#dtgloss 6
rkivepacks · 4 years
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TITLE: like waves in my heart, thoughts of you come to me Originally posted on: AO3/dtgloss Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: Fluff Word Count: 4,728 Trigger Warning/s: Swearing Disclaimer:  This work is solely from the idea of the author. Should there be similarities with the works of other respected artists are purely unintentional. This also do not reflect on the real lives of the artists portrayed in this work. Comments, suggestions and any other concerns are accepted in my inbox. Thank you! 
Summary: Artist Jeon Jeongguk gets an extended period of rest and the internet is suddenly discussing how he managed to hide the fact that he has a family.
Hello, this is Ganghan Entertainment. This is to announce that Jeon Jeongguk will be having his official period of rest after five years of active work as a singer-songwriter and actor. During this period, we ask you to respect the privacy of the artist and allow him to destress, recharge and spend the allotted period of time to address his personal desires and concerns. Our artist would also like to ask for your unending support as usual for when he returns to his official schedule and for consideration should you encounter him during his time off. This rest period shall last until further notice of official public schedule of Jeon Jeongguk and should allow him to return to you recharged in order to allow him to give back all the love and support he received since debut. Thank you
[NAVER] Ganghan Entertainment announces extended break for Jeon Jeongguk. [PANN] Jeon Jeongguk on official period of rest. Ganghan Ent. denies rumor of retirement. [K-N] Jeon Jeongguk taking a break from performing and filming. See list of dramas to binge during his break. [ALL KPOP] Jeon Jeongguk wraps up filming for ‘Yanghwa Saram’ in time for personal rest period.
[+191, -19] Kyaaa t-t oppa deserves it. He works hard. [+48, - 90] What break? What am i gonna do then?? Really… [+432, -64] Everyone… you all should know that idols/actors are also humans. They deserve to rest too. Jungkookie we will wait !!! keke fighting-ga [+329, -199] Gosh these people heung… Go outside instead of overworking JK.
“My phone will be on do not disturb. Gonna be ruthless for a month and a half, hyung.” Jeongguk says into the speaker of his phone.
“Yes, I know. I will try not to contact you that much you know, I need this break too. “ His manager Hongsoo huffs from the other line, making Jungkook chuckle.
“I know, you guys rest also. I hope I won’t need to see you for almost two months. I’m sick of Hobi-hyung’s face already.” Jeongguk jokes.
“Yeah I know. Now go back to your daughter. I can hear her from the other side of the door. Bye googoo.” Without much ado, they end the call.
True to his words, the child on the other side of the door has been knocking non-stop for almost ten minutes now.
“daddy, come out…”
or after a second of silence because honestly, give the baby some stamps at the back of her hands for trying to wait for a response from her pre-occupied dad, “ daddy, dinner time!! Come !!.” . Hyeon-goo has been whining as her dad-baby time was interrupted.
The actor jokingly knocks on the door before it was roughly banged by his daughter’s tiny fist from the other side of the door, and he deemed it safe to open it as not to anger the tiny human further. Picking Hyeon-goo up, they make their way to the play area where she managed to open the secured pen to keep her safe. He guesses they needed to either get a /taller/ one, or secure the lock. Or to outsmart their daughter.
Although Jeongguk has already officially started his break, his husband, however, was still out and about to finish his work just before dinner time. Taehyung also managed to get a break, which is why he has been rushing to meet with people to finish that part of the job where he had to leave the house and Hyeon-goo, so that he will also be able to rest and do some work, if necessary, at home.
“Let’s call daddy? You want to call dad, baby?” Jeongguk asks the almost- six-years-old who has been trying to unlock his phone, sitting idly on his lap.
