#in my lukadrien fanfiction
rainbow-arrow · 27 days
chapter twenty-two (22) feels a bit more of a deal than the number 22 could ever imply
might be bc i have been editing this one chapter for like. six days lol
anywho going back to school this week, my favorite pastime is still writing this and the next few chapters have been put on emphasis (new au has gotta leave me alone) so i'm hoping a september release
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Breaking the Ice
by Nakira Taisho
Date Posted: (2023-01-28)
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Kagami Tsurugi
Additional Tags: on the side:, lukadrien, episode rewrite, Episode: s02 Le Patineur | Frozer, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Bee!Kagami
Series: Part 8 of Miraculous One-Shots
Summary: What if 'Frozer/Patineur' was Kagaminette?
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karlrose · 11 months
I've been working really hard to write the second chapter to the thing I started writing and I was hoping to have Chapter 2 done by the 30th. That is not happening because I'm, at best, halfway through and stuck in a Ladynoir scene I'm struggling to finish. I didn't realize how hard writing them would be for me until I had to do it. Ladynoir, in my opinion, is the most complex corner of the love square and I overthink every interaction they have. My husband read what I have so far and said that I get poetic and metaphysical when I write Ladynoir, making it harder to keep the scene moving fluidly. And then the special melted the rest of my brain so... Here's a preview of what I have finished so far
-Chapter 2- PREVIEW
Adrien was floating on air as he left the bakery, a bag of chouquettes in one arm and a baguette nestled in the crook of his other arm. Part of him couldn't believe it had gone so well and was convinced that he must have dreamed it.
He stopped walking as the thought settled in his mind like a sinking ship... then spun on his heel and started back towards the bakery.
“Kid,” Plagg flew out of his pocket to rest on his shoulder. “Where ya going?”
“I have to go back.”
Plagg sighed out of exasperation and annoyance, “You already asked her.”
Adrien stopped walking again. “And she-”
“She said yes,” Plagg responded with a whine. “Can we go home now? I want time to digest my food before you run off to see Ladybug.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” he sighed in relief as he spun back around to head towards his home. “Because I thought I might have-”
“Blacked out, made up an entire conversation in your head, and left... like a crazy person?” Adrien glared at Plagg who retorted with, “Yeah, you've been known to do that.”
“What would I do without your overwhelming understanding, sensitivity and tact?” he laughed, giving the top of Plagg's head a little scratch.
“Well, you'd make a fool out of yourself way more often. I know that!”
“Thanks, Plagg. You're the best,” he genuinely meant the words, but delivered them with sarcasm, the way Plagg would prefer the exchange of emotions he deemed 'sappy'.
He was an interesting and complex being of pure, concentrated destruction.
“And we have plenty of time for you to eat before patrol. It's only...” Adrien pulled his phone out of his pocket to glance at the screen. “... a bit later than I thought... and I have a missed call, but still... plenty of time.” He pushed the call back button and waited as it rang out the other end.
“Hello, Sunshine,” Luka's voice rang out from the receiver. “How's Marinette?”
“How did you know-”
“It's a Sunday afternoon, you weren't home, and you're a creature of habit,” he recounted casually with a pleasant laugh. “So, how is she?”
“I can hear you laughing,” Adrien started with mock annoyance. “What did Felix say to you?”
“He said I would find you drowning down by the Seine,” Luka answered, letting the giggles out freely now.
“I'll have you know that I am an excellent swimmer,” he retorted with confidence. “And I am in no way drowning. Because of my incredible swimming capabilities.”
“Uh-huh,” he could hear the smile in his voice. “It sounds like you're drowning now, pretty boy.”
“Why don't you say that to my pretty face, music man?” he challenged, a lopsided smirk spreading across his face. It was replaced with a look of confusion when the dial tone met his ear. Plagg burst out laughing in his other ear as he held his phone in front of him, staring in disbelief at the screen.
Then a very familiar bike bell rang behind him, causing him to jump and release a noise somewhere between a scream and a squeal as he whipped around to face him, scrambling to keep hold of his bags of baked goods.
Luka leaned on the handlebars, a knowing smirk curling his lip as he held Adrien's eyes in his own. Luka had a thing for eye contact and the intensity of his stare almost seemed to demand it of him. Everything about Luka was a contradictory blend of intensity and tranquility.
He realized that he had once again been captivated when Luka started to giggle at him and stated with more than a little sass, “You're drowning, pretty boy.”
He sputtered, grasping for sounds that might string together to form words as he felt the bridge of his nose turn pink. Failing to speak, he pouted indignantly, turning his head to avoid being captured in his gaze again.
“Can't handle someone sneaking up on you, huh, big cat?”
“Well, no one's ever prepared for a snake in the grass, are they?”
“Spicy,” Luka quipped, pulling his bike forward, offering the bike basket for his bags. “Need a ride?”
“You'd like that, wouldn't you?” Adrien returned with his own sass, leaning himself under his face.
Luka caught his eyes in his own again and leaned down until, close enough to feel their breath mix, he whispered, “You're going to be late.”
“I remember when you were fun,” Adrien glared at him with a pout before closing the distance between them with a quick peck, placing his shopping in the basket, and sitting on the bike. “And I have plenty of time.”
“You had plenty of time,” Luka stated as he began to pedal the bike. “Now, by the time we get to the Liberty and Plagg finishes his meal, you'll be about five minutes late.”
“I'm not late until m'lady calls and asks why I'm not there yet,” he responded. “So I'll actually have ten minutes to spare.”
“I remember when you took your job seriously,” Luka said with a smirk, glancing back at him. “Honestly, I'm kind of disappointed in you.”
“Don't you come for me, blue jay,” Adrien shot back playfully. “I've got your number, too.”
“Are you ever going to answer my question?” he asked with a voice laced with mirth.
“Um... I missed it,” Adrien admitted with some embarrassment. “What was the question?”
“How is Marinette?” Luka enunciated to be sure he wouldn't miss the question a third time.
He felt him lean his face into his back and take a deep breath before speaking, “She's good. Working herself into an early grave while pretending she has plenty of free time, as usual.” He lifted his head to continue with a livelier tone, “But that all changes soon. She agreed to move in with me. Now Felix can work into an early grave which, while also sad, I'm less upset about.”
“Congratulations,” he praised genuinely before following up with a jovial tone, “How'd you manage to get that to happen?”
“With your amazing advice; Open and honest communication,” Adrien said with pride before Plagg laughed hard at his statement. “Ignore the demon in my pocket. He thrives on chaos and lives to destroy my ego.”
“Well, someone has to chip away at that monstrosity,” Luka responded with a lighthearted chuckle. “It's starting to get in the way of your sparkling personality.”
“You're extra snarky today.”
“I'm simply returning the energy you're giving me, sunshine.”
“I'm gonna tell Marinette you were mean to me,” Adrien whined, placing his chin on his shoulder to be sure he'd hear him over the wind rushing past them. “She'll be so disappointed. She thought you were so nice. She was deceived by the kindness in your eyes, unaware that under that facade lives a venomous serpent. She deserves to know the truth.”
“Well, we can't leave the princess in the dark, can we?” Luka responded teasingly. “For the sake of honesty, I should tell her that you're a vindictive drama queen and an incorrigible flirt.”
“She is already very aware of both of those things,” he stated as a matter of fact. “You're losing your edge, snakebite.”
“Get off my bike before I bite you, kit-cat.”
