#in like a super patronizing way. sort of the way you talk about little kids who try to act like adults or puppies who try to be intimidatin
girlscience · 22 days
anyone else feel like they are playing dress up all the time and no matter how you present yourself it's always wrong? or is that just me.
#I wanted so long to be more masc and I finally am#and it's definitely better than being feminine (for me)#but it's still. off. somehow#like I'm trying to have some sort of swagger that I don't... or like I'm compensating#I've been really feeling it this last couple days#I feel almost like it's a costume and everyone can tell and they all know I just want to be something I can't be (a man)#I don't think people actually are? but my brain is pretty sure they are all just kind of like#'silly girl... yes yes youre masc and handsome. (really what is she thinking? she looks ridiculous. someday she'll quit.)'#'(she cant ever *really* be a man)'#in like a super patronizing way. sort of the way you talk about little kids who try to act like adults or puppies who try to be intimidatin#that kind of thing#I think perhaps I just feel very very insecure#and the stuff I've been watching on youtube lately hasn't been helping#I was watching like cod edits which turned into weightlifting inspo stuff and has since devolved into weirdly conservative gender norm shit#idk its not even just men though. I feel like I am aping butch women just as much and that I wouldn't fit in there anymore#than I can try to pretend to fit in with men#is this just me feeling the pressure of society believing women shouldn't be masculine? I don't know#I feel garbo though and that I should just put on a giant hoodie and never leave my apartment#(I think it probably doesn't help that no one I am spending regular time around is like me in this way and very much enjoy being women#and they really like the 'im just a girl' sort of jokes and while I fit in a lot of other ways that feels extremely alienating)
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bromeoanddudeliet · 6 months
8 and 12!
Thank you for responding!! 😭💖 I love your art btw!! You’re such a big inspiration!!
#8: After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
(This might come as a surprise but I haven’t actually played the epilogue yet 😭)
I’d like to think Tesni would go on a pilgrimage of sorts trying to reconnect with nature and her mentor’s Druidic teachings. After her personal quest, she becomes the chosen of Selûne, I think she’d try and reconnect with her Godess as well, after so many years apart. She also works with the council? Whoever’s in charge of Baldur’s Gate, after the whole mess with The Absolute, to help reconstruction efforts throughout the city.
And when that’s said and done she settles down, gets married to Astarion, and they live comfortably off of the significant amount of gold they found throughout their adventures. She researches cures for Astarion’s vampirism too (and for Karlach cuz I’m delusional and I refuse to accept that she dies or goes back to Avernus forever), I mean who better than a Druid to fix and otherwise permanent affliction lol 😌💅✨ Tesni and Astarion also have a daughter named Moon who is a sorcerer being trained in magic by Gale. 😜
Here’s a lil doodle of what her end game outfit looks like (it’s supposed to look like her mentor’s outfit but a little bit different) 🌝:
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#12: Does your Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why?
// TRIGGER WARNING: I’m gonna talk a little bit about self-harm so if you struggle with self-harm I just want to warn you now before you read!! It’s not too serious but I want to make sure everyone stays comfortable!! //
Tesni has a variety of scars, a lot of them stem from her background as a Druid. Scars from animals, from when she was a kid running around in the woods, and one time she got shot in the shoulder by a magic arrow (I’m not gonna name names but we can all guess who missed mid battle 😒🦇) She also has panther spots, because I thought it would be cool, but also because her main wildshape animal is a panther.
Her other scars come from periods in her life where she felt hopeless or otherwise in bad straights. A little tidbit into her lore, when Tesni was young she had quite a few of her close family and friends pass away (in unfortunate ways). She’s always blamed herself for not being smart enough, brave enough, or strong enough to stop the circumstances leading up to their deaths (a part of why Tesni had a difficult relationship with her patron, Selûne. Tesni partly blames the gods, mainly Selûne, for not stepping in. Tesni’s mother was also a Selûnite, and when she died, Tesni’s inner conflict as well as her conflict with the Gods spiraled downwards from there).
Tesni spent a lot of her adolescence on the streets scrounging for food and money, many of those nights, she went cold or hungry. Eventually she became numb to her own comfort, and took jobs no one else would, leading into her being kidnapped by Mindflayers at the beginning of Bg3. That’s why Tesni wears sleeves on her arms, to hide her scars. Partly because she doesn’t want people to pity her, partly because she still feels their sting, and hiding them helps her move past those memories.
Eventually Tesni comes to the realization that beyond her numbness, she cares and feels deeply for the world and the people that live in it. After Act 1, she decides to start her healing journey, she becomes more honest with her companions and in turn they help her heal from her tumultuous past. Over time as Tesni heals, she mends her relationship with Selûne and eventually becomes her chosen.
Here’s a doodle of her without her sleeves:
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Oof that was a lot of writing thank you for bearing with me lol 😪
And thank you again for responding!! I super appreciate it!! 🥹💖
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clonehub · 2 years
thinking about tbb for once in a neutral light and its because i was listening to a podcast where some film buffs/writers analyzed Silence of the Lambs, and I realized I've always had an appreciation where a character is in an interrogation of sorts (without it necessarily explicitly being that) and just watching them squirm. facing uncomfortable truths from a person whom you don't trust and having your understanding of yourself be meticulously torn to shreds by someone who might not even be doing it maliciously.
and in my head whenever these sorts of character interrogations happen, it's always by someone who has like. little to no stake in the interogee (??) changing their minds. for some reason i think of a very calm and calculating woman, one who's curious enough to ask these questions but not enough to be like super? invested in what happens afterwards--only that she's sensing a contradiction and she wants to explore/expose it.
so like w the bad batch. getting tech out of the way first im not gonna focus on him because atm i cant see any flaws in him, uneless he's like really confident to a fault at some point.
with wrecker it'd be rather straight forward and frankly manipulative--does your team respect you? are you the brother or the brawns? you might say "why not both", but what about every time they'd jabbed your intelligence or dismissed your concerns? and some other things
hunter...i think attacking how he views himself as a leader--if he's even a capable leader, if he's even making the right decisions for a child--would help to get under his skin, as well as "why do you keep ignoring the hole in your squad?"
echo wouldn't be so hard to pick apart if only because he already doesn't seem to be enjoying himself w the bad batch. his initial point of conflict is that he doesn't feel theyre doing enough to help others. this new conflict could be about how his skills as an ARC aren't being utilized; how he's often dismissed or ignored or patronized, and wouldn't it be better to both a) leave and be able to help people and b) get the respect he deserves? They dont outright hate him, but they still say "regs", don't they?
Crosshair would be fun, to be honest. He's so reactive to jabs at his pride/ego (like that normie death trooper talking about him being replaced). If he brings up how he's enhanced and he's superior, the lady would ask "how?". He'd give his reason and she would point out that he has one skill--one skill that is not even transferrable. "Jack of all trades, master of none--but better than a master of one". Is being good at one thing really an enhancement? the rest of the batch at least have some other skills/uses that can aid in things like survival. Are you better than anyone else when you can explicitly do less, in some ways, than the people you deride?
And this is something she'd pose to all of the bad batch. Again, roughly one skill each despite the description of "enhancements" and the ego that went with it. Are you really better?
(I wont' do Omega because frankly she's a kid and I don't see the point)
BUT guess what I'm throwing Rex and Ahsoka in here too.
I talk about Rex a lot but what would be great is to really jab his cognitive dissonance. "Is the Republic as good as you say? With the inequality rife on coruscant--let alone the rest of the galaxy?"
and i think she'd really attack his view that he's not a slave, but with a layer of actual concern for him. She wouldn't go about it nicely though--starting out with innocent-sounding questions about his sense of duty, whether or not he's dreamed of a life outside the army. Rex probably has in a neutral-curious way, but I don't think he'd admit that to her.
He'd also pick up on the angle she's getting at and try to preemptively argue, saying things like "we don't get to choose our path in life" and that he has to think beyond himself, outside himself because he has a duty to protect the citizens of coruscant. "Even though they neither protect nor respect you now?" "yes. Regardless. We don't have a choice."
And he doesn't mean it like that, but. She asks him to define a slave. He insists he isn't one. She points out his own words, his own speech--the fact that they're not citizens, they're hardly paid if at all, and they can't leave otherwise they'll be charged as committers of treason against a state that doesn't even register them as citizens. No legal or political protection, surveillance--where is the choice? Who's freedom is he fighting for?
Rex would argue back, especially if this is the younger rex we're talking about. Very much "I'm not a slave" and a Press X to Doubt face from the woman. 'you don't believe me." "I'm not sure you believe you, Rex."
But again, even with the real concern for him, she's not that invested. Her tone and body language throughout all of this is very calm, very chill, like she's asking about the weather.
and ahsoka! Younger ahsoka here, poking at her insecurity over her being too young and padawan to the chosen one. Her inexperience getting more people killed than necessary. I dont think I have much for her outside what was already addressed in the clone wars.
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collegeoflore · 9 months
love when you rb ask games bc im desperate to know everything about your little guys. 2 & 14 for both xarrai and ieriyn
ur in luck bc i looove rambling about my little guys :) ty for the ask!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
see the thing is by design xarrai looks like Just Another Bard, esp if we're talking about like pre-game when they're just living their life in baldur's gate. sure they’re like, a 6'7" (if we count the horns n everything) purple tiefling who's covered in tattoos but the gate is a big city and that's not really all that unusual. there are plenty of things one wouldn't expect just from looking at xarrai but that's kind of their whole thing. sooooo here is a kind of silly and fun example i haven't talked much about: they have such a soft spot for tiefling kids. they're immediately smitten with the kids in the grove and half the reason they actually end up helping the tieflings out is because they don't want anything to happen to them. they nearly start shit with kagha over the whole thing with arabella and are just barely talked down by gale (much to astarion's disappointment lol.) mol and mattis remind them so much of themself (or at least of the child they could have been) and i do think xar keeps an eye on mol in the guild post-game, or at least whenever they're in baldur's gate. they would never ever want to be a parent (and would make a frankly abysmal one at that. like can u imagine them and astarion trying to raise a child? the thing would need therapy before it could talk.) but they are fond of the little shits. they're fond of yenna too (they were also an outer city street kid once after all) but the tiefling kids just Get Them.
honestly i think ieriyn is kind of an open book, at least early/pre-game. you can pretty easily predict like. most things about this kid in one look. BUT i do think once someone gets to know him they find that despite being sheltered and naïve he really does have a strong sense of right and wrong and a soft heart. he's just like. spoiled and stupid about it. he also has a dry sense of humor that takes a minute to really notice.
and here's a silly one too: i think he's really into houseplants. he's a houseplant girlie. his room at home is full of lush tropical plants and he loves taking care of them :) (as long as he can wash his hands immediately after touching the dirt. he hates dirt. he has autistic tboy swag for real.)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
hmm okay so this is... it depends i think on who we're talking about. xarrai is constantly trying to show other people exactly who or what they want to see - patriars see a pretty whore, tavern patrons see a flamboyant bard, the guild sees a talented information broker, the list goes on. for the first section of the game, every member of the party sees someone different in them too because they're trying to secure their control over the situation and others are more likely to listen to them if they think xarrai is trustworthy. it doesn't take long before the party starts to notice that their views of xarrai don't line up tho tbh; it's hard to maintain like six different personas, even if the differences are only slight. (this does cause some trust issues, especially with lae'zel who already did not get along super well with xar lol.) generally though the kind of Core Vibe they're trying to put off is someone carefree and unassuming. they don't want to give anyone too much insight into what they're thinking or feeling, and they would much rather be underestimated than properly appraised. they sort of try to hide their "real" skills behind their more "showy" ones - if someone is praising them for being a great storyteller they're likely not paying attention to the way that story is being spun, and if someone is busy thinking about how good xarrai is at giving head they probably don't notice that they've stolen half the gold from their purse lol
ieriyn desperately wants people to see him as Worthy. of what he's not entirely sure honestly - love? praise? care? power? he's trying really hard to seem competent and in control but he's largely just scared and lost and alone. like. he's terrified of his magic because it's unpredictable and hard to control but he wants people to think he's good at it, and tbf, he does have raw talent he absolutely is a Magical Gifted Kid (again. autistic tboy swag), he's just being held back by his own fear. he just wants people to see him as special and worthy of the greatness he tries to pretend he deserves. if that makes sense. idk i am still working on getting a really good solid grasp of ieriyn tbqh
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honeysmokedham · 1 year
Call Me Maybe || Nora & Teddy
TIMING: 4/28 at 3:12 pm LOCATION:  A Cell Phone Store PARTIES:  Nora @honeysmokedham & Teddy @eldritchaccident SUMMARY: Nora goes to steal a new cell phone and Teddy is ready for a fun little time. CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A
There were a lot of things Nora enjoyed about her new life. Namely it was the freedom to exist the way she wants to exist. Nora was without eyes watching her move, ready to write tweets about the pathetic attempts Nora was making at living her life. The one thing Nora didn’t like was the lack of money. Sure, stealing things was easy, but having an unlimited credit card was easier. The amount of ham she could be dining on every night was nothing compared to the few crumbs she managed to scrounge together each night and call her nightly meal. 
Today Nora had a “shopping” list of one new cell phone. Her last one she’d smashed into the wall of a crypt. She didn’t want to talk about it. It was a sore topic. Nora walked around the electronic store, eyes glued to the many devices in front of her. If she was going to steal something she might as well steal something good right. Iphone or android? Big or small? God Nora hated electronics. Her last phones had always been whatever her fathers gave her. And those were normally sent by electronic companies so people would see her using them in public and people wanting to be like her would buy them. “What’s the difference.” Nora murmured out loud, staring between what she thought was the newest android and the newest iphone. She didn’t actually know. 
Teddy had spied the kid the moment she stepped into the store. They knew that look, knew what it meant. Knew the hunger that was behind it. Technically it was their (temp) job to stop people from doing exactly that sort of thing, but in a store like this? Stealing wasn’t as easy as just picking the latest model off the display. For one, the displays were hard locked in, each with a massive charging/safety port thing super glued to their back. For another, a phone was almost nothing these days, not without a proper sim card. 
Fortunately for the would-be thief, the demon was in a particularly good mood that day. Despite, or maybe to spite the man they’d taken this job for. Filling in miraculously right when Robert Whatshisname had called out. The job was about as interesting as they had expected, nothing compared to being a line cook, or doing deliveries, or tending bar. Teddy really liked bar tending. You got a lot of stories out of that one, and most of the patrons delighted in the strange concoctions that the demon liked to make. (Usually because they were already too drunk to care about the strategic and strange flavor choices.) 
Like always, the demon had a little knack for knowing where to be, and when. And they got another temp job. Johnny Phonecompanyguy didn’t even care so much to look into the fake ID Teds had set up for themself, he was just happy to not have to be in his own damn store for a whole day. That was fine by Teddy. That was the way they liked it. 
The store was pretty much otherwise deserted. Another woman was in the back corner, deciding which case to get her four sons for their very fancy iPhones. She demanded a whole host of attention earlier, and Teddy demanded (silently, without her knowledge) a little payback. The demon sauntered closer to the kid though, quietly making their way around until they were just behind her. That’s when they leaned down, put on their best smile, and whispered. “Phones usually work better with data.” 
The last thing Nora wanted today was an employee getting into her business. Nora turned to the employee, a shit-eating grin pasted all over their face. Rose-colored glasses reflected her own blank face back to her. She looked past the reflection to the eyes beneath, looking at her and her phone choices with interest. “I have data.” Nora reached into her pocket, rummaging around to find what she was looking for. A snake, someone who caught a ride in her jacket a few days ago and hadn’t left due to the free food, wrapped itself around her wrist and started moving up her arm. Nora found her phone, holding it out to the employee. It was a pre-paid android she’d traded someone for six months ago. She knew it had six months of service left before she had to figure out what to do. 
With the attention of what seemed to be the singular employee in the store, Nora now knew this game had to play out differently. Get the information she needed from the employee. Trick him into leaving her along with a phone ready to go and then get out of there. Easy right? Nora’s posture changed. She’d played the game of the rich and famous before and she could do it again. Easily she slipped back into the mask of Eleanor Pine. The daughter of Gregory and Damien Pine, rich and powerful men who know their worth and expect to be treated in a reflection of it. Eleanor Pine would have never been allowed to walk outside in her tattered and dirty clothes. She would have never worn a repeat outfit, and she would have never been at an electronics store. She had also never been Nora Pine. Nora could do this. 
“My phone broke.” A hand came up to play with a strand of her hand. “You don’t happen to know which model I would need, do you?” In the back of the store, Nora could see another woman picking out phone cases. Maybe her distraction could be scaring that woman. Then the employee could go saunter over there, help her and Nora could sneak out. "The best of the best." The mask of it all was exhausting. Years of being who she wanted to be had destroyed the calluses of the mask. "In black." She had an aesthetic to keep up, after all. 
Teddy’s smile only seemed to widen at the sudden snakey influx, and at the game being played. One they’d been on the other side of before. The Joneses didn’t always have extra cash to throw at any problem, and who could say no to an adorable little face like Teds when they were young? Few folks said no to it now, ‘hardened’ as it was with age and the scars of the road they’d taken to get where they were. (Fewer folks would say Teddy looked like they ever had a hard day in their life. The carefree attitude didn’t quite match with the experience they’d earned. The most edgy thing about them was maybe the scar, and even that could be explained away as a port wine birthmark rather than a tale of nuns with guns and knives.) So yes, Teddy knew this game. 
They were, however, wrestling with which side to play on. Give a challenge to the young girl, or a helping hand. Maybe that depended on how well she kept up. Maybe they’d play a different game entirely. See how much help they could give without ever being spotted. “Ahh. Happens to the best of the best of us.” Teds repeated the phrasing, hopefully letting on that they had been listening well. Though, that tended to be the kind of thing the demon picked up on while not many others did. 
Teddy lilted into an easy laugh, bobbing their shoulders as they strolled around the counter. Prowling almost like a shark would, or maybe like a cat with a very interesting hair tie. “I’ve shattered more than my fair share. I’m sure we can get you exactly what you need.” And go. Roll the dice, see where they land. From then on out, each sentence would be a calculated code. 
The girl looked clever. A bit tired, sure. Had that layer of dirt that only really ever comes from sleeping outside for so long. The kind you can’t quite get off even with a few showers. Smelled of earth and damp. Maybe something underground? Hard to tell. Harder to let slide. If the kid did well in this game maybe they’d have to arrange something else. Hire that damn detective to track her down. 
“So what is your name miss?” Teddy clacked away at the keys behind the counter, acting as if they were doing anything more than just strategically keysmashing. “Did you have insurance with us?” 
 “Cassiopeia.” The name slithered out of Nora’s mouth in tandem with the snake sliding its way up Nora's arm. "It really does happen to the best of the best of us." Nora's voice had shifted from her comfortable monotone to the one her acting instructors had drilled her on. She missed the days when she was young and got away with being non-verbal. Her first words at the age of 8 had been a mistake that opened the floodgates to something else. 
This employee was so easy in their interaction. Nora doubted the tension that held her together would be reflected in them. An easy laugh. An easy approach to strangers. The appearance of being carefree. Nora itched to scare them. Nora thought it would be fun. Would they still laugh in the face of a monster? Nora wanted to know. It was the thing Nora wanted to know about everyone. 
Rich people didn't ask for the names of their help. That wasn't how the rules were played. Nora was never good at the game. "And your name?" Nora caught her mistake instantly. "Just in case." To sound like a threat. As if to say so if anything in this interaction goes wrong I can speak to your manager. That was the kind of customer employees hated to deal with. Maybe this one would be scared of those employees. It would be a fun little treat. 
Nora's eyes floated back to the phones in front of her. "I didn't get my phone through you. My last store's work was unsatisfactory. I will be getting what I am owed from them." A threat of a sue. That was the play, right? Companies hated being sued. "Now I'm here. I'm sure I won't have that same problem here." Why did the hoity-toity talk so much? Nora wanted the employee to just use their little key and pull out a brand new phone so she could make her escape. "Can I see more options for that phone?" Nora pointed at the closet model. 
“Ahh, lovely name. Some might say even prettier than Aphrodite!” Teddy grinned, loving the classic nature of the pseudonym. It had to be one, right? Not that it was impossible for someone today to pick a name from an old Greek Tragedy (or more likely, from the constellation), but more likely… improbable. Considering Teds would never give a real name when they were trying to steal something. Though, what the demon would do was hardly a metric to measure the world by. They’d learned that lesson many many times. Ah well. 
“Me? I’m Cetus.” The sea monster that came to wreck Cassiopeia’s kingdom. Really fitting, all things considered. And absolutely not what was on their nametag. Teddy wondered if she’d notice. If she was looking. Honestly probably not, nerves so often got in the way of little details. “And I certainly hope we can do better than your last store.” All smiles, sweetened honeyed words. “Maybe if I work some magic over here we can get you set up with a discount and it won’t cost you five fingers.” Was that too obvious? Or not enough? Did kids still use that phrase? It wasn’t like they were saying it was ‘so discounted it was practically a steal’ or something. 
“Sure thing, lemme show you which phones you could walk out with today.” Not willing to just throw the game right there, Teddy pulled out the docked iPad instead. Flipped to the app that had all the options in an easy slideshow esq parade. “You could even get it personalized.” That part was true, and something Mr. SellCellService had asked his new temp clerk to upsell. “You could get a black phone with an engraving of a snake like your little buddy there. We have the laser right in store. It’s fascinating to watch.” 
No one could ever say Nora was good at math, but something wasn’t adding up. Nora’s eyes flickered down to the employee’s name tag reading ‘Viktor’ then back to Cetus’s face. Okay. That one? She wouldn’t judge. Nora would hate working in a people-facing position and giving her name. Not that Nora would ever deign to work. Working was for poor people. Where the math started getting too complicated for Nora to follow, were subtle words she thought were calling her out. It would not cost her five fingers and walk out with today. Those rose-colored glasses appeared to hold more knowledge of the world than Nora had hoped. 
Nora's jaw jutted out as she fought the urge to wrap herself in illusion. To send the smug and satisfied employee fleeing away. Nora swallowed back the rash of emotion. It was that desperate need to scare everyone around her that developed her poker face. The whole while, struggling with confusion from everything Cetus had said to the urge to scare them shitless, her face had remained as impassive as ever. What Nora wasn't, was witty. When it came to words she was a blunt object. Cetus seemed to be a fine-edged tool, dancing around the conversation. Nora would have to be careful, but she found herself struggling with how. Then to make all of it worse, they weren't even scared of the snake on her arm. What kind of shit was that? That should have at least been a level-one nerve factor. 
Nora looked down at the iPad in front of her. "Personalization won't be necessary. Just the phone and nothing else." Nora couldn't control herself anymore. An illusion of scales flickered across her body. A whisper of a story that she was as reptilian as the snake crawling up her arm. Even her pupils elongated into long slits for just a second. Perhaps that little glimpse would be enough to get Cetus startled enough to pull out the phone in a hurry. "I'm sure you can understand. I'm in a rush." A rush to get out from under those fluorescent lights and the laminate flooring. Nora just wanted to go curl up back in her crypt and sort through everything that had happened the last few days. 
Well that was different. Sparking up something even more delighted in the demon. Who’s fishy side was often confused for a large mutated crocodile. (The running theory on the cryptid watcher boards was something about Big Finn being an escaped lab experiment, or a croc that ate plutonium but survived, it was all very scientific you know.) A subtle sniff and things didn’t quite match. Teddy didn’t detect the distinct… fragrance a lamia carried. Nor one a snakey fae might either. Was she trying to scare them? Was that it? It would’ve worked on a regular employee but uh, Teds wasn’t exactly that. 
Few things in this world scared Teddy Jones. Kind of comes with the territory of being an eldritch horror. Though, maybe it went back further than that. Leviathan always liked to tell stories of how the young human child seemed to enjoy seeing the great sea beast. Back when it seemed larger than life. Impossible. Horrifying. Maddening. And yet, itty bitty Teddy saw that as a friend shape. And then it was a dad shape. The rest was history. Whoever the Joneses were before, a newer, better version stepped out of that shack. 
But how were they supposed to respond to this? Gosh it was such a conundrum. Thinking it through in bullet time, Teddy had a situation on their hands regardless. Option one; be scared. But they didn’t even have the phones out yet.. Or was this meant to speed them up? The cell that Cassiopeia showed was pretty busted. It’d be a miracle if the sim card wasn’t messed up too. Demons didn’t hand out miracles. Only expertly placed misfortunes that benefited someone else. In this case, the girl. Hopefully. Their mind had already been dead set on helping before, this new scaly excursion kind of only made them want to help more. 
So, option two; cool as a cucumber. Hopefully it’d indicate something collaborative rather than combative. “Even without the personalization I bet I can help you get something even better than what you got there.” A flick of the eyebrows. C’mon kid. It was almost out in the open. The demon’s eyes darted to the other presence in the store, then back at the straight faced… teen? Was she a teen? Honestly Ted was so bad at picking out ages. She could have been twelve or twenty five, and the clerk probably wouldn’t have been able to tell you which. 
It was rude that the people of this town had such a high fear tolerance. Was Nora not always out here doing the most? Creating beautiful pieces of art for people to tremble before, and now no one cared anymore. No one was scared in this goddamn town. Everyone in this town really was liars. And probably the rest of the world, convincing Nora that she was scary. Now she was nothing. Nothing and with a broken phone. But the employee was looking at Nora like they were trying to convey something to her. Nora stopped sitting in the cesspool that was her own internal monologue and tried to follow what Cetus was telling her. Eyes darted from Nora to the other lady in the store. Did... Did they want Nora to scare that customer away? 
Nora turned from Cetus and their rose-colored glasses to look at the lady, still engrossed in her phone cases, then glanced back at Cetus. Okay. You really didn't need to ask Nora to scare someone twice. The weird thing was this was the first time someone was asking Nora to scare someone. No one had ever utilized her penchant for pranks before in that manner.  Generally, Nora picked her victims and worked from there. Most people who found out about her pranks didn't stay around for long enough to weaponize them against others. This was... New.
