#in which Brin has a job
This is your brain on fraud apologetics
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In 1998, two Stanford students published a paper in Computer Networks entitled “The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine,” in which they wrote, “Advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of consumers.”
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The co-authors were Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, and the “large-scale hypertextual web search-engine” they were describing was their new project, which they called “Google.” They were 100% correct — prescient, even!
On Wednesday night, a friend came over to watch some TV with us. We ordered out. We got scammed. We searched for a great local Thai place we like called Kiin and clicked a sponsored link for a Wix site called “Kiinthaila.com.” We should have clicked the third link down (kiinthaiburbank.com).
We got scammed. The Wix site was a lookalike for Kiin Thai, which marked up their prices by 15% and relayed the order to our local, mom-and-pop, one-branch restaurant. The restaurant knew it, too — they called us and told us they were canceling the order, and said we could still come get our food, but we’d have to call Amex to reverse the charge.
As it turned out, the scammers double-billed us for our order. I called Amex, who advised us to call back in a couple days when the charge posted to cancel it — in other words, they were treating it as a regular customer dispute, and not a systemic, widespread fraud (there’s no way this scammer is just doing this for one restaurant).
In the grand scheme of things, this is a minor hassle, but boy, it’s haunting to watch the quarter-century old prophecy of Brin and Page coming true. Search Google for carpenters, plumbers, gas-stations, locksmiths, concert tickets, entry visas, jobs at the US Post Office or (not making this up) tech support for Google products, and the top result will be a paid ad for a scam. Sometimes it’s several of the top ads.
This kind of “intermediation” business is actually revered in business-schools. As Douglas Rushkoff has written, the modern business wisdom reveres “going meta” — not doing anything useful, but rather, creating a chokepoint between people who do useful things and people who want to pay for those things, and squatting there, collecting rent:
It’s the ultimate passive income/rise and grind side-hustle: It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to discover a whole festering nest of creeps on Tiktok talking about how they pay Mechanical Turks to produce these lookalike sites at scale.
This mindset is so pervasive that people running companies with billions in revenue and massive hoards of venture capital run exactly the same scam. During lockdown, companies like Doordash, Grubhub and Uber Eats stood up predatory lookalike websites for local restaurants, without their consent, and played monster-in-the-middle, tricking diners into ordering through them:
These delivery app companies were playing a classic enshittification game: first they directed surpluses to customers to lock them in (heavily discounting food), then they directed surplus to restaurants (preferential search results, free delivery, low commissions) — then, having locked in both consumers and producers, they harvested the surplus for themselves.
Today, delivery apps charge massive premiums to both eaters and restaurants, load up every order with junk fees, and clone the most successful restaurants out of ghost kitchens — shipping containers in parking lots crammed with low-waged workers cranking out orders for 15 different fake “virtual restaurants”:
Delivery apps speedran the enshittification cycle, but Google took a slower path to get there. The company has locked in billions of users (e.g. by paying billions to be the default search on Safari and Firefox and using legal bullying to block third party Android device-makers from pre-installing browsers other than Chrome). For years, it’s been leveraging our lock-in to prey on small businesses, getting them to set up Google Business Profiles.
These profiles are supposed to help Google distinguish between real sellers and scammers. But Kiin Thai has a Google Business Profile, and searching for “kiin thai burbank” brings up a “Knowledge Panel” with the correct website address — on a page that is headed with a link to a scam website for the same business. Google, in other words, has everything it needs to flag lookalike sites and confirm them with their registered owners. It would cost Google money to do this — engineer-time to build and maintain the system, content moderator time to manually check flagged listings, and lost ad-revenue from scammers — but letting the scams flourish makes Google money, at the expense of Google users and Google business customers.
Now, Google has an answer for this: they tell merchants who are being impersonated by ad-buying scammers that all they need to do is outbid them for the top ad-spot. This is a common approach — Amazon has a $31b/year “ad business” that’s mostly its own platform sellers bidding against each other to show you fake results for your query. The first five screens of Amazon search results are 50% ads:
This is “going meta,” so naturally, Meta is doing it too: Facebook and Instagram have announced a $12/month “verification” badge that will let you report impersonation and tweak the algorithm to make it more likely that the posts you make are shown to the people who explicitly asked to see them:
The corollary of this, of course, is that if you don’t pay, they won’t police your impersonators, and they won’t show your posts to the people who asked to see them. This is pure enshittification — the surplus from users and business customers is harvested for the benefit of the platform owners:
The idea that merchants should master the platforms as a means of keeping us safe from their impersonators is a hollow joke. For one thing, the rules change all the time, as the platforms endlessly twiddle the knobs that determine what gets shown to whom:
And they refuse to tell anyone what the rules are, because if they told you what the rules were, you’d be able to bypass them. Content moderation is the only infosec domain where “security through obscurity” doesn’t get laughed out of the room:
Worse: the one thing the platforms do hunt down and exterminate with extreme prejudice is anything that users or business-customers use to twiddle back — add-ons and plugins and jailbreaks that override their poor choices with better ones:
As I was submitting complaints about the fake Kiin scam-site (and Amex’s handling of my fraud call) to the FTC, the California Attorney General, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau and Wix, I wrote a little Twitter thread about what a gross scam this is:
The thread got more than two million reads and got picked up by Hacker News and other sites. While most of the responses evinced solidarity and frustration and recounted similar incidents in other domains, a significant plurality of the replies were scam apologetics — messages from people who wanted to explain why this wasn’t a problem after all.
The most common of these was victim-blaming: “you should have used an adblocker” or “never click the sponsored link.” Of course, I do use an ad-blocker — but this order was placed with a mobile browser, after an absentminded query into the Google search-box permanently placed on the home screen, which opens results in Chrome (where I don’t have an ad-blocker, so I can see material behind an ad-blocker-blocker), not Firefox (which does have an ad-blocker).
Now, I also have a PiHole on my home LAN, which blocks most ads even in a default browser — but earlier this day, I’d been on a public wifi network that was erroneously blocking a website (the always excellent superpunch.net) so I’d turned my wifi off, which meant the connection came over my phone’s 5G connection, bypassing the PiHole:
“Don’t click a sponsored link” — well, the irony here is that if you habitually use a browser with an ad-blocker, and you backstop it with a PiHole, you never see sponsored links, so it’s easy to miss the tiny “Sponsored” notification beside the search result. That goes double if you’re relaxing with a dinner guest on the sofa and ordering dinner while chatting.
There’s a name for this kind of security failure: the Swiss Cheese Model. We all have multiple defenses (in my case: foreknowledge of Google’s ad-scam problem, an ad-blocker in my browser, LAN-wide ad sinkholing). We also have multiple vulnerabilities (in my case: forgetting I was on 5G, being distracted by conversation, using a mobile device with a permanent insecure search bar on the homescreen, and being so accustomed to ad-blocked results that I got out of the habit of checking whether a result was an ad).
If you think you aren’t vulnerable to scams, you’re wrong — and your confidence in your invulnerability actually increases your risk. This isn’t the first time I’ve been scammed, and it won’t be the last — and every time, it’s been a Swiss Cheese failure, where all the holes in all my defenses lined up for a brief instant and left me vulnerable:
Other apologetics: “just call the restaurant rather than using its website.” Look, I know the people who say this don’t think I have a time-machine I can use to travel back to the 1980s and retrieve a Yellow Pages, but it’s hard not to snark at them, just the same. Scammers don’t just set up fake websites for your local businesses — they staff them with fake call-centers, too. The same search that takes you to a fake website will also take you to a fake phone number.
Finally, there’s “What do you expect Google to do? They can’t possibly detect this kind of scam.” But they can. Indeed, they are better situated to discover these scams than anyone else, because they have their business profiles, with verified contact information for the merchants being impersonated. When they get an ad that seems to be for the same business but to a different website, they could interrupt the ad process to confirm it with their verified contact info.
Instead, they choose to avoid the expense, and pocket the ad revenue. If a company promises to “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful,” I think we have the right to demand these kinds of basic countermeasures:
The same goes for Amex: when a merchant is scamming customers, they shouldn’t treat complaints as “chargebacks” — they should treat them as reports of a crime in progress. Amex has the bird’s eye view of their transaction flow and when a customer reports a scam, they can backtrack it to see if the same scammer is doing this with other merchants — but the credit card companies make money by not chasing down fraud:
Wix also has platform-scale analytics that they could use to detect and interdict this kind of fraud — when a scammer creates a hundred lookalike websites for restaurants and uses Wix’s merchant services to process payments for them, that could trigger human review — but it didn’t.
Where do all of these apologetics come from? Why are people so eager to leap to the defense of scammers and their adtech and fintech enablers? Why is there such an impulse to victim-blame?
I think it’s fear: in their hearts, people — especially techies — know that they, too, are vulnerable to these ripoffs, but they don’t want to admit it. They want to convince themselves that the person who got scammed made an easily avoidable mistake, and that they themselves will never make a similar mistake.
This is doubly true for readerships on tech-heavy forums like Twitter or (especially) Hacker News. These readers know just how many vulnerabilities there are — how many holes are in their Swiss cheese — and they are also overexposed to rise-and-grind/passive income rhetoric.
This produces a powerful cognitive dissonance: “If all the ‘entrepreneurs’ I worship are just laying traps for the unwary, and if I am sometimes unwary, then I’m cheering on the authors of my future enduring misery.” The only way to resolve this dissonance — short of re-evaluating your view of platform capitalism or questioning your own immunity to scams — is to blame the victim.
The median Hacker News reader has to somehow resolve the tension between “just install an adblocker” and “Chrome’s extension sandbox is a dumpster fire and it’s basically impossible to know whether any add-on you install can steal every keystroke and all your other data”:
In my Twitter thread, I called this “the worst of all possible timelines.” Everything we do is mediated by gigantic, surveillant monopolists that spy on us comprehensively from asshole to appetite — but none of them, not a 20th century payment giant nor a 21st century search giant — can bestir itself to use that data to keep us safe from scams.
Next Thu (Mar 2) I'll be in Brussels for Antitrust, Regulation and the Political Economy, along with a who's-who of European and US trustbusters. It's livestreamed, and both in-person and virtual attendance are free:
On Fri (Mar 3), I'll be in Graz for the Elevate Festival:
[Image ID: A modified version of Hieronymus Bosch's painting 'The Conjurer,' which depicts a scam artist playing a shell-game for a group of gawking rubes. The image has been modified so that the scam artist's table has a Google logo and the pea he is triumphantly holding aloft bears the 'Sponsored' wordmark that appears alongside Google search results.]
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Meet The Addams Family | Rhett Abbott x Addams!OC Imagine
Takes place before the events of ‘Wednesday’ and after OR S1
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Link to my Rhett Abbott (plus Addams!OC) Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Rhett Abbott x Persephone Addams!OC (Romantic), The Addams Family (Wednesday version)
Content Warnings: profanity, fluff, light angst, blood, mentions of torture and attempted assault, implied smut. | Female OC (she/her) | wc. 5.2k (unedited so I’m sorry for some grammar/spelling mistakes)
Premise: Months after Rhett Abbott’s first date with Persephone Addams, the time to finally meet her family has arrived. And the Addams family sure know how to throw a dinner party.
Note: Sorry for the late update on this crossover series I have. I’ve had so many ideas for TGM that I’ve focused on those, also I was catching up on S5 of Yellowstone to inspire me for my Lana Dutton!OC x Rhett Abbott series.
Rhett adjusted his shirt for the fourth time in a single minute. His expression was one of unease, causing Persephone to run a hand up his arm, “You appear in distress, my darling. What’s got you worried?”
How could he possibly tell her? The last thing Rhett wanted to do was let his girlfriend down by saying he was close to shitting his pants at the thought he was about to meet her parents for the first time.
Morticia and Gomez Addams. An odd but loving couple to the naked eye, they were hopelessly devoted to one another and their children. First meeting as teenagers at Nevermore Academy, the two traveled the world before settling down to have three children. Then they went on family adventures, moving all over the US and finally settling in the small ranch town of Wabang, Wyoming. Using their wealth they pretty much grew the town by bringing jobs in with the many businesses they created and invested in.