“Really?” Adrien asked with a drawl. He couldn't see it, but Luka could tell by the lilt of his tone that he had a Chat smile stretched across his face.
“No, Adrien. We're here,” he said with an eye roll as he stopped the bike and gestured towards the water where the Liberty floated. “Now get off my bike, feed your pocket demon, and get to work before you orchestrate more distractions for yourself.”
He stuck his tongue out at him, hopped off the bike, and ran down the dock onto the ship to toast some cheese on baguette slices for Plagg while Luka carried the bike in behind him, humming a tune as he went.
Everything was so easy with Luka. He didn't have to pretend to be something he wasn't or lie about half of who he was.
Where Marinette was exciting, managing to constantly surprise him with how amazing she was, Luka represented safety and security, being someone he could confide in without fear.
When he had started noticing feelings for him, he had felt horrible about it, seeing it as a betrayal of Marinette, but when he talked to her about it, she repeated the words he had once heard from her mother, that he should never apologize for his feelings, and then she asked him two questions; Did his feelings for Luka change his feelings for her and did he promise to always be honest with her about his feelings. Since the answer to the first question was no and the answer to the second was yes, she said there was no problem, that it would only be cheating if he lied about it or tried to hide it. Then she went on a bit of a speech about love and it's complexities and lack of limits. It was actually really cute and reassuring until she confided in him her feelings for Chat Noir. That was when things got awkward, mostly because he had just promised to be honest about his feelings to her and now had to pretend that this information was news to him.
Sometimes being a superhero sucked. Most of the time, it was absolutely amazing, but when it came to talking about Chat Noir with Marinette, it sucked.
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ninadove · 1 year
watching character ai lukadrien create the most heart wrenching debilitatingly angsty love story to ever love story ever
Hey, I can tell there’s no malice behind your ask, but — don’t do that.
I write fanfiction myself, and a lot goes into it:
1. Unreasonable amounts of ✨ Time and Effort ✨
Just the other day, my WIP kept me up until 2 AM, because I wanted it to be neatly polished before even sending it to my beta readers (@paracosmicfawn and @dragongutsixofficial). The first thing I did the following morning was re-read it again, to correct any typos and inconsistencies my tired brain might have missed the night prior.
2. Research and analysis
For a cute little Lukadrien scene I wrote with my ✨ awesome girlfriend ✨ — something that was never even going to be published — I went through a dozen different sources trying to get a better understanding of what meditation actually is and to capture the philosophy behind it accurately. This does not make me special — all authors do it out of dedication and love for their craft, but it’s energy that could be spent doing literally anything else, especially when you consider how horrifyingly lonely the writing process can be (see point 1).
Also, there’s a reason I spend so much time making analysis posts on Silly Little Blorbos who do not exist! It gets my brain running and allows me to sharpen my understanding of the characters, so I can write them properly in my works.
3. A unique perspective on the characters, the source media, and life in general
Which gives all the flavour to my favourite AO3 works out there.
Like, yes, that extract you sent in your follow-up ask is cute, I guess, but it’s also incredibly generic:
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When actual living breathing human (or Senti) beings share their work with you, they’re inviting you to a special part of their brain that they’ve decorated with their own experiences, references and visuals — things that they love and passed onto their favourite characters, so they can hopefully reach you. For instance, Character AI would never have had the genius idea to compare Felix’s eyes to an aurora borealis; this could have only sparked from @wackus-bonkus-maximus’ brain. Similarly, my version of Felix will often reference works of art and literature that left a strong impact on me as a child — an impact I’m sure can also be sensed in my approach to storytelling and even in the way I structure sentences and paragraphs.
Which leads me to my final and most important point:
Because let’s be real — there’s a reason our brains latch onto certain characters, and said reasons aren’t always sunshine and rainbows. I’ve cried more writing about the Senticousins than over the loss of certain people or relationships in my own life. Long before that, I latched onto Clive and gave him everything I felt was missing from my life as a teenager, so I could live vicariously through him. And of course, I always make my characters some flavour of queer, because for a long time this was the only outlet I got for my own feelings and identity.
It takes a lot of vulnerability to put all of this on the Internet for others to read and judge, and it’s very disheartening to see that people would rather ask a machine to spit out some easily digestible but impersonal interactions than give your work a chance.
I can guarantee there are beautiful pieces of fanwork out there that will cater to your tastes and haunt you for years in a way Character AI or Chat GPT never could. And the good news is — if you don’t find anything, it means it’s time to write it yourself!
And of course, I cannot end this post without encouraging everyone to read about the writers’ and actors’ strike currently unfolding in the US.
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Hi, so I'm writing a 'Lila wins wish but still faces consequences' series called the Wish series. I'm currently working and posting the second story. This Lila anon has been around the first story and I had just assumed it was a normal commenter who thought it'd be funny to claim to be Lila, so I didn't question it when they popped up for the second story. At least until they left the first comment.
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It was on a chapter where Lila faced real consequences and was removed from the story by being pulled out of school after hurting Adrien and getting no support. They started to hound to me to answer their question and since it wasn't their first comment on this second story, I was getting tired of the way they worded their comments, so I called them out, which turned out to be a bad idea, as seen in the second comment.
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They've even now gone to a completely different fandom story to bother me. Dark Phantom is a My Hero/ Buko no Hero Danny Phantom au fic, has nothing to do with ML. I heard you guys aren't active much but thought you should know this person is still harassing creators. If I had known, I wouldn't of given them attention but here we are.
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If anyone is interested in the story, it's a Lukadrien story called A wish for another life and the sequel Wish come true.
wow wow wow!! Man, she is just brutal and cruel. There's no reason to get this nasty about fanfiction.
To put it into perspective, I'm watching a lot of Paternity Court for fun and the people in these shows, fighting over the parentage of their children, aren't as nasty as this anon.
I'll give you the recommendation I give everyone. Just ignore and delete. Do not engage anymore. She'll post over and over for a while, and it will feel like it's not working, but eventually she will give up.
I'm so so sorry that this happened.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the story, so if you could reblog this with a link, I will share again.
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lostinthe--stars · 1 year
Prologue from my upcoming ViperNoir/Lukadrien fic
Chat Noir had always loved these moments, sitting with his partners in the still of the night. Ladybug sat in the middle, arms stretched out behind her on the Eiffel Tower, supporting her weight as she breathed in the cool air. Viperion sat on her right – or rather, he laid on his back, arms cushioning his head as he stared up at a starless sky. The peacefulness of it all was what Chat loved the most. Up on the Eiffel Tower, he was completely free. He was just himself, with the two people he felt most at home around.
He turned his head to watch them, wanting to imprint the moment in his memory. Ladybug, feeling his gaze, cracked an eye open and smiled.
“What’s on your mind, kitty cat?” She closed her eye again, stretching her head back further to enjoy the cool breeze in her hair.
Chat Noir huffed a laugh through his nose, a small smile playing on his lips. He turned his head back to look down at the city below him, taking a few seconds to answer, “I’m just…thinking about how much I love having these moments. In my normal life, I don’t normally get to just relax and spend time with my friends like this.”
Viperion sat up, bending his knees into his chest, and leaning forward so his arms rested against his knees. He turned his head to look at Chat Noir, smiling over at him in that encouraging way he always did. Viperion was the quieter of the 3 heroes, but he could say a lot in just his eyes, the soft curve of a smile. It warmed Chat Noir’s heart in a strange way every time.
