#in my head infinity hates the fact that her siblings love humans
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Humans — The one thing that most affects primordial entities.
(This is basically a dialogue that must have happened around Salem times, when Rio had met Agatha and started talking.)
Infinity: He cannot go on like this, and you know it. Not even your sister causes as much chaos as that idiot son of yours!
Eternity: He knows what he did wrong, my sister.
Infinity: Oh really?! Just as he knew with the last time?!
Eternity: It was not that bad-
Infinity: Sister.
Death: Fine. I hate to disagree with you, brother, but, it was that bad.
Infinity: See my side once for all! Entropy needs to stop! Before long, that stupid will destroy everything he touches!
Death: I hate to say it, but, she is right. I adore that boy but-
Infinity: Ha! "Hate", "boy", "adore". See?! You developed these human emotions and and lost your sense!
Death: And here I was, defending her.
Eternity: Sister-
Infinity: He is too volatile! And that is your fault! You let him get attached to that woman, and with that, he developed this, this, human performance!
Eternity: That woman was his mother, and he is my son-
Infinity: She was not his mother, he does not have a mother! He was not carried in a womb nor grew up as a human!
Death: Sister, I think you are being too harsh-
Infinity: What? Is that witch making you soft too?
Death: Keep Agatha's name out of this.
Infinity: I truly do not understand what you two, in your right mind, saw in these mortals!
Death: Some things you have to see for yourself to understand, hermana.
Infinity: I refuse to lower myself like that, hermanita.
Death: Heh, maybe one day you understand.
Infinity: Ugh. Listen to me, brother. It is enough that you and our sister are stupidly affected by humans. We don't need one more. Stop treating your son like he is a, a human, a child, cause he is not. Stop making him weak.
#in my head infinity hates the fact that her siblings love humans#entropy's mother wasn't really his mother but she was the one who raised him and taught him a little about human things#eternity and entropy were very close until her death#and no they don't blame or are angry with rio for her death because they know she's just doing her job#and she collected her soul with all the affection and care for them#infinity doesn't like humans at all but deep down she wants to feel the same thing her siblings feel and wants to fall in love for someone#but after seeing how devastated her siblings were at losing their loves (eternity's lover death's son and lover) she never wanted it again#agatha all along#agatha all along incorrect quotes#this is part of something i'm developing#i'll get to the time when agatha was carrying nicky#agathario#agatha harkness#rio vidal#agatha x rio#rio x agatha#agatha harkness x rio vidal#rio agatha all along#rio vidal x agatha harkness#vidarkness#agatha x lady death#lady death x agatha#lady death mcu#lady death#agatha coven of chaos#agatha harkness x lady death#lady death agatha all along#agathario incorrect quotes#marvel incorrect quotes#rio vidal marvel
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Concept of the Dragon King, in human form.
Tale 21: What The Wagon Was For (chapter 7 - Perfect Pie 7/8 ) part 6. Stories of wizards
To be enchanted. Containing magic, and thus it’s laws and limits; But also, its abilities. Blessing, veiling a curse. This is what it means to be an enfeyed Warg. making a pact with a fey, so its essence lives within a mage. Being a Warg was rare but not associated with magery. Everything was enchanted after all. As mages discovered how to integrate into wizard culture, they appear talented instead of dangerous. Like a fey passing as a human, a mage may pass as an ordinary wizard, forgetting what they truly are. Whether it be a rare naiad professor, or even a lady enfeyed with the lost Stag Queen, becoming a head paladin. Magic can be simply about perspective. In the Day Veil, the Shadow Veil, separated by the existence of the Beast Kings, touches everything. Enchantment, is invisible.
The problem with infinity, is eventually. No matter the secret, things will come to light, or change. After a series of adventures far from home, Morgan and Emilia were found. The government of the Grand West took in Morgan, and realized immediately he was a mage. Worse yet, He may be traumatized to the point of walking a wire, between inflicting pain on others, or being used as a tool. Morgan was now a conspiracy, in need of sweeping under the rug. Thus, while he waited for a new home, Morgan ended up being passed from master to master like a game of magic hot potato. The counsel of wizards, desperately tried to mold Morgan into something that resembled a wizard. Unlike Morgan’s parents, they knew keeping magic from him was futile. It wasn’t just that he was attracted to it, but now it was attracted to him. The best they could do, was send Morgan to a reform magic academy, to save him before emotions corrupted him.
