#in my heart of hearts i know that when they were boys legolas used to follow aragorn around just like he did the whole time at helm's deep
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meidui · 10 months ago
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aragorn and legolas at each other's sides at helm's deep ♡
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mushroomates · 6 months ago
the fellowship and if i’d punch them in the face and likelihood of me doing so:
note: i have punched people in the face exactly two (2) times in my life. once when we were kids i decked my sister on the trampoline and most recently i hit a friend in my sleep when reaching for my alarm in a dazed state. the likelihood of me punching anyone in the face, intentionally and maliciously is very, very slim.
frodo: no. if i would not punch most people and frodo is a representation of “most people” i cannot see myself punching him. also i feel as if any disagreements would be felt verbally and swiftly, and an agreement would be met rather quickly. he seems like a reasonable guy. 3/10 i do not feel as though it would happen or that if given the chance i would proceed
sam: no. is a really good friend and person. least punchable out of the hobbits and i feel like if we’d got in a fight it would end up with dirt being flung at each other not punches. worse case scenario i feel like if we really got into it it would be passive aggressive or cast-iron based bludgeoning. 2/10 would not harm a hair on this man’s toes
merry: no. he has little cousin energy- i’d give him a noogie and pinch his cheeks but never sock him in the face. i could see us roughhousing and maybe even exchange blows but in the face? nah. just look at the little guy. i love his lopsided lil smirk. 4/10 limited fisticuffs, nothing serious
pippin: yes. he seems like he needs a good face full of knuckles and who am i to deny him. especially when he was younger. i like the dude but it just seems like something that would happen. im sure gandalf would slip me a pocket full of coins after. 8/10 would clobber this fellow
legolas: yes. almost certainly. would i get shot to shit by a million arrows? oh absolutely, but that would not stop me. i’m going at that man like a balrog out of moria. i don’t know why exactly i want to punch this pretty boy so bad but i know i do. 9.5/10 would punch again
gimli: no. one of least punchable of the fellowship in my eyes- one, because he would absolutely body me if i so much as raised a hand and two because i would never. he’d have to say some pretty insane shit to even get me to consider. 1/10 no jabs ever exchanged
gandalf: maybe. it can go either way. on the one hand, he is an immortal demi god who has been through hell and back so what’s one more fist to the face- on the other hand he takes the form of a grandpa which means i’d have a harder time mentally. however i’m naturally predisposed to punching wizards so given the right opportunity, yes. 5/10 chance of slugging
aragorn: no. he’d drop kick me to valinor before i could even raise my fist. also, he just seems like a chill guy. i feel like the only possible reason id ever even consider fighting this man is if i needed to die honorably very quickly and by a noble hand or if i had a chance at winning arwens hand, like a joust for the princess of sorts. i’d still lose, though. 2/10, id absolutely miss any hit thrown his way. complete biffage.
boromir: no. i’d let this man punch me and thank him for it. he is a fundamentally like able dude. how could i harm this beautiful man, a single father of two full grown adult hobbits. i just have so much love for him in my heart that i can’t even imagine raising a hand against him. 0/10 will not lay a finger on this lovely large lad.
gollum: yes. id punt this little bastard across mordor in my sleep. unprovoked. i hate his crust nails and his black hole of a loincloth. i feel bad for him, sure, but not bad enough to stop me from giving him a good ol fashioned wallop. 12/10 im gonna beat him up with my own two handsies, precious.
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viking-raider · 9 months ago
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (review)
9.5/10 would recommend!
I loved this movie, it was great! It has Guy Richie all over it and such a brilliant way. I'm not giving it the full ten, cause you know the historian in me, there are a couple points that were "that didn't happen" but let's forget that!
Alan as Lassen, oh my GoSH! As a Swede, I have the straight giggles with his accent (and Henry's attempted at the start of the film) But Lassen is such an adorable little Nazi stabber xD I got halfway through the movie when I was like, why aren't they not nicknaming him Legolas! Lassen and Gus's relationship is humorous, school boys. How Lassen just flirts with the boys. I just got the feels for Lassen, and Alan.
Hero Fiennes Tiffin and Henry Golding are great together. Fredrick's fire pyro ways really get the boys out of trouble, when they get themselves neck deep in it. He's really quite good with an explosive with such a calm, unless he can't blow something up xD Hayes's an excellent sailor, but give him a Gatling gun and he will rip through Nazis like Freddy can blow them up.
Appleyard is amazing at plans, especially when the first four have gone to shite.
Now, Gus. Mmm, man is missing a screw or two, but with what screws he has left, he's great at using them. With a lively laugh, sense of humor and a wagging tongue. If he can't have something or sees something he likes, he'll just take it. But he, like the rest of his crew, has a heart of gold.
What I find interesting about this film is, despite being a film of stopping Nazis, and killing dozens of them, you see little of their actual agenda and infection. You just see the boys having fun, creative ways of killing them and them trying to execute the mission they were sent on by M and Churchill.
It was a wild ride that I rather enjoyed. I suppose that's why, as I write this, I'm (yet again) fifteen minutes deep into a re-watch. xD
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agathne · 2 years ago
Description: Thranduil and Legolas are transported to the past - where the late Elvenqueen was still alive - minor hiccup, she doesn't know who they are.
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Legolas couldn't understand his father. He couldn't find the faint traces of cinnamon and lavender in his father's eyes. There was only coldness - a dark musk of vanilla.
He takes a deep breath - navigating the forest with ease.
It wasn't like this long ago. Mirkwood wasn't a vast wasteland where foul things come forth - it used to be known as Greenwood the Great, a forest filled with flora and fauna. When Legolas was a child, he could hear the trees speak to him - but now they are silent.
"I don't understand, why must we go here?" a complain exits his mouth, while shoving a dead branch away from his face. "There were reports of disturbances around this area," Tauriel replies, walking through the mud infested waters. "-but this late at night?" he sighs, earning a soft chuckle from his best friend.
The spiders have grown bolder since the Sindar's plight.
"If your ada hears you complaining about duty," she begins to scold but Legolas raises his bow in mock surrender. "I'm not complaining, merely suggesting a better course of action." he breathed, looking around him for any signs of other elves.
"King Thranduil believes that this is the best course of action - that's why he's sending us." Tauriel defends.
A bright light flashes in the middle of the forest. Legolas squints his eyes - seeing a bright orb flicker in the distance. "What is that?" he pointed, determined to move closer. "Should we leave?" she tilts her head to the side, the grip on her bow tightens.
Legolas shakes his head.
It didn't feel dangerous.
"The King sent us to investigate. We should do that." he mumbled, taking another step towards the light source. "There are other ways to get under your father's skin, my prince." she grits her teeth - unbelievingly following the prince in his attempts to garner Thranduil's attention.
He holds his hands up to touch to light - and to their surprise.
He suddenly vanishes.
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Legolas opens his eyes - the faint smell of salve and herbs enters his lungs. His eyes adjust to the light - holding his head as the world begins to move around him. He takes a deep breath - investigating the air in front of him. It was different - it smelled like lavender.
You open the curtains and he freezes.
He could barely make out your visage but he knows who you are.
"Naneth?" his eyebrows merged into each other.
"I am not your naneth," you smile, holding a booklet near your chest. His frown deepens after you introduce yourself. " - I am the daughter of Elrond and Celebrian," you add while taking a step back.
The air is lodged on his throat.
It was his naneth! It was you!
"I am glad that you are safe, mellon." you hum in a soft tone. Attempting to fight against the thick bonds of maternal love. "I-I don't understand," he stuttered, eyes searching the room for his harun. Lord Elrond begins to march inside the small chamber, and Legolas' heart drops to his chest.
He was in another world.
His harun was - different. The lines on his forehead were gone - and his fea was unfamiliar. "I came from Mirkwood," he shudders, feeling bare underneath the gazes of his own family. "You're in Lindon now, and we promise to keep you safe." you comfort him - placing a hand on his shoulder.
"L-Lindon? Should we be in Riv-"
"There is no use in giving us grief beforehand," Elrond interrupts the young elf, quickly pulling you away from the elf.
"My dear, it will be best to leave me and our guest alone." your father articulates with a sharp breath.
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"Where did you come from?" Lord Elrond interrogates sharply - feeling the boy's aura mix with his own. Elrond could feel his blood pumping through Legolas' veins, and it felt impossible. Was the elf a descendant of his brother? Or perhaps someone that descended from his ancestors?
"I don't know, I want to go home." Legolas exasperated.
"Are you gifted in foresight?" the lord asked cautiously, taken with the realization that the elf in front of him was a mere elfling - barely a thousand years old. "N-no, this shouldn't be happening. Lindon has fallen, I wasn't there - I was a elfling when it happened." he ranted.
"You are from the future, then?" Elrond raised an eyebrow.
"I-I suppose." Legolas replies, eyes searching for help.
"Do not worry - elfling. Nothing bad will come to you here." the man comforted, deciding to take care of the elf for the meantime. "- and I will try my best to make this your home, at least until you are able to return to Mirkwood."
next chapter>>
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wordbunch · 2 years ago
how the fellowship reacts to you singing...
a/n: this was requested - how the fellowship members react to you singing for the first time. It will include the fellowship boys + Faramir, because I adore him and he needs more love. let me know how you liked it! 💗💗💗 (it will be longer than you think lol)
+ tagging my beloved @entishramblings
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at first he wasn’t sure whether his ears were deceiving him
but he stopped and listened carefully, eventually realizing it was you
then all his attention went into listening to you
he very much enjoyed it, but waited for you to finish your little performance before saying anything (didn’t want to interrupt you, nor make you feel awkward)
he wouldn’t be giving you elaborate compliments and praise, just something short and to the point, but you’d see in his face that he genuinely loved it
he likes to listen to you sing, but also sometimes loves to join you and sing together!!!
wants to learn all the songs you know
with his excellent hearing, he picked up on you humming tunes quietly as you walked, many times
and he found even that very pleasant
but when he heard you fully singing for the first time he had heart eyes, basically
he thought you have the most angelic, soothing yet powerful voice
he would never ask you to sing anything for him and wouldn’t want to push you, but he would enjoy it so much when you do
he wants to know where you picked up all the songs that you know
his absolute favorite thing is when you quietly sing while braiding his hair!!!!!
an absolute fanboy of yours, openly
as soon as he hears you singing, he wouldn’t only divert his attention only to that...
but he’d make sure to point it out to everyone else as well
I diagnose him with singing off-key, butttt he still wants to share some dwarf songs with you, and you appreciate it
would be the kind of person to be like “now [Y/N] will sing something for all of us” skhssdhgsh
you know it’s all with the best intentions even if you feel self-conscious about your singing
but this guy right here would hype you up so much that eventually you wouldn’t even care how your voice sounds to others
he compliments the heck out of you (for singing and everything else)
however he would try not to openly praise you for it to everyone everywhere bc he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable
keyword: he would try not to
he cannot sing so he appreciates your talent all the more
can’t help smilingggg whenever he hears you!
very grateful that you’re comfortable with sharing that part of yourself with him
if you ever actually sang in front of a crowd at some celebration or special occasion, this man would combust of pride
can’t help smiling as soon as he hears you, and he immediately recognizes that it’s your singing voice, even from further away
will sneakily approach you so as not to startle you
but he definitely wants to hear more
very curious about where you learned to sing and how you picked up all the songs
it’s a safe haven when you sing something to him, he will literally be in seventh heaven
loves to write and he would be beyond thrilled if you sang some poem that he wrote, but he wouldn’t actually ask you to
enjoys singing together with you
is generally easily captivated by beautiful and magical things, your voice absolutely being one of them
will ask you countless times to sing again (but he will be quite shy about it every time)
gives you ideas on what you could sing about
he gives you cute little compliments but wishes he could express all that in a much more elaborate way
it brings him incredible joy to hear you singing from somewhere while he’s gardening
he swear it makes everything grow bigger and more luscious
God forbid anyone makes even a slightly negative comment about your singing, he is ready to throw hands
jaw drops to the floor when he hears your singing voice
this boy is captivated
smooth compliments that make you blush
why can I see him dancing/trying to dance to whatever you’re singing
potentially he’s not THE best singer out there but oh my does he love singing with you
especially spontaneously, out of nowhere
yes actually he would totally dance around when you sing, and he would dance around with you and spin you around until you’re so out of breath that you can’t sing anymore but instead just laugh heartily
generally worships the ground that you walk on, and that also implies all your talents and abilities
absolute heart eyes as soon as he hears you singing
(he already loves just listening to you talk, let alone anything else)
ADORES when you two sing together, but initially just a bit shy to suggest it, or to just spontaneously join you
will he come up with songs for you? absolutely
songs for you two to sing together? ABSOLUTELY
would never, in any way, push you to sing in front of everyone else, he actually enjoys it being like a lil thing between the two of you
+ bonus FARAMIR
he heard your voice echoing in the Gondorian halls as you were carrying out some tasks
he was almost convinced it was a sound from heaven
but he followed the sound of it and found you! 
you were a tiny bit embarrassed but he complimented you immediately
he finds it very relaxing when you sing to him and it’s so intimate to him
he will occasionally write poems and cautiously ask you whether you can make up some melody for them and turn them into songs
not the best singer, but loves to join you sometimes
+ bonus bonus character GANDALF
“[Y/N], stop with the unnecessary noise, I am trying to think”
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theglassofmiddleearth · 2 years ago
Imagine being in the mines of Moria with the fellowship.
