the healthiest manner. There could be squabbles going on about who is doing what, relating to chores even, who is busier, what roles each person should have and who contributes what. Your person seeing you as 10 Cups shows you’re the one with the issue, and you make them nervous because you hesitate, stay to yourself, keep yourself busy, and they never really know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking of what’s got to go and what can be tolerated or worked around, where necessary tasks are involved, because 2 Pentacles shows you’re extremely busy as it is, juggling 20 different things and can’t seem to find balance - Justice, that’s the goal. Fairness. If they don’t help enough, they need to.
There’s a new beginning here, could be a hobby or some passion of theirs, they’re really enjoying themselves and to you it’s gotten to the point of selfish. They aren’t doing as much as they could for the home, the kids, seriously getting chores, dishes, laundry. It’s like you support this person in their interests, you may even like what they like, but it’s a really busy time and there is a lot to do so can we please turn off the 15 hour tv binge and get the house in order before people show up? Like, THEM, specifically, because you’re busy. Could be switched too, apply however. The challenge is probably work ethic, someone is daydreamy and coasting along with no motivation and it’s driving (I assume you) mad. Could be you too, and you’re dealing with another earth sign.
They’re over the moon for you, very happy, they see you as everything they’ve ever wanted. I’m assuming you haven’t spoken your frustrations out loud, because they seem to be oblivious to your concerns, this is showing they don’t even know you’re mad at them. It can also show they’re enjoying themselves and aren’t sure how to direct or lead in the way you want them to. Basically, if you’re acting like everything is fine, why would they think otherwise? If you think they’re just going to wake up and realize it on their own, no. This could also be referring to a child too, maybe you want them to do more chores or be more responsible and your partner lives in lala land. Could be their child.
You feel like you have to be a dick to get your point across and you really don’t want to. You could see them as argumentative and would rather not deal with that side of them. Or you just don’t communicate well, it could be something that’s a real challenge for you, like why should you have to ask for help, they should just be helping? It’s just going to keep building, you feel like you’re doing it all. Outcome for mid-Dec is more of the same 😑
You’d rather pull teeth than speak up. Or you’ll just do everything yourself and feel victimized, frustrated, let down, as you continue juggling everything for everyone. To them it’s like wow I have the perfect person, and to you it’s like ffs, because you need balance. It’s a giant elephant in the room this person doesn’t pick up on, is that on purpose or not, I’m not sure. You don’t want to be mean and you don’t want to get yelled at if you say something, but fair is fair and you can’t keep up this energy forever. Gonna make yourself sick, you know it too 😷
Messages -
Their side:
- I love you ❤️
Your side:
- I want to approach you but don’t know how.
- I will surprise you.
Oracles -
Their side: SELF-INDULGENCE 🕯️
- Self-Worth & Value
- Time to Heal
- Shadow Work
- Self-Appreciation
Your side: SUNGLASSES 🕶️
- Watching/Looking
- Perception
- Stalking
Signs you may be dealing with:
Strong Pisces, Libra, Capricorn, Sagittarius & Gemini
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instaquarius · 1 year
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For the Full Res since I know it's like REALLY hard to read (tbh even on dA you might have to just zoom in like 500% and also on dA hit full screen and you should be able to read it. It's mostly including pokedex entries or stuff I found on bulbapedia to further support why I pokemon where they are in the timeline/family tree and stuff
PTA (PokeTale: Ascendance) Legendary and Mythical Pokemon timeline or Family Tree (specifically for my Undertale/Pokemon AU), including Headcanons and so on.
About the lines and stuff and connections:
Black lines are Creation Lines.
Aka for Pokemon directly and intentionally created by another Legendary like Arceus Example: Personally, i like to think that Arceus came first as well and created some of the "bigger" Pokemon Gods *like the Creation Trio and Lake Trio* and then Mew was the last one after the Earth was made/Universe and all that stuff. Though I also personally headcanon that Arceus also created more Pokemon than just the 7.
