#in the sense that he learned magic to help the slayer and all that
lurafita · 3 months
AU. Malec, lots of backstory and "it's complicated" good! Camille.
Okay, basically Buffy the vampire slayer, but with lots of differences, and set after the theoretical series. (You will hopefully understand what I mean)(almost all characters are adults! The teenage vampire slaying is part of the origin story.) Camille is the vampire slayer. She meets Alec, Izzy, and Jace when she saves them from being sacrificed by a satanist cult in New York. Unable to close their eyes to the hidden world that has opened to them, the three want to help her. Camille is reluctant to accept their help and companionship at first, but they wear her down. For 2 years, they form a pretty good team. But then a prophecy is revealed, or a great calamity hinted at, or someone gets a vision or something, which demands the slayer turn back to (insert fantasy town here), - let's call it Dawnsbury for now. The town where she finished her highschool, did most of her slayer duty, and was a kinda really mean entitled bitch of a teenager. She had had a team then as well. Fellow classmates and others, eager to help and support her. One of them most of all. Raphael, the souled vampire with his crytpic advice and fighting prowess. Simon, the nerdy computer geek with his research skills and misplaced hero worship. Sweet Magnus. Whose life she saved when they met. Who fell in love with her. Who did everything for her. Who learned magic for her. And who she used and abused and betrayed and abandoned. A past full of regrets, that she had done her best to outgrow, (and run from). But of course she had to go back. Of course her new team accompanies her. Of course her old team is still there. Of course they, especially Magnus, want nothing to do with her. Of course Alec falls in love with Magnus basically from the get go.
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happilychee · 9 months
fairy tail dragon slayer headcanons pt. 1
♡ what the first gen and second gen dragon slayers eat is pretty self-explanatory. all of their elements are... somewhat tangible. sting and rogue though? they're still figuring it out. rogue wonders if he can eat someone else's shadow, and sting immediately volunteers himself. "for science!" he says. the result is that sting almost passes out. oops. he insists they try on their friends, much to rogue's displeasure. the results are that sting is the most susceptible, then yukino, rufus, orga, and minerva is the least susceptible to magic drainage. sting insists rogue tries to eat an inanimate object's shadow, and nothing happens to it, so they decide that's the way to go.
♡ when wendy eats air, the oxygen levels thin. she has to be careful or she'll cause her allies and enemies alike to pass out. when sting eats light, the area gets darker and darker. this is great for rogue, who starts eating the shadows, and they manage to balance each other out.
♡ sting insists that different types of light taste differently. his favorite is light from golden hour, right when the sun is dipping below the horizon. moonlight will do in a pinch, but it's so diluted that it takes way more of it to recover sting's magic. he also gets sick if he eats too much moonlight.
♡ pantherlily already has transformation magic and enhanced strength, and carla learns to transform so she can help wendy fight. the other three exceeds feel... a little left out. happy learns how to fly faster and for longer (though he still complains about lucy being heavy). lector goes to porlyusica and wendy to learn some stamina regeneration spells for sting. everyone is surprised when frosch, completely on their own, manages to learn an adorable light spell that creates floating pink bubbles. rogue can consume the shadows from them without worrying about draining frosch's magic, and he spends the entire afternoon crying about it.
♡ dragon slayers are a bit like crows. their way of bonding with someone is through gifting trinkets. natsu will bring lucy, erza, and even gray pretty rocks or seashells that he's found on jobs. wendy picks up a new craft or hobby every week, so the members of fairy tail are constantly recieving handmade accessories from her (gajeel helps during the metalsmithing phase). gajeel does not buy cute things for people. he is like a dad in the fact that, when juvia mentions she wants watermelon, he buys her 20 watermelons. walking math problem fr.
♡ laxus has mixed feelings about his more draconic features and habits. he's never loved his magic because of the way he got it, and the memory of his father basically torturing him as he inserted the lacrima will stay with him forever. he tends to suppress dragon instincts more than anyone else in the group, and they all scold him for it. on a rare occasion, laxus will give in and buy something shiny (like a hairclip) for wendy. she has a little jewelry box for them that she guards fiercely.
♡ cobra considers himself more of a flying snake than a dragon. he once drew a picture that sent everyone into a laughing fit. he prefers to stick with the old oración seis crew, but the guild dragon slayers are always happy to see him when he stops by with crime sorcière.
♡ sting, because of his heightened senses and his affinity for light, prefers nighttime. the day can often be overwhelming, and overexposure to bright settings and lots of people leaves his skin buzzing. he likes to sit in the dim guild hall, leaning against the cool stone wall, as the chatter of the crowd quiets down with the setting sun.
♡ dragon slayers all have the Bite instinct. some exercise a degree of control about it, and others go crazy with it. wendy will very gently nibble on erza or mira's arm when she's in the mood, and sometimes she does it absentmindedly. natsu, on the other hand, is an absolute menace. multiple of erza's armor sets have natsu-shaped bite marks on them. he tends to go after her the most because he knows he won't hurt her with the armor. when natsu's more calmed down, he will chomp on lucy's shoulder. gajaeel copes by eating all of fairy tail's silverware (mira starts buying ceramic spoons), but when levy offers her wrist to him he can't help it.
♡ rogue is another one who doesn't really bite people. he, very rarely, nips at frosch's ears, which causes the exceed to giggle. sting is a Biter like natsu, but with slightly more decorum. he really wants to go at it but will restrain himself because most people aren't willing to be treated like a chew toy. luckily for him, gray and cana aren't most people! because they both wear pretty exposing clothing, gray and cana have no qualms about showing off sting's bite marks on their skin. sting always turns bright red when they tease him about it.
♡ laxus and cobra don't really feel the Bite instinct due to being second gen, but cobra is a little shit and bites people for the fun of it. laxus is completely unbothered when natsu clings to him like a koala and gnaws at him.
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coraniaid · 2 months
AU: Kendra returns to Sunnydale when she learns that Drusilla isn't dead.
Having Kendra show up as early as possible to have as much of an impact on the course of S2 as she can:
Buffy isn't the only Slayer who dreams about Drusilla still being alive. It takes Kendra a little while to fly out to California though, so she only gets to Sunnydale some time during the events of Innocence. She tries her best not to say 'I told you so' when she hears about the situation with Angel, and not to let slip that she was worried enough about Buffy that she came here without her Watcher's permission, and to hide how impressed she is by the sight of Buffy with a rocket launcher. She doesn't necessarily do a great job of any of those three things.
As both a literal and metaphorical representative of the "Angel's a vampire, he should die" school of thought, Kendra also argues for Buffy using lethal force to stop the werewolf in Phases (at least before they learn the werewolf is Oz), and is much more sympathetic to Jenny/Janna than Buffy is inclined to be (Kendra doesn't know Jenny at all -- she never even met her in canon -- so she doesn't have any personal sense of betrayal and is mostly confused about why everyone is upset because it doesn't actually make any sense that they are). Neither of these things do much to endear her to Buffy (or to Willow, who gets to be jealous of Buffy spending time with another Slayer a whole season ahead of schedule), but maybe Jenny ends up offering Kendra somewhere to stay while she's in Sunnydale (I think the implication is that she previously stayed at Buffy's house while Joyce was out of town buying art, but she can't do that this time).
Kendra and Jenny bonding as the group's two outcasts also means Kendra is there to save Jenny from Angelus in Passion. (Given that Jenny is staying late at the school to research her spell she probably doesn't have the foresight to ask Kendra to come with her for back-up, but what else is Kendra going to do but keep an eye on her?) Kendra herself still doesn't really approve of re-ensouling Angelus, but thanks to her it happens a few episodes ahead of schedule. With his soul back, Angel speed-runs his Season 3 arc and quickly breaks up with Buffy "for her own good" and heads off to brood fight crime be directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of many defence attorneys in LA.
Willow is impressed by Jenny's spell to ensoul Angel -- it's a lot more magic than Jenny had admitted to being able to do before -- but Jenny herself probably doesn't let Willow get involved in the magic (certainly not if Giles is also there to help). They both tell her it's too dangerous. But Willow's old friend Amy is still getting into witchcraft around this time, and maybe Willow starts hanging out with her more now that Buffy and Kendra have gotten over their earlier disagreements about Angel and are patrolling together most nights. ("Really," Buffy tells her friends brightly, while explaining unprompted for the fifth time how incredible it is to go on patrol with another Slayer and how they definitely don't need to try to set her up with Scott Hope or anybody else even though she's single now, "We're just good friends.")
Angel's departure doesn't stop Drusilla from trying to wake Acathla. And since Kendra is already in Sunnydale, Sam Zabuto himself has to bring the sword blessed by the knight who first slew the demon to California. Meeting Kendra's Watcher (and learning more about her lack-of-relationship with her parents) prompts Buffy to come out as a Slayer to her mother (after taking care of Acathla and chasing Dru and Spike out of town). In this new context -- no murder charge, Kendra still alive and there for moral support instead of Spike, no impending world-ending deadline and no reason Buffy can't sit down and explain things properly -- Joyce takes the revelation rather better. (Actually, her mom had already picked up that Buffy had broken up with her older boyfriend and started sneaking out after dark to spend time with a girl Joyce doesn't know and whose existence Buffy seemed to be trying to hide, and that Buffy seems a lot happier and more comfortable in her own skin than she did a month or so ago, so when Buffy starts to tell her she has something important to share Joyce thinks she knows what it is already. It takes Buffy a bit longer to figure that part out for herself.)