Rhett had never spoken a single word to the Addams, only ever seeing them from afar. Now he’s about to come face to face with their entire family. Marking their sixth month of officially seeing each other, Persephone invited Rhett for Sunday family dinner. The cowboy was hesitant, but he was serious about his feelings for Percy and had dragged the meeting long enough.
He just feared he’d make a bad impression. Percy meant a lot to Rhett. The two were already half a year into their relationship since their first coffee and dinner date. They’d traveled together to Montana, Colorado to see the Stanley hotel, and have plans to go to Vermont in the upcoming year. Love was something he never thought he’d have, but with Percy he felt it second he was breathing. He was head over heels for Percy and Rhett knew how important family was to her. They still had yet to introduce the eldest Addams to his parents…..which would likely happen in a few more weeks so he needed to prepare that. Of course his folks were aware of the relationship, they just had never met the woman.
The other day while visiting Percy in the shop, Rhett kept babbling about what to wear, what to bring, etc. “This ain’t just a regular dinner, baby,” he took the box she handed to him, placing it by the empty bookshelf she was about to fill, “This is dinner with your folks—and your siblings! Who I ain’t ever spoken to ‘fore. I wanna make a good impression, s’all.”
Percy just looked up at him with a loving look, “honey you are worrying too much. Don’t give me that look,” she pointed a finger at said look, “You could walk in wearing your chaps and beat up flannel and my parents would not pay any mind. They’ve been looking forward to meeting you for months. Just be yourself and they’ll love you—it’s how I fell in love with you.” She didn’t miss how his cheeks blushed at her words. Kissing his jaw, Percy looked him in the eyes, “My family is providing dinner and expect no welcome gift—so don’t feel pressured to bring one. Just bring your good looks and attitude—you’ll be great.”
Rhett chuckled, shaking his head before leaning down to kiss her. “I can’t with you sometimes.”
Although she told him not to bring a gift, Rhett did buy a nice bottle of red wine. He didn’t have much when it came to nice clothes, but he pulled out his button down reserved for special occasions and a good pair of slacks.
“Just nerves, darlin’,” he told her, interlacing their fingers. The radio was playing old classical music, which surprisingly helped calm his nerves a tad. “Don’t wanna disappoint ya, s’all.”
Percy leaned over to kiss his cheek, “You could never disappoint me, cowboy.” For the remainder of the drive her head laid on his shoulder, the clear surroundings of the valley disappearing as they cut through the tree line.
Deep in the woods just outside of town stood the Addams family mansion. An eerie yet beautiful sight, the home stood as high as the tallest tree with an iron gate surrounding its perimeter and personal cemetery off to the side. What made it more spooky was the home seemed to have its own personal fog despite no ocean nearby pushing it onto the land.
The iron gate opened automatically allowing Lurch to proceed into the long driveway before coming to a stop in front of the stairs. When the car door opened, Rhett exited first then extended a hand to help Percy out. His nerves were still swirling as Percy led him up the stairs. They were met with the door opening when they hit the second to last step, and Percy’s parents greeting them with excited expressions.
“Hello, hello!” Gomez extended his arms out before moving to embrace Percy. “Welcome back, my little spider.” Percy said hello before moving to her mother, meanwhile Gomez turned his attention to Rhett. “And you must be the man who’s taken my daughters heart hostage,” Gomez held a hand out, Rhett immediately accepting it with his own. Gomez’s handshake was firm but warm and friendly. “Gracias, I haven't seen my little pomegranate this happy since she mentally tortured an old professor who harassed her.”
Unsure of how to really respond, while noting to ask Percy of said story, Rhett simply smiled, “It’s a pleasure to know I’ve held her attention this long and hasn’t gotten tired of me yet.” It must've been the right answer because Gomez looked like a kid in a candy store. Rhett then added, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Addams,” he turned to Morticia who was now staring at him, “And you as well, Mrs. Addams. Percy has told me lot ‘bout you two.”
“And yet you stayed,” Morticia smirked to her daughter. “I’ve taught you well.”
“I learn from the best, mother,” Percy moves closer to Rhett, placing a hand on his arm. “Rhett, darling, this is my mother, Morticia Addams, and my father, Gomez Addams. Mother, father, this is my boyfriend, Rhett Abbott.”
“Welcome to our home, Rhett,” Morticia’s teeth were blinding white as she smiled, “We’ve been looking forward to this day since our daughter told us the news. Please, come in.” Together they follow Percy’s parents inside the grand estate with Lurch closing the doors behind them. The butler, however, returns to the car before driving off back towards town. “Our apologies, but dinner will be later than planned. Wednesday is at fencing practice and should be home within the hour. Pugsley is doing homework.”
“Oh that’s no problem, Mrs. Addams. I ain’t in no rush this evenin’. You have a beautiful home,” Rhett compliments, taking in the gorgeous staircase with a crystal chandelier draping frown from the high ceilings. The outside looked like a castle, and the inside was just as grand. “Oh and this is for you,” he hands over the bag containing the wine.
“Why thank you, Rhett,” she pulls out the bottle and grins. “This is one of my favorites. How did you know?”
“Lucky guess,” he shrugs with a smile. Truth be told he didn’t have a fucking clue when it came to wine. He just remembered Percy say their family only ever drinks red wine the color of blood and went with it. Then he asked his ma about the good brands and she pointed him in the right direction. In the store he literally bought the first one his eyes landed on.
It sure was a lucky guess.
Percy looked into the living room to find the playpen was empty. “Where's Mona?”
“Down for her afternoon nap, darling. I wasn’t sure if you wanted her at the table with us, but made sure she had her nap so she wouldn’t be fussy.”
Percy gave a look of thanks, “I appreciate that, mother. Thank you. I’ll go check on her,” she tugs Rhett to follow her, “and may as well give you a tour of the house, mi amor.”
“Well see you back here for dinner,” Morticia tells him, Gomez waving a hand. Rhett smiles, letting his girlfriend lead him away. She shows him the main living room, the kitchen, the exit to the backyard which in turn leads to the family cemetery.
They move up the grand staircase to the second floor. “Over here is Pusgley’s room, Wednesday's is on the other end with a bathroom in between. On the third floor is Lurch’s room as well as a room reserved for my Uncle Fester when he visits.” Traveling to the opposite side of the second floor, Percy stops in front of an onyx black colored door. “This is where I reside,” pushing it open, the room is revealed to Rhett.
Everything about it screamed Persephone. Her vintage gothic aesthetic, her artwork, her love of literary tragedies and Edgar Allen Poe. It was a huge room—twice the size of Rhetts. Ravens painted the ceiling, black sheer curtains over the canopy bed and arch window. Black bookshelves filled to the brim took up a corner of the room connecting to a long wooden desk. An easel stood in another corner where sketches had been taped on the wall beside it. The bedspread appeared to be silk sheets, no doubt of expensive taste. Rhett spotted an open door that looked to be a walk-in closet, another leading into a personal bathroom.
“Wow,” he muttered, following Percy he let his eyes take it all in. Dropping her purse on the desk, Percy headed for another door located on the right side of the bedroom. Rhett nearly missed it, head tilting in confusion as he watched Percy slowly open it to peak in.
Then her lips broke into a grin, “Look who’s up!” A baby-like giggle was the response, making Rhett form his own smile. As they entered the connecting nursery, Desdemona had pulled herself up in her crib, and waited for her mother to take her out. Now one-year-old, little Mona was becoming an explorer.
“Someone must’ve heard us come in,” Percy lifts her daughter into her arms, placing a kiss to her chubby cheek. “And could not wait to greet us.” Upon seeing Rhett, Mona wiggles with excitement in Percy’s hold.
“Hey, munchkin,” Rhett immediately takes her from Percy, lifting her high before kissing her cheek to the sound of her baby laughter. Stroking Mona’s hair, Percy leans into Rhett’s side, “I’ll never not adore how you are with her, Rhett.”
“It’s what she deserves,” He turns to her, “what you both deserve, darlin’.” Kissing Percy’s forehead, the couple move back into the room with Rhett taking claim to one side of the bed. Percy lays on the other side with Mona climbing onto Rhett’s chest.
“How are you, mi amore? I know my parents can be….something. Well all us Addams are something, but you understand what I mean.”
Rhett places Mona in the space between them for tummy time, turning to lay on his side, “I’m doin’ great, Percy. I was a little worried, but your parents are very welcomin’. I’m glad I finally got to meet ‘em.”
“Well the night isn’t over just yet,” she teases. “You still have to meet my siblings…..and survive a dinner with us.”
About an hour goes by of the two just lying in bed with Mona, tickling and playing with the babygirl while exchanging kisses and talking before they’re called down to the dining room. As they come down the stairs, Mona in Percy’s arms, Pugsley races around the corner. “Hey, sis.”
“Hello, Pugsley. How was your day?”
“Boring. My teacher gave me extra homework because in our mock trial of Macbeth I said the verdict was bullshit and my classmates would never make it as lawyers.”
“Was it bullshit?” Percy questioned with curiosity.
“The prosecution forgot to present the evidence and the jury found him guilty.”
Percy tsked, shaking her head, “I do believe that your words were true then, brother.” Motioning to her boyfriend, she introduces the two, “Pugsley, I’d like you to meet Rhett Abbott. Rhett, this is my brother, Pugsley.”
Rhett tips his hat before extending his hand, “Nice to meet you, Pugsley. I’m Rhett.”
The boy shakes his hand, nodding to his Stetson, “Are you a real cowboy? That’s so cool—can you teach me to ride a bull? I wanna see how much air I can get when I fly off—.”
“Pugsley,” Percy gently cuts him off with a chuckle. “Let us eat first and then you can ask Rhett all the questions you have.” He pouts but nods nonetheless. They follow behind him into the dining room where the rest of the family is waiting for them.
Wednesday is the only one standing, staring Rhett down as he enters. Her face is blank, hands clasped in front of her, and she’s dressed in her usually black dress and Doc Marten shoes. There’s no telling what she’s thinking, but her stare alone is enough to send chills down the cowboy’s spine.
Percy places Mona in her high chair, “How was fencing, sister?”
“Like everyday,” her voice is monotone. “The other students have trouble accepting they lack skill and talent no matter how many times I have to tell them. Pouting and throwing tantrums each time I ruin their ego. It’s a wonderful feeling.”
“Glad to hear it’s going so well,” Percy smiles, motioning for Rhett. He adjusts his collar, feeling the nerves resurface as he comes face to face with the infamous Wednesday Addams. “Wednesday, this is—.”
“Rhett Abbott, son of ranchers Royal and Cecelia Abbott. Brother to Perry Abbott and uncle to Amy Abbott, and bull riding champion,” Wednesday interrupts, causing Rhett to still. The fact she already knew who he was and who his parents were worried him. Wednesday’s expression remained emotionless, “I know who you are. When I gathered all the names of those involved in humiliating my sister ten years ago, you were the only one who didn’t repost the video nor was a part in the act itself. You’re the only one who’s not on my list of revenge because Persephone never spoke ill of you. Considering you two are in a relationship, it must mean you are all she voiced you to be, and I would never harm someone my sister cares for. Unless, of course, you hurt her,” Wednesday tilts her head, as though to challenge Rhett, “Then I will seek what is needed to get even, Rhett Abbott.”
Before Rhett could respond, Wednesday turned around to take her seat. Giving his girlfriend a look, the cowboy made a face that read, ‘She scares me,’ to which Percy only patted his shoulder with a nod. “Come on then, lover, let us eat.” As they approached their own reserved chairs, Percy leaned over, “You'll get used to it. Eventually.”
The food was bought out and served to everyone’s plate. Percy fed Mona in between her own bites while Rhett made small talk with Gomez and Morticia. “Our daughter tells us you are quite the act at the local rodeo,” Morticia cuts into a piece of meat, “What is it you do?”
“Oh uh,” Rhett wipes his mouth with a napkin before replying, “I ride bulls, ma’am. I do the circuit—tournament when it comes ‘round.”
“Fascinating,” Gomez awes, “Have you ever been trampled, dear boy?”
“Father,” Percy warns.