"Hey, lady." Nora's monotone voice filled the store, echoing off the linoleum floors and vibrating in the small space. The woman whipped around, confusion speckled across her features. "Eat shit." Nora stated. The illusion around her swelled. In a sequence of images, Nora's human skin shredded off her body, falling into translucent heaps on the floor as a giant king cobra emerged standing there and hissing. The woman was, understandably, screaming by then. The cases she was holding tumbled to the ground as she ran towards the exit. Nora made her dance for it, the snake striking out at the lady. She dodged and screamed, slamming into the door before she finally made it out. Where she had stood, Nora could see she left her purse. Nora hoped she wouldn't need to come back for it soon.
The illusion shrunk around Nora as she played it in reverse. Her flesh picked itself back up off the floor, sewing itself around her and wrapping her in her human cocoon as the snake disappeared deep inside her. Then there was Nora. Standing there, petting her snake with a finger. "The discount?" Nora asked, looking back at Cetus. No fear drifted off the employee, but the woman had left a wonderful trail of fear to devour. "It's rude not to be scared," Nora added. Because it was. It was rude to her and her craft that she worked so hard on. 
“Ooohoo hoo! Masterfully done!” This little spider wove quite a web now didn’t she? Teddy’s eyes lit up with glee, even just watching the back of whatever Cassiopeia had going on. It was gruesome, it was wretched, it was incredible. It made the demon a little jealous. The way the woman had fled the store worked perfectly into the plan Teddy had started spinning the second they realized what this kid was trying to do. 
“My sincerest apologies about that, Miss Cassiopeia.” Teddy humbled themself with a deep and reverent bow. The queen of fear, as far as they could tell, deserved as much. Once righted though, their grin returned, with absolutely no sugar coating. “But now that she’s gone, we can get some real work done. Stealing the phone and putting your old card into it is only going to work as long as they don’t catch on. As long as they don’t track it. I got a better method for ya, if you’re interested.” A sly tilt of their head to the side, and it was clear the demon was no longer working on behalf of the store. 
Nora had read a book before. It was Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Alice had been an idiot, but there had been one singular character that Nora had drawn quite a fondness to. The Cheshire cat. This employee, standing in front of her with twinkling glasses and a mischievous grin, had to be the embodiment of the character. Frankly, that meant Nora was fucked. Not for any real reason. Simply because Nora refused to be Alice in any scenario. No, she could be Not Alice. The better Alice who is capable of making choices and doesn't have a breakdown at the slightest inconvenience. Last night... didn't count. 
At least the clever cat had manners and was interesting. Nora had finally caught on the Cetus might not be their real name and they were playing a game, just like the cat. Nora's head tilted to the side. "Why are you helping me?" She asked, point blank. As usual, she was a blunt object, never a sharpened blade. "What will I owe you?" 
“Bored mostly.” A beat. A consideration. She was so young. “And I’ve been where you are right now. Can’t say I know why you’re doin’ all this, but uhh. Y’know. One friend of Lupin to another.” Teddy softened slightly, not by much, maybe not even perceptibly. It wasn’t easy being a kid, double or triple that if you weren’t human. And unless she had an accomplice somewhere around, it didn’t look like she had her own version of Levi either. 
Maybe that’s what likened the girl to the demon the most. Teddy hated being alone. Hated needing other people too, which was a bit of a conundrum sometimes. Showing that the world didn’t have to be lonely, well maybe that was a good thing. And maybe that’s why they didn’t really care to ask for anything in return. Well, nothing of substance. 
“Owe me? You already paid by getting rid of Uptight McShouty back there. You didn’t see the storm she was making before you came in. Or the mess her boys made that I had to clean up before she went off to look at phone cases.” Ted's head quirked again, this time along with their gaze. Upward, thinking for a second, running the mental math and possibilities. Finally landing on something and nodding as if Nora had been able to hear the stream of consciousness. “Do you want a case? It’ll keep your next one from getting shattered like that. Though, the way I’m hooking you up you can just get a new one anytime.” 
Quick hands made quicker work of the technical side of things. Boxes were pulled, primed, and set up for the girl’s inspection. A very nice expensive model, and a few of their more hardy cases. As well as some other goodies too. Cause why not? If someone else was going to foot the bill, what did it matter? 
“Hellen Richardson was very rude to me, and if I do this riiiiiight, she won’t even notice the extra fees hidden in her bills. Honestly she’ll probably think it’s one of those rowdy teens racking up the price.” Teddy winked, feeling particularly proud of themselves for this one. “She gets just desserts for being a terrible customer, and you get unlimited data and our best coverage for breaks and losses!” 
What Nora could understand was making fun choices out of boredom. What she didn't understand was who Lupin was and why Cetus assumed she was friends with this Lupin. Nora's brain did mental flips, trying to figure out who this Lupin was. Finally, she settled on saying, "Yeah, Lupin." A simple agreement surely couldn't get her in too much trouble. Surely. She was going to have to google this Lupin when her new phone was up and running. 
Nora watched Cetus work with quick hands, selecting options on the iPad, and presenting everything for Nora to see. This was a lot to handle in a new way. Had Nora not just shown the Cheshire cat something to fear, and in return gotten praise and a free cell phone? A phone that was billed to the lady she actually had scared. Unable to see the best in people, distrust bubbled around Nora. Her eyes shifted to the door every now and then, expecting this was a stall and the police or animal catchers would be here to get her soon. Maybe even those "hunters" Metzli and Emilio had talked about. What a joke. 
"Thank you." The words felt like bricks. It wasn't something she was used to saying. Thanking people. People didn't stick around long enough to be thanked. While this whole experience was leaving her confused and unsure of how to act, she figured that was the next step. "I am glad I could help with Hellen Richardson." As boxes got ready, Nora placed them in her pockets, like a little mouse eating all of its cheese before the scientist could take it away to begin whatever odd experiment she was part of. 
Part of Nora was ready to announce to Cetus that she could scare other people for them. Any place you needed her to go, she could do it. Easily. For fun. For enjoyment. For friendship. That voice was quickly shoved into a box of things to digest later. This was a trap. It had to be. A lie in its own right. Nora needed to be smarter than this game. The problem was, she couldn't see where this game was going. "I'll remember this, Cetus." That was probably the safest at this time. It wasn't an, I'll owe you, or I will give you my first child. It was an if something comes up in the future and we meet again and I can help, I'll do it. 
"I hope more people are rude to you." Boxes in her pockets, Nora was starting to back up slowly. "So you can have more fun." Nora bolted. Nora wasn't sure why she ran, but she felt like she had to. A stranger being too nice to her in a store. Maybe they knew who she was and were waiting for other people to show up so they could get the reward. What was a few million spent in a store when there were millions on the line. 
Before Teddy could do much of anything to ask about the girl’s real name, or anything about her she was off like a shot. Leaving the demon a little perplexed and snapping two finger guns in the direction of the swinging door. Well that was something. A neat little interaction. Wrapped up and packaged in a bow. Teddy was intensely curious about this girl, who she was, what she was (though they had an idea), and what had brought her to the store that day. Plenty of things could shatter a phone, less could lead you to have to steal its replacement. It was amusing, and a bit worrying. 
The demon couldn’t help but hold a little concern for her wellbeing. Something that would absolutely hold their attention more than anything else that could possibly happen in the phone store the rest of the day. Even the (expected) frantic call from Hellen about the ‘terrifying monster’ in the store, of which Teddy assured her there wasn’t one. Citing that the ‘Strange Wicked’s Rest’ nonsense had to be getting to the woman’s head, and that it was all fine. They checked the tapes and everything. Gave her a discount on her next visit anyway. She deserved that much for being such a good sport in Ted’s big plan. Even unknowingly. 
Ahh well. Maybe Ted would call up old grumpy pants and make this another case after the otter incident was resolved. Kind of felt like an invasion of privacy though. Mostly, they hoped, they’d get another chance to see her. Make sure she was alright. And hey, they had to check how the new phone was doing, right?
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pandaspwnz · 1 year
I just got home but on the way this group of young boys (I'm bad at determining ages especially kids but my guess is they were AT MOST 11) sat in the seat next to me, just being rowdy regular kids, really. I didn't think much of it. I noted that the two boys in front of me seemed close and comfortable being physically affectionate with each other and thought hey, that's great, they must be good friends. Especially the kid on the left leaned into the other a lot.
And then a little while later, I wasn't actively listening to what they were saying so I don't know what made them talk about it, but the kid on the right (R) said that it was super gross, in sort of a joking tone, that the kid on the left (L) had sent pictures to him of L cutting his leg with a knife, and apparently it's happened several times. And immediately I'm obviously like yikes, is this kid fucking okay?? and they kinda seemed to joke about it a little, more on R's part though who repeatedly said it was disgusting and gross, and I happened to glance at L's face and he was smiling but honestly his eyes looked really uncomfortable. I imagine that maybe this was supposed to be private. And I was launched back to when I was around that age myself and deeply depressed and the only friend I ever really talked to about how I felt just never seemed to understand or even want to listen to what I said, always brushing me off. Obviously I can't project my years of experiencing that onto this one interaction between these boys that I've never met and will never see again, but it made me worry for the kid.
So I'm sitting across from them on this tram with my arms and legs riddled with scars of my own making and I'm like yeeeeeesh. Is there anything I can do for this kid? I was contemplating how on earth I'd possibly be able to talk to this kid and somehow validate or comfort him, or ask if he was okay, or encourage him to speak to an adult in his life and get someone to talk to, without first of all coming across as a freak, and without accidentally giving his peers ammunition to bully him if some random adult is like hey kid you're unwell get help (because let's face it, kids can be really mean), and obviously I didn't want to scare anybody or be patronizing or overbearing or anything, and I reached the unfortunate conclusion that there was nothing I could do for him. It's not like I as a random stranger on a tram probably 16 years older than him at the very least could pull him aside and ask if he was okay, without raising all sorts of alarms and just. being weird.
But yeah then L started just pointing and sniggering at random strangers outside, indicating things were wrong with their appearance, pretty much exclusively completely normal looking people. None of them looked weird or absurd, dirty, poorly dressed, anything at all. Just giggling and pointing people out, saying they looked weird for whatever made up reason. Obviously then I was like okay maybe this kid kinda sucks, but honestly it just did not seem sincere. He was sniggering constantly, and I do mean constantly. Not like pointing someone out, doing it and then stopping until the next person was worthy of scrutiny, but just non-stop. And now I'm wondering if maybe he was just deeply hurt by what his friend said and not only needed to change the subject, but needed to project all this wrong onto other people, and frankly I'm just even more worried for him now. Obviously making fun of people isn't okay, but the kid is ~11 and clearly struggling with something. You don't just start cutting yourself for the sake of having a fun pastime.
But yeah there was really nothing I could do for him. I just really hope he has somebody who can and will be there for him, and maybe they can help make sure that he won't end up being lost and alone with all that implies.
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missing-wires · 1 year
Hmm… suddenly I feel the strange need to clarify things. It’s like I have this nagging itch that I can’t quite scratch.
I am not ashamed of what happened to me when I was 13 years old. It was an accident. I was just a dumb, horny kid who didn’t know any better. I have never shamed you or shared any of your childhood trauma with anyone, ever. It would be a strong false equivalence to compare your camming to my penile fracture.
Yes, I shared some things with someone back in October, but hardly anything. He didn’t come to know anything of substance until late January, which was long after you had been sharing my shit with a bunch of randos, including teenagers, which I found to be in very poor taste. The man I shared things with is married and a respectable person and someone with whom you already had a dialogue. Again, this is a major false equivalence.
It’s not even that you shared with people. Believe me, I would have shared myself. It’s like, why? Why did you feel the need to? Just too juicy to pass up? Because we hadn’t seen each other in person and it was easy to continue pretending like I was a robot? That’s a cop out.
I mean I’m not like surprised or anything lol. I thought about sharing all the screenshots of private convos you sent me. After all, if she does it with others, you can bet she does it with you. No one’s immune from it. I am not that special. Any opportunity for conversational fodder, right? Any opportunity to control a narrative.
I am a very forgiving person, especially among people I care about, perhaps, in part, because it’s rare that I care about people at at all.
I recognize that I put you in a uniquely, awkward position, but I thought your gaslighting and your complete unwillingness to admit to any betrayal of trust was extreme. I did my very best to convey that I wouldn’t care at all, and you were super persistent to the point of anger that I would even imply that you had told others. You called me paranoid and “MK ultra brained” and later seemed to half admit to it but blamed it on PTSD.
I was just very frustrated that you were so flippant with me. I barely even tried to talk to you since October. I was content with a slow, chill pace. I felt like i got sort of a second lease or whatever. But I guess something happened along the way. You met someone else and I became conversational fodder. I was happy to end things at the New Year, but I guess you didn’t like that and had to drag your pet back in.
And again, I have said this before, but I never intellectualized my feelings toward you. Of course, things can change, in the event we got to know each other, face to face. I recognize that. I felt extremely patronized that you would insinuate that a face to face meeting was equivalent to a marriage proposal.
I think the glass house metaphor in the context of the song is a very poor one. You don’t have anything on me. There is no “thing” I am afraid of sharing with anyone. That 13 year old kid died a long time ago. When you laugh at my fracture, you’re not laughing at me, you’re laughing at him. That little conversation I had with Ric was about “shaking the bushes.” I got exactly what I needed out of that.
It was never about the thing, or even the sharing. It was that you repeatedly lied and lied and lied about it again and again. Fuck you for that.
Believe me, I could give two shits what your dweeb friends think about me or their interpretation of your warped narrative. I know what it really feels like to want to die, and any other feeling pales by comparison. If anyone has a problem about it, they can come see me.
*Removed records, not because I’m ashamed of it, it’s just a little tacky to leave up in perpetuity lol. Hopefully this is it. Edited-Midnight 5/8/23
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I found this on my laptop?
Magnus frowned at Maia but she didn’t bat an eye. Alright, he thought, it was time to bring out the big guns.
He pouted at her.
“So, I can’t give free drinks to any cute people?” he asked, leaning against the wooden counter.
“Nope,” Maia replied shortly.
Huh. Maybe the pout needed more voltage.
“But what if they are super cute?” Magnus asked, pouting even further. “Like Chris Pine cute?”
“Still nope,” Maia shook her head.
“Are you telling me that if Chris Pine walks in here tonight, I can’t offer him a free drink?” Magnus asked incredulously.
Maia sighed, half tired and half exasperated. “I can assure you that Chris Pine is not going to walk into this bar on a Sunday night.”
She paused and looked at Magnus seriously.
“He better not walk into this bar when I am not bartending,” Maia said. “I will be so fucking pissed if that ever happens.”
Magnus wondered how much it would cost him to hire Chris Pine to visit the bar on Maia’s birthday.
“What’s the point of running a bar if you don’t get to give free drinks to cute people?” Magnus gestured at the patrons.
It was Sunday night and Hunters Moon was buzzing with anyone who hated Mondays – which was pretty much everyone.
“The point is to make profit so I can pay off my student loans,” Maia answered and slammed the cash register with a loud thud – she could be a little extra sometimes.
“You had to guilt me with the student loans, didn’t you?” Magnus pouted, for real this time. “Capitalism is a bitch.”
“Magnus, you don’t have to-”
He jumped over the counter in one smooth motion and put a finger on her lips. Cute people come and go – but friends are forever.
“I promised I will take over for you tonight,” Magnus smiled. “I won’t give anyone free drinks – even if they are Chris Pine cute. I promise.”
“Just for a couple of hours okay?” Maia said, as she picked up a napkin from the cupboard, probably hoping to clean the counter for the hundredth time. “It’s mostly just kids from the nearby campus. You can close up by 11.”
He smiled at her and took the napkin from her hands and put it over his shoulder. “Maia, I’ve got this. I just need to look pretty and serve alcohol. I’ve been doing that might my whole life. Just ask my dad.”
“Magnus, your jokes are more depressing than they are funny,” Maia pointed out, looking rather concerned.
“Hush, you!” Magnus shushed her. “Now why don’t you go back to the apartment and prep for the interview with the bank tomorrow?”
Maia was applying for a loan so she can renovate Hunters Moon to make it bigger and better. He wished he had the money to make her dream come true – but he didn’t. So he had decided to help her in whatever way he could. If that meant serving alcohol to redheads and Star Wars nerds with what were clearly fake IDs, Magnus didn’t mind one bit.
“You are the best-est,” Maia smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “You are sure you can handle it, right?”
“Maia, I know my way around alcohol,” Magnus reminder her again. “I once drank so much gin that I almost got married to a plate in Poland. Or was it in Philippines? It was a country starting with P. I remember that much.”
“If that anecdote was supposed to make me feel better, it failed miserably,” Maia groaned, shaking her head.
“The only thing that can make you feel better is some hardcore prepping for your interview tomorrow,” Magnus informed her. “Now off you go. I’ve got this.”
He turned around, already taking orders from a blonde girl in a leather jacket. He saw Maia exiting the counter and picking up her backpack. She turned around and gave him a fond smile.
“One drink,” she said. “You can give one free drink.”
“One?” Magnus said in disbelief. “But there are so many cute people here!”
Maia put her backpack over her shoulder and winked at him. “Then you better find the cutest of them all – and it better not be Chris Pine!”
Magnus pouted at the door, which closed after her. He looked around the bar once more - the small cozy space which will hopefully be a big cozy space in the future. It was full of cute people alright. But how could he just choose one of them? It seemed like an impossible mission.
“Alright cutest of them all, show yourself!” Magnus announced dramatically, half joking and half wishing.
Right on cue, the front door bell jingled and two ridiculously good looking people walked in. They looked like students – but Magnus did not make that assumption based on the usual signs like the dark circles under their eyes or the ramen stains on their t-shirts.
These two were actually carrying a pile of giant text books as they found a corner booth and settled down. Magnus was trying to figure out which one of them was cuter when the door opened more and his quest to find the cutest of was settled – probably forever.
The man wore a simple gray sweater and had dark floppy hair that fell just above his eyes. Magnus wanted to know whether he didn’t comb his hair or didn’t know how to.
And his face. Oh my god, his face. 
It was cute. Probably the cutest thing Magnus had ever seen – which is really saying something because Magnus had once attended a cat fashion show a couple of years ago.
The cute, no – cutest – guy’s face scanned the space, searching for someone – probably his girlfriend, if Magnus’ past luck was anything to go by. Even if this cute stranger turned out to be miraculously and conveniently gay, he was probably still here to meet up his boyfriend.
Magnus was used to his shitty luck.
The man’s eyes stopped on him and his mouth parted open, forming a slight O. He shook his head, his ridiculously cute hair flopping around making him look even cuter. The man started looking around again, this time more urgently.
“Face!” he yelled at someone. Or may it was Trace. Magnus couldn’t hear him over the patrons.
Mr. Cutest of Them All walked towards the two ridiculously good-looking students and immediately started gesturing aggressively at the counter. The two students peered over at the counter – at him? – and pointed at their books.
The man sighed and put his face in his hands. Clearly the three of them were dealing with some sort of personal drama. Magnus, despite wanting nothing but to talk to the cute guy, decided to give them space.
For now, he decided to do his job as promised and started taking and making more orders. One hour down, Magnus had successfully poured drinks, breaking zero glasses – although he did break a couple of hearts when he refused to give them his number.
They should really blame the stupid cute guy who was now brooding in the corner booth. The two mysteriously good-looking friends – friends? – seemed to be reading (studying? In a bar?) their giant textbooks in silence.
The blonde one did come over to get a couple of beers but didn’t say much. Magnus wondered if it would be a good idea to send over a drink to their table. Maia did say he could give one free drink after all and he didn’t think no one cuter could walk into that bar tonight – or any other night for that matter.
The bar was starting to empty out slowly as Maia had promised although the corner booth remained the same. Magnus shrugged and decided to clean up the counter since he had to close up in half hour. He was looking for Maia’s cleaning cloth – which she probably should wash more often – when someone loudly and awkwardly cleared their throat.
Magnus turned around to find the cute guy sitting on one of the bar stools, his fingers clasped neatly on the counter before him.
If he had thought the other man was good looking before, he didn’t have words for what he was feeling right now. Magnus could actually see his clearly now. His face, pale but beautiful – like porcelain that you want to caress at first sight. His blue eyes were so deep and enchanting and would definitely give Chris Pine run for his money.
The counter was empty, and so was the bar mostly, but one customer was still a customer. So Magnus decided to stop thirsting and starting pouring – alcohol, just to be clear.
“What can I get you?” Magnus asked, putting on his best smile.
No harm in smiling, right? It was just good customer service.
Okay he might have also unbuttoned one (or two) or his buttons while he pretended to look for something but that’s mostly because New York can be ridiculously warm in…January.
“Can I get a Cake by the Ocean, please?” the man asked.
“A what?” Magnus blinked.
“A Cake by the Ocean?”
“Uh, I don’t know how to make one of those,” Magnus replied helplessly.
Great his first impression on his cute stranger was that he was a loser who didn’t know fancy alcoholic beverages.
“I am sorry,” Magnus said quickly. “I am not a professional bartender. I am just covering for a friend. But I can look it up on the internet and see if I can make it for you.”
“No worries,” the man smiled, and Magnus wanted to kiss him. “It smells like orange juice and vodka. But also tastes like cranberries, I think? Oh – and peach schnapps!!”
“Hold on,” Magnus said slowly. “Are you talking about a Sex on the Beach?”
The man blinked at him once and then twice. His eyes widened in realization and he face palmed and groaned so hard that his friends looked over at the counter in concern.
“Oh my god, I am so sorry,” the man said, his voice muffled by his hands. “This is so embarrassing.”
“It’s really not,” Magnus smiled. Can this guy get any cuter?
“Why would anyone even call a cocktail that?” the man complained. “It’s a terrible name.”
“It was actually coined by this guy from Florida. He was asked by a peach schnapps company to create a cocktail featuring their product. So he made this,” Magnus gestured at the cocktail he was currently making, “He named it Sex on the Beach because most of the spring breakers who visited Florida at the time were looking for sex or the beach. It was really good marketing strategy to be honest.”
Cute guy looked both impressed and surprised at the same time. Cute guy looked cuter.
“I didn’t expect you to offer me an explanation and definitely not a comprehensive one at that,” the man said. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Magnus winked – because of customer service.
“You said you are covering for a friend,” the man after a minute of silence. “So how do you know about the sex on the beach thing? Do you happen to know random details about random alcoholic beverages?”
“While that would certainly look excellent on my resume, unfortunately no. My knowledge of alcohol is limited to mixing cocktails and making hangover cures. But I was a linguistics major at Columbia. I spent an entire semester on etymology. I may have a little obsession about discovering the meaning of things. So I happen to know random shit like this.”
“That’s actually pretty cool,” the man smiled again.
“I am glad you think so,” Magnus said genuinely. “My dad doesn’t see the point of pursing linguistics.”
“Most parents don’t understand the purpose of learning for passion,” the man pointed out. “They think we need to get a degree so we can get a job. They don’t really care if we like what we to learn or enjoy what we do.”
Magnus blinked.
The man was not only breathtakingly beautiful but also eloquent and deep.
“I agree,” Magnus replied. “But if we are going to talk about our parents, we need something stronger than a cocktail with orange juice.”
The man chuckled.
Magnus used to think that the most beautiful sound in the world was the sound a cocktail mixer makes when you are getting yourself booze after a long day at work – or short day at home.
But now he wasn’t so sure.
Maia can think whatever she wants – but if his depressing jokes can get another laughter out of the mystery man it would be worth it.
“Alec,” the man said, now smiling.
“Short for Alexander?” Magnus smiled back.
“Yep,” Alec nodded.
“Do you know the etymology of your name?” Magnus asked, as he waved at the last patrons – other than Alec’s friends – who were leaving the bar.
“It means protector, right?” the man guessed. “For Alexander the Great or something.”
“Actually it goes further back,” Magnus corrected, glad they were talking about etymology and not something like…baseball. “It was actually an epithet given to the Greek goddess Hera. She was a total badass. You should be flattered.”
“Well then, consider me flattered,” Alec grinned.
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atlafan · 4 years
Regular Thing - One Shot
a/n: okay, here’s bouncer!Harry, or bouncerry as I like to call him. this turned into a longer thing than I thought, and it’s a no strings attached type situation. there is A LOT of smut, enjoy! (reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated) not proofread, sorry! 
Warnings: SMUT
Words: 14K
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Being a bouncer in a college town wasn’t Harry’s intended career of choice, but it was a decent enough gig while he was in grad school. He was sort of over partying and boozing himself, so he didn’t feel like he was missing out much. It was fun at first, letting people in, turning others away. He took his job very seriously, never giving into the people that would flirt with him when the bar had reached capacity.
“Sorry, you’ll have to wait until some people leave.” He would say to them. The girls would push their boobs up and try to look as convincing as possible, but it never worked on Harry.
That was how the beginning of the night usually went. He’d stand outside for a few hours checking ID’s, and listening to the chatter of the people that would come out for a smoke or for some fresh air. He sometimes had a co-worker outside with him on the busier night, but most of the time it was him. Then he’d head inside and help grab empty glasses and survey the scene for overly drunk people. The bartenders would nod towards specific people and Harry would get them the fuck out.
It was tough at a college bar because people would often come to the bar already smashed. Their parties would get ruined by noise complaints, so everyone over twenty-one would come down to have some more fun. That’s not to say people wouldn’t try to sneak in, that’s when more of the flirting will happen.
“I just wanna dance with my friends, please? You can even stamp my hand.”
“No can do, come back in a few months.”
