#in my eyes jane and jeff always had black hair
apollos-boyfriend · 8 months
i think if jane ever actually met jeff she wouldn’t l be able to bring herself to kill him. that’s a child. he’s the same age as her sister, for crying out loud, and scars aside, he reminders her of jessie, too, with their same unruly mop of black hair she always has to brush out of jessie’s eyes.
and maybe it’d have been easier had she known from the start. but she’d spent all this time, all those countless hours of tracking and planning her revenge, imagining this boogie man. this unstoppable killing machine of a man who cared for nothing but bloodshed. she’d built up this image of what jeff the killer was and made it her mission to destroy that version of him in her rage.
but then she finally catches up to him and all she sees before her is a pimply preteen with his voice still cracking, wearing beat-up converse and playing on a tamagotchi and she just. can’t do it. no matter what he’s done, he’s just a kid. had it been jessie who killed their parents, would she have been able to kill her? of course not. and she knows it’s not the same, but she watches as jeff ducks behind one of the mansion’s pillars, mid hide-and-seek game with sally and ben, and he’s so much like her it hurts.
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
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I'm on Fire
older!biker!Eddie Munson x fem!artist!Reader
90's au//Part 6
🚨18+ Only, MDNI, smut, dry humping, thigh riding, squirting (not reader), implied smut, mild violence, jealousy, alcohol consumption, reader feels betrayed (not by Eddie), smoking cigarettes, mention of tattoo placement on reader, biker gang, mention of poverty, loved one in hospital, fear of loss, mention of sex with people other than reader and Eddie Word count: 6.8k
In the aftermath of the adrenaline rush of Fight Night, Eddie disappears again to take care of a family emergency. The two of you share another intimate moment and have a nice night together just before everything starts to unravel. The connection you two share, and everything in your little world, is about to be tested.
Series Masterlist here
A/N: This is turning into the biker!Eddie Munson soap opera I didn't know I needed. I have lots of storyline ideas ahead for this, hopefully I can execute them as well as I want to. As always, thank you for reading ❤️‍🔥 It's difficult to catch errors when I edit myself, but I do my best. Spotify playlist: here
Eddie was holding your face between his hands, kissing you deep, his tongue flicking in every so often to make contact with yours. This is really happening, you tell yourself, sliding one hand up into his hair, the roots damp with sweat, jaw muscles stretching to take each other deeper. He pulled back a few times to plant kisses on your mouth, the tip of your nose, and then he pressed his lips to your forehead and hovered there while your hands slid up his slick chest, his body radiating heat. The DJ played something by Jane’s Addiction and the world seemed to continue on around you, and then your finger began to trace the intricate bat tattoo on his chest, the mouth of it was ancient, feral, and dripping blood.
He leaned back to make eye contact with you and he winked, brushing his thumb over your cheek. “Damn, you’re so beautiful,” and then he cleared his throat and dropped one hand from your face as Steve stepped up near him.
“Sorry to interrupt, man, but I need a minute,” Steve Harrington said, cocking his head to the side.
Eddie squeezed your hand and told you he’d be right back while he motioned for Steve to walk with him. “Follow me back to my place. I need to put a shirt on.” He turned around when they were a handful of steps away to look at you again, and of course you were still staring at him; he stifled a smile.
Even though the fights and the entertainment were over, the crowd hadn’t thinned out very much. The music had started back up and groups were headed back for more beer. You took the opportunity to go over to the fence and spit out some of the blood still in your mouth, and Katie came over to ask if you were okay, her hand rubbing your back.
“Let me see,” she said, referring to you your mouth injury. She winced when she noticed that the lower part of your jaw was swollen. “Not a dull moment in this friendship. Sip of beer?” She asked, holding her cup up.
The thought almost made you gag for some reason and you shook your head. “Where’s Robin and Jeff? Are they okay?”
Katie tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and fixed the neckline of your shirt. “Jeff is somewhere with that young biker stud, and Robin went to bring the jeep around. You have everything you came with? The clown car is leaving.”
You hesitated, because you didn’t want to leave, but you had to be at work early the next day, and you needed to get some ice on your face to keep it from getting worse. “Sure,” you looked across the parking lot. “Just let me find Eddie and say goodbye to him.”
By the time the two of you took a few seconds to look for Jeff and made it through the crowd, Eddie was no longer at the compound.
“Munson? He left,” one of the Hell’s Belles with short black hair told you, a cigarette bouncing between her lips.. “He took off a few seconds ago. Like a bat out of hell.”
To say you were disappointed would be an understatement, but there had to be good reason. Plus, you knew the guy was exhausted; he wouldn’t just take off on a joy ride for the hell of it.
Steve had no clue where Eddie went.
“But, you were the last one to talk to him, right?” Your tongue licked out to feel the rawness of your lower lip. “What did you say to him?”
“Nothing,” Steve bleated, arms out in a shrug. His hair was usually slicked back and tight, but because of the brawl, it was adorably messy with a strand hanging down over his eyebrow, “Nothing that would make him bolt. I was just telling him which guys still owed money from the fights, but he didn’t really give a shit.”
You wondered if he lived the double life of a super secret agent: the 007 of bikers.
“He did get a phone call,” Steve offered. “But I didn’t hang around to hear who it was.”
Parked out at the curb, Robin honked her horn, and it looked like Jeff was already in the jeep with her.
Erika and her friends walked by, throwing you dirty looks as they went, but you really didn’t give a shit about them in that moment.
“Why is Robin in such a hurry all of a sudden?” Katie asked Steve, arms crossed over her stomach as the three of you shuffled to the gate at a trot.
“We hired a babysitter for tonight, a neighborhood girl, really nice, but Robin’s always annoyingly nervous to leave Ollie with new people.”
Robin honked again, even though she could see that you were all moving in that direction, but clearly not fast enough. You turned in a circle, taking one more look around for Eddie before you got in the jeep, but he had officially evaporated.
By the next afternoon, you still hadn’t heard from Eddie, and so you had your other assistant watch the front of the gallery while you hid in the back room to call his place, only to find that there was no answer. The first unromantic gift you planned to get for him was an answering machine.
Robin, Katie, and Oliver showed up to the gallery event looking adorable, after you encouraged them with talk of fresh crab legs and expensive goat cheese from France you could barley pronounce. Steve was working at the tattoo shop, but Oliver looked extremely dapper in red trousers, a black, short sleeve button down shirt and a red bow tie. He was still getting used to you, so he was on the quiet side, but he showed an intense amount of interest as you explained the mediums that were used in some of the artwork.
“Ollie loves to paint and draw, don’t you Ollie?” Robin asked him, but when you made eye contact to hear his answer, he shyly tucked his chin. Toward the end of their visit, though, there was a tiny finger tap on the side of your leg, and you looked down to find two big brown eyes like saucers staring up at you from under long, dark lashes. The boy was irrefutably Steve’s clone.
He curled his hand a few times, motioning for you to bend down, closer to him. “That one is my favorite,” he told you, pointing to one of the really loud, colorful abstract pieces.
“That’s my favorite too,” you whispered, in all seriousness, which afforded you an impish smile and a few consecutive nods of the head before he traveled back to take Robin’s hand.
Katie held her wine glass to her lips to muffle her words as she leaned closer to you. “Judith is looking exceptionally MILF this evening, in a Morticia kind of way.” She was referring to the owner of the gallery, who only popped in once in a great while to boast her importance in the community. Just at that moment, Judith, with her black hair styled in a short, severe asymmetrical bob, made eye contact with you and offered one of those unreadable, passive-aggressive expressions that always made your mind scramble to figure out what you had done wrong. Nothing, you reminded yourself, you’d done nothing wrong. Except, maybe, steal a lover away from one of the wealthiest women in the state, who also just happened to be one of Judith’s country club pals. Had Charlene put the pieces together and realized who you were and where you worked? It wouldn’t be a herculean feat; it was a small town and there were only a handful of galleries in the area. But suddenly, it dawned on you, that it probably wasn’t the brightest career move to make, being that much of your current livelihood depended on the support from people in Charlene’s circle.
All the same, who sits around fretting over a reputation or a career when you could be with Eddie? Definitely not you.
“Still no word from Batman?” You asked Robin as the three of them headed for the door.
Robin pressed her lips together so that her mouth became a thin, pensive line, the silver ball from her lip ring sliding to one side, and she shook her head. “No, and I haven’t been able to get a hold of Wayne either, so we’re going to drive by his place once we leave here.”
You’d be at the gallery for another hour after the event was over to clean up, and so you gave Robin one of their business cards with the phone number on it. “Please let me know what you find out?”
When you said the final goodbyes, it was dusk, and you poked your head out the door to watch them trot off down the sidewalk: Oliver in the middle, with Katie and Robin on either side, holding his hands. At one point he jumped and they swung him a few feet, giggling as he went. You weren’t much of a crier, but for some reason, the sight made tears well up in your eyes.
Jeff had the weekend off, but you found out from your other assistant, Holly, that Judith had gone home, and the news made your shoulders drop with relief. The sidewalk was bustling when the two of you locked the doors, busy with couples and friends coming in and out of the various bars and restaurants on your street. There was that buzz of spring time excitement in the air; people coming out of their caves after a long winter, ready to shake off the cobwebs and show off their pedicures.
You told Holly to take home whatever she wanted from the leftover spread of food. “You can head home, I’ll finish the rest of this up,” you assured her. Holly had just turned 21 recently, and you knew she was aching to get out and enjoy her active social life. You, on the other hand, were daydreaming about a quality night stretched out on the sofa after the events of the previous evening. Holly went out the back door, and you stayed to watch and make sure she got to her car safely before locking yourself into the building, and that’s when the phone rang.
The floor was extra smooth in the back hall, and you slipped a bit as you quickly spun around, pushing yourself off the wall, arms pumping to gain momentum as you bolted for the beige landline mounted on the wall in the office.
“Thank you for calling Moon River Gallery, this is----”
At the other end was Robin. “Wayne was rushed to the hospital last night,” she said with a sniff, as if she’d just been crying. “He’s okay now, but I’m pissed that Eddie didn’t tell anyone.”
Your heart sank as you leaned your hip against the table. “Oh, no, what happened?”
She sniffed again. “I’m not really sure. I guess they put him on some different meds, and he got lightheaded and fell...and hit his head on the...on the….” her voice trembled and she couldn’t get it out, and so Katie took the phone.
“Hi, it’s me,” Katie said. “He hit his head on the kitchen counter as he went down and he’s banged up. It looks worse than it is though, he’s going to be totally fine,” you could tell she was saying it more to Robin than to you. “Sorry it took so long to call, we just got back from the hospital. He was sleeping, but we got to see him.”
“No, you’re good, I’m so glad you called,” you flicked the light switches that turned off all of the artwork spot lights and the main over head, so the only illumination was in the front windows, the back room where you were, and the deep blue glow from light strips on the main floor. You had not yet officially met uncle Wayne, but you knew how much he meant to all of them, especially Eddie. “What about Eddie? Was he at the hospital?”
“Eddie left when we got there,” Katie sounded confused. “He said he was going to find you.”
Getting a call like that from the hospital put Eddie’s head in a dark place. It sent him into survival mode; he couldn’t deal with anything else until he knew that Wayne was okay. He stayed by Wayne’s bed that night, wide awake, eyes bloodshot, knee bouncing, thinking about loving people only to lose them in the end. Fear curled its icy hand around his heart; Eddie had already lost so many people he cared about, he worried that one more would break him.
And then his thoughts rushed to you. The two of you were barely a thing, and already the idea of losing you made his eyes go black with the idea of an emptiness that had the potential to gut him beyond repair. His first instinct was to distance himself from you; he was eerily adept at closing himself off, blocking the world out, and pushing people away. In his life, whenever something good happened, he was always very suspicious about what type of disaster was right around the corner.
Yet, all he wanted in the world at that moment—besides someone to tell him that Wayne’s cancer was miraculously cured---was for you to be there with him in that dark, lonely hospital room. Machines beeping, the smell of antiseptic and bleach and dread. If you could be in his lap, he’d wrap his arms around you and close his eyes and put his head to your chest, and you’d promise him in that sweet voice of yours that nothing bad would ever happen to you, and you’d always be his. You couldn’t promise those things, and he knew that, but the idea of resting his face against the side of your neck did help him to get an hour of sleep in a very stiff chair that was too small for him.
Wayne woke up early in the morning, and Eddie was able to talk with him a bit, and get an idea of what to expect from the nurses. Once he knew that Wayne was in good hands, and he could stop spinning his wheels, he had to go back to work and take care of the three tows that were already lined up. There was one other driver, but business had been growing, and he almost needed to hire a third. Now, he also needed to find an office assistant, even though Wayne kept protesting the idea. No one could replace Wayne, but the part time help would lessen his burdens.
He should’ve called to let Robin and Steve know what happened, he realized that now, and he should’ve called you, but the day got so damn busy so fast, and since Wayne was okay, he didn’t want to alarm anyone needlessly. He’s lucky Robin didn’t slap him across the face, because she looked like she was about to.
By the time he finished up at the garage and went over to check on Wayne one more time, it was late---but he needed to see you. He had to see your face before his heart exploded.
You had just hung up from the phone call with Katie and Robin when you jumped at the sound of a soft tapping noise. At first, you didn’t know where it was coming from, and your ear prickled as you tried to use it as an antennae to guide you to the sound. The main floor was full of shadows; only dark blue atmosphere lights that made you feel like you were in an aquarium, and the illumination from the front window.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
You stepped around one of the big, freestanding artwork dividers, just as you realized the sound was coming from the front window.
And then you saw him.
Shrouded in the residual purple darkness of a sunset, standing at the front door with one knee out to the side, hand down low, knuckle casually but repetitively hitting the glass. Wearing all black; jeans, leather, shirt, the only color peaking out was from his tattoos. Your eyes found each other at the same time, just as you came into view, and it was all you could do not to start giggling and skipping along at how happy you were to see him.
You tried to wipe the smile off of your face as you headed for the door. “I’m sorry, sir, but we’re closed,” you were shaking your head, frowning, trying to act like you didn’t know who he was.
The stern look on his face slipped a little at the corners of his mouth, but he maintained intense eye contact with you, continuing the tap...tap…tap, with the hand that said “H-E-L-L” across the knuckles while the other knuckles spelled out “F-I-R-E”, until you got closer and there was nothing but a pane of glass between the two of you. You broke eye contact just long enough to twist open the double locks, and then he stood there in the doorway bit longer, bracing his arm high on the frame; shirt and coat rising to show the hint of a tattoo at his hip.
“Can I take you to dinner? Are you hungry?” He asked as you motioned him in. He was reluctant because he didn’t think he’d be allowed in there. Much like a vampire, he had to be invited.
“Sure, but, it’s late,” you said as you secured the door again. He turned to you, about to say something else, but then you closed in on him, grabbing onto his jacket with both hands, hips coming together, and he brought his hands to rest on the top of your shoulders. “I’m really glad Wayne is okay,” you whispered, regarding him with the utmost sincerity.
He played with a wisp of hair at the base of your neck. “I should’ve called you, but I--”
“You’re here now,” you beamed. His left eye was swollen, with a bit of bluish black discoloration, and there was a tiny butterfly band-aid over the small cut above his eyebrow.
“I’m here, sweetheart,” he returned in a low voice, bending down to kiss your lips, gripping one side of your neck as he did, his thumb stretching up over your jaw. You moaned against his mouth and the sound made his brow clench, stretching his other hand down to casually adjust himself in his jeans.
He moved his hand around the back of your neck as you pulled apart, his eyes trained on your mouth. “How is your tongue?” He almost couldn’t even talk about it, the idea of you getting hit in the face—even accidentally—made him want to start punching walls.
You raised your eyebrows a few times. “I could still eat, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“There’s that all night diner down a couple streets,” his voice a low mumble. “They have those vegetarian burger things, I checked.”
For some reason, that thoughtful gesture sent you even further over the moon about him, and you slipped one hand into his back pocket while the other one played with his wallet chain. “And what will you have? A big, fat steak?”
“The bloodier the better,” he said, running the tip of his tongue over his lower lip.
You planted another quick kiss on him, and then, “here, follow me. I just have one more thing to finish up and then we can go get some blood in your mouth again.”
The front desk against the wall was long and rectangular and came up to your waist. You pulled one of the stools out from under the alcove and placed it next to you so that he could have a seat while you finished sorting some invoices under the dim blue light. Eddie sat with his back against a filing cabinet, legs spread wide, one hand on his hip, the other forearm on his thigh, the hand with the digital wrist watch hanging down between. He tilted his head to watch you as you bent over several times to scribble something on a piece of paper.
“Hey, baby,” he whispered, and you threw him a bashful look over your shoulder. “Come to me,” and he slapped his hand on his leg a few times, directing you where to sit. “You’re too far away.”
He probably meant for you to side-saddle him like he was Santa Claus, but instead, you slid your skirt up your thighs and straddled his whole leg, facing him, like you were about to ride his thigh like a horse, hands braced on his chest. Eddie smirked at how you crawled onto him, he cupped one palm under your butt cheek and popped his knee a few times so that you were, indeed, riding him.
“I like it when you call me baby,” you told him as he brought a hand up to either side of your face, tucking hair behind your ears, brushing his thumb across your skin, metal rings cool as they scissored your ear.
“Yeah?” He asked, dark eyes searching yours. “What else do you like?”
You brought your hand up and ran your finger down his full lips, gently pulling the bottom one open as you went. “I like your mouth.”
He kissed your finger, said a quiet, “you can have it,” and then, with both hands, pulled your face to his, lips parting, tongues exploring, faces turning to avoid noses and lick deeper, hungry moans rising. You slipped a hand around the side of his warm throat, dipping your fingers into the downy hair at the base of his skull, his tiny silver cross earring grazing your hand.
It was only then that you became aware of the grinding you were doing on his leg, and by the time you were aware of it, you didn't want to stop. You needed it, you were drunk on the sweetness of his mouth, the spicy pine and leather of his scent. It was one of the first warm nights in a while, and so you weren’t wearing nylons or tights, and the thin material of your underwear was the only barrier between his denim and your cookie box.
Eddie knew what was happening from the first twitch of your pelvis, and one of his hands slid down to your hip, locking you there, encouraging it. You started to push off of the balls of your feet to deepen the friction as the need for stimulation increased.
“That’s my baby,” Eddie growled as you put your forehead to his. He slid his hand around to make a fist in your hair, pulling your head back so that he could have access to your throat. He sucked at your pulse point, groaning as he did so, while your other hand clung to his jacket for dear life.
The hair tug made you whimper. “That,” you breathed. “I like that too.”
He tightened his grip, taking control of your head, forcing your lips back to his for another deep kiss. He was lifting his leg to meet your needs now, anticipating the rhythm. “Good girl, I got you,” his voice was barely a murmur, lips grazing yours. You started to saw faster back and forth on his leg, slipping one hand down to his other thigh to anchor you, caught unaware at how good it felt and how close you were.
Outside, people were still passing by on the sidewalk, finishing up with their dinners and heading home, or to a bar, but the desk blocked you from view so no one could see that you were rocking like a cowgirl bound for hell.
Your underwear were soaked now, seeping onto his jeans; your cunt swollen and aching against the perfect mix of friction against his denim. You were breathless, mumbling the answer to an unasked question, “uh huh uh huh oh god,” as he put your forehead back to his, one hand still clenched in your hair. You were whispering incoherent parts of words, saying his name, and then you started to feel a spring bounce open inside of you. Eddie could feel it too; you trembled and choked his name one more time, and then you fell forward, curling against him with quickened thrusts.
