#in fairness i am unusual in that this was genuinely enjoyable to me
queermarzipan · 2 years
Just finished listening to this
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@sharkneto you have damaged me
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TITLE: Sleepy Holloween
A/N: This Ichabbie Halloween fic is pure fluff and cuteness. No plot to be found here, just flirts and enjoyment.
“I’m sorry, Emily. I had to wait 300 years for a virgin to light a candle.”
An orchestra played an epic few bars of music, a drumroll sounded, and Abbie turned the TV off as the credits started to roll.
“Well, Crane, what’d you think?”
He turned to Jenny, who was cuddled up with Joe on the opposite end of the couch. “It was…palatable.”
Jenny gave him her blank stare of disbelief, and Joe smiled knowingly, but it was Abbie, who’d stayed tucked into his side for the duration of the movie, who prompted, “Come on, tell us what you really think.”
He glanced down at her, noting her sincere, if amused, look. “Is this, in all honesty, a children’s film?” he asked, genuinely perturbed.
“Well…not small children,” Joe supplied.
“And what is considered ‘small,’ Master Joe? I dare to presume there are parents who’d rather not expose young minds to witchcraft and the occult. It’s difficult enough for the four of us to manage it—but to appropriate it for entertainment on our youth…”
“You mean to tell me children in your day didn’t watch real life horrors worse than a little Halloween fantasy?” Jenny countered, forceful but kind. “That they weren’t exposed to hangings and gunfights and war? Not to mention the treatment of slaves.”
Crane looked duly reprimanded. "I suppose I can see where…times have altered enough that All Hallow’s Eve fantasy films are less traumatic than real life has been known to be.”
“And that’s your only comment on the film?” Abbie asked.
He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Certainly not. The inaccuracies in this movie are quite numerous.”
“Here we go,” Joe murmured good-naturedly, eliciting knowing smirks from the Mills sisters and a slightly offended look from Crane.
“To begin with, most cabins in the 17th century would be much smaller than the one Binx and Emily shared, and they likely would have slept in the same room as their parents, perhaps even in the same bed, depending on their economic status.”
“Oh! We’re starting at the beginning,” Jenny teased, extracting herself from Joe and stretching.
Crane tilted his head at her in disdain but continued as Joe and Jenny rose to take their leave. “By dawn, the entire town would have been roused and already about their day. The witch Sarah would not have had the opportunity to lure young Emily to her demise at daybreak.”
“Speaking of a break, we need to head out,” Joe explained, waving at them as they headed for the door.
“Good luck, Abbie,” Jenny threw over her shoulder, smirking as they exited the house.
Abbie smiled and waved, content to stay securely tucked into Ichabod’s side for a few more minutes, even if she had to listen to another historical inaccuracy rant in order to do so.
“You get three,” she stated.
He peered down at her questioningly. “I don’t understand.”
“Tell me three issues you had with the movie. Only,” she held up her hand against his coming dispute, “three.”
“Very well. One: If the witches had spent 300 years in eternal damnation, should they not have recognized that ridiculous man dressed as the devil wasn’t him? We’re supposed to believe they think Lucifer takes on human form, has also left the depths of Hades—the place they’ve just escaped from—and lives in a modern home with a wife and a dog?”
“Everyone’s gotta live somewhere,” Abbie teased, earning her a classic Ichabod glare.
“Two: When the sisters are chasing those poor children, Witch Winnifred mocks young Max’s words, ‘it’s just a bunch of hocus pocus.’” His professor’s finger came up, and Abbie did her best to refrain from smiling at him. “Regardless of the fact that ‘hocus pocus’ is a sham-Latin phrase that jugglers employed in the 17th century—not to mention a common stage name both they and magicians used—how would she have known he said such phrase since he hadn’t yet lit the black flame candle, and therefore she wasn’t in this realm?”
Abbie nodded, considering his point, but refrained from answering, instead holding up three fingers to remind him he was about to round home.
“And three: Since the sisters only returned for one All Hallow’s Eve and they spent it chasing those children around all of Salem, how in Heaven’s name did Witch Winnifred know what a driver’s permit is? It took me months to get mine, and that only after you spent every waking hour explaining the 21st century and all of its advancements and gadgets to me and teaching me how to master the iron horse.”
“Fair enough,” she conceded, mildly entertained by his nitpicking, though she couldn’t help adding, “It is a fantasy film, though.”
Ichabod looked pleased she agreed with him and nodded. “I do admit, it was a bit of fantastical fun though,” he allowed, his voice calmer now that he’d aired some of his grievances. “Quite comforting to know others fight the tyranny of evil, even if it is merely make-believe. Will we watch this every year?”
“It’s a requirement in this house. And since you live here too now…”
“Indeed I do.” He lifted an eyebrow, a flirty smile teasing his lips as he kissed her.
“Come on.” Abbie patted his thigh as she pulled away from him. “It’s time to get ready. The kids’ll be here soon.”
“Abbie…are you coming down?” Ichabod called up the staircase.
“On my way. You dressed?”
She heard him mumble something about ‘infernal style,’ but then his voice carried up to her. “Yes, and most anxious to see your costume.”
Abbie didn’t know what to prepare for, either in terms of what costume he’d chosen or what he’d think of hers. She couldn’t help hoping he’d appreciate her outfit choice even more than he had her Beyonce get-up from last year—which he’d enjoyed just fine. She recalled how his appreciative gaze roamed from her full head of faux curls, across her face where she’d applied a classic but simple make-up style, lingered a few seconds too long on her lips before dropping down to her neck where her ‘Queen’ necklace caused him to smirk approvingly at the statement before sliding down to her unusually low-cut shirt, which provided a rare and revealing view of her cleavage. His eyes lingered again, then traveled down the length of her body to stare at her shorts with the bling on the pockets and her bare legs. After a few moments, he suddenly seemed to remember himself, and his eyes snapped up to her face where her knowing smile made him a bit embarrassed to have gawked at her so.
This outfit didn’t reveal her attributes in the same way, but she’d bet money it’d please him all the same.
She smoothed down the sides of her costume, then started down the stairs. Ichabod came into sight, standing tall, proud, regal, and ramrod straight, and she nearly tripped over her own feet. His hair had disappeared beneath a white sailor’s cap with a black bill and gold trim. The white jacket with epaulets on the shoulders and gold buttons running down the middle made his blue eyes shine even brighter than usual as he heatedly watched her descend the stairs. A single, thin, gold ribbon encircled the jacket’s wrists and striped down the sides of the white pants he wore, the entire uniform making him appear nobler and even taller than his 6 foot-plus frame.
She’d never expected to see him in a contemporary costume, having long since given up trying to get him to wear anything modern, and she had no clue what had possessed him to go military for Halloween. But he certainly didn’t disappoint, and she suddenly wished she had one of those old handheld folding fans ladies used to carry around to cool herself off with.  
