#in the meantime I am tired and this is gonna go up on AO3 tomorrow
kittyball23 · 1 year
Lullaby (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: On the way to their first destination, the Trolls have a brief campout for the night
A/N: An idea by FandomKingdomGirl on AO3 as well as @pixarchan :)
Nobody realized how much of a distance it was to their first stop, until the sky began to turn a gradient sunset color, and then gave way into night.
They had set out in the morning, traveling all day without rest, and it had taken its toll on the caterbus. Rhonda stretched out each of her four green legs and then flopped down on the ground, letting out a great big yawn. John Dory seated himself next to her and patted her fondly, the caterbus letting out a happy little purr in response.
Poppy in the meantime had nursed a fire, supplying wood to it so that it continued to keep them each warm. Sleeping bags were being set up by Branch around it, so they could all turn in for the night and be readily re-energized once tomorrow came.
“Ooo,” Tiny Diamond said, seeing the setup. “Are we gonna be telling scary stories?”
“No,” Poppy shook her head. “We’re gonna go to sleep.”
“What?” Tiny said, like he couldn’t believe it.
“It’s way past your bedtime,” the Pop Queen said matter-of-factly.
“A man doesn’t need bedtime!” Tiny Diamond pouted, crossing his arms.
“Oh, yes you do!” Poppy said. “How else are you gonna grow up to be big and strong?”
“Aunt Poppy, I’m already big and strong, see?” He flexed the teeny little muscles he had on his arms and Poppy sighed.
Branch could tell she was tired. With how energetic she was throughout the day, it all came crashing down at night. A fussy child was not something she would rather deal with right now when there was a nice, comfortable slumber awaiting her. So Branch stepped in to help.
“Proud of your boy
I'll make you proud of your boy
Believe me, bad as I've been, Ma
You're in for a pleasant surprise,
I've wasted time
I've wasted me
So say I'm slow for my age
A late bloomer, Okay, I agree…”
Branch sang just loud enough so that it could be heard over the crackling of the flames, and other nature sounds around them. Poppy glanced at him with delighted surprise, always charmed to hear his voice, but Tiny Diamond wasn’t sharing her sentiments exactly.
“A lullaby?” he said. “Nice try, but that never - “ He broke off, yawning suddenly, and realizing that it just might be working. Seeing that it was, Branch continued.
“That I've been one rotten kid
Some son, some pride and some joy
But I'll get over these lousin' up
Messin' up, screwin' up times
You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part
Someone's gonna make good
Cross his stupid heart
Make good and finally make you
Proud of your boy…”
It was clear that Tiny was falling to the sleeping spell, with the way he was bobbing his head and trying really hard not to let his eyes get too droopy. But he was being stubborn. He still had his glittery arms crossed and was sitting up straight. But Branch didn’t let it deter him.
“Tell me that I've been a louse and loafer
You won't get a fight here, no ma'am
Say I'm a goldbrick, a good-off, no good
But that couldn't be all that I am
Water flows under the bridge
Let it pass, let it go
There's no good reason that you should believe me
Not yet, I know, but…”
Poppy sighed in admiration, her hands tucked under her chin and her eyes dilated. He was so captivating when he sang. That voice of his was something special, a gift from the heavens that bore much talent. It was no longer anything new to her, but it was to someone else who hadn’t heard his singing voice for nearly two decades.
John Dory was just about to snooze against his pet caterbus, when Branch’s singing had made him perk right up. It sounded totally bro-dacious! Not realizing it, his jaw had dropped and his eyes had gone wide as the realization came to him. That was Baby Branch, the little infant who was only an inch tall and who’d sang there on stage next to him when he was a teenager, with a voice that was still developing in strength and uniqueness. Clearly, Branch hadn’t given up singing, and he seemed to have perfected his vocals so stunningly in the years he was on his own…
… years that John Dory was absent for.
A guilt suddenly came upon the teal Troll. He began to think back to how he’d greeted Branch back at the wedding earlier that day, as if no years had passed by, as though it was just another day up to their brotherly antics, when it obviously wasn’t the case. There were many years in between, years where he could’ve seen Branch grow into that lovely voice, and helped guide him there vocally. That was no longer possible… not without a time machine, which, didn’t exist of course.
Still, he wondered if there was a way to make amends to that bond…
“Someday and soon
I'll make you proud of your boy
Though I can't make myself taller
Or smatter or handsome or wise…”
John Dory had taken a leap of faith in joining in on the song, hoping that Branch wouldn’t get upset. Branch did not stop singing, but he did look over in surprise at his brother. A part of him was annoyed. He hadn’t wanted JD to sing with him. He wanted to sing with him only when the time required it, when they had already retrieved Spruce and Clay and were ready to do the perfect Family Harmony to free Floyd. But he couldn’t stop himself now. It would break the serene melody that was finally making Tiny shut his eyes for good, the fight in him to stay awake lost.
“I'll do my best, what else can I do?
Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you
Mom, I will try to
Try hard to make you
Proud of your boy…”
Both brothers sang, and Branch felt a little spark inside him once they’d concluded. It hadn’t sounded awful. It had sounded pretty good, and John Dory was beaming at him. Branch didn’t scowl at him. He didn’t smile just yet, but he wasn’t frowning or huffing either. He was just looking at him with the slightest hint of appreciation.It wasn’t much, but it was just enough for JD to get that vibe that things could be amended. They weren’t beyond repair - they could still be put right.
Poppy was bubbly with joy as she grabbed the sleeping baby and tucked him into one of the sleeping bags. Tiny smiled in his sleep and cuddled the blanket close to him, sucking his thumb. She then turned her gaze to Branch and JD, and could see the expressions on their faces. They’re going to be great friends by the end of this trip! Poppy thought to herself, looking forward to when she would see her boyfriend and his brother pal around, singing songs and hugging and dancing like they had years before.
Branch broke his gaze away first, and he glanced around them. “Wait… where am I gonna sleep?”
Poppy cocked her head. “Huh?” She looked down, and suddenly realized the predicament. Poppy had placed Tiny in Branch’s sleeping bag, and by the looks of it, the Trolling seemed far too comfortable to be moved. Aside from John Dory’s sleeping bag, which he was already settled into, there was only Poppy’s pink one.
“Ohhh… oops,” the Pop Queen said, biting her lip in contemplation.
“Hmm,” JD thought, and then he snapped his fingers as he thought of a perfect solution. “Say, why don’tcha sleep together!”
John Dory reared back as the two Trolls yelled in shock back at him. “Whoa, chill, alright? I just thought the sleeping bag looked big enough to fit ya,” he explained. “What’d you think I meant?”
As Poppy’s face turned red with a blush, Branch already began to walk off. “You know what? I, uh, I can just gather some leaves and moss and stuff and I’ll just make myself a pile to sleep on, okay? Okay!” He hurried off.
“But won’t that be uncomfortable?” John Dory called after him.
“NOPE!” came the strained reply.
JD was confused when Poppy too didn’t want to speak anymore. “Well, goodnight!” she squeaked, quickly tucking herself into the pink sleeping bag and making sure to turn her face away from his.
John Dory exchanged a baffled look with Rhonda. “Was it something I said?”
Rhonda only shrugged.
__________________________________________ A/N: Song is "Proud of Your Boy" from the Aladdin musical 🎶
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loversandantiheroes · 11 months
In the event this place eventually does go up in flames at some point, which, while possible, is not something I'm keen to start panicking over if only bc I start feeling like that one skit from The Secret Policeman's Ball with Peter Cook and Rowan Atkinson waiting for the end of the world ("Right, same time tomorrow?"), but if it does happen you guys will at the very least still be able to find me on ao3 as loversandantiheroes. Tumblr or no tumblr, any fic I write in the future will still be going up there. I may explore my options for other fandom-friendly sites later on, but that's a problem for future me. Current me is tired and bemoaning that tumblr's blog backup feature never fucking works properly.
Anyway, to my moots, if anybody wants my discord handle and doesn't have it, hmu. I'm happy to share. And in the meantime I'm just gonna keep sitting here on my porch like the stubborn and exhausted bitch that I am.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Random Writing Tidbit LET ME SLEEP…
… Ahem. Not you guys. My brain.
Okay. Basic basis of this is something explodes ceiling collapses, and Isamu pushes both Aruto and Izu out of the way, gets trapped under it himself.
Obviously, this would be set much later in the series.
“No…!” The word was a choked gasped as Aruto scrambled to his feet, rushing forward to begin digging madly through the debris so frantically he quickly scraped his knuckles and grazed his palms. “No no no no no no no no no no no no no no…!”
Izu hung back for a moment, her ears and eyes flashing and clicking as she surveyed the area. “… Aruto-saichou!” She said suddenly, pointing at a spot a few paces from where he was searching. “Here.” Without waiting for him, she marched over to the pile and began going through the mess, picking up hunks of concrete and tossing them aside like balls of paper. By the time he stumbled over, she had already cleared enough to reveal Isamu’s arm and shoulder, pausing only for a moment to announce, “Visual contact.” Before she commenced removing the rest of the rubble.
Aruto tried to help for a bit, before it became very clear she didn’t need him, so he just knelt on the ground and tried to rouse Isamu while she finished with the wreckage. “Fuwa…! Oi! Fuwa!” When Izu cleared the final piece, he leaned over to grip Vulcan’s shoulder, trying not to disturb the other Rider’s injuries too much, but desperate for some sign of life—especially since Isamu was so pale, cut and bruised, with a thick smear of blood on his forehead, sticking his hair. “Fuwa!”
“Saichou.” Izu stepped up beside him. “Fuwa-san appears to be suffering from several severe internal haemorrhages in multiple vital organs, and at least fifteen bone fractures and a concussion. Some of his broken bones also appear to have ruptured a lung.” Her tone was as level as always, but the words were much softer than usual. Her ear lights flickered. “I am summoning emergency medical services and alerting the rest of AIMs, however…” She actually hesitated, just as Isamu winced faintly, groaning. Izu stared at his face for a moment, then looked back to Aruto. “… However, it is highly unlikely they will arrive in time.” Aruto felt his heart dropping from his chest, looking back down at the other Rider in his arms as Vulcan’s eyes cracked open. He felt pressure on his shoulder—Izu’s hand. “… Please be prepared.” She whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear.
Isamu blinked a few times, groaning tiredly again. “… It… Hurts…” He coughed weakly, but it didn’t sound like his lungs were working properly, especially when blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. Slowly, he looked slightly up at the other Rider holding him, squinting at the young man’s face. “… You okay?” He wheezed, frowning concernedly with an edge of pain, in a familiar way that made Aruto’s chest clench—he’d seen that look before, when he’d visited his father in the hospital as a child. He nodded quickly, hoping to dismiss the agonisingly recognisable expression that his memory also associated with permanent loss from Isamu’s face. But the frown just deepened as Vulcan struggled to breathe for a moment before, “… The… HumaGear…?” His voice was even weaker than before, and his words began to blur together as he went on, “… What-was-her-name…?” The fact that, despite how hoarse and confused he was, he sounded like he was genuinely trying to remember made the knot in Aruto’s ribs twist even tighter, and tears stung his eyes—he glanced anxiously at Izu.
She looked taken aback for second, but quickly recovered. “I am undamaged.”
Clutching tightly to the other Rider’s sleeve, Aruto felt Isamu’s shoulder relax, his head lolling to the side and his eyes starting to close again. “Hey. Hey!” He wanted to shake Vulcan to snap him out of it, but Izu saying ‘concussion’ replayed in his mind, and the huge blotch of red on Isamu’s forehead stood out like a warning sign. Instead he just held more fiercely on to the other Rider’s shoulder, gripping a handful of Vulcan’s suit jacket. “Come on…! Stay awake…!” Frantically, one hand fumbled to find Isamu’s to grasp it just as tightly to his chest. “Help is coming, okay? So, please, just stay awake!” But the other Rider’s eyelids merely fluttered slightly, his brows creasing for a moment before he faded again. “No… No no no no no no…” His fingers curled even more, trying to squeeze even harder, like he could hold Isamu’s life in with just the strength of his hands, tears dripping down his cheeks. “No…” Desperately, he tried to wrack his brain for something—he had to try and keep Vulcan alert, aware. Had to…
His mouth spluttered out the first words that came to him. “That last move really brought down the house!” Even to him, the joke immediately fell flat. His voice was cracking, and his heart was audibly not in it—that was sitting somewhere in his stomach like a ball of cold lead—and it was glaringly inappropriate for the situation. Someone important to him was dying—again. What the hell was he thinking?
A low, breathless sound brought him back to reality, making him look down. The other Rider had turned slightly away from him. For a moment, he thought he’d imagined the sound, then it came again, quickly followed by another. The sound continued, and as he felt a slight vibration through his hand on Vulcan’s shoulder, he realised what it was—laughter. Isamu was laughing, tiredly and weakly, half choking as he fought to breathe, more blood on his lips, but genuine and warm—even the weary grimace had shifted into a soft smile, one that suited him much better than his scowl.
A few coughs interspersed the chuckles, and Vulcan’s head turned back, unfocused gaze flickering to Aruto’s face. “… Idiot…” He croaked faintly, and the smile broadened—then his eyes closed, and his head dropped back to the ground, and Aruto felt the hand he was holding go slack.
Aruto’s eyes widened, and he scrabbled to try and hold on, to pull Isamu back, to… To do something…! “No… NO!!!” The syllable ripped from him, leaving him practically breathless. But the other Rider stayed still and limp, a peaceful smile still gracing his pale face. Aruto surged forward, and might have dragged Vulcan up and shaken him by his suit, but Izu’s immovable hand clamped down on his arm before he could. He turned to stare at her, tears now pouring down his face.
She was kneeling beside him, her expression calm, though did not feel indifferent. “There are no discernible vital signs.” She told him, evenly but gently. “There is nothing more you can do, Aruto-saichou.” He kept staring at her through the tears for another moment, then slumped back. After some more pause, he finally cracked, letting out a small sob and putting his head down on Isamu’s broken chest to cry.
Izu patted his back lightly as he wept, only looking away to glance over her shoulder when hurried footsteps heralded the arrival of Yua, who rushed around the corner—only to come to a scattered stop when she saw the scene. Shocked for a moment, she collected herself in time to throw out an arm and stop the rest of the AIMs officers from moving in.
They hung back until the medics arrived, at which point she stepped forward. Izu stopped her patting to shake Aruto’s shoulder, and he sat up sharply, dabbing at his eyes, looking up at Yua pitifully. She gave him an apologetic look, taking a deep breath. “Hiden… He’s AIMs. We need to take his body.” He glanced anxiously between her and Isamu, swallowing. Finally, he nodded weakly, but still couldn’t find the strength to move back until Izu helped him up and all but carried him over to sit by the wall. Yua oversaw the careful collection of her teammate’s corpse with a conscious, calculated expression casting a few sharp glares at the sound of some unprofessional gossiping about how someone as short-tempered as Vulcan had managed to die with a smile on his face. As they were finally leaving, she paused beside the other two, looking pointedly not at them, but after the stretcher being loaded into the van. “… Sorry you had to see that.” She murmured—then walked quickly to the car herself.
Aruto didn’t even look up as they drove away, only giving Izu an aimless nod when she suggested bringing around their own car. Instead he stayed riveted in place, staring at the smears of blood left behind amongst the rubble.
As a human his father had wasted away in front of them. As a HumaGear he pushed his son out of the way of danger in an explosion. This was like the worst of both. Too similar in ways he couldn’t name.
By the time the car arrived, he still hadn’t moved, though his eyes were going dry.
I totally went hc w/ Aruto relating Isamu to his father, but that was bc I was just coming off realising they were both the only ones who found his jokes funny, and so… I went a little wild. I’m also very tired. When tired I have fewer inhibitions. I’m also sorry for any typos I am wreck. Good night.
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klariwitch · 4 years
You’ll Love Me Again
No one ever really mentioned all the symptoms that comes with heartbreak. For one, your heart quite literally hurt. It burned. Not in the sorts that felt like heart burn, but more so like it was falling. The feeling of weightlessness. Yet, at the same time you felt as heavy as can be. From there its just full on misery. Y’know how people will say they feel like they just got hit by a truck? Yeah. Yeah its that.
“I’m uh, how do i put this without you going all vigilante mode on me? I’m into your sister,” Kon was grinning stupidly now.
Tim felt his heart sink and then the nausea began to settle in.
“My? My what?” Tim shook his head in disbelief. Kon didn’t like him. He liked-
“Cass. Kon likes Cass, Steph,”
“Yknow when I see him next, you best believe I’m bringing that kryptonite ring, I’m gonna-“
“I feel sick to my fucking stomach,” the Robin sobbed over the phone. 
read the rest on ao3
The answering voice sighed. She still felt the shock of Tim crying on the phone with her, about a boy of all things. And, although the she wanted to slap the living shit out of the both of them, she also knew it was best to be calm and to let him cry on. “I know, I feel you Timmy, been there, done that,” she gave the phone a sad smile.
“I can’t even comprehend how that’s a thing. Seriously, Steph, how?!” His eyes seemed to bulge, one step closer to completely freaking out. He laid back on his bed, the phone still close to pressing against his ear, and salted tears running down his reddened cheeks.
He was a bat. A detective. Trained by old comics and the world’s greatest himself, batman. So, how on earth was he feeling so sunk by all these emotions? Why so much all this once? How was he to cry over the phone to Stephanie Brown over not just a boy, but the superboy. And, not just because he didn’t like him back—no, that wasn’t even able to be gotten out—but because he planned to ask out Tim’s own sister.
“Could my life really get anymore amusing, Steph? This is fucking humiliating,”
“Tim, I’m seriously so sorry this just all around sucks. Were you really planning on telling him, though?” The voice questioned over the device.
“Yes,” the boy cringed, “ I had a whole speech planned out to tell him tonight. Talk about bad timing,” his breath slowed. Without all the tears now, he felt tired. So completely drained for ever believing his best friend would ever see him much more than just that. Best friends.
“Why don’t you just spend some time away from him? Not exactly to cut off all contact, but more so just hanging out less? Maybe start making up excuses like Bruce needs you working on a case more, or that your parents have been home?” She suggested.
Actually, it wasn’t the worst idea, either. Kon would be okay with him being busy, and in the meantime he would take that step back and convince himself Kon wasn’t really the one.
“You’re right,”
“I am, aren’t I? Y’know it actually feels really nice to hear you say that for once, maybe just once more?” The girl pressed playfully.
He scoffed. “Yeah wouldn’t you like that?” The Robins teased one another, after all she could always make him feel better. “Alright, I think I have to call it a night. I’m gonna go throw up and then to bed.” He wasn’t lying, either. For whatever reason after speaking to Conner his head hurt like hell and his stomach carried what felt like a flu virus.
“Goodnight, Tim,”
“Night, Steph,”
“It’s been about a month,”
“I think I’m actually okay this time. I don’t feel so achey around him anymore! I told you we met up after patrol tonight!” The boy exclaimed over the line, a smile captured on his lips.
“Okay, so, it went alright, then?” Steph asked. She cringed a bit. No way his feelings where just poof gone.
“Steph, it went great,” assured Tim. “I think we plan on doing the same thing tomorrow...it just nice to have my best friend back, yknow?”
“Tim, it’s really okay if you still need time, you know that, right?”
“Steph. I promise. I’m okay, my feelings for Kon are completely gone,”
“You’re here on time” the boy in front of him called. A small chuckle arose, “did bats let you off early?”
“Yes, actually, how’d you know?” Tim smiled. He sat down right beside him on the edge of the rooftop. Ironically, sitting on top of a fifteen story building, next to a superhuman somehow managed to be the spot he always felt the safest. He assumed, it was all about the trust. All about a matter of not having to worry that Kon might decide to push him overboard unexpectedly, or even if the building suddenly gave out. The only fault there was, why did he still have that trust for him? Admittedly, Kon had never exactly tried to send him soaring off a rooftop, but wasn’t heart break a close equivalent?
“Tim?” The familiar hand waved in his face. Tim carefully swatted it away.
“I asked you how your day was?”
“Oh,” Tim nodded. He even looked down as if his fingers might curate him the perfect move. Spoiler alert: they did not. “It was…well, I mean kind of slow? Patrol and all that,” the last bit came out as a mutter. Why was he there, again? Honestly, he couldn’t even look at him now. He had thought he was fine, really he did, but what exactly did fine mean? Ignorance, in this case.
The only problem was, he just couldn’t let go. In movies and literature it was always so much easier, because it just always works out for them. They have a promised happy ending. For Tim, none of that was a guarantee.
It was like..insurance. insurance that he did not have. Because, even when the character didn’t end up with their love, they still found something great—like a new person or happiness. And now, all happiness was looking like without Kon was a cold bottle of chardonnay stolen from his mother’s wine cabinet.
“Are you okay?” Kon asked then. His face carried worry and all kinds of fear.
‘Don’t make me lie to you’ The shorter boy thought. He didn’t want to, it honestly wasn’t something he could find the energy for anymore. “I, uh,” he felt his phone vibrate under his thigh. He didn’t answer it, it would only be Steph wanting to know what was happening.
“What is it, Rob? Spit it out,” the meta pushed, a cheerful smile forming his face.
“I…don’t think I can?” Answered Tim.
“Huh, well, why not? Its okay, you know you can tell me anything, right?”
The raven haired boy just stared at him, mouth split open stupidly. “Right! Right. Yes, I know that,” he nodded.
“Right…” he bit his lip till blood arose and the feeling of confidence came beside it. “Could I, show you, instead?” He requested.
“Sure? I mean, yeah. Of course you can, anything that helps,” Kon nodded willingly.  
Was he really going to do that? Where was some sort of memory wiper when you needed it? He’d do anything to redo the last ten minutes.
He sighed. Was he really about to do this? In all fairness, he had been wanting to for some time. Okay, he’d do it. Okay. Maybe not? “Y’know what?” Tim turned. they were closer than he had thought they were. No going back now, right? He laughed sickly, “fuck it.” Evenly, his face melted to a smile as he leaned him, pressing his lips ever so gently against Kon’s.
He couldn’t believe it. He was kissing Kon. His best friend. The boy who unknowingly broke his heart just months ago. This was...unbelievable. It always seemed like it was so incredibly out of reach and get here he was now, kissing him. Did that mean Kon really did like-
“Woah,” and just like that he was pushed away. He’d have to fight through the tears at an arms length distance now. “Hey, sorry, Tim I’m flattered, really, it’s just-“
“Okay, look, I probably should have waited, I just, I don’t know? Ever since you were talking about Cass I just couldn’t get you off my mind, and that’s why I stayed away for so long. Look, most people can just watch, too Kon. Most can just love from afar and wait. Im sorry, but I can’t do that. Im not that person, okay? I’m selfish. So selfish. I hate that I am and i’m sorry, but I can’t just watch, okay? I can’t,” Tim heaved a breath. He wanted to get it all out so bad and now he had spoiled the vibe. “Im sorry to burst your perfect little bubble, I just fucking can’t. Now I see it was a mistake too, because i thought you liked me back. I really did,” his lip bled. Biting too hard again? “You just don’t get it, okay? We’re supposed to be together. Everyone thinks so. We’re best friends, Kon. We’re the beautiful love story. Look, I’ve been telling myself that forever, and you’re just supposed to feel the same,” he shrugged. Just as if it was no big deal.
Kon groaned. He considered for a moment to grab ok to his hands but for obvious reasons that wasn’t exactly appropriate. “Tim. Hey, you don’t have to apologize. Im glad you told me. To be honest, I kind of like you too,”
“Wait, really?” Tim smiled, searching the meta’s face for any truth.
“What? Are you even listening to me? Tim, I’m sorry but I can’t be apart of your little fantasy..” It was clear it pained his friend to say al this. “We’re not some sort of destined couple or whatever you think we are. It just doesn’t work that way, okay?”
Oh. So, not as he expected.
“Well, why not?” The Robin urged, hurt growing in his blue eyes.
“I’m dating Cass,” breathed Kon. “Look, we were going to tell you tomorrow but then all of this happened...I’m sorry, I should have told you,”
Ouch. Fuck. Again?
“Right,” was all he could mutter. “I’m uh. I’m sorry, Kon,” he had to leave. Had to get out of there fire his eyelids broke like dams and he had to muffle his own screams. “I think I’m going to head out, actually..goodnight, Kon,” Tim sighed. He walked off then, taking deep breaths to help ignore the boy calling his name behind him. He could catch him if he wanted to. Easily. Obviously he didn’t want to. Kon loved Cass...not Tim.
“I kissed him,”
“You what?!” The voice over the phone sounded livid.
“Yeah, yeah I know stupid, right?” Tim sighed. He sat on his bed, holding a chilled glass of chardonnay, just as he had promised himself.
“Im guessing it didn’t go so well?”
He could hear her cringe over the phone. Tim didn’t respond. Instead, he simply sipped his drink: dry. This one was eruopean as were most of the others, rolled in oak barrels and some sort of fruit. It was like drinking Kon’s scent. Whatever cheap cologne he decided to douce himself in every morning some how crawled its way into his head to torture him. He set the glass down.
“Im sorry, Tim, you really-”
“Its okay, Steph, really,” insisted Tim, having cut her off.
“Is it?” The girl asked genuinely.
“Yes. I’ve decided I cannot change it, so yes, its fine,”
“Wow. Okay. Thats, that’s actually very mature of you,”
The robin nodded, although obviously not visible.
“Goodnight, Steph,” he called into the phone.
“Goodnight, Tim,” she huffed back, right before leaving him in inconsiderable silence.
The boy picked up the wine glass again. He stared deeply into the few bubbled and cringed with the inhale of smoke and aged French oak.