He tilted his head so that your mouth could find his neck to use as a muffle for your scream, your tongue melting on the salt of his skin. His strong arms secured your body to his as you continued to grind on his leg. “I got you, baby, cum for me…” he coaxed, bracing your hip and the back of your head.
But it wouldn’t take much coaxing, because suddenly you were there: stiffening up against him, letting out a sharp cry just below his ear, one hand holding the other side of his head as if you were feeding on his jugular. His grip on you tightened as your body shuddered, going blind for a second, whimpering against his throat.
Eddie let out a guttural curse as the wetness from your warm pussy penetrated the skin beneath his denim, pre-cum soaking the tip of his cock inside his jeans in response. You let your full weight fall against him, safe, knowing he wouldn’t let you fall, pussy contracting in the afterglow, face buried in his neck and hair.
“Damn, what was that,” you gasped once you were finally able to speak, shoulders trembling in the afterquake. Should you be embarassed? You’d never cum like that before in your life.
He gave a throaty chuckle, his hand rubbing up and down on your back. “I won’t be washing these jeans for a while.”
You were starting to sit up, smoothing your hair back and licking your lips, when you noticed the cherry red glow of a hickey appearing on his neck surrounded by some teeth indentations. “Oops,” you ran your thumb over it, thinking it might be lipstick. “I marked you, now I guess that means you’re mine.”
“I’m fine with it,” his serious eyes found yours from under hooded, sleepy lids.
You were both starving by the time you locked up the gallery, and Eddie’s bike was parked close, so you agreed to ride with him, and then he’d bring you back to your car after. You had brought a change of clothes with you, as you always did so that you could get out of your fussy gallery clothes as quickly as possible, and now you were comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt with your black converse. You hadn’t thought to bring a change of underwear, but you would from now on.
Out on the sidewalk, you eyeballed the big beast of a bike with only a tiny space on the seat for a second rider. He lit a smoke and passed you the helmet that had been hanging on one of his handlebars.
You looked down at it. “But, don’t you need to wear this?”
He shook his head, cigarette pressed between his lips. “I only have one with me, and your head is more important than mine.” He zipped up his jacket and swung one leg over, mounting it.
He could tell you were hesitating. “We’re only going a couple blocks,” he assured you. “If you hate it, you never have to get on this thing again.”
“No, no, it’s not that,” you scrambled to find the right words as you strapped your bag across your body put the helmet on, tightening the chin strap. The helmet was way too big for you and you worried you looked like a real dork. “I’m just not sure...how to do this.”
He hitched his chin at you, planting his feet on either side to hold the chopper steady. “Grab onto the back of my jacket, put this foot here...and then swing the other one over.”
Once you were on, you adjusted your bum on the seat and held onto the sides of his leather, fingers clawing at him nervously, letting him know that you were ready.
Eddie kicked the beast to life with a hop and a twist of his fits on the handlebars; it growled its obedience loud and fierce. People stopped on either side of the street to turn and see where the noise was coming from, and most of them stayed to watch as Eddie walked the massive, menacing bike out to get a clean shot in through the passing cars.
He took one of your hands and brought it around so that it was at his stomach, your chin at his shoulder. “Hold on tight, baby,” he called to you over the roar, and then he lifted his feet and the two of you shot into the night, his discarded cigarette bouncing to the pavement in a dance of orange sparks.
A few cars away, down at the dark end of the street, a white Jaguar idled with the headlights off, and the blonde woman behind the wheel cursed under her breath as she watched the two of you go, anger and jealousy tightening her face. Charlene Gregson was smoking a cigarette, too, and on the exhale, she hissed, “I’m going to make her regret she ever met you, Edward Munson.”
Katie’s eyes rolled back in her head as Robin’s fingers worked her in the perfect spot, “fuck, right there right there,” and then Robin put her other hand over Katie’s mouth to keep her quiet as her orgasm mounted. Oliver was asleep across the hall, and Steve was having a beer in front of the TV after just getting off work. Her cries properly muffled, Robin curled the fingers of her other hand deep in the honey pot and bent her head to find Katie’s nipple with her mouth.
Katie was trying to tell her something, heels digging into the bed, her body gyrating against Robin’s hand. Robin thought she was just really vocal in bed, but then she felt the warm spray coat her hand in bursts, and that’s when she found out, in a moment of awe, that Katie was a squirter.
On Sunday, Katie was working on lessons plans for the first day back after break, but you convinced her to let you take her out to dinner. Later on, you showed up at the tattoo shop Steve worked at just as he was bent over inking a big lower back butterfly for a woman. You flipped through the flash in the tattoo books, talking about maybe getting matching ones. Katie had a tattoo on her ankle, and you had one on your shoulder blade in honor of your grandmother, but neither of you were close to the quantity and quality of work that Steve, Robin, and Eddie had, but you had to start somewhere.
“Did you know that Robin has had two of her girlfriend’s names tattooed on her?” Katie asked you, loud enough for Steve to hear.
Still focused on what he was working on, Steve joined the conversation. “Hey, I didn’t put those names on her, but I was excited when she let me cover them up.”
Robin was at work that afternoon; at one of her side gigs as a maid at one of the fancy local hotels, and it was optimal because she was always able to bring Oliver with her. He loved taking home the tiny shampoo bottles and soaps.
“I can always draw up a design for you girls, if you have something in mind,” Steve announced, looking up briefly as the two of you came up to the counter to say goodbye.
“What do you think?” Katie turned to you, one eyebrow up. “Maybe a dotted line across our throats that says ‘cut here’?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I did that one,” Steve mumbled.
On the opposite side of town in the industrial district, Eddie had a guy by the throat and was sliding him up a brick wall in an alley, holding him there, his feet off the ground, trying to kick out feebly.
“Did you think I wouldn’t find you?” Eddie asked him with a tilt of his head, voice calm but eyes narrowed.
The guy was struggling for air, spitting, face going blue, and all he could do was bare his teeth in a slobbery grimace.
“Check his pockets,” Eddie told the other two bikers that were with him, bracing the guy against the wall like he weighed nothing.
The object of Eddie’s chokehold was a weaselly snake of a man named Rollo who borrowed a large sum of money under Eddie’s name from the Coffin Kings, gambled it all away, and tried to split town. Eddie was supposed to bust his knee caps, but scaring the actual piss out of him, and taking his wallet was punishment enough, he felt. Eddie could be a very violent man if he wanted to, but only on his terms and never at anyone else’s command. Rollo’s two other friends were on the ground; one was unconscious and the other one was doubled over in pain.
“Look in my eyes,” Eddie told Rollo as the other guys found Rollo’s wallet and continued digging around for whatever else he had on him. “The next time you see these eyes, you won’t be able to walk away on two legs, do you understand?”
Rollo nodded a few tiny nods, and Eddie released his hand, letting his body slump to the ground against the wall, coughing, trying to swallow. He was stocky with a beer belly, but short, bald with a goatee.
“Now, get the fuck out of here,” Eddie grumbled as he turned on his heel. “Get the hell out of this town if you know what’s good for you.”
Eddie released a heavy sigh as he mounted his bike, pausing just for a second to remember how tight your body had been pressed against him the night before, the way you had clung to him for dear life, screaming a little when he turned corners. At dinner, you held his hand across the table, right in front of everyone, as if being with a grease monkey and a thug like him didn’t bother you at all. He didn’t know you’d grown up poor, with an alcoholic mother, and you had to learn to be scrappy as hell to get the things you wanted—nothing had been handed to you. He assumed that the two of you had grown up on opposite side of the tracks, in a sense, that you were perfect and polished, and one day soon, you’d realize that he was far from it.
He should’ve been on top of the world knowing that he had you to look forward to, but Eddie had a bad feeling in his gut that he couldn’t ignore. That ominous, invisible tug reminding him that something was about to go wrong was ever-present.
There was a downpour on Sunday night, and you were just about to check the answering machine to see if Eddie called while Katie started her yoga practice in the living room, when Jeff showed up at your door unannounced. The frantic knocking on the front window made you both jump, and then, there he was in a big, clear poncho with a hood over his head. He shook himself out on the porch before he came in all the way, unbuttoning his slicker to hang it on one of the coat hooks. Jeff had never been to your place before, so you were amused at how he just made himself at home. He took his shoes off before he stepped onto the carpet, even though that wasn’t something either of you required of your house guests.
“Why aren’t you answering your phone?” He demanded, clearly distraught, looking around as if to check and see where the phone in question was.
“We just got home a little bit ago,” Katie told him, sitting up on her mat to pull her knees to her chest. “What’s going on?”
“Did you listen to the message I left?” He pressed, eyes wide and blinking dramatically at you.
The light was flashing on the machine and your finger was on the button to play the messages back, but you hadn’t pushed it yet, and you flipped a glance at Katie, your heart racing a little.
“Jeff,” you sighed, exasperated. “Please, you’re here, just tell me.”
Jeff puffed out a long breath, hang high on his hip. “First, tell me why you’re leaving the gallery. Is it because of me?”
Disbelief took hold of you initially; you were sure Jeff had just overheard something wrong or made a mistake.
Jeff continued. “If it’s not because of me, and you’re just going to a better gallery, please, take me with you?”
“Hold on,” you put your hand up, trying to make sense of what he was saying as you sat down in the wood chair by the phone. “What made you think I was quitting?”
Jeff’s disturbingly bright blue eyes softened as they found yours and he realized that you didn’t know what he was talking about.
He went over and took a seat at one of the padded bar stools next to the kitchen island, and then he looked down at his hands, suddenly wishing he would’ve waited for you to check your messages.
“I had to go in and get my check late today because I was gone Saturday,” he paused almost as if that was the end of it, but then he lifted his head, an apologetic look on his face as he looked at you. “Judith said I needed to come in for a couple hours on Wednesday to train with the new manager because you were leaving.”
You froze, letting that sink in. Still an element of denial present, you wondered if maybe Jeff heard Judith wrong---perhaps another manager from a different gallery was visiting? But, if so, why wouldn’t you know about it? Why would Judith tell Jeff about it and not you?
“Hunny?” Katie called to you because you weren’t saying anything, your mouth was just hanging open. You snapped it shut abruptly and swallowed.
Jeff shook his head, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be the one to---” sure, Jeff loved a good gossip train, but he genuinely did not want to be the one to inadvertently break it to you that you had been fired without a warning. “I thought you quit, and you just didn’t want to tell me. I thought you already knew.”
Your mind went to Judith’s face at the art show on Saturday, how she had been throwing you dirty looks while simultaneously avoiding you. You were already fired then, and you just didn’t know it.
“I’m fine,” you breathed a forced laugh, hoping to calm everyone else in the room even though your stomach clenched with fear of the unknown. “Everything is fine, I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding.”
Jeff and Katie exchanged a look, and then they both turned back to you, but your eyes were focused on the floor, the tip of your tongue hovering on your top lip, pensively. Outside, a blast of thunder boomed so hard, there was the equivalent of a light bulb flash in the front window, and a few of the neighborhood car alarms went off, bleating like ominous warnings in the distance.
Later that night, long after Jeff left and Katie had gone to bed, you sat out in the dark of the living room, alone, playing back the messages at low volume while rain continued its lullaby on the windows.
There were four: two from Jeff, one from a credit card company, and...one from Eddie. You had already played it several times, but you played it again, this time with your head tilted, ear close to the speaker of the machine, and your eyes closed.
“...hey, it’s me,” his deep voice wavered a bit and then he cleared his throat. “...damn, you know I hate these things….but I got home and wanted to tell you…that I was thinkin’ about you.”
You’d been holding the stress of the past few hours at bay, letting the knowledge of your abrupt and back-stabbing dismissal tighten in your stomach, but then the sound of his voice broke you a little, and your chest hitched a few times, a single tear making its way down the bridge of your nose.
There was a long pause where it sounded like he was stretching. “...you can call me...or not…I hope you had a good day. Mine was shit,” you could hear him whistle a bit and click his tongue, wondering what to say while simultaneously feeling stupid for talking to a machine. “Let me know if we’re still on for Tuesday night…I’d really like to...to see you again. Okay, later.”
And then, he was gone. You played it several more times before you went to bed, angrily wiping tears off your cheeks. You couldn’t talk to him just yet; you were still too confused and blindsided to get into it with anyone. Plus, you were exhausted, and triggered by rising feelings of abandonment and worthlessness. After you dealt with whatever lame excuse of a conversation Judith had in store for you when you went into work the next day, maybe you’d just stop by the garage to see him for a bit. Maybe he’d be able to fuck the pain away.
Part 7
Taglist xoxo @unfocused81 @manicmagicmahem @dream-a-little-nightmare @ms1oftheboys @emxcast @falling-solar-system @corrodedcoffincumslut @lofaewrites @nope-thanks @kelsiegrin @tlclick73 @truffleshuffle12 @aysheashea @etherealglimmer @hellv1ra @bexreadstoomuch @kurdtbean @seventhlevelofhell @stylesxmunson @ireidsmut @lilpotatobean2 @leilaloufeyson02
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creepy-friday · 2 months
Can we have some Jane x Fem proxy please but the proxy is friends with Nina (like best friends i love Nina)
Jane x Fem!Proxy Reader
First and foremost,she would absolutely despite your friendship with Nina. She holds grudges and make sure the other person knows this,she's a killer who doesn't hide intentions,makes the victim anxious
"Nina seems like a close friend to you." the black haired woman remarked with a hint of venom in her voice.
"You are my friend as well." you answered.
"We are more than friends." she raises an eyebrow at you. "Are you breaking my heart?" she asks with a smile while moving towards you. "That's cruel." she whispered while coming closer "that's why I like you." completely discarding whatever you were talking about earlier.
Nina knows Jane doesn't like her because of her past including Jeff,that's why she tried to act very sweet towards her but to no result. Jane would always shut her up or completely ignore her.
She still has jealousy problems,that's why she would often ask you to tell her more about your relationship with Jane then immediately ask if she's a better friend than her.
Jane on the other hand is very possessive,she would make plans with you whenever she knew you had them with Nina.
"You two talk everything together? Know everything about each other.." she sighed. "What makes me special to you then?"
"You are my lover,Jane." you roll your eyes at her.
"That's right,I know more about you after all~" she smirks while planting a kiss on your neck and embracing your waist.
On the positive note,neither of them are manipulative,on the bad note whatever decision you make would hurt the other one depending on with who you choose to spend your time with.
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strilonder · 7 months
Slight eye strain warning <3 *🍬
+ homestuck jumpscare hehhahhahehs >:))
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No, these will NAUT match up wit the hit webcomic Homosuck >8( if u go into the notes and say some stuff lik “uhhhmmm wtf, the storyline makes no sense, X would NOT behave like that and is NOT transgender 🤨🤨🤨” SHUT UP this is where I came from and who I grew up with. if you cant accept their identities, then you can GLADLY leave >8[ anyways, heres some info about my friends and family :3
John Egbert —> Juhne Egbert
- girlboy boygirl, every and any pronouns
- is such a nerd, loves dnd (dungeons and dragons)
- def neurodivergent. would ramble on for hours about mythology and pokemon and sntuff
- always loved hiking and swimming with Jake
- bisexual/omni? i dont know, mightve dated vriska because they said the two of them were pretty close + he and Dave were hella fruity lmao
Jake English —> Jake Englishman
- cishet aroace guy, he/him 833
- loved shooting ranges, adventuring, and fishing but was a huuuuugggeee wuss when it came to literally everything else
- he has such cute moles all over him + you see that rat tail (he REFUSES to cut it even when some of us tell him it sucks. it goes really good with him tbh 8))
- color matching earings with Jane!!!!
- dated Jane for a while I’m pretyy sure. not sure if they still were before i left their reality 8(
Dirk Strider —> Dirkie Strilonde (MY POOKIE!)!!!
- transmasc (no hormone therapy cause DUHHHH were on ALIEN PLANETS >:PP), he/hit
- auughshsh had such FLUUDFFY HAIR UHRGHS <33
- loves birdwatching and bird feeding, honestly so cute whenever he pointed out the species of birds we came acorss
- hits wearing AR jr btw, jr is sooo adorable and dirkie is an amazing papa
- i honestly duno his orientation but lets just say hes queer :33
AR/Auto-Responder/Lil Hal —> AR/ARon
- is above gender, uses it/they pronouns but couldnt care less about misgendering
- its body was made from Brobot’s scraps and runs on uranium!
- bakes with Jane often and likes having rap offs with Squarewave and Sawtooth
- romance? sexuality? robots cant feel, idiot!!! /nsrs /lh
- likes to spar with anybody and everybody. tickle fights and pillow throwing ambushes are common when around the Strilonde residence!!!
Jane Crocker —> Janise “Jane” Crocker
- cishet girlie <3, she/it (pronouns do NOT equal gender!!! Remember dat :3)
- has bracelets of dirkie and jake and a hairband of me!!!!!
- her hobbies are baking, cooking, diving, and mathematics!!
- best friend for gossip >:))
- yes, those are troll horns on her :3 She is half troll!!!
Dave Strider —> David “Dave” Strilonde
- cis bi guy, he/gear prnouns
- Had black feelings for Karkat and flushed ones for Terasi (Terezi)
- usually play-fights with ARon and Jadethon (Jade) and has a fanbase for Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff!!!
- when the katana was thrown at the crow, it missed it but hit the beta, which then hit a black labrador. future dave prototyped himself and the labradorsprite together, who were then fused with current dave during the god-tier ascension. thus creating PUPPY DAVE!!!!!!!!
- age and pet regresses with Jadeth often (Jaspersprite and Fefetasprite is their caregivers/owners 833)
Rose Lalonde —> Rose Lalonde (for some reason, only meh and Rose are Lalonde and not a Strilonde like de boys ‘,:7)
- cis lesbian woman!!!!!!, she/her/horror
- loves planting with her gf Kanaya and her qpr partner Jadeth <3
- lives wit Beta/pre-scratch Mom Lalonde and ARon and Dave!!!! (Me and Dirkie live w the Egberts and Crockers)
- a satanist wiccan 8)
- a complete nerd who listens to Juhne’s rambling and debates w her about cryptids like mothman and bigfoot
..strilonder : <3
..strilonder : dudeool
..strilonder : ort
..strilonder : Roxy
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bioodorange · 4 years
||How I See The Pastas||
© @frozensriracha, for some help with visuals!!