Ichabod watched Abbie float down the stairs, mesmerized by her costume. She’d pinned all of her hair up, leaving a single, thick curl falling over her shoulder. Her dress, a deep green that complimented her beautifully flushed brown skin, had long sleeves that ended with a frill of off-white lace at her forearms. The court neckline, cut down nearly to her armpits, highlighted the length of her neck, her collarbones, the glow of her skin, and her bust. The dress’s bodice, an inset corset also in off-white, contrasted beautifully against the dark green of the rest of the dress and emphasized her petite frame and small waist. From her hips, the dress flared out and down to the floor, her tiny feet hidden beneath its layers.
She looked stunning, as though she’d stepped out of the Revolutionary War era with him. He knew his gaze lingered in awe, but he couldn’t stop himself. He’d admit he loved seeing Abbie wear her modern-day clothes—blue jeans, form-fitting shirts, a silk robe, a tank top and short shorts to bed—though Heaven knew they all left little to the imagination, which he was both forever grateful for and infernally distracted by. But seeing her like this, resplendent in Colonial couture, left him speechless and mesmerized as she came to stand in front of him.
Abbie recovered first. “Hello there, sailor,” she cooed, a full smile gracing her face.
Ichabod mentally shook himself out of his stupor and swallowed hard. “Ah-ah, it’s Captain,” he corrected, pointing to one of the stripes gracing the left side of his chest.
“Oh,” she exclaimed, impressed. “O Captain, my Captain.”
“And no other’s,” he assured her, his voice dropping low. “Abbie….you look…” While his words trailed off, his hand started at her wrist and slid up her arm, over her shoulder, across her bare collarbone.
“Colonial?” she supplied, delighted her endeavor to please and surprise him had elicited this effect.
“Well, yes, but I was going to say 'magnificent,’” he explained as he tipped her chin up and kissed her, his other hand finding her waist.
He felt her smile against his lips, and he pulled away, then changed his mind and gave her another peck before taking her hands in his and a step back to drink in the sight of her once more.
“You seem very pleased, love.”
“I am,” she confirmed, smiling, watching his eyes roam over her again. “I wanted to surprise you with a little something from your…previous life.”
“Mission well accomplished,” he affirmed, tugging her towards him with their still-clasped hands. He leaned in close to kiss her neck. “Though I can’t wait to take this off of you,” he whispered against her skin.
“Ah,” she gasped, simultaneously easing away from him and pushing him away, though her hands remained on his chest. “Don’t start; it’s much too early for that. Besides…” Her eyes roamed heatedly over him again. “I need some time to enjoy you fully embracing the military style of today.”
“Mm,” he hummed, taking a step back from her and holding his arms out wide for her perusal. “So this suits you?”
“It suits you,” she returned cheekily. “It pleases me.”
He arched one brow. “How much, we shall find out later.”
“Indeed,” she agreed in a teasing tone, mocking his go-to affirmative.
One side of his mouth turned up, amused. “Shall we get on with the festivities, Mistress Abbie?” he asked, changing the subject before things got too out of hand. Heaven knew he’d need to try to keep things neutral in order to make it through the rest of the evening without ravishing her.
“Mistress? You know…that designation doesn’t mean the same thing now as it did before,” she informed him as she headed towards the kitchen.
“No? What, pray tell, does it mean now?”
She reached into the cabinets for the bags of candy she’d bought, handing them to him. “It usually refers to a woman in a relationship with a married man.”
“Has this generation found no end to the butchering of the English language? In my day, a mistress was the head of her home, holding a position of control and authority; it was a title of respect. It boggles the mind how a term of female empowerment has been subverted such that it now refers to something…tawdry.”
“Agreed; your definition is much better,” Abbie stated, pulling the large orange bowl with black bats all over it from another cabinet, setting it on the island between them. “You can call me Mistress, if you feel the need, with the understanding that you’re referencing the original meaning. How’s that sound?”
“But you are my Mistress,” he said matter of factly.
Abbie splayed her arms wide, gripping the countertop, and stared at him questioningly, waiting for him to explain himself.
“You’re the head of the household. And respected, of course. But you’re also a woman in a relationship with me, a married man.”
“But you’re married to me. That’s not…tawdry,” she mocked his phrasing again.
With a glint in his eye, one side of his mouth quirked up. “Not yet…but the night’s still young, my mistress Abbie.”
She shook her head, amused and not a little warmed by his flirtations, the smooth way he breathed her name sending heat dancing up her spine. “You’re incorrigible. And if you don’t stop, this will be the last time you see me wearing this costume.”
“That is the idea.”
Needing levity, she pointed to the bags of candy in front of him. “Will you open those and pour them in this bowl while I go turn on the porch light? Light on means free candy. Light off, kids skip the house.”
Ichabod tipped his sailor’s hat at her. “Your wish is my command, Mistress.”
“Mmhmm.” Though her heart thrummed wildly, she threw him a disbelieving look as she headed to the entryway, her dress swooshing around her as she moved.
She chosen her costume to surprise her dashing husband, but truthfully she enjoyed the dress herself. It made her feel feminine and stately. Not that she’d want to wear the layers and corset-style bodice every day—thank God she’d been born in the 20th century—but it was a nice change. Her childhood and her profession hadn’t allowed for many of life’s pleasures so she’d always made a point to have fun on Halloween as an adult. Choosing a costume each year—the range varying from Wonder Woman and a mermaid to a Greek goddess and Beyonce—gave her the opportunity to pretend she was someone else, imagine all the fantastical lives she could live if given the chance. It’d become one of her favorite holidays, and she hoped Ichabod would come to love it and all the ways to celebrate it too.
He’d certainly taken to it more this year than last. He’d huffed and chuffed as they’d searched the Spirit Halloween store the previous year, becoming more horrified by the evil nature of most costumes and more offended by the lack of creativity of women’s outfits with each passing aisle. After perusing the entire store, he’d resolutely decided on a colonial figure, which really hadn’t required a costume at all, and wouldn’t budge. This year he’d suggested they choose costumes separately. She’d thought he’d just rather avoid the pretense of shopping for an acceptable get-up when he knew one couldn’t be found to appease his colonial sensibilities, but he’d deliberately surprised her, just as she’d done for him.
“Why are these called 'fun size’?” he called out to her.
She saw him warily eyeing the miniature Snickers bar he held and smiled, making her way back to the kitchen. “Because they’re smaller than average.”
“Hmm,” he rumbled with uncertainty, tossing the candy back into the bowl before he realized he had an audience. His eyes landed on her again, taking in the exquisite dress and the beloved woman wearing it, and his expression changed. “I’m most certainly of the opinion that smaller than average is 'fun size,'” he teased, dropping a kiss onto her temple as he grabbed the candy-filled bowl and made his way into the living room.
