#in that i asked you directly and you answered 😇
bizarrelittlemew · 1 year
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Some fav Stede lines (+ Ed reaction) for @dickfuckk's birthday. Happy birthday, Josh!!
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silviakundera · 2 months
Back on my The Grand Princess / The Princess Royal bullshit again but when you know all three are time travelers but only LR and PWX know about each other, the early interactions are so funny to me. At first Li Rong was just weirded out by them spending time with (what she thought was) a 20 year old baby!Su Rongqing. And conversely, I'm pretty sure they weirded him out several times in return.
The two of them were in their respective cells, reading books and records of Go games that had been played, quarreling over a few things in their free time as the days idly passed by.
In the evening, Su Rongqing brought a food box, which he gave Li Rong alongside a few novels, then he gave an account of what happened in the recent days in the imperial court, going over everything at once.
Li Rong listened to his report as she bowed her head and looked through the novels that Su Rongqing had brought her. Once Su Rongqing had finished speaking, she didn’t bother to ask more about imperial court affairs and only said, “These novels you brought me seem very interesting. I should be able to finish reading them in a few days. You can find something similar for me next time.”
Su Rongqing stared blankly for a moment, but then he reacted and said somewhat hesitantly, “Is there anything else Your Highness wants me to bring?”
“No, nothing,” Li Rong said.
(Su Rongqing: quivering like a hunting dog and ready to assist a 20 yr old princess; prepared, if asked, to recite a complete report of every key political occurrence in the kingdom)
(Li Rong, calmly chilling in prision, working thru her reading list: ok see u later i guess)
Pei Wenxuan had almost finished getting ready by the time Li Rong came out after freshening up. The two of them left their cells together, following Su Rongqing out of prison.
It had yet to be daybreak, but everyone was in high spirits. Li Rong got onto the carriage first. Pei Wenxuan was about to get onto the carriage behind hers when he saw Su Rongqing directly board Li Rong’s carriage without the slightest intention of avoiding suspicion.
Pei Wenxuan stopped what he was doing. After a moment, he made a decision.
He also got onto Li Rong’s carriage.
As soon as Li Rong got onto the carriage, she felt a bit sleepy, but she soon saw Su Rongqing come up as well. It gave her a scare, and she subconsciously asked, “What are you doing up here?” 😟
“There are many things that have not yet been explained to Your Highness. This humble official feared that it may be too late to do so upon arriving at the palace. May Your Highness be forgiving.” Su Rongqing respectfully answered.
Li Rong unhurriedly nodded and said, “Su daren is truly considerate
Before she could finish her sentence, Pei Wenxuan rolled up the curtain and jumped in. Li Rong couldn’t help but ask once more, “What are you doing up here as well?” 😕
Pei Wenxuan subconsciously wanted to throw out his retort, “He can come up, but I can’t?” But he took one look at Su Rongqing’s face and held back. It didn’t matter if they quarreled loudly on a daily basis, but one must still uphold etiquette in the presence of others 😇, so he respectfully said, “There are some matters to be discussed with Your Highness. This humble official feared that it may be too late to do so upon arriving at the palace. May Your Highness be forgiving.”
Li Rong: “
” đŸ˜¶đŸ˜•
Such similar excuses that made it inconvenient for her to refuse.
“Then have a seat and join us, Pei daren.” Li Rong called out for the two to come over. There was not much that needed to be discussed. They took a seat on opposite sides. Li Rong sat in the main seat in between, and for some reason, she began to experience a sense of apprehensiveness and awkwardness that could not be put to words. 😐😬
The three of them were silent. Su Rongqing lowered his eyes and said nothing. Pei Wenxuan closed the fan in his hand, also not speaking up.
With nothing to do, Li Rong poured tea for herself in the meantime. The sound of pouring water could be heard. Both of them were watching her. Li Rong’s movements paused as she held the teapot. After a moment, she revealed an awkward smile and persuaded the two, “Have some tea.”
With that said, she personally poured them each a cup of tea. When she picked up the tea, it became a question of whom to give it to first.
If it was given to Su Rongqing first, she feared that Pei Wenxuan would find a way to retaliate some time later knowing him and that petty heart of his. 😒
If it was given to Pei Wenxuan first, this would not quite be in accordance with etiquette since Su Rongqing ranked higher than Pei Wenxuan in terms of their official post and status. 😅
She stiffened as she held the cup. The two of them quietly eyed the tea in her hands. Li Rong suddenly felt that what she was holding was not tea but a firecracker that could go off at any time. 💀
After a few moments, Li Rong gritted her teeth and decisively drained the cup of tea in her hands in one go and calmly said, “I was a bit thirsty, so I had another cup. Su daren,” She broke through the awkward atmosphere and got to the point, turning to look at Su Rongqing, “What did you wish to inform Bengong?”
Contrary to one’s expectation, Su Rongqing’s matters were neatly laid out, almost as if he was telling Li Rong everything he knew. No matter how big or small, everything to his knowledge was reported to her. ... 📜📑
Li Rong nodded, grateful, as she said: “Su daren is rather dedicated.”
“Handling such affairs for Your Highness is merely this humble official’s duty.”
Pei Wenxuan sat off to the side, quietly listening as the two of them spoke. Once Su Rongqing and Li Rong finished their conversation, Li Rong turned to look at Pei Wenxuan and smiled, “And what does Pei daren wish to inform Bengong?”
“Oh, it’s not a big deal,” Pei Wenxuan smiled and raised his fan, pointing to the hairpin on Li Rong’s head, “Your Highness, your hairpin is crooked.”
Li Rong: “

He actually didn’t leave her the slightest bit of face, too lazy to even bother to act perfunctory towards her. đŸ˜€
Li Rong was about to have people stop the carriage and blast Pei Wenxuan out when she noticed that the person beside her suddenly got up, placing one hand on his sleeve to draw it back as he raised his other hand to gently straighten her hairpin. He calmly said, “All is well, Your Highness.”
đŸ˜¶ Li Rong stared blankly and had yet to respond while Pei Wenxuan coldly eyed Su Rongqing. Su Rongqing returned to his seat in an unhurried manner, his expressions calm and unperturbed, completely ignoring Pei Wenxuan’s gaze.
Seeing that the atmosphere had become awkward again, Li Rong let out a small cough. When the two looked over, Li Rong hastily picked up a cup of tea and persuaded them, “Have some tea.”
The two of them said nothing, making Li Rong feel even more embarrassed. đŸ€Š
Fortunately, the carriage finally arrived at the palace within moments. Upon arriving at the imperial palace, Li Rong quickly said, “We’ve arrived, let us quickly be on our way.” 🏃 💹
Having said that, she didn’t even notice that the two of them had stood up and quickly jumped out of the carriage. The morning breeze greeted her as she got out of the carriage. Li Rong felt at ease and content. She waved her fan and walked on ahead, telling Jing Lan, “Let’s go, let’s go ahead first.”
“Without waiting for the two darens?”
Jing Lan was at somewhat of a loss. Li Rong should presumably enter the palace with them, but as soon as Li Rong heard her, she quickly covered half of her face with her fan, revealing a disdainful look, “Hurry up and go, let’s put some distance between us and them.”
