#just family things
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falling-star-cygnus · 1 year ago
i just caught the cutest little detail in Camp Camp, in the episode “Camp Loser Says What?”
he’s the only one that looks at Nikki in worry like that 😭
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taniakinn · 17 days ago
Music when Im in Hot Topic: my little ponyyyy🩷🧡💛🧚🎵🎵
Music when my mom comes in: KILL EVERYONE WORSHIP EVILLLLLL👺👺👺👹👹👹🤬🤬😈👿
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professionallush · 4 months ago
my dad was here over the weekend and he started telling me that he finds Martha Stewart really irritating and I was like “oh because you’re a man. I’ve never met a woman that doesn’t like Martha Stewart.” I’m sure they exist but like, what is not to like?
My dad is a boomer-level good guy but definitely has a lot of “acceptable” misogyny and racism that has been strange to discover as I’ve become more aware and much more distant from him over the years.
Like also we were walking by a bus and a black guy in a Lakers hat got off and he goes “is that LeBron James?” And thought that was a funny, non-racist thing to say. I did not laugh.
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ineffable-nalu · 1 month ago
So my grandmother wrote a fanfic of about Freud and Nietzsche in a therapy session and sent it for me to read
I don’t know how to feel about this
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beone0fus · 2 months ago
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my mom had a junk drawer show and tell and it turned into this aesthetic photo
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freya-ulfsdottir · 3 months ago
Really grateful to be close to family right now. I came down with a cold yesterday, and just to be safe I took a covid test. It came back positive. Hence, I am self quarantining and had to miss out on family stuff today. So my brother the doctor made a house call and brought me food and checked on me, it was really nice. Don't get me wrong, I had a few friends in California who would have done the same thing, but it was nice to have my little brother fuss over me a bit. 🥰
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a-chaotically-small-lunta · 6 months ago
Me and my older brother played Cult of the Lamb together, cause we were celebrating my moms b-day and we were waiting for the food to get ready. Anyway, food gets done and my sister and mom walk in and see the game and we’ll this is how it went:
*disappoint and astonished sigh like noise with a click*
“What do you mean?”
“ITS SATANIC!!!! THERES THE STAR!!!! And that little 8 symbol with the arrows is satanic!”
“He’s just a lil guy”
“Yeah you make a lil cult”
“I think she’s wondering why you’re playing a game like that”
“Its fun”
“Very fun”
Then we got the “I’m concerned for your souls and what you are into” looks from them and that “how could you think it was a good idea to play that game* sigh. Which I find very funny tbh.
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talesfromthegameff14 · 1 year ago
Once, Aya would have watched his mate swaying through the motions of cooking dinner.  He would have gazed upon the man adoringly as sun filtered through the kitchen windows to sparkle in the dark golden curls that ran down the Seeker’s back.  Were those curls longer now?  Were they neat or messy?  Were they still damp from an earlier bath or had they dried into ringlets to bounce perfectly in sync with Tolemy’s movements?  Once, he would have seen the boy balanced on his mate’s hip.  He would have smiled to himself as their youngest dozed against the shorter man, the babe only content when he was held.  What was the toddler doing now?  Was he watching dinner being made or was he busy tangling the tawny curls up into helpful braids that would have to be gently combed out at the end of the day?  How much bigger was he? Did his hair match either of his parents? How about his eyes? 
Once, Aya would have joined his son while Mede fit the pieces together of the newest puzzle Melody had gifted him on the floor by the table nearby.  He would have used the silent gestures of hunt speak to follow the boy’s thoughts as he worked out the problem before him.  Was he working on a new puzzle or redoing an old one?  What pictures did Mede favor now?  Was he quicker at putting the puzzles together or was he doing ones with more and smaller pieces?  Did he miss the conversations as much as Aya did?  Did he know that the man loved him as much as always?   Once, he would have poked Terbish with his tail as she snuck about the area trying to be sneaky.  At least some things hadn’t changed, Aya’s tail flicking out to do just that as she tried to come around the edge of the counter to swipe a roti off the platter before it made it to the table for the meal.  He didn’t see the grin aimed up at him when no scolding came for sneaking an early snack, but he did hear the thwap of a far fluffier tail impacting the girl’s hand just hard enough to make her fumble the bread so she had to think fast to catch it before it hit the ground. Now, Aya followed the ebb and flow of family life through the sounds of living and the colors of their souls.  He could see how Nekhi’s inner self was constantly changing as the toddler grew every day.  He could feel the warmth of Tolemy’s body as the man walked by with the fragrant tray of curried dzo that caused the xaela’s stomach to rumble in anticipation. He could take the tray of roti and fruit off of the counter before Terbish got to it all and count the steps to the table to set it down for family dinner. Now, he could ruffle Mede’s ears gently to pull the boy’s attention from his puzzle and to signal that it was time to eat instead of time to play.  He could take his turn holding Nekhi, so Tolemy could eat the meal he made in peace and not have to juggle the attention seeking geko’te and his food.  He could relax into the seat and do his best to not wince whenever Nekhi grabbed a horn to pull himself up closer to Aya’s face to plant a kiss on his father’s cheek.  Now, Aya had the life he always wanted in the cold, unforgiving nights spent alone in the depths of the Uyagir caves, or hiding in a bush on the steppes, or huddling in a cleft of a rock waiting for a Garlean patrol to go by.  It wasn’t how he dreamed it would be.  There was no watching the sunrise over the Ruby Sea with Tolemy in his arms.  There was no way to admire the drawings hung on the kitchen cabinets and see how they changed year to year.  He couldn’t compliment Terbish on whatever outrageous color combination she put together to wear or get lost in the beauty of Tolemy’s eyes when before they cuddled up for a nap while the kids did the same.  Now, that he’s healed? Aya can’t find the bitterness that once plagued him, for he has love to hold tight to every day.  He can’t see it, but he can feel it and hear it and know it within his soul. For once, it’s enough. 
[Tolemy is written by @ala-mhinyan]
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scribblerlostinspace · 2 years ago
currently watching 3.05 again (with my parents this time) and i must have momentarily become tish because i know exactly the two different types of uncomfortable each of my parents is gonna make me feel at the jack/keeley scenes
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dollartreelobotomy · 8 months ago
Sometimes when I speak, my mother’s voice comes out. I do not possess a sharp tongue like hers, but sometimes it takes over me. I feel guilt rise in me as soon as the words escape but the damage her sharp tongue created has already been done.
recognising your parent's mannerisms in yourself and physically feeling psychic damage occur
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edgarallantypo · 20 days ago
City have drawn Bournemouth and of course my mum is supporting the cherries just to spite me 😂
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lesbianwyllravengard · 1 year ago
I want more female characters who are just so bad at comforting others. Not for lack of trying or caring, they just get so so awkward when someone's upset, and they try to repeat things they've heard even if it doesn't necessarily apply to the situation, or they accidentally say the wrong thing and make it worse. If someone cries they panic and throw every single comfort technique down at once and it only helps because it's such bizarre behaviour
This post is for all women including trans women and op loves trans women. Terfs kill yourselves
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doctorsiren · 6 months ago
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Gravity Falls AU where everything is exactly the same except Bill’s parents are alive and well, and they’re just so proud of their chaotic dream demon son
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bingusoclock · 2 years ago
wdym this isn’t what happened in dmc5
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and it’s not hearts its RAVENS (x)
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crowkip · 6 months ago
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yeehaw, baby!
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blackbatest · 8 months ago
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my most controversial batman opinion to date
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