“Call daddy, please.” And honestly who is he to even think about not doing just that. “I’m already here.” Taehyung answers the phone on the fourth ring. “No you’re not I do not see you in this house, sir.” Jeongguk replies jokingly, wherein at the same time Hyeon-goo pipes up when she heard the voice of her dad, “Daddy! Please come home.” She chirps, wanting to boss her daddy around and make him knock on the door this instant, while also looking cute pouting at the phone and bouncing with every word she uttered. “Hi baby! Daddy is almost home, wait for me googoo.” “Are you asking me to wait, Tae?” Jeongguk answers instead and Hyeon-goo craned her neck to look to her dad behind her, following the sound of his voice. “I’m talking to little googoo but you can wait for me too, baby I’m finished already.” Tae laughs heartily, shuffling her in the background. “Okay babe. I already cooked rice since you said you will be preparing the soup and some rice cakes but if you’re tired already I can do another dish instead since my soup is not as good as yours.” “No it’s okay I just left the grocery store since the celery we had in the fridge looks gross already. Also did you know that the sunblock I was using was out of stock because they pulled out the stocks for product design changes? I looked for it for fifteen minutes!” Taehyung ranted and Jeongguk notes to remind him to check again in their next run to the stores. “The celery has been there for a long time already. Did you just get on the bus? I heard some bus sounds thing.” Jeongguk replies, his attention both on his husband on the phone and his daughter being busy with the youtube feature of their smart tv. “Yeah I’ve actually been in the bus for some time now. I’m home in twenty minutes tops.” Taehyung replies, voice hushed and Jeongguk has just noticed in decrease lightly caused by the change in surroundings. When Taehyung gets home, Hyeon-goo has already fallen asleep, her head propped on Jeongguk’s thighs on the soft floor mattress they lay out in the living room for times like this, and he quietly pads around to softly and quietly greet his daughter as not to wake her and to appease his babysitting husband who was watching the muted drama airing on Thursday night. “Good thing I won’t be going out in broad daylight starting tomorrow. The sunscreen fiasco stressed me out.” Taehyung sighs, sitting beside his husband on the fluffy cushion, their backs to the sofa.
“I know you got something else in the meantime. Another brand.” “I did. But that’s not the point.” “My sunscreen loving baby. I missed you.” Jeongguk pulls Taehyung closer by the neck and softly kisses his temple. His desire to plant more kisses was halted by the reminder that he has his daughter currently sleeping on him and he makes it a mission to move her to another comfortable position on the mattress. Once successful, he returns to a chuckling Taehyung ready to receive the love Jeongguk has stored from the day they were separated. Jeongguk and Taehyung, ever since Jeongguk was able to receive the news and confirm the official end of his shooting for his latest drama, has made it a point to take a proper rest and days off from their respective works and duties. They also needed the time to spend with their daughter who has been growing up real fast, the parents feel like they have to tie themselves down inside their house just to be able to be there with Hyeon-goo anytime of the day. Jeongguk has been in and out of the country that lasts from weeks to almost a month. Drifting in and out for shoots set in an international location for the same drama he worked on for a god ten months. During his stay at some fancy hotel his management booked for him for the duration of his shoot, he has only managed to see his daughter wearing cute and fashionable costumes for her daycare activities in photos and videos sent by her father. The distance was hard for him and Taehyung, who also find it difficult to miss some days off to attend his daughter’s school activities and juggle his work with his tasks as a father to Hyeon-goo.
Being with Jeongguk, in Taehyung’s opinion, is quite challenging. Not only is he dating an A-list actor, he is dating one that is Jeon Jeongguk and that alone, for Taehyung is a challenge.
Dating has always been a challenge for Taehyung and Jeongguk. After all, doing so with a biological child already and going out with a celebrity at that. He was putting everything on the line. The two has deemed it necessary to play it safe in the beginning. Meeting through a mutual friend, after all, Taehyung is a not-so-low-profile person. He is an author with books already out on shelves at the local book stores and a series currently in the works. Not to mention they might make a tv-series out of one of his works.
The two met at a birthday celebration of a mutual friend. One which Jeongguk met through his previous drama project and Taehyung’s close friend who helped him find experts to interview for one of his books. The two knew they would be friends despite of the circle both of them were used to. Several hangouts with other people turned into gatherings with less until it was only the both of them hanging out. The two often met in the privacy of their homes, which one would be more suitable for their schedules or often than not, depends on who would offer his humble abode, claiming that “it was your turn last time, remember? We were at your place. I will cook for today, end of.”