Like The Original Dragon (or Reshi, Zek, and Kyurem since they're the OG dragon that got split in half) as well as the Life and Death duo ((simply just because... ya know. The literal GODS of Life/Death/Truth/Idealism etc., kinda just sounds like they would be right up there in terms of power scaling with the literal Gods of Space, Time, and Antimatter/Gravity *for the Life Deer and Death bird* and Truth/Idealism, etc. kinda sounds like the Lake Trio territory *Being they're the literal gods of Knowledge, Determination/Willpower, and Emotion* and humans just haven't figured it out yet when writing the Pokedex entries))
(Plus, as much research as I did on Xerneas, Yveltal, and the Tao Trio, nothing I looked up reaaaaaaaally didn't give me an answer on where the hell they came from, unlike most other legendaries soooo ye. Going with my headcanon instead for my AU)
Note: All Legendaries besides the Creation Trio, Lake Trio, Tao, and X/Y duo are more or less all created by the Mew species before they all eventually basically went extinct except for one. Same thing for the humans as well. I believe all humans and Pokemon were mews back in the day, like 10 billion years or so ago, then eventually, through convergent evolution or whatever, they all became what the Pokemon world is today. (And yes. In PTA, Mew was created by Arceus. Arceus was the original/first Pokemon to be made)
The red lines are Related links. Pokemon like the Legendary Dogs was created by Ho-oh when he revived the Pokemon that died from the Burnt Tower. Or Legendary Birds being governed over by Lugia as implied by the Pokemon 2000 movie etc.
Purple lines are the avatar lines. Covering Pokemon that are more or less on Arceus level or even being straight-up stronger than Arceus, like Ultra Necrozma (Ultra Necrozma has a base stat total of 754 which is a fair amount higher than Arceus's previous record of 720.) Also, same reason why I added Eternatus to this (besides also the fact Eternatus straight up looks like a MASSIVE hand in his Gigantimax form, which makes me think Eternatus could have been a part of Arceus at one point but then accidentally fell off or something while Arceus was making all these pokemon/the universe and shit) and even the third legendary from Scarlet and Violet that's been hella implied throughout the whole game. At least just guessing by the whole mystery surrounding it-
Blue lines are artificial lines. Aka, artificial Pokemon made by humans like Mewtwo, Type: Null etc. It's basically self-explanatory.
Pink lines are monitor lines Example: We know from the pokedex Heatran was created from a volcano/lava pool (which was created by Groudon waaaaaaaay back in the early stages of the Earth being made/Groudon creating the continents etc.) Ho-oh is added cuz of his connection to a phoenix and phoenix's are created from ash etc. Ash comes from volcanoes sooo that's why I added him as part of the Groudon fam/part of his sort of "Court" in a sense as a lesser God that sorta serves Groudon etc. and miiiiiight be implied o be the God of Resurrection? or Lugia being Guardian of the Oceans to help Kyogre who's King of the Ocean/God of it etc.
And finally, the yellow line is the Adaption line. Example: Like how the Koraidons had to adapt to the future changing and learn to use his freaking wheels built into his body to become cyclizar then even more modified into miraidon- (maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe same can work the Tao trio?) them adapting to being split into 2 or 3 technically-
And before anyone says shit like "Uwu this pokemon shouldnt be connected to this because in canon it doesn't say so" I didnt want to just have every single legendary connected to Mew even if in my headcanon i said that Mew HELPED in creating all these legendaries.
Like for example I think a Pokemon like Celebi was "made" by Dialga cuz it has time powers so I kinda feel like Mew made Celebi but Dialga also helped maybe giving Celebi some of its powers so it can time travel and so on.
But also, other legendaries are like- kinda implied to have a connection to this legendary (Like Melloetta singing to make people happy sounds like something that's in Mesprits kingdom or whatever or something she'd rule over, so that's why I had Melloetta as TECHNICALLY being Mesprits kid) and so on.
And it doesn't help either 50% of the time past maybe the 5th gen its like nintendo stopped caring giving all these legendaries cool backstories and stuff or they just KINDA exist to like- giving a prince a ride (looking at the 2 horses from Galar) or Victini being the "Victory" God etc.
