#in happier news went hiking with my friend today and had a great lunch and then got dinner with my roommates which went well
lordsardine · 2 years
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
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Happy Birthday @anilcadz91!
You wanted a happier ending (and a happy ending ;) to the scene above and, since the librarians think you should get what you want on your special day, our very own @cheshirecatstrut has made your wish come true. We hope you have a very happy birthday!
When Logan emerges from the Anthropology building holding Dick in a laughing headlock, only to lose his smile upon spotting Veronica? She knows right away something’s wrong. Even at his most sophomore-year-hateful he flirted and posed, mirth, lust and anger twining in his dark, compelling eyes.
She plays the odd moment off with panache, if she does say so herself, joining forces with him to mock Dick; but his disinterest in banter makes her stomach squirm. Logan’s fascination with V has always been so consuming, she’s never once considered it might wane.
But she’s Veronica Mars and she doesn’t back down—so after Dick gets a clue and wanders off to harass Lilith House, she takes the bull by the horns. “You weren’t outside my criminology class,” she accuses, going for playful. Tugs him closer by his overlarge button-down. “I waited.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, lackluster, and turns his face away.
The sick feeling in her stomach becomes an uncomfortable knot…he’s not playing along with her attempt to charm. “Is something wrong?” she asks, because how can she not?
He transfers his focus to his shoe. Studies it intently for a moment before glancing up from under his brow to meet her eye. “I can’t…” he begins, hesitant, in a defeated tone; then stops, exasperated, when her phone rings.
Holding up a ‘wait one second’ finger, V frowns at the display, thankful for a reprieve. “It’s my dad,” she says, trying to make ‘relieved’ sound ‘apologetic’. “Hang on to that thought for just one sec.”
Logan spins in an exasperated circle but nods, and she turns her back, moves a few steps away. “What’s up?” she chirps into the receiver, sounding way more chipper than she feels.
“Veronica, are you anywhere near Dean O’Dell’s office?” Dad’s clearly harassed, and also hard to hear over the traffic noise in the background.
“I could be,” she says. “Are you standing on the side of the highway?”
Dad sighs. “More or less. Look, he’s not answering my calls. Can you swing by and ask if he’ll meet at two instead of noon? Some fan of our work slashed my tires while I was running down a clue, and I need to get a tow and have them replaced.”
“Nobody appreciates genius anymore.” She checks her watch. “I’ll do it now, and then send you this mysterious type of confirmation message called a “text’.”
Dad fake-laughs and hangs up, and Veronica spins to find Logan watching impatiently, hands on hips. “Sorry, can’t talk after all, emergency,” she says, running the words together and holding up the phone in explanation. Walks quickly backwards, because she does NOT want to hear whatever he plans to say. “Dinner later? Student union, burgers, you, me, seven PM?”
“Veronica…” he begins, running agitated hands through his hair, but she just cuts him off with an, “Excellent! I’ll pencil you in!” and scurries away, heart pounding.
At least he doesn’t try to stop her, which is great, she decides. Because whatever was about to happen seemed big, yet she’s got no idea what his DEAL is. The last time they had anything like a fight, she told him she loved him and promised they were OK. What more does he WANT? Does he think those kind of words come easy to her? Surely he gets her instinctive need to flee any interaction that resembles ‘fraught’?
Logan should be cosseting her fears, after last week’s massive display of vulnerability. Not sulking like she stuffed his childhood teddy bear in the blender and hit ‘puree’.
Normally, Veronica can admit, she takes Logan’s loyalty for granted, no matter how insecure about her sex appeal she sometimes feels. She’s always assumed as long as her fidelity matches his, she’s the one who’d have to walk away. The idea that there IS a line, and she’s got no idea how she crossed it…well, she’s supposed to meet Wallace and Mac for lunch. And she’s clueless at the moment as to how she’ll choke down food.
She hikes across campus and finds the Dean at his desk, fiddling with a lukewarm pizza like he has no appetite either. Maybe dissatisfaction’s in the air today, like a virus. She passes Dad’s message, and he just says, “Sure, why not? It’s not like I have any social life or plans.”
This is clearly an invitation to probe further, but Veronica’s got her own problems. So she just says, “Thanks, I’ll let him know!” and heads over to the food court, where she greets her friends with decently-faked good cheer. But she’s so fidgety and indecisive in line, even Mac notices. “Veronica,” she says, after womaning up and ordering the fettucine. ‘Either you’ve got a bee in your shoe, or you’re upset and trying to hide it. What’s wrong?”
“Ugh, curse you and your new intimidating social skills.” Veronica tries a playful foot stomp, then abandons pretense with a sigh. “I’m fine, really. It’s just that Logan’s brooding is off the charts today, and I have no idea why.”
Mac looks at Wallace, brows raised. “But…isn’t Logan always brooding? I thought that was his trademark.”
“Nah, this is different.” Wallace, accepts a double helping of pudding and licks a spill off his thumb. “He was doing the thing in sociology yesterday where he hides his hands in his sleeves, and twirls a pencil instead of listening. He only acted like that in high school when he was planning to ditch for a month or get arrested.”
Veronica and Mac both stare, because how perceptive, and Wallace rolls his eyes. “What? I notice things. I’m told that’s a GOOD quality in a guy whose best friends are girls.”
Veronica opens her mouth to probe further, but at this inopportune moment Piz appears, bubbling over with oblivious excitement. “Hey gang, what’s the word? Is it avuncular?”