Jeongguk was a private person, despite being an A-lister. Although always in the headlines and discussion boards, Jeongguk has kept his close personal friends in private and away from the public and only letting bits and pieces about him known during interviews. Hence, no one knew of his real relationship with Taehyung.
Photos have resurfaced of the two hanging out in public. They are also both smart enough to only hang out with just the two of the once or twice in public, a space visible between them as tabloids and the internet speak of Jeongguk’s whereabouts as a public figure. Maybe it also helped that Taehyung is also a public figure and the people has only been speaking of a possible series that involves the nation’s sought after actor and a best-selling author of the present times.
[ARTICLE] Actor Jeon Jeongguk spotted with Best-selling author of the book ‘Pung-gyeong: Shadow’ dined with friends. Koreaboo : Netizens are buzzing with a possible new drama involving Actor Jeon Jeongguk. Said drama might just involve the works of 2018’s Best-selling Author Kim Taehyung, who was also last seen meeting with award-winning director of several dramas (see article ‘Rising Author Kim Taehyung seen with ‘Tokyo’ Director Han Hwon-ra.) Pictures have resurfaced of the friendly and laid back dinner of the bunch in the area of Bongeunsa-ro Gangnam-gu. The managing supervisor of the seafood restaurant Kkotji was able to confirm the attendance of the prominent names in the industry and assures everyone the warm and kind attitudes of or favorite actor and author. See also below the photo that the manager shared, showing what indeed is a short but lovely message and autograph Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung left at the restaurant, proudly framed and cherished in the establishment. The manager has also talked about the influx of reservations and inquiries amidst the public outing of the bunch. See more: Jeon Jeongguk on the cover of Vogue Korea + Tour inside his newly-renovated studio.
Krm3949 wrote: New drama? Isn’t he working a little too hard? Moko_ wrote: Don’t work too hard. Rest well! Jeongguk and Taehyung fighting! Ssiiso11: We all know what happens when they turn books into movies… But I trust Kim Taehyung and the Director-nim. Good luck to everyone then Wingjeu_949: You all… It is not even confirmed yet… You all seem to forget that they are also friends so this could only be a friendly outing…
The two were not always private about their friendship. But they were subtle, as subtle as they need and get, about their real relationship. They were able to post photos here and there, a few words when asked about each other, considering friendship between celebrities are always considered a big deal when you are…. Well… celebrities.
Fans of the two have always thought that their friendship was pure and youthful. Both men in their almost-late-twenties. (They are 28 and 29 years old, but Taehyung is not very fond of disclosing that information that much thank you.).
“It must be nice being friends with Kim Taehyung!” Taehyung mimics the voice of the MC as he reads the printed copy of the interview of the latter that was done last month in line with his photoshoot. Jeongguk would like to disclose that the voice Taehyung was using as we speak is definitely not the same as the voice of the interviewer.
“Ah yes, hyungnim has been such a good long-time friend of mine. Although our lines of work are different and far from each other really, we try to help each other a lot. Hyung helps me a lot more than I do for him, really.” Taehyung then mimics Jungkook’s voice (again, not what he sounded like when he answered that. Jungkook easily pokes the older’s tummy as they lay down on the sofa, the older’s head on his lap, arms holding up the magazine to his face, offering his abdomen open for Jeongguk’s attacks.
“Stop it, you don’t even know if it was a written interview.” Jungkook huffs.
“It was not. You don’t have the energy to write long answers like this.” Taehyung knows him well.
“Yes it is. Maybe I was not the one typing then.”
“You hired a transcriber? Such a celebrity. Can I hire them instead?”