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theredpharaoah · 4 months
Dare I say we give Giles too much. I think him not giving Buffy the Slayer Handbook was dumb and ignorant. The Handbook didn’t just have rules for the Slayer, it was the definitive guide to magic on Earth and its history. The fact they never pull it out again after the first episode irritates the hell out of me. How helpful would that have been for all the Scoobies - Willow could’ve picked up magic way quicker. It probably would’ve helped Buffy hone the psychic abilities she never really developed. Remember how she’s supposed to be able to sense vampires and stuff? And in the comics, Erin had access to all the Slayer memories(I’m pretty sure) because he inherited the psychic side of the lineage. Again, that could’ve been cool to see and very helpful.
I also feel - as stated many times before - Giles completely failed with Faith. People talk about how Buffy built up that rapport with Giles and her friends - that she made their relationship the way it was. But that’s irrelevant because the relationship was present and stable at the time of Faith’s arrival. We see when Kendra comes that even the Giles is a bit taken-aback to her very by-the-book approach to being a slayer. So when Faith came - who is extremely similar to Buffy - how did Giles not immediately feel that paternal instinct he has with Buffy, Willow, and Xander? That sort of instinct comes easier the more people you consider to be your “children”. I mean it’s crazy that The Mayor had to take Faith out of that nasty ass motel. A literal demon had to go “that’s no place for a young girl”. And sure he had a motive but the fact that none of the decent people had already said it? And the way they handled the accidental kill of the evil assistant to the mayor? First of all, the Slayer killing humans is frowned upon but it’s not a hard and fast rule. I’m not saying they should just go around killing ppl, but I’m not going to feel bad that Faith killed a man who was working for demons anyway. And compare that to how they reacted to Buffy Killing Ted(when they thought she had); completely different reaction. And Buffy had exhibited far more animosity towards Ted, than Faith had for some random who got in the way.
Giles as an adult - and something of an educator - should’ve immediately clocked that Faith did not have the same upbringing as the other 3, that the Scoobies were falling into their childish instincts and alienating her, and he should’ve gone out of his way to include her and impress upon the others why they needed to accept her. Especially after they found out about her Watcher’s death and saw how terrified she was of Kakistos. Why did Buffy and Angel have to be the ones to find out Faith needed to be fought for - that she needed help to deal with her trauma. I was really disappointed in Buffy as she’d lost her watcher and relocated just like Faith. She also understood how lonely and dangerous it is being a Slayer. But I can’t blame Buffy all that much cuz she’s a kid. And Giles willing all of his things to Faith in the comics and only the Slayer Handbook to Buffy did not move me. Giles considered Buffy to be the “One True Slayer” was not a gag. Everyone considers her to be that, giving her this handbook after she’s been a Slayer for damn near a decade is insulting. She don’t need that shit no more - she had to learn it all on the job. And giving Faith his money so she could retire from violence? Faith’s violence wasn’t the issue, her relationship to it was. The whole thing read as very melodramatic and self-absorbed.
Giles was very childish and we see it all throughout the series, but especially in the later seasons. I mean when you actually think about it, he’s so ridiculous. Buffy was 22 at the end of the series. 22 and she has to take care of a teen sister, pay mortgage, bills, etc. Could you imagine that amount of responsibility at that age? Our society still considers 22 year olds to be pseudo-teens for the most part. And he left cuz he “didn’t want her to become dependent on him”…what type of shit? She was already dependent on you - you’d been her Father Figure since she was 16 and throughout a boatload of trauma. You pretty much raised the girl. And you know that - that’s why you had a dream of taking child Buffy to the fair. He’s human, but that doesn’t excuse the level of cowardice he exhibited for me.
Also, I think instead of killing Jenny in Passions, they should’ve had her live. I think she would’ve been great as Faith’s mentor. And while she didn’t take the Scoobies to task for blaming her about Angel and alienating her, I definitely think she would’ve gotten them together for their treatment of Faith. I also think she would’ve pointed out Giles’ differential treatments of the two.
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chaikachi · 1 year
Little Red Riding Hood, The Big Bad Wolf, & The Silver Bullet
Aka I did an Oscar as The Little Prince analysis and now I wanna do one for Ruby's allusion in honour of the 10th Anniversary.
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I know most if not all of us are familiar, but I'm still going to start with a summary.
Little Red is a story about a young girl in a red cloak who is sent into the woods at her mother's behest to bring baked goods to her sick grandmother. There, she meets a malicious wolf that asks her many questions, to which she answers all truthfully and without hesitation. The wolf takes this information and uses it to beat the girl to her destination where he then swallows her grandma whole and disguises himself in the woman's clothes. There he waits for the child to arrive and come closer so he can swallow her up too.
There are actually two popular versions of this story with different endings that we often look back to.
In Perrault's story, there is no happy ending. They're both eaten up, the wolf is content. The end. But in the Grimm version, there is an additional character... the Huntsman (aka the woodsman). He hears the wolf snoring after its meal and ends up cutting the beast open & saving the victims. Then, with the help of Little Red Riding Hood, he kills the wolf before it can do anymore harm.
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All in all, it's a story about childhood innocence being lost, learning not to trust strangers, and being mindful to always follow the correct path. For if you stray too far, you may lose track of time, invite unwanted danger, or find yourself lost.
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In RWBY, we have some very clear allusions here since it's the basis for so much of the show as a whole:
Little Red - Ruby Rose
The Mother - Summer Rose
The Grandmother - Maria
The Hunstman/Woodsman - All Three of Them
The Wolf - Salem and her Grimm (but ESPECIALLY The Hound)
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They're all pretty self explanatory.
Ruby has the red cloak, her og trailer is clearly inspired by the tale, she loves baked goods, she's referred to as "Red" and "Little Red" by Torchwick & Cinder. She's also a huntress. And, by and large, her entire arc is about losing that childhood innocence and the view that life "is like a fairytale" as well as struggling with what the "right path" to follow is.
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Summer is the mother (baker of cookies) and also the huntsman (slayer of giant monsters). The battle axe being her weapon choice alludes well to the alternate name, Woodsman, as well.
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While Maria as the grandmother makes the most sense. Another silver eyed huntress that becomes a mentor figure for Ruby.
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And while Salem, her war, & the Grimm (that are all emblematic of that loss of innocence) can absolutely symbolize the wolf... There's a reason why I want to focus on The Hound.
All three previous characters are connected by a very specific common denominator: Silver Eyes.
And the hound is no different.
Just another huntsman... but one devoured by the malice of a canine. And, if Ruby's theory is right, that's the same fate that Summer met as well.
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And if you think about Silver Eyes specifically... What is one of the most famous lines from the original fairytale?
"My, what big eyes you have grandmother." "The better to see you with, my dear."
Which, when applied to the grimmification of SEWs, is HAUNTING.
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Terrifying when you remember "Woah... you have silver eyes". Also thanks to Behind The Scenes content, that Ruby's hair design was always meant to "be a bit wolf-y". And that since Volume 4, Salem has been interested in capturing Ruby alive... I am WORRIED ABOUT HER.
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Some interesting things about silver though that ARE worth noting...
1. "In folklore, a bullet cast from silver is often one of the few weapons that are effective against a werewolf or witch."
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2. "The term silver bullet is also a metaphor for a simple, seemingly magical, solution to a difficult problem."
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3. "In the Brothers Grimm fairy-tale of The Two Brothers, a bullet-proof witch is shot down by silver buttons, fired from a gun."
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The lyric "Yeah I'm a girl but I'm also a gun" from Triumph really tells us point blank (lol) why Ruby is so important to this war against Salem, huh.
I'm gonna end this meta on a fun little easter egg; a hidden fifth character allusion to the original Red Riding Hood fairytale: The Woods.
Now I know what you're thinking, the woods aren't a person, they're a location. But they're INCREDIBLY important to the story.
Overall, the woods are the world outside of the cabin that Little Red grows up in. Whenever she travels beyond it, she's liable to meet all sorts of horrible tragedies and monsters. But I want to talk again specifically about The Hound & just where Ruby first meets them: Atlas.
Or, more specifically, Ironwood's kingdom.
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For those unfamiliar, while Jimmy's main allusion is the Tin Man from Oz, his last name gives us a hint to another subtle allusion: Járnviðr. Aka the Iron Wood of Midgard in Norse Mythology (a mythos that's been alluded to a lot in RWBY).
Whiiich if you look at a stanza (40) in the infamous Völuspá, a historic poem which is chalk full of Norse myths, you get the following passage:
In the east sat an old woman in Iron-wood and nurtured there offspring of Fenrir a certain one of them in monstrous form will be the snatcher of the moon
A poem that talks all about the Biggest Baddest Wolf of the Norse pantheon, Fenrir... who is the offspring of a powerful Witch...
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and is destined to eat the moon...
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All within the Iron Wood, a character Ruby spends an entire volume contemplating on whether or not she can trust...
And the moment she does finally tell Ironwood the truth? The secrets she was keeping? The woods become unsafe, the witch and the wolf appear, and everything else falls apart. Resulting her and her team lost and very far from home.
Say what you want about analyses like these but CRWBY knows what they're doing, okay?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Can I request a crossover about
Tensura x KNY
Rimuru x Mitsuri! Reader
When Reader has the Same strengh and personality as Mitsuri from KNY
-When an explosion in the middle of the night woke most of the growing village up, most of the warriors were quickly up in arms, thinking it was another attack.