Pippin: Are we lost?
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Merry: No 
Pippin: I think we are 
Merry: *shushes him* 
Y/N: Gandalf's thinking. 
Frodo: *notices Gollum* Y/N, Gandalf! There's something down there. 
Y/N: *turns to Gandalf* You wanna take this one?
Gandalf: *mutters* Not unless you wish to tell me the way.
Y/N: *grins* When in doubt Gandalf, when in doubt.
Turns to Frodo
Y/N: My dear, that would be Gollum. 
Frodo: Gollum?
Y/N: Yes, I think he’s been following us for three days now. Probably set free from the dungeons of Barad-dĂ»r. He wants what you carry upon your neck. 
Frodo: The Ring?
Y/N: Yes, he will spend the rest of his life following where the ring goes, for he loves and hates the ring. Just as he loves and hates himself.
Gandalf: SmĂ©agol’s story is quite a sad one.
Frodo:  Sméagol?
Y/N: Yes, that was what he was called. Before the Ring found him, and drove him mad.
Frodo: Pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance.
Y/N: Pity? No my dear boy.
Gandalf: It was pity that stilled Bilbo’s hand.
Y/N: *grits her teeth* Many that live deserve death
Legolas and Gimli : *both look at Y/N and frown*
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Gandalf: And some that that die, deserve life. Can you give it to them Frodo?
Y/N: Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgement dear one. Even the very wise cannot see all ends.
Gandalf: *narrows his eyes at Y/N before turning back to Frodo* My heart tells me there is still some part for Gollum to play whether for ill or for good.
Y/N: The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.
Frodo: I wish the ring never came to me. I wish none of this had happened.
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Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not up to them to decide.
Y/N: All we can do, is to decide what to do with the time that was given to us.
Gandalf: There are other forces at work in this world and out of it Frodo, *glances at Y/N* besides the will of evil.
Y/N: Bilbo was meant to find the ring, and therefore you were meant to carry it. *grins down at Frodo* Now isn't that an encouraging thought?
Gandalf: Ah its that way!
Merry: He’s remembered!
Gandalf and Y/N: No.
Gandalf: But the air doesn’t smell so foul down here.
Y/N: *grins at Gandalf* When in doubt my friends, follow your nose.
Legolas: I thought it was follow your heart.
Aragorn: As did I
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Y/N: Now now my dear friends, your heart goes third and your nose goes second!
Legolas: *puzzled* Then what goes first?
Both grin and look at each other
Aragorn: Her stomach.
Y/N: My stomach.
Sam: Quite wise of you miss Y/N.
Y/N: Thank you Sam.
All walk through the tunnel.
Legolas: *to Aragorn* Do you know what Y/N likes to eat?
Aragorn: Anything that she can get her hands on. Why so curious Legolas.
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Legolas: *hurriedly* Just want to know what fuels such a dwarf sized human.
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Y/N: I heard that.
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tamurilofrivendell · 2 years ago
Beauty and the Beast | Chapter 30
Previous Chapters [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29]
Read on AO3 [x]
Pairing: Thranduil/Fem. Reader Summary: A Beauty and the Beast inspired tale with Thranduil the Elvenking and a human reader from a nearby village Taglist: @captainchrisstan​ @rebleforkicks​ @yjrevolution​ @majahu​ @honey-wine @accio-boys​ @achromaticerebus​ @solomonssimp​ @tired-ass-show-girl​ @dreamlessnight​ @daddy-long-legolas​ @sleepyamygdala​ @coopsgirl​ @penguinlovestowrite​ @midsommar-nights​ @whore-of-many-hot-men​
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“They have killed one of our own!” Vermund hollered from on high, pointing down at the dead body of the baker. “They have declared war!” Never mind the fact that he had riled all of these men up and brought them before the gates for no other reason but to attack. Never mind the fact that it was technically his fault the baker was dead. “Fight, men! Fight!”
Thranduil was completely rattled, not that it showed. He had more self control than that. However, the sight of humans in his realm, uninvited and armed, sent a rage through his blood that could not be quelled by mere talking.
The one who was yelling seemed to be in charge and Thranduil could already tell that this man had absolutely no honour in him. Using one of his own as a human shield! He was no better than an orc and Thranduil was disgusted.
“Tauriel!” He barked as the angry cries from the townsfolk behind him grew into a roar. “Get her out of sight.”
As his soldiers had surrounded their distracted king, moving between him and the group of armed men, Thranduil had taken you by the hand and all but dragged you towards his captain of the guard, who was standing beside Legolas. You had not noticed either of them in the commotion that had taken over when the humans approached.
“Thranduil!” You cried out, but he spared you no more than a glance before turning towards his son as Tauriel pulled you away back inside.
Thranduil and Legolas had followed but they veered off a different way, towards a staircase so they could ascend to wherever Vermund was. Your eyes never left Thranduil as he thundered up the stairs with a group of his people, pausing at the top for just a millisecond to seek you out in the crowd below. Satisfied you would be safe, Thranduil turned once more and disappeared from sight.
Tauriel pulled you towards a set of stairs that led down instead of up. You could hear the fighting outside at the gates and your heart was hammering in your chest. What was happening?! This wasn’t right, none of this was supposed to happen. Why was Vermund inside? What was he doing? You turned your frantic attention fully back to Tauriel, realising she had taken you down into the wine cellar.
“I’m sorry.” You found yourself saying to her, peering anxiously at the stairs you had both just descended.
Tauriel turned to look at you, her beautiful eyes full of confusion. “For what, my lady?”
“That you have been relegated to babysitting me instead of defending your own home from intruders.” You muttered, wringing your hands in frustration. “Intruders that I seem to have brought here.” She is the Captain of the guard! You thought. This must feel so beneath her.
Tauriel moved so that she was standing in front of you, lifting her hands to your upper arms to hold you in place. You blinked back at her. “Do not apologise.” She said firmly. “It is my honour.”
At your disbelieving expression, she gripped your arms a little more tightly. “My lady, if the King has chosen me to guard you... be assured that you are very important to him. That he thinks you very precious indeed. He would have no harm come to you and he knows that I shall let none.”
You didn’t realise you were crying until Tauriel reached up and swiped away your tears. You thought back to the festival, mere hours ago. Dancing with Thranduil, him sweeping the two of you away from the party to be alone, the mirror, the kiss... you knew Thranduil was a great warrior, you had seen it and you had read many things in the history books in the library over your time here. You knew he was no real match for mere mortals... but still you worried. Vermund was here and he did not play fair. You had seen rage in his eyes when he had shouted down from that balcony... he had the look of a man who would do anything.
Your thoughts were swept away as the clanging sound of sword upon sword came closer and Tauriel moved to push you behind a large barrel.
“Stay down.” Was all she managed to mutter before the cellar was infiltrated.
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Thranduil had taken his son and his closest guards with him up the stairs. He didn’t know exactly how many other men this infiltrator had up here with him but he decided that the majority of their force needed to stay at the gate. The amount of men inside these halls could not outnumber the amount that stood before them.
When they reached the balcony, however, it was empty. There was not another being in sight and Thranduil was beyond angry. Where were they? He could not allow them to wander these halls unchecked, armed to the teeth, intent on fighting his people and taking you away against your will.
...was it against your will? He had technically set you free and your father was in trouble, unwell. Perhaps you would not be so averse...
Thranduil dismissed such thoughts quicker than he might have in the past, however. He thought back to the way you had clung to him down at the gates. The way you had been so eager to defend him and his people. The way you had seemed to balk at the appearance of that man.
His thoughts returned to the present moment and he whirled around, stalking back through the halls. “Find them!” He commanded in a growl, his fury sky-high as his guards scattered to hunt down the interlopers. “Kill them all.”
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Vermund had ordered his men to scatter the moment the fighting had broken out. He needed to find a way to get the king alone and he needed to find you, in whichever order they presented themselves to him. Vermund needed all the distraction he could get. His men would keep the elves who were no doubt on their way up here busy.
Creeping through unfamilar hallways, his trusty sword at the ready, Vermund was fully alert and fully ready for whatever came his way. However, he seemed to rather easily have escaped most of the fighting so far, leaving it to the other townspeople... and sending those who had climbed up here with him to their doom to give himself a headstart and a distraction.
He came upon a half-hidden red doorway and, curious, Vermund pushed his way inside. Maybe he could find something expensive to steal while he waited for his chance to slay the Elf King.
Vermund could not have known that this doorway was one of the many entrances that connected the king’s private halls to the late queen’s. Nor could he know that the blackened rose he happened upon in one of the rooms beyond the door was so important to the king. He made a face at it before he turned and knocked the whole thing off the table, letting the glass case that enclosed the dead Starfire Rose smash to pieces against the marble floor. Its protective barrier vanishing as the rose turned to ashes and blew away in the breeze that blew in through the open window.
“You have just made a most grievous error.” A low, dangerous, voice rang out behind him.
Vermund whipped around from where he had turned to start stuffing his bag and pockets with the expensive looking jewels he had found on the nearby dresser.
Standing there before him was the King himself, armour-less, one of his twin swords in hand, narrowed gaze practically hot enough with anger to have burned through Vermund’s very skin like dragon fire.
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Tauriel spun in place, thrusting her sword in front of her as a group of men came at her, outnumbering her and yet she fought tirelessly, moving with a grace that nearly had you mesmerised.
First she tried not to land a killing blow, under the impression that these people held beliefs that were not entirely their fault, but soon she was focused only upon keeping you safe and ridding the halls of the realm she loved and defended from the enemies at the door.
You had ducked behind the barrel when she had told you to but you couldn’t resist peeking out, registering some of the faces as familiar. The horsemaster’s son, the butcher’s brother. This was awful, why was this happening? Your two worlds had collided in the most violent of ways and all you wished was for everybody to understand, to cease this fighting, to come to peace.
“There she is!” The butcher’s brother cried out and, with alarm, you realised that he was pointing directly at you. “Get her! Quick!”
His words were cut off by Tauriel’s sword slicing through his leg. A cry left his lips as he fell to the floor but the other men had already heard and were turning their attentions to you. Tauriel, who would let no one near the king’s beloved, moved once more to stand directly in between you and the group of men who had started to make for your hiding place.