“No?” he continues, cutting across Mac’s attempt to reply with a chortle at his own joke. “Just a shot in the dark. Hey, set your dials to KRUFF tonight. I mean, we’re already moving on as to what to do with the whole Greek Row ghost town next summer. I’ve got this one guy coming on the show—wants to turn it into an ROTC training—“
“Jesus Piz, do you EVER stop talking?” Veronica snaps, temper combusting. “Seriously, how do you manage to interview people when you can’t shut up long enough to listen to answers?”
Tossing her tray down she storms away, ignoring the concerned stares that follow her. And okay, maybe she overreacted a tad—Piz is harmless, just super-nerdily enthusiastic about radio and his own opinions. But she’s been unenthused for a while, frankly, about having to share Wallace with Chatty Cathy. Especially at moments like this, when Wallace has data about CRITICAL ISSUES, but she can’t get a word in edgewise.
She’s almost out of the food court when she passes Dick, engrossed in ominously-excited conversation with Charleston Chu; the phrases ‘big-ass tires’, ‘drive right onto the quad’ and ‘group moon’ are mentioned, all of which inspire terror. So she has no qualms about interrupting with, “Dick, I’ll give you a cookie if you quit plotting to get expelled for five minutes, and answer some questions. And by cookie, I mean I won’t turn you in to the Dean.”
Dick heaves an over-exaggerated sigh but gestures to a table, shooing Charleston away. “This isn’t you hitting on me, right? Because Logan may have finally located his balls and taken away your whip, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be the next gimp in line.”
“Dick,” she says, sitting, and watches him follow suit, “and I mean this sincerely. The idea of smacking you down deeply appeals, but NEVER in that context.”
“So what do you want, then?” He takes a long swallow from the tall-boy he’s holding, in defiance of the Union’s no-booze rule. “Connor Larkin’s phone number?”
I already HAVE a boyfriend, Veronica would like to say, and I’ve got no interest in another. But clearly Dick thinks she DOESN’T have Logan, which means he believes a dumping was planned. Ergo, the squirmy feeling in her gut’s on point, as usual, and now she needs to turn Dick upside down and shake him for DETAILS. “I just need to know why Logan’s mad,” she says. “That’s all. Just what exactly, WAS the final straw? Because we’ve been getting along fine, as far as I know, and I don’t understand his issue.”
“Here’s a hint: you’re psycho.” Dick shrugs. “It’s not like we paint each others’ nails and gossip in our free time, Ron-Rons. All I remember is, he rushed home from dinner a week ago and sat staring at his phone for half an hour. And ever since, when your name comes up he changes the subject. Which, no offense, but I’ve been praying for this day since you two started dating. So excuse me while I celebrate with a twelve-pack, then show those angry feminists how the Pi Sigs get things DONE.”
Veronica scowls as he leaves and pulls out her cell, a suspicion beginning to coalesce. Pages through her call list and determines that yes, the last time Logan reached out was six days ago, at dinner time. Which is about five-and-a-half days longer than he usually goes without calling. But she failed to notice, what with the rape case, and three tests this week, and the coffee-stained stacks of unfiled cases that spilled all over Dad’s office…
Casting her mind back, she counts. Six days ago, she went to the Lilith House and confronted Nish, then learned about Patrice Pitrelli. She remembers being upset for hours, after, because those women cast HER as the villain, when THEY were faking rapes to sabotage a frat (not to mention assaulting frat members). She remembers buying comfort food, because nothing helps a girl shake off gender-traitor accusations better than pasta. And she remembers eating at a table by herself, because she just didn’t have it in her to deal with humanity. She got several calls that night, while wolfing down spaghetti and…
Sent them straight to voice mail.
Her jaw clenches then, because she knows what happened, and it’s just so LOGAN. Of course he’d call her from the food court while he was also in the food court, and say, “Want to see a magic trick? Bet I can guess where you are.” And of COURSE if he watched her hit ignore, his pride would be hurt. He might even assume she didn’t love him, because Logan Echolls, under all the snark and smarm, is a surprisingly delicate flower.
Jesus, he needs to get a grip. But as she pages through the list of ‘recents’ she has to admit…she’s been ignoring his calls a LOT.
Shit. Veronica lets her head fall back, stares at the sandwich somehow glued with old mayonnaise to the industrial-tile ceiling. The only thing she hates more than admitting she’s wrong is apologizing. But if she wants to keep her boyfriend, which she has to confess she does, even if said boyfriend is a DUMBASS…is there a way she could convince him, maybe, without having to do both?
When Veronica makes it back to the food court that night, Logan’s waiting at their ‘special’ table (which she knows, even though he’s never said so, is his do-over for banning her from his high school lunch group). He’s already purchased burgers and bottled sodas, plus the extra serving of fries she likes, and even managed to locate a bottle of ketchup. But instead of eating, he’s twiddling his straw with barely-contained angst, and Full Emo staring at the wall. She’s come up with a plan in the nick of time.
Plunking her bag down by a chair, she says cheerily, “Wow, if THIS doesn’t hit the spot after a hard day at the office!” and sits.
He half-smiles, trying not to succumb to her charm. “I figured you’d be hungry.” Looks sideways, takes a deep breath, then leans earnestly towards her. “But listen, before we eat. Veronica…”
She holds up a hand. “Logan, I know there’s something you want to tell me. And you can, I promise. But first, I have something I need to tell you.”
He nods, slumping back, and she says, “I recognize things have been difficult between us lately—for me, because this rape case is stressful, and…not bringing back the best memories. I’m guessing you feel the same. And even though we talked about you reforming and me acting unnaturally, which I swear, I’m trying to do? Angst makes my patience with people…more limited. I’m pretty sure, in light of the fight we had last week, I’m not holding up my end of the bargain. So I’ve decided to take steps.”