“These moments are nice, huh. Especially after a fight like that.” Ladybug said, eyes still closed as her brows furrowed almost imperceptibly at the memory of the latest akuma victim earlier that night. “Spending time with friends like this is really nice.”
Viperion hummed low in agreement, his eyes still focused on Chat Noir. “It is nice to have a break from real life, too.”
“That too.” Ladybug agreed.
“And spending time with each other outside of akuma battles.” Chat Noir added.
“Almost like we’re normal people, normal friends.” Ladybug mumbled, finally sitting up properly and opening her eyes, the small smile changed into something sad.
“Friends…” Viperion whispered, his eyes shifting to Ladybug.
“We’re friends, aren’t we? Not just superheroes?” Chat asked, looking between his partners once more.
“Of course we are kitty.” Ladybug’s smile returned, and she stood. “I should get home, early start.” Ladybug jumped from the Eiffel tower, letting herself free fall for a few second before catching herself with her yo-yo and disappearing into the night.
“CHAT!” Ladybug shrieked as she fell from the Eiffel tower. The scream echoed all through Paris, ringing in Chat’s ears as he loomed above her on the tower. This time, she didn’t catch herself, and no one was there to catch her as she hit the ground.
This is the prologue to my upcoming enemies to lovers ViperNoir/Lukadrien fanfiction, which will be posted on ao3
I’m very excited for this, I have some very big ideas I can’t wait to explore. Get ready for lots of angst, complicated feelings and some fluff sprinkled through out.
More info to come as I get closer to posting, which I will be giving updates on (:
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shipmistress9 · 1 year
ShipMistress' Miraculous Masterpost
Find my other fanfictions here or on AO3. 
If you end up reading any of my (older) fics: I’d LOVE to get feedback, comments, reviews, reactions. 💜
* Updates
* - . - * - . o O o . - * - . - *
Trust Me (FFnet) (AO3) (Tumblr)
Set somewhere after 'The Dark Owl' -- K+-rated -- Marinette asks Tikki for advice in a personal matter... unaware that her friend might know more than she says.
* Truth And Sanity (AO3)
G-rated -- Crack
One day, Alix pulls Luka and Alya aside to discuss some truths. Because love square hell is real and they can only survive it together.
* When Three Wrongs Make One Right (AO3)
Lukadrinette -- T-rated -- fluff
Instead of pretending to looking for a locker for himself, Adrien has to share the locker with Luka in order to hide from Desperada. What follows is not what he expected... But he's not complaining, either.
Canon Divergence with a focus on Adrien, Luka, and (eventually) Marinette. A universe alteration of what could have been.
* Want, Trust, Love (AO3)
Lukanette -- E-rated -- First Time
Marinette has her first time with Luka, her boyfriend whom she loves and trusts. Luka is absolutely ready to live up to her trust in him.
* Keeping The Facade (AO3)
Lukadrien -- E-rated -- Fluff and Smut -- Identity reveal
Viperion and Chat Noir are lovers, a couple, but Ladybug's laws forbid they share their civilian identities. Quick meetings after an Akuma fight are the only time they can spend together. But for how long can Adrien keep the truth from Luka? How long can he keep the facade before it breaks?
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hiseyebrowsaregone · 1 year
All the fandoms I'm in + my 5 main ships (this is literally just for fun)
Been in the longest
First fanfiction I read was about this fandom (I think)
Parley/Parkner - spend hours looking for good fics, have hundreds I need to read
Ironstrange - didn't really ship at first, now I love it
Frostiron - ‘How Big, How Blue, How beautiful’ by Takara Phoenix is the main reason I ship this and I'm working on fanbinding it
Sambucky - really cute, will always ship it
MJ/Shuri - yes, we love two badasses
Teen wolf
Probably second fandom I've been in the longest
Sterek - they had so much chemistry, should have been canon
Scisaac - swear they had more of a relationship than friendship
Stackson - had so much enemies to lovers potential
Sheriff/Peter - the fanfictions are just something else
Allison/Kira - also two badasses
Maze Runner
Love both the books and movies just wish they turned the other 2 books into movies
Newtmas - I love this ship so much
Teresa/Brenda - I swear all the girl/girl ships I love are badasses
Minho/Aris - fanfiction made me ship it
Sonya/Harriett - see even more badasses
Thominewt - these three were the greatest throuple
My Hero Academia
Don't watch anymore but still love the ships
Bakudeku - this would really only work out if it was one sided
Todobaku - enemies to lovers energy
Dabihawks - love the hero/villain dynamic so much
Todolida - very cute
Shintodo - I swear most ships with todoroki seems to just work
Was obsessed with the fandom
Dreamnotfound - classic
Deoinnit - PLATONIC only though
Karlnapity - favourite threesome
Quackity/Wilbur - The enemies to lover potential
Ranboo/Tubbo - Favourite platonic husbands
Miraculous Ladybug
Watched the first season in like 2016? Watched the second season a few years later and now I kind of on-off watch it
Lukadrien - Tumblr made me discover that it was a thing and I've loved it ever since
Kagaminette - shipped this since the episode we were first introduced to kagami
Alyno - cute also the first straight ship I have mentioned on here
Adrienette/ladynoir - there relationship is more confusing then my sexuality-
Julerose - Yes, first gay thing I shipped in MLB, they are made for one another
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trashyangelic · 9 months
𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕔'𝕤 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
01. Prompts request is open but it required on this list. 02. I do not accept NSFW since I have never experienced of making it before. 03. If there is a specific question you want to ask do it right after I recieved the request from others. Having questions and prompt request at the same time is clogging my ideas. 04. When requesting a prompt just say it like this, 'trashyangelic's request : prompts' & details.
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𝐅𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 | prompts, isekai, fics . . .
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Levitate | female harry x draco : : ON-GOING
Its their sixth year meaning its coming to the end. A letter was brought to Minerva for her to read. They are forced to watch Julia Potter's life. Although Julia was taken from her own birth family no thanks to Albus Dumbledore. To many in magical and muggle world they know that El-Melloi is a royal family that strived from pureblood family. • CASTS, PLAYLISTS, TRIGGER & CREDITS, PROLOGUE, CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 2 • QUOTEV, AO3
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𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐓 | prompts, fics, isekai . . .
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𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 | prompts, fics, bashings, haphne, dramione, blinny . . .
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LIFETIME | fanfiction, dramione, watching the future
Hermione misses her cousin Clary the most they were like sisters when they were little. She can be a badass if she wants to. Her father trained her to be one of the best shadowhunters ever known. She is a childhood friend to Isabelle Lightwood after her parents had decided to move to London. Turns out Mrs. Lightwood is her godmother which makes Isabelle her godsister. But now the magical world will be watching Hermione Granger's life along with her relatives. Blaise didn't know that Hermione is his godsister but he will be in shock. AVAILABLE on Wattpad, Quotev, AO3 TUMBLR PARTS are CASTS, PROLOGUE, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
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𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 | prompts, isekai . . .
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𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 | prompts, fanfic (depends on cibby or seddie) . . .
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Search Inside | prompt, seddie, cibby : : COMING SOON
Let's say Sam is now famous but in secret as she haven't told her friends about it except her mother and sister who know about it but decided to play it along of not knowing that Samantha is famous. She is a fashion designer and a figure skater champion, a youtuber influencer, but also a model included.
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𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓 | prompts, fanfic (mainly creddie) . . .
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𝐌𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐃𝐘𝐁𝐔𝐆 | prompts, fics, salt, pairings, redemptions . . .