Harry was going for his MBA, and wanted to be a business owner someday. He got paid well as a bouncer, especially since he had boxing experience. His boss knew he could take care of business when need be. His boss, Greg, had taken him under his wing. Not only did Greg own the bar, but he also owned some off-campus apartments. He told Harry once he had his MBA a property manager job would be waiting for him. It would be an incredible start for Harry as buying and selling homes was something he really wanted to get into. He even wouldn’t mind owning the bar, or some bar, himself one day. He had time to figure it out.
For now, he was perfectly complacent working Tuesday through Sunday (technically Saturday, but the bar closes at 1:30AM), getting free drinks and food when he wanted, and listening to music. Luckily, his classes were either online, or in the afternoons, some were even weekend intensives, all of it was manageable.
Y/N worked at the university in town, also going for her master’s, but was only able to do so through her benefits as an employee. She didn’t get to go out that much, pretty much only when her friends were in town. One of her good friends, Mike, was in grad school for biology, and when her friends would come to stay with him, he’d invite her out. She had explained that unless it was a small thing at his place, or a night at the bar, she couldn’t really party with him or them if it was somewhere else. Nothing would look worse than her boss seeing her on barstool sports, hammered and popping her ass at some off-campus party where there could easily be people underage. It just wasn’t worth the risk.
Y/N only had guy friends, who she just referred to as her boyfriends. It wasn’t on purpose, it just sort of happened. She started hanging out with them her junior year of college when they were seniors, and they all just clicked. She had dated one of them earlier in the school year, but none of them put two and two together until later. She sort of absorbed them as a friend group, and the one she dated never really came around much.
Mike: hey, Y/N! The boys are coming into town this weekend. We plan to go to the bar Friday and Saturday night, will you come out???
Y/N: hey! Omfg I’d love to!
Mike: great! Can’t wait to see you
Y/N: same here, who exactly is coming?
Mike: Danny, Rob, Drew, and Conor
Y/N: amazing!! It’s gonna be a great weekend
There was a local band playing tonight. Harry didn’t love the way they sounded, and most people couldn’t wait for them to finish their set so the dance floor could open up, but it was a nice break from all of the overplayed music. The DJ on Fridays always spun the same tunes.
It was starting to get a little colder out at night, and even though Harry had been doing this a while, he still couldn’t quite understand how some of these people came out half dressed. People were coming in herds, and Harry had to turn a good chunk of them away. There was a $3.00 cover charge to see the band, but no one ever carries cash, and Harry couldn’t let them in without the cover. Simple as that.
He noticed this girl walking down to the entrance by herself. She had her hair up in a cute ponytail that flowed, and she was wearing skinny jeans with some booties, the jeans look to be high-waist. She was wearing a wind-breaker and a crop top. Not totally bundled up, but certainly more sensible than what many of the other people inside were wearing. As she got closer he could tell she had some light makeup on, but her eyes were done up. Whatever shadow she had on made her eyes pop.
Y/N had been to this bar many times, but not in a long time, and never at the hour Harry worked. Or maybe she had, but she had never really noticed him. As she approaches she gets her ID out and ready.
“Hi.” She smiles at him and hands him her ID to check.
Clearly not already intoxicated, good sign, he thinks to himself.
“Evening.” Harry mutters as he shines a small light on the ID, double checking it before handing it back to her. He catches her name; Y/N.
“Thanks.” She starts walking towards the door.
“There’s a cover tonight, three dollars.”
“What?” She scoffs. “Very funny.”
“Not kidding, we have bands a lot on Friday nights now…”
“Shit, it would have been nice for my friends to let me know, I would have stopped to get cash.” She fishes her phone out of her pocket. “And there’s never any service over here, ugh.”
Normally Harry would turn someone like this away, he would tell them where the nearest ATM was, and to have a nice night. But she looked up at him with wide eyes, and he couldn’t help himself. He sighs heavily and then speaks.
“Do you plan on drinking once you’re in there?”
“Well, yeah, obviously.”
“If I let you in, do you promise to tip the bartenders really well to make up for the three bucks?”
“Are you serious?” She perks up. “Yeah, of course!”
“Alright, go ahead.” He nods towards the door.
“Yeah, have fun.” He smiles, something he rarely did to the patrons.
“Thank you so much.” She smiles back and heads inside.
“Mate…” Niall, the other bouncer says. “Did you just let a girl flirt with you to get in?”
“No.” Harry scoffs. “I felt bad for her, that’s all. She looked panicked. Her friends clearly didn’t communicate with her properly.”
Inside, Y/N makes her way around to find her friends. She grins when she sees them all sitting down at a high top. She walks up and smacks Mike’s arms.
“Could have told me there was a cover.” She pouts and he gets up to hug her.
“Sorry, we didn’t know either. The bouncer made us go to an ATM.”
“It’s fine.” She says as she sits down and puts her jacket on the back of the seat. “He let me in for free.”
“Of course he did.” Conor rolls his eyes. “And don’t sit down, you have hugs to give out.”
“You’re right.” She giggles and gets up to hug all of her friends.
“We got you a drink already, at least.” Danny says, sliding it over to her.
“Ah, thank you, boys.” They all clink their glasses and get to drinking.
The band wasn’t terrible, but Y/N was definitely ready to dance with her friends. As soon as they packed up, and the DJ got on the turntables, they all made their way to the dancefloor. Y/N loved dancing with her friends, they always made her laugh, and the sleezy guys around usually left her alone. She could feel how lit she was and she knew she needed to slow down. Harry was at the point in the evening where he was standing inside, scoping out the scene. You walk by him giggling with Drew, you needed some fresh air and he needed a smoke.
“Shit, it’s cold out.” She says as she unties her jacket form around her waist.
“Mm, these keep me pretty warm.” Drew smirks as he takes a drag from his cigarette.
“That’s a nasty habit.”
“I only smoke when I drink, chill.” He chuckles. “You offered to come outside with me.”
“Certainly wasn’t going to do it alone.” You wobble a bit as you stand. You hear a song you love come on and you both look at each other.
Drew puts his cigarette out, and you both run back inside, whipping right by Harry. He notices how your friends are people he made go to the ATM earlier. He also noticed they were all guys. He figured you weren’t dating one of them, if you had a boyfriend you probably would have said so, and if you had a proper boyfriend he either would have come with you to the bar, or would have waited for you outside.
“Hey, Greg wants you outside again.” Niall says.
“Because I guess the town cop is coming tonight to make sure people leave safely, and Greg knows you won’t say something stupid to him.”
“Oh, Tom’s coming? Love that guy, he’s so chill.”
“If you say so.” He shrugs.
“Alright, I’ll go back out.” Harry sighs and goes back out, pretty much forgetting about Y/N until it was 1:30 in the morning, and she was walking out with her friends.
She was laughing hysterically about something, and Harry was making small talk with Tom. She stops short in front of Harry.
“Hey!” She smiles.
“Y/N, come on.” Mike tugs on her arm.
“Hold on.” She scolds him and looks back at Harry. “I did what you said.”
“Which was what?”
“Tip the bartenders well.” She bats her lashes at him. “You let me in without the cover, which was super nice, so I wanted you to know I did what you said.”
“Oh…um…good, thanks.”
“Come on, Y/N, I’ll give you a piggy back ride back to the apartment.” Mike says and she immediately gets excited. Y/N hated walking anywhere while she was drunk.
Harry watches as she hops on the man’s back, and wraps herself around him happily as the group walks up the small hill to the street.
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you at such a loss for words.” Tom nudges him. “Thought the college girls didn’t affect you.”
“They don’t…and she’s not just some college girl, she’s a little older, I saw on her license. She’s around my age.” Harry shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter, I’ve never seen her before, and I’ll probably never see her again.”
Or so Harry thought when she came strolling down with all of the same guys. This time around she had a ripped pair of black skinny jeans on, not so high-waist, Harry could see her belly piercing, and she was wearing a white crop top. Her hair was half up, and flowed down her shoulders. She looked pretty, gorgeous really. All of them were giggling over something, and it was already 11:30, so Harry assumed they had already started drinking.
“Hello.” Y/N smiles and hands him her ID.
“Evening.” He says as he shines the light over the card. “All set.” He says as he hands it back.
“No smile tonight?”
“Go inside, would you?” He says as he checks the other ID’s.
“Too bad.” She giggles. “You have a nice smile.”
“Y/N.” Rob hushes her and leads her inside.
“Hear that, mate, you got a nice smile.” Niall jokes.
“Shut up.” Harry grumbles and crosses his arms.
The boys all wanted to play pool, which Y/N sucked at, so she just happily stood by sipping her drink, swaying to the music. She munches on popcorn, and notices Harry going around collecting empty glasses and bringing them behind the bar. She notices how he smiles at the bartenders, letting them nudge him playfully.
He looks over and sees her looking at him and his eyes widen. Instead of feeling embarrassed, she keeps looking at him. She smiles and bites the straw in her drink, and his face flushes before turning away. Harry wasn’t an easily flustered man, so he was extremely confused. When he looks over in that direction he finds her cheering on her friends. He wondered why you weren’t playing, billiards weren’t that difficult.
Later on when she was on the dance floor with her friends, they point over to the door where Harry was effortlessly carrying someone out.
“Damn, that guy must have been fucked up!” Danny says.
“Yeah!” Mike says.
“I wonder how I could get him to pick me up like that?!” Y/N says and the boys laugh.
“Are you gonna try to pick him up?!” Conor says.
“Not tonight, it’s boy’s night!” She backs her ass up to Drew and he laughs as he dances with her. “But maybe another time, he’s cute!”
“Last night was boy’s night.” Rob scoffs. “Go on and get yourself some.”
“Maybe when he’s less busy.” She laughs.
Harry was about to go on a fifteen minute break as he was carrying some empties to the glass racks. Right when he was walking back to the main area, he bumped into someone, causing them to spill their drink on the floor.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He sighs.
“Oh! No, that was my fault, I…” Y/N looks up at Harry. “I should have been more careful.”
“Can I get you a new one?” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Really, it’s okay, not that much spilled.” Harry nods at her. “So…you work here, that’s cool.”
“Saw you toss that guy out, does that happen often.”
“Maybe a couple times of week.” Harry shrugs.
“You seemed like you were in a hurry, am I keeping you from something?”
“No, I was just headed for my break.” He looks her up and down, she was so pretty, and maybe it was the couple of shots he had in his system, but he was feeling more bold than usual. “There’s an office in the back I usually go hang in for a bit…it’s quiet.” He steps a little closer to her.
“Do you wanna show me?”
Harry nods at her and she smiles. She follows close behind him to the back office. Now, normally this wasn’t something Harry did. Hooking up with drunk girls while he was barely inebriated himself wasn’t an activity he participated in often. Having worked at the bar for a good chunk of time now, though, he’s able to tell that she’s fine. She can stand on her own feet fine, and she’s not wobbling around.
“How many drinks have you had?” He asks as he closes the door, locking it.
“This is my second.” She says as she places it on the desk.
“And before coming down?”
“Just a couple of shot.” She shrugs. “How long is your break?” She walks towards him.
“Fifteen minutes.”
“And how would you like to spend that little chunk of time?” She says as she presses her hands to his chest.
Harry’s answer is to cup her jaw and lean down to kiss her, which she happily accepts. Her lips were sticky-sweet with the cranberry juice from her drink. He runs his tongue over her bottom lip before sucking on it. She tugs on his shirt as she balls it up in her fists. His hands move to her hips to walk her back towards the desk.
“Is this okay?” He whispers against her lips.
“Yes.” She smiles up at him. “You’re right, it is quiet in here.”
Harry smirks at her and attaches his lips to hers again. Her hands splay across his back, and she runs her nails down the length of him. She’s back up against the desk with his leg between her. His hands slide down to her ass and he squeezes what he can, getting a gasp from her.
“Um, what’s your name?” She says as he kisses from her jaw to her neck.
“It’s Harry.” He mumbles against her.
“I’m Y/N.” She grunts as his teeth graze her soft skin. “That feels good, but I don’t think you have time for all that.”
He moves to look at her, eyes pleading to have him just touch her already.
“You really wanna do this?” His asks as he grips onto the waistband of her jeans.
“Yes, would have tried to last night, but I was way too fucked up.”
“And you’re not tonight?”
“How do you want it?”
“Just bend me over the desk.”
A soft groan leaves Harry’s lips. He undoes her jeans, and slides his hand inside to get a feel for her, and her back arches. She bites her bottom lip as his fingers graze over her folds.
“Just wanna make sure you’re wet enough for me.” He kisses her again as she grinds against his hand. She whines when he takes his hand away. “Turn around.” She nods and braces herself with her palms gripping the edge of the desk.
“Wait!” She says and rummages through her purse. “Condom.” She gives him a shy smile as he takes it.
“Good catch.”
He tears it open with his teeth and undoes his belt and zipper, tugging his boxers and pants down just enough to get his hard dick out. He rolls the condom down his length. You tug down your own jeans and panties. The lights in the office were dim, so neither of them felt over exposed. It was the perfect atmosphere, really.
He sucks his fingers into his mouth and reaches between her folds again, finger her for a moment or two just to make sure she was good to go.
“Please.” She whimpers as she looks over her shoulder at him.
“You’re sure?”
Harry nods and grips her hips as he slowly pushes inside her. Y/N’s mouth falls open as he keeps feeding it into her.
“Oh my god.” She breathes.
“Yeah, you can move.” She looks at him briefly. “And remember, you have to be quick.”
“Want it fast, is that what you’re telling me?” He smirks and she nods with hooded eyes.
Harry pulls almost all the way out and slams back into her. She gasps, but she encourages him to do it again. And he does, over and over until he gets a comfortable rhythm going. He was drilling into her, but she seemed okay. He snakes an arm around her chest so he can grope at one of her breasts. She arches into him, and her head falls back against his shoulder. He licks into her mouth while his other hand works to rub her clit. She moans into his mouth, and he hooks an arm around his head to tug at his hair, causing him to moan into her mouth. He slows his pace up to focus on her. She was moving her hips in sync with the motions of his fingers on her clit.
“Fuck.” She groans. Her breathing gets heavier and faster and she bites his bottom lip to stifle her cry. She bucks into his hand as she climaxes.
“Okay.” He breathes, and pushes her back over the desk. He grips both of her hips and gives it to her full forces. “Good?” He grunts.
“Y-yeah!” She gasps. With each stroke he was hitting deeper and deeper, brushing her g-spot. “D-don’t stop.”
He could feel his orgasm bubbling at the base of spine, and his stomach was starting to tighten. She was squeezing around him, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could last, especially when he looks down at the way her ass bounces back against him.
“Shit, fuck.” He moans out as he releases into the condom and he gasps when he feels her squeeze around him again, another release of her own coinciding.
He pulls out of her slowly and wraps the condom in a tissue before throwing it away. He didn’t need Greg giving him a tough time. He pulls his pants back up all the way and watches as she does the same.
“Sorry, I don’t have any rags in here, uh-“
“It’s okay, I’ll just go use the bathroom.” She wipes his fingers under eyes and looks at herself using the camera on her phone. Her voice was a little hoarse now, so she takes a sip of her almost forgotten drink. She makes a relieved noise once the cool liquid hits her throat. “Look at that.” She says, pointing to the clock on the wall. “You’ve got two minutes to spare.” She winks and leaves him standing there.
“Holy shit.” He says to himself as he makes sure the office is in order. He scarfs down a granola bar, and heads back into the bar. He looks for Y/N, he wanted to make sure she was okay.
There she was, back on the dancefloor with her friends. She was grinding back against one of her friends, who could only assume was one of her friends, he could easily be her second fuck for the night. Harry furrows his brows and then snaps out of it. It was a simple one-night-stand, if one could even call it that, he felt good after his release.
Last call on a Saturday night never failed to irritate Harry. There was usually a few different girls that stayed until the last second to try to pick him up, but he never went. Those girls were usually way too drunk, and it just wasn’t worth it to him. He was behind the bar now, helping the bar tenders get the last few orders in, and square up some tabs. He sees Y/N walk up to the bar with one of her friends.
“I’ve got it, Y/N.” Conor says.
“No, you’re not paying for me again.”
“Technically Danny got all the drinks last night.”
“Yeah, so it’s my turn.”
“Your money’s no good. Hey, man, put everything of hers on Donovan.” Conor says to Harry and he nods.
“No! I can pay for my own drinks!” She laughs at her friend. “You’re the worst.”
“We’re just taking care of you, Y/N.” Conor puts his arm around her and she leans her head on his shoulder.
“Here.” Harry slides the card and receipt to Conor. He looks at Y/N and she looks at him, a grin growing on her face, and a blush growing on his. “Have a good night.” He says more so to her.
“I don’t think it could get much better than it already is.” She says to him.
“Not true, we’re gonna go stuff our faces with pizza and have a group snuggle, what’s better than that?” Conor says to her as he signs the slip and leaves a decent tip.
“Oh, god, yeah, I really need to snuggle right now.” She says to her friend with a pout.
“I’ll bet.” He winks at her and leads her away from the bar.
Harry’s face turns beat red. Did she tell them what she went off to go do? He didn’t want rumors being spread that the bouncer fucks. He needed to keep some authority, after all. People start leaving, and others linger until the lights flip on at closing. Harry helps clean up and gets everyone out of the bar. He hadn’t seen Y/N again, but that was okay.
“So, you had a good break.” Niall teases him as they head to their apartment, which was conveniently just above the bar.
“What do you mean?”
“Saw you go into the office with that girl.”
“So what if I did?” Harry shrugs. “Not like you haven’t done it before.”
“Oh, I’m not judging at all, please know that. I’m more so just shocked. Usually you shoot every person that flirts with you down.”
“I know, I don’t really know what came over me, but she was hot so.” He shrugs again. “I’m going to bed, I’m exhausted.”
“I’m sure you.” Niall nudges him as they make their separate ways to their rooms.
Y/N woke up spooning Rob, and with Drew spooning her. Not the most unusual way to wake up with her friends. She felt gross as she sat up. She was cozy in some borrowed sweats, but there was an ache in her stomach and between her legs. The stomach was easily from the amount of sugar she had from the cranberry juice in her drinks, and between her legs, well, a sexy bouncer comes to mind for that.
Everyone slowly gets up and they all decide to go out for brunch, just like old times. They laugh and reminisce over the fun the weekend brought them all.
“Wait, so did you really hook up with that dude?” Mike asks.
“Mhm.” She giggles as she sips her coffee. “It was good too.”
“Define good.” Rob says.
“I had two orgasms that I didn’t have to conjure up myself, I’d say that’s pretty good.” She says bluntly and they all laugh.
“Do you think you’ll try to see him again?” Conor asks.
“Oh god, I have no idea. I have no reason to go to the bar unless you all are here.”
“You could always go down with Mike on trivia night or something.” Drew says.
“Mm, no, I don’t like going out on work nights. I’m always way too tired the next morning.”
“You don’t have to drink. Come on, when was the last time we went to trivia night?” Mike says.
“True…maybe next week? I don’t wanna seem too eager, you know? I’m not really looking for anything serious right now, and I don’t need him thinking I’m stalking him.”
“Don’t force her, man, if she just wants it to be a one night stand she can leave it as that.” Danny says.
“See, he gets it.” She says.
Harry had thought of the pretty girl he fucked in his boss’ office only a couple of times, and then he slowly let her slip away. He had class and schoolwork to occupy his head. The same could be said for Y/N. Harry had left some after affects, but he slowly faded in her mind as well.
Well, it had faded until she was mindlessly swiping through Bumble one night, and she came across his profile. Even if she hadn’t already met him, she would have liked him. He really did have a nice smile, and his pictures weren’t the standard douchebag pictures. She decides to swipe right and see what happens. She wasn’t sure how often he used the app, if at all, but she was interested to see if she’d see anything from him.
On a Sunday evening, after getting some homework done, Harry went on to Bumble to see if he had any notifications. He used the app less and less as he didn’t want to accidentally hook up with someone that might be too young for him. His eyes widen when he comes across Y/N’s profile.
“So she is from around here.” He says to himself. He had thought maybe you had just come into town for that weekend for some fun with friends. He takes a leap of faith and swipes right. He smirks when he sees it’s a match.
Harry preferred Bumble to the other “dating” apps out there. He never wanted to make someone uncomfortable, so he liked that the girl had to message first.
Y/N was just getting out of the shower when she saw the notification from Bumble that she had a new match. Her jaw drops when she sees that it’s Harry.
Y/N: let’s go out on Friday night…I matched with that bouncer on Bumble…but I’d rather talk in person
Mike: sounds like a plan to me! I’ll be the perfect wingman
Y/N: don’t think I exactly need your help for that lol
Mike: maybe you can be mine then
Y/N: deal
Harry had completely forgotten about the Bumble thing until he saw Y/N strolling down the hill with Mike. She gets her ID ready for him.
“Is there a cover tonight?” She asks him. His gaze on her was intense, like they both knew about the giant elephant looming around them.
“No band tonight.”
He checks Mike’s ID, and the two go inside. The sit down at the bar after Mike makes up a bowl of popcorn.
“Don’t let me drink too much.” She tells him. “I’m gonna try to nurse a vodka-lemonade for a bit.”
“You got it. Hey, maybe you could give me another shot of showing you how to play pool?”
“I’m looking to get laid again, I don’t need to make a fool of myself, Michael.”
“He could think it’s cute, maybe he could teach you.”
“He’s on the job.”
After the nightly rush, Harry’s relieved from the cold, and comes inside to do his other duties. He gathers up empty glasses, cleans up anything that’s spilled, and goes behind the bar. He notices Y/N about halfway done with her drink.
“Are you gonna want another?”
“I could certainly use another blue moon.” Mike grins at Harry and he nods.
Y/N watches as Harry’s muscles flex as he pulls the tap. He grabs an orange wedge to put on the lip of the glass and slides it over to Mike.
“Thanks.” Mike throws a couple of singles on the bar and Harry pockets them.
“Trying to get me drunk?” She smirks. “Thought you might like me a little more sober.”
Harry smirks and leans on the bar so he can talk a little closer to her.
“Don’t tell me you came all the way down here just to see me again?”
“Maybe.” She shrugs and takes a careful sip of her drink. “What time you off?”
“Places closes at 1:30…”
“Mhm, and then I have side-work. You don’t have to wait if you don’t want to.”
“No…I’ll wait.” She looks at her watch. “It’s only a couple of hours anyways.”
Harry nods and walks away to get back to work. Mike gives Y/N a thumbs up of approval.
“Well, if you won’t play pool with me, will you at least go dance with me once I’m done with this drink?”
“Oh, without question.”
There were plenty of people on the dancefloor. Y/N didn’t love coming to the bar often, only because sometimes she’d run into some of her student workers and it could get a little awkward. For the most part, things seemed safe. She was having a great time with Mike, but her eyes kept scanning the room for Harry. Once in a while they’d lock eyes and smile awkwardly, fully knowing what was most likely going to go down at the end of the night. When 1:30 hit, she let Mike go square up his tab so she could chat with Harry.
“So…” She says as she approaches him. He was putting chairs on top of tables.
“Mine or yours?” He asks bluntly. “I live right upstairs, but if you felt more comfortable at your place then-“
“Yours.” She smiles. “Yours sounds good.” Y/N didn’t like bringing men home that she didn’t know all that well. His place was better.
“Okay.” He looks around the bar and furrows his brows. “You gotta get rid of your friend, we’re not really supposed to let a lot of people hang around.”
“Oh, alright, well, where should I wait?”
“Take a seat at the bar, it’s fine.”
She nods and goes over to Mike to say goodnight. He winks at her and tells her to call if she needs anything. Niall was running around with Harry mopping the floors and cleaning everything up while the bartenders cleaned up the bar. They gave Y/N a couple of knowing looks, but other than that no one seemed phased that she was waiting for him.
“Hang down here a minute.” Harry says to Niall. “I’d like to get her in my room first.”
“Say no more, I’m actually headed to a little cutie’s of my own.” Niall winks. “Have fun.” He says as he heads out.
“Y/N?” She turns to look at him. “Ready?”
“Mhm.” She smiles and follows him up a set of stairs.
Harry unlocks the door to let them both in and she looks around. It was a decent enough set up.
“Can I get you anything?” He asks as he closes the door.
“No, I’m all set.” She presses him against the wall and wraps her arms around his neck. “There’s really only one thing I want from you, anyways.”
He leans down to kiss her, and her fingers lace through his hair. His hands slide down her sides to her butt, to the backs of her thighs.
“Jump.” He says, and she does so. She kisses on his neck as he carries her to his room.
He doesn’t bother with the light, he just kicks his door shut, the only light in the room coming in through the shades from the street lights. He gets her on his bed and they both work to get each other’s clothes off. He gets her jeans off and she lays back as he kisses on the fleshy parts of the tops of her breasts. She tugs his shirt off and runs her hands up and down his torso. She could just make out some of the tattoos he had. Interesting, she thinks.
“You have condoms?” She asks as he unhooks her bra.
She hum in approval and lets him continue getting to know her body. He swirls his tongue around one of her nipples before sucking on it. His hand goes between her legs, and rubs her covered clit. She feels him pull the material to the side, and then she feels him slip his middle finger in, the cool from his rings causing her to gasp.
“You were really tight last time, did I hurt you?” He mumbles against her neck as he gently sucks on her skin.
“N-no, I would have told you if it hurt.”
Harry kisses her as he slides another finger inside her warm center. Her mouth falls open as his thumb rubs her puffy clit. She reaches between them, and pets him over his boxers. He groans into her neck and starts pumping his fingers faster, curling them, hoping to find that spot of hers.
“Oh, oh!” She gasps. “Just like that, oh fuck, please don’t stop!” She has to clutch at the blankets on his bed to ground herself.
He kneads her breast with his other hand, and wraps his lips back around her other nipple, consuming just about all of her senses. She was panting and moaning and squeezing around his fingers. He feels her pulse around him and her legs twitch as she comes to her release.
“Shit.” She breathes with a smile on her face. “You’re good at that.”
“Don’t it’ll go right to my head.” He smirks. “Let me go get a condom.” He kisses her forehead before getting up to rummage through his desk drawer.