“You’re really messing with my mind, huh, Conner Kent?”
Tim glanced around. His room was gloomy. sad. Dimmed. He wished for Kon to come light it up a bit, yet he didn’t. They’d be apart for now, but he’d turn around eventually. He would get his fantasy.
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rosemaidenvixen · 4 years
A Secret’s Worth
Chapter 12: Walter and Louis
“Are you absolutely certain?”
“Ja,” Otto’s blue eyes sparkled from behind his glasses, telltale golden glimmer flickering just below the surface “I would not waste your time for anything less, Grand Commandant,”
Strickler detected the hint of a tease in Otto’s voice but chose to let it go, the square of vellum laid out on his desk occupying far more of his attention. Had he been a few centuries younger his hand might have shook as he traced the half faded lines of ink.
With this final piece; everything they’d been working for, himself, Otto, the entire order, was now within reach.
“Excellent,” he slid the vellum back towards Otto “I’ll need you on a plane to Mongolia immediately,”
Otto’s face fell, mouth shifting to form a protest.
“The eyestone is perhaps the most crucial piece of the bridge, I need someone I know is not only competent, but highly capable, to retrieve it. And you will have the full resources of the Janus order at your disposal,”
A touch thick with the flattery, and more than a little extravagant; but the order could afford it. Especially since if Otto’s information was true Kilahead would be complete in less than a year. And Strickler felt reasonably confident that there would be little use for company shares and bond holdings once Gunmar reclaimed the surface.
Otto sat back, mollified for now “I will fly out tonight, with any luck I should be able to rendezvous with the Ulaanbaatar branch tomorrow evening, of course planning the expedition will take time. We are certain of the eyestone’s presence, but narrowing down its precise location won’t be--”
“Mr. Strickler?”
Neither of them flinched, far too experienced in the game for that, merely turned and sculpted their features to show appropriate levels of surprise and curiosity while Otto discreetly slid the vellum off the desk and back into his bag.
Tobias Domzalski hesitantly peeked in through the office door “Sorry, am I interrupting? I can come back later,”
“Nein,” Otto got to his feet “I was just leaving,”
“Oh, uh...ok,”
Toby stepped aside and let Otto pass, turning to watch him retreat down the hall with a look of piqued interest on his face.
“Mr. Domzalski?”
The boy snapped back to attention “Oh, uh sorry…..was that a friend of yours?”
“Oh yes, Otto and I go way back,” Strickler gestured for Toby to take a seat at the piano stool across from his desk that Otto had been occupying until just recently “He was just dropping by before heading off to a dig overseas, now what was it you needed?”
Toby sunk onto the stool, face flushed crimson “...am I that obvious?”
Strickler made sure the smile he gave him was only slightly patronizing “When you’ve been doing this as long as I have you get good at spotting these things, but it does look like you have something on your mind. Now what can I do for you?”
“It’s not for me-- and I don’t mean it’s about a friend of a friend that’s secretly me, I mean--” he cut off his babbling with a sharp intake of breath “It’s about Jim,”
Strickler raised an eyebrow “I applaud you for looking out for your friend’s grade point average, but if Jim is struggling in class it would be better if he comes and sees me himself,”
“Not...not help like that,” 
His curiosity about Toby’s presence deepened into concern as he saw him shrink further in on himself, a shadow of the outgoing, slightly foolhardy boy he was used to “Jim’s having problems at home,”
The tightening of his fingers around his fountain pen was the only outward sign of the profound shock Strickler felt at that moment.
Problems at home. 
The words every teacher dreads hearing.
Strickler pulled himself up straighter and leaned forward ever so slightly, filing all thoughts of Kilahead into the back of his mind to focus entirely on the matter at hand “What sort of problems at home?”
“His mom-- his mom…” he choked, the words almost seeming to physically pain him.
Strickler sat at attention and said nothing, waiting patiently. It might be difficult for him to voice this knowledge, but Toby would unburden himself in his own time. 
“His mom locks him in the basement,” Toby said at last, voice cracking towards the end.
For the first time this afternoon the surprise on Strickler’s face was more genuine than not “What?”
He’d been occupying his cover as an educator for a few centuries now, and was fully cognizant of the things that could happen to his students behind closed doors, but rarely was it brought up so bluntly.
“Throws him in the basement and ties the door shut,” his tone took on a heavy darkness “I know because Jim basically admitted it, plus there are the photos,”
Wordlessly, Toby took out his phone and taped the screen a few times before holding it out towards Strickler. He took the offered device and started thumbing through the gallery.
What he saw painted a very grim picture indeed.
And being experienced as he was, Strickler had a good feeling that he already knew the answer to his next question, but he had to ask it all the same “I agree that these photos are rather...damning, but you also said Jim also admitted this was taking place, may I ask why you’re here and he is not?”
If Toby had been punched in the stomach at that exact moment his expression would have been identical “Because ten seconds after admitting it he started denying it,”
He suspected something like this might be the case, but that didn’t mean he was happy about being right.
 Strickler netted his fingers and let out a measured sigh “I can see why this would be difficult for you,”
“I-- it’s just…we said we’d help him, and he has to know this isn’t ok, so why would he…” Toby trailed off, voice thick with emotion and the beginnings of tears.
He could quite keep the tired look off his face as he watched Toby hunch over and start to tremble, pondering the best way to respond.
There were dozens of potential answers to that question, none of them good. Fear of retaliation, misguided loyalty, twisted sense of familial obligation. Strickler settled on the one that would make the most sense given what he knew about the situation. 
“Because it’s all he’s ever known,” 
Toby looked up at him, eyes brimming.
Strickler leaned forward, voice as gentle as gauze “I don’t want to comment on something I know so little about, but when a person spends their whole life believing certain behaviors are normal, it can be difficult for them to recognize when they truly need help,”
“Yeah,” Toby said darkly “I can get that,”
It was at that moment Strickler remembered precisely how long Jim and Toby had known each other.
“Tobias, Jim’s situation is not your fault,”
“Oh yes it is!” Toby snapped at him with a surprising amount of force “I’ve known Jim for over a decade-- we’ve been in every class together since kindergarten! How could I not…”
He trailed off, last few words closer to sobs.
Strickler stood up from his desk and walked over to kneel down and look Toby in the eye “Because you were just a child yourself, because your friend’s safety should never have been your responsibility,”
“But it-- it--,” he hiccupped out the words, clearly trying desperately not to cry “It shouldn’t have taken me this long to notice!”
Tense silence filled Strickler’s office. He remained steadfast and unflinching from his position besides Toby for a few moments before speaking up again.
“Maybe the best time to come forward was ten years ago, but the second best time is now,”
Toby sniffled and raised his head to look him in the eye.
“It might have taken you a while to see these things, but the instant you realized what was going on with Jim you went to get him help. That’s all anyone can do, and is considerably more than what most chose to do,”
Strickler had been through this particular song and dance before, and he wasn’t so naive to believe that his words alone had the power to cure Toby of the raging storm of conflicted, contradictory emotions inside him, but seeing the boy wipe away his tears and hold himself just a little straighter, he knew that they’d helped somewhat.
Situation better in hand now, Strickler walked back around to sit at his desk “Thank you for bringing this to my attention, if you can email me those photos I will pass them, along with everything you’ve told me, down to the right people and make sure Jim’s situation is thoroughly investigated,”
He paused, debating whether this last inclusion would be welcome or not “If you want to help Jim in the meantime, the best way is to try to stay close to him. I know it might be hard, but he’s going to need a friend more than anything in the coming weeks,”
“Ok...I’ll try,”
“Now, are you alright to go to your next class or do you need a moment?”
“I’ll-- I’ll email you the pictures, then I think I’m gonna….take five...for a little bit,” Toby said while pulling up his phone and not so discreetly rubbing his eyes.
Strickler nodded at him in acknowledgement while pulling out his laptop and searching his contacts for an email address he only used in the most dire of circumstances. 
This situation should be followed up to the letter. It would take up more of his time than he’d prefer while also supervising the acquisition of the last few bridge pieces, but he couldn’t afford to do anything less. Kilahead may be nearing completion, but that was no reason to let his cover slack. If anything now more than ever it was important to maintain the facade. This close to the end any slip ups could undo centuries of hard work.
When he heard Toby sniffle again, Strickler very deliberately did not look up.
And although he would never admit as much, Strickler did feel somewhat sentimental towards his students. He prefered that they be allowed to enjoy the last few months of the world as they knew it in as much safety and comfort as possible.
Once Gunmar returned, any semblance of safety and comfort would vanish from their lives.
Still...these types of investigation proved to be tedious and lengthy even at the best of times. Extending from now to the bridge’s completion was certainly a possibility
Perhaps if the situation was severe enough to warrant it he could arrange a late parent teacher conference on one of the nights Bular was due to pay him a visit….
Strickler had to stop a small chuckle from escaping his lips.
Pale lady forgive him, he really was going soft.
Louis muttered an ugly curse as his keys fell to the floor with a clatter. Dammit that was the third time this week he’d dropped his keychain while trying to hang it up. Were his reflexes starting to go or were the ten hour shifts just that draining?
Biting back a blue streak, he picked up and rehung his keys before slipping his shoes off and stepping into the front hall.
“Darci, you home?” he called out while continuing on to the living room “Dinner’s in the crockpot,”
Glancing around, Louis stopped in his tracks when he saw that Darci was indeed at home and sitting on the couch, her friends Mary and Claire sitting on either side of her. Normally this wouldn’t be any cause for concern, the three were practically joined at the hip, but their tensed shoulders and worried frowns told a different story. 
“What happened, is everything ok?”
Darci briefly looked up and met his eyes, before tearing her gaze away with a grimace “No...not really,”
His hands tightened into fists “Who was it, who’s bothering you?” whatever punk out there that had dared upset his little girl was going to have Detective Louis Scott bring the wrath of god down on his scrawny--
“But not with me,” she looked from side to side “Or any of us,”
Just like that the wind was out of his sails “Oh,” calmer now, he stepped over and sank onto the easy chair across from them “Ok, then who?”
Her face twisted into a deep wince, Claire reaching up to put a comforting arm around her and picking up where she left off “You remember Jim, right Mr. Scott?”
Louis raised an eyebrow “Yes?”
He certainly remembered Darci and her friends spending a lot of time with two new boys almost immediately after starting high school. To say the least, he hadn’t exactly been thrilled, but didn’t try to interfere. Boys were a fact of life, and Darci was going to spend time with them whether he liked it or not. And he’d heard plenty of cautionary tales from other fathers about what happened when they hung on to their daughters too tightly. Besides, Darci had never given him any reason not to trust her judgement so Louis saw no reason to start now. So he made it his policy to let Darci spend her time how she wanted and with who she wanted, within reason of course. And on more than one occasion he had sat her down to discuss what kind of behaviors in other people were red flags and made it crystal clear that she could always go to him for advice and help. But for the most part he left her to her own devices, even when it set his nerves on edge to do so. After all, he very well couldn’t spend her whole life chasing away boys with a baseball bat. 
But he’d be lying if he said the idea didn’t tempt him from time to time.
“Ok…What about Jim?”
Claire went gaunt and silent, Darci worked her jaw, struggling to get the words out “I-- it’s…”
“His mom locks him in the basement,” Mary blurted out for her.
For a moment Louis didn’t know how to react, as a member of law enforcement and a mandated reporter, he consciously knew that if any of his friends or acquaintances wanted to report abuse of any kind he’d be the first person they’d go to. Better to talk to someone they already knew and trusted than a faceless government entity that may or may not actually take them seriously.
But knowing didn’t prepare him for when it actually happened. When his daughter came to him and said one of her friends was in trouble. He’d met Jim on a few occasions, seen Dr. Lake in passing and spoken on the phone with her frequently. He seemed like an ok kid, she seemed like a nice enough woman, neither of them ever gave off any signs that something sinister was lurking beneath the surface.
Of course if this kind of thing was easy to spot there wouldn’t be a need for detectives in the world. 
He started mentally filing through the policies and procedures drilled into his skull “Did Jim tell you this himself or did you see something?”
They all shared an uncertain look, the silence continuing on for a few seconds before Mary spoke up again.
“We...saw something,”
“What kind of something?”
Darci shook off her discomfort first and pulled out her phone “Here,” she tapped at the screen a few times and held it out to him “We took these at Jim’s house, it’s his basement door,”
Louis took the offered device and examined the screen. Going by the fact that they claimed Jim’s mother was locking him in the basement, and that Darci said these were pictures of his basement door...even before he’d looked at the photos, Louis already had a good idea of what he would see. 
Unfortunately he was right.
He shut his eyes and pulled in a deep breath, using years of practice to compartmentalize the mental image of daughter’s friend and the pictures he’d just seen “You did the right thing by coming to me,” he opened his eyes and looked back towards her “Now do you have any reason to believe that Jim is in immediate danger?”
She shook her head “No,”
“Can you describe how Jim and his mother interact?”
The girls took a second to ponder over the question “We don’t really see much of Dr. Lake,” Claire admitted “She’s at work a lot, and we don’t really hang out at his house much,”
“They always seemed...normal,” Darci said slowly “But...there was that one time we were late coming back from the movies she was acting weird,”
He leaned forward ever so slightly “Weird how?”
“It was past Jim’s curfew and he panicked and rushed home really quick, when he got inside his mom wouldn’t let us come in and see him,”
Realization dawned on Mary’s face even before she spoke up “Wait a second, doesn’t she always chase us out the door pretty early on?”
“Yeah that’s right,” Claire said, Mary’s epiphany catching “She doesn’t like us hanging out there past his curfew,”
“Plus his curfew is crazy early,” Darci added “Like four o clock or something,”
“And he doesn’t do sleepovers, either going or having,” Mary added.
Sounds like Dr. Lake didn’t like Jim staying out and didn’t like his friends staying over. Could be run of the mill controlling or something worse. Too soon to tell.
“Aside from locking him in the basement, have any of you noticed any indication that his mother might be violent with him?”
“Have any of you confirmed with Jim that he made these marks when he was locked in the basement and that they weren’t caused by something else?“ 
He saw the mixture of shock, hurt, and indignation fly across their faces and held up a hand “Not that I don’t believe you, I believe you girls one hundred percent, but when going forward into an investigation like this it’s important that all evidence is corroborated and accounted for,”
None of them responded right away. Darci and Claire looking flustered while Mary blushed scarlet before looking down and away.
Thanks to his experience in interrogations Louis had a pretty good idea why the three of them looked so guilty. They’d already tried confronting him and it had gone badly. Well nothing to do about that now.
“We...asked him,” Darci said at last “He didn’t say anything at first, but we could tell by the way he reacted that it was true,”
Louis nodded at that “Ok,”
“And then….” she swallowed deeply “I don’t think he meant to, but he said that his mom hasn’t put him down there since he was seven, and then he started saying that if we told anyone he would deny it,”
By the time she finished speaking her voice was tight and small.
Louis gripped the armrests to anchor himself, the fact that their friend was backpedalling to cover his mother and that he’d allegedly been locked in the basement since before he was seven years old weren’t the worst things he’d seen in his career, didn’t even make the top ten. But it was hard knowing that it had been his daughter’s friend, a boy he’d seen and spoken with on more than a few occasions, that stung.
And seven years old….Jesus, no kid deserved that.
“Thank you for coming to me with this girls, I’m going to pass this information along and make sure an investigation is started with CPS,”
Darci nodded “Thanks dad,”
He pushed himself up straighter “Now I know the way your friend acted must have seemed very confusing,”
The trio nodded.
“I don’t want to make any assumptions about his home life, but I do know that when someone grows up in an abusive household, it really skews what they consider normal. I’ve known a lot of people that grew up with in dysfunctional families but didn’t even realize it until they were in their forties,”
He had to be really careful not to put his foot in his mouth for this next part “And the relationship between a child an abusive family member can be...complicated,” he raised a hand to rub the bridge of his nose, trying to prevent the tension headache he felt coming on “Things with them are rarely all bad all the time, most often there’s just enough good to keep the victim coming back,”
Too close to assumption territory, needed to bring this back on track.
“Regardless of what’s going on at home, Jim might try to do everything he can to protect his mother, even when he shouldn’t,”
Now for the tricky part.
He leaned forward and placed his hands on his knees “But in the meantime, you’re still going to be seeing Jim at school, right?” 
The trio shared uncertain looks before Darci turned back towards him “Yeah?”
“If you can it would be good to try and apologise for trying to force him to come forward so you can keep in communication,” 
The three of them were stunned, as he’d expected, but this was something it looked like they’d have to learn sooner rather than later.
Darci was particularly taken aback “But we didn’t….”
Louis crossed his arms, raised an eyebrow, and gave her a look that he’d honed to perfection over fourteen years of parenting.
She trailed off, all of them fidgeting uncomfortably.
“I guess we were kind of...pushy,” Claire said while nervously tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“It’s ok, you didn’t know any better,” he let out a deep breath “Once I make the call and get the ball rolling things are going to get pretty hectic for him,” 
He slowly turned his head looking at each of them in turn “Going forward keeping the lines of communication open is important, especially if things start going south for him at home. The best way to help is to just continue being his friends and to stop trying to get him to turn on his mother,”
“So wait…” Mary sounded confused “You want us to just ignore the fact his mom locks him in the basement and pretend like everything’s normal?”
“Not….quite,” Louis sat back with a grimace “For whatever reason your friend clearly isn’t ready to come forward with this, so the best thing to do is be supportive in any other way you can,”
“Now,” he netted his hands together “You girls should not ignore any signs that further abuse is taking place, whether it’s something you see or something Jim says. But if he’s made it clear that he’s willing to outright lie, pushing him would do more harm than good. So if you ever do suspect anything else is happening, don’t confront him, but try and document it in any way you can and bring it to me,”
Louis let out a deep breath, knowing the worst part of this converstaion was about to come “In child abuse investigations not a lot happens right away. It often involves observing behavior patterns over a long period of time,” he steeled himself before he said the part he knew was going to break their hearts “And it’s more common than anyone would like to admit that not much comes of them,”
His chest tightened looking at their stricken faces, but he pushed forward.
“Which is why it’s so crucial to try and maintain your relationship with him, even if whatever investigation we start now doesn’t pan out to anything, if you stay on friendly terms, then you can still help him months, maybe even years down the line, do you understand all that?”
Darci’s looked crushed, expression barely concealing the horror he knew she must be feeling, and mirrored by both of her friends, but she responded all the same “Ok Dad,”
The other two girls forced themselves to reply as well. 
“Got it,”
“Will do Mr. Scott,”
He looked over them carefully “So are you girls all doing ok?”
“Uh huh,”
“Good, and I promise I’m going to file all this first thing tomorrow,” he glanced at his watch “It’s getting late; Claire, Mary, we’re going to eat pretty soon, care to join us?”
Both girls shook their heads “No thanks,” Claire said “My mom’s expecting me back for dinner,” 
“Do either of you need a ride?”
“It’s ok,” Mary added “We came here on our bikes so we can get home in plenty of time,”
“Alright, but don’t feel rushed, you two can stay here as long as you like,”
The two glanced at Darci, who gave her head a single shake.
“Actually we should really get going,” Claire stood up, pulling Mary up alongside her “Thanks again Mr. Scott,”
“Anytime girls, and I mean it,”
They turned back just long enough to wave and headed out the door, leaving just the two Scotts inside.
“You sure you’re doing ok pumpkin?”
“Dad I’m fine,” she forced the words out through one of the fakest smiled he’d ever seen “I’m just glad that Jim is going to get some help,”
“Well just remember, I’m always available whenever you aren’t fine. Even if you do something stupid like breaking and entering, I promise I’ll be more supportive than mad,”
She rolled her eyes “Da-ad! Just because you broke into the old vespa factory when you were in high school doesn’t mean everyone does!”
He chuckled “I know, but humor your old man, and go set the table while you’re at it, I’m getting hungry,”
Darci let out an impressively loud groan before getting up and obediently heading to the kitchen.
Louis watched her go, smile dropping off his face as she vanished from sight.
Part of him wanted to leap on what was clearly Darci pretending to be better than she felt, but he stopped himself. He had made it clear that he was available, now it was on her to reach out when she was ready.
He’d done his best to prepare her and her friends for some of the hard realities of this situation, but there were some things he hoped they never had to learn.
Louis had seen more than a few domestic abuse cases cross his desk. And on two occasions he had seen with his own two eyes just how ugly the endings to these cases could be.
He hoped to god this wasn’t going to turn into number three.
20 notes · View notes
clumsyclifford · 4 years
bella i’m just SAYING if you felt like writing boyfriend jalex in LA like they are rn why are they there just vibing together why is alex there i’m hella emo just saying i wouldn’t be MAD about it 😘
well PAIGE you may have been ONTO something here. alex is in LA because he loves his boy next question
read it here on ao3
Death By Hug is not a bad way to go, Jack thinks. It certainly beats Death By Loneliness.
The longer he and Alex stand here, the more Jack wonders if they really are going to die here, holding onto each other like Alex is a soldier returning from war and Jack is his lover who's been writing constantly to the front lines. Or something. It's also possible Jack has watched too many war movies lately.
"We gotta move," Alex finally mumbles. They’re at the gate and people are stepping around them.
"We don't have to."
"Well, I can't kiss you with a mask on."
That is a very good point. Jack squeezes Alex one last time and finally steps back.
Los Angeles looks good on Alex.
Supposedly, Alex is here to write. It's not like that's a lie; they are going to take advantage of Alex's presence and log as many studio hours as possible, but that still leaves a lot of early mornings and late nights unaccounted for. Well. For Jack it does. He knows Alex has been dying to get back in the studio, to put words to music in a way that sounds less like a kid messing around on his dad's guitar and more like a professional musician making demos. But if Jack has to pull Alex from the studio by force, he will. 
He will do his best. He is definitely not stronger than Alex but he will try.
For now, though, they have the evening to themselves.
Even with a suitcase, Alex looks right at home in Jack's place. "I'm gonna put my stuff in your room," he tells Jack, and Jack just nods.
"I'm gonna have some cereal," he decides, because he's in the mood for cereal and it is his right as a grown-ass man to eat cereal at all hours. Alex just laughs as he heads towards Jack's room, and Jack grins.
He heads for the kitchen and spends a minute deliberating over what cereal to have before yielding to the eternal power of Fruity Pebbles. They’re practically calling his name. Jack’s strong, but not that strong.
As he’s pouring the cereal into a cup, arms snake around his waist, squeezing tight.
“Hello, cereal boy,” says Alex, tucking his chin into Jack’s shoulder. “Mm, Fruity Pebbles for dinner. You’re the master of health.”
“Yes I am,” Jack says. “This is how they do it in L.A., Al.”
“Who exactly is ‘they’?”
“Me and Bree.”
Alex laughs. “Man, L.A. has really changed.”
“Maybe you should spend more time here.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Alex says. “Next global pandemic I’ll be sure to quarantine here with you.”
Jack shakes his head, smiling a little. “That’s all I want to hear. Do you want some cereal?”
“I was thinking we could order a pizza.”
“Oh, pizza,” Jack says, hesitating with his cup of cereal in hand. “Pizza sounds good.” He shrugs one shoulder. “I can have both.”
“You’re the weirdest person ever,” Alex says as Jack sets the cup down and turns around, forcing Alex to loosen his grip. The moment hits Jack full-force; it hadn’t really sunk in until now, but Alex is here. Here. In Los Angeles. With Jack.
Alex is here.
“I’m so fucking happy you’re here,” Jack says. Alex’s smile grows, the way it always does following any kind of emotion from Jack. It’s been weeks since Jack has seen that smile in person, weeks since Jack has seen Alex in person, and he’d forgotten how good it feels to be the reason for it.
FaceTime is good, but nothing is as good as the real thing.
“Well, I’m really fucking happy to be here,” Alex says, pulling Jack closer with the hands around his waist. “I’ve missed you.”
“Yes,” Jack says. “Same. Me too. I feel like I’m going to wake up any second.”
“What, and this will all be a dream?”
“Yes,” Jack says emphatically. It could be. He’s had similar dreams. Granted, he’s never eating Fruity Pebbles in any of them, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. 
“Me being here?” Alex asks, sliding his hands up Jack’s sides and chest to come to rest on his shoulders. “Or the whole pandemic?”
“I wish I could wake up and have the pandemic be a dream,” Jack huffs. “Or nightmare. Worst nightmare of my entire life.” He’s gotten a little bit off-track, but to be fair, Alex is being very distracting, what with the brushing noses and hands under the collar of his shirt and everything. Jack has yet to build up an immunity to Alex Gaskarth. This is something he has in common with the entire rest of the world.
Alex kisses him. Jack stops thinking about whatever it was he was thinking about. The important thing is that Alex is here and it’s not a dream, and Jack has Fruity Pebbles and his boyfriend and potentially pizza on the way and several hours of nothing at all, to occupy themselves however they choose. The possibilities are endless.
“Doesn’t feel like a dream to me,” Alex says sweetly, pulling back.
“You’re so mean,” Jack says. “Are you saying I’m not your dream guy?”
He gets an eyeroll for his troubles, but then Alex agrees to order the pizza, leaving Jack to eat his cereal in peace instead of having to deal with phones and Other People. Normally he’s a fan of Other People, but tonight it’s all Alex. 
(As far as Jack is concerned, as long as Alex is here, every night is all Alex.)
The pizza arrives as they’re half an hour into rewatching the first episode of The Mandalorian. This is the first and last time they pause until Alex yawns, and Jack realizes that midnight in L.A. is three in the morning in Maryland.