Taehyung and Jeongguk met when Taehyung was in the middle of divorcing his now ex-wife Choi Hyeong-wa. Jeongguk learned of Taehyung’s personal struggles after a few months of being friends, and when he found out, the divorce has already settled. He did not pry although he badly wants to. After all, he’s a friend of Taehyung before anything else. He offered support to Taehyung and anything that he asks without being a hindrance to the other’s daily errands and packed schedule.
Jeongguk never met Hyeong-wa, but based on Taehyung’s stories she was not a bad person.
“Isn’t the divorce extreme, though?” Jeongguk asked over a cup of tea and soft pastries in his home where he invited Taehyung over.
“We were already off for a few months now. We just figured out we stop trying to force ourselves together just because we have Hyeon-goo. It’s not fair to us and to the child, you know? I do not want her asking me one day if you love someone for the sake of other people and not for your own sake. I want her to find someone and be true to herself and that person. Am I making sense?” Taehyung explains in one go, looking at Jeongguk after he was done only to see the younger try to hold his cup with his teeth.
“I’m listening. Many senses, hyung.” Jeongguk quickly replies.
That night Taehyung goes home with a full stomach and a full heart. Jeongguk sends him off with a genuine kiss to his cheeks. One that could be interpreted as a friendly one or as a “I’ll wait for you.” one.
And did Jeongguk wait for him. The divorce took half a year, and the other half for the father and daughter to settle down in a house that is now only meant for two (and a half for Jeongguk who stays over some times). They did not automatically date right after the divorce. They were still the same as before, although if you ask from an outside point of view, they were more drawn to each other, almost as if they lost the barrier (read: marriage that involves Taehyung) between them. The touches were still subtle, but the glances were not. What is not subtle is the more frequent staying over one’s apartment. Sometimes Taehyung brings Hyeon-goo over to Jeongguk for the two’s play date. Articles have resurfaced and the photos of Taehyung waddling with Hyeon-goo around Jeongguk’s apartment area have surfaced the internet and people have been wondering who the child might be and her relationship with the author.
Hyeon-goo has already raided Jeongguk’s bedroom and apparently has fallen asleep on the navy blue sheets and soft comforter, cradling her ‘baby’ named Precious. The elderlies have retreated into the sofa, as it seems like the time is appropriate to bring out the bottles of beers and soju and some chips Jeongguk has in his cupboard.
“The baby is sleeping.” Taehyung sing-songs, plopping down beside Jeongguk where the two have settled to sit on the floor with their backs on the sofa.
“I’m not sleeping.” Jeongguk raises his head from where he has his eyes closed and looks at Taehyung. “Are you the baby?” Taehyung asks, face contorting has he opens two bottles. “Am I your baby?” Jeongguk retorts. Taehyung doesn’t respond. He just hums and drops a soft kiss on Jeongguk’s high cheek bones where a dust of highlighter would look as pretty as him. The two cleans up before drifting the bedroom where Taehyung’s daughter has been resting for the past hour and insists that they transfer to the spare room so the other can rest before his schedule the next day. The three ended up sprawled on the bed after a brief bickering on who will sleep where, Hyeon-goo peacefully asleep in between them, under one thick duvet protecting them from the cold. Taehyung has always protected Hyeon-goo from the public as he was a public figure himself. His baby is cute and that is a fact. However, he has always refused to let the public know of his personal affairs including his recent divorce and his baby. “Hyeon-goo, wakey wakey, mama is picking you up.” Taehyung tickles her baby in hopes to wake her up in a good mood. “What time is she coming again?” Jeongguk asks as he prepares their breakfast and Taehyung settles the sleepy baby on her high chair. “Two hours more don’t worry.” Jeongguk has only met Hyeon-goo’s mother a handful of times and almost all of them consist of when she picks Goo up. However, today is the first time she rings the doorbell to Jeongguk’s home