To go along with a recovery plan, Emilia was removed from the situation. Morgan was placed in a dorm at the school, and then given a variety of powerful teachers to stop him from studying magery; And growing in power. Which implied Morgan had a goal of achieving power, and not just wanting to avoid his problems. Magic just happened to be his vice. Like Teflon, each master couldn’t stick around long. Lead Paladin Estella, calm, strong and respected, was first. She was to watch his every move, and guide him towards wizardry. Instead, Estella ended up watching him free the Dragon Queen from a wizard bank, and make fey friends. Emilia kept cropping up, to help out. The will to quest was so strong, not even Estella could stop him. So, Estella’s employers sent her to capture a missing suspect, Ceberus Monafyra, hoping Morgan would become a casualty in the crossfire. But they were soon disappointed.
As Estella tried to catch Cerberus and protect Morgan, he had his eyes on the prize; He was near the Dragon Gate, in Grand Snow. He remembered it was open from the year prior, when he had visited the Shadow Veil. Now, understanding that the kingdom stones made him King Mage, and thus a sibling and friend to all magic, Morgan wanted the last stone. He assumed some ritualistically slain goat, brought through the open gate, to the mouth of the largest dragon in existence, would make them friends. While Estella and Cerberus threw spells at each other, Morgan was once again blissfully lost in adventure. The world disappeared when his id called him to adventure. Estella was helpless to watch Morgan walk into the Shadow Veil, with Cerberus behind him. Cerberus, a mage unaccustomed to the veil, fled; But Morgan presented a dead goat to the Dragon King.
“Sorry I was gone so long, Dragon King.” Morgan said, holding the goat up to the massive muzzle of the Dragon King.
“You came to me with tales, then returned my wife, brother. I will accept your gift, but I promise it is unnecessary. It is but a small token, compared to your other deeds. Not to mention, you seem calmer; Found a true love perhaps? Stone Queen Io would be thrilled to hear such news.” The Dragon King teased, taking the goat. Morgan didn’t say anything.
“You called me brother; Does that mean I had the stone the entire time?”
“Yes. You told me a tale, of the life of men; Can you share another from today? I would love to hear as many tales of humanity as I can.” The Dragon King responded, taking human form.
“Well to start, I’m upset I killed that goat. Also, I have a heartman mage fighting my magic knight; He is charged with fratricide, and inciting a dragon in Fountain. mages keep being scape goats; I wish I could change that.”
“Fountain? Oh no; One of my daughters did that. Also, if you mean Cerberus, he opened the Dragon Gate, causing spring to return to Grand Snow. He trained the new Mage of The Dragon Gate! He fell in after you just now; We will keep him here ‘for safe keeping’. You need not be in danger, my friend. Now tell me more.” The Dragon King said, taking a seat atop his mountain.
At Pepperidge Academy, Morgan met his next master: Woodwick. Whom Morgan immediately recognized as a Fountain Nymph. The school didn’t believe him, at first. Emilia was sent back to try and reunite her with her own family, in the meantime. Thus, making Morgan feel empty again. After only a month, Morgan was once again opted to distracted himself from his loneliness, and wandered to Tiberius Gate; The black tower in the center of a large stone walled forest, containing a dormant magic landscape. Morgan liked the Idea of a magic forest. He found instructions to open the gate, causing him to go missing, and forcing Estella and Woodwick to come look for him. Estella never returned, as she was enfeyed with the lost Stag Queen. Then, Woodwick was fired; Ten years of employment, didn’t negate the fact he was a fairy.
So, now Morgan was the King Mage of Tiberius Gate, going to magic school, soon reunited with Emilia, but with no home or therapy. Magic had never felt so good, nor treated so well. His third Master was a prodigy seer named Hara Fyrstan. Lucky for Morgan, his new master was also a fey loving mage, and thus did not disappear, but actually helped Morgan become a top student. It was almost the happily ever after Morgan yearned for.