Oh yeah, also in case anyone wondering why the Hell Zero is also here/eventually becomes Chara's adopted Sibling is because at some point after the Giratina movie, and he leaves Jail he ends up in Paldea and basically eventually meets Iono and ends up on her streams and stuff and they kinda end up dating in PTA (since both like electric-type Pokemon and have Magnetons and shit) 
Chara eventually runs into him again and they talk out about what happened and what Zero almost did to the Giratinas and smoltina and after realizing he changed and such she began to trust him and eventually he ends up as a part of the Arceus family as her brother
Also I crackship Iono and Zero. Cuz I think it'd be a cute ship 
For PokeTale: Ascendance
An AU based off of an RP between me and a friend of mine from my Discord server discord.gg/pQf9ZsdF6E where the Creation Trio as babies (a time they all cant really fully control their powers and junk) accidentally create a portal into the Undertale Universe and meet Chara and basically Arceus finds Chara and adopts her after finding out about her shitty human parents and Chara ends up helping Arceus raise the babies and basically lives in the Pokemon Universe now
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merrillapologist · 1 year
Fyodor sounds super cool! Could you tell me more about them?
oh boy. You’ve opened pandora’s box
Fyodor started as a Warden Amell, they were my shithead playthrough where I picked all the funny fucked up dialogue and did the fucked up choices (not the mage genocide but like, fucking the desire demon instead of saving Connor, poisoned ashes, etc) except I started making funny hcs about them and then accidentally got really attached to them and started making actually serious hcs about them until they stopped being a sillyfunny character for my bastard playthru and started being an actual oc
In their current iteration that’s developed through rp, Fyodor is the younger sibling of the Amell origin. They’re a half elven bastard who’s also related to the Lavellan origin on their dad’s side, and so when their mother disappeared and the rest of their siblings were taken to Circles, their stepfather kind of didn’t wanna deal with them, so he shipped them off to a friend in Tevinter. Lucky for them, they wound up being a magic prodigy and fairly quickly managed admission into the Minrathous Circle, but being raised in that cutthroat ass environment immensely fucked them up and made them really, really crave the fantasy of control and power over it. Eventually they caught the eye of a Magister who had produced no suitable heir and he began grooming them to be the perfect mage, getting them involved in his schemes and pretty quickly crushing whatever altruism and optimism they had left. But he did his job too well, because he was just a stepping stone to them, and Fyodor began slowly poisoning him, which presented as him falling ill - expected in his old age. Naturally, he named his prodigal student to be his heir, and Fyodor earned a seat in the Magisterium upon his death.
Anyways, come DA2, they find themself in Kirkwall to deal with the Tome of Koslun plot, and they quickly find that hey, they still have family in the city! One thing leads to another, and they end up getting pretty much adopted in the Hawkes. See, while they’re a domineering cunt in Tevinter, they know that doesn’t serve them in Kirkwall, so they let the mask down and present more as a silly zany cousin to the Hawkes. It’s actually kind of really good for them, gives them a break from the false niceties and backstabbing of Tevinter politics and lets them act like an actual person and be a little goofy and earnest from time to time. That, and they developed a big emptiness in Tevinter what with the huge importance placed on bloodline and familial ties, what with them not knowing their biodad’s side of the family at all, Revka being who knows where, and their siblings all being in Circles to their knowledge. So the Hawkes being blood relatives kind of fulfills that need, but the whole Kirkwall gang becomes a weird found family to them. That is to say, while they’re in Tevinter doing Magister business in between Acts most of the time, they wind up in Kirkwall as a companion for the main story beats to hang out.