This was originally supposed to be how they looked but I decided to go for mental aspect and explain why as well PLEASE like, reblog and share your thoughts on this in the comments or inbox
Below the desciptions are images i’ve compiled and some art (if you know the creator please tell me so i can credit them) for a visual
dont forget to like reblog and share your thoughts with me, I spent a few days on this so i’d appreciate this
Jeff the Killer
So lets start with the obvious- jeffs pasty white toothpaste lookin skin
But realistically he wouldn’t be completely covered in scars
It would be blotchy, with pink fleshy patches among the burns
He most likely has contracture scars, third degree burns that turn the skin a pale white and tighten the skin
This explains his gaunt features and skin color
Now we have to take into account the vodka that was splashed on him, he’d probably have worse burns there with exposed flesh and damaged nerves
This would result in gnarly exposed skin, a damaged scalp and maybe damage to his teeth and eyes
Realistically, Jeff wouldnt have burned off his eyelids that alone would have resulted in blindness and death
Than his smile, his signatuure mark would probably be more of a gangly bloody scar mess
Pastas heal faster and aren’t really human, he’d have to recut his smile pretty frequently making it pretty jacket up because ltes be honest hes far from clean
ANd than his hait being chard black is very unlikely because as nasty as he is he s h o w e r s
not very frequnetly given his living situation and untreated burns but people can figure out how to wash hait and not much else
also i think its funny he’d shower with a plastic bag on his face to avoid getting soap in his nasty infected scars-
His hair would probably be dry and cut unevenly, more of a dark brown color with blonde undertones
Not to mention his burned scalp, hair probably wouldn’t grow there so he’d have a cool unintentional side shave
Jeff would also be a tall individual, he cant really eat, snacking on things from his victims homes giving him a more skeletal build
His personality and mindest is about as pretty as his face- but he most likely has a very screwed up headspace
Lacking in self care, maturity and sanity its fair to say he’d be a brash and violent person
Fun Fact: While researching this I learned that some versions of the joker had facial scars in the shape of a smile
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Ticci Toby
So tobys age, unlike a lot of pastas, is pretty well agreed on, 19
So unlike when he was first a proxy toby most likely has stronger facial features and facial hair
Because shaving and hygiene isn’t first priority for pastas (gross-)
He stands around 5′7 and has grayish skin
Toby i feel is picky about foods, not only is it hard for him to eat its hard for him to keep food down
He’s malnourished explaining his thin figure and grayish skin
His hait is dark brown and a curlish mess, unkempt but short so it doesn’t get in his way
I’ve always seen him with a small gap in his teeth, because I can
And since toby can’t feel shit I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to eat rocks simply because he fuckin could
So some chipped teeth that are a bit uneven
Along with his CIPA and not eating enough Toby would bruise easily and have lots of scars, from things like cutting his finger on accident or getting mauled by a racoon
I wouldn’t be surpised if some of his joints were a bit screwed up, because whenever theyd beak or fracture he wouldn’t notice, this would probably happen a lot causing them to not heal correctly
One of tobys habits is nailbiting but he cant te;; when too far is too far
His fingers may be abit odd looking, knobby and discolored nails because of how exetreme his habit is
Would most likely have bandages around his fingers frequently to prevent the habit
So theres a lot of debate about tobys cheek was it the CIPA or the car accident, I beileve the accident because his other cheek is completely fine, theres damage from the OUTSIDE to inside and considering his sister died in the accident its unlikely he survived unscathed
Fun Fact: only a small handful of people have ever been diagnosed with CIPA, less than 500 (documented) cases around the world
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Bloody Painter
So Helen is often seen as quiet emo painter boy 
but uh no <3
Personaly i beileve he suffers from narcisistic personality disorder, exetreme importance and that he is always victorious and gets what he wants
This sporuts from the constant heavy invalidation from classmates, toxic friends and neglect from his parents
He doesn’t hang out with people because he doesn’’t lie them its because they never let him in the past and he beileves he’s better than them
But this also links to deep rooted insecurity and social anxiety/being inept completely
Him being nice is basically so you like him, he wants validation amd admiration not love
Unlike the other pastas he’d be a more clean well kept one a helthy figure and some tattoos bevause he can
I beileve he lives in socity, finding hus victims in girls and men alike who fall for his charm
he uses hhis skill and ordinary appearance to blend in on the streets
From his behavior helen most likely keeps his hair a bit shorter and clean
He always looks his best
Has chapped, and picked at lips because of his anxieties
Aswell as his breakdowns- his identity is completely in his head, he is very unsure of who he is and takes the delusions in his mind as reality
Unrelated but paino fingers-
And finally in order for his art to be as perfect and amazing as him, he has to be apart of it
Thus using his own blood in his pieces and the body parts of those he admires
Covers his scars with clean bandgaes
But his paintings turn brown and dry out, he’s always in need of a new medium
Is most likely anemic from all the blood he looses and has a paler skintone
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ahh yes finally someone who knows what self care is-
helen, i love you buddy but you need to stop 
But anyway natalie has a stronger, athletic build
She often chases her victims and gets in altercations, relying on strength most  of the time
on that same note, this would defintelty cause many scars on natalie
Wether it was a bite mark or scars from a kitchen knife, shes got lots of scars
A few even on her face
Now, for the clock in her eye that thing is like holding her skull together at this point, realistically
She is probably delicate and cares for it becaise 1) it hurts 2) if it gets screwed up that could cause a lot of problems
natalie would be a smart person, I wouldn’t be surprused if she had a few other stray stitches or bandgaes wrapped around a fresh wound
For more visual-ish things uh m u l l e t (credit: @cum-looking-sock-mf in a chat like 4 months ago)
She has one, fight me on it
but also thick and curlish hair so I also riase you
just y e s
I can also see her getting tattoos over certain scars on her arm, just to make them look not so ugly
I feel like clockwork wishes things worked out better
Wishes for another chance but knows she’ll never get one
Thus her taking goof care of herself
Natalie throws herseld into her “work”, keeping her body in shape and killing people
Its a way to avoid her life and that it is- a huge, sad mess
Shes an outgoing impulsive individual, confident but questions her actions
She’s also unstable- protective and loyal but explosive and strong 
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Jane the Killer
Jane is the final one, im sorry I couldn’t do more theres a photo limit and I wanna bash my head into the wall
Now a main different between her and jeff is she had surgery and lie treatment
Janes skin is still greatly scarred but it is greatly healed
She takes care of it and had skin grafts
Her face is disfigured, a scarred smile and burns around
But unlike Jeff she doesn’t recarve the cut so its a cleaner line and a lot healthier
Janes hair took a rather long time to grow back, but it did! 
She has a slightly long pixie cut a bit choppy but she doesn’t mind
Her wife definetely cuts it for her and you can fight me over that
I can see Jane having a lot of facial trauma, scars around her nose and cheeks
She was young when she started killing and went for the over the person, pin them down kill which didn’t work out
She switched to a silenced pistol after awhile, you know like a smart person
Janes arms and legs are in alright condition where most of the burn trauma is on her back
She has a leaner but healthy figure but like boobs-
Like clockwork and Helen she takes care of herself
She doesn’t kill as frequently, going after a few of jeffs victims before him and is of course, actively hunting him down
Her eyes are a pale green and she wears makeip to fill in her eyebrows because those bitches take a long time to grow back
fun fact: jeff has no eyebrows, fight me
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creepypasta-archive · 2 years
Jeff vs Jane (Origins Version)
by Darkfear
My prefered version of the legendary battle, and, somehow, NOT a new adaptation of Jane's Letter
This story does state something at the end that, again, will leave you scratching your head. CW// sex, murder, kid endangerment, blood, slashing
Click below to read the original unedited story
Point of Jane
That night was cold. Very cold. I ran through the streets, cleverly and swiftly. I reached the top of a tall building and perked up to look out upon the city. 
I took off my mask and looked down on the busy roadways. I’m not sure why I still wore the mask, even though my face was healed. The mask had become a part of me — a part of my story. 
I sat down on the rooftop and tuned in my radio to the local police channel. I sat for hours trying to find calls on murders that may have been linked to Jeff. After nine years, since the night Jeff burned me, I was still on my search to hunt and kill him.
I finally heard the anticipated call. A woman and her husband were found dead in their home with holes in their chests and gashes in their cheeks, forming smiles. I turned off the radio, put my mask on, and sprinted to the scene. 
The police hadn’t arrived yet, so I investigated. Jeff has a habit of calling the authorities just before finishing his victims, so he may still be at the scene. 
Upon arrival, the house is entirely intact, which is odd for Jeff. He usually burns the house with the victims. I barged inside and heard nothing but still silence. In the back of the house, I heard a faint tapping. 
I headed to the back of the house. I grabbed the doorknob of the back door and slowly turned it with sweaty, stressed palms. I squinted my eyes as I opened it, expecting something or someone to lunge at me. 
The door opened all the way, and my eyes were still closed for some reason. Then I heard it. That voice. That same voice I heard on the night. He burned me, only deeper and more into manhood. “Looks like you made it. I’m glad you did, friend.” I opened my eyes and grabbed my knife.
Point of Jeff
Killing is too easy. Especially for me with a face that stuns people with its beauty. I open the window, jump inside, and the civilians just stop in their tracks when they see me. I always mutter my “Go to Sleep” in an attack. Killing is a lot easier when the person is asleep. 
Why do I kill? Simple. I want everyone to be as beautiful as me. Everyone in modern society is ugly and unattractive compared to me, and I feel bad for them, so I give them a piece of my beauty. 
However, beauty comes with a price. The only way to make people beautiful without causing them pain is to kill them.
Killing was too easy around that time. I needed more of a challenge. So, one night, I decided to end one last easy target then head for the most challenging foe of mine. Jane.
I sat in the sewers during the day and watched the people pass by, completely oblivious to my presence below the sewer grate. I always lurk down there. It’s dark, cold, and damp. Plus, it gives me the perfect window to set my eyes on my target. 
Then, I found her. Mary J. Allan. She was beautiful — perfect skin, dark red hair, and dressed in a black gown with black heels. 
Later that night, I followed her home. She lived deep in the woods, so, thinking she was protected from robbers, she left her door unlocked. At around midnight, I snuck in the house, crept to the backroom, and choked Mary until she passed out. 
One thing that caught my attention was her eyes. When she turned around before I grabbed her neck, her eyes widened with fear. Her pupils grew large, and her iris dimmed.
Not long after, her husband arrived home. I took my knife in hand and hid behind the door entering the bedroom. As soon as he walked into the doorway, I slammed the door into his face with enough force to knock him out. A few hours later, they both woke up.
“Who are you? Why are you doing this to us? We have no money and nothing worth stealing,” said Mary.
“I’m not doing this for money. I’m doing this for beauty,” I replied.
“What? What kind of reason is that?” asked the husband.
I put the knife to his neck, and he jumped with sudden fear. His eyes. They did just what Mary’s eyes did. They widened, the pupils grew larger, and the iris dimmed.
“A good reason,” I chuckled. “Now, let’s give you a smile.”
I stabbed the man in his left cheek and carved into him all the way to his mouth. His screams of pain only brought joy to my ears. I carved the other cheek and stood in front of Mary.
“Your turn,” I said, stabbing her right cheek, and dragging the knife all the way to her other cheek. “There, step one of your make-over is complete. Now for your skin. But first, let’s call the police, shall we?” I said, picking up the phone and dialing 9-1-1. I reported the crime and hung up.
I then took a bottle of bleach from their bathroom and poured the entire bottle onto them. I lit a match but decided not to light them on fire. Why? Because I’m going to need this place for my battle with Jane, of course. 
To replace burning them, I decided to cut out their hearts instead. I started with Mary and plunged my knife deep into her chest. I used all of my might to cut a hole in her and rip out her heart. 
Blood was all over the floor, and Mary was dead, but the man was still alive. His screams and cries only motivated me to kill him more painfully than his wife.
“Stop, please, I’ll do anything you want me to. Please, just don’t kill me,” he said.
“There’s nothing you can do now,” I said as I plunged my knife into his chest, but slower than Mary, and I made sure that I twisted the blade as it went. Before I could begin cutting the hole, the body went limp. 
“Well, that’s no fun. You can’t just die before I’m done killing you. Oh well, it only gives me more time to prepare for my battle with Jane,” I said. I cleaned the blood off of my blade and got myself mentally prepared for the battle, for I knew that Jane would be listening to the police radios.
About 3 minutes later, I heard the front door of the house burst open. ‘This is it,’ I thought. I equipped my knife and caught Jane’s attention by tapping faintly on the window. A few seconds later, the doorknob turned, and the door opened. Jane, more beautiful than ever, stood in the doorway. I gripped my knife and prepared for the battle of a lifetime.
Point of Jane
I ran towards Jeff at top speed and dodged his first attack. Being behind him, I lunged at him and attempted to stab him in the spine, but his reflexes got the best of me, and he turned around and twisted my arm. I dropped my knife, and Jeff began stabbing me in the side multiple times.
“It’s going to take more than that to bring me down, Jeff,” I said.
I stepped on the handle of my knife with force, flinging it up into my hand. I stabbed Jeff in the neck, but he ignored it and continued to stab me. I managed to push him off of me, and I began kicking him as hard as I could. 
When he looked as if he’d had enough, I knelt and ran the tip of my knife across his carved smile. “That’s too bad. I thought this was going to be more exciting and much harder than this. Oh well, at least I can now complete my life’s goal,” I said.
“Jane. Don’t do this. We can be partners. The two greatest killers in history. Teamed up, we can make everyone beautiful like us.” said Jeff.
“Never. Not after what you’ve done,” I said. Jeff swooped his foot around and kicked me in the face. I flew across the room and hit the wall. Jeff stood up and walked over to me.
“You’re nothing in comparison to me, Jane. I am a God. I am immortal.” he said.
“No, Jeff. You’re not a God. Gods are beautiful. And you? You’re hideous,” I said, struggling to stand. Jeff is brimmed with rage after that statement.
“I shouldn’t have let you live. I had so many opportunities to end you. Now, here, it all ends. Let the better Killer win.” he said.
Point of Jeff
I looked at Jane and her beautiful face. My mind was buzzing with images of her cut all over and drenched in her own blood. I only smiled wider as she made a perfect slash at my neck. I could feel my warm blood gush down my chest.
“You caught me off guard,” I said, barely able to speak. I blanked out the wound and grabbed Jane’s neck to choke her. She put both of her feet on my chest and pushed with all her might. My hands slipped, and I let go.
“I’ve had time to train, Jeff. It’s been nine years. Fighting police officers and pathetic men trying to protect their families. It’s been good practice.” she said.
“Not enough,” I said, as I lunged at her from the side. I slipped my knife into her stomach and twisted it around. She did not seem to respond to the pain. All she did was stare into the dark of the room, which was only illuminated by the moonlight. 
After seconds that felt like hours, I saw red and blue flashing lights. I took out my knife and saw Jane limp to the floor, dead. “Guess I won, Jane.”
Point of Jane
I waited until Jeff turned around, then I quietly stood up and gripped my knife. I threw it at Jeff’s back, directly in his spinal cord. He fell to the ground, paralyzed. I took out the knife and rolled his body over. 
He muttered words, but I couldn’t hear them. I looked into his unblinking eyes and saw nothing but darkness behind them. I raised my knife one last time. For some reason, a tear formed in my eye.
“Jane,” I could hear him mutter.
Before I could finish him, something ignited in his eyes. Something I’ve never seen before. All of Time came to a halt. The police lights outside froze, and the clock in the room stopped. Jeff rose from the ground.
“I told you, Jane. I’m a God,” he said.
“No, you’re a demon,” I said. I quickly lashed at Jeff, but he grabbed my arm and broke it. I screamed out in agony.
“What’s the difference?” he asked.
I backed away from him, unable to use my right arm. The sky outside turned a bright red. The clouds held orange, stationary bolts of lightning. 
This was no ordinary battle. This was a battle between Good and Evil. The ultimate clash for supremacy. 
That’s when I realized it; Jeff planned this. He’s a demon. He’s been building an army of souls. “You’re feeding off of them. You’re taking their pain, grief, and anger and turning it all into fuel. You’re a sick, twisted creature,” I spat out.
“You’re so smart,” he said sarcastically. “Took you long enough to figure it out. I thought you were better than that, Jane.”
“You have the souls of your thousands of victims, but I have the souls of our families.” I declared. The souls of my family and Jeff’s family appeared behind me, illuminating a light blue. 
Behind Jeff appeared rows and rows of children, men, and women, glowing a deep red. My mother gave me enough of her happiness to heal my arm. Jeff’s brother gave me the bravery to stand up to Jeff one last time. My father gave me his hope to fuel and heal my stab wounds.
“You’re no match for me now, Jeff. One Good soul can stand above a million Evil souls.” I said.
“That’s where you’re wrong,” said Jeff. He began to absorb the souls of his victims. “Yes. More.”
I ran up to him and swung my knife at him, but he blocked it, and when our knives touched, they blew out a purple spark. Jeff’s knee was bent, so I took the advantage and stepped one foot on it, then pushed up and flipped backward, letting my feet extend and kick Jeff in the chin. 
When I landed, Jeff instantly slashed my face, but Jeff’s mother healed it for me. I took a quick swing at Jeff, but he grabbed my knife and threw it across the room. 
He cupped my throat and pushed me against the wall, raising me upward. I couldn’t do anything but try my hardest to kick him. My body flailed around, desperately trying to escape. The room began to spin and get dark.
“Go to Sleep,” Jeff said convincingly.
I held on to my last grasp of consciousness, only to let it go. Before I could go into a deep sleep, I got a sudden boost of energy and managed to kick Jeff hard enough to make him let go and fall to the ground. I slid down the wall and walked over to Jeff. 
“I’m done with you. It’s time you die,” I whispered.
“No,” said Jeff, grabbing my arm. “Good has always won. It’s time for Evil to prevail.”
I kicked Jeff again and picked up my knife. “You have been defeated, Jeff. Accept it,” I said.
“Jeff, the Killer. You are Satan’s most wanted in Hell. We must now banish you from this realm to the place where you belong,” all of Jeff’s victims and our families said in unison. 
The souls gathered around him and put their hands up. The ground around Jeff began to crack and fall into the fire. Eventually, only a small platform was holding Jeff up.
“Please, no,” said Jeff.
“Jeff. Go to Sleep,” I said, just before the final platform broke, and sent Jeff plummeting into Hell. During his descent, Jeff screamed the same way he did when he was being burned alive at the party nine years ago. 
I promised I would make Jeff scream like that again, and I have.
The floorboards rebuilt themselves, and the souls turned to me. All of them in unison said, “Thank you, Jane. You have freed us from the curse of Jeff, the Killer. As a reward, we will bind your mask to your face, so you won’t ever have to deal with it again.” The mask was fused to my face, and my eyes turned a deep black.
“Thank you,” I said. The souls faded, and the sky turned to normal. I jumped out of the window, making sure to dodge the cops before Time came back on because I still had a criminal record to worry about.
4 Years Later
Jeff the Killer is dead. All of his cases went cold, police stopped searching for him, and they stopped searching for me, too. The battle between Good and Evil still rages, but mine and Jeff’s parts in the war are over. Our legendary battle was Good’s prevail. 
I have a husband and two kids now, and we’re a very happy family. Will I ever murder again? Perhaps. If anyone tries to hurt my new family, I will not hesitate to hunt again.
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masterofmunson · 4 years
all i ask of you (4)
Harry Styles x Fem!Reader Broadway AU
Summary: You’re forced to work with your famous ex boyfriend on Broadway.
Word Count: 6.1k+
Warnings: language, drinking, drama, cliff hanger!
Author’s Note: woohoo! i’m back baby! so sorry for the long delay of part four of the story. please tell me what you think! reblogs, comments, and asks are encouraged and appreciated <3
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Jane nearly tramples you as the two of you make it out of the basketball arena with your college diplomas in hand. You laugh and hold on to her tightly as you walk through the arena to the front doors where you know your entire family is waiting. 
“We did it! We graduated college!” Jane shouts. 
“I know! Can you believe it?” you ask her. It had been a long and hard four years for the both of you. You constantly questioned if it was worth it. People always doubted you. They didn’t believe you could have a promising career with a Music and Theater degree. It didn’t matter if you had prospects on Broadway in the near future. No one but your closest family and friends believed in you. 
You walk out the front doors and eagerly search for your family. Jane tugs on your arm, finding your families first. You hurry over to your mother and brothers, hugging them tightly in a group hug. Your oldest brother, Garrett, lifts you off the ground into a tight embrace. You laugh and cling to him before your family friend Glenne tackles you for a hug. 
It surprises you that she’s here for your graduation. You knew she’d been invited, but you hadn’t expected her or her boyfriend to come. It makes you slightly upset that they took the time to come celebrate your accomplishments with you, but your boyfriend Harry couldn’t. You understood why, but it didn’t make it hurt any less. He wanted to be as private about your relationship as possible, even though he could’ve still come to support you as one of your closest friends. No one would ever know that the two of you were dating if Jeff and Glenne were around.