Another 15 minutes passed before the doorbell rang with the first trick-or-treaters seeking candy, and the two jawed on about their day: the pumpkin carving fun they’d had with Joe and Jenny before they’d watched Hocus Pocus, how they’d each selected their costumes with one another in mind, how they’d spend the upcoming holiday season, and what they’d do with any candy left over if they didn’t give it all away tonight.
Sitting closer to the front door, Abbie got up to answer it, and Ichabod sprang up to accompany her. She unlocked the deadbolt and reached for the doorknob when she felt his hand upon her arm, restraining her.
“Hold on a moment, Fun Size,” Ichabod’s voice rumbled from behind her as he curled himself around her and slid his hand down her arm to cover hers. “A captain must ensure his mistress is safe at all times.”
She smiled at his flirtation as he peered through the window at the top of the door, a full head above her own height. “Such chivalry,” she preened.
“Tis my duty,” he corrected.
“And your pleasure.”
“You’ve no idea,” he informed her, leaning down to kiss her bare neck. But before he could, Abbie ducked beneath his arm and out of his embrace.
“Not as of yet,” she taunted, throwing him a brazen smile and opening the door with one hand, grabbing the candy bowl off the entryway table with the other.
A small princess, Thor, and a clown stood on the porch, candy baskets held aloft as they all chimed ‘Trick or Treat!’ together.
Abbie grinned at the excitement on their faces and graciously dropped candy into each of their bags, waving as they skipped away to the next house.
“My, I do see the joy of celebrating All Hallow’s Eve in this fashion.”
His voice came from behind her, and she turned a bit to see him watching the children roam around on their street in a myriad of costumes: dragons, superheroes, monsters, pumpkins, fairies, and Disney characters.
“No wonder children enjoy it so immensely.”
“And you, Captain Crane?” she wondered, happy seeing the delight on his handsome face. “Are you enjoying it?”
He peered down at her and smiled contentedly. “Yes,” he affirmed, wrapping his arms around her waist. She leaned back into him as they stood in the doorway waiting for their next visitors, and he dropped a kiss on the crown of her head, causing them both to smile. “Yes, I most certainly am.”
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tauruscookie · 4 years
Day 16 Siegemas: An Unusual Concoction
Before we start, I would like to tell everyone that this is my first time writing for an event like this, and I absolutely suck at writing. 
I'm happy I got to participate in Siegemas! Now, this story took so many turns, both good and bad, and I scrapped so many ideas before finally writing something. And for once, I feel good about this one. Do enjoy it! I had way too much fun writing this one XD! Thank you mods @dualrainbow for giving me the chance to be able to write this. Now, on to the story!
Prompt: 'Wait, did you spike the eggnog?'
Listening to the endless carols that played one after the others through the speakers, Bandit stood alone from the others. Studying each face that passed by, he noticed the cheerful and pleasant smiles that grew wider and wider the more each operator socialized with one another. The room was full of a joyful liveliness that couldn't be explained. 
Standing aloof from the others,  Bandit silently drank from his mug in a sense of blissful peace. Drinking the creamy liquid that held traces of both cinnamon and nutmeg, he grimaced at the taste. It wasn't any normal Eggnog he had before. Normally, it was flavored with something strong as in alcohol but in this situation, something different would suffice. And so, Bandit was on the prowl. He carelessly made his way to one of the many dessert tables. And situated in the center of the mountain of sweets was the bowl of Eggnog. 
So many ideas swam around in Bandit's mind as he tried to decipher which one was the best. Eventually, he smirked as he set his mug down before bringing out a small bag from his pocket. Then he stopped as he stared at the bag of cannabis. He wanted to make the day 'enjoyable', and ingesting cannabis will take quite a while. 
Peeking over his shoulder to ensure no one was watching him, he brought out a silver flask bottle before unscrewing the top. Pouring the alcohol into the mixture, he held a devilish smirk. For starters, he was going to add it to his own drink so he could make the night more enjoyable for himself, but maybe he could get the others both drunk and high simultaneously. Oh, it would be fun to watch them slowly lose their mind. 
Dumping the rest of his alcohol into the Eggnog, he poured every last drop of cannabis into the mixture before stirring it up. Once it was combined to the point only the creamy texture was noticeable, he snickered as he held his mug back to his lips. Happily moving away from the table, he made sure all evidence that could lead to the fact that he was 'possibly' there, was cleared. 
And so, he waited at one of the high tables so he could watch his victims line up to take a drink of his peculiar creation. Snickering gleefully at the unfortunate souls who foolishly drank from the mixture, his eyes caught sight of one of the few unfortunate souls who approached the bowl. 
Talking softly to both IQ and Finka, Blitz laughed at a cheeky joke before pouring himself a ladle of the concoction. As both IQ and Finka followed after him, he was close to sipping the liquid when a hand roughly grabbed his arm forcing him to stop midway.
   "Excuse us ladies" Bandit spoke quickly as he pulled Blitz along. 
The German was surprised at Bandit's sudden impulse. It was strange, but he didn't protest against his friend's behavior. Once far enough from the boisterous party, Bandit took his mug before pouring it out into the sink behind the bar counter. 
   "What the hell?!" Blitz cried in shock at Bandit's movement. 
He didn't even hesitate to pour the liquid down the drain. But the music drowned out his elevated voice so no one knew what was happening between the two. 
   "Trust me, you didn't want to drink that" Bandit notified as he gave a cheeky smile before setting the mug down
   "Oh? And how would you know?" Blitz inquired as he raised an eyebrow at his words. Both frustrated but truly intrigued at what got the German so worked up. 
   "Just trust me"
   "I find that very hard to do"
   "Well, today is one of those days where you'll just have to take my word for it" Bandit spoke nonchalantly as he turned around to browse through the choices of drinks behind him. 
As much as he would've loved to watch Blitz act a complete fool IF he drank the concoction, something overcame him and without thinking, he stopped him. Grabbing some ice from one of the ice trays, he dumped some of them into Blitz's mug before pouring a bottle of Schierker Feuerstein. A reddish liquid that held a bitter taste.
   "You were so quick to stop me from drinking the Eggnog, yet you're pouring me some alcohol. Why?" Blitz questioned scanning the drink before him as if searching for traces of poison
   "Just trust me, Elias. You'll want this over what's in that" Bandit explained
   "What's in it? What did you- Wait, Dominic...Did you spike the Eggnog?!" Blitz panicked as he connected the dots. 
Bandit held a sly smirk as he drank the Eggnog before it was altered into something, unusual. And that alone answered Blitz's question. He didn't know whether to laugh or be genuinely scared. If Bandit was the one to spike it, that means it's life-threatening. But he had to have an assailant. There was no way he was working alone. Was he? 