“My lady!” She shouted over her shoulder, swinging her weapon and preventing one from getting around her. “To the back of the room and out! Now! Go!”
Fuelled by dread the likes of which you had only felt when Thranduil found you in the West Wing the first time, you turned instantly and moved to the back of the room. There, behind a deep blue curtain, you found a doorway cut into the wall.
Glancing over your shoulder for just a moment, you pushed your way past the curtain and fled, running up the staircase, leaving Tauriel to take down the rabble of humans as easily as if she were cutting through shrubbery.
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Thranduil stood, the tip of his sword pointed directly at Vermund’s chest. He had advanced slowly, moving with deadly ease, slow and deliberate.
“Who are you, who dares enter my domain, intent on attacking those who have never done a thing to you and yours.” Thranduil’s voice was level but there was a dangerous bite to it that was impossible to ignore, even for one as arrogant and conceited as Vermund.
He narrowed his own gaze back at Thranduil, lifting his chin defiantly. A coward though he may be, Vermund saw this creature as one of his greatest enemies in so short a time. He had seen the way you had latched onto this king by the gates, the way your face had fallen when you had seen Vermund himself. You were not locked away in a dungeon as your father had proclaimed you to be. Instead, you walked amongst these animals as though you were one of them, defended them as though they deserved it.
The evil sprite had obviously beguiled you with his dark magic. He wanted you for himself. Vermund would not allow it.
“One who would slay you where you stand, elf.” Came the reply, his tone a challenge all its own. “Vermund, son of Veraith. You will return what belongs to me or I will take it from you... in both scenarios, your life ends.”
Thranduil glared down at this man, the dangerous silence stretching as he regarded this villain. Vermund. Oh, yes, he knew of him alright. He recalled every word you had said about him. The way he sought to own you, hang you like an ornament at his side. The insistent way in which he had badgered you, wearing you down, demanding your hand again and again. He had seen the disgust in your eyes and, while you had assured him nothing horrific had happened at Vermund’s hand... Thranduil did not believe that would last. He knew of men such as this.
If there was a monster in this room, it was not himself, but the man who stood before him.
Thranduil sneered at him, pressing the blade a little harder into his chest. “Big words for such a small man, Vermund son of Veraith.”
With that, Thranduil moved to bring his sword back, preparing to bend into a swing. He wanted to end this, once and for all. He wanted this filth out of his halls - out of his wife’s chambers - and he wanted to take you to your father and bring the both of you back to the safety of these halls. Your village was clearly full of deranged imbeciles.
What Thranduil had not counted on was the other man hiding in the next room, back pressed against the hard wall around the open entryway, sword clasped firmly in front of him. He crept out as Thranduil had been speaking, his focus fixed upon Vermund. It was only at the last moment, as Vermund’s gaze shifted minutely from Thranduil’s face to the approaching man behind him and a small smirk crept onto his features, did Thranduil realise something was amiss.
He twisted his spin into a larger one, turning fast and hard upon the man behind him. Oeric raised his sword high, steel clashing upon steel, as his weapon met the Elvenking’s. Thranduil was staring down at him with contempt, practically snarling. “And who, pray tell, are you?”
“The distraction I needed.” Vermund said from behind him, leaping forward and giving Thranduil a massive shove. The action, mostly due to being so unexpected, sent Thranduil stumbling forward slightly. His sword moved with him, slicing through Oeric’s flesh like it was butter.
Vermund, seeing his supposed best friend as simply collateral damage in his rearview, turned and fled.
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Thranduil, angry as a thunderstorm, stalked back out to the gates, where the fighting had now ceased. He saw the humans surrounded by his army but he was unfocused, his gaze flickering wildly around him. He was looking for that wretch, Vermund.
After the man had escaped him, Thranduil had dragged Oeric’s body from his wife’s chambers, and then scoured the entire floor, intent on finishing this once and for all. Trouble was, the man was now simply nowhere, and Thranduil’s anger would not be mitigated. He longed to carve into Vermund’s flesh and make a feast of him for the crows.
“Father.” Legolas approached, putting away his arrows and scanning the crowd that remained.
“Report.” He commanded his son, his gaze still flashing around the mob of humans now fully under control. Legolas gave him a brief rundown, assuring that the upper levels were clear. The men that were left were given a mercy, allowed to live so long as they fled this very moment and never again returned. The Elvenking made them understand in no uncertain terms that, if he were to ever set sights on any of them again, he would personally put to an end to their miserable little lives.
He turned back to his son as the humans fled into the forest, ignoring the fact that they were heading the wrong way. Getting a little lost in the darkness of Mirkwood was no less than they deserved. Still... he would send a couple of spies after them at some point, to make sure they did not perish... once he had cooled down.
He noted that Vermund was not amongst them.
Thranduil said your name then, turning from his son to scan around, seeking you in the crowd. “Where is she?” This directed at Legolas but his son could only shrug, having not seen you. He, too, turned to look around but you were nowhere to be seen.
“My King!” Tauriel’s voice rang out, loud and clear over the heads of his people. She came running from inside, having witnessed the entire thing. “He has taken her into the forest!”
Thranduil’s heart nearly stopped as he turned from Tauriel, unable to hide the dismay on his face, as he stared at the thick expanse of trees before him.
All that stood before him saw in the king’s eyes the heartbreak and the fear that coursed through him at the thought of that monster taking you away, and they recalled a similar expression upon his face the day his queen had been ripped from him and he had been unable to prevent it.
Without another thought or word, he moved, disappearing into the forest at speed.
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botherkupo · 2 years ago
Talk of aroace stuff reminded me of a short story I submitted to a NZ journal. Got told it was a very strong contender but alas. Not meant to be this time
Anyway I don’t have plans to do anything more with it, so enjoy
Empty Chip Packets
I remember my childhood. Bare feet running on grass, dodging the sting of prickles. Pink smears of zinc on my freckled nose. Treasured toys. Squishing hot sand between my toes. Birthday cakes and a little girl wearing a schoolbag far too big. It was an adventure of new beginnings, of finding my place in the world.
“Who’s your crush?”
My friends liked to ask that question. It was an exchange of secrets between us girls, a giggling rite of passage I was expected to follow. But I never had an answer. Maybe the butterflies that were supposed to flutter their wings in my stomach were still asleep. Maybe my heart just preferred to follow its own beat for now, because the boy who made everyone laugh in class was just a boy to me, and I felt no urge to plaster a celebrity’s face on my bedroom walls.
“Who’s your crush? Who’s your crush?”
I got tired of the question. I lied. It was Max, the boy who sat behind me. It was Legolas, that elf guy in Lord of the Rings. I lied so much that I almost convinced myself it was true. Maybe these people were my crushes. Maybe it didn’t matter if butterflies never stirred their wings for me or that no one could colour my cheeks with pink blooms of heat. Maybe someone was cute simply because everyone else thought so.
A boy asked me out when I was twelve. I don’t remember his name, but I know I felt nothing. Not a thing. It was just weird, like being handed an empty chip packet or a flower stem with no bulb. I said yes anyway, because that’s what you do, right? Have crushes, get boyfriends.
We kissed. His lips were a caress of wet awkwardness, lingering like a sticky tattoo. I didn’t like it. Couldn’t. Just looking at him made me feel like I was holding that empty chip packet again—useless, unwanted, but now it was worse. Now, there were bits of crumbs getting stuck in my clothes, under my skin, itching and itching and itching until I couldn’t stand it anymore.
We broke up.
“It’s just because you’re young.”
“You’ll find the right person one day.”
I clung to those words. Clung and clung and clung, even as years passed. Maybe I’d got it all wrong. Maybe it wasn’t boys who could spark something in my blood. Maybe it was girls. But affection was not the same as attraction. Hugs could not satisfy when a partner wanted more. It was a lesson I didn’t want to learn, but it wedged its way through my bones, through the little gaps in my ribcage, and etched itself into my stubborn heart.
That’s when I knew. There was a void carved into my chest where no seeds could grow. No love. No desire. I was a broken thing, viewing people as if they were paintings lining a grand gallery hall—some I admired, some I cherished, but never more than that.
I was stuck following the beat of my own heart, walking a path that didn’t seem to fit anywhere.
“Hamish really likes you. You should give him a chance. Just one date.”
It frustrated me, the way people thought it could be so simple. It repulsed me that someone could like me even if we’d barely spoken. Objectifying. Violating. Their attraction was like nails digging into my flesh, because they didn’t know me. They didn’t know. They saw a pretty face and somehow that was enough.
I wanted to rip their desire to shreds, wanted to throw the scraps in their faces. It was useless. It was all useless.
I wanted to be that child again, running barefoot on the grass, dodging prickles and laughing with my friends. I wanted to squish hot sand between my toes. I wanted to be free from the ghost of the unplanted seed, from the demand to make roots grow from nothing. I wanted the pressure to stop, stop, stop.
But I couldn’t be a child again. I was trapped in a gallery of paintings, trying to find meaning in empty chip packets. I wasn’t supposed to be more comfortable on my own.
Romance is the endgame of life, the final rite of passage before death, or at least that’s what everyone seems to think. Fall in love, find your other half, have kids. It’s the happy ending found in fictional worlds and on television screens. It’s the truth shoved down our throats from birth. Lust is just the in-between, the blood-jumping itch that can only be eased by physical gratification.
There’s no room for someone like me. Not worth a story, not worth a happy ending, forever told that I’m missing out, that I’ll find this fabled One who can touch my blood with thunder and fire, and suddenly everything will be okay. I’ll be normal. I’ll be fixed.
But maybe I don’t want to be fixed. Maybe I don’t have to be.
I’ll carve my own space in this world. I’ll plant the seeds that matter to me. Love for family. Love for a friend. I’ll follow the beat of my own heart and embrace the future with open arms.
Because I was never broken. I never needed to find my other half. I am complete.
I am me.
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gossip-girl-of-middleearth · 4 years ago
Speak my Language (Fellowship x Hurt! Reader)
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Synopsis: After being ambushed by orcs, you are left alone at your isolated camp to bleed out. However, your loyal friend, a “tyger” from Far Harad, has other plans in mind—tracking down another camp nearby, comprised of nine warriors, in search of aid for you.
Pairings: a bit of Legolas x Reader. I’m a simp for him, okay?
Warnings: blood, mentions of an attack, hurt/comfort
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The attack came too fast and too swiftly. Orcs weren’t supposed to reside in this area of the forest, or so you thought. It was almost as if something were driving them to your location, like dolphins chasing down fish to the shores of oceans.
Whatever may be the case, and whoever the fish in this scenario were, you were the one left severely injured.
It started with a flickering of your tyger’s ear. Comrade, as you named him, was an exotic breed of big cat, from the furthermost southern jungles of Far Harad, where the likes of oliphaunts also roamed.
You had met the large orange, striped cat on a mission to spring all kinds of animals free on the southern shores of Middle-earth. The Haradrim were responsible for this illegal smuggling trade, though you knew someone far larger was behind it.
A mystery was unfolding in Middle-earth before your eyes. Orcs in odd locations, secret illicit activities in dark harbours, and a growing disbalance in the ecosystem.
Setting the stampeding oliphaunts loose, the wooden crates on the foggy harbour soon burst into chaos. Men ran everywhere, both trying to save themselves and their jobs.
As ropes and hooks were cast into the grey flesh of the loudly trumpeting beasts, you snuck out. However, on your escape route, a rabid, hissing animal caught your attention.
You had never seen a cat like him before, and knew instantly he was out of sorts amongst the scenery of Middle-earth. What on earth would he need stripes to blend in with? You figured he was more used to tall savannahs, if anything.
Tentatively, and knowing all could go wrong for yourself, you unlatched the lock containing your soon-to-be friend.
He leapt out and crouched lowly before you, arching his back and sizing up your neck. His teeth were large and yellow at the gums, as he flashed them viciously.