“What are you doing here?!” you laugh as Jeff kisses your cheek and hugs you tightly. “I told you that you didn’t have to come!”
“Nonsense!” Glenne shouts with a growing smile. “We wouldn’t miss this for the world, and we brought a surprise with us!”
Your eyebrows pinch together as you stare at her. What surprise? Your loud mouth baby brother surely would’ve spoiled it for you. “What do you mean?” 
There’s a soft tap on your shoulder and Glenne smirks nodding her head at the person standing behind you. Jane gasps in surprise as she stands between her dad and sister. 
You spin around and your eyes meet those of your handsome, rockstar boyfriend. You gasp and he grins, taking you in his arms. You cling to him and he secretly presses a kiss behind your ear. 
“You said you couldn’t come,” you whisper in his ear as he holds you. 
“I would never miss my girl’s biggest accomplishment, even if it means I’d have to hold off from kissing her until we're in private,” he answers back sweetly, making your insides all warm and fuzzy. 
On opening night, you made the executive decision to let bygones be bygones. You wanted the show to succeed, regardless of how you felt towards Harry. Everything is water under the bridge. You’ve moved on. You’ve healed. You’re a different person now than you were four years ago. At least that’s what you’ve convinced yourself. 
So as a sign of good faith and a step towards the right direction, you went to your favorite coffee shop and bought Harry a coffee and bagel for breakfast. You had a good feeling about tonight. You always do when it comes to opening night. It doesn’t matter how nervous you are. 
Keying into the back entrance of the theater, you open the door and walk down the hall into yours and Harry’s shared dressing room. The door is already open and the lights are on which tells you that Harry’s inside. You take a deep breath before stepping into the threshold of the room. 
What you don’t expect are the amount of visitors this early in the morning. The first person you recognize is Kendall. You know you shouldn’t be surprised that she’s here. They were together before you were with Harry and are still friends. It never sat right with you while you were dating, but you never told him that. You were too busy falling in love with him. 
Then you recognize his sister and his mom. You’d only met them a handful of times, while you were still friends and when you were dating. They’re lovely women and you liked spending time with Gemma whenever she visited. There’s a few others sitting on the couch when you realize they’re a part of his band. 
It’s silent when you stand at the door. They’re all staring at you and you feel like you can’t breathe. This wasn’t how you wanted to start your day, especially today of all days. Right now isn’t a good time to give his friends and family a tour of the place, especially when curtain call is 10 hours from now. 
Harry moves to approach you from his spot next to his mother. You immediately exit the room and walk down the hall away from prying eyes and ears. Harry gently places a hand on your shoulder, causing you to spin around and face him. You recoil from his touch and shove the food and drink you bought him in his hands. 
“Here,” you say. “Consider this my olive branch.”
Harry murmurs your name gently. “Listen, I had no idea this many people were coming to the show and wanted a tour of the place beforehand. I didn’t know Kendall was coming. I’d gotten the okay from Frank and it was Jeff’s idea—”
You interrupt him with a bitter laugh and shake your head at him. “Right, because nothing is ever your fault. Whatever, Harry. I don’t care. Invite whoever you want, I don’t give a shit. Stop acting like you feel the need to run things by me. I’m not your girlfriend. Just do what you want and leave me alone,” you snap at him. You walk into Aaron’s dressing room and shut the door loudly behind you. 
Harry frowns, staring at the empty hallway before walking back to the dressing room with the bagel and coffee in his hands. He avoids the shocked looks directed at him as he enters the room, especially from Gemma and his mother. He tries to pretend not to notice. 
“Jesus, Harry,” Gemma chastised him. “Why didn’t you tell us you were in a show with your ex girlfriend? Especially considering how things ended!”
Anne gently slaps her eldest in the arm. “Now’s not the time, Gem,” Anne answers for her son. “He needs to focus and we should all leave. It’s unfair to the rest of the cast to be a distraction, including Y/n. I’m sure seeing all of us just scared her.”
“That’s painfully obvious.” 
Everyone leaves the room and exits the theater, leaving Harry alone. He sighs, sitting down in his chair. He runs a hand through his hair and groans in frustration. He’s so sick and tired of messing things up with you. Harry understands why you’re so cold and hostile towards him. He knows he deserves it. 
Having his family, friends, and even Kendall in the dressing room scared you. He knows that but did it anyway. You don’t know what he told them when your relationship ended. Did he put the blame all on you? Did he make you the bad guy? The aforementioned crazy ex girlfriend never to speak of? Knowing how terrible of a boyfriend he was to you at the end of your relationship, he probably did. 
Harry reaches for the cup of coffee you bought him. He takes a gentle sip and hums in approval. Even though it’s been several years, you still know that he takes his coffee black. You always teased him about it and called him grandpa as a result. He thought it was sweet. 
He pulls the bagel out of the paper wrapping and takes a bite. You remembered his favorite bagel too, even after all these years. Even after all the things he did. There’s just some things you don’t forget, no matter how small. 
In Aaron’s dressing room, you finally reveal the true nature of your relationship with Harry to him. Jane couldn’t contain her smirk or laughter as you rant about your famous ex boyfriend. 
“Wait, what?!” Aaron shouts, shaking his head at you in disbelief. “Your ex boyfriend, the ex boyfriend that made you choose between him or Broadway is Harry? Harry Styles thought he could make you choose him over your career?”
“Yes, Aaron,” you say for the umpteenth time. “I know it’s a shock that the Harry Styles is and was an asshole considering what his brand is.”
Your co-star frowns in response. He stops pacing the room and takes a seat beside you on the couch. He takes your hand and gives it a firm squeeze. 
“I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
You nod your head in response before sipping at your coffee. “It’s okay. It’s history now. I’m over it, and despite what happened, I forgave him. I know in my heart that he’s a different person now than he was when we were together but he just made me realize that I shouldn’t be with someone who isn’t willing to put in the work or compromise to be happy. Maybe that’s why I’ve been single ever since,” you laugh, leaning into him. 
There’s a soft knock at the door, causing you to sit up. Aaron shouts that the door is open and Harry pokes his head in. He laughs nervously and scratches the back of his neck. Both Aaron and Jane glare at him. 
“What do you want, Harry?” Jane snaps at him, standing up from her spot on the couch. She puts herself between you and the door, blocking you from his view. 
“I just need to talk to Y/n. I have something for her,” Harry answers, peering over Jane to look at you. 
You sigh and stand up from your spot on the couch. You pull Jane away from the door and walk out of Aaron’s room without a word spoken to Harry. You return to your shared dressing room without anyone else inside. Harry trails behind, shutting the door. Taking a seat at your makeup table, you watch Harry carefully pick up a bouquet of beautiful lilies in a glass vase. He sets them on your table and you smell the flowers immediately. 
“I know I keep messing things up between us. I say something stupid and I do things without thinking. I’ve been incredibly selfish and despite the fact you want nothing to do with me, you’re still helping me because you want the show to be a success regardless. I’m really sorry and I also wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done,” Harry apologizes with a gentle, sincere smile. 
You swallow hard. You hadn’t expected him to apologize. Knowing he planned to apologize with a bouquet of flowers that symbolize forgiveness twists something inside of you. You don’t know what it is exactly, but it feels good. It’s a step in the right direction. 
You laugh softly. Despite not seeing each other since the break up, you and Harry still seem to be in tune with one another. Of course he would get you flowers, a personal favorite of yours, on the day you bring him breakfast. Some things are harder to break than others. 
“It’s just funny to me that even after all these years, we’re still in sync. You brought flowers for me on the same day I brought coffee for you. I guess some habits are harder to break than others,” you answer softly. 
Harry laughs too and the room falls silent. “Thank you, though, for the apology. I understand that you’re just excited. I was too. All I wanted to do was introduce my family to the cast and show the sets when they flew out to watch me in Cats for the first time,” you tell him, rubbing your hands on the top of your thighs. You bite the inside of your cheek and Harry winces the moment the words leave your mouth. You shouldn’t have brought it up. 
When you started your career on Broadway in Cats, it had only been two and a half months since the messy breakup with Harry. You had blocked his number, but you were too afraid to do anything else normal couples would when they broke up. You didn’t want his fans to figure out or piece together scenarios if you unfollowed him on social media or deleted the photos you had together off your profiles. As far as they knew, you were only mutual friends because of Glenne, Harry’s manager’s girlfriend. Jane took you out drinking for a week straight after the break up to try and cheer you up. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, “I didn’t mean to mention it like that, only that I was just excited as you are now.”
“Yeah, I know,” he says quietly. 
You cough and quickly change the subject. “You should definitely invite your family and friends to the after show after party. I’m not sure if anyone’s told you yet but we always have a massive party after the premier of a show. It’s always at The Plaza and it’s all for the publicity for the hotel and luxury sponsorships so the cast spends the night free of charge. It’s a lot of fun.”
“Aaron told me about it yesterday,” Harry confirms, nodding his head. “I already gave them invites.”
There’s a sharp knock on the door before it’s pushed open. One of the photographers, Trevor, steps inside. You smile warmly at him and hug him quickly. 
“Hey, sorry to interrupt. Frank wants cast photos before everyone starts to get busy with vocal warm ups, hair, make up, and costume changes,” Trevor tells the two of you. He shakes Harry’s hand and introduces himself. 
You nod your head and Trevor holds his camera up to his face. You pose, grinning at him as he takes a photo of you. He takes a quick glance at it. 
“Absolutely stunning,” he says before leaving the room. 
You leave the room first and Harry follows close behind. You make a quick stop to Aaron’s dressing room and link your arm with Jane’s as you walk to the stage. Walking through the curtain, you and Jane move to the front of the stage and take a seat on the floor. 
The rest of the cast walks on stage as a group of photographers move to the front. Everyone squeezes together for a variety of photos. Harry and Aaron join you and Jane on the floor in the front. Frank points to the small space left between you and Harry. 
“Get closer,” Frank directs the two of you. Harry glances over at you before inching closer. He carefully places his arm around your torso. It makes your heart stop. 
The photographers take a number of photos before Frank dismisses the cast except for you, Harry, and Aaron. Harry’s careful to touch you as they take photos of the two of you. Trevor looks out from his camera lens. 
“Aaron and Harry, kiss Y/n on the cheek!” he says. 
“I dunno—”
“It’s fine, Harry,” you interrupt with a gentle smile. 
Harry’s mouth touches your skin and you hold your breath as Trevor captures the photo with Aaron and Harry pressing their mouths to your face. They pull away and you scratch the back of your neck bashfully before returning to your room. 
Kelly, your assigned hair and makeup artist, enters your dressing room a few minutes later. You hug her tightly and the gorgeous redhead laughs. She sets her kit on the table. Mandi, the costume coordinator enters the room and makes a beeline towards the hanger rack with the dresses. 
Kelly helps you secure your hair in a wig cap before gently placing the wig of Christine’s gorgeous, long, curls on your head. She moves it in place and teases up the loose strands. She pins it to the cap and it looks as if the hair is your own. It’s your favorite part of becoming Christine. 
Harry arrives a few minutes after Kelly starts working on your stage makeup. Zoe and Bridget work with him on hair, make up, and his costume at his table. Music plays softly in the background as the two of you get ready side by side. You sing along softly and ignore Harry’s gentle gaze. 
He’s always been terrible at trying to hide the way he looks at you, even now. 
Mandi helps you change into the first costume Christine wears for the first few scenes. Despite the fact that you’ve grown so used to the costumes, changing into them, especially with Harry close by makes you feel weird. 
You continue your vocal warm ups and drink water as Kelly works on your makeup. You’re careful to relax your eyes and face as she works on your foundation and eyeshadow. 
The dressing room door is pushed open and Trevor reappears with your manager trailing behind. He takes behind the scenes photos of you and Harry getting ready for curtain call. 
“I have your dress for the after party,” Gretchen, your manager tells you, side eyeing Harry from her spot on the couch. “I’ll bring it inside when the show’s over.”
“Sweet, thanks, Gretchen,” you tell her. 
“There’ll also be journalists and reporters at the after party red carpet, so you’re more than welcome to speak to them. Talk about the show, how you felt it went, whatever.”
You hum in response as Kelly lightly applies lip gloss to your mouth. You keep your eyes closed when you hear Jeff come inside and greet Harry. They talk quietly and Jeff tells him what kind of questions to expect at the red carpet. You’re guessing it has to do with you, knowing that the gossip columnists will more than likely ask about what it’s like working with Harry since they only knew that you’ve met in the past. They don’t have a clue that you and Harry used to date. They care more about linking Harry to any woman he knows rather than his music or other accomplishments. 
“You look absolutely gorgeous,” Kelly compliments you. 
You grin and wink at her. “It’s ‘cos I have you to make me look all pretty,” you say. It makes her laugh. 
“When you and Harry are done getting ready, I wanted to take photos of the two of you in costume if that’s okay,” Trevor says, snapping photos of you and Harry at your respective makeup tables. 
You nod your head and Harry does the same. You hop off the makeup chair and take a sip of water before leaving the dressing room to the stage. Trevor follows behind before you pose for photos in character until Harry’s done getting into costume. You start some vocal warm ups in the meantime as you wait for him to join you on the stage. Jane appears in costume and starts her vocal warm up with you. Trevor takes photos of the two of you together as you sing and dance with your best friend. 
Harry appears on stage with Jeff and Gretchen behind him. You glance over at him and you swallow hard. You try not to think of how handsome he looks in costume. His hair is parted down the middle and the costume fits him perfectly. Your eyes meet his briefly as he approaches you. He leans forward and presses an unexpected kiss to your temple. You cough uncomfortably when you hear Trevor’s camera click, capturing the image. 
“How cute,” he says, smiling at the two of you. You fake a smile and bite the inside of your cheek. “Harry, can you hold Y/n like you’re dancing with her and dip her close to the floor? I want to catch the intimate relationship Christine and Raoul have with each other.”
He nods and you turn to face each other. You carefully wrap your arms around his neck and his hands settle on your waist. You slowly dance with each other and your heart starts to race. Harry’s hands slide to your upper back as he dips you down towards the floor. You cling to him as you feel yourself start to fall. He laughs softly as your noses touch and a loose curl of his touches your face. It makes your heart stop. You hear the camera click before Harry gently pulls you up. You take a step away from him to put space between the two of you. 
“Fantastic, thanks,” Trevor says, quickly looking at the photos he captured before running off the stage, leaving you, Jane, and Harry on stage. 
“I’m going to go decompress before curtain call,” you say to no one in particular before hurrying off to one of the practice rooms. You shut the door behind you and let out a loud breath of air you were holding in. 
You settle on the piano bench and rest your fingers gently on the keys. You press the keys softly as the music fills the room. You sing quietly and don’t hear the door open until you see Jeff out of the corner of your eye approaching you at the piano. You turn to face him. 
“Hey, I just wanted to wish you good luck before curtain call. Harry said you’d be in here,” he says. 
Your hands drop from the piano and into your lap. You move to the end of the bench to make room for him. He sits down next to you. 
“Thanks. Now why are you really here?” you ask with a soft laugh. 
Jeff laughs too and shakes his head. “Nothing gets past you, huh?” 
“You’re Harry’s manager, Jeff. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why you’d come and talk to me without Harry if there’s something that concerns you about your client and their image.” 
“I just want to warn you about possible gossip columnists. They’ll try to link you to Harry regardless of what either of you say. They’ll ask incredibly intrusive questions and—”
“Jeff, I know,” you interrupt him. “Only a select few know that Harry and I dated and they know better than to say anything to anyone. I know how to handle it. I’m not a crazy ex girlfriend.”
“I know.”
You stand up from the piano bench and rub out the wrinkles of your dress. “Then don’t worry about it. Harry’s image is still safe. Can you imagine the uproar if his fans found out how terrible of a boyfriend he was to me? They’d somehow make it my fault.”
You leave the practice room and return to your dressing room. You finally have the chance to relax without Harry looking over your shoulder and staring at you.  
“They’re starting to let the audience in,” Jane comes to tell you with less than two hours to spare until the show starts. 
You thank her quietly and lightly touch up on your makeup before walking around back to try and find Harry. You find him with the makeup artists that are putting on the beard for the opening scene. You laugh softly from behind and he turns to look at you. 
“At least it makes you older,” you tease. 
“Sexy, right?” Harry asks. 
You nod your head. “Oh, yeah, definitely,” you pause and scratch at your hand. “I just wanted to wish you good luck.”
Harry stares at you, surprised that you’d go out of your way to wish him good luck on his first opening night in his first Broadway show. He smiles at you. 
“Thank you, darling.”
You ignore the twist inside your stomach. 
Adrenaline is racing through you as you hear the orchestra start. From behind stage, you watch the dancers and ensemble cast move on stage. You trail behind Jane and the rest of the dancers as you dance on stage. 
Your muscle memory kicks in and you become Christine. You move across the stage as Christine. You sing as Christine. 
As the show progresses and as you change in and out of costumes, you get closer and closer to All I Ask of You. 
Off stage, you quickly change into another one of Christine’s gorgeous dresses. You run on stage and Harry’s not too far behind. You grab at his shoulders as the music starts and the two of you begin singing. 
The two of you move together perfectly on stage and his touch lingers. It makes your heart race as you approach the lyric right before you’re supposed to kiss him. 
“Say you love me,” you sing to him as Harry reaches to hold your face. Harry smiles gently and brushes a stray curl out of your face. 
“You know I do,” Harry sings back to you. Your hands squeeze each other’s tightly and you take a careful breath inward as Harry leans in to kiss you. 
The music roars in your ears as his mouth meets yours. You cling to him as Harry spins you around the stage with your mouths still together in a loving, passionate kiss between Christine and Raoul. 
The audience cheers when the song finishes and you kiss Harry two more times before the curtains close for intermission. You quickly run off stage with the rest of the ensemble cast and change into a new dress before running to the bathroom. Kelly is hot on your heels and helps you with the overflowing fabric before you hurry back to your dressing room for her to touch up on the wig and your makeup. 
Harry returns to the dressing room and Zoe and Bridget touch up his hair and stage makeup, quickly fastening the microphone in the right place. He takes a few gentle sips of water and watches you sit back against your chair as Kelly fixes the fallen curls on the wig before placing the crown on top of your head. 
The five minute warning bell rings and both you and Harry hurry back to the stage. You shake out your nerves. There’s only 45 minutes left of the show. It’s okay. You can do this. 
Harry reaches for your hand and you nearly pull away when you realize you have to hold his hand as you go on stage. He squeezes your hand tightly before leading you on stage. 
Music rings throughout the theater. Harry holds you securely as you dance and go through the scene. 
Time flies and before you know it, you kissed Harry for the last time on stage for the night before curtain call. The last song fades out and the audience begins to clap and cheer for the cast and crew. 
Harry’s hand leaves yours as he goes for his curtain call. The audience screams and claps in admiration for him, of course. He’s Harry Styles for crying out loud! 
Then it’s your turn to run out and bow in front of the audience. You take great pride in knowing that the audience was significantly louder for you than for Harry, and he’s the superstar. 
Once the curtains close, you reach for Harry. You squeeze his hand and give him a hug. “You did amazing, Harry,” you compliment. “Congrats on finishing your first Broadway show.”
He grins at you. “Thank you. That means the world to me coming from you.”
You smile again and the two of you walk together towards your shared dressing room. Kelly and Mandi are talking with the women in charge of Harry’s makeup, hair, and costume when the two of you arrive. Kelly and Mandi both give you congratulatory hugs before you settle down in your chair. 
Kelly quickly and carefully takes the wig off your head and sets it down. She works with the wig cap and unclasps the pins to your hair. She takes it off and you sigh in relief, leaning back in the chair as she combs through your hair. 
