#in his care for Rin. who has nothing to offer him but relies on his protection-- character growth <3< /div>
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jakotsuto · 7 days ago
there wouldn’t be anything wrong with it if they framed it just a bit differently. As it is, there’s just a weird energy about it.
As an additional partially unrelated note, but this movie makes Rin a little more confident in her position in Sesshomaru's life than Rin typically is.
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Where as previously,
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S3 Ep26 Sesshomaru and the Abducted Rin
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[Confused about how she got there after falling off a cliff] S4 Ep14 Jaken Falls Ill
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[That he seeks Naraku] S4 Ep22 The Stealthy Poison User Mukotsu
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S5 Ep6 The Exposed Face of Truth
I think the only time we really see Rin confident that Sesshomaru will save her is S6 Ep24 (excluding TFA)
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Not that I don't think her confidence could've developed between S5ep6 and the movie taking place, but THIS
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Is pretty damn confident. Almost... uncharacteristically so. She doesn't even technically call out for Sesshomaru to help her like she usually does, she just internally screams for him. That's like... a pretty drastic change.
Even in S6 Ep 24, she still calls out for Sesshomaru to help her.
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And she's still surprised/relieved he actually showed up
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That's a pretty noticeable difference between the InuKag dynamic and Sesshomaru & Rin, to me, because Rin is always a little bit more unsure if Sesshomaru cares about her, up until
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Sesshomaru expresses affection towards her.
Whereas Kagome, the one pretty confident that Inuyasha WILL save her, that they're a team, friends, etc-- is the one kinda questioning the depths of her relationship with Inuyasha in this movie?
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(S2 Ep25 The Demon's True Nature)
In the first movie, Kagome jumps off Kirara midair because she knows Inuyasha will catch her. So, like... This is rambly, but,
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Something just feels weird here.
Why Inuyasha: Swords of an Honorable Ruler is the worst Inuyasha movie
The third movie is my absolute least favorite of the four. I'll watch 4 over 3 any day.
But it's got Inuparents! Yeah great, fun times, anyway
Here's why I hate it, short and sweet:
It's like Sunrise tried to butcher Inuyasha's character even more than they already have.
Take this scene from the beginning(ish?) part of the movie.
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Inuyasha looks concerned about Kagome being injured. That's a canon InuKag moment right?
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But then he just leaves? Don't give me that, "he wasn't in control of himself" bullshit. When Naraku forced his demon out, he still refused to kill Kagome and instead tried to save her! He's controlled himself enough that he wouldn't hurt her even when he wasn't in control of himself.
This is the same guy like 100 chapters into the manga series went
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Like this guy wasn't about to let Kagome just lay there injured with zero protection and this pompous asshole who probably uses gravel as toilet paper because he likes the aesthetic or whatever
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anywhere near her without leaving her with some amount of protection. When Sesshomaru tried to attack Inuyasha with the whole fake arm business, Inuyasha left her in the care of Miroku, whom he didn't quite fully trust either.
And he abandons her with Myoga? Who flees at the slightest perception of what maybe-could-possibly-slightly-be-considered-if-you-squint-and-spin-around-really-fast danger?
And you're going to tell me that he's just going to get up and be like "yeah, this is fine" and stalk off after his half-brother. Canon Inuyasha would've either let it go or carried Kagome with him until he found her a safe place.
But leaving out in the open like that? Please. We know you want to paint him as the ultimate two-timer for drama and 12-year-old-teen-romance-fantasies, but seriously, show some respect for characterization.
Maybe Yashahime wouldn't have sucked more ass than Jaken, if you hadn't been so obsessed with painting Inuyasha as the cheater you dream him of being.
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boycottyashahime · 5 years ago
Hello! Anti-Sessrin person here. You said if this couple becomes canon it will ruin Sesshomaru's character development. I would love it If you could elaborate on that because you're always so eloquent and smart. It's ok if you don't feel like it, though. Have a nice day!
I've actually been looking for an excuse to sit down and write out a cohesive post on my thoughts about this. Contrary to what the shippers want to believe, my interpretation of Sesshoumaru and Rin's relationship doesn't have anything to do with my moral objections to child grooming. I happen to think there's plenty of evidence for a filial interpretation in the text.
First, I'd like to preface my little essay here by saying I'm going off the manga alone. I haven't seen the anime in a long time, because I dropped it when I got a little tired of trying to reconcile the inconsistencies between the two mediums. So, if you read this and have an impulse to say, "hey, what about that thing in episode such-and-such...", keep in mind that I probably just don't remember what you're thinking of.
So, let's go back, alllll the way back, to Sesshoumaru's first appearance. Here's a guy who tears off a dude's head for no other reason than to get the attention of his subordinates to demand a boat. Here's a guy who's spent a long time looking just about EVERYWHERE for his father's remains, not to pay respects, but to plunder them. Here's a guy who feels ENTITLED to rob his dad's grave for treasure he deserves simply for being his father's son.
Sesshoumaru begins his journey as a selfish, spoiled, entitled brat. He doesn't fit the usual profile of a kid throwing a tantrum on the street because he wants the expensive toy sitting in the window; he's very posh and very reserved, but fundamentally, his motivation comes down to the simple fact that he wants Tessaiga. It doesn't even really have anything to do with respect and admiration of his father, otherwise he wouldn't have been so eager to rifle through dear old dad's bones to get at a sword when he had another heirloom right there at his hip. Only Tessaiga was representative of the sheer destructive force he wanted to wield, so he ignored the fact that his dad didn't seem to want him to have it.
This is important, because at first, Sesshoumaru doesn't seem to think of his father in terms of the guy's intentions or the steps he takes for the sake of his sons. Like most rich spoiled kids, Sesshoumaru views the Inu no Taishou in terms of his prestige and how that priviledge can be appropriated for selfish ends. Sesshoumaru wants Tessaiga not because he needs it, but because it's a birthright, and reinforces his legitimacy. When it's clear that Tessaiga seals Inuyasha's youkai blood, keeps him from going berserk, Sesshoumaru loses interest in Tessaiga - it's just a crutch for Inuyasha, and there's no prestige in taking it from him or using it for himself.
Sesshoumaru doesn't start to REALLY consider his father's intentions for the swords until later in the manga, when it comes out that Tenseiga was originally part of Tessaiga, and Inuyasha was meant to get the Meidou Zangetsuha attack eventually as well. It's at this point that Sesshoumaru starts to question if daddy actually HATED him, to give him a rather neat power disguised in a lame shell, but only to develop it so Inuyasha can have it instead, even after Inuyasha already got Tessaiga in the first place. It kind of looks to Sesshoumaru that Inuyasha gets all the powerful cool shit their father left behind, and that there might have been some favoritism coming down HARD on Inuyasha's side.
Above, you can see Sesshoumaru has two interlinked but distinct issues that are addressed throughout the story - his lack of compassion and empathy, and how tied his identity is to his father's favor and prestige. These two are somewhat separated in the narrative; there's a kind of pause in Sesshoumaru's development while a bulk of the middle of the story deals more with other characters and their development, but there is a little bit of a thematic connection between the two halves.
We'll start with the development of Sesshoumaru's compassion since, well, that's where the story begins working on his character. Right before Rin shows up, Toutousai let's Inuyasha's group in on the sword Sesshoumaru carries around and what it does, indicating that Tenseiga requires a compassionate heart to function. A bit ham-handed, but RT isn't very subtle most of the time, so we'll allow it. This sets up the next few scenes in which Sesshoumaru is unable to move and must play captive audience to a little girl doing the literal opposite of what he's used to. Sesshoumaru's habit is to show up and kill things, with no thought to the years of history, relationships, thoughts, emotions, etc that he's snuffing out. But while he's reclined injured in the woods, Rin demonstrates actual LIFE and the preservation of it, that part Sesshoumaru never gets to see. It's made all the starker by how BAD Rin is at caring for herself, let alone the strange monster she found in the woods. She does exactly nothing to help Sesshoumaru, despite how hard she tries, and is even injured by others in her attempts. She is the very picture of vulnerability, the opposite of the strong and capable Sesshoumaru.
This is a stark contrast, because anything less wouldn't be enough to create the necessary awareness of Rin's struggles that Sesshoumaru needs in order to use Tenseiga on here. And I know I've said this before, but I really cannot stress enough how obvious I think the symbolism is when Sesshoumaru uses Tenseiga for the first time; a phallic object gives life to a child, and the object's owner looks after that life throughout the rest of the story. He's not very good at looking after it, and it's clear that he's not sure about taking responsibility for Rin at first, because she pleaded for him to come back for her when he and Jaken left her behind to requisition a sword from Gaijinbou. To me, it's reminiscent of a teenager who knocked someone up, and ended up having to learn to give a crap about the result.
But, even if you don't accept that symbolism as particularly significant, Rin being a child, and human, and weak, unable to survive on her own, are important characteristics to how Sesshoumaru's compassion develops. Sesshoumaru is one of the strongest characters in the series, and he rarely has to worry about his own safety. And since he's in the habit of just murdering everyone he comes across if they're in his way, he's never had to worry about the safety of anyone else, either. When Rin comes into the picture, though, Sesshoumaru is faced with the uncomfortable reality of vulnerability in general. Through her earnest and incompetent attempts to foster survival in a world that can and does crush her, she's opened his eyes to how the disadvantaged, those without a powerful youkai lineage to rely on, have to struggle.
Rin herself has nothing to offer Sesshoumaru within this context of supreme vulnerability. She's not a friend, because she can't offer mutual support or use a skill to their benefit as a team. She's not a lover, because, well, she's a child and sexual/romantic attraction are conditions that wouldn't allow Sesshoumaru to extend his compassion beyond just her. As a mostly helpless kid, Rin has to rely upon Sesshoumaru and his power to survive, and Sesshoumaru employs his strength to keep her alive, getting nothing but a sweet smile out of it all. She gets all the benefits, he has all the obligations. This is PURE compassion - using one's advantages to another's benefit because you care about them, and not because you derive something from it as well.
This is why making Rin into Sesshoumaru's lover is a REALLY thoughtless take. It puts conditions on the compassion and muddies the message.
Moving onto Sesshoumaru's continued character development in the latter part of the story, the sword drama starts back up with slow, when Toutousai shows up and offers to reforge Tenseiga into a weapon. Sesshoumaru discovers that because he got angry enough to break his primary weapon in defense of Kagura's honor, he's triggered the next evolution of Tenseiga into something that can murder. Which is what he wanted at the beginning, yay! I want to point out here that Toutousai says Tenseiga noticed a change in Sesshoumaru's heart - anger for the first time for the sake of another. This implies that what Jaken said about Sesshoumaru getting tangled up in the fight against Naraku because Naraku kidnapping and using Rin to manipulate Sesshoumaru hurt Sesshoumaru's pride is actually accurate; he just really hated the thought of Naraku trying to use him, even if it was a failed attempt.
After going through HELL to develop the Meidou into a full circle (literally), Sesshoumaru then learns that the Meidou belongs to Tessaiga and Inuyasha, and that it's supposed to be handed over. Now, part of Sesshoumaru's angst over this idea, I think, is not just "did daddy love Inuyasha more?", but also the assumption that Inuyasha would have to KILL him in order to retake the Meidou Zangetsuha into Tessaiga. Thinking that your father meant for your little brother to kill you at some point to take your stuff is a pretty disturbing thought, to be entirely fair to him. This is why, when Sesshoumaru jumps into the meidou to take back control of the Naraku-possessed Tenseiga and breaks it deliberately, he spends the rest of the time in there moodily resigned to disappear. He genuinely believes that his father meant for him to die at this point, and even after they get out of there, he seems genuinely depressed.
This is Sesshoumaru's lowest point as a character. He's lost something he thought his father had meant for him, at his father's own wish, and he can't help but question why his dad would give him something just to take it away and give it to Inuyasha. It looks for all the world like favoritism, and since the Inu no Taishou is dead, there's no asking him what the hell the meaning of all this is.
This is all leading to one of the most infuriatingly ridiculous scenes I have ever seen in a manga - when Magatsuhi has crushed Sesshoumaru and everyone thinks he's been killed/absorbed, Magatsuhi is blown apart and rendered unable to reform by the shiny new sword clutched in Sesshoumaru's newly regrown arm. I could talk your ear off about how having Sesshoumaru stop being an amputee is erasure of consequences for his actions, or how being given back an arm is kind of a slap in the face for actual amputees, and where the mother f*ck did that sword come from anyway, but that's not what this essay is about, so I'll just keep all that to myself. The point of this is articulated by Toutousai when he says that Sesshoumaru had to let go of Tessaiga and his father's heirloom to stand on his own as a daiyoukai.
We've already gone over how Sesshoumaru is one of the most powerful characters in the series, who rarely has to worry about his well-being. He's just really strong without having to try. Sesshoumaru had already learned that he didn't need Tessaiga ages ago - he knew this when he learned that Inuyasha needed Tessaiga to keep from tearing himself apart eventually. But when he thought he had been passed down something from his father that was truly meant to be his, only to put all this work into it so that Inuyasha could have it, that embittered him again. It's not that he wanted the sword necessarily, but the thoughts and consideration of his father, who seemed to be putting everything he had into Inuyasha.
But his previous experiences protecting and considering someone (in some cases, multiple someones) weaker than him should have tipped him off. During the very battle in which he got his new arm and sword, he was actively helping those around him avoid Magatsuhi and keeping them close because he had a plan and the strength to carry it out. He was willing to take the extra step to protect Inuyasha and friends before trying to take care of Magatsuhi though, and that was the point. He put everyone else's needs ahead of his own, even Inuyasha's, and he did it without even thinking.