However, making the first move, you slowly showed him your empty hands, and kneeled down. A slight change in his attitude was present, as his hisses ceased and his ears unpinned themselves.
And when a Haradrim man came at you, well, all that was left were ribbons of flesh and a new partner for you.
Ever your noble protector, Comrade lifted his head from your lap, where you were running your hands through his now twitching ears.
“What is it, boy?” you cooed, tracing the black stripes on his head.
A low growl had begun to form at the back of his throat, and you stilled your hand. Though a level of trust had been formed between you both throughout the three years you walked alongside him, he was still a wild animal at the end of the day.
You took into account the twitching of his tail, and your heart stopped. You always feared Comrade might one day turn around and attack you like he did to those Haradrim. Small housecats were bad enough with mood-swings as it was.
Eyeing up his large paws, where claws the size of small shanks appeared, you grew clammy. However, a distant snapping of a branch beyond the dark trees both settled and rose your nerves.
Glancing up from Comrade, you followed his keen line of sight past your little campfire. You stared for what felt like minutes, until another branch snapping sounded the alarms.
Comrade immediately lifted himself from your lap, and stood tall. The power in his sudden movement scared you, and you found yourself jolting to your own feet.
All you had on you was a small dagger, for you liked to think of yourself as a “wise pacifist”.
You drew it in front of yourself, and scared breaths racked your chest. Comrade was pacing the dirt in front of you, eyes forever trained on the forest, tail swishing.
And then, the attack came.
A slaughter occurred between the trees and before the fire, and though you managed to assist with many kills, Comrade in the end was the clear victor.
However, one tyger against ten orcs was not entirely fair.
In the aftermath, you found yourself with your back rested against a tree—your hand clutching a dagger in your abdomen.
Orcs bodies lay strewn around, some missing heads, others with their intestines spilled on the upturned dirt. Most, however, had their jugulars torn out.
Comrade had just put to rest his last orc, and turned his panting, blood-soaked snout back to you at the sound of a small whimper. The previously feral glint in his eyes subsided, as he observed your mewling state.
Your hand clutched the pommel of the dagger, as you struggled to not look at it—favouring to keep your eyes screwed shut instead, and your chin lifted high.
He immediately thudded one paw in front of the other, as he came to stand beside you. He sniffed the dagger, and made a small sound reminiscent of chuffing to your face. He nudged his nose with your cheek, willing you to look at him.
When you did, you found amber eyes, brimming with concern, looking back at you.
“I wasn’t fast enough,” you tried with a small smile, but mewled again through the pain of speaking.
He chuffed once more, and tried to inspect the dagger. You gently pushed his head away, knowing there wasn’t much he could do.
Understanding the severity of your state, he lifted his neck and stood tall. Flickering his ears in all directions, Comrade scoped out the forest. He could hear the sounds of night for many miles—owls hooting, mice rustling, squirrels climbing and
men chatting lowly around a crackling fire.
They did not sound like orcs, and turning his nose to the air above, Comrade knew instantly they were not. Instead, the scent of men and elves lingered in the breeze, and something new he hadn’t encountered before.
Without glancing back at you, he took off running through the woods.
Watching him leave in confusion, you knitted your brows. However, the throbbing split in your stomach soon burned away again, and you were left crying alone through bared teeth.
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On the other side of the forest, just a few miles away, the Fellowship’s camp resided. The loss of Gandalf still rippled through the colleagues and friends like an unsettled lake, and not much was found beyond quiet chatter.
The topic, primarily, was of Lothlorien—the beautiful kingdom they had just reluctantly left.
Sat on a log, and grimacing as he ate rabbit meat off of a bone—quite different from the prepared salads with small chunks of chicken he had grown up with—Legolas watched the fire.
His fingers were sticky, and his nose was scrunched, as he attempted to eat said meat.
Next, Gimli’s chuckles filled the air.
The laughter silenced everyone, for it was the first time anyone had laughed since Moria.
Lifting his eyes, Legolas found Gimli laughing at him. “What is it?”
“A bit out of your comfort zone, aren’t we?” Gimli chuckled back, motioning to the prince’s fingers.
Legolas’ lips fell into a sarcastic frown. “That’s because I was actually raised with the idea of comfort to begin with.”
Gimli dismissively waved his hand. “All I’m hearing is pretty excuses.”
Legolas placed a sticky hand over his chest, and batted his lashes. “You think I’m pretty?”
A smirk grew on Gimli’s lips, as he pointed at the faint outline of grease on Legolas’ Lothlorien tunic.
Losing his own smirk, Legolas looked down at the clothing and sneered upon realizing his mistake.
Laughter rippled through the camp, and a few added on their own taunts in an effort to keep the happy atmosphere alive, even if at the prince’s expense.
However, Legolas had since tuned out. His head was over his shoulder, his pointed ears twitching, as he eyed off the forest behind. Distantly, snapping twigs and thudding paws could be heard.
“Don’t you think, Legolas?” Boromir laughed, slowly reeling the elf’s concerned attention back in to him. “Legolas? I said, don’t you—”
“Shh!” Legolas cut him off, whipping his head over his shoulder again.
Aragorn was the first to cease his relaxed nature, as he knew the cautious elf well-enough.
“Someone’s a bit of a soft—” Gimli had gone to say, before Legolas shushed him again.
Snapping his eyes to his friends, Legolas hastily whispered, “Do you not hear that?”
“We don’t have your—”
“Hush, let him speak,” Aragorn interjected, earning the obedience of the camp. “What is it, Legolas?”
“Something large and ambitious approaches from behind,” Legolas answered, scanning his eyes over his shoulder again.
Just as the elf did, the Fellowship dragged their sights along the trees. Slowly, following Legolas’ words and now actions, the entire camp rose to their feet and clutched their weapons.
The hobbits all nervously eyed one another, as the four stronger warriors stood in front. They each all watched the trees, and their hearts pounded faster, for they, too, could now hear what Legolas was explaining.
Loud thumps reached their ears, as did beastly panting. Legolas drew an arrow, and aimed it in preparation.
And then, Comrade burst into the camp.
The hobbits screamed in shock—in fact, both Gimli and Boromir shouted, too.
The tyger paced before them all, chuffing loudly in communication. Legolas, understanding all living things, heard the tyger speak.
Please! I need your help! My friend, she’s hurt—wounded by orcs!
Legolas lowered his arrow, much to the horror of the others.
“What are you doing?” Boromir screeched. “Shoot it down! It’s rabid! Look at the blood coating its mouth!”
“It is orc blood,” Legolas slowly drew out, knitting his brows in the direction of the tyger. “And he says he needs our help?”
Aragorn glanced at Legolas wide-eyed, and they shared a look—one dripping in superior knowledge.
Legolas made a show of disarming himself of his bow, and spoke back to the tyger in a way only elves could.
Take us to her.
The tyger turned around instantly, and began running into the woods. Aragorn and Legolas followed.
“Wait,” Pippin exclaimed in confusion, as everyone left him behind. “Has he always been able to speak with animals?! Did everyone else know this but me?!”
“Hurry up, Pippin!”
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Comrade had left you twenty minutes ago, and you felt an uncontrollable shiver run through your body. It was a shiver that, despite being close to the fire, was continuous.
Your teeth chattered, and your stomach coiled at the blood soaking you. It was all over the front of your tunic, and continuing to spread. You hadn’t removed the dagger as of yet—too afraid of both the consequences and the pain simultaneously.
You felt both dizzy and tired, and only wanted a nap. Just as you were beginning to close your eyes, frantic thudding in the distance could be heard.
Weakly, you turned your eyes to the trees Comrade had left through, and waited for either your friend or more orcs to appear.
However, what you were not expecting, was a blonde elf to burst through the dark with your tyger.
The tall elf skidded to a stop a few yards before you, and gasped sharply. His widened eyes raked over your paling, clammy body in alarm.
“Oh my goodness!” he cussed, before throwing his eyes over his shoulder. “Aragorn! Come quickly!”
Next, a man burst into view. Behind him, another man, dwarf and four hobbits followed. Though, for all you knew, they were children.
White dots filled your vision, and you soon felt very delirious, as if in a dream.
The elf rushed forwards, and fell to his knees beside you. He brushed your hair out of your face to observe your half-lidded eyes, where he then spoke.
“Y/n? Y/n, are you all right? Your friend, Comrade, told me of you. Can you hear me?”
All you could make out of his face were two brilliantly blue eyes. A white, angelic light encompassed him otherwise, and the blonde hair certainly didn’t help.
You garnered a sort of dazed smile, as you scanned his blinding face. “You’re an angel, aren’t you? Sent from above? Oh thank goodness—I thought I was going to go alone.”
Listening to your soft voice, the brunette man with greasy hair dropped beside the elf.
“Her strength fails and her light fades,” Aragorn commented. He scanned his eyes over your wound. “I shall use athelas to treat the bleeding, but
this may be beyond us.”
Legolas looked at Aragorn in horror, before looking down at you again. Two deaths on his hands in such a short amount of time? The immortal elf couldn’t—wouldn’t—process it.
“We are not yet too far from Lothlorien,” Legolas pointed out, studying your tired face. “We can turn around and leave her in the hands of Galadriel and her kin. They will heal her.”
“We haven’t time to double-back and risk the orcs,” Boromir pointed out.
Next, Legolas gestured at all the strewn bodies of the camp. “It appears our fault she dies in the first place. She felt safe enough to camp in these woods, and rightfully so, but we brought the orcs with us. We must help her. She’s our duty now.”
“Legolas is right,” Aragorn agreed, crushing athelas in his hands with water from his pouch. “The orcs are only in these woods because they track us. Legolas, you are the fastest here and know these trees second-best to me. You will take her back to Lothlorien and then take the journey three times faster to catch up with us.”
Legolas nodded his head in understanding, and felt your hand. It was cold, shivering and sweaty. He swallowed his nerves.
“You might want to hold her further,” Aragorn quietly pointed out to Legolas, gesturing to your hand.
The elf noticed the prepared athelas paste, and the ranger’s hand hovering over the intruding dagger’s pommel. Next, Aragorn spoke to you.
“Y/n, my name is Aragorn. I am going to help heal you, and then Legolas here will rush you back to Lothlorien. I am going to remove the dagger to decrease further injury. It will hurt for a moment. Do you understand?”
“Legolas?” you repeated in confusion, looking up at the aforementioned prince. “Oh, yes—him. He’s an angel.”
Aragorn smiled briefly, especially at the creeping blush on his friend’s pointed ears, until you looked back at him and took into account his dirty presentation. “You, on the other hand, are not an angel.”
Comrade, having been pacing the dirt on your free side, came to lay beside you, recognising what was about to happen next.
Aragorn politely curled his lips at your delirious insult, and quickly tore the dagger from your abdomen.
As if supporting a woman through birth, Legolas’ mewls were louder than your own, for the hand of yours he held clenched tightly.
Aragorn got to work quickly, and began applying the athelas to your now bleeding wound. You cried softly, as you felt the pain both grow and lessen.
Finding comfort through your dizzy haze in the thumbpad stroking your knuckles, you squeezed the same hand again, and were pleasantly surprised to find it squeezing back.
Gimli, Boromir and the hobbits watched on—nervously observing both the tyger lying beside you, and your hurt form.
“Lothlorien is a night’s run behind us. She needs a different tunic to reduce the risk of infection,” said Aragorn, using a makeshift cloth to wipe the blood away from you.
Legolas pressed his lips into a thin line, and nodded. He briefly let go of your hand, much to your vocal discomfort, and grabbed the bottom hems of his tunic. He lifted the green material over his head, and was left with nothing but a long-sleeved, white undershirt.
As Aragorn wrapped your chest with what he could find on him that’d temporarily work as a bind, Legolas patiently waited.