to pick the baby up for their bonding time per week. “She kept on asking if we moved recently because I gave her a different address. Took a long time to convince her to just come. She asks too many questions.” Taehyung retells the encounter. Hyeon-goo was over at her mom’s for 3 days and two nights, to which Taehyung and Jeongguk have carefully planned out their weekend date. The date includes a stay in, a laptop and their phones open to research on a possible family get away. The couple plans for a mini vacation (the sole reason why Jeongguk asked for a break and so did Taehyung minus the grand announcement that was broadcasted on national television during the night time and day time news the following morning of the announcement), which includes Hyeon-goo so the two have been spending their first free afternoon together scrolling through numerous pages that can accommodate their little family. (Jungkook’s heart does NOT clench when he calls them a little family.) (Jungkook loves their little family) “You think Hyeon-goo would not be scared of the large windmills, no?” Jungkook asks as he reads reviews of the tourist spot by the beach. “I don’t think so. The wind must scare her, though. Let’s just let her run around the area where the wind is not too strong if there is.” By the time they have retreated back and forth to get snacks (nobody mentions the lazy hands roaming around each other’s body), they have a flight booked for the three of them, a large hotel room, and a whole two weeks planned away in a foreign island with Hyeon-goo. The next day, the two packs for their trip. Their plane leaves in four days and “I still don’t have a good ass sun block, Jeongguk. Sunblock. It’s important”, so the two makes a run to the nearby mall to do a quick shopping of things they would need. Jeongguk feels they have been spotted if the not so subtle phones slightly pointed at them are any indications but he pays no mind. He was not holding Taehyung’s hand when they are in public. The two have already had this practice of what they are once they step foot outside of their door. Taehyung finally has his sunblock, and gets Jeongguk a new swim short without the other man’s knowledge. Goo also gets a new pair of cute swim wear and sun protector stuff for babies for when they run around on the beach.
During one of Jeongguk’s filming at the States, Taehyung followed suit for a scheduled book signing in the same state.
The two attended their respective schedules and gets a week off for their own personal rest schedule during their work.
Taehyung comes back to Korea without Jeongguk being physically there to drag him through as the latter still has two more weeks of promotion for his new EP he put out.
Taehyung also comes back as a married man.
[ARTICLE] KOREABOO: See photos of Jeon Jeongguk on vacation, holding a baby! [ARTICLE] NAVER: Jeon Jeongguk and Kim Taehyung spotted during vacation with unnamed baby. [ARTICLE] SOOMPI: In photos: Jeon Jeongguk on vacation; see what the Idol is up to overseas. [+913, -130] What are these people doing? He clearly said vacation! His personal time and you are all out here taking photos of him and his friend and a baby(?). You all don’t know respect. [+313, -1301] As we speak they are currently getting a hold of information during this trip. How reckless of the two adults to bring an innocent child into this. [+3130, -942] Do not spread around the information going around the internet. Heartless people spreading the information of the child? If Jungkook and Taehyung chose to be silent about this it’s their choice, if they do release statements, it’s also their choice. Stop spreading information about their vacation. See more posts I ship them both! Just imagine their little family omg kkk Jungkookie holding his first born with his husband on the beach is canon. Delusional people, they clearly stated they are friends! Also leave the child out of this.
“Yeah, I’ve seen. No we’re okay, hyung. We’re being recognized but we’re safe.” Jeongguk speaks into his phone.
The little family has retreated to their hotel room with minimal assistance from hotel personnel as there have been journalists (“they’re paps, Tae.”) who have been trying to get a hold of the two (and the child).
“I’ll speak with Tae, our concern is Hyeonie. Thank you, hyung. Let me know, we’ll talk also.” He replies.