Toutousai just articulated what Sesshoumaru should have already intuitively known by that point. He never needed his father's heirlooms, the swords, his dad's power. They were unnecessary for him from the start. Inuyasha needed a leg up, because his own BODY could kill him after a while. But Sesshoumaru always had the capability of being great on his own. He just needed to finally separate his ego from who his father was and become his own person; stand on his own as a great youkai. While I don't agree with the execution, I can get behind the big lesson - don't rely on your daddy's wealth and influence to prop you up, and do the work to build a personality and identity of your own.
Which is ANOTHER reason why making Rin into a lover would be a thoughtless take. It would walk back Sesshoumaru's final lesson about being his own person apart from his father.
So, there you go. A comprehensive post regarding my take on Sesshoumaru's character development. I could add in a bit about Sesshoumaru coming to understand his father's consideration and the lengths he went to for the sake of protecting Inuyasha by having to give similar consideration to Rin, but I think this post is long enough, and that one statement on that aspect pretty much sums it up. Let me know if you would like me to elaborate on any of this, or if you would like to argue any of the points, I'm up for it. Might take me a minute to respond, mind you, but hopefully it won't take as long as it did to draft this behemoth.
Take care.
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koko-doodle · 5 years ago
Symphonytale Story Overview
Theme Song: Face My Fears by Hikaru Utada
Year 0 - Year 50: The Void
Gaster is stuck in the void after his world crashes. He attempts to stay sane while he tries to reconstruct his world. Failure after failure he gives up hope. He finds a connection in the core code that links his world to the multiverse. He tries everything to escape but because his code and the code of the Void are linked, he can’t escape without his soul crumbling.
Song: Echo by Gumi
Year 50 - Year 60: The creation
Gaster decides to find a way to cope with the loneliness instead. He creates two copies of himself but they are only husks without emotion or life. He finds music is the only thing left in the core code with emotion and infuses it into the soul of the copies. They come to life but they were incomplete just like he was. He edited their core code within their souls to make them unique, creating two skeletons names Rhythm and Melody.
Song: Electric Angel by Rin & Len Kagamine
Year 61 - year 68: The Notes
Gaster teaches the twins about everything. He teaches them how to speak and about what he has learned about the multiverse. The twins sing songs for him which relaxes him and makes him happy, it was their first magical ability. He thinks of the twins as his own children. In year 66 to 68 he teaches them how to use magic. He edits their code bit by bit to make them better and have new abilities.
Song: Happy Synthesizer sung by Rin and Len
Year 69: The First Lesson
Melody and Rhythm figure out how to create a portal to other universes and visit their first AU Underswap. They have fun exploring while in the meantime Gaster is in a panic trying to figure out how to get them back. When the twins finished and tried to go home, they could not get the portal to open. They attempt to ask for help from some human teenagers who happened to be anti-monster. When they started pushing Rhythm around, Melody jumped in to try to get them to stop and she was shoved and hit her head, cracking her skull. Rhythm’s attacks were not strong enough to do any damage and he cried for help as he held onto his sister. Swap Sans so happened to be walking by and scared off the teens but struggled to get Rhythm to tell him any information about them. When he fianally gets told where they are from he takes them and calls Ink. He tells Ink what happened and what Rhythm had told him about where they lived. Ink takes over and after searching he returns them home. In hopes to fix the damage Gaster edits Melody’s code to repair her cracked skull which worked but she does not remember the encounter with the humans.
Song: Strangers Like Me (duet) by Chris Villian & Traci Hines
Year 70 - Year 80: The Gap
After the accident Ink visits often and convinced Gaster to let him take the twins on outings sometimes to other AUs to play and learn. On these outings Melody spends a lot of time enjoying what the AUs world has to offer like food and scenery, she also loves to play. Rhythm tries to be with his sister when he can but while she is off playing he trains with Ink and others who will do sparing lessons with him. He desires to learn more magic and get stronger to protect his sister from ever getting hurt again but in the process starts to become distanced from his sister and father. Melody tries her best to figure out what is wrong but Rhythm never says anything. In year 76, Gaster decides the twins personality and knowledge does not match their appearance and decides to edit their code making their appearance into that of teenagers.
Song: Drift Away Duet by Caleb Hyles and Sarah Stiles
Year 81: The Fall
In his spare time when Gaster and Melody are preoccupied, Rhythm digs around in the code of the Void looking for something interesting out of boredom. He cracks a locked code on a file and finds Gasters journal and begins to read it. He reads the section he wrote on their creation and their purpose. Gaster had never told them they were created and Rhytm realized everything he told them when they were younger was a lie. He doesn’t say anything to Melody or Gaster but he begins to act more and more irritated as days went by. One day on one of the twins adventures, Rhythm returns home early and leaves Melody with Ink. Gaster tries to get Rhythm to tell him what was wrong but he refused. After pushing too far Rhythm tells Gaster what he found and demands an explanation. Nothing Gaster says gives Rhythm any consolation and they get into an argument. As Rhythm tries to leave Gaster stops him but Rhythm accidentally hits Him in his soul. Rhythm panics and tries his best to fix it but the Void begins to crumble as Gaster does. Just then Melody returns and they are forced to say goodbye to their father. Before he dies, he alters their code one last time making them adults which unlocks their full potential and he tells them to spread happiness through their music. Gaster forces them to go with Ink and the twins become orphans.
Song: Lie by Ashe
Year 81 - Year 86: The Next Step
In the first few months after their father dies Melody relies heavily on Rhythm for support. Rhythm only told Melody that it was a sparring accident that had caused their father to die, he never told her what actually happened or what they were. They spend the next 5 years alongside Ink and Dream fighting against Nightmare and his gang and spreading joy like their father had wished. Rhythm became a strong fighter but rarely ever sang while Melody sang til she was exhausted sometimes. Melody hated fighting, although Rhythm taught her how she never liked fighting. Through the years, Rhythm begins to have some hateful thoughts seeing all the AUs and their occupants living happily while he and his sister fight tirelessly to protect THEIR happiness.
Song: Waiting In The Wings by Eden Espinosa
Year 87: The Offer
One night in an AU while Rhythm was trying to clear his head, he runs into nightmare. Nightmare claims he just wants to talk and Rhythm lets him, but kept his guard up. Nightmare talks with him and shares his side of the story and why he does what he does. He convinces Rhythm that it is okay to want a happy ending and to be angry that he has to risk his life for those who don’t care. Nightmare tells him he just wants to help him and his sister, he offers him a “potion” that will give him the strength he needs to make his own happy ending for him and his sister. Nightmare tells him to think about it and leaves.
Song: Let It Lie by Common
Year 87: The Change
After thinking about Nightmares offer for a few days Rhythm decides to tell Melody. Melody refuses to believe anything Nightmare said is true and tried to remind Rhythm of the horrible things he has done to AUs. Rhythm becomes frustrated that Melody won’t listen and he tells her who they really are, how they were never made to have a apply ending. They were created to make a failed scientist not go insane from being alone. Rhythm states this is their chance to find their own path and be their own selves instead of what Gaster wanted them to be. Melody still won’t side with Rhythm and he decides that he will show her what Nightmare offers that Dream or Ink won’t. He drinks the potion and becomes corrupted, leaving with Nightmare. Melody is devastated and heartbroken.
Crossing The Line by Mandy Moore and Eden Espinosa
The Next Right Thing by Christen Bell
Year 88 to Year 108: The Fight
After siding with Nightmare, Rhythm ends up creating problems for more and more AUs. Melody and Rhythm spend 20 years fighting, Dream trying to give hope to Melody and Nightmare manipulating and lying to Rhythm.
Ready As I’ll Ever Be by Tangled Cast
Open up Your Eyes by Emily Blunt
Here Comes A Thought by Estelle and Aj Michalka
Outer Science by Will Steton
Year 109: The Bargain
Melody is exhausted and has lost all hope for her brother after fighting for 20 years. She calls Nightmare to meet her, he feels her disparity and sadness and decides to meet her. She offers Nightmare a bargain, her life for her brothers. At first Nightmare is not impressed enough and says no. Melody offers not just to be his puppet but to be his experiment, she offers everything she is to him. Intrigued at the possibilities and her stronger musical emotion manipulation ability he agrees. They set a time and Melody says her “goodbyes” to Ink and Dream. She makes it appear as if she is finally finding hope and tells them how much she appreciates them, she then lies and says she is going on a walk under the stars. Dream could see right through her because he couldn’t feel any hope emanating from her. He secretly follows her. She meets Nightmare with Rhythm and Nightmare removes the corruption from Rhythm. Just before Melody leaves with Nightmare, Dream jumps in and tells her to grab her brother and escape. Melody refuses and tells him to look after her brother, she then leaves with Nightmare.
Song: Queen of Mean by Sarah Jeffery
Year 110 - Year 112: The Dark
Rhythm avoids any confrontation with Melody, he fears what she will say to him and feels guilty for all the things he did to people in the last 20 years. Melody is not corrupted in the same way Rhythm was and still feels some positive emotions but is constantly conflicted and suffering from the pain of the two battling sides of herself. No matter how hard she tries, she can never reach Rhythm. During these two years Rhythm is battling himself. At first he is remorseful, then angry, and finally sad. He becomes determined to save his sister, no matter the cost. Dream says there is no hope for Melody but Rhythm refuses to believe it.
Interlude IV by Zach Callison
Good For You by Dear Evan Hansen
It’s Over Isn’t It by Deedee Magno Hall
Words Fail by Ben Platt
Year 113: The Finale
Rhythm decides to finally face his demons and confront Melody officially. He tries to talk with her and make her understand why he did what he did and how much he regrets now. When talking seems to be a lost cause Rhythm manages to trap Melody, he tries to edit her core code to remove the corruption from her and while he manages to remove the corruption it damages everything and she begins to die just like their father did. Rhythm refuses to let her go and tries to stop her death by sharing his soul with her, but instead of sharing his soul they end up fusing into one being. Melody becomes trapped inside Rhythms mind, the body is Rhythms and is in his control but he has all of Melody’s magic combined with his. Melody is finally at peace and is content just being a part of her brother and Rhythm is finally able to keep his sister safe from everything.
Nothing left to Loose by Jeremy Jordan and Eden Espinosa
Sleeping Beauty by Namine Ritsu
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fuwafuwamedb · 5 years ago
A Stolen Wife Pt 2 (Gilgamesh, Hakuno, Ishtar)
Thus far: 1
He woke up first.
Unsurprising, since he was a king. It had always been his duty to wake up earlier than those in his company. It gave him the chance to note changes in a person’s demeanor. It gave him the chance to have his alone time, to take in the world around him without anyone getting in his way. The mind was best left to considerations and ponderings at this time and he was no different. His mind was focused wholly on changing his space.
He had a woman around.
He’d seen such actions with his soldiers and with his close advisors. When a man had a woman join him in his home, one of the first things to occur were dĂ©cor changes. It was a manner from which a woman became comfortable in her environment. She would change a few pots and plants in the house. Perhaps she would grow something along the sills and fashion a new mead for the evening meals.
Soon, there would be new fabrics. He’d found that wives were often creatures of comforts. They liked cleanliness and order as wives. They preferred to have things fashioned into a structure and their husbands cared for in particular manners.
So, as he had his wife, he would need to show these signs.
It meant his room would alter. Things would be rearranged and his companion would need room for becoming comfortable.
His clothes were moved, several garments going back into the gates before he was evaluating the room again. Further clothing being moved would mean that he would have too little in options should he be weakened or wish not to waste his energy opening the gates.
Perhaps he needed to have his rooms expanded.
The rooms on the left and right of his own were nothing but storage. He could easily take the walls out to the left and right, repair the signs of the room being smaller, and add additional furnishings. Perhaps a fountain would be appropriate in here. The water would add a sense of life to the otherwise cold and inhuman facility.
Speaking of his wife, there was movement now.
She moved an arm. Then her head moved. His brunette was slowly moving to her side, pulling the blankets around herself a bit more.
Creature comforts. She seemed to enjoy the feel of his thick furs with their plush coats.
“Are you finally waking up?”
Those eyes closed tighter for a moment before he could see her looking over to him blearily. Slowly, she was awakening. Slowly, she was moving to sit up and rubbing at her eyes.
“Gilgamesh? What’s going on? What happened to that woman from before?”
Woman from before
 did she mean that fool she’d been yelling at earlier?
“The woman is gone. All of that world is gone.”
The brunette frowned at him, her eyes looking over the room.
“Welcome to Chaldea, humanity’s last defense against the problems that arise when magecraft tangles with the fabric of fate.”
“What happened to Tsukumihara Academy? Leo? Rin?”
He didn’t know what those things were, but they didn’t matter now, did they? He had removed her from that time and world. It would most likely cease to be, breaking apart at the seams and becoming destroyed.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
The woman stared at him, eyes wider. “You hate Leo. He sits in the council room. Rin looks like someone you know
 or she acts that way. I don’t know. She has two twin tails that are a really dark brown, almost black. Tsukumihara Academy is where you saved me from being swallowed up by the darkness. We’re contrac-“
She paused as she looked at her hand.
“Are you looking for these?” Gilgamesh unbuttoned his shirt, presenting the red markings on his chest. “I have three of these command spells, I believe.”
She was starting to panic, not a great sign for a woman he was going to claim as his own. The moving back against the headboard of his bed was also a bad sign.
Gilgamesh closed his shirt once more, buttoning it up once again.
“Calm yourself, these are simple command spells. You are still a mage and not a servant. I saved you while you were being stalked towards by a woman with purple hair-“
“Yes, well, I don’t care to entertain this. You’re becoming my wife.”