Y/N wriggles out of her now drenched panties, and tosses them somewhere on the floor, and gets more comfortable on his bed. As good as the office sex was she was sort of happy to be somewhere they could do a little more.
“Ready for me?” He asks as he gets on the bed.
He parts her legs and gets situated between them, running his tip along her folds and clit. She lifts her hips towards him, and it makes him good knowing how impatient she was. He pushes inside her and bottoms out.
“Jesus!” She gasps.
“You’re so fucking tight.” He grunts as he starts to move.
“I think you’re just big.” She moans as he rocks in and out of her. “Not complaining though.”
He comes down closer to her, and hooks one of her legs under his arm to thrust in deeper. It has her head rolling back. She gets a fistful of his hair and he moans as she tugs on it.
“You like that, huh?” She says into his ear and she feels him nod yes. Harry nibbles on her earlobe before responding.
“What do you like?” His deep voice in hear ear was enough to send her flying to the moon.
“God, anything you wanna do to me I think I’d like.” He moves to look at her with a raise eyebrow. “Within reason of course.”
“Wanna get on top?”
He pulls out and shifts to sit up against the headboard. She was a little surprised since most guys liked to lay flat when she rode them, but she wasn’t going to watch him on it. She swings her leg of his lap to properly sink down on him. When she starts to move he stops her.
“I wanted you on top, that doesn’t mean you need to do anything.” He pecks her lips and thrusts him into her, her mouth forming an ‘O’. “Deeper, yeah?”
“Yeah.” She licks into his mouth as he grips her hips to move her on and off his cock. “Fuck.” She whispers in his ear. She was going to come soon, and she knew it. She wanted to hold on a little longer, but she also just really wanted to let go. “H-Harry, fuck, I-“
“Go on, come, Y/N.”
She cries out into his neck, tugging his hair maybe a little too hard. She just misses the moan he lets out as he spills into the condom. They stay there like that for a moment before she gets off him.
“Bathroom?” She says, reaching for the shirt he was wearing earlier.
“Just down the hall on the left.”
“Great, thanks.” She slips out the door and Harry gets his boxers on after throwing the condom out. She comes back in and shines her flashlight on the floor to find her clothes. “It’s really late, you can crash if you want.”
“Oh, that’s alright.” She says. “I’ll sleep better in my own bed. Besides, the last thing I need to run into any of the students on my way home in the morning.”
“Do you, um, work at the university?” He hadn’t even thought to ask.
“Yeah.” She tugs her jeans on and snatches her shirt from the floor.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Why didn’t you message me after matched?”
“Oh.” She blushes. “I don’t know…I like doing these things in person better.”
“Me too. I only swiped to see if you did.”
“So, you’re not, like, seeing anyone else?”
“Not on the regular, no. What about you?” She shakes her head no at him. “Do you want my number?”
“And what would I do with it?” She smirks.
“Use it to give me a heads up if you’re coming to the bar or…or if you just want me after one of my shifts.” She bites her bottom lip and hands him her phone. He puts his number in and texts himself. “Can I give you a ride home or anything?”
“No, I’m parked right out on the street, actually, but thank you.”
“Well, let me at least walk you out there.”
Harry throws on some sweats and leads Y/N out. He walks her down to her car, and he presses her up against it, kissing her before letting her go. Once her car is out of sight he heads back up to his room. He wasn’t sure how often they’d communicate, but at least he knew if she didn’t feel like waiting for him in the bar, they could just plan it out better.
Y/N didn’t want to come off as greedy or clingy. She didn’t want to text him every time she felt like getting railed, but she couldn’t stop thinking about his dick, or how he used it. He was careful and aggressive all at the same time. She could tell he respected her, maybe all women in general, just by the way he would check in. It was a wonder to her how no one else was fucking him, well, maybe they were. Just because he said he didn’t have anything else on the regular didn’t mean he didn’t have an assortment of numbers in his phone. The following Saturday night she couldn’t sleep, and before she even had a chance to text him, he texted her.
Harry: you up?
Now, usually a text like that would make her eyes roll out of her head, but it was nice coming from him. He was clearly up because it was one in the morning and he was working. If anything it was courteous.
Y/N: yeah
Harry: how come?
Y/N: couldn’t sleep
Harry: maybe I could come tire you out when I get off work
Y/N: you know, I love a home remedy as opposed to taking a pill, so that sounds good to me, I’ll text you my address
Harry: 👍
Y/N bites her bottom lip and springs out of bed. She wanted to tidy up a little before he got there. Maybe they could just fuck on her couch or something. She wasn’t sure if she wanted him in her room just yet, but it might not be up to her when he gets there. She’d let him fuck her where he wanted. She wanted to make herself look cute, but she wasn’t sure how much he’d really care. She decides to change into a tank top and shorts as she waits for him.
Around 2:15AM there’s a knock on her door, jolting her awake from the couch.
“I’m getting too old for this.” She says as she rubs her eyes. She gets up and opens the door for him. “Hi, Ha-mph!”
He cuts her off by cupper her jaw and kissing her. He kicks her door closed, and picks her up.
“Sorry I’m late, where’s your room?” The girl simply points him in the direction of where to go and she lets him carry her there. “I even tried to leave early, but these idiots were causing problems.” He says as he gets his shoes and socks off, along with his shirt. “I had to break up this fight and it was a whole thing.” He unbuckles his belt and lets his pants drop to the floor.
“No worries, I figured you’d get here eventually.” She shrugs and works on getting herself naked. “You promised to help tire me out, after all.”
“That I did.” He smirks and pulls her towards him for a searing kiss.
Harry pushes her back on the bed, and kisses down her body. Her skin felt soft and smelled cocoa butter, she must have put lotion on before he got there. He looks up at her just as he reaches her naval.
“Can I?”
“Can you what?”
“Eat you out.”
“Oh! Um, only if you really want to.”
“Do you want me to?”
“Well, yeah, but only if you want to also. I don’t like when guys just do it to do it, you know?”
“I can assure you that’s not the type of guy I am.”
He kisses and sucks on her inner thigh, marking her up, and then he licks a flat stripe up her center. He does this a few times, just getting a feel for how she tastes, and then he swirls the tip of his tongue around her clit.
“Shit.” She breathes. “Found it pretty fast.” She pushes some hair out of his face as he smirks up at her.
“S’not rocket science.”
Before she can say anything she’s gasping as he sucks on her clit. She gets a grip on his hair as she grits her teeth. He works her up, almost to the brink, and then he drags his tongue around her folds. He licks into her center and she cries out from the warm feeling of his tongue. His thumb rubs circles into her clit as continues to give her the best head she’s ever had. Every time he moaned against her she moaned louder. She couldn’t believe he was enjoying it so much. Her legs were starting to shake around him and she just wanted to close him in around her, but he had his other hand pressed firmly on one of her thighs to keep her open.
“Oh my god, oh my god!” Her back arches off the bed as she comes on his tongue. He laps her up before kissing up her body. “Let me put my mouth on you too.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” He lays down next to her. “But come sit on me and I’ll do you at the same time.”
“Fuck, really?”
Y/N feels giddy as she situates herself over Harry’s head. She leans forward to get him out of his boxers. His hard dick slaps back against his stomach. She spits into her and grips him. She feels him jolt underneath her and she chuckles. She wasn’t sure how she was supposed to concentrate on giving him a blow job while he was slurping away at her again, but she’d do her best. She gives him a few pumps before wrapping her lips around his tip. He groans into her and squeezes the backs of her thighs. She sinks lower on him and bobs up and down. She has to dig her nails into one of his thighs to keep herself from gagging on him. She decides to focus on sucking his tip and pumping the rest.
“I’m gonna come if you keep doing that.” He tells hers, but she doesn’t let up. He starts panting and fingers her because he just can’t use his mouth on her right now.
“Oh, fuck, don’t’ stop.” She pops off him to say and then goes back to sucking him off.
She comes around his fingers just as his hot come shoots up into her throat. He hears her gulp as she swallows and then she licks his tip clean. She rolls off him and giggles, he giggles too, and she props herself up on her elbows to look at him.
“Think that’s the first time I’ve heard you laugh.”
“Chalk it up to being lightheaded.” He sighs. “Just give me a minute, and then I’ll fuck you.”
“If you’re too tired, we don’t have to-“
“M’not tired, I just need a second.” He gives her ankle a squeeze.
“Want some water?”
“Sure, that’d be great.”
She gets up and quickly shuffles into her kitchen to get a glass of water. She takes a sip first before going back into her bedroom. She hands it to him and he thanks her. She knees onto the bed and sits next to him.
“You have condoms?” He asks.
“Mhm.” She reaches over into her bed side table takes one out.
“Alright, I’m ready if you are.” He says, taking it from her.
“If I lay on my stomach, will you get on top and fuck me from behind?”
“Uh, yeah.” He clears his throat. He liked a girl that was blunt and forward.
She smiles and gets on her stomach for him. He parts her lips and slides in, she was still plenty wet. She groans into her pillow as he rocks in and out of her. He snakes his hand between her and the bed to rub her clit.
“God, you’re so attentive.” She says, looking over her shoulder at him in amazement.
He smirks at her and gives her a bum a smack before pushing her head back down into the pillow. His chest was flush with her back, and they were moving in a perfect rhythm with each other. She was white knuckling her blankets feeling the damn about to break again.
“Oh, shit, fuck, Harry!” She cries out as she comes again. He gives her a few harsh thrusts before he fills the condom up. Once he pulls out she rolls onto her back. “Trash is over there.” She breathes, pointing to the can in the corner.
“I’ll be right back.” She gets up and slips out to use the bathroom. He’s just pulling his boxers on when she comes back. She throws on a large tee shirt to cover herself up a bit.
“Tired now?” He smirks at her.
“Very.” She chuckles. “Um…it’s, like, almost four in the morning…you can stay if you don’t feel like driving.”
“Oh, um, that would be great actually…if you’re sure.”
“Yeah, I don’t mind.”
Harry nods and stands up.
“Just outside the door on the right.”
Y/N hadn’t let a guy sleep over in a while, but it would only be for a few hours, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. Harry comes back in a few moments later smelling like mint.
“Used some of your mouth wash, hope that’s alright.”
“It’s fine.” She smiles and gets settled into bed with him. “Well, goodnight.”
She rolls over and he turns with her, spooning her. She adjusts into him, getting especially comfy, and before she knows it, she’s drifting off, and so is he.
The next morning, Y/N wakes up to the sounds of Harry rustling about getting his clothes on.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“It’s okay.” She yawns with a stretch of her arms. “Do you want me to make some coffee or…?”
“No, I’m gonna crash when I get back, I just wanted to get out of your hair.” He runs a hand through his hair. “That was fun, last night.”
“Mhm.” She smiles and curls up in her blankets. “It’s been fun every time.”
“What if, uh, I mean, would you want to make this a regular thing? My schedule is the way it is, so relationships are tough, but this…is easier.”
“Yeah, I mean, I don’t want a relationship right now, but having sex with a hot guy is certainly something I’d like to continue doing.”
“So that’s a yes?”
“Cool.” He smiles and knees onto the bed to peck her lips.
“What time does your shift usually start? Not that I don’t love waiting up until after two in the morning, but I’m not usually awake that late.”
“Oh, right, um, I usually go in around seven. I help out at the end of the dinner rush. Get the place set up and all that.”
“I usually get out of work around 4:30 most days…”
“I typically have Sundays and Mondays off too, just FYI.”
“You know, I think this could work out well.” She smiles.
“So do I.” He kisses her again before getting off the bed. “I’ll text you later, or, I don’t know maybe you could text me first.” He says sarcastically.
“I was actually going to text you last night, but you got to me first.” She giggles.
“Right.” He rolls his eyes. “See ya later, Y/N.”
“Bye, Harry.”
“You’ve been exceptionally chipper lately.” Y/N’s colleague, Lilly, says at lunch on Monday.
“I’m getting laid, that’s why.” Y/N was close with Lilly, it wasn’t unusual for them to have a conversation like this.
“Oh? With who?”
“Do you ever go down to the Yard Dog?”
“The bar where all the students go?” She laughs. “No.”
“Okay, well I go there when my friends come to visit because it’s nostalgic for us, you know? Anyways, there’s this bouncer that works there…and one thing led to another one night and I fucked him in the back office of the building.”
“Oh shit.”
“I know! And then we matched on Bumble a little later, so I went to the bar again, and I waited for him and we fucked at his place, and then the other day he came to my place. We have a regular thing going now.”
“Damn…is it the British guy?”
“Yeah! His name is Harry, do you know him?”
“Yeah, I recruited him for the MBA program.” Lilly worked with international students at the graduate level. Y/N worked in grad admissions as well, but at the domestic level. “I told him to look for a job down there, guess he listened.”
“He’s nice enough, quiet, and sort of intimidating, but he’s nice to me.”
“Well, that’s all that matters.” She laughs. “When do you think you’ll see him again?”
“I don’t know…I was thinking of texting him to come over tonight because he doesn’t work on Monday nights…is that too eager?”
“No way. It’s been established that you’re using each other for a specific service, I say go for it.”
“Right, like, it’s just sex, it’s not like I need to make him dinner or anything.”
“Don’t offer him any food at all. As soon as you share a meal with the person you’re sleeping with, it becomes more.”
“Shit, you’re right…good call.”
“It’s what I’m here for.”
After lunch Y/N goes back to her office and contemplates texting Harry. It really shouldn’t be this difficult, they agreed to make it a regular thing, she should be able to just let him know what she wants.
Y/N: hey, Harry…are you free around 7 tonight?
She sent it, and took a deep breath. It’s fine, this is fine.
Harry: I can be, my place or yours?
She nearly squeals when she sees the response.
Y/N: could we do mine if it’s not too much trouble?
Harry: no trouble at all, see you then
“I could give him some wine or something.” She says to herself. “I know I’ll need to have a glass.”
Y/N wasn’t sure what she should wear. Should she stay in her work clothes, which she looked awfully cute in, or should she put something sexier on? Would he even care? She groans to herself as she goes to change into a nicer set of underwear. Maybe he’d appreciate some lace.
“I should really go shopping for some lingerie.” She huffs. Y/N did, however, have a silk robe, so that paired with the lacey underwear would be good enough.
She goes into her kitchen and gets two glasses down, and fills one just under halfway with some sweet red wine. She takes a generous sip, and sighs. There’s a knock at the door, and she goes to answer. She has to keep herself from drooling when she sees him. He was dressed so differently. Usually he was in all black, but tonight he was wearing a long sleeve blue shirt with the first few buttons undone, and a dark blue pair of jeans. He was wearing a black jacket to tie the whole thing together along with a beanie.
“Hey, come on in.” She smiles as he steps inside.
“Getting bloody cold out.” He says as you close the door. “You look cozy.”
“Cozy?” She pouts at him.
“Cute.” He says as he shrugs his jacket off. She unties her robe to slightly reveal how little she has on underneath. “Sexy.”
“Much better.” She giggles. “Would you like a glass of wine or anything?”
“No, thanks.”
He grabs her and holds her from behind. He kisses her cheek, her jaw, and then her neck. She cranes it to give him better access, and he walks her over to the couch. He slides her robe off and turns her around.
“Very sexy.” He pecks her lips. “You wore this for me?”
“I just wanted to look nice.” She starts unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. “Let’s go to the bedroom, it’s comfier.”
Harry nods and follows her in. He cups her jaw as she undoes his pants, and he licks into her mouth. She palms him over his boxers, and he bucks closer into her hand.
“Really wanted my dick tonight, hm?”
She puts her hands on his hips and pushes him to sit down on the bed. She sucks on his bottom lips and kisses her way down his stomach until she’s on her knees in front of him. She tugs his boxers off and looks up at him as she wraps her lips around his tip. He runs a soothing hand through her hair and keeps it out of her face for her. She sinks lower on him before popping all the way off and taking him in her hand. She brings her lips back to his tip and just rubs it around her low lip before licking over his slit.
“Feels amazing, Y/N.” His head rolls back momentarily, but he doesn’t want to miss a second, so he forces himself to look back down. “I don’t wanna wait to fuck you…”
She sucks on him a little longer before getting back up. She takes a condom out from one of the cups of her bra and hands it to him as she wiggles out of her panties. She unhooks her bra and lets it drop to the floor. He grabs her hips and turns her around. She sits in his lap as he lines himself up and she moans out. He reaches around front to rub her clit while she moves up and down on him. She turns to face him and she licks into his mouth. She swallows a groan from him. His other hand kneads her breast, and he kisses on her shoulder, biting down just enough to make her gasp. Her head rolls back to his shoulder.
“H-Harry.” She whimpers.
He thrusts up inside her, and she loses all control. She lets him move her, bounce her, whatever she wants. His fingers on her clit felt incredible. Y/N had hooked up with plenty of guys, but Harry was so different. He was attentive. He asked the important questions, and nothing more. She didn’t need to get to know him other than his body, and he felt the same way about her. This was perfect.
“Y/N I’m gonna come.” He grunts into her ear.
“M-me too.” She pants.
She feels him fill up the condom just as she’s coming around him. He peppers her neck and shoulder with kisses before he helps her off of him. She grabs a tee shirt to throw on while he grabs all of his clothes to get dressed.
“Thanks for coming by.” She says as she walks him to the door.
“Thanks for the invite.” He smirks as he gets his beanie back on.
“I felt bad since it was sort of short notice.”
“Gave you my number for a reason, didn’t I? Never be afraid to use it.” He hooks an arm around her waist and pulls her in for a kiss. “Have a good night.”
“You too.” She smiles and so does he. He leaves shortly after that.
Y/N finishes her glass of wine, takes a shower, and puts herself to sleep. She fell asleep with a smile on her face.
Things continued you like that for a few weeks. Sometimes Y/N would go over to Harry’s before his shift for a quickie, or if she could stay up, he’d zip over to her place after his shift. If it was a particularly late night, they would sleepover, but other than that they wouldn’t. Not that the either didn’t offer, they were both polite people.
“You seeing that girl again this weekend?” Niall says to Harry as he whips up dinner on Thursday.
“No, I have a weekend intensive, I’m getting an elective out of the way.”
“Are you still working?!”
“I am tonight, but I have Friday and Saturday night off. I couldn’t pass up the tips on ladies night.”
“I hear that.” Niall sets a plate of pancakes in front of Harry.
“Thanks.” He takes a bite. “Do you think I should let her know I won’t be around this weekend?”
“Like ahead of time?”
“Yeah, like, what if she texts me expecting me to come right over and I can’t? I’d feel bad.”
“You could just sext with her.” Niall smirks as he takes a bite of his own pancakes. “You said she was pretty good at that.”
“She’s better than good. She’s a fucking wordsmith.” Harry smiles. “But I’ll be working on the rest of the projects for class, so I won’t have time for that either.”
“So give her a heads up, then no one needs to feel rejected.” Niall shrugs.
“Maybe I should tell her in person, I’m a gentleman after all.”
“Or you wanna bone one more time before having to focus on school.”
“Let’s go with both.”
Harry: wanna come over quick before my shift?
Y/N: god yes, stressful day at work, definitely need the distraction
Harry: cool, come by whenever
“She’s coming over, make yourself scarce.” Harry says to Niall.
“You got it, I’m actually going down to bus some tables for a little extra money.”
Y/N comes over to Harry’s about twenty minutes later, and barely gives him a chance to say hello before she’s kissing him. He carries her to his room, and finally gets a breath in.
“How do you want it, Y/N?” He says against her lips as his hands slide down to her ass.
“I want you to bend me over the bed and fuck me so hard I forget my own name.”
Both of his eyebrows shoot up.
“Shit, you really did have a stressful day, huh?” He caresses one of her cheeks.
“Yeah, I did.” She bites her bottom lip. “But I didn’t come here to talk about it.”
He kisses her again and starts undoing her pants. He knew what she needed, and he was happy to give it to her. Normally he would have taken more time to prep her, but he really did need to be quick so he wasn’t late for work. Once they’re both naked, and he has a condom on, he bends her over his bed, and pushes inside her. She clutches at the blankets as he slams in and out of her.
“Just like that, fuck, Harry!” She moves her ass back against him to feel even more, and it makes him moan out.
“You’re so fucking sexy.” He grunts. “Like it when I give it to you like this?”
“I want you to come for me.”
“I’m really close, just keep going.” She was starting to pant and squirm.
“Yeah? You’re close?”
“So close, I..oh fuck!”
She releases around him, and he spills into the condom shortly after. He pulls out and helps her stand up. She faces him and wraps her arms around his neck. She slots her mouth over his and he groans into it.
“Fuck, I…I wanna go again, but it would look bad to be late when I live right here.”
“No, it’s okay, um…I’m gonna be busy this weekend, like, I’ll even barely be on my phone.”
“Me too, actually, it’s why I invited you over tonight.” He smiles and steps back to throw the condom away. She starts putting her clothes back on.
“How kind of you.” She laughs as she wipes the smudged makeup under her eyes.
“Feeling better?” He asks as he puts his own clothes on. The ones she’s more familiar with.
“Yeah, thanks.” She smiles. “It’s too bad you have to get right to work.” She puts her hands on his shoulders. “These black shirts look too fucking good on you.”
“Really? I always thought it was the tight jeans.” He smirks.
“That too, your ass is perfect.” She gives him a little pinch and pecks his lips. “Guess we’ll just talk next week?”
“Yeah, sounds good.”
“Okay, have a good weekend.”
“You too.”
Harry sighs happily as he goes into his bathroom to fix his hair before his shift. He grabs his jacket and heads down to go outside and starting manning the door. It was the same as ever, lots of pretty girls flirting with him, and him having to turn half of them away because they’re underage. Later on Harry and one of the bartenders to take bets to see who Niall was going to take home later.
“What about you?” Ryan says. “Gonna try to get lucky?”
“Nah, got my fill earlier.” Harry says as he wipes down the bar with a rag. “Plus, all these girls are wasted, you know I don’t play that.”
“True, you’re definitely one of the good ones.” He claps his hand on Harry’s shoulder and gives him a squeeze before going to grab more empty glasses.
Harry didn’t see it like that. Guy or girl, if someone was drunk, he declined any offer he got. It just didn’t feel right to him.
Y/N had the day off from work Friday, but only because she had a weekend intensive for grad school. It was an elective she was trying to get out of the way. All of the other classes she had to take were online, but she thought it would be nice to just get this over with in a weekend. It would be a class of twelve people, she just hoped it wouldn’t be awkward.
She gets into the building, and finds the classroom. A couple of people were there already. She finds a spot to sit down and set her things up. There was a poster that was due on the first day. Weekend intensives involved a lot of prep work. She gets her laptop out and sips on her coffee.
Harry was exhausted. He didn’t get off work until nearly 2:30 because people didn’t want to leave the bar. When his alarm went off, he was not looking forward to spending the day with a bunch of people he didn’t know. He was interested in the subject matter, and almost excited to present his poster, he just could have easily done it all in an online class. His eyes were too tired for contacts, so he goes for his glasses. He throws his beanie on, a sweater, and a nice pair of jeans, and heads out. He grabs a cup of coffee before heading for the academic building. He walks in and scans the room. There were a few people there. His eyes widen when he sees Y/N. He wasn’t sure what do. Should he ignore her? Should he sit next to her? Before he can decide she happens to look up and make eye contact with him. He sighs and makes his way over to her table and sits down.
“Thought you just worked here.” He says as he sets his things down.
“I do…but I’m also in grad school. I’m taking this as an elective.”
“Same here. What program are you in?”
“Education, you?”
“Nice.” She nods. “And here we were thinking we wouldn’t see each other all weekend.”
“Mm, lucky us.” He smirks.
“I didn’t know you wore glasses.” She rests her chin on her palm.
“Something tells me we’re going to get to know each other fairly well in the next forty-eight hours.” He leans back in his chair with his arms crossed. “You okay with that?”
“I don’t quite think I have a choice. It’s not the end of the world, it’s sort of nice to know someone.”
“Yeah, we could grab lunch or something.” He says it nonchalantly as he takes his laptop out of his bag.
“Yeah.” She nods. “Or something.” She winks at him and he smiles as he rolls his eyes.
The professor comes in shortly after, and has everyone sit in a circle. Everyone explains what program they’re in, why they’re in grad school, and what career aspirations they may have. Y/N and Harry were already learning a lot about each other. For example, he thought it was extremely ironic that Y/N recruited students to come get their grad degrees, and she herself didn’t have one yet.
Next, the professor had them all work on a craft project. They had to build these towers that had all these different components. They could listen to their own music and just work away. Harry and Y/N occasionally glanced at each other, but they did their best to focus.
“Okay everyone, it’s time for lunch! Afterwards, we’ll come back and present our towers.” The professor says.
They look at each other awkwardly.
“Our break is an hour and a half.” Harry says to her.
“I don’t need that long to eat, do you?”
“Nah, well…” He smirks at her and she blushes.
“I don’t live that far from here, um…if you wanna just come to my place to eat.”
“Sure.” He shrugs. “Want me to drive, or?”
“No, I can.” She grabs her keys and he follows her out.
Once they’re in Y/N’s apartment, he’s got her laying on the couch with his head between her legs. She tugs at his hair as she squirms underneath him.
“I-I thinking you were hungry than you let on!”
He groans against her in response, and slides two fingers into her as he sucks on her clit. He looks up at her/ She looks down at him, confused for a moment, and then her mouth falls open when he slides a third finger inside her. He pumps them in and out of her slowly to not hurt her. His tongue flicks back and forth on her clit, and she tugs harder on his hair.
“H-Harry!” Her back arches as she comes. He sits up and licks his lips, and his fingers, before undoing his pants. He tugs them down enough to get his dick out. “Condom.” She breathes and points to the side table.
“You keep them in your living room now?” He chuckles as he reaches into the drawer to get one.
“Are you making fun of easy access?”
“Not at all, you’re resourceful.”