   "Who are you working with?! Max? James?" Blitz questioned hoping he could pinpoint another criminal in this twisted prank
   "Relax...I always work alone in my pranks...sometimes" Bandit smirked as he took another sip of his drink  
   "Well, in that case... are you fucking verrückt?! Do you plan on killing everyone here?!" Blitz shouted in a low voice, almost a violent whisper towards the snickering German
   "Oh relax...it takes an hour for the Cannabis to kick in" Bandit notified waving him off
   "CANNABIS?!" Blitz yelled. 
Luckily, he was saved by the music as it drowned him out. Bandit nearly choked on his drink as he felt laughter bubbling in the pits of his throat. 
   "I can't believe you, Dominic, you seriously just spiked the one drink Gilles took forever to make! He's going to rip you to shreds if he finds out you poisoned it with one of your cheap tricks!" Blitz grumbled with a sigh. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Bandit only rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
   "Oh come on! Don't act like you wouldn't have done the same if the idea came to you" Bandit scoffed as his smile slowly began to disappear
   "No, I wouldn't. Because unlike you, I care about people's emotions. And I would never poison the POLICE OFFICERS that work for Rainbow" Blitz explained emphasizing his words deliberately. 
Of course, Bandit knew there were police officers amongst Rainbow. He wasn't naive. But he was an officer himself, and he knew how to fly underneath the radar. It's one of his many talents
   "Oh please, neither Ryad nor Morowa would be able to tell the difference between cocaine or salt. And need I remind you that I too am 'an officer of the law'" Bandit scoffed 
   "A poor one at that. I'm too sober for this" Blitz grimaced as he brought the mug to his lips. 
Drinking the alcohol, he sighed as he set the mug down before rubbing his temples. 
   "Geez, you're so stiff. No wonder people hate the police. You guys are so boring. Ugh, relax Mr. Esel, Cannabis won't kill them. I didn't even add that much. Just half the bag"
   "Half the bag?! Du verdammter Idiot! I'm talking to a psychopath" 
   "And this psychopath just saved you from getting both drunk and high...well, saved you from getting high" Bandit explained gesturing to his drink. 
Pouring more of the alcohol into Blitz's mug, Bandit popped himself a beer since he was finished drinking his Eggnog. Taking a small swig of his beer, he smirked as he began to see his 'cheap trick' unfolding before his very eyes.
   "And the fun, begins" Bandit smirked gesturing towards the swaying Canadian. 
He could tell the effects were kicking in as he saw most operators began to drift from certain conversations. 
   "You are indeed a handful" Blitz sighed turning back to look at his mug
   "Who else is going to be the one who creates the excitement around here? Damn sure none of you nagging stiche. All of you are so boring. Always got a stick up your arsch" Bandit complained rolling his eyes as he took another sip from his beer
   "If I always have a stick up my ass, why didn't you let me drink the Eggnog then?" Blitz questioned staring up at the German. 
As he asked the question, Bandit stopped. Why didn't he? As before, it would be hilarious to watch him act deranged and slur his words. But something told him to spare the other German. Why? Bandit can't begin to answer that question.
   "I-I don't know...guess you wouldn't be no fun high" Bandit answered shrugging his shoulders
   "Oh? So you're saying I'm fun when I'm not high?"
   "Don't push your luck. You're...tolerable" 
   "And how would you know? I could be loads of fun" Blitz smirked propping himself along the counter. 
That sly smirk grew along Bandit's lips as he moved down along the counter. Positioning himself in front of Blitz, he stared into those blue orbs. Quite frankly, he couldn't help but become lost in them. Something about the faint tint of teal and cobalt mesmerized him. 
   "Judging by the way you reacted, you would be a stick in the arsch with or without the drugs" Bandit replied, not breaking eye contact
   "Guess we'll have to find out" Blitz smiled
   "Is this rebellion I sense?"
   "Could be"
   "Oh? And since when has the saint of all things righteous decided to suddenly turn bad? You know, drugs are a sin" Bandit joked as he took a final sip of his beer
   "Who said I'm a saint?"
   "Everyone you hang our around...' the brave and righteous Elias Kötz would never drink, let alone do drugs. He never lets anything harmful tamper with his body'" Bandit mimicked as he spoke in a voice rougher than his own. 
Blitz snickered as a faint smile came to his lips as Bandit tried to mimic a few of their superiors as he explained how fair and virtuous Blitz was. Pulling out a carton of cigarettes, he brought out a lighter as he placed the brownish end of the material in his mouth. Lighting the other end, a small flame appeared as it charred away at the white section of the cigar. 
   "You know, Six did say no smoking inside the building" Blitz added
   "There he is! Mr. Esel is back! Was waiting until you'll finally turn into that jackass of a mother again" Bandit joked before the cigarette was removed from his lips. 
Shocked at the sudden action, he went to protest but Blitz's smirk silenced him. Turning it around, Blitz placed the cigarette against his lips before inhaling a gentle whiff of smoke. He blew a soft puff of the chemical into Bandit's direction with a prideful smirk.
Without coughing or choking on the lack of air, the German continued to hold that prideful smirk which told Bandit he wasn't naive to the idea of a cigarette. Placing it back into Bandit's lips, Blitz's smirk only grew wider as he stood up from the counter. 
   "How's that for a jackass?" Blitz whispered as he leaned against the counter so he was mere inches away from Bandit
   "Who would've thought that Elias Kötz smokes. Never I" Bandit whispered swishing the cigarette around so he could inch closer
   "I'm full of surprises"
   "Indeed you are..." 
   "I hope you have an excuse for Six when she finds out you've done this to her Christmas party." Blitz giggled as he poured himself some more of the Schierker Feuerstein
   "That's only if you tell" 
   "It's not me who's going to tell. People might put two and two together. Cause when things break, you're likely the cause of it. And I won't hesitate to 'persuade them in the right direction'" Blitz smirked as he took a sip from his mug while flashing a playful smirk towards him. One that sent Bandit's heart fluttering to the point he couldn’t stifle a laugh no longer. Sending a wink, he released the cigarette to blow a small puff towards his direction. 
   "By all means...please do so. I enjoy the danger" Bandit grinned
   "Oh trust me, I know you do" Blitz smirked as stared at the German, "You are one crazy man" Blitz giggled
   "And yet, you keep coming back for more” Bandit smiled to which made  Blitz laugh softly. 
Collecting his mug, he turned around before moving through the crowd to socialize with the sober ones. Some already lost it and began talking a feverish nonsense that no one could understand. Bandit didn't even realize he was blushing until he felt the warmth along his cheeks. Blitz was surely different. Removing his cigarette, he smiled as he stared at the end where Blitz's lips made contact. 
 "Maybe this princess has a fun side after all" Bandit snickered as he continued smoking as he watched his whole prank unfold before his very eyes. It was indeed an enjoyable night, and it got even better when karaoke came around. He has never laughed so hard before. 