“Bedtime,” he declares. If Alex weren’t as nocturnal as he is, he probably wouldn’t have even made it to midnight. As it is, he drags his feet every step from the living room couch to Jack’s bedroom, including his detours to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Jack cleans up a little in the meantime, breaking down the pizza box to dispose of it and rinsing all the dishes for easier cleanup in the morning. The responsible thing would be to wash them now, but Jack can’t find any reason to be responsible. It’s his own home. He’ll wash dishes when he chooses.
By the time he’s turned all the apartment lights off and shuffled into his room, Alex is curled up under the blanket. His eyes are closed like he’s asleep but he’s breathing like he’s awake. Jack putters around, quietly putting on his own pajamas and brushing his teeth, before he, too, climbs into bed.
As predicted, Alex turns over. “Wh’time are we waking up?” he slurs.
Jack reaches blindly for his phone, plugged in on the side table. “Dunno. What time are we going to the studio?”
Jack sets an alarm for nine, though it’s more for Alex’s sake than his own. “Okay. Done.”
“Love you,” Alex mumbles, burrowing into Jack’s chest. Jack smiles — he has his own stupid Alex smile for when Alex is being lovably, adorably, uniquely Alex — and pulls the blankets up over him. 
“Love you,” he hums, pressing a kiss into Alex’s hair. The quiet moment swells around them both. Jack falls asleep fast. He’s holding Alex close in his dreams, too, like even his subconscious can’t come up with anything better than this.
It’s hour nine in the studio, and Jack is ready to call it.
They’ve gotten a lot done. It feels good to be back, or as “back” as this is, back in the studio, back to writing music. Alex has obviously been overflowing with ideas from being cooped up at his farm in Baltimore, which has led to an extremely productive studio day. Hardly half an hour has passed without someone picking up a guitar. 
For the first eight hours, Jack is totally invested. This is his lifeblood, too, and by now he probably has a hundred separate voice notes of guitar riffs and chord progressions that he hadn’t wanted to forget. Getting those off of his phone and into real recordings is a big sigh of relief. 
Also, he and Alex are really good together.
This has been pretty reliably true throughout their career, but somehow it never fails to give Jack a thrill. Watching Alex’s eyes light up as Jack plays through Lead Guitar Part #37; his rapid “waitwaitwait play that again” as he pulls out his phone to scroll through lyrics jotted down in transient moments of thought; the spark that catches when somehow Alex has the perfect line to sing over this four-note riff that’s been echoing around Jack’s empty apartment for weeks. It feels a little like fate every time. Alex can drive a lyrical stake through an elusive melody like no other.
The progress today has been sufficient, so Jack thinks now is a good time to bow out, before they run out of steam. Quit while they’re ahead. There’s always tomorrow and the next day. Nine hours is a respectable studio day, and if today is any indication, they could have a song or two tomorrow at this rate.
It’s just, Jack wants to go home. He’s not going to say it — at least not yet — because Alex is still operating at full capacity. But he’s thinking it. If anyone asks, he won’t hesitate.
When Alex glances over, Jack is pretty sure it’s written all over his face.
“You okay, JB?” Alex says. His eyes soften around the edges when he smiles. It’s completely unfair. Just like Jack to have the most irresistible boyfriend on the planet. Perfect for being in love with, but extremely difficult for saying no to.
“Tired,” Jack says, biting his lip. The guitar he’s holding has been idling on his lap for about twenty minutes, ignored by Jack, who’s been on Instagram instead. Finally he sets it aside. “Just think I’m done for today.” As a compromise, he adds, “If you guys have another half hour, I don’t mind.”
“No, that’s okay,” Alex says. He glances at Zakk, who’s fucking with the levels or something. “Yeah? You think? Good for today?”
“Yeah,” Zakk says. He tilts his head bizarrely to flash a grin at Jack. “Man, it feels good to be back here with you guys.”
“Dude, don’t even start,” Jack says. “I think if I had spent another day alone at my place I would’ve probably, I don’t know, started trying to learn Korean or something.”
“Why fucking Korean?”
“Exactly.” Jack points at him, then at Alex, who jumps out of the rolly chair he’s been occupying and grabs Jack’s finger. Jack shakes his head, smiling, as Alex laces their fingers together and ducks down to kiss his forehead. “Is that a yes, we can call it?”
“I can call it,” Alex says. “Cervini?”
“Yeah,” Zakk says. “Let’s call it.”
And that’s that for the day.
The stupid TikTok they’d made on the way to the studio has, predictably, blown up. 
Jack can’t stop watching it; it’s a little bit cringey but that’s the point, and also, Alex looks insanely good in the red flannel and that yellow beanie. Maybe their merch is designed specifically to look good on Alex. Probably. Not that that’s difficult. Basically everything looks good on Alex.
“Stop watching it, oh my God,” Alex says, crawling into bed on top of Jack and flattening him against the mattress. Jack makes varying noises of protest as Alex pries his phone out of his hand, turns it off, and tosses it aside, forcing Jack’s attention instead to Alex’s face.
If he looks good onscreen, it’s nothing compared to real life.
“Lose some weight,” Jack grunts, shifting to tip them both onto their sides. They’re forehead-to-forehead, one of Alex’s arms trapped under Jack’s side and the other slung over his waist. “You’re not twenty-one anymore.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you complaining?” Alex licks Jack’s cheek, and Jack’s protest of Alex, gross! is lost in Alex’s laugh. “Sorry. That was gross. I’ve just missed you.”
“Weird fuckin’ way of showing it,” Jack says, grinning. “I thought we kinda did this yesterday. We spent the entire day together. And I’ve missed you too.” He hesitates. “You could just stay here, you know.”
Except he couldn’t, and they both know that. Alex has a farm to tend to. He’ll be here as long as they’ve got time in the studio but then he’ll be gone, back to Baltimore. Growing up sucks sometimes. It means Jack has to be mature about Alex having a life of his own. If he expects Alex to respect his decision to stay in L.A., then Jack has to respect Alex’s decision to stay in Maryland. Which he does. He does.
But he also misses his boyfriend a hell of a lot. These days it’s worse than ever. They’ve never really been apart this long. 
“Come on,” Alex says, smile flickering. “Don’t.”
“I know. I’m sorry,” Jack says. He sighs. “I take it back. I don’t want you to stay anyway. I don’t even want you in L.A. at all. Who invited you here? What are you doing in my house?”
Alex laughs. He extracts his arm from underneath Jack and runs his hand through Jack’s hair, slotting their legs together. “Cheapest listing on Airbnb. I was told there would be free sexual services?”
“Uh, I don’t know about free,” Jack says. He smirks and steals a kiss off Alex’s lips. “You can repay me by doing household chores.”
“Then it’s just fucking prostitution.”
“That,” says Jack, “is true.” Alex scratches lightly against the side of his face, and the kiss he draws Jack into is so sweet that Jack contemplates never ever breaking it. This is all he needs in life, just Alex — anywhere, but especially here. Jack has never found his apartment to be bleak, but now that he knows how vibrant it can be, how warm and lively when inhabited by Alex, he suspects it will feel grim when he’s alone again.
Thinking about the future gets dangerous. He’d much rather stay in the now. Alex is still kissing him, drawing Jack nearer in such a familiar way that when Jack closes his eyes he can almost hear the rumbling of the tour bus and the low murmurs of conversation happening outside their bunk. They’ve found themselves in this position too many times to count over the years, using the excuse of a small bunk to press together like they didn’t do exactly the same in two-person hotel room beds. It’s been too long since Jack has had anyone to cling to in bed. Comfort settles like a talisman in his chest.
They’re not twenty-one anymore, but sometimes it still feels like they could be. It was easier for the years to blur together when they were spent largely chasing their way across the globe. These days, the contrast between then and now feels blindingly stark. It’s nice to sink into something this familiar. Almost like Alex is pulling him back in time, too.
Or maybe like Alex is pulling the past into the present. Jack doesn’t feel twenty-one. He feels thirty-two and still in love with Alex. Eleven years from now, he’ll probably feel just the same. The way that Alex kisses him, holding him close, has nothing to do with how old they are. It’s only familiar because nothing has changed; Alex loved him then and Alex loves him now. 
Their love grows, but it never wavers.
Alex doesn’t pull away so much as just tilt his head until they’re not kissing anymore, tucking his face into Jack’s chest. “I’m tired,” he announces. Jack could basically have guessed that. It’s only eleven, but in Maryland time it’s two in the morning. 
“I know,” says Jack. “That’s why we’re in bed. To sleep.”
“Really, you want to sleep now?” Alex sounds surprised. “It’s not even midnight.”
“I am capable of having a responsible sleep schedule sometimes, you know.”
“That doesn’t sound like the Jack I know.”
You haven’t been around for a while, Jack doesn’t say. “Shut up, you bully. I take care of myself.” He makes a face. “Also I want to sleep when you do. I don’t think that’s a crime.”
“I’d love that,” Alex says. His words come out muffled. “I love you. Have I told you today that I love you?”
“No,” Jack says, smiling.
“Liar. I’m sure I did. But I’m telling you again. I love you.” Somehow Alex’s grip on Jack becomes even tighter. Prying him off is going to be a difficult task, if Jack can muster up the willpower to do it. It won’t be easy. This is probably Jack’s favorite position to be in, tangled up with Alex. It doesn’t hurt to hear Alex repeating, “I love you, you’re my favorite, I’m so happy I’m here,” quietly, almost as if to himself.
“You need to put on your pajamas,” Jack says. 
“I don’t wanna,” Alex whines. “I can sleep like this. Tour life. Too busy for pajamas.”
“So rock ‘n’ roll,” Jack says dryly.
“Yes. Exactly. I’m too cool for school.”
“Yeah. Really badass of you to fall asleep in a flannel.” Jack kisses Alex’s shoulder over the plaid pattern. “Which, may I say, looks very good on you.”
Alex hums contentedly. “See, that’s why I love you. Ego boost.”
“You are the most lead singer to ever lead singer. Jesus Christ.”
“Damn right I am, baby! Own it. I gotta own it.”
“Everything you say just dates you more. You sound so old.”
“You’re exactly as old as I am, old man,” Alex says, trying and failing to kick Jack even though Jack has both of his legs trapped.
“Old men put pajamas on before sleeping,” Jack informs him. “The buttons on this thing will be so uncomfortable to sleep in.”
“Yeah, but consider this,” says Alex, in the tone of someone about to make an extremely good point. “I don’t care and I’m tired.”
Jack sighs. “Seriously, you really wanna sleep in your clothes?”
“Yes,” Alex says. He buries his face in Jack’s neck, softly humming. When he speaks, Jack’s skin buzzes. “Please? Just tonight? I’m sleepy. Being a grown-up is for losers.”
Jack smiles to himself. “You’re such a lazy boy.”
“Yes. I am a lazy boy. This sounds like you agreeing.”
“I can’t stop you, can I?”
“Nope,” Alex says cheerfully. “But you can support me.”
“I support you all the time. I am literally the lead guitarist of your band. How much more supportive can I get.”
Alex laughs. It’s a tired laugh, on the brink of falling asleep, and Jack likes that he’s managed to make it happen at all. “It’s our band.”
Alex snorts. “Comrade.” He kisses Jack’s neck. “I’m gonna fall asleep right here, if that’s cool.”
“Get under the covers at least,” Jack says. It takes a little bit of bitching and moaning, but eventually Alex concedes, unsticking himself from Jack like it’s a physical burden to do so and crawling under the blanket with Jack.
“Oh,” Alex says, fishing around on the mattress underneath him. He pulls out Jack’s phone. “This is yours.”
Jack plugs in his phone and sets the same alarm he used yesterday. Loudly announcing that “boy is asleep” cuts out the lights. In the dark and quiet of the room, Jack hugs Alex as close as he possibly can, pressing his nose into Alex’s neck. It’s easy when Alex is making the same effort. Jack wonders if Alex feels the same as he does, like he has to engrave this memory in his mind, the way he’d never gotten a chance to when lockdown first set in. It had never occurred to him, before, that they’d be separated. That there might once come a time when Jack would want to hug Alex and Alex wouldn’t be there to hug.
Now, the threat of knowing that their clock is already ticking down is enough to make him want to burn this sensation forever into his skin and bones.
“Goodnight, my love,” he whispers with a tight squeeze. “Did I tell you today that I love you?”
There’s a sleepy hum in response. “You tell me you love me every second of every day,” Alex murmurs. “But I never get tired of hearing it.”
Jack smiles. He breathes his own I-love-yous, softly enough that it’s almost white noise, and before Alex falls asleep he tilts his head towards Jack. His eyes are closed, so Jack closes the gap and brushes their lips together. 
Alex falls asleep soon after. Jack likes that, that neither of them have had the last word. The gentleness of the kiss soaks through his body and he drifts off with a smile, warm and content.
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spaceskam · 4 years
our fainted thrill carries on (4/13)
another part of my season 2 fix it! warnings: referenced child abuse
“What does a girl have to do to get a drink around here?”
Alex and Kyle both gave their attention to the girl who strolled in with unmatched confidence, catching the sight of every woman in Planet 7 with ease. But how could you blame them? Jenna Cameron was a force to be reckoned with and it was impossible to hide. She sat between them.
“Looks like you don’t have to do anything,” Alex said as she sat beside them, handing her his drink with ease. She nodded his way in thanks. “What are you doing back here?”
Cameron let out a long sigh and looked at him like he already knew. Which, he guessed he did, because what bullshit didn’t lead right back to his fucking asshole of a father?
After a shitty night, Alex had woken up early to Michael still in his bed and sound asleep. He felt more hungover than tired which he knew was a result of him panicking the night before, but he’d pushed through and got ready for the day. He covered Michael up, left him a pot of coffee, and headed to the hospital. It took two long hours to get Jesse to wake up and, when he finally did, he was too incoherent to even question. It ended up being a total waste of time and it meant Alex had to get up the next morning on his only other day off and go through that shit again. 
“I drove all the way up to where Chief told me my sister was and guess what? Not there,” she said. Alex rolled his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” Kyle told her. She shrugged. 
“I’m still looking for her though. Came down to talk to him, maybe get my job back. If he’s going to lie, might as well fuck him over with you two in the meantime,” she said, shooting them a wink as she tilted back Alex’s drink. He shook his head.
“And how’d you know we were gonna be here, exactly?” Alex asked. Cameron raised an eyebrow and gave a little smirk. 
“Well, Cap, your little sidekick,” she paused, taking a moment to kick Kyle’s leg beneath the table hard enough for him to jump, “Doesn’t know how to shut off his location.”
“What?” Alex demanded, glaring his way, “Have you lost your damn mind? Give me your phone.”
“Ow, why am I getting tortured?” Kyle asked, but he forked over his phone. Alex unlocked it far too easy which just earned him another disapproving headshake. He got to work at making sure it wasn’t trackable.
“But catch me up. What’ve I missed in the two weeks of the Max and Liz show?” Cameron asked, taking a longer swig.
Alex zoned in and out as Kyle filled her in. Max’s death, their plans to try and revive him, the strange resurrection of Rosa, and the wall they’d hit with much discovery from Project Shepard. They had files upon files, but that’s where it stopped. Their funding and their crew were damn near untraceable, all of them having aliases and scattered across the state in redacted locations. It was making it impossible to stop anything and that meant they had to wait until Jesse was coherent. 
“Well, fuck,” Cameron sighed as Alex slid Kyle’s phone back to him.
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, “You still want in?”
“I only want to help kick his ass more,” Cameron said, flagging one of the bartenders down. She ordered another round of drinks for them. He shook his head at how shamelessly she flirted with her. Alex envied her confidence sometimes even though he knew he had his own. Hers was just… palpable.
“That is something I can get behind,” Kyle said, tapping their beers together in solidarity before downing the rest of their bottles. Alex’s phone buzzed in his pocket before he could feel left out and their cheers to his father’s demise.
Michael: you good? You’re not home
Alex: went out for drinks with kyle
Michael: got it
Alex: take a shower before you get in my bed 
Michael: washing your sheets before i do
Alex: thanks
Michael: i can’t find finger guns emoji
Alex: i hate you
Michael: never
“Oh, that’s Alex thinking he’s subtle,” Kyle said, breaking Alex’s attention away from his phone. Their new set of beers had already arrived. “He’s texting a boy.”
“Shut the fuck up, no, I’m not,” Alex laughed, putting his phone away, “Well, it is a guy, but not that kind of guy. He’s just a friend.”
“I too stare at my friend’s texts like they’re the secrets to the universe,” Cameron said casually, that smirk never leaving her face as she took a sip of her drink. Alex just shook his head. “No worries. Your love life is not my priority.”
“Okay, well it is mine,” Kyle said, leaning forward, “Please be careful. I know you’re a little too willing to sacrifice yourself for Guerin, but this is bigger than him.”
“Oh, Guerin still? Fuck him,” Cameron butted in, “Literally and figuratively.”
“No,” Kyle jumped back in, “Not literally.” 
Alex shook his head and let out a little helpless laugh. It was funny that they thought either of those were options. While he wasn’t 100% sure of Michael’s feelings, he did know that neither of them had the time to work at a relationship. It was friendship and that was it.
“Relax,” Alex said, “He’s not going to distract me from what needs to be done. Besides, he wants this shit taken care of as much as we do. I promise.”
“Moving on from the topic of that side of the aliens, let’s move onto something worth talking about,” Cameron said and Alex wanted to thank her for it,  “Do we have a list of shit to ask Chief Manes about?”
They strategized for a few more hours until they came up with a solid plan for the next morning and how they were going to approach everything. That and it gave them a bit of time to sober up before driving. Alex took the time on the drive home to focus on unwinding, trying to make sure his mind would be clear enough to actually get a good night’s sleep for once. He wasn’t sure it actually worked, but he tried.
The inside of his cabin was dark already by the time he pulled up beside Michael’s truck, only the porch light being left on to illuminate the fact he was coming home to someone. A giddy feeling pulsed in his stomach, demolishing any lasting regret from the night before, and he walked inside. It looked the same, but it felt different. He locked the door behind him.
Alex went to his bedroom like always, but the door was already opened and a quick peek inside showed a shirtless Michael under the covers in bed already and scrolling through his phone. It was something so average, but it had Alex feeling like his mind was going to explode. In the years and years they’d been orbiting each other, never had he come home to someone waiting for him in his bed. Go figure that the only thing that got him that was fear and paranoia.
“Hey,” Michael said, dropping his phone once he saw him. Something stirred in Alex and he had to just walk in further and pretend he was fine. Because Kyle was right. This was bigger than him.
“Hey,” Alex said nonetheless, sitting on his side of the bed to take his shoes off. Michael didn’t come closer though part of Alex wished he had.
“How’d it go with your dad this morning?” he asked. Alex took a deep breath in and let out a heavy sigh. “That bad?”
“He wasn’t really coherent when we woke him up. He was too disoriented to actually get anything out of him, so we have to go back tomorrow and do that shit again,” Alex told him, pushing off the bed carefully.
“That sucks,” Michael said simply. Alex huffed a laugh.
“Yeah, it does.”
Alex grabbed a pair of boxers and t-shirt to change into before heading into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He tried not to think too much about anything as he got ready for bed quickly. He brushed his teeth and changed, deciding to take a shower in the morning. 
Michael was still staring his way when he came back out. Alex sat on the edge of the bed again and started to remove his prosthetic, ignoring the eyes on his back. They were friends who were dealing with some fucked up shit. That’s the only reason this wasn’t weird and it was the main reason it wouldn’t turn into anything else. Sleeping in the same bed helped everyone’s brains.
“How were you feeling today? Better?” Alex asked as he laid down. Michael shrugged, moving his hand beneath the pillow. It didn’t move fast enough and Alex saw that he still had the bandana tied around it. He decided not to comment. 
“I’m okay,” Michael answered, “How are you?” Alex gave him a small smile.
“I’m okay,” Alex repeated, taking a deep breath. He stared at him for a few more seconds before his eyes scanned the darkroom, making sure no one was there that shouldn’t be. Michael didn’t judge him for that either.
“Goodnight, Alex.”
Alex smiled in response, trying to relax into bed to get some form of rest before the morning came and reared its ugly fucking head.
Michael woke up the next morning to an empty bed and literally nothing to do.
Okay, perhaps not nothing, but he didn’t have to be at the lab for a few more hours. He was struggling to be there or anywhere near Max by himself still, the guilt was too high and he would start spiraling. He was doing good. Good as he could be.
He rolled over Alex’s side of the bed, the sheets gone cold which left him feeling a little more empty than it should’ve. Michael got to his feet nonetheless. He dragged himself to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee, drinking it despite the fact that it was lukewarm at best. Alex didn’t have a microwave for some reason so he settled for mediocre coffee.
There was something very relaxing about being so welcome in Alex’s home. The front door was locked, including the complicated ones, as if Alex had made a point to lock them all-knowing Michael was still inside. He was allowed to be there, wanted there, kept safe there. That was something he wasn’t quite sure how to process. It was easier not to process and simply exist, take up the space and enjoy it.
He started wandering, looking at all the old pictures and books that had been there since before Jim Valenti had died. There was a picture on the mantle of little Alex and Kyle holding up dead deer, both of them smiling despite leaning as far away from it as possible. When he walked down the hall, there was another picture of the two of them, couldn’t be any older than seven, decked out in camo and holding rifles that were too big for them and grinning. Alex looked adorable, all happy and unburdened and missing a couple of teeth. Michael couldn’t help but smile.
There was another picture though, that felt weird and out of place. It was across from the hall closet and it was wallet-sized, but a closer look at it made it clear that it was indeed a young Jesse Manes and Jim Valenti. Both were smiling, showing off the wedding bands on their fingers. If he didn’t know any better, he would’ve assumed they were a newlywed couple. Seeing Jesse Manes look so happy and free felt jarring, but here it was. They were grinning and proud and happy to be married to women they loved. Michael sipped his coffee as he tried to make sense of a world like that.
After he finished his coffee and got lost in an idealistic world where Alex’s father actually supported him, Michael decided that he should probably get dressed for the day. He bypassed the stack of his own clothing on the couch and instead went to Alex’s closet, far more eager to find something that was ill-fitting but distinctly Alex than his own clothing.
Alex’s closet (and entire cabin, honestly) was to a military-degree of organization. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it always made Michael laugh a little when he looked at it. Everything was hung in a precise order and all his shoes were on a pristine rack and his underwear was folded and color-coded. How cute was that?
At the top of the closet, there was a backpack, a duffle bag, and a box. Curiosity got the better of him and he reached for the box, secretly hoping for more pictures of young Alex. As he was pulling it down, his arm brushed the backpack and it was unexpectedly hard. He furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at it, noticing the weird shape whatever was inside caused the bag to be. He knew that he shouldn’t look in it, it was Alex’s things, but… 
Before he could convince himself otherwise, he moved his attention to the bag and pulled it down. It wasn’t as heavy as he was anticipating, but it was still solid. He brought it over to the bed and debated on whether he should open it or not. It was Alex’s. However, if he hadn’t shown him, it probably wasn’t anything important. They’d agreed to share everything, right? And, if it was important, there was no way it’d just be at the top of his closet.
Surely, it was nothing. And yet, no matter how successful he was at convincing himself it was nothing, he couldn’t seem to convince himself not to look. Just… unzip and look.
So he did. Unzipped it and looked.
He wasn’t sure what he expected, but when he saw that shiny glass in a large piece that he’d ever seen, he forgot how to breathe. The bag dropped to the floor as he pulled it out, flipping it over in his hands as he tried to make sense of it. Alex had this and didn’t tell him? How long had he had it? How long had it been up there? Maybe he didn’t know. But that was bullshit because this was his bag. Why didn’t he tell him?
Michael stared at it for a few more seconds, marveling at the piece before he scrambled over to get his phone. He pulled up Alex’s contact and started typing out a message, started to ask him what the fuck this was doing in his closet. But he stopped himself. If Alex hadn’t told him, there had to be a reason. He just had to trust that it was a good one. And he trusted Alex.
Without too much more questioning, Michael erased the message and put the piece back in the bag and the bag back where he’d found it. His hands were shaky and his heart was thudding, but Alex must’ve had a reason. He had to. Because Alex said honesty.
He stole a pair of Alex’s jeans and grabbed a bottle of whiskey on his way out.
“Good morning, Dad.”
Alex managed a smile as he stood at the foot at his father’s hospital bed. Despite the fact that it was his day off, he wore his uniform and stood tall. It made things a bit easier. The uniform came with respect that even his father had to uphold.
Jesse Manes said nothing, gazing up in the direction of his son. Kyle stood in the doorway and played guardian angel, waiting to swoop in and save the day. Somewhere else, Jenna Cameron was sweet-talking Michelle Valenti in hopes that she’d have a reason to both stay and access to even more files. 
A cop, an Airman, and a doctor walk into a bar‒is there anything they can’t do?
“I think it’s time we have a little chat,” Alex said. Jesse’s eyes followed him as he went to stand by the side of his bed. Alex considered sitting at the foot of it, but decided it against it at the last minute. He could play that card a little later. “You see, I’ve been doing a lot of research.”
“You always have.”
“True,” Alex nodded, smiling, “But I do think I understand things a bit better now. That being said, it should be known that I’m no longer speaking to Michael Guerin. You were right about him.”
“I don’t want to hear about that.” Jesse eyed him, clutching the trigger of his morphine drip and yet never pushing it. Alex smiled and tilted his head back.
“I just thought you’d want to know. I may have gotten a little carried away, but his kind have shown their true colors.”
“Your manipulation isn’t going to work on me,” Jesse said, shifting just a little. His thumb grazed the trigger, but never quite pushed. Alex nodded.