Folding his arms across his chest, he lifts his brows, uncharacteristically non-verbal. She forges ahead, though, because this feels like her last, best chance. “One of the ways you’ve been more open this semester is by giving me your room key. And I loved that gesture, but I can’t reciprocate, because you know my dad would blow a gasket if I gave you a key to our apartment. So I thought about what I might do instead that would be in the same spirit and…I need you to call me.”
“Call you?” His brows inch higher. “From across the table?”
“Yes,” she says. “Pull out your phone and call me right now. It’ll make sense in a minute, I promise.”
He sighs elaborately but does as she asks, thumbing open his phone and reluctantly pressing what she knows for a fact is speed dial number one. Removing her own cell from her pocket, she displays it with a Vanna White wave. Sets it on the table as the introductory trumpets of ‘Ain’t No Other Man’ by Xtina begin to play. Logan barks out a laugh, like he can’t help himself, and she makes a production of pretend shock before picking it up. Adopting a sultry expression, she coos, “Hello?”
Fighting a slow-growing smile, he says, “Who is this? Because I thought I was calling Veronica ‘all work, no play and DEFINITELY no cramping my style’ Mars.”
“She’s not here right now.” Veronica crosses her legs, doing her best hardboiled sexpot. “The only Veronica at THIS number is the one who gave her boyfriend a special ringtone. So even when she’s had it up to HERE with humanity, and would rather cut off her ears than make conversation, she’ll know it’s too important a call to miss.”
His gaze softens as understanding dawns. He unfolds one arm from his self-protective stance to pick up the straw, and taps it, musing, on the tabletop. “You mean there are two of you at large on the Hearst campus? Jesus, Dick will never sleep again.”
She snorts her contempt and indifference, breaking character, and his smile fractionally widens. So she forges determinedly ahead. “Since it’s you, I have a few minutes to talk, before I bolt my dinner and pull an all-nighter for a midterm. So why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind? Let me relieve you of all your troubles and cares. I promise not to lecture or judge, much.”
“Well that’s new. Hmmm…I guess I just want to say…” he pauses, the asshole, to consider—not even potentially-relationship-ending-conflict can dent Logan Echolls’ instinct towards drama. V clenches her jaw so hard it hurts, but manages to hold the smiling pose. “That this fake voice is doing it for me in ways I’ve never previously considered possible. And my ringtone’s pretty bangin’…although those trumpets will startle the shit out of anyone within a ten-foot radius.”
“Maybe I should have chosen ‘Hips Don’t Lie’?” she murmurs, as relief floods through her. His smile breaks through finally, FINALLY, like the sun emerging from a cloud.
“For us, that seems appropriate,” he says, and hangs up his phone. She slides hers shut too, and they stare at each other across the table.
She thinks he’ll want to discuss this almost-miss they just had, because Logan never shirks the tough subjects. But, “So where are you planning to study?” is all he asks, picking up his burger and sinking in teeth. Like he suddenly has his appetite back. Like all the tension and distance she’s fretted about today just vanished into the mist. “Because Dick’s been up to no good, planning something doubtless-embarrassing with the Pi Sigs, so my place is quiet. And, you know, you have a key.”
“As a matter of fact, I DO.” She unwraps her own burger, the knot in her stomach finally unraveling. “But I have to warn you—cramming for tests kicks my stress level up to eleven. Any idea how I might relax, once I’m done, so I can walk into that exam room tomorrow with a clear head?”
“I’ll give it some thought.” He pauses to sip his Coke. “Considering how stressed you GET, though, my plan will need to be exhaustive. So we should start as soon as you have time.”
She grins, chewing, as his feet surround hers under the table. Reflects that Dick will have to wait in vain for his months-long wish to come true. And Piz can find another sucker to listen to his ninety-percent-Piz radio show. Because she’ll be…otherwise occupied.
As for Wallace, he deserves a batch of snickerdoodles, soon-ish; his gossipy ways just saved her ass, and should be encouraged with sugar. But right now, Veronica decides, she needs to concentrate on the care and maintenance of what’s hers. So she twines her fingers through Logan’s while he talks, and debates which stress-relieving techniques to employ.