-Rimuru was understandably upset as they had just finished rebuilding from the last attack, where Shizu had been overtaken by Ifrit, and the newcomers that came in the form of the ogres have helped with the process.
-Rimuru just wanted to have a moment of peace once in a while!!
-Rimuru arrived on top of Ranga, seeing Rigurd keeping the others back from a smoking crater, just outside the village, damaging nothing other than some nearby forest plants, “What’s happened Rigurd?”
-The ogres arrived shortly after, Shuna holding onto her brother’s arm, “I sense a tremendous amount of magical energy, but it seems to be fading.”
-The slime bounced over, telling the others to stay back, just in case if there was a threat and he peeked into the crater, finding the crumpled body of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, even more so than Shion!!
-You had long hair, two toned colored of pink and green, reminded Rimuru of Sakura mochi, some of it pulled into braids, and the rest flying free, wearing a black uniform with long green socks, but many parts were torn, showing off pieces of your beautiful body.
-You were heavily injured, your breathing labored as you were unconscious, a ribbon like sword laying around you, the hilt clutched in your dominate hand.
-Rimuru scanned you and almost instantly received the information about you, *L/N F/N, was sent to this world by powerful demonic magic. Originally from your world where she lived in the Taisho Period. Occupation- Demon Slayer. *
-He hummed quietly before making the decision to take you in, telling the others to prepare a room for you as he hopped down into the crater, enveloping your body into his own body, healing your wounds before he lifted you out of the crater.
-Many were surprised to see a human as Rimuru pulled away from you, taking on his human form as Benimaru kneeled down, sensing your strength, “She’s a human but there’s something… unusual about her. There’s an unnatural strength inside her, but I can sense nothing amiss.”
-Rimuru nodded softly, agreeing with him before telling everyone that you had come from another world, which shocked many of them, as usually those from other worlds are insanely powerful or have been given dangerous abilities.
-Rimuru made the decision to bring you back to his own house, to watch over you just in case if you were going to be a threat. Shion offered to remain as well, to protect her lord but he was able to convince her that he would be able to handle it.
-You woke up a few hours later and almost immediately lunged up, as you had been locked in battle with a powerful demon and you gasped, finding yourself in a simple yukata and your sword was laying nearby.
-You heard a strange sound, one that sounded like water, and you turned, seeing a slime bouncing over to you, “You’re awake!” you squeaked, panicking as you tried to scramble back, “What is- a demon?!”
-Rimuru hopped to sit in front of you, “Nope- I’m just an adorable little slime! My name is Rimuru!” while a bit thrown off to learn that this wasn’t a demon, but a creature known as a slime, you calmed down, “A slime? Where- wait! Where’s the demon?!”
-Rimuru changed into his human form, which shocked you, making you squeak as you fell back again, scared, “Whoa there- you’re safe here! You were transported to this world, just like me! I used to be a salaryman in modern day Japan!”
-His words confused you, not sure about what he meant about modern day Japan, because you didn’t know of an occupation called a salaryman.
-Rimuru was very informative, answering all your questions, curled up in your arms against your large chest, which you weren’t bothered by, seeing it as something harmless as he was only a child, not realizing the truth of the matter, even though he did tell you.
-Rimuru introduced you to Rigurd which was a good idea to do it in his house rather than out in the village, as you punched Rigurd, sending him flying, thinking he was a demon. Rigurd harbored no hard feelings as you groveled before him after Rimuru explained that the demons you knew didn’t exist in this world.
-Rigurd wasn’t bothered, finding your strength impressive for such a delicate looking human, which made you blush cutely from the praise before you told them that your muscles were extremely dense which gave you your unnatural strength but with a drawback being your metabolism was very high.
-Rimuru was furious, learning how you had been treated as you walked around the village with him in your arms, introducing you to others, including the ogres who were nice, but Shion was jealous, pouting at you were holding Rimuru.
-You handed him over and she snuggled him hard, cheering her up while Rimuru was scolding you, with no real malice, telling you to save him as he was handed to Shuna.
-Benimaru, Souei, and Hakurou were all intrigued with your sword and skills, as was a dwarf blacksmith, Kaijin, who was in awe of the craftsmanship of the blade, seeing how flexible but so strong the whip like blade was.
-Since there was no way back to your world, Rimuru offered you a place in his village and you were grateful, bowing lowly to him, thanking him for his kindness and you became one of the defenders of the village, alongside the ogres, and Rimuru’s private pillow, as he enjoyed sitting on your lap, switching between you and Shion at random, usually when Shion would get pouty if Shuna didn’t want a turn.
-You found a kinship with Rimuru as you had both been suddenly taken from your lives, thrown into a world you knew nothing about and had to survive in such a dangerous and harsh world. He enjoyed your company as while your looks and strength were a bit odd, you were a sweet and gentle person, one that was calm and soothing for him, and you found Rimuru to be funny but also a good friend and leader to all.
-You were so happy to have made such good friends with such a cute little slime.
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gravityglitch-blog · 12 days
Another Murder Drones AU
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"Uzi the Vampire Slayer"
I haven't seen the Buffy series in forever, and even then, I fixated on the early seasons.
This AU idea kept coming back to mind, so I had to write it out. It's not meant as a direct replica, just its' own thing that borrows elements from both shows. (Also, I apologize in advance if someone else has already done this!)
The Absolute Solver, an ancient horror awoken by the reckless greed of JCJensen In Spaaaace, now seeks to control and consume all life in the universe. It has created all sorts of monsters to be its' servants, none more feared than the vampire-like Disassembly Drones.
The Worker Drones only hope of safety is to stay barricaded behind the doors of their colony.
If only someone would slay the monsters, possibly even the Solver itself. But no one would be crazy enough to try that, right?
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Uzi as Buffy
The daughter of Khan, maker of the colony's doors, and Nori, Copper Nine's first Slayer.
Nori disappeared one night during a mission, along with her own best friend, Yeva, when Uzi was still in her early teens.
Uzi has been very lonely since then, with her father dedicated almost entirely to colony security. There's only one other person she could possibly call her friend. Most others consider her weird for wanting to get outside and battle the monsters herself. When she finds her mother's journals about life as the Slayer, her resolve only grows stronger. Her personality is much the same as we know it💜
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Doll as Willow
However, Doll's personality is very different in this AU.
Because of the close friendship between their families, she and Uzi grew up together, like cousins. Though both girls became more withdrawn and lonely when their moms disappeared, they still look after each other.
Doll's father is still alive here (calling him Adam, for now, because I don't know if he has an official name.) He is kind but very overprotective. She learns that her mother was also hiding a secret: she was trying to harness the Solver's own power to use against it, a practice that can overwhelm anyone who isn't strong enough to wield it.
She has faith in Yeva, and becomes obsessed with the idea that she, and possibly even Nori, are still alive somewhere. When Uzi takes on the mantle of the Slayer, Doll begins studying Solver magic to help in the fight.
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Teacher as Giles
(Okay, I could not find a name for him, but did learn that he was voiced by Liam Vickers himself. With this in mind, I'm choosing a name that starts with "L". He is Linus until further notice.)
Though he appears eternally bored, Linus was a good friend to Uzi and Doll's parents. He also wants to rid Copper Nine of monsters, but acknowledges that he's no fighter. Instead, he studies the different creatures, learning all he can about their strengths and weaknesses, to help defeat them.
He's felt like a failure ever since Nori and Yeva disappeared. When their daughters approach him with their findings, wanting to continue the battle, he makes a personal vow not to repeat his mistakes.
He might not always express it, but he really does care about all the kids in his charge.
Even when they make him want to rip off his helmet and any hair that might be underneath it.
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Lizzy as Cordelia
Lizzy was content to stay in her popular-girl world, until her own life was threatened by a Disassembly Drone (in this AU, there are many more than our original three) and she was rescued by Uzi. Ignoring the nightmares outside was no longer an option. She found that she had a talent for adventure and monster-fighting. No one was more surprised than she was.
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Thad as Xander
Normal guy with a good heart and lifelong dreams of being a hero. He finds it easy to befriend just about anyone, and has a natural courage that drives him to fight for his friends, no matter how scary the situation. He's the most optimistic of the group. Also has a sarcastic sense of humor, which can either lighten the mood or drive their enemies crazy.
And that's Copper Nine's "Scooby gang".
Moving on now.
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N as Angel
The only major change I see for N is that he's a little more serious and broody in this AU.
Deep down, he's still his lovable self. Along with J and V (who are more like his sisters here), they were pulled from their old lives on Earth by the Solver and transformed into one of the most feared Disassembly Squadrons on Copper Nine. Though he won't say it in front of them, he dreams of reclaiming his freedom.
When Uzi and her team start to become a real threat to the Solver, it orders N's squadron to destroy them. They clash several times, and despite everything, N finds himself impressed by Uzi’s courage. He soon realizes that she could be the key to destroying the Solver and setting them all free. But to help her would mean betraying his family and risking the anger of an ancient evil.
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I honestly couldn't think of good character matches for J and V. Their original personalities still fit pretty well into this AU, I think. Initially they just do their jobs. When they begin to question if they can or should change sides, this creates conflict. V is eventually willing to rebel against the Solver, J is more hesitant.
While J is a fierce fighter, she is terrified of disobeying orders, the consequences that could come from it. She knows she will have to make a choice between life as the Solver's servant, or a chance at freedom.
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Nuzi would still happen (because it's my favorite ship and I can't let it go), but it would be a slower burn.