You take off your stage makeup in record time. You feel like your pores can actually breathe now. 
“Here’s your dress!” Gretchen exclaims, entering the room. You gently take it from her and gasp. It’s a gorgeous black dress with beautiful lace and embroidered flowers of a variety of colors. 
Kelly helps you change into the dress and fixes your hair. Jane comes into the room wearing a yellow dress. She grins and steps to the side. You scream excitedly when your brothers step into the room. 
You tackle the two of them into a hug. They laugh and Gretchen chastises you. “Don’t ruin the dress!”
“What’re you doing here? Mom said you were busy, especially with Molly!” you tell them as you stare at your brothers. 
“And miss your premier? No way,” Garrett laughs as your sister in law comes into view with your three year old niece in her arms. 
“Auntie!” Molly shouts, reaching for you. You immediately take her in your arms and shower her with tickles and kisses. “You look like and sing like a princess!”
“Thank you, baby,” you tell her. “I missed you so much. I’m so happy you’re here with your mommy and daddy.”
“Me too!”
Jeff walks in with Glenne and Harry’s suit in his arms. You scratch at your arm and Garrett glares at Jeff and Harry. Your little brother Nolan does the same and they cross their arms over their chest. You didn’t anticipate having to put yourself between your brothers and Harry. 
“Garrett, Nolan, you remember Harry,” you introduce them to each other once more. 
“How could we forget,” Nolan responds bitterly. You glare at him as Molly clings to your neck. “Nice job, though.”
Harry smiles uncomfortably and you hand Molly back over to your brother. You quickly say your goodbyes to your family before they leave the theater for the hotel. You gather your things together as Harry changes into a pink suit. 
“Gretchen and I think that the two of you should arrive at the after party red carpet together,” Jeff tells you and Harry. “Y’know, since you’re playing love interests. It would create good publicity.”
Your eyebrows crease together in confusion as you stare at Jeff. “I thought you didn’t want the columnists to speculate? If they found out that we have history, they’ll have a field day. They’ll do anything to try and link us together as a couple.” 
“That’s not the reason why I think you should go together. Just show them that you get along with each other off stage. Some are starting to speculate a strained off stage relationship between the two of you,” Jeff replies. 
You scoff and roll your eyes at him. Of course they are. Jeff doesn’t want to make it seem like Harry is hard to work with or a diva. It’s all about protecting his image. “Fine.”
The two of you leave the dressing room together and walk out the back door where the limousine driver was waiting. Screams immediately reach your ears the moment you and Harry step out of the theater together. Cameras flash at the two of you and you’re immediately sent into a daze. You stumble back into Harry and he carefully guides you to the vehicle. His hand finds yours as he blocks the cameras from your view. 
He opens the door for you and you climb inside. He quickly shuts the door and you carefully pull your hand out of his grasp and set it on your lap. The driver pulls out of the alley and takes you and Harry to The Plaza Hotel for the after party. 
“Is it always like that when you leave places?” you ask after a few minutes of silence on the road. “Fans screaming at you and people taking photos of whoever you’re with?”
“Yeah, I suppose. I’m used to it though. ‘M sorry you had to go through that. It can be overwhelming if you’re not used to it,” he answers. 
You hum and fall into another awkward silence. You arrive at the hotel ten minutes later and the driver opens the door. Harry gets out first and screaming fills your ears again. He reaches into the car and holds out his hand for you. You hesitantly take his hand and he squeezes it reassuringly. 
He helps you out of the car and shuts the door behind you. His hand wraps around your torso and you momentarily forget that he’s your ex boyfriend. The feeling of his hand settling on your waist feels strangely comfortable, almost as if you’ve missed the feeling. You swallow hard and one of the event workers guides the two of you to the start of the red carpet. You walk on together and pose for the photographers until you’re pulled away for individual shots and interviews.  
“You were absolutely fabulous tonight, Y/n!” a reporter compliments you. “How does it feel to work with someone like Harry? Is it any different than when you shared the stage with John?”
“Thank you!” you grin at her. “It was definitely intimidating at first, considering his level of fame and stardom, but he just wants to be treated like everyone else. I have to help him here and there since he’s new to Broadway, but he’s a fast learner.”
It goes like that for a while. Reporters compliment you and then immediately ask you what it’s like to work beside Harry. Now your own accomplishments are being overshadowed by his stardom. It bitterly reminds you of the break up. 
When you make it inside the hotel and into the ballroom, you make a beeline for the bar and order a Jack and Coke. You find your seat beside Jane and you cheers before taking a generous sip of your drink. Harry doesn’t join you until dinner starts.  
Everyone at the table makes small talk as you eat when Kendall takes the empty seat next to Harry. Great. Just what you needed. Kendall says her hello’s before she turns her attention back on to Harry. You nudge Jane under the table when you realize that she’s glaring at her. 
You stand up and head to the bar to get more drinks. You just wanted the after party to go by as fast as possible. You don’t want to be near Harry, and you certainly don’t want to be near Kendall. You return to the table and Harry leans towards you. 
“What?” you ask him. 
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Harry. Just leave it alone,” you mumble. 
He looks like he wants to argue, but lets it go. He knows better than to start a fight with you when Jane won’t hesitate to cause a scene. 
Music starts and Jane grabs your hand, pulling you to the dance floor. You drink, laugh, and dance together. You don’t notice Harry watching you. 
After some time, you and Jane are both drunk on the dance floor. You can’t seem to control your giggles as you sing and dance. You stumble towards your table when Harry catches you before you fall. 
“You okay?” he asks, helping you to your feet. He pushes hair out of your face. 
You smile drunkenly and nod. “Perfect, H,” you answer, swaying on your feet as Harry struggles to keep you up straight. 
He laughs. “You’ve had too much to drink, darling. Let’s get you to your room.”
You pout, whining at him. “No! I’m having fun. Leave me alone!”
Harry gently guides you to your dinner table and grabs your bag. He helps you out of the ballroom and into the hotel elevator. Your head rests on his shoulder. 
“Why are you helping me?” you ask him softly. Your warm breath hits his skin and it makes him shiver. 
Harry shrugs. “I dunno…. I think there’s always going to be a part of me that always wants to look out for you. I think that’s why.”
You hum and the elevator doors slide open. You step out, holding Harry’s hand as you walk to your room. He fishes through your bag for the room key. 
The door clicks open and he tugs you inside. “I think there’ll always be a part of me that always wants to be with you, despite how things ended between us,” you confess drunkenly, sitting on the bed. 
Harry stares at you with wide eyes and your eyes linger on his lips. Your hand reaches for his tie and you tug him towards you.
Without a second thought, you kiss him. 
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arsonistslut · 3 years
Chapter 9: Reminders of Tragedy
"Hey, Jane!"
"Hey, Ingrid! How is my favorite person in the world?"
Jane's girlfriend of a good 9 years now happily walked over and kissed her on the cheek, beaming as she always seemed to do whenever she looked at her lover.
"Amazing now that you're here. Hey, you wanna go to that party Randy's having at his house tomorrow?"
"He's having a party? I didn't figure him the partying type."
"Despite the whole business parents thing, he is a real party animal. Hey, you know what's weird about the party?"
"What is?"
"He invited that Jeff guy there..y'know, that creep with the Conduct Disorder?"
She gestured to the tall, dark clothed young adult that sat alone at a lunch table nearby, playing with a switchblade.
"Hey, I remember him being pretty nice.."
"Remember him? You two date at some point?"
"We did, actually, wayyyy back."
Jane smirked when she saw the look of surprise and pride on Ingrid's face when she realized she guessed right.
"What was he like?"
"He was a sweetheart. Cheesy, but a sweetheart. Hell, even cheesier than me."
"Jane, you've carved our names into multiple trees. There's no out-cheesing that."
"Oh, you wouldn't believe how we met, either. My dad was out mowing the lawn, and he accidentally ran over a rock and it hit Jeff in the head."
"Oof, that sounds bad.."
"I visited him in the hospital with my parents one time, and I will never forget what he said to me as a pick-up line."
"What did he say?"
Jane cleared her throat, before trying her darndest to do an impression of a young Jeff.
"Did you come from heaven? Because you look like an angel!"
Ingrid couldn't help but let out a giggle as she quickly pulled Jane into her arms.
"Aww, that sounds so cute!"
"It was!"
Jeff himself was hearing this conversation from afar, the little tricks he played with his knife not an adequate distraction from the constant reminder of what could've been.
"I don't think he handled our breakup too well..nobody really wanted to treat him as anything other than a freak after his diagnosis went public. One time, I heard him ranting to his brother about how it was hypocritical of the school to do a health topic on depression when they wouldn't stop judging him for his CD."
"Sheesh, it sounds like he's been through a lot..poor kid could use a friend."
"It doesn't really look like he wants any. Liu isn't sitting with him..that's weird, Liu always sits with him."
"Prolly had an argument or something, you know siblings."
The day continued without incident, Jeffrey getting home at the same time as usual..yet his mind was not thinking about the party, or school, he was thinking about Jane and Ingrid. Why was Jane so special that she had everything she wanted in life and not him? What crime did he commit that landed him with absent parents, demonization from his peers, and a fucking smile cut into his face? That love, that relationship they had..Jeff came to the conclusion that it was something to be destroyed.
Liu, meanwhile, was..struggling with something. Something he never expected would be a problem in his life. Lately, he began having these thoughts..these violent, awful, intrusive thoughts, thoughts that seemed to be begging to be spoken aloud, the actions they describe seeming to grow more and more appealing as time passed.
Kill Randy.
Maim Keith.
Skin Troy like the cattle he is.
Maybe if he gave the thoughts an identity, they'd be easier to handle, he thought as he thought of a name for these urges..one stood out from the others. Not at all goofy, but not as laughably edgy as the other options.
Chapter 10: Enter Sully
Liu ended up speaking to Sully for the entire night..and even into the morning. When Jeff woke up the next morning, he could already hear Liu downstairs talking with..someone.
"It's sad, really..so concerned about themselves..no time spared for you."
"I-I guess..but they've got more important things to worry about.."
"Child, they do not have a thought in them about you. They're all self centered egomaniacs that would rather get pushed around by a genetic failure of a human rather than do anything about their situation!"
"That's not true, Sully! You're lying!"
A horrible growl soon came from the room.
"We are friends, child! Friends do not lie to each other, do they?"
"I..I guess not..goodbye for now, Sully."
"Where are you going?"
"I..I need some time to think."
Liu got back up, jumping from fear when he saw his brother staring at him.
"Holy shit, Jeff! You scared me!"
"I bet."
Awkward silence soon filled the dining room where they stood.
"Hey, Jeff...?"
"I'm..sorry about punching you, and saying all that shit about you. I shouldn't have done that."
"No shit, Sherlock."
The elder brother turned around and began walking back up to his room, but not before his brother called out to him.
"Hey..is there any way I could make things up between us?"
"You could make things up by not betraying my trust again. You're all I've got, Liu..don't pull a Jane and fuck it up for me."
Liu always did question that grudge Jeff held for his ex, after all, he chatted with her in the past, and it always seemed like she genuinely enjoyed what her and Jeff had, and she always felt bad for leaving him like that. Hell, it sounded like it was as painful for her to leave him as it was for him to find out that his girlfriend left him. He was tempted to point that out, but he feared ruining things with his brother again.
Chapter 11: A Hell of A Party
When Jane and Ingrid rounded the corner home, they found..a disturbing sight. A dead raccoon laying in the middle of the street, it's guts ripped out of it's body and thrown aside, Jeff gleefully pawing through the freshly murdered animal, childishly gawking and giggling over the corpse.
"Hey, Jeffrey! What happened here, what the fuck did you do?!"
Ingrid cried out to the blood-soaked kid, who looked up at her, confusion riddling his bloodied face.
"I killed a raccoon. It's not like anyone's gonna miss it."
"Why, you little-"
Ingrid slapped Jeffrey right across the face, knocking him to the ground as Jane held her girlfriend back and tried to keep the situation from escalating any further.
"What the hell was that for?!"
"You killed a helpless animal, you freak!!"
"I oughta kill you next, you piece of-"
Woods choked on his own spittle as he made his threat, never having been particularly..elegant with his words.
"Oh, really?! I'll kick your teeth down your fucking throat!"
"I swear to God, I'll strangle you with your own fucking intestines!!"
When Jeff reached for his switchblade, Jane panicked and grabbed her lover's hand, running off with her as Woods continued to scream at them.
"Your last words better be some Mark Twain shit, because it's going on your tombstone!! You hear me?!"
That experience was all on Jane's mind as she watched Jeff steadily get more and more wasted by the bonfire outside as time went on, at least, what glimpses she could catch of him when she wasn't busy dancing with the other students. Randy was also outside, reluctantly playing Truth Or Dare with the others as well as his increasingly hot and bothered enemy.
"Ok, Jeff!"
"Whaddup, baby?~"
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare, hit me with the worst ya got!"
"Slow dance with Randy."
"What the-no! I'm straight as a arrow, dude!"
"So is spaghetti until it gets wet~"
"Jeff, never say that again."
"C'mooooon, do the dare, ya pussy~ I don't bite!~"
Woods took his time getting up, but still had enough cognitive function to put on Grover Washington Jr's "Just The Two Of Us", to try and improve the mood, but Randy still wasn't having any of it. In a last ditch effort to try and seduce Randy, Jeffrey just..up and took his shirt off. That'll get things going, right? No, it didn't. Despite some swooning from some of his classmates, Randy himself didn't want any part of this. He was a few drinks deep as well, so in a drunken haze, he grabbed one of the bottles of booze they had, took a running start, and smashed it right over Jeff's head. The problem with that is that they were only a couple feet away from a bonfire, so when Jeff stumbled backward, he fell right into it, the alcohol on his exposed flesh quickly igniting. He quickly burst into flames, screaming and running off as the fire quickly seared his body, every remaining nerve ending he had that wasn't burnt away shocking his body with waves of pain. He could feel his scalp burning up once his hair was scorched away, finally finding solace in a nearby puddle that put out the flames. Jeff could see his life flashing before his eyes..his family, his brother..that was all he could see. As Randy and the other students' screams of horror faded away, Woods silently cursed himself for not doing anything more with his life..a single bloody tear rolled down his face as he shut his eyes for what he believed would be the last time.
Chapter 12: The End Of The Beginning
Suddenly..he was in some sort of void. The ground beneath him was black as pitch, and footsteps began to grow ever closer to him. When Jeff looked to see who was approaching, he found no earthly being waiting for his attention. When he laid his eyes on whatever approached, the previously totally dark void began to turn a sickly red. What stood before him was a monster unlike any other, an otherwordly monster many believed to be a mere tall tale.
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scary-lasagna · 5 years
Got any more dark link headcanons sfw and nsfw. I'm always a slut for that boy and not many people write for him :(. So thanks for writing for my fav emo elf lol
Bro who isnt low key a slut for DL
Dark Link
His hair is a wildcard each morning.
Sometimes it's white, sometimes grey, or maybe a mixture between the shades.
He's woken up with a white base color with black fringe and he never heard the end of it.
His best buddies are Lost Silver, BEN, Red,  (They share a stuck-in-a-video-game bonding background), along with LJ.
He's a total flirt and may have gotten a punch in the nose from Jane once or twice.
Or three times.
Still thinks she's hot, though.
He tolerates Jeff, he'll say hi to him if they're passing by or have a short convo on the forest's edge.
But Jeff is a bit too edgy for his taste.
The phrase "Goth elf aesthetic" describes his fashion choice.
Speaking of fashion, he wears his tunic too much.
But he will resort to jeans when someone finally pries it off of him to wash.
He also has the most beautiful crimson eyes.
He's amazing at sword fighting, not that this skill will ever come in handy.
Uness a home intruder challenges him to duel for his prized belongings.
Which contain one (1) OoT beta cartridge, a tunic, and a half a bottle of Tylenol.
Unlike BEN, Dark doesn't have much skills in hacking or games in general.
He has the BEST jawline.
That's it. That's his redeeming quality.
He also has a rockin' body.
All of the sword fighting and training he does gives him also of upper body strength.
Scratch that, just strength in general.
He's not ripped, but he has some toned muscles.
Abs? Yes.
MUcSLes? Yes.
He's worse than a guy who just discovered porn for the first time.
Easily has the testosterone levels of a porn star.
He'd fuck you all day, if you'd let him.
He's had so many lovers in the past, being the flirt he is.
So he's very experienced.
And if he sees so much as an ankle he'll take that as a flirty signal.
He'll enjoy eating you out and pin your squirming hips.
He likes to manhandle you too.
He'll yank you towards the edge of the bed and then rip off your jeans.
Or pick you up and sit you on his lap to attack your neck in kisses.
Always finding new ways to show off his strength.
He's got a lot of stamina, and self-control for that matter.
So he's gonna last for a while in bed.
He's not too vocal, but he will give the best dirty talk and gowling you've ever heard in your life.
And he loves hilting when he cums.
And make sure none of it leaks out.
Coughs, he has a breeding kink, coughs.
Even though he hates kids.
He'd also be into cock warming now that you mention it.
He tries to give good after care, but he's worn out, not to mention lazy.
So he'll toss the blanket over you a give you his water from the nightstand.
And a lil kiss on the cheek.
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yeetingmyfeeling · 4 years
Boys Without Fear
Chapter One
Jeff was in the mansion today. He had very little he wanted to do, hasn’t even gone for a kill in the past five days. He was content to observe, watch life move around him, watch his friend mingle. Even that piece of bread going mouldy underneath the table was interesting. 
The couch was very comfortable, in his opinion at least. Much better than the bed he lays on at night. That’s mostly been his routine. Get up from bed, lay on the couch for the day, go back to bed. The only reason he doesn’t stay in his bed is because he shares a room with Eyeless Jack. Nothing wrong with him, just, if Jeff had to watch someone, he would rather watch everyone. 
He was feeling rather peckish, so perhaps he was to get up and get some food. Only, when he sat up, someone sat next to him. 
“Thinking of stealing my couch while I leave?” Jeff quirked an, what would have been, eyebrow. He has no eyebrow, or eyelids. So really, it didn’t look like much. 
“Jeff,” The fellow proxy spoke. It was Laughing Jack. His nose stuck out, pointed at Jeff. “While you are gone, to do whatever, I am going to cleanse the entire thing. It reeks.”
“It does not,” Jeff argued. “And for your information, i'm going to go get food.”
“I literally don’t care?” LJ offered. “Just get off.”
“Well, now I don’t want to,” The killer crossed his arms over his chest, an invisible pout on his lips. 
“Get up boy,” LJ deadpanned. “I will call down Hoodie and Masky on you, do not tempt me.”
Jeff stared, and reluctantly got up. LJ immediately got to cleaning. Jeff rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen. Eyeless Jack, Ben Drowned and Ticci Toby, were all hanging around. 
“He rises from the couch,” Ben gasped. “I am in shock, someone restart the routers.”
EJ puffed a laugh. “Leave him be guys, we all know why.”
“We do?” Asked Jeff.
“We do?” chimed the other two.
“Oh, well if we apparently don’t..” EJ snickered. “Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
“Excuse me, please continue,” Jeff gestured. “I would like to know.”
“Well, Jeff..” EJ’s left hand came up and rubbed at the back of his head. “You have been down, and depressed. You haven’t killed someone in five days, even though it has been dry lately. Plus, you’ve barely touched your knife, or even sharpened it.”
Ben nodded. “I’ve noticed these things. You go straight from your room, to the couch, back to your room. From knowledge, that’s what people with depression do. Or, who are going through a struggle.”