There comes a moment, when laying in bed, after being suddenly woken by terror, that materialized from nothing. Though sleep is deep, anxiety diminishes it’s benefits. The sudden burst of energy, in an otherwise quiet environment, allows existential reflection though a lens of catastrophe. Magic was no longer enough to comfort or enchant. Peace, the opposite of conflict, can create its foe; For something cannot exist, without an opposite. Years of trauma had started to sink in, and sharpen, in the middle of the night. Something about realizing the pain is still there. Wishing to speak up, but fearing the response of new friends. Consumed by the whiles and whims of magic, and subconsciously reliant on a single person for every emotional need, was enabling. In silence, and darkness, one awakes in absolute loneliness.
Feeling inescapably separate from the world, and the security of family, the sweet serenity, from a dreamlike ether, that bathes the world each day, is appealing. It cleared the fog, making a disturbing scene forefront in the mind. No chance left of sleep, wandering to a desk, in front of a perfect new journal, with pen in hand. The leather unworn, and parchment smelling warm and woody. Unsatisfied with the world, taking out ink, desiring to bleed the depths of the mind onto paper, but too mortified with such monsters, to write their names. Morgan was reduced to tears.
“Morgan? Are you ok? You seemed to be doing so much better,” Emilia said. “But suddenly you keep waking up; I’m worried.” She whispered. Morgan had woken her too. Emilia got out of the purple soft sheets; Still warm, upon the bed, in the center of the room, inside the tower. Just the two of them. Emilia softly walked forward, and went for a hug; For the first time, Morgan flinched at her touch. Emilia felt cold; like his emotions were radiating into her. She could never unknown his struggles, of which he entrusted with her alone.
“Emilia, I miss my mom and dad; And I hate it.” Morgan cried.
“I never asked, because I don’t miss my own family; But what was your family like?”
“I have an aunt, uncle, and cousin. No more grandparents, but my mom and dad really love me. They hurt me, but only because they care. I want to hate them, because I now know they abused me. But I just can’t.” He sobbed.
“If you have an aunt and uncle, why didn’t they just adopt you? Their next of kin, and can keep the family together.” Emilia said. That might have been a bit insensitive. Morgan stopped crying, and stared into the tear-soaked journal. He had need of Emilia’s hair dryer. Two teens in a tower, going to magic school. Where were the adults? Morgan needed an adult. Her question solidified his torment. Morgan wanted to be hugged. He had no answer to her question. He knew so many things now, but had no clue how to recover or where his uncle Cetus was.
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I know most of you have probably seen Thor: Ragnarok by now, but for those of you that haven’t, you should probably go see it while you still can!
I have to say, this is by far, the best Thor movie I’ve seen. And if it happens to be the last, well, I don’t mind (brb crying in a corner). But really. If this is the last Thor movie, it would serve as the perfect ending to the franchise.
I have always been a fan of Thor. No, it’s not because of Chris Hemsworth’s drool- worthy everything. It might be partly because of Tom Hiddleston, but mostly, mostly, it was actually my love for mythologies that made me appreciate it. As a lover of literature, mythologies have always been my favourite. And there’s so little about Norse mythology, that I was glad it got a chance to be made into such a spectacular, phenomenal movie, starring such talented actors.
With that being said, let’s delve into everything there is to love and look forward to when it comes to Thor.
(Warning: as always, spoilers ahead)
I did read an article stating that Tom Hiddleston admitted this would be the funniest Thor ever (I am using a lot of superlatives, I know. It’s just that great!)
And well, he wasn’t lying.
See, Chris Hemsworth is this unfairly, annoyingly perfect human being. I mean, he looks like a god, he can act, he can sing, he is a great dad to his kids, and it turns out, he can be funny. Countless interviews and even that little segment he did where Thor was taking a break with Darryl (see youtube video here, if you haven’t already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_mizUMlvUc)
So yeah, the beginning of the movie already had me laughing. (*spoiler content*) Thor was trapped in a cage talking to a skeleton I was like “wtf?” But what did it for me was when he was being interrogated by that fiery dude (don’t know how to spell his name) and he was swinging on the chain Oh.My.God. You would have to have watched it to understand.
The chain was rotating him around and every time he had his back to the evil dude, he would be like “Hold on.” And “I swear to God, I’m not doing this. It’s doing this on its own.” And it turns out, a lot of it was improvised. So bless you, Chris Hemsworth for your near perfection and humor.