He may as well have told her that she was to be queen of Uruk for the look of shock that came over her. Her hands were gripping the furs of his bed further, her whole body tensing as she stared straight at him.
“Ah, I’m judging by your reaction that you are in awe of such a feat. I have looked at all of my contractors that I have had since I am in need of a companion and have chosen you. You’re far more amusing than any other, plus average enough. It is true I’m lowering myself to a point by choosing you, but I think you will come to show me the respect due.”
She stared at him further, her hand covering her mouth. Her eyes roamed over him, although it didn’t seem like a once over that a woman would give a man she intended to bed. It looked more like that of a woman seeing a beast descend, like she was looking for some sign of malady.
What was she thinking?
You have not introduced yourself,” Gilgamesh pointed out.
She blinked.
“Your name? Or do you need me to name you?”
“Hakuno. I’m Hakuno Kishinami. Which you should know already.”
“I have little time to care about my contractors, even less to remember their names and personalities. Hakuno, you are my wife now.”
Gilgamesh frowned at her.
She was being claimed as his wife. What did the reasoning behind this decision matter? She was being given an opportunity that would never occur for any other woman in the universe. A marriage exclusive. She would have him to herself. It was vulnerability. It was a humbling on his part. She could have had any personality. She could demand any single thing. He would be obliged as her husband to give it. That or kill her, which if she bothered him was possible.
A knock was at the door, drawing their conversation to a stop.
“Oh stupid king,” Ishtar’s sing-songy voice rang out from the other side of the door. “Gudako’s planning to do experience grinding and wants all servants in the command room. You better hurry up.”
Hakuno frowned, her eyes going to him once again.
“I am a servant. You know this.”
“You have command spells though,” Hakuno pointed out.
He did. “Do not mention them to the others.”
Ishtar was pounding on his door again. He wasn’t sure why his master felt it appropriate to let the goddess harass him, but his respect for Gudako was falling by the minute. Gilgamesh moved closer to the bed to avoid having to speak up.
“You are my wife. That is what is important at this time. Your job, as such, is to need me.”
The bemused look that came over that face was glorious. Dark, narrowed eyes, a pursing of the lips, a slight flare to her nostrils; she stared deep into the depths of his soul and showed every bit of a spine of steel.
Gilgamesh found himself snickering.
“You’re not funny.”
“I can be amusing,” he told her. “However, I am serious on this matter. My task for you is to need me. Change this room as you see fit. Demand things that bring you pleasure. You are to need and rely on me.”
“That’s a shitty wife.”
“A wife should be a partner, someone who shares responsibility and stands at your side, not clings to your tacky zebra print shirt and cries for attention.”
The zebra print was fashionable

Gilgamesh pulled another shirt from his gates, scoffing.
“Then you would rather be my contractor and my wife?”
“I was your contractor
 And I don’t need a husband.”
“You have one anyway. The contracting will need discussion with Gudako.”
If anything, it would ensure that he wasn’t burned, but Gudako would be wary. Mages weren’t prone to appearing here, not as far as he was aware.
Ishtar was yelling one final time before he could hear her run off. Pest that she was, she wasn’t going to risk missing a meeting that Gudako had deemed vital for the servants.
“Come,” Gilgamesh offered his hand to the woman. “I need you dressed and I need to present you to my master before she finds out about you in some other manner.”
“I don’t like this.”
“You were brought here by me for the sole purpose of being with me. Bear that blessing and importance close as I bring you to that useless contractor of mine.”
He refused to let her leave his room until he had her adorned in jewelry to show her importance.
First impressions were vital, after all.
It was not every day that one presented their wife to their master and enemies.
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kusunogatari · 4 years ago
[ ObiRyƫ October | Day Fourteen | Do It Yourself ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryƫ ] [ Verse: Like Magic ]
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Another evening...another round of assignments to do.
Given her need for additional research material, Ryƫ is - rather than in the Hufflepuff common room - spending her evening in the library. Several other students are scattered about, quills scratching against parchment in the quiet as the librarian lurks nearby, ensuring no one makes too much noise or gets too rowdy.
And so far, it’s been just that: peaceful, with only the fluttering of pages and frustrated sighs of students interrupting the silence.
That is, until someone new arrives.
“Oh, RyĆ«!”
Everyone in the library seems to perk up, including the one called. Blinking, she flushes a light pink as Obito enters the hall, waving and grinning. “Shh, you’re going to get us in trouble!” she lightly chastises, but not without a smile.
“Sorry, sorry...I see you and I just sort of...forget.”
The accidental compliment earns a soft snort. “Here to work on homework?”
“Yeah...I’ve got some Arithmancy to do.”
“I don’t have that class.”
“You don’t?”
Obito blinks, and then frowns. “...huh. I didn’t realize until now. So, uh...you can’t really help me then, huh?”
“I’m afraid not...you’ll just have to do it yourself, hm?”
His lips purse in a pout. “Ah, drat
In turn, she gives him a look of sympathy. “I’m sorry...but I’d be pretty much useless looking at it. Um...got anything else I can help you with while you’re here?” She glances around, seeing the librarian eyeing them shrewdly. She’s talking quietly, but

“Uh, lemme see
” He digs around in his bag. “I’ve got that Care of Magical Creatures essay on nifflers
“Ah, I did that yesterday, so I can lend a hand!”
“Okay! Uh...Potions report for what we brewed today, but you weren’t there...hm
In the meantime, Ryƫ watches with growing amusement as Obito pulls a seemingly endless supply of things from his bag...including a pumpkin pastry. Did he put an extension charm on this thing, or what?
“I think that’s it, actually.” Straightening, he looks at his little mountain of things, and RyĆ« immediately starts giggling.
“Miss Suigin,” the librarian offers as a warning, watching eagle-eyed as the girl tries to stifle her noise.
“...I think I need to clean out my bag,” Obito then offers, grinning sheepishly.
“I think you do,” RyĆ« agrees, still suppressing the urge to laugh again. “How do you keep track of anything
“Lots of digging. Kinda like a niffler.”
Now, however, isn’t the time for tidying, and they move instead to the one piece of homework they can actually do together: the niffler essay.
RyĆ«, already familiar, gets up and goes to fetch the book she’d used the day before to complete the piece. Walking along a row of books, she scans them, a hand raised to hold the tomes’ spines and keep her place.
“Find it?”
Almost jumping out of her skin, RyĆ« spins around, finding Obito behind her, grinning. “Don’t do that
!” she hisses, lightly swatting him. “I thought you were going to start with the textbook?”
“I thought I’d come help.” At her confused frown, his grin only grows. “And...by help, I mean have a moment alone.”
“Alone? We’re in the library!” she counters, glancing down the aisle. “This is the last place you can get away with being cheeky, Obito!” Between how quiet it is (and thus easy to be overheard), and the ever-present vigil of the librarian, there’s little being sneaky here without it ending poorly.
“What, just for a moment?”
“But -?”
“I don’t know about you, but I do not want to get in trouble. She’s a raptor, she is! I’d like to be able to come back here again without her being angry!”
Realizing he’s not going to make any headway, Obito actually scowls a bit. “Fine, fine...what book are we looking for?”
“It’s called “Nifty Nifflers” - it goes more into their history than the textbook does. More information to help fill the parchment count.”
Not responding, Obito just...starts looking alongside her, finding it on a high shelf before the pair of them return to their table.
Finishing up her Charms assignment, RyĆ« gives Obito a glance. He’s actually rather focused, looking between the book and his parchment.
...she can tell he’s still a bit peeved.
But she has to draw a line at him trying to be frisky in here. She relies too much on the library to risk upsetting the lady who runs it! There will always be time for random bouts of snogging later, in other places. She hates telling him no, but

“Heh?” Her train of thought broken, RyĆ« looks back up.
“Can you read what I’ve got so far?”
“Oh, uh...sure.” As he turns the parchment, she starts looking it over.
“...are you mad?”
Obito glances aside. “...did I make you mad?”
“...no? Did...did I?”
“...are you sure?”
After a pause, he sighs. “...sorry. I don’t, er...think sometimes. You’re right. It was dumb. I just get excited when we get to do stuff together. It kinda...gets to my head.”
In spite of herself, Ryƫ’s cheeks dust pink. “Well, I...I can understand that.” She then gives a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry if I snapped at you.”
“Nah, I was being pushy. You gotta be firm with me sometimes, heh.”
” After a pause, she offers, “Hey, um...the trip to Hogsmeade is in a few days. You want to go and do something then? To...make up for it?”
That earns a blink. “...really?”
“Well, we’ll have to be decently caught up on work, so we don’t fall behind. But...yeah! We’ll go do something fun. Just...the two of us, okay? No Rin or Kakashi this time around.” Her expression turns more demure. “I know it’s not easy juggling...everything. And trying to find time alone with how crowded things are
Having brightened at the prospect, Obito chuckles. “Yeah...we’re running out of broom closets, aren’t we? And...they’re not the most romantic.”
“No, but they do in a pinch,” she replies with a smile. “So...it’s a date, then! Just be sure not to leave too much on your plate before we go, okay? I don’t want you falling behind.”
“Yeah, sure! Though uh...I might have to get some more help before then.”
“Sure! So long as it’s not Arithmancy,” she teases with a giggle.
They pass the rest of their work in quiet, occasionally checking in with each other. Obito finishes his essay and Potions report, and Ryƫ manages to get her Charms work done. And with that, they leave the library, Ryƫ giving the librarian an apologetic smile on the way out.
“So, all caught up for the night, then?” Obito asks as they approach the Great Hall for dinner.
“I think so! Why?”
“Just in case we cross paths after dinner,” he replies, giving a cheeky smile.
RyĆ« lightly rolls her eyes. “Well, you won’t delay anything other than me getting to bed at a decent hour, I suppose.”
“Go eat!” she insists, lightly shoving him toward the Slytherin table as she in turn makes her way to sit with her fellow Puffs. Dinner, as always, is perfect, and she’s soon pleasantly full and starting to get sleepy.
But her evening is not over yet.
Looking around the hall, she doesn’t see Obito. Ah...maybe she took too long and he went off to the dorm early? Not that she can blame him - it’s getting late, and they were working pretty hard. But then again, he seemed rather...riled up. Packing up her bag, she starts on her way to the Hufflepuff dorm, glancing around for him just in -
A hand finds her arm, pulling her aside and forcing her heart up into her throat. But she manages not to say a word, having a feeling she knows who and what this is.
And as suspected, Obito soon grins at her from the newly-closed broom closet.
“Just can’t let it go tonight, can you?” she teases with a sigh.
“Ah, ‘fraid not,” is his reply, hands finding a grip on her waist. “Can you blame me, though? You’re kinda hard to resist.”
Once again, she goes pink. “You are so ridiculous
“Am I wrong?”
“Can’t really agree without sounding like a narcissist, now can I?” she counters with a laugh as his nose tickles along the underside of her jaw, his bulky form having to lean down quite a ways. “...you know if you get any taller, you’re not going to be able to fit in here with me anymore.”
“That would be a terrible day indeed.” But that doesn’t thwart him at all, still paying rather special attention to her neck.
It’s her self-proclaimed weak spot, after all.
Not having a retort, RyĆ« instead gives a hum, head tilting to give Obito more space. As always, she’s mindful of how much noise she makes. It wouldn’t exactly be pleasant to get walked in on by someone curious about strange sounds in a broom closet.
But he sure does make that difficult.
Only once he’s teased her a bit does he sneak back around and kiss her properly, her arms coming up to encircle around his neck. While she’s not short by any means, he still makes her feel that way between his height and his bulk. A big scary Slytherin, indeed.
And yet she can never be afraid of him. Rather, being anywhere near him makes her feel a special kind of safe. Knowing that, given he is capable of knocking a few heads around, he’d do so to protect her in a heartbeat.
The thought brings some warmth to her chest, and she smiles against his lips.
“Wuzzat for?” he murmurs between kisses.
“Nothing. Just happy.”
His expression softens slightly. “...good.”
Looking at him fondly, RyĆ« then offers, “So...think that can tide you over for a while?”
“I think so. But I’ll be looking forward to Hogsmeade.”
“Mm, me too. A nice change of pace.”
Obito then peeks out, waiting for the way to clear before they both scurry out of the closet and back toward their dorms. Needless to say, they both fall asleep later with smiles on their faces.
The rest of the week, of course, crawls by at a snail’s pace. With something to look forward to, the waiting is all the more agonizing. But then the weekend finally arrives, and students are cleared to head out from the school to the little village not far beyond it.
By now, the pair of them are pretty familiar with it, multiple visits under their belts. But the trips into the town are almost always done in a group with the rest of their circle: namely Kakashi and Rin. So managing to head out with it being just the pair of them is a treat, indeed.
“So, where to first?” RyĆ« asks as they meander into Hogsmeade. There’s no snow yet, but the Autumn air is still chilly. “Should we go to Honeydukes and get some candy? Or would you rather warm up with some butterbeer first? Maybe get something to eat?”
“Really doesn’t matter to me,” Obito replies with a shrug. RyĆ«, to keep pace with him, has her arm hooked through the crook of his own. “We could just wander around and I’d be happy.”
That earns a warm smile. “Well, we should do something. It’s not every day we get to be here! We can always go for walks on the school grounds. Right?”
“Hm...I guess so. In that case
” He looks around, once again familiarizing himself with their surroundings. “Let’s do lunch first, then sweets!”
As always, The Three Broomsticks is crowded, and it takes a little while to find a place to sit. But they’re lucky and snag a corner table, snuggled up together as they wait for their food. Butterbeer soon warms their bellies.