Taehyung had just bathed Hyeon-goo and is currently lurring her to get her afternoon nap after a short shower, which will be successful within five minutes of the two adults cease all noise and provide silence for the child. The two had already sat on the sofa just outside the room where Hyeon-goo was sleeping peacefully, ready to speak on the issue. They had known before even stepping foot on the plane that this may happen. They just had to trust that people would actually respect but no. “Worst case scenario, hyung said, is we release a statement.” Jeongguk explains. “I’m fine with telling them about us, but I’m not sure about Hyeon-goo.” Taehyung sighs. “Although it’s already too late for that.” Taehyung recalls reading through the articles with Jeongguk on the information they have gathered (they knew Hyeonie’s name!!! What the fuck!!!). That evening, the two have concluded to just order room service for dinner as they await for the statement being drafted from their agencies, waiting for the go signal from the two parties involved. They could not let this ruin their vacation. Although the two have been secretly reading through the internet’s reaction and theories on their own phones. “Are you reading more, Jeonggukkie?” Taehyung teases. “No? You are.” Jeongguk huffs, eyes not leaving the certain tweet he was reading. How come we did not know that Jeongguk has a child and married? the tweet says (no Jeongguk does not stalk but) which have already garnered thousands of interactions and reactions. The certain tweet also attached the photos from vacation. One photo which has Jeongguk fondly carrying Hyeonie, and the other one has the little family playing with each other but what sends the people buzzing was the not so subtle closeness of Taehyung and Jeongguk and the fact that Jeongguk was nuzzling his nose to Taehyung’s ear and Hyeonie was caught mid-giggle.
Actor Jeon Jeongguk and Author Kim Taehyung are actually, in fact, married and has a daughter. Another win for the gays. We all knew they were more than friends but the way this all played out… pretends to be shocked…. Jokes and memes aside can we all acknowledge the fact this is so brave of them? We support u taeguk <3
The discussion on the internet goes on as more people express the same thought: How the A-lister managed to hide the fact that he is in fact, married and has a child.
There have been tweets going around trying to put a stop on the spreading of the photos courtesy of some fans of the two, although it will be a little too late for that.
Jeongguk had been laying his whole body on the sofa and Taehyung plops down on his times, using them as a cushion as they continue to read through tweets and articles.
The next morning, the statement that will be released by Jeongguk’s agency have already been approved by Taehyung and Jeongguk themselves, and the two are also planning to release small additional comments on their own through their respective platforms, by the afternoon that the little family has returned on their little adventure and vacation (plan: bring Hyeon-goo to the amusement park), the statement has already been released in local time.
“Taehyung! Tae, wear this.” Jeongguk secures the unicorn headband on Taehyung’s head, matching the ones Hyeonie and he were wearing.
“We’re like the colorful horse, daddy!” Hyeon-goo exclaims, wiggling around the unicorn horn(?) on Taehyung’s headband.
“It’s unicorn, baby.” Taehyung corrects gently.
“Dada, let’s go, cotton candy, please?” Hyeonie turns to Jeongguk and the latter makes a big gesture as not being able to see the cotton candy stands a few steps from where they have been standing.
“Say I love you or no candy.” Taehyung teases the child.
“I love you.” Jeongguk says instead and after securing Hyeonie on one arm, grabs Taehyung’s waist with the other to pull him closer and kiss him.
“Love you too but no candy for you.” Taehyung replies, appeasing the older.
“Love you daddy.” Hyeonie grabs her daddy and also gives him a kiss, copying Jeongguk. “Love you more baby.” He carries her, supporting her light weight on his arms.
Hello, this is Jeon Jeongguk of Ganghan Entertainment.
In light of the recent events and the circulating issue which involves me and two important people in my life, we have decided to proudly announce that I am indeed married to Kim Taehyung, the love of my life. Together we have carefully built our family and protected our love together in order to give our daughter Kim Hyeon-goo a prosperous but private life.
With this and with respect to the previous statement released by my company, and in respect to Kim Taehyung and his party, we wish to ask you to respect our family and as we go on and live our private life. We also ask for your respect and understanding should you encounter us on the remaining days of our vacation as we create memories as a family.
We appreciate your never-ending support and we love you in all forms.
Thank you.
Guk, Tae & Goo.
[See all works here]
4 notes · View notes
rkivepacks · 4 years
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TITLE: one time with you and me Originally posted on: AO3/dtgloss Pairing: taekook/kookv/vkook (Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jeongguk) Rating: PG13 Genre: fluff, drabble, established!taekook Word Count: 1,623 Trigger Warning/s: swearing Disclaimer:  This work is solely from the idea of the author. Should there be similarities with the works of other respected artists are purely unintentional. This also do not reflect on the real lives of the artists portrayed in this work. Comments, suggestions and any other concerns are accepted in my inbox. Thank you! NOTES:   ∟ banner by @rkivepacks​   ∟ request banner here   ∟ request prompt/fic here 
Summary:  Home started having almost double of everything.