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m-joys · 1 month
Bay!Donnie: crush dates someone else
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@thequeenofcupps :Hi! I was wondering if I can request bayverse Donatello where he finally manages to have enough courage to ask out reader but because he took to long reader is already dating someone? I want the angstiest angst that you can make 😇 also can it be hc’s?
A/n: saw this rn and had to write it. Lord give me angst♡ this also isn't proof read and English isn't my first language so sorry🙏
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Even tho your first interaction with the turtles was quite...harsh to say the least, you just had to accept the four mutants as a new occurrence in your life. Simply knowing of their existence and having the chance to endanger them in any way by them letting you go without a care was too dangerous.
You quickly adapted to them being in your presence, simply seeing them as your friends rather than some mutants. Though in case with Donnie, you seemed to like him a lot more than the rest and not in a friendly way. The same could've been said vice versa, but the purple masked turtle didn't seem to be as sure in his feelings as you are.
It was no secret that you two were particularly close with each other, most of the time when you would come over majority of your time was spent with him in his lab. Talking about random things, him showing you his latest finds and relaxing together were probably your favorite moments of the day and each day the bigger spark between you two was forming.
The thing being, you could never truly figure out his feelings about you. You knew he didn't hate you, that's for sure, but you couldn't help but wonder whether the feelings were mutual or you were just imagining things. With that said, you decided not confess as to not harm the friendship between you two.
Time passed by and you came to the conclusion more and more that he didn't feel the same way about you. Deciding that It's the best to just move on and look for love elsewhere, you cut your time with Donnie short. Still visiting the lair and his lab, but the visits became more infrequent as you have now focused on meeting new people and trying out your luck in dating.
Donnie, of course, notices your sudden change in behavior. How couldn't he? The thing he thinked about the most was you after all, anyone in his vicinity could surely confirm that given that he managed to always bring you up in conversations no matter the topic. To say he was infatuated would be an understatement. This being the first time he ever felt something like this, he wasn't really sure how to act or what to do. He's a teenager after all.
Your visits became less and less frequent, which deeply hurt him even though he wasn't expressing it directly. He couldn't help but think that he was somehow the cause of this and that you started despising him for some reason. Yet, he couldn't just sit still and wonder knowing that that way he would never get the answer he deeply craved and would have to live with his feelings for you never being confessed to, well, you.
Mustering up the courage, he picked the time when he knew you were most likely to be home and visit you to finally let his heart out. The burden of his most beloved person drifting away was too much for him to handle and the only way he could possibly fix it is to talk to you.
Leaping from roof to roof, in his head Donnie was only thinking and connecting sentences to find the best way to say everything he's been thinking about since you two first shared glances. Replaying in his memory some of the times you shared together, only then did he manage to figure out that you probably had a crush on him too. All of the little smiles, discrete touches and obvious favorisem only seemed to make themselves clear right now.
Taking one final jump onto your fire escape and carefully looking around so no one sees him, he wa ready to knock on your window and call out for you.
At first, he thought you weren't home as your bedroom was dark with doors shut and you weren't in there, but he notices the light beams that peeked on the bottom of the door from the living room. Deciding to change position and move from one windows to another, Donnie made a quick way towards the other side of the building.
The urge to knock immediately and call out for you quickly went away when he noticed the commotion in your living room. At first he couldn't exactly tell who was there with you or why, but it seemed to quickly make sense to him once the stranger grabbed you by the waist and left a kiss on your forehead whilst sitting on the couch.
Seeing another person with you didn't hurt him as much as seeing you so happy, the way you were happy when you were with him. At least it used to be him.
A tear couldn't help but fall down his cheek as he realized that all of this could've been prevented if he had thought about confessing sooner. He was the smart one, how couldn't he have figured out long ago that you were in love with him? The same way he still is with you? Right now he couldnt tell if he was sad, disappointed in himself, hopeless or all three of those.
Turning around to make his way back home, he couldnt help but ask himself what if's. If he was a little sooner? If he notices earlier? If he had the courage to tell you right away?
He quickly stopped, realizing that there is no point. You could never be his, and he could never be yours. Maybe thats just the way it's meant to be.
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p-redux · 1 year
So, I just watched Sam Heughan and Priyanka Chopra on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen. Scroll down below the pics for my summary and commentary.
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For those who missed it, here's the basic gist of Sam's answers.
Andy asks Sam if he's currently single and Sam, of course, deflects, and says "If you're asking Andy, yes."
Cue everyone to interpret that how they want.
The gay brigade will immediately gnash "See, that's Sam flirting with Andy, he's so gay!"
The Shippers will say "See, he's being cute with Andy to hide his epic secret marriage to Cait!"
The rest of us will just see Sam's comment for what it is--Sam being his usual charming self, maneuvering around any questions that get too personal. BUT notice he didn't immediately and directly say "Yes, I'm very single." He said "IF YOU are asking, Andy, yes." Sooo, what does that mean, if it was someone other than Andy, then the answer would be no? đŸ€”
More Sam responses to Andy's questions and/or interesting comments...
After Priyanka shared that her husband, Nick Jonas, slid into her Instagram DMs, and that's how they started talking...Sam said "There is hope for us who slide into DMs." đŸ€—
Andy asked him about women sending him "titty shots," and Sam said "not enough." Seeee, you haters from back in the day, he DID appreciate it when I sent him my boobs as part of a My Peak Challenge. I coined it "A peek at my peaks." Hahahah, I know, anyone with a sense of humor would laugh about it, and know I did it tongue-in-cheek, but nooooo, these numnuts, with sticks up their asses, frothed all over social media about how "horrified and offended" Sam must have been. Bitches, please, my tits are glorious, if I do say so myself...and now we know Sam does appreciate a good boob pic. But, I digress...
BTW, those of you still sending him knitted duvets and dinner recipes, he made it very clear he wants TITS, Okaaaay. 😁
His most used apps are Instagram, Twitter, and drum roll please, Raya--the exclusive celebrity dating app.
Speaking of Raya, guess who has a post on her IG, where she mentions Raya? Yep, C.M. Here she is in a pic with a friend's baby joking about meeting the little man on Raya. But obviously, this means she's on it too. And my money is on THAT is how C.M and Sam met. And obviously, Sam continues to date around.
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He prefers leaving voice notes to texting. Of course he does--he knows the power of that seductive Scottish accent. 🏮󠁧󠁱󠁳󠁣󠁮󠁿
When asked if he sends dick pics 🍆 if requested, he said he likes surprise dick pics instead of requested ones. Bwahahahah! Surprise! đŸ„ł Imagine getting a surprise pic of TMGD, I would have to call out sick from work for the rest of the day to recover.
Things he considers romantic: mountains instead of beaches, whisky instead of wine, spooning instead of partner putting her head on his shoulder, candlelit dinner instead of gondola ride, I can't remember the other choice, for this next one, because I blacked out and only heard him say he'd choose sex in the back of a limo. He said that this is a little dangerous, but that he is a rule breaker. Said he would like to have sex in public, but is probably too scared. Prefers a rom com instead of horror movie, and working out together with a date.