This wasn't supposed to be this long but somehow...it's longer than expected. Anyways! I hope you enjoyed it! 
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menkhu · 4 years
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@otomefandomevents @december-snow your midsummer gift exchange gift! it was a lot of fun getting to know su-jin. i hope you like it! fic under the cut, 1.4k words
The garden hummed, a symphony of insects celebrating the warmth and sunlight of the gorgeous day. The sweep of a light breeze fanned over Su-Jin's skin, and though she rarely sought time outdoors, she had to admit being there was refreshing. It would almost have been relaxing if she didn't have Zarad by her side smiling at her gently. The tenderness of the scene threatened to ruin her.
"I must say, I never would have expected you of all people to bring me out here," Su-Jin said.
Zarad grinned playfully. "No? I'd say this place suits me well. After all, these flowers are beautiful, just like me."
"Ah, so your ego enjoys playing in the sunlight and fresh air." As Zarad opened his mouth to respond, Su-Jin added, "Much like a dog."
"Well! Here I was prepared to tell you that I and my ego had that in common."
Su-Jin nodded seriously. "But now the comparison is so obvious it doesn't need to be explicated."
Zarad tossed his head back and laughed, the sound more invigorating than the sunlight or the insects or the brightly colored flowers waving at them. She observed with satisfaction the way the light fell over his features, the joy that was entirely her doing.
Su-Jin blinked, trying to clear some of the admiration from her expression. She could practically feel her face glowing. She rarely had a chance to see Zarad's true feelings, and she didn't need to be at an even greater disadvantage in their relationship than she already was, but he had a way of drawing all her vulnerabilities to the surface.
"Tell me: if I don't seem like the sort to enjoy gardens, where would you expect me to take you?"
"Are you making this a game, then?" Su-Jin's mind raced. If it was a game, she would win. "I recall you being fond of dancing, fond enough to dance even when there wasn't any music and every eye in the room was on you."
"Especially when every eye in the room is on me," Zarad said with a wink. "Having a woman in your arms is the perfect way to sweep her off her feet."
Su-Jin continued, "For you, much of the appeal of that dance was the spontaneity. You might enjoy an evening of music and dancing, but it's not your ideal event.
"It wouldn't be a meal, either; you'd want to run your mouth the entire time, which is somewhat more difficult while your mouth is full with food. You do enjoy being around people, but I expect you'd prefer to attend gatherings on your own so that you can more easily socialize with whoever you please." Su-Jin liked the way Zarad looked at her then, almost wistful. The pieces of the puzzle that was Zarad were coming together cleanly in her mind, and his face said she was approaching the correct solution.
"You would take someone for a walk," Su-Jin concluded. "It strikes the right balance between activity and conversation, offers some solitude, and you'd have plenty of opportunities to use cheesy lines to woo your companion."
"Like that, your logic leads us right to where we are now. It seems like strolling through a garden isn't such an unusual choice for me after all."
"It would be by the lake at sunset." She'd get sand over her feet and she'd grimace about it and he'd laugh and tell her it was all part of the charm and somehow, inexplicably, the grit between her toes would become charming. They'd stop walking when the sky started turning red so that they could watch the colors reflected in the water. With the vast empty space before them, they could pretend they were the only souls  in the whole world and that the sun was painting its scene of ever-shifting beauty just for the two of them to enjoy, and Zarad would say something to her that would, for a moment, let her truly believe it. It would be colder in the dark. She would have to press close to him.
"It's less manicured. It suits you better." Su-Jin cleared her throat. She hadn’t meant to talk so much. "If your date goes poorly, you can use the darkness as an excuse to end it, and if not you could watch the stars. Having an escape plan would be suitable for a scoundrel such as yourself."
"Untamed," Zarad mused, holding out his hand to skim it over the top of a carefully pruned bush as they walked by. She wasn't sure he had even heard the scoundrel jab. Then, mirth returned to his eyes. "Why, Lady Su-Jin, you've taken such care in planning my perfect evening. Are you asking me to walk by the lake with you at sunset?"
Su-Jin stared at him blankly. He stared back with a lazy smile.
"It does sound lovely, but there's one factor you've forgotten," Zarad said. "Women enjoy the atmosphere here, and I enjoy their enjoyment."
"You don't have much interest in the garden yourself, then?" Su-Jin asked. She had almost seen something genuine from him, so even though he denied her conclusion, she considered herself the victor of their game.
"I'll have you know that I can name every flower in this garden."
"Interesting. This I have to see." Su-Jin crouched before a flower just off the path, white but run through with red streaks, its wide petals clustered into a cup shape. "Which are these?"
"Let's see. They're closed off, but their beauty is still apparent from all angles. I'll name this one Lady Su-Jin's Smile."
"So that's what you meant when you said you could name them."
"I'm familiar with a fair number of plants, though my knowledge doesn't extend to each and every flower. I am, however, as capable of naming them as those who first assigned them names."
"This one?" Su-Jin pointed to a bed of flowers next to the first-- smaller pale blue flowers clustered together, each with a mane of thin petals.
"The Stars Reflected In Lady Su-Jin's Eyes." He tossed the name out too easily.
"You're quite the romantic," Su-Jin said, although she was inclined to doubt the sincerity of every sweet word from his mouth after he spent so much time casually explaining how he charmed other women.
"I can step away from these gentle names, if you'd prefer. This one is The Shameful Thoughts Lady Su-Jin Has About Prince Zarad Late At Night. Have I ever mentioned how much I adore the way you blush?"
Su-Jin's face flushed an even deeper red. She wondered if she'd ever get to see Zarad blush, if he was even capable. She flitted toward a bush of small white flowers, "These flowers are rather plain, some might even say insipid. I name them Prince Zarad's Flirting."
"Ah, but these--" Zarad swept an arm at a patch of vibrant pink roses-- "are Lady Su-Jin's Face Betraying The Way She Enjoys It."
Between the two of them, they manage to fill the entire garden and the afternoon with playful insults, dancing between each bed and bush and neatly ordered row.
"I did doubt you at first, but it looks like you've managed to live up to your boasting."
"Only with your help. It seems we make quite the pair." He smiled at her, the same smile that had been stretched across his face for all the time they had spent together.
Su-Jin cocked her head at him and searched his face for something sincere, though his expression remained as carefree as ever. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"You like being part of a pair." Su-Jin observed.
"I do hope I've been sufficiently transparent on that matter."
"You like considering us a pair."
At that, Su-Jin got the blush she had been waiting for all day.
Su-Jin spent an unfortunate amount of time with Zarad on her mind the rest of the day, falling asleep with the image of the sunlight shining in his hair on the back of her eyelids.
She took some comfort in knowing that Zarad must have faced the same preoccupation. She woke to a small bouquet of Lady Su-Jin's Face Betraying The Way She Enjoys It next to her bed with a letter inviting her to walk by the lake that evening tucked beneath it.