“I think this might be my favorite place in Hogsmeade,” RyĆ« eventually observes.
“Mhm. Honeydukes is great, but...I love the atmosphere here. It’s so cozy!”
“Can’t argue with you there.” To accentuate his point, Obito lets an arm slink around her waist to tug her closer. A smirk grows as she blushes.
“Someone’s going to see!”
“Aw, c’mon. Everyone knows by now. And it’s not like we’re snogging.”
“Well, no...but -?”
He turns to give the crown of her head a quick peck, laughing at her squeak of surprise. “It’s fine! You need to relax, RyĆ«.”
Lips purse in a pout. “It’s embarrassing
“Why? Don’t like being seen with me?”
“No! That’s not -!”
“Cuz I like being seen with you. I like everyone to know just how lucky I am.”
Ryƫ blinks, looking a bit surprised.
“...otherwise, screw what anyone else thinks. Right?”
Her gaze falls in thought for a moment. “...right.”
They eat a bit quickly, wanting to have more time to wander around. After all, the selection at Honeydukes is enough to take half a day on its own. But they wander through (with a whole score of other Hogwarts students), picking out the goodies they want and figuring out their budget.
“Ah, I should put these back
“I’ll get them for you!”
“RyĆ«, it’s fine -”
“You want them, so you should have them,” she chirps in defiance, cutting off his refusal. “Papa always gives me too much spending money anyway. I might as well use it on you.”
Deadpanning slightly at her sweet-disguised stubbornness, Obito realizes this isn’t an argument he has any chance at winning. “All right, all right
The rest of the afternoon is spent wandering as Obito suggested, watching both the townsfolk and students mill about.
“Well...I’d say that was a pretty successful day, wouldn’t you?”
Obito hums. “...yeah.”
“Nothing. Just thinking.”
Her head tilts curiously. “...about?”
That earns a snort. “Not in the mood to share?”
“Mm...maybe later.”
Knowing better than to push him, RyĆ« just leans her head against their shoulder as they start meandering back toward the school. The day is growing old, and it seems they’ve had their fill of the village this time around. By the time they arrive, supper is about to be served, so they linger in the Great Hall to wait.
“Hey guys!”
Turning, they spot Rin. “Hey! You just get back too?”
“Mhm. Did you guys go?”
“Huh...we never saw you,” she muses, head tilting as Kakashi steps up beside her.
“We took our time,” RyĆ« explains with a smile. “It was a bit of a date.”
“Ohhh...so you were avoiding us!” Rin grins cheekily as RyĆ« backpedals.
“Maybe a bit,” Obito supplies with a matching upturn of his lips.
“Sneaky sneaky!”
As Ryƫ makes to speak again, the meal is served, and Kakashi and Rin take their leave to the tables.
“Well, it seems they got their own date too.”
She glances to Obito. “...yeah, guess so. Maybe we’ll go as a group next time around.”
“That’d be fun. I...really enjoyed today.”
After a blink, RyĆ« gives a warm smile. “...me too.”
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     This is...a little short .w. I had a stressful day and honestly was just not feeling the prompt, so...idk how good this khfdjh - I just wanted to get it done. Been a while since I struggled that bad OTL      But yeah, just some HP verse fluff cuz...I like it. Not much to do with the prompt but...blegh lol      Anywho, I’ma go sleep and hope tomorrow isn’t a wreck, ahaha. Thanks for reading~
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recentanimenews · 5 years ago
Bookshelf Briefs 6/8/20
Ace of the Diamond, Vol. 26 | By Yuji Terajima | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – The fall season has begun! Furuya is wearing the ace number and dominates the first game, much to Eijun’s distress, since he’s still suffering from “the yips” after striking a batter with an inside pitch. Thankfully, Miyuki and Coach Kataoka arrange for Chris to drop by and teach Eijun a new trick, which seems to help get him out of his doldrums. Meanwhile, Furuya’s performance begins to deteriorate, rumors about Coach Kataoka’s imminent departure begin to circulate, and the guy who’s been observing them (but who is probably Kataoka’s replacement) plans to focus solely on cultivating Furuya the ace and objects to how much time and effort Kataoka devotes to the other players. I mean, I can only assume that this guy is going to get sent packing at some point, but I definitely appreciate that Terajima-sensei is able to make me this anxious about his presence. Perennially recommended. – Michelle Smith
A Certain Scientific Railgun: Astral Buddy, Vol. 3 | By Kazuma Kamachi, Yasuhito Nogi, and Kiyotaka Haimura | Seven Seas – The first half of this volume is a giant flashback, and you know those are always bad in the Indexverse. Expect dead kids, dead adults, and a whooooooole lot of evil science. Unfortunately, there’s also a lot here that relies on the reader knowing one of the antagonists is from New Testament Vol. 11
 which we have not seen in English, and might never see. Too much continuity. Junko continues to be laughably retroactively strong, going toe to toe with a level 5 here. And there’s the bond between her and Misaki, which may be “master and servant” but is also a close friendship (and yuri tease, as Misaki herself demonstrates). Railgun fans will like this. – Sean Gaffney
The Girl from the Other Side: SiĂșil, a RĂșn, Vol. 8 | By Nagabe | Seven Seas – The eighth volume of The Girl from the Other Side is unbearably sad—so much so that I struggled to finish it, as watching Shiva come to terms with losing Teacher is a shattering experience. Compounding my sense of anguish were the final chapters, in which we learn why the Inside world was so desperately interested in Shiva. The parallels between her situation and our current health crisis are impossible to ignore, reminding us about the human cost of capitulating to fear, ignorance, and superstition in the face of a pandemic. In a less fraught moment, I’d be inclined to recommend The Girl from the Other Side for the lessons it imparts, but I think it’s OK to decide that Nagabe’s allegory is a little too on-the-nose to offer insight or comfort right now. – Katherine Dacey
Go with the Clouds, North-by-Northwest, Vol. 3 | By Aki Irie | Vertical Comics – After two messy but interesting volumes that see-sawed between mystery and travelogue, Go with the Clouds, North-by-Northwest finds its groove in volume three. Michitaka—who disappeared from the previous volume—takes center stage in the latest installment, as Kei inadvertently stumbles across some important clues about what happened to his aunt and uncle back in Japan. Though Kei’s discovery propels the story in a new and unexpected direction, the latest plot twists feel earned; the sometimes awkward shifts in tone and genre that characterized the first two volumes are smoothed over by new revelations about Michitaka, and a new sense of urgency about solving the trail of gruesome deaths he’s left behind. The result is a compelling story that has the trappings of a Scandinavian crime show but the soul of an X-Files episode. Recommended. – Katherine Dacey
Kakushigoto: My Dad’s Secret Ambition, Vol. 3 | By Kouji Kumeta | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Whereas Zetsubou-sensei made a point to seemingly attack everything in the world for leaving the author (and, by extension, Nozomu) in despair, Kakushigoto is zeroing in on the manga profession in particular. Here we get mysteries answered, such as why are the pages of weekly magazines colored differently, who determines the order the stories go in, and what is the exact nature of a deadline? We don’t get real answers for any of these, as it turns out things are very fluid. As for Hime, she’s still cute, and still investigating things with her not-Zetsubou girls mystery club. And there’s still that flashforward threatening us with the death of Hime’s father. Will the series get that dark? – Sean Gaffney
The Misfit of Demon King Academy: History’s Strongest Demon King Reincarnates and Goes to School with His Descendants, Vol. 1 | By Shu, Kayaharuka, and Yoshinori Shizuma | Square Enix – This isn’t my usual fare, but I hoped it would help with my Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun withdrawal. And it actually did! Anoth Voldigord was the all-powerful demon king, but sacrificed himself to end a perpetual war with humanity, pledging to reincarnate in 2000 years. When he does so, he’s invited to a school attendend by his many descendants but nobody believes he’s who he says he is because his magic is too vast to be measured and all of the facts about his reign have been distorted or forgotten over time. Anoth isn’t too likable at first, but the fact that his smug announcements of superiority garner no reaction, his jokes fall flat, and he must deal with a pair of doting and dimwitted human parents all help to humble him a bit. I guess it sometimes pays to venture out of your comfort zone! – Michelle Smith
My Senpai Is Annoying, Vol. 1 | By Shiromanta | Seven Seas – Thankfully, the senpai is not annoying in the way that I feared—this is all on her. Futaba is a new OL at a company who is so short she looks about twelve years old. She also has a near-terminal case of tsundere. This mostly comes out when around Harumi, her senpai at the company, who is huge, nice, helps her with her work and occasionally lightly teases her, and she is absolutely not ready to deal with it. This manga has one joke—Futaba is embarrassed and gets mad to hide it—and if you like that joke, it can be fun. It’s also based on a webcomic, with most “chapters” being about two pages. Towards the end, there’s longer original content, and that works much better. Recommended for those who like 4-komas and tsunderes. – Sean Gaffney
New Game!, Vol. 9 | By Shotaro Tokuno | Seven Seas – You got the sense that Kou wasn’t going to stay in France forever, and sure enough, she’s back by the end of this volume. There’s some nice stories here about not-quite-rivalries between her and Aoba’s friend Hotaru, and of course the inevitable yuri tease between Kou and Rin, which will never rise above a certain level but that level is pretty damn high. Other than that, a big part of this volume features the danger of farming out parts of your game to outside companies to complete, as they’re harder to control and can easily affect quality in ways that need to be fixed somehow. We also see Aoba continue to grow into her role as a real adult, even as she continues to never quite take the starring role. Cute. – Sean Gaffney
Primitive Boyfriend, Vol. 1 | By Yoshineko Kitafuku | Seven Seas – Kamigome Mito is popular with the boys at her school but feels nothing for any of them, finding them all insufficiently manly. Mito is lamenting her circumstances while working on the family farm, when she suddenly receives a visit from Spica, Goddess of the Harvest. Mito’s hard work has not gone unnoticed and as a reward, Spica sends her back in time 2.5 million years to meet her soulmate, a member of the species Australopithecus Garhi. He takes care of Mito, she falls for him, and when she’s sent home just as his life is in peril, she’s desperate to return. It’s pretty fun, I guess, if you don’t let yourself get bogged down in the realities of how their relationship will never work. Thankfully, it’s also only three volumes long. It’s short, it’s unique, and thus I will keep reading to see how it all plays out. – Michelle Smith
Species Domain, Vol. 8 | By Noro Shunsuke | Seven Seas – The series has now reached the Culture Festival, and seems like it might slowly be gliding to an ending, which in a series like this means pairing up more people. The “joke” confession that wasn’t in the last volume gets revisited here, with much embarrassment all around. Kazamori’s desperation for other girls to be attracted to Ohki may end up getting her in trouble down the road. Mikasagi explains why he isn’t ready to commit to anything, etc. There’s also an extended bathhouse scene, for those who like fanservice, which includes discussion about where Mizuno should be, on the men’s or women’s side. Again, I appreciate the care they’re taking with this character. Fun. – Sean Gaffney
The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 3 | By Kousuke Oono | Viz Media -As I have said in previous reviews, you read this series for its one gag, and should not expect more than that one gag done extremely well. Beyond that, here we see that our househusband is not the only former yakuza trying to make a living doing mundane everyday things, and that it’s much easier to change what you do than how you act. We also see why he’s such a good husband, manipulating things a bit so that his wife can meet some live action Pretty Cure actors (or rather the non-copyright violating Pretty Cure knockoff). That said, I think it’s Santa’s appearance that is absolutely the highlight of the volume, along with the stunned reaction of all the children. Hilarious. – Sean Gaffney
By: Katherine Dacey
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evartandadam · 6 years ago
Hello! I’ve read some of your analysis on the akatsuki and i really love how in depth you go into their characters! It really makes me appreciate them more! So that’s why I wanted to ask (sorry if you answered something like this already) but who out of the akatsuki do you think is the most mentally unstable/stable and who is more mentally guarded and who isn’t?
What a great question! I will take mental stability to mean lack of turbulence and a ground on reality.
Mentally Unstable:
1) Obito
Obito is definitely the most mentally unstable. It is never made clear what Obito’s issues actually are- How much of him was Madara and Tobi, and how much was himself?
Tobi is never really addressed much, but I assume it’s a result of the White Zetsu in his body. Tobi is a very goofy personality, and if Obito was even partially in control of himself during this time, he has a disorder.
Practically mult-personality disorder, except he remembers everything he does as both Madara and Tobi. So it’s more like he gets wayyyy too invested in pretending to be what’s he’s not. I mean, the personality shifts are crazy.
I really wish more was explained with Obito’s mental state, because it was very interesting and not much was done :/ But there is definitely something wrong. Obito has some serious issues with accepting reality, and doesn’t cope with trauma AT ALL. Therefore, I think he is the most mentally unstable.
Also, Obito really didn’t have the emotional capacity to be a ninja in war (especially at that age). A perfect contrast to Kakashi, who is great at handling trauma and moving past it, Obito simply could not handle trauma this well. This is fine- it’s doesn’t make him wrong or a bad person. It’s like when Might Guy tried to join the Anbu to be there for Kakashi- it didn’t suit him at all. And Gai is awesome! But some jobs go against a person’s sensibilities, and I don’t think Obito had the mental and emotional constitution to deal with war trauma. This is shown in how Kakashi and Obito deal with Rin’s death. Kakashi holds steady with his core beliefs, but Obito totally loses it. This is because they are different, and have different reactions. Anyway, my point is that Obito was less suited to being in a war as a kid than Kakashi, but he was put into this situation anyway, and it really screwed him up. Like, really bad. I don’t think I need to really make my case here, I think everyone can agree Obito is a little
2) Sasori
This guy replaced people with puppets to give him the love he desires. He takes people apart and makes them into puppets. Classic sociopath, but extra screwed up because of the added puppet aspect. Sasori can come across as very normal in conversation, due to his intellect, but he is living a lie. Obsessed with death and collecting people
 We can all agree he is messed up. And I have written a lot on him! Here and here are some rants!