Andy asked him what his type is and he, once again, seemed to deflect, and went for "intelligence, good conversation." Then he, out of left field, said he likes someone to pick him up and throw him around. I immediately thought of Karina Elle, who can literally break a watermelon with her thighs (there's video on her IG, I think), and what she could do to poor Sam. Imagine the things on Sam she could crush with those muscular thighs? Maybe it's a good thing they are seemingly not dating anymore. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
Andy followed up by asking him "Do you like to be dominated ? "Yes I guess I'm open to anything." I literally got a lady boner when Sam said this. Maybe our angel face 😇 isn't so vanilla after all.😈 Dreams do come true!
Rapid fire answers. Sam said yes to:
Ghosting someone after one date 😉, giving a fake number if not interested in the person, sliding into someone's DM's if you're interested in them, sex on the first date. He hesitated when answering if it's okay to date a friend's ex, but ultimately said not okay. When asked if he would rather give up oral sex or cheese for the rest of his life, he quickly said "cheeese." Duh. I mean, anyone who chooses cheese over oral sex is getting some bad head. I love me some cheese, but there's not any Brie in all of France that would make me give up toe- curling orgasms from oral. But I digress, again. Isn't it getting hot in here? Sweating.
Then Andy asked "Sending nudes to your partner when you're famous-- live it up or live to regret it?" Sam's answer: "Live it up." Soooo, this means these lucky bitches who have dated Sam have him in all his glorious, golden delicious Scottishness saved somewhere in the Cloud and/or Google pics. And yes, even the married ones. C'mon, WHO is deleting any of that? NO ONE.
Andy asked him if it's normal or not to "be super close with an ex when you're in a new relationship or not." And Sam smiled and said "normal." But we already knew this, go look at all the exes who still follow him and many still "like" his pics. It's hard to stay mad at him. Charm galore.
The last few questions were anticlimactic.
"How soon before its okay to pass gas in front of a partner freely?" Fine, wait it out or never? Sam's answer: "Wait it out."
"Who is the biggest gossip between the two of you, Priyanka or Sam?" Priyanka answered Sam. Sam acted sheepish.
And finally, the one meal he could eat all day, every day: "Burgers and pizza."
So, that's it. Let's just say that was verra educational, in the best way possible. I'm off to picture some things I've never pictured about Sam before...and they are all GOOD.
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blackjackkent · 11 days
The manip guarding the nearby warehouse gets immediately irritated when Rakha tries to walk past him to look inside.
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"You! Turn around and toddle your way right back out of here. Everything in this barn has been donated for the refugees - not you. Now piss off."
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What, Rakha doesn't look like a refugee to you? 😇
Rakha turns around very slowly and looks at him, trying to ignore the voice of the beast urge in her head which is currently calculating the best angle by which she could launch the dwarf off the platform with a well-placed kick. "What kind of things have people donated?" she asks carefully.
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"Food. Sundries. Toys, even," the manip answers impatiently. "What would you expect for people who've lost everything?"
Toys. Yes. This is the warehouse of donations that Arfur's notes spoke of. The place where his booby-trapped toys are likely being kept.
All her instincts are to either attack or walk away - but she is conscious of Wyll at her side and the guidance he has given her. That protecting the refugees, keeping them alive, getting them into the city is important. So she grits her teeth and stands her ground.
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[PERSUASION] "I need to get into the barn," she growls - probably not as ingratiatingly as the situation calls for, strictly speaking. "Right now. Something dangerous might be among the donations."
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A/N: Rakha's levels in Bard really do serve to make her persuasion score way higher than is probably story-appropriate. I choose to rationalize this by assuming that from here on even her Persuasion checks have a touch of Intimidation about them, given that she looks sort of like a walking nightmare at the moment.
All of this, however, makes it much funnier that...
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The manip looks up at her with an expression of intense weariness. "Nice try," he says curtly. "But nothing gets past us. Now move along."
Rakha looks at him silently for several long moments. Then she turns around and walks directly into the barn anyway. This elicits an indignant yelp from the manip, who has to trot at double time to match her long stride and hurl himself in front of her again.
"Did I not just tell you you weren't allowed in here?" he snaps. "What are you doing?"
"I was investigating a crime," Rakha says flatly, not even looking at him as she continues to walk straight on into the warehouse. "I think some of the donations might be dangerous."
The manip blinks, then laughs. "What? Dangerous? Is this a joke?"
Something about the laugh snaps something in Rakha's head. These people are infuriating. They have no beast in their head, nothing driving them to cruelty and apathy, and yet they might as well, judging by their actions. They do not have her excuse. They do not have to fight like she does to make the choices that Wyll and Jaheira would want.
She turns suddenly, puts a hand against the collar of the officer's armor, and with a sharp jerk, pushes him back into the wall behind him.(*) Wyll makes a noise of objection, but Rakha's already gone still again, holding the man in place.
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[INTIMIDATION] "So you're fine with innocent people getting hurt," she growls, low and cold, "just because you won't own up to your guard's negligence?"
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(A/N: That's more like it.)
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The manip flinches and glares and squirms against her implacable grip - but he doesn't try to strike back. Perhaps he knows she's right. "Look, we're doing our best here," he snaps. "We're just stretched pretty thin, in case you hadn't noticed."
Rakha doesn't answer, just waits. He scowls, slumping a little against the wall. "Fine," he grumbles. "You can look around. But if there's any funny business, it'll be straight to Wyrm's Rock with you."
Rakha needs to go to Wyrm's Rock anyway, but she has a feeling that's not what he's talking about.
(A/N: Seems like they've fixed the issue where you could take all the food out of the boxes in the warehouse without it being counted as stealing. XD )
It doesn't take long for them to locate the goods in question - and confirm their suspicions. Rakha prods at the crate full of stuffed bears cautiously, and one of them immediately squeals aloud with an excited magical recording:
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Rakha, startled, backpedals with a yelp - and, unfortunately, flares with a defensive burst of fire, which catches hold of all the blasting powder inside the box of toys:
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All of them, including the manip, are hurled back against the walls as the explosion shockwave blasts them backwards. For a moment, all is ringing silence except for a low "Shit" from Wyll as he picks wooden shrapnel out of his arm.
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"What was that?" the manip asks, dazed, as he scrambles to his feet. "Are you all right?"
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(Jaheira got the conversational control after the explosion for some reason, but I'm rolling with it because I kind of love how this scene reads with her running it.)
Rakha, still stunned by the blast, is lying on her back staring at the ceiling and doesn't respond, but Jaheira gives him a thoroughly unimpressed glare. "As all right as I can be," she says dryly, "after being next to a fiery explosion."
"What happened here?" the manip asks helplessly.
"So it turns out," Jaheira says, rather slowly since the man seems to be struggling on the uptake, "those toy bears were explosive."
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The manip's face creases as he begins to put the pieces together. "What? Those are children's toys!" he says. "Which means if a child had picked one up..." He swallows. "I don't want to think about it."
Then - defensive, angry, looking for a target - he glares up at her with sudden fury. "How do I know you're not the one who planted those explosives?" he snaps.
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Jaheira does not even blink at the accusation, just looks at him with placid disdain. [DECEPTION] "I was sent by the Council to check up on your operation," she lies, cool as a cucumber.