After your wound was tended to, Aragorn leant over to speak with you. “Your wound is dressed, Y/n. Legolas will now take care of you until Lothlorien. You are in good, capable hands. I promise.”
You mustered the strength to nod back, despite white dots still filling your vision.
Aragorn clasped Legolas’ shoulder and nodded, to which he nodded back. Then, the ranger turned and told the rest of the Fellowship to head back to camp.
Having ensured everyone was out of sight, Legolas looked down at you again.
“May I please change your tunic? I will close my eyes, but it has to be done—the blood will lead to infection if not dealt with.”
However, you stilled gazed up at him with a silly smile. Considering all he wore was now white, you believed your suspicions of him being an angel correct.
After a moment, his words finally drifted through your mind, like a lone leaf on a lazy river, and you nodded.
Legolas raised a hand to the hem of your tunic, and hooked his fingers underneath, but was halted by the sudden growling and standing of Comrade.
You dare touch her in such a state? I sought you out for help!
I am an elven prince, mellon. Trust me when I say; it is not even remotely possible in my genetic nature to do such a thing.
Well, trust me when I say; it is most definitely in my genetic nature to go for the jugular—always.
Understood, but you must let me help her. Have we not done so already? Let me complete assisting her, and then you shall follow me to Lothlorien.
The snarling lips of the tyger curled for a minute, as he stared across at the determined elf over your body—face to face.
Slowly, his growls died.
Fine. Just know, however, I am watching you every step of the way.
Well, that makes one of us.
As he promised, Legolas closed his eyes. He carefully, but swiftly lifted your blood-soaked tunic and tossed it aside.
Fumbling for a few minutes, as he did so blind, Legolas dressed you in his own green tunic. It was large on you, more like a short dress, but did the job of concealing your wounded form.
At some point, you had nearly drifted off to sleep, but a gentle cooing of Legolas brought you back.
“Hey, you must stay awake for now, all right? I am going to carry you to a lovely kingdom, and you will be taken care of. All I ask in return is that you keep me company with conversation the whole way. Can you please do that for me?”
Exhaling past your nose through your fatigue, you fluttered your hazy eyes open again.
Searching Legolas’ own, you nodded.
“Okay,” you promised.
“Good girl,” Legolas replied. He then gently scooped you into his arms like a bride, and checked in with Comrade.
Are you a fast runner?
Is that even a question?
To further his point, Comrade sprinted off into the trees, leaving Legolas jogging behind him. And, just as you promised, you spoke softly to him the whole way—mostly of his “angelic eyes”—and he delivered on his promise, of quite literally delivering you to Lothlórien.
Surprising Legolas most, however, was the new promise you made after healing by the aid of Galadriel’s hand, just a few days after your arrival. 
Upon learning of what exactly was disturbing your ecosystem in Middle-earth, you told Legolas he would not be making the journey back to his friends alone, for he had gained two new ones. 
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anaveragebibliophile · 4 years ago
Young!Legolas x Thranduil x Wife!Reader 
After spending some time with his father, Legolas discovers just how lucky he is to have a mother like you. And someone else seems to be inclined to agree as well. 
It was on this night that the sky slowly faded into the most spectacularly calm colors. Light blues and pointed yellows faded to make room for the syrupy corals and mandarins that signaled night’s falling. And without having had the good sense to sneak a peek out the window within the last half hour, you’d have missed all the beauty that Valar (God) bestowed upon Middle-Earth. 
Soon, a soft knock sounded on the door to your and your husband’s--the king’s--chambers. “Hello, Naneth (mother),” a sweet, little voice said. 
“Hello, lasdithen (little leaf). How was your time in the study with Ada (Father)? I hope he didn’t consume himself with much work during your time together,” you smiled, knowing the impending council meeting had been one of the biggest stressors for your beloved husband. So much so that neither you nor your son had seen much of him the last few days. Thirty minutes--the time you pushed him to spend with Legolas--was the longest break he’d awarded himself all day.  
Legolas’ mouth quirked up in a grin at the mention of his father. “We had the best time, Naneth. Ada showed me many special books and told me many stories about our kin, even a few about you.”
At that comment, your initially lively, stimulated countenance faltered a bit. “Me? What did your Ada mention, lasvelui (sweet leaf)?” 
“A battle with Orcs, lots of iñr (blood), and how you stopped Ada from worrying and pushed him to fight.” 
Well, that was putting things very lightly. You remembered that day as if it were yesterday. 
Watching Thranduil jump from his throne when a guard, sprinting into the throne room, informed him of the security breech at the gates. Hearing your husband’s harsh bellows, and seeing how they appeared to be shaking the stone pillars that held part of the castle in place. And, hastily grabbing the outer-most sleeve of his robes before he made his way down the marble steps, pushing your lips together for one last mind-numbing kiss. 
The urgency with which he grabbed your waist informed you of how frightened he truly was by this attack. And, to be completely honest, it perturbed you too. It had been at least a century since any Orcs had dared to quarrel with the Woodland Realm. Why now? What was the purpose? 
“Don’t worry about us,” you instructed, hands clasping the thin hairs at the nape of his neck. “Legolas is napping in our chambers. I will make sure it stays that way.” 
“How can I not?  You two are my life, hĂ»n velui (sweetheart). Without you, I cannot even imagine what my life would become.”
“You need only trust. Fate will take care of the rest. I believe we will have a long, happy life together. You, me, and our beautiful, beautiful son.” 
“Our little leaf, our greatest treasure.” 
“Yes, all ours. Now go. These feelings of uncertainty aren’t who you are. Be the proud, arrogant aran we all know and love.” 
An imperceptible movement at the left corner of his mouth was what assured you he got the message. Then, with his signature eye roll, he took leave immediately, belting out orders surrounding battle strategy, infirmary locations, and the leader’s head being left for proper disposal--at the sword of the king. 
“Naneth?” Legolas queried, having moved away from the door to lightly pull on the lower hem of your dressing gown. 
“I’m sorry, darling. I was thinking back to that time with your father.” 
He nodded in understanding. “I’m glad you’re my Naneth. You always make everything better.” 
You kneeled before him, opening your arms in the hope that he would get your message. And in what probably counted out to be three seconds, you found a tiny, kind-hearted boy’s head pressed against your bosom. 
“She does, doesn’t she, iîn nín (my son)?” came the voice of your husband. 
Very quickly, your eyes--fresh with rapidly shedding tears--met his drier but no less affected ones.  
“Please join us, Ada.” 
“Yes, Thran, please do join. We can have a family hug of sorts.”
Being given the go-ahead seemed to do wonders for him. Forever uncertain that husband of yours was. 
And, making haste, he reached the two people he valued most in the world in rapid time and proceeded to make it known how much he adored them. Choosing to sit on his bum in a criss-cross fashion rather than kneel, he soon snaked his right arm around his son’s back and performed a similar movement on his wife. 
“Thank you for this, hervess nín (my wife). Thank you for everything.” 
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celeste-clearwater-06 · 4 years ago
Hello! I was wondering if you could please write something about how the Fellowship (+ Thorin?) Would help a s/o who's Disabled and Chronically ill. Like she has a lot of symptoms like chronic pain, chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, difficulty breathing at times, difficulty walking at times, higher sensitivity to the cold, difficulty talking at times, and anxiety, depression and executive dysfunction?
I've been really struggling with my chronic illnesses lately, namely my Autism, Anxiety, Sleep Apnea, a really bad Overbite, Raynaud's Syndrome, Asthma, etc, so I'd really appreciate an Imagine like this. I have a really weird disorder where one of my legs is longer than the other, and it's been causing me a lot of pain and difficulty walking lately, and people have been bullying me for it a lot too, so I could really use a Comfort Imagine right now. Thanks so much hun!!
It's no problem! I'm glad I can provide some comfort!! For each character, I'll use a specific struggling area, to make it a bit easier!! I hope I got these accurate enough, and of there are any mistakes, feel free to point them out!! You are strong, beautiful and so, so amazing!! Keep being you!! ❀❀
Help (The Fellowship// Thorin x Fem!Reader)
Aragorn (Autism)
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Aragorn has known you for a long time, so helping with your autism is not new for him
He's particularly experienced in reading your emotions and meeting your needs, whether it's helping you out of stressful situations or calming you down, he's there đŸ„ș
If there are large and boisterous gatherings in Rivendell, its almost guaranteed that you can become over-stimulated quickly, and Aragorn immediately senses this (spidey senses ÔoÔ)
He's fast to find your hand and give it a gentle squeeze of reassurance
If that doesn't seem to help, he'll instantly stop what he's doing and take you out of the room
If you're someone who prefers lots of space and little physical contact, he is 100% respectful of this and asks if you'll let him touch or hug you (very much gentleman 😌)
If ever you're confronted by someone of importance, Aragorn is right by your side to ease some of the tension
Sometimes there are things you find difficult to say or get out of your system
The king seems to know exactly what it is and will help you out by saying it or asking you simple questions that you can easily answer
And he always reminds you, no matter WHAT
You may struggle with some parts of your life, but every day, he's constantly telling you that you're very intelligent and kind
His patience is unending and he'll never let you think down on yourself
Overall, Aragorn is always someone and reminding you that it's all going to be okay ❀❀
Legolas (Anxiety)
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Most nights, Legolas keeps watch (since elves don't require much sleep) and notices that you jolt awake out of the random
Now, most of the Fellowship notices that you're usually awake and ready to go before anyone else
But Legolas is really the one to address you first
You were a bit nervous to explain, since you didn't want to worry him or the great of the fellowship, amount the other disadvantages you have
He gently encouraged you, and finally, you explained to him your sleep apnea
Yeah, he was very concerned
I mean, his blue eyes widened with terror when you told him that you could basically die in your sleep if you weren't attentive enough 🙃
Legolas, from now on, sleeps directly next to you, or keeps extra careful watch over you at night
Because he could NEVER see his precious mortal friend become injured... Or worse đŸ„șđŸ„ș❀
The other members had noticed a change in his behaviors towards you as well...
Gimli teased him whenever he caught Legolas giving you some extra lembas bread or offered to carry you 👉👈
You really tried to assure Legolas that it wasn't a big deal when you were awake, since you're aware of your breathing situation
But still đŸ˜€
Legolas will always bring you comfort and take great care of you, and that will NEVER CHANGE
Because he loves you very much â€đŸŠ‹
Frodo (Anxiety)
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Frodo is familiar with the feeling of great anxiety, seeing he had a stress-free life while living in the Shire and suddenly was forced to carry a piece of jewelry all the way to giant ass volcano
It's easy for you two to comfort each other and seek refuge in thoughts and feelings ❀
He's not super comfortable with the thought of you having a panic attack though...
Only because he's never had one
It starts to give him a panic attack whenever you have one around him the first time 😳-
Any time you begin to breathe heavy or hyperventilate, halfling boy is hot at your heels, rubbing your back and reminding you to breathe gently
(So many hugs, if you're up for it)
After you calm down, he's constantly checking on you, asking if you need anything etc.
Really, he just wants to know if he can help đŸ„ș
And even with the weight and stress of carrying the ring, Frodo manages to cheer you up somehow
Samwise (Asthma)
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Sam has never had to deal with asthma once in his life
He's very nervous when the subject is brought, afraid it might trigger something inside of you đŸ„ș👉👈
But you just chuckle, assure him that it's alright, and you have ways of keeping it under control
And now, he wants to know everything about it, just to have the awareness in case something happens
Sam just wants to protect you forever, and this was a great way for him to start
He constantly reminds Aragorn that you'll need breathing breaks and will convince Gandalf to let you ride on his horse
He'll scold Pip and Merry if they are trying to drag you around and be silly, because as he says
"You'll rouse him/her/them up! We can't have Y/N gettin injured!" đŸ€šđŸ˜ 
Sam is MOM
As always, he's very kind and always makes sure your needs are met ❀đŸ„ș
Pippin and Merry (Raynaud's Syndrome)
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Very confused halfings đŸ€”
Also extremely concerned!