3) Nagato
Nagato can be tied with Sasori. Nagato has a full on god complex. He completely goes berserk after Yahiko’s death. You can basically pin point the second he snaps. Nagato uses his best friend’s corpse to walk and talk in, and
 that’s not something a stable person would do. It is likely a strange way of “honoring” him, keeping him involved in their plans. But he is not considerate of Konan, who has to watch her lover’s corpse move around everyday, animated by her best friend.
Nagato believes he is better than everyone else- he knows best. And he has no problem mowing through innocents right and left to obtain his goals. He is an extreme person, and takes things way too far, much like Obito. He is a narcissist- and is therefore manipulated by Obito with ease. This dude is seriously unhinged.
4) Hidan
Hidan is mentally unstable but doesn’t think he is. To be what he is, he has to be a little off. People who join cults are vulnerable and looking for a place to belong- Hidan was this type of person. Hidan values strength over all else, and blindly accepted whatever this cult had to offer him. So he’s not the most mentally stable person. But he is very sure in himself, and is not turbulent in any sense. He has a very consistent, stable persona. So he’s not nearly as unstable as Obito. And he isn’t in denial about death, so he doesn’t live in rationalization like Sasori.
Itachi, Kisame, and Konan are pretty mentally stable. They are consistent in the way they think and know how the world works. Deidara has bursts of crazy ideas, but part of that could be contributed to his age. Deidara still blends in with “normal” people (watch Naruto SD and see how cute he is with Team Gai). Kakuzu is also pretty stable, other than his anger issues. All of these characters would fit into a semi-normal category. You by how they interact with others. They are capable of reading others, and responding accordingly. (Sasori can interact with others well if he makes an effort but it doesn’t come naturally to him. Same with Hidan, who oversteps boundaries). 
Emotionally Guarded:
As for who is the most emotionally guarded, that would be Konan, Itachi, Sasori and Kakuzu. (in no particular order)
1) Konan
Konan is all about obliterating her emotions and protecting herself from others. Konan lives with guilt from a traumatic past, and to cope, she makes sure no one else gets in. It would take A LOT to make Konan trust another. She is very careful, and suspicious of other people. She views herself as a tool for Nagato, and is willing to do anything for him. But she is not like this at all with others. Nagato is familiar, and they share the same burdens. She also feels guilty for Yahiko’s death. Essentially, Konan is filled with regret, and has no interest in allowing more harm to come to her emotionally. She is a great example of an emotionally guarded person.
2) Itachi
Itachi is living a lie, and pretending to be everything he hates. In order to even begin to deal with the emotional toll of this, he would have to essentially disconnect himself from others. Itachi doesn’t want other people to get to know him or understand him, in fear that they will find out too much. He also lives with tremendous guilt, and “preserves” himself just so Sasuke can kill him someday. He lives his everyday life not actually living- in his mind, he is already dead, and awaiting the moment his destiny is made real. Itachi is the most emotionally guarded out of all of them, since it is a conscious effort. Itachi is emotionally guarded both unconsciously and consciously. Trying to get him to open up his feelings to another person is like trying to talk to a brick wall.
3) Sasori
Sasori claims he has no emotions, but that is very untrue. Sasori admits to Sakura and Chiyo that he failed- he is neither dead nor alive, and he is an incomplete puppet. He’s referring to his inability to completely eradicate his humanity. But he only admits this at the end. Sasori is extremely stubborn, and his entire life philosophy is centered around a fallacy- that he doesn’t need others, and he can live forever. Sasori seeks to fix the emptiness he feels, and thinks the solution is to get rid of emotions completely and become a higher being. After all, emotions have never done him any good. So Sasori is very deluded, and it’s a delusion he crafted around himself, one brick at a time. He is extremely emotionally guarded, even against himself.
4) Kakuzu
I would say Kakuzu is also emotionally guarded from living a long, harsh life, and would like to avoid caring for others as much as possible. Kakuzu was burned by the people he cared for most- his village. And they betrayed his trust. After this is probably when he became cynical about humanity and relied on something material and emotionless- money. I remember replying to an ask on how Kakuzu would fall in love, and I said Kakuzu would be very tricky to catch feelings. He takes his job seriously and caring for others isn’t on his priority list. He probably did this to protect himself and decades later, it’s just natural to him to block others out.
Most Unguarded:
All of the Akatsuki are emotionally guarded, in a way. But Kisame seems to still enjoy talking to others and cares for people He is very loyal and thoughtful. Deidara, despite his philosophy that nothing lasts forever (including happiness with others), always seeks out comradeship and is willing to talk about himself. Hidan is an open book. Like wow. He would probably tell you anything just to have someone to talk to. (Hidan can still be guarded on some topics if he doesn’t trust you, but I think to a normal degree.) Nagato is more open with himself than Konan is, since he was willing to talk to Naruto about his problems. Tobi/Obito is not as open as Nagato, but does love to talk when it’s appropriate. He isn’t too guarded with his feelings- he’s just tactful with them.
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blackrose-ffxiv · 7 years ago
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Book of Shadows 07/24
Lebeaux Desrosiers gestured for the others to follow him further along, passing over the office and the clinic to settle himself on his usual perch. He patted the cloth-and-rosary-wrapped book that was already waiting on the ledge.
“Um...if...if I m-may ask, what is the nature of the beaded cord you use t-to bind the book? Is it enchanted? Rinha'li Dhavha: It looks like...“ Rinha’li Dhavha trailed off, looking for a specific word.   
"You may. It's a Halonic Rosary. It's blessed, which I suppose is rather like enchanting it. It seemed a solid precaution." Lebeaux explained as he began unwrapping said protection.
“Oh, yes, um -- Rosary. That was the term.” Rinha'li leans forward, obviously wanting to touch the book but thinking better of it. For now.  
Geofferaut Derosiers followed Lebeaux, but came up short, eyes darting. There seemed to be some confusion about which location was best to stand, better view of the book or better view of the various exits.
Lebeaux didn’t seem particularly concerned about Geoff’s minor conflict of interests. He tucked the rosary into his pocket then slid the cloth-wrapped item towards Rinha’li. He instead picked up a cup and saucer, busying himself with tea without offering it to the others. Assuming Geoff wasn’t thirsty and Rin had other concerns.
Geofferaut's twitchy fingers found rest against the cover of his own book and settled on the appropriate vantage point.
Rinha'li unwraps the cloth delicately, and as fast as he can without risking damage to a potentially delicate object.
Geofferaut watched the book emerge like a lioness watches a gazelle limp to a watering hole.
The grimoire is old, but not ancient. Perhaps 10-15 years, mistreated for many of them. The leather is weathered and cracked, but not nearly as much so as an item that spent the last year or so at the bottom of a mud puddle should be. It seemed the muck hadn’t touched it at all. The lock latch no longer works. Standard issue for those in service to the Tribunal though someone had taken care to sand or dissolve away those distinguishing embellishments and embossing. There is definitely something -off- about it. The moment the enchanted cloth is unwrapped there’s a brief rippling. Or possibly a bit of dust floating across the eye, hard to tell as it was gone in a blink either way.
Rinha'li carefully opens it up to the first page to see what it contains -- if the previous owner had perhaps left an index, or introduction -- wincing slightly as the leather creaks in his grasp. But, books are sturdier things than many realize, and nothing breaks. "You s-say this was...lying at the bottom of a brackish pond or puddle?" he asks.
There is indeed an index of the standard issue geometries that came with the grimoire. Filling in the first quarter of the book with the same sort of spells one would find in any acanists’ text. The next quarter is home-made theories and accompanying geometries scattered with notes and observations in no discernable order. 
“That’s being generous as to the water content, to call it a puddle or pond. It was mud. A sinkhole, essentially.” Lebeaux glanced over, noting that Geoff had been staring at the tome for longer than he usually stared at anything. “Feel free to have a look as well, I’m sure Rin won’t mind. While you two are doing that, did you bring the contracts I told you to draw up?”
"No." Geofferaut addressed the book.
"Did you draw them up at all?"
"Yes." Geofferaut continued to address the book.
"... Lot of good they're doing sitting in your basement."
“O-oh, I mean, I have a copy of...of a standard client confidentiality agreement on hand at all times... “ Rinha'li offered, obviously distracted wtih the book. He scans the arcanima glyphs for interesting variants, but eagerly ends up flipping to the more experimental sections. Here, he traces his finger over some of the ink, feeling where the quill has dented the paper, leaning closer to see if he can discern the composition of the pigments.  
Geofferaut only breathed because it's an involuntary function of his body. Blinking seemed to have stopped.
“I asked him to draw up a non-disclosure agreement regarding our research. Essentially that no information will be shared with outside parties without the consent of all three of us.” Lebeaux noted. “Technically it should be my decision as I am the one who is organizing this project.” He took a moment to preen the cuffs of his sleeves and let that sink in. “Yet I thought it polite to share the credit since the two of you are doing most of the heavy lifting.”
The spells start in your standard inks, mixtures of heavy metals and a liquid but as they progress they begin to rely solely on blood mixtures from varying sources. Sometimes the same glyph written in several different variations. There was a heavy emphasis on the slow draining of health or vitality from the target in various forms. Restoratives or protective magicks abandoned within the last few chapters. The end of the book was upside down. The original owner had reversed the book to begin taking notes from back to front. It was a lot of nonsense to Lebeaux, punctuated with sketches of towers and walls and terrible attempts at poetry.
Rinha'li's hand rests on the sketches of a long, tall tower with haphazardly placed windows and thin catwalks issuing from it. The artist -- Lebeaux's mentor, presumably -- has attempted to indicate its immense height by surrounding it with dark charcoal scribblings, punctuated by a few hazy cloud shapes. No moon, no stars, and certainly no sun. "...did your mentor, um...c-complain of trouble sleeping? S...strange dreams?" he asks cautiously, not knowing what question will offend.
Lebeaux sniffed and took a sip of his tea. “We weren’t particularly close, you may just call him Ciceroix as I don’t suspect I learned enough from him to actually call him a mentor.” It was just easier than calling him the overzealous inquisitor he used to clean up after. “He seemed distracted, towards the end of our association. Possibly signs of exhaustion, could have been due to trouble sleeping.” Certainly not due to a guilty conscience.
“I know this tower.” Rinha'li says simply. “Have you ever seen it, Mister Lebeaux? Mister Geofferaut?”
"No." Geofferaut replied.
Lebeaux lifted his shoulders in a shrug. “I haven’t entered the City. I was outside of the gates but I didn’t go in, nor did I notice any towers. Assuming that it is, actually, Amdapori?”
Rinha'li nods. "W-well...it's...it's quite...it's in the center of the city. It...c-cannot be seen from the outside, even though it's so tall it nearly reaches the sky...I...I d-don't know why, exactly. The white tower. The Sanctum of Dreams."
Lebeaux wrinkled his nose slightly. He reached over, gloved fingers flipping through some of the earlier portions of the grimoire, before the Inquisitor had the clever idea of hiding the crazy in the last pages. Around the same time the arcanima started to get extremely experimental and were mostly marked as failures, there were images embedded in the geometries mirroring the general shapes of the tower. “Sanctum of Dreams. What a pretentious name.” He sniffed. “So you believe he began to dream of this place and that is what finally pushed him over the edge?”
Geofferaut leaned forward when the experimental arcanima began to feature once more.
Rinha'li turns the next page very slowly, to reveal several lines of metrically complex but imaginatively bankrupt attempts at religious poetry framing rough drawings of a series of doors, each marked with an arcanima glyph. Rinha'li closes his eyes, worrying his bottom lip with his fangs at this sight. "I am near convinced," he says. Rinha'li has taken on a hushed, excited tone. He's happy to see this mad scrawling.  
“Didn’t excuse him from running off, but I suspect there’s some merit to what you’re saying.” Lebeaux didn’t particularly care either way. Looking at the book and its images too long was giving him something of a headache. He pinched the bridge of his nose, sliding glasses up and closing his eyes. “He thought he was hearing the ghosts of Amdapor and went trotting off to the Shroud to find some secrets to divine power.”
The scribbled line of marked doors might have passed for some kind of allegory, but as Rin leafs through the next few pages of experimental calculations, it's clear that doors of some kind were on the man's mind. They appear in the margins, as though it was something his mind returned to when idle and flowed out of his pen as unthinking scribbles. "Divine power, yes. Hm. D-divine indeed. I...did he ever t-try any experiments with his arcanima in your presence? Rinha'li's tail sweeps back and forth in wide, quick arcs.
Lebeaux shook his head, still rubbing at his nose. He finally gave up on the glasses, folding them up and tucking them away into his coat. No point to them around these two anyways. “I generally waited outside.” His hands settled on the teacup once again as he smiled primly at the miqo’te. “I offered you a look at the book previously yet I’m no longer feeling particularly inclined to give you further information. Seeing as you seem unable to grasp the concept of keeping your mouth shut.”
Geofferaut speaks under apparent duress, teeth gritted shut, lips barely parted, voice strained. "An. swer..."
Rinha'li's ears tilt towards Geofferaut. "...I-- I b-beg your pardon?"
Lebeaux looked quickly over at Geofferaut, somewhat startled by the reaction. He blinked blankly, the smile stuck in place.
Geofferaut does not rip his eyes off the grimoire. There is still an apparent struggle to form and force out words. "answer. the question."
