#in my dream there was controversy
aquagirl555 · 6 months
I had a dream about this sport that i'm not sure exists, and seams to be a mishmash of various other sports games i've seen and learned about, i can't even remember the name, but as slang it was called 'handball'
I think there were at minimum 6 or 7 players per team on the field, maybe more, but probably no more them maybe 9 or so max, and the field was like half the size of a soccer field i think, smaller then most big ball sports games, but with similar nets
the ball was also about the same size n shape as a soccer ball, but different color and design
you could kick, punch, headbutt, use any part of your body to move the ball, but once you hit it, another player (on your team or opposing team) had to hit it before you could hit it again (like vollyball)
however you could catch it, if so you had to stop in place and had a limited time to throw it to another teammate, or it went to other team, and you had to throw it, not kick, punch, or anything else, but toss it with at least one open hand, in any direction (a bit like ultimate frizbee)
After a few scores the goals would switch sides, but i'm not sure when
if you hit the ball twice, it went to other team, you hold it for too long (again idk how long exactly) it goes to other team, you assault another person, it goes to the opposing team,
also one could only play so many rounds in a row before having to switch, and only so many rounds in a game before being benched unless too many players on your team ended up unable to play due to injury or unforeseen circumstances, so you couldn't just rely on 3 or 4 really good players to carry the team, and bench warmers were highly discourages, everyone on the was suppose to play and it highly encouraged teamwork, no one player could be a superstar of the game, and one player standing out was actually looked down upon as not being a good teammate
a team was to be seen as one entity, both on and off field, and team building and trust exercises were very important to the training process
It was also coed, there were some teams primarily one gender, but often those team just never did as good as teams that had a good mix of female and male
oh and there were no goalies/people defending the goals other then the team on the field
Edit: also, while you could catch the ball, you were not allowed it pick it up if it was on the ground, i think around a foot above the ground was considered a catch, but if you fumble and drop the ball or fail to catch it, it went to the other team
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mychemicalbrromance · 1 month
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#1 like a prayer fan none of you understand (insane)
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honey--wraith · 5 months
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M*A*S*H Dreams
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llitchilitchi · 6 months
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me and @oduvany binged Redwall together a little while ago so I decided to doodle a DSMP/Redwall crossover feat. mice c!DTeam, fieldmouse c!Tommy and dormouse C!Punz
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electromelancholy · 1 year
my hard truth and unpopular opinion is that kim didn't have a wild youth. he didnt have a motorcycle or do street racing or anything he was a boring kid who did boring things but always thought that one day he would do all those things until suddenly he was a 40 year old cop stealing kids' hubcaps to feel something
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mirkodoesstuff · 5 months
Well, it's time to say one of my most controversy opinion ever, related to OSC. However, this time it is related to TPOT.
So, I want to say, that this whole season was a mistake. Yes, I think the season, despite having interesting storylines, characters (One-), and also one of the best hosts ever, was a mistake. Before any of you say anything, listen to me!
So, you all know why TPOT exist, right? JNJ Crew, after BFB 15, had no clue what they should do with the show. Remember, BFB was supposed to be, pretty much, low quality season, that would be released at much quicker date (heck, the whole name for the season was supposed to be Sloppy BFDI!), but due to them deciding to add more quality, both in writing and animation, episodes started to take too long, not to mention the cast being, oddly, big (like, 64 people?!). There various concepts about what to do, there was even an idea to kill 40 people off, so the cast could become smaller. Then, an idea was brought to life - splitting the show, in half.
The split happened next episode and... Let's say a lot of people hated the split - not only because a lot of arcs were dropped, a lot of decisions were questionable (cough allowing Loser and Spongy to join cough), not to mention Two being, let's be honest here, an asshole. Because of the way the split was handled, a lot of people hated Two and, I'm being serious, wrote hate fics about Two and the contestants, that joined them. Yes, this was THAT controversial.
Even when JNJ dropped a video, about why the split happened, it still wasn't helping the case of TPOT. While BFB Post-Split quality was... Okay (I mean as in general, because no joke, that season isn't good), TPOT quality was supposed to be like the latest episode of Pre-Split BFB - it was supposed to have deep arcs, to have better animation, to have EVERYTHING better.
And, it did have deeper themes, better animation (TPOT), but some decisions were being meet with criticism, from BFDI fans - the episodes were taking too long (1 year), the characters were acting out of character (it was mostly seen in TPOT 2, where some considered the episode to be mean-spirited), that some arcs made no sense (Pin arc, though it makes more sense now, that we have BFDIA, but remember - BFDIA was seen as cancelled season back then, when two first episodes of TPOT were released). There were decisions, that annoyed a lot of people, such as letting Teardrop join.