You were eating one of the lesser pleasurable nights
It was cold and rainy, and a fire couldn't be started, not to mention the quiet arguments of Aragorn and Gandalf in the nearby woods
And Pip's eyes widened when he saw the tips of your petite fingers begin to pale upon hearing Aragorn mention Orcs
"What's wrong with your hands?!" He squeaked, pointing towards your now white-colored fingertips
You hadn't even noticed, nor felt, considering they were numb anyways
Merry looked over his cousin's shoulder and his eyes also widened, not with fright, but wonder
They were both fascinated with your condition, convinced that you were casting some spell Gandalf showed you
Although you reassured them it was just an extremely frustrating inconvenience that you had, among other things
So from then on, the disastrobus duo did their best to keep you out of the cold (and stressful situations!!)
As a distraction, the pair will tell you great stories of the shire, doing little dances and skits that always cheer you up đŸ„Ž
Sometimes, they can be a little rambunctious though...
Merry will pick up on this fact quickly, and nudge Pippin to get him to calm down
Even though it may not feel the best
They find your syndrome absolutely fascinating!! đŸ€”đŸ€”
All in all, these two are always up for keeping your beautiful smile on your face and your spirits high!! ❀đŸŒș
Boromir (Depression)
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Throughout the journey, Boromir has always found an easy way to make you smile
After all, he himself has a fascinating way of brightening anyone's spirits
Yours included ❀
Boromir may not have great stories from The Shire, like Pip and Merry, but he sure has a lot of positive things to say
He'll often suggest sparring with the two troublemaking halflings, just so you can see him goof up and get knocked over đŸ„ș
If the nights become cold and weary, he'll give you a warm hug or a nudge on the shoulder
And a few words of helpful encouragement along the lines of;
"Don't fret Y/N. You have more strength than you'll ever know."
"Let our spirits never dampen! We've come this far!" 😊
He's also an incredible listener
Boromir wants to hear what you have to say if you ever need to rant or get something off of your chest
And don't think for a second that he would ever judge you đŸ˜€
Son of Gondor sees past all of your insecurities and knows you for your beautiful, amazing self ❀❀
Gimli (Walking disadvantages)
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As you travel across great plains and mountains, your limp doesn't go unnoticed by Gimli
It may take him a while to open up about it, since he's afraid he might offend you in some way
And once he asks you, you inform him that it's a difficulty that unfortunately cannot be changed any time soon
And where you come from, lots of people tease and bully you about it
He did NOT handle it well 😳
Although this Dwarf is short and a bit slow at times
He's fascinatingly strong 😳
And so, he makes it his duty to be your designated carrier đŸ„ș
At first, your a tad skeptical...
I mean, he's only around 4 feet tall...
Gimli will happily carry you great distances when you need a break, and even longer
(Sometimes it's just to show off around the others-)
"Gimli, are you sure you don't want a break?"
"Aye lass! The strength of Dwarves is unending!" 😌
*struggling to breathe*
11/10, fantastic dwarf, will never let you down!!
Thorin (Executive Dysfunction)
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Another Dwarf??
Thorin himself has trouble keeping composure with his time management (and sense of direction 🙄)
This means that he'll have an undying amount of patience for you and you only
There's just something about you that he fond of, and it fills in that little sassy, brooding place in his heart
Can also relate to you whenever you grow frustrated at the setback of your journey or lack of sleep
Is 100% willing to help you find your lost belongings (and once again, ONLY YOU)
Thorin will literally make the whole traveling party stop so that you can put something in your bag and make sure that you put it somewhere you'll remember
Always happy to give you extra gentle reminders of keeping your pack closed
The company is utterly SHOCKED with how he treats you
I mean, this man has always been extremely stubborn and hard headed
But when you show up, it's another person he can easily relate and share frustrations with
Also a master at organization?!? đŸ€”
The one thing he could do successfully was organizing the damn journey and traveling company, so ofc he's gonna be good at that 😂
Yeah, Thorin definitely has a soft spot for you
King under the mountain will never run out of patience and kindness for you 😌💙
Sorry these took so long!! I hope you like them!! ❀❀
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fictitiousbeing · 4 years ago
I am well aware that I have a type, and it's rather noticeable. However, with that being said, I still wanted to know just how similar my childhood obsessions are to one and other. So, I present 10 of my crushes from when I was roughly 13 and younger. I may have aged and matured since then, but I have found my taste in men to have remained the same.
***The following 10 men, or rather characters, were selected randomly from a plethora of contenders, and are presented in no particular order.
Part Two Part Three Part Four
1. Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr) in the Mummy (1999) and the Mummy Returns (2001).
Ardeth is a badass Medjai, who evidently has trouble guarding Hamunaptra and the Creature.
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2. Michael Corvin (Scott Speedman) in Underworld (2003) and Underworld: Evolution (2006).
Michael became the first of his kind and he looked good doing it.
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3. Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) in Van Helsing (2004).
Gabriel, oh Gabriel! He ended up killing the girl, but he also ganked Drucula while he was at it.
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4. Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen) in the Lord of the Rings trilogy (2001-3).
Aragorn may respect Eowyn and he might even be engaged to Arwen, but he is without a doubt in love with Legolas.
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5. Cort (Russell Crowe) in the Quick and the Dead (1995).
Cort may have turned to preaching, but when push comes to shove he still knows how to use his hands (in both a gun fight and during his extracurriculars).
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6. Amsterdam Vallon (Leonardo DiCaprio) in Gangs of New York (2002).
Now, now Amsterdam, Bill the Butcher didn't know what he was saying when he said you have no heart.
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7. Tom Hanson (Johnny Depp) in the series 21 Jump Street (1987-91).
Officer Hanson is a pretty boy and a by the book kinda guy, but he can probably teach you a few things about handcuffs.
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8. Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise (2003-17).
Aye, avast! Will's father was indeed a bloody pirate - a scalawag.
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9. Jimmy Hickok (Josh Brolin) in the series the Young Riders (1989-91).
Jimmy's a good boy, but hot-headed with a quick draw. queue the song bad company by bad company.
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10. John Bender (Judd Nelson) in the Breakfast Club (1985).
Bender's a criminal, but you can always share your jewelry. Particularly your earrings.
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What can I say? I liked what I liked, and I still do... I obviously have a thing for beautiful long-haired brunets. I will not apologize.
***I am aware that some of these movies may be considered violent with coarse language and mature themes/content - essentially unsuitable for young children, but I watched them and I turned out just fine. At least I think I did.
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bestofbucky · 4 years ago
Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Platonic!Avengers x Reader
Word Count: 892
Warnings: Swearing, implied smut, humour hopefully, does not contain any actual spoilers.
Summary: The Avengers want to know what has got you so mad.
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Stomping into the room you dump your bag on the floor. The loud noise causes a few heads to turn in your direction but you ignore it. All you want is a cup of tea to calm yourself down. 
Clint traipses in behind you, his eyes cast downwards at the floor but a hint of amusement is shown in the upwards curve of his lips. He stays out of your way as you aggressively open and slam cupboards.
By now every conversation has come to a halt and all eyes are on you. 
‘I’m not a fucking museum exhibition, stop staring and carry on with your lives.’ You grunt at them all continuing to loudly make your tea until you hear your name being called softly.
‘What?’ Looking up you see them all still staring at you.
‘Everything ok?’ Steve asks you hesitantly.
‘Does everything look ok to you?’ you grumbled.
‘No it definitely does not.’ Sam chuckles under his breath causing Nat to hit him round the back of the head.
You stop everything and scowl at Sam, you slowly walk around the counter and make your way over to him.
‘What did you say bird boy because I’ve got a few choice words I-’
‘Woah! Hey, let's take a few steps back now.’ Bucky stood up and placed himself in front of you. He guides you backwards until he feels you relax slightly. ‘You want to tell us what happened doll?’ His soft voice is almost hypnotic in the way it calms you but his words just cause you to think about the incident again and you clench your fists together.
You pause and glance over at Clint ‘If I tell them are you going to open your big mouth halfway through and spoil it?’ Clint can’t hold back his laughter as he raises his hands in surrender. 
‘Come on, tell the group. What did Legolas do?’ Tony jokes.
‘Here we go.’ Sam smirks and you lunge at him ready to attack, only to be held in place by Bucky who gives you a stern look.
‘I’m on the edge of my seat here, tell us what happened.’ Wanda’s soothing voice convinces you to try again.
Taking a deep breath you continue, ‘Clint and I were talking about movie night.’
‘Ahh yes, I do love this little tradition of yours. I have to admit I try to time my visits here so I can partake in this event.’ Thor interrupts but you know better than to try any sort of attack on him so you settle with a death stare.
‘With all due respect, it has been exactly two minutes and thirty-three seconds since you two came into the room and we are still unclear on what it is that has angered you.’ Vision interjects and you roll your eyes.
‘In other words let the woman speak.’ Bruce exaggerates and your heart warms at how sweet he is. However, It’s not long before the irritation overtakes you once more as you think back to what happened.
‘As I was saying.’ You glare around the room only to be met by smirks and amused faces, riling you up further. ‘We were talking about movie night and Clint asked me what film I was going to pick. So I told him I was thinking about picking Titanic. I was bout to say that I haven’t watched it but blabbermouth over here decided to interrupt me and spoil the fucking movie.’ You glare at Clint who just laughs. 
‘What, did he tell you the boat sinks?’ Rhodey pipes up and you feel your heart rate start to increase, none of them can help the smiles that start to form on their faces or the chuckles that escape their lips. If it was anyone else standing in your position then you would probably find it hilarious, you knew they were winding you up but there was nothing you could do except let them.
‘You know that movie has been out for over twenty years now?’ Natasha teased intentionally adding to your frustration.
They all continue to joke about it between themselves, adding onto what each other say and driving you to the edge.
‘You can all go to hell.’ You can’t take anymore, you shoot daggers at them all but your face softens when you look at Bucky, ‘except you, you support me right?’
Bucky takes a moment to glance around the room, he notices everyone’s amusement and seems to make a decision in his head. ‘Baby if you made us watch Titanic we would already be in hell.’ He laughs and that’s the last straw, you storm out the room giving them all the finger as most of them are on the floor laughing. 
‘Don’t get me wrong I’m glad you joined the joking but, that's your girl?’ Sam chuckles, still recovering from Bucky’s response. Bucky simply shrugs his shoulders.
‘What can I say, angry sex is the best.’ Bucky laughs as he ducks away from the pillows and various objects being thrown at him. Each Avenger making their own comment. Sam’s ‘you dirty dirty dog,’ being one of the loudest. One small item comes flying at his face from Natasha’s direction and he sends a wink her way after realising it's a condom before finally turning around and hurrying after you.
Taglist: @vampirewithbedsidemanners​ @townwitchbitch​
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bisexualbumblebee-writes · 2 years ago
To Love a Ranger Chapter 14- Aragorn x OC
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Aragorn x Issa
Description: As the battle grows closer and closer many begin to worry that they will not last through the night, but that changes when an unexpected ally shows up.
Word Count: 1.7k
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“Farmers, farriers, stable boys,” Aragorn muttered to Issa, Legolas and Gimli as they stood in the caves under Helm’s Deep. The quartet watched in silence as the men and boys going into battle prepared, saying goodbyes and receiving armor and a variety of weapons.
“These are no soldiers,” Issa responded, crossing her arms. 
“Most have seen too many winters,” Gimli agreed. 
“Or too few,” the Elf added. An unspoken agreement settled amongst them, and yet Legolas continued. 