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bravehardts · 7 years
Day 6 - Edinburgh: History and Haggis
Lo and behold, we were awarded with another beautiful day here on what we worried would be a rainy and cold vacation. I hope this doesn't jinx our luck but today was the warmest and clearest day yet. Traveling up The Royal Mile from our hotel, we met our close friends Brendan and Esther Cooney at a breakfast place called Hula Juice Bar for avocado toast (so California) and porridge (so Scottish). It was great to catch up and see some familiar faces this faraway from home. After cajoling a couple of passerbys to take our picture together outside, we parted ways and wandered further up towards the most popular attraction here, Edinburgh Castle. As we approached the castle, the crowds kept getting more and more dense. Fortunately we had purchased our tickets beforehand so we could skip the queue and print them right away. We passed through a large stadium that is hosting the "Military Tattoo" during festival season--on display was a giant military jet suspended above the entrance and a navy helicopter. As we would soon learn in the castle, Scotland is VERY proud of their military, both past and present. Walking up towards the castle, we were transported back to medieval times (not the restaurant, but similar). This would be the third castle we visited, and by far the best! The layout was winding and asymmetrical--probably an advantage for any invading hordes, trying to conquer the castle. Perched high on a hill, it also has a huge tactical advantage. It could likely only be attacked from one side, since the other sides are steep cliffs overlooking the city. As our friends advised us, we headed straight to the top of the castle (which is a series of independent buildings, all part of the greater structure). We entered an area to view the Scottish Crown Jewels, after seeing a series of historical mannequined recreations. No pictures were allowed in the room with the Crown Jewels--but there was a sword, a scepter, and a red velvet crown, just as you would imagine from British royalty. There were some other types of jewels but Alex was already antsy so we didn't get to spend too much time in the final room. We visited various other areas of the castle, though it was already starting to get packed with throngs of international visitors and tour groups. Of note, we visited the "Great Hall", decorated with swords, muskets, and armor (YES!), the War Memorial (no pictures allowed), a quite stunning indoor memorial to Scottish soldiers, navy men, nurses, etc. It felt like a small cathedral, and was very moving to see all the different divisions of the Scottish military's honored deceased. Other attractions were Mons Meg--the largest cannon of that era, that could fire a 300 lbs. cannonball 2 miles; the Prisons of War Exhibition--recreations of prison cells from various eras of the castle (definitely in Allison's wheelhouse)--St. Margaret's Chapel, the Dog Cemetery, and at least three military museums (including the National War Museum). If we had spent the time to really read every sign, look at every artifact (swords, medals, rifles, kilts, helmets, gas masks, machine guns, flags, etc) we would have been there for HOURS. But of course we didn't, because first of all Alex can't read, and second of all after you've seen 50 swords they all start to look the same. But I was pleasantly surprised by the bagpipe soundtrack blaring the "Last of the Mohican's" theme song, which I didn't realize was either 1) an original Scottish bagpipe song ripped off for the movie, or 2) a really great song from the movie that is cool to play on the bagpipe (will look up an answer shortly--and more on that song soon). A quick side note--we grabbed lunch within the castle at a delightful cafe. As it had one of the only bathrooms in the area, I wandered down the stairs to take Alex, and noticed the longest, most miserable line of women I have even seen, waiting for the Lou. I've seen happier people in line at the DMV. Heading out of the Castle, we passed by absolutely massive lines of people waiting to buy tickets. We were lucky to have entered the castle first thing in the morning, and clearly it would only get more and more crowded during the day. Walking back down The Royal Mile, the crowds did not get thinner by any means. And top of that were throngs of street performers with terrible costumes and loads and loads of youngsters handing out flyers for various "free shows" during festival week. We powered through these masses of people--a nightmarish sea of activity for folks like us who don't love big crowds too much. Eventually we got back to the hotel, for a little rest and Lego Star Wars. For the afternoon, we planned to grab another Hop On Hop Off bus pass, and move around the city. Sitting on the open top of the bus, the sun was fully out and actually getting uncomfortably hot. This bus tour did not cover as much area as the one in Dublin, but the traffic was so thick that it took forever to get anywhere. But the sights of hilly Edinburgh are so stunning from almost any spot in the city, I would call it a good choice for us to get our bearings and see more of the city. We decided to get off the bus at Grassmarket, an active area of pubs and restaurants not too far from our hotel. The first pub we went to told us that we could only have a kid inside if he ate a "full meal" (liquor regulations I guess). The second we tried was more lenient--as long as he had a snack, that was fine. And have a snack we did! The pub was called "The Last Drop" (love it!) and we had a cozy little area in the back. Alex had mac and cheese which he annihilated. Allison had a vegetable broth soup. I went all in and tried the Haggis with Neeps and Tatties--because how could I leave Scotland without trying it? For those who only know Haggis as a joke in "So I Married an Ax Murderer", it is apparently banned in the US because it contains an ingredient not allowed to be put into our food: Sheep lungs. Oh, it also has sheep heart, liver, and is cooked in the stomach. That being said--it was pretty good! Not good enough for me to eat the whole thing, but the Neeps (mashed turnips) and Tatties (mashed potatoes) were just great when drizzled with whiskey cream sauce. The haggis itself was like a hearty thick paste with some spice to it. I could see getting used to it, but of all the exotic things I've tried, lungs is a new one on my list, and a little hard mentally to get past. I also tried a local beer--Innis and Gunn Lager. Tastes like a lager, and not much more to say about it. We hiked back to the hotel, staying on Cowgate (far enough away from the busier streets to be sane) and crossing under bridges, before ascending the hill to our hotel. There are loads of bridges around here, but no river. They just cross between hills and over streets far below. Before dinner, I took Alex to the little pool in the basement of our hotel. The small pool was a big hit, as would be expected. And finally, we took a nice long hike to our dinner restaurant, The Fisher House--the best meal we have had so far. The fresh seafood was fantastic--Alex devoured his sole (I helped him polish off the squid ink gnocchi), Allison fell in love with her lobster and scallops, and I went batty for my Panang curry with shrimp and fish. Also, a fried octopus appetizer started things off with a bang. Alex finished the meal by using Allison's lobster claw to crush any remaining food items in sight.. As we walked back to the hotel, there were still loads of people out--the setting sun was beautiful on the stone monuments and statues around the city. The festival attractions (pop up restaurants and bars, bands playing all around the city) were making us regret not having a babysitter so we could go out on the town. Oh, and we walked by a street band again playing the "Last of the Mohicans" theme song on Bagpipe, but this time with a full drum set and electric guitar. I loved the jam, and so did Alex! While I write this in our dark, quiet room in the back of the hotel (with Alex trying to fall asleep), we are so close yet so far away from the bustling city life that will surely be drinking, dancing, and doing whatever else there is to be done here, all night. No regrets though! This was a hugely busy day for us, and tomorrow we get to fill in the gaps of our Edinburgh experience. There are so many historical buildings, winding streets, mysterious closes (the walking alleyways leading from the streets), that even a week wouldn't be enough to see all that this amazing city has to offer.