“I know. Sadly, I wish it was manipulation. It took me far too many years to realize that my weakness was an embarrassment,” Alex sighed. That was honest enough that he didn’t even have to force a lie. Jesse clocked that which he seemed to find even more sketchy. Alex shook the statement off and rolled his shoulders back. “That being said, I’ve been trying to see what I can do to help the, well, the family business.”
“Good luck with that.”
“Yeah, I’m not having much luck which is why I came to you. I’m not trying to hide that, Dad,” Alex told him, “I’m on your side. As much as I can be, anyway.”
“And you really expect me to believe that?”
“You don’t have to, but it’s the truth. Honestly, I feel a little left out. I understand why I was left out, but the feeling still stands. You never even tried to recruit me and now that I want to help, I can’t,” Alex said. He stepped closer, sitting on the bed now. Jesse watched him in a whole new level of confusion. Alex felt successful. “I even tried to talk to Flint and he told me not to even bother. I re-enlisted after losing my leg, finally learned my place, and I’m still not good enough, Dad? Really?”
Alex stared at him and he stared back. It was a long stare and Alex truly didn’t mean for it to happen, but there was a moment where it started getting under his skin. No matter how hard he tried, he would always be less. He felt like a kid again, twelve and trying to figure out why his dad didn’t like him. He was no longer looking down at a weak man in a hospital bed, but looking up from the kitchen floor after being backhanded so hard he couldn’t stand, kneeling on rice with his nose to the wall after asking to have a male friend spend the night, crying into his pillows as quiet as he could so he wouldn’t hear, pleading to this man he looked up to why don’t you like me, and he had to look away.
“Sir?” Alex said, risking it all to turn his attention back to his father. He looked hesitant to speak, but maybe he was dulled by the morphine or maybe he bought into Alex’s truth-infused lies.
“What does that mean?” Alex asked. Jesse sighed, shaking his head.
“You expect me to be proud of you? You expect me to believe you’ve never been caught with your little hacking if you haven’t come across something so simple? Find your priorities, son,” he lectured. Alex blinked and nodded easily.
“Yes, sir.”
“I need to sleep.”
“Yes, sir.”
Alex got to his feet and made his way to the door, schooling his features as best he could as he walked past Kyle. He needed to go look through everything again, needed to find out what he was talking about, needed to not feel like he was fucking chosen to be wrong. 
“Alex,” Kyle said as he followed him closely, “Are you gonna be okay?”
Alex kept walking, his mind focused on everything he’d ever read before. M.C.V. 
“Yes, sir.”
“So, the theory is, if I insert this into the pod, it could start regenerating his cells at a faster pace and then he’ll actually be making progress and we’ll have something to work with.”
“Will that age him?”
“Uh… I have no idea, guess we’ll find out.”
Michael put the goggles over his eyes again and Isobel and Liz stepped back, giving him space. He’d made more progress in that one day than he’d made in weeks. Turns out getting fucked up and trying to forget what Alex might be hiding meant he could do a lot of shit he hadn’t done otherwise.
“Okay, well, I hope not. Not really looking forward to having an elderly boyfriend,” Liz said.
“Oh, c’mon, I bet it has some perks,” Isobel chimed in.
“Not without money,” Michael told her, flashing a grin their way, “I would know.”
They both made disgusted looking faces and he snorted a laugh. His smile faded as he flicked on the torch, melding the last little piece together so he could hook it to the car battery. Try as he might, focusing on happiness was difficult to do. How long had Alex had that piece?
“Thank you, Michael, for helping. Seriously, we couldn’t have done this without you,” Liz told him as he checked over his work. He shrugged.
“No big deal,” he said, “It’s about time I actually help out for once.”
“Damn right,” Isobel scoffed, “Do you know how hard it’s been with you sulking?”
Michael didn’t answer, focusing back on the battery. He hooked the wires to it that’d be going into the pod and then started the motor, giving it one last check to make sure it would actually work. And it did, things started moving and he smiled at his work. Would Alex be proud of him?
They cheered a bit, clearly proud of him, and he tried to soak that up. He promised he would go by Max’s pod and set everything up and one of them could go check on him in the morning before work to make sure it was still working right. It felt like a solid agreement and it was a step forward. 
Isobel kissed him goodbye and headed to go practice more on her powers. That left Michael alone with Liz. Which usually wasn’t a problem, but she had that look in her eye that told him she was about to project all of her negative feelings straight onto him.
“So,” Liz said as they started loading it into his truck so he could bring it there, “You and Maria.”
“What about me and Maria?” he asked. She gave him a knowing look which was genuinely batshit because she didn’t know anything. There was no way she knew anything. If she got her information from Maria, then it was probably false because apparently everyone thought he was gay.
“Well, she told me you guys talked the other day and it didn’t go too well,” Liz said. Michael rolled his eyes. “I know you like her and I know she really likes you. I’m not sure what’s going on with you and Alex, but I think you should be honest with everyone about those feelings, okay? If you keep them inside, my friends are going to get hurt.”
Michael let out a deep breath, turning to face her. Alex preached honesty, right? 
“What exactly do you think is going on?” he asked. She looked at him pitifully. “No, honestly, I’m confused. What do you and Maria think about me? Genuinely.”
Liz crossed her arms over her chest and gave him that distinct adult look that he honestly didn’t think she should be able to give considering the batshit science she’d been doing the last couple weeks. And, yes, it was groundbreaking, but it was also insane.
“Well, we think you’re leading both of them on because you’re confused. And I think it might have something to do about losing Max and what happened at that prison,” Liz said. He stared at her for a moment and started trying to think of who he could call to get weed on a short notice. “You need to talk to someone.”
“I am talking to someone. Alex.”
Liz pursed her lips. “So you’re just okay with him thinking he has a chance by being there all the time?”
“You know I don’t technically owe you an explanation about my love life, right?” 
“I know, but I’m just saying. I think you’re hurting more than you’re helping,” Liz told him. He swallowed hard.
“Tell Maria that if she’s confused about something that she can talk to me in a way that isn’t just accusing me of being a piece of shit,” he told her, “Because if there’s one thing on this entire fucking planet that I’m not confused about, it’s my really pointless love life.”
“So you don’t want either of them?”
“Yes, Liz,” he said, opening the driver’s side door, “Right now, I don’t want either of them.”
“Tell them that, Michael,” Liz told him, “Because the last thing I need is a shitty fucking love triangle making you all useless.”
He slammed the door closed. He didn’t know how to tell her he thought he already had. Clearly, he wasn’t making any sense anymore.
“I’m going to go rig this up to Max,” Michael said, “I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Alex wants us to have a get together soon,” she said, grabbing ahold of the door, “To talk about his dad. So I’ll see you there and I would like it if you made it clear that you aren’t interested in either of them before then.”
“You say that like Maria will even be there.”
“Alex will be.”
How exactly did he tell her that Alex would also be right beside him in bed in a few hours' time, too?
“Right. See you then.”
He drove a little recklessly towards the cave where Max was, waiting until he was on the road alone before he dug under the seat to find the bottle of whiskey he’d stashed there before he got to the lab. He kept an eye on the road as he downed the rest of it. He threw the empty bottle in the back, shaking his head as he tried to make it settle in his bloodstream faster. Of course, that didn’t work, but a man could dream.
Michael walked into the cave with his mindset to get in and out as fast as he could. Staring at Max made him feel like he was going to fucking lose it all over again. Did that make him a bad person? He couldn’t even look at his brother without wanting to get the fuck out of there?
“You know what, you’re a lucky bastard,” Michael scoffed, starting to put the battery rig up, “If I could check out for a few weeks or months, I’d do that shit in a heartbeat.”
He turned to Max with the silver end in hand, sighing slowly. This was okay. This was fine.
“You know Alex has a piece of the ship and he didn’t tell me about it. Why do you think he’d do that? Because I can’t think of a reason why.”
Slowly, he pushed the end into the pod and made sure it was secure before turning back to the battery. He double-checked that everything was on right before he turned it on. A quick look to Max showed that it wasn’t doing anything bad on sight, so it felt like a win.
“I thought, uh, I thought maybe he was hiding it from me on purpose. Maybe he knows more about it than I do and it’ll make me, like, power-hungry and he’s protecting me. But that’s bullshit, huh?”
He put his hand on the pod, feeling that normal low vibration hum a bit stronger. He nodded and refused to let himself feel too prideful. 
“He’s not gonna protect me like that,” Michael said, “Right?”
It wasn’t long before Michael was sure it would hold and he decided to get back home. Alex was probably already there and then he could feel him out, see if he could decipher why on earth he’d be keeping that from him when he promised honesty. Was it selective honesty? Still, he told Max goodnight and got back to his truck.
He drained the rest of his acetone stash before he got to the cabin.
Michael let himself into the cabin, the strange mix of confusion and comfort filling him to the brim as he did so. He wanted Alex more than anything and the agreement to make that happen was unbridled honesty. So why was he hiding that piece?
He stumbled over his feet a little bit as he reached the bedroom, bracing himself in the doorway. Alex sat up in surprise, the bedroom light already on. It was a cold night, apparently, and Alex was wearing a long-sleeved shirt that was a little baggy on him and looked so comfy it hurt. Despite the secret-keeping, Michael smiled at him.
“You look cozy.”
“You look fucked,” Alex said, shaking his head in disappointment. Michael shrugged his shoulders and moved further into the room, trying his best not to stumble as he kicked off his shoes and took off his shirt at the same time. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Hmm, a fifth of whiskey, a couple of bottles of acetone, it’s all good,” he promised. Alex pressed his lips in a thin line.
“Why? What happened?”
“Oh, nothing,” Michael said, unbuckling his jeans. Alex really did look comfy, but that didn’t mean he could say anything. If Alex was keeping a secret, there was a reason for it. Liar, liar, world on fire. Or something. “Oh! Your dad. How’d that go?”
“Good,” Alex said hesitantly. He held out his hand out to Michael, ushering him closer. Michael couldn’t help but smile at that invitation, crawling onto the bed and straight on top of him. Alex wrapped his arm around his neck, pulling him down and keeping in the safe space against his bicep. So this was heaven. “Why’d you get so drunk?”
“People are annoying,” Michael grumbled, breathing in the scent of him as he nuzzled his nose in the crook of his armpit. Alex squirmed a bit, but didn’t push him away. 
“That’s it?”
“Went to talk to Liz and Isobel about what I could do to help. Isobel’s already getting really good at telekinesis,” Michael told him, “Is it bad if I’m kind of annoyed about it? Like, I’m happy for her, but I just feel like… I don’t know, I feel like I need to show her up or something. It’s stupid.”
“No, not stupid. That was your thing for so long and now someone else is good at it too. It’s normal to feel like that,” Alex assured him, voice soft as he went along with the subject change, “Just don’t act like a dick about it.”
“I’m trying. She broke a vase today and my first reaction was ‘oh yeah, I bet I could throw your car across the desert,” he grumbled. Alex huffed a laugh.
“Please tell me you didn’t.”
“No, but now I want to.” Alex shook his head. Michael nudged his nose deeper into his armpit which caused Alex to jump and laugh a little bit. Michael smiled and tried to navigate his arms to wrap around him.  “And… speaking of things I want…”
Things fell silent for a moment as Michael tried to articulate himself. It was a bit hard when his mind was still stuck on what aren’t you telling me. But, there was more than that.
“I want to learn more about my mom,” Michael said, keeping his face buried in his armpit. Not like he could get up if he wanted to. Alex’s bicep was a force to be reckoned with. “I know we talked about it and stuff, but I am feeling a little better now and so… If you wanna keep digging, I’d appreciate it a lot.”
“I never stopped digging. I have a file of the information I found on her and I’m still going through some of the other stuff, but I want to try to find out what happened to her in that year between the crash and her being captured,” Alex explained softly, “Maybe we should talk about this when you’re sober.”
“Maybe, um… Maybe I can look her up or something? At the library,” Micahel said instead of stopping. Alex nodded slowly, his fingers combing through his hair. It was the best thing he’d ever felt. Honestly, he could handle all the lies in the world if he got this. Drinking was good.
But then Alex went still.
“Holy shit, I just realized I never told you her name.”
Michael fought against his hold enough to lift his head, eyes wide. “They documented her name?”
“Yes,” Alex breathed, his hand smacking against his forehead, “I’m so fucking sorry, I just got so caught up in all the other bullshit that I totally forgot.”
“Well, what is it?” Michael asked, smiling slightly as that eagerness bubbled up to the surface. Drinking was definitely good.
“Nora Truman,” Alex said.
“Nora Truman,” he repeated. Alex grinned helplessly at the way the words fit in his mouth and it made his heart feel so full. “That’s so… normal.”
“I know. I don’t know if it was a human alias or… But that’s what she went by at least,” Alex told him, “But that’s your mom.”
Michael swallowed hard and stared at him, his eyes drifting to his lips in all of that excitement. They were right there. In perfect reach. Gravity pulled him down a little bit, hovering over him and wondering if he could. If he should. Before he could make a decision, though, Alex’s nose nudged his cheek to move him and efficiently knocked the thought out of his mind. He dropped his head back against his bicep and got comfortable.
“Nora Truman.”
“Yeah,” Alex said, “Nora Truman.”
It was easy to forget the lie when he had this and that one little truth.
“Excuse me?”
“Alex’s brothers are in town!”
“Where are you at? What are you doing? What the fuck, it’s three in the morning.”
Kyle ducked further behind the bush he’d found himself in. He was driving home from work when he’d spotted a car that just looked too familiar and he couldn’t help himself but follow. He was glad he did too.
Now, he was in the bush outside Alex’s childhood home and trying not to feel like a total creep as he looked through the window.
“We need to talk,” Kyle whispered to Cam, watching as Flint took his shirt off. He really was a creep. “Where are you staying?”
“Uh, I’ll text you the address,” she said hesitantly, “Please tell me you’re not doing anything illegal.”
“Text me the address and I’ll see you soon,” Kyle said, hanging up quickly and continuing to watch. He had a theory and he just needed it to be proved. 
And sure enough, when Flint removed his pants, that same symbol was tattooed on his hip.
Kyle was outside Cam’s motel in 10 minutes flat.
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Replacing Something Missing
@justsmilestuffhappens prompted:  “Prompt buck gets Chris a giant teddy bear to make up for the one they lost only it's the huge ones that you can sit on and lay on for a nap. Eddie jokes about buck not getting him something and buck jokes back he could be his teddy bear. They both secretly love the idea but fall asleep on the couch huddled up together though lol”
A/N: Thanks for the awesome prompt!  I had a blast writing this.  It practically wrote itself and totally didn't end up where I had originally planned.  I liked how this turned out though.   You can also find this on AO3.
Eddie walked up the sidewalk to his front door exhausted. It had been a long shift. It seemed like every time they had gotten back to the station and were about to sit down to watch some TV or to eat, the alarms would sound once again, sending everyone back to the trucks. He left the station as soon as his shift was over, only pausing to make sure Buck was still coming over and to ask him to pick up something to eat on his way.
He walked inside and was immediately greeted by his son squeezing him in a tight hug. Eddie would never get tired of Christopher's enthusiastic greetings and secretly hoped Christopher would never grow out of them.
"Hey dad!" Christopher said as Eddie lifted him off the floor.
"Hola mijo," Eddie said, smiling as he carried Christopher over to the couch. He carefully set Christopher down before collapsing onto the couch next to him. "Did you have a good day with Carla?"
"We went to the park. We saw you and Buck there."
Eddie thought back through the day and remembered the call at the park. A teenager had fallen at the skate park section of the park. "Oh really?" Eddie asked. "How come you didn't come say hi?"
"Carla said that we shouldn't distract you when you're working. Is that girl going to be okay?"
"She is," Eddie answered. "She has a broken arm and a concussion, but she'll be just fine."
"Good," Carla said as she came around the corner, purse thrown over he shoulder.  "He's been worried about that girl all afternoon. Me too. Glad to hear she'll be okay."  She looked over the man sitting in front of her. "You okay for me to leave? You look exhausted."
"I am exhausted," Eddie admitted. "It was a busy day, but Buck will be here soon, with dinner. So I think we're good. Have a great evening!"
"Lazy evening on the couch with your boys sounds like it's just what you need. I'll see you in a couple of days." With that, Carla headed out the door, leaving Eddie and Christopher on the couch.
Carla hadn't been gone more than fifteen minutes when Buck walked through the door.
"I brought pizza!" he announced, walking over to the dining room table and setting it down. "I also have a surprise for Christopher out in my jeep, but I couldn't carry it and the pizza."
Eddie stood and disappeared into the kitchen before coming back out with three plates.
He handed one of the plates to Buck before placing a slice on one plate for Christopher and a couple slices onto his own plate. "You know you don't have to bring him something all the time to win him over. He already adores you."
"I know," Buck said, placing two slices onto his own plate. "But I feel like I owed him this one. It was bigger than I thought it was, though. I might need a little help with it."
"What did you buy him this time?"
"I just wanted to replace the bear he lost in the tsunami. I'll explain more after dinner."
They all sat on the sofa mindlessly watching some new show that Christopher was obsessed with while they ate their pizza. Eddie got up once to get everyone seconds while Buck got up to get everyone a drink. Just before the show ended, though, Buck and Eddie got up and headed outside to Buck's jeep.
"The day of the tsunami," Buck explained, "Chris and I won this big teddy bear. He loved that thing, even though he only had it a few minutes. I had put it on the bench next to me while we were on the pier. When I saw the wave coming, I just grabbed Christopher and ran. Left his crutches and his bear on the bench."
"So you got him a new bear?" Eddie asked, reaching for the handle on the door.
"I got online and ordered one. I didn't, however, look at the size of the thing."
Eddie opened the door to find a massive stuffed animal shoved into the backseat of Buck's vehicle. "Man. This thing is huge."
"It's apparently one of those big stuffed animals you can hug or lay on or just cuddle up with. You think he'll like it?"
Eddie reached in and began tugging the stuffed animal out of the car.  "I know he'll love it," Eddie answered softly. "But you really need to stop trying to win him over or he'll start trying to play us against each other."
Buck blushed. "I know. I know."
"After the day we've had," Eddie began as he and Buck carried the giant stuffed animal back towards the house, "I almost wish you had bought me one of these things."
Buck laughed. "You don't need a giant stuffed animal to cuddle with. You've got me."
"And you don't live here. What am I supposed to cuddle with when you're not here?"
"You asking me to move in, Diaz?" Buck teased.
"Your lease isn't up yet, Buckley, " Eddie teased back, blushing. "You aren't wasting your money on that apartment. Ask me that again in a month and a half when it is."
"Maybe I'll find someone to make a stuffed animal that looks like me in the meantime," Buck joked. "Or you know, you could just call me if you need me to come over."
Eddie smiled. "Let's just stick to calling you. I think a Buck stuffed animal would be weird."
They carried the massive stuffed animal inside and immediately heard Christopher squeal excitedly.
"That's huge, Buck!" Christopher exclaimed.
"I wanted to replace the one we lost," Buck explained as he leaned down to hug the young boy.
"That one wasn't this big."
"Yeah, well, Buck doesn't always read the descriptions of things," Eddie laughed as he shut the front door.  "Let's go find a place for this in your room and get you ready for bed." He turned to look at Buck. "Why don't you get comfortable? I'll be back out in a few minutes."
Fifteen minutes later, Eddie came out of his bedroom dressed in sweats and found Buck flipping through channels. Christopher was fast asleep in his room, giant stuffed bear leaning up against the corner.
"See something you like?" Eddie asked as he moved around the sofa and sat down next to Buck, leaning into him as soon as he felt Buck's arm around his shoulders.
"Yeah, but it's not on TV," Buck answered smiling. He selected some random channel and watched as a documentary about abandoned buildings began playing.
They rearranged their positions on the sofa so that they were laying down, Eddie on nearly on top of Buck. Buck had his arms wrapped securely around Eddie's waist while Eddie had his head nestled into the crook of Buck's neck.
"You know I have a bedroom," Eddie chuckled, lifting his head slightly to look Buck in the eyes. "It would be a lot more comfortable."
"We go back there and we'll either end up on top of each other or asleep before our heads hit the pillows," Buck laughed. "Maybe I just want to lay here with my boyfriend and cuddle with him while we talk with some show playing in the background. It's been a long day."
Eddie yawned. "Not sure how long I can stay awake, though."
"We'll go to bed in a few minutes," Buck said softly as he ran a hand through Eddie's hair.
Eddie leaned into the touch. "Mmm. Keep that up and I won't make it to the bedroom. I'll fall asleep right here on top of you."
Buck chuckled and removed his hand from Eddie's hair, gently placing in back around Eddie's waist. "Today was something."
"Chris saw us at the park. Didn't want to distract us though."
"Did he see the girl?"
"Yeah," Eddie mumbled. "Carla said he was worried about her the rest of the day."
"Good thing she's gonna be okay, then."
Soon, both men were fast asleep, still curled around each other on the couch. Neither of them had stayed awake for very long. They had fallen asleep talking. At some point during the night, Eddie shifted in his sleep causing Buck to wake up. He smiled down at the sleeping form on top of him thinking about how everything had changed between them and for the better. He briefly thought about grabbing his phone and ordering a second one of those stuffed animals for Eddie, but decided against it. There was only a month and a half left in his lease. He hoped Eddie was serious about him moving in when his lease was up. Buck hadn't said anything, but he missed cuddling with Eddie just as much when he had to stay at his own apartment.
As much as Buck wanted to close his eyes and drift back to sleep, he knew that if they stayed on the couch like this, they would both wake up with stiff necks and sore backs.
"Eddie," he said softly, gently nudging the sleeping man. "Wake up, man."
Eddie groaned as he slowly blinked his eyes opened and looked up at Buck. "Hmm?"
"Maybe we should head to your room? We'd be more comfortable there."
"Our room," Eddie mumbled as he sat up.
Buck's eyes went wide. "Still your room, man. My lease isn't up yet."
"Don't care. I'll pay to get you out of your lease if I have to. You're moving in or I'm going to have to buy one of those things you got Christopher." Eddie stood and began walking to the bedroom, pulling Buck behind him.
"Are you sure or are you just sleep talking?" Buck asked as he followed Eddie, but stopping just outside the bedroom door.
Eddie turned to face Buck and pinched his own arm. "See? I'm awake. And I meant every word. I slept better on the couch for a few hours with you than I do any time I sleep in my bed alone. And judging by the fact that you also look more rested anytime you stay here than when you stay at your apartment, you sleep better too when we're together. So screw the damn lease. Move in."
Buck's smile slowly grew wider as Eddie spoke. "Okay. I'll talk to the landlord tomorrow to see what I need to do."
Eddie smiled back at his boyfriend before pushing open their bedroom door and pulling Buck inside. "But first, sleep." He pulled back the covers and climbed in, waiting as Buck did the same. Within seconds, they were curled around each other once again, similarly to how they were minutes earlier on the sofa.
"Love you," Buck mumbled as he drifted back to sleep with Eddie's arms around him.
Eddie smiled at Buck's sleepy statement. "Love you, too." With that, he joined Buck in sleep, more relaxed knowing that Buck was right there.
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swimmingnewsie · 5 years
Of Coffee and Cookies (Chapter 7)
...You know I used to be patient and methodical with my upload schedule. But now I just want to share with the world my work <3 So enjoy two chapters in less than 24 hours.
Link to AO3
"I just don't understand why she can't tell me what's wrong. Obviously there's something, and maybe I could help if she would just let me in!" Maren said in frustration as Ryder drove.
It had been three days since Maren had walked out on Elsa in the cafe, and she hadn't heard from the woman since. What was so bad that Elsa couldn't bring herself to talk about? It wasn't like they hadn't had deep conversations before. They had talked about everything from miscarriages to the death of parents to mental health crises. What was so bad Elsa couldn't even name?
"Have you considered the chance that maybe she's still processing whatever it is? And that she wants some sort of grasp before she tries to talk about it with someone else?" Ryder suggested, eyes focused on the open road ahead of them. There was no destination today, but Maren had a feeling that Ryder was doing this so she would talk candidly. They had never been good at a direct face-to-face conversation. Driving provided an easy environment for them both.
"Maybe, but she's my girlfriend, Ry. I'm supposed to be there to help her with stuff," she exasperated. All she wanted was to be there for Elsa. Why was that so hard?
"You may be her girlfriend, but she's still her own person. She's allowed to keep her secrets if she wants. That's just something she does. Have you tried talking to her about it?"
Maren shook her head. "I told her to come back when she was ready to be mature about things. She needs to come to me first."
Ryder raised an eyebrow. "But is that fair? You're the one who walked out on her because she wasn't talking. Do you really think that's the best way to get what you want?"
Maren rolled her eyes. "No, but- but- I don't know!"
"Then put your stubbornness aside and apologize. She may have done things wrong, but so did you." Ryder said, looking at her. "You yelled at her for not opening up when you knew full well the shit show that the last week has been for her with Anna being so sick.
"Look I don't know Elsa as well as you do, obviously, but I do know this: she internalizes her feelings while you externalize your feelings. If you guys are gonna make this work, you’re gonna have to learn to deal with that."
Maren looked stunned at her brother. Where the hell had all that come from? Her brother had grown a lot from that flighty boy who wouldn't talk to anyone for anything. Maren laid her head back on the seat. "When did you get so wise?"
"I'm dating a self-proclaimed love expert who was raised by actual love expert marriage counselors. You pick up on this kind of shit," he said simply. Ryder sighed, turning the car back towards home.
Maren could hear the sadness in her brother's sigh. She was far more adept at her brother's emotions than anyone else's. "Well, I may not be able to pick at my girlfriend's mind right now, but I can pick at yours. What's running in that pretty little head of yours?"
Ryder gave a hint of a laugh. "Just trying to solve all the world's problems today, aren't you?"