Toby nodded. “You haven’t showered, and hardly eat. This is the first I’ve seen you eat in two days. You're always spacing out.”
“Is this an intervention?” Jeff queried. ‘If it is, I rather go back to my couch.” 
“We aren’t.. Real people. We are classified as monsters, really. Maybe, we are. We don’t experience emotions and feelings the same, but we do experience them. Certain ones can be stronger in us,” EJ stared at Jeff, his eye sockets boring into Jeff’s lidless eyes. “I am just expressing what I have observed from you in the past, let's say a month. Jeff, you are either really horny or madly in love with someone.” 
The killer choked. On air, just breathed in too sharply. Now he is doubled over, hands on his knees, coughing and spluttering. He heard two voices of cackles in front of him, but he didn’t care. He was focused on not dying from choking, so he can choke EJ. 
“You- you fucking what?” Jeff stuttered. “Horny, or in love? In love!?”
Ben and Toby laughed louder.
“Look, it’s the best thing I came to,” EJ explained. “It was those, or you’re about to die.”
“I would rather die!” Jeff stated, rather loudly. “I don’t even know who you would think.. I… no!”
“Jeff, we still have needs we need to cater to,” EJ went on. “Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I think I know who it is..” Toby whispered to Ben. “Jane.”
Ben snorted. “Probably.”
“I’m not ashamed,” Jeff grumbled.
“Well, if that’s the case,” EJ clapped his hands. “Go take a shower, we shall prepare dinner, and we will have family bonding.”
“But I-” Jeff tried to argue. EJ just stared him down. Jeff sighed, groaned, then went to take a shower. 
Jeff decided to change into his more usual clothes. That being the white jumper and black pants. Who knows, he thought, maybe family bonding meant killing. He made sure to wash himself thoroughly, as he did stink quite a bit and his hair was more greasy and knotted then usual. 
Upon making his way downstairs, he smelt food. He went into the kitchen, seeing other proxies pile up their plates then go into the living room. Jeff began doing the same. Not everyone ate real food, so there was an array of options. There was spaghetti bolognese for the more human proxies, so Jeff grabbed a lot of that. 
He went into the living room, luckily being able to sit on the couch. Smile dog came and sat down in front of him, and Jane the Killer sat next to Jeff on the couch. 
“He is clean,” Jane gasped. “It’s a miracle!”
“Fuck off,” Jeff mumbled through a mouthfull of spaghetti. 
“We had an intervention for him,” Ben explained. “We think we have figured out what his problem is.”
“What?” Jane 
“Who wants to go for a killing tonight?” Jeff interrupted before Ben could say anything. The Link look-alike laughed. 
“I’ll go,” Jane said. “Although I will have to harass Ben later for why you’ve been so depressed.”
“We’ll go,” Hoodie and Masky chimed.
So after dinner, the four agreed to go out for a kill.
Once they returned, they all went to go get washed up.
“You got a kill then?” Sally asked excitedly, leaning over the couch where she sat with Clockwork.
“We got three,” Jane grinned. She went over to Sally, running her hands through the child's hair. 
“There was a group of teenagers in the woods,” Jeff added. “They were expecting Slendy, but got us instead.”
“Well it is Slendy’s woods,” Masky shrugged. “We have been here for long enough though.”
“Oh well. We got three kills, and we got Jeff out of the house,” Hoodie pointed at said teen. “A win win situation. Now dare I say, time for cheesecake?”
“Time for cheesecake!” Masky cheered. Then the two walked into the kitchen. 
“Speaking of Jeff getting out of the house,” Jane looked at Jeff, then at Clockwork. “Where’s Ben?”
“In his room playing games with EJ and Toby,” Clockwork replied.
“Thanks,” Jane nodded. “Gonna try to stop me?” 
“No,” Jeff sighed in defeat. Jane grinned and practically skipped away. 
“Jeff,” Clockwork looked at the permanently grinning killer. “Slendy wants to see you.”
Jeff groaned, throwing his head back. “What did I do this time?” He started walking down to Slenderman’s den, or office, mumbling to myself. “I haven’t done shit, literally. I’ve been laying around the entire past five days. I have barely existed. Today was my most productive day-”
“That is exactly why I wanted to speak with you,” Came a voice from behind the door, before Jeff had even knocked. “Come in.”
Jeff opened the door. “What do you mean?” he questioned. “Because I actually did stuff today, I’m in trouble?”
“I never said you were in trouble,” Slender shook his head. “I would like to talk about you, and your feelings.”
Jeff groaned. “Not more of this shit. Look, I’m fine, perfect, great, happy even.”
“Yes, you say this, but the dent on the couch in a Jeffrey shaped figure says otherwise. Don’t use language with me.”
“So I have been lounging around a bit. What’s wrong with that?”
“Jeffrey, are you depressed? Is there something getting you down? Or making you upset?”
“Stop calling me Jeffrey, and I’m fucking fine.”
“Stop using poor language. I am merely concerned about your mental wellbeing, if there is something wrong, I want you to know you can speak to me.” 
“Yeah, yeah. I get it. I’ll be fine, boss man.”
Slender sighed. “You best be fine. You are my family, and I do not want my family to be upset.”
“Gotcha!” Jeff saluted the tall, white man. He spun on his heel, and walked all the way to his room.
It hurt, hearing that. Jeff didn’t want to admit it. 
‘You are my family,’
Jeff walked into his room, shut the door, and punched the wall. 
“Fuck…” He breathed out. “Feelings, man. Screw what EJ says, I’m blocking them out. Then I can’t get hurt if I ever got rejected by Slendy.”
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love-rats · 4 years
Jeff the Killer: Re-write
A new house. New friends. A new life to adapt to. When it came down to it, new was all there was in Jeff’s life. 
“Hey, Liu,” Jeff called after his brother. “Wait up!”
Liu turned around, a grin lighting up his boyish features. There always seemed to be a light inside of him, one that Jeff could never match. 
Ever since Jeff was a kid, all that there had been was darkness, utter darkness, consuming him completely. Sometimes, he would lie awake at night, hearing echoes of an inner desire, threatening to snap his sanity. The voices always told him that it would be easier for the string to snap. Better, even. 
For once in Jeff’s thirteen long years, he would be happy. 
But he couldn’t say any of this out loud to his brother. How could he ever understand? Jeff could bet his flimsy string of sanity that Liu had never felt the risk, the joy that resulted from giving in, from becoming something... inhuman. 
So, instead, what he said was: “Are you happy?
He received a baffled glance as an answer. 
Jeff amended, “In our new house, I mean.”
Liu smiled. “If mum’s happy, then I suppose I’m happy.”
If only it was that simple. 
If Jeff had to pin down the one day when it all started, it would be this one. The kind of plastic, perfect day when the sun was shining, the razor sharp beams fragmenting the vision of everyone who was unlucky enough to be caught in its path. 
Jeff was trying to unsuccessfully trying to shield his eyes, not even bothering to check beside him for Liu. They had been waiting for the bus for half an hour already. 
“I think we might be a little early,” Liu muttered.
“No shit,” Jeff snickered. “Maybe mum wanted to get us out of the house to do some spring cleaning?”
“Yeah. Have you seen the state of... fuck it! Have you seen the state of everything?”
“Everything?” Jeff was suddenly serious.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean that, Jeff. I’m just so stressed, ugh!”
Jeff looked at his brother. Took in the dark blue circles under his dark blue eyes.
“Maybe you just need some sleep.”
And in Jeff’s voice, there was something rooted deep within, something that Liu couldn’t quite identify, but nevertheless chilled him to the very bones. 
“Well, well, well.”
Jeff turned around at the sound of the smug voice, and immediately wished he hadn’t. A young boy, about thirteen, stood in front of them. His jacket seemed to swallow him whole, and his bike just comically emphasized the boy’s ridiculous smallness. Nevertheless, there was something threatening in the boy’s eyes.
“I’m Randy.” The boy had a ridiculous smirk plastered on his face. “This is Keith. And this is Troy.” Two other boys drew up behind him, and Jeff almost laughed out. Being held up by three dwarfs on their first day in a new town? Sounded about right.
“Okay, now that all the pleasantries are out of the way, I’d like you to hand me your wallet, please.” A psychotic smile spread over his face. “After all, it’s our town. It’s only fair that you pay us. As a token, if you like. Of your thanks.”
Jeff snorted. “Fuck off. I’m not paying you anything.”
Randy’s eyes darkened. “I regret you are mistaken.”
Slowly, leisurely, he took out a knife. “Give me the fucking money.”
Liu’s voice pierced the silence. “He SAID he’s not-”
That was when Randy jumped at Liu, knocking his diminutive form to the ground. The haze descended, and all Jeff could hear was Liu’s screams, the sharp sound of maniacal laughter, and whispers. Always the whispers. For a minute, he was paralyzed. Somehow, he wanted to stay here, trapped in this haze with the string of his sanity so deliciously hanging in front of his eyes. He wanted to sink into this feeling, the bathe in the beautiful screams of the suffering. 
Then, it snapped. 
He felt a face crack beneath his fists, a knife in his hands. The smell of blood on his hands, translating into the scent of power. Randy screaming, oh it was music to his ears. Even when arms dragged him away from the beautiful sight of the boy with a knife in his shoulder, he remembered begging to be left alone with the screams for just a few more minutes.
Maybe he didn’t say it out loud, though. Maybe things would’ve been different if he hadn’t stayed mute as Liu screamed at him. Maybe they would’ve all finally understood. 
But he didn’t.
So, as he ran away from the scene with Liu following suit, he was left to experience the snapping of the string for just a few more minutes. 
“What the hell is this, Jeff? What is everyone going to think of me? You’re a selfish, selfish boy! You stabbed him! Stabbed!”
“I did not stab him! It was self defense! He attacked first!” Jeff looked at the police officer with pleading eyes. “You’ve got to believe me!”
The officer sighed. “Look, kid. I feel sorry for you. I do. It’s hard doing my job. Try it some time.” He looked Jeff straight in the eye. “I’m sorry. We have witnesses, son. It’s a year in juvie for you.”
At that moment, Jeff felt his throat close up. He thought he might throw up.
Jeff looked up, and standing at the top of the staircase was Liu. “It was me.”
“What? No!” Jeff choked out. “Take it back! Tell them it was me!”
If you looked at Liu from outsider’s perspective, you would see a headstrong young boy. 
But Jeff.
Jeff could see Liu’s bottom lip quivering. He could tell his brother wasn’t as strong as he let on.
“It was me,” Liu repeated. “Take me away.”
The screams. The bitter screams as Liu was bundled into the police car. Jeff didn’t want to sink into these screams. Jeff wanted to undo his existence. He wanted to undo whoever was responsible for this pain.
“I’m sorry I blamed you, Jeff.” His mother put an arm around his shoulder, pulling him to her. As if that was adequate. As if that would put together the string again. 
Nothing on this Earth could ever make him okay again. 
“Jeff, please get up.” His mum ceremonially threw open Jeff’s curtains, as Jeff hissed and jumped under his covers. 
“Get the hell out, mum!”
Jeff’s mum looked visibly stunned, but she shook it off and attempted to put on a happy face and cheerful demeanor. Someday, she had thought, Jeff would thank her for this. 
“Don’t be so rude. I’ve got a surprise for you!”
Jeff peeked out from beneath the covers.
“A surprise?”
“We’re going to a party!”
Jeff felt as if he had been punched in the gut.
“Oh, shut up. We all know what happened. Now get ready, we have to go soon.”
As Jeff reluctantly dragged himself out of bed, his mum shouted from down the corridor, “Wear something smart!”
A groan escaped him as he examined his sparse wardrobe. Eventually, he picked out a plain white hoodie and some black trousers.
As he came downstairs, his mum looked at him with visible disgust. 
“You’re wearing that?” She sighed. “Whatever. Let’s go.”
Jeff had never felt Liu’s absence so greatly as he felt in that moment.
The person who answered the door was not who Jeff was expecting to be the host of a party that the Woods family would be attending. She was wearing a floor length cherry-red evening gown, and she reeked of falseness and plastic smiles. 
An articifical smile framed her perfect mouth as she ushered Jeff and his mum into the house. 
“The kids are in the back. Make yourself at home,” she smiled at him.
He almost snorted. This place was about as homely as the grand canyon. 
Eventually finding his way through the intimidating maze of the house, he let himself into the back garden, where a bunch of little kids were already engaging in an intense water fight. He almost smiled at the bittersweet scene in front of him. He missed the times when his greatest worry was how much water was in his water gun. 
Briefly, his eyes locked with a raven-haired girl sitting by herself, reading a battered copy of Pride and Prejudice. He cautiously made his way towards her.
She looked up, and a gentle smile flitted across her face. “Hey. I’m Jane. You’re Jeff, right?”
“That’s me! You’re the only person who’s actually held eye contact with me after what happened. I guess that means we have to be friends now. If you’d like to, I mean.”
She almost blushed. “I’d like that. Anyway, Randy’s an asshole. Served him right.”
He grinned at her. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
Before the silence could get more awkward, a little kid came up to Jeff. “Do you want to pway?”
Jeff laughed. “Oh no-”
Jane giggled. “Go on, Jeff. You know you want to.” Then, to the kids, “He’d love to.”
Jeff glared at her. He stood up. 
And damn it if he didn’t play a game of water fighting with a bunch of little kids. And damn it if he wasn’t smiling, laughing and dripping wet afterwards. 
Was he... momentarily happy?
Suddenly, there was a noise from the other side of the garden. Someone had jumped over the fence, and with a dreadful lurch of his stomach, Jeff knew who it was. 
It was Randy.
Dirt was smeared over his face and his hair stuck out every which way, but deep inside his eyes, there was a madness so deep rooted that you couldn’t separate the madness from him.
It had consumed him, entirely. 
“You’re going to die, Jeff.” He growled, and Jeff could feel every word inside him like a tremor. 
Randy leapt at him as Jeff attempted to run inside, panic fueling his steps. In his peripheral vision, he saw Jane stand up in alarm, but he longer cared. He just needed to run. 
A blow to the side of his head sent him sprawling on the ground. Randy stood over him. 
An ear splitting scream resonated as a vodka bottom smashed over Jeff’s head. Subconsciously, Jeff acknowledged that there was a trickle of blood running down his cheek. Maybe it was this that finally brought him to his senses. Maybe it wasn’t. But all he knew was that the string had been snapped.
There was no going back. 
Punch upon punch rained down on Randy’s face. Jeff gave into the feeling, the desire to sink deeper into the screams, the bathe in the beauty. Bliss overcame him as the one objective rose to his mind: kill. 
Somehow they ended up in the bathroom. Jeff remembered Randy pouring bleach over his head. Suddenly, a knife was in Jeff’s hand, and consequently, power. He knew exactly what he had to do with the slim, ruthless metal object in his hand.
But he stopped. Was Randy... laughing?
“WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, FUCKER?” Jeff yelled, spittle landing on Randy’s face. And yet still he laughed.
“WHAT’S SO FUNNY?” Jeff shook Randy, over and over again, until his spittle became tinged with red. 
“What’s funny,” Randy croaked. “Is that you’re covered in bleach and alcohol.”
He took out a lighter.
“Go to sleep, motherfucker.”
Flames engulfed Jeff as the screams rose from his lungs, this time his own. How he would’ve loved to have gone to sleep at that moment, if only to be free from all of this. And yet, as the flames licked at him and the unbearable agony took a hold of his brain, the pain finally in control, he remembered thinking, “Go to sleep. I like that.”
Then, mercifully, darkness.
Jeff awoke to white.
His mum stood over him, tears of something or other flowing down her cheeks. He found he no longer cared. 
“Jeff! You’re okay,” she sobbed. Jeff just sat there in silence, letting these new sensations flow through him. 
“We were so worried! The good news is, Liu’s been released, because Randy’s friends confessed.”
Liu smiled, and this awoke something in Jeff. A type of hunger. How could Liu ever be happy when the string would never let Jeff be?
Hatred. The gooey, bubbling liquid of hatred engulfed Jeff as he sat there, his eyes wide and unblinking. 
Finally, after what seemed like years, he spoke. 
“Let me see my face.”
The nursed looked up from across the room. “We’ve been advised against it.”
When he spoke again, his low, gravelly voice held a hint of warning. “Let me see my face.”
Cautiously, she handed him a mirror. 
The long white bandages settled in his scarred hands as he unwrapped them from his face. What was once the pure white of material was now soiled with the dark, crimson stains of blood.
He held the mirror up to his face. 
His skin was completely bleached white, and one of his eyes was completely blank and pupil-less. Pink scars crisscrossed over the leathery monstrous map of his face. His bloodshot eyes stared back at this stranger, and slowly, and psychotic grin spread over his face.
“Hey. Jeff. It’s not that bad...”
“Not that bad? Are you kidding? I’m beautiful!”
Liu stared at this monster that had stolen the identity of his brother, and he felt his blood run cold. Jeff continued laughing. 
“My face goes perfectly with me! HAHAHAHAHAHA!”
A shaky voice pierced the silence that ensued. “Nurse... is my son... you know, alright in the head?”
I’ve never been, mother, Jeff thought. You just haven’t noticed. And you’ll pay for this. 
“Oh yes, it’s completely normal. He should be fine in a couple of days...”
He drowned the nurse out. Finally, he was beautiful. Finally, he was pure. Finally, he was free. 
“I’m so beautiful! HAHAHAHA!”
Jeff’s mum awoke in the middle of the night to sound of noises form the bathroom. It sounded almost like crying. Jeff was sitting in front of the bathroom mirror, bloodstained tears running down his face. His leathery skin was so vulnerable, so white. So pure. God, he couldn’t stop smiling. 
The bathroom door creaked open. Jeff’s mum gasped at the sight in front of her. 
Jeff had cut slits into both of his cheeks, in a wide, leering, grotesque smile. 
“Jeff...” Her voice was a mere whisper. “What did you do?”
“Aren’t I beautiful, mum? I couldn’t stop smiling. It hurt after a while. So I cut a smile into my face.”
“And... your eyes...” she stammered. His eyes were rimmed in black, seemingly never closing. 
“I burnt my eyelids off. Now I can look at my face all day.”
Jeff took a step towards her, bloodied knife in hand.
“Aren’t I beautiful?”
“Y-yes, of course you are, honey, put the knife down-”
“Oh, so now you tell me I’m beautiful when I hold a knife to your throat? You should’ve told me earlier, mum. You should’ve realized I was suffering and saved me.” For a moment, sadness danced in his eyes, but then it was extinguished. “IT’S TOO LATE! BUT NOW YOU THINK YOU CAN BEG FOR MY FORGIVENESS?”
He smiled, his artificial grin increasing in diameter. 
“Go to sleep.”
With that, he stabbed her straight in the heart. The blood gushed out of the wound, warm and wet and alive. He reached into the cavity of her chest and pulled her heart out, like a prize, and leisurely licked his hands. His former mother’s eyes were blank and unseeing, but as the life drained from her pale face, he felt a joy grow in his own heart, like a cancer. 
Liu was sleeping in his room. He heard a faint movement, and as his eyes fluttered open, two black-rimmed, familiar eyes gazed down at him. 
“Shhh.” Jeff whispered. “Go to sleep.”