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shikungigi · 6 years
After getting lost in Madrid, I came back to my comfort zone for a week then headed out the next Saturday to Marseille. I was very anxious about this trip to France because it was going to be loooooong. When I say long, I mean very long. Why? Because cheap is expensive. As a newbie, I am not an expert at looking at the best flights with the shortest layovers, neither was my friend. Plus we let these flight booking sites trick us with their cookies. So much so that we later discovered that people who booked different flights months after, all got even cheaper rates and better flights. SMH. So it’s not even a matter of cheapness, it’s inexperience.
Anywho, the day came and I got relieved a bit. Etihad Airways is a cool airline with female and male cabin crew that sport very striking lipstick and perfect hair cuts respectively. And it was my first time on such a large plane. I sat next to this American girl who was quite chatty at the beginning, with some braids on her blonde hair. LOL. Total hippie. Plus since we booked these flights via Alitalia originally, I could not book seats in advance so I ended up next to the lavatories. LOL. So you keep hearing that loud vacuum flushing all the time. I can’t seem to remember what I watched during this leg. I think it was The 15:17 to Paris. I had to Google the title now. I was not sleepy yet, the best was yet to come. I got to Abu Dhabi at some minutes to 9. A few minutes into walking into the terminal, I met up with this other Kenyan who had an even longer layover, but we lost each other at the security check.
Abu Dhabi International Airport is a real swanky airport. They have poured a lot of their abundant money into making it the airport of choice for layovers. I was going to spend 6 hours here, so I decided to find the best seats in the terminal of my next flight. If I was sleepy, these would have been very helpful. I was not. Yet. I grabbed something to eat and chat up my people. I am not exactly sure what I did for the rest of the six hours. What I remember is too much a/c and people running across the terminal to their flights. I finally moved down to my gate about an hour to my flight. I was obviously starting to get real tired, so I did not like the next flight much. But hold that thought.
Real nice, right?
I think this is when I watched The Greatest Showman in my utter fatigue. And even then, I was so enraptured by the movie, even in this poor airplane quality amidst that continuous annoying drone, I cannot stop playing the soundtrack album now. A Million Dreams is playing in my ears right now, while I’m in the belly of a different drone — a hairdryer. I will not deny I watched it on and off, between dozing off, trips to the loo and munching some bits and pieces of Etihad supper. That notwithstanding, I really had to fight off my tears, an endeavour I failed at miserably. I ended up with a serious lump of pain in my throat by the end of it. If you’re into musicals or looking for a movie you can watch with little ones, I think this is it. I am definitely rewatching it in better quality soon.
Off to Fiumicino, Aeroporti di Roma (Rome) a.k.a. Leonardo da Vinci, my last and longest layover before Marseille. And the 8 hours were tortuuuuuure. I got there some minutes to 7AM, Sunday. And let us not forget crossing time zones just makes it even more confusing. Abu Dhabi is an hour ahead of us. Rome is 2 hours behind us. I think. And remember, I have not really slept since 8AM, Saturday. We all squeeze into the transfers hall which seems a bit too cramped for my liking and I already know I will not like my stay at this airport. The only flashy things that could not help me one bit were the luxury stores across Terminal E on two floors. I was in Italy, after all. Dolce&Gabbana. Pandora. Gucci. Burberry. The seats were not going to help in my sleepy misery, so I just sat there and played with my phone until my flight was finally displayed on the screens. I went through passport control as I was now really entering the Schengen area and went on to more shops and uncomfortable chairs. Try as I might, I could not sleep. So, again, I do not know what I did with those 8 hours. This is also mixed with the fact that I could have sworn I watched Modern Family for hours on Netflix but I can neither confirm this from my watch history nor from searching on Netflix. I was definitely not day-dreaming because my Google history tells me I was on Netflix all afternoon. But the other Google says Modern Family has never been on Netflix. Wacha tuachie hapo kwanza. What I am sure about is that I finally found myself inside a small Alitalia flight to Marseille in the early evening. I sat next to a polite boy who was all Bonjour on me. That was the first time I acted like I learnt French from my mum.
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———————————————————— Marseille is definitely hot. It’s a coastal town. I have never been happier to alight from anything in my life like I was when we did at Marseille. I just wanted to sleep! The immigration lines were so long I almost gave up. But since I had already got the stamp in Rome, the guy did not look at my passport twice. I ventured out into the Arrivals hall to wait for my people to get me. We headed out into the Alps (Alpes in French) some minutes after that. This is where we were going to spend most of the time in France. Destination, a little village called Saint Jacques. Why? Wedding Bells!!!!! How? All under the auspices of my dear loving friend Leilah and her very beautiful family. Just writing this almost made me tear up, so let me stop and will pick that up later. In private. Where no peering eyes are wondering why this crazy black girl is crying on a plane. LOL. I have clearly written this post for many days in different places and spaces, so don’t even try to envision my writing pattern.
So from Marseille, the capital of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region (south-East France basically), the roads are a delight. They literally pay for them highways at toll gates. Cars stick to the right here too. I will never get used to that. The drive was a feast for my sore eyes as we drew nearer to the Alps. I temporarily forgot I was tired and sleepy. My new road trip friends offered some very sweet bread too. I mean, how else was I to really know I was in France? There was a bit of a drizzle too. Darkness had covered the mountains by the time we got to the village. And that is to say a lot considering the sun goes down late. Again, a warm welcome awaited us as the family ushered us into the most ageless home I have ever walked into right next to a church. I remember walking in and commenting on how I smelt history around. And great food! And books! And French! Oh my goodness. Was I not supposed to be sleepy btw?