She nudged her brother in the shoulder. "Maybe," she said with a slight smile.
"You're worse than Anna about meddling!" he teased.
"Am not!" Maren slapped her brother's shoulder.
"Hey! Hey! No hitting the driver!" Ryder called out laughing. "And answering your question would require whiskey, and considering we both have work tomorrow, that is not an option."
Maren rolled her eyes. "So you're not going to tell me? Even after everything I've gone through with Elsa?"
"Dramatic much?" he asked, mirroring her eye roll. "We'll talk about it Friday. I promise."
Ryder held out a pinky that Maren happily linked. "Friday," she agreed.
"And in the meantime, you are going to your girlfriend's and talking this out."
"As you command, Mr. Love Expert."
"Hi, Maren! I wasn't expecting to see you today." Maren was greeted at the door by a sleepy looking Anna. She looked much healthier than the last time she had been by. Her face had more color, and she seemed far perkier.
"Hi, Anna. How are you feeling?"
"Tired still," she admitted coughing in the sleeve of her sweatshirt. "But what can you expect when you get the flu and strep throat at the same time?"
"Oh, Anna, that's terrible," Maren frowned. "I'm sorry. Have they been able to give you anything to make you feel better?"
Anna nodded. "Antibiotics for the strep and cough syrup to help me sleep at night. Seems to be doing well enough. Elsa's in her room if you want to come in." Maren nodded in reply, entering the apartment. "She had headphones in earlier, so she might not hear you if you knock."
"Thanks, Anna," she said sincerely. "Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Honestly? Get my sister to go to bed," she said with tired eyes. "She won't say anything, but I heard her coughing all night and I'm worried."
Maren's eyes softened. Of course Elsa wouldn't say anything while Anna was still sick. "I'll do my best."
"Elsa?" she said as she entered the bedroom quietly. Her heart ached at the sight. Books and tissues were scattered on Elsa's bed while Elsa herself was passed out in the middle with her laptop open on a half finished word document and Marshmallow curled up at her side. Her face was much paler than usual- something Maren had thought was impossible- and she shivered violently on the bed clinging to the fluffy cat for warmth. Maren placed a gentle hand to get girlfriend's head; she was burning up. Their discussion could certainly wait, she thought.
Marshmallow meowed up at her. Maren didn't know cats could looked worried, but he certainly did. She gave him a comforting pet. "Don't worry, Marshie. We'll take care of her." He meowed in reply before rubbing up on his owner again, pleased with her words.
"Hey snowflake. Can you wake up for me?" she asked softly. Elsa couldn't be comfortable like that, and if she was hiding her illness like Maren suspected she was, then she was going to get her the rest and medicine she needed.
Elsa's eyes slowly opened to reveal glassy blue eyes. "Maren? What are you doing here? You were mad at me. I'm- I'm sorry," she managed before coughs overtook her chest, scaring Marshmallow off the bed. She sounded terrible.
Maren shook her head, patting Elsa's back to help with the cough. "That's not important right now. How long have you been feeling sick?"
"'m not sick," she said, sniffling as her runny nose betrayed her.
"While you make a very compelling argument, snowflake, do you think you could you tell me the truth?" Maren asked wrapping an arm around Elsa.
Elsa tried to recoil from the touch. "Don't want you to get sick," she said hazily.
"So you admit you're sick," she said with a small smirk. "Love, I teach middle schoolers. My fear of catching a cold is long gone. Now how long have you been feeling bad?"
Monday. Monday was when they fought. A wave of guilt passed over her. "And have you been going to school and work every day like a bad sick person?" Elsa nodded wearily. "Oh, love," she sighed.
Maren moved from the bed, beginning to pick her up her papers and books. "What are you doing?" Elsa asked, clutching at some of her books. "I still have work to do."
"That may be true. But if you have the same thing Anna does, you need to rest more than you need to work. Did you even tell your sister you weren't feeling well?"
Elsa shook her head. "I didn't want to worry her. She has enough to worry about."
"I think you failed that mission, snowflake. She told me she heard you coughing all night last night. Meaning you probably didn't sleep and that you definitely shouldn't have been teaching today." Maren turned to Elsa's drawers. "What pajamas do you want? You aren't resting in those clothes."
Elsa slowly relinquished control, allowing Maren to help her change, something the brunette was very happy about. How Elsa had still been pushing on stunned her. She was running a temperature of 103 and yet here she was still working away on research. But Maren had told her enough was enough, and Elsa was settled in bed with two quilts and a dose of nighttime cold medicine.
"I'm sorry," she said sleepily looking at Maren.
"What for, snowflake?"
"For not calling, not talking to you, not telling you. I know you just wanted to help," Elsa said teary eyed. The combined illnesses must have been making her more emotional than usual, Maren thought.
"I'm sorry too. For yelling and running away on you. But we can talk about those things when you're feeling better, okay?"
"But I was so mean to you," she said before being interrupted by a sneeze.
"Bless you. You were getting sick and under a lot of stress, sweetheart. I can't hold that against you. Especially when you're still so unwell."
"But I don't- but I don't want to sweep it under the rug like it never happened." Her voice cracked, clearly strained by all the talking.
"We won't. There's a difference between sweeping an argument under the rug and waiting until you're well enough to talk without your body interrupting." Maren brushed a hand against her girlfriend's hot forehead. "We will talk about all this another day."
"Promise?" she asked.
"I promise. Now shush, don't strain your voice anymore." Elsa happily snuggled up against Maren, eyes shut. Soon enough, her wheezy breathing evened; and Elsa was fast asleep.
Maren was still just as confused as she was three days ago, but that didn't matter. Elsa was here with her, willing to talk. They would take it one step at a time, one breath at a time. They would figure this out. They would be fine.
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rkivepacks · 4 years
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TITLE: like waves in my heart, thoughts of you come to me Originally posted on: AO3/dtgloss Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: Fluff Word Count: 4,728 Trigger Warning/s: Swearing Disclaimer:  This work is solely from the idea of the author. Should there be similarities with the works of other respected artists are purely unintentional. This also do not reflect on the real lives of the artists portrayed in this work. Comments, suggestions and any other concerns are accepted in my inbox. Thank you! 
Summary: Artist Jeon Jeongguk gets an extended period of rest and the internet is suddenly discussing how he managed to hide the fact that he has a family.
Hello, this is Ganghan Entertainment. This is to announce that Jeon Jeongguk will be having his official period of rest after five years of active work as a singer-songwriter and actor. During this period, we ask you to respect the privacy of the artist and allow him to destress, recharge and spend the allotted period of time to address his personal desires and concerns. Our artist would also like to ask for your unending support as usual for when he returns to his official schedule and for consideration should you encounter him during his time off. This rest period shall last until further notice of official public schedule of Jeon Jeongguk and should allow him to return to you recharged in order to allow him to give back all the love and support he received since debut. Thank you
[NAVER] Ganghan Entertainment announces extended break for Jeon Jeongguk. [PANN] Jeon Jeongguk on official period of rest. Ganghan Ent. denies rumor of retirement. [K-N] Jeon Jeongguk taking a break from performing and filming. See list of dramas to binge during his break. [ALL KPOP] Jeon Jeongguk wraps up filming for ‘Yanghwa Saram’ in time for personal rest period.
[+191, -19] Kyaaa t-t oppa deserves it. He works hard. [+48, - 90] What break? What am i gonna do then?? Really… [+432, -64] Everyone… you all should know that idols/actors are also humans. They deserve to rest too. Jungkookie we will wait !!! keke fighting-ga [+329, -199] Gosh these people heung… Go outside instead of overworking JK.
“My phone will be on do not disturb. Gonna be ruthless for a month and a half, hyung.” Jeongguk says into the speaker of his phone.
“Yes, I know. I will try not to contact you that much you know, I need this break too. “ His manager Hongsoo huffs from the other line, making Jungkook chuckle.
“I know, you guys rest also. I hope I won’t need to see you for almost two months. I’m sick of Hobi-hyung’s face already.” Jeongguk jokes.
“Yeah I know. Now go back to your daughter. I can hear her from the other side of the door. Bye googoo.” Without much ado, they end the call.
True to his words, the child on the other side of the door has been knocking non-stop for almost ten minutes now.
“daddy, come out…”
or after a second of silence because honestly, give the baby some stamps at the back of her hands for trying to wait for a response from her pre-occupied dad, “ daddy, dinner time!! Come !!.” . Hyeon-goo has been whining as her dad-baby time was interrupted.
The actor jokingly knocks on the door before it was roughly banged by his daughter’s tiny fist from the other side of the door, and he deemed it safe to open it as not to anger the tiny human further. Picking Hyeon-goo up, they make their way to the play area where she managed to open the secured pen to keep her safe. He guesses they needed to either get a /taller/ one, or secure the lock. Or to outsmart their daughter.
Although Jeongguk has already officially started his break, his husband, however, was still out and about to finish his work just before dinner time. Taehyung also managed to get a break, which is why he has been rushing to meet with people to finish that part of the job where he had to leave the house and Hyeon-goo, so that he will also be able to rest and do some work, if necessary, at home.
“Let’s call daddy? You want to call dad, baby?” Jeongguk asks the almost- six-years-old who has been trying to unlock his phone, sitting idly on his lap.
“Call daddy, please.” And honestly who is he to even think about not doing just that. “I’m already here.” Taehyung answers the phone on the fourth ring. “No you’re not I do not see you in this house, sir.” Jeongguk replies jokingly, wherein at the same time Hyeon-goo pipes up when she heard the voice of her dad, “Daddy! Please come home.” She chirps, wanting to boss her daddy around and make him knock on the door this instant, while also looking cute pouting at the phone and bouncing with every word she uttered. “Hi baby! Daddy is almost home, wait for me googoo.” “Are you asking me to wait, Tae?” Jeongguk answers instead and Hyeon-goo craned her neck to look to her dad behind her, following the sound of his voice. “I’m talking to little googoo but you can wait for me too, baby I’m finished already.” Tae laughs heartily, shuffling her in the background. “Okay babe. I already cooked rice since you said you will be preparing the soup and some rice cakes but if you’re tired already I can do another dish instead since my soup is not as good as yours.” “No it’s okay I just left the grocery store since the celery we had in the fridge looks gross already. Also did you know that the sunblock I was using was out of stock because they pulled out the stocks for product design changes? I looked for it for fifteen minutes!” Taehyung ranted and Jeongguk notes to remind him to check again in their next run to the stores. “The celery has been there for a long time already. Did you just get on the bus? I heard some bus sounds thing.” Jeongguk replies, his attention both on his husband on the phone and his daughter being busy with the youtube feature of their smart tv. “Yeah I’ve actually been in the bus for some time now. I’m home in twenty minutes tops.” Taehyung replies, voice hushed and Jeongguk has just noticed in decrease lightly caused by the change in surroundings. When Taehyung gets home, Hyeon-goo has already fallen asleep, her head propped on Jeongguk’s thighs on the soft floor mattress they lay out in the living room for times like this, and he quietly pads around to softly and quietly greet his daughter as not to wake her and to appease his babysitting husband who was watching the muted drama airing on Thursday night. “Good thing I won’t be going out in broad daylight starting tomorrow. The sunscreen fiasco stressed me out.” Taehyung sighs, sitting beside his husband on the fluffy cushion, their backs to the sofa.
“I know you got something else in the meantime. Another brand.” “I did. But that’s not the point.” “My sunscreen loving baby. I missed you.” Jeongguk pulls Taehyung closer by the neck and softly kisses his temple. His desire to plant more kisses was halted by the reminder that he has his daughter currently sleeping on him and he makes it a mission to move her to another comfortable position on the mattress. Once successful, he returns to a chuckling Taehyung ready to receive the love Jeongguk has stored from the day they were separated. Jeongguk and Taehyung, ever since Jeongguk was able to receive the news and confirm the official end of his shooting for his latest drama, has made it a point to take a proper rest and days off from their respective works and duties. They also needed the time to spend with their daughter who has been growing up real fast, the parents feel like they have to tie themselves down inside their house just to be able to be there with Hyeon-goo anytime of the day. Jeongguk has been in and out of the country that lasts from weeks to almost a month. Drifting in and out for shoots set in an international location for the same drama he worked on for a god ten months. During his stay at some fancy hotel his management booked for him for the duration of his shoot, he has only managed to see his daughter wearing cute and fashionable costumes for her daycare activities in photos and videos sent by her father. The distance was hard for him and Taehyung, who also find it difficult to miss some days off to attend his daughter’s school activities and juggle his work with his tasks as a father to Hyeon-goo.
Being with Jeongguk, in Taehyung’s opinion, is quite challenging. Not only is he dating an A-list actor, he is dating one that is Jeon Jeongguk and that alone, for Taehyung is a challenge.
Dating has always been a challenge for Taehyung and Jeongguk. After all, doing so with a biological child already and going out with a celebrity at that. He was putting everything on the line. The two has deemed it necessary to play it safe in the beginning. Meeting through a mutual friend, after all, Taehyung is a not-so-low-profile person. He is an author with books already out on shelves at the local book stores and a series currently in the works. Not to mention they might make a tv-series out of one of his works.
The two met at a birthday celebration of a mutual friend. One which Jeongguk met through his previous drama project and Taehyung’s close friend who helped him find experts to interview for one of his books. The two knew they would be friends despite of the circle both of them were used to. Several hangouts with other people turned into gatherings with less until it was only the both of them hanging out. The two often met in the privacy of their homes, which one would be more suitable for their schedules or often than not, depends on who would offer his humble abode, claiming that “it was your turn last time, remember? We were at your place. I will cook for today, end of.”
Jeongguk was a private person, despite being an A-lister. Although always in the headlines and discussion boards, Jeongguk has kept his close personal friends in private and away from the public and only letting bits and pieces about him known during interviews. Hence, no one knew of his real relationship with Taehyung.
Photos have resurfaced of the two hanging out in public. They are also both smart enough to only hang out with just the two of the once or twice in public, a space visible between them as tabloids and the internet speak of Jeongguk’s whereabouts as a public figure. Maybe it also helped that Taehyung is also a public figure and the people has only been speaking of a possible series that involves the nation’s sought after actor and a best-selling author of the present times.
[ARTICLE] Actor Jeon Jeongguk spotted with Best-selling author of the book ‘Pung-gyeong: Shadow’ dined with friends. Koreaboo : Netizens are buzzing with a possible new drama involving Actor Jeon Jeongguk. Said drama might just involve the works of 2018’s Best-selling Author Kim Taehyung, who was also last seen meeting with award-winning director of several dramas (see article ‘Rising Author Kim Taehyung seen with ‘Tokyo’ Director Han Hwon-ra.) Pictures have resurfaced of the friendly and laid back dinner of the bunch in the area of Bongeunsa-ro Gangnam-gu. The managing supervisor of the seafood restaurant Kkotji was able to confirm the attendance of the prominent names in the industry and assures everyone the warm and kind attitudes of or favorite actor and author. See also below the photo that the manager shared, showing what indeed is a short but lovely message and autograph Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung left at the restaurant, proudly framed and cherished in the establishment. The manager has also talked about the influx of reservations and inquiries amidst the public outing of the bunch. See more: Jeon Jeongguk on the cover of Vogue Korea + Tour inside his newly-renovated studio.
Krm3949 wrote: New drama? Isn’t he working a little too hard? Moko_ wrote: Don’t work too hard. Rest well! Jeongguk and Taehyung fighting! Ssiiso11: We all know what happens when they turn books into movies… But I trust Kim Taehyung and the Director-nim. Good luck to everyone then Wingjeu_949: You all… It is not even confirmed yet… You all seem to forget that they are also friends so this could only be a friendly outing…
The two were not always private about their friendship. But they were subtle, as subtle as they need and get, about their real relationship. They were able to post photos here and there, a few words when asked about each other, considering friendship between celebrities are always considered a big deal when you are…. Well… celebrities.
Fans of the two have always thought that their friendship was pure and youthful. Both men in their almost-late-twenties. (They are 28 and 29 years old, but Taehyung is not very fond of disclosing that information that much thank you.).
“It must be nice being friends with Kim Taehyung!” Taehyung mimics the voice of the MC as he reads the printed copy of the interview of the latter that was done last month in line with his photoshoot. Jeongguk would like to disclose that the voice Taehyung was using as we speak is definitely not the same as the voice of the interviewer.
“Ah yes, hyungnim has been such a good long-time friend of mine. Although our lines of work are different and far from each other really, we try to help each other a lot. Hyung helps me a lot more than I do for him, really.” Taehyung then mimics Jungkook’s voice (again, not what he sounded like when he answered that. Jungkook easily pokes the older’s tummy as they lay down on the sofa, the older’s head on his lap, arms holding up the magazine to his face, offering his abdomen open for Jeongguk’s attacks.
“Stop it, you don’t even know if it was a written interview.” Jungkook huffs.
“It was not. You don’t have the energy to write long answers like this.” Taehyung knows him well.
“Yes it is. Maybe I was not the one typing then.”
“You hired a transcriber? Such a celebrity. Can I hire them instead?”
Taehyung and Jeongguk met when Taehyung was in the middle of divorcing his now ex-wife Choi Hyeong-wa. Jeongguk learned of Taehyung’s personal struggles after a few months of being friends, and when he found out, the divorce has already settled. He did not pry although he badly wants to. After all, he’s a friend of Taehyung before anything else. He offered support to Taehyung and anything that he asks without being a hindrance to the other’s daily errands and packed schedule.
Jeongguk never met Hyeong-wa, but based on Taehyung’s stories she was not a bad person.
“Isn’t the divorce extreme, though?” Jeongguk asked over a cup of tea and soft pastries in his home where he invited Taehyung over.
“We were already off for a few months now. We just figured out we stop trying to force ourselves together just because we have Hyeon-goo. It’s not fair to us and to the child, you know? I do not want her asking me one day if you love someone for the sake of other people and not for your own sake. I want her to find someone and be true to herself and that person. Am I making sense?” Taehyung explains in one go, looking at Jeongguk after he was done only to see the younger try to hold his cup with his teeth.
“I’m listening. Many senses, hyung.” Jeongguk quickly replies.
That night Taehyung goes home with a full stomach and a full heart. Jeongguk sends him off with a genuine kiss to his cheeks. One that could be interpreted as a friendly one or as a “I’ll wait for you.” one.
And did Jeongguk wait for him. The divorce took half a year, and the other half for the father and daughter to settle down in a house that is now only meant for two (and a half for Jeongguk who stays over some times). They did not automatically date right after the divorce. They were still the same as before, although if you ask from an outside point of view, they were more drawn to each other, almost as if they lost the barrier (read: marriage that involves Taehyung) between them. The touches were still subtle, but the glances were not. What is not subtle is the more frequent staying over one’s apartment. Sometimes Taehyung brings Hyeon-goo over to Jeongguk for the two’s play date. Articles have resurfaced and the photos of Taehyung waddling with Hyeon-goo around Jeongguk’s apartment area have surfaced the internet and people have been wondering who the child might be and her relationship with the author.
Hyeon-goo has already raided Jeongguk’s bedroom and apparently has fallen asleep on the navy blue sheets and soft comforter, cradling her ‘baby’ named Precious. The elderlies have retreated into the sofa, as it seems like the time is appropriate to bring out the bottles of beers and soju and some chips Jeongguk has in his cupboard.
“The baby is sleeping.” Taehyung sing-songs, plopping down beside Jeongguk where the two have settled to sit on the floor with their backs on the sofa.
“I’m not sleeping.” Jeongguk raises his head from where he has his eyes closed and looks at Taehyung. “Are you the baby?” Taehyung asks, face contorting has he opens two bottles. “Am I your baby?” Jeongguk retorts. Taehyung doesn’t respond. He just hums and drops a soft kiss on Jeongguk’s high cheek bones where a dust of highlighter would look as pretty as him. The two cleans up before drifting the bedroom where Taehyung’s daughter has been resting for the past hour and insists that they transfer to the spare room so the other can rest before his schedule the next day. The three ended up sprawled on the bed after a brief bickering on who will sleep where, Hyeon-goo peacefully asleep in between them, under one thick duvet protecting them from the cold. Taehyung has always protected Hyeon-goo from the public as he was a public figure himself. His baby is cute and that is a fact. However, he has always refused to let the public know of his personal affairs including his recent divorce and his baby. “Hyeon-goo, wakey wakey, mama is picking you up.” Taehyung tickles her baby in hopes to wake her up in a good mood. “What time is she coming again?” Jeongguk asks as he prepares their breakfast and Taehyung settles the sleepy baby on her high chair. “Two hours more don’t worry.” Jeongguk has only met Hyeon-goo’s mother a handful of times and almost all of them consist of when she picks Goo up. However, today is the first time she rings the doorbell to Jeongguk’s home to pick the baby up for their bonding time per week. “She kept on asking if we moved recently because I gave her a different address. Took a long time to convince her to just come. She asks too many questions.” Taehyung retells the encounter. Hyeon-goo was over at her mom’s for 3 days and two nights, to which Taehyung and Jeongguk have carefully planned out their weekend date. The date includes a stay in, a laptop and their phones open to research on a possible family get away. The couple plans for a mini vacation (the sole reason why Jeongguk asked for a break and so did Taehyung minus the grand announcement that was broadcasted on national television during the night time and day time news the following morning of the announcement), which includes Hyeon-goo so the two have been spending their first free afternoon together scrolling through numerous pages that can accommodate their little family. (Jungkook’s heart does NOT clench when he calls them a little family.) (Jungkook loves their little family) “You think Hyeon-goo would not be scared of the large windmills, no?” Jungkook asks as he reads reviews of the tourist spot by the beach. “I don’t think so. The wind must scare her, though. Let’s just let her run around the area where the wind is not too strong if there is.” By the time they have retreated back and forth to get snacks (nobody mentions the lazy hands roaming around each other’s body), they have a flight booked for the three of them, a large hotel room, and a whole two weeks planned away in a foreign island with Hyeon-goo. The next day, the two packs for their trip. Their plane leaves in four days and “I still don’t have a good ass sun block, Jeongguk. Sunblock. It’s important”, so the two makes a run to the nearby mall to do a quick shopping of things they would need. Jeongguk feels they have been spotted if the not so subtle phones slightly pointed at them are any indications but he pays no mind. He was not holding Taehyung’s hand when they are in public. The two have already had this practice of what they are once they step foot outside of their door. Taehyung finally has his sunblock, and gets Jeongguk a new swim short without the other man’s knowledge. Goo also gets a new pair of cute swim wear and sun protector stuff for babies for when they run around on the beach.
During one of Jeongguk’s filming at the States, Taehyung followed suit for a scheduled book signing in the same state.
The two attended their respective schedules and gets a week off for their own personal rest schedule during their work.
Taehyung comes back to Korea without Jeongguk being physically there to drag him through as the latter still has two more weeks of promotion for his new EP he put out.
Taehyung also comes back as a married man.
[ARTICLE] KOREABOO: See photos of Jeon Jeongguk on vacation, holding a baby! [ARTICLE] NAVER: Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung spotted during vacation with unnamed baby. [ARTICLE] SOOMPI: In photos: Jeon Jeongguk on vacation; see what the Idol is up to overseas. [+913, -130] What are these people doing? He clearly said vacation! His personal time and you are all out here taking photos of him and his friend and a baby(?). You all don’t know respect. [+313, -1301] As we speak they are currently getting a hold of information during this trip. How reckless of the two adults to bring an innocent child into this. [+3130, -942] Do not spread around the information going around the internet. Heartless people spreading the information of the child? If Jungkook and Taehyung chose to be silent about this it’s their choice, if they do release statements, it’s also their choice. Stop spreading information about their vacation. See more posts I ship them both! Just imagine their little family omg kkk Jungkookie holding his first born with his husband on the beach is canon. Delusional people, they clearly stated they are friends! Also leave the child out of this.
“Yeah, I’ve seen. No we’re okay, hyung. We’re being recognized but we’re safe.” Jeongguk speaks into his phone.
The little family has retreated to their hotel room with minimal assistance from hotel personnel as there have been journalists (“they’re paps, Tae.”) who have been trying to get a hold of the two (and the child).
“I’ll speak with Tae, our concern is Hyeonie. Thank you, hyung. Let me know, we’ll talk also.” He replies.
Taehyung had just bathed Hyeon-goo and is currently lurring her to get her afternoon nap after a short shower, which will be successful within five minutes of the two adults cease all noise and provide silence for the child. The two had already sat on the sofa just outside the room where Hyeon-goo was sleeping peacefully, ready to speak on the issue. They had known before even stepping foot on the plane that this may happen. They just had to trust that people would actually respect but no. “Worst case scenario, hyung said, is we release a statement.” Jeongguk explains. “I’m fine with telling them about us, but I’m not sure about Hyeon-goo.” Taehyung sighs. “Although it’s already too late for that.” Taehyung recalls reading through the articles with Jeongguk on the information they have gathered (they knew Hyeonie’s name!!! What the fuck!!!). That evening, the two have concluded to just order room service for dinner as they await for the statement being drafted from their agencies, waiting for the go signal from the two parties involved. They could not let this ruin their vacation. Although the two have been secretly reading through the internet’s reaction and theories on their own phones. “Are you reading more, Jeonggukkie?” Taehyung teases. “No? You are.” Jeongguk huffs, eyes not leaving the certain tweet he was reading. How come we did not know that Jeongguk has a child and married? the tweet says (no Jeongguk does not stalk but) which have already garnered thousands of interactions and reactions. The certain tweet also attached the photos from vacation. One photo which has Jeongguk fondly carrying Hyeonie, and the other one has the little family playing with each other but what sends the people buzzing was the not so subtle closeness of Taehyung and Jeongguk and the fact that Jeongguk was nuzzling his nose to Taehyung’s ear and Hyeonie was caught mid-giggle.