He rolls the condom on and moves to hover her. He pushes inside and she wraps her legs around his waist. He bites her bottom lip and sucks on it as he rocks in and out of her. He bottoms out and she gasps. He smirks against her lips and keeps thrusting into the same spot.
“Oh my god.” She moans. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
“Right there?”
“Yeah, right there, don’t stop.” Her breathing gets heavier, and he can feel her tightening around him. She cries out as she comes, and he follows suit.
On the drive back to campus things are quiet, but not uncomfortable. They both head into the classroom, and sit down. Harry takes out the lunch he packed and digs in, Y/N does the same. Once everyone is back, the professor has the class present their towers. It was an oddly emotional experience. Some tears were shed, and there was no judgement whatsoever. Y/N was stunned when it was Harry’s turn. He got choked up when he had to talk about his family. It was just him and his sister. They both needed a change of scenery, so he came to get his grad degree in the states, and she moved to France. That was about all he was willing to say, which was fine.
After the towers are done, there’s a quick bathroom break, and then they get into the poster presentations. Harry found Y/N to be extremely intelligent. She clearly knew what she was talking about. He briefly wondered how such a smart, beautiful girl could be single. Then again, he knew how little free time there was while working full time and going to school. He knew he didn’t have time for a relationship, anyways. Nor was he emotionally available enough for one, but that was a separate story.
“I want to thank you all for the wonderful work you did today. Nothing to work on tonight, as I know today was draining. Tomorrow, we’ll be talking about the readings that were assigned ahead of time.”
It was 8PM, and Y/N was exhausted. Harry happened to park in the same lot as her, so he walks her to her car.
“That was better than I was expecting.” She says.
“Yeah, wasn’t terrible. Sort of flew by.”
“I can’t wait to crawl into bed and just pass out.”
“Same here.” He hits the unlock button for his car. He runs a hand through his hair. “Well, see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” She smiles. “Thanks for the afternoon delight earlier.”
“Please, it was my pleasure.” He winks and opens his car door.
“Harry, wait, uh…”
“You live above the bar right?”
“Well, it’s bound to be pretty loud, how will you sleep?”
“Noise cancelling headphones.”
“Well, I was thinking you could come back to place if you wanted.”
“Thought you were ready to pass out.”
“I feel like I’m so exhausted that I won’t be able to sleep.” She laughs. “Would be nice to be able to roll over and have the person there that’s usually good to make me fall asleep.”
“I like the way you think. Let me just grab some clothes from my place and then I’ll head over.”
“Sounds good.”
Harry comes over to Y/N’s, and needless to say after a couple rounds they both sleep pretty well. He was snuggled up against her when her alarm goes off.
“I need to shower.” She yawns. “Feel free to sleep a little longer.”
“I could go for a shower, actually.” His hand drifts down between her legs and she starts rubbing her folds.
“Please tell me you wanna fuck in the shower.”
“I wanna fuck in the shower.”
“Race you!” Y/N kicks the covers back and sprints to her bathroom. Harry wasn’t too far behind.
Once they’re in the water, he has her pressed up against the wall. He fingers her, slow at first, and then he picks up the pace. She wraps her hand around him and pumps him at the same time. Her other hand squeezes at his chest, leaving crescent shaped marks behind. They come at the same time, and then take turns actually showering.
Harry gets dressed while Y/N is still in the bathroom, doing her morning skin care. He stands in the bathroom doorway for a moment.
“So, I’m gonna head out, you good?”
“Yeah, go on.” She waves him off. “See you in a little while.”
“I’m gonna grab coffee, do you want anything?”
“No! No, um, that’s okay, I’ll just make my own here, uh, thanks though.”
“Alright.” He shrugs. “See ya.”
Harry sits next to Y/N again in class. She enjoyed listening to him speak about the readings. She shouldn’t be surprised at how articulate he could be. Sometimes when they sent explicit texts her would write these paragraphs describing the things he would do to her.
It was another long day. This time around, Y/N was truly exhausted, and wasn’t in the mood to fuck, so she doesn’t offer to Harry to spend the night again, not that he was expecting her to. He walks her to her car, and they say goodnight.
Sunday was a half day, and time for reflection on their final papers. As they were packing up at the end of class, curiosity takes over Y/N.
“So, how many more credits do you need?”
“Not sure, honestly. I just know I have another year and half. What about?”
“I have, like, five more classes to take. I can only do a couple per semester. I’m done until end of January, which is nice.”
“I wish more of my classes were online. I have a class that meets twice a week in the afternoons, so my break won’t start for another few weeks.”
“Do you…see your sister often? Like, will you spend the holidays with her?”
“Y/N, we don’t have to do this.” He says as he slings his bag over his shoulder. They start walking out together.
“Do what?”
“This.” He gestures between them. “I sort of like that we don’t know a ton about each other. It makes it easier just to meet up and do what we do, you know?”
“Oh! Yeah, I completely agree…I just…” She stops when they reach their cars.
“You’re a compassionate person, I can see that. I do see my sister. We FaceTime when we can, and we take turns visiting. I spend the holidays with my roommate, he’s one of the other bouncers. I’m going to France for a bit this summer when I’ll have more free time. Any other questions?” He smiles at her.
“Nope, that’s about all I wanted to know.” She smiles back. “I’ll see you soon.”
“See you soon.”
Mike: the boys are coming to town this weekend, be ready to get fucked up!
Y/N: god bless, I love boys weekend!
Y/N goes over to Mike’s Friday night, and they all pregame before heading to the bar. As they approach, she realizes she forgot to give Harry a heads up that she was coming. His eyes widen when he sees her.
“Where’s your coat?” He asks immediately.
“I…didn’t need it.” She blushes.
He rolls his eyes as he checks everyone else’s ID’s.
“It’s cold out…” He frowns at her. “And you’re wearing a crop top and jeans.”
“Don’t worry, dude, we’ll keep her plenty warm.” Drew says and throws an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s go.”
She giggles and goes inside with her friends. It puts a sour taste in his mouth. Obviously he didn’t own her, and he knew they had to be just friends, but he wondered if she had a past with any of them.
Y/N and her friends do three rounds of tequila shooters before hitting the dance floor. Harry was at the point of the night where he was inside the bar helping out. One of the bartenders snaps her fingers at him and points at two idiots who were demanding to be served more. Harry grabs Niall and they make the people leave. When Harry gets back inside he sees Y/N on the dancefloor grinding against Rob, and Conor. They were all laughing, but he didn’t like what he was seeing at all. If she needed something to grind against, all she had to do was ask.
“I’m gonna go to the ladies room!” She shouts at them, and leaves the dance floor to go wait in line.
She sees Harry and who she assumes is Niall walk by everyone and pound on the door. Harry kicks the door open and finds three people doing lines off the bathroom counter.
“Jesus Christ.” Niall groans. “You can’t be doing that in here!”
Harry and Niall grab the guys, and they struggle at first, but they get them out of the bathroom.
“Now we have to fucking call the police.” Harry says as he basically picks one of them up by the back of their shirt. “Tom’s gonna love this.”
“Doing fucking drugs in the bathroom, grow up boys.” Niall says and Y/N watches as they get them out of the bar.
“Holy shit.” She says to herself.
Around last call, Y/N sees Harry behind the bar cleaning up. She goes up and sits down on one of the few open stools. She taps her finger nails on the bar and he looks at her. She pouts and bats her lashes at him.
“You can come up later, but I’m not fucking you.”
“Why not?”
“You’re drunk.”
“We’ve had sex before after I’ve been drinking.” She scoffs.
“Not like this, you’ve had a lot. I saw the tab.”
“So then why would you want me to come up if we can’t fuck?”
“Because…I…where would you go otherwise?”
“Back to Mike’s.” She points over at her friends. “We do, like, a group sleepover when they come visit, it’s fun.” Harry scrunches his face slightly at that. “What?”
“You all stay in the same bed?”
“No, don’t be silly, I usually end up sleeping in Mike’s bed with him, and one of the other guys. We did it a lot when we were all in school together.”
“Is that all you did?” Harry plants both of his hands on the bar and cocks his head. “With them?”
“Are you asking me if I’ve ever slept with one of them? Because that’s really none of your business.”
“From the way you were dancing with them I didn’t even think you’d be looking to go home with me.” She starts giggling and smiling at him. “What?”
“I just didn’t you could get any cuter, and here you are being a jealous little thing.”
“I’m not jealous.” He scoffs.
“Really? So it wouldn’t bother you if I went back with all of them, and tugged one of them into the bathroom with me, and got all hot and naked?”
“Nope.” He smirks. “Because you’d be thinking of me the whole time, babe.” He leans forward and pecks her lips. “Or am I wrong about that?”
“So I can really come up when you’re done?”
“Yeah, but no hanky panky.” She bursts out laughing at that.
“I am totally down to just cuddle.”
“Better tell them that.” He nods towards the group of boys and she turns around. She waves goodbye to them and they all give her a thumbs up. “They’re a supportive group, huh?”
“You have no idea.”
Y/N was doing her best to stay awake, sipping on some water at the bar, while Harry was running around cleaning up. Her eyes flutter closed for a moment when she feels his hand on her back.
“M’all set.” He says.
“Okay.” She yawns. “Think I’m sober now if you wanna get a little frisky.” She wobbles a bit as she gets on her feet.
“Mhm, yeah.” He chuckles. “Come on booze-bag, let’s get you up to bed.”
“Heyyy, don’t be mean.” She swats at his chest. “I only drink like this when my boyfriends come to town.”
He rolls his eyes as he helps her up the stairs to his apartment. He gets her into the bathroom first, using a warm washcloth to help take her makeup off. She giggles and sighs as he does so. Harry could be really gentle when he wanted to be. He gives her some privacy when she needs to use the toilet, and then he leads her into his room.
“Alright, you can have the Kiss shirt for bed.”
“Oh, my favorite!”
He chuckles and helps her out of her clothes, and into the bed shirt. He strips down to his boxers and gets into bed with her. She lays her head right on his chest.
“Why didn’t you wear a coat tonight?”
“I got drunk at Mike’s and felt too warm to wear it when we made our way to the bar. Why do you care so much?”
“I saw on the news once that a lot of college girls get sick or get hypothermia from not dressing warm enough on their ways to parties or whatever. It’s scary.” She shifts to look up at him. He moves some hair away from her face. “I got nervous when I saw you walking up.”
“You were worried about me?”
“A little.” He clears his throat. “But to be fair, I worry about everyone I see dressed like that.”
“Mm, nice save.”
“Shut up.” He smirks. “You’re only here so I can fuck you in the morning.”
“Got that right. You could fuck me now if you wanted.”
“No, I couldn’t.” He strokes her cheek. “It wouldn’t be right.” He says softly. “Try and sleep, yeah?”
“Okay.” She mumbles and nuzzles into his chest.
He plays with her hair until her breathing evens out. He rolls over onto his side, and he feels her tighten her hold around his stomach. It had been quite some time since Harry let someone spoon him, but right now it just felt nice. He puts his hand over hers, just to give her a comforting squeeze, but she ends up lacing her fingers with his. He doesn’t pull away, he just lets it be. He knows he’s fucked now, of course, but he tells himself he’ll worry about it after some sleep.
Part Two
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persephone-plasmids · 3 years
Deacon and Sole fanfic.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Deacon and Sole walked in complete  silence through the abandoned Nuka-World park. Not because they were worried they’d attract the attention of ferals, but because neither of them seemed to be mature enough to address the incredible kiss they’d both just shared. Of course, nearly having Sole kill him when she got poisoned by HalluciGen and meeting a super dramatic Ghoul named Oswald had also distracted them. But Deacon was fairly certain the kiss was the real reason for the silent treatment he was currently getting.
I shouldn’t have done it, Deacon thought to himself. Although even as he thought this, his mind replayed the sensation of Sole’s lips against his and he felt his cheeks flush.
Sole was walking ever-so-slightly ahead of him, her hips swaying back and forth in a way that Deacon tried to ignore.
Right. He needed to fix this. To get things back to normal.
“Hey Charmer, did I ever tell you about the time I went undercover as Magnolia for an entire week?”
Sole slowed her pace a bit so that Deacon could fall in step beside her. “Go on,” she said, raising an eyebrow with an amused look in her eye.
“I did the whole shebang. Donned the red dress, wore a black wig, sang all the songs.”
“Flirted with the patrons?” She asked.
“That was my favorite part,” Deacon said. “You wouldn't believe how many free drinks I got that week. It’s amazing what people will do for a pretty face.”
A smile tugged at the corner of Sole’s lips, but the action just brought Deacon’s attention right back to the very area he was trying to forget.
He cleared his throat nervously before continuing. “I'll tell you, though. I’m not a fan of shaving my legs. I could never quite get that little area behind my knee.”
At this, Sole snorted, trying to suppress her laugh and failing miserably. “How do you even come up with these ridiculous lies?”
She still wasn’t looking at him, but he preferred it that way. If she wasn’t looking at him, then they weren’t in danger of suddenly kissing each other.
“Who says that’s a lie?” Deacon asked, his voice easily slipping back into its smooth unconcerned cadence.
“Literally anyone who’s ever met you,” she said, looking down at the ground as they walked. “I can read you most of the time. But I’m finding it harder and harder these days.”
“Oh?” Deacon asked.
He wanted to know what she’d meant by that, but he never did get his answer. Instead, he heard the familiar clomp, clomp, clomp of power armor approaching them. Deacon rolled his eyes at the Paladin’s lack of subtlety and Sole moved a bit further away from Deacon.
The motion would have been almost imperceptible to anyone but him. But it still gave him complicated feelings. Was he hurt that she didn’t want to be seen being this familiar with him? Or did it give him hope that she was feeling that same connection to him, even if she was trying to ignore it.
“Soldier,” Danse said, nodding to Sole before turning to Deacon. “Liar.”
“Ouch,” Deacon said, placing a hand over his heart and stumbling back a few paces dramatically. “Shots fired, Paladin. Right out the gate too.”
“Told you everyone knows you’re a liar,” Sole said under her breath, grinning as she looked at Danse.
MacCready appeared suddenly beside Danse, out of breath and wiping blood from his hands. “There’s a serious Bloodworm infestation here. I think we should get out of Dry Rock Gulch. It’s not worth the effort.”
“That’s just as well,” Sole said. “The Synth isn’t in Nuka-World. They’ve already made it out of The Commonwealth.”
“Is that so?” Danse asked. “Outstanding!”
“Bingo!” Deacon shouted.
Everyone stopped and turned to look at him in confusion.
“Danse said ‘outstanding’. That’s the last square I needed on my boy scout bingo card.”
No one said anything. Instead, Sole’s cheeks immediately flushed a dark shade of scarlet as her eyes grew as wide as saucers. She stared at Deacon in horror and had she not immediately looked away from him again, he would have thought there was a Deathclaw behind him.
Danse cleared his throat uncomfortably before Sole began loudly speaking. “So, I think we’re all done here. The Synth is safe and we’re all alive. Let’s head out.”
Sole’s voice sounded unnatural. And the way Danse turned away from Deacon with a stronger look of annoyance on his face than normal, told him that something was wrong.
As Sole and Danse began walking away, Mac sidled up beside Deacon and said in a low voice, “Not really your color, is it?” Before snickering and joining Sole and the tin can.
Deacon brought his hand up to his lips. When he pulled them away, he could see that they were stained with Sole’s red lipstick.
“Perfect,” he groaned.
Things back at Railroad HQ had been normal when Sole and Deacon returned to report to Desdamona. Painfully normal. The kind of normal you got when you were trying too hard to make things seem normal. Sole was still avoiding eye contact with Deacon, but when she thought he wasn’t looking, he’d catch her staring.
Again, his sunglasses proved beneficial for more than just his Railroad missions.
“Thank you both for your continued efforts on behalf of The Railroad,” Desdemona said, after they’d given her the news concerning the Synth in Nuka-World. “Charmer, you’re getting much more efficient in your debriefings.”
“Charmer can debrief me any time,” Deacon said, giving her finger guns as Sole just shook her head in exasperation.
“Deacon, do I need to refresh your memory on the no fraternization rule?” Desdamona asked.
“Oh come on, that was funny,” Deacon insisted.
“Deacon?” Desdamona was still waiting for him to answer.
“No Des. I’ll do my best to shield your ears from my incredible wit. But just know you’ll be missing out.”
“I think I’ll survive,” Des said shortly. “You’re both dismissed.”
And with that, the imposing woman walked away.
“Sheesh, tough crowd,” Deacon said, pulling on the collar of his white shirt for effect as he smiled over at Sole.
“I mean… she is right though,” Sole said, looking down at her hands instead of at Deacon. “We probably shouldn’t joke about stuff like that.”
“Are you… we joke about that kind of stuff all the time,” Deacon said incredulously. “I mean… if it makes you uncomfortable of course I’ll stop. I just… thought that was sort of our thing.”
Deacon could feel his cheeks heating up as he desperately tried to save the situation. If Sole was uncomfortable with their joking, it was news to him. She was usually the one to start the innuendos. But he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
The kiss may have tarnished their friendship a bit, mostly because it made it impossible for Deacon to keep lying to himself about his feelings. But he didn’t want it to completely ruin what they already had.
“I just… don’t want people to talk,” Sole said simply, still looking down at her hands.
“Yeah, of course, Boss. Whatever you say,” Deacon answered, rubbing the back of his neck before trying to assume a nonchalant posture. “Just trying to keep things light. I’ll resort to the old failsafes instead. You know… the nuclear apocalypse… the hopelessness of our existence… Danse’s extensive grooming routine.”
Sole almost smiled at this last bit. He could tell from the way her jaw tensed. But instead of smiling she just nodded. “Thanks, Deeks.”
Without another word, Sole gave Deacon a curt smile, turned on her heel, and walked away, leaving him totally and utterly confused about where they stood.
Idiot, he thought. Did I seriously think I could kiss Sole without things getting weird? Do I really want to throw away my closest friendship just because I… what? Feel something for her? Big deal. I feel something for Fancy Lad Snack Cakes and I’m not making moves on them.
Deacon refrained from letting out the gigantic sigh that had settled in his chest, not wanting to draw attention to himself. Instead, he ducked into the escape tunnel and out the back door into the small underground room just beyond the main section of Railroad HQ.
Pulling out a cigarette, Deacon nearly jumped out of his skin when Sole lit a match beside him.
“Geez! Are you kidding me?” Deacon whisper-shouted at her, jumping back against the wall and hitting his head in the process.
He dropped his unlit cigarette to the ground and rubbed the back of his head where it had made contact with the bricks.
“I thought you were always aware of your surroundings.”
“And I thought you were a baby Deathclaw about to drag me off to mommy like a bleeding morbid trophy,” he said, still whisper-shouting. “Why are you back here, Sole?”
“I needed some alone time,” she said, her face slightly amused as she watched him come down from his scare. “And then you just followed right behind me.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” Deacon said. “I didn’t even see you come back here. Trust me, I don’t go around looking for humiliation more than once a day.”
“Excuse me?” Sole asked, her eyes narrowing at his words.
Deacon swallowed, realizing he was being too honest again. He didn’t want her to know he was hurt. Hell, he didn’t even want her to know he had actual feelings for her.
“I mean… I have gone looking for humiliation in the past,” he began, trying to think up a lie funny enough to distract Sole from his honesty. “Like this one time--.”
“Deacon, stop,” Sole said, shaking her head. “Sorry, I just… I can’t do this.”
“Yep, no problem,” Deacon said automatically, without really knowing what she was talking about specifically.
Odds were, he probably didn’t want to know. He’d made a point of detaching himself from the people around him. It was a necessity in The Railroad. But it had also been crucial for his survival after Barbara. Sole broke down that resolve and made him feel out of control in a way that he both loved and hated.
Sole turned to leave but stopped herself and instead faced Deacon once more, looking at the ground with a deep sigh.
“I’m just going to say it, okay?” she began, now looking up to meet his eyes before frowning. “Geez, Deeks, will you please take those sunglasses off so I can actually see you?”
He needed his sunglasses. Otherwise Sole might find out just what a terrible bluffer he actually was.
“You know what? Never mind. This might actually be easier if I can’t see you.”
Her words were doing nothing to comfort him and he was desperately trying to quell the mild panic attack that was rising in his chest. “Sole, if I’m dying, you really need to just rip off the bandaid and tell me.”
He grinned at her, but they both knew it was a facade to mask his panic.
“I appreciate you telling me about Barbara. That took a lot of trust to open up to me about her.”
Well this wasn’t looking good.
“And I felt instantly connected to you because of it. We… we both knew what it was like to experience loss.” Sole frowned but pushed through it. “And honestly, after everything with Nate, I didn’t think I’d ever… feel anything for someone again.”
Deacon had to stop this conversation. He’d made her uncomfortable. And he hated himself for that.
“You don’t need to say anything else, Boss. I got it loud and clear,” Deacon said.
But Sole wasn’t letting him off the hook that easily.
“I don’t think you do,” Sole said. “I get that you flirt. It’s what you do. And it was always fine with me but… I can’t keep putting myself out there just to find out that this whole thing is a big joke to you. I’m not like that. It… it hurts too much.”
Deacon’s heart twisted inside of him. Had he misunderstood this situation completely? There was no way. Because as much as he’d dreamed about Sole reciprocating his feelings, he never thought it would actually happen.
Deacon had been a bigot back in his youth. Someone had died. He’d been a violent man. Sure he’d changed, but there was no way someone as good as Sole would be able to look completely past that. She may say his past wasn’t important, but she was just being polite. That’s who Sole was.
There was no way she could ever truly forgive him. He knew that. And he didn’t think he’d deserve that kind of forgiveness even if she did offer it.
“I respect you too much to break up our team, because we really do work well together… I just need the flirting to stop,” Sole said, looking down at her hands again as she twisted them together. “I want… I want you, Deacon. And it’s fine that I can’t have you. Really. I can learn to live with that. I’m a big girl. But… I’m not good at differentiating your joking with what’s real. I never have been. You know that.”
Deacon was staring at Sole now with the most shocked expression he’d ever worn.
She was saying that she had feelings for him. Wasn’t she?
Of course, he could just ask her for clarification, but that went against every instinct inside of him that was screaming at him to make a joke.
He realized a bit too late that he had been staring at her in silence for quite a while. She looked up at him uncomfortably with a wince. “So… are we good?” she asked. “Even though… you know… I just told you I have a crush on you like some five-year-old on the playground?”
There it was. The confirmation.
Deacon’s mouth might have actually dropped open in shock. He wasn’t sure.
“Okay, well… this has been sufficiently awkward. But I said what I needed to say. So…” she gave him a soft awkward slug on the shoulder. “Good talk, Sport.”
She instantly shook her head in embarrassment at her own words.
“Yeah, I’m going to leave now,” she mumbled, ducking her head down and turning to walk away.
“Wait, hold up just a minute,” Deacon said, finally regaining control of his brain. At least partially.
Sole turned around slowly and reluctantly.
“I swear if you make fun of me for this, Deeks, I will fill your pillowcase with cayenne pepper while you sleep.”
“Whoa,” he said, raising his hands up in surrender. “That escalated way faster than it probably should have.”
Deacon reached down and hesitantly took Sole’s hand in his own.
“I just… are you actually saying you have feelings for me?” Deacon asked.
Sole’s cheeks flushed at his straightforward words. Deacon was never straightforward. Except for the time he’d told Sole about Barbara.
“Seriously, Deacon? You’re going to make me say it again?”
“You feel things for me?” Deacon repeated, trying to rephrase his question so that there was no confusion. He wasn’t doing a great job. “Not like the way Danse has feelings for his power armor, right?”
“I mean, I’ve seen the way he looks at his power armor. So, maybe,” Sole said, that ghost of a smile returning to her lips. “Seriously, can I go now? I don’t know that I’ve ever felt this humiliated. This is worse than the dream where I show up to school naked.”
Deacon’s eyes grew wide behind his sunglasses at this statement. “Okay, well I’d definitely like to hear more about that in a minute,” Deacon began. “But I just… I feel like I need to be absolutely certain. You, the perfect, beautiful, compassionate, smart, brave, sexy, savior of The Commonwealth, have romantic feelings towards a former-bigot, current-man-child, broken, immature, and hopelessly lost human?”
Realization seemed to dawn on Sole in that moment. At his words she could see the insecurity dripping off of him, cleverly disguised by jokes and a devil-may-care attitude.
He felt the shift between them. Felt the way she squeezed his hand with confidence now, knowing that his flirting wasn’t a joke. That his casual contact wasn’t all that casual.
“Well… the jury’s still out on whether or not you’re a human or a synth,” she whispered with a grin. “I still haven’t tried your recall code on you.”
With that, Sole pressed her lips to Deacon’s. He hadn’t kissed Sole many times, so he didn’t have much to compare it to, but this kiss definitely felt different. Her hesitation was gone. Her lips were confident as they moved over his, and he smiled at her touch.
“Can we go back to that whole, dream business you were talking about a second ago?” Deacon asked, but Sole instantly silenced him with another kiss, which he was just fine with.
Her hands roamed slowly up his chest, as if she were taking her time to enjoy the moment. Goosebumps erupted all over his skin at her touch.
As she gently bit his bottom lip, something he definitely hadn’t expected from her, he couldn’t stop himself from being too aware of their surroundings. He wanted to melt into the kiss. He wanted to thoroughly enjoy this moment. There weren’t any more questions between them. They both understood each other finally.
But they were also in Railroad HQ. Anti-fraternization Zone Number 1. They may have been in the escape tunnel, but agents regularly used it as an overflow for the headquarters.
“Hey,” Deacon said, pulling away from Sole regretfully. Confusion lined her features. “So… I want this. You have absolutely no idea how much,” he began. “But… we’re not really in the best place for… grown up bonding time.”
Sole smiled up at him. “Doesn’t that sort of make it more exciting?” she asked.
What? Where had this Sole come from?
Not waiting for his response, she kissed him again, harder this time. He tried to exercise restraint.