(A/N: I blew several inspiration on this so Jaheira could have this moment. XD )
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Immediately the manip's whole attitude changes. His eyes widen and he almost bows in her direction and says hastily, "I I had a feeling something was wrong in the barn! I wanted to make sure nobody got hurt! Take a look if you must!"
And then he turns and hastily walks away - which is probably a good choice for him, because Jaheira looks very much like she would like to rip his head off.
(*) Artistic license obviously.
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
Hi, I found your page a few days ago and I'm already obsessed with your theories on Tbhk.
So for my question I was thinking if it would be possible if Nene would become Mystery no.8 but like what kind of apparition would she be ?(I already know that Hanako wont let her become a apparition I just wanted to know if it'd be possible😅) Would Nene become a mermaid apparition because of her curse? anyways I know this wont happen in the anime because of thier Bound together so Hanako can literally stop it from happening But yea this just came up in my mind unexpectedly. (If you dont get what I'm trying to ask, im asking basically what kind of apparition would Nene be IF it IS possible👀)
Sya! I hope its chill and nice over there in Brazil feel free to skip over if needed 😇
Cold in Brazil? 😭😭😭😭 my wish in life???? It's summer here, it's hot as hell hahahahahahahahaha the part of Brazil that snows is very far away. ****cries inside for never having seen snow****
well, at least I can have fun on the beach if I don't turn into a barbecue because of the sun~ ~~
Ahem, anyway, about Nene and the possibility of her becoming supernatural. Lately I've been thinking about this because of the last chapter of ASHK, that second Nene that appeared and everything.
I haven't thought deeply about it yet, I want to form more connections, because I believe so, that Nene will become something much bigger. Kou discovering how to become a supernatural, him trying to talk about it with Nene
 none of that would be in the story for nothing, right?
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There is this possibility of the eighth mystery that is mentioned in the opening song (don't rule out the possibility yet), the fact that Hanako doesn't want it doesn't mean it won't happen. Hanako didn't want Nene to leave the painting or for her to stop Aoi from being sacrificed, but it happened.
So her becoming the eighth mystery is STILL a possibility. Always think of several possibilities, never discard those that still have a connection or logic to the main plot.
I'm not going to go into too much detail about the possibility of Nene becoming the eighth mystery because it would have to be in one post, there are many factors that we have to consider and I would leave this answer very long.
Anyway, Nene seems to have an ability, she purifies, this is definitely not an ability of an ordinary human, is it? Teru himself said so.
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She is not just any person, she also has the title of Kannagi. It turns out that everything is very mysterious when it comes to her, we know absolutely nothing about her, just that she has this ability and that she is a kannagi.
That's why I haven't done any deeper analysis on Nene yet, we have very little material to draw precise conclusions.
HOWEVER, to directly answer your question, yes, definitely, Nene has a great possibility of becoming a supernatural, she already has ties to one, so she is half supernatural because of the mermaid's curse.
Isn't it funny that Nene plays the mermaid and Amane loves the sky?
I mean, mermaids live in the sea, and Amane wants to conquer the stars. Two opposites, yet the sea is always keeping an eye on the sky, just as the sky is being reflected by the water.
Two poles that look at each other, but cannot be together.
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
blurb request: matty and reader picking Amelia's and Arthur's names lol I think matty would be so stubborn with his ideas and every time sharing a new one
A/N: I LOVE THISSS...felt quite inspired and wrote a lot haha, I hope you like it!! Sorry for any typos (haven't proofread)
I believe both occasions were entirely different. Since they were “only friends” during Y/n’s first pregnancy, and openly in love during the second one. The only similarity was that both times they knew ‘the gender’.
Amelia’s pregnancy
I think he just randomly shared his ideas. Like he could be at the studio with the boys, asking through texts how she was, if she needed something and then suddenly:
Matty:  HOW ABOUT IF WE NAME HER GEMMA?  Y/n: Didn't you have a girlfriend with that name? Matty: Fuck. Y/n: that's what i thought Matty: anyway
how many chocolates should I buy? Y/n: all they have, please đŸ€€ Matty: Y/n
 🙄 Y/n: What?! It’s for the baby 😇 Matty: right.
But when they finally chose one, they were at opposites sides of the new house –they moved in to raise her–, Matty in his home studio and Y/n in the living room watching a film. 
“Y/n!” he shouted out of the blue, startling her. 
She tried to move quickly, but it was hard with her big belly of 6 months. “What?”
“Y/n!” his voice coming closer and closer.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” she worried.
Matty showed up in the living room, stopping to catch his breath. “No.” he managed to answer. “I’m okay. Wait-” he pushed one finger up. “Give
a minute.” Matty let his body collapsed on the couch, beside Y/n. She was trying to figure out what was happening, the film long forgotten. 
“Matty?” Y/n broke the silence after a few minutes, admiring his face resting while Matty tried to breathe rhythmically again, focusing on the task with his eyes closed. He was so pretty. 
“You called me?” Y/n inquiry made him snapped, opening his eyes while he turned his head to look at her. 
“Oh, yes! I have the perfect name.” Y/n hit him on his shoulder with all the force she could. Matty tried to shield himself from her. “What that was for?” he protested.
“You scared me!” Matty’s sight softened with her affirmation. 
“You’re so cute.”
“Shut up and start spilling.” she urged him.
“Right, right.” Matty made a dramatic pause. “Stevie!” the singer shared with Y/n, gaining a stunned look from her. “What? It’s perfect! Like Stevie Nicks, da?” 
“Don’t get me wrong, but Stevie Healy doesn’t sound good for our baby.” Matty melted every time she referred to the baby growing in her belly as ‘their’ baby. 
“Y/n, listen to me
it’s perfect!” Matty stubbornly fought back. “And when she’ll be here
” he dared to touch her belly, sensing the baby kick. “They can meet, and it’s going to be the coolest shit ever!”
” Y/n started sweetly, touching his hand with hers. “Sounds good, not good enough for our child. She’s growing inside me, I have a say in this.”
“Not fair.” he protested. 
“Another name you want to share?”
“Oh, come on
don’t be a baby!”
“Share yours if it's so cool!”
“Fine.” Matty looked her directly into her eyes. “Emily.”
“What do you have with the ‘e’, ‘i’ and ‘y’?” Y/n chuckled. “Emily Healy.” she tried to think if it sounded good or not. “No
of course not!”
“Impossible! You’re mother-” Matty leaned forward, talking directly with the belly. “Your mother is impossible.”
“Your father is the most stubborn man walking this earth.”
“Oh, really? Tell me your amazing names for her!” he encouraged her. 
“Alright.” Y/n smiled at him. “I have to warn you...you’re going to love it, Healy.” he rolled his eyes at her. “Amelia.”
Matty had to suck his own words, staying in complete silence. He felt the baby kick his hand once more, making his eyes moving from Y/n’s face to the belly. 
“Do you like that name, baby?” another kick. Matty’s eyes filled with tears. “I can’t say no to you.”
“What you think?” Y/n asked, feeling her tears streaming down her face. Matty stared at her face again, going to dry the tears and hold her face between his palms.
“It’s perfect.” he mumbled, feeling the strong need to kiss her. 
Y/n brought him in for a hug, the belly between their bodies.