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Fearless | felinette, lila salt, adrien salt, bustier salt : : ON - HOLD
Marinette had enough and decided to take that high road advice up to their asses. And do whatever she takes to take down Lila or better yet get her out of Paris for good perhaps a prison would be good in her plans. She decided to look online to see how will she able to do this without failing as she has spoken to her parents about Lila and Bustier in her class they decided to transfer to Mrs. Mendeleiev's class from that toxic classroom that they have been hearing alot from Chloe after visiting the bakery for her lunches. • PART ONE , PART TWO
Invited to Met Gala | felinette, lila salt : : COMING SOON
on twitter there is an invitation to the met gala for her to attend but she need a date so she ask chloe if she knows someone who got invited to met gala to go with her and that would be felix as in adrien's cousin. this is also broadcasting on live for many who will be watching from. this also may cause some reveal that lila gets in trouble the way she sprouts lies about going to met gala but lies about the end date to go there she will be going but the met gala is in two days. • PART ONE , PART TWO
Midas Touch | Feligaminette, DJWifi, Julerose, Lukadrien, Chlolix : : COMING SOON
Luka, Kagami, and Felix decided to be in Mrs. Mendeleiev's class while Marinette, Adrien, Chloe, and Alix are in Ms. Bustier's class as they work in the shadows to get rid of a liar along with her posse who had the audacity just to bully Marinette into keeping silent. But with Sabrina as spy for Chloe's ideal when she found out that Lila was a liar. Kagami and Felix who are Agros and Ryuko both felt in love with Marinette the day they found out her identity as Ladybug. Adrien found out he is gay after he accidentally kissed Luka in front of his sister and Rose. Alya went to apologize to Marinette for not believing her that Lila is a liar but also found that Adrien is gay when kissing Luka then the other time she saw Marinette with Kagami and Felix but deep down she missed alot. She had apologized the celebrities that were lied to but told them who did this to gain popularity it didn't look good for Lila if she was in school. At the end, Lila was brought back to school by her mother when the school nurse called her about her aliments of fake disabilities. Lila's mother decided to keep Lila in school instead of going for new schools. But warn the principal and teacher if they fail to inform her she had no other choice to get the school board involved caused of their negligence. • PART ONE, PART TWO, PART THREE, PART FOUR
A Student Spotted A Familiar Girl | Lila Salt, Marinette Deserves Better : : UPDATED
Aurore Beaureal was on her way to TVi News Building as Weather Girl. At the corner of her eye she spotted none other than Lila Rossi. She is extremely suspicious for Aurore after hearing that Lila has been bullying Marinette into keeping quiet. • PART ONE, PART TWO, & PART THREE
A Field Trip to RMS Queen Mary Ship | Lila Salt, Alya Salt, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt : : COMING SOON
Marinette decided to do some research on RMS Queen Mary turn out to be haunted in some areas and rooms. There is one thing she never told her friends about except her family knew this ever since she was very little she can see spirits and talk to them but she doesn't deal with demons but she doest help spirits to cross over from a mirror portal. So she asked if her group of friends wanna come but decided to set up for a field trip since some of her classmates and teachers doesn't believe in ghost unlike her friends from her group. Chloe suggested to take the Full Suites for herself, Kagami, Marinette, Felix, Luka, and Adrien. But the rest of the class gets Mini Suites. Marinette stated that Lila, Alya, Bustier, and Damocles gets the haunted room. While Lila decided to take credit of Marinette of assigning field trips and make some lies about RMS Queen Mary. But some students in the class doesn't believe it they did their own search on their phone. But at the end it goes really bad for Lila, Alya, Bustier, and Damocles they all have marks from a demonic entity who isn't very happy with them or perhaps provoking any spirits in the room they are staying in which is B340. • PART ONE & PART TWO
No Tears Left to Cry | Song Fic, Felinette, Chlogami, Lukadrien : : requested from elthiansangel @ wattpad
Do one where Marinette sings No Tears Left to cry from Ariana Grande during the Diamonds' Dance from season 5 episode 18? For Felinette & Lukadrien, Chlogami. • PART ONE + PART TWO
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𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐎 | prompts, fics, hurt/comfort, action, bashings . . .
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𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 | prompts, angst, horror . . .
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𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐒 | prompts, fics, isekai . . .
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𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐄𝐗𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 | prompts, fics, isekai . . .
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Please tell me about Wayhem and Luka!
Oh my goodness thank you very much for asking! 🤩
So I’m pretty sure this all started with wanting some excuse for Lukadrien(ette) angst lmao. Likely unrequited love on Luka’s part, where Luka is trying to give distance so his two crushes can be together. In a fanfiction world where polyamory has for some reason not been considered, Luka tries to move on. Wayhem meets Luka when he becomes a bit of a Kitty Section groupie, coming to their shows in an attempt to be around Adrien. Since Wayhem tries to imitate Adrien, Luka is sort of drawn to him, perhaps a bit unhealthily looking for a (wannabe) replacement. OR he just sees someone trying to mimic someone else’s song when their melody is already rock and roll as is.
There’s a bunch of different directions this ship could go. Perhaps a slow fluffy friendship/Luka playing therapist (well we sure know that’s in character haha) that builds to something new. Perhaps something more toxic where they’re both feeding unhealthy feelings of unrequited love and for Wayhem the desire to be someone else (he wants to be Adrien so being desired for his likeness to Adrien is almost like sick validation). Could even go an even darker twist where Wayhem is trying to fully take over Adrien’s life and that includes trying to steal his (ex)boyfriend/crush.
There’s also some small Wayka crumbs in Optigami where Luka tries to guide and protect him and I’m very into that gay shit, yes please.
If you ever want to read the deliciously angsty/toxic side of Wayka/Luhem, you should read Easier by the lovely @writer-rider-dirty-thirties 😍
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rainbow-arrow · 7 months
chapter eighteen (18) is here! (of wato. untitled 69 is coming i PROMISE it's my plane entertainment so that's like. 6 hours of work in)
am i presenting in an academic conference in five days time and writing fanfiction rather than making my presentation for said conference? oh yeah. that's so on-brand for me though. i have my proposal defense the week after and then i have spring break and time to chill and write to my heart's content as i wait for irb approval (sociologists know).
it's just been a bit so i thought any update would be appreciated. this fic is still alive and well! thank you for still reading and being patient between updates!
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doctor-peggy · 3 years
Extra for Among the Wild Things by Mikauzoran (version 1 - the unfinished version)
First, this is a spin-off/continuation based on @mikauzoran’s fanfic Among the Wild Things, which if you have not read before coming across this post, you should definitely read here (Ao3) or here (Tumblr, chapter 1). Mikauzoran’s stories are so awesome and I always love reading them, so I was really happy to be able to write a spin-off based on one of them.
Second, I am once again posting an unfinished piece... I’m sorry. I had so many ways I wanted to take this but I didn’t yet know how to write the characters and struggled a lot with the interactions. After several attempts I was left with this little one-shot, which isn’t quite what I wanted to write but it’s the best I have right now, and I didn’t want to leave it in my documents folder forever because this particular version wasn’t going any further no matter how hard I tried. That doesn’t mean this is it... I have at least two other versions and once I’ve sorted out both of those I’ll post one or both of them (and also figure out which one I’m counting as the real and actual one (spoiler alert: it won’t be this one)). I just probably will take some time because I really want to do a good job because I like Mikau’s work a lot and I don’t want to just post something meh because I didn’t take the time to figure it out. All the promises to finish this, I will not let it go until I’m done. 