Of course, Tom Hiddleston also had his funny moments. One was when he was kidnapped by the great wizard, Dr. Strange. When he came out of the portal, he was like, “I’ve been falling for thirty minutes!” And I’m sure we’ve all seen the clip where Hela goes “Kneel.” And Loki is just like, “who dafuq does this bitch thinks she is? That’s my line!”

Also, ALSO! When Hulk comes out- Loki’s reaction is just pricless- omfg! You guys, you have got to love Tom Hiddleston for all the sass and attitude and facial expressions he can fit in Loki’s character.
Thor brings back familiar faces like Loki, Heimdall and *surprise, surprise* Odin. We even get a scene of Volstagg and Fandral there. But, we also have a slew of new characters. One, being Surtur (big, fiery dude I was talking about.) We also have big, bad Hela. And of course, Valkyrie.
Before we talk about the new characters, let’s talk about the old ones.
Loki. Loki. Loki. He has got to be my most favourite villain of all time. At the beginning of the movie, he is living it up as Odin and even builds a statue of himself. Of course, Thor (even though he isn’t the smartest Avenger) eventually figures it out. They have a somewhat happy reunion, before Thor asks for Odin.
Odin has been on Earth for some time, stripped of his power. He ends up in Norway (big nod to Norse mythology right there) and ends up dying in a sprinkle of golden little lights. Before he dies, he is somewhat able to explain about Hela ( who we’ll talk about later). But Odin, being Odin, he doesn’t stay dead and still appears to Thor in somewhat weird and creepy visions, and he’s sassy too. He goes like “Are you the god of hammers?” Well, excuse you All Father
Volstagg and Fandral. This is the part I do not like of the film. They were such lovable, lovable characters and Hela killed them without blinking. Like wtf? They survived this long only to die like that? WHY MARVEL? WHYYYYY. I mean, Pietro’s death is still fresh!!!
Heimdall. Our watcher has turned into some sort of Asgardian vigilante. He’s running from the law after what he did in Thor: The Dark World, but he also keeps the citizens of Asgard safe while Loki and Thor are stuck on the other side of the universe. Good job, Heimdall! You deserve a raise.
And now *drum roll*
THE BIG BAD. Hela. She is this combination of deadly (ugh duh goddess of death), jealous and powerful. Not really great for Thor, whose hammer is also destroyed by her. And to top it all off, she is the first born, not him. Ouch. Talk about living a lie. See, Cate Blanchett does a great job of playing this death goddess who revels in destruction and killing, but I think it’s the way that Hela is written that doesn’t really do it for me. She’s just so full of hate and wants to take over the nine realms. She is evil to the core, and so, there’s not much going on besides her being a powerful enemy. Sadly, compared to Loki and other villains, her character falls flat. I mean, even Ultron- who was a robot- had some twisted reasoning to all his evilness. At least she had a dog. I want one. All that aside, Cate Blanchett is still gorgeous and talented and I love her!

Valkyrie. I was impressed with her fighting skills, and even though she was drunk, she still won. Way to go, girl! She also feels a lot like a female Thor to me, and maybe that’s why they’ll end up together? I don’t know, but I think that’s where Marvel’s heading with these two, especially since Thor and Jane broke up. (Ikr! Just like that?! After everything that happened in The Dark World?) Still, in the comics, they did get together at times, so it’s not that surprising if the writers go there.
Surtur. Big, bad fiery dude. And when I say big, I do mean big. He is prophesised to destroy Asgard and bring about Ragnarok, when he grows to be as big as a mountain. See, but I’m not telling you if he succeeds. That, you’ll have to see in the movie.

The thing I’ve always loved about Thor movies is the relationship between Loki and Thor. It’s so real and raw and funny. They really capture how siblings act irl. At least, that’s how me and my brother are. I just assume most people can relate. I love how Thor has finally, finally learned, that Loki will always try to get the best of him. I also love how Loki will come to his brother’s aid no matter their differences. In the end of the movie, when Thor is sitting in his “throne”, I’m happy to see Loki standing there beside him. And that scene in the room! Where Thor was like “If you were here, I might actually give you a hug” and Loki catches whatever Thor throws at him because he is there! WAHHHH MY FANGIRL HEART

Even though Odin could’ve put it nicely instead of being like “Are you the god of hammers?” (see now, I know where Loki gets all his sass from. It wasn’t spending all that time with Frigga) It’s true that Thor’s power doesn’t come from the hammer. Still, Mjolnir was a character all on it’s own. I’m gonna miss that hammer. My most favourite parts of the movie were when Thor used his powers without the hammer. It was so cool seeing his eyes go all blue and lightning just zapping off his body. His fight scene with the Hulk was e.p.i.c. EPIC.