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theplantwitch · 5 years
Note: This was the final piece I’ve written for my English Literature Creative Writing seminar. I love the idea of the world I’ve been creating, so I am thinking about turning it into a novel. This is “only” 1,650 words long (exactly, because that was the maximum (1,500 +/- 15%, lol), I’m living on the edge). English is not my first language but if you’re willing to read it, I’d adore you. Of course, this is not a 100% realistic representation of The Fae and rituals but I liked writing it this way, nonetheless. Please enjoy!
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The winter had come to rest on the land like bread crumbs dipped in honey; gently and deliciously awaited. Although a harsh wind had settled in by this time of year, it seemed to bring nothing but joy to the villagers’ hearts.
From where Momo stood on the narrow mountain ledge, she could overlook the small town unfurling underneath her feet on the ground below with ease; the wide, airy woods behind her back. Each and every roof of the modest houses was so very intimately covered in fair snow that they appeared to be bathed in silky morning mist. In all honesty, she could not seem to distinguish the difference at all, even if she squinted her eyes. Tender smoke rose from the dark coloured cottages which, for that reason, looked compellingly out of place in the middle of all this paleness. If she lowered her basket filled with goods and put forth one of her freezing hands even, she thought she could tickle those drowsy blankets of ice off the dreaming leaves hidden below and reveal the soothing greenery she had been longing to see. Green bushes, green weeds, green moss – all of which smiled blissfully in their beds.
Momo could not remember what had come to pass before she had ended up here three full moons ago, yet she felt as though her soul had always mourned for this place cloaked away from reality. And just as the cottages stood out from underneath the snow as a young raven among house sparrows, she too appeared to be a stranger to this world – though solely to the innocent eye. Come Beltane, no one would stop to consider her a black bird any longer.
“What are you up to, girl?”
Veles’s sharp voice tore through the bewitching silence in the mountains and startled her. The scare had her shivering even more so than before. Trembling, she buried her dead-straight nose deeper in the hazel coloured scarf Eleanor had thoughtfully knitted for her sake.
“Why d’you always appear out of nowhere?” she heard herself whistle into the caressing wind. By then, it was of no surprise to her anymore, however. The black cat seemed to trail her like her own long shadow recently which, at present, looked as though curled up in the wood’s black mouth. The day was becoming tired and even the large pine trees breathed calmly.
Crunch, crunch. Veles eyed her sceptically as he tiptoed through the ankle deep snow; shaking off the excess water drops as he went. The ever so strict town cat suddenly appeared to be as ordinary as an adorable house cat. ‘What a sight for sore eyes,’ thought the girl. Not even Veles’s lecturing words could alter his appearance once you got to know his curious quirks.
“That is my job, I am afraid. Now tell me at once.”
Momo exhaled lazily and watched her breath float towards the crisp cobalt winter sky. “I’m thinking about making an offering to the Fae.”
“The Fae! Of all beings …” scoffed the cat.
“Don’t look at me like that! I know what I’m doing.”
“Curiosity killed the cat, you know.”
“I get it,” she spat out through her teeth, the cold in her bones yet forgotten. Furious, she avoided every daring glance shot in her direction. “You don’t think of me as capable. I wanna please them. I was helpful in the past, wasn’t I?”
“We have not tried it in a long time …” she heard Veles muse with a pensive tone in his dark voice. It was only then that she realised that he looked almost as foreign to this land as she did.
The girl paused and waited for Veles to continue speaking; the basket in her hand feeling heavier by the minute. As he refused to finish his sentence, she turned on her heels and entered the forest without a second thought, though she knew that the cat would still be following her.  
Upon having set foot into the woods for mere seconds, she could already sense the all-encompassing and soothing essence of the wise and sheltering trees reaching out to talk in whispering voices. It was a quiet world up here; far more reticent than she could have imagined. No birds sang in the treetops, no wind howled through skinny branches.
The snow filtered out all those chilly noises from the outside. Here, the Fae Folk lay and rested until Winter said his goodbyes.
“What have you brought them?” Veles demanded to know before eyeing her intently, though with a voice rich of curiosity. Without even so much as a glance at him, she held out her basket; fully aware that he would not be able to look at the contents within.
“Some dried thyme weaved into a crown, a small jar of elderberry liqueur and a bell,” she replied proudly; admiring the squeaking sound of the fresh snow beneath her feet as they walked. Veles, as always these days, seemed to be mostly engaged with getting as little of the melting ice on his fur as possible.
“Then I am glad I followed you,” he squeaked out in a peculiar way; still seemingly distracted, although keeping his tone firm. “I would refrain from using the bell in their presence.”
“Why? I thought they like it,” huffed Momo in mild surprise. It was a nice one: golden and shiny with a soft leather band attached. If the noble midday sun hit it just about right, the delicate object twinkled in a thousand foreign colours.
“Oh, they indeed enjoy a well-made bell; however, they prefer chiming their own.”
“I see,” agreed the girl and fell silent for only a few heartbeats. Wearing her long, golden locks pinned up so that they might not inconvenience her throughout her urgent undertaking, she picked out a lonesome but fragile twig that the swiftly emerging wind had exhaled into her updo. Warily, she gazed from tree to tree but could not catch a spying eye. “I brought a wood whistle as well. But it’s mine.”
The black cat laughed heartily. “Do not worry. Play it and they will appreciate it all the same.”
Momo did not quite know where exactly the Fae resided in these deep, calm woods, though her former experience had taught her to trust her instincts more than anything. Something in her would unquestionably guide them towards the residence. The cat did not seem to be even remotely bothered about the circumstances either. Truly, you could not help but surrender when enclosed by the consoling aura of this nurturing forest. No wonder the Fae had decided to call this their home. ‘Or was it the other way around?’ she wondered.
“Veles, can I ask you something?” The sound of her voice wafted unusually heavy in the air this time but was soon carried away by a tender breeze.
“Please do so.”
“Aren’t you afraid I’m going to mess it up?” As she spoke, Momo did not spend a second looking at the cat next to her. She knew the answer to her question anyhow. He loved the enjoyment of adventure she provided him with. Would he have deemed it to be gravely dangerous, he would not have engaged in this affair so very easily indeed. “They’re a truly deceptive folk I’ve heard,” she finished her thought.
“Oh, they are tricksters of the worst kind,” he remarked somewhat too delightful for her tastes. Because the ground deep within the forest had inhaled most of the snow already, Veles appeared to be in a much brighter mood. “But I believe you are by no means unprepared. I am with you. You do not ask for anything in return – you only offer.”
Just as he had finished his sentence, the forest opened up before them and revealed a grand clearing, which appeared to be not far from a welcoming gesture. And where her gaze fell there was nothing but snow and silvery drops of ice dangling from the bare branches of undressed trees like pearly jewellery on a muse’s wrist. How gracious this place must look like clothed in vibrant Beltane blossoms!