Okay, that’s the disclaimer. Now, the actual fic (I’m sorry it’s so small, the other versions aren’t):
The day had been so eventful, that even as officer Roger was telling Anarka that he would let their slightly-too-loud music slide, Luka held his breath.
As if it hadn’t been shocking enough meet unfamiliar people with familiar faces, just as Luka had managed to convince himself that these were just new friends with old names, his mother had been akumatised, he had been taken hostage, and the Liberty had been (temporarily) destroyed. Never mind that Juleka and Rose had been whispering heatedly about something to each other all evening, trying and failing (though they themselves did not know that) to keep Luka from noticing.
He took a deep breath. At least Marinette didn’t seem so put out anymore over whoever it was who hadn’t been able to join them. Luka plucked a few notes on his guitar. She really was beautiful, the same as the Marinette from back then had been. Less confident, a fair bit more awkward (albeit endearingly so), but underneath it all Luka felt as though there was the same melody. Was he thinking too hard about what was probably just a coincidence? Was it even just a coincidence?
He was stopped from continuing on that train of thought, however, by a cheer that rose up from Rose, Juleka and their friends as someone came up the steps leading to the Liberty.
Luka looked up from his guitar, curious. Was this the person they had all been waiting on earlier that day? His eyes registered the dark blue jeans first, then the black t-shirt and white jacket, and finally…
Luka felt the breath in his lungs leave him all at once. He took in the hair, the nose, the lips, the eyes… and Luka’s heartbeat, seeming to have stopped in the moment prior, suddenly reverberated through every part of his body.
It’s not him Luka tried to tell himself, even as he felt a hundred different emotions fill up his chest. He clutched the neck of his guitar, trying to regain control of his breathing. It can’t be him.
He stared, paralysed, barely even hearing the shouts of excitement around him, as the lookalike made his way down the stairs, and, of all things, tripped, landing face-first onto the deck of the liberty.
Luka gaped, snapping out of his stupor and moving forward on instinct, but still too slow from the shock he had just received.
“Adrien, are you okay?” Nino dived in, beating Luka to it.
Luka faltered, hands shaking. It was still all a coincidence, wasn’t it? Nino and Marinette… and now Adrien.  
But as Adrien got up, his jacket shifted, and the neck of his shirt stretched to reveal the space just between his shoulder and his neck, marked with the unmistakable shape of a bite. It was there only for a second and then gone the next, but it was long enough for Luka to know without a doubt what it was, even as Adrien had already started to reach out to open the keyboard case he had stumbled into.
Luka’s blood thrummed in his ears.
“An original ZX 20.4? I love the sound of this instrument!” Adrien exclaimed, oblivious to the shifting boards under Luka’s feet.
“That old thing! Nobody knows how to play it!” Anarka beamed, ignoring the incredulous look Luka was aiming at her.
“I do,” Adrien responded cheerfully, and finally, finally Luka managed to find his voice.
“Awesome!” he jumped in, offering a hand to Adrien. Electricity shot through his veins where their fingers touched. “Welcome to the group, Adrien.”
“Thanks, uhm…” Adrien hesitated, eyebrows creasing. Luka held his breath for a moment, wishing for a miracle, but the moment passed, and Luka gave in.
“Luka,” he offered.
“Thanks, Luka,” Adrien amended, smile returning.
“If I may ask…” Luka risked in a moment of impulsiveness, “was that a tattoo on your shoulder?”
“Oh! No, it’s—it’s a birthmark,” Adrien blushed, “it’s kind of a weird one, isn’t it? Although I’ve always rather liked it.”
He laughed, teeth flashing sheepishly, the warm evening light catching on the curve of his cheeks. Luka’s chest overflowed with affection. Irrationally, he felt the urge to profess his love right then, get down on one knee and ask for Adrien’s hand in marriage. He reigned in his emotions.
“It’s nice to meet you Adrien,” he breathed, tempering his tone so that it didn’t sound as enamored as he felt, “Why don’t I help you set that keyboard up?”
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Countdown to...: (Lukadrien)
by Nakira Taisho
Date Posted: (2022-08-11)
Chapters: 2/2
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Kagami Tsurugi, Luka Couffaine
Additional Tags: Soulmate-Identifying Timers, episode rewrite, Episode: s02 Riposte, Episode: s02 Captain Hardrock
Series: Part 5 of Miraculous One-Shots
Summary: Those meetings can range from romantic to straight up weird...it can even be a 'kidnapping'...
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theriveroflight · 4 years
sweet song of love
Rating: T
Word Count: 2677
Pairings: Lukadrien, Marigami, platonic Adrinette & Adrigami
Summary: A double date, except the two couples are seeking to get together instead of being together in advance. Fun, right?
For @the-fourth-queen as part of the @lukadrien-winter exchange!
Read on AO3
Thursday morning. Sometime before Christmas.
“Hey, Adrien,” Marinette asks. They’re at school, sitting next to each other because Alya and Nino are both absent due to illness.
Adrien hopes they hadn’t caught it from each other, but that is a distinct possibility. “Yeah?”
“I was thinking, since you can’t come over for Christmas, we could go to the Christmas shops and I was going to plan out a mini Secret Santa, kind of. I’ll be asking Kagami because she can’t do Christmas with us either, but you can bring whoever you want, and it’ll just be the four of us.”
“And because you have a crush on her,” Adrien teases. “It’s okay, by the way, because I was going to ask Luka and make it an attempt at a double date. And maybe we can both get the people that we want to be with.”
She offers him a fistbump. “I was thinking this Saturday after you both have fencing practice — you don’t have anything after, right?” 
“I don’t, but something might come up — I’ll text you if something comes up.” Adrien smiles. The bell rings to signal the beginning of class, and Ms. Bustier breezes into the classroom to stand at the board and begins teaching.
Adrien scrolls slowly through his phone to find the unnamed contact in it — sometimes, he has to put in the number again, because he has to delete it before he lets someone look at his phone, but he makes it work. He texts Luka quickly, extending him the invitation to Marinette’s...outing...with Kagami. He doesn’t call it what he wants to, because they aren’t boyfriends (yet?).
Luka responds with a yes, and he doesn’t say anything but he’s tempted to jump for joy or squeal or something overly enthusiastic.
Well, Adrien needs to do some homework, and then practice piano, and hopefully there won’t be an akuma attack to interrupt that.
It’s just a matter of waiting until Saturday.
He ends up abandoning the homework in favor of improvising something on his piano. While he’s been neglecting practice in favor of being Chat Noir, he doesn’t really enjoy the pieces.
Kitty Section renews his enthusiasm towards music — their songs are simpler than the classical that Father insists he play, but they’re more energetic, and he can feel the energy there when he plays with them. Not that he gets to very often — but it’s still something that he enjoys.
And, of course, thoughts of Kitty Section bring with them thoughts of Luka. His fingers still upon the keys, pausing to think up something else. The emergent melody is something slow, improvised, more harmonious than he expects.
He hears Plagg snigger, and switches what he’s playing to the sheet music on the stand, playing more angrily than the piano dynamic marking requires of him.
There is no akuma attack to interrupt his practice. By the time it’s time for bed, he hasn’t even touched his homework.
Saturday morning comes, and with it the 8 AM fencing practice. Adrien’s always been a morning person, though, and so he’s been doing his homework since he woke up at 5:30.