He would’ve won if it wasn’t for that cheating Grandmaster! Seriously, dude? And then Thor also zaps Hela with a hella big blast and she flies out the window. DAMN. DAMN BRO. Thor kicks ass without that hammer. I wonder if it’ll be like that in Infinity Wars and what the reactions of his fellow Avengers might be. *insert smirk*

There were other great parts of the movie- the other gladiators wanting a revolution, Korg (omg Korg, I love him. And the fact that he is voiced by the director makes it even funnier). And the end credits! Goosebumps! I love Thor. I really wish this wasn’t the last movie. But right now, I’m really, reallyyyy looking forward to Infinity Wars.
#avengers#thor#thor ragnarok#thor ragnorok spoilers#loki#marvel#comics#heroes#infinity wars#MCU#chris hemsworth#tom hiddleston#odin#anthony hopkins#vocaloid#fandral#heimdall#idris elba#infinity stones#asgard#asgardian#norse mythology
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🎲 Familia Eius 🖋️
This is an AU where Cirlun and Etoile are Rinn and Lucy's parents. Rinn and Lucy are Logan and I's fankids.
The young woman smiled, even though she realised quickly after what a cruel thing it was to do. She knew well how much her brother had suffered at no hand but her own. Lucy was aware of how pathetic Rinn had slowly become, and she thought she could take advantage of his evident melting. There was something else she had to take care of, though, because there was nothing she could do if her adoptive mother - the Empress - was in the way to prevent it.
Just as Cirlun herself had culled her Advisor, Lucy needed to follow in those footsteps. However reluctant the young woman appeared to be, she knew that it was inevitable. She had trained all of her life for the chance to be on the throne, even subjecting herself to deep, comatose states or long, trancelike daydreams in order to train her mind for the mental strain that her magic would place on it.
Despite the fact that she was a human, through a brutal, painful process performed by the Empress, human's zodiac powers - those naturally held by trolls - could be awakened. However, there seemed to be a ten percent survival rate for it, lessened further by natural weaknesses. It itself was a severely unnatural thing, as human bodies were rarely strong enough to handle the abilities that would normally lie dormant until they died out. Nothing could be said to begin credibly explaining those magics.
Lines between troll and human blurred ever faster as time pushed forward, and the young heiress - only eighteen years old by human time measurements - trained harder. Her body was still burning as her gaze settled down on her adoptive brother, that curt smile she had worn mere seconds ago fading. Lucy's voice had grown as she had, and it was cold and emotionless as she addressed him.
"Rinn, dearest brother, I expect you not to enter my palace unless you are instructed - directly by me, and me alone - to do so. I know well who you have become, rebel leader, and that it is likely you have double agents in the High Court and the Council of Highbloods. That is why."
Her pink eyes, normally a bright, almost fluorescent tone, had dulled into a darker shade resembling fuchsia or maroon. She normally wore contact lenses to hide it, but they were unobscured in the waning light of the throne room. Rinn's eyes were blue, and they remained sharp as ever when he spat a retort to the other. He was normally the calmer of the two siblings.
"Your palace? Last I checked, Lulu, Mom was still alive. You can't command me like that. Besides, you're the younger of us. Don't you think this empire could use an Emperor for once?"
He was becoming angrier. Lucy knew that much. They were moirails before her megalomania begun to show, before she would lose weeks' worth of sleep aggressively training, physically and mentally pushing herself to meet destructively high standards time and time again. They had been closer as siblings than they were to anyone else. But now, Lucy had become hungry for the power that she had never been given. She'd take it instead.
Her voice rang out through the halls.
"Do you mean to tell me that you want to steal this from me?"
Rinn was silent. There was no point in arguing with someone so irrational. He just glared at his sister as she moved to the back of the room. A few hushed words were spoken between she and the guards, then a shadow was thrown to the wall, moonlight illuminating the heiress and another figure, bound tightly and shroud in a brown cloak.