Actor Jeon Jeongguk and Author Kim Taehyung are actually, in fact, married and has a daughter. Another win for the gays. We all knew they were more than friends but the way this all played out… pretends to be shocked…. Jokes and memes aside can we all acknowledge the fact this is so brave of them? We support u taeguk <3
The discussion on the internet goes on as more people express the same thought: How the A-lister managed to hide the fact that he is in fact, married and has a child.
There have been tweets going around trying to put a stop on the spreading of the photos courtesy of some fans of the two, although it will be a little too late for that.
Jeongguk had been laying his whole body on the sofa and Taehyung plops down on his times, using them as a cushion as they continue to read through tweets and articles.
The next morning, the statement that will be released by Jeongguk’s agency have already been approved by Taehyung and Jeongguk themselves, and the two are also planning to release small additional comments on their own through their respective platforms, by the afternoon that the little family has returned on their little adventure and vacation (plan: bring Hyeon-goo to the amusement park), the statement has already been released in local time.
“Taehyung! Tae, wear this.” Jeongguk secures the unicorn headband on Taehyung’s head, matching the ones Hyeonie and he were wearing.
“We’re like the colorful horse, daddy!” Hyeon-goo exclaims, wiggling around the unicorn horn(?) on Taehyung’s headband.
“It’s unicorn, baby.” Taehyung corrects gently.
“Dada, let’s go, cotton candy, please?” Hyeonie turns to Jeongguk and the latter makes a big gesture as not being able to see the cotton candy stands a few steps from where they have been standing.
“Say I love you or no candy.” Taehyung teases the child.
“I love you.” Jeongguk says instead and after securing Hyeonie on one arm, grabs Taehyung’s waist with the other to pull him closer and kiss him.
“Love you too but no candy for you.” Taehyung replies, appeasing the older.
“Love you daddy.” Hyeonie grabs her daddy and also gives him a kiss, copying Jeongguk. “Love you more baby.” He carries her, supporting her light weight on his arms.
Hello, this is Jeon Jeongguk of Ganghan Entertainment.
In light of the recent events and the circulating issue which involves me and two important people in my life, we have decided to proudly announce that I am indeed married to Kim Taehyung, the love of my life. Together we have carefully built our family and protected our love together in order to give our daughter Kim Hyeon-goo a prosperous but private life.
With this and with respect to the previous statement released by my company, and in respect to Kim Taehyung and his party, we wish to ask you to respect our family and as we go on and live our private life. We also ask for your respect and understanding should you encounter us on the remaining days of our vacation as we create memories as a family.
We appreciate your never-ending support and we love you in all forms.
Thank you.
Guk, Tae & Goo.
[See all works here]
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missjanjie · 5 years
Branjie Fic | Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer (8/11)
Title: Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer Summary: Brooke Lynn is a graduate student anxiously embracing her new position as her favorite dance professors’ new TA. Vanessa is a sophomore dance major who just might make her way into being more than the teacher(assistant)’s pet. (lesbian/university AU) Word Count: ~2.4k (this chapter)/~21.3k (total) Relationship: Branjie (Vanessa ‘Vanjie’ Mateo/Brooke Lynn Hytes) Rating: E
Read on AO3 | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch.5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7
“Please, please, please? Come on, I think you owe me a little,” Brooke Lynn whined as she padded behind Katya, who was pacing back and forth in the studio. This back and forth had been going on for nearly twenty minutes at that point, but she was fairly certain she was wearing her down.
Katya sighed and came to a halt, nearly making Brooke Lynn crash into her. “Fine. But you’re not allowed to complain about the dinner fiasco anymore,” she paused to think. “Come by my apartment tomorrow morning. But I swear, if you fuck up my car—”
“I couldn’t possibly treat it any worse than you do,” Brooke retorted before perking up. “Thank you!” she hugged her tightly and ran right back out the door. While she had a car back in Canada, there was no reason for her to bring it down to the city. At least, she never thought there was a reason until she found herself in need of a ride to take a pretty Latina on a scenic date out on Long Island.
Brooke Lynn went right from the studio to Vanessa’s dorm, knocking excitedly on the door and hardly waiting a second after she opened it. “Everything’s in place for tomorrow. It’s gonna be great,” she let herself in to the dorm and sat on Vanessa’s bed. “You’re going to have so much fun, I promise,” she regretted saying that the instant it came out of her mouth, though, afraid that she had just jinxed things and unleashed a horrible chain of events to follow. Not that she would ever announce that fear.
Vanessa sat down on Brooke’s lap, twirling her hair around her fingers and placing little kisses over her face. “You know you don’t gotta do nothing crazy for me, right?” she left a small hickey at the base of her jaw. “We don’t have to do anything, or wear anything…”
“There will be plenty of time for that too, I promise,” Brooke cooed, holding her head in place to kiss her properly. “Just let me do something cute for you, ya stubborn bitch, okay?” she let out a jokingly exasperated huff, then a surprised gasp when Vanessa pinned her down to the bed.
Vanessa lingered over her for a moment, then kissed her deeply. “I look forward to it.”
The drive took Brooke Lynn and Vanessa a little over an hour and a half, lucking out with minimal traffic. However, it took Vanessa all of twenty minutes to doze off and sleep the rest of the way there, lucking out even further in avoiding any sharp turns, bumps, or potholes. Brooke Lynn didn’t mind either way, of course. She would steal glances at her sleeping girlfriend every now and then and find it adorable, and she almost hated to wake her when they arrived at the destination. “Vanjie, baby, we’re here,” she gently shook her awake.
“I’m up, I’m up,” Vanessa sat up, a bit disoriented. She blinked rapidly as she fully woke up, looking around. She saw rows and rows of trees surrounded by an expanse of fall foliage. As someone who only alternated between Manhattan and Florida, it wasn’t a sight she saw very often, nearly tripping over herself to get out of the car and take a picture. “Brooke Lynn! Get out here and look at this!”
Brooke Lynn giggled fondly as she got out of the car. “It’s a beautiful day out, isn’t it?” she wrapped her arm around Vanessa’s waist and kissed her cheek. “C’mon, we didn’t come all the way out here just to look at trees. We came to pick apples off them,” she hummed, leading her into the orchard, where she paid for a bag for each of them before looking around.
Vanessa tilted her head as she looked down the rows of trees. “How many different types of apples are there?” she asked with furrowed brows.
“The website said twenty-seven,” Brooke recalled as they began to walk down the rows. “I think we should get the ones that aren’t in grocery stores. Or even like, Whole Foods,” she mused, plucking an apple from a tree, something that was quite easy for her to do at her height.
“There is no way there are twenty-seven types of apples,” Vanessa muttered and shook her head, picking from one of the shorter trees. She was about to take a bite of one when her phone started to go off. “Oh, hold up, it’s my mom,” she answered cheerily.
Brooke watched as Vanessa spoke animatedly with her mom. She was speaking in Spanish for the most part, leaving her in the dark. She didn’t mind, in fact, one thing she had always loved about New York was hearing the various dialects people around her spoke in.
“No, todavía no he reservado mi vuelo, ¿por qué?” Vanessa scratched the back of her head, then her eyes widened. “¿Vienes aquí?” she still seemed confused but had perked up in excitement. Then there was a pause, hesitation in her tone. “¿Puedo traer a mi ... um, hay alguien que quiero que conozcas?” she winced but laughed. Her cheeks had a noticeable blush on them. “No hagas una gran cosa al respecto, por favor,” there was a soft sigh of relief, she seemed content. “Sí, yo también te quiero, adios,” she hung up and shoved her phone into her pocket.
“Is everything okay?” Brooke asked with a mouth half-full of apple. She could eavesdrop all she wanted; it didn’t clear up anything. She took French in high school and hardly remembered any of that either.
Vanessa smiled, but there was still an air of nervousness around her. “Normally I go down to see my mom over Thanksgiving, but she just told me she’s coming up, cause my auntie in Washington Heights decided to hold it this year. And since I figured you don’t celebrate it…I asked to bring you,” she glanced down, chewing on her lip.
Brooke felt a pang of nerves hit her as well. They had only just allowed themselves to consider what they had a real relationship, and now she was less than a month away from meeting the family. “Yeah, uh, I’ll just have to let my mom know. I’m sure she’ll understand,” she spoke as if she was still holding her breath but smiled warmly. “Alright, let’s get going, the traffic’s gonna be hell, and we need to find somewhere decent to stop and eat,” she shook off the unease and got back in the car with Vanessa. She wasn’t about to let anything interfere with their perfect date.
“Has Brooke Lynn seemed a little…off to you lately?” Vanessa asked.
A’keria couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Girl, no one pays more attention to her than you. If anyone’s gonna notice any change, it’ll probably just be you,” she looked at her friend’s face fall and sigh. “Why does she seem ‘off’ to you?”
“She didn’t answer any of my texts yesterday til like, almost midnight, and when she did, she was just like, ‘oh sorry, I was busy’. Then in class she seemed super distracted and kept looking at her phone and shit. She just isn’t like that, you know?” Vanessa frowned, fumbling with the sleeves of her sweater.
Instead of sympathy, A’keria rolled her eyes again. “I’m not sure if this has occurred to you, but Brooke Lynn is an adult, she’s probably doing graduate work or paying bills or something like that,” she sat beside Vanessa and put a hand on top of hers. “Have you considered that you might be projecting a little after the whole thing with the ginger bitch?”
Vanessa crossed her arms. “I am not!” she looked down, thinking with knitted brows. “Or maybe I am, I don’t know…what should I do, then?”
“Wait it out, I’m sure it’ll be fine. And if not, talk to her and figure it out,” she shrugged. “In the meantime, get your ass together, we gotta go to work.”
Vanessa groaned and got up. Work had become so much of a chore as of late. The customers were no better or worse than usual, but her boss seemed to have developed a vendetta against her. Suddenly, she was getting shorter, worse hours, and she hadn’t pieced together why.
“He’s probably just mad ‘cause you threatened to call corporate after he grabbed your ass,” A’keria offered.
“Brooke Lynn taught me how to do that. That’s what happens when you date a white lady,” she beamed proudly, getting through the rest of her shift, doing her best to ignore the way her boss would give her a dirty look every time she glanced in that direction.
By the time her shift ended, however, Vanessa was tired and cranky. She just wanted to relax and get comfortable. And for her, that meant letting herself into Brooke Lynn’s apartment with the spare key she knew was left under the mat. “Brooooke?” no answer. “Brooke Lynn?” she could hear her voice from inside her room, and that pissed her off. “Really, bitch? You’re gonna cold shoulder me?” she stormed towards her room, only to stop in her tracks with a perplexed expression.
Brooke Lynn was sitting on the floor with a couple books in front of her. She had her phone sitting atop one of the books and had headphones in her ears. At first, it appeared that A’keria was right with her theory that she was doing course work, but then she continued talking to herself. “Quiero un vaso de agua por favor,” she repeated the phrase a couple more times, scribbling into a notebook.
Vanessa beamed, leaning against the door frame. Okay, maybe she had been a little paranoid, and maybe she had just ruined a surprised Brooke had been planning. But she didn’t need the anxiety of a surprise beyond this anyway, she decided. She quietly walked up behind her and kneeled down, carefully taking out her headphones and whispering “Quieres ayuda, mi amada?” in her ear and kissing her cheek.
Blushing fiercely, Brooke closed her books and set her phone aside. “You know, I told you about my spare key in case of emergency,” she murmured with a soft laugh. She turned to face Vanessa, accepting the kiss the other girl placed on her lips.
“I did have an emergency,” Vanessa defended. “I missed you and you weren’t answering my texts,” she pouted and sat across from her. “You’re teaching yourself Spanish?”
Brooke nodded, awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. “I wanted to surprise you at Thanksgiving by introducing myself to your family in Spanish without sounding like a confused six-year-old,” she confessed softly.
“Well, you can still surprise her. My family probably won’t have the highest expectations…no offense,” Vanessa hummed. “I’m gonna help you though. We can make it fun, like a game,” she offered brightly. She tilted her head in thought for a moment. “I’ll give you words for you to translate, and if you get it right, I’ll take an article of clothing off, and if you get it wrong, you do,” she told her with a slight smirk.
“Sounds a lot more fun than answering to an animated green bird,” Brooke retorted with a laugh. “Alright, hit me.”
And so, they went back and forth. Vanessa would think of words off the top of her head and Brooke Lynn would translate them to varying degrees of success. After about ten minutes, Vanessa was still in her bra and panties while Brooke had lost every item of clothing. “You’re getting there,” she offered in consolation, though it was really a win-win as far as either of them were concerned.
“But I still need to learn the important things,” Brooke insisted, grinning at her confused expression before continuing. “Like, how do you say…’kiss me’?” she asked as innocently as she could muster. Vanessa rolled her eyes and giggled. “Besame.”
Brooke leaned forward and carded her fingers through Vanessa’s hair. “Besame, Vanessa,” she did her best to sound seductive and sultry, only using her proper first name because she felt it flowed better. She didn’t wait for a response, moving her hand to gently grasp her jaw and kissing her deeply. “Am I getting it yet?” she asked softly, resting their foreheads together.
“You a damn fast learner,” Vanessa chuckled. “And I can see why you like being a teacher so much,” she joked, kissing her again. “But, you know, even if you weren’t, I think they’d appreciate the effort. I know I sure do. I’ve dated white girls before, none of them ever gave a shit about learning. Always saying ‘oh I know enough from high school’ or some shit,” she remarked. “What I’m trying to say is, thank you for caring about me.”
“You don’t have to thank me for that,” Brooke shook her head. “The bare minimum you should expect out of a relationship is someone that cares about you. Otherwise, there’s no point, that’s not a relationship worth having,” she took Vanessa onto her lap. “Now…” her expression changed into a smirk. “let me show you how much I care,” she picked her up and placed her on the bed, “and spell out all of those vocabulary words with my tongue,” she slid off her underwear as she spoke.
Vanessa smirked, propping a pillow up under her head. “Damn, you nasty too. I really hit the fucking jackpot,” she hummed, tossing her bra aside as well.
Brooke kissed Vanessa and gazed into her eyes. “You really haven’t been treated like you deserve,” she frowned for a moment, then kissed down her torso before her head ducked between her thighs. While not actually spelling out words with her tongue, she moved skillfully in ways she knew her girlfriend liked, never stopping or flinching as she moaned and writhed.
“Fuck, baby don’t stop, just like that,” Vanessa pleaded, ever the vocal one – something Brooke Lynn had found to be as unsurprising as it was enjoyable. She hardly took a moment to breathe until she was fully spent and laying sprawled across the bed in a post-orgasm bliss. “Mm, have I ever told you how good you are at that?”
“I’ve had a hunch,” she replied with a smug grin, coming back up to kiss her sweetly. “Now get some rest, you’ve worked so hard as a teacher today,” she cooed and lay beside her.
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sanders-specs · 6 years
Christmas Roadtrip Chapter 2
Prompt:  Christmas Prompt time! Logince fic human au where Roman is a broadway star who lives in Florida with his husband Logan and their son Thomas. Roman is trapped in New York on the day before Christmas Eve because a snow storm has cancelled all flights for the next week. He crashes in his New York apt resigned to a lonely Christmas. Then Logan crams all the Christmas decorations into their car with thomas and drives to New York to surprise him. (Bonus points if you can squeeze in Patton and Virgil)
A/N: Well, I’d meant to have this chapter up earlier, but I’ve been on my own little christmas trip, haha. Anyway, here’s the second part! Sorry for the little vague ending of the last one, i forgot to put any kind of indication that there was another part. so...here it is! 
Parings: Logince, Moxiety 
Warning: Almost cursing (again, can’t think of anything else, but please let me know if i need to tag anything) 
Read on Ao3
Chapter 1 
tag list:  @fiive-second-cookies @tripleaaaqueer @lilbeanblr @helloisthisusernametaken @justanotherpurplebutterfly @alwaysmy-lilith @ilylogan @logically-trans @seas-space-and-stardust @generalfandomfabulousness @arentordinaryvillainsadorable @nico-holly@anxiouslyfred @cefinitely-rolo @princessbutterknife
“Arizona! How many points is that Dad?”
“I believe that would be twenty, which brings your total to eighty,” Logan says, smiling slightly.
“Yes!” Thomas exclaimed and high fived Patton as Virgil groaned.
“Stupid west coasters,” Virgil muttered, but he was smiling.
Logan only shook his head. They’d been on the road for a few hours, and it seemed that Patton had prepared a bunch of road trip games to play. Apparently, Logan and Virgil were on one team, and Patton and Thomas were on another. Logan didn’t particularly care for the games, but Thomas was having fun, so he went along with it.
It was a license plate game where they tried to find cars from all the different states. Cars from states on the East Coast were ten points, since they were bound to be the most common ones. Mid-west states were twenty, and west coast was thirty. Each time a team saw a license plate from one state, they crossed that state off the list and looked for a new one. The point was to see how many points they could earn, but also how many states they could find.
“Oh! Oh! New York! Dad, that’s where we’re going!”
“Yes, it is. Also, another ten points.”
“Great eye kiddo!” Patton exclaimed.
“Minnesota! Ha!” Virgil shouted, pointing to a car in front of them.
If he was being honest, Logan was surprised Virgil was as interested into the game as he was. Then again, it was a rather good way to kill time.
“Where’s that?” Thomas asked.
“North, we’ll count it as one of the East Coast states,” Logan said. “I’ll show you on a map the next time we stop.”
“Okay,” Thomas said, and fell quiet. For a while, everyone was silent, presumably looking for more states. At least Logan thought that until he heard his son’s voice again.
“Yes Thomas?” Logan asked.
“Papa won’t be mad that we’re coming to him, is he?”
A little startled at the question, Logan glances first at Virgil, then Patton. “Uh, well, I would hope not. He seemed very upset that he couldn’t come home for Christmas. I imagine he’ll be very happy.”
“Okay,” he said, but Logan could still hear an edge in his voice. Sure enough, after another few moments, he spoke up again. “But what if he didn’t want to come home? What if he wanted to stay in New York?”
“Thomas,” Logan said gently, “I can understand where your fears are coming from, but I’m sure that Papa will be very happy to see us. He loves us.”
In the rearview mirror, Logan saw Patton reach over and squeeze Thomas’s hand.
“Look!” Thomas exclaimed after a moment. “Mississippi! Ten points!”
Logan pulled into the rest stop and parked the car before turning around to look at Thomas. “Stay with one of us okay? And you can have one thing from the vending machine.”
“Okay Dad!” Thomas said, getting out. Logan got out as well, stretching. They’d been driving six hours at that point, with only one other stop, so he was eager to walk around for a bit.
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom, want to come with me Thomas?” Virgil asked.
“Yeah!” Thomas said, taking Virgil’s out stretched hand and walking with him to the building. Logan watched them for a moment before turning to go towards the vending machines.
“How are you doing?” Patton asked, catching up with Logan easily.
“I’m very exhausted. I’m eager to take a nap,” Logan told him honestly. He and Virgil were switching spots for a few hours before they stopped at a hotel. Logan would keep going if he could, but even he had to admit that he really needed some sleep.
Patton chuckled. “You look it. I meant about what Thomas said earlier.”
“Oh. That.” Logan sighed. “I don’t know, honestly. The thought hadn’t even occurred to me. Roman seemed genuinely upset about being stuck up there, and I feel that I would know if he were lying.”
Patton nodded along and stared down at the ground. “I think he’s just worried. He hasn’t seen Roman in months, it’s probably just that. He’s a little nervous to see him again.”
“Why would he? Roman is his father.”
Patton gave him a small smile. “Yeah, but it’s always a little nerve wracking to see someone for the first time in a long time, you know? Exciting, but also a little scary.”
“I suppose. I’d never thought about that before. I’m simply excited to see him,” Logan said.
Patton rolled his eyes. “Of course you are, but isn’t there a part of you that’s just a little afraid?”
Logan thought for a moment. “Perhaps, but the excitement far outweighs it.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Patton said, a little absentmindedly. “Thomas just needs to see him to be reassured.”
“He will soon.”
Patton smiled. “And in the meantime, we’ll try to keep him distracted with games. Long car rides are always the best place to think, which isn’t always a good thing.”
“I suppose that’s why Virgil is very into these little games?” Logan asked.
“Yep,” Patton grinned. “He likes to distract himself. Driving is good for him too.”
Logan and Patton turned to see Thomas running towards them, Virgil not far behind. Logan smiled at his son, holding out his hand for Thomas to hold onto.
“Hungry?” Logan asked.
“Starving!” Thomas said, even though he’d already eaten half the snacks they’d brought with them (with some help from Patton).
“Well come on, let’s see what kind of snacks they have here.”
Virgil pulled into the parking spot outside their motel room. “Alright, rise and shine everyone, let’s get inside.”
Logan groaned as he sat up, rubbing his neck. He’d been sleeping for the past couple of hours, and in that time, the sky had darkened and the only light came from the headlights from the cars around them.
Suddenly, Logan’s phone rang. The sudden noise made everyone in the car jump.
“Sh—I mean, oh no, it’s Roman!” Logan said, his husband’s smiling face looking up at him.
“Well answer it!” Patton said.
“He wants to video chat! I can’t let him see the stuff in the back,” Logan said.
“It’s dark Logan, just answer it! He’ll be suspicious—and sad—if you don’t.”
Logan sighed but hit the answer button. “Hey love,” Logan said.
“Hi…wha…Logan? Where are you? I can’t see you.” Roman said, his grin turning into a confused frown.
“Oh, uh, hold on, I’m in the car at the moment,” Logan said. He flipped on a light, turning slightly so that the only thing in the back ground was the seat and a reflection from the window.
“The car? This late? Where were you?” Roman asked.
“Oh, Patton and Virgil treated Thomas and I to a movie night at the theater. The film was longer than we anticipated.” Logan quickly glanced at the time to make sure his lie wasn’t entirely unbelievable. It was only ten, so he figured that he could pull it off.
“Hi Roman!” Patton said.
“Oh, hello!” Roman said. “Where’s Thomas?”
“He’s asleep in the back seat,” Logan explained, seeing that their son was, in fact, fast asleep and leaning against Patton.
“Aw,” Roman’s face fell a little. “I was hoping I’d catch him before he went to bed…I figured I could tell him some Christmas stories.”
Logan smiled softly. “I’m sorry. Perhaps tomorrow night? I will make sure that he gets at least one story from you before he falls asleep.”
Roman smiled back and chuckled. “Not if it makes him stay up too late…”
“He’d stay up all night for one of your stories,” Logan said, “you know that.”
“You flatter me,” Roman said, rolling his eyes. He had a pleased smile on his face, though, and Logan knew how much the compliment meant to him.
“Hey, as cute as this is, I’m tired as hell—”
“Virgil! Language!”
“—and I’d really like to get some sleep.”
“I guess I should let you go...” Roman said, looking rather sad.
“I am also quite exhausted. Though I would like to spend more time on the phone with you. Give me a few minuets to get Thomas inside and in bed, alright?”
Roman smiled. “Yeah, of course. Tell him I love him.”
“Of course.”
“Bye Roman! Stay warm up there,” Patton said.
Roman laughed and shook his head. “I will Pat, I promise. Goodnight. And goodnight purple nightmare.”
“Yeah yeah.”
Logan smiled as he ended the call, then he stretched. “I think that went well.”
“Yeah, whatever, let’s just get inside and go to sleep,” Virgil said, opening the door.
Exchanging exasperated looks, Logan and Patton followed.
“Dad! Dad! It’s snowing!”
Logan shut his eyes tighter before squinting over at Thomas, who was shaking him excitedly. “It’s snowing, it’s snowing, it’s snowing!”
Rubbing his eyes, Logan sat up and looked towards the window. There was, in fact, white flakes coming down from the sky. Thomas got down from the bed and ran over to the window to pull the curtains back more, making Virgil hiss.
“Hey, it’s too early for light.”
“Oh hush, he’s excited,” Patton said, already awake and ready to go.
Virgil just groaned and pulled the blanket over his head.
Logan sighed and sat up fully, pulling out his phone. Indeed, the snow storm seem to have hit earlier than expected. It still had a few hours before things got bad, though. He calculated in his head for a moment and figured that if they moved quickly, they’d be able to get to New York before the storm got too bad.
“Alright, Virgil get up, we’ve gotta go.”
“Duuude just let me sleep,” Virgil grumbles.
“If we want to make it to New York in a timely manner, we need to leave soon,” Logan said, already pulling out a new set of clothes from his backpack.
“Will we be able to get to Papa?” Thomas asked.
“Yes, Thomas, I will make sure of it,” Logan said, just as his phone dinged. He unlocked it to find a picture from Roman’s apartment window, showing a similar sight as what was outside the motel window.
Roman: Snow hit early :(  guess it’s for sure now
Logan: I’m sorry love. We will try to make the most of it
Roman: Have you been around Patton too much?
Logan: It’s possible.
Roman: Good. Can I call and talk to Thomas?
Logan: Yes, of course
Roman: <3
Logan: Dork
Roman: <3
Logan: <3
Five hours later, Thomas was asleep in the back seat, this time with Virgil keeping him company. Patton was driving and Logan was dozing, trying to keep himself awake by listening to his favorite podcast. He was just starting to doze off, though, when he heard Patton gasp.
“Hey guys, we made it!” he exclaimed.
Logan took the earbuds out of his ears and sat up. Sure enough, there were skyscrapers in the distance, a sign directing them to New York City moving above them as they passed under it.
“Hey, Thomas, wake up,” Virgil said from the back.