“Oh my apologies,” the man places a hand to his chest, “I’m just curious after all the stories we’ve heard. Not to mention we saw Mr. Patterson’s son in a wheelchair not too long ago—said he was thrown off a bull. Marvelous animals those creatures are.”
“It’s alright,” Rhett assures, bidding Percy a glance. “But yes sir, I have a. In fact, it’s how I got this scar on my shoulder,” he pats a hand over the material of his shirt where said scar laid. “Wasn’t the first time and sure won’t be the last.”
“Why you do it then?” Pugley questioned with a mouth full of food, earning a look of disapproval from Percy.
“Cause it’s one hell of an adrenaline rush—‘scuse my language. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, darling,” Percy smiles, eyes full of mischief, “This table has heard worse than a few foul words.” Refilling her wine, she directed her attention to Wednesday. “Rhett’s niece, Amy, recently read The Prince by Machiavelli, sister. She had many questions I unfortunately could not answer, but I told her you were more suited in that area of expertise. She asked if you would be interested in having a discussion on it someday.”
“I am impressed to find there is someone else in this town with exquisite taste when it comes to classical literature,” Wednesday replies in her usual monotone voice. “I would be interested, however I am quite busy these days. Possibly once the school term ends I would be open to hearing her thoughts.”
Percy nods, glancing at Rhett who looks flabbergasted. “We’ll make sure she gets the message. Right, darling?” He just nods, mouth still agape and Percy pats his cheek lovingly. “How is your plan coming along, Wednesday? Any recent developments?”
The lips of the teenager curl up, giving her an almost sinister appearance. “Tex Garrison was arrested this morning after I emailed the evidence of his text messages with an underaged girl to the sheriff. Macy and Oliver Kilt were seen at the local divorce lawyer—Friday he received my folder compiled with all her bank statements from her hidden checking account and photographs with Brian Quinn—Brian’s wife also received a folder, but I have no update on them yet. I’m working on the main group as we speak. I’m hoping for it to be set in motion once they are all in town again.”
All those names were known to Rhett. Classmates from when he and Percy were in school. All of whom were involved in video recording the incident and posting it online for everyone to see.
Wednesday wasn’t joking when she said she had a list of everyone who played a part. And it wasn’t hard to piece together who the ‘main group’ was….with Maria as the mastermind.
‘Well shit,’ he thought, taking a large gulp of wine. It was going to be interesting what Wednesday had in store for them. Even with those who simply recorded and distributed the video, she not only fucking ruined their lives but exposed some sinister traits they were hiding. The news of Tex was surely going to spread like wildfire. Rhett made a disgusted face as he remembered the things Tex would say in class to his friends. It shouldn’t surprise him he was a piece of shit.
“Do let me know when the time comes,” Percy’s voice snapped him from his thoughts. Turning, Rhett recognized the look in her eyes. It was one of bloodlust.
He’d only seen it once, but it sure sent chills down his body whenever he thought of the memory. Two months prior they were at the rodeo and Percy was waiting for Rhett just off to the side where he would exit so they could head home for the night. Buckle bunnies would try to flirt but Rhett paid them no mind as he made his way to Percy. From where he was he could see her, dressed in denim and leather and giving him a look he knew all too well. When they made eye contact she winked, causing Rhett to quicken his pace, but before he could reach her a buddy of his cut in front to have a quick chat.
Neither saw the man approach Percy from behind with a predatory gaze. Something sharp was in his hand, a wicked grin on his face when Percy didn’t even flinch when his free hand came up to cover her mouth with the knife against her throat.
“Make a sound and I’ll cut you right here,” he whispered in her ear, unaware she was rolling her eyes. Thinking he had the upper hand he adds, “Now you’re gonna walk backward with me and turn around when I say—OW FUCK!!” Simultaneously Percy bit his hand and stomped his foot while her hand came up beneath the blade to pull his arm away. The sound alerted Rhett, his buddy, and another rider—all three snapping their gaze to witness Percy throw her head back against the man and flip him onto his back, taking his own knife in her hands to hold against his neck.
“Not so lucky now, huh?” She hissed, eyes blaring with fury that had the man nearly shit his pants. This was not the outcome he was expecting when he set his eyes on the pretty lady standing alone.
“Percy!” Rhett shouted, racing to his girlfriend who was seconds away from committing murder. He could see the knife in her hands and how close it was to the drifter's skin. One move and she would surely send him to meet his maker.
Others followed after him, one lady who was a barrel racer on the phone with 9-1-1, but Percy spoke for only the man to hear, “You were hoping to spill some blood tonight?” The question was rhetoric. It wasn’t her first rodeo dealing with scum. And this man was on a mission. If it hadn’t been her, it would’ve been another poor girl.
The drifter paled, pleading with her to take the knife away. How ironic……“I’m s-sorry! I-I—!”
“Blood will spill,” she smiled menacingly, onyx eyes staring into his soul. It was like looking the devil in the eyes, “But it’s going to be yours.” Then without hesitation, Percy brought the knife to his cheek and sliced it. Red liquid poured from the wound causing him to howl in pain. “Sleep with one eye open tonight.”
Rhett ran up to grab her while the other guys pinned the drifter down. “Baby,” he checked her for wounds, out of breath from running so fast. When he cupped her face to look at him, Rhett felt chills up his spine.
Her eyes were so dark he could hardly make out the pupils, and her face was void of emotion. Nothing but bloodlust was present.
It almost scared him to see her like that. Percy was normally warm in nature when it came to him. He’d never seen her so cold. How she appeared was likely how she was when she took revenge on Maria. It was a chilling scene.
But Rhett was more infuriated with the man getting handcuffed by the on duty officer at the rodeo who was waiting for backup. A nasty cut, courtesy of Percy, was on his face. It was so deep he was going to need stitches.
“You fuckin’ piece of shit,” Rhett went to approach but was held back by a few riders. “Think you can just threaten my woman like that? Ya lucky it’s only ya face that got sliced,” he pointed a finger at the bastard, “Knowing what you probably had planned I should’ve just let her finish you off. Lord knows she can and would have.” Rhett paused to spit on the drifter, “Bet you didn’t fuckin’ expect that, huh? Serves you right for tryin’ to do harm to a lady.”
The drifter was hauled into the back of a police car, Rhett going to Percy to take her in his arms. She wasn’t shaking or anything which concerned Rhett. Surely after being attacked she would be shaken to her core.
“I’m fine, darling,” It was like she could read his mind. “I’m right here. Nothing happened to me.”
His lips pressed against her head, “But somethin’ could’ve happened. That drifter tried to hurt you, Percy. I don’t care if it’s over with, that still scared the fuck outta me. I was right there and didn’t see the bastard walkin’ up to you.”
“I have good reflexes, Rhett Abbott,” she lightly teased, “I knew he was behind me. His smell was too overpowering.”
Tilting her jaw up, Rhett took a sharp breath. Though her smirk was teasing, her eyes told a different story. Glancing to the officer walking up to them, probably needing to take Percy’s statement, Rhett leaned in to whisper, “What’re you thinking right now?”
Percy remained collected, “Do you know what plausible deniability is?”
“I know it means to be willfully ignorant because you don’t know the actual details of something which can keep you from gettin’ in trouble.” Catching the shift in her expression Rhett adds, “Why?”
“Do you trust me?”
The officer was about fifteen steps away, but Percy kept her eyes on him, waiting for his answer. Rhett moved his lips to kiss the top of her cheekbone, “with my life.”
He didn’t know what she was cooking up for that drifter, but Rhett wanted nothing but for him to experience hell for what he tried to do. Percy smiled, though nothing about it was warm, “I’ve got it handled, darling. Don’t you worry.”
The next morning while Rhett was fixing to head to the barn he was stopped by Sheriff Joy, who looked at him with slight suspicion. “That drifter who attacked Persephone Addams last night was rushed to the hospital this morning.”
“What for?” He asked nonchalantly, shrugging his jacket on.
Joy leaned against the side of her vehicle. “Torture wounds. Pieces of his skin were flayed off, cigarette burns to his face, and it looked like he was bit by several venomous spiders. Black widows to be exact.” Rhett remained stoic, though part of him wished he could smirk.
Persephone Addams strikes again.
“I hear you and Addams are rather close.”
Rhett raised a brow, “yeah. And?” The whole damn town knew they were together.
“Would you mind telling me where you two went after last night’s incident?” Joy looked around to see if she could spot the Addams family car. “You two were seen leaving together.”
“What’s this gotta to do with what happened to that drifter, Sheriff?” Rhett saw her faultetr at his bluntness, but he wasn’t gonna let her come accusing them of something she had no proof of.
And he knew she didn’t have proof. Percy made sure of that.
Joy hesitated then said, “our security system was hacked into around three in the morning. None of our officers' key cards were used to get into the cell the drifter was held in and our night shift guard was rendered unconscious with chloroform. The system got back up at five just before the shift change. The guy claims he didn’t see who was torturing him—they blindfolded, bound, and gagged him before he could even react. Know anything—or someone who is capable of doing something like that?”
“Obviously not, sheriff,” Rhett scoffed, looking dead in her eyes. “Don’t really associate myself with those types of people. You know?”
“Look, Rhett,” Joy raised a hand, “I’m not trying to accuse you two of anything—.”
“Well it sure sounds like it.”
She made a face at the interruption, “but this drifter pulled a knife on your girl—who proceeded to give him a nasty cut when she shockingly managed to overpower him—.”
“She’s overpowered me plenty of times,” Rhett commented, biting back a smirk. “My baby knows a thing or two about self defense. Maybe she can teach your deputies a thing or two—.”
“My point,” she snaps with a glare, “is I know Persephone Addams has a thing for black widows and there’s rumors she’s done plenty to people who’ve wronged her. The drifter needed stitches with how deep she cut into him and I know all about what happened with Maria Olivares ten years ago.”
“Those charges were dropped, Joy,” Rhett interrupts, tone rising with anger. “It ain’t fair for you to be using that against Percy when you damn well know what Maria and the others did. And why the fuck are you faulting her for cuttin’ that drifter when he was fixin’ to kidnap her! If she hadn’t fought back who knows what the fuck could’ve happened or what if he chose some other poor girl as his target. A blind man could see what he was plannin’ to do,” Rhett shakes his head, “You’d be dealin’ with a whole different situation, Joy.”
That had her speechless, the officer bringing a hand up to caress her jaw. Rhett had a point and she knew it. But still, as much as she agreed with him and didn’t blame Percy for cutting the man last night, she was still an officer of the law. The drifter was tortured under their custody and they have no idea who did it. She had a job to do. “Rhett, I promise you nothing will come to Percy in regards to what happened at the rodeo. She was in the right and it was self defense, and the bastard is going to prison. But I just need to know where you two were after you left so I can clear you both.”
Rhett took a deep breath remaining silent. Then before she could ask what the fuck he was thinking Rhett removed his hat, jacket and began untucking his shirt. “Wha-what are you doing?”
“Showin’ you what we were up to last night when we got back,” the shirt was removed and Rhett turn to display the array of scratch marks on his back. The ones his lady were responsible for after they spent hours in bed. There were also some on his chest from when she was on top at times.
“Jesus Christ,” Joy looked away after getting a good look. “Why are you showing me that?”
Rhett shrugged, pulling the shirt back on. “Thought it was better than to say, ‘I fucked her on every surface until the sun rose and her voice was gone from how much she screamed,’. Or would that have been better for you, Sheriff?”
At that moment Joy received a text from her deputy saying Percy’s cell phone pinged at the tower closest to the Abbott ranch all night and there were no fingerprints left behind at the station that matched hers.
The deputy also relayed that when he stopped by the antique store for her alibi, that Percy showed him the various love bites courtesy of Rhett and that her voice was in fact hoarse that she could barely say words.
Yeah Joy didn’t have much to go with after that. She took her leave very quickly, but there was something about the whole situation that still left an odd feeling in her stomach. But unfortunately for her, there was no physical or even circumstantial evidence besides suspicion that would help her case.
One point, Persephone Addams.