“Are they a couple?”
Is the first question of the interviewer. She said it stems off the viral post of a fan who previously posted a clip of the two who supposedly act like a couple in front of the flashing cameras at the red carpet.
Are they a couple? Yes.
“Yes.” Jungkook answers Taehyung just on the side of the car door, before they go their separate ways.
The two just finished having a late celebratory dinner at one of the restaurants that is not too crowded for their liking at the mall. Their anniversary was last week but due to the hectic schedules of the two, they were only able to take time and drive to the mall together and do a simple glass tinkling and steam off the stress.
“Yes.” Taehyung answers when Jungkook makes him swear off his life, promising that it is past them and taken care off.
“Yes” is what Jungkook says when asked if he is okay with their situation.
“Yes” is Taehyung ensuring Jungkook that it has, indeed, been taken care of.
Are they a couple? Yes, finally.
“Are they together?”
Together. Is together enough to bind people together?
In what contexts should the word ‘together’ be used?
Can you use together in a sentence that pertains to two people?
Is together enough for Jungkook and Taehyung?
Are they together?
Perhaps the answer at this time, is yes. They are together.
Jungkook and Taehyung are together because they love each other deeply. Admirations that go beyond just mere awing a person is what they have for each other.
Together, they sleep in one bed.
Together, they have at least two meals a day with each other.
Together, they strive to have more than together .
So are they together, maybe at that time, yes.
But together is not them having days away from each other, laying in a bed without one another.
“How did Taehyung and Jungkook meet?”
The two of them were introduced by mutual friends.
“Is it safe to assume you’d like another drink?” Jungkook asks Taehyung, watching him sway a glass of red wine that’s ordered in from the restaurant they are in. Jungkook, dressed in black slacks that are not too tight or not too loose, contrasts with Taehyung’s slacks that are loose, and Jungkook is adorning a polo that fits him just right, in between a yellow that isn’ bright but not mustard yellow either. It goes well with Taehyung’s polo adorned in a wool vest and glasses perched on his high nose.
“Thank you, Jungkook.” Taehyung tips his head down lightly, hands holding up his glass up to his chest-level towards Jungkook, signaling that he is ready to have another glass.
“I believe we haven’t been able to speak at the last party, but I’m pretty sure I have seen you there.” Jungkook pushes to have a conversation with him. He is not the type of person who is so friendly that he’d be willing to speak to anyone on sight. He also is not a bitch to ignore people.
He’s telling himself he did not talk to Taehyung because he feels himself gravitate towards him. He’s just alcohol-infused.
“Yeah it’s because I left early before Jin had the chance to get us into one circle.” Taehyung chuckles, bringing the glass to his lips, the wine-filled glass slowly decreasing its contents.
“Did you have work the next day or are you just not that into Jin’s circle-making abilities?” Jungkook chimes, face turned left towards Taehyung, nursing his own glass.
“Wife. I am immune to Jin’s circle-making abilities.”
Jungkook is not drunk, but he was not sure if he heard that correctly. “Oh, okay.” Is what he says. This attractive man his drunk self is trying to flirt with (his drunk self said, not him. He doesn’t flirt. Ever), has a wife. Possibly has a family. “Forgive me for the invasive questions. The drunk person I am tonight is not the same as me tomorrow when I wake up.” He leans towards slightly to the table, before situating himself back to his previous place.
“Ah, don’t worry. It’s not like I keep my marriage a secret. Actually, I don’t think I will even be keeping a marriage.” He chuckles.
Taehyung looks over at Jungkook who seems either too drunk to catch his joke, or he is waiting for a signal that tells him it’s okay to laugh at the joke and possibly add to it.