“Hmmmm?” Thomas mumbled.
Logan looked back at Thomas in time to see his eyes light up in understanding. “We’re here?” He asked, hope in his voice.
“Not quite,” Logan said, “but we’re almost there.”
Thomas grinned.
“Do you have Roman’s address?” Patton asked.
“Yes, of course. Though be careful, it looks like the snowfall is getting heavier,” Logan warned. “I’d rather be a little off schedule then get into a wreck.”
“Don’t worry, Lo, I’ve got it under control.”
Logan just nodded and took a deep breath.
Almost there. They were almost there.
Roman walked with his shoulders hunched and his head down. The wind was starting to pick up and the snowflakes hit hard against his skin, despite the fact that he tried to cover every inch he could. He was grateful that they’d cancelled rehearsal for the day, though he loathed the fact that he had to walk back to his apartment. The last thing he needed was to lose his voice in the cold.
Mostly, Roman was just trying not to think about his family. About the fact that he wouldn’t be able to be there for Christmas, to read to Thomas before bed, or to wake up at the crack of dawn to Thomas jumping on their bed and screaming for them to come down stairs immediately.
Roman shivered, and he tried to push the thoughts away. They wouldn’t do anything except make him feel even lonelier.
As he neared his apartment building, he heard a group of people arguing.
“Yes, I’m quite sure that this is the right place.”
“You didn’t say that you needed a key to get in! Now what are we supposed to do?”
“We wait in the car.”
“Because that doesn’t look creepy.”
Roman sighed. Even complete strangers sounded like his family. Maybe he just needed to go inside and have a long phone call with Logan. That always seemed to cheer him up, at least for a little while.
“Wait, ask that guy, maybe he knows.”
Oh no, tourist.
Roman quickened his pace, but there was suddenly a hand on his shoulder. “Excuse me do you think you can—”
The stranger cut himself off when Roman looked up, and for a moment, Roman was confused until his mind processed who was standing in front of him. Roman pulled down the scarf he’d been using to cover his face.
He grinned, the stupid, careless grin that was only ever reserved for Roman and occasionally Thomas. Then he threw his arms around Roman, who was so surprised that he took a step back to brace himself, making him slip on a piece of ice. The two fell into a snowbank, laughing.
“What on earth are you doing here?” Roman asked, looking up at Logan with what he knew was a stupid grin that matched his husbands.
“We decided to surprise you,” Logan said. “So surprise.”
Roman laughed and kissed Logan like, well, like he hadn’t kissed him in five months.
The two chuckled and pulled apart. “IS that my little prince I hear?” Roman asked, sitting up as much as he could with Logan on top of him.
“Papa!” Thomas yelled and ran to them. Roman held out his free hand and wrapped his boys into a tight hug.
“Ew it’s cold,” Thomas said after a moment.
“Yes it is,” Logan said, pushing himself off of Roman and standing up. He helped Thomas to his feet first, then he reached for Roman.
Once they were all on their feet again, Roman wrapped his arm around Logan’s waist. “You’re here. I can’t believe that you’re here! Wha-how….” Roman shook his head.
Logan chuckled. “It was your sons’ idea,” he said.
“And what a marvelous idea it was!” Roman exclaims, ruffling Thomas’s hair.
Thomas looks up at him with big, bright eyes. “It was?”
“Of course it was.”
Thomas smiled and hugged Roman’s waist tightly, maybe a little too tightly. Roman only hugged him back and kissed the top of his head.
“Okay, as sweet as this is, we’re freezing our backends off out here, can we please go inside?”
Roman looked up. “Ah Virgil, always nice to see you’re bright and happy smile.”
“Suck it Princey.”
“Virgil,” Patton said in a chiding tone before smiling at Roman. “Hi Ro.”
“Hey Pat. And Dr. Gloom is right, we should get inside,” Roman said, noting how Thomas was starting to shiver. “Come on.”
Chapter 3 
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emospritelet · 6 years
DH: 67: “ Stop being so cute. ”
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Part 17] [Part 18] [Part 19] [Part 20] [Part 21] [Part 22] [Part 23] [Part 24] [Part 25] [Part 26] [Part 27] [Part 28] [Part 29] [Part 30] [Part 31] [Part 32] [Part 33]
Prompts all come from this list.
AO3 link
Gold managed to hold it together until Neal left, his knuckles white on the handle of his cane and his leg beginning to ache from standing so stiffly.  As soon as the shop doorbell rang, signalling Neal’s departure, he let himself sag, the breath whistling out from his lungs. His heart was thumping, and he ran a hand over his face, surprised when it came away dry.  He half-expected to be weeping. His son. He was sure of it. At least, he was sure that Neal was the child he had known for so brief a time, at least. Shaking his head, he crossed to the bench and picked up the phone, settling himself on a stool as he listened to the dial-tone.  Ella’s drawling voice answered, sounding a little impatient.
“It’s me,” he said, and her standard greeting cut off.
“Alexander, must you call when I’m about to leave the office?” she sighed.  “I was ninety percent in after-work social butterfly mode, and now I’m going to have to be responsible again.”
“You’ll live,” he said dryly.  “I need a favour.”
“Is this to do with the oh-so-lovely mother of your child?” she asked slyly.  “How are things going on that front?”
“We - we decided that we want to make it work,” he admitted.  “We’re back together.”
“You sly dog!” she said, chuckling.  “Please tell me I can start looking for a hat soon.  Winter weddings are my favourite.”
Gold rolled his eyes.
“Look, never mind about all that,” he went on.  “You can tease me all you like the next time I’m in Boston.  In the meantime I need to get another paternity test done.”
“But I thought we got a result on the last one,” she said.  “The result you wanted, no less.”
“This isn’t about Gideon,” he explained.  “This is about - someone else.”
“What on earth have you been up to?”
“I haven’t been up to anything,” he said shortly.  “Look, it’s kind of an emergency. Can you get the test sent by courier?  I need it here tomorrow.”
Ella sighed heavily.
“You do realise I’m already late for dinner with the lovely Ursula?”
“Put your social life on hold for two minutes, would you?” he snapped.
“You know, if you took your own advice, I probably wouldn’t have to be facilitating so many paternity tests.”
Gold pinched the bridge of his nose.
“So help me, Ella…”
“Oh, keep your pants on!” she said impatiently.  There was a moment of silence. “That was another dig at your rampant sex life, by the way.”
“Yes, I got it,” he said dryly.  “You’re fucking hilarious.”
She cackled, and he rolled his eyes again.
“Do you do this for all your clients or am I paying extra for personal abuse?” he demanded.
“I would never charge for something I find so enjoyable,” she said lightly. “Don’t be such a misery. When you come to Boston we’ll go out for drinks.”
“I’d like to survive my visit, thank you,” he said.  “How soon can you have the test here?”
“Let me make a couple of calls,” she said.  “If I can get hold of the test, I can have someone drive it up tomorrow morning.”
“What’s the rush, anyway?” she asked.  “Do I have to draft another potential visitation agreement?  Because I can probably redo the one I prepared.”
“No, no, this - the person who I think is my son is an adult now,” he said.  “But if the test is positive there will be additional work, obviously.”
“Colour me intrigued.”
“Your father did some work for me around twenty years ago when I was trying to track him down,” said Gold.  “He may remember the case.”
“Well, now I am intrigued,” she said.  “I’ll get the test sent to you.  Fingers crossed you get the result you want on this one, too.”
“Yes.”  Gold closed his eyes.  “Yes, I hope so.”
“Before you know it, you’ll have more family than you know what to do with,” she added. “Christmas will be a nightmare.”
He grinned at that.
“Something tells me I’ll cope.”
It was fully dark by the time he got home, and the house was quiet.  Belle came out of the lounge as he entered the house, sagging a little in relief at the sight of him.
“I was starting to worry,” she said, and he sent her a brief smile, locking the door behind him.
“I’m sorry, I should have called,” he said.  “Did you eat dinner?”
She shook her head as he turned towards the kitchen.
“I gave Gideon his,” she said.  “I thought I’d wait for you. I - I asked Emma if they wanted to do dinner tonight, but she called to cancel.”
He paused, grip tightening on the cane handle.
“Well, that’s not surprising, in the circumstances,” he said quietly.  “Are you hungry?”
“Not really.”
“No.”  He turned to face her, raising an eyebrow.  “Perhaps some cheese and a glass of wine?”
“Sounds good.”
Belle followed him into the kitchen, and watched as he prepared their snack, slicing cheese and apple and setting the pieces on a board with some grapes and a few crackers.  He carried it to the table, and she took a seat as he opened a bottle of red wine and poured them each a glass. Belle took a cracker, setting a piece of cheese on it and taking a bite, tasting sharp, strong cheese.  She set down the cracker, licking crumbs from her fingers.
“Emma said they were going back home tomorrow,” she said, and he hesitated, before bringing her drink and then turning back for his own.
“Are you okay?” she asked softly.
He sucked in his cheeks, glancing away, and she wanted to sigh.  Please don’t shut me out, damn you.  Not now.
“Neal - came to see me,” he said carefully, and took a seat.
“Oh,” she said.  “Well - that’s a start.”
His fingers were tapping against his wineglass, his lower lip trembling a little.
“It’s him, Belle,” he whispered.  “It’s him, I know it. He’s my son.”
“Well, there do seem to be too many facts that tie up for it to be a coincidence, I think,” she said, and he nodded.
She reached out, sliding her hand over his to stop him fidgeting, and he sent her a faint smile.
“How did he seem?” she asked gently.  “Was he angry?”
“Wary,” he said.  “He said we didn’t know if there was any truth to Milah’s claim.  I think the anger may come later.”
“Maybe,” she agreed.  “Was he there long?”
“No,” he said, running a hand through his hair, his brows lifting, his eyes tired. “No, and our interactions were - strained politeness, at best. He agreed to a test, though.”
“Oh, well that’s good,” she said gently.  “Will it be like the one you did for Gideon?”
He nodded, picking up his wine and taking a sip.
“I got Ella to source another test, have it couriered up here,” he said.  “It should be here tomorrow.”
“And then a few days after that for the results, I guess,” she said, and he nodded again.
There was a moment of silence, and Belle sat back, taking a drink.
“How are you feeling?” she asked, and he raised his eyebrows, his mouth twisting a little as his shoulders rose and fell.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, and took a deep breath.  “I’m terrified.”
Belle reached out to him, fingers stroking over his cheek, pushing into his hair, and he let out a long sigh, leaning into her touch.
“It’ll be okay,” she said softly.
“Will it?”
Belle smiled.
“Yes,” she said firmly.  “I’m not saying it’ll be okay right away, but eventually it will.  I’m sure of it.”
She got up, and he sat back, letting her sit on his lap, his arms going around her as she began to stroke her fingers through his hair.  He rested his head on her chest with a deep sigh.
“You know, I could try to take your mind off things, if you like,” she added, and grinned to herself as she felt him look up.
“Oh really?”
“Really.”  She kissed the top of his head.  “How about we leave everything here for a midnight snack and head upstairs?”
Gold sat back, a smile spreading across his face, his eyes dark and sleepy.
“I am in your hands.”
Belle slept late the next morning, waking as Gold entered the room with a cup of tea as the clock neared eight.  She stretched, smiling as she felt the pleasant ache in her limbs that came from a night of too much pleasure and too little sleep.  He looked tired too, but he was grinning at her as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Gideon up?” she asked sleepily, and he nodded.
“Up, fed, dressed, and ready for a day at the shop,” he said.  “Do you want to take him, or shall I?”
“I’ll take him,” she said, sitting up and brushing her hair out of her eyes.  “Do you know what time the courier’s gonna get here?”
“Ella said she’d text me with an update,” he said.  “I’m hoping around midday, but we’ll see. I asked her to have it sent to the shop.”
“I’ll bring Gideon over for lunch, then,” she suggested.
He nodded, leaning in to kiss her, and she gave him a wry look.
“Did you sleep at all last night?”
“Not much,” he admitted.  “I really just want it over.  I want to know. One way or the other.”
“I’m sure Neal does, too,” she said, and he shrugged.
He was looking away from her, to where his hand was resting on the blankets, finger and thumb plucking at them over and over.  Belle put her hand over his, stilling him, and he glanced up.
“Just give it time,” she said gently.  “And give yourself time, too. You’ve had a lot of relationships to fix these past few weeks.  It won’t all be done by Sunday.”
He nodded, looking away again, and she sat back.
“Maybe you should get Archie to clear his diary,” she said, and he barked a laugh.
Belle put her head to the side.
“You are gonna go and see Archie, right?”
“Yes,” he said, after a pause.  “Yes, of course. I said I would.”
“I’m sure it’ll help.”
“He said things would probably get worse before they got better,” said Gold, looking resigned, and Belle bit her lip.
“Well,” she said slowly.  “Well - at least they will get better, right?”
He looked at her again, a tiny smile lifting the corners of his mouth.
“Please keep reminding me of that.”
Belle spent her morning sorting through the latest flower delivery and preparing bunches of roses and sunflowers.  For a brief moment she thought about going to see her father, but she was still too angry with him, and seeing him would do nothing other than ease her pesky conscience, so she decided against it.  Gideon was in his playpen, babbling nonsense as he played with a toy that responded to his touches with coloured lights and music. After three hours of listening to it, Belle was ready to take the batteries out and hide them, but he was having fun, so she tried to tune it out.  The sound of the shop bell ringing was a welcome distraction, and she looked up with a smile, which widened as Emma walked in, clad in a red plaid shirt above black jeans, blonde curls shining.
“Hey,” she said.  “You got a minute?”
“Of course.”
Belle set aside the carnations she had been bundling, and Emma leaned on the counter with a sigh.
“Where’s Henry?” asked Belle.
“Neal took him for ice cream,” she said.
“How’s Neal doing?”
Emma pulled a face.
“Kinda freaked,” she admitted.  “He wants to know, though. I mean, he’s wondered about his dad his whole life, of course he wants to know.  But he’s scared, too, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it,” said Belle softly.  “Alex is the same. He’s wanted this for so long, and - and he still doesn’t know if Neal’s mother lied to him, all those years ago.”
“Bitch,” said Emma, with feeling.  “Wish I could meet her just to punch her in the face.  Screwing up lives like that! Going on the run with a kid only to abandon him when it got too hard?  Screw her!”
Belle had to agree.
“How do you think Neal will react?” she said.  “You know - if it’s positive?”
Emma wrinkled her nose.
“I don’t think even he knows,” she said.  “We didn’t say anything to Henry, by the way.”
“Probably best,” agreed Belle.
“Although he seems to like Gold,” added Emma.  “Which, considering he might be his grandson - God, this is weird!”
Belle sighed, leaning on the counter, and Emma nudged her.
“How are things going with you two?” she asked.
“Better,” said Belle.  “Much better. I mean, there’s a long way to go, but he’s trying.  He’s really trying. He made an appointment to see Dr Hopper, get some therapy.”
“Dr Hopper, huh?” said Emma dryly.  “He do family discounts?”
Belle giggled, and just then her phone rang, making her jump.  She noticed Gold’s number, and shared a glance with Emma before answering.
“Hey,” she said, her heart thudding.
“The test arrived,” he said.  His voice was short, anxious. “Could you - uh—”
“I’ll tell them,” she said immediately.  “Sit tight.”
“Where would I go?” he asked snippily, and she rolled her eyes.
“Just - just wait, okay?”
He rang off, and Belle looked at Emma.
“The test kit’s arrived.”
“Right.”  Emma straightened up, running a hand through her hair and reaching for her phone.  “I’d better tell Neal. Hey, you want to get a sandwich or something at Granny’s while we wait?”
“I was gonna take lunch to the shop,” said Belle, crossing to Gideon’s playpen to pick him up.  “But I’ll get a drink while you guys eat. I guess you’ll be leaving for Boston afterwards, right?”
Emma nodded, fingers flying over the screen of her phone as she tapped out a message.
“Can’t stay any longer,” she said vaguely.  “We may be back sooner than we thought, depending on the results.”
“Yeah.”  Belle strapped Gideon into the stroller.  “Okay, let’s go.”
The sun was shining, the scent of fresh flowers fading as they left the shop and headed along the street.  Emma’s phone pinged with an incoming message, and she pulled it from her pocket, raising an eyebrow at Belle.
“Okay, we’ll collect Henry on the way to Granny’s,” she said.  “Neal’s gonna head to the pawn shop, join us when they’re done.”
Belle spotted Henry first, coming out of the ice cream parlour with a smile on his face, chattering to Neal, who had a hand on his shoulder and a somewhat grim look on his face that he was trying to hide.  He looked relieved when he saw them, squeezing Henry’s shoulder.
“You go with your Mom and Belle, okay buddy?” he said.  “I’ll be there soon.”
“Where are you going?” asked Henry curiously, and Neal waved a hand.
“I just got something to do, that’s all,” he said.  “Won’t be long, I promise.”
He locked eyes with Emma, and she took his hand briefly, leaning in to kiss him.
“Good luck,” she whispered, and he sighed and nodded, before heading off down the street with his shoulders hunched and his hands in his pockets.
Mary Margaret’s voice made her turn, and Belle smiled.
“Hey,” she said brightly.  “Mary Margaret, this is my friend Emma Cassidy, from Boston, and her son Henry.  Guys, this is Mary Margaret Blanchard.”
“Hey,” said Emma, and Mary Margaret nodded.
“I - I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said hastily.
“No, it’s fine,” said Belle, and turned to Emma.  “I’ll see you in Granny’s. Could you get me an iced tea?”
“No problem,” said Emma, and ruffled Henry’s hair.  “C’mon, kid, let’s see how much food you can stuff on top of that ice cream, hmm?”
Belle watched them go, then turned back to Mary Margaret, who was looking hesitant.
“What’s up?” she said, and Mary Margaret opened and closed her mouth.
“I - um - look, it’s not my place to say anything,” she said awkwardly, and Belle sighed.
“Come on, spit it out.”
“It’s just - look, I’m not certain where the rumour started, although I can guess,” said Mary Margaret, in a rush.  “But people are saying that you and Mr Gold - that you’re - that you’re sleeping with him.”
“Well - yeah,” said Belle, puzzled.  “I am. We’re back together.”
“Oh.”  Mary Margaret’s hands shifted on strap of her purse.  “I just - I didn’t realise you were so unhappy with your husband.”
“My—”  Belle closed her eyes, running her hands over her face before letting them fall to her sides.  “Oh. Oh no, Mary Margaret, look - I’m not married, okay?”
“But - the ring - our conversations…”
“Yeah, I’m a terrible person,” sighed Belle.  “I let you guys think I was married. I put the ring on because I was sick of being asked about Gideon’s father, and - and it just seemed easier to let people believe a lie than explain the truth.  I’m sorry.”
“Oh.”  Mary Margaret’s mouth twitched.  “Huh. Well, I guess I owe Kathryn ten dollars, then.  She said you were being way too cagey.”
Belle groaned.
“I might have known,” she said dryly.  “Nothing much gets past her, does it?”
“Well, on the plus side I can squash the rumour that you’re some kind of insatiable tramp,” said Mary Margaret lightly.  “Which, by the way, is only being put around by Miss Ginger.”
“She needs a hobby,” said Belle dryly, and turned the stroller.  “You want to come to Granny’s? Iced tea, my treat.”
“Sounds good,” she said, and fell into step.  “So, you and Gold, hmm? I’m expecting to hear all the details next girls’ night, okay?”
Belle grinned.
Gold was nervous when he sent off the paternity test, a padded envelope sealed and posted, holding what could be the answer to a twenty-eight year mystery.  Neal had only stayed at the shop long enough to collect the sample, Gold agreeing to let him know the results as soon as they came through, and taking his email details accordingly.  They were still being polite and distant, both wary, and Neal had left the shop with no more than a nod of his head and a clipped farewell, headed back to Boston with his family. Belle had brought lunch to the shop not long after, coaxing him to eat and talk, but he had wanted to be alone with his thoughts, and she seemed to sense it, kissing his cheek and telling him she’d see him back at the house.
He decided to walk home when he closed up, the summer evening air pleasantly cool against his skin, and by the time he got back it was almost seven.  Belle was sitting on the front porch in the warmth of the evening sun, with Gideon on her lap and his empty milk cup to the side of her, and he felt his heart lift at the sight of them.  His family. What a wonderful thing if that family could be complete. Belle smiled as she saw him, shaking her hair back, and he quickened his pace as he walked up the path, breaking into a grin as Gideon reached for him.
“Well, what a lovely welcome home!” he said gently, kissing his cheek as he lifted him up in the crook of an arm.  “How about a kiss for Papa, hmm?”
Gideon pressed a wet kiss to his cheek, and Gold’s grin widened.
“Thank you,” he said.  “Stop being so cute, I could eat you up.”
He tickled him, and Gideon gurgled with laughter, throwing his arms around Gold’s neck.
“You’re later than I thought,” said Belle.  “I didn’t start dinner yet. Gideon needs to go to bed.”
“I’ll take him,” he said.  “I’m not hungry, anyway. Can we wait an hour?”
She nodded, and he kissed Gideon’s cheek again, carrying him into the house.  Three days. Three days, and they would know.
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thatlazybch · 7 years
Distant Daybreak Ch. 2
Fandom: Servamp Pairings: KuroMahi, LawLicht, (some) Tetsono, (some) TsuSaku Summary: Mahiru knew a boy once. A boy he later forget about, but unknowingly impacted on in a great way. Twelve years from then, he encounters a strange boy, who’s impact on him ensures he’ll never be able to forget. (College AU)
Quotev // Wattpad // FF.Net // AO3
Kuro hated the mornings.
A lot of people say this. But Kuro didn't just say it, he means every word, and the very thought of getting up so early put a heavy weight upon his shoulders. His bed was far too comfortable to just get up and leave, but sadly, he was painfully aware that if he skipped classes too much, he'd be kicked out, and that would be too much of a pain to deal with. So, more often than not, he'd be forced to leave the safe space which was his bed.
The weekends were his favourite thing in the world, after ramen and fluffy pillows. Weekends meant that he could laze about, do practically nothing, but most importantly, it meant he didn't have to get up until he felt like it, which was normally noon. It was the best feeling in the world, to get an extended period of sleep, and not have to worry about dealing with actual people, or annoying teachers.
The sudden and loud banging on his door shook him from his peaceful sleep and he gave a quiet groan of protest. He peeked an eye open and looked at the clock, feeling his heart sink when it only read 9 AM. He groaned and buried his face into his pillows, hoping that whoever was at his door would give up, and go away. The banging continued for two minutes, which was then followed by annoyed yelling.
"Kuro! Come on, open up! I know you're there! It's me, Mahiru!"
Mahiru. That annoying boy he was tasked with babysitting. Feeling another, irritated groan escape his lips, Kuro reluctantly pushed himself off the bed, with great difficulty, and dragged his feet towards the door, his blanket draped over his head as he wrapped himself in it. He only half-opened the door to take a peek at the younger boy outside, eyes half-lidded with fatigue, "… What do you want…?" He asked, voice hoarse with sleep.
Mahiru frowned at him, "Did you forget that we're partners for our assignment?"
"That's not due for another month…"
"Well yeah, but it's simplest to get it over with now, and not have to stress about it later…" He argued, brown eyes shining at him with determination that made Kuro sigh.
"You're one of those people…" He mumbled quietly, though it was not missed by the other student.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He glared, "Come on, we should try and get something done. Are you only up?"
"Of course I'm only up," He grumbled back, "It's nine in the morning… why the hell are you up?"
Mahiru blinked, "I got up at sunrise… so, around 7 AM." He waved a hand, "Lying in bed all day gets you nowhere, does it?"
Kuro rubbed his tired eyes lazily, sighing, "That's kinda the point…" He yawned loudly, "Can't we do this some other time?"
"It'd be better to start now." Mahiru insisted, frowning, "Please? It'd save us both a lot of trouble down the line."
"How did you even find my apartment?"
"I asked around."
His persistence annoyed Kuro, to the point where he just gave up arguing, "Fine… the sooner we get a bit done, the sooner I can get back to sleep…" He stepped back from the door, allowing the brunette to step inside.
Once in, the younger boy gave a bright smile, "Thank you! I promise I'll try not to be too long."
Kuro gave a shrug, still wrapped up in his comfortable blue blanket, giving another tired yawn. Why he was letting this odd boy into his apartment at this early hour, he didn't know, but he figured it would be too much of a bother to force him out. Arguing so early in the morning, and before breakfast, would likely tire him out for the rest of the day.
"Did you not have any breakfast yet?" Mahiru guessed, seeing as how Kuro was still half asleep, "I can make us both something if you want... I guess I owe to you for waking you up."
Kuro couldn't agree more and nodded at his suggestion, "Kitchen's through there..." He pointed behind Mahiru to where the small kitchen was.
Mahiru nodded, "Alright. I won't be long." He walked into the kitchen and briefly wondered what to make. Looking through Kuro's fridge, he noticed that the older boy barely kept any fresh food, and by the looks of it, lived off instant ramen. He sighed, that was in no way healthy, but he decided to resist the urge to yell at him about proper nutrition and instead focused on making breakfast. It was small, but he managed to make French toast for them. Once done, he brought the plates to the living room, where he saw Kuro with his head on the table, flicking through the channels on TV.
The brunette put the plates down and snatched the remote from the older student, turning the TV off. Kuro lifted his head to glare at him, but Mahiru stood firm, "We won't be able to focus on the assignment if you keep looking at the TV."
Kuro looked at him through half-lidded, sleepy eyes, "… Why are you ordering me about in my own apartment?"
"Because you're clearly just lazing around! Look, I'll be gone as soon as we get some of this done. I'd rather have this done now than when we have exams to study for."