There were also conflicts within the crew, which lead to Satomi being laid off (not fired, laid off), alongside Pokey. The whole season feel into limbo and a lot of people thought it would be meet with the same fate as BFDIA, but surprisingly it did come back, with Sam writing, and... First episodes under his production were meet with criticism from BFDI fans, that were kinda disappointed, especially Satomi and Pokey fans, that enjoyed their writing style (I mean, I enjoyed their writing too), some going too far into saying lots of harmful things about Sam, which was always the problem with those fanatics, I swear those people need to grow up.
The past few episodes of TPOT were AMAZING for me - it introduced better handled plot, they introduced fucking ONE to the show! However, there are still people, that are going too far with criticism, which is no longer a criticism, literally wanting Sam to be fired, which would be literally the worst scenario for many, many BFDI fans!
I enjoy Sam's writing too, but it does sometimes have lots of flaws, but I can't say it's awful. What I'm saying is TPOT is a result of mistakes, that JNJ Crew made, regarding BFB. So, you may ask "How could we avoid the split?", I have few suggestions:
Double eliminations! If they decided to introduce them in TPOT, why they couldn't introduce them there?
Drop the quality of animation a bit,
Make Two a co-host of Four and X (if Two would still be introduced)
Handle rejoiners better - don't make Loser and Spongy rejoin, either make anyone else rejoin (Liy-), or make no one rejoin! Or, heck, even better - have a rejoiner and a debuter, decided by people!
If they wanted to keep arcs there, at least they could make them be enjoyable, because the majority of BFDI fans kinda disliked the way Tacobook was handled (and also early Winnerclock arc... And Pin cheating arc... Yeah...)
The quality should be somewhat in the middle - of course, there should be still serious moments, but not arcs, that do make people dislike characters (Pin cheating arc and Tacobook!)
If Algebralians were still supposed to show up, they should be a part of EXITors attempting to escape plot,
Change the voting system to Vote to Save and change the ways you're voting to Google Forms (because Jesus Christ, Voting Wars were stressing for lots of people)
Handle Two's character better than how it was handled in BFB 16, so they would be still sympathetic character
Of course there might be still lots of possibilities, that could avoid the show to split, but I just said mine ideas.
Despite the split still happening and lots of people enjoying TPOT, I can't deny that there are lots of problems going on currently with this season, while BFDIA revival is going steady. Of course I won't rush any crew members or beg JNJ to tell us about what's going to happen next. Hopefully things will get better for everyone out there.
Oh, and btw - if you think harassment of any kind is ok, then I respectfully tell you to stay away from me and grow up. BFDI isn't THAT serious and was never supposed to be taken seriously!
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BNHA 429: It's not really a win when the only comfort is that Izuku/Ochako didn't became canon during a breakdown.
Honestly I think this is the most confused I've been with this story, so this might be the most openly critical I've been. (I've rewritten this five times already, so if it looks all over the place, I apologize).
"Joki Joki" being Tenko was debunked, which. You know what. Fair. Creating a character that looks like him only for be someone else with a tragic backstory five chapters before the finale? That's kinda cruel.
Harsh backstory for a small-role guy, by the way. A mutant Quirk (that we'll probably know only from supplemental material, if at all) his family didn't have, mouth sewn shut, locked in a basement for years, family leaves him and (probably) a Decay Wave was his only escape? And they say the world of BNHA isn't a harsh one /hj
I'm glad they didn't pull a Teen Wolf (iykyk). Ochako thinks Himiko is dead, Izuku's a shoulder to cry on. For... *counting* 4 pages of holding it in, 2 of actually talking about it, all of the 8 being about Izuku being nice but hypocritical (emotional suppression my dear beloathed Ch. 430 I fear you-).
Izuku says she's "his hero"- it's true, he thinks all his friends are his heroes. But we're shown 2/4 times (Blackwhip and the mob, but not Tenko cornering him in the mall, or their first meeting?) which made me realize he's the only named character/hero she "saved". The "who saves the heroes" thing? Not like she helped other heroes, that plot went to- oh.
Also, the whole "putting others before yourself", the only example listed that comes close to this is her giving some of her Entrance Exam points to him. The others are just her being nice to him, repressing her feelings, Blackwhip was the only other moment that kinda counted. The only "other person" she put before herself? Himiko.
I'll believe Himiko's dead when I see it; blood transfusions don't kill the donator. They take a minimum of 4hrs max. They sent Spinner and Touya to a hospital, but not Himiko, who was unconsicous, winging a transfusion out? Yeah, that's bullshit, "hope for a sequel" is becoming more and more of a plea.