And this turned out way longer than I intended.
Thank you so much for reading.
Like I said, this is only a rough idea for an AU, but it wouldn't leave me alone. With Halloween coming up, it might be a good time to re-visit both series again.
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blues824 · 2 years
🌹How about the uppermoons and muzan reacting to the female riddle Rosehearts.
❤️Imagine douma stumbleding up the qweens Palace seeing thinking its weerd not seeing wisteria but rosses and thinking this is going to be easy for him to kill and eat the female riddle but then gets effected by the rosses that he gets superised by.
🌹Then out of nowhere he gets collard after hearing the person yelling of with your head and then having multiple hashiras trying to kill him.
❤️How whoud muzan react to the new magical human and imagine non of the uppermoons being able to remove the collar and learning douma can't use his blood arts any more thx to the collar. (totally akaza not thinking he deserves it 💀)
🌹Imagine muzan learning that female riddle is under protection from the hashiras after curing Kagaya Ubuyashiki and her dating one of the hashiras or Kamado squad.
❤️How whoud the uppermoons react to muzan wanting this human to stay alive and that she could maby cure there weakness.
🌹Imagine just for chaos a overbolt happing if they ever capture her 💀
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Preface: You are in a relationship with Tanjiro. The Queen’s Palace is the name of your medical facility/mansion. These aren’t romantic headcanons.
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Muzan Kibutsuji
Once he heard about you curing Ubuyashiki, he is now searching for you. If you were able to lift this terrible curse then surely you must be able to help demons conquer the Sun. He ordered the Upper Moons to go after you and try to capture you alive so that you would be able to help them.
However, he also learned that you and the boy with the hanafuda earrings were courting each other. Now he definitely wanted to capture you just to hurt the demon slayer. Unfortunately, things didn’t go according to plan when some of his Upper Moons returned with collars around their necks. Not just that, but they told him how you infused a bunch of red roses with the same properties of wisteria flowers.
Since Muzan is immune to the effect of wisteria, he was easily able to capture you. He was much quicker than you were, so you never stood a chance. What he didn’t expect was for you to transform into a monster when you woke up. A liquid that looked like ink was spilling out of your mouth. He ordered all the demons that were present at the Infinity Castle to defeat you but keep you alive.
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He was ordered by Muzan to go after you. What he didn’t expect was the roses being demon-repellent as well as you expecting him to come. You had collared him while the Kamado squad fought him alongside you. With your magical abilities, you were easily able to overpower him.
He considered this a victory because he discovered that you were romantically involved with the boy with hanafuda earrings. Not just that, but you also had a connection with Ubuyashiki. When he returned to the Infinity Castle, he relayed this information to his master.
When Muzan captured you, he was the one who had to defeat you but keep you alive. It was unfortunate that such a cute little thing like you had to go through something so painful, but how else were you supposed to learn that there was no chance of escape unless you helped them conquer the sun?
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He was also ordered by Muzan to go after you. However, he tried to strategize the best way to get to you. He could sense the potent magic of the roses, so he knew that just rushing in would not be the smartest decision. However, Douma got too excited and rushed in. He was collared immediately. Akaza looked up and saw you in the window.
When everyone returned to the Infinity Castle, Muzan was understandably angry. However, Akaza did have more information on you. Like the fact that the boy with hanafuda earrings was staying at your mansion. The master’s mood visibly brightened significantly.
Once Muzan did capture you and bring you back to the Castle, you overblotted once you realized where you were. Akaza was tasked with making sure that you brought no harm to yourself or any of the other demons. He admired you for your strength, and he thought you would make a great demon.
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Unlike the others, she wasn’t ordered to capture you. She had another job that got Muzan a lot of money, so she was busy being an oiran. However, her brother told her about the mission that their master sent him on. She was jealous because Muzan seemed so hyper fixated on you.
She was intrigued to hear that you were harboring the boy with hanafuda earrings. Many of her comrades have died at his hands, and he was just out of reach. From the sounds of it, it also sounded like you loved each other. 
When Muzan brought you back and once your overblot was dealt with, she acted as your ‘friend’. Sure, you were tied up in a chair, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t braid your hair and rant to you about some of her customers. It’s a one-sided friendship, to say the least.
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He was in the capturing squad, sent to grab you and get back to the Castle. Unfortunately, things went a little haywire with the roses and the collars. Red had never been a significant part of his color palette, and he was able to see that with the shiny new collar he got.
Before his master had the chance to yell at everyone for failing to acquire you, Gyutaro told him of their newfound discoveries. For example, the boy with hanafuda was staying at your mansion and you were taking care of him. 
When Muzan did manage to capture you, Gyutaro did not want anything to do with you after the battle with your overblot. To him, you were a weak human. However, you did make his sister happy, so that counts for something in his book.
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johnfair · 3 months
very rough 911xBtVS crossover outline
911 x BtVS
*Maddie, the current Slayer, doesn't really like this, the strength she could barely control, the hunt and bloodlust under her skin. she wanted to be a nurse, but the violence she dealt, the blood and horror made it so she didn't feel like she could. *favors bows and arrows, has sharper senses than previous Slayers. hunted down vampires and other demons that preyed on others at extremely long ranges.
*Buck, Watcher-in-training, doesn't really like that it was his sister against all the demonic evils in the world. Forced Bobby, his sister's Watcher, into training him with her, so he could help. *physically fit, has the strength and the resilience for field work, a moderate talent for the offensive and black magics, and the instincts could be trained into him. But would rather research and use magic to heal and protect places and people. Bobby clocked it, and encouraged Buck into the lore and history of the paranormal.
*Bobby, Watcher, Maddie's Watcher. Cynical, the job forcing him to confront the ways of the Council, the politics and counterworking when it was their job to save people, help the Slayer. *his daughter, Brooke was a potential, and was called at thirteen. she died, sacrificing herself against a fire demon, who Bobby had banished twenty years ago, summoned to recreate the London bridge fire. his whole family had been a target, and he lost them because the Council failed to send in backup (learned that later, thus starting his whole thing with distrust against the Council)
*Athena, human, a Potential. Didn't like that girls were called, lives ruined before they truly begun. Knows that May, her daughter is also a Potential, and works to make a world that didn't need the Slayer, knowing that it was futile. *works as a cop in the know, spearheading a task force that handled supernatural crimes and incidents, to make it so people didn't stumble into the dark unaware and ignorant, and protect and support those who fought the tides of evil anyway.
(have this thought of Maddie's heart stopping, protecting Buck against a warlock just throwing around lightning, failed anyway. they were both clinically dead. but there's Eddie performing this ritual, using his heart to force theirs to beat. and then Athena having a dream of Sineya, and accepting the burden of being the Slayer, knowing that it was May that was supposed to be Called.)
*Eddie, human, but with a long, storied bloodline of human hunters. there is a mystical weight to that, with witches and sorcerers and others adding into that bloodline. Dated back to when the Old Ones walked the earth, unremarkable at first, with their bloodline almost being wiped out at some points in history, but resurging stronger than the previous generations. *Eddie, one of the latest scions of the blood, is as strong as the Slayer, with reflexes, strength, resilience, and the healing factor to match. *parents fled the supernatural, Ramon decrying everything he's been taught and learned. didn't like that his son was as deeply enmeshed in it in the first place, literally born into all of it. *Eddie currently lives with his abuela, Isabel, a powerful witch in her own right. learning everything that he should have learned a long time ago.
*Chris, half-demon, Eddie's baby. Has CP. has the potential to be a very powerful sorcerer, with Eddie's bloodline, and his mother, Shannon's demonic heritage. very adorable, bitey, and makes these rainbow colored butterflies made of magic to appear when he's very happy, or excited, or with people he likes.
*Chim, vampire, turned twenty years ago. Has his human soul, bartered and fought for, from the Magician. the two halves of his new being sometimes clashed, often making him caustic and cruel.
*Doug, Maddie's boyfriend, turned into a vampire. made cruel by his vampirism, Maddie's first kill, protecting Buck who Doug bit, playing with his food, taunting Buck and Maddie, right before she was Called.
**i have this scene in my head where Eddie is taking a midnight stroll with Chris strapped to his chest, because Chris was grumpy, and wouldn't sleep, and sometimes the night air and walks under the dark were the only thing that could get him calm enough to sleep.
**encounters vampires, and just, this isn't ideal. Chris was a sleepy, warm weight against his chest and the noise would wake him up. so, he tried to be reasonable. talk them out of doing anything stupid.
**interrupted by Buck literally shouting a greeting. he was bait, which Maddie didn't like, but Buck insisted and there wasn't any time to argue. Buck's internal monologue was a long litany of curses, like shit, and fuck, and what kind of idiot goes out at night with a baby. Faintly, it's a good thing he's pretty, he's fucking stupid.
**and Eddie's always had this killer's instinct, so he went for the kill, grabbed number 2 pencils from where they were stashed in his belt and threw. dusted three vampires before anyone could react (other than Maddie) and then Maddie was also finishing the others off, arrows cutting silent and sure in the night and killed the rest.
**misunderstandings, and such. communication, Buddie! introductions, and Bobby and Isabel formally meeting. Bobby heard things about the witch Isabel, mostly about how being polite would save his life. Buck and Isabel getting along, Buck learning a lot of the protective magic from Isabel, as well as the family recipes, etc.
i made a thing. that's all so far. very rough, and probably needed more things to flesh it out. this turned out to be a bigger project than i thought it would be.