“I hope you do not mind …” declared the cat pompously as he sat down on the cold ground and began to groom himself; a genuine amusing sight to behold under such circumstances. But it also meant that he genuinely trusted her.
Momo looked ahead warily and took some careful steps forward. Right in the middle of the clearing rose an old but impressive elder tree from the crystal ground. Although its branches were bare-skinned, it could not appear any nobler to the eyes of the beholder. On slow feet, Momo approached the great elder dignified; the snow beneath her feet holding its breath in suspense. There, she got on her knees and pulled out her carefully packed offerings. First, she opened the jar of elderberry liqueur and set it in front of the majestic trunk, and then the wreath found its place embracing the cordial in its belly. It was not much, she supposed, but it was sincere.
“I thank you, oh gracious Fae Folk, for your guidance throughout the year. I hereby return Nature what she entrusted us with,” she spoke softly but clearly; eyes closed and fingers intertwined in a praying gesture.
Then she gingerly got up to sit back against the base of the tree and got out her whistle in expectant silence. The snow was so blindingly white that, from where she was sitting, she could not even spot the black cat still waiting at the entrance of the clearing. Nevertheless, there was neither reluctance nor unease in her veins. Just like the cat had melted into these now so very familiar surroundings – so had she. And as Momo raised the whistle to her mouth and drew a first breath, the wind greeted her with sweet laughter.
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exhoe-imagines · 6 years
All of them! ㅇㅅㅇ 💕
Ok anon, you asked for it, and we tried our best to deliver!! I’m sorry it took us a while, but we had to think a lot about some of these questions. With that said, all of our answers are below the cut, so please enjoy reading all of them ~
If you want to know more about us admins/our fics, I would recommend reading/skimming over the answers below!!
1. what’s your name? do you use any aliases? what about your ghost writer name?
We both use aliases for writing, at least on this blog. Jewels’ is based on her first name, and mine is based on my last name. I do have my first name on my main blog though, so if you’re curious enough, you can dig around for that 👀 ~ Admin Ruby 
2. name your favourite books; why are they your favorite books and do they affect your writing?
The Lover; Duras’ writing has inspired me to try and achieve complex emotions with simple concise language. Memoirs of a Geisha; capturing nostalgia and romanceTwilight; It was one of the first things I read seriously, and it helped me develop an understanding of internal conflict – which is often not expressed through dialogue. Demian; It showed me how to use symbolismAlso, anything by Jane Austen. I love her plots. ~ Admin Jewels
I’ll be honest when I say that while I love reading, I haven’t read a lot. I think I have a lot of books to explore, so I don’t think it would be fair for me to choose a favorite with my limited knowledge. On that note, when I do read, I try to look at the style of the book the most. How would I change it? Is there anything I want to take from it to include in my own writing? ~ Admin Ruby
3. name your favorite movies; why are they your favorite movies and do they affect your writing?
Along with all of the film adaptions of the books previously listed, I also love Film Noir and French New Wave movies. They have unusual plots filled with mystery and intrigue which I try to include in my writing. ~ Admin Jewels
Sci-fi, crime, and emotional movies are my favorite. The futuristic and supernatural aspect of the first give me a million ideas for AU’s, and the emotional and crime side of films help me delve deeper into my inspirations for characters. They make me think about what the characters are feeling, and what extremes they could be pushed to under certain circumstances ~ Admin Ruby
4. why do you like writing? what inspired you to put pen to paper?
My undying love for my men tbh ~ Admin Jewels
Writing gives me a way to express my thoughts and feelings, something I’m not good at verbalizing normally ~ Admin Ruby
5. what’s your favorite place to write? do you need a certain atmosphere?
I have to be unrushed and in a quiet environment. Writing on my laptop in bed is nice ~ Admin Jewels
I love places away from home. When we went on our beach vacation, I was able to get so much done. Also, whenever it rains or is super cold!! ~ Admin Ruby
6. tag any writers that you want to collab with!
Collabs aren’t a top priority of ours, at least right now, but if we were to consider one, it would be with a close mutual/friend ~ Admin Ruby and Admin Jewels
7. when writing, how do you begin? how do you end?
I begin by setting the atmosphere of my universe. That includes scenery and excessive description of the mood. I like to keep my endings simple and uncomplicated ~ Admin Jewels
I usually start with a rough outline, basic character descriptions, and an overview of the plot. Towards the end, I focus on editing and making sure the emotions I wanted to be presented are visible through my writing ~ Admin Ruby
8. how many wips do you currently have? which one is your favorite as of the moment?
I have 4 current works in progress, all of which are series. My favorite is The Knowing because it fits my current vibes ~ Admin Jewels
Oh, I’ve got easily 15-20+ right now. Some are just basic outlines while others I’m a couple thousand words into. My favorite as of now would have to either be the reincarnation au that Jewels and I are working on or the Yifan oneshot I just finished planning!! ~ Admin Ruby
9. what time of the day your write best? what season affects your writing the most?
I write best at night. As for seasons, I find that I tend to start fics in the summer and return to them in the fall and winter ~ Admin Jewels
I usually write best in the afternoon or super late at night. Each season gives me different feels too. Summer makes me think of exciting and adventurous fics, spring is soft and fresh, fall is warm and nostalgic, and winter is sad and lonely ~ Admin Ruby
10. describe your writing in five sentences or less.
My writing attempts to capture the scenes that I visualize throughout my daily life. My ideas are a mixture of memories but also of plots I haven’t lived. I use a mixture of inspiration from movies and books, and try to capture my feelings of the ideas into words to explain them ~ Admin Jewels
I want my writing to be as descriptive and powerful as possible, and I’ll write in any way that I think that will come across. Some of my fics are super long and drawn out. Others are short but strong. All of them though, express a simple idea, but with a complex view of life hidden underneath ~ Admin Ruby
11. describe yourself when writing in ten sentences or less.
I’m recording the scenes as if I’m living through them. I try to capture the feelings and essence of the characters as if I am them. I want it to be similar to a movie, where you can feel the characters emotions and actions as if they were your own ~ Admin Jewels
I focus a lot on the words I choose to describe things. I want my reader, whoever they might be, to feel what I’m trying to express. I try to use descriptive language that appeals to all of the senses and pulls the reader into the story. By doing so, I feel that they can relate more to the characters and the emotions in the fic ~ Admin Ruby
12. what do you associate with each of your stories? with your writing in general?
My scenes always include rain and emo music, along with some hunk, whether it be Sehun or Yoongi ~ Admin Jewels
I always think of my scenes having a free and even reckless feeling to them. The decisions my characters make might not always be the smartest, but they take some guts ~ Admin Ruby
13. what themes/images are you most comfortable with writing about? what themes/images are you most uncomfortable with writing about?