Lebeaux still looked as though he’d been struck, more than a little surprised and perhaps unsettled. “I
” He started before he straightened up. “You’re no better than him, acting as though you’d throw over our research if Idristan asked for it. If I’m going to speak plainly and truthfully to you two I expect assurances that my words will never be repeated to anyone else.” He set the teacup down and folded his arms across his chest, fingers brushing against the rosary he had tucked away into his jacket.
"speak. child. or move." Seemed to be Geofferaut’s final warning.
Rinha'li opens his mouth to say something -- anything that will get him more information here, most likely -- but is cut off by Geoff's strange outburst. He too looks unsettled. "W--what--" He looks at the book again. He hadn't thought Geoff THAT ravenous to get at it...
“Perhaps just show him the book.” Lebeaux suggested as he shifted slightly along his perch a little closer to Rinha’li and the book. He cleared his throat, assuming that was as good as agreement that this remained between them. “Once or twice, when it got a little messy I was called in while he was still working.” He explained, speaking a little more quickly now as fingers curled around the beads as though they would do much of anything in this situation.
Rinha'li's ears flatten against his head, nearly disappearing into his hair. He seems reluctant to have the book leave his immediate vicinity, but he picks it up with the cloth and holds it out to Geoff with his fingers trembling on the spine. "T...tell me more," he mutters to Lebeaux.
Lebeaux remains well away from the book as its held out in offering, clutching his pear- rosary beads lightly under his coat. The smile had long since disappeared as his gaze darted between the grimoire and the other elezen. “Ciceroix was testing his theories on the accused. He was supposed to be interrogating them but it often turned in to experiments. One of the times I was called in he’d
 ah, managed to turn someone inside out. There was nothing to be done for them.”
Geofferaut began the motion toward the book with a few rapid, interrupted jerks that smoothed out by the time the tome was in his hands.  Once possessed, the move to the platform is rapid. His own book fluttered open to a blank page beside it - it happened quickly, possibly without much help from his hands - and a pencil, definitely held with fingers, began scratching copies and copies and copies. Geofferaut seemed unconcerned by the proximity or lack thereof to Lebeaux's seat.
“You are C-CERTAIN he accomplished this with arcanima? D-did you see the formulae he--ah--um!” Rinha’li asked hurriedly.
“I’m not sure. There was no one else in there and I didn’t see any tools he could have used for such a thorough-“ Lebeaux trailed off as the book exchanged hands a bit abruptly, with Geofferaut immediately beginning to copy down the books contents, page by page. “Wait, that may be poorly advised. If this drivel drove him to madness what’s to stop it from doing the same to you.” He noted as he reached for the grimoire.
“The--the g-glyphs within ought n-not t-to be aetherically active unless t-transcribed with--with--active inks--um--”  Rinha'li, notably, has not attempted to transcribe anything into HIS notebook, however.  
Geofferaut 's face smoothed as he transcribed. His eyes remained fixed on Ciceroix's book, drawings left to form unobserved - though few would be surprised to learn that they seemed to form just fine without supervision.
Lebeaux slid the book away from Geofferaut, intending to snap it shut again. “It’s the book itself I’m rather wary of. The Hearer I took it from seemed convinced it’s capable of doing some harm on its own.”
Geofferaut dropped his pencil and flicked the now-vacant hand up to intercept Lebeaux's hand's path. But by golly it wasn't so empty. A gleam of metal stopped just shy of touching the sleeve at Lebeaux's wrist. "I do not require the book. I require the geometries."
Rinha'li has also started forward, intending to take a closer look at the book's binding, but also stops short at the wrist flick. For a moment he just stands there stock still, almost afraid to move. “I...I say, is that really necessary?” Rinha'li says, after a moment.
"Yes." Direct questions should be answered.
Lebeaux froze, fingers splayed but not quite touching the book when he saw the flash of metal. Right, the sleeve steel. “Hm.” Fair enough. Slowly he brought his hands back to himself, settling them in his lap to adjust the cuffs and ruffles. “As you like, then.” Perhaps he’d just let them copy it then. “Feel free to make your own copies.” He suggested to Rin. Lebeaux managed to sound only slightly sulky about the entirely situation rather than outright pouting.
 As quickly as it was there, the metal was gone and the pencil was back in motion.
@black-omen-born  @cellardoor-ffxiv
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raendown · 7 years ago
Pairing: ObitoKakashi Word count: 1930 Soulmate au: The one where you have a stripe on your wrist that shows what color your soulmate's hair currently is
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Chapter 108: Obito/Kakashi
If someone were to ask Obito what his soulmate’s hair color was he would likely react with a dramatic rolling of the eyes. How the hell was he supposed to remember what the original color was when it had been changing every few months since before he could remember?
His soulmate almost had it down to an exact schedule. Nearly without fail Obito would wake up on the first of the month, every third month, and the stripe surrounding his wrist would have taken on a different color to signify that someone out there in the world had dyed their hair yet again. It wasn’t even an original idea – lots of people dyed their hair just to check when they thought they had found their soulmate – but he thought his so-called other half was taking things just a bit too far.
When Obito was thirteen his soulmate took a liking to the color red, spending the entire year cycling through different shades from deep ruby to almost orange. The year after that they had swung wildly from purple to yellow before spending half the year trying out different shades of green. It became almost a game between him and his best friend Rin as they took bets with each other on who could guess what color would show up next on his wrist.
He never expected it to turn silvery white.
In his nineteenth year Obito woke up to the scarring on his wrist which signified that his soulmate had passed away, their color removed from his wrist. Barely able to force himself out of bed that morning, he wondered if they had been older than him or younger – not that it mattered, they would still have been much too young to die. He made it all the way to Rin’s house before he started to cry and rage, angry at the world for having taken a part of him away before he ever got the chance to explore it, to love it. His best friend didn’t fully understand – it hadn’t really been all that hard to find Konan with such an uncommon natural shade of hair – but she tried her best to be comforting and he appreciated that.
Going on with his life was hard as he tried to get used to the fact that his other half was no longer out there waiting for him. For a long time he relied on his friends to get him out of the house and keep him occupied. It worked for a time – until the day when things went wrong.
Nearly four months after he woke up with a scar upon his wrist Obito woke up in the hospital with scars in many other places as well. It wasn’t his fault that the roads were so icy but he was just as glad that there had been no one in the car with him when he careened off the bridge; at least no one else had gotten hurt. The hospital was as boring as it was chaotic, despite how that seemed like it should be impossible. He wasn’t the only victim of the surprisingly harsh winter and with the hospital nearly running out of beds none of the nurses had time to stop and chat with a lonely boys whose grandmother couldn’t make the trip across town every day to visit.
Eventually he was moved in to a shared room with a coma patient whose father did manage to visit every day and Hatake Sakumo became Obito’s only entertainment as his body slowly recovered from the breaks and punctures he’d sustained in the accident. In respect for the other boy’s privacy Sakumo never fully opened the curtain which hid his son from sight, but after a few days Obito felt as though he knew Kakashi almost as well as himself. He knew every award that Kakashi had earned as school and in his gymnastics competitions. He knew Kakashi had a mouth on him so smart that he had trouble holding down a job when he continued to sass the customers. He knew about the collapsed building which had nearly taken Kakashi’s life and he knew that Kakashi – like his own soulmate – liked to dye his hair so often that many people had no idea what his original color was.
The day before Obito was scheduled to be released in to his own dubious care, Sakumo showed up at the hospital with a tearful smile and several cans of colored hairspray.
“Hey old man,” he called gently. “What’s with that face? This is a no-cry-zone, remember?” Sakumo chuckled wetly and nodded, setting his bag down and coming over to ruffle Obito’s hair.
“Ah, you are correct young one. How rude of me.”
“Damn right it’s rude. You can’t just go making rules and them breaking them yourself. So what’s with the waterworks, eh?”
Returning to the bag he had set down, Sakumo retrieved several cans of hairspray, one of red, one of black, and another of blue. “It’s just a bad day for me, kiddo, that’s all. It’s been four months today since my boy went in to the coma and I suppose I just
miss him. They had to cut off all his hair when he came in but it’s finally grown back the way he liked it and I thought
I just thought
he always liked to wear color. Said it would help him find his soulmate someday.”
“Oh.” Nibbling on his lower lip, Obito absently stroked the silvery scar on his wrist. “Yeah, my soulmate used to wear color all the time too.” Sakumo raised one eyebrow at him.
“Used to?”
“They died. Before we could meet. I woke up one day and all I had was the empty color.” He shrugged and tried not to seem too bothered, although the wound was still rawer than the physical ones littering his body. Sakumo frowned sympathetically.
“I’m so sorry, young one.”
Obito shrugged again, eyeing the hair paint with interest. He’d never painted his own hair before, preferring to leave the wild color changes to the stripe on his wrist, and he wondered how he would look with some of that red. Or maybe the blue; he’d always looked good in blue.
let’s cheer ourselves up, shall we? Would you like to help? I’ll need a steady lookout. Don’t think the nurses would take too keenly to me coloring up one of their patients.”
Sakumo offered him a grin that was at least somewhat close to his usual cheer and Obito returned it tenfold, scrambling over the edge of his bed and using his crutches to stump over and peek out into the hallway. Once he called the all clear the older man nodded and began to shake up the three cans he had chosen. Then he pulled back the privacy curtain all the way for the very first time and Obito nearly crashed down to the floor in shock.
Kakashi had grey-white hair the exact same color as the stripe which ran around Obito’s wrist. Sakumo beckoned him over and Obito went, drawn like a magnet to the silvery strands resting like a halo around possibly the most interesting face he’d ever seen. From Sakumo’s stories he knew that underneath the eyepatch was the empty socket where Kakashi had lost his eye but the scar above and below it was unexpected. His chin was sharp and his cheekbones fit to cut glass. His skin was so pale it looked nearly see-through. Looking back and forth between them, Obito could definitely see the family resemblance in the two Hatake men.
He held his breath as Sakumo raised the black hairspray, combing fingers through the comatose boy’s hair until he had separated a small chunk and isolated just the tips.
“We never did more than solid dye jobs before. I think he’d love a head full of different colors, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” Obito breathed, leaning closer. “Go on, do it!”
The older man chuckled at his eagerness and followed orders, letting loose with the spray can to paint the strands between his fingers black. Obito very carefully did not look down. He promised himself that he would not look down until it was over, until he could be sure. Instead he kept an eye out as he was supposed to, checking the doorway frequently to make sure no one was coming in to disturb them. When he wasn’t playing lookout he was staring at the teenager in the bed with awe. He was
beautiful. A little wasted away from lying in a bed for four months straight but still beautiful.
Finally Sakumo set down the last canister and took a step back to admire his handiwork. Only the tips had been painted but they were a splotchy riot of red, blue, and black with his pretty silver roots shining from underneath. The pillow behind his head would probably need to be thrown out and his thin hospital gown was also stained beyond salvation but they had both been sacrificed to a good cause.
“Well now. I think he’d have enjoyed this.” Sakumo traced a slightly blue thumb down Kakashi’s cheek. “Wouldn’t you son? Yes, you would have liked this very much.”
Obito took a deep breath, checked the doorway one more time, then steeled his nerves and looked down at his stripe before he could stop himself. His gasp drew Sakumo’s attention, leaving both of them gaping in shock. Around his wrist where once there had been nothing but what he took for silver emptiness there was now a ring of red, blue, and black in equal thirds. He’d been right. Kakashi was his soulmate.
He’d been sitting right next to his soulmate for days on end and never ever known.
“But that’s
oh Obito, my boy.” Sakumo hurried around the bed to engulf him in a hug. “My son’s soulmate! You’re my precious Kakashi’s soulmate! I had no idea! Oh what a story to tell him when he wakes up!”
“Uh-huh. When he wakes up.” Obito blinked rapidly to clear his watery eyes as Sakumo pulled away and took hold of his upper arms, meeting his eyes directly.
“He will wake up. Don’t you doubt him for one second. He might be the most stubborn person I’ve ever met and late for almost everything but he has never let me down before. Kakashi will come back to us, Obito.”
“Okay.” He’d never heard his own voice sound quite so small before but it earned him a second hug so Obito didn’t even think of complaining.
The two of them did end up getting scolded by a nurse who came in five minutes later and found out what they’d done to Kakashi’s hair – and the bedding around him. Neither of them could even pretend to be sorry, however, and the woman left in a huff after reprimanding them quite loudly. After she was gone Obito stumped over on his crutches to sit on the side of Kakashi’s bed with Sakumo, holding the other boy’s hand while Sakumo wrapped an arm around his shoulders, beaming down at him with so much pride he could see echoes of the parents he had lost when he was young.
“We’ll just have to wait right here for him, won’t we?” Sakumo said. Obito smiled without ever looking away from Kakashi’s face.
“Yeah. Just try and keep me away!”
“He’s worth the wait, I promise.”
“You’re his dad; you have to say that,” Obito teased. Then he bit his lip and whispered, “But I bet you’re right.”
And so he waited.
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abo-ocs · 4 years ago
Kanemoto's Profile
{ General Information }
Full Name: Kanemoto Rin
Nickname/Alias: Kane
Gender: Male
Secondary Gender: Omega posing as an alpha
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Marital Status: Single
Age: 45
Date Of Birth: Unknown
Occupation: CEO of a security corp.
{ Physical Information }
Height: 6'1" / 186cm
Weight: 176lbs / 90kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Complexion: Light
Body Type: Muscular
Scars/Tattoos/Other: Tattoos over his back, pecs, and the backs of his thigh. Also missing an eye.