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gozine-translate · 4 days
Terminally-ill Genius Dark Knight - 155
155. Dragon Heart
[Basic Information] Name: Astrid von Kaliud Gender: Female Age: ??? Race: Dragonkin Main Element: Flame Achievements: [The Four Sages] / [Descendant of Dragons] / [Survivor of the Canyon] / [Demon Slayer]
[Traits] Positive: [Genius of Mana Sensitivity] / [Master of Elemental Magic] / [Keen Insight] / [Fast Learner] / [Excellent Teacher] / [Tender Feelings] Neutral: [Meritocrat] Negative: [Sadistic] / [Lazy]
[Stats] Physical Strength: 21 Mana: 28 Luck: 7 Willpower: 26 Charm: 21
[Skills] Passive Skills: [Mana Affinity] / [Blessing of the Salamander] / [Dragon’s Scales]… Active Skills: [Prominence] / [Flames of Sin] / [Hellfire] / [Fire Enchant] / [Lie Detection]
Astrid von Kaliud One of the Four Sages and one of the strongest in the world. There are many titles to describe her.
For example, due to her specialty in flame magic, she's called [The Flame Mage] or [Master of Flame], etc. No one can rival her in manipulating mana, earning her the title of [Astrid the Magic God]. Of course, this title isn’t used negatively, you can say it confirms her talents and reputation.
I've met her several times already. To be honest, I’ve lost count of how many times I made her my master.
I feel there will be misunderstandings if I explain it like this, in the end, it was all just inside the game. Astrid, [The Flame Mage], is both a genius and an outstanding teacher. Unlike Noah von Trinity, who says vague things like, 'It just worked out for me?!', Astrid is a dedicated character who gives her best to ensure her students become the best.
Noah also teaches the player sincerely, but she’s on a different track from Astrid. Astrid is a character designed by the developers to be the perfect teacher.
'Of course, she might be a bit too obsessed with geniuses'
That's why I’ve been waiting for her to show up. I didn’t expect to meet Astrid this early, though. Noah had decided to help me to bloom my talent, so she brought her.
'She must’ve thought teaching me by herself was too difficult and uncertain how to make me stronger, so she called Astrid here'
In fact, before Noah, Astrid was once offered the position of dean at Eldain Academy. But she didn’t want to meddle with political battles. In the end, she became a character that help by occasionally giving lessons to talented individuals, just like now.
By the way, Professor Lars was trying to leave because he sensed the tense atmosphere, but he ended up stuck between me and the two of them. Professor Lars's mustache quivered slightly as he looked like he was about to cry.
'Serve you right.'
It’s a bit mean to say this since he is my instructor, but thinking about all the things he has put me through, such feelings have gone far away. Lars, You will understand too after experiencing a troublesome situation. So don't harass me anymore!
While I was standing, lost in thought, Astrid spoke to me.
"How did you know about me?"
"I figured it out myself."
"I see."
As if couldn’t grasp the situation, Lars kept looking back and forth between me and Astrid. Clearly not understand how a mere student like me could know her. He’ll definitely ask me about this later. Not that I’d give him an answer, anyway.
Then at that moment. Astrid’s faintly orange hair floated in the air, and her eyes glowed a brilliant color. One of Astrid's exclusive skills, [Lie Detection].
'A cheat skill that absolutely impossible to dodge… a different skill from the other four sages or three sword emperors. You can't even avoid it with acting skills'
That’s why I told the truth even in the situation where lying is fine. I really did figure out everything about Astrid on my own.
Anyway. Thanks to this skill, Astrid had wandered the continent, unable to find a disciple. Who could approach one of the Four Sages, reveal everything about themselves, and purely seek to learn magic? That’s almost close to an illusion.
By now, there may be people who have guessed what I'm getting at. Right. The first condition to learn magic from Astrid von Kaliud. You must earn her trust. No lies, and face her head-on. That’s the beginning and the end of it.
Astrid nodded, seemingly knowing that I wasn’t lying. That's fortunate for me. After all, I'm in a position where I need to become her disciple.
Well, nothing wrong with making a good impression
"I don’t want to talk too much, so just take it off."
I obediently took off my coat, just as she told me to. My body had trained nicely now, with lean muscles in the right places. Unfortunately, just as my strength has a limit, my muscle growth is limited too, so it's difficult to grow it to be bulky
'Still, I’ve worked hard to get this far, so I’m pretty satisfied.'
"Is this good enough?"
"Don’t ask when you already know. It’s annoying."
Astrid spoke with a yawn, full of tiresomeness. Then she lightly placed her hand on my chest, and blue mana began to form. Lars, seeing this, freaked out.
"Ah, Astrid-nim! Um, what exactly are you planning to do to student Nox? If I may ask for your intentions…?"
That guy… His voice was trembling slightly. It seemed like he was worried that I might die. Sometimes, he can be a nice guy.
Standing in front of two of the Four Sages and daring to ask about their intentions… that’s no small feat. Although, he probably just doesn’t want to lose his top student, who researched a thesis with him.
"To learn my magic, this is necessary. Move."
Astrid’s eyes, filled with indifference, stared down at Lars, who had somehow stepped in front of me. Unless Lars was truly terrified, he would not back down from this, and he’d definitely hold his ground…
"Ah! Yes, I understand. This is Astrid-nim's magic, one of the Four Sages, there's no way it could be dangerous! Haha!"
"No, He could actually die"
Astrid said that in a completely indifferent tone. Lars looked a bit worried but laughed it off.
"Haha, what a joke! While some knights might think mages are crazy, it’s not like anyone but dark mages would go out of their way to kill someone! Nox-kun, this is a great opportunity, so make the most of the dean’s kindness!"
…Coward. Lars quickly backed off, accepted it just like that. It seems his brain has made a compromise. This guy… I’m going to skip two of our research meetings later.
While I was plotting my small revenge, Astrid’s blue mana was slowly seeping into my body. Since Astrid was too lazy to explain, I pondered what I knew about Inner Lunatic’s magic, especially Dragon Magic which related to the Dragon language. What she’s doing now is the process of creating a Dragon Heart, the pinnacle of magic, the heart to use the highest skills in Inner Lunatic.
A rough breath escaped me, and I unknowingly furrowed my brow. Even after I’ve adapted to this world, the feeling of mana squeezing my heart was unfamiliar. It’s not like there’s anything I can do about it, but still… I can't help but wonder can’t she be a bit gentler?
"Endure it. It’s annoying, so I’ll finish quickly."
As expected, it seems all teachers in fiction are insane. I let out a sigh as I suddenly realized this truth again. A short, sharp sigh. Naturally, Astrid didn’t care at all.
Meanwhile, At the same time, Astrid herself was slightly surprised. It was because of Nox’s magical talent.
'He has way too much mana. This is going to take a long time to create the Dragon Heart…'
Annoying. It’s so annoying that I feel like I might die. But even so, why is it? Astrid had a fleeting thought that maybe, she might become a little interested in Nox if he managed to survive this ordeal. The reason was simple.
She thought to herself, with the amount of mana she was pouring into him? The chances of a mere 15-year-old, barely adult Nox surviving were less than 2%.
'If he really does survive, things might get interesting.'
Even with that thought, she just spoke in a flat tone.
"Endure it."
Dragons. They are the beginning and end of magic.
In normal fantasy novels, comics, or games, they are often described like this.
Inner Lunatic is somewhat similar. While dragons aren’t the originators of magic, they are still counted as one of the leading races in magic study.
'Furthermore, because they use a specialized language system called Dragon language, they handle magic with far more words than humans can express, making the magic stability high. That’s why in the later half of the game, using Dragon magic becomes a must.'
Basically, Dragon magic is unparalleled and inherently awe-inspiring.
Those who have transcended may occasionally wield magic comparable to that realm, but most mages can’t even come close, which proves just how extraordinary it is.
Also, there are several reasons why dragon magic is so powerful. but the biggest one is the Dragon Heart. In other words, the difference lies in the power engine that circulates mana within their bodies. Later, when you max out a mage build and grow your character close to the limit, you really start to feel it, but acquiring a Dragon Heart is a challenge that’s almost beyond imagination. But right now, it’s what I need most.
'Magic and Sword. The fact that I have genius traits for both is an overwhelming advantage over the others. If I can properly use magic while learning Luna’s Moonlight Sword…'
Naturally, I’ll be able to survive even when the first part of the game ends. If so, getting closer to the truth will be much easier.
That’s right. In the end, everything is about finding the answer.
My origin. Where is the truth hidden? Also, What is this strange possession leading me to, who am I…? For this, I have no choice but to grow stronger.
'…But heart isn't consumable goods, and there's no way you can just swap out it easily. In other words…'
I felt a sharp pain shoot through my heart, and this time, I glared at Astrid, determined to quibble over this. Still, even if it's me, I'm not used to continuously enduring this level of pain. Just when I was about to speak.
An even greater wave of pain started constricting me.
If a moment ago, the mana flowing into me was just squeezing my heart, now it felt like a searing hot iron was carved something onto it. The shocking pain that I felt surged through my most vulnerable spot, sweeping me just like a tidal wave.
'At this rate… I think I will die…!'
Of course, I’ve never actually died after saying something like that. But I can't help but be frightened.
It feels almost like the time I collapsed while playing the game. The agony, spreading slowly like a deadly poison, reminded me of the pain I felt when I first got possessed in the game.