Arthur’s pregnancy
During Y/n’s second pregnancy, Matty was more relaxed as well as Y/n. They were inside a bubble enjoying being in love, having a beautiful daughter growing so fast and the baby that was coming anytime soon. 
Since Y/n found out she was actually pregnant to giving birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy, time went by fast. Matty had taken a step back from touring with the band to fully be there during the last months of the pregnancy. During those months they talked about the possible names, but none seemed good or even correct, and time passed. 
Y/n held the baby, rocking him while seated at the hospital bed, not being able to stop looking away. He was so tiny and perfect. The baby had little hair, but not curls showing just yet. 
“I’m back.” Matty announced entering the room. “Hi.” he stopped after closing the door, staring at his girlfriend and baby boy.
“Hey.” Y/n answered with a barely audible voice. “He just fell asleep.” she told Matty.
“That’s good.” he went to kiss both of their forehead, making sure not to wake the newborn. “Grace told me she wants to come tomorrow.”
“Okay, sure. How’s Mel? I miss her already.” 
“She’s okay, asking about mommy.” Matty left the bag he brought at the couch and returned to stand beside Y/n. 
Y/n pouted with Matty’s words, “Don’t tell me that.” 
Matty snorted. “I’d told her she that mommy was okay and missing her a lot.”
“Kept asking where was mommy.”
“My little Sherlock.”
“That’s it!” Matty said way too loud, cringing seconds later the sound reached his ears. Both parents looked down at the baby. He only moved a little, still asleep. They breathe out. 
“We’re not calling him Sherlock, Matthew.” Y/n warned him. The only times they discussed the second baby’s name, Matty came up with the strangest options. 
“No, no
of course not! I don’t hate my own child!” Matty shouted in a whisper.
“Neither Watson.” 
“Please, shut up.” Y/n crooked her eyebrow, ready to fight. “Please, my beloved
listened to the man that you love so much.” Matty approached his face to hers, leaving a sweet kiss on her lips. “Okay?”
“Arthur Conan.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Y/n, we can’t keep calling him baby or my sweet boy. He needs a name!”
“I know that, but we’re not naming him Conan.”
“Then only Arthur.” Matty offered. 
“No middle name?”
Matty shrugged his shoulders, “Amelia doesn’t have a second one
I wish my parents didn’t add an extra one
Y/n stared at the baby’s face. “Arthur Healy.” she muttered. “Little Archie.” Y/n looked at him with affection. “Okay.”
“Really?” Matty asked suspicious. 
“Weren’t you so sure after all?” Y/n teased him.
“Of course.” Matty stand, trying to look confident. “Next baby, we’re calling him Edgar.” he joked, kissing her forehead.
“Over my dead body, Healy.”
He smiled wider, thinking that Y/n implied she wasn’t against the idea of having more babies with him.
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explorersaremadeofhope · 8 months
Ahem! So for the Fan Fic Writer Asks: 2, 3, 5, 10, 12, 17 (hehehehe), 25, 26 (hahaha), 27 and 29! 😇
[guy grabbing startled cat meme] YOU!
okay, fiiiiiine (thank you 😂💖)
2. Do you read/reread your own fics? honestly, not that much? it depends a little on how i feel about them. if i'm satisfied with them, i might. but often rereading my own stuff makes me realise there's a bunch of small stuff i would like to change with hindsight, so it's easier not to. 😂
3. What's your favorite fic that you've written? damn. i guess it might be some of my earliest terror stuff, anchor up to me or and stay awhile. personally i don't really... have favourites very much, i see good bits and flawed bits in everything, but those were fun to write and people were extremely kind about them when i posted them, so that was a lot of fun overall!
5. What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write? so many. most of them, probably. that said i don't like to fully give up on an idea! but i have several fitzier gdocs sitting around that'll never go anywhere, including: half-epistolary modern au where jfj sends postcards to francis from around the world (initially to annoy him) over years while francis dates, gets engaged to, then splits up with sophia, and james globetrots to avoid his own loneliness, until they gradually become friends and then get together
rest of these under a cut, god damn
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? not really, i think. or if so, only positively. i've gotten some super lovely comments on some of my fics, and i never really expect that, so it's always a happy surprise. and a couple of them have got podfic, which is also absolutely wild to me.
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP/s? sorry, no! i have a shittonne of character playlists, but i don't tend to make playlists for fics!
17. - already answered!
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing? actually, no! i don't think that's ever happened. but i don't tend to write very heavy angst either.
26. Is there something you've written that you would never want your family to see? i mean.. most of it? don't get me wrong, my mum is great and knows that i've written fanfiction since i was a teenager, but the idea of showing anyone in my family my writing is embarrassing as hell lmao, that shit's private
29. Share a bit from a fic you'll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. rip, there are so many to choose from. here's some disembodied angst of james ross missing his boyfriend!
he steps outside and tilts his face up into the chill breeze. the night is clear, the air sharp with a late january cold snap. overhead, millions of pinheads of light flicker and twinkle against the black, occasionally winking out of existence as a cloud drifts across the heavens, carried by winds far stronger than the gentle stirring of air which cools his cheeks. the grounds are quiet, deep and dark and still in the early evening. a dusting of snow covers everything. it is new, and as yet unbroken by any human tread, reflecting the light of the moon like a fresh sheet of paper. against it the leafless trees and the shadows cast by the light streaming from the windows behind him are black as pitch. 
his hands soon begin to ache – he has not brought his gloves. he puts them into his pockets. it is not terribly cold – when he glanced at it, the thermometer which he has had mounted beside the window read 23 degrees. unusual for england, certainly, but not true cold. nothing to speak of, really. his feet begin to go numb in his shoes, but it is not too bad; not yet. 
idly, he picks out orion, then auriga, following it down into taurus. canis major, half hidden by a tree, is yet easy, sirius clear as a beacon. turning toward the north, there is ursa major, then the northern cross – cassiopeia takes him a few moments, but he finds it at last, almost directly overhead. 
are we looking at the same stars? 
they’ll be up all night and all day, now, these same constellations; circling tirelessly about the central axis, never dipping from sight.
“i say, what on earth are you doing out here?” 
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outlanderanatomy · 2 months
2024 SDCC – Bear McCreary Panel
Greetings all!
I continue my experience at 2024 SDCC with the Bear McCreary panel titled, “Musical World building!”
Before the panel came to the podium, heavy metal music filled the packed auditorium! 👂 Turns out, this music was from “The Singularity.” You can hear more of this composition by following this link: https://bearmccreary.com/thesingularity/
After the muscial intro, the panelists then came out individually and introduced themselves:
First  to the stage was Bear McCreary! đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»
We Outlander fans honor Bear who has brought us, over the seasons, the most wonderful renditions of the Sky Boat Song! And, of course, we fans are keenly aware of his numerous musical accomplishments beyond Outlander!
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Next was Kyle Higgins who was unknown to me but, given the applause, was recognized by many audience members. He is best known for his work on the Batman franchise at DC Comics, namely writing the miniseries Batman: Gates of Gotham and for the Nightwing and Batman Beyond titles, the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers franchise at Boom! Studios, and Radiant Black at Image Comics.