Scent: Marjoram ( Disguises scent with rosewood )
{ Personality }
Positives: Fiercely loyal, honorable, sense of justice, light hearted.
Negatives: Unpredictable, violent, masochist.
Behaviour: Never serious, has a method to his madness, protects his employees.
Likes: Meat, fighting, mind games.
Dislikes: Losing, nosy people, greed.
Struggles: Bipolar depression, depth perception.
People often refer to him as crazy, his employees aren't scared of him though, just concerned about some of his actions.
He doesn't take well to betrayal or others hurting/insulting those who are under his employ.
When asked about his eye, he will always lie, making up unbelievable stories about it.
Kanemoto was born to a poor family who owed a lot of money to loan sharks, they had been honest workers trying to keep their gift shop open but it was no use. Kane tried to help out from the moment he could go out on his own, selling trinkets from the store in other areas of the city. Still it wasn't enough. When Kane returned home late at night, he found his father murdered and his mother missing.
Scared, he ran for it, thinking whoever had done this would come back for him. He hid out on the streets, but relying on charity and garbage wasn't enough to keep him from starving, so he eventually turned to pickpocketing. Of course, it was only a matter of time before his fingers slipped into the wrong pockets. But it wasn't as simple as that either.
The kid he'd been stealing from had been distracted arguing with an older man, thinking it was just a spoiled kid throwing a tantrum. But just as he was beginning to make his escape without being noticed, the older man pulled a knife out, but he wasn't threatening Kane, but the other boy who'd been the victim.
While Kane had no morals about stealing from those better off, seeing a grown man attack a kid Kane's age was something he couldn't just walk away from. Without thinking, Kane acted, driving his own little pocket knife into the man's side, catching him off guard but a little pocket knife wouldn't down a man. It was just enough for Kane to grab the boy's arm and run off into the crowd who had been avoiding the confrontation.
Once they were safe, the boy introduced himself as none other than the son of of Yakuza, the head of a family no less. Since Kane had saved the boy's life, he offered him a job as his personal bodyguard and caretaker. It stayed that way for years, Kane was fiercely loyal to his master, his cold demeanor often enough to terrify anyone away from bothering them. Spending so much time with the young master, caring and being cared for, it couldn't be helped that Kane started to have more affection than he dared should have.
Before he could explore such feelings or even tell the young master about them, the Yakuza heir disappeared without a trace. Kane searched desperately for him, tore Japan apart to try and find him, but nothing. His punishment for failing his duty would've been death, but the young master's father deemed that too merciful for such a failure. Instead, Kane's eye was removed and he was exiled from Japan entirely.
Suffering from the loss of the man he cared about, it could say he gave up on all sense of sanity in his grief. Sometimes, on rare occasions, one might catch a glimpse of compassion or that cold deadliness he once had.
0 notes
fallen-wolf22 · 7 years ago
Murder Of Insanity: Chapter One - His Butler, Able
Fandom: Black Butler x Supernatural x Outlast
Word Count : 4,801
Taglist: Open
Author Notes: So I am sorry it took me so long for this to go up, but as you can see I made up for it with 4,801 words and 14 pages. I hope you enjoy it!
Book Cover
Chapter Two: His Butler, Strongest
The sound of clicking of a turned door handle could be heard as a door opened into what appeared to be the master bedroom, harboring a child no older then 12 years of age, before a figure dressed in black could be seen moving over to a window and withdrew the curtains back, letting sunlight into the room, which cast light over the boy in the bed.
“Master, it is time for you to wake up. For breakfast today, we have lightly poached salmon accompanied by a delicate mint salad. I can also offer toast, scones, or pain de champagne. Which dish would you care for this morning?”
“A scone.”
“Today you have a meeting with Mr.Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire. And this evening Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be paying you a visit.
“Oh, it that the man I have in charge of the stuffed animals at mt factory in India?”
“Yes. I’m told he’s Italian, we will of course offer him all the hospitality the estate provide.
“I know this smell, is this tea Earl Grey?”
“Yes, from Jackson Piccadilly. I shall wait for you at the dining table master,” As the butler was speaking to his master, he had moved over to the door with his back to his master, who had picked up a dart and threw it at the butler, who caught between his fingers, “well thrown my lord, even so let’s save the games for later.”
“Yes, I suppose you’re right, Sebastian.”
[Scene changes to show a dining room]
The sound utensils could be heard moving on plate, before the sound of a boy wearing a yellow shirt, brown pants, and a garden’s hat laying against the back of his neck, before the boy could be seen rubbing the back of his head as he had been nailed in the back of the head by a dart, thrown back the master of the household.
“Ow! Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow, ow! What was that for master? What did I do?” The garden yelped as he looked tearfully at the young master.
“Hold still, Finny let me get it.” A young women said as she moved over the boy and grabbed the dart removing it swiftly before pressing a handkerchief from the pocket of her maid uniform and pressed it to the wound.
“Nothing, I don’t need to justify my actions.”
“Thank you, Miss Scarlett.” Finny said looking at the women has he gave a tear eyed look after she had help removed the dart. Before both of them turned towards the dining room’s door, watching it open.
Moment’s later, the butler dressed in black stepped into the dining room, moving over to the table and stood across from the servants that stood not to far from the table in a line.
“There you are! Have you finished the weeding the courtyard Finny? Mey-Rin, have you washed all the bedding’s? Bardroy, shouldn’t you be preparing for tonight’s dinner? Tanaka and Scarlett
. Well I suppose you’re both alright as you are. Now all of you, we have not time for thumb twiddling this morning, so get to work!”
“Yes, sir!”
“I’ll keep an eye on them, Sebastian.” Scarlett said to him as she walked past him and trailing after the running servants, humming an old tune.
“Simply hopeless.” Sebastian said as he watched the servants scatter to head to do their chores, before turning to Scarlett nodding to her, “Thank you, Miss Scarlett.” Watching her walk down the halling and picking up on her humming before looking back towards the young master, before walking out of the dining room.
‘The silver is polished to a spotless shine, the tablecloth crisp, clean and wrinkle-free. There is not a single bruised blossom among the Master’s favorite white roses, and finally, the highest quality ingredients have been gathered to prepare a first-rate dinner. The table is perfection, this will be an elegant Phantomhive welcome.’ Sebastian stopped his train of thought hearing the ring of a bell signaly that the young master wanted something. ‘*Sigh* Still so much to do and he calls me now.” Before stopping from finishing preparing the dinner for tonight and exiting the kitchen and heading towards the young master’s study, seeing what he required.
“A guest is comin’. All right, then this is our chance. Sebastian looks down on us all the time, today we will be so perfect he won’t even know what ‘it’ ‘im. ‘Ah!’. Yeah that’s what he is gonna say!” Bardroy said as he looked at Mey-Rin and Finny smiling, giving the other two servants courage.
“Ah!” Both Mey-Rin and Finny said as they looked at Bardroy.
“That’s for him to say, not you!” Bardroy snapped at them bother.
“Oh, that’s a good idea!” Mey-Rin said and smiled at Bardory
“Right, we have to stop relying on Sebastian for everything!” Finny said as he punched the air and smiled at both Mey-Rin and Bardroy.
“It’s settled then, we got a plan of attack!” Bardroy said and nodded to both of them.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, you three.” Scarlett as she had listened onto the conversation of the servant’s, she knew this was going to end badly.
“It will be, Miss Scarlett just wait and see.” Bardroy said as he looked at Scarlett and smiled at her.
“Okay, I’m not getting involved with this if it backfires.” Scarlett said as she put her hands up and walked away from the kitchen but staying with in rage if she needed to step in.
“Let’s get to it!” All three servants said and started to take action.
[Scene changes to the butler and the young master in his study]
“I’m a bit hungry, I’d like something sweet to eat.”
“You shouldn’t eat now master. You don’t want to spoil your appetite for dinner with your guest this evening.”
“ I don’t care about that, make me a parfait.”
“I’m sorry, sir.”
“Fine, about the portrait in the hallway.”
“Take it down, I am Ciel Phantomhive, son of Vincent and I am the head of the house now!”
“Consider it done, my lord.” Sebastian said and gave the lord a fake smile to him before exiting the study and heading back downstairs.
[Scene change to the disaster of the garden, the dining room, and the kitchen.]
“Now how exactly, did this happen?” Sebastian demanded as he looked at the disater’s that had occurred while he was talking to the young master for only a few minutes.
“I thought things would go faster if I used extra strength weed-killer on the garden!” Finny bawled as he looked at Sebastian.
“I was trying to reach the tea set we use for guests, but I tripped at the cabinet fell!” Mey-Rin said as she looked down at her hands, avoiding looking at Sebastian.
“There was a lot of meat to be cooked for dinner, it was going to take a long time so us, I used me flamethrower.” Bardroy shamefully said as he rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at Sebastian.
“Where were you Scarlett as this happened?” Sebastian questioned the other maid as she appeared behind him.
“It was there idea and I told them it wasn’t going to work, so I kept an eye on them to make sure nothing got out of hand.” Scarlett stated as she had looked a the messes they had made which was the normal messes they normally make.
Sebastian's nodded as he listened to her before taking a breath and releasing it before looking at the mess the three servants had made.
“Oh, we’re so sorry, Mr. Sebastian we didn't mean to!” Both Mey-Rin and Finny said as they looked at Sebastian.
‘Our guest will arrive just after 6. At most we have two hours left, not enough time to replace the tea set or find premium meats, what should I do?’ Sebastian thought and he tried to figure out what he could do.
“Calm down, all of you. Perhaps you should try taking a page out of Tanaka’s and Miss Scarlett’s book, and start behaving like
 Everyone, listen closely and do exactly as I say, understand? We must be quick about this, we might save this night yet.” Sebastian said as he looked at the servants.
“What do you have in mind, butler?” Scarlett questioned the butler as she study his face wondering what he had planned.
[Scene change to the outside of the manor where a carriage has pulled up]
“Oh, how impressive!” A man with an Italian accents who was known as Damiano said as he stepped outside of the carriage and looked at the manor in awe.
“Hello, welcome sir.” The servants said in usion welcoming Damiano.
“Hello, welcome sir. This is called a stone garden, it is a traditional feature in Japan.” Sebastian explained to gentlemen and gave a fake smile to Damiano.
“Ah, prodigioso! Wonderful!! Truly an elegant garden.” Damiano said amazed at the garden.
“We thought it appropriate to serve dinner al fresco this evening. Allow me to escort you inside until the meal is ready.”
“Ha ha ha. I should have expected this from a Phantomhive. I cannot wait to see what else is in store!” Damiano said as he walked along with Sebastian into the manor, following the butler.
“Phew. We actually did it!” Bardroy as Mey-Rin and Finny agreed as they looked at each other.
“Who would have thought a dozen boxes of garvel could be turned into amazing garden!” Finny said looking at the garden in awe.
“It’s quite pretty. Reminds me of a garden I once saw in Japan a long time ago.” Scarlett said as she looked at the garden and smiled nostalgic at the memory.
“Naturally we were able to handle this. We serve the Phantomhive family after all, there’s still work to be done. Let’s take care of it while the master is talking business with his guest, look sharp now.” Seastain stated as he appeared next to servants.
“Right!” The servants said and turned towards Sebastian.
[Scene change to the master of the house and Damiano]
“The progress we’ve been making wit the East India Factory is quite astonishing. We already have the makings of a top-notch staff.” Damiano said as he looked at Ciel.
“Bewitched by the eyes of the dead. What terrible luck, it appears I lose a turn.” Ciel stated as he looked at the board game before looking back at Damiano.
“Right now is the perfect time. We should begin expanding the company and building a strong labor force it would--.” Damiano said before he was stopped mid-sentence by Ciel.
“Go on, it’s your turn.” Ciel stated as he gave Damiano a bored look.
“Oh, yes. I just turn then.” Damiano said as he turned the spinner before it stopped spinning and fell over showing a number five, then he went back to talking. “Okay there, five spaces. Now, what I wanted to ask you, perhaps you could contribute another 12,000 pounds to support out expansion? I believe it will be quite a profitable venture for you my lord, and I would consider it an honor to help expand the Funtom Company..” Damiano said as he moved his before it landed on the part of The Enchanted Forest: Lose your Leg, trailing off on his last sentence as he looked at Ciel.
“Lose a leg in the enchanted forest. And it’s your turn again, I lost a turn remember?” Ciel stated as he looked at the bored before looking at Damiano.
“Oh, I see. Right, I move six.” Damiano said before grabbing his peice moving it, before being stopped by Ciel.
“You don’t. That’s three.” Ciel said stopping him from moving his piece.
“What? But..” Damiano questioned Ciel.
“You lost a leg, if you recall. Now you can only move half the number of spaces.
“Oh m, ha ha ha ha. This is a gruesome-a board game, isn’t it? Is there-a no way for me to restore my leg, then?” Damiano asked as he moved his peice three spaces before setting down onto what appeared to be flame design.
“I’m afraid once something is truly lost sir, one can never get it lost again.” Ciel said as he looked at the board, looking at the board seeing Damiano’s piece resting on the raging flames square. “You body is burnt by raging flames.”
“How is it going?” Sebastian asked as he stepped into the doorway of the kitchen, looking at Bardroy.
“I’m doin’ it like you said to. Is this really what you want?” Bardroy questioned Sebastian as he sliced the charred piece of meat and leaving the raw part unharmed.
“Yes, that looks excellent.” Sebastian stated as he looked at the meat before turning towards the other end of the hallway hearing Mey-Rin.
“Sebastian! Found ‘me! Ah!” mey-Rin called out to Sebastian as she ran down the hallway towards him, before tripping on her untied shoelace before falling forwards and tossing the boxes that were is her hands into the air.