Haa… I took a few breaths, but even my breathing was shaking right now. Maybe it was too early to entrust my body to Astrid?
When a strong regret began to wash over me.
[The Dragon’s Inscription on player’s heart is beginning!]
Kohok--- Just as I coughed up blood and my vision started to blur. Though I couldn't quite hear the system message clearly, later, I’d realize why Astrid is considered the best teacher unit in Inner Lunatic.
The regret that had been tormenting me until then disappeared completely.
[The integrated item 'Dragon Heart' is being engraved to the player!] [Your ability to manage mana is greatly enhanced!] [Your Mana stat has permanently increased by 1!] [Your Physical Strength stat has permanently increased by 1!] [Your Willpower stat has permanently increased by 1!]
All stats increased by 1?
'This really is on another level.'
I realized it once again. … When it comes to magic, then from dragons.
As I reflected on that, I closed my eyes. I glanced over at Astrid for a moment, who was yawning, and watched Noah's cheerful expression and Lars's horrified face. Lars, I won’t let you off easy…!
Soon after, a deep sleep overcame me. I smiled faintly.
When I wake up, I’ll probably be quite different, no, very different from who I was before.
"Noah, it seems you picked up something useful."
I closed my eyes as I listened to Astrid's last words.
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rustictealeaf · 27 days
i love your fc drelle! please, tell me more about her wife
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This is Willow Terran, the 5th Generation Earth Dragon Slayer!
She grew up in a dragon eater cult that used part of Dogramag's body to give their children the ability of dragon slayers.
Because of the nature of how she gained her dragon slayer magic, Willow is cursed with dragon features. Her left arm is covered in thick, dark brown dragon scales. And very soon, she begins to grow horns on her head and develop scales on her face.
She became a member of Fairy Tail looking for work, and during the battle of Fairy Tail, was put up against three other members- one including Drelle, the other two being mages named Erin and Sakana.
Drelle, Willow, Sakana, and Erin all are trapped in an enchantment rune together that says that they have to fight each other and only one of them would be allowed to leave. Drelle IMMEDIATELY recognizes the script and panics. She is flooded by memories of her brother, who she missed so dearly.
However, she knows enough to get them out of the enchantment safely- its just a matter of convincing everyone to stop fighting. In the middle of her fight against Willow, who is nearly decimating the other three mages with her magic, Drelle manages to convince Willow that she can get them out if she's willing to trust her. Willow does, and manages to fight Sakana and Erin to give Drelle enough time to drop the enchantment. Sure enough, its Dark Écriture, and shes able to rewrite the enchantment to allow them to leave it.
The three other wizards wonder how she was able to do that, and she explains that she grew up learning the script from her younger brother, who was in love with ancient languages and magic script. Erin explains that the runes were put up by Freed Justine, a member of the Thunder Legion and one of Laxus's lackies. WELL GUESS WHO JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE A JUSTINE TOO. Drelle doesn't reveal this information, but Willow can just tell that they are siblings due to their similar scent- so she offers to help Drelle find Freed to hopefully knock some sense into him. The two of them begin to go around Magnolia to disable as many runes as they possibly can to prevent more fighting while Erin and Sakana attempt to find the Thunder Legion to take them out.
Unfortunately, they both lose to Bickslow (and sakana realizes that hes kinda attractive, way to go girl). That leaves Drelle and Willow to continue to take out enchantments.
This pisses of Freed, naturally, and he shows up like "why the fuck are you doing that also HOW are you doing that" and so they fight Freed! Drelle is like "noo my brother cant possibly be evil now, i knew practicing black magic was bad" and then Willow gets hit with his magic and its an enchantment that removes her ability to see, so she becomes blinded and taken out by Freed.
Drelle realizes shes left to fight him herself, and is actually keeping up with him pretty well. She is able to undo some of his enchantments while giving herself some of her own to boost her magic power and her strength, and is able to get a really good hit in on him, but in the end he uses his advantage of planting runes in the city to outdo her. She breaks one of the rules of the enchantments and is struck down by lightning, putting her out of the game. Freed wonders who this woman is but continues on, not quite realizing that Drelle is his "dead" sister. and then goes and gets his ass kicked by mira later.
after the whole bye bye laxus ordeal and hes banished for inventing fortnite, erin and willow are going on a job when erin goes and asks drelle if she wants to join them. she was impressed by her magic and her performance and asks her if she'd be willing to join their team, and so she agrees. They need another wizard with elemental magic, not just willow, so they invite sakana too! yay, team!
i have a lot of jobs they go on in my head but TLDR willow and drelle realize that their magic sync together very well. Drelle can use her magic to buff Willow's attacks and add more mobility to Willow's magic, since its very stationary. As the earth dragon slayer, she doesnt have a lot of mobility options other than drilling herself into the dirt, which isnt always smart. shes very dense so getting off the ground is hard. Drelle can use her light script to boost Willow and also cover her blind spots and take things out at range, which Willow really can't other than a few attacks. The two make a really good team and are even able to do a unison raid during a job! meaning their magic becomes so insync they do a joint magic attack!
after a specific job im still planning out in my head- Willow's curse is getting worse. She overused her magic during a fight, and Drelle notices while bandaging her wounds all the dragon marks on her body. Willow's eyes are still slitted and her magic is going crazy, and she confesses to Drelle in a panic that she's at risk of transforming. Drelle asks her what she means, and she explains that because shes a dragon eater and not a true dragon slayer, she has the risk of turning into a dragon from overuse of her magic. Drelle exclaims that there must be something they can do, and Willow tells her that if she can't control her magic, she'll transform and kill everyone. She begs Drelle to take everyone and leave, because she doesnt know if she can control herself, and Drelle refuses, saying there has to be something they can do. She thinks fast and in another moment of using her etherious magic, she starts to put dark erciture on willow that says she can't transform. its use of bane particles allow the dragons curse to recede into the mark. HOWEVER, dark erciture itself has a cost too- its black magic that drelle has to use her etherious blood to activate. Drelle finishes the magic but her right eye turns completely dark. At the cost of saving Willow, she permanently gives herself a dark eye, the same one that Freed has. It took a lot of magic to seal away Willow's curse like that, and also was very painful for Willow. The words of the enchantment are basically burned into her arm. Drelle agrees to keep Willow's secret and so the two don't tell their teammates what happened. Of course, Erin knows about the curse, but not that its suddenly become so much worse.
Drelle wears an eyepatch for awhile, telling everyone she lost her eye in the recent job they went on, since the job was classified incorrectly. It was definitely an S Class mission improperly categorized, which would have been fatal were Willow not able to tap into her deeper magic reserves and trigger her dragon transformation. Willow feels guilty that Drelle has to wear that thing for awhile, but it's mostly for Drelle's sake- she now bears the same curse her brother does. She had now tapped into her Etherious blood. While Freed wears that curse proudly and as a mark of honor, Drelle despises her family for ruining her life and taking away her normal childhood. She wanted to grow up and help people. She had that taken from her.
Willow and Drelle get together shortly before the events of Tenrou Island. I'm still working exactly on how the confession goes, but their relationship burns brightly quickly.
When Fairy Tail goes missing during Tenrou, Drelle begins to mourn her brother once more, broken that she has lost him so quickly after reuniting.
A year after the Tenrou incident, a grieving Sakana leaves home and leaves her child with Drelle and Willow, who are forced to take care of her daughter Lana as she went on a 10 year quest with Erin to try and ride out her grief.
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dariuchihasen · 6 months
What is the akatsuki like?
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hiiii my loves🫶🏻sorry for my inactivity, I’ve been really busy with work😭 for those who have never seen my page, I’m a shifter, mostly to Naruto, but I also shift to Bleach, demon slayer, arcane, and JJK. Everything I post is based on my DR.
I’m going to start off by saying the akatsuki are my family, we may not be blood related at all but our bond as friends is unbreakable🖤I truly feel accepted with them^.^
Also! We have 4 extra members of the akatsuki, who will be added to this description!
Konan: she’s a quiet natured woman, calm and level headed yet calculated. I swear I’ve never seen her scared or even anxious. She’s so strong, physically and mentally! She’s a romantic too. In my DR she’s married to Pain, and Nagato and omg. Such a lover girl, it’s the cutest thing seeing her with them. (Only time I see her get flustered☺️)
Pain: just like his wife, he’s more on the quiet side. He handles handing out tasks and assigning missions. If he’s not away on a mission himself, you’ll most likely find him tucked away in his office handling the countless paperwork the man has to handle. He enjoys reading and learning to cook(he isn’t the best and has burnt more things than making anything edible. Konan is teaching him :)
Nagato: lives in Amegakure and comes to visit every once in a while. He handles a lot of more private affairs which is why he doesn’t live with us full time. Insanely powerful and every time he visits, he trains 1on1 with every member to help strengthen our skills. He’s really kind and gets nervous easily lol!