“Look at them. They’re frightened; I can see it in their eyes.” Everyone stopped to look at him, including Aragorn, Gimli and Alphine. The latter’s brows furrowed, and Aragorn shot him a warning glance. 
“Boe a hyn. Neled herain dan caer menig (And they should be. Three hundred against ten thousand),” he spoke fiercely. 
“Si beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras (They have more hope of defending themselves here than at Edoras),” Aragorn retorted. 
“Aragorn, nedin dagor hen erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer!  (Aragorn, they cannot win this fight. They are all going to die)!” Legolas snapped. 
“And I shall die as one of them!” The man all but shouted. If the room wasn’t quiet before, it was dead silent now as everyone stared at them. The Elf glared at him, but Aragorn only returned it before storming off. Legolas went to go after him, but was stopped by Gimli grabbing his arm. 
“Let him go, lad. Let him be,” he instructed carefully. The Elf didn’t look pleased about it, but he let it go anyway with a deep sigh. She could tell he was still upset, and she knew Aragorn would be, so she sighed. 
“I’ll go talk to him,” she informed him and Gimli, pushing through the crowd in the same direction that her fiance had.
She found him sitting on the steps outside the great hall. His lips were set in a firm line and his brows were furrowed. So he was upset. Issa sighed softly and walked over, taking a seat beside him, though he didn’t look at her quite yet.
“I know it wasn’t fair, what Legolas said,” she started softly. “Not many people feel like they have the choice to flee the fight when their families’ lives are on the line. He knows this, and he knows that it is too late to call for aid, but he just worries about you. You are dear to him, and he hates that he feels trapped inside these walls with an unstoppable war coming to us. Of course it doesn’t excuse what he said, but I feel that it’s fair for you to see his reasoning.” The Man continued to stay silent for a minute or two, then he faced her with a fond expression. 
“You know, I hate it when you’re right.” 
“Because you don’t like to be wrong?” She joked, earning a chuckle from the both of them. 
“Precisely,” he joked back. Then his eyes landed on a blonde boy no older than twelve who stood just a few feet away, talking to another standing by a fire. The boys continually looked their way, and Aragorn seemed to notice. 
“Give me your sword,” he suddenly said. The blonde boy walked over to the couple, handing his sword to the Man. 
“What is your name?” Aragorn asked. 
“Haleth, son of Hama, My Lord,” the boy answered, making Issa’s heart clench. She’d heard of Hama’s death as a result of the Orc ambush just a few days earlier, and her heart went out to his wife and child(ren). Haleth licked his lips nervously. 
“The men are saying we will not live out the night,” he continued anxiously. “They say that it is hopeless.” Aragorn sighed softly then stood. Issa watched curiously as he held out the sword, swinging it around. He was testing it. 
“This is a good sword,” he ultimately concluded, handing the sword back to the child and resting a hand on his shoulder, staring into his eyes. “Haleth, son of Hama, there is always hope.” 
The boy seemed comforted by his words, and he offered him a nod before walking back to his friend by the fire. Issa smiled. If there was one thing Aragorn was good at, it was boosting morale even in the worst circumstances. Once Haleth walked away she stood and rested a hand on her fiance’s shoulder. 
“Come, let us go find some armor so we aren’t killed instantly,” she half joked. Aragorn chuckled softly then nodded, and they walked to the armory hand in hand. 
As it turned out, women in the race of Men didn’t often go to battle. That meant there was not much armor Issa could use. So, she took what she could and silently prayed that it would be enough. Aragorn stood just a few feet away redressing himself with chainmail and armor (Issa was jealous that he could instantly find some that fit him), but both stopped when they noticed Legolas appear, holding the Man’s sword out for him. 
“We have trusted you this far,” the Elf said softly. “You have not led us astray. Forgive me, I was wrong to despair.”
“U-moe edaved, Legolas (There is nothing to forgive, Legolas),” Aragorn answered with a small smile. Legolas shared his grin as they patted each other on the shoulder, then his eyes found Issa’s. The girl offered him a reassuring nod, signaling that she agreed with Aragorn. The three of them were distracted when Gimli appeared, looking as if he were struggling with his chainmail shirt. 
“We had time, I’d get this adjusted,” the Dwarf muttered begrudgingly, letting the shirt drop and watching it fall to the ground, obviously way too long on him. “It’s a little tight across the chest.” Issa couldn’t help but giggle at his version of her predicament, but was quickly distracted when she heard a horn in the distance. The four of them looked towards the source of the faint noise. 
“That is no Orc horn,” Legolas muttered, running out of the room. Aragorn and Issa followed close behind him, seeing Men looking down over the wall that surrounded them. 
“Send for the King! Open the gate!” A guard called. She arrived at the top of the staircase to see a large Elven army march through the gates, passing the Men. Theoden, who also stood at the top of the steps, walked down and stepped towards them. Issa couldn’t help but smile when she saw Haldir at the front of the army in bright golden armor and a brilliant red cape. 
“How is this possible?” Theoden asked in disbelief. Haldir bowed to him. 
“I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell,” he explained. “An alliance once existed between Elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together. We come to honor that allegiance.” Issa followed Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli down the stairs. Aragorn immediately hugged the Elf once he was in front of him. 
“You are most welcome here,” he responded happily. Once they pulled away Legolas hugged the marchwarden, then Issa did the same. 
“Hanon le (Thank you),” she muttered to him as the army of Elves turned to them and stood to attention. Haldir smiled at her before facing Theoden and Aragorn, his arm still around Issa while hers was around his waist. 
“We are proud to fight alongside Men once more,” he responded. Alphine glanced over to Legolas, who stood on the other side of Haldir with a smile directed at her. Maybe they wouldn’t be as hopeless after all. 
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Later that evening everyone had gathered on the battlements of Helm’s Deep. Along the top of the Deepening Wall Elves were lined up as well. Everyone stood in silence as they watched the armies of the Uruk-hai advance on them with lit torches. Issa turned her head to see Gimli, who was standing beside her, attempting to see over the wall, though he was just a little too short. 
“You could have picked a better spot,” he complained to Legolas, which made the girl shake her head amusedly. Aragorn walked through the Men and Elves before ultimately stopping beside the trio. 
“Well lad, whatever luck you live by, let’s hope it lasts the night,” Gimli spoke. 
“Your friends are with you, Aragorn,” Legolas reassured the Man. 
“Let’s hope they last the night,” the Dwarf grumbled as Aragorn continued his trek to his position. Issa shook her head at him then faced forward as lightning and thunder rumbled through the sky. As the Uruk soldiers reached Helm’s Deep the captain stood on a high rock and raised his hand.  
“A Eruch n, u dano i faelas a hyn, an uben tanatha le faelas (Show them no mercy! For you shall receive none),” Aragorn called. Everyone stood in silence as the captain Uruk signaled his army to stop. Issa glanced at Gimli as he jumped up and down, attempting to see over the wall. 
“What’s happening out there?” He questioned. 
“Shall I describe it to you?” Legolas asked, making the Dwarf face him. “Or would you like me to find you a box?” Gimli stared at him for a second, then burst into laughter (which made Issa smile as well). All heads turned when the Uruks began stomping their spears on the ground and beating their chests in unison. Aragorn unsheathed his sword and held it in front of him, which signaled the archers to load their bows and draw them, ready to fire. All of a sudden an arrow shot from the wall, landing it directly in an Uruk’s neck. 
“Dartho (Hold)!” Aragorn yelled as the soldier fell down dead. The others growled ferociously before the captain thrust his scimitar and shouted. The army advanced upon Helm’s Deep with vigor. So it begins.
“Tangado a chadad (Prepare to fire),” Aragorn called to the archer Elves that stood behind the battlements. The Elves did as he said and notched their bows, Legolas and Issa following in suit. 
“Faeg i-varv dün na lanc, a nu ranc (Their armor is weak at the neck, and beneath the arm,” Legolas informed them as they all took aim. As Issa waited for the signal she took a deep breath and attempted to calm her rapid heart rate. The battle had finally begun, and all she could do was pray that they would survive it.
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teenyweenynightghost · 4 years ago
Dream Date
Thomas x fem reader
Thomas had been crushing on Y/n for god knows how long
They sat up all night and talked online about every little thing in the world; passions, dreams, futures, meanings

After a bit of wine and endless encouragement from the band, he finally decided to ask her out.
“Um, y/n, I had a question
” his voice trembled slightly, watching her wash some dishes before patting her hands dry and turning to face him
“Of course, amore. What is it?”
“I was wondering If you wanted to go on a date with me tonight?” He asked, looking at her with fear and anticipation.
He only grew more worried as the girl remained silent, shock written all over her face.
“Are you kidding? I would love to!” She chuckled, approaching Thomas and hugging him tightly
He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and basked in the sensation of being so close to her. Y/n’s soft, luscious hair slightly tickled his cheek and filled his nose with the pleasant scent of flowers and spring
Thomas was standing in front of the mirror, fumbling nervously with his tie. He had picked a light gray suit with a pink shirt.
“Thomas!! Aren’t you gonna come pick up your princess?” Damiano teased from downstairs, earning a frustrated groan from the blond.
He came up in a second and watched Thomas try and knot his tie, laughing to himself before helping him out.
“Are you nervous?”
“Guess, stronzo.”
Damiano snorted before patting him on the back and pushing him downstairs
“You are incredibly handsome Thomas, she’ll be more than enamored”
“Shut up.”
He got in the car and drove all the way to Y/n’s house, where he noticed she was already waiting on the porch.
She was gorgeous, to say the least. Her curly hair was pulled back with a few pins, light peach eyeshadow on her eye lids and a soft pink lipstick.
He hadn’t realizes she was in front if him, until Y/n spoke.
“Where are we going?”
“Oh um, beautiful- I mean, you, you are beautiful.”
They both blushed, Thomas more out of embarrassment, and he opened the door for her to get in the car.
“What made you decide to finally ask me on a date?” Her soft, honey-like voice broke the silence.
“I am always excited when I’m with you, or when I talk to you. It’s something I don’t really feel with other people.”
“I honestly thought you’d say that you would willingly wake up for me.”
They both started laughing, as they passed the illuminated streets of Rome.
“That’s a given.”
Eventually, the car slowed to a stop, and they both got out.
“Where are we?”
“Remember that place I told you about a few nights ago? I used to come to this meadow every day when I was younger. It was like a safe haven for me.” His voice faded out, looking around and taking in the all-too familiar plants and trees he knew so well.
“Why did you bring me here, then?”
“I wanted you to see it. Maybe it could become our haven.”
Y/n sighed, and picked up a flower from the ground, smelling it.
Meanwhile, the boy opened the trunk of the car and pulled out a blanket and a basket, laying them both down and taking a seat.
The soft glow of the moon softly illuminated the patch of grass they were sitting on, creating a surreal and whimsical feeling.
“To be fair, If you wouldn’t have asked me out one of these days, I would have.” Y/n snorted, opening the basket and gasping.
“CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES??” Y/n’s eyes were comically wide, as she looked between the treats and Thomas
“Well, you know, I did plan for this date to be the cheesiest thing possible.”
“They’re over used for a reason. They rock!”
“We rock.” He added smoothly, feeling himself relax more and more.
“We sure do.”
Taking out another plate out of the basket, Thomas grinned as he remembered one of his favorite childhood movies.
A big smile appeared on Y/n’s face as she saw the giant portion of pasta in front of her, and hurried to find some forks in the basket.
“I suppose we’re eating out of the same plate, correct?”
Thomas nodded and didn’t hesitate to start devouring the food.
They mainly listened to the soft tuned of the car radio while eating in silence, the occasional chirp of a bird catching their attention, until Y/n started giggling.
Thomas looked down, and saw that they both have the same noodle in their mouth, one end in her mouth, on in his.
Thomas smiled sheepishly, as he continued advancing towards Y/n, her actions replicating his.