He failed.
Instead, he pushed Sole up against the wall, parting her lips with his tongue and pressing his body against hers. Every fiber of his being burned to be even closer to her, but even with this bold new Sole that stood before him, he knew she wasn’t that type. She’d want to take things somewhat slow. And he was fine with that.
Besides, after years of being completely touch-starved, any contact was like a revelation for Deacon.
His hands found her waist, softly kneading the smooth skin there as his mouth moved against hers. She made a little noise that encouraged him further, prompting him to trail his kisses down to her collarbone instead.
She grabbed his hair in a slightly painful manner, but he didn’t mind. Instead, he focused on the very important work he was doing on her neck while her hands pulled him more firmly against her.
“Deeks,” she said breathlessly, though he hardly heard her. His lips were too preoccupied with just how perfect her neck seemed to be. How had he not noticed before? “Dea-con,” she said again, still just as breathless.
This time he heard her. And he loved the way his name sounded when she was the one saying it. The way her breath hitched at the end of the first syllable when he’d nipped at her neck. That desperate quality to her voice.
“Mmm?” he mumbled, now slowly moving his lips back towards hers.
“You…” but her words were cut off by another kiss. “Said we should be careful here?” she finally managed, between kisses. “About Des?”
This was more like the reserved Sole he knew. But he was enjoying himself too much. He was finally kissing her. Really kissing her. Not just for fun. Not as part of a ruse for a mission. Not in some psychotic funhouse where he wasn’t sure if she really wanted to or if it was just some weird trick of the drugs in Kiddie Kingdom.
Being able to touch someone after so long was like an oasis in a desert. And she saw him. Really saw him. That was normally the last thing he wanted from someone. But it was all he wanted with Sole.
“Screw it,” Sole said between another kiss before she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him harder against her body, shuddering as they crashed together.
“I already told you, I left a backup in the escape tunnel,” Tinker Tom said from somewhere near the room’s entrance. “Now if y’all would give me two seconds, I could actually go get it.”
Sole instantly broke the kiss, looking wide-eyed at Deacon in a panic. He pressed a finger against her lips and grabbed her hand. Without a word, Deacon pulled her towards the exit at the far end of the room. It would lead them out into the cool night air of The Commonwealth.
As he held her hand and pulled her behind him, he couldn’t stop the embarrassing little smile that broke across his face. He heard Sole giggle behind him and it only added to the pure unadulterated joy that was beginning to permeate his very being.
She saw him. She saw all of him. And she still wanted him.
Note: This fic makes me seem like I don’t like Danse. I actually love him! I just like to make fun of him :)
Also, if you enjoy my writing, I’m an author IRL. I’ve got 13 published books, but my favorite is Parrish. You should check it out if you like ghosts and love stories between weirdos.
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cherryblossomriot · 4 years
i had a dream the other day that was basically a dinluke cowboy au and it has been HAUNTING me, so just allow me to deposit it upon you like my subconscious drop kicked it onto me:
Luke is a disabled veteran who has returned from war one hand lighter and several scars heavier. When he returns, his family, who are heavily involved in the politics/military of this fictional land, don’t understand his now jaded and melancholic view of both the world, but also the ideologies that they so strongly believe in, leading him to constantly feel like an outcast even among the people that he so dearly loves. They’re all passionate and strong-willed, but they still don’t understand, not his struggles with mental health or his new perspective, and it just makes things worse and worse and worse. Anakin is a general, and though he’s seen the gruesomeness of war firsthand, he’s also become desensitized to it and has anger-management issues, so he often almost finds a sort of refuge within the chaos of battle, so he clearly cannot even fathom the emotions and trauma that Luke is trying to sort through, much less know how to deal with them properly. Padme is a senator and cares deeply about the crimes and seemingly senseless violence occurring during the war, but she’s also a politician and knows how to play the long game, so when Luke comes to her, he leaves feeling misunderstood and pushed aside. Leia is the only one who seemingly understands, as the pair of them have a deep, intrinsic bond, but she doesn’t fully grasp Luke’s moods and doesn’t handle his breakdowns and flashbacks well. So everyone feels a little upset, a little unsettled, and a lot like they don’t understand why and how Luke has changed, which leads to Luke feeling more and more out of place within his own family. The war ends relatively soon after Luke’s return, which leads to parades which leads to awards which leads to balls and banquets, all of which Luke is forced to attend, his heart dragging but his head held high, because he’s an Amidala-Skywalker goddammit, and we have a certain responsibility and image to maintain to the public and everyone who endured so much. So Luke has to sit there through awards and boasts of glory and mentions of battle scars and it goes on and on and on, and he has to smile and bear it and accept the medal that they’re giving him because he did such a great service to his country and-he has a panic attack. A nasty one that leads to him having to flee from a ballroom, and outside to the gardens. Once he’s there, he realizes that he doesn’t want to go back in. At all. So he runs away. He just picks a direction and goes, stealing a car on the way (this is a modern au but also fictional countries because I don’t want to get into real politics, hooo boy no siree). In the middle of nowhere, he gets caught in a storm and basically crashes his car and passes out. 
But when he wakes up! That’s when the fun begins. 
He’s in this cozy sort of bedroom, and this hot guy is fast asleep in the chair beside his bed, and is that a little kid in his lap? Anyway, the hot guy wakes up, introduces himself as Din Djarin in the softest, most attractive voice Luke has ever heard with his own two ears, and doesn’t ask him where he’s from or what he was doing driving in the middle of bumfuck nowhere at 3 in the morning, so Luke is obligated to have a lil crush on him, even though he’s not sure about the kid. So he asks, and Din introduces him to his son Grogu, who waves at him and signs hello, because, as Din explains, he doesn’t speak much, and the foster system wasn’t too kind to him, so he’s got a little bit of trauma to work through. And Luke just, instantly falls in love with this soft dad and his cute little son who can shift his features from the biggest, most pleading puppy eyes ever to the face of a demented gremlin who will try to eat the frog he caught in the backyard, no matter how slimy it is, or how hard it tries to wriggle out of his hands. Din tells Luke that he can stay for however long he needs, because Luke’s kinda injured from his accident, and anyway, once he’s healed up, they always could use another hand on the farm. So Luke stays, and he meets all of Din’s other farm hands (and shitty friends). There’s Boba, who doesn’t talk much, but when he does it’s always something slightly ominous and menacing, and Luke thinks that his name sounds familiar...hey wasn’t he on the news for robbing a couple banks a few years back?...no, surely not..., Fennec, who speaks even less than Boba, and manages to be far, far more intimidating, but also helps Luke with his prosthetic and gives him fun little tips that always sound more like she’s cut off a lot more limbs than she’s lost. Cara Dune (who is not gina carano but i digress) is also there, and she’s just constantly a harbinger of chaos, but will babysit Grogu whenever Din wants to brood and stare longingly into the distance (or at Luke who’s also brooding as the sun sets but shhh). Bo-Katan and the gang are there, and while Bo-Katan grumbles about how the old ranch boss had different/better methods on how to run things, she still follows Din’s lead and helps him with the finances and taxes. They all take to Luke like a wildfire, because Luke is a sunshine boy who can make friends with literally anyone and somehow manages to make Din not only smile but laugh, but also because they can tell he’s got a lot of trauma and pain bubbling just under the surface, and they all silently but collectively agreed a long time ago that they are the patron saints of troubled and lost souls. 
When Luke gets better and starts to help out, he’s constantly upset with himself because he used to help out at his aunt and uncle’s farm in the summers when he was a kid, and he knows how to do this stuff, but his prosthetic is really throwing him off and his body has sustained a lot of other injuries that make doing manual labor a much more different experience than it used to be, but everyone is really patient with him and helps him out, especially Din. At one point, Din is so nice that Luke just loses it, because he doesn’t understand how Din can be so kind and so patient, and care about him so much, and kind of calls himself broken and useless in front of Din, and Din gets super protective and grabs his hands (real and prosthetic) and tells him that he’s not broken or useless, and you’re so sweet and wonderful, and can’t you see? Ever since you’ve been here, everyone’s been so much happier, so much lighter. You’ve brought something precious to us, but most of all to me. And they’re standing really close and for a second Luke thinks Din is going to kiss him, but instead, Luke realizes that he’s crying, and Din just wraps his arms around him and holds him.
After that, time sort of blurs, marked by things like Grogu climbing into Luke’s bed because he sensed that he was having a nightmare, and Din waking up to find the pair of them coloring in a serene silence, Luke getting the hang of ranch life and his prosthetic and dealing with his panic attacks and flashbacks as they come, and Din enduring relentless badgering from his friends because hey, if you don’t marry Luke, I will and Fennec, you’re a lesbian and that doesn’t matter, it’ll be a marriage of twink and butch solidarity. And all the while, Din and Luke are spinning closer and closer towards each other, two suns hurtling in their orbit to the other with an inescapable certainty. 
When it finally happens, they’ve just gotten back from one of those cowboy dances (idk what they’re called...hoedowns? yeah okay) (and yes, I wanted to hit all of the cliches in the book, thank you very much), and Grogu’s fallen fast asleep on Luke’s shoulder. After they tuck him up all snug in his bed, they head out to the porch, because it’s raining outside, and the steady thrum of water droplets splattering on the roof and on the grass is the most soothing sound Luke has ever heard (aside from Din’s voice), and he’s a little too afraid to go to sleep and ruin his perfect night with a nightmare. They stand there for a while, silence binding them together, shoulders brushing every now and then, hesitant and questioning. Luke thinks about how Din had asked him to dance earlier, his lips tilted in a teasing, but achingly soft smile, and how his heart had pounded a tattoo to the shape of his ribs when they’d pushed up so close together, the fast, rowdy dances of the beginning of the night having faded to something lasting, something meaningful. Luke remembers the ball he’d run away from, how the dancing had been cold, almost jeering in a way, and Luke realizes how far he’s come, how different it is here. And suddenly, there isn’t a question in his mind anymore. He turns toward Din, who turns toward him, and when he leans forward, Din breathes an uncertain “Luke-”, but he doesn’t get to finish the thought. Luke kisses him, and he kisses back, and it’s just them. There are hands in hair and noses nudged together, and at some point, they move, without either of them releasing the other, into the house and into Din’s bedroom. Buttons are unbuttoned, and whole stretches of skin are kissed, and when it’s over, they curl up together, Din tucking his head into the crook of Luke’s neck and falling asleep there. 
When they wake up, Luke explains why he came here, why he ran away, all the while Din looks at him with his beautiful dark eyes and runs his hands through Luke’s hair, which is catching the sunlight filtering in through the window and making him look like he has a halo, all the while never once condemning him for keeping it a secret this whole time. After he’s finished, he expects some sort of shocked reaction-after all, his family’s pretty famous, but all Din does is kiss him and ask, “Wait, so you have a twin?” 
It’s so unexpected that Luke throws his head back and bursts into uncontrollable, and very contagious peals of laughter, and when he’s finally able to breathe again, he kisses Din’s forehead and murmurs, “I love you.” 
Din, who has been touch starved and lonely for years (no time for relationships when you’ve got a business to run and a toddler to raise), tears up and kisses him, too overwhelmed for words. But Luke understands.  
And then Grogu pushes his way into the room holding up a box of Frosted Flakes above his head and shaking it, as if to say, I’d like to eat now, please. 
Din and Luke stifle their smiles into the other’s shoulder, and when they get up, Luke can’t help but think that he’s finally where he belongs.
It takes approximately .5 seconds for all the others to figure out they’re together now, and Cara and Bo-Katan (of all people) start cheering immediately, to Din and Luke’s shock. Boba and Fennec grumble and begrudgingly hand over a huge wad of cash each to Cara and Bo-Katan because they thought it would take them at least another two weeks to get together. Din’s very done with his friends at this point, but he takes one look at Luke’s flustered but smiling face and decides he won’t kill them all this time. 
And if everyone thought Luke was a lot of excitement for a humble ranch in the middle of nowhere, then they are in no way, shape, or form, prepared for when his very angry twin sister shows up with a himbo with a shit-eating grin and his 7 foot tall best friend she hired to track her brother down. 
(needless to say, Boba punches Han within two minutes of interaction).
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #201
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Welcome to Fate and Phantasms Season 2! With our vacation over, we're gonna hop straight into the queen of beasts and pranks, Anastasia! Since she gets a lot of her power from a fictional character, making her a Silverquill Warlock just makes sense. Kinda. Check out her build breakdown below the cut (but expect Lostbelt 1 Spoilers), or her character sheet over here!
Next up: We're going whole hog!
Race and Background
Viy is... something else entirely, but Anastasia is clearly a Human from a Variant timeline, a.k.a. a lostbelt. This gives her +1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence, proficiency in Sleight of Hand to sneak rocks into snowballs, and the Elemental Adept feat to ignore cold resistance and bump all cold damage dice up so the minimum they can roll is a 2. We get a disappointingly small amount of snow and ice in this build (turns out Demons are mana hogs), but this'll make sure the ice you do get has some bite to it.
Ability Scores
Make your Charisma super high this time, you're good at messing with people and dealing with extraplanar monsters, both of those are charisma for some reason. Dexterity is next for a better chance at playing practical jokes on people. You gotta be sneaky and have fast hands, that's dexterity. Your Intelligence is also pretty high, you have to come up with schemes to act upon them. Wisdom's decent, but it's not like Yaga are good liars anyway. Your Constitution isn't great though, turns out you're weak to bullets, but we're dumping Strength. Nobles typically don't turn to heavy lifting, and you died when you were 17, so that's two strikes against the "buff Ana" theory. Finding out she died at 17 also makes the degree to which a certain part of this fandom gets horny for Anastasia waaaay creepier. Like, they probably don't know she's a kid, and that's FGO's fault, but still.
Class Levels
Aaanyway, let's start leveling! As a 100% Silverquill Warlock build, you'll find the pen is mightier than the sword! And the pen, in this metaphor, is a terrifying demon. The swords are still swords. You get Wisdom and Charisma save proficiency, as well as Arcana and Religion. Your doll's into the former and your boss is super into the latter. Not Kadoc, the guy who's actually in charge. Warlocks get Pact Magic, letting you cast one spell per short rest. You'll get more & stronger spell slots as you get stronger, but they all recharge on short rests. Grab the cantrips Eldritch Blast for casterballs, and Frostbite for ice. You also get first level spells like Armor of Agathys for a protective layer of ice, and Hex, Viy's first attempts at creating weaknesses. You deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target each attack, and they get disadvantage on one kind of ability check. If they drop to 0 HP, you can even move the spell over to a new sucker for up to an hour. The fun doesn't stop there, though! Your subclass makes you an Eloquent Apprentice, giving you proficiency in Deception and Insight, plus you get the Vicious Mockery cantrip to demoralize enemies. You can also use Viy's eyes to plant Silvery Barbs into enemies, weakening them and strengthening your allies at the same time. You can force a creature to re-roll a successful attack, check, or save, and take the lower roll. If the new roll fails, you can then give another creature effectively advantage on an attack, check, or save within the next minute. You can use this as much as you want, but after succeeding once, you'll have to burn a spell slot to reuse it before the end of a long rest. You... don't have many of those.
Second level warlocks get Eldritch Invocations! Grab Armor of Shadows for not dying, and Lance of Lethargy to make your eldritch blasts extra icy! Now they slow down someone you hit once per turn. You can also cast Unseen Servant so Viy can carry stuff for you!
Third level warlocks get the Pact of the Chain, so you can have your little dolly now. You also get a second level spell, Hold Person! It's not cold damage, but it does frost over a person and make it easier to beat them up!
Fourth level warlocks get their first Ability Score Improvement, so bump up your Charisma for better spells! You can also cast Mind Sliver to mess up people's minds, and Ray of Enfeeblement to weaken them further.
This level you get third level spells like Spirit Shroud! More slowing, and more cold damage! You're also a Sign of Ill Omen, letting you cast Bestow Curse once per long rest.
Sixth level silverquills can summon Viy in his big shadow form thanks to Inky Shroud! You learn the Darkness spell, and you can cast it for free once per long rest! If you cast it for free, you can see through Viy, and he'll deal a bit of psychic damage to creatures that start their turn in him. If you want him to be a bit less smokey, you can Summon Shadowspawn, creating a shadow guy that can beat people up an deal cold damage and scare people!
Fourth level spells! Grab Elemental Bane to make your cold spells even colder once a turn. You get another invocation too, and Devil's Sight will let you see through all sorts of darkness, even if it isn't Viy.
Another ASI! Max out that Charisma for super strong spells! You also get Raulothim's Psychic Lance, which deals a buncha psychic damage if they fail an intelligence save, and it'll incapacitate them too if they fail. That freezes them up just enough that they can't take actions or reactions. They can still move around, but they can't do much to help.
Fifth level spell time. Ice don't care about what it's freezing, so grab Hold Monster. You also get the invocation Ghostly Gaze, which'll let you see through solid objects, up to a minute per short rest!
Tenth level silverquills can add an Infusion of Eloquence to their spells, changing the damage type to Psychic or Radiant. Any creature hurt by the spell takes extra damage, and is also charmed (radiant) or frightened (psychic) of you until your next turn. You can do this proficiency times per long rest. Slap it on a spell that does damage over time like hex and you're in business! It's a shame that it takes the ice out of your spells, but it'll really weaken some enemies! Also, grab Prestidigitation. The only thing better than a rock in a snowball is a rock in a snowball that'll disappear after you throw it!
Eleventh level warlocks get a sixth level Mystic Arcanum, letting you cast the spell once per long rest. If you want more Anastasia goodies, grab Investiture of Ice to freeze up your foes. If you want more Viy goodies, grab Eyebite to weaken your enemies with just a glance. Either's good.
Now that your charisma's all good, use this ASI to bump up your dexterity for better sneaking and AC! You can also Mire the Mind (tho really you're more miring the body, with ice), casting Slow once per long rest.
You get a seventh level MA now, so pick up Power Word Pain. If a creature has less than 100 HP, it'll be super hurt, with a speed of 10' maximum and disadvantage on all attacks, checks, and saves, other than constitution. If it tries to cast a spell, it also has to make a save or it wastes the slot!
On a completely unrelated note, fourteenth level silverquills learn a Word of Power. (It's actually two words? idk) You can invoke Deadly Despair in an enemy who fails a roll due to your silver barbs, giving them vulnerability to a damage type until the start of your next turn. Alternatively, you can use a Selfless Invocation as a reaction, giving a creature resistance to the damage they're taking, and you take as much psychic damage as the damage that gets through. This one's why Silverquill beat out the undead warlock; now you can take a bullet for the ones you care about!
Fifteenth level warlocks get an eighth level MA, so grab Maddening Darkness for even more spooky smoke. a 60' radius sphere turns into darkness like the other spell, but creatures that start their turn in the sphere make a wisdom save, taking a bunch of psychic damage if they fail. Your eyes get even better thanks to your Witch Sight, letting you see through shapeshifters and people with magical disguises. People tend to keep that stuff hidden for a reason, and now you get to find out!
Use this ASI to bump up your Constitution. A lot of your spells need concentration, so it should probably be a bit better. Also, this gives you 16 HP instead of 1; Hit points get changed retroactively.
Seventeenth level warlocks get their big ninth level spell! Grab Imprisonment to freeze someone away forever! (Okay, not for "forever" ever, but a really long time.) If the target fails a wisdom save they're trapped, and don't need to breathe, eat, drink, or age. It also can't be found with magic. There's a lot of options, but you can probably talk your DM into letting you ice someone over. There are three ways the target can be set free if they fail the save: 1) A ninth level dispel magic, either on the prison or on the material component you used to cast the spell. 2) You try to make another prison using the same material component. That's a no-no. And 3) a special condition you set, accepted by the DM. The condition has to be reasonable, and possible to happen.
Eighteenth level warlocks get one more Invocation, and the Chains of Carceri will make you just a bit icier. Now you can cast Hold Monster at will, if only against celestials, fiends, and elementals. You can only cast it on the same creature once per long rest.
One last ASI, so bump up that Constitution again for more HP! You also get one last spell; it sucks we can't go back and grab the other sixth level spell we want, but you can grab Fear instead. Viy's a pretty creepy dude.
The capstone ability of the warlock class makes you an Eldritch Master. And by that it makes your patron an Eldritch Master, because you have to spend 1 minute begging your Viy to use this feature. It recharges all your spell slots for free, but you can only use this once per long rest.
Pros and Cons
While it doesn't have as many spells as fire damage, ice damage is still a pretty solid pick to specialize in, and thanks to Elemental Adept there's only a very small number of creatures that can slow you down. Just don't play this character in Icewind Dale, and you'll be set.
You have plenty of ways to debuff your foes, ranging from slowing them down, freezing them in place, frightening them, charming them, and weakening their attacks and saves. Unlike Abigail, you diversify your status effects, and you can still deal plenty of damage at the same time, with powerful spells and the ability to shove vulnerabilities into people as a reaction. And those debuffs are both effective and flexible! Spells like Vicious Mockery plus your Silvery Barbs let you tank any kind of save the enemy tries to do. Elemental Bane works for all sorts of damage types, not just cold, and Bestow Curse literally just lets you do whatever you want if your DM signs off on it.
Your Eyesight is incredible, with the ability to see in the dark, through walls, and even through magical disguises. You can pull apart mysteries pretty well with those peepers.
A lot of your spells require Concentration, which you aren't that good at. It also means you have to pick one and stick with it for the duration.
On a similar note, being a pure warlock build means you only get a maximum of 4 spells per short rest. We took a couple invocations to help with this, but it's still a small number of slots.
While you can be terrifying on your own with Viy's assistance, it's clear a lot of your features work better with teamwork, so fighting on your own can be a little awkward. For example, deadly despair lasts until the start of your next turn, so if you use your silvery barbs to block an attack, you won't get any damage out of it.
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Okay so what about david stating to gain alot of weight quickly and everyones kinda worried but he's actually just really happy and comfortable in his relationship + probably finding out hes kinda into it
(And maybe even patrick not knowing so he gets a bit worried too)
Oh I love this!! (As you may know from following me) wg as a sign of recovery/happiness/comfort is one of my favorite tropes of all time so I would love to see this for David!! either gaining weight when he starts getting comfortable with Patrick once they’ve settled the whole barbecue/olive branch debacle, or I could also see like, David waiting until after the wedding bc he has Very Specific Visions of how things should look and also probably has had pieces of that outfit picked out since his old life and where is he going to find a tailor here he can trust to let out the seams without causing irreparable damage? waiting after the wedding and then deciding that he’s not dieting anymore. after the wedding, he can eat whatever he wants, no matter what it is, no matter how much, no matter how often. he gets to eat specifically because he wants to, no more restricting or holding himself back or switching out to a healthier option. and his metabolism is slowing down, his body is settling a little more as he settles down, and so he does gain a lot of weight quickly but he also isn’t worrying about it the way he used to because he feels secure enough to let his body change without fear that his partner is going to reject him for it. 
but of course David has a history of worrying about these things and handling them Uh Pretty Badly, so when he starts plumping up, everyone starts swooping in to check on him. Johnny and Moira trying to ask after his mental health in their own awkward, less-than-helpful ways (”so, son ... you know, sometimes ... when someone isn’t talking about something that’s bothering them ... it comes out in, ah, you know ... other ways, like maybe, ah, a lot of cheeseburgers at the cafe -- I mean, at a cafe -- and, you know, it might help that person to, ah, talk about it!” / “DaViD, I do hope your emotional entanglements are not imposing a hamper on your wellBeInG, lest we reprise your cognitive doldrums of two! thousand! and! fiiiive!”), Alexis fussing over him and offering him a little bit of the high-end moisturizer she treats herself to because it’s infused with sweet orange oil and it’s, like, so good at lifting your spirits, David, like, you will feel like a whole new person with just, like, the teeniest smidge, and suggesting little trips and excursions because she thinks something is wrong and wants to perk him up, despite David not actually ... seeming down. but in the past his weight gains have always been accompanied by a lot of shame and guilt and heartbreak and he guesses he sort of quietly did all the unlearning about that and it didn’t occur to anyone else to do so, because they’re all hovering over him and making kind little offers and trying to help him when he does not need it, thank you very much!!
(cue Stevie in the background having a pleasant but more-than-vaguely threatening conversation with Patrick because if she finds out that, say, he hid something else from David, or he’s upsetting David in some way, well, is Patrick aware that there are bodies buried on the motel grounds that no one has ever found? no? interesting ... ! but Patrick’s a little worried too, because he’s heard David talk about his body in the past and his language isn’t always ... the kindest? so he’s sort of treating David with kid gloves, trying not to patronize him but also not to cause some kind of body-image meltdown. he very carefully doesn’t say anything about food or David’s steadily climbing weight or his snug clothes, but he tries to go heavy on the casual touches and affection so David can at least be secure that Patrick is here for him for whatever’s going on.)
finally Alexis says something while she and David are out browsing at some very sad little indie mall, like, seventeen towns over and the way she says it, it could be about his perceived mental anguish or his weight, and he kind of snaps back at her and tells her he’s very happy with his body, and he’s very happy period, thanks so much, squinty unamused smile, and she just looks him up and down and goes, “well, duh, David, it’s not like getting fat is a bad thing, it’s just historically been a bad thing for you,” and tosses her hair and pushes a sweater into his hands before flouncing away like this is fully how she intended this conversation to go. the sweater is a 3x and not completely awful and David doesn’t even own anything in a 3x yet but somehow she intuited that it would fit perfectly? (in the car on the way home he has Sarah McLachlan on and Alexis hasn’t said a word to complain about it yet, which means something is up, and finally she runs her fingers through the ends of her hair and goes, like there was no break in their conversation at all, “okay but like, I think we all just thought it was, like, the birthday clown thing all over again, and you were just going to go radio silent for like six months and we would all be, like, highkey worried about you even if we only seemed lowkey worried about you or, like, not worried about you at all, and then you’d come out, like, four sizes bigger and be super mean to yourself for like another six months before you lost it all, and, like, none of us want to see that happen again, David. not because of the weight. because we care about you and we don’t want you to go through that again.” she sits back hard in her seat and punches the stereo dial. “also because you’re listening to Sarah what’s-her-name with all those sad puppy commercials and, like, that does not suggest a healthy mental state, David, ugh.” David lets that sink in for a few minutes. He smiles to himself. He lets Alexis change the music.
and when he and Patrick finally talk about it, David tells him that he really doesn’t need to worry, maybe gives him the rundown on the behaviors he actually SHOULD worry about if David ever starts exhibiting (which he can fact-check with Alexis, who’s apparently been keeping the score way more than David has given her credit for). he tells Patrick that it actually feels very freeing, letting himself get bigger and not policing what he eats anymore, and he’s never really been in a situation before where he felt secure and safe enough to be comfortable exploring that, and obviously he would love if Patrick wanted to sort of ... get involved, so to speak?? and even if it isn’t Patrick’s kink the way it’s David’s, Patrick is VERY down to love on David’s body and learn to appreciate it in the Extremely Specific ways David wants it appreciated. he can’t imagine a situation where more David would ever be a bad thing, so it’s super, super exciting to learn that not only does David agree, but plans to make sure that there’s going to be a lot more of him going forward now that they’re both on the same page.