Itachi: he recently went through a break up and for a while was rather down about it but his spark came back! He’s insanely patient and an absolutely amazing big brother. Sasuke will come visit time to time or he’ll pop into the hidden leaf to visit his parents. Family is everything to him. He keeps his bedroom neat and clean, everything has their own place lol. His favorite genre of movies is thriller
Kisame: for starters, the dude is MASSIVE. In height and size in general. He works out daily, and before the end of the day will be found outside training. Itachi is like a brother to him, he can read Tachi like an open book and tends to know when he’s upset before Itachi even realizes it himself. Was quite the ladies man before getting into a committed relationship with a sweetheart ^.^
Zetsu: May be a bit of an odd ball but I mean that in a sweet way. His sense of humor is rather interesting and tends to be funny when he can’t read the room. Likes to magically appear to scare people or to pass on messages from other members. He’s very close with Tobi and myself so he’ll hang out with us time to time when he’s bored
Orochimaru: tends to be in his lab, all the time. If any of us want to hang out with him, we’d have to go downstairs and enter his laboratory to do so. He doesn’t mind it, he enjoys the company and isn’t afraid to admit as such. Weekly, he’ll visit the Hidden Leaf to have lunch or dinner with Lady Tsunade and Jiraiya. (Was the one to encourage Jiraiya to finally ask Tsunade out, and they’ve been together for quite some time now!)
Kabuto: he’s surprisingly super shy. He only trains with Orochimaru and only does so when the compound is primarily empty. He’s very respectful and just like Itachi, he’s very patient.
Zabuza: level headed, and an extreme strategist. Rather loud, especially when he talks about something he enjoys. Tends to work out with Kisame a few times a week. Haku is his assigned partner and they’re away a lot of the time, as they both like to be on the move but Zabuza always enjoys being able to come home and relax on the couch, watching a movie. (Doesn’t have a favorite genre, he’ll watch anything)
Haku: soft spoken and kind. Can be a smart ass which is rather amusing because he always has a comeback for everything. Enjoys baking, and on the days he’s not running around, you’ll find him in the kitchen, reading from a book as he works on a new recipe.
Deidara: confident! He’s proud of his scars and doesn’t shy away from past mistakes or ‘failures’. He’s also what a lot of the akatsuki refer to as a pretty boy since anytime we all go out, the girls flock to him. Takes pride in his hair and appearance but he’s never cocky. Has never outright said it but it’s presumed he’s bisexual🥰
Sasori: just like orochimaru, he tends to be in his room, working on new creations and preparing damaged puppets. Deidara will also be found in his room more times than his own. Doesn’t smoke like some of us do but he’ll enjoy a nice cold glass of sake at the end of a tiring work week
Tobi: goofy, childish, flamboyant, and easily excitable. Now, sometimes this persona will falter, mostly whenever he’s in our shared room where Obito takes over. As Obito, he’s much more reserved, dominant, intimidating and a major softy. He helps me work on repairs(I have my own business of custom made weaponry, Kunai’s shuriken, etc) he’s also a medical ninja, and his level is very close to Sakura’s.
Kakuzu: quiet, and grouchy. Tends to not be as vocal about his affections unless him and I are alone. He’ll never admit it but loves having his hair played with or back scratches. Has fallen asleep in my lap from me doing so. His favorite food is onigiri, all kinds of doesn’t matter what the middle is filled with. He’s not a picky eater in the slightest. Just like Kisame, he’s massive. He’s the tallest member, standing at 6’5.
Hidan: anytime he’s in the mood, he’ll team up with Tobi. It’s a recipe for chaos. If he wants attention, he’s taken after what Tobi does and have multiple shadow clones ‘annoy’ me until I give in and pay attention to him lol. Hidan is very in tune with his emotions and knows when he needs to step away and take a break from things. He’s also an affectionate drunk, so he’ll be found wrapping his arms or his body around me. Trailing along behind me like a lost puppy🥺
If you got this far, thank you☺️
Ps: if you want to know more, please send in requests, I love talking with you guys. Also don’t be scared to ask about my other DR’s, or even a specific person!
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tabs-on-me · 1 year
ROTTMNT theory time :)))
Spoilers for the entire series + movie
This is pure speculation and fun, and will only be supported by the lore of ROTTMNT not any other show.
So basically I’ve been trying to figure out how these badass overpowered mystic powers work because it’s more confusing than any fandom lore I’ve read so here’s a theory about that + a little more thoughts on mystic powers as a whole
One big point before I go all out on this theory, anyone can have mystic powers. They can be human, mutant, yokai, even the Kraang, all living beings can harness mystic powers with the correct training. This is slightly proven by Warren Stone being able to use an mystic stone without problems, April and Cassandra being able to use Aprils mystic Bat, and when April gets hamato ghost possessed by Karai.
So let’s get on with the main theory.
In the final episode, “Rise” Big Mama reveals something crucial to the show as a whole that the fandom didn’t really know about(due to the second season being hard to watch). When the turtles need her help to find out where Shredder has taken Splinter and Draxum, she says
“To harness a life force you would need the source of all yokai power, enperian”
Then when Shredder finds this ‘enperian’ it’s revealed that it came from a single Kraang who died either in battle or from crashing into the Crying Titan
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From what we can concur, the Yokai (from Big mama be know “We yokai have existed for thousands of eons”) must have evolved from the blood/engine fuel from the dead Kraang. This being the very source of all mystic magic, but than what is Ninpo? I believe it’s just an technique that the Hamato clan learned to fight the Shredder. (Similar to demon slayer, how humans have found ways to defeat demons with ancient arts if you need a comparison)
Another point about mystic magic, is that it cant directly be accessed without unlocking it. I think weapons at the beginning of the series are more like a catalyst for the turtles to harness their inner power.
The weapons only unlock a small part of the turtles real power, such as Leo’s portals becoming twin katanas that teleport wherever the other is, Mikey’s “wip”becoming nunchucks that can extend and light on fire, and Raphs force fields becoming a lot bigger and durable. We’ll talk Donnie in a minute because he’s a special case. But thanks to the mystic weapons the turtles learn and adapt to their powers and train themselves around them.
“What about you, Donnie? Don’t you want a glow-y weapon?”
“No, I’m good. I’ll never let you go.”
It’s made clear from the first episode Donnie is the most reluctant about “mystic magic.”
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Even if he’s against the emphasis on mystic magic, he doesn’t try and stop it entirely, he more try’s to find a way to make sense of it. In the episode “Donnie vs Witchtown” (or Hidden City Adventures II) he’s very adamant on being against the whole idea of something he can’t explain.
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“Because, I’m the Science Guy! If mystic powers can do everything I can do but better, than why would you guys even need me?”
The whole “being insecure about your role on the team thanks to something that you can’t avoid” might have been dragged out a bit more in the series(if a certain company didn’t cut the second season in half and postponed the show). But Donnie being insecure, is the driving reason his mystic powers were so delayed. It’s hard for Donnie to accept mystic magic but when he finally does his powers start to awaken.
So these powers are awaken through acceptance, possible training, and a catalyst for those powers? Not exactly, but you’re on the right track.
We have to look in the future to understand how to trigger these powers. It’s seen in the first few minutes of the ROTTMNT movie how powerful F!Mikey mystic powers have grown. Even Casey Jr. awes at his powers and through his description of F!Mikey we know he was incredibly powerful.
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“You are the most powerful mystic warrior the world has ever known. With those two hands, you send me back in time”
F!Mikey is even foreshadowed in the first episode of the show. When the turtles lose April after she tried to save Mayhem, it’s Mikey who recognizes the hidden city symbol from splinters “do not touch shelf”
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“Oh, hey! I’ve seen this before! In fact, we all have.”
It’s Mikey who assessed the portal to the hidden city
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"How about we let the artist of the crew take a poke at it?"
And Mikey is the first of the turtles to awaken his weapon the ‘Kusari-fundo Nunchaku.’
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"Whoa. Magic weapon”
That begs the question, why exactly is it Mikey who’s the Badass mystic warrior? Why couldn’t it be Donnie or Raph, maybe even Leo? What separates Mikey from his brothers that makes him so powerful in the future?
Out of all his brothers Mikey does have one big attribute that his brothers all lack in, his ability to be vulnerable, and being in touch with his emotions. His biggest strength and weakness is his empathy and emotional intelligence, unlike his brothers whom are very dishonest with their emotions and problems. It’s seen thought the show his emotions and feelings land him into difficult circumstances and often get him in trouble without one of his brothers to to stop him from getting hurt.
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“Look, Mikey, repo men have to be mean, and I don’t know if you know this, but you’re kind of a softie."
"That really hurts my feelings! Oh, you have a point. But I can do this. Hard as nails.”
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“I heard something.”
“A model train. Simple answer.”
So with his more open mind and emotional vulnerability his mystic powers grew. This could also support the real reason Donnie could really use his powers. He’s the most emotionally distant of the brothers, being so uneducated on them he doesn’t know some of the basic emotions that people feel.
So in conclusion, mystic powers come from a lot of different things. They can be awaken though the acceptance that magic truly exists. They can be harnessed through a catalyst that enables the user control over them. And the thing that triggers and fuels them are emotions. Plus spending years training them will result in you basically becoming Dr. Strange.
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Yes very confusing but if you want more evidence then you can just watch season 1 and the movie and pay attention to their mystic powers.
But that’s just a theory, a Rise theory!
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coraniaid · 2 months
For the AU game; Buffy S3 AU where either Faith shows up in Sunnydale earlier, Buffy stays in LA longer or both and Faith ends up taking some of Buffy's place by the time she does come back?
Trying to maximize Buffy's sense of alienation as much as I can...