Obviously, not a good person at all, and their friendly down to earth Kirkwall persona is just another mask. There isn’t really a real Fyodor, they have NPD like hell and don’t feel like they exist outside the perceptions of others, so every interaction is them bending to what they think their company wants them to be. Enter Fenris rivalmance because he’s the only one that really sees right through them, which is another thing that happened through rp pretty organically and kinda unexpectedly. I can talk about them in another post but TLDR: enemies to hatefucking to ghosting to husbands. They’re emotionally messy as fuck until Act 3 but not in a totally unhealthy way, just that they’re both unwell mfs who don’t deal with their issues like they’ve had 280 hours of DBT. It helps that, unlike the canon rivalmance, Fyodor doesn’t invalidate how Fenris feels ever, they actually really agree with a lot of his views on Tevinter and will openly tell Anders to fuck off and stop bothering him, which throws Fenris a lot but Fyo is really only in it for their own power and doesn’t actually like Tevinter, it’s just the only country where being a blood magic prodigy is grounds for rulership. Fyodor is a smug annoying little bastard, but they’re pretty respectful to him, his beef with them is more a moral revulsion to them. It takes time for Fenris to actually grow to trust Fyodor actually cares about him, but luckily, DA2’s time frame leaves room for that to happen. The hatefucking is because it’s a more mutually beneficial way to settle arguments, without any feelings attached until act 2-3 intermission except there very much are and both of them are in denial about it. Eventually they wind up together by act 3 :]
In DAI, Fyodor hears about the Venatori because they’re targeted for recruitment - they’re one of the most knowledgeable demonologists in Tevinter, and the Venatori need that. Except they know it’s bullshit, they think it’s horrific, so they join mostly out of morbid curiosity and for political partnerships with other Magisters in it while tipping off the Archon to their identities so he can hunt them for sport a la Magekiller. So when the Inquisition is founded, Fyo and Fen run off to join, Fyo as a quote unquote Venatori spy (except they straight up go to the Inquisition and up front say the Venatori want them to spy and arrange to be a double agent for Leliana instead) Basically in DAI they’re a very shady morally grey antihero playing both sides of the war but ultimately they want the Venatori out of Tevinter and they want to make the country better. They’re like a more self serving cunty morally loose Dorian basically. (They also happen to be catty exes with Dorian, fun story) Post game they end up being a founding member of the Lucerni!
Besides all that, some other fun details: They’re profoundly Deaf & autistic !! They communicate through sign language and they have a peppy apprentice named Minerva who travels with them to interpret for them and get in on their crazy magic bullshit. They have a lifelong special interest in entomology and publish research on local insects as a side hobby, all their outfits have some element of insectoid motif and they have big big hyperempathy for bugs because they were neglected by their adoptive father in Tevinter and it led to them having a really big love for “pests” and bugs most people overlook. They have a big love for roaches and they have pet hissers among other bugs :) They care for their pets more than anything and are very defensive of bugs in general. On more than one occasion they have genuinely deadass used blood magic to control the rest of the DA2 party to stop them from killing a bug. By the end of act 1 it’s a known fact that if you try to smash or step on a bug in their presence you Will get blood magic’ed into leaving it be while they take it outside. Also, loosely alluded to it in my tags for that other post, but they have a complex array of runes and sigils carved into their skin providing the effects of antimagic enchantments, mostly preventing blood magic use against them. It has the side effect of thinning the veil around them and making them kinda unnerving to be around to anyone sensitive to shifts in the veil.
TLDR: Silly goofy bitch Da2 fan companion who blood magicked and girlbossed their way into the Magisterium and winds up worming their way into the Hawkes’ hearts
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dispactke · 10 months
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(think this joker got read?)
Random (mixed-up & garbled) selections of my extractions from Marcus Aurelius, Meditations:
It’s not so much that I believe all or most expressed there within (though much of it is stunningly illuminating), but rather that either way it inspires reflection, a questioning of spiritual perception. (Of even Emperor Aurelius himself with blindness to his own imperialism). In the end he’s a tad fatigued, bitter. But shards of illumination lie here...
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius 
(Gregory Hays, University of Virginia, translation, Modern Library):
* To the world: Your harmony is mine. Whatever time you choose is the right time. Not late, not early. To nature: What the turn of your seasons brings me falls like ripe fruit. All things are born from you, exist in you, return to you.