(ALSO i’m really into the idea of David having been heavy before, but by circumstance rather than decision, and now taking this opportunity to explore being fat deliberately instead!! I threw some words together about it a while back and I’m gonna put them under a cut bc it does mention unwanted wg from meds and I’m not sure if that’s a trigger for anyone!)
Trim is relative, of course. He’s gained a whopping thirty-eight pounds since moving here a few years ago, and — it’s fine, he’s made his peace with it, he just likes things to be intentional, his body included. He’d mind those thirty-eight pounds much less if he had gained them by indulging himself, by enjoying treats he had chosen specifically for pleasure, rather than by stress-eating in his motel room.
He’s been heavy before — in his early twenties, he’d tried an antidepressant that hollowed out his appetite and added sixty pounds to his frame. He hadn’t stayed on it long, because it made him sick when he drank and he wasn’t in a place to give up drinking then, or even to cut back, but the weight had lingered for a good six months before he'd managed to shave it off with party drugs and an absolutely punishing workout regimen. It’s intentional, he told people when they asked about the weight, because they did ask and it always disarmed them. And although it wasn’t true, he’d let himself think sometimes about the possibility. He kind of liked being heavy. He kind of liked taking up space. He kind of liked jiggling. It made him feel like some sort of prince, indulgent and luxurious, the picture of wealth, and he thought that maybe he could have more-than-liked it, if it had just been something he’d chosen.
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puppywritings · 4 years
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fidelium - johnny suh x gender-neutral reader masterlist
⇢   synopsis: you can’t wait to spend the weekend at johnny’s house. your boyfriend was a bad boy, and a motorcycle rider to boot. things were new, thrilling. perhaps more thrilling than you bargained for. you come to learn that it’s a lot more difficult to leave than to stay.
⇢   word count: 6.8k ⇢   trigger warnings: death, guns, toxic relationship involving manipulation, objectification, arguments. sexual elements and implied sex but no explicit scenes. ⇢   warning:  the relationship displayed in this fic is in absolutely no way healthy or ideal. it’s one red flag after another. if somebody disrespects your boundaries, threatens you, objectifies you, manipulates you, or anything of the sort, they’re not a good person to be around and they don’t deserve to stay in your life. the contents of this fic may be upsetting to read.
⇢   a/n: this is my piece for @du0tine​‘s 21 ways to kill your lover collab. intended for 18+ audiences. i also want to say, it’s not my intention to romanticize or glorify toxic, harmful, or abusive relationships - this is purely fiction. this writing also doesn’t reflect the real johnny suh, who i’m sure is a lovely person and would never engage in this sort of behaviour.
taglist: @prettyjaems @ethaeriyeol​ @1-800-seo​ @neonun-au​ (sorry if i forgot anyone i’m super disorganised w my taglists atm)
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Johnny Suh didn’t fit your usual dating criteria. With his black leather jacket, heavy lace-up boots, and hulking motorcycle, he was a bit of a bad boy. And there was something exciting in that. You’d met him late one night, in the bar where you worked. You’d served him all night - rum and coke, his drink of choice. He certainly caught your eye, at first. He was handsome, with his brown eyes twinkling and his long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. But it wasn’t until the two of you started talking that you became interested. It was a quiet night, and Johnny insisted on sitting at the bar in front of you. He was teasing, charming. And when he gave you his number at closing time, you actually tapped the digits into your phone, rather than just discarding it like you usually do. Unlike the rest of your patrons who thrust their contact details upon you, when it came to Johnny the interest was mutual.
So, while it was true that Johnny wasn’t quite the typical man you went after, the relationship had been going well. He’d been nothing short of a gentleman in the duration of your relationship, though he still thrilled you with his affinity for the more reckless things in life; late-night motorcycle rides, drinking just a little too much and partying all night. He took the mundaneness out of your life - he made your life an adventure.
Towards the end of your shift that Friday evening, you found yourself getting jittery; you checked the time every five minutes, and a swarm of butterflies was building in your stomach. Johnny was picking you up after work on his bike, and it was all you could think about. You almost ran out of the establishment, when the clock struck ten, marking the end of your shift. Your heart swelled at the sight of Johnny in the bar’s parking lot, leaning against his motorcycle with his hands in his pockets.
“Hey, angel,” he greeted you, affection glowing in his eyes and his smile.
“Hi,” you beamed, wrapping your arms around his waist and taking in his warmth. He picked you up immediately, holding you tight and spinning you. “Johnny!” you giggled, fingers grasping the cotton of his white t-shirt. 
“You ready to meet my boys?” he asked you, punctuating his question with a kiss on your nose. He was referring to the friends he considered family; he lived with them, in a rather large house on the outskirts of town, from what you’d heard. They were special to him, and you knew it was important to him that you got along with them. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t completely terrified. You knew it’d be okay, though. If they had Johnny’s approval you were sure they’d be good people. Plus, you could never be too scared with Johnny’s hand in your own.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you responded with a smile.
“Hop on,” he instructed you, tossing you a helmet and putting on his own. At the beginning of your relationship, he’d given you his own helmet, forgoing his protection for the sake of yours. You hadn’t liked this - this display of his reckless attitude that surpassed thrilling and sat nicely in the territory of dangerous - and so you’d pestered him until he bought a second helmet.
You secured your rucksack on your back, prepacked with all the clothes and toiletries you required for the weekend you’d be spending with your boyfriend, before climbing onto the large black bike behind him. Johnny had been driving you around on his bike for a number of weeks now, but you still weren’t quite used to it. The mix of fear and exhilaration, both from the wind whipping past your ears and from the sensation of your chest pressed flush against Johnny’s back, your arms tight around his waist. It made your heart race. The feeling you got from riding a motorcycle embodied everything that Johnny was: dark, exciting, intoxicating, addictive.
Johnny hadn’t been lying when he said he lived on the outskirts. The bright lights of the town centre were far behind you, and even the streetlights had begun to die out. You were alone with the moon and starlight now. The neatly paved roads gave way to rough muddy lanes. The built-up urban surroundings gave way to empty fields, then to a dense and seemingly endless forest. The bike’s headlamp shone a path through the trees, guiding Johnny to his home. Though your partner clearly felt familiar here, the environment sent chills down your spine - you could’ve sworn you felt eyes on you, peering out from the darkness. When your journey ended, at a solitary house looming tall against the dark backdrop of the forest, you were thankful.
“Here we are,” Johnny welcomed you, helping you off the bike. The house was bigger than you could’ve expected. The term mansion wouldn’t be amiss.
“So,” you commented, looking up at the structure, illustrated by the silver moonlight. “This is where you and your biker gang live?” You looked along the line of bikes, queued up around the house. They were of different styles and sizes, though (with your limited knowledge on motorcycles) they all looked rather impressive.
“I keep telling you, we’re not a biker gang,” Johnny corrected you, with a lighthearted roll of his eyes. “We’re just a group of friends who live together, and just so happen to ride together too.”
“And if that’s not a biker gang, what is?” you teased.
“Zip it,” Johnny said gently, and you complied. “Here, I’ll take your bag.”
“Ever the gentleman,” you commented, passing it to him. You braced yourself, as he led you into his home.
It was warm inside, much warmer than out in the chilly woodland. From what you could tell by looking at the entranceway, the place was tidy and well-lit. Your boyfriend led you down the hall, into an open-plan kitchen and living area, where Johnny's friends were sitting around the television. 
"We're home, guys," Johnny announced, drawing their attention towards you.
"Hey, look what Johnny brought home!" one of them called out, bringing a blush to your cheeks.
"Watch it," Johnny warned, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. "Y/N is all mine. You can look, but you can't touch. In fact, you can only look for five seconds at a time."
“These are the boys” Johnny introduced you to them. “This is Jaehyun, Ten, Mark. And that’s Donghyuck. My protege, right kid?” 
“That’s right, John” the boy grinned up at Johnny from where he was sitting.
You gave a shy wave as you looked around at Johnny's friends. Though he had named them all, introducing them, it was a redundant act. You'd asked to see pictures of everybody prior to that night, not wanting to get lost amid a sea of unfamiliar faces. You saw Jaehyun, with his dimples and broad shoulders; Mark, with pronounced cheekbones and a delicate nose; Ten, with a feline-like beauty; and Donghyuck, full cheeks and long eyelashes. 
"I think we're just gonna turn in for the night, right Y/N?" Johnny spoke, looking down at you. "See you boys tomorrow."
You waved at Johnny's friends, with a polite, "Bye." The boys chorused their goodbyes back at you, and Johnny led you away.
You couldn't help but admire the house as Johnny guided you to his bedroom, your hand in his. The place was huge, grand. You weren't sure under what circumstances Johnny and his friends acquired this house, but it can't have been cheap. 
"And this," he led you inside, "Is my room."
The room was a fair size, with several tall windows and a four-poster double bed. The matching furniture looked sturdy and high-quality, a dark antique wood.
"This is impressive," you told him honestly. Johnny beamed in pride; he was always looking for praise, and you were happy to feed his ego.
Johnny lounged on his bed, laying back propped up on his elbows. "Come feel how comfy my bed is," he invited you with a smirk.
"Johnny Suh, you are not smooth. I know that's just an excuse to get me into bed," you said, falling beside him.
"If you knew it was just an excuse," Johnny asked, pausing to plant a kiss on your jawline, "Then why'd you join me?"
"Because," you tell him, "Maybe I want to be in bed with you."
Johnny gave a low chuckle, before kissing you again; a line beginning at your jaw, trailing down to your neck, and ending at your collarbone, making you gasp and lean into his touch.
"Johnny," you purred, your voice full of want.
"Let Johnny take care of you, baby," Johnny hummed. You obliged, submitting to his touch and surrendering to the pleasure.
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Coming down from your high, you collapsed against Johnny’s bed, smiling as you looked up at your boyfriend who lay beside you.
“You’re perfect,” Johnny told you, his dark brown eyes gazing deeply into your own. You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, and you looked away, only for Johnny to tilt your chin back up towards him. “It’s true,” he reiterated.
“I’m not perfect,” you denied, wrinkling your nose.
Johnny pecked your lips. “You are. My angel.”
You looked at him, lying beside you in his bed. His sex hair was immaculate, perfectly tousled from rolling around and from your fingers tugging on it. His lips were plump and pink from your kisses, and his collarbones were decorated in pink splotches. He looked beautiful, he was glowing, and you couldn’t help but grin at him.
“Hey,” Johnny says suddenly, sitting up and untangling himself from the blankets. “Let me give you a massage.”
“It’s okay, babe, you don’t have to,” you waved away his offer. He seemed deadset, however, cracking his knuckles in preparation.
“I insist. Roll over.” You obeyed, lying on your front and allowing your boyfriend to straddle your waist. His hands pressed into your skin, rubbing deeply into your muscles. The sensation was pleasant, you had to admit. Mostly, you just enjoyed the proximity between you and Johnny, and the feeling of being taken care of by someone you loved. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to slip away and ease into the feeling.
You weren’t allowed to slip away for long, however, as your phone began to buzz, startling you. The vibrations against the hardwood of Johnny’s bedside table conjured a harsh screeching noise. You lifted your head, peering at the screen.
You lifted your torso, as much as you could with Johnny’s weight on you. “Oh, it’s my mom. I should-”
“You can call her back later, angel,” Johnny said, pushing you back down onto the bed. The action was gentle, but Johnny didn’t need to use much force to manipulate your body; your boyfriend worked out, and bordered on freakishly strong - at least, in comparison to you. His buff arms held your shoulders down, preventing any movement. "This is my time to pamper you," he explained, resuming the massage.
"Okay," you tentatively agreed. "I'll call her back later." You got the sense that this massage was much more for Johnny's benefit than for yours, but if it kept him happy, then so be it.
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“Good morning, angel,” Johnny greeted you. Your eyelids fluttered open, adjusting to the light in his bedroom. With a groan, you stretched your muscles, stiff from sleeping. “I brought you a cup of coffee.”
You looked to your boyfriend, smiling at you as he entered the room, a mug in each hand. You couldn’t be sure how long he’d been awake, or what time it was, but he was dressed already, beige cable-knit sweater and loose jeans, with his hair pulled back in a low ponytail. It was a contrast to his usual greaser bad-boy image, and the sight warmed your heart. He looked cozy, soft. You smiled back at him, sitting up and letting the covers pool around your waist. 
“Morning, Johnny,” you beamed at him, accepting the cup of coffee he handed to you. You took a sip and moaned in delight. Your boyfriend made a mean cup of coffee, perfectly sweet without being overbearing. He sat beside you on the bed, caressing your cheek lightly.
“I was thinking we could go out for a walk,” he suggested, before taking a swig of his own coffee. “It’s a nice morning.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
A while later, fully dressed and hand-in-hand with Johnny, you found yourself venturing through the forest that surrounded the house. There were a few man-made footpaths winding between the trees, but for the most part, you were truly in the middle of nature, an environment completely untouched by humans. Birds flapped their wings, rustling in the trees, and creatures whose species were unknown to you scrambled to run away in your wake, paws pounding on the forest floor. Johnny had been right; it was a nice morning. The sun filtered through branches and leaves, casting light and warmth down upon you, and the air was clean and fresh.
“It’s so nice out here,” you commented, looking around at the greens and browns that encompassed you.
“Yeah,” Johnny agreed. “I’m lucky to live here.”
“You really are. I’d walk through here every morning if I were you.”
“You’re lucky, too,” Johnny acknowledged, squeezing your hand. “You’re dating me. You can walk here whenever you want as well.” You smiled, your heart swelling at his words.
“It really is isolated, huh? Your house?” you remarked, peering around at your surroundings. The nearest road was so far away that you couldn’t even hear the rush of cars from where you stood.
“Yeah,” Johnny confirmed. “It’s not easy to get out of the house.” Why anyone would wish to escape this peaceful surroundings, you had no idea. It felt so far removed from the hustle and bustle of everyday life; your usual troubles felt so distant.
The sun had risen higher in the sky by the time you returned to Johnny’s house, and you realised you hadn’t even brought your phone with you. You hadn’t even thought to check the time once since you woke up. This was so out of the ordinary for you, particularly on a Saturday morning, when you’d usually be lounging in your apartment scrolling through social media.
The house had woken up by the time you stepped through the front door. It had been silent when you left, though now it seemed that the entire household was up and about.
“Where have you been, John?” Ten called out, as the two of you entered the kitchen.
“Just out for a walk,” he explained, taking a seat at the kitchen island, where you joined him.
“By the way, Y/N, it’s nice to meet you,” Ten greeted you, smiling sweetly.
“It’s nice to meet you, too,” you returned, smiling back politely.
Johnny leaned in close, stage-whispering. “It’s really not all that nice to meet him. He’s a pretty lousy guy. Into some real weird stuff. Has probably killed a guy.” Ten gave Johnny a pointed glare as he departed the kitchen, and you giggled at your boyfriend’s antics.
“So,” Donghyuck asked, his voice somewhat muffled as he peered into the open fridge. “What do you guys have planned today?”
“Hmm. Not much,” Johnny answered. “Have some lunch, take it easy.”
“I want to shower first,” you announced, stretching your arms above your head. The physical exertion of your outdoor walk, along with your heated activities the night before, had left you feeling a little less than squeaky clean.
“We should do that together,” Johnny suggested, pressing a lingering kiss to your cheek, which flamed at his proposition. 
“Okay,” you giggled in spite of yourself. Johnny was the only man, since you’d been twelve years of age, who was capable of reducing you to such a blushing, giggling mess.
“Let’s go,” Johnny invited you, smirking as he stood up and held out his hand. You took it, and laughed when Donghyuck fake gagged and Johnny stared at him with daggers in his eyes. You allowed Johnny to lead you, your hand in his, all the way upstairs. After retrieving your toiletries and change of clothes, you joined him in the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
“The lock is funny,” he told you, leaning over you to fiddle with it. “You really have to twist it-” he grunted, “There we go.”
You smiled, bunching up his shirt in your hands and pulling him closer towards you. He looked smug as he leaned in to kiss you, his lips sweet and commanding. Your hands went under his shirt, ghosting over his chiseled abdomen, which tensed delightfully under your touch.
Johnny pulled away, his eyes scanning up and down your body, setting you alight with his gaze. “Why don’t you doll yourself up for lunch, huh? I want to show everyone how beautiful you are.”
“Okay,” you nodded, agreeing to his suggestion. He captured your lips again, and you smiled against his lips. “We need to shower, baby. And no funny business.”
“No promises,” Johnny grinned, his eyes twinkling. When he took his shirt off, however, your request of no funny business went completely out the window.
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Sunday morning came all too fast, as your weekend with Johnny came to a close. It had been peaceful, relaxing, a greatly needed recharge, and you weren’t quite ready to return to your regular life. Walks through the city rather than through the woodland, and shifts in the bar all week long.
"I wish you didn't have to leave today," Johnny said, pouting as his fingertip traced shapes along your forearm as you lounged on his bed together.
"I know, babe, me too," you agreed. His eyelashes looked long, fanned across his cheeks as he gazed downwards.
"You should stay," Johnny suggested, a hopeful lilt to his voice. "Just another day or two?"
You shook your head at him. "I'm working all week babe, it's easier if I just go home. I can stay again next weekend." 
Johnny sighs, an irritated huff, retracting his hand from your arm. "You don't wanna stay with me?" he asked, looking up at you with hurt in his eyes.
"It's not that I don't want to, John, it'll just be complicated. You'll have to give me a lift to work, and it's so far that I'll have to wake up a lot earlier."
"You don't even sound like you're going to miss me," he pointed out. His voice had a tinge of anger and it frustrated you in turn. He was acting so petty - you hadn't seen this immature side of him before.
"Of course I'll miss you, Johnny," you assured him with a roll of your eyes. "But we can see each other next weekend, okay?"
"Whatever," Johnny scoffed.
"Whatever?" you asked incredulously. "Johnny, you're acting like a child."
"Sorry. Sorry I'm going to miss my partner because they insist on leaving me." 
You shifted away from Johnny, swinging your legs off the bed and facing away from him. "This is stupid," you muttered.
"I'm stupid?" Johnny exclaimed.
You rubbed your eyes in frustration. "I didn't say that."
"You didn't need to." Johnny jumped up from the bed, swiftly storming past you and exiting the room, complete with exaggerated stomps and a hefty slam of the door.
“God!” you cussed, in irritation and disbelief. You couldn’t believe he was acting like this. This side of Johnny, bitter and bad-tempered - you couldn’t say you enjoyed it. If anything, his outburst had only made you want to leave more. You cursed the complete and utter isolation of the place. You could hardly leave and catch a bus - you’d get lost if you even tried venturing out into the woods. Johnny was your ride home, and you didn’t want to face him. You weren’t even sure if he’d oblige, if you asked him to take you home.
You stood, scanning through your options, and your feet led you out of Johnny’s room. Down the hall, to the room you were sure belonged to Donghyuck. You knocked on the door, two uncertain taps. 
“Yeah?” Donghyuck’s voice called out from within - bingo. You pushed the door open apprehensively. The room was smaller than Johnny’s, though still a decent size. He had a large television mounted on the wall, hooked up to a gaming system that looked rather impressive, to your amateur perspective. 
“Oh, Y/N,” he remarked, sounding surprised and pausing his video game. “What’s up?”
“I’m sorry to bother you,” you prefaced, stepping into his room and closing the door behind you. “Johnny and I… had a bit of an argument. I was wondering if you could give me a ride home?”
“You fought?” Donghyuck asked. “What about?”
You sighed “It’s nothing. Something silly.” You didn’t particularly want to divulge the details to Donghyuck - you didn’t want to end up badmouthing Johnny to his friends. 
“Hey, sit down,” he invites you, patting the space beside him, on the end of his bed. “Come play video games with me. Take a minute to calm down.” You hesitantly joined him, taking a seat on the end of his bed. “Think this through, Y/N, it’s probably not a good idea to storm out.”
You picked up the controller Donghyuck gave you, holding it loosely. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Johnny wouldn’t be happy if I left without saying anything.”
“That guy has a temper,” Donghyuck commented under his voice. You felt inclined to agree, after the way he’d acted that morning.
“How do I play?” you asked, examining the controller in your hands. Donghyuck leaned over, running you through the controls and rules of the game. The other boy pressed play, and you were flung into the game headfirst, forced to learn and adapt to the fast-paced course of the game. You didn’t know how much time passed, but by your fourth round of the game, you were laughing and shouting along with Donghyuck, all thoughts of smothering boyfriends erased from your mind.
“Feeling better, huh?” Donghyuck asked, beaming at you. 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, nodding. “Thanks.”
“One more round?”
“I should probably go talk to Johnny,” you denied apologetically. “But thank you.”
“Any time,” he smiled, holding out his fist for a bump, which you obliged. 
“Bye,” you bid him, before departing his bedroom and moving down the hall. You stood for a moment, outside Johnny’s bedroom door, taking a deep breath and bracing yourself.
When you pushed open the door, you found Johnny already standing in his room. You approached him slowly and with apprehension, speaking in a calm and gentle tone. “Hey, Johnny? I’m sorry for blowing up earlier.”
“It’s okay,” he assured you. His composure surprised you, after the volume of his outburst earlier. He didn’t look at you, nor did he turn around to face you. He stood before his dresser, apparently very focused on something inside it. “Why were you in Donghyuck’s room?”
Your eyes widened a little. He didn’t sound mad, nor did he have the right to be. But something about the situation, or perhaps about his demeanor, made you feel a little jittery. You didn’t know he’d been watching you. “Oh. Um. He was just convincing me to stay.” You cleared your throat, feeling the need to change the subject. “What are you doing?”
“Come look,” he beckoned you. You joined him, peering down into the dresser which he seemed so enthralled by.
You gulped. The open drawer was like something you’d find in a museum; it was lined with crimson velvet, and several vintage-looking pistols were laid out in it. They ranged in size and style, the smallest being the size of your palm and the largest stretching to the length of your forearm. “I… I didn’t know you had guns.” The sight of them made your heart race. If you were being honest, you’d led a rather sheltered life, and had never been in the presence of so many weapons. It made you feel uneasy.
“I don’t use them. They’re only collectibles.” Johnny picked up the smallest gun, and you flinched. He glanced at you, and the look in his eyes was undetectable to you - it wasn’t offence, nor regret, but his eyes definitely glinted with something. The way he handled the gun, you weren’t sure if you bought the ‘collectibles’ line. He handled it with such ease and grace, that it almost seemed like he was born with a gun in his hand. Though it was small, compact, barely the size of your hand - and it appeared even smaller in Johnny’s palm, which dwarfed it - you found yourself stunned and shivery, thinking about the damage it was capable of. Did Johnny collect bullets, too? you found yourself wondering.
You averted your gaze, discomfort taking over, and noticed that your phone lay atop the dresser. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You weren’t sure where, exactly, you had left your phone, but you were certain you hadn’t laid it there. “Hey - my phone-”
“Oh, right,” Johnny said, placing his gun back in the drawer and closing it sharply, twisting a key which sat in the keyhole, locking it away. “Your boss called. He said you don’t have to work tomorrow. That’s great, right? You can stay the night - you don’t have to leave.”
You nodded, feeling a little sick but faking a smile anyways. “Great.” You were tired, physically and emotionally. You felt bad for even thinking it, but you wanted a break from your boyfriend. You wanted some space. He was making you feel uncomfortable, bordering on unsafe, and you found yourself craving the security you felt in Donghyuck’s room.
“Um, I’m gonna take a shower,” you conjured the excuse for an escape. 
“Okay,” Johnny accepted it easily, smiling widely. He wrapped his arms around your waist, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Don’t be gone too long, alright?”
“Alright,” you nodded, breathing a sigh of relief when he released you. You would stay another night; it wasn’t worth upsetting Johnny over.
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You had to admit that you felt a lot better after showering. The warm water had relaxed you, along with the familiar and comforting scent of your shampoo grounding you and bringing your emotions to a calmer, neutral level. You were standing before the bathroom mirror, applying moisturiser to your face, when you heard a click. A turn.
The broken lock.
Before you could act, Donghyuck was before you, staring at you with wide eyes. You let out a yelp, turning around, though most of your skin was hidden beneath your towel.
“Fuck, sorry! I’m so sorry! Don’t tell Johnny about this!” he blurted.
“It’s okay,” you responded, cheeks flushed. You weren’t sure Donghyuck had heard your forgiveness, however; you’d heard him dash away while your back was turned. You laugh awkwardly to yourself at the mishap, before closing the door again and making certain to twist the lock properly. It had only been a silly mistake, you reassured yourself. And he hadn’t seen anything, besides your bare shoulders, which was hardly a great reveal.