After the warm dinner, mamé walked us to what we would call home for the next few days. I was in awe. This was the second most antique home I had ever walked into. She showed us everything and kept apologizing because she believed this was not good enough for us. I was confused. Why was she apologizing? This was like walking through a dream for me. Like walking into one of those fairy tales I had read as a kid. Red Riding Hood, perhaps. Or living inside the set of Once Upon A Time. Just look at these pics and tell me I am wrong?
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Anyway, I finally got over my awe and slept like a log. I think we woke up at 11 the next day. On a Monday. I mean, what else would I want in life than to wake up like that and open wooden shutters into the most awe-inspiring view of the Alps outside. Sigh. I want to go back.
Monday was chill, with more bread, cheese, chicken and sausages. We had lunch outside in the luscious green compound outside the main house. Then we attended mass in the church. Legitimately the most ancient church I have walked into. The experience was made all the more exotic because most of the mass was in French. I could not wait for the next day, wedding day!
And it came! A beautiful summer morning with everyone getting ready for the occasion. Leilah looked exquisite! She has always had a way with elegant gowns. Speaking of elegance, the wedding was the epitome of admirable simple-elegance. Sorry, what did you say? I can’t make up words? Not today. It made me rethink my whole wedding dream. I do think that the fact that we were already in a naturally beautiful place that needed no expensive and unnecessary decor contributed to this. And the people who streamed in to share in this joy. What else do you really need? Nothing. It was a lovely ceremony which included the baptism of the couple’s adorable baby girl. You should have seen me singing along to French hymns! 😀 You would have thought I had been there for months.
After the church ceremony, we spent some time out in the sun on some drinks and snacks. We then headed out to the wedding party. It was an intimate affair, not much different from the Kenyan ones we know with speeches and good food. Let me not talk too much about this from here. I will let the pictures do that for us.
The evening was wonderful! I never thought I could dance in public until this night. I guess I was still in a dream. We danced for hours in the open to all kinds of tunes, from African to pop, to reggae and samba. Suffice to say, my limbs were in pain the next day. I got over that real quick though as we headed out for a little hike in the Alps that afternoon. The views here are to die for, even when you’re not into climbing stuff. Worry not. You can just come here to stare.
The weather has a funny way of communicating, because after all the sun, the Alps decided it was time for rain on Thursday. So we tucked in and spent the rest of the day just making some Kenyan noise and eating. I could have sworn I had gained many kilos during my stay here but I actually didn’t.
We headed back to Marseille, with a short stopover at Gap. A little town that left nothing imagination, especially after experiencing dreamy Alps, but I did love these!!!
I got to experience Marseille for a few hours when the temperatures had dipped a little this time. The sights from Basilique Notre Dame de la Garde were amazing, including the sunset.
I also got to feast on the biggest burger I have seen in my life. Generally the short experience in France encouraged me in my quest to learn French. And to experience the love of a people brought together by love that supersedes all the many unnecessary complications we insist on bringing upon ourselves. The next time I am back there (because there will be a next time), I will have more to say about the city. Or maybe even drop by Paris. No, not maybe. Definitely. By then, I will be a master of French.
For now, I bow out, with a dreamy smile on my
&nface. À bientôt, mon amis!
An Alpine Affair After getting lost in Madrid, I came back to my comfort zone for a week then headed out the next Saturday to Marseille.
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unwritrecipes · 5 years
Where Cooking Begins' Grains and Roasted Squash with Spicy Buttermilk Dressing-Famous Fridays
Woo-hoo! It’s Friday! Boy, was this a busy week! We are back from our CA adventure—so much fun, so much sun—the weather really is gorgeous there and so is all the food—we walked and hiked and ate and went to the beach and ate and visited with our son and daughter-in-law and ate—yup, we certainly had our fill (gotta love those year-round farm-fresh strawberries and farmer’s markets and bakeries!!) and I’ve returned inspired and refreshed (albeit a little stiff) and ready to share a whole new slew of delicious recipes with you.
As promised, today is the second of my winter squash offerings and it comes straight from the pages of Where Cooking Begins by Carla Lalli Music, the food director for Bon Appétit Magazine and my Famous Fridays pick for this week. Guys, this roasted squash and grain salad topped with a spicy buttermilk dressing is not only addictively delicious but so good for you too! I promise you’re going to love it and this amazing new book as well. It might even change the entire way you approach your time in the kitchen! Here’s why…
Where Cooking Begins is filled with a whole lot of stellar, but down-to-earth recipes but it’s probably the philosophy of Carla’s cooking style that I think I’m most taken with. In the introduction to the book, she gives you 8 little tips that encapsulate how she makes it easier and happier to feed her friends and family. I’ve pared them down but basically they are: 1) Cook what you’re hungry for, 2) Shop small, often and in person for the food that excites you, 3) Shop online for the staples that don’t change season by season, 4) Buy only what you have room to store, 5) Cook what you buy and use it up, 6) Don’t feel obligated to absolutely stick to a recipe (unless of course it’s a baking one and even then you can tinker with flavors as long as you keep proportions the same) 7) Don’t run out to the store to get one crazy spice—just replace it with something else, 8) And finally, never forget that there‘s always salt and pepper.