* Whatever this is that I am, it is flesh and a little spirit and an intelligence. Throw away your books; stop letting yourself be distracted. That is not allowed. Instead, as if you were dying right now, despise your flesh. A mess of blood, pieces of bone, a woven tangle of nerves, veins, arteries. Consider what the spirit is: air, and never the same air, but vomited out and gulped in again every instant. Finally, the intelligence. Think of it this way: You are an old man. Stop allowing your mind to be a slave, to be jerked about by selfish impulses, to kick against fate and the present, and to mistrust the future.
* To pass through this brief life as nature demands. To give it up without complaint. Like an olive that ripens and falls. Praising its mother, thanking the tree it grew on.
* When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own―not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands, and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions.
* A straightforward, honest person should be like someone who stinks: when you’re in the same room with him, you know it. But false straightforwardness is like a knife in the back. False friendship is the worst. Avoid it at all costs. If you’re honest and straightforward and mean well, it should show in your eyes. It should be unmistakable.
* You don’t have to turn this into something. It doesn’t have to upset you. Things can’t shape our decisions by themselves.
* What injures the hive injures the bee.
* Soon you’ll be ashes, or bones. A mere name, at most―and even that is just a sound, an echo. The things we want in life are empty, stale, and trivial. Dogs snarling at each other. Quarreling children―laughing and then bursting into tears a moment later. Trust, shame, justice, truth―“gone from the earth and only found in heaven.”
* If you want to talk about people, you need to look down on the earth from above. Herds, armies, farms; weddings, divorces, births, deaths; noisy courtrooms, desert places; all the foreign peoples; holidays, days of mourning, market days...all mixed together, a harmony of opposites.
* The world is maintained by change―in the elements and in the things they compose.
* Before long, nature, which controls it all, will alter everything you see and use it as material for something else―over and over again. So that the world is continually renewed.
* Wash yourself clean. With simplicity, with humility, with indifference to everything but right and wrong. Care for other human beings. Follow God.
* Love the discipline you know, and let it support you. Entrust everything willingly to the gods, and then make your way through life―no one’s master and no one’s slave.
* But death and life, success and failure, pain and pleasure, wealth and poverty, all these happen to good and bad alike, and they are neither noble nor shameful―and hence neither good nor bad.
* The speed with which all of them vanish―the objects in the world, and the memory of them in time. And the real nature of the things our senses experience, especially those that entice us with pleasure or frighten us with pain, or are loudly trumpeted by pride. To understand those things―how stupid, contemptible, grimy, decaying, and dead they are―that’s what our intellectual powers are for. And to understand what those people really amount to, whose opinions and voices constitute fame. And what dying is―and that if you look at it in the abstract and break down your imaginary ideas of it by logical analysis, you realize that it’s nothing but a process of nature, which only children can be afraid of. (And not only a process of nature but a necessary one.) And how man grasps God, with what part of himself he does so, and how that part is conditioned when he does.
* And above all, that it accepts death in a cheerful spirit, as nothing but the dissolution of the elements from which each living thing is composed. If it doesn’t hurt the individual elements to change continually into one another, why are people afraid of all of them changing and separating? It’s a natural thing.
* Keep your philosophy ready too―ready to understand heaven and earth. In everything you do, even the smallest thing, remember the chain that links them. Nothing earthly succeeds by ignoring heaven, nothing heavenly by ignoring the earth.
* Neither servility nor arrogance. Neither cringing nor disdain. Neither excuses nor evasions. 
* Why are you still here? Sensory objects are shifting and unstable; our senses dim and easily deceived; the soul itself a decoction of the blood; fame in a world like this is worthless. And so? Wait for it patiently―annihilation or metamorphosis.
* Death: something like birth, a natural mystery, elements that split and recombine. Not an embarrassing thing. Not an offense to reason, or our nature.
* Alexander the Great and his mule driver both died and the same thing happened to both. They were absorbed alike into the life force of the world, or dissolved alike into atoms.