Well, he took a break to eat, but otherwise it’s been almost all homework (that he neglected to do Friday due to the akuma attack). 
It’s 7:30.
He quickly gets changed into his gear. The gym bag is all packed and ready to go, and he’s already eaten, so he just needs to get downstairs and get going to practice.
He runs downstairs. It’s 7:45 — he has time to walk, but he’s going to get driven anyways, so he’ll be early to practice.
He casually plays that Ladybug and Chat Noir match-3 game on the car ride, as short as it is. He only gets one round in before it’s time to go. Still couldn’t beat Evillustrator… 
He deposits his bag in the locker room, and then proceeds to the area where they fence and begins to warm up.
Kagami begins doing jumping jacks next to him. They’ll pair up during practice (if not assigned to help the less advanced students, that is), but he isn’t going to ask her if she’s coming. He hasn’t heard from Marinette — he told her that Luka was coming for sure, but last he knew she still had yet to ask Kagami to come along.
Marinette was a late riser, though, so he doubts that she would have asked her if she still hadn’t on Friday at school, but perhaps she did after school and he just hadn’t heard about it yet.
Mr. D'Argencourt comes into the area.
He is the worst part of these practices — at least he tends to leave Adrien and Kagami to their own devices.
“Partner stretching,” Mr. D’Argencourt declares. “Hold your partner accountable for stretching. I will return in fifteen minutes to announce today’s activities.”
Adrien scoots over to sit across from Kagami. “Did Marinette ask you to come out with us to the Christmas market?”
“She asked me yesterday afternoon.” Kagami doesn’t elaborate any more. “I told my mother that I had a lunch and study session with some of my classmates for a few hours after fencing. Tatsu will be picking me up from the library at 1:30 PM.”
“That should be plenty of time to go to the markets and get lunch. I don’t know exactly what Marinette’s planned, but...”
Kagami nods. “I was hoping to take the opportunity today to confess my feelings for Marinette.”
“Best of luck, then.” He stands up to finish stretching. “Do you think I should go for it with Luka?”
“It can be difficult to discern his feelings, because I do not get to see him as often as you do, but I do not think you should be afraid of telling him. Even if he doesn’t reciprocate, you will both recover from it.”
Adrien nods, but it feels weird because he’s bent over going to touch his toes.
So...maybe he can take a chance.
He and Kagami walk from practice to the square where the market appears annually. He’s only heard about it — he’s never actually been.
Marinette and Luka are casually chatting when they get there. He checks the time — it’s 9:53.
“Alright. So, you’re going to draw a name from my purse,” Adrien spots a flash of red darting out, but he can’t tell exactly what it is. “If you get your own, put it back, because you shouldn’t get a gift for yourself. You can go round the market and buy something for the person you draw, and in an hour and a half, we’ll meet back up here for something to eat.”
Adrien reaches into the purse first. He withdraws Kagami’s name from the pouch.
Oh, thank goodness.
Kagami steps up at the same time as Luka to take the next slip. She goes to grab one, unfolds it, and nods.
Luka withdraws a slip, unfolds it, and pockets it without doing anything else.
Marinette takes out the last one. “Perfect! I’ll see you all in an hour and a half, starting...”
“Wait,” Adrien says, “let me set a timer too so we can split up in pairs, or something.” He pulls out his phone and quickly sets the timer.
“You ready?” Marinette asks. He nods in reply. “Starting, now!” 
Marinette takes Kagami by the wrist and walks off.
“I wasn’t expecting her to be so bold,” Luka remarks. “So, who’d you get?”
“What if it’s you?” Adrien asks.
“That question tells me it’s not.” Luka winks. “I have Marinette’s.”
“I got Kagami.”
He nods. “So they got us.” 
“Well,” Adrien says, looking up at Luka, “that means that we can stick together to shop for them?”
“Of course.”
The two begin to explore the market.
“Look at this,” Adrien says as they walk by a stall, trying not to laugh too hard to the point where it drowns out his words. “I should totally get this. Kagami would love it.”
It’s a really awful sweater. “No you shouldn’t.” Luka lightly shoves him. “I already know what I’m getting for Marinette.”
“Then why are you with me? Wouldn’t it make more sense to just get it and go straight back?”
“Because I like...hanging out with you.”
“Aw, I knew you liked me,” Adrien says. But he doesn’t know that. He doesn’t.
He hears Luka mutter something, but Adrien doesn’t catch it.
“Come on, Adrien, we can get Marinette’s and then you can wander around looking for something fitting for Kagami.” Luka smiles at him, and though Luka isn’t physically dragging him, Adrien still feels compelled to go with him.
And then he spots it. There’s a shop with some wooden statues — they’re all fairly small, they can fit in the palm of his hand, and while most of them are Christmas-themed, there’s a small wooden Eastern dragon.
When he picks it up, the shopkeeper says, “You know, I wasn’t expecting to sell that today. It’s Christmas, after all.”
“This is for a friend of mine.”
“They say that the Eastern dragon brings good fortune.”
Adrien tilts his head. “Well, that’s not why I’m getting it. How much is this?”
“Seven Euros.” That’s...surprisingly reasonable.
“Do you do wrapping, or will I have to request somewhere else?”
“I can give you some paper?”
“Great.” Adrien holds out a 10-Euro bill, and the shopkeeper hands him back three. They grab the dragon, and wrap it in tissue paper. The wrapping is functional, but that’s all it needs to be.
“Thank you!” Adrien says to them. “Have a great day.”
Luka smiles when Adrien turns back to him. “I’m glad you found something good. You know, I’m not actually fond of shopping.”
“I...me too, kind of? This is different from all the other shopping I’ve done before.” Adrien pauses to think a little bit, but they keep walking. Luka’s directing them — he’s going to find Marinette’s gift. “I mean, I get to be with people that I like, and I’m free to buy whatever. If I want something ridiculous, I can do that, too.”
He looks up at the sky. Since when were the clouds that grey?
“We should get going,” Luka says, as though he’s reading Adrien’s mind.
“I always have an umbrella,” Adrien says, digging around in his bag. “Oh, huh, the one in here isn’t there. I might have moved it to my messenger bag after I gave it to Marinette...”
“Well, there’ll probably be a place where we can buy one.” Luka shrugs. “And then you can probably ask Marinette to give it back, next time you get the chance.”
The lights in most of the little popup shops are still out. “Yeah. Let’s get it before the rain starts.”
Adrien takes Luka’s hand, and they start running for the shop. Luka somehow knows where the stand is with what he wants.
Now it’s Adrien’s turn to wait while Luka browses — not that Adrien minds, it gives him the chance to take Luka in.
There are a lot of reasons why Adrien is fond of Luka. It starts with his care towards others, and ends with Viperion. Alphabetical list, after all.
Not like Adrien has a physical one, but the mental one is ingrained in his brain.
They both walk out of the tent, Luka with a small bag and Adrien carrying his present in his pocket with his gym bag still over his shoulder.
The skies open up on them. Adrien ducks under a tent to check the time they have left — they still have forty-five minutes before their timer. He texts Marinette, asking her where they’re meeting up now.
Marinette texts them directions to one of the food stands — well, at least they’ll be out of the rain.
Luka puts up his hood. “You ready?”
Adrien puts his bag over his head, a little bit of shelter. “As I’ll ever be.”
They go out into the rain, and the two of them begin to run in the direction given to them.
Adrien can tell Luka’s starting to run out of steam, so he slows down, even though being Chat Noir has fueled his endurance.