I wish I could say I liked the breakdown, but all I think is "Ochako's a character development tool, with redundant, pointless arcs, and all she got is doomed yuri, trauma and reassuring words from a LI".
I didn't see Izuku crying at first; removing "Joki Joki's" 2 pages, the "talk" took 8/15 pages, I kept wondering when did he ever relied on "her strength", it's not like he trusted her enough to talk about his feelings, secrets or anything.
Class A interrupting was funny, I'm with Katsuki: Does Izuku still have embers (he does). I'm sorry to Ochako, I just didn't care anymore. I knew he didn't tell anyone else, lol (<- I'm shaking him into opening up-). But if he wasn't willing to open up about that I wonder what else doesn't Class A know. Does Inko know her son's dreams are over again or…?
Uh. One For All, crystalization of power from everyone's hopes, LFtR vestige scene, remaining embers looking a bit stronger, "Control Your Heart" is still a thing, "holding someone's hand makes me feel at peace", we have that talk with Katsuki, rule of narrative means if he opens up there's a chance this story can end on a hopeful note, Izuku fans here's how we can still win- (I'm inhaling hopium, I know)
I'm confused Hawks isn't getting ditching the Hero Billboards, just expanding it for "ordinary people". Isn't that continuing part of the problem? Part of why Dabi was created, why many heroes don't care about being a hero? I get it's to inspire others to be everyday heroes, but this if backfires in-universe...
Aoyama's farewell party with Eri singing was as sidelined as the 3Baka (… actually no, 3Baka is still more sidelined sob) and it hurts, but hey. Monoma got a statue before Katsuki, I just know if he isn't traumatized about his corpse he will brag. (I'm trying to find positives in this chapter)
The last pages. I know it's symbolic. Society extending a hand, Izuku "inspired" them to move. It's what Izuku was talking about in Ch. 1, "saving people is the coolest thing a hero can do". It's even from his poem inspiration "Called useless by all/Neither praised/Nor a bother/Such is the person/I wish to be".
But it doesn't come just from Izuku fighting giving up OFA, but from him still failing Tenko, who was doomed from the start, the LoV never knew who he was before "Tomura" (so. Spinner how's the book working out-). And no one else wants to, look at Ch. 427.
If it was still an ambiguous "AFO searched for Tenko", fine Ig, but since Ch. 419, it's half "No one helped Tenko except AFO" and half "Tenko never had a chance to live". I'm not saying them hating Tenko isn't justified. Look at what they have to rebuild. But ditching the "Tenko's whole life was planned" part, they still don't know the LoV came to be because they thought a child looked scary. Jeez, no one knows they were victims of ostracism, abuse, manipulation. Why they turned out the way they did.
And it ends on Izuku and Ochako smiling with the "future where heroes can relax" line. It's adorable, but they're still dealing with the guilt of Tenko and Himiko being gone. But I guess it's fine because they're smiling now? Because people are now doing something? So the reward from almost dying is: Bystander syndrome is chipping away?
*sigh* I guess the TL;DR for my opinions are:
Joki Joki isn't Tenko but damn if he isn't a woobie,
If I don't see the corpse Himiko isn't dead, I refuse,
Somehow Ochako's breakdown was more about Izuku, and we still didn't get introspection, just because it's comforting words doesn't mean they don't feel hollow,
It sounds like I hate her: I don't hate Ochako, I just hate the way she's written in "Tell, Don't Show" for Izuku, even my opinions about the breakdown are more about "dude what are you talking about" rather than it being about her and her alone, so I can't take her as seriously,
I think I just became Katsuki ATP: yeah yeah she's crying but what about Izuku and OFA- oh it's mostly fine.
The fun bits were relegated to two pages and small panels but I like to think Monoma goes to Katsuki's room to brag about the statue, Eri deserved to have a full page to sing
Hawks, I fail to see the point of switching Hero Billboards to "Everyday Ladybug" Billboards,
Bystander Syndrome is one thing, how are they gonna prevent another instance of the LoV if they don't know it was discrimination that started it all or that Tenko was a walking Greek Tragedy?
Izuku and Ochako's smiles give "Aw, it's adorable. Oh it's traumatized" vibes.
Yeah no, I'm not buying it. If Edgeshot can still live, why can't Himiko or Tenko? Why does Izuku still have embers, if we have one chapter left? What is the reasoning for "twisting fate", "saving and winning", "perfect victory with zero casualties", "I wanna save that little boy" if it ends on standard shonen ending?
Hell, OFA had dead people communicating with our protagonist and antagonist, and is connected to the deuteragonist, and you're telling me it doesn't mean something good can happen to Tenko?