Matias Bergara was next.  He lives in Uruguay and is a video game designer, comic book writer and artist. After winning numerous awards in South America,  he works almost exclusively for the international market, and illustrated a children‘s book by Neil Gaiman, “Odd and the Frost Giants.”
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Last, but certainly not least, was Raya Yarbrough! Raya is Bear’s spouse who was beautiful and poised as always. Raya, is an eclectic poet, singer and songwriter based in Los Angeles. Although she is most recognized as the singer of the theme for Outlander, her voice and original music have been featured in many TV series, including  Battlestar Galactica, Marvel’s Agents Of Shield, Da Vinci’s Demons, and Agent Carter.  Her album “Raya Yarbrough,” was released internationally on Telarc/Concord records. 
We were not allowed to video record this session, but I did make an audio recording. I hope you enjoy hearing the session in its entirety. Here it is!Audio Player
Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
The following are highlights from the discussion in case you missed them.
*Bear talked about working on The Singularity, a graphic musical novel that required collaboration between numerous heavy metal groups and artists of word and graphics including Kyle, Matias and Raya. His goal was to develop one cohesive vision and bring it to life by collaboration. This is the backbone of musical world-building. 
In other news, Bear is working on a broadway show titled “Particle Fever!” It is based on the Higgs boson, aka the God Particle, discovered at the CERN large particle accelerator in Switzerland. He claims molecular physic’s time has come! đŸ€“
Bear said his musical score for Battlestar Galactic is tattooed on his heart because he got his start there at age, 24! However, his favorite score is from Godzilla: King of Monsters!
He revealed that he decided to score an original piece for the ending credits of Godzilla. When the film was first reviewed by the bigwigs, they started to leave as the credits rolled, but Bear asked them to wait. After the credits were done, they exclaimed they hadn’t authorized money for a final piece but he explained he knew that, he just wanted to do it! Presumably, for free! đŸ€©
*Kyle was asked what he would tell his young self. His answer: “just finish things!” đŸ€— He also said clarity is very important. And, conflict with its tension and release plays an essential role in his creative efforts.
*Matias made a comic book out of music. He advised the audience to do things honestly and directly.  😇
*Raya is a poet, song writer and singer and is now a mother of two! She told us her mother wrote “Night Terrors” for Star Trek: the Next Generation. something I did not know! As a busy mom, she has to find time during the day to compose. She says while writing lyrics, she may not know what she is trying to say until she gets to the last line! 😼
Her latest project is a collaboration with Bear based on 82 ancient wheels and cogs found in the sea near Athens. These remnants comprise the oldest known analogue computer, an orrery (model of the solar system), known as the Antikythera mechanism (image below). Raya sings the voice of the machine as they explore its psychology! đŸ€”
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There is much more to hear in the recording so I will close with gratitude for the gifts that Raya and Bear have given to the Outlander community. Looking forward to the second half of season 7! đŸ€—
The deeply grateful,
Outlander Anatomist
Follow me on:
Twitter: @OutLandAnatomy
Facebook: OutlandishAnatomyLessons
Instagram: @outlanderanatomy
Tumblr: @outlanderanatomy
Youtube: Outlander Anatomy
Photo and video credits: www.wikipedia.com, Outlander Anatomy, Bear McCreary
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savagewildnerness · 2 months
For that ask meme: 4, 6, 13?
Helloooo! And thank you so much for your ask! đŸ„° I actually meant for you all to answer the questions! But I shall happily answer these! And in answering, I realise asking 15 questions of you all would be A Lot! So, oooops! My apologies! 😇
4 - Any scene/moment you don’t like & why
I think it’s no surprise that I don’t like The Drop in S1E5. Book-Lestat wouldn’t do it. I don’t like that it means we won’t see the book-plot of the Armand-Lestat drop, I don’t like how it alters a lot of subsequent feelings, motivations & meanings that impact on the rest of the series (for example there was a big knock-on impact for me in the trial - both in its feeling & in many practical differences of events & meaning.) But it’s that it grates against Lestat’s characterisation for him to do that to Louis that troubles me most.
But I accept tv-Lestat did it. There is no part of me that thinks it didn’t happen in TV world & no part of me that excuses it in any way either. The revisit to the scene beforehand: I liked it, because adding the missing scenes added glorious gothicness
 and Lestat got to apologise
 but there’s literally nothing Louis could say or do that would make the drop existing ok for me, so that’s that!
It’s particularly hard to properly express why Louis smashing Lestat’s head on a coffin then saying he’ll chop his head off & feed it to the lions is yummy, transgressive violence & gothic glory, yet The Drop is so wrong I cannot abide it. I think I can best explain by saying that none of this is good or bad in terms of relating it to reality, and so it’s the feelings & meaning on the next, underlying level that matters. Which is a very fine, yet incredibly important (as I feel it!) line.
6 - Best thing for you about the TV show
The characterisations.
I’m a sucker for a deep dive into character. I adore all of the characters on the show (including small roles I don’t mention here.)
I adore Lestat as there’s my Lestat on screen! The second he watched Louis with his blade to Paul’s throat - instantly I saw & felt that that was Lestat! Lestat was THERE! Resonant!
I adore Louis, as he is absolute glow-up-Louis & I love that I can feel from him the way all the vampires describe they feel for book-Louis, but I never really understood from book-Louis! But now, oh how I feel it too!
I am astounded that Assad has somehow elevated my love for Armand, who was already my second favourite book character beyond even how I love book-Armand. S2 was your season. Armand was everything.
I love how smaller characters such as Santiago & Madeleine have been elevated too & then Claudia
 I do need to caveat that Claudia cannot have the impact of an immortal 5-year-old vampire! However, this Claudia works & the changes add interesting, poignant & tragic elements to her story. I adore tv Claudia & I hope she haunts every season of the show.
Such incredibly strong characterisation also helps to access the spirit of Anne’s books & I love when I feel the essence of her writing in the show! Which doesn’t mean a strictly close adaptation necessarily. For example, I feel the spirit of Anne’s work incredibly strongly in S2E5 even though that’s in large part written solely for TV.
13 - Feelings about TV show versus books
I think I sort of answered this above. Generally speaking, I’ve loved the TV adaptation so far though! It’s such a joy to be able to see books that were so close to your heart & that you read at such a formative age they’re ingrained in your heart & soul & in how you see & feel & experience & think about the world adapted with such love & care & attention to detail & to the spirit of the books. And the exquisite poetry of the writing - Anne’s words directly on screen at such poignant moments & the writers’ own beautiful poetic language also.
Hope that’s ok! I’ll end there as my phone keeps randomly deleting paragraphs & I’m worried about losing the whole post! đŸ„¶đŸ’€
And on this note, please feel free to just pick whatever question(s) interest you to answer, everyone! đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„° I’m so curious to read your thoughts!
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pagegirlintraining · 1 year
✹Chapter 8✹
of The Prince And The Popstar is out now!
Today, @the-amber-fox and I have an extra special snippet for you â˜ș
“Hello? Simon?” Wille’s voice is tinny and distant, but Simon’s traitor of a heart still does a happy little somersault. He stares at the device in his hand. “Simon, are you there?” Wille asks. When Simon still doesn’t answer, he starts to sound the slightest bit panicked. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
You happened , Simon thinks.
