#in my philosopher era
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7roaches · 2 months ago
being a hater is something u inherently have to be humble and dl about bc if ur not u will also forget that you are also a flesh animal and that all the other flesh animals now really want to take the flesh part out
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arlesposting · 4 months ago
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oh my god...that's enlightenment era philosopher jean jacques rousseau as an extra history bean person....wow...!!!!!! ok bye
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fuckyourchampionship · 4 months ago
Does being a fan of Lando Norris make you lose your mind, or do you have to lose it first to become one?
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rearranging-deck-chairs · 3 months ago
rewatching 13s era for me is not so much diminishing returns as it is something opposite and eviler...............increasing losses? increasing losses
#every time i rewatch an episode the points where it couldve been better poke me in the eye#maybe probably the exact same thing would happen with any other thing i would get this obsessed about#you stare at something long enough its flaws will become ever more apparent#you love something enough everything it could have been but IS NOT becomes ever more painful#i watched 13x5 tonight.........honestly what the fuck goes on#no these were my responses now 3 years and probably a dozen rewatches in:#1) what the fuck goes on#2) philosophically stilll utterly unintelligible to me i might be stupid#swarm and azures whole thing. like. everything they say about their Schemes is completely......incoherent. i dont understand it.am i stupid#3) feels like most agents in these plots are just doing busywork. but might be my inability to understand plot again#but like diane?? who is she what is she why is she#4) 13s message to yaz 'flux destroys universe so refugees coming take over earth your task' is.....like.....profoundly......wtf#and seemingly easily fixable: flux destroys universe refugees come to earth find a way to welcome them#get unit involved THAT way. right?#unit as the liaison between humanity and alienity. rebrand#but maybe that doesnt work with the snakeman plot idfk im stupid with plot#5) scenes between 13 and tecteun couldve been so much more. mastervoice: i have Notes. first and least: tecteun shouldve called her Child#damn now i want to do 13 era rewrite again#i really should do that one day i think it would be good for my skills#turn it into a good oldfashioned 13 ep series. still one story tho. but to deepen everything out a bit more#actually getting into all the stuff thats only sort of Touched upon#making swarm and azure not only make sense but also emotionally important and if possible even lore-wise interesting#more abt the division past. doesnt need to be shown in detail if the absence is the point. that doesnt mean there cant be more absence#swarm&azure lore + division lore + vinder&bel lore in separate pieces starting to show a horrible puzzle when put together#yaz and dan in 1900s for 3 full eps or so. time to breathe. more yaz&13 stuff. a lot more 13&yaz stuff#i think that might actually be the heart of it. maybe it should be the heart of it#leaning into that 13-tecteun parallel. the frustration and resentment. build up to the 'so why are you SO interested in him!' stuff#more of their life in the tardis just the two of them without buffer#i kinda want to play with like a lot more body language between them which the camera doesnt allow as we have it#like zoom the fuck out pls
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ijzermansdriesen · 1 year ago
When the haunting rescue my heart comes back... It's simply breathtaking. They're beautiful and in love and there is an ominous devastating colour in the music and things will not last. Again.
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otunnicliffe · 1 year ago
Chloe + Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone:
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Contains OCs!!!!
Ideal: Student from the Marauders era are invited to see Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore to uncover the truths of the present and meet the remarkable twins who lived- only many years in the future through the use of the books in the hopes of changing the future.
Chapter One: The Twins Who Lived
Chapter Two: The Vanishing Glass
Chapter Three: The Letters From No One
Chapter Four: The Keeper Of The Keys
Chapter Five: Diagon Alley
Chapter Six: The Journey From Platform Nine And Three-Quarters
Chapter Seven: The Sorting Hat
Chapter Eight: The Potions Master
Chapter Nine: A Midnight Duel
Chapter Ten: Halloween
AO3 Link
Quotev Link
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doinggreat · 2 years ago
“Where my hug at” in 2023 should get you in jail
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iamthekarmapolice · 1 year ago
i hate how change is just fundamentally inevitable. even if i spent my entire life in a single room, my body would still age and i'd eventually die. it's a law of the universe that entropy is always increasing. things tend towards uncertainty and disorder. fucking sucks that learning to deal with change and being good at adapting to new situations is the only way to go
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leblogreblog · 2 months ago
the history of the world as we know can be divided on the sinusoid, the ages, going into extremes from focus on the science, human and its mind, deities being seondary concern (Renaissance) to focus on faith, emotions, feelings with all aspects of life being somehow centred around worship of higher powers and myth being more important than the fact (Middle Ages)
It's quite easy to tell that we're currently on the former part, with focus on what's tangible and thought over what's believed and felt; The modern era as whole is it, with our focus on innovation, faith being overrun by fact.