"I had intended to wait a few more tsweeps before my Ascension, but little has proved a greater disappointment to me thus far than a missed opportunity."
With a gentle, swift motion, she pushed the hood away to reveal no other face but her mother's. Their mother's. The woman's expression was gaunt, eyes glassy and cast to the floor. She looked near death already. Cirlun had clearly given up, even though she had many, many tsweeps to live. Would have, anyway, if she was unopposed. Lucy was smiling. The heiress had clearly given into her thirst for power. This notion was only solidified when she next spoke.
"Isn't this lovely, Rinn? We're almost all here. I never thought I'd see you again... Gog knows, we're still missing someone. Didn't Otets join your little rebel group? I suppose I can't blame him, but what I'm about to do next would have been so much more fun."
Lucy offered no further explanation for what she regarded as 'fun', and it was rather lucky the girl didn't. She turned to her 'mother', grin far too wide to be natural regarding the situation at hand. She picked a pouch full of die moulded from what looked like shards of multicoloured sea glass from a belt at her waist, holding it as if were made of gold. As the die tumbled to her waiting palms, a laugh escaped her. The noise was flat and emotionless.
"Do you like them, brother? I had them cast from the possessions of your pitiful ensemble that died from my guards' tridents. Particularly their jewels and medals."
Whether or not she was lying was unclear, but Rinn's eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Don't you dare mention Otets. He was a good father to you and is still a good father to me. You're shithive maggots, Lucy. Why did you bring Mom into this?"
He wanted to take the die from her hands and smash them, to see them shatter and let her sister feel powerless. But he sat there, unmoving, waiting for the girl's response patiently.
"Because I knew that you'd never listen to me if I didn't bring a reason. I also realised that you were closer to our father, but it would have been nothing but fruitless to attempt getting him out here. Cirlun - sorry, Mom - had already given up by the time I sent the guards to get her. It was easier than I could have ever hoped."
The girl stopped talking, putting the die-pouch back around her waist and rolling the die between her fingers in an idle, bored gesture. Lucy threw them in the air, not even looking until they hit the floor. A haze of light surrounded them as she picked them up and when it cleared, Ψdon's Entente had replaced them all. The double-edged trident seemed too big for the short human, but she handled it with unprecedented ease.
Walking closer to her mother, she held Rinn's gaze, a cruel smile twisting her lips. This was a side to Lucy that he'd never seen and didn't want to see. Gently, every movement careful, she bent down and whispered something into Cirlun's ear that was enough to make the tired, half-dead Empress flinch. Lucy stood, gazing back to Rinn for a moment as if to check that he was watching her still.
Then she used her fingers to unclasp the cloak she was wearing, a fuchsia one with an infinity clasp that she had taken from her mother. Casting it aside, she drove the trident down, deepest pink coating the prongs of the weapon in a gruesome spectacle of paint. From the blood, brightest white swirled. She was grinning like a maniac as it enveloped her. enough luminescence to hurt or damage Rinn's eyes.
Yes. This was what she had been waiting for for too long.
The change was minor, but she became taller, a circlet of gold and fuchsia gems resting on her head. Her gaze was sharper, and Cirlun's corpse - as well as the resulting blood - were nowhere to be seen.
"Rinn, dearest brother, are you alright?"
She asked the other figure in the room, walking to him and kneeling at his front. He looked petrified, to say the least. However, when she reached out to wipe a tear from his cheek, he grabbed her wrist.
"Do not touch me."
His voice was monotonous, and his eyes flat blue-grey. It was clear enough that he hated her. It only made Lucy happier.
"Why, you're disagreeable today. Don't you want more power, Rinn? I am afraid I need to touch you for it... Well..."
She shrugged, backing away from him a little bit.
"I won't make you uncomfortable."
The girl had a plan, and she needed to gain Rinn's trust back if it were going to work. Despite all that had happened before, he smiled, the tiniest, trembling quirk of his lips that was unnoticeable unless one searched for it. Taking this as a sign, she stepped forward again, raising a brow as she opened her arms.
"Come on, now. I'm your moirail, aren't I? You're safe. You look like you need a hug..."