* Something happens to you. Good. It was meant for you by nature, woven into the pattern from the beginning. Life is short. That’s all there is to say. Get what you can from the present―thoughtfully, justly. Unrestrained moderation.
* Don’t look down on death, but welcome it. It too is one of the things required by nature. Like youth and old age. Like growth and maturity. Like a new set of teeth, a beard, the first gray hair. Like sex and pregnancy and childbirth. Like all the other physical changes at each stage of life, our dissolution is no different.
* Character: dark, womanish, obstinate. Wolf, sheep, child, fool, cheat, buffoon, salesman, tyrant.
Alien: (n.) one who doesn’t know what the world contains. Or how it operates.
Fugitive: (n.) one who evades his obligations to others.
Blind: (adj.) one who keeps the eyes of his mind shut tight.
Poor: (adj.) requiring others; not having the necessities of life in one’s own possession.
Rebel: (n.) one who is rebellious, one who withdraws from the logos of Nature because he resents its workings. (It produced you; now it produces this.)
Schismatic: (n.) one who separates his own soul from others with the logos. They should be one.
* To watch the courses of the stars as if you revolved with them. To keep constantly in mind how the elements alter into one another. Thoughts like this wash off the mud of life below.
* Injustice is a kind of blasphemy. Nature designed rational beings for each other’s sake: to help―not harm―one another, as they deserve. To transgress its will, then, is to blaspheme against the oldest of the gods. And to lie is to blaspheme against it too. Because “nature” means the nature of that which is. And that which is and that which is the case are closely linked, so that nature is synonymous with Truth―the source of all true things.
* No matter what anyone says or does, my task is to be good. Like gold or emerald or purple repeating to itself, “No matter what anyone says or does, my task is to be emerald, my color undiminished.”
* To see the nature of a sunbeam, look at light as it falls through a narrow opening into a dark room. It extends in a straight line, striking any solid object that stands in its way and blocks the space beyond it. There it remains―not vanishing, or falling away. That’s what the outpouring―the diffusion―of thought should be like: not emptied out, but extended. And not striking at obstacles with fury and violence, or falling away before them, but holding its ground and illuminating what receives it. What doesn’t transmit light creates its own darkness.
* Then what should we work for? Only this: proper understanding; unselfish action; truthful speech. A resolve to accept whatever happens as necessary and familiar, flowing like water from that same source and spring.
* The world as a living being―one nature, one soul. Keep that in mind. And how everything feeds into that single experience, moves with a single motion. And how everything helps produce everything else. Spun and woven together.
* What am I doing with my soul? Interrogate yourself, to find out what inhabits your so-called mind and what kind of soul you have now. A child’s soul, an adolescent’s, a woman’s? A tyrant’s soul? The soul of a predator―or its prey?
* Remember: Matter. How tiny your share of it. Time. How brief and fleeting your allotment of it. Fate. How small a role you play in it.
* Honor and revere the gods, treat human beings as they deserve, be tolerant with others and strict with yourself. Remember, nothing belongs to you but your flesh and blood―and nothing else is under your control.
* Everything is brought about by nature, not by anything beyond it, or within it, or apart from it.
* All underground for a long time now. And what harm does it do them? Or the others either―the ones whose names we don’t even know? The only thing that isn't worthless: to live this life out truthfully and rightly. And be patient with those who don’t.
* Evil: the same old thing. No matter what happens, keep this in mind: It’s the same old thing, from one end of the world to the other. It fills the history books, ancient and modern, and the cities, and the houses too. Nothing new at all. Familiar, transient.
* Forget the future. When and if it comes, you’ll have the same resources to draw on―the same logos.
* Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what’s left and live it properly.
* So you know how things stand. Now forget what they think of you. Be satisfied if you can live the rest of your life, however short, as your nature demands. Focus on that, and don’t let anything distract you. You’ve wandered all over and finally realized that you never found what you were after: how to live. Not in syllogisms, not in money, or fame, or self-indulgence. Nowhere. Then where is it to be found? In doing what human nature requires. How? Through first principles. Which should govern your intentions and your actions. What principles? Those to do with good and evil. That nothing is good except what leads to fairness, and self-control, and courage, and free will. And nothing bad except what does the opposite.