Rhett hoped he’d never see that look of bloodlust in Percy’s eyes again, but knew if he did it was because the person her mind was set on deserved it. Seeing it at the dinner table of her family home proved that. Wednesday was planning something for Maria and the ones who played a key role in humiliating Persephone, something they sure would not be ready for.
Just like that drifter was not ready for what laid in store for him when he targeted the oldest Addams.
A coin is flipped when one meets a member of the Addams family. All they can do is pray it lands on the right side.
Addams!OC taglist: @endofdays56
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talenlee · 7 months
'These Two Provinces Should Kiss'
Let me talk to you about Cobrin’Seil, a big country, a big war, and something gay.
In Cobrin’Seil there are essentially two nations that represent the cultural normal. One, the Eresh Protectorate is widely distributed and shares culture freely with almost everyone, and typically only refuses to show up if you tell them not to. The Eresh Protectorate presents a sort of progressive vision of culture, of how nations ‘should’ be, and their counterpart, the other largest country in the world, is Dal Raeda. Dal Raeda is enormous — sometimes glibly called ‘a hundred days ride, side to side.’
It’s also a comparatively conservative nation, with old structures and rules in place, an entrenched noble class, and actual factual feudalism being the organisation system of several provinces within living memory. Feudalism is over, ostensibly, since the birth of the last King, who reformed the legal system to consider rights to belong to people first, and land second, and that was a novel philosophical position that just also coincided with the aftermath of other reforms in other countries almost a century beforehand. It wasn’t even the King’s fault – his father is the one who made the reforms, setting them up to kick in with the birth of his son, to coincide with a New Era.
The new era didn’t actually change that much.
Still, it means Dal Raeda is a nation that has been undergoing extensive reforms for basically the last lifetime. If you live in Dal Raeda, you’ve seen magical street lights appear in most cities, floating and alarmed eternal lights hovering over the roads. You’ve watched trained bards travel to small villages and start teaching kids how to read, with central government backing. You may have even seen the building of church apothecaries, an official building where clerics can come and minister the sick and unwell with no expectation of payment. It’s slow, it’s not like the integration of these systems in other countries, though. Dal Raeda has street lights – it doesn’t have the trains yet.
While the Eresh Protectorate is a dynamic set of city states where the legal code can be updated on the fly thanks to an active judiciary and division of powers, Dal Raeda is organised on a slow set of treaties and noble titles, dividing the country up into the Great Provinces, and the noble families that run them by right of birth. Sort of. There’s some asterisks in that tidy organisation. The list of provinces, in order of ‘least important to this conversation’ to ‘actually matters after the background intro is done,’
Brin Proper, the capital city which is technically its own Province
Virret Keep, a single castle which claims ownership of all the river networks and islands of the country (which means it’s technically, run by a Castellan).
Theilan, an island province off the coast, which was founded around a guild of assassins
Willowsebb, a heavily forested area with a strong druidic tradition
Glotharen, who brought a note from its parents to be ignored in the list
Danube, the only province with a (typical) land border
Sanders, the military powerhouse of the nation, and probably the most traditional place, and one of the two subjects of this piece.
Now, these are setting components that have existed since I invented them as a teenager, when the place was called Kyngdom. They have leaders, and I have done a good job of not centering them when talking about the places; I think that a leader-first vision of locations runs the risk of turning countries and states into subordinate narratives of the individuals running them, a sort of Great Man History problem. Some of these leaders have names, but largely, it’s not important thanks to
Thanks to the presence of Brin Proper, as a hub in the centre of the country, Sanders and Danube are the two large mainland provinces that don’t share a border. The border they don’t have isn’t actually very large – it’s a city. You can walk around the outside of the city to reach the gap and sure it’s a two day walk, but it’s not like these two provinces are really distant from one another in geographical terms. But much is made of the fact that they don’t have a border, that they are the ‘near distants’ – because Sanders’ capital is near the coast and Danube’s capital is almost the opposite side of the country, near the land border.
These two countries, so near, but that cannot touch, because of the confines and demands of the royal city, and its proprietry; this, too, is yuri.
Anyway, back when I made these provinces, I’m pleasantly surprised to find that I made both these leaders women. That doesn’t sound like much but I was a kid, and I know I still tend towards defaulting male for NPCs. I have done the math on what a majority female cast of characters feels like for me and I know my judgment on it is bad. Anyway, of the seven leaders of Provinces, two are definitely women, and they are Dux Sanders and the Marquess Danube.
Dux Sanders is the knightly imperator of the Sanders province. Sanders has a large standing military, a holdover from when the province quartered the national army. Sanders also has the Sanders Stable, an enormously powerful independent organisation within the country, which does not sell horses – it lets you pay to caretake a horse. Sanders horses are horses that are so respected and valued for their skill, prowess and endurance that if you die, with that horse, the stables comes back and repossess it. The stables performs true resurrections on horses that have passed before their natural ends.
Dux Sanders is a tower of a woman; almost seven feet tall, she ensures she is seen in public almost at all times wearing at least partial armour; breastplate and cuirass. She is blonde, with hair that she normally wears braided around the back of her head, and is typically described as handsome. In a society that still has a number of chauvinist trends, in the most traditional part of it, she holds onto the power of her province through a sort of performative knightly masculinity. Stern and powerful, demanding and assertive, she is every bit a duke as the other former dukes, hence rejecting the title Duchess.
Danube on the other side of the country is smaller, by a significant margin, and it is known as the trade hub of Dal Raeda. It can trade with Eresh — not just the Eresh Protectorate, but Eresh itself — and this trade has brought with it technology like magecraft, guns, trains and interactions with the Great Tradehouses. Marquess Danube on the other hand could best be described as a ‘Rapier Girl.’ Her aesthetic is much more that of a French duelist; hat, ruffled shirt, sword at the hip. There are all sorts of arcane bylaws about her that protect her position, and she’s even trying modernising democracy within Danube.
The laws for war inside Dal Raeda have a bunch of clauses, which mean that it’s not just a matter of Sanders asserting its superior military over everyone. These laws are silly and foolish to any modern vision of war, and Danube even is building to prepare for a time when military rules are different. I mean, you can’t have the biggest military just automatically win, that’s basically saying the largest population wins, that’s no better than rank democracy. Danube’s rapidly modernising edge and Sanders’ immense army are very clearly seen as the two major powers that are going to clash, and decide who is the next monarch of Dal Raeda.
And all of this is to say, all of this and this description and this amateur geography about a country that is very close to Generic Fantasy Kingdom Kingdom, in the context of Cobrin’Seil, is that after introducing these political figures to my players, and explaining the tension between these provinces, a common thread comes up:
“They’re girlfriends, right?”
And like… this is the structure, isn’t it? Two estates, alike but unalike, competing and conflicting. Two women, doing the best for their obligations as best they can. Alienated from everyone around them, even at their own level of immense privilege. They’re even positioned to do a kind of duel!
Who knows how this story goes.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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invisible-key · 1 year
Hi!! Happy Sunday Sickness!
Okay, my first question is who are your OCs? Gush ahead, I wanna know everything (or everything you want to tell us rn)
Awww, thank you, that's so nice of you! <3
Ahahahahah that's a VERY broad question! XD I have like a hundred OCs altho I have only mentioned two of them on this blog since I remade it like a week ago. I have plently of OCs in my sfw stories (I write mostly psychological fantasy), but I don't use all of them for writing kink stories... And then I have a set of OCs that I made specifically for fetish stories. (I thought that if I make fetish OCs, I will stop having the tendency to come up with emeto scenes in my sfw stories. It... did not work as planned. Okay it probably helped to some extent but not as much as I hoped. XD) So now I have a bunch of OCs who are emetophiles themselves. I have... *counts on her fingers* ... at least eight. Yeah it's a lot. XD
I will introduce my main four emetophilic OCs in this post.
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Age: 20-26 (in most fics)
Height: 176 cm (5‘ 9“)
Kinks: emetophilia, asphyxiation, omorashi
Bernie is a pretty simple-minded guy, he just wants to have fun and enjoy life as much as possible. His favourite hobbies are drawing, watching anime, cooking (and then eating the yummy food XD), and, of couse, making himself puke. He has a hard time holding a job, which is why he lives with his mom. He only has part-time jobs from time to time, and he sells art commissions for additional income. He’s a digital artist and he’s either drawing weird fetish comics or cute anime fanarts. (Not both at the same time. He has two separate blogs for sfw and nsfw art. xD)
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Age: 22-25 (in most fics)
Height:  178 cm (5‘ 10“)
Kinks: he’s a masochist and he’ll go along with a lot of stuff that Brin wants to do, but his favourite is emetophilia
Trey is a young guy who became homeless after running away from an abusive wife, and he started working at a strip club to get by. He’s a pretty melancholic guy and probably quite intelligent, but he never got secondary education because his family was poor. Now he’s just doing kinky stuff to forget about his problems.
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Age: early 30s
Height: 165 cm (5‘ 4“)
Kinks: emetophilia, omorashi, stuffing, „softcore“ scat (mostly poop desperation/messing, not something extreme like eating scat or something)
Trey's "partner" (as in sexual and not romantic partner). He met Trey on a BDMS forum and he offered to be his mentor and introduce him to BDSM play. They didn’t do bodily fluids stuff at first but Trey knew from Brin’s profile that he is into it so he asked him to show it to him. And he ended up liking it. (Disclaimer: I don’t actually know that much about BDSM so I won’t be writing about it, I focus on the bodily fluids stuff. XD)
Brin is actually really kind and caring despite being a dom… He’s also kind of a clean freak despite being into super unhygienic kinks. XD
He secretly has a crush on Trey, despite the fact that they have established their relationship as purely sexual (and friendly) and not romantic…
Also he loves motorcycles and he changes his hair color every few months (but only natural colors like blond, brown, black and their combinations).
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Age: late 30s
Height: 167 cm (5‘ 5“)
Kinks: emetophilia, kinda into omorashi too
Bernie’s (ex)boyfriend. (He breaks up with him in the course of the story. In truth, they were only „dating“ because they have the same fetish, but there was no romance between them. So they were more like friends with benefits, but they called each other „boyfriends“ because they didn’t want to explain to people that they’re only meeting because they both have a vomit fetish…)
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theretirementstory · 1 year
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Bonjour tout le monde, as I am still in hospital the photos are from years gone by. The above photo was taken at 07:40 on 9 September 2018, when I was still a relative “newbie” to Bar-sur-Aube. Being out and about that early in the morning was not something that I usually did but I had taken the car to the garage and as the morning was so nice decided to take some photos.
So back to this week in 2023. I have been pumped full of strong chemotherapy, had that for six days. Had a rest from treatment on Thursday, then on Friday the stem cells they “harvested” from me in Paris a few weeks ago, were reintroduced to my body. The plan is for them to start reproducing good cells to get me fit and well again.
Don’t for one minute think that I have been idling in bed all of the time, oh no! I have been up dancing, imitating jobs I do at home, such as washing up, pegging washing outside, it’s all movement and I need to keep “on the move”. There is an exercise bike in my room for the same purpose, so when the “sports coach” comes again on Monday I am going to get on the bike and try some cycling. He came to see me on Friday to put me through my paces, we discovered I am not a flamingo, I cannot stand on one leg without wobbling, the next challenge was rising and sitting on a chair with arms crossed over my chest, I wasn’t too bad at that one, then he told me to march on the spot for 2 minutes 😳, I had to admit that the “spot” did seem to change location but I did it for 2 minutes. We will see what delights he comes up with on Monday.
Oh yes, it was quite an important day on Friday not just for the transfusion but because I celebrated my birthday. Not for a long time have I wished that I had had a slice of rich fruit cake, topped with marzipan and royal icing, I am salivating just thinking about it. I do think that when I am fit and well one of the first things I will be doing is making my Xmas cake!
I had visitors, Monique on Monday bringing with her another pack of pains au lait for my breakfasts. Unfortunately I have finished that packet too and as foods have to be wrapped it’s not possible to eat bread just biscottes. Those are like mini toast and are rather too “crunchy” for me to enjoy, but it’s food I can eat, unlike a lot of the other meals. On Wednesday I had a surprise when Nadine, a friend I don’t see too often, said she was coming to Troyes and would it be ok to visit. She stayed for perhaps 30 minutes but it was good to see her and she was pleased I looked so well.