“I am so sorry, Simon.” Oh, apparently he said that out loud. “I want to apologise. Can we talk?” Wille asks, now directly into Simon’s ear where his phone suddenly is. When did he lift his hand?
“Why? You said you didn’t love me.”
“I lied.”
We’re getting closer to that happy ending tag, promise 😇
Find the newest chapter here, or read from the beginning here.
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lonely-shine · 5 months
*takes a big breath* fear and masks for ebis, marcus, requiem, and lullaby ifitsnottoomuchtoaskplease? 😇
(yes, i'm a sucker for cute couples infused in angst, why do you ask?)
Thanks for the ask! Let's dive in!
(this is gonna be long, and I did no proof read it, so sorry for that xD)
FEAR: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
Ebis: Okay, so, I don't know if I'd call it her "greatest fear", but she's actual-meaning-of-the-word triggered by darkness. She doesn't exactly remember it, but just before loosing her memories, she had an accident during an exploration mission. An ancient ladder gave out beneath her and she had a nasty fall in which she badly hit her head. Her torch broke in the fall, so it was pitch-black as she slowly bleeded out, unable to move or speak and convinced she was gonna die there where no one would ever find her. She doesn't remember exactly, but she has nightmares about being in the darkness, in pain, helpless and feeling doomed. She hates the darkness because it takes her back to a moment she can't remember, but her body does; she will feel that same doom and pain when she's in the dark.
She feels quite silly about this fear, and it takes Marcus directly asking her about it for her to share it. I don't think she would otherwise be open about it with others, as she doesn't want to be judged as childish or have to tell about her trauma to get taken seriously.
Marcus: To be abandoned, left alone, left behind. Marcus has always been a solitaire man who struggles to connect to other people, and he's had some bad experiences with getting close/working along other people. His fianceé died, which broke him, and when he started working in the Submachine, it only led to betrayal. Murtaugh never careed about him, Elizabeth couldn't save him, nobody came back for him. He has gone through so much isolation, both self-imposed and forced on him, but truth is man hates every second of it. So when he meets Ebis, the fear is there "what if I'm alone again?". He eventually voices this fear to her. I believe with time and lots of therapy he'd learn to manage this fear, even if not make it disappear completely. Make it not be this all consuming thing but this fucking annoyance he has to deal with. He'll be okay is what I'm saying.
MASK: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Ebis: She always puts on a cheerful, driven, optimistic front. This is not because she believes everything will resolve in the end, but because she cannot bear to think about the possibility of something going wrong. So she. keeps. moving. Always and no matter what. Even if that reckless path leads to a worse place, she cannot bear to stop because then she'd have to confront her fear. So instead, she pushes on, convinces herself that things will turn for the better if she just keeps going, no matter how reality doesn't match up with that. Awesome resilience, not so awesome avoidance. She will work on this once out of the Submachine tho (both Marcus and her have so much therapy to do), and she is open to Marcus about this.
Marcus: Not really, this man can't mask to save his life xD Closest thing I can think of is... not many people get to really know him. Not because he's actively avoiding it, but man's reserved and has a resting bitch face. So yeah, most people see him as this tol, serious man that looks like he hasn't slept in two weeks, and don't know he's actually a cinamon roll. Ahh, but that assumption fades as soon as they see him around Ebis. Can you see that? The man is capable of smiling! And he looks kinda cute all lovingly looking at his wife. Aww <3
As for Lullaby and Requiem, gosh I haven't thought about them in forever, they're son undeveloped, all aesthetics and like two random facts, halp xD I don't know if I'll be able to answer the questions, but I can talk a bit about them:
Okay, so, for those who don't know Requeim and Lullaby are characters from a word divided in two opposing factions, fighters and dancers. I will put more info under the cut but for now:
Lullaby is a dancer, very skilled from a young age, a gifted kid you could say, and she's one of the best dancer of her village. Kinda elite stuff. Dancer villages can be pretty hierarchic with their dancer: who's the best, who's a beginner, who's not even a dancer. Their communal dancing really reflects that in what role everyone has in the performance depending on at what skill they are.
I think she could be afraid of being told she's not worthy/skilled anough to perform anymore, or that she never actually was. To be rejected specifically becaue the one thing she's poured so much time and effort into perfecting is still not enough and she was just being humoured the whole time. So, gifted kid into adult with imposter syndrome huh.
Requiem is a fighter, a good and skilled fighter, but not particularly "gifted". Not that fighter communities work the same as dancer villages. Fighters aren't so hierarchic, you teach what you can and learn what you can and you're strong together. Their communal fighting is something anyone can join for a good time and to learn, you don't have to be skilled.
I'm... not sure what would be Requiem's greatest fear, to be honest. He grew ina pretty chill and healthy enironment, and as far as I know nothing terrible has happened to him? I mean I guess his fear would be something related to harm coming to his community? But also I don't see him contemplating and getting lost into that possibility. It's why he fights tho. So maybe more than a fear is a motivation? I don't even know man, I'm just thinking aloud at this point.
Okay, so, more lore about fighters and dancers:
Both fighting and dancing are, at the same time, a weapon and an art, something used to harm, but also something pretty to enjoy. Between just fighters, or between just dancers, they can fight/dance recreationally. But if a fighter and dancer fight/dance together, a brush of the skin is enough to cause injury whether they mean to or not. This is the one of the big reasons of why fighters and dancers are at war, believing their very natures to be opposing. It wasn't always like that, tho, there was a time were they were not at war with each other (but everything changed when the fire nation attacked xD).
Requiem and Lullaby first meet at the Battlefield of Lost sounds, a wasteland in a neutral zone where fighter/dancer have been waging wars for generations. I think they meet when the battle has already dissolved, they were sticking around taking a look at the aftermath (also I think the Battlefield has been used for so long and has so much history for both factions that it might be something akin to a sacred place by this point? Why is it still a place for war then? Well, because how you treat sacred looks different in this world, thing is there might have stayed behind for spiritual reflection or something).
Anyway, thing is the two of them meet, and they recognize the other as a dancer/fighter, so they do what they were taught to do. They engage in battle, but the battle is also a performance, and they connect. Rivals but not enemies. Can't help but hurt each other but not supposed to hate each other. So they start fighting/dancing without touching the other, to avoid injuries. And by the end, they come to a sort of understandment. Lullaby still belong to the dancer village, Requiem still belongs to the fighter community, but they will not engage in battle with each other anymore. And they want to learn from each other.
Eventually, they end up forming a team of sorts with just the two of them. I don't know how that pans out in the larger picture/what their relationship to their respective homes will be like after that, but yeah. This is about everything I know.
If you're still reading, here's an old drawing of the babies <3
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fickleminder · 2 years
for show
While filming a kung fu fighting scene with Raphael, Satan suspects Kirana knows more about the subject than she lets on.
Inspired by the Kung Fu Action! Devilgram, featuring gorgeous art with two of my favorite boys 😇😈
It isn’t just the fact that Kirana likes action movies, Satan thinks.