“Oh honestly. How many times have I told you not to run inside the manor, Mey-Rin?” Sebastian said as he caught Mey-Rin and caught three of the four boxes.
“Missed one.” Scarlett said as she caught the fourth box which had flew farther then Sebastian had expected as she looked towards them, resting the fourth box on top of the other box in his left hand, gave a small smile.
“Thank you, Scarlett.” Sebastian said and nodded to her before looking back at Mey-Rin.
“I’m sorry sir! My glasses cracked and I can’t see a thing!” Mey-Rin said as she started to freak out.
“These are the last items we needed for dinner. Splendid work, everyone. And now I believe you can leave the rest to me and Miss Scarlett, relax for a bit. But I need you to do well, very well, during dinner tonight.” Sebastian stated the three servants before nodding to Scarlett and they both moved to finish dinner.
“He said it twice.” Bardroy said as he glanced at Mey-Rin and Finny.
“Ooh. That’s serious!” Finny said.
[Scene changed to the ballroad room as the door opened to announce the present of the butler]
“Pardon the interruption but, dinner is served.” Sebastian said as he opened the door and looked at the young master and Damiano.
“Oh, dining out in that exquisite stone garden? Shall we go, my lord?” Damiano said as he stood up from his chair and looked at Ciel.
“Very well. We’ll finish the game later.” Ciel said as he walked towards Sebastian before glancing back at Damiano.
“Oh, is there any real need to finish it? It’s obvious I’m going to lose.” Damiano stated as he looked at Ciel.
“I’m not in the habit of abandoning games half way through.”
“How childish.” Damiano muttered under his breath before looking back at the two before giving them fake smile. “Oh I, I mean that sometimes it takes a child’s eye to see that’s really important. It’s a true gift. Maybe that’s what’s made the Phantomhives the nation’s foremost toy makers. It certainly impresses me!”
[Scene change to the rock garden]
“On tonight’s menu is a dish of finely-sliced raw beef donburi courtesy of our chef Baldroy.” Sebastian said as he gave a fake smile, setting the dishes down in front of  them.
“A pile of raw beef. And this is dinner?” Damiano questioned as he looked at the food on his plate.
“Yes, but surely you have heard of it? This, good sir, is a traditional Japanese delicacy, a dish offered as a sign of gratitude to someone who has accomplished important work. That, sir, is the wonder of donburi!” Sebastian stated as he explained the dinner.
“Oh donburi!” Damiano stated as if he knew what the food was, but had clearly no idea what it was.
“This is a token from out master, to show his thanks for all you hard work on the company’s behalf. He wanted you to know that it’s much appreciated.” Scarlett stated as she gave Damiano a fake smile and bowed, speaking.
“Now that’s our Sebastian and Miss Scarlett for you!” Finny said and smiled as he, Baldroy and Mey-Rin hid in the bushes.
“They saved the day.” Bardroy said and nodded.
“Ho ho ho.” Tanaka said.
“Excellent, what an inspired idea! The legendary Phantomhive hospitality in action!” Damiano said in excitement.
“The vintage we are pouring tonight was specially selected to compliment the flavour of soy sauce. Mey-Rin. Now Mey-Rin!” Sebastian said the the young master and Damiano before turning to Mey-Rin told her to pour the wine.
“Yes, sir!” Mey-Rin said nodding to him, before freezing up.
“Why are you just standing there? Pour the man a glass of wine!” Sebastian whispered into her ear.
” Bardroy questioned as he and Finny watched Mey-Rin freaking out.
“What?” Finny questioned as he looked at Bardroy.
“Is it me or is Mey-Rin acting a little strange?”
‘Sebastian is watching me.I can’t take it! Don’t look at me that way!’ Mey-Rin thought as she poured the wine but missed Damiano’s glass and poured the wine onto the table.
“Ah!” Bother Bardroy and Finny freaked out as they watched Mey-Rin mess up.
“Mey-Rin stop it! Can’t you see you’re spilling the wine?!” Finny whispered-shouted at Mey-Rin staying in the bushes to avoid being seen.
Sebastian looked at Mey-Rin as she spilled the wine onto the table cloth and his winded before he grabbed the table cloth and pulled it off the table making sure not the knock off anything from the table and folded the table cloth into his arms.
Scarlett rushed over to Mey-Rin and ushered away from the table and over to where Bardroy and Finny were hiding giving them a look to take Mey-Rin back into the manor, before moving back over the table before pouring Damiano a glass of wine.Moving back over to Sebastian, but behind the young master’s chair going stock still.
“Oh? Where did the tablecloth-a go?” Questioned Damiano as he looked up from his food and seeing the tablecloth missing from the table.
“A spec of dirt. Most unsightly. I had the cloth removed to it wouldn’t distract us. Think nothing of it.” Ciel said as he gave Damiano a fake smile.
“Please accept our apologies, sir. Do continue. Enjoy the meal at your leisure.” Sebastian and Scarlett said together and bowed to him before standing back straight up.
“Oh, oh my! Lord Phantomhive, once again you have truly impressed me. What an able butler and maid you have.” Damiano said impressed with the work both servants had done.
[Scene change from the garden back to the ballboard room]
“That was a thoroughly enjoyable dinner my lord. Now then, about the contract
” Damiano said as he tried to again Ciel’s attention back to what he had asked before dinner.
“Before we discuss that, we must finished the game.”
“Ah, yes of course. I have a pressing-a appointment, perhaps another ti-” Damiano started to talk again before being stopped by Ciel.
“Children can be very demanding about their games. Surly, you wouldn’t want me to get upset.” Ciel said as he manipulated Damiano.
No, no of course not. Perhaps you would permit me to use your telephone?” Damiano asked before looking towards the door as it opened the butler walked in with a serving cart.
“I’ve brought some tea for you and my lord.” Sebastian said as he pushed the cart towards them before turning it sideways and looked at Damiano and Ciel, giving them a fake smile.
“I’ll be right back.” Damiano stated before walking out the room and closed the door behind himself.
Sebastian watched the door close before turning back towards Ciel and poured a cup and giving it to him.
“What is it? It smells terribly weak?” Ciel asked as he smelled the tea.
“Out of consideration of our guest, I bought some Italian tea.” Sebastian said as he looked at Ciel.
“Italian?” Ciel asked as he looked at his cup before looking up at Sebastian.
“Italians drink more coffee than tea, sir. So finding high-quality Italian tea can be difficult. This particular selection is not to your liking master?” Sebastian questioned the boy.
“No, it is not. I don’t like it all.”
“I’ll see to the dessert preparations.”
“Good. We must show him every available hospitality. The Phantomhive family is known for it courtesy.”
“Yes, my young lord.”
[Scene change to the telephone room]
“I’m-a tired of-a babysitting this-a child earl. Yes, I’ve already sold off the factory. Now all that’s left is to pocket the extra cash. I’m trying to squeeze more out of that brat right now. The employees? Who cares about them? Ah
.! Never mind. The rest of the formalities are for you to deal with. No, it’ll be easy. Please, he’s only a child.” Damiano stopped talking as he ended the phone call.
Damiano stepped out of the telephone room before he started to walk back down the hall the way he had come the first time before glancing back, seeing something that quickly moved out of sight before he could get a good look, “Ah! Impossible. I’m seeing things.”
“Little Pig.” Could be heard with a deep male voice.
Damiano jumped slightly at the sound of the voice before moving quickly down the hall not wanting to see what made the comment.
“Bewitched by the eyes of the dead.” The earl’s voice echoed down the hall towards Damiano.
“Ah,no. That’s ridiculous. Huh. Not here either. Or here
. This manor is like a giant maze. I can’t even find the drawing room.” Damiona stated as he opened each door he came across as he looked for the drawing room.
“Bewitched by the eyes of the dead.” The earl’s voice once again echoed off the walls of the hallway towards Damiano.
 eh, ahh! S, stay away from me!” Yelled Damiano as he freaked out and took off running down the hallway.
“That’s odd. Was that our guest I heard just now?” Finny questioned as he held the other end of the painting and looked at Bardroy.
“Hey! We need to move this, or Sebastian will start yelln’ again!” Bardroy said to Finny before walking backwards and glancing back to make sure not to trip.
“Right!” Finny said and nodded, following Bardroy.
[Scene change to the bottom of the stairwell in the main forar]
“Oh, how embarrassing! Oh, I really messed up this time! Oh, but at least I was able to get close to Sebastian! Oh, what a shameful day it all! What kind of lecherous maid am I?” Mey-Rin said as she looked down at the mop and the bucket in her hands.
“You lose one turn.” The earl voice followed Damiano as he moved.
“Huff, Huff
. Aghhhh!” Damiano yelped as he fell down the stairs and fell at the maids feet.
“Ah, sir, are you alright? Ahh! His right leg! It’s twisted round. What happened to it?” Mey-Rin questioned Damiano as she watched him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Bardroy questioned as he looked at the Mey-Rin as he and Finny stood at the top of the stairs.
“Our guest, something’s happened!” Mey-Rin told both boys as they looked at their guest who started to crawl away.
“And now you lose one leg in enchanted forest.” The earl’s voice said to Damiano who only heard it.
“Ugh!” Damiano yelped as he crawled away as quickly as he could with his arms.
“Sir? Uh, sir? Come back.” Mey-Rin said as she watched the guest disappear down the hallway.
“Surly you aren’t leaving the manor sir? We haven’t given you the full Phantomhive treatment yet. We still have to serve dessert.” Sebastian said as he followed Damiano has he crawled. “You’ve lost a leg, remember? Now you can only move half the number of spaces. So why not just relax a bit and make yourself at home?” Sebastian said as he trailed after Damiano before Miss Scarlett joined trailing after them both.
Damiano soon after have crawled backwards and into what appeared to be a cupboard, but the floor was sticky and smelled of sugar. “Damn, it’s too dark. Is this cupboard? Damn, these are really tight quarters. What’s this
.? Smells like sugar.”
“What an impatient guest we have, don’t we Miss Scarlett?” Sebastian asked as he turned and looked towards Scarlett who bent down next to him as well.
“Yes, we do.” Scarlett said as smiled at Sebastian before turning her gaze back towards Damiano and almost held a vindictive smile towards the man.
“You couldn’t even restrain yourself until dessert was out of the oven.” Sebastian said as he looked at Damiano as he and Scarlett shut the door and locked it, moving the metal slip out of the way to view into the oven.
“The, the oven? Open up! Please, open the door!” Damiano yelled as he pounded on the door.
“Perhaps the Italians aren’t familiar with out customs. There’s plum pudding, mincemeat pie. There are many traditional desserts here in England that make use of meat. I find them all quite tasty.” Sebastian said as he closed the viewing window of the oven before glancing at Scarlett.
“Quite right, there many.” Scarlett stated as she moved away from Sebastian and oven, before disappearing out of the room.
“Your body is burnt by raging flames.” The earl’s voice echoed one final time.
“Aghhhhhhhhh!” Damiano yelled from within the oven.
“What was that? Someone screamed.” Bardroy said as he looked at Finny.
“Don’t know. Oh, hi Sebastian!” Finny said before looking at Sebastian, who walked up to them carrying a pie.
“Thank you for your hard work today. As reward would you like some lemon meringue pie? The sugar ill give you energy.” Sebastian said as he offered both of them a slice.
“Sebastian! You’re such a nice person! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Finny said as he smiled gleefully at Sebastian.
“Thank you so much Sebastian! Thank you!” Bardroy said and smiled at Sebastian.
“Oh, yes, and Bard, a workman will be coming by in the morning. When he arrives kindly let him know we’ll be needing our oven thoroughly cleaned.” Sebastian said as he turned his attention to Bardroy.
“Huh? The Oven.” Bardroy said before looking at Sebastian who had left them alone.
“Mr. Damiano. I hope you enjoyed your stay, and the Phantomhive family hospitality. All the way down to your bones.” Sebastian said as she smiled before walking upstairs and towards the drawing room.
[Scene change to the drawing room, where the young master stood looking out the window]
Damiano could be heard letting out a scream and limping/running down the driveway as quickly as possible to get away from the cursed manor, and away from the butler and maid dressed in black.
“Humph, ha ha ha. What an unattractive scream. He sounds almost like a pig taken off to slaughter.” Ciel said before glancing back Scarlett who watched from the corner of the room after having back from the kitchen.
“He does sound like a pig, Chris would have had fun with him.” Scarlett said she mentioned a man Ciel heard her often mentions but ignored it.
“Humph, what presumption, first he sells the East Indian factory without telling me, and then he dares to ask for more money? Did he think to retain my trust?” Ciel spat before turning around and walking over the board game and knocked over his piece onto the happy ending square. “I’m afraid once something is truly lost, one can never get it back again.”
[Scene change to the forare of the manor and the butler in black]
“It appears we’ll be needing to hand new wallpaper as well.” Sebastian said as he looked at the top of the stairs and wall where the painting had hung.
“I wish he hadn’t removed the painting, it was quite nice.” Scarlett said as she walked down the stairs and looked at Sebastian before moving past himsliently and towards the servants quarters.
[Ciel’s childhood Image]
“Mama, papa!”
[Fades Away]
“The head of the Phantomhive estate, hah.”
My young master Ciel has another name. He’s also known as the Queen’s guard dog for his own policing England’s seedy underground. His small body houses great determination. You will marvel at the bravery he displays when dealing with the drug traffic in the ring. Also, feel free to admire my notable skills with the silver upon which I stake my honor as a Phantomhive butler. Next time on Black Butler, “His Butler, Strongest.” You see, I am simply one hell of a butler.
0 notes