The questions I'd like to pose are:
Where do you think we're in this era? At it's beginning? During it's peak? Or maybe we're waning towards it's end?
What would you name it?
And the most interesting one for me that I'm still wondering on:
What event do you think will lead to us leaving this era into another one? What would cause humanity as we know to believe in gods over machines once again?
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transsexualraskolnikov · 3 months ago
LOL i’m also from the eastern bloc who has migrated (unfortunately) to the US, but not everyone guzzles western propaganda like you do so please do not speak for us
i don’t even know how to reply to this. WHAT western propaganda my dude????? just because i said that ……. the ussr was bad? that’s the western propaganda? also why is it always about “western propaganda” or “us propaganda” with you guys? you all sound like the old communists
really, like, is it the propaganda or is it the millions of constructed trials? or the kgb and literally everybody snitching on everybody because of constant fear? or the prague spring of 1968 that lead to the military invasion of 1968 and the consequent period of normalization in czechoslovakia? or the censorship of all the art and media across all the countries? or the tens of thousands of artists who had to flee if they wanted to create freely? or the hundreds of thousands of people who could barely LEAVE the eastern block and had to flee to other countries? no, im not talking about migrating but literal fleeing and not seeing their families and loved ones for DECADES until the eventual fall of socialism in 1989
and i don’t mean this in the mean way. i don’t mean this in the “oh my god you are so dumb look at all these things” kind of way. no, i’m just genuinely so disheartened whenever i see these posts that keep putting communism on a pedestal so much so they are willing to completely ignore the crimes of it. and this is not one of those “no regime is perfect” type thing, this is genuinely “please stop ignoring the horrid crimes of the ussr just because you liked reading marx” and please acknowledge that it was a totalitarian system that did enormous damage.
and, i mean, i get it. i also really liked reading marx. i even read your kropotkins and bakunins and a bit of lenin here and there. and yeah, the theories and thoughts are all enticing. who with a sane mind isn’t against the hoarding of wealth and for the equality of everyone? but, when talking about socialism in praxis, there is a reason historians rarely bring up marx or his teachings (or other theory/philosophers at all). that’s because, in the end, as much as the ussr paraded “””””the thought of marxism-leninism”””””” around, it failed it so graciously. it didn’t even come CLOSE to it, just used it as propaganda to mask their crimes against humanity and pretend they are all doing it for “the well-being and prosperity of all people”.
but at the end of the day, it’s really fascinating, the different view usamericans vs post-soviet europeans have on socialism. in our countries, socialism is considered the HEIGHT of propaganda. students in high schools learn to dissect old soviet posters in order to identify what elements were used to manipulate exactly what opinions.
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keepthemacramesecret · 4 months ago
reverse engineering research i did a year ago by searching discord dm's because the book is no longer available to borrow on archiveee
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spectershaped · 5 months ago
Overall I think there's a lot of substance to the idea of "no thought crimes and no thought virtues" as well as the associated idea of "the fleeting thoughts and emotions matter less, for better or for worse, than the actions you do in the end", but I also feel it's kind of an intriguing little rabbit hole?
If someone does the right things for the "wrong" reasons, then they have indeed done good things, but there remains the unspoken idea that there is a point where this person's desires and what is Right will not coincide. But then you end up getting into the idea of...what is a desire? Is it something you can fault someone for? How can it be something you have any control for, if the only thing that can motivate you to want something else is you wanting to want something else? Eventually we get into the question of "if one person did the right thing and the other the wrong thing, what was the ultimate difference there? what is the ultimate factor in deciding differently, and is it something we can fault someone for or does it all come down to a form of social engineering through reward and penalty?"
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evolvingsidekick · 9 months ago
Living is also when I get to yap a whole page's worth about an interesting topic according to someone's interview
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lostintheglo · 10 months ago
All the important things like truth and love are buried in this society
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reveloser · 1 year ago
ohhhh i totally forgot about that scene in true detective when matthew mcconaughey goes "i don't sleep, i just dream" likeee girl same
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deliciousmicroplastics · 1 year ago
what's the horniest chess arrangement to end up in at the end of a match im writing a fanfic that's too complicated to ever publish
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