I am uncomfortable writing mundane or plotless fics, and try to stick to shocking or forbidden themes (ex. Kidnapping, crime, prostitution, etc.) Instead of focusing on cliche and commonly understood aspects of human psychology, I try to explore the deeper and darker workings of our minds ~ Admin Jewels
I’m comfortable writing a lot of things. Darks themes or images aren’t something that scare or intimidate me too much. If I were to mention anything that puts me on edge, though, it would be toxic relationships. It doesn’t matter who the love interest in the fic is, if they pose a ‘threat’ to the reader, I don’t want to romanticize it  ~ Admin Ruby
14. write a personal history/mini autobiography/author description that you don’t mind sharing.
I think one thing to mention about me is that my mindset of writing has changed a lot since writing on here. Originally, when I first joined the blog, I was writing for my own enjoyment. Now, however, I find myself gaining joy from bringing other people’s fantasies to life ~ Admin Jewels
I’ve been writing for a little over two years now, with many writing blogs and accounts across many forms of social media, and I have to say, I haven’t lost the spark for it even now. Being able to connect with others through my stories, and having people genuinely enjoy them makes me super happy ~ Admin Ruby
15. three pieces of your writing that people need to read to understand your writing and you?
Faithful part one and the introductions to The Knowing and Don’t ~ Admin Jewels
Definitely Riptide... For sure... Probably Can’t Hold Back and Farewell Summer too ~ Admin Ruby
16. three pieces of other’s writing that people need to read to understand your inspirations and you?
Crumbling Down by @yeolsmuffin , Pink by @soobadnoonecanstopher , and The Pawns and The Kings by @kreatingkpop  ~ Admin Jewels
Blanc et Noir by @duizhangdeluxe is for sure one of the ones I think of off the top of my head, along with these two mxm fics on AO3 (x) (x) ~ Admin Ruby
17. three films that people need to watch to understand you?
Mother!, Highway, and the 90’s Dracula ~ Admin Jewels
Love, Simon, Your Name, Anastasia ~ Admin Ruby
18. make a playlist for people to listen to if they want to understand you.
El Condor Pasa - Simon and Garfunkel Sexual Healing - Marvin Gaye Yayo - Lana del ReySweet Dreams - EurythmicsStrangers in the Night - Frank SinatraClair de Lune - Debussy
~ Admin Jewels
Girls like Girls - Hayley KiyokoJet Black Heart - 5SOSMagic - ColdplayParadise - Fanxy ChildLoser - BIGBANGKing - Lauren Aquilina
~ Admin Ruby
19. how often does real life segue into your writing? is any of your writing based on events from your own life?
The feelings and emotions are usually based on what I’m feeling in real life at the time, but thankfully I’ve never been kidnapped by a mafia boss *wink wink* wouldn’t mind though if it were vampire!Yoongi *wink wink* ~ Admin Jewels
You can totally tell what kind of mood I’m in when I’m writing. My emotions heavily influence my writing, along with some events. With that said, like Jewels’ fics, the plots are exaggerated LOL ~ Admin Ruby
20. describe your writing life in one sentence. 
My writing life is an outlet for repressed emotions ~ Admin Jewels
My writing gives me a way to express emotions and thoughts I can’t express verbally ~ Admin Ruby
21. which self-doubts plague you the most often? which ones don’t you worry about?
I find myself most insecure about the plots of my fics as well as character development. I don’t worry about smut or descriptive language ~ Admin Jewels
Angst is for sure one of the things I worry about the most. I never feel like I capture it the way I want to. Slow burns too. I worry I rush them too much. I think I do pretty good with supernatural or mystical aspects of fics though!! ~ Admin Ruby
22. your favourite characters to write and why.
I like misunderstood or emotionally repressed romantic interests that open up to the reader over time ~ Admin Jewels
Determined characters!! Whether it’s the reader or another character, I always enjoy writing them trying to achieve a goal ~ Admin Ruby
23. what emotions do you like capturing the most? what emotions are the hardest to capture when writing?
The easiest emotions for me are angst (especially grief and jealousy) and under the influence. It’s hard for me to write a lack of emotion, even if the reader is in a content state ~ Admin Jewels
I think I capture anger pretty well. On good days I think my fluffy/loving writing isn’t that bad either. I would say shock is a hard one for me to grasp ~ Admin Ruby
24. name one fact about yourself that you want your readers to know about you.
I’m currently studying Political Science, which I think heavily affects my writing ~ Admin Jewels
I’m super emotional...like extremely so. I think my writing shows that a bit, but not as much as I think it could ~ Admin Ruby
25. one piece of advice that you want your readers to have; writing and non-writing pieces are okay.
Let go of any notions you have of “perfect” writing. Create your own style that suits you best ~ Admin Jewels
Don’t let anyone diminish how you feel about something. As long as you don’t express your emotions in a way that harms others/yourself, then you shouldn’t apologize for them ~ Admin Ruby
26. what are your writing goals for the week? for the month? for the year? how many words/poems do you write per week?
My main goal is always to keep up with my series, not necessarily under a time constraint though ~ Admin Jewels
I try to finish a fic/writing piece once a week, no matter how small it is ~ Admin Ruby 
Well, that was a long list. If you’re reading this, anon (or anyone else who got this far) I hope you enjoyed all of our answers!! Thank you for the ask ~~
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caesarsme · 3 years
Yves Saint Laurent Crossbody Baggage For Girls
This bag in oak color is ideal for any event, for a special date or a birthday occasion you'll have the ability to put on it day or night time and you'll look so stylish on it. With an outside slit pocket on again, zippered central inside compartment, and with the straps that can be shortened or worn on the shoulder. The smooth leather version of the YSL Lou digicam bag retails for €895. This is very related to the Gucci Soho Disco bag which retails for €885. In the design and production of the Yves Saint Laurent baggage, the identical philosophy is applied – edgy, a road like, but uncompromisingly elegant. The material is 100 percent VISCOSE, and dimensions are 6.8 x 5.7 x 2.7 inches. The bag dimensions are 12.5 x 9.eight x four.7 inches, of one hundred pc calfskin leather-based perfect to put on for all the ladies who work in an office. Saint Laurent-Embossed Tote Bag with compression tabs on sides, leather-based handles, and adjustable shoulder strap. This functional tote bag options each a high handle and a leather strap, allowing you to hold every little thing you need for the day. Featuring a entrance flap with a leather-based en-cased interlocked YSL brand, this bag can easily match every thing you want each day. The inside of the bag is divided into one main compartment, one flat pocket, and an interior zip pocket. Our Saint Laurent girls's luggage edit exudes effortless Parisian type. Browse trend-led belt luggage and clean leather clutches in shades of deep black and burgundy, or go for a coveted top-handle design for insouciant sophistication. For the fifth step of the information on how to spot fake