Don’t you just love all of those?!! They just make so much sense to me—I hate being rigid in the kitchen and overthinking meal planning which inevitably leads to wasting food when I go the big-batch route, so I’m definitely going to incorporate more of her ideas about shopping and cooking smaller and more often and making what you’re in the mood for on that particular day or highlighting something that’s on sale at the store or that you find at the farmers market rather than sticking to some pre-arranged plan. Hope that helps you to enjoy cooking for yourself and your loved ones too!
Anyhoo, enough talk, let’s get to this very yummy and appropriately seasonal salad. Grains and roasted veggie bowls seem to be all the rage and now you can make your very own at home whenever you want for far less money too! This one features roasted butternut squash (a personal favorite of mine) and farro but you could really sub in any grain or roasted veggie you like or have on hand. Versatility is the name of the game here!
Do you farro often? I foolishly do not, but I will now. I love, love, love its chewy texture and it’s such a healthy grain too—full of fiber, protein, antioxidants and other good stuff. It really benefits from an overnight soak in water (makes it much easier to digest) so if you can, plan ahead.
Then on Day 2 you simply boil till al dente.
Meanwhile, you roast the squash till it’s tender and caramelized and so sweet! Yum!
While all of that’s happening you toss together the spicy buttermilk dressing which adds just the right creaminess and zing to the salad. First, you toss the warm farro with it so that it deliciously coats all those chewy little bites—
And then once you’ve assembled the salad, you drizzle it on top. It’s so colorful! Like eating a bowl of Fall!
And so good for you too!
Don’t you want to just dive right in? I hope for your sake you find the time to make this yummy concoction in the very near future!
Ok, my friends, no promises, but I think that’s it on the squash front for now. Pick up a copy of Where Cooking Begins and cook up something new this weekend. We will be doing some catch up—need to get those Halloween decorations up and maybe take a little drive to enjoy all the fall foliage. Have a great one and I’ll see you next week with more!
Where Cooking Begins’ Grains and Roasted Squash with Spicy Buttermilk Dressing-Famous Fridays
Makes 6 servings
Prep Time for Farro: 20 minutes (plus soaking overnight) Prep Time for Squash: 30-40 minutes; Prep Time for dressing: 5 minutes
1 cup farro
2 tablespoons kosher salt, plus extra for seasoning
1 large butternut squash
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
Black pepper
½ cup plain whole-milk yogurt
1/2 cup buttermilk
Pinch or two of crushed red pepper flakes
1 lemon, cut in half
1 cup chopped fresh parsley or other fresh herbs
The Recipe
1. Place the farro in a large pot and cover with cold water. Let sit overnight. Drain and rinse in a colander. Return the farro to the pot and cover with 4 quarts of water. Add the 2 tablespoons of salt and bring to a boil. Lower to a simmer and cook for about 20 minutes until al dente. Drain in the colander and spread out onto a baking sheet or plate to cool. (If you can’t soak the farro overnight, it’s ok—just cook it another 10 minutes or so.)
2. While farro is cooking, preheat oven to 450ºF. Peel and halve the squash crosswise at the spot where the neck and bulb meet. Cut the neck into ¾-inch rounds. Halve the bulb end, scoop out the seeds and cut into 1-inch moons. Place all of the squash on one or two rimmed baking sheets, season with a bit of salt and pepper and drizzle with the olive oil. Toss to coat and spread the squash out into an even layer on the sheet. Roast for about 25-30 minutes, turning at the halfway mark, until the squash is lightly browned and beginning to caramelize.
3. While the squash is cooking, make the dressing. Place the yogurt and buttermilk in a small bowl and then season with a bit more salt and pepper. Add the crushed red pepper flakes and mix together. Taste and add more salt if needed and the juice from one half of the lemon. Mix together—if it seems too thick to be dressing (this might happen if you use Greek yogurt) add a bit of water to loosen it.
4. Toss the slightly cooled farro with half of the dressing and place onto a serving platter. Top with the cooked squash and drizzle more of the dressing over it. In a small bowl, toss the parsley with the juice of the remaining lemon. Taste and season with salt and scatter the parsley over the top of the squash. Serve immediately.
5. This is best on the day you make it but we enjoyed the leftovers for lunch a lot the next day. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Note: Recipe adapted from Where Cooking Begins by Carla Lalli Music. I subbed in farro for the wheat berries, used red pepper flakes for the crushed Calabrian chiles in oil and subbed in parsley for the fennel.
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annalbers-blog · 8 years
Entering the New Year with Heavenly Love!
12/31/3017 - Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
As you take time to look back at the year behind you, our wish is that you would bask in your success. Each one of you has worked very hard to bring more love into your lives. Whether you have done so through joyful pursuit, or angry outbursts, because you desire better treatment, we know that what lies beneath all things, all feelings, all efforts, is love. Love is ever-present – in your old year, your new year, your old you, your new you, in every breath, and every ever-changing "now."
Love is what lives inside of you and gives you life. Love is what is trying to surface through the the veneer and shell of illusions and lies that try to tell you you are unloved. Love is trying to break through the misunderstandings between you and others and is trying to guide each and every one of you to connect with your heart of hearts.
So as you look back at your proud moments, celebrate! You have allowed love to break through the icy surface of fear and thaw those areas within that were once frozen! You have found the inner light and become the sun that shines upon the hearts of others and brings it warmth into a world in need.
As you look back at your not-so-proud moments, be compassionate with yourself. You were trying. You were seeking love.
Perhaps you got ill this year. Your body was trying to gently whisper... "Listen, love is trying to reach you and through misunderstanding you were a little blocked to its flow."