In canon, we know that Giles spends the summer looking for Buffy, and traveling across the country chasing down rumours of any girl who might be the Slayer. And we also know that Faith spends some time (possibly/probably overlapping with that summer) travelling from Boston to Sunnydale, presumably slowly and mostly on foot. And even if her stories to Buffy in Faith, Hope & Trick aren't true [which they aren't], it's not impossible she'd have run into some vampires while doing this and that stories might have spread of a teenage girl fighting monsters and trying to avoid official attention or stay in one place for too long. So I think it's pretty plausible that Giles himself might have discovered Faith over the summer, while looking for somebody he hoped would be Buffy. For her part, Faith wouldn't necessarily be in a rush to trust a strange adult man, even if he did claim to be a Watcher, but I think if he managed to convince her that Buffy was missing she'd agree to come to Sunnydale to temporarily fill in for her (both because she was looking for Buffy herself to begin with and because she'd jump at the chance to prove she could be as good as any other Slayer).
Meanwhile for her part I think a pre-Dead Man's Party Joyce would not be at all content to let Giles just sign up a new Slayer, but would insist on checking that said new Slayer had a place to stay and -- when she found out that Faith didn't have any family of her own to speak of -- offering her use of the spare room at her house (not Buffy's room, of course, because Joyce would insist that Buffy was coming back any day now, but pre-Dawn they do have a spare room). [Even in canon Joyce is the only adult other than the Mayor to ever suggest Faith shouldn't be spending all her nights in a cheap motel, and canon!Joyce has her own daughter to worry about which this Joyce doesn't yet.] And yes, Joyce is basically just trying to prove to herself she'd do a better job if/when Buffy came back (though she wouldn't admit that to anyone, least of all herself), but I don't think Faith would need much persuading to move in to a real house or to try to impress yet another surrogate mother figure (and she would, I think, be even more willing to do that if she could convince herself this wasn't some act of charity or pity but just a transactional arrangement where she'd help Joyce look for Buffy). Neither of them would think of this as Joyce replacing Buffy even for a second, but Buffy herself might have quite a differen take when she did finally come back.
I don't think Faith would make much effort to impress Buffy's friends without Buffy herself around (Xander would be impressed anyway; Oz and Cordelia still wouldn't care). Faith wouldn't think much of their efforts to fight vampires on their own either, and would do her best to put a stop to that (Giles and Joyce would briefly unite to agree with her). Willow would simultaneously be furious at Faith trying to 'replace' Buffy and not doing enough to go and look for her and angry at herself for spending the summer learning magic with Amy and not being able to help Giles find Buffy (she tries to use magic to find the Slayer once and gets very upset when it can only point her towards Faith). Faith wouldn't go to school, but they'd still run into each other at the library now and then.
Buffy herself gets back from LA just a little later ... right at the same time that Kakistos shows up. Faith still plans on dealing with things by running away, but this time Trick manages to track her down to Revello Drive and Kakistos and company manage to kidnap Joyce. Buffy convinces Faith to face her fears (especially with how much Joyce being captured reminds her of what Kakistos did to Diana), they save the day (and Faith rescues Joyce) and things proceed from there much as they did in the show (except that now Faith is living in the spare room of Buffy's house rather than a motel).
All of this has less impact on canon going forward than you might think. Faith still leaves town for unnanounced 'walkabouts' at various points during the season; still gets furious at Buffy when she finds out about Angel; still accidentally kills Allan Finch and still defects to work for the Mayor. The only two lasting changes are that when Faith tries to hold Joyce hostage in This Year's Girl she is briefly distracted by the fact that Joyce didn't clear her room out (Buffy also noted this when she went home in The Freshman and wondered why her mom started use her room for storage), and in Season 5 if it ever comes up before they find out about the Key and the monks changing everyone's memories, Buffy, Joyce and Dawn get confused about where exactly Faith stayed while she was in town, since Dawn was definitely there all along and so they didn't have any sort of spare room to offer Faith.
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lucy-and-rebecca · 1 year
Let's talk about alchemy
Fairy tail has a pretty good well fleshed out magic system. So what's with alchemy all of a sudden? This thing that looks and feels like magic but isn't actually magic and doesn't have any drawback of magic? That doesn't feel right.
I think Alchemy is just another form of magic and it has a cost that we don't know yet. It feels very similar to western image of a witch or wizard. I think it's a less hurtful form of magic invented by dragon Slayers.
Alchemy for some reason reminds me very much of Porlyusica. An anti social old woman, living in woods all alone is something that's very much associated with witchcraft. Yet she's one of the few characters in fairy tail who can't use magic. Despite that, she is very familiar with the adverse effects magic or the lack of it will have on your body. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that Porlyusica knows a thing or two about alchemy.
The perception Lucy had of Alchemy is also something we associate with 'witch'.
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It's also interesting that she had a preconception of what Alchemy would be. Because from what we have seen most other wizards know very little about it.
In the original Japanese the word they use for wizards is Modôshi which roughly means those who follow the way of magic. Magic in fairy tail is closer to martial arts than than it is to magic performed by people in pointy hats living in high towers.
Although there is one wizard who does fit that description. Elefseria.
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And as it was confirmed in the recent chapter, Elefseria was the one who made Athena and that he is an alchemist.
Dragon Slayer magic is far more common than what we were led to believe at the beginning of the series. Which makes sense because it was the common form of magic used in the war against dragons. It makes sense that it was passed down to a lot of people. As we all know dragon slayer magic take a huge toll on those who use it. Natsu and the others we know are the expections who are speared from its worst effects. It would make sense if some dragon slayers would try to find a harmless form of magic and discovered alchemy.
Lucy's perception of what alchemy was might be what alchemy used to be. Using magic from the environment instead of using it from their bodies. That in itself again invokes the image of a 'Witch'. I think Alchemy's association with what we would consider witchcraft is really nice but I don't think there is anything more to it than that.
Magic is in the air. Literally. Wizards breath in and absorb ethernano and spend it while doing magic. I think alchemist figured out a way to manipulate ethernano in their surrounding environment. For example I think Athena is manipulating ethernano within the bodies of the wizards to make them cry. So they are using magical energy just not the magical energy within their bodies.
So now I'm wondering if I'm right can this help Natsu in the future?
Remember this scene?
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I've been wondering how exactly is Natsu going to defeat Ignia? Other than power of friendship I mean. Him learning another type of magic seems very unlikely to me but what if he figures out a way to make make Ignia vulnerable to fire? Based on what we have seen with Sai reversing something about an individual is definitely in the relm of possibilities.
Natsu's flames ended up hurting himself (and Lucy) after using Ignia's power. It would be really cool to see Natsu doing something similar to him.
Another possibility is Lucy learns alchemy instead and she's the one who makes ignia vulnerable to fire.
In conclusion I like the inclusion of Alchemy in fairy tail and I hope it's not a one arc only thing. I want it to come up and be relevant in the future arcs as well.
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marilyn-not-monroe · 1 year
PJO: Buffy the Vampire Slayer- the Core Four
It was a struggle to figure out just one god for each character, because they’re all complex and multi-faceted. Once I realized each god would bless or favor a character, it helped things fall into place.
Buffy Summers
Aphrodite has been favoring her since she first rose to popularity at her old high school. It is thanks to Aphrodite that Buffy has amazing style and knows how to accessorize, and that her clothes never get ruined during slayage.
Ares took notice of Buffy when she became a Slayer. He blessed her with street smarts and a unique fighting style, helping her win every battle and giving her impeccable instincts.
Zeus has been on her side ever since she began to lead the Scoobies, and is with her every time she issues orders. Her leadership style isn’t always welcomed by her team, and she’s learned how to live with her mistakes, and when it’s time to pursue the right course even though it makes her unpopular.
Hades was with her the moment she embraced her destiny and walked to her fated death at the hands of the Master. Under his influence, she’s developed her sense of duty and right and wrong, even when it means her death or the death of others.
Willow Rosenberg
With her love of books, her intelligence, and her desire for learning, it’s easy to see Athena’s influence on this lady.
Hecate helped Willow develop her curiosity about magic, and strengthened her natural gifts. With Hecate’s assistance, Willow learned to cast powerful spells, but failed to understand that magic is a sword without a hilt.
Persephone began to notice her when Willow lost her Tara and cheered her on when Willow embraced vengeance. Persephone is both the goddess of spring and the Underworld, and Willow has had to learn to balance her light and dark sides, her desire to do good and her lust for power.
Xander Harris
This boy was ignored for so long by the gods, until he stared down a psychopath who wanted to blow up the high school. When Xander decided that he would be fine with dying, that at least it’d be quiet, Hestia began to favor his true heart and his solid presence, his ability to take action and fight by simply being there. With her help, he was able to gain insight into peoples’ mentality and actions.
Hermes related to his struggle for identity and his desire to find his place in the world. When Xander bounced around from job to job, Hermes helped him try to find meaning and purpose and still stay connected with his friends.
Hephaestus understood Xander perfectly when he declared that he was done being everyone’s butt monkey. Hephaestus has spent eons being the butt of everyone’s jokes, and he respected Xander’s desire to become something more. It is thanks to Hephaestus that Xander found his path of carpentry, building and replacing furniture and knowing how to properly maintain tools.
Rupert Giles
Dionysus favored Giles when he rejected his destiny and embarked on a path of magic, freedom, and parties. Dionysus could understand Giles’s desire to live in the now, and pursue pleasure and fun.
Athena assisted him in returning to college and building a persona of fussiness and tweed. She enabled him in loving books, and has guided him in researching how to best help Buffy with her monster-of-the-week struggles.
Zeus is present every time Giles has to do what others can’t, such as killing Ben or beating up Ethan. It’s never easy to be the last resort, but Giles has learned to rise to the occasion.
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