“Hey, you good?” Luka looks tired, hood soaked, and he’s still asking Adrien if he’s the one doing okay.
“I could ask the same as you,” Adrien replies, breathless not from the exercise but from Luka — it’s a miraculous moment, and in the Christmas lights it feels almost romantic.
“I...mean, it’s always good, as long as I’m with you.”
Adrien looks up at Luka. “Really?”
“We should keep moving.” Luka turns away. Adrien grabs his jacket.
“No, wait, this is important, because...”
“Adrien, I don’t...”
“Me too. ‘Cause I’m in love with you,” Adrien whispers, the sound of the downpour in the background fading away as he listens for what Luka says next.
“You are?” Luka replies.
They start to walk. “I don’t know when it started, but it was only recently that I realized,” Adrien says.
“I was distracted from realizing. It’s not that the person I liked wasn’t worthy of loving, but it’s you for me, right now.”
They arrive at the pavilion.
Marinette and Kagami are already sitting at a table.
“How’d it go?” Marinette asks, when they sit down. She and Kagami seem to be holding hands under the table, though Adrien couldn’t corroborate that without seeming suspicious.
“I think it went just fine,” Adrien says, looking over at Luka.
“Are we ready to begin exchanging gifts, then?” Kagami asks, removing a small box from her bag.
“I believe we are,” Luka answers.
“We’ll go in order of drawing,” Marinette declares, “so Adrien, you’re up.”
He removes the paper-wrapped statuette from his pocket. “Here you go, Kagami.”
She unwraps it from its packaging. “This looks very nice. I think it will compliment my room nicely. Thank you, Adrien.” She slides the box over to Luka. “I do not know you very well, but I still hope you enjoy this.”
He opens the box to find a ukelele inside the box. “Oh, cool,” Luka says, picking it out of the box and starting to strum a few chords, testing out the instrument. “Thanks, Kagami.”
She nods. “I’m glad my gift was to your satisfaction.”
“Well,” Luka says, “I had you, Marinette, and I hope you’ll like this.” He passes the bag to her over the table. “It got a little wet in the rain.”
She pries away the wet tissue paper to find a black cat glass ornament.
“I love it,” she says, smiling.
“I know you and Chat Noir are friendly,” Luka says, “so I decided to get you this.”
“Better than Ladybug,” she mutters. Then, louder: “Well, last but not least...Adrien, I know this time of year is hard for you, so I got you this at the market...” She passes him a box, with an ornament that’s a golden dove. “And I made you a sweater.”
“You did?!” Adrien says. He slides the box into his gym bag. She gives him a bag, with something soft in it.
He takes it out, and it is one of the worst things he’s ever seen. Adrien absolutely loves it.
“I actually knitted one for each of you,” Marinette says, taking one out of her backpack for Kagami and Luka, respectively. “Merry Christmas.”
Luka nods, looking at his sweater.
“Why are they so...strange?” Kagami asks.
“It’s called an ugly sweater,” Marinette explains. “They’re supposed to be like that.”
Kagami nods slowly.
Time flies as they chat away. Eventually, Marinette walks Kagami to the library, and it’s just Luka and Adrien.
“So, about the rain,” Luka says, “does that mean that...”
“I want to date you,” Adrien says. “I don’t know how we’ll go about that.”
“I want to be boyfriends with you, too.” Luka interlaces their fingers. “We’ll figure it out.”
And even though Adrien knows he’ll have to go back to his lonely home again, he feels the opposite of lonely, whatever that may be.
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ninadove · 1 year
yes all valid points but have you considered: i literally cannot access fanfiction websites. please don't assume i use c.ai because i think it's better than the fanfiction written by actual people, trust me when i say if i could i would be devouring every lukadrien fic written on ao3 and ffn and leaving extensive comments on each one, as i continue to do for the fic content i find on tumblr. but the fact is that the only way for me to get my silly characters being in love in a way they'll never actually be in canon serotonin was character.ai lol
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I’m sorry this is your situation, but please consider that going to AI for this kind of content actually hurts the people genuinely working to keep the fandom alive, reduces our motivation to create, and as a result decreases the amount and diversity of content available out there for everyone.
Do keep in mind that most AIs actually get their content from materials that were stolen from actual writers. I don’t know the inner workings of Character AI and from my understanding it isn’t how this particular app functions, but the more demand exists for this kind of “creative” AIs, the more damage is caused to our work.
Ultimately I can’t come to your house and force you to shut down your laptop, but at the very least please don’t send these snippets to authors putting their heart and soul out there. It’s just so demoralising.
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: The Rebellion of Adrien Agreste, ch. 13
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi/karma, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/aneurism, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg & Tikki
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Jagged Stone, Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Penny Rolling, Anarka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Nadja Chamack, Nathalie Sancoeur, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Fang, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, original minor character, Alec Cataldi, Lila Rossi’s Mother, Sabrina Raincomprix, Roger Raincomprix, Mylène Haprèle, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste’s Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Nooroo
Tags: Lila Rossi salt, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teenage Rebellion, Swearing, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Crack Treated Seriously, Lila Rossi’s Lies Are Exposed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Luka Couffaine Needs a Hug, Paparazzi, Parentification, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Gabriel Agreste Needs an Aneurism, Uncle Jagged Stone, we’re all queer here, the spirit of punk is sometimes just being allowed to be yourself, Kagami Finds Her Groove, punk rock fashion, Savage Kagami, Marinette protection squad, Good Parent Sabine Cheng, Good Parent Tom Dupain, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pansexual Luka Couffaine, Sharing a Bed, Pet Names, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Instagram, Bullying, Social Media, Anxiety, Makeover, Hugs, will cure your acne, Face Punching, Bad Ass Juleka Couffaine, Rumors, Protective Juleka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste, Lawyers, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Holding Hands, accountability, mental health, Jagged Stone’s well-paid pet shark, How to Make the Evening News, Sexy eyeliner for days, one fish two fish Lila is a screwed fish, How to have fun and piss Gabriel off, Fuckery, sweet litigious karma, Alya sugar, lawyer shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, Schadenfreude, Bad Ass Alya Césaire, Gaslighting, abuse denormalization, Jagged likes his lawyers like he likes his pets: toothy af, Blood in the Water, Everything you didn’t know you wanted and some things you did, Gabriel Agreste is shark bait, Denial, Consequences, Principal Damocles salt, caline bustier salt, the impotence of Gabriel Agreste, snarky Nooroo, lies and the lying liars who tell them, Lila’s brain is a narcissistic hellscape, Lila’s mind is built like an Escher piece, Alec Cataldi salt, Adrien Sugar, wholesome salt, Fu Salt, Kwami Shenanigans, Nooroo is a little shit
Summary:  Sweet Litigious Karma
AO3 link
Chapters 1-2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
They had to wait for Jagged to coax Fang out of the limo before they could proceed with phase two of the plan. Juleka murmured something to Rose, who dashed into the school and returned with Luka’s guitar.
Juleka took it and drifted to the open limo door, which had Fang hanging halfway out of it.
“I know without your guitar you feel like you’re missing a limb, so I figure you shouldn’t be without it today.” She handed it to him. “Especially after this drama.”
Luka peered out the limo and flashed a little smile. “Thanks, sis. I wanted to work on a song for Adrien, anyway. He should know what his heartsong sounds like.”
Adrien blushed at that, ducking his head.
This wasn’t part of the script, but they’d all decided ad-libbing was a good idea if anything came to mind. He’d told Luka to pretend all the reporters were naked, and apparently that had calmed him enough.