* Three relationships:
i. with the body you inhabit;
ii. with the divine, the cause of everything in all things;
iii. with the people around you.
* It’s quite possible to be a good man without anyone realizing it. Remember that. And this too: you don’t need much to live happily. And just because you’ve abandoned your hopes of becoming a great thinker or scientist, don’t give up on attaining freedom, achieving humility, serving others, obeying God.
* Fear of death is fear of what we may experience. Nothing at all, or something quite new. But if we experience nothing, we can experience nothing bad. And if our experience changes, then our existence will change with it―change, but not cease.
* It’s silly to try to escape other people’s faults. They are inescapable. Just try to escape your own.
* A given action that stops when it’s supposed to is none the worse for stopping. Nor the person engaged in it either. So too with the succession of actions we call “life.” If it ends when it’s supposed to, it’s none the worse for that. And the person who comes to the end of the line has no cause for complaint. The time and stopping point are set by nature—our own nature, in some cases (death from old age); or nature as a whole, whose parts, shifting and changing, constantly renew the world, and keep it on schedule.
* And further... That whatever happens has always happened, and always will, and is happening at this very moment, everywhere. Just like this. What links one human being to all humans: not blood, or birth, but mind.
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skyarly · 10 months
For no reason in particular I decided a while back that I would watch all of pokemon. I have not seen all of it yet, but 468 episodes in (I've seen all of the first series and just finished advanced, besides a movie or two that I'm about to watch) I got a lot of thoughts about Ash and Gary's rivalry.
Gary's opinion of him for some reason just means the entire WORLD to Ash, but Gary knows next to nothing about who Ash even is at this point I think. It's only natural seeing as he has like 40 episodes max and a pretty decent amount of those are 5 second cameos and/or imagined.
Just think of all of the shit Ash gets into in all that time. He deals with Team Rocket just about every day, he solves several crimes (most of which were related to Team Rocket), he changes countless lives for the better, he dies twice (maybe three I know I missed at least one movie) and he subdues several gods.
But all Gary sees, and might ever see, is just the same kid he's always known. So far Gary has only seen Ash do anything of note like four times and the rest of the time it's just Ash losing as usual. And Gary does show respect for what he's seen Ash actually do, but he hasn't seen ANYTHING.
And yet? The opinion of this guy who doesn't know the first thing about him anymore matters so god damn much to Ash. And because of that he ends up just how Gary underestimates him every time they cross paths.
Gary's opinion means so much to Ash, that even though Gary acting more neutral toward him should be seen as an improvement, Ash seems to miss when Gary used to insult him. The fantasy sequence Ash has after receiving Gary's post card depicts him exactly as he was before season 1. Gary hasn't been like that for what's probably years at this point and Ash still can't wrap his head around the fact that Gary could have any respect for him whatsoever.
Ash just generally has some really weird priorities with where he gets his self-worth from. He really truly can only see the value in himself he gets from winning pokemon battles. Nothing else he does seems notable enough to mention.
I actually made a post about this a while ago because it was just so mind boggling to me, but when Ash fought Gary for the first time he bragged about two things. Being in a higher place than Gary at the Indigo League, and winning the Orange League. Okay sure those are pretty good things to brag about. But you know what probably would've sounded a bit more impressive?
Being called upon by name in a prophecy to help the water god stop the bird gods from destroying the entire earth.
And it's not like the second movie wasn't canon either, because Ash literally mentions it in the series at one point. (That one little arc with Richie and the Baby Lugia and Butch and Cassidy)
Ash is trying so hard to impress someone whose opinion of him is inherently skewed and shouldn't matter anyway, and Ash can't even see his own merits as a person besides being a pokemon trainer. Really sad, honestly.