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achilleasfury · 4 years
Jane Arkensaw/Jane the killer Oneshot
TW: mention of self-harm, murder, traumatic experiences
It was that time again. She tried in vain to suppress the urge, tried to direct it to something else. The urge had come so often, each time she had used her body first to get rid of it, each time the urge grew stronger afterward. Now she looked again at the scars scattered across her arms and wondered, as so often, whether it was all Jeff's fault or whether her personality had always had this condition.  She had never been depressed, had never had the urge to scar herself. But now- now everything was different. Now she felt this bloodthirst, this desire to kill someone. She loathed herself for it. So many years ago, she had vowed not to succumb to the same vice as Jeff, not to let the darkness envelop her. How strange it sounded when she was dressed all in black. Jane blinked violently, then got up from the chair, ran to her dresser. From the top drawer, often locked, she pulled out a white mask, with black lips and also 'eyes', and a black-haired wig. Under this wig lay a black dress, and black gloves, which reached up to her elbow. A smile lay on her lips. It was time. She put on the dress, carefully putting the mask on to hide the bulging scars on her face. Then she pulled the wig over it. Now only one thing was missing. Her knife. With it, she would slip from the role of Jane Arkensaw into that of Jane the killer. Gently she stroked her finger over the sharp blade, a thin trickle of blood dripping on the ground. Now she was ready. Now Jane the killer was there. Jane quickly made it into the house. The window had been open, the girl had not even had a proper blanket, just a thin sheet. How could anyone sleep like that? How could you not get cold with something like that? She would not wake the girl. Not now. As quietly as possible, Jane crept into a dark corner, hiding her white mask by her wig, whose wisps she simply pushed in front of her face. Now she had to wait. In all the years that she had been chasing Jeff, she had seen through his pattern of how he chose his victims. He tried to make it as random as possible, but since he always had to observe his victim first, to find out their habits, he had fallen into a pattern years ago. But she could not make it too obvious. Otherwise, she would still die and Jeff would live. And she could not and would not let that happen. At least she wanted to free the world from a monster. She stood there in the corner for hours, midnight had long since passed. Something was moving, you could hear soft noises coming from the window. The curtains slowly slid to one side, a white hand flashed. The skin did not look very nice, more like dyed leather, which it probably was. Then you could see some longer black hair, a body, hidden in a white, bloodstained hoodie, followed. Finally the creature raised its head, Jane could look into its face. Here, too, his skin was as if made of white leather, and around his eyes were deep black shadows that looked as if they had been set on fire. The worst, the most disturbing thing about him were his mouth and his cheeks. There he had carved a smile into them, fresh blood ran down, he apparantly had to freshen it up. Not that it was still healing and he had received a spark of humanity back. But Jane hadn't seen a human being in him for a long time. Since he had murdered her family, had given her this appearance, she saw only the monster, the hideous creature that had to be destroyed. Jeffrey Woods. Jeff the killer. Her nemesis. Her arch-enemy. Her mirror image. Both of you were deformed, both of you murdered in the night. You both had almost the same victims. You were almost the same. For years Jane had denied this. She had not wanted to be equated with the monster. Now, just before Jeff died, she realized that. They were both monsters. To make a difference, she too would have to die. And she accepted her death with joy as long as only her nemesis was dead. Because then her life's purpose was fulfilled, she had no more task. She was free. And the urge deep inside her to extinguish human life often scared her. Tonight it was time to end it all. Jeff bent over the girl, gently stroking the hair from her face. Then he shook her slightly. "Hey," he said almost gently. Her eyelids fluttered, then they widened in shock. Her mouth opened, but then Jeff's cold, disgusting hand pressed itself to her lips. "Shh, you don't want to wake anyone up," he rebuked her with a playful undertone before brushing off every bit of friendly and playful demeanor. With a cold, almost contemptuous grin he bent over her and whispered, "Go to sleep." His famous sentence. A narrow smile settled on her lips. She had never been able to hear it from him, never had she been there when he was there. Always sooner or later than him. But this time she had stayed there. This time it was time. Anticipation rose in her as she emerged from the shadows. Her gaze glided over the girl, whose throat had been cut by now, over the smile in her cheeks, to him. To Jeff. She gripped the knife tighter in her hand. "Hello, Jeffrey. It's been a long time, hasn't it?", the murderer drove around to her, frightened, his grin wiped away, only his cheeks forced him to smile. "Jane. Do you still like my gifts as much as you did three years ago," he changed his posture casually, but Jane could see his hand cramping around his knife. "I am angry, Jeffrey. I still am. You made me into a monster. And now you're going to pay for that," with these words her superior, her mocking tone of voice dissolved, she gave way to anger. The murderer stormed towards him, grabbed his hand with her knife, pressed him against the wall and held her knife against his throat. "Do you remember the blade? I wanted to use it against you even then. It longed for your blood, wanted to taste it. And today, it and I will have that pleasure." Jeff did not resist. He was aware that he had no chance. But he would not give up too easily. He raised his free hand, slowly pulling the mask off Jane's face. Carelessly he threw her to the ground, stroking the back of his hand over her cheek. "I had forgotten how ugly I made you. I can make you beautiful, Jane. More beautiful than now," his voice was soft, like that of a friend, a person she could trust. For just a second Jane faltered. And Jeff used that single second. He braced himself against her weight, tried to push her away. But his nemesis had already found herself in reality again. "I liked you then, Jeff. You were so mysterious. Yeah, that's when I fell in love with you. How weak of you to use the past It's sad. Repulsive. So is your smile, your whole being. And I'm going to put an end to that now," she smiled coldly, her knife blade sinking into Jeff's throat, tasting his blood. Jane dropped it, wiped the gloves off her dress. "Go to sleep, Jeff. You won't wake up again. I promise you that," she turned away, closed the dead girl's eyes and left the room through the window. It was time to get rid of the second monster.
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Into The Woods - Chapter Twenty
Story also available on Wattpad
Chapter One Previous Chapter
'You've failed again?''
''He overpowered me.'' she murmured. ''I hit my head- I couldn't do anything.''
He huffed, casting a glare at her. ''I'm losing my patience with you,'' he turned to her. ''You require motivation.''
She stared up at him, anxious. He snapped his clawed fingers and fire appeared at his side. She stared as the fire shifted and melded into the form of a large, red dog. It was gigantic, with spots of orange on its chin and stomach, and it had a long mane of shaggy black hair running from the top of its head and down its back. The dog grinned at her.
''This will be your opponent. If he finds your target before you, he will live. You will not get your revenge. Do you understand?''
She gulped. She'd lose her chance...she stared at the dog, and her expression hardened. She nodded.
''I won't fail. Not again.''
Liu peeled his eyes open. He shifted where he lay on top of his sleeping bag. Not in it, on top of it. He'd been too emotionally drained last night to even get inside the stupid thing. He blinked in the morning light and groaned softly. He sat up slowly and looked around. He pulled out his earbuds. He'd fallen asleep with them in his ears. He looked down at his phone. The battery had gone down a lot. He stared a moment at the lock screen, then looked up.
He was alone. Nobody else was in the clearing. He froze. ''Jeff?'' he called. When he got no answer, he stood up. He paused. ''Jeff?'' he looked around. ''Nina?'' he frowned. It was silent. He remembered last night. Yelling at Jeff. Guilt settled in his stomach. He said some things he...really shouldn't have, didn't he? ''Hello?'' he called out again. ''Guys?'' had they slept in the woods? Alone? Worry started to settle into him. He gulped.
''Okay, okay, calm down Liu...'' he murmured. He crossed the campsite, towards the direction where Jeff had walked off and looked into the forest. ''Jeff?!'' he called out, much louder this time. ''Nina?! Guys?!''
No answer. He paced around the campsite, calling for them both. He got no answer. He looked around anxiously. He was panicking now. What if cops found them!? What if they both got lost?! He felt a pang of guilt just thinking about Jeff being stuck out in the cold, alone and afraid. ''Jeff...?''
''Hm-hm-hmmm...'' she trudged calmly through the forest, singing quietly to herself. ''Come on babe, why don't we paint the town...'' she sang. ''And all that jazz...'' she smiled a bit under her mask. As she opened her mouth to start on the next verse, she heard a noise. She blinked and looked around. It was silent for another few moments before-
Her eyes widened. She ran towards the voice, grinning wide.
''Jeff?! JEFF?! BRO?!'' she stumbled and stopped behind a tree, watching her target intensely. He was walking quickly through the forest, calling out his brother's name. She stepped out from behind the tree and ran at him ''JE- AGH!''
She tackled him, throwing him to the ground. Liu struggled under her, but was no match for her. She was far stronger. He grunted, trying to throw her off of him.
''Stop struggling!'' she yelped. ''I'm not trying to hurt you.''
''I-it's you!'' he yelped back. ''Leave us alone!''
''Not until you tell me where your brother is!''
''I don't know!''
It was silent for a moment. She squinted. ''You don't know?''
''No!'' he squirmed under her. She climbed off of him, letting him get up. He glared at her. ''I don't know where he is. And I wouldn't tell you if I did.''
She frowned. ''Why not?''
''Because you'll kill him???'' Liu spat. ''Why are you even chasing us? Jeff never did anything to you!'' his gaze hardened. ''Who even are you?!''
She huffed. ''My name is Jane.'' she said. ''Jane Arkensaw.''
Liu's eyes widened. ''Arkensaw?'' he blinked. ''Like- like the people that everyone thinks Jeff killed?''
She glared at him. ''He did kill them.'' she hissed. ''They were my family. He killed them, the same night he killed his own parents.''
Liu shook his head. ''I was with him that night,'' he murmured. ''Jeff didn't kill anyone. We don't even know you.''
''We lived next door.'' Jane said firmly. ''Jeff killed my family. I want revenge. End of story.''
Liu glared at her for a moment, then stood up. He shook his head. ''It must have been someone else,'' he said. ''I was there. Jeff didn't kill anyone other than our parents. Now leave us alone.'' he backed away from her, still glaring.
''Wait.'' she said. Jane stood up. ''...why are you guys separated?''
''Like I'd tell you.'' Liu spat.
''Is it the same reason as why you're running around the woods calling his name and being distressed?''
It fell silent for a few moments. Jane smiled under her mask. Got him. Liu paused and rubbed at his arm nervously. ''He...'' he paused. ''We had a fight and he ran off.'' he said gently. He stopped, staring at the ground. ''I...I said some things I really shouldn't have. I told him that- that I wished he was dead...''
''Well that makes two of us.''
Liu glared at her. ''Why am I even still talking to you?'' he muttered. Jane shrugged.
''Maybe because you need somebody to vent to because you're full of anxiety and guilt?''
Liu blinked. ''Are you always so blunt...?''
She nodded. ''Yeah, pretty much.'' she paused for a moment before walking over to Liu. he stared at her, confused, until she patted him on the head. He blinked, confused. ''You wanna tell me what the fight was about?''
He paused and glanced aside. His shoulders slumped defeatedly. ''I...'' he sighed gently. ''Jeff was- in a bad mood yesterday. He has- problems, with emotions. I think it's bi-polar but he hasn't got a diagnosis. I lost my temper...told him I wished our dad had shot him the night he- y'know- the night he...''
''Killed several innocent people?''
''...yeah.'' Liu frowned sadly. ''I feel so bad...I'm supposed to be his friend, his big bro he can look up to...''
''Well you can't entirely be blamed,'' Jane said. ''You're running from the police and I've been trying to kill your brother. You're stressed, right?'' Liu looked at her and nodded gently. ''You were bound to lose your temper eventually. I'm sure Jeff gets that, and he'll forgive you.'' her voice was soft, reassuring. It was weird hearing her like that when she had tried to kill them at least three times before. ''I'll help you find him.''
Liu's eyes widened. ''What?!'' he stepped back from her. ''No way! You're gonna attack him, aren't you?!''
She paused for a moment. ''...well,'' she murmured. ''Maybe if you let me help you...I'll give you both a head start.''
Liu frowned. ''Why do you wanna help me so bad?''
Jane shrugged. ''I can't stand the sad look on your face. You have puppy dog eyes.''
Liu gave her a bemused look and laughed gently. ''Oh,'' he couldn't help but smile a bit. ''Well...I guess...'' his expression hardened. ''But you have to promise not to hurt Jeff!''
Jane shrugged. ''No promises.''
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sealers100 · 4 years
A (brief) review of every Donald Sutherland movie (so far)
I’m not coping well with quarantine at all and no one else seems to be either (which makes me feel a bit better) So what started out of boredom back over christmas break has turned into a quest to find and watch every Donald Sutherland movie ever. Probably not my best idea since a lot of them are very old and hard to find and would need to be bought online (which isn't an option right now.) Don’t ask me why, this kinda just happened and I’m not gonna fight it. So stick around for an unprofessional review of a very professional actor’s long film career. 
(if anyone has any suggestions or knows where to find more hmu) 
Ah talk about a movie that didn’t age well (but neither did Holiday Inn and we still watch that) I’m not here to bash on it for being problematic because apart from the way they treated Houlihan, I genuinely loved this movie. It had be rolling the whole time just like the show and I still catch myself whistling like Hawkeye all the time. Probably still like the show better and Alan Alda’s Hawkeye (sorry Donald) but its definitely been a go to when I’m having a rough day.
Kelly’s Heroes
I think this was the first movie of his I ever saw as a little girl and I remember being very confused. (since it didn’t match my dad’s military stories at all) so this ended up being the first one I went out of my way to hunt down and watch and sorry to Clint Eastwood but Donald stole this movie from literally everyone. He’s hilarious, he’s sexy, he steals the show and it’s definitely one of his more underrated movies (the movie itself is a bit long) which is a damn shame since he (literally) died filming this one. (if you don’t know the story, look it up its wild)
Alex in Wonderland 
Wow, who knew he could be such a convincing asshole! At least he becomes aware of it by the end of the film but I just felt so lost by the end. Like ,what did I watch, what happens now? Not one of my favorites but definitely interesting and a sure product of the early 70s. Overall, he does have a lot of good scene (a scene with THE Federico Fellini) that are sometimes light-hearted, dumb, cute, irritating, and just...what? The relationship between him, his wife, and children is probably the only redeeming factor since its pretty accurate for how his actions strain his relationships. I am gonna be honest though, I only watched this one to see him as a long haired hippie 😂 (sorry). 
Leave it to Jane Fonda to remind me why I’m bisexual (I wish she wasn’t always a prostitute) Although there was a lot more of her and a lot less of him, even though he is John Klute. I am an absolute sucker for those old black and white noir movies and this is no different. It leaves some feelings to be desired at times (Donald apparently felt the same way) but you can really tell there’s a fascinating chemistry between him and Jane (because there actually was) Overall the story was entertaining but the character’s themselves seemed somewhat drab. I wish we got to know more about them and had more scenes with more emotion apart from just the sex and love scenes. Oh well, it was still a pretty damn good movie and I’d definitely watch it again if I got the chance.
Lady Ice
Basically Magnum before Magnum was even a thing. Now just because a movie is bad doesn’t mean it can’t be entertaining. I love the whole Miami Vice vibe I get from this and again, huge fan of private investigators, detectives and dirty schemes. His acting might not be exemplary but I don’t even care. The movie is fun and not every movie has to be deep and meaningful. Nothing wrong with just watching a movie for the hell of it. And that moustache, it’s my kryptonite. 😆
Don’t Look Now
If you haven’t seen this movie, stop reading my bs and go watch it right now. (its free on crackle) This is such a good movie I could make a whole post on it alone. Donald and Julie Christie (I’m still not over her either) put so much into every scene, giving us such a beautiful relationship that’s been fraught with tragedy. Every scene is beautiful and eerie and enchanting Iloveitsomuch!!! I don’t wanna spoil too much because the ending turns everything on its head. I’m not sure if this is meant to be a horror movie but it really walks that uncanny valley with the whole setting of Venice in it’s off season, the dark corridors, creepy premonitions. I will spoil this, I love how for once, the man is the psychic instead of the woman, which is a trope that waaaaaay over done. AND THE SCANDAL! Okay sex scenes in movie isn't exactly scandalous but this one was surprisingly realistic (no they didn’t actually have sex) so everyone in the 70s pitched a hissy fit over it and I can’t understand why. It’s by far the most realistic and beautiful sex scene I’ve ever watch, hats off to Donald and Julie. God Bless Nicholas Roeg for this masterpiece, aaaaahhh just go watch it its so good!
Fellini’s Casanova 
Alright but bear with me on this. I think I had a religious experience while watching this movie. I was overly exhausted and had my eye on it for a while said ‘fuck it let’s watch something weird.’ This what actually started by quarantine marathon (how appropriate) and I can safely say, I think this is the most beautiful, most grotesque, most enchantingly beautiful and yet dark and bizarre movies I’ve ever seen. Donald makes such a convincing 18t century venetian lover and they really went all out with his appearance, acting and the scenery of the whole movie. Everyone in the film seems to genuinely enjoyed everything they’re doing (which says a lot they do some crazy shit in this one) and the whole time, everything is erriley whimsical, almost like a fever dream (which is what this film might have been I dunno). And the fact it spans the entirety of Casanova’s life, from his highest point to his absolute lowest decent into squalor just proves that Fellini holds nothing back AT ALL. Again, no spoilers (I don’t really think I can spoil this film) but there’s just copious amounts of sex and its just plain strange but if you find it in your heart to give it a try, please do. If you’re not sure about it that’s fine definitely not for everyone. However I highly recommend Fellini’s other works. (go watch La Strada)  
Invasion of the Bodysnatchers 
Hahaha oh man I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this movie. My friends and I in college had a horror movie night and this one seriously freaked out my roommate (i’m so sorry). I love me some sci-fi (I run a star trek blog) and this not only gave me lots of Donald but also Leonard Nimoy, (along with a very young Jeff Goldblum) so yes, this is now one of my favorite sci-fi movies (I did a film analysis on it too). I don’t recommend watching it in quarantine unless you’re into freaking yourself about a global pandemic. I will say, this movie is an anomaly  since I think it might be the only movie that is not only better than its remake, but also better than the book (which I also read) This one gives us Donald (and his moustache) playing of all things, a health inspector (I’m dying) whos put into some creepy scenarios of apocalyptic proportions. This is one of those horror movies that’s fun without being funny. It’s got plenty of drama and awkwardness between to characters while also reaching it’s cult classic status. All the actors in this film manage to give such a convincing performance that you can’t help but feel like you’re right there with the characters, which makes for a fun and terrifying ride. 10/10 would scare my roommate again.
The Great Train Robbery
Donald Sutherland AND Sean Connery? Sounds like a great pair right? Well they are, sort of. Okay this movie looks like a typical british drama, buuuuut I’m not so sure about this one. Donald is pretty great in this one and so is Sean, but I’m just very confused if it’s trying to be serious or funny? The plot itself makes sense and its pretty good but the execution is just...what? Oh well, Donald and Sean make an entertaining pair with their odd “train heist” I felt this movie would have done much better if it went for either one side or the other instead of jumping all over the place, and it played out much more like a soap opera. It’s not bad though but its not a favorite of mine. 
Bear Island
Okay I’ve been pretty nice so far, but this...the only real redeeming part of this movie is Donald and his beard. Which is such a shame because I feel like this could have been SUCH a good movie. The story itself is really good and enthralling but somebody somewhere dropped the ball. No, they didn’t drop it. They threw it off a cliff. Nothing about this movie makes sense, most everyone’s acting is subpar, and I don’t blame them because the script was probably the main offender of this film. Even Donald’s acting is uncharacteristically bad. I know shoot me, criticized his acting.  It’s just so strange to see what could have easily been a fantastic film. Someone send this to Philip Kaufman and ask for a remake because this one needs it. 
Ordinary People
Oh God, this movie. This movie means so much to me. Again, watched it with my roommate, we sobbed like children and its now a must see in our group. The fact that Donald wasn’t even nominated for an oscar for this film is a travesty. A story like this is something that in a way I’ve lived myself. Everyone’s acting in this film is superb and as someone who would know, yes, all of this is very really and very heart wrenching to watch. I don’t mean to get sappy or anything, but I have been Calvin Jarrett, I (and I’m sure others) have been that mediator who eventually is broken by the two fighting forces. Watching his eventual collapse is so surreal and wow this movie really broke me in some spots. Uhg god this movie, I wanna cry just thinking about it. I’d totally watch it but I’ll just spend the whole time wanting to hug him. 