She goes to the gym with Beel regularly, so she definitely has the fitness for it. During the first few weeks of her stay in the Devildom, she was constantly on alert, her posture guarded as though prepared to defend herself against an attack any second. Which made sense back then, but still

There was also the time rumors were going around RAD that she had beaten up several demons, but Simeon had dispelled them pretty quickly. And from what he knows of her life back in the human realm, it’s pretty normal all things considered. No abusive family members, no toxic friends, no nasty colleagues or horrible bosses. Perfectly average, as far as it goes.
Most would think Kirana’s too nice to be a secret kung fu master, but Satan of all people is aware that nice doesn’t mean harmless.
(He also knows he can just ask her directly of course, but where would be the fun in that?)
Satan observes Kirana as she gives Raphael pointers to refine his movements for his fight sequence. Angling a punch here, aiming a kick there
 She seems to know what she’s doing, and her suggestions clearly have merit because Raphael, a seasoned fighter and professional hitman himself, is actually paying attention.
So he’s definitely on to something, but how to prove it? Maybe
“Kirana, think fast!”
She whips her head towards him, yelping in surprise when he swings a cardboard roll toward her — one of the set’s many props — and whacks it against her head with a resounding bonk.
Kirana’s face crumples with all the pitifulness of a newborn kitten. “What was that for?” She whines sadly, looking so heartbroken that Satan wants to throw himself off the nearest cliff.
She was supposed to dodge, or block the attack, or steal his weapon and counter him, not take the hit and make him seem like the bad guy!
Satan scrambles to apologize and explain, practically groveling at her feet and doing everything in his power to make sure she doesn’t start crying. If his brothers ever find out what he did, he’s a dead man.
“What? No, I don’t have any black belts or anything,” Kirana insists, still looking utterly confused. “What brought this on?”
The demon can’t bring himself to give her a straight answer, a mixture of pride and embarrassment choking the words in his throat. Instead, he blurts something about getting them some water before sprinting off.
Raphael arches an eyebrow. “I think,” he says slowly, “that you’re on the wrong side of the camera.”
“I wasn’t lying.” Kirana shrugs, finally allowing herself to relax with a playful grin. Messing with Satan can be so much fun sometimes. Now she’s starting to understand why he often enjoys pranking others. “Besides, kung fu and self-defense are two very different things.”
There’s more to it of course, but Raphael’s lips are sealed. “Why didn’t you protect yourself from that attack?”
“Well.” It’s Kirana’s turn to look sheepish. “I never thought I’d ever have to defend myself against Satan. Guess I trust him a little too much, huh?”
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing.” Raphael pats her head gently, mindful to avoid the spot where she got bonked.
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
hello i am SO interested in college hockey snapchat au and would love to hear some more about that!! :)
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@delta-piscium @eriquin thank you all for the asks!!
i answered an ask about this au here 💕and like i said there, this au is heavy on the identity porn because steve doesn't know the identity of the person he's sexting/snapchatting with. wonder who that could be 😇
the snippet below directly follows the snippet in the ask i linked. this snippet is a teeny tiny bit spicy so i put it under the cut:
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After Nancy, he wanted to feel something again. So he fucked around. After those first couple of months after he stopped moping around, he felt free and hooked up with people because he could. He thinks he got it all out of his system, though.
He tried it, and he liked it for the most part, but there’s a big part of him that wants more. A part of him that craves the knowledge of how another person’s body responds to him. He likes learning a girl’s body, learning where to touch to turn her on, when to go fast and hard and also when to slow down, when to control the movement of his hips so he can feel her flutter around his cock. He likes knowing what gets someone off and using that to his advantage to make them come harder than they ever have before. He thrives on knowing that kind of stuff.
And it’s just not something he can learn in one night with someone who doesn't really even care about him, who’s only looking to get off.
It works for some people, but he doesn't think hooking up is really what he wants. He misses being in a relationship.
And now he’s feeling something for this girl he doesn't even remember meeting. He’s feeling things that don't make sense considering they don't even really know each other, considering he wouldn't be able to recognize her if they accidentally ran into each other on campus.
But he wants to know her, he realizes. He wants to meet her, and learn these things about her. Learn her fucking name, first of all. But everything else too. All the ways to wind her up, all the ways to take her apart, all the ways to make her fall for him.
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bookinit02 · 8 months
(Be warned, incredibly lengthy script reply ahead, copy-pasted directly from my notes app. It’s a lot of separate paragraphs so it will probably take up some space, apologies in advance)
Karen!!!! Yes Karen!!! AND HOLLYYYY OMG. I love this bit so much. Karen’s gonna find her kids!!! She’s gonna find out what’s going on!!! I love good mom Karen!!
She’s good </3 oh Max </3
“Come here often?” Mike you DORK.
AWWW THE SWING :((( MIKE TRYING TO TELL WILL HE LIKES BOYS TOO :((( God that’s so sad and sweet and heartwarming. But YES WILL SAID IT!!!! YOU GO WILL!!!! And god. That HUG. I bet that’s gonna SLAP in Mike’s POV in the fic <3
“I’m a lesbian. We know these things.” LMFAO ROBIN
Oh my god Will and Mike straight-up CUDDLING in the upside-down while Will sleeps. And it’s just like, normal. NO SHIT they’re gonna be different after this, goddamn.
Ha. Haha. H. Okay. I can uh. I can see why Suni said she hated you. Because what the fuck. What the fuck? I mean that was AMAZING but what the fuck. I can’t wait to scream at you even more when the fic chapters come out because WHAT. The FUCK.
(Sidenote added as I am re-reading my own commentary before sending this ask: I kind of can’t wait to see Will go fucking BALLISTIC at Vecna for pulling this shit with Mike. Like. Those newborn powers are gonna go CRAZY. Vecna you’re in for it buddy)
yayyy!! so excited to answer commentsđŸ„ł
i’m so glad you liked karen’s scenes! i’ve had her s5 arc planned FOREVER (as in it was literally one of the first things i ever thought up for this fic, and the main reason i wanted to include a script to show other storylines!), so i’m super excited to finally dig into it!
the crop circle😎 that’s My spooky little eldritch creature! so proud of himđŸ«¶đŸ»
elmaxđŸ„ș my Babies.
dork!! & yes i am SOO excited to write this scene in fic format.
nancy & robin! and i’m glad u liked robin’s line bc i rlly couldn’t figure out if i wanted to leave that in or not. but yk what. i stand by it!
the CUDDLINGGGGG GOD I LOVE THEM😭 and the “baby” line was another that i was super undecided about leaving in, to the point where i had to consult suni and get a second opinion😭 but she was like yeah you Freak leave it in. so i did.
as for everything else: 😇
thank you so much for reading!!! i appreciate your comments so much💗
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setokaibassoulmate · 10 months
hi hi!! i hope this hasn’t been asked before, but
 where do you get all your amazing merch from? or how do you purchase articles from japan? any websites you’re willing to share?
thank you!!!
Hi! I get asked this all the time but I don’t mind answering these again and again if it helps people 😇I mainly buy goods second hand from sites like suragaya.jp and mercari.jp. These two sites are truly gold treasures. I also like to preorder items directly from the stores that releases the items, like the official Kaiba Corporation Store. You need a proxy services purchase goods from all of these sites. I personally use neokyo but there’s honestly so many to chose from. I also heavily rely on amiami for preorders of merchandise and figures! Hope this helps!
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