... God now I just hope the next one isn't a timeskip, just Izuku and Katsuki holding hands, talking and being honest to each other (especially Izuku because oh boi I have seen some Writing Critics and I can't say I disagree) (maybe we'll confirmation on what actually happened to Himiko and Tenko, what about OFA, but that only depends on the page count of the next one).
Once again, sorry if it's all over the place, this chapter just. It wasn't great, in my (overthinking) opinion. I'm still unconvinced Himiko and Tenko are dead dead, until the last page of BNHA, we now have BKDK talking left, so let's see what the next one will bring. And I'm not rewritting all of this, I'm tired XD
So, yeah, that's my thoughts! Thank you for reading!
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Me: Height difference is nice, can be cute. Not my favorite thing in a ship, but it's nice.
Cuddy in 3X15, having to get on her tippy-toes to give House a hug.
Also me: jdhsaf;dsh;fkjds;lkgjaflkgjlaksdfjalsdkjflk
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uncreativeuser27 · 3 months
Okay, so I have a lot of unfinished drafts and ideas, and I want to post them to Ao3 for inspiration to others as well as my own little archive (archive of our own, y'know?) and I had 2 ideas of how to do it
For context, there are multiple fandoms. At the moment, there is: dsmp, grian (hermitcraft, 3rd life, etc), Jaiden (qsmp, wildcard, etc.), and South Park. There could be more, but that's all I have found at the moment.
So the first idea: Put all of the unfinished fics and ideas in a single work, no matter the fandom. I would update the summary for the most recent one, but they would all be I'm one place
Or the second idea: Separate the fics into separate works and group them as a series. For example: all of my dsmp ideas/drafts would go into one work and all my Grian-centric ideas would go in a different work, but they would in the same series
I will also link my ao3 here so you can see what I write and my style in case it makes you want to see more of me :) (shameless self-promo is how I roll)
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goingextinct · 6 months
i know god wants me to sexualize that middle aged man he said so in a vision
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georgeeehd · 2 years
the qrt>like ratio on dranti tweets being in dreams favour again is so breathtakingly beautiful i feel like i’ve just snorted 10 lines
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my uninformed american opinion is that i will be calling it derry not londonderry because im american and therefore will always support ireland if its ireland vs the british.
(i wasn't even going to post this but i wrote a whole essay in the tags so i don't want to waste that)
#i feel like i'm getting into very controversial waters here idk if i should say any of this#also. what do the actual people that live there call it bc i think that should be the end of it.#i saw on tiktok that the only foreign alliance that could make america turn against the uk would be ireland and i fully agree#(i live in new england. uhm. almost everyone here is irish) (irish american i suppose.)#i could talk about ireland and american relations. maybe i will.#here's my understanding of irish-american relations as someone who has never studied the topic in particular#but does have an interest in american history#first off. yes america is very good allies with the uk but culturally it's like. a bullying sort of thing. leftover resentment from the rev#i'm sure it's somewhat similar to everyone's resentment of america. maybe idk im not european#anyway america is built on underdog stories. thats like the foundation of our national culture. the american dream#and these stories started showing up innnnn .... the mid to late 1800s!!#do you know what also happened in the 1800s?#yup! irish people started fleeing their homeland to a better life (cough cough the americas)#so! in the time when stories about immigrants coming to america (the american dream- the most important part of us culture)#a ton of immigrants were irish! wow. do you see where i'm going with this#anyway about 9.5% of america is irish. which is A Lot (3rd most prominent ancestry)#and here in america bc being an immigrant and coming from immigrants and etc is kinda A Thing here#people typically hang on to their non-american identity#i mean i do. you can catch me talking about being french canadian a lot on tumblr.#another thing! even if you aren't irish american sometimes places r so irish that it kinda. blends into ur identification with a city#cough cough boston. cough cough massachusetts.#anyway . so. to recap#ireland and america share a common sorta not really enemy : the british. also they r the underdog which makes us sympathetic#And a lot of america has irish heritage and bc it's the us there's heritage actually matters (sorta)#and therefore the usa will always like ireland A Lot. or at least the people will.#rereading that i hope it makes sense#once again i am not a scholar and have not studied this topic these are just my inferences and observations#rain feathers talks#i will not be tagging this
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100blocks-archived · 9 months
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your-zipper-is-down · 4 months
My bestie convinced me to commission him something uh... I don't want to call it cursed because I don't think it is, even if some people consider it like that... but something a little bit too specific, I guess
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I never talk about it on here, but I think that Dream Daddy is in my top 10 favourite games. I have 84 hours on it. I don't know how I did that, but, yep.
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demonadelem · 2 years
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I'm both fuck this guy fuck the old man holds him gently throws him violently against the wall he makes me so mad hugs him. I hate him so much from a narrative meta level but he is my babygirl blorbo why isn't there more of him.
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