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authorhenrywvinson · 16 days
Unveiling Fascinating Funeral Rites Throughout History
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The rites surrounding death have long been a reflection of the beliefs, fears, and hopes of different cultures, from the majestic to the bizarre in funeral practices. This history unveils fascinating imagery of how humans have thought of death. If you are one of those fascinated with the rituals surrounding death, then That Good Night by Henry Vinson is a must-read. Vinson, the expert in funerals and mortuary sciences, will walk you through the history and modern practices of death rituals.
Now, let's dive into an intriguing and sometimes unpredictable journey through some of the most unique funeral rites history has recorded.
The Viking Ship Burials: A Passage to the Afterlife
Mentioning a Viking funeral to most people would probably bring forth the image of a blazing ship drifting away. More than being a dramatic scene worthy of film reel material, this rite was an act steeped in deep belief. The Vikings believed that a warrior's journey to their paradise, Valhalla, should be one to remember. High-ranking Vikings were often buried in their ships, surrounded by treasures and weapons, and occasionally even sacrificed slaves to accompany them into the afterlife. Thus, the ship itself—a vessel of life—now became a vehicle of death, buried in the earth or set aflame on the sea. The flames licking up the night sky symbolized the soul's journey up to the gods—a sight just as awesome as terrifying.
The Sky Burials of Tibet: A Feast for the Vultures
Quite the opposite of the Vikings' over-the-top sendoff, Tibetan Buddhists have a funeral ritual that is at once as practical as it is spiritual: the sky burial. Following a death, the body is not buried or cremated but is taken to the top of a mountain and left exposed to wind and weather, serving as food for scavenging vultures. This ritual was created to serve a dual purpose and thus related to a belief that the body is a vessel for the spirit. It is both a final act of charity—providing sustenance for animals—and a grim reminder of the transience of life. To the vultures, considered sacred, it is an act of the divine carriers of the soul to heaven. It means serene acceptance of nature's cycle, a humbled return to the earth from which life sprang.
The Endocannibalism of the Yanomami: Consuming the Dead
Endocannibalism may sound like a grotesque practice of consuming one's own deceased body, but for the Yanomami tribe in the Amazon, it is an act of profound reverence. The Yanomami think that this way, the spirit of the deceased will keep living within the community since the ashes are said to be mixed with plantain soup. This ritual, done only after cremation, symbolizes unity between the living and the dead so that it is promised that the spirit shall not be lost in nothingness but part of the existence of the tribe. This is a far cry from the more common—Western—concepts of death, where the dead are generally removed from the living, placed in graves, and locked away. The Yanomami believe death to be yet another beginning, an entry point into an existence where the deceased does not leave.
The Mummification of the Pharaohs: Preparing for Eternity
Probably the most famous funeral practice in history, the technique of mummification was a ritual in many respects about life, wrapped up in linen-wrapped bodies and gold-laden tombs. That is, the ancient Egyptians believed a person's soul needed its body to be preserved in order to survive in the afterlife. It was a careful preparation for eternity, with elaborate processes of organ removal, drying of the body, and wrapping it in linen. Goods from food to furniture were placed in the tombs so that the dead person might continue his existence without want in the afterlife. It was a world where death was a doorway to another life, and the grandeur of the burial reflected the importance of the life yet to come.
The Funeral Pyres of India: Liberation through Fire
Cremation on funeral pyres, especially on the sacred River Ganges, is deeply grounded in Hinduism. To Hindus, therefore, fire purifies, and cremation is the release of the soul from the body, further attaining the next step in the journey: rebirth or moksha—liberation from life's and death's cycle. The Ganges is seen as the holiest of rivers; being able to wash away sins and have one's ashes scattered in it is believed to bestow moksha or liberation from rebirth. Seeing these funeral pyres burning simultaneously, hauntingly, and profoundly along the Varanasi ghats speaks to something basic in human beings: the transient nature of life and the hope of what lies beyond.
These funeral rites, though varied, share a common thread—they are all expressions of how different cultures understand and honor the dead. They reveal a deep connection to the natural world, a respect for the passage of life, and an enduring belief in the continuation of the spirit. In exploring these rituals, we see not just how cultures deal with death but how they celebrate life, continuity, and the eternal.
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