Of course, “The Daddy” has been in touch to find out how I am feeling and to give encouragement for keeping moving. As a family, we all know what the chemotherapy did to my body last time and we don’t want a repeat of that.
“The Trainee Solicitor” and “The Psychology Graduate” have been in regular contact. I guess it must be hard for my family to go about their normal everyday work lives while thinking about their Mum hundreds of miles away, to be honest I have put myself into the hands of the professionals so there are no real worries for me, I am in the best place.
My grandchildren are with “The Daddy” this weekend. They are adorable but at 5 and 2 years you can imagine they are a bit of a handful, especially the youngest one. I know when my granddaughter was at my house in April, she was easy to keep occupied, but it is the continuous questions that children ask and the fact that there was “noise” in my normally quiet home that can be hard to deal with when you live alone. Not that that would put me off having my family come to stay. I have had a video call with my grandchildren, they were sitting in a box which to them was an aeroplane they were flying off on some great adventure. Imaginative play is such a wonderful thing.
Now to the records I have chosen this week, the first one is back to 1973, Midnight At The Oasis by Maria Muldaur. This record was released five years before I visited an oasis (not at midnight) it brings back wonderful memories of fantastic holidays. The lady will celebrate her birthday this coming week. My second choice is Will You? By Hazel O’Connor dating back to 1981. I love this song for the music especially the saxophone. I hope you like this section and take the time to listen if you don’t already know the songs.
A friend is celebrating her birthday today, I sent her a message. We met at work in the long hot summer of ´76 and it’s good that we are still in touch in 2023.
Another photo from over a year ago, my visit to Strasbourg.
Have a good week……….until the next time!
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mariacallous · 2 years
I meet Malcolm Harris, voice of millennials and anti-capitalist crusader, at a Brooklyn coffee shop, suggested by his publicist for a book-tour interview. He goes for a guava croissant along with his $3.75 drip. He hints this is not an endorsement of a bourgeoisie micro-luxury, but an ironic jab at the media tycoons of Condé Nast who are picking up the tab.
Harris, a spry 34, is generating considerable buzz with his book, Palo Alto. He knows the town and the tech industry it sits at the heart of well. He grew up there, was schooled there, and even learned journalism at Palo Alto High School under Esther Wojcicki, mother of the (recently retired) YouTube CEO Susan and former mother-in-law of Sergey Brin. His antitrust lawyer father took on Microsoft in a major trademark case in the mid-aughts. But as an author, Harris is less into forging a first draft of history than using research to promote his preexisting point of view. “It’s not a work of journalism,” he says of his book. “It's a Marxist history.” 
Whatever you call it, Palo Alto is epic—an unrelenting 700-page indictment of capitalism, California, and the town that railroad baron Leland Stanford named in 1876 to honor a tall tree that still stands, and soon after made the home of his new university, which still dominates the region. Some might view Harris’ book as a companion piece to another doorstop-sized chunk of tech rejection, Shoshana Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. But Harris thinks Zuboff’s book overemphasized the surveillance part and went too easy on the capitalism. “It doesn’t really get to the global political economy,” he says. 
Harris’s book gets there, in spades. In his sprawling, colloquial narrative, history isn’t a sloppy progression but a nefarious plot serving capitalism’s theft of people’s labor and dignity. His touchstone is the system by which Leland Stanford bred racehorses, which combined genetics with a novel emphasis on pushing horses to run faster at an earlier age than was the custom. (Kind of like Move Fast and Take Things.) Harris applies this “Palo Alto System” as a metaphor throughout, branding everything from venture capital to Tiger Woods’ training methods as inhumane descendents of Stanford’s original sin. Of course, one might argue that, having been nurtured in the town’s famed school system and its tech community, Harris—a deft wordsmith and an effective marketer—is himself a product of the Palo Alto System.
Harris has no problems digging up more villains than a thousand Marvel-verses. There’s Stanford, of course, and the first president of the university he founded, David Starr Jordan, who allegedly murdered Stanford’s widow. (At least that’s what Harris thinks.) The university’s early psychology pioneer Lewis Terman not only promoted eugenics-based IQ tests, we learn, but also slept with his students. Harris even attacks well-meaning leftists like congressman/activist Allard Lowenstein for working too deeply inside the system. (Harris heaps scorn on the Grateful Dead wing of the protest movement; he’s the guy at the SDS meeting who screams at the stoners in the back of the room.) More recent scoundrels include Silicon Valley’s vaunted founders. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are smelly “jerks,” he says, but “more meaningful as personifications of impersonal social forces.”
Harris has a genuine supervillain, though, in William Shockley, the Nobel-winning physicist. Shockley, father of the transistor, Stanford professor, and founder of a Silicon Valley semiconductor company, was a racist bully who fully deserves Harris’ one-word summation: asshole. 
Hold on, I say to Harris, wasn’t Shockley such an outlier that his nastiness led eight of his brilliant engineers to abandon him and start their own company, Fairchild, and from there populate the Valley with other upstarts like Intel? Wouldn’t that mean that the modern system of VCs funding startups—and ultimately, companies like Apple and Google— was based on a counterreaction to the white-supremecist ethos that Harris finds tucked away in every corner of his hometown? Harris pushes back on that theory. “They made chips for bombs!” he says of the “traitorous eight.” 
But for all his verbiage, Harris falls short when it comes to proposing remedies for the wage exploitation, racism, ecological carnage, and suicides he sees rippling outward from Palo Alto. He doesn’t provide a prescription for ending capitalism, short of waiting for its horrors to reach a point when ragtag survivors will finally pull the plug on it. He does have an idea how to fix Palo Alto, though.
Brightening as he speaks of the concept, he wants Stanford to return its 8,000-acre campus to the 614 people recognized as remaining members of the Ohlone, which once indigenously prowled that very turf. It’s a tall order, he admits. But giving back the campus, all of it—the football stadium, the Hoover Tower, the palm trees, the hospital, the Memorial Church, the classrooms, the buildings named after Gates and other capitalists who donated some of their ill-gotten gains to the university—is “low hanging fruit,” he tells me. I opined that this was fruit even higher than the tallest branch of the Palo Alto tree. Even Harris admits that the university is unlikely to embrace his idea.
I’m actually in agreement with a lot of Harris’ critiques of systems that reward harmful market power (and of course I am with him in condemning shameful behavior toward people who are from indigenous communities, Black, or Asian). While proponents of the status quo claim that Silicon Valley is the engine of wealth creation, income inequality is worse than ever, with the Bay Area a case in point. But my preferred solution is to constrain capitalism rather than employ Karl Marx’s playbook. I realize that significant change is difficult when the most destructive forces have the money and power to thwart reform.
But while we struggle to improve conditions for those not lucky enough to afford Palo Alto’s Craftsman homes, can’t we at least acknowledge that some of the technological benefits that have sprung from the system, tainted as it is by over-rewarded founders and exploited workers, have made our lives easier and richer? Even the scary technology of the moment, generative AI, has potential to perform amazing services for all walks of life.
Harris will have none of this. In a typical passage in Palo Alto he writes, “There’s no emerging artificial superintelligence that will automatically arbitrate the thoughts and claims of people. There is just capitalism, an impersonal system that acts through people toward the increasing accumulation of capital, the amassing of exploiting value.” Iconic words from the guy whose previous book was called Shit is Fucked Up and Bullshit. 
Before we break, I ask Harris if he has a favorite gadget or service. Is there something that has emerged from the evil Palo Alto System that has brought him joy? He sheepishly pulls out his Android phone and shows me Recorder, a Google app for capturing and transcribing conversations in real time. He shows me how it captures a dialog and even identifies different speakers.
My first impulse is to agree that this is an unalloyed marvel. But then I recall a Google gambit of some years ago. In 2007, the company released a service whereby dialing 1-800-GOOG-411 from a cell phone or even a landline would connect you to free voice-based directory assistance that helped you find local businesses. While this ad-free service seemed like a miraculous freebie, it was actually a way for Google to capture millions of human voice interactions to train its algorithms. Users weren’t getting something from Google—they were giving something to Google. Once the company had what it needed, it discontinued the service. I imagine that the Recorder transcription app might be doing the same kind of thing for Google right now—exploiting our labors in the guise of helping us out. Still, despite its agenda, the service seems damn useful. So much so that it’s impressed even the most unforgiving of anti-capitalists. As does the guava croissant. “Pretty good!” says the Marxist.
Time Travel
Harris rejects the popular narrative that the hippies started a computer revolution. But as he knows from reading my book Hackers (which he generously cites in Palo Alto), some pioneers of the personal computer had their roots firmly embedded in the anti-war movement. I wrote extensively about one of them, Homebrew Computer Club moderator Lee Felsenstein, who also designed the famous Osborne computer, the first portable.
Lee dropped out of Berkeley in 1967, and began alternating between electronics jobs and work in the movement. In 1968, he joined the underground Berkeley Barb as the newspaper’s “military editor.” Joining the company of such other writers as Sergeant Pepper and Jefferson Fuck Poland, Lee wrote a series of articles evaluating demonstrations—not on the basis of issues, but on organization, structure, confirmation to an elegant system …
He insisted that demonstrations should be executed as cleanly as logic circuits defined by the precise schematics he still revered. He praised demonstrators when they smashed “the right windows” (banks, not small businesses). He advocated attack only to draw the enemy out. He called the bombing of a draft board “refreshing.” His column called “Military Editor’s Household Hints” advised: “Remember to turn your stored dynamite every two weeks in hot weather. This will prevent the nitroglycerin from sticking …”
Felsenstein had his effect. During the trial of the Oakland Seven, defense attorney Malcolm Burnstein said, “We shouldn’t have these defendants here … it should have been Lee Felsenstein.”
Ask Me One Thing
Simon asks, “Which of the FAANG companies do you think is most at risk of being caught on the back foot by new and emerging tech?”
Great question, Simon. A lot has been made of Google being jarred by Microsoft’s quick embrace of OpenAI’s technology. (And by the way, the FAANG acronym needs an M in there—Microsoft’s market cap trails only Apple’s among tech firms.) But Google has been working on these and other exotic technologies for years. Speaking of Apple, one may question why its Siri assistant can’t converse as eloquently as those new chatbots from OpenAI and others. But I don’t think that will affect the company’s business much. The long-term threat to Apple is that augmented reality devices will replace the need for screens, like the ones in iPhones and Macs—and that’s exactly why Tim Cook and company are exploring AR glasses.
Meta, though it does have a considerable investment in AI, has a unique problem among the tech elite: No matter how good generative AI is, the company’s core mission is to connect people, not to connect people to well-versed robots. So that’s a problem. 