Eye of the Needle 
If any of you know me personally, you’ll know I’m absolutely terrified of needles, so this might not have been the best movie for me to watch, but I had no idea what I was getting myself into. This whole movie is actually pretty fantastic. For once, Donald plays a bad guy, but you can almost root for him (if he wasn’t a nazi) I felt so conflicted because while yes I wanted him to take her away from her horrible husband, hes a damn dirty Nazi, and we don’t stan. Of course, Donald’s character is extremely charming but I’m left wondering if his character really did have feelings for Kate Nelligan. I have a feeling that I could really run with this story. This one is a thrilling story with a thick plot that tears its characters apart. I can’t help but love it.
Fight me, I thought it was funny. Not really but this is one of those “entertaining but not really good” movies. Donald’s character is...well, he reminds me a lot of most of my exes. He’s just down on his luck, he’s not a bad guy. Yeah that sums up how I feel about his character. However, the movie overall is pretty damn funny. At least it knows it’s a comedy and it even has a sweet(ish) ending. I will say its not great, but there is a good scene with Donald falling flat on his ass which was so worth the whole rest of the movie. This one is still on my quarantine go to for when I just wanna forget about life for a while. 
Rosary Murders
So this little gem I kinda just watched on a whim thinking it would be some campy horror movie that was very pro-catholic and woooweee was I wrong. I loved this movie so much I ended up watching it twice, two nights in a row. It really was a thrilling movie with a plot thicker than pea soup, all while throwing some (slight) shade at the catholic church. This movie goes less for the horror side of things and more for the shock and drama and it does it well. Not to mention he makes one hell of a cute priest. I loved the hell out of this one and I’m glad i decided on this one the other night. I might even watch it again who knows. 
Pride and Prejudice
Everyone in this movie is neurotic as hell except for Donald Sutherland and Keira Knightly. Sorry I was never a huge Jane Austen fan but I admire her ability to write hell of a good slow burn and that exactly what this is. Hell most of you know what this movie is about so I’m not gonna talk about it too much. Its one of those movies everyone else seems to have seen and I haven’t so mom and I sat down and watched it together. She just laughed as I sat there yelling at the TV, waiting for an exasperated Donald to come on. His final scene though, so sweet. I did like how the movie showed a father daughter relationship that wasn’t toxic (not like the last one) but I was kinda over the whole song and dance after a while. I’m sure most people think its a really good movie but I just don’t get it. 
The Hunger Games (All of them) 
As I understand it, this movie actually means a lot to Donald, as it does to a lot of people, and that he really enjoyed working with Jennifer Lawrence, so that’s nice. Yes I’ve seen all three (four) movies, read all the books and I couldn’t think of anyone else to better play Katniss Everdeen’s antithesis than someone like Donald. I feel like this is one of those roles that was just made for him. He was such a scary and venomous villain that played so well off of the main protagonist. Uhg I really do love the Hunger Games Series, it was a huge part of my childhood, I just hate how the fans destroy people who love the main villain, like many fandoms do (looking at you star trek). I wish I could just enjoy these movies in peace without everyone being so polarized on them. 
Oh wow there’s definitely gonna be a part two but as of now, this is all I got. I’ve got a long way to go and (with the way things are looking here in the U.S.) I’ve got plenty of time to do so. I really do enjoy doing these kinds of things so if you want me to watch and ramble about any other movies (no, it doesn’t have to have Donald Sutherland) I’m gonna be in quarantine for a while, so let’s at least do something fun to pass the time. 😊
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spookyspaghetti-hcs · 5 years
Wedding fic- Made by Lil, helper!
Today was the day, Brian was gonna marry the man of his dreams, Timothy Wright.
He was looking at himself, the mirror showing him from head-to-toe, He was wearing a white three piece suit, black shoes and a black bowtie, His hair was smoothed back and he smelled heavily of cologne, Jessica, Amy, Jane and Nina were there with him, They all had on similar white dresses that hugged their curves perfectly, black lacy sashes and white rose designs in the hips, Jane was an exception with a white rose on her shoulder seeing as she was the maid of honor, Her and Brian were quite close, She was one of his best friends and practically called the role before Brian even offered it to her.
“You look amazing, Brian.” Jane said reassuringly, Noticing him fidgeting with his bowtie and gloves, He seemed to calm down slightly, letting out a deep breath “Yeah, I know” he replied, flashing a charming smirk her way “I’m just- nervous, really nervous.” This time, Nina was the one to speak “Don’t worry, everything will be completely fine, don’t overthink it.” She clasped a hand on his shoulder “You’re just getting wedding jitters, happens all the time. You’ve just gotta stay positive!” Brian exhaled once more, straightening out his suit “Yeah- Yeah, you’re totally right, There’s nothing to worry about. Hopefully.”
As for Tim, He, Jay, Toby, Jeff and Alex were still getting ready, Tim had on a black suit, black shirt and a white tie. Jay, Toby and Jeff were all groomsmen and surprisingly enough; Alex was the best man, The two of them began to become quite good friends after they set what happened aside although they do still fight and get on each others nerves, All of them had on black tuxes with quite obnoxious red rose pins.
"It’s gonna be fine, It’s gonna be fine.” Tim kept repeating to himself, pacing around as he tried to calm his nerves, he was failing miserably and sweating bullets, Alex noticed quite quickly “Chill out, It’ll all be good, man.” he said, brushing his own hair back, “I know that!” Tim quickly snapped back “I just- I can’t help it.”
He remembers the day he proposed to Brian, The weather was lovely, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun was shining down on them as they sat on the grass, Brian was pre-occupied with a half-finished daisy chain and Tim was re-hearsing everything he planned to say in his head. “So- Um, Brian?” He started awkwardly, he was fidgeting with his sleeves and his eyes darted everywhere “What’s up, Buddy?” He took in a deep breath, turned to face Brian and propped himself on one knee
"Brian, I’m quite sure I’ve loved you since the day we met and everyday since then you’ve made me a happier, better man. I always feel close to you and I love knowing I have a future with you. I’ll always be with you, Through the good and the bad and the ugly, I want to grow old with you, I love you so much-” He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a little black box and opening it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring “Will you marry me?”
He remembers seeing how happy Brian was as he flung himself into his arms, Crying “Yes” over and over again-
“Yo, Tim, Are you in there, bud?” Jeff’s raspy voice snapped him back into reality as he waved a hand in his face “Right, He’s back on planet Earth, guys”
“I know you’re nervous man, I’ve been there.” Alex said, shooting a glance towards Jay who was currently trying to tie his own tie, it wasn’t going very well “But if you overthink, you’ll fuck up. So like, Don’t do that.” Tim shook his head, As bad as Alex was at giving advice, He was strangely encouraging. “Yeah, Okay, It’s all gonna be fine. Try not to burn anything down this time though, Alex.” Jay snorted in the background, Earning himself a glare from his husband.
Soon, the wedding was in full swing, Sally and BEN walked as the flower girl and the ring bearer, Both were grinning like mad, After them came the pairs; Jessica and Jay Nina and Jeff Amy and Alex And lastly, Jane and Toby. They all took their places on both sides of the Alter, Tim was already there, waiting anxiously for Brian to walk down the aisle, He couldn’t wait to see him after a day of not running into him at all, Suddenly the music started and the guests rose from their seats. Brian walked down the aisle with his red ad white rose bouquet next to The Slenderman, He had offered to walk him down seeing as he didnt have any family to do it, That nearly brought Brian to tears.
Tim could only gape in amazement at how stunning his groom looked, He looked like an angel Tim swore he could’ve fainted when Brian finally reached him, He gently took his hands, Looking him in the eyes with utmost love and adoration and Brian did the same, The priest started but they really couldn’t hear him as everything around them faded out, Tim could not take his eyes off of Brian ‘You look- beautiful.“ he mouthed in awe and Brian flashed one of his infamous grins his way, Melting Tim’s heart on the spot, The priest cleared his throat ’'Ahem, I said- You may now say your vows.”
Tim flushed red, embarrassed but went first “Words can not say how glad I am to have met you, You are my best friend and soulmate. You’re sweet, smart, brave, beautiful and that list just goes on, But we’d be here for years if I tried to finish it. You’ve put up with me through everything and I canot imagine my life without you. Brian, I love you more than anything.” By the time he finished, Brian had tears in his eyes and could barely start his sentence “Aw, Tim. The day I met you, Life has been a constant adventure, Filled with so much joy and complete craziness but I regret nothing, not even the bad times, you were always my ray of hope and you’ve made me feel so strong even when everyone said I was weak, I love you with all my heart, Timothy. I can’t imagine my life without ever knowing you.” Tim had a big, goofy smile on his face by the time Brian had finished and, believe it or not, tears began to fall from his eyes and he reached over to entertwine their fingers, squeezing the others hand. “And now, the rings”
BEN brought the rings up to them and they both put one on each others fingers, sharing a tender smile. “Do you, Timothy Wright, take Brian Thomas to be your lawfully wedded Husband? To have and to hold, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?” “Duh.” Tim answered, earning some laughs from the crowd, The priest repeated the question to Brian, Who in turn replied “Of course, I do.” “Well then, By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom.” “Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice.” Tim smirked, Sweeping Brian into a passionate kiss, The crowd erupted in cheers, whistles and congratulations to the very happy newly weds.
Mod Kenshi note: And we have our first request filled by a helper! You can find out more about Lil, including her main & her creepypasta blog on spooky unrelated, so go check her out! Anyways, any of y'all remember this prompt from, what August? For our 100 follower fic give away?
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forlornmelody · 5 years
Double the Trouble Chapter 14 -- A New Name
Rating: Explicit (previous chapters have smut)
Ship: FemShep x Femshep Clone, Femshep x Kaidan, Femshep x Femshep Clone x Kaidan, OT3
AO3 Link: Here
Summary:  It’s Shepard and Kaidan’s anniversary, and they invite Jane over for a special dinner. 
Note: Two years and a prequel later, here’s the final chapter. Hope you all enjoyed my crack fic as much as I did writing it. 
Anniversaries with Kaidan are always a tricky thing. Should they celebrate the anniversary of the night they committed mutiny and banged on the way to Illos? Or would it be more fitting to dress up and eat a fancy dinner one year after their first date on the Citadel? One thing’s for sure--neither of them want to remember the date they ran into each other on Horizon.
Somehow, it’s decided that their official anniversary happens every 365 terran days after the day the Normandy returned to Earth. Neither of them is super eager to go out. Besides, how are they to explain the third person on their reservation? So, they plan a candlelit dinner inside Kaidan’s apartment. Shepard picks up a white tablecloth and candle sticks, and Kaidan plans their menu. They schedule a time with Jane and wrap a very special gift inside a black box with a red satin ribbon. Before Jane arrives, they start a playlist on the radio--arguing over whether the music should be club music or jazz. Their argument devolves into “Hey, I saved the galaxy three times” and “I stood up for you when everyone thought you were a traitor” and “No, Anderson didn’t” and lastly “Anderson doesn’t count.” Somehow, Shepard wins the argument--Kaidan isn’t remotely surprised. “Next time we’re listening to jazz.”
“Hey, I brought some treats for Jeff. Hope you don’t mind.” Jane closes the door behind her, dropping a small bag next to the hamster cage. “Whoa. You weren’t kidding.”
“Too much?” Kaidan sweeps Jane up into a kiss as Shepard limps her way over. Shepard’s mouth is on hers as soon as Kaidan’s is out of the way.
“No. Though I’m still surprised you invited me to this. Isn’t this your night?”
“You mean a lot to us, Jane. And we couldn’t wait.” Shepard sits down at the table, already set with plateware, glasses, flatware, wine, and steaming hot food. Kaidan pulls out a chair for Jane.
“Wait for what?”
Kaidan and Shepard share a knowing glance, and the former reaches over to the coffee table, pulling out a box and handing it to Jane. “Open it.”
Shepard leans forward, fingers and biotics itching to open it for her--to make the process go faster, but she holds back.
Jane blinks at what she finds inside. She holds up a driver’s license to the candle light “ID? I thought everything was digital?”
“It’s more for sentimental value...and those low-tech places without readers.” Kaidan serves them both steak--unburned steak, for the record-- candied asparagus, and garlic mashed potatoes.
“What Kaidan means to say is that wanted to give you--”
“My own name,” Jane says it softly, reading the name on the ID card. “Allison Gunn. Who is that?”
“Keep digging.” Shepard grins widely, not touching her food, as delicious as it smells. She doesn’t want to miss a single moment.
Underneath a birth certificate, obviously forged, and a Social Insurance Number, printed on a letter--also forged, Jane finds a mint-condition Badass Weekly. On it, Jane finds a familiar face. “What the hell is this?” She smirks over at Shepard.
“A name isn’t anything without a reputation, right?”
Jane thumbs through the magazine quickly, nearly ripping the edges as she races to the correct page. She skims the words while Shepard starts to wonder if this was the best gift idea. “But why go to all this trouble? I already have both.”
Shit. This is why Shepard never gives gifts. She always ends up sending the wrong message. Is it too late to take it back?
“What Shepard means to say--is that we wanted to give you a name that was your own.”
“I only used it once.” Shepard says quickly, sitting up. “On Beckenstein.”
“What the hell did you do?”
Leaning forward, Shepard eyes her Clone with the most confident grin she can manage. “A heist. And shot up a crime lord and all his shit.”
“Damn. You never do things the easy way, do you, Shepard?” Jane runs her finger down the image of “Alison”, obviously photoshopped. Shepard would never wear her hair that long. Especially for when this magazine was published. “This was when you were with Cerberus?”
Shepard bristles at the mention of that name. “Yeah. I was helping a friend.” Kasumi still wrote her emails--heavily encrypted ones. One of these days she should write her back. “Same friend who helped make the ID for you.”
“For me? Or you?”
“For you.” Kaidan taps the picture on her ID card. It has Jane’s undershave, and her sun tattoo peeking out over her shoulder. And then Kaidan grins. “Actually. That’s Shepard’s gift for you.” He pulls out a second box, deeper than the last. Jane glances at Shepard, to find her equally dumbfounded.
“Don’t look at me.” What could have Kaidan found for Jane? Is it something related to their coffee dates? Shepard watches closely as Jane lifts the lid.
Jane gasps as she pulls out a well-worn journal, made from skin of some sea creature--likely an alien one. Tears spring from Jane’s eyes, and Shepard glances at Kaidan for explanation. He smiles. “How’d you find this??”
“Took some digging. But we still have connections to Thessia, especially now that coms are back up.” Kaidan frowns. “We...we couldn’t save everything. And a lot of things her parents wanted to keep. But they sent this. For...” he scrunches his nose as he searches his memory. “...Ana…”
“Fields.” Jane’s voice is thick with emotion as she traces the sun design on the front. With a jolt, Shepard realizes it’s the same one that rests on Jane’s left shoulder. Distantly, her clone looks up at Kaidan, a tear slipping down her cheek. “Did they say anything?”
Kaidan shifts in his seat, clearing his throat. “Well, they said she’d want you to have them.”
Jane tears the journal out of the box, digging for what lies underneath. She finds brushes and pencils, erasers, and a straight edge. A sob escapes her throat before she can stop it. “Thank you. Thank you both.”
Shepard reaches over, squeezing her hand once it’s free. “I wish I could have met her.”
Jane’s voice is thick. “Me too.” 
So lost in running her thumb across Jane’s hand until her sobs subside, Shepard doesn’t notice Kaidan leaving the table. She doesn’t think much of it. Jane’s telling her some story about the hijinks her and Dreya got up to, and they’re both stirring their potatoes instead of eating them. Glancing over at Kaidan’s empty seat, Jane brightens, and Shepard sees a spark in her eye that makes her suspicious. Her clone never had a good poker face. “Jane? Is there something I should know?”
“Mm?” Jane says innocently, suddenly shoving potatoes into her mouth.
N school taught her to trust her instincts, and right now Shepard’s instincts are telling her that Jane is compensating. But for what? She scans the room, finding nothing particularly out of place. The hamster’s been fed. Nothing is on fire in the kitchen--for once. Kaidan’s chair has been empty for a while, though. “How long has Kaidan been gone?” She assumed he went to the bathroom, but even that diva didn’t take that long.
Jane shrugs.
“Shouldn’t we check on him?”
“He survived the Normandy crashing on an uncharted world, being run over by the Mako, and a Collector attack--I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Hey, Shepard,” Kaidan says softly from behind her. Shepard turns around to see him shyly watching her like with his hands behind his back--well, if she’s honest--like the first time he saw her naked. How far they had both come--and yet how little had changed.
“Hey, Kaidan.” Oh yeah. Something’s definitely up, but Kaidan is adorable like this so Shepard plays along. “What’s up?”
“I got something for you.”
A fork flips off Jane’s plate as she leans in closer to watch. Jumping at the noise, Shepard gathers herself and looks back at the man she loves. “Oh? What is it?”
“You... uh. You might want to turn your chair around.” Kaidan swallows hard, and a neuron fires in Shepard’s brain...only to miss its target. Something’s off-- but what. Shepard turns around anyway--and Kaidan sinks to one knee. Her heart plummets into her stomach.
“Jane Shepard, will you marry me?”
Shepard’s brain short-circuits. Her eyes catch on the sparkle of the gemstone as Kaidan pops open the box. Distantly she remembers ranting about the stupidity of diamonds when they passed a jewelry store on the Citadel. “Garnet?” She mutters.
Kaidan’s eyes widen and his mouth falls open. “Uh--sorry. I thought that was what you liked. Shit. Maybe I….” Her lover tailspins in a spiral, and Shepard’s jaw drops open as she finally realizes what’s happening. Link established.
“You’re asking me to marry you,” she says out loud. The words sound foreign coming out of her mouth. Marriage...always seemed to be something for other people. Better people. Not that Kaidan is a bad person--he’s amazing, better than her in so many ways. Kaidan would get married one day. But not to her.
“Yeah. Sorry. I thought maybe--” Kaidan puts on a brave face, but he could never fool her.
“Kaidan.” Shepard hooks her finger under his chin, turning his face toward hers.
“Shepard,” he whispers, his eyes wavering. An image flashes in Shepard’s mind of him looking at her that way--dressed in a tuxedo on an altar overlooking English Bay. Or maybe his family’s orchard--away from the Reaper’s destruction. The image scares her, and yet it thrills her to think the man she loves might look at her like that for the rest of her life.
Shepard should probably say something, but she doesn’t trust herself to speak. Not with the torrent of emotions raging through her brain. Instead she pulls him into a kiss--not unlike the one they shared when he hobbled off the Normandy after being MIA for months on end. Kaidan trembles at her touch, holding her gently as if she might slip away like cottonwood in the breeze. Squeezing his hands, Shepard kisses him harder, trying to say with her kiss what feels impossible to say with words. I love you, I love you, I love y--
Jane, or should she say--Alison, clears her throat. “Is that a yes or--?”
Kaidan’s smile slips again, and Shepard steals a quick kiss to reassure him. “Of course!” She is not good at this. But she wants to be better.
“Good. Cause I got to know if I need to get a nice tux.”
“Oh, so we’re inviting you?” Shepard swats Kaidan as he falls apart into laughter.
“Of course, she’s invited!” Somehow their playful argument dissolves into wrestling on the floor, and when Shepard has pinned Kaidan to the rug, she looks over to see her Clone brushing her fingers across her new ID. Alison Gunn, indeed.
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