You shook your head, before drying and dressing yourself. The poor boy had been so flustered, and you had to admit it was sort of endearing.
“Nice shower?” Johnny asked when you returned to his room, lying on his bed atop the covers.
You nodded, joining him on the bed. “I feel so relaxed now.”
He pulled you close to him, kissing your lips gently. “Jaehyun’s making dinner for everyone, it’ll be ready before long.”
“That’s nice of him,” you murmured, laying your head on Johnny’s shoulder. “Poor Donghyuck, though. We had a really awkward moment in the bathroom, I don’t know if he’ll be ready to face me.”
You felt Johnny tense, his muscles going hard beneath you. “What do you mean?”
“He walked in on me showering. I don’t think he saw much, but-”
Johnny sat up abruptly, causing your head to fall back on the bed. “He fucking what?” Johnny hissed.
“Johnny, it’s fine,” you insisted. “I was wrapped in a towel-”
“I’m going to fucking kill him,” Johnny cursed, standing.
“Johnny,” you spoke firmly, grabbing his arm in a tight grip. “Stop. I said he didn’t see anything.”
“I fucking hope not,” Johnny growled, sitting down once more. He tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, stroking your face lightly. His hand was trembling. “You’re my angel,” he said. “I don’t want anybody else seeing you like that.”
“It won’t happen again, okay? I’m all yours, I promise.” You placed your hand on top of Johnny’s, soothing him with your touch. His temper, flaring again. This wasn’t something you liked much about Johnny, and you hadn’t been all that glad to meet this side of him. But, you bargained, nobody was perfect - you certainly weren’t. Besides, you had been ready this time; your firm tone and gentle touch had helped to calm him.
Johnny stood up, rubbing his face with both of his hands. You heard him release a shaky breath.
“Please calm down, Johnny. I’m sorry.”
“I’m fine,” he said, nodding certainly. “I’m calm.”
“Let’s go get dinner, yeah?” You stood, intertwining your fingers with his.
“Yeah,” he agreed, squeezing your hand a little too tightly.
Johnny’s rather sour mood remained all throughout dinner, as evidenced by his clenched jaw and the protective hand he laid on your thigh. His sullen demeanor made him somewhat of a bore to be around, and you found yourself laughing and joking with his friends; you’d be happy to consider Donghyuck a friend, and Mark was hilarious too. Johnny didn’t seem to like this, however. You spent the last portion of the meal in silence, quietly eating and staying close to Johnny’s side.
Even afterwards, as you watched a movie with the group, Johnny refused to relax and let go of his needless worries. Everybody was laughing at the movie, but you couldn’t help but notice that Johnny hadn’t even cracked a smile the whole time. In fact, you didn’t even think he’d been watching the movie; his eyes hardly left you, flitting between your face and your body. As though if he stopped watching you, something horrible would happen. As though he were keeping guard.
He pulled you closer towards him, though there was very little space between the two of you on the couch beforehand. His lips connected with your cheek, before straying down towards your neck. You felt your skin heat up in embarrassment, although all eyes in the room were still trained on the television. Johnny wrapped his arm around your waist, using his strength to lift you onto his lap. You squeaked at the sudden action, earning inquisitive glances from Johnny’s friends, which only fuelled how flustered you were. He held your body close to his, squeezing you. His breath tickled your neck, sending shivers down your spine, before he sunk his teeth into your skin. You hoped your muffled moan went unnoticed, but your eyes were shut tightly so it was unknown to you. You squirmed in Johnny’s lap, thighs clenching together tightly.
In another show of Johnny’s strength, or perhaps just his relative power in comparison to your apparent weakness, he lifted you swiftly. The abrupt movement surprised you, and you gasped sharply.
“Y/N and I are going upstairs,” Johnny announced to the group, and you silently allowed him to guide you away.
“Because,” he continued as you two left the room, “I can take Y/N any time I want.”
“Johnny!” you scolded him, mouth agape with humiliation as his boys hollered in your wake. He ignored your cries of reprimand, scooping you up off your feet with a grin on his face. 
“C’mon, baby,” he whispered, carrying you away to his bedroom. You sighed in fond exasperation, laying your head against his chest. You condemned his announcement of “I can take Y/N any time I want,” but the fact remained true that he could certainly take you then.
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Monday morning. You were growing terribly bored of this big, old house in the middle of nowhere. Spending time with Johnny was nice, when he wasn’t baring his angry possessive side. Although you really liked him, you found yourself wanting some space. And so, when you woke up before Johnny, you left his sleeping form behind, pulled one of his oversized sweaters over your head, and set out to explore the enormous house that had become your confinement.
Nobody else was awake, or so it seemed when you ventured downstairs and poured yourself a glass of juice. You felt itchy, agitated. Even when you settled on the couch, the sense of calm you desired simply refused to fall over you. With an agitated sigh, you advanced throughout the house, exploring the ground floor. You had learned that all the bedrooms were on the first floor, and so you’d been wondering where one specific door led. Off the left of the hallway, aside from the kitchen and living area, and the ground floor bathroom.
The door creaked as you pushed it open, as did the floorboards when you stepped through the threshold. The room was dark, though you identified the furnishings of a study when you squinted your eyes. You moved to the far side of the room, drawing open the heavy red curtains thereby illuminating the space and releasing a cloud of dust at the same time. You waved the cloud away, choking.
There was a sturdy desk, littered with boxes full of clutter, accompanied by a rickety chair that looked like it would fall apart if you put any weight on it. You gasped a silent “wow” as you took in the wall opposite the door, lined with shelves that stretched from floor to ceiling, crammed to the brim with books of every size. You approached the extensive library, examining the titles. You didn’t recognise anything, apart from a few classics, but it was still an impressive collection. You began to wonder whether one of the boys had inherited the property from an older relative - none of them seemed particularly studious or academic, at least not enough to warrant an assortment of books this great. You trailed a finger along the spines, accumulating yet more dust. The books, much like the room in its entirety, had sat untouched for a long time.
You shrieked, spinning around with your arms raised in defence, only to sigh in relief and clutch your heart. “Donghyuck! You scared me!”
The boy bent in half, in stitches at the fear he’d instilled in you. “I’m sorry! I couldn’t resist!” You couldn’t help but join in with his laughter; it was just so infectious. Even minutes later, you were cackling while wiping tears away from your eyes.
“So,” Donghyuck spoke, as his laughter died down. “What are you doing in here?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, still smiling. “Just exploring, I guess.”
“I don’t think there’s anything interesting in here,” Donghyuck claimed, looking around at the books.
“Really? It seems like hidden treasure to me.” You peered upwards, at the higher shelves, before standing on your tiptoes and stretching upwards, reaching for an eye-catching book with a golden spine.
“Careful,” Donghyuck murmured, placing a hand on the small of your back to steady you as you strained.
You heard Johnny’s growl, a split second before he entered your field of vision, entering the study and shoving Donghyuck away from you.
“Johnny!” you cried, feeling helpless and out of control as he squared up to the younger man.
Donghyuck had his hands raised in surrender, looking at his friend with concern tainting his expression. “Hey, man, calm down,” he attempted to pacify Johnny.
“Stay away from Y/N,” Johnny yelled, right in Donghyuck’s face
You leapt into action, maneuvering your way in between the pair, palm flat on Johnny’s chest. “Johnny, look at me,” you commanded him firmly. There was a fire in his eyes that you didn’t recognise. It flamed, bright and angry, threatening to burn anything and everything in its path. It scared you, and you resisted strongly against the urge to cower before him.
“Come on, Y/N,” he bit, gripping your forearm tightly. Potentially tight enough to bruise.
“Come on where?” you asked, stumbling as you struggled to keep up. He tugged you out of the room and down the hall, as you tried not to trip over your own feet.
“We’re going for a walk. Put your shoes on,” he demanded, arms crossed, waiting for you to obey.
“I- Johnny- What?” you sputtered. “Can I at least go upstairs and get my coat?”
“No,” he denied flatly. You rolled your eyes, slipping into your shoes. Wasting no time, Johnny pulled you out of the house, slamming the door behind you. You followed after him, your heart pounding with a mixture of uncertainty, anxiety, and speechless anger, as he marched you out into the woods, only stopping when you reached a clearing a good distance away from the house.
“Something’s going on between you and Donghyuck,” Johnny stated with hard certainty, as though it were fact. His face was flushed red, veins prominent along his forehead. He looked at you expectantly, but you had no idea what he wanted in response.
You sighed, rubbing your eyes tiredly. You couldn’t help but yell at him. “Johnny, what are you talking about? You’re my boyfriend. I like you. But not when you act like this, Jesus Christ!”
Johnny advanced, closing the gap between you, and you flinched when he regained his grip on your arm. “You need to stay the fuck away from Donghyuck, okay?”
“This is such a huge overreaction!” You tried to struggle away from his grip, but he was far too strong, his will iron.
Johnny leaned in, impossibly even closer to your face. “I brought you here, as my baby, to show you off to all my friends,” he hissed. “And you let them get their grubby little hands on you? I thought better of you, Y/N. I thought you were fucking faithful.”
Your heart raced, pounding wildly with how badly you wanted to get away from him. You didn’t think you could forgive him for this outburst. You just wanted to leave. “You’re fucking insane,” you shouted at him.
Johnny looked disgusted at your words. “Don’t talk to me like that.”
“Me?” you asked incredulously, finally shrugging out of his grasp. “Me, don’t talk to you like that? Listen, Johnny, I’m not your shiny little toy you can show off to your friends. I’m a human being. And you have no right telling me who I can and can’t talk to.”
“Come here.” Johnny was looking at you, his mouth a straight line, his eyes cold.
“Come here,” he repeated, and you hesitantly took a step forward, afraid to disobey him when he spoke in such an angry, demanding voice. Johnny reached out, gripping you by the arm before spinning you round quickly, pulling you close to him. Your chest was pressed tightly against his back, his arm across your chest, locking you in place. You could feel his heavy, ragged breathing.
“I’m not happy, Y/N,” he jeered, whispering into your ear harshly. “You’re my angel, and you’ve upset me. Maybe you aren’t such an angel after all.” You thrashed, but his grasp on you only tightened. “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Johnny, please,” you begged, your voice nothing but a hoarse whimper.
“Let me talk,” he hissed at you. “You’ve hurt me. And I need to show you - I need to hurt you back.”
“What are you- let me go!” You continued to flail in his hold, kicking out your feet but failing to do any real damage to him.
“Shh, it’ll only last a second,” he hushed you, his lips touching your ear and sending shivers down your spine. You felt him fumble behind you, and found an opportunity for escape, but it was no use. His grip on you was iron-tight, unrelenting. Johnny jabbed you in the chest, slightly to the left of your sternum, directly over your banging heart. You looked down, choking on a sob. 
One of Johnny’s pistols, the so-called collectible item, was pressing into your skin.
“Right in the heart, Y/N. That’s where you hurt me.” 
“Johnny, please!” you cried, struggling in vain. Tears blurred your vision, and spit flew from your mouth as you pleaded with him. “Let me go, Johnny, I’m sorry!”
“Goodnight, angel.”
You heard the gunshot before you felt it. In fact, you hardly even felt it at all. There was a bang, your ears rang, and then nothing. You collapsed, falling limp in Johnny’s arms. His angel.
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og-danny-dorito · 4 years
{ Some SFW Tamaki Headcanons For Your Daily Dose Of Somft™}
OKAY hi hello, I know I've been gone for a while but I'm kinda back now since ive had a burst of inspiration lately for no reason in particular. This is partially cause I actually just finished watching BNHA and good lord, let me tell you bro- I have WAY too many thoughts about this dude for it to be a normal infatuation so here we go! -w-;
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- FIRST of all, I'm like 90% sure this dude listens to like really soft cute music like Lofi remixes or those rlly cute anime openings that give off Soft Boy vibes???
- he's like a soft person in general already so its kindof a given. he really likes pastel colors a whole lot for that reason cause they're more muted and subtle and aren't completely overbearing
- he actually owns like, 40 oversized pastel sweaters with various prints and designs on them for that reason. that and oversized soft sweaters are year-round
- most of his clothes are kinda oversized though?? like if you've watched the anime and can see how his shirt fits him I'm like 90% sure it's like a size bigger than it should be (his natural size is a medium in men's, I'm assuming, since he's like canonically 5'9" and not really muscular). his hero costume is also a little bigger than it should be in some areas and it fits around him like a big blanket
- there are MULTIPLE reasons for this imo, but the main two are that he's A) self conscious and therefore less confident in things that fit him better, and B) likes feeling like things aren't constricting him like tight shirts do
- on the self-conscious point, he already has issues with about like 500 other things that concern himself, so why not physical???
- let me explain- his form is naturally slim, which means that he hasn't really ever been as physically muscular as the other heroes (mostly cause his quirk burns up most of his calories and he has a naturally fast metabolism), and is consistently reminded of it
- he doesn't want other people to think of him as less or weaker in the general public because he doesn't look as physically strong as the other heroes, so he wears clothes that aren't very form fitting to hide this fact and therefore avoid the possibility of criticism of is physical features
- also, you're on tumblr, the land of people who are or have been physically self conscious for whatever reason, so it's pretty safe to assume that you've worn/wear oversized clothing. do you know how comfy they are??? it's like being wrapped in a formless blanket that makes it feel as if you arent able to be subject to criticism from others. it's literally the BEST
- his closet really just consists of things that are bigger than him really, but he does have some skinny jeans and a few formal outfits that fit him properly. his figure is actually kind of cute in a way since he's more on the slim/muscular side but if you EVER tell him he looks handsome in something that's more fitting than he ususally wears he will have a slightly boosted self confidence but amplified anxiety, no exceptions
- but he doesnt really like receiving compliments to be honest, and there's a few reasons for that
- as a kid not many people talked to him so he would occasionally be subject to being outcast by others. as a child he knew that when the teachers were being too nice to him by complimenting his work or talking too him too much that it was out of pity. he felt like he was being patronized out of personal obligation to be inclusive and not in personal interest, so he still has some remnants of that mentality due to having grow up with that
- being given a serious and genuine compliment isn't something he's used to and quite frankly he might be a little uncomfortable if he doesn't know you very well
- if, however, he knows you well and trusts that your comments aren't out of spite or ill-intent, his face usually turns a bright shade of red as he either A) stutters out a nervous thank you or B) hides his face in his hands and refuses to say anything until it's subsided
- he'll usually try to compliment you back, even though its hard to hear over his incredibly soft voice. it's usually something about how nice you are or how he doesn't understand how someone like you can think that way about him, but he secretly really likes feeling like someone cares and appreciates him
- speaking of soft voices, I'm almost entirely convinced that he can sing. since he doesn't really go out with friends in his spare time since he basically only has two close ones, he usually either trains or, alternatively, sings
- its more of a subconscious thing to him to sing along when his favorite song is on, but he only does it when he's alone. the thing is that he thinks his voice is horrible since he hasn't had any extensive formal education in music and generally doesn't try that much to refine his skills manually but his singing voice is like, literally angelic
- seriously, if you get this man to sing 'Heather' by Conan Grey its like listening to some sort of ethereal being trying to lull you to sleep
- its not like he'd ever do this in public because of his anxiety and insecurities, but asking him nicely and swearing you won't tell anyone about it usually gets him to do it, albeit kinds shyly at first. it takes some working up to really, from him nervously singing gently to a song while his back is turned to you to just starting to hum along to songs by habit while you're around
- the only time he really does it to his own violation can be when you're sick (he cant say no to someone who's injured, it makes him feel terrible), when you're about to fall asleep, or even when he forgets that he's around other people and is doing some sort of chore or task around the house
- mentioning it to others makes him even more embarrassed than physically possible, and he usually covers his ears to mask the sounds of your praise about him. he hates drawing attention to himself and simply cannot Deal™ with the compliments he's receiving
- this is amplified if you're in a romantic relationship with him since, lets be completely honest here, he's literally never been in a relationship before
- I mean like, if that one girl who was with him for a week in 5th grade counts for anything, then I guess he's been in one before but other than that he has no experience
- how does he accept compliments? how do you genuinely love him?? should he dress better when around you???? oh god, do you secretly hate a bunch of things about him and only like him because he's a good hero????
- there's literal pages in his search history dedicated to is panicked questioning about what he should do if you haven't told him you love him in more than a week, what he should do if he accidentally calls you the wrong name while making out/having sex, when it's acceptable to talk about getting a plant together without seeming like he wants to get married in that instant, etc.
- for this it doesn't matter whether or not you're experienced since its good both ways! someone who isn't experienced could help ease his nerves a bit since hey, you might not really know what you're doing ether, so you're both gonna mess up. if you're a little more experienced then you can help show him the ropes and probably might help him improve in future relationships if you ever decide you don't want him anymore. both win-win situations basically
-  it also doesn't really matter if you're male, female, or anything else since he's demisexual panromantic. your personality is basically the most important aspect to him, even though he still thinks you have the face of a god/goddess
- the first few weeks of the relationship are basically him figuring out when its okay to touch you and/or ask for you to touch him since he doesn't want to scare you off with how affectionate he can be
- and when I say affectionate, I mean like a full out cuddle-bug
- Tamaki is straight up touch starved so like jot that down. like high key he really didn't have much physical affection as a child and even now can’t really figure out how to do it since he doesn't have any experience with it. he still craves physical affection though, and consistently
- a good way to tell that he wants affection is that he sticks a little bit closer to you during the day. not exactly under your feet, but still in your space when he knows its appropriate. usually just giving him a long hug or hdoling his hand in private helps to alleviate it a little bit, but his favorite way to get affection is to sit down and either sit in your lap or have you sit in his lap
- the reason I say private though is because PDA makes him nervous. it already kinda draws attention to the two of you since the act of PDA is basically outing a relationship on display and that alone makes him nervous, so he usually avoids it unless its in a barely populated park, a quiet cafe, etc.
- so in public he's probably gonna stick close but not outwardly hold your hand by himself, but behind closed doors he's basically hanging on you wherever and however he can
- can you really blame him for liking you as much as you do? I mean you're patient with him, you genuinely like him, and you're so sweet that he doesn't even know what to do with himself. that, and you're super fascinating to observe
- not,,,- he doesn't mean that in a creepy way I swear. he means it like- he means that he likes watching you work because the way you move around catches his interest. part of his training is observing others and he already does it a lot due to being more of that type of person by default, so he can tell a lot about you just by watching you do simple tasks such as cleaning the floor or doing some work you need to get done
- his observance makes him a great partner when it comes to remembering small things about you like your favorite color, how you do your hair in the mornings, what your favorite band(s) is/are, and more! expect him to bring you small gifts that reminded him of you because of something you said four months ago at a very specific time and a very specific date and a very specific location
- this applies to anyone that he really knows or pays special attention to really, but you're one of those people that he subconsciously has encyclopedic knowledge of because he thinks about you so much all the time
- anyway, we're getting to the end so lets get to my favorite part of the list- miscellaneous headcanons! :
he really likes Conan Grey and Lofi remixes of songs that he likes since they're more on the calming side and less intense and help his nerves go down if he's feeling anxious
when he does get severely anxious he curls into a ball and pulls at his ears and cries. he's unresponsive for this time but usually just letting him calm down after a little bit on his own or telling him softly to listen to you helps
he likes insectariums a while lot, specifically the butterfly rooms where you can walk through and let them fly around you. for some reason they tend to be more prone to lighting on him than anyone else, even though he only really wears dark colors and doesn't make an effort to get them around him
he has some purple fairy lights set up above his bed in his room that look like glowing butterflies cause he thought they were cute
he's incredibly good at cooking complex and simple dishes since he usually has to eat large amounts of certain things for his ability, and almost always cooks for the two of you if you're staying long enough to eat with him. he's arguably one of the best home-taught chefs at UA besides Bakugo even though they specialize i different areas of cooking basically
- well, it looks like thats the end for this list! Tamaki is such a sweet dude, really. being his friend or lover is like having a cheerleader, an endlessly loyal supporter, and an eternally loving partner (and more) all rolled into one. once you've been nice to him like once he's automatically favoring you over others. it may be hard to try to help him get more comfortable with the things he's anxious with, but he's a fast learner and if it makes you happy it makes him happy too
- Be careful with him, and you've got a friend for life!
[ ~Thank You For Reading, and if you think I missed anything please let me know in the notes or in my inbox. Any feedback is heavily appreciated!~ ]
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Oop my bad I mean Ginrei haha. I was wondering what headcanons you had about him. The kuchiki clan overall is so mysterious
Ohhhhh, that makes more sense!
Sort of the same thing goes for Ginrei though-- just because I think he’s awful does not mean that I do not love him (I do.)
Look, the two wolves that live inside me are (1) I always end up loving rich characters and (2) I hate the rich. Although the contents of my blog may indicate otherwise, I am not actually a Byakuya simp. I am a Rukia and Renji simp, for sure. Byakuya loves them and is important to them, and by extension, I have grown affectionate for him, but the man is ridiculous and just barely escapes being awful, for reasons I will describe in a moment.
Soul Society is problematic. Like, this is not really a debatable topic, it is very much presented this way, and I think one of the most legitimate disappointments people have with the series is that we never see any major shift in this, even though a number of its institutions are literally destroyed, they just end up being being built up again. The main problem with Soul Society is that it is run by the rich and powerful, and the poor are neglected and left to live short, miserable afterlives. The nature of reincarnation and the fact that the strong cannot live among the weak without sapping their spiritual pressure really entrench this, along with the dominant narrative that it’s good for the outer districts to churn weak souls so that power can (rightfully) collect at the center.
Perhaps this is more of a logical extension than a headcanon, but everyone in Soul Society who controls any amount of power is likely to be awful: at worst, scheming and corrupt like that guy from CFYOW, and at best, crafty and artful a la Yoruichi. Take the Head Captain, for example, who is, on one hand, definitely presented to the audience as A Good Guy, and yet every single filler arc is about some shadowy thing he did 300 years ago coming back to bite him. Does he ever once show contrition about this? He does not.
Look, here is a headcanon I have hinted at, but I don’t usually say out loud: You know how Unohana was Soul Society’s worst criminal, and now she runs the medical station and teaches ikebana and smiles all the time? I also think that Kyouraku and Ukitake have done some nasty stuff in the past, and the fact that they now act like kind and genial goofuses is because they can. You get little hints of this all the time-- Kyouraku’s actions as Head Captain, Ukitake monitoring Ichigo through the substitute badge, etc. These dudes have done some shit, you will not convince me otherwise. (This does not affect my love for them, it may even enhance it)
I know this is very roundabout, but what I’m getting at is that to me, it’s a safe presumption that a Great Family Head is going to be slimy unless proven otherwise. Now, I don’t think Ginrei is a guy who gets up in the morning and says “how can I be evil?” I do however think he subscribes to the sort of circular thinking of “I am noble and therefore better than everyone else, it is right and good for me to make decisions that benefit myself and my family. Because we’re better than everyone else, it’s important that we remain in power as nobles.” On one hand, I think that Ginrei definitely does have ideals, like that he should lend his strength to the defense of Soul Society, that nobles should adhere to a certain standard of behavior, etc. On the other hand, when push comes to shove, he will absolutely prioritize covering his own ass (or his family’s). We see this directly in the Zanpakutou Spirits Arc, where he lectures Kouga on being a bad Kuchiki, and then immediately goes to pull some strings to get him off.
I think Ginrei and Byakuya are very, very alike in personality, which is the primary reason they don’t get along. The one big difference is, though, is that Byakuya does not talk out of both sides of his mouth the way Ginrei does. I think most nobles talk big talk about principles and standards in a way that is literally impossible to achieve, and yet Byakuya is constantly trying to hold himself to this, in a way that his relatives don’t really understand, and make a lot of people nervous. I also think that Ginrei is very, very pragmatic and makes decisions based on what needs to be done, and he doesn’t have a lot of sympathy for the people who get hurt along the way. Byakuya does this, too, to some degree, but through his association with his adopted baby scumbags, he realizes how much harm this did to his family, and he doesn’t want to be like that (although he’s also not really sure how to NOT be like that).
Here are some miscellaneous Ginrei headcanons:
- He had a good partnership with Byakuya’s grandmother, and they had affection for each other, but it wasn’t a love match.
- Good buds with Yamamoto, super problematic together
- Hair is incredibly silky, on par with B’s
- Was always unfailingly polite (bordering on patronizing) to Unohana and her bestie-at-the-time Iba Chikane. This however, was cover for a burning rivalry because Ginrei did not enjoy two women being better at things than him and Retsu and Chikane did not enjoy the patriarchy.
- Always had sky-high expectations for Byakuya, because he secretly thought Byakuya was great and wanted to see him be his best self. As a kid, Byakuya admired his grandfather, but as he grew up, and especially after the death of his father, Byakuya felt like his grandfather was just unpleasable for the sake of being an asshole.
- Ginrei had always been somewhat gentle with Soujun, because of his personality and illness, and partially blamed Soujun’s death on the this laxity, leading him to double-down on his expectations for Byakuya.
- Did not like Hisana because he was convinced she didn’t really love Byakuya and that Byakuya was throwing away a ton of political capitol for a woman who wasn’t even going to live very long. In other words, he legitimately thought he was looking out for B, but was a jerk about it. Finally let B marry her as an object lesson that... did not end the way he had hoped.
- Prior to the whole execution debacle, thinks Rukia is a disappointing nobody, not worthy of being a Kuchiki
- Is not dead, lives at the Kuchiki lake house in northern Rukongai.
- Has chilled waaaaaay out in retirement, loves tennis, tries to brew his own sake (it tastes like paint thinner but he keeps making B drink it)
I think this is the point where my Ginrei headcanons start to bleed into the Ginrei-comes-to-visit fanfic that I have been pretending to work on for, like a year now, so I’ll stop. Thank you for this discussion, which kinda makes me want to work on it again, even though I have a dozen other things to do.
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