But since you use the “N” in your grouping, let me throw out this curveball. Maybe the entire entertainment industry will be disrupted when AI makes it possible for anyone to generate things like fantastic movie-length videos from prompts or an engine that translates words to visual scenes. Google already has an experiment along these lines. In the long term, one might even imagine that you could cast these productions with representations of living human actors (assuming they will license their images). This might be bad news for Netflix, unless the company gets ahead of that curve.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
We have to help our son here he is in dire straits and they keep saying it too nothing for him and that kind of stuff we are going to have to eliminate them more rapidly and they're in the way of everything happening to such mopes but hypercritical that is kids think that they're fine where they are and I don't like it I'm trying telling them and has their father is saying no they're at me and they're after me and they say it's not as hard as others would be and say that's a good way to force us to actually do a job that needs to be done so we switch out and train I'm bringing more until the sea is true and they did see it's true and recently here it's true that these are a danger and I've been learning it the hard way and they see us working and they are amazed so it's a good way to do it and he didn't say to watch out for us to see what we're doing they figured out why it's happening and that's a good way to do it. So now they see they're a liability and after them very hard and this guy is a pain and they've been hearing their fathers say get rid of him and they are listening except all of them are listening now and it's been tough and other groups too you don't want these people near you so they're being assassinated everywhere and it's going to only grow when they see this mess here it's going to get much bigger and brings me to this point
-it's not trial time yet but it's only 50 minutes away and in that time John remillard says he can capture in four times and he hasn't captured him ever as a matter of fact he gets kicked out of his car and stupid things like that and the guys are moron and I don't want to hear him I'll listen to him I want him out it's going to happen shortly we're going after his people and we're going to start doing things we said we can't do and our son and daughter have been pushing for this guy has it in for us or something we need to light him up and we're going to do it right now we are shipping Chrysler supercars to Africa. It's a perfect time garth and his will be blamed and they will fight over there over them and the money is with the trumps banking and such and keeps it away from the max. It's a good idea is working with other vehicles but this vehicle is prime and there were chassis and bodies and we put them together and we leave the crappy part out. That is only like 900,000 of them which is true that's enough to start and we're going to begin production and they've made a bunch they say millions and it sort of get the idea and they said boy that's a good idea and they are going to go at it with this imbecile and we're making them for ourselves too and he says that's the whole motif but he gets it though they're going over there and we're going to use the idiots to take them and the banks and goo and oya are doing that work. And they are going to make sure it works right now they think it's good for them and they won't very much longer but that's what they're like and we're going to send some to South America and other places like it like the Middle East and some to Pakistan and India and China and Russia Russia is a good one we know where to send it and it might start a war but we're going to call it quell it and we need them out of the way they're nuisance. Right now the trumpsters are going after the clones no they're not doing that and not many are and it's very lame and the empire is getting their way foreigners however are going after the ships and we are too and there might be several launches happening today there are some the other day and these idiots can't figure it out they're going after ships that are not there so bright they are it's a huge deal that they're so stupid we have a spot for John remillard and it's the exo suit now it's really a robot general grievous and we know where it is it's in Tunis and bjA is holding it from Trump.
-there's some more things science we can do we have a huge fight here it's broiling already and they're not even in court and bja is bringing them to court and it's going to find them guilty but today the trials are beginning and they were astonished that the idiot was doing it and there's still astonished and then what amount and now they want him out and now they know how it feels . Going to start beating on this idiot Trump now and he is going down the river and they're going to hold the trial and he has to set bail and a lot of times they don't accept it here cuz they say his checks bounce and a lot of times checks do bounce
-couple other things is damn ugly here and it's going to get much uglier and he says finally and we do know what he means we're going to have to recognize it as a big problem into a damn thing all day and a bunch of mooches and scum and they suck really bad and we're sending in units now and we're getting information and we need a lot more right now I'm ordering it but we need a lot of people
Thor Freya
This sucks the same things so hard and they're just disgusting and people have to come in and listen it's gross
Zues I'm just about to go in the warpath no I am we're going to come in here and butcher them and the two Halloween movies are still running shortly they will stop and it's because they getting broiled in war
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nickgerlich · 1 year
A Place I Want To Visit
Well, it’s about time.
How’s that again, DrG?
It was back on the 4th of September 1998 that Google launched. No one knew then that the upstart search engine would become not just a household word but a verb in its own right. Founded in a garage like so many other tech start-ups, it crushed its multiple competitors by simply doing the job best. It’s hard to argue with the jury of public opinion, as well as consumer choice.
So powerful is Google that it has about a 90% share of the search market, and has attracted DOJ scrutiny. But that’s a story for another time, because our focus today is that Google finally got around to doing something it should have done years ago: open a visitor center. Actually, it is more than just that, as it includes a cafe and retail store. It’s all at their corporate headquarters in Mountain View California.
And while visitors won’t be able to peak into the nerve center behind the curtain to see Googlers in their native habitat, it should suffice to at least let folks feel like they are welcome at the brand that has become so deeply entrenched in everyone’s lives.
Who knows, people may also leave money. Those shiny new phones, door bells, and digital home assistants may be hard to resist.
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Now please know that I am not saying Google should plunge into retail. Actually, last year it opened a store in New York City, so its big toe is already in those waters. But Google knows nothing about retail, unlike Apple, which has long been a symbol of marketing success in that arena. There’s always a crowd inside an Apple Store. Microsoft tried and failed to emulate Apple’s success, and I bet Google would flop similarly were it to open a slew of shops across the land.
But a Visitor Center? That’s golden. The very phrase sounds welcoming. Of course, it’s not like you’re going to meet Sergey Brin or Larry Page as they grab a coffee, but it will no doubt evoke warm fuzzies. It’s almost like going to Tupperware headquarters in Orlando, because who among us doesn’t have at least one of their bomb-proof plastic storage containers in their cabinet?
This is also a shrewd move given the DOJ investigation, even though Google swears they have had this thing cooking for a while on a back burner. It shows a level of transparency at a time when others swear Google’s opacity is evidence of their guilt. Visitors may not see much, but at least they see something.
As for the retail, once again I must say that whenever any company ventures into uncharted waters thinking their good name will keep them floating along merrily in the current, they better be watching for icebergs. Retail is a very different animal, and Apple was lucky to find the secret sauce and run with it. I don’t think there is anywhere near the demand for Google products that there is for Apple’s.
Here is the difference. Google is a service that happens to dabble in hardware. Apple is hardware with just a smidge of homegrown software. When you say Apple, you think of phones, laptops, ear pods, and the like. When you say Google, you think of search. It’s hard to package and sell that.
Still, next time I find myself in Silicon Valley, count me in. This will become a pop culture shrine for many, even if all they buy is a t-shirt. It will be the national park of search. Let the pros handle the real retail, and have just enough on display to satisfy visitor curiosities.
And as for Google, maybe they can keep the DOJ off their back for another 25 years.
Dr “A fridge Magnet Would Also Be Nice” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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hotgirl5040 · 1 year
How To Get Google Jobs from Home Online
 I really enjoy making money online which helps me to ensure my online income. I need to share some ideas about online business opportunities through this blog and I have to give some tips to the people which may help you all. I will try to give an idea about Google jobs from home online. Why should we make money? Most people need to know about online business but they could not know the way of money-making ideas.  If you want to know about online business then you can get it through search engines or blogs or forums to get real online business systems.
Google jobs from Home online
We would like to introduce our Part Time Jobs blog which helps us to know about part-time jobs from home without investment.  Also, we try to discuss part-time job availability in the world because we just need to give the system which must help us to make money. We need to share our ideas about online jobs from home without investment and we also expect more freelance job opportunities through our blog which also makes your ideas about online business systems. We have another discussion about Google jobs from home online which are also having nice business opportunities for in future.  Now We need to discuss scams in online jobs, data entry jobs, and part-time jobs to be discussed here.  Google jobs from Home online
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Google has been repeatedly listed as one of the best companies to work for by Fortune magazine. Google jobs from home online and change the world  Engineers looking for a job should consider posting a position on Google's job chat. Every year, Google creates products and services to promote future financial growth, which means that it will continue even in the current economic situation. Fortune magazine stepped in by listing Google as one of the 100 best places to work in 2008. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin as part of a research project at Leland Stanford University. Dr. Eric Schmidt became CEO in August 2001 and in 2004 the company went public and reached a valuation of $23 billion.  As of September 2008, Google has 20,123 employees at various levels in companies around the world. From India to Switzerland, Google wants to understand the experience of every internet user from a cultural perspective. You might also like: Easy Call Center Jobs Required position  Google is hiring software engineers, project managers, network administrators, human resources managers, and sales and marketing professionals. Candidates should be able to highlight their past achievements and gain some knowledge of Google's services and products before the interview. According to Google's work ethic, "Happier people are more productive". This forces Google to focus more on the interests of its users. Google wants to state that the users do not work for the company, but that the company works for the users. Here are some reasons why every graduate should try Google Jobs from home online. Why should you try Google Jobs? Profits are like free food  One big advantage Google has is its free feed. About 200 recipes are served in Google Cafes every day. A variety of options from vegetarian dishes, organic food, and ethnic food from around the world. The best matter is that all are totally free of charge. Even when you go for an interview at Google, you can also enjoy free food. There is no workplace, but a university. Many Googlers start working right out of college. So unlike other companies, walking into the Googleplex feels like walking into a college campus. The Mountain View Googleplex has one million square feet. Think about how big a stadium is two and a half years old; it's Googleplex. Google Home has different names. This name includes 'π' (pi). Bicycles are parked in the building to get around the school grounds. No "size limit"  It may seem strange. Some multinational companies require strict dress codes in their work schools. Even in some universities, t-shirts and jeans are not allowed. They argue that students should follow the same dress code as the company. But on Google, there is no specific dress code. Employees can wear whatever they feel comfortable wearing. Listen to millions of heartbeats. Think! The product you are working on will reach millions of people. isn't it scary? Your opinion is respected. At Google, employees can use 20% of their work week for any work unrelated to their workload. This gives the impression that users do not work for Google, but that Google works for users. In fact, Google says that most of their Google Labs products start with 20% of their user time. Your idea will be the next Google product!   Apply for Google jobs from home online Read the full article
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educationtech · 1 year
21 Facts you probably didn't know about the Google - ACEIT
Some Hidden Facts About Google.
Nowadays google is the most important thing in students’ life, Best Engineering College in Jaipur provide them with a program for student, and they can enroll and study and get jobs and internship at google and many other companies. Google Says “you can learn wherever and whenever you want “
What is Google in simple words?
Google is a popular internet search engine. It scans the Web to find Web pages that are relevant to the words you have typed in the search box.
Why Google Is Good For Us?
BTech Colleges in Rajasthan Provide people with information, tools, and services to help them build knowledge, fuel curiosity, and unlock opportunities. Powering education through technology, tools, and training. They made the easy daily basis of task for any normal man. People can grow their skills, careers, and businesses. People are Searching online hat triggers their brains that control decision-making and complex reasoning.
Thoughts on India and technology after receiving the Padma Bhushan
Our CEO’s response after being honored with one of India’s top civilian awards.2022’s inning Doodle For Google puts India’s scientific advancements centerstage.
Private Engineering collages in Jaipur Building a world where progress, equitable outcomes, diversity, and inclusion can be realities both inside and outside our workplace.
Products:- There are many Products launched by google but for Devlopers some are :-
App Testing, Business messages, Cloud computing, Devices, Engagment, Exposure notification, Game Services, Google wallet, Growth, maps and locations, Messaging and notification, Monetization, Monitoring, Payments, Sign+idengtify, Storage +sync.
Interesting Facts About Google:-
Google which was Originally known as BackRub, was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in a friend’s garage while they were studying Ph.for D. at Stanford University. It has since become the world’s largest search engine, and the name Google has become synonymous with search.
Google was named due to the misspelling of the googol.
Google encourages its employees to spend at least 20% of their time on their Development. which gave profit to some of Google’s big-shot projects including AdSense, Gmail, Google Transit, Google News, and Google Talk.
Best Engineering Colleges in Jaipur show them some study which is Page, 22 at the time, having recently earned a computer engineering degree from the University of Michigan, attending Stanford University for his Ph.D. Brin, then 21, was already a Ph.D. candidate at the renowned institution.
Google’s first office was a rented garage.
Google takes over many factors into account before delivering you the best results to any question in a fraction of a second and Google indexes 60 trillion individual web pages
Google’s search index is more than 100 million gigabytes in size. It would take 100,000 one-terabyte personal drives to contain the same amount of data
The company owns some of the domains that are common misspellings by Google, like Gooogle.com, Gogle.com, and many more.
Google has been acquiring, on average, more than one company per week since 2010.
Go to Google Mars. You can see a map of Mars
Google is a wedding planner. Yes, you heard it right. You can plan your wedding or any special day with Google Wedding.
You can see also stars, constellations, galaxies, and planets on google sky maps. www.google.com/sky.
There are more than 2 million Google searches per second
620 million users visit www.google.com daily.
Over 6 billion watched videos each month on YouTube.
YouTube makes money through advertisements that are placed near the videos. It works like Google itself.
Google pays Mozilla Millions of dollars a year so As part of the deal Mozilla makes Google the default search provider in its Firefox web browser.
Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin own just 16% of the company that around $46bn.
The “I’m Feeling Lucky” button, which takes users directly to the first result of their search, is nearly never used. It cost Google around $100 million in lost advertising revenue every year.