He moved back to the limo door, keeping out of Fang’s path, and took Luka’s hand. “I look forward to hearing it, ma luciole.”
An enraged high-pitched sort of bellow sounded from behind him, and Adrien turned to see Lila stomping toward him, her face a mottled red. She froze when Fang snapped in her direction, clearly bothered by her movements.
“Yeah, Fang here doesn’t like when brats like yourself harass his friends. Adrien and Luka here? They’re friends.” Jagged crossed his arms. “You’re just the liar who claimed to save my nonexistent kitten from a runway.”
Lila fumed, then turned on Marinette, who stood near her parents. “You! You did this!”
Tom protectively moved in front of his daughter as the Italian took a step in her direction, straightening his spine to increase his height.
M. Damocles cleared his throat. “Mlle. Rossi, you are on very thin ice. Stop harassing your classmates.”
“I’ll see you later,” Adrien murmured, letting go of Luka’s hand to move closer to Marinette, just in case she needed defending.
He noticed Juleka doing the same thing—and he wasn’t the only one, if Lila’s narrowing eyes were any indication.
Lila’s posture changed, becoming demure and defensive, as though she was protecting herself from harm. “I’m sorry, M. Damocles. I-I just can’t believe Marinette would go this far to bully me!”
The girl fled past the principal into the school, crying fake tears. M. Damocles blinked, looking confused. Adrien hoped he wasn’t buying into that sham.
“Fang’s better at crocodile tears than she is,” Jagged snorted, shutting the limo door now that Fang was completely out. “What a prima donna.”
The press didn’t hear him and ignored the limo as it pulled away with Luka, instead taking the opportunity to swarm Marinette, calling out questions.
“What led to Jagged Stone employing a 14-year-old girl as his designer?”
“Do you care to comment on your rivalry with Mlle. Rossi?”
“Is it true the text messages to the press were fake and you’re the real bully?”
Adrien frowned at that one, and pulled out his phone, turning it on so he could display the messages. Keeping it off wasn’t necessary since his father likely could see his location on TV.
The questions continued to ring out until…
“You seem awfully close with Mlle. Tsurugi. Are you dating?” That one was from Alec Cataldi.
Marinette blushed brightly at that question, looking more overwhelmed than he had ever seen her.
Jagged shoved his way through the crowd. “Oi! What are you doing prying into the romantic life of an underage teenager? Bloody paparazzi!”
Cataldi immediately backed off, and Penny grabbed Jagged’s arm to keep him from advancing.
That gave Adrien the opportunity to finish opening his text messages, pulling up the ones from Lila. He shoved his phone toward the reporters, scrolling up and down so they could see.
“Not faked,” Adrien announced, his voice icy. “And not ‘leaked,’ either. I made sure they went public intentionally. I do not tolerate threats against my friends. We are finished with questions, as we have other business to attend to.”
When several reporters started to ask more questions anyway, he channeled his father, as much as he hated to do that. “I will remind you that under French law taking pictures and footage of minors without permission is quite illegal, and we’ve tolerated that up to this point.”
Dead silence fell immediately, and the reporters backed off, the implied threat effective.
The space allowed them to move forward into the school, trailed by Fang. The bell rang as they entered, but the courtyard was filled with students and teachers, mostly gaping at them.
To be fair, Mme. Mendeleiev was trying to round up her students, but none of them were paying her any mind.
M. Damocles cleared his throat. “Apparently the entire school is tardy,” he announced loudly.
There was a rush as the students and teachers cleared the courtyard, with the exception of Mme. Bustier’s class, who kept watching since their teacher was beside the principal.
He turned to her. “Caline, go handle your class. I will send M. Agreste and Mlle. Dupain-Cheng along once this… matter is dealt with.”
Adrien wasn’t fond M. Damocles’ dismissive tone, but he figured that’d be destroyed by the lawyer soon enough.
In any case, as Mme. Bustier led the way up the stairs, he took quiet joy in the way his classmates gave Lila a wide berth, like she was contagious. Well, aside from Juleka, who was staying closer than was strictly necessary and smiling menacingly.
They quickly found themselves squeezed a bit tightly into the principal’s office—six adults, two teens, and a crocodile were a bit much for the small room.
Jagged took one chair, and Tom took the other, leaving the rest to stand. The lawyer placed her briefcase on the desk to open it, taking out a stack of paperwork and handing it to the principal.
“I’ll keep this brief, M. Damocles. M. Dupain and Mme. Cheng are concerned with the lack of investigation into the allegations against their daughter, and the lack of investigation into Mlle. Rossi’s claims—from illnesses and disabilities to excuses for absences. It implies not only a degree of favoritism, but additionally calls into question whether this school is following basic procedure.”
“I am not finished, sir. Furthermore, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng has faced a multitude of instances of harcèlement moral, bullying, including destruction of her property by the mayor’s daughter—who, I might add, faced no consequences in another implied instance of favoritism. She has now been targeted by a self-admitted serial liar, whose frankly ludicrous tales managed to fool the authorities at this school, injuring her mental health. That file outlines everything she has faced in the past year.”
Adrien could see Marinette’s face redden out of the corner of his eye, and knew the lawyer wasn’t exaggerating—he’d seen and heard enough last night to know that now. He put a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently to let her know he had her back.
The lawyer continued. “While current French Labor Code would see this as a violation, the law has woefully not seen fit to include schools, the workplace of students, in this definition. M. Stone is strongly disgusted by this oversight, and would be happy to see whether a suit on his employee’s behalf regarding these incidents could result in precedence in case law.”
M. Damocles’ eyes had widened, his face pale. Adrien almost felt sorry for him, but it was the inaction of far too many adults that had allowed Lila’s reign of terror to go on this long.
“However, we would prefer to resolve this outside of the courts, if at all possible. Since, unfortunately, orders of protection in France are not granted outside of situations of domestic violence. As neither M. Agreste nor Mlle. Dupain-Cheng are in a romantic relationship with Mlle. Rossi, this means they are unable to pursue one under current French law. So I will be frank: my clients seek, at minimum, an investigation into this matter and the immediate removal of Mlle. Rossi from Mme. Bustier’s classroom, so their education is not further interrupted by her behavior.”
The principal stuttered a few times. “Ah, b-but I have to consider the impact on Mlle. Rossi’s education—”
The lawyer smoothly interrupted. “Her education has already been interrupted by alleged travel outside of the country—which presumably you verified with her parents—whereas M. Agreste and Mlle. Dupain-Cheng have been in consistent attendance.”
“I-I will need to contact her mother, of course—”
“Yes, I suggest you do that. We will, of course, wait outside until you are finished speaking with Mme. Rossi. Might I suggest, if you are unable to reach her by the number provided to the school, you contact the Embassy? My clients have already been quite patient.”
With that, the lawyer closed her suitcase, and stepped over Fang to reach the door. The rest of them followed her out.
Marinette looked a bit light-headed. He led her to a bench and sat with her, Sabine and Tom joining them on either side.
After the door was closed, Adrien murmured. “I thought he was going to wet himself.”
The lawyer flashed a shark-like smile. “That is what I’m paid for.”
That got a nervous giggle from Marinette, who snuggled into Sabine’s side. She looked exhausted.
Adrien took a moment to text Kagami to let her know phase two was in progress. He also told her about the reporter’s question—he had no doubt there’d be rumors flying as a result.
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