They were mere centimeters away from each other, Y/n’s hot breath sending shivers through Thomas, her eyes lit up, as If a fire glowed with in them.
She made the final step and closed the distance between them, kissing Thomas tenderly, for so long that they both forgot what breathing felt like.
Eventually pulling apart, they kept staring into each other’s eyes, trying to calm down, despite their hearts being aflame with desire and affection.
“We should film a live-action version of Lady and the Tramp.”
Thomas chuckled and shifted so that he was closer to her, nuzzling his head into the crook of Y/n’s neck.
She picked up the box of strawberries and started shoving them down her throat, eating with a speed that got Thomas worried.
“Woah, woah, woah, slow down! I want some too!”
“You can’t bring me strawberries covered in chocolate and expect me not to eat them!!”
He snorted and leaned over to the basket, pulling out a book.
“What’s that?”
Y/n gasped and lowered herself so that she would align herself with his face.
“Wow! You’re gonna bring me food, read me poetry and show me your hiding spot? I feel like I’m in a romantic movie.” She joked, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Well, I am trying to romance you.”
“There are literally so many words for it and you choose romance me?”
“I knew you’d say that.” He scoffed, faking a pout and opening the book. He flipped through a few pages until he ended up at a heavily marked one, a coffee stain on the corner.
“I’m guessing this is your favorite?”
“For one specific reason. Can you guess it?”
Y/n hummed, thinking for a few moments before answering him.
“Is it about sleep?”
“Oh come on! No. It reminded me of you.” He grinned, fluttering the book under her nose.
“Oh god, it’s gonna be a prayer to the devil, won’t it?”
The blond squinted his eyes, seemingly freezing, before starting to flip hurriedly through the pages once more.
“Shit, you’re right.”
“THOMAS!” Y/n elbowed him, scoffing, bursting into laughter along with him.
“Fine, fine, alright. Here it is;
When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
Y/n’s eyes were brimmed with tears, slightly smudging her eye makeup, as she took a deep breath, taking in all that Thomas recited
“What’s it called?”
“When you are old, by William Butler Yeats.”
Y/n let out a silent oh, and looked closer at the sketches around the writing.
There was a small sketch of her, relaxing on the balcony under the stars, and Thomas, looking up at her as if she were his moon.
Her heart was filled with affection for the boy who held it in his hands, who unfortunately didn’t realize how much he meant to her.
“Let’s dance.” She beckoned him, walking towards the car and turning up the volume. A terrible love song erupted from the speakers, making Thomas cringe at the harmonies and lyrics, but he took Y/n’s hand regardless and pulled her closer.
They swung from side to side, looking deeply into each other’s eyes and memorizing every single aspect of the night
“This night is amazing, but this song really fucking sucks.” Thomas eventually spoke, not being able to hold in his commentary any longer.
“Well, not everyone can make music as well as you.”
“Oh you little flirt.” Thomas blushed, brushing a strand of hair out of Y/n’s face and spinning her around, over and over again.
She was giggling as she turned, her flowery dress flowing around, making her look like even more of an angle in Thomas’s eyes.
“I wanna spin you too!”
“I’m taller. You can’t!”
Y/n pushed Thomas around, but he got stuck while he was with his back to her.
“Ow, Y/n, my arm can’t bend like that!”
He muttered a few curses, instinctively stapling backwards, thus making Y/n fall along with him.
A loud thud was all that he heard before an uncontrollable mess of giggles started wiggling under him.
“No, I’m crushing on you.” He spoke calmly, not getting off of her small body.
They were both laughing as Thomas got up, pulling Y/n with him, and pressing a passionate kiss to her lips.
They both sat back down on the blanket and nuzzled into each other’s embrace, their breath matching up.
“I never want this night to end.” Y/n whispered against his neck, squeezing his hand.
“It’s the only way it will remain special.”
She smiled contently, before looking up at the stars and letting the faint crickets and rustles of the forrest drive them to sleep.
A/n: I had plenty of inspiration for thisđŸ„Ž @cantaraiilmionome 😉 for you, amore
Taglist: @fuckim-so-gay @ginny-lily @messyhairday-me @cheese-toastie-11 @wannabemarlenabutiscoraline @simp-per-ethan @maneskinrollercoaster @juststalking @superchrystaldrug @immrbrightsideeee @shehaddreamstoo @tiaamberxx @victoriadeangeliswifey @bidet-and-legolas @makapaka11 @electra-phoebe
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gossip-girl-of-middleearth · 4 years ago
Elf got your tongue? (Legolas x Reader)
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Synopsis: When your tongue gets stuck on a pole in some snowy slopes, and orcs are approaching, the Fellowship has to get a little creative to unstick you.
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“What is it?” you curiously asked, staring up at a glistening pole.
Under the morning sun, the snowy slopes sparkled like diamond crust. Yourself and the Fellowship had trekked far since Rivendell, and you now found yourself climbing high in the snow.
What you did not expect, however, was to stumble across a tall, silver pole.
“It is a landmark, Y/n,” Gandalf answered. His tone was edged in both fatigue and annoyance, from his place at the front of the resting group.
“A landmark for what?” Pippin pitched in, walking up to stand beside you.
Your hands were on your hips, as you squinted up at the sky to view the entirety of the pole. You felt your palms grow clammy at the thought of the tall height, as well as the blue eyes a few feet away sneaking a glance at you.
So much for the inconspicuousness of elves, you figured.
Your heart skipped a beat, and you fought hard to play it cool. Although, your feelings soon won you over, and you couldn’t help but steal a glance back. When you did so, however, you caught the eye of Legolas.
He widened his eyes quickly, and cleared his throat as he looked away. You smiled at the reddening of his ears, and resisted the urge to grin giddily with a chewing of your lower lip.
“It signifies our position in the north, Peregrine Took,” Gandalf snapped again.
Pippin clamped his mouth shut, and looked up at you with a mischievous smile. You then both tried hard to not snicker at the grumpy wizard.
“Speaking of which,” Aragorn piped up, with a keen eye trained on the horizon, “it appears our efforts travelling north will not benefit us. Gandalf, would we not be better off observing our path ahead from atop the slope?”
” Gandalf agreed. He ultimately sighed and began stepping up the steep incline of snow. “The rest of you wait here by the pole, whilst I scope out our path ahead. Nobody do anything foolish! Especially you three—Y/n, Meriadoc and Peregrine.”
In response, the three prematurely accused friends upheld their palms. You all shook your heads and gave promising smiles to the wizard.
He merely only growled something under his breath, before slowly tearing his eyes away and beginning his ascent.
Dropping his hands slowly, Merry leaned across to you. “Bet you won’t lick that pole.”
“Bet,” you confidently replied back.
Only one minute had passed since Gandalf had walked up the slope, and only one minute had passed since you decided to lick the pole. With one long swipe of your tongue, you were alarmed to find your flesh frozen against the pole.
Merry and Pippin thought you to be joking at first, until they caught the panic in your eyes. With Boromir, Gimli, Aragorn, Legolas, Sam and Frodo a few feet away commenting on the path ahead, and pointing out at the slopes, you and the two other hobbits tried to remove your tongue.
However, it was to no avail. You whimpered at the burning sensation in your tongue, and pushed the two boys away as they tried to pull you free. All they did was cause your tongue further pain, for it appeared no such unsticking would occur.
Legolas caught your sounds of hurt, and like a mother drawn to a baby’s cries, he threw his head over his shoulder.
“Oh my
” he attempted to say, before his sentence trailed off with a shocked widening of his eyes.
He knew instantly what kind of trouble the two hobbits had put you in, and would have laughed loudly had Aragorn not spoken up in alarm.
“Nobody panic, or make any drawing movements, but we are being tracked by a group of orcs—below the slope, a league or less behind us.”
“WHAT—” you had gone to say, but mewled instead at the stretching of your tongue.
Catching your oddly muffled voice, the five other boys turned to look over their shoulders.
“Y/n? Oh, for the LOVE OF—” Boromir went to curse, but was cut off by Aragorn instead.
The ranger flew forwards to assist you, and to assess the severity. “We cannot linger by the pole! They’ll be on us in minutes!”
You made another string of unintelligible words, but ceased quickly with a wince at the tearing of your tongue. It was stuck, and stuck good.
“We need to boil water!” Gimli proclaimed, already fetching a pot from Sam’s rucksack.
“There’s no time!” Legolas answered, eyeing off the approaching orcs.
“It’s been an honour knowing you, Y/n,” Merry joked, placing his hand solemnly on your shoulder.
He then made a move to run away towards Gandalf, but was halted by an outstretched arm from Boromir. The captain gave an unimpressed thinning of his lips, but was still looking ahead towards the orcs.
“Maybe we can pee on—” Pippin had gone to offer.
“NO!” you cut off.
“Well, how else can we boil water quickly?” Legolas asked in frustration. “It’s not as though we were born with internal heaters!”
At that, everyone went quiet. Maybe he was onto something

The elf’s hands were on his hips, as he shook his head at the ground in thought and tapped his foot. However, upon hearing nothing from his friends, he looked up.
All eyes blinked back at him, even yours, as you stared at the prince with your tongue still out and stuck against the pole.
“WE perhaps cannot heat anything very quickly as mortals
” Aragorn alluded. “But elves have different bodily regulations.”
“What are you—oh
” Legolas began to hiss, before he came to the same realization as everyone else.
He looked at a very sheepish you next, and swallowed his nerves. Sighing and holding out his hand, Legolas motioned for Aragorn’s water cannister.
The ranger complied, and handed the lifeline over with an apologetic look thrown your way. Legolas then eyed off the canister with an apprehensive expression, but soon sighed after.
He began unscrewing the lid, before he discovered that all eyes were still on him. He narrowed his gaze and furrowed his brows, and defended himself with, “Well, I can’t do it with you all watching!”
Giving one more glance down at the running orcs, who were gaining speed, everyone but you and Legolas nodded and jogged up the slope to advise Gandalf of the incoming attack.
Left alone in the cold, and shivering for more than one reason, you tried to look everywhere but at the elf taking a long swig of water. Dropping the cannister from his lips, with a glance over his shoulder at the orcs, Legolas swished the water around in his mouth until it was warm.
Walking over nervously, Legolas kept a good few feet between the two of you. He then caught your eye and asked for consent. Sighing and nodding your head, you looked back up at him.
Nodding back, with cheeks full of warm water puffed out, Legolas, spurting like a fountain, blew a stream down to where your tongue was stuck to the pole. However, it wasn’t enough—more a trickle, really.
“That’s not going to be enough!” you tried to say—muffled once again, though.
Making a scared noise of protest, with his cheeks still mostly full, Legolas stepped in closer to you. Hesitating for a moment, Legolas lowered and lifted his head a few times, finding the whole situation very uncomfortable.
However, with the roaring of orcs nearby, he was soon reminded of the hastiness of the situation. Lowering his head to become eye level with you, and holding your fixated gaze, Legolas tentatively leaned his mouth in close to yours.
Only a few centimetres away from your stuck tongue, he began slowly pouring the warm water out from his mouth past pursed lips. Both of your faces flushed at the closeness of it all—something so similar in action to a tender kiss.
Slowly, but surely, the warm water—intertwined with good old-fashioned royal spit—thawed your tongue. Feeling it unstick, you jolted away from the pole. At the same time, Legolas quickly stood upright and swallowed the rest.
Stretching your mouth out and running your tongue all over the inside of your own mouth, fighting against the fact that you could taste him, you quickly found your words again.
“Thank you,” you forced out.
“No worries,” he replied, in just as much of an uncomfortable tone as yours.
A few seconds of awkward silence passed between you two, before the reminder of orcs dawned on you both.
“We should probably—” Legolas began, nodding over his shoulder at the awaiting Fellowship.
“Yeah,” you agreed.
With that, you both nodded at one another, before sprinting up the slope.
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