A former Caterer of the grateful dead was google’s first  chef
Swedish Chef is a language preference in Google Search.
Google negotiated its Acquisition of youtube at Denny over Mozzarella Sticks.
Contributing to a Future Ready system for healthcare, Continuous innovation to keep people safe online. Google protects users in terms of their privacy, it keeps your information safe, and it is very easy to use privacy settings.
Expanding opportunity $1 billion in grants. 1 million volunteer hours. Investing in communities, individuals, and local economies by preparing them for the opportunities of today — and tomorrow. Helping those affected by crises through our products, our people, and our partners also raising the bar in making smart use of Earth’s resources, expecting the highest ethical standards throughout our supply chain, and creating products with people and the planet in mind.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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Google Garage in Menlo Park, California Many multinational tech companies had humble beginnings in small rooms or garages. One of the first was Hewlett-Packard, and not far from that is the garage where Steve Jobs started Apple. The founders of Google seemingly followed this pattern, starting in a garage that they rented from Susan Wojcicki.  It is hard to imagine a world before Google, or without search engines in general. The web was much smaller, but still too big to map. People tried to remedy this by making so-called start pages, which collected links on various topics and displayed them in curated lists. All of this changed with the first search engines that started to appear in the early 1990s, as they made the net much more accessible to the people. Arguably the most famous of these search engines is Google, a company started in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The duo rented a garage from Susan Wojcicki (now the CEO of Youtube) for $1,700 a month. While this sounds like a lot for a garage, it was in fact a steal for the Silicon Valley area, especially if you take into account how much the company made later. Google had just been incorporated when they moved into the garage, and Page and Brin had raised more than $1 million from investors. Google was only based out of this suburban garage for about five months, but it has become an essential part of the company's founding myth. In 2018, they recreated the garage in Google Maps, complete with old computers and junk in the corners.  https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/google-garage
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learnsen-blog · 2 years
What is SEO & how does it work?
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You are here, which means you have questions about SEO, such as what SEO is, how it works, why it is essential, etc.
Well, you have turned to the right place.
If you read this post to the end, you will learn the basics of what is SEO and how does it work? So, let us understand without wasting any more time!
What is SEO & how does it work?
SEO stands for (Search Engine Optimization) it is the process of optimizing your website for search engines to earn a high rank in SERPs (Search Engine Result Page) and improve the visibility of your website.
It works by improving the visibility of your website on the search results page.
The higher the visibility of your website, the more people likely are to find it.
And several ranking factors contribute to increasing or decreasing the visibility of your website on the SERPs, including the quality and quantity of your content, your content age and popularity, and the number of other websites that link to it.
Also, it is an ongoing process, and your content needs to be frequently updated and refined to maintain and enhance your position on the result page.
Why is SEO essential for your website?
Search engine optimization is essential for your website because it helps you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), which drives more traffic to your site and result in more business.
For example, if somebody searches for the keyword (upcoming iPhone model) on a search engine like Google or Bing.
When the results show up, he will click on the first three or four results to find the correct information.
So you have to get at least a third position on SERPs, and SEO can help you to do that.
The higher your content appears on the results page. The more likely that person will find your content and click on it.
The History of SEO
We believe that SEO was born in 1993.
Presently after launching the first website in the world, platform web1.0
A crowd of websites sprang up on the internet.
That created the enormous need for structure and accessibility.
For which were developed the first search engine in the world, and search engine optimization came into being.
In 1993, Excite revolutionized how information could be classified, and in 1994, Alta Vista, Yahoo, and others joined the revolution.
However, in 1996, SEO took off when (Sergey Brin) & (Larry Page) started building a search engine, which has become the largest and most recognized search engine in the world today (backrub).
Which eventually became Google and registered as a domain in 1997.
However, the rules were loose and fast in the early days of SEO strategy, so black hat people took advantage of these loopholes and started using hacking practices, keyword stuffing, and spammy links to rank their faulty content higher in search results.
Because of this, high-quality content did not rank accurately.
And it did not reach the right audience.
That reduced the number of Internet users and resulted in less profit for search engines.
But for its solution, search engines developed bots and algorithms.
Their job is to find, crawl, index, rank, and deliver the right content to the right audience.
It has given a new revolution to SEO.
How does SEO work?
Well, search engines such as Google or Bing use algorithms and bots.
Their job is to crawl, index, and rank the pages on the internet.
Bots crawl the pages on websites, go from one site to another, collect information about the pages, and put them in an index.
Once your page is indexed in a search engine, It will appear in SERPs. And you can check whether your page is indexed or not by searching the URL of the page in a search engine.
After crawling and indexing the pages, search engine algorithms rank those pages depending on so many ranking factors.
Here are some of the important ones!
★ Speed, how much time does the page take to load?
★ Backlink profile, how many popular websites are linking with this page?
★ The use of keywords, what type of keywords are presenting this page? And what is the performance of these keywords?
★ Mobile friendly, is this page mobile friendly? Is it easy enough for mobile users to use this page?
What are the different types of SEO?
The different types of SEO are many: but for now, we will talk about three main types, Technical SEO, On-page SEO, and Off-page SEO.
So the first is!
Technical SEO Strategy
★ Is your website mobile-friendly?
★ And also, is the structure and architecture of your website quickly sufficient for search engines and users to understand?
Working on your Technical SEO, try to make your site or content more accessible for search engine crawlers, and optimize it for better indexing.
When you work on your technical SEO strategy, check these things.
★ Is your website fast enough?
★ Is your website mobile-friendly?
★ And also, is the structure and architecture of your website quickly sufficient for search engines and users to understand?
By improving the technical SEO of your website, you can improve your overall SEO and visibility in search engines.
On-page SEO Strategy
In the process of functioning your on-page SEO, you have to optimize individual web pages of your site to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines.
The main goal is to tell search engines what your website and individual pages are about so that they can rank them accordingly in search results.
While working on your on-page SEO strategy, put content-relevant keywords in the title and heading tags.
Make Meta descriptions clear, concise, and reflective of the content on your page.
And also, your content should be well-written, informative, and thoughtful of your targeting keywords.
Off-page SEO Strategy
Going through your off-page SEO, you must focus on link building, social media engagement, and any other activity outside the actual website, including this, therefore, should be given careful consideration because these practices will directly impact the ranking of your content in search engines.
Running over the strategy of your off-page SEO participant in the comments part of related blogs and websites in your niche, take advantage of the guest blogging and do social media marketing.
What are the benefits of SEO?
There are so many benefits of search engine optimization.
Here we are putting some of the biggest ones.
The first benefit of SEO is that search engines can provide you with a lot of free organic traffic, which means more leads, sales, and higher revenue.
Moreover, search engine optimization can help you to rank on the first result page and maybe on top.
People pay search engines to have their content appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).
This strategy is called SEM (Search engine marketing)
Also, SEO can help you to increase your website’s visibility and click-through rate.
Again, search engine optimization can help you build brand awareness and trust or improve the overall user experience of your website.
What are the challenges of SEO?
SEO is complex, changes continuously, and sometimes becomes problematic to carry out the latest and best technique.
In addition, measuring the results of SEO efforts can be challenging, and it could be tough to know whether your SEO strategy is working or not.
Also, because it is a blend of art and science, it becomes more and more demanding.
The biggest challenge with SEO is that it is both an art and a science.
On the one hand, you need a creative approach to keyword research and content creation to attract and engage users.
On the other hand, you need a solid understanding of how search engines work to ensure that your content is properly indexed and ranked.
Another challenge with SEO is that it is constantly changing.
Google and other search engines are constantly tweaking their algorithms, which can impact your ranking overnight.
As a result, you need to be nimble and adapt your SEO strategy continuously.
How can you improve your SEO?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way for you to improve your SEO will depend on your specific industry and target audience.
However, here are some general things you can do to improve your SEO.
Conduct keyword research to determine which keywords are most relevant to your business and is used most frequently by your target audience.
Optimize your website for the keywords you want to rank for, including one and the other, on-page optimization (such as title tags and meta descriptions), and off-page optimization (like link building and social media signals).
Create high-quality content which is relevant to your target keywords and audience.
Publish content on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other channels.
Inspect the progress of your SEO strategy and make changes as needed.
Well, friends, these are the basics of What SEO is and how it works. We hope this post was informative enough for you.
Make sure to refer back as you work on your SEO strategy.
The most important thing you have to put in your mind about SEO is there is no shortcut in this game. You have to do things the right way.
Do something different because that is how you will stand out and catch more attention. And do not rush things.
Give some time to see results, at least six or seven months.
If you want to see the results quickly, then search engine optimization is not for you.
Also, if you want to achieve the top rank and stay on top of the result page, update your strategy regularly and continuously.
Create new and high-quality content to refresh your website.
Show search engines that you are always active.
Thanks for giving us your precious time.
What do you think? How can you improve your overall SEO and visibility in search engines?
share your thoughts with us in the comments box down below.
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sexykerlon · 2 years
Encryptstick crack
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Use best six ciphers in cascade: Blowfish-AES-Twofish-Serpent-CAST6-IDEA with maximum security for your privacy (encryption key has 2240-bit). Can securely store your private notes, passwords, card pins and other private data and photos with with strongest crypto-algorithms. SafeNotes is easy-to-use, powerful, multipurpose encryption application.
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Next page Search for: Search Recent Posts Original news article at on Octoat 04:00PM Oops, Harris thought, it was a real vulnerability he’d found. And he got a lot of sudden hits to his web site from Google IP addresses. Instead, two days later, he noticed that Google’s cryptographic key had suddenly changed to 2,048 bits. But Harris never got a response from the Google founders.
Harris made sure the return path for the e-mails went to his own e-mail account, so that Brin and Page could ask him how he’d cracked their puzzle. I think we should look into whether Google could get involved with this guy in some way. Or, if the above gives you trouble try this instead: Here’s an interesting idea still being developed in its infancy: In the e-mail, he plugged his personal website: I really wanted to solve their puzzle and prove I could do it.”
Harris wasn’t interested in the job at Google, but he decided to crack the key and send an e-mail to Google founders Brin and Page, as each other, just to show them that he was onto their game. Perhaps the recruiter was in on the game or perhaps it was set up by Google’s tech team behind the scenes, with recruiters as unwitting accomplices. Harris thought there was no way Google would be so careless, so he concluded it must be a sly recruiting test to see if job applicants would spot the vulnerability. But Google was using a 512-bit key – which could be easily cracked with a little cloud-computing help. When e-mail arrives at its destination, the receiving server can look up the public key through the sender’s DNS records and verify the validity of the signature.įor security reasons, the DKIM standard calls for using keys that are at least 1,024 bits in length. DKIM involves a cryptographic key that domains use to sign e-mail originating from them – or passing through them – to validate to a recipient that the domain in the header information on an e-mail is correct and that the correspondence indeed came from the stated domain. The problem lay with the DKIM key ( DomainKeys Identified Mail) Google used for its e-mails. Anyone who cracked the key could use it to impersonate an e-mail sender from Google, including Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Google was using a weak cryptographic key to certify to recipients that its correspondence came from a legitimate Google corporate domain. But when Harris examined the e-mail’s header information, it all seemed legitimate. So he wondered if the e-mail might have been spoofed – something sent from a scammer to appear to come from the search giant. The e-mail had come to him last December completely out of the blue, and as a mathematician, he didn’t seem the likeliest candidate for the job Google was pitching. “I wanted to see if you are open to confidentially exploring opportunities with Google?” “You obviously have a passion for Linux and programming,” the e-mail from the Google recruiter read. It was a strange e-mail, coming from a job recruiter at Google, asking Zachary Harris if he was interested in a position as a site-reliability engineer. Mathematician Zach Harris, 35, of Jupiter, Fl., poses for a portrait on Tuesday.
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brin-bellway · 4 years
@rustingbridges​ replied to your post:
“under normal conditions a substantial fraction of influenza cases are "asymptomatic", whatever that means in that context, so I'd presume there's also a contingent of very mildly symptomatic cases”
Meta-Boss is dragging me back into the restaurant tomorrow now that he is no longer legally forbidden from doing so. If I *am* carrying something, I hope I don’t fuck anybody over too hard. We *will* be taking the now-standard precautions, so that’s something.