“I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it from Jimin but I am about to be divorced.” Taehyung adds, noticing that Jungkook is in fact, not too drunk to have his comprehension skills stomped down but he is reading the room.
“Yeah Jimin has a big mouth.” Jungkook replies, chuckling, choosing to ignore the latter statement.
“I think the alcohol is starting to hit as well. But as for me, I am the same person I am when I’m drunk and sober.” Taehyung raises his right hand as if to swear, body turned towards to Jungkook, making the latter chuckle.
“Alright. I take your word for it.” Jungkook replies.
“I’d like to know you more after this, Jungkook.” Taehyung says after their laughter has died now.
“Me too.”
“I’m married but-”
They both speak at the same time, Jungkook almost cut off by Taehyung’s sentence. He gestures for the other to speak.
“-but I’d like to possibly maybe see you more, you know.” He says.
“What is see-able in me?” Jungkook teases the other.
“See-able is not a word.”
“It is now.”
“I’d like to ask, what does that have to do with you being married? Wife doesn’t like a friendly husband?” Jungkook jokes.
“You know what I mean!” Taehyung cries out, making the other laugh. “But ok, sure.” Fishing his phone out of his pocket, exchanging phone numbers with Taehyung.
“How do you manage conflicts?”
The two of them fight. Jungkook argues Taehyung is more experienced on it as he has been married and the other exploded more and the current argument lasts for another 6 minutes.
They fight over simple things.
They fight over who washes the dishes. They fight over being late to outings.
They fight over small things that may seem like big things.
They fought over their situation. Taehyung’s previous marriage. People’s opinions on their set-up.
They fight together.
Jungkook has stopped speaking to some people who assumed they know better by watching dramas that tackled issues about marriage and the loss of it. They most probably assumed,although they haven’t said it to Jungkook’s face, that he is a homewrecker. When he’s not.
It is not his job to give people a timeline of when and how things happened.
So how do they manage conflicts?
They leave each other for a while.
They tend to hurl borderline below the belt insults at one another and they would rather not repeat it the next argument. The solution? Cool down away from each other then talk.
When the two of them get mad, they have a tendency to lay out all the possible insults they can throw at one another.
They don’t want a repeat of Taehyung and Jungkook slamming a door at each other it did not open the third time.
Nine months into their relationship, when Taehyung comes home with the news.
“The divorce has gone through. I’m not married anymore.” Is what he says when they were on the floor of the living room, staring ahead at the series playing in front of them.
Jungkook has his arms around Taehyung’s shoulders, legs open to accommodate the latter.
The divorce has gone through.
Taehyung’s not married anymore.
Home will finally only refer to one place and its underlying implication that home could either be at Jungkook’s or at his ex-wife will be gone. There is no need for pity eyes looking at one another, afraid to speak out the words that loom over them.
Home is with Jungkook only.
Taehyung is not bound by the chains of his past anymore.
Later that night. They talk about it more. The ingress and egress of the divorce. What they should do between the two of them, the works.
The apartment that first belongs to Jungkook only-- they now hold a contract that states ownership for the two of them.
Home started having almost double of everything.
They spent the first weekend buying boxes and storages for some things that would go in the trash or donated and the last day of it packing and rearranging rooms.
They also rearrange their weeks. What was before a six days meeting now consumes the whole week.
There is no other place Taehyung is supposed to be in.
“How much do you love each other?”
The last question.
How much does Jungkook love Taehyung?
“I love you enough to just show you how much I do. I am not the clingiest person to you. I do not blurt out ‘i love you’ at the most inconvenient time. I will show you how much I love you by staying by your side. I hope you feel how much I love you every time you wake up in the morning and sleep in the evening, I will be the one in front of you.” Jungkook says.
How much does Taehyung love Jungkook?
“I love you too much that I can’t put them in words anymore. Same as you, I’d rather show you and I hope it resonates with you.” Taehyung pauses. “I loved you even at the time you said no and after you finally said yes. I will love you and be the last person I will love and would go lengths for.”
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