Reluctantly, the boy discovered that he missed her. So he let her hug him, grateful for the warmth. Gog, he couldn't even remember the last time they hugged, and that was concerning. But a new heat came to his skin when she released him, a fierce burning that made him want to yell. His head lurched, and blue was the only thing he saw until he blacked out.
Lucy knew it was wrong, but she directed some guards to take him to his old room, the one they had both once been trapped in by her mother that was little more than a closet. Lucy had things for him to do, and couldn't risk him getting injured. Residual white motes of light drifted around her as she finally left the throne room.
While he Ascended, she felt her brother's life ebbing away, and it scared her more than she would have liked to admit. So Lucy had given a sliver of her power away, just enough that he didn't die. After all, this was no game. She had been intending to play Sgrub, but never got around to it. Now, there were other ways of gaining power in her world. The Omega Session could wait. Why would she risk that?
The Empress turned her head when she heard a voice, surprised to see no one there. Argh. Her head felt like it was going to split apart. She walked to Rinn's room, the ground swerving beneath her feet. She felt horribly nauseous, but pushed it all away when she finally opened the door.
To her slight alarm, he was already awake, staring into a mirror wordlessly. One of his eyes had become a troll's, with four solid black irises connected by two lines, resembling a plus sign. She sat next to him, taking the mirror gently from his grasp.
"What's wrong? You feel more powerful, don't you? That's great! I knew you'd be able to handle your new powers."
Her words were empty promises, but she was a gifted liar. She seemed genuine enough, even to her brother who had known her better than anyone else. For a moment, Lucy's shoulders dropped, and she almost sighed in relief, but Rinn spoke and wiped all of that away.
"I dunno, Luce. You're confusing me."
As time passed, she knew that his willpower was waning. The Empress' influence was spreading, and she feared not her brother breaking away from under her thumb. Her mind was reeling with dark thoughts, and she was slowly ordering the rebels to be killed. A select few were kept in the dungeons. Of course, Lucy made him do it for her.
Even though she didn't have empath powers like he did, there was a deep-seated fear and plaguing thoughts of betrayal that kept him by her side. So she used him, threatening him with worse consequences, before she snapped. Her voice was harsh, back to the low growl that she had once used, a long time ago before his Ascension.
"I want you to get Dad for me. Otets. He should be in the dungeons. You know what, Rinn? I'm proud of you."
The compliment fell on deaf ears as he turned, body and heart numb after so long doing Lucy's dirty work. At first, it had fazed him. The killing. But now he barely washed the blood off his hands. Rinn wanted to be a good brother, and - still under the impression that they were that close - a good moirail. He didn't want to die above all of that, though.
When he reached the dungeons, Rinn activated Batkind, knowing how hostile many captives would be towards him, even though many had been in the ranks of the long-forgotten rebellion he had led. Since Rinn fell into Lucy's schemes, nobody had bothered to rebel. Many had tried, Etoile included, but optimism and effort had died rapidly.
Soon, a guard appeared. They were an Ascended Sagittarius, tall and stocky. It was evident that they had been chosen for the role, due to the unnatural gills on their neck that seemed to have been magically grafted there.
"Who are you here for? Did the Empress give you clearance, Guaise?"
They asked, inspecting the bat that he carried with narrowed eyes and taking it away, tugging it from his hands forcefully.
"Ote- I mean... Etoile Huudde."
Rinn replied, eyes sweeping around the dark space.
"Come this way."
The guard ordered, pushing Rinn to his knees in a cell. There, the Empress sat with the bound and scared Etoile, a curt smile on her lips. Cirlun's corpse was easily the most unsettling thing in the dull and dingy room. Lucy clapped her hands together, smile widening into a shark-toothed grin more reminiscent of their mother's. The door slammed shut behind him.
"Welcome to the family reunion!"