Kuro groaned at him, covering his ears, "I can't deal with this…"
"Don't be so lazy!"
"Why'd I have to get partnered with you… I'd rather have done it on my own… What a pain…"
Mahiru twitched, "Well I was told you had the best grades. I can't see how with how damn lazy you are."
"Ahhh, so loud… so annoying… can't you calm down for five minutes? Jeez…" Kuro sighed and put his head on the table again.
Mahiru rolled his eyes, reaching into his bag to pull out his laptop, "So, where's your laptop? Maybe we could split the workload and then I can just combine them in the end."
He noticed Kuro shuffling slightly beside him, not answering. He lifted his head to look at the older student, who was just poking at his food, "Kuro? Did you hear me?"
Kuro shrank slightly, sighing in annoyance. He poked at his food for another moment, before mumbling out words that Mahiru struggled to hear, but just about managed to catch, "I… I don't have a laptop."
Mahiru blinked, "You don't have one? How do you get your notes, then?"
"I sold it," He shrugged, "The professor prints them out for me. It's not a big deal…" He pointed over to the corner. Mahiru looked back and noticed a stack of papers over on his small desk, which looked like it was about to collapse.
Mahiru wasn't one to judge, but looking around the apartment Kuro resided in, it seemed worse for wear. The walls needed a repaint, quite badly, as the old paint was beginning to peel off, and the ceiling was dirtied from the damp weather. Cupboards were missing their handles, and the rooms in general were just a mess. He wasn't sure if it was because Kuro was lazy, or if this apartment was simply in bad condition before he moved in here. He didn't want to assume anything, so he kept quiet.
"Well," He paused, "I guess I can do the typing, then…" He scratched his cheek, "Truthfully, I'm not really good at this particular topic… Do you-"
"I did it last year," Kuro sighed, "We can just hand in my one from then… there, problem solved, no effort involved."
"How do we benefit from that?!"
"We don't need to benefit from it. We just need to pass…" He looked up at him with sleepy eyes, the blue blanket still wrapped around his head.
Mahiru sighed, "No, we're not taking the easy way out. We'll do this together, we've been paired as a team to do this." He nodded, determination sparkling in his honey coloured eyes.
Kuro's loud yawn broke his brief speech and he waved a hand, "Yeah yeah... jeez... it's gonna be a pain of a year..." He mumbled.
Mahiru made a face at him and sighed, shaking his head. He couldn't agree more with that statement, annoyed with the older student's lazy attitude. Nevertheless, the two got on with part of their assignment, all the while arguing about trivial things.
Oh yeah, this year will be such a pain.
"Alright, Licht. This will be your room for the meantime. Your roommate is a quiet boy, so I've heard, so he shouldn't be too much trouble." Krantz smiled at the raven-haired boy who just shrugged, indifferent. The manager, slash babysitter, opened the door but blinked in surprise seeing a blonde-haired boy with brown tips and bright red eyes, leaning against the back wall. He wore glasses and a long, black scarf wrapped around his neck. He grinned widely at them, showing off his pointy teeth as he pushed himself from the wall.
Krantz blinked, "Are you Licht's roommate…?"
"Ahh, unfortunately the other guy had to move back home. Family emergencies, and all that. I'm his new roommate now." He bowed, smirking, "My name is Hyde. Pleasure to meet you."
Licht narrowed his eyes at the blonde, already feeling suspicious about him. He said nothing, and allowed Krantz to do all of the talking.
"Well, pleasure to meet you too, Hyde… I hope you and Licht get along. Now, Licht, remember, you have your first class tomorrow. Don't be late for it, alright?"
Licht waved a hand, "Yeah…"
Hyde grinned, "No need to worry, I believe we have the same class in the morning. I'll have him up." He crossed his arms, a sly smirk on his face that made the raven-haired boy frown deeply at.
Krantz nodded, smiling, "Ah, bien!" He turned back to Licht and smiled, to which he got a frown back, and he headed to the door, "Enjoy your college life, Licht. You have my number, and don't forget to practice your piano!"
Once the door closed, an uncomfortable silence passed between the two boys. Licht stared at Hyde, as if trying to sum him up, whilst Hyde just grinned at him, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "So," Licht began, "What actually happened to the roommate I was supposed to have?"
Hyde blinked at him, "Huh? What do you mean?"
"You can't fool me," Licht bit back, narrowing his deep blue eyes, "Why? Because… I'm an angel…" He put one arm into the air and bent the other arm behind it, striking a pose.
For a moment, Hyde could have sworn he saw glitter fly everywhere.
Hyde laughed at him, "Pfft… what? An angel?" He shook his head, "What are you talking about?" He grinned, "You're good looking but you're not an angel."
"Hmph. You're a demon." Licht decided, glaring, "I can't stand demons. I'll purify you!" He scowled as he sent a kick Hyde's way, to which the blonde barely dodged.
With a yelp, Hyde jumped to the side, "Hey, don't be so violent towards your roommate!"
"Die, demon!"
The room looked like a bombshell when the pair finally stopped their fighting. To be exact, it wasn't really fighting; Licht was just trying to kick Hyde anywhere possible, and Hyde was wrecking the place trying to get away from the 'insane angel'. Neither of them even stopped to wonder what the neighbours were thinking.
Hyde sat against the wall, trying to catch his breath. He was sore from the few kicks he had received, but despite it all, he burst out laughing.
Licht glared at him, wondering if he was going mad.
"You," The blonde wheezed out, holding his stomach, "You're crazy!" He laughed, sitting up with a bright, but dangerous grin, "I'm intrigued. Well, then, Lich-tan. I hope we become the best of friends."
Licht glared, immediately regretting all of his life decisions.
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im-abanana · 7 years
-The Demon and The Angel- ch.3
I was inspired, I dunno, don’t even mind me and my author block. Here’s another Fluff/Domestic Bendy x Alice One-Shot.
Summary: If you’re a dancer, pulling a muscle can be the worst thing ever.
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12736851/chapters/29507064
“What? Com’on! It was just an innocent accident Joey, for God’s sake!” Charley kept saying for an entire hour in front of his angry boss, the cartoon’s deep and irritated voice echoing in the empty corridors as his old fellows Barley and Edgar nodded silently without saying a word, to prove their leader’s point. “We didn’t mean to push Bendy against the corner of that chair, but he started the fight! It happens, the fault isn’t ours this time.”. “It’s not true, you did that on purpose! Liars! Mobsters!” Bendy yelled back with a cracked and pissed voice, holding his aching spine with both hands and dropping heavily on his sofa, a sad and desperate pout painted on his round face. “My poor back… assholes.” he concluded, groaning. “Wanker.” the three antagonists replied spitefully, frowning deeply and cracking their knuckles, aggressive. “You want some more, sissy?”. “Stop it, I’ve had enough!” Joey snapped all of the sudden and punched the study table to shut them up, evidently tired of all that screaming and bickering between those four, taking his final decision and huffing. His creations jumped in fear and closed their mouths as they heard the unexpected thud, sitting down and listening to their dad’s scold closely. “Alright guys, first of all I don't care who started the fight, or why it happened in the first place. You all are guilty, and this means that you all are grounded for two weeks.”. At that exact moment, hearing the previous noise and the complaints that followed Joey’s last phrase, the wooden door behind the group’s shoulders swung open and a very confused Alice peeked through it. “What’s happening here? Henry just told me that- oh.” she mumbled and then smirked, spotting The Butcher Gang standing next to Bendy, the little demon pathetically laid on the reddish couch with a contorted expression. “Henry wasn’t lying then, it’s true. You idiots seriously injured each other before an important performance that, I’d like to point that out, takes place in three days. My sincerest compliments, boys.”. “Great, gang: first the demon bitch, now the wingless cunt. Where’s the pussy wolf, uh?” Barley rolled his pitch black orbs and crossed his muscular arms to his hairy chest, clearly not happy to see the fallen angel or pay attention to her sarcastic comments. “Don’t you have anything else to do, Angel? Like, I dunno, go fuck yourself for example?”. “Says the one who’s in trouble. And not really, I’d rather stay here and quietly enjoy the little show you put up for me, especially the part when Joey shames you all.” the beautiful singer of the band lifted an eyebrow with a satisfied motion, calmly sitting down next to her dancing partner and making herself comfortable. “Oh, please Joey, don’t stop reminding them how stupid and irresponsible they are just because I’m here. Don’t mind me, I beg you.”.
“Alice, not you too, please. This is not a joke, and I need your help.” their annoyed creator sank his head between his fingers, groaning out his frustration and explaining his worst worries to the tall girl, to his only beloved daughter, who was definitely the most mature of the toons: “Bendy probably twisted a muscle in his back, and if he can’t dance or even stand in three days max, we’ll be ruined. We should give the money for the tickets back and apologize to the parents, and I don’t want to do that; I know it’s late and you’re tired, I know that you two don’t get along so well, but I’m kindly asking you to prepare him some herb tea and send him to bed. I’ll deal with those three in the meantime.” the man angrily declared, shooting an icy glare to The Butcher Gang. “I hope you understand.”. “I do understand, don’t worry. I can’t say I’m happy about this job, but I’ll do it anyway.” Alice immediately obeyed to her boss’ orders, sighed out and took Bendy in her thin but strong arms, ignoring his enraged protests and trying not to drop him as the demon squirmed wildly. Oh, she wished she could indeed drop and trample over him… “Goodnight, Joey. Fuck you, Charley, Barley and Edgar. See you all tomorrow morning at dawn.” she said before walking outside the busy room and closing the door behind her, heading for Bendy’s private room. “Ehy, hands off, Angel Cake! Let me go! I’m not a kid anymore, and I can walk by myself.” the short devil screamed and kicked the air like a mad horse, offended and in a bad mood because of the stinging pain. “I don’t want some stupid tea, and I won’t go to bed just because you’re ordering me to do so.”. “Honestly Bendy, I couldn’t care less about what you want or not. You don’t want my herb tea? I’ll simply shove it down your fucking throat when it’s still boiling, at least you’ll shut up and won't wake the others that way.” the fallen angel shrugged it off and placed the dancer on his own bed, making sure not to hurt him more despite the intimidating threats. “And if you don’t want to sleep, I’ll just hit your skull with my horns and knock you out for the next… let’s say twenty-four/forty-eight hours. How does it sound, my dear?”. “… on second thought babe, tea and nap sound nice. But I prefer lemon tea.”. “That can be arranged.” Alice happily agreed to those terms with a sly grin, satisfied and proud of herself, as she opened the thick door before her.
“Ehy toots, back off this second!” Bendy cried out in pure terror as his elegant jacket was quickly removed and tossed away by force, detail that made him feel terribly exposed as his naked chest brushed against the greenish blankets that covered the comfortable mattress. He tried to jump off the bed and run away despite the ache, but found that option unattainable when Alice gently sat down on his spine, her greater weight blocking the thin cartoon. “No! Don’t touch my back, you’re gonna make it worse!”. “Trust me Bendy, I know what I’m doing. I might not be a dancer like you or a doctor, but I sprained a lot of back muscles as we moved into the new studio.” Alice patiently explained and pinned the boy down without any effort, her smaller thumbs energetically pressing against his dark skin and working around and on the knot, trying to loose it and ease the pain at the same time. She also kept a close eye on the water on the stove as she eased his pain: the most incredible thing about their rooms was that they looked like small houses, provided with a bathroom, a small kitchen and even a sort of living room. Being a star surely had its advantages. “And I never complained about it, not even once. I guess I’m stronger.”. Feeling the young woman’s fingertips massaging the sore spot with such care and self-assurance forced the small demon to let out a quiet and relaxed moan, and his blurred mind barely registered what the black haired girl just said. The tension and irritation disappeared all of the sudden, and every single fiber of his previously tense body fell limp under her lovely touch. The boy asked in hilarious submission: “W-what do you mean with that, toots? Joey and Henry did all the work when we moved here… right?”. “Wrong. Do you really think they could transport and place all the boxes, stuff and furniture around all by themselves? No, not at all. Without me and Boris the process would have been much more complicated and long. We worked as a team, as the family that we are.” the horned angel explained in composed silence, putting more strength in her precise and careful movements and pressing deeper, earning another content yelp from her calm partner. That sound made her smile a little, but the slight frown carved on her slim visage showed how concentrated she internally was: Alice knew that a single imprecise touch could damage the musculature even more, so attention and composure were the key words. “You and The Butcher Gang are the lazy ones here, that’s for sure. You don’t like working or helping the creators and the crew, I get that, but at least try not to cause any trouble or get into those violent fights ever again. Now you have a sprained muscle, and that’s bad enough for a dancer, but next time you could find yourself with a broken bone or worse, a concussion.” the stunning cartoon sadly sighed out and deeply stared into his guilty eyes, severe, sweet but assertive, almost like a maternal figure. “Don’t make things more difficult for Joey and me. It’s tough enough as it is, we don’t need other problems because of your egoism.”. The last and cold sentence hit and slaughtered Bendy’s soul to its very core, forcing the demon to look away and rest his face against the soft pillows, in pure defeat and inner humiliation. “Who am I kidding? It’s true, everything she said is true.”, deep inside the star of the show knew there was a ring of truth in those words, and that hurt. It hurt like Hell. “Alice is right. We always say that we’re independent adults, but at the end we behave like brats.”.
A respectful silence filled the room as a thousand thoughts and faults invaded the devil’s mind, the only sound the fallen angel could clearly hear was the wall clock ticking, gradual and inexorable. “Are you ok, Bendy?” Alice questioned when she counted at least five hundred ticks, tilting her neck and watching her co-worker with puzzled eyes; that kind of behavior wasn’t like him, she knew that cartoon too well to fall for it. “You’re oddly silent tonight.”. The black demon snapped out of that state of trance and shook his big head with vigor, struggling to hide his worries and speak up: “I’m just… thinking.”. “About what?”. “About stuff.”. “Could you be a little more specific, pray tell?” the raven-haired girl groaned a bit and crossed her arms, interrupting the relaxing massage and waiting for him to open up and confess what was evidently torturing his conscience. “There’s something wrong with you, you wouldn’t just shut up for entire minutes. Not that I’m complaining, but you know… I’m here to listen.”. “Oh, for Satan’s sake Alice, stop it! Leave me alone!” Bendy literally boomed at that point, feeling enraged and defensive, a visible grey blush covering his cheeks as the inky blood pumped in his veins. “Why do you care so much?”. Blinking a couple of times in confusion and disorientation, Alice replied to that nasty question with spontaneity and slight rage, standing up and yelling her answer right in his face: “Because I care about you!”. Boom, crash and burn. “Well, I do not… I…” the little demon opened his mouth and pointed an accusing finger at Alice, ready to shout back without even thinking, to insult the singer or at least preserve his dignity, but he immediately perceived his own artificial heart sink deeply in the middle of his chest and his throat dry up, like a river during a hot summer day. But worst, he felt shit about himself; everytime something went horribly wrong, someone scolded him for something he did, or even when he fucked things up, Bendy always found a way to blame someone else for his mistakes. The Butcher Gang? No, the pride was probably his worst enemy. “I’m sorry, Alice. I was unfair to you while you only wanted to help me.” Bendy whispered sadly as he realized how much of a dick he had been, staring at his knees and nervously playing with his moving and pointy tail, avoiding eye contact. “I’ll try to do better.”. “No, don’t try to do better.” the fallen angel wisely declared and forcefully grabbed both sides of his round head, turning it and literally forcing her amazed co-worker to stare into her serious pitch black irises. “You have to do better. You can do better than this, than fighting all day and cause trouble. You’re the protagonist, our leader, and we all look up to you.” she forced a tiny smile and gently caressed his left cheek as her delicate traits appeared sweeter, more sympathetic. “We all count on you, Bendy. Don’t let us down, please. I believe in you.”. We count on you, Bendy. Don’t let us down, please. I believe in you.
“Well… it’s pretty late, here’s the lemon tea you requested, big baby. Drink it before it gets too cold.” Alice smirked smugly and offered a white, piping cup to the demon, helping him up and covering his tired form with scented sheets and thick blankets, making sure he was warm and comfortable enough for the entire night. “Try to get some rest and don’t move around too much, your muscles need a break. A long break.” the fallen angel laughed mercilessly and ignored his still reflecting expression, scratching her nape and stirring as she was done preparing her injured partner’s refined bed. “If you need something or if you’re simply bored, just punch the wall beside you or talk to yourself for a while. Your voice is so damn annoying that I will surely hear it from my room.”. Despite her sincere words were still echoing in the short demon’s mind, and they’d probably keep doing it during the whole night, he managed to take the joke and grin. “Very funny, toots! You know, you surprise me, teasing your own boss, who’s even suffering, is a risky move indeed.” Bendy snickered back in front of the young woman’s audacity, admiring the brazen singer as he was admiring the most beautiful and breathtaking masterpiece inside an art museum. “Sometimes I forget who’s the devil and who’s the angel, here.”. “Look again, Bendy. Maybe I’m both, and maybe I’m not as generous or kind as I look.” Alice promptly stood up and winked endearingly, pointing at her curved horns and shiny halo with a tapered finger. “Don’t ever forget it.”. “Oh, I wouldn’t, toots.” Bendy shrugged it off, playful and grateful. “I wouldn’t.”.
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zimmerdouche · 7 years
“You know what they say about big feet."
“Yeah, that the creature that owns them will fucking kill you.”
Based on the OMGCPumpkins Prompt: "Person A takes Person B to their mountain lodge where they get snowed in. It wasn’t going to be too bad of problem, just wait it out. Until they try to leave and realize that they are trapped on the mountain with a yeti that has destroyed their only method of transportation."
AN: Archive warnings won't apply until the next chapter, at the earliest. This prompt required more setup than I initially thought it would. It's also posted... seven days after it's relevant, but I hope you all enjoy regardless. :)
Read it on AO3!
Snow has always been a foreign concept to Caitlin Farmer. She’s seen it plenty of times, when the temperature at Samwell drops right after the new year, but it’s simply a reminder that Samwell, Massachusetts is not her California hometown.
She sits on the wooden porch of a cabin in Northern Maine, watching flurries turn into heavier snowfall as Dex pelts Nursey with a hastily fashioned snowball. Chris sits beside her with a matching mug half full of lukewarm coffee. Dex and Nursey are much more at home in wintery weather than she and her West Coast boyfriend could ever be.
Dex meanders over to escape the frozen downpour, Nursey following closely behind. Their eyes are bright and they have smiles on their faces. Will? Dex – one is too intimate for their new relationship and the other isn’t intimate enough – his face is bright pink from the cold and it makes Caitlin want to wrap another scarf around his neck.
“Storm picked up right when the radio said it would,” Dex says, sounding slightly like he’s had the wind knocked out of him. “We should probably get inside.”
“There should still be coffee,” Chris says, sipping at his own. “You two idiots need to warm up from shoving snow down each others’ pants.”
Dex squawks and Nursey throws his head back to laugh at full volume. Caitlin lets out a chuckle as well, knowing fully that Chris is hiding a shit eating grin in his mug. “I second that motion,” she says, standing up. “Everyone, inside.”
There’s still half a pot of coffee, just like Chris said there was, and they drain it while Nursey stokes a wood fire filling the hearth. Dex brings in firewood to make sure it stays dry and Chris builds a blanket and pillow nest large enough for the four of them.
“This is normally a summer house,” Dex says, settling in between Caitlin and Nursey with a mug. “I wasn’t sure how well it would hold up in a blizzard.”
There’s a roar outside and he tenses. Nursey claps a hand on his shoulder. “Chill, babe. It’s just the storm.”
“I know it’s the storm, I just-”
“If I know your family,” Chris starts, “this cabin will hold up fine.” He grins. “If anyone should be worried, it’s me and Cait. We’re not built for the snow.”
Dex rolls his eyes and Nursey chuckles. “We’ll be fine,” Caitlin says, planting a kiss on Dex’s cheek. He turns pink, like he’s been out in the sun too long. Nursey rests a hand on Caitlin’s upper arm and gives it a squeeze. Dex laces his fingers with Chris’.
They’ll be fine.
“We’ll be fine,” Dex says, surveying the snowfall the next afternoon, well after the blizzard passed. “There are shovels and chains for tires in the shed out back, we’ll just have to shovel our way to the road once the snowplows come through. It won’t take long.”
“Like we don’t have all the time in the world,” Caitlin says, trailing behind him with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. “We don’t have to be back at school until after New Year’s. It’s not even Christmas yet.”
Dex grunts in reply and steps off the porch. “I’m gonna go see if my car’s okay. The cold may have killed the battery, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some snow got under the hood and froze over.” He stiffens. “God, I’ll have to call my uncle Ian.”
“Uncle Ian can suck my dick,” Chris says, joining them outside. Dex starts toward his mini SUV, half buried in a snowbank by a cluster of fir trees. Nursey wanders outside and follows Dex to the car.
“Holy shit!”
Caitlin and Chris make their way over to see Dex in a squat, inspecting the snow on the opposite side of the car, and Nursey standing over him while they bicker.
“You totally put these here, Will, right?” Like-”
“No, Derek, I didn’t put them here, I’ve been outside for like two minutes-”
“They’re MASSIVE-”
“Thank you for letting me know, I wasn’t sure-”
“What’s massive?” Chris interrupts.
“These footprints!”
“These what now?” Caitlin steps closer to the other two men so that she can see what they’re seeing in the snow.
Stamped on the ground are footprints the size of her torso. The tracks come from the woods before stopping and doubling back next to the original path.
“Holy shit,” she repeats as Chris settles next to her. He’s silent, but his eyes are wide, and he has one gloved hand covering his mouth in shock.
“I can’t believe- I thought it was a fucking, legend, to keep us from being here year-round, fuck,” Dex sputters, standing at his full height.
“What legend?” Chris asks.
“A Yeti,” Dex breathes, resting his hands on the back of his neck. “A snow monster.”
“Chill, I thought you meant the cooler, thanks for clarifying.”
“Fuck off, oh my god-”
“Yetis are from the Himalayas, by the way,” Chris interjects, a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Jesus Christ, okay, fine, an Abominable Snowman,” Dex admits. “It’s not a sasquatch or a bigfoot though, this is a monster that shows up in snow only. I’m still calling it a Yeti though.”
“Fair enough.”
There’s a brief silence that Nursey finally breaks. “Hey, listen, it’s probably just someone playing a prank, okay? Ian- or no, not Ian, fuck, who is it that tries to put itching powder in your sock drawer at every Thanksgiving? Owen?” He rests his hand on Dex’s lower back.
“Owen, yeah.”
“Owen’s probably just pulling a prank on us for claiming the cabin during the winter, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Caitlin has never heard Dex sound this scared, or… small.
Nursey looks over at her and Chris behind his boyfriend’s back. ‘Say something,’ he mouths.
“Yeah, like, if it were an actual animal, the tracks would go back on themselves so that we couldn’t see them so clearly,” Chris says, pulling from what remains of his Eagle Scout knowledge. “The here and back are side by side, that’s something that happens when someone wants you to see the tracks, so it’s probably a human trying to scare us.”
“See? Nothing to worry about.” Nursey shifts his arm so that it’s thrown over Dex’s shoulders. He turns the two of them away from the prints and toward the cabin. “Besides, you know what they say about big feet,” he jokes, flashing a wink at Dex.
Dex’s jaw is tense. “Yeah, that the creature that owns them will fucking kill you.”
“Oh boy, well, good thing the creature doesn’t exist.”
Caitlin sidles up on Dex’s opposite side and mirrors Nursey’s position. “Did your car start okay?” she asks, trying to distract him.
“Fuck,” Dex spits. “I didn’t even- Fuck.”
“Call Ian anyway.”
“Yeah, I’m going to. In the meantime,” he says, stepping onto the porch. “We’ve got to do anything we need to do outside during the daytime.”
Nursey tries to object before Chris shushes him. Dex continues, staring at the now setting sun. “Please, you three, even if you don’t believe me, just… Humor me? I want to keep you safe.”
“Awh,” Caitlin and Chris sigh as the latter opens the door.
“Pinky promise, babe,” Nursey says as he walks inside. “Our next snowball fight will be at high noon. This cabin ain’t big enough for the two of us.”
Dex chuckles. “It’s plenty big for four, though.”
“That it is, Poindexter, that it is.”
Dex sheds his coat and walks into the tiny kitchen that houses the landline, since none of their phones have had service since they arrived.
“This yeti is probably a family legend,” Caitlin says. She plops down on the couch in front of the fireplace. “I know a thing or two about those.”
“Oh?” Chris sits down on the floor in front of her, next to where Nursey has settled himself. “Please, Farms, tell us more.”
“Chupacabras. My abuela raises goats and is very superstitious.”
Nursey plants a kiss on Chris’ forehead. “Mmm, well, there are no goats here. Just people.”
“Sexy people,” Chris points out. He rests a hand on Nursey’s hip. “Very sexy people.”
“Wow, okay, I see where I stand in this relationship,” Dex chirps as he walks back into the main living area of the cabin. He has a relaxed smile on his face as he grabs a blanket and claims a spot on the rug next to Nursey. “Ian says he’ll be here tomorrow morning. Chewed me out for being here in December, though. He’s even more superstitious than I am.”
Nursey buries his face into Dex’s neck. “We’ve just got to wait for another twelve hours, then. Chill.”
“Literally, chill, the fire’s getting low,” Dex grumbles, moving to stoke it before Nursey pulls him back.
“I like C’s idea for keeping warm.”
Caitlin laughs as both Dex and Chris turn pink. “Well, we’ve got twelve hours.”
“Holy shit.”
This time, everyone laughs, and for a while it’s easy to forget about what may lurk in the woods.
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