(And as for hugging my mom, unlike me she’s finished her flu-vaccination ramp-up period, so that tilts her odds favourably.)
TBH, if this was influenza, chalk another one up on the board of “we should just wear masks all the time by default”. I’ll gladly dull my sense of smell while outside the house and be unable to read customers’ lips if it means turning the horrific suffering of a flu into *this*.
(and if you have to talk to someone who really needs to read your lips (and you can’t just write to each other like civilised people), wearing a mask except when around them would still beat not wearing one at all)
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your-astro-mami · 3 years
The New Moon (March 2nd) and how it will affect your life 🌚
Aries Rising (or those with any planet in the 12th House)
With the New Moon over your 12th House, you may experience a lot of self-doubt that can make you isolate from others and take some time off for yourself. If this break is used correctly it can feel like a retreat, like a time which has taught you to be more grateful to yourself and lead to many positive feelings and self-affirmations. It can make you reconnect to the past and use it as a lesson to go forward.
Taurus Rising (or those with any planet in the 11th House)
The New Moon over your 11th House may bring you new friends or social experiences. You may befriend people who can bring you a lot of benefits and opportunities. You are likely to receive more support from those around you. You may feel more optimistic and hopeful about any new projects you're starting - which are likely to end up with a great outcome.
Gemini Rising (or those with any planet in the 10th House)
The New Moon over your 10th House can bring you new triumphs in your professional life - whether it's success in a work project or a new promotion. You may finally feel like your hard work has been paid off - you may receive more praise and admiration from others. You may feel like you finally have more control over your life and decisions. You may feel motivated to achieve more.
Cancer Rising (or those with any planet in the 9th House)
The New Moon over your 9th House can bring you new travels or adventures - this can be a good time to plan any trip or personal journey. There can be major focus on education - luck in the start of something connected to education. You may experience some form of spiritual awakening - a desire to unite with something greater than the self. You're likely to develop an interest in topics connected to self-discovery, mysticism, philosophy.
Leo Rising (or those with any planet in the 8th House)
The New Moon over your 8th House can bring you financial gains - any financial reward from something you have achieved may come now. You are likely to withdraw, take some time off to reevaluate your life - let go of the things that don't hold importance anymore. You will be ready to face any fears, gain back your personal power. You may benefit from your privacy.
Virgo Rising (or those with any planet in the 7th House)
The New Moon over your 7th House may bring new people into your life or reevaluate the relationships with those who are already there. New romantic or professional commitment is likely - starting a business with someone, signing any major contract may end up with a good outcome. During this time you are likely to win over your competition or enemies, your opponents.
Libra Rising (or those with any planet in the 6th House)
The New Moon over your 6th House may bring you good health - this can be a good time to start taking care of your wellbeing, focusing on a new health regimen. You may feel more appreciated at work and there can be a positive shift in the relationship with your coworkers. You may receive a promotion or start a new desired job.
Scorpio Rising (or those with any planet in the 5th House)
The New Moon over your 5th House may bring you new romantic experiences - this can show the start of a new romance or finding a new interest, something you will love doing. You have to be cautious of overindulgence or involvement in any scandal. This can be a great period for creativity, socializing, entertainment, experiencing the joy of life. Can be a good time for conception.
Sagittarius Rising (or those with any planet in the 4th House)
The New Moon over your 4th House can bring you feeling of nostalgia, everything can be reminiscent of the past. You may reconnect to your family or any old friend, old partner. Your emotional environment may be more positive during this time, more comfortable. You may experience any major changes in your home or move location.
Capricorn Rising (or those with any planet in the 3rd House)
The New Moon over your 3rd House can bring you a new mindset, more creativity connected to thoughts and ideas. You may feel more communicative, needy of contact and people who will listen. You may be more expressive. Good time for planning or going on any short trips and adventures or explore the places around you. You may feel more connected to your environment.
Aquarius Rising (or those with any planet in the 2nd House)
The New Moon over your 2nd House can bring you a good return of any investments you have made. There can be major financial gains. You may feel more confident and secure in yourself and in the way you provide comfort to yourself - whether it's emotional or through any possessions. You may feel more supported by those around you. There can be focus on your intimate relationships.
Pisces Rising (or those with any planet in the 1st House)
The New Moon over your 1st House can bring you a new sense of self, a new connection to yourself. You may feel more in tune with yourself, more vital and energetic. Your intuition may be stronger and this can be the time to make any major changes in your life or the outlook you have for life. You will feel stronger, more confident in how you approach the world and others.
Note: I use the Whole sign method for any posts connected to transits.
If you want to find out more about what the rest of the year may bring to you, feel free to message me here or through email ([email protected]) for a Transit report or other readings I offer :)
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politijohn · 4 years
The Stock Market is not the Economy w/ Dan Price
Airlines spent 96% of free cash flow on stock buybacks for a decade, then cut 90,000 jobs when trouble hit. Then they got a $50 billion bailout
GE promised its CEO a huge bonus if stock hit $19. It didn’t, so GE re-did contract so the bonus kicks in at $10/share The CEO cut 20% of aviation staff to increase profits and raise the stock to $10 His bonus: $47M. If it goes up again, he gets $270M
JCPenney - April: furloughed 85,000 employees, May 10: Gave CEO $4.5M bonus on top of $17M/yr in pay, May 15: went bankrupt, Oct: laid off 15,000 people, Dec: closed 150 stores, Now: CEO left with $4.5M bonus after stock fell 88% in her 2 yrs
Boeing spent almost all of its cash on stock buybacks over the prior decade. In the past year, it cut 27,000 employees. It also fired its CEO over 2 deadly plane crashes and ensuing coverup, and gave him a $81 million exit package
On Jan. 6, when the mob stormed the Capitol, the stock market went up 250 points to a new record, handing the richest 1% an extra $300 billion. Also that day, a new report showed employment dropped for the first time since April and a then-record 3,900 people died of covid
Albertsons, US’ 2nd-largest grocery chain: *Profit is up 256% in pandemic *Stock at record high *Owned by private equity *CEO made $29M last year *Fired all California non-union drivers to replace them with gig workers with no benefits/min wage
The stock market for the 500 biggest companies ended the year up 15%, among the biggest gains ever. Also in that span, those companies lad off a record number of people, and wait times for food banks hit a record high
As part of the first stimulus, the Fed pumped about $3 trillion into the stock market, which helped it soar to record highs. At the same time, a record 30% of small businesses failed and unemployment tripled
Since 2009, stock market is up 233%. Since 2009, the federal min. wage is up 0%
Coca-Cola - This decade, it spent $48B on dividends and over $20B on stock buybacks 2018: CEO got 58% pay increase 2019: CEO got 12% pay increase, to $18.7M 2020: Company makes $8.3B profit…and it just laid off 12% of workers
Among the biggest 50 companies, they spent 79% of profits on stock buybacks and dividends in recent years to enrich executives and mostly-wealthy shareholders. Last year, those companies combined to lay off over 100,000 workers
Disney stock is up 21% in the past year to a new record high. In recent months they laid off 32,000 people. One of our employees lives near Disney World. Recently there was a line of cars outside his house for a drive-thru food bank 7.5 miles away
In the pandemic, total stock value has grown by $16.6 trillion. $8.3 trillion of that went to the richest 1%, and they pay a lower tax rate than those who are unemployed and need help
Salesforce - In the last 5 years, it has bought 27 companies for tens of billions of dollars. It just bought Slack for $27.7B. Its stock is at record high, up 23% in the past year after revenue surged 29%. And it just laid off 1,000 people
In November alone, the average member of the top 10% gained an average of $200,000 from the stock market while 7M people plunged into poverty
On one day in November: *The stock market hit 30,000 for the first time *Elon Musk became first person to gain $100B in a year *A Census report revealed 6M people face imminent eviction
Uber + Lyft spent $200M on November election ads to convince Californians they shouldn’t pay drivers minimum wage or benefits. In the 2 weeks after passage, Uber stock went up 39% and Lyft stock soared 52%. In return, all drivers were denied basic benefits
Average stock gains over 10 years CEOs with above-average pay: stock up 160% CEOs with below-average pay: stock up 280% And yet CEOs are rewarded whether the stock goes up or down
AT&T - 2018-2019: bought Time Warner for $100B, cut 29,000 jobs May: gave departing CEO $64M pension ($274K/mo for life), laid off 4,700 more workers August: laid off 600 more workers, Now: laid off thousands more - news sent stock up 2%
Marriott - 2018-2019: made $3.1B in profits, spent $5B on stock buybacks April: furloughed most employees, paid $160M in dividends to shareholders, gave CEO a 8% raise and 200% bonus Sept: laid off 17% of HQ staff Now: made $100M profit
$3B: what Jeff Bezos cashed out in stock in one day, as Amazon profits tripled in the pandemic. $2.1B: cost to give all Amazon warehouse workers 2 weeks paid sick leave and a year of hero pay (they got none of either now)
84% of stock market value is owned by richest 10% “but what about 401(k)s” Half of Americans don’t have one The average 401(k) balance has *declined* $5,000 in 6 years after inflation, because employers put in less & people can’t afford contributions
MGM - Laid off 18,000 people while giving its CEO $700K in stock. The value of the stock doubled to $1.4M after the stock went up, partly because of increased profitability due to the layoffs
Wells Fargo made $10B in staff cuts, meaning tens of thousands of employees lost their jobs. Wells Fargo also made a $2B profit, did $24B in stock buybacks last year, and paid its CEO $36M
Black and Latino Americans make up about 32% of the population but own only 1.7% of all stock value
1948-1979: Worker productivity: up 108%, Stock market: up 603%, Worker pay: up 93%.  Since then, worker productivity: up 70%, Stock market: up 2,200%, Worker pay: up 12%. Corporations and workers used to get richer together. Now companies just keep the money
Deere - Construction sales are down 25%. Yet, it is posting a $2.25B profit as it cuts thousands of jobs. The result: Its stock grew 23% in a year to a record high. In the week after it announced job cuts, its stock grew 9%
Walmart - Stock is at record high, up 23% in a year. The Waltons have gotten over $20B richer in the pandemic. Online sales are up 74% and market share has grown…and it cut hundreds of corporate jobs
Macy’s - Its stock was down 60% in a year and they cut 3,900 jobs. So what did it do? Gave its CEO a $3.7M bonus, and gave about $1M each to 5 other execs
CEOs justify huge pay by saying they’re worth it. But there’s no correlation between profit and CEO pay at 61% of corporations. Since 1990, stock market: up 300%, CEO pay: up 550%
Stock for the parent company of Ann Taylor, Loft and Lane Bryant is down 75% in a year. It closed all 2,800 stores. So what did it do? Gave executives $5.5M in bonuses, including over $2M to the CEO
Where proceeds from stock buybacks + dividends went over the last 15 years: White people: $13 trillion, Black people: $0.18 trillion Hispanic people: $0.21 trillion When we talk about the systemic racial wealth gap, this is a pretty good place to start
Amid the early days of the pandemic, stocks grew 38%, the most ever in a 50-day span. At the same time, thousands of small businesses closed each day while thousands of people died from covid
Google - Stock at all-time high. $6.8B profit last year. Founders Page + Brin added $10B+ to fortunes in a year. Offered jobs to over 2,000 people and axed them w/ no severance before they ever worked a day - after they already left their prior jobs
Companies did $62B/year in stock buybacks in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Now they do $730B/year in stock buybacks. Worker pay increases are far smaller now than they were in the ‘80s and ‘90s
Chevron - Its CEO made $33.1M/year. 5 other execs made a total of $59M. It spent $13B on stock buybacks and dividends in a year then laid off 10-15% of its staff
Big companies don’t just spend profits on manipulating stock. They are a record $10 trillion in debt - mostly for stock buybacks + dividends to enrich themselves. When the bill comes due, layoffs typically ensue
In April, a record 30M people lost their jobs and small businesses lost 55% of their revenue. At the same time, the stock market rose the most since 1987 and billionaires gained $308B
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