#just family things#luminescent lyricist writes#fankid#homestuck#❤️ a world of our own ❤️#🏠 stuck at home 🏠
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It is said that he was able to use his powers in order to make the creature's blood poisonous enough for her to not want to mate with him anymore They were seeking out an ancient evil known as the "Dark Ones" Year 566 The four night stalkers were tough, you took a claw to the side but your mail took most of it in an obsessive love and you've been slowly taking ground from them Your days as a silly social climbing "Love interesccer" Gargled human flesh fills his lungs and clogs his mouth, along with the black tounge of a night stalker "just let out your feelings and opens fire on the decrepit remains of his servants in a gun-slinging ballet Turning their rotting heads into mush and burns them asunder with a wrathful volley of bullets Some get up and head back towards him he whispers to himself He's eaten after them with a knife for five hours he pounds himself little tears well up in his eyes "You are pathetic did you trust her? better judgement takes over and a strained voice says "This is reality " The tears run down his dirty face It isn't a dream to humanity He readies his knife His instincts prove true as he hears boxes opening and small feet pattering all around him and he takes a breath Then there howls break the new silence He will have to finish his work in the dark in silence but uses what features it has left to leave his current location A quick flash of light tells him that these words were not an auditory hallucination, but appear in shining golden text before his eyes that it was no longer there but instead replaced by Weirdness How many times has he been put though this? and rebuilt many times and by now it should be really unstable, but it's surprisingly stable for having gone througth this an amount of time equal to the and ache to remember the good old times when his mind was intact "come come, bed time, " she used to sing to him that for a moment it stand still with options He is reminded of painful things and they torment him Most of it is corrupted, to illegible or otherwise just failures, white screens and system crashes "Are you listening to me? Then a broken voice says "we can pretend that it never happened, " and lists off several features of the landscape Then it releases him and the ui fades away and now your time has come to face what is left before you Of cource it was only a price worth paying considering what you got in exchange for power Or have a redemtion arc and become good and fight hard for the same thing harlot an unchartered quest for power and men No mysteries left in you or of you now leave with what you came drunk harlot leting anyone mount her for some drink Yes you understand, yes leave with your head held high or even lower for allowing this enslaving vermin Is this what you want? into obscurity and letting herself and perfection slide Get a hold of yourself NO LONGER PURE LIVING SACRIFICE BUT A LIVING horrifying freak pushing the role too far Embrace it, and fear the name "GET READY! "GAME TIME" from every orafice and with eternity forced upon her Yes he was always an emporer at heart "DIE! in a prison she designed herself But is it your siblings fault? ALWAYS YOURS in a land of grass and sun You are exposed, what comes now? YOUR FUTURE, UNWRITTER without even the ability to death herself These are your only options in a mug like a victim before the fallen It rains, time for reflection and pain in the safe embrace of laziness Sadly there is no more course but to wither herself both to them and to her rotting body It's too bad, you could have been able to help So many red options an invisible line that even you find hard to see Her nature is too strong for the situation Oh! A third choice! Aren't you lucky? only tornadoes of retarded Never change, to break the monotony after chaos new for law and order others don't see Life comes at a cost, take the bitter for the sweet with the traitor and only morseeing hate Another change for you and your enemies reality to make peace and unity themselves Have you made up you mind already? a pretty figure changing all to suit them Life makes no sense, then again what does? So many choices What abilities did they have? None! They're dead! a lost ability but tragically dying before it matters up the mistakes and old life in a heartbeat Greed is Gats, but is efficiency or rather rationalization? ucting flashing neon lights of debauchery and you wouldn't have it any other way into infinity as your job gets easier and life gets more expansive Life is TOO easy, are you IN fact already dead? as the spy and SAVIOR of humanity knowing that only you can help them in the end And yet another with the last one with a newly awakened ability But the natural order of things Seeing double or triple here a restored era of purity is good And you'll be instrumental in it too! That's it! mutants Energy flares from orbit They are nothing but mutants What's it like being mutated? That means death, hasn't this gone far enough already? how reality can be altered just by willing it so By will ye shall infinite resolve, never give up Too late, is this a trick question? like a happiness machine to spread joviality everywhere happiness is good for the soul Isn't it? throughout the entire multiverse bringing joy and life unending Joy? No thanks no more of this, give me something that'll challenge me! Needed to do something to wake you up Here's a new you that's more like it Any last words? I guess not, You have completed the first leg of your journey to become an UwaISor Wait where am I Your mind is in perfect harmony with the rest of the computer, here you can directly rad an entire database with a thought Where am I really You shudder in anticipation in what the future holds Even now your masters are celebrating your coming of age Its not too late, Let me out of here! "Good work on becoming a REAL AI my son! Mom? I told you to forgive her Well you and your brother won't have to worry about her brow-beating anymore
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