Perhaps you went through a breakup this year and love was whispering, "I have better for you. You tend to settle for so much less than I would give you."
Perhaps you lost someone this year and are feeling sad. Even there love is whispering in your heart, "I have not left you, for I cannot leave you. My form changes, but my existence is ever-present for you, in all of creation. Your loved ones rest in the truth of their greater being and are with you now in ways that are so glorious and beautiful you cannot even imagine."
Perhaps you didn't turn into the person you wanted to be at this time last year. Love is whispering, "Its OK. It's now. We have eternity and I'll never give up on you."
Dear ones, Breath! Receive! We love you. The love that gives birth and life to all creation and to you, right here, right now in this breath is trying to bubble up from within you, embrace you, and pour itself into the hearts of a waiting world – a world that has, in may ways, forgotten its nature, forgotten to nurture, forgotten that connection is more important than correction, and that the illusions of your differences are nothing more than a quilt that is the grand, glorious, and beautiful cloak of God.
Happy New Year! Celebrate the Love that lives within you, no matter how it has been expressed in the passing year. Our wish for you in the new year is that you can each experience the beautiful and breathtaking truth of your being, and allow this Love to guide you in every breath of your life.
God Bless You! We love you so very much. -- The Angels
12/31/3017 - Message from Ann
The angels sent so much love to you as I channeled their message today, that it reduced me to tears. I hope you can feel the energy behind the words.
Every year, on New Year's Eve, I take time to look back as the angels have taught me, to appreciate what I've done well and to acknowledge Love's attempts to surface in those things I'm not so proud of. It has been a year of deep growth, challenge, beauty, and change for me.
I finished filming 84 episodes of Ann & the Angels this spring and can't believe how much we managed to pack into 21 months of filming. Looking back. I feel I've got my life's work to date online now, at least the core of it, guiding people through seven series that take them on a spiritual journey into Oneness. I couldn't be happier with what I've heard back from viewers in terms of the miracles and shifts in their perspectives and their lives.
I got redirected more into the gazing than I thought I ever would. That energy still continues to scour my soul clean of illusions. In fact, the reason I take breaks from gazing online from time to time is that I am going deep within, dealing with the spiritual, physical, and emotional detoxes that such beautiful light seems to catalyze within me. I want to be a pure and clean vessel to the best of my ability and my body continues to be forged to allow for that.
The desire to know the Divine intimately has grown ever stronger this year, and with it has come a commitment to love relentlessly. Being upset is now a driving call to love more deeply. Being uncomfy in my body is simply a wake up to examine where I am blocking love. Being anything less than joyful is a reminder that I'm not in truth at the moment.
I've embraced, more deeply than ever this year, the power of being present to my heart and my joy in order to turn everything around in a heartbeat.
I've had human fun too! Through the generosity of others, I've travelled with free airline passes to meet out-of-state friends for lunch and flown back the same day! I've hiked waist-deep in crystal waters miles from anyone with just the glorious silence and beauty of nature around me. I've played with butterflies, hosted a visiting coyote in my backyard, enjoyed celebrations with dear friends, and walked for miles on the beach in stillness until I merged with the ocean and felt as if all of life was making love to my soul.
I've struggled as well - to release my expectations of life and others. I've gotten my stomach all twisted up over unkindness, and relaxed deeply when I forgave what never even needed forgiveness. I've chosen to be kind to myself when others have not. I have worked very hard to focus more on being loving, and loving myself, than to focus on people and situations in the world that are less than loving.
I can't wait to see what the new year brings. I have big dreams, things I want to experience and contribute. We shall see how life unfolds. As always, I dance between my human desires and the calling within, and look forward to seeing where this marriage of human and spirit will take me!
Here are a few tips to embrace the past year and open to the next...
1. List 5 (or 500!) Things You are Proud of This Year Self Appreciation Tunes you into Divine Love
Make a list of all you feel good about this year. It can be grand, like getting a degree or getting married, or it can be "tiny" in the eyes of the world – holding the door for a stranger, giving change to the person in line at the grocery store, or choosing to love yourself when you didn't feel so great. It can be cleaning out a drawer that bothered you or building a house. Scale does not matter. What matters is looking back at those moments where you chose to love yourself or contribute something to life. I bet you can come up with a very long list if you try!
2. List 5 things you wish you could do better & Acknowledge the Love Love is attempting to surface even in our painful & ungraceful moments
Looking back over the year, find a few things you didn't enjoy, didn't feel proud of, or want to change. Before resolving to change, first take time to appreciate and acknowledge the fact that love was trying to surface. Can you find it?
In pain, for example, there is a need to slow down and look at what the body needs. In sadness is a need for comfort. In anger is a need for change. In all those situations that didn't work, love is whispering...
3. What would you like your life to look like this time next year Dreaming opens the door to guidance & miracles
Let yourself go... What would you LOVE your life to look like this time next year? Are you committed to it? You don't even have to know how to get there, but are you committed to focusing on this to exclusion of doubt, fear, discouragement, etc? Are you willing to believe? Are you willing to spend a few minutes each day imagining, feeling, breathing it in? Are you willing to act when guided... If the answer is yes, get ready for the loving ride of your life!
I give thanks for a year well lived, a year where all of us witnessed a world in fear, a world of change, a world in which Love is attempting to surface through the chaos. We can find peace in simply acknowledging this love, focusing on it, and breathing it in.
I wish you all the Most Magical & Miraculous New Year that you can dream, and an experience of Divine Love beyond your wildest dreams. I love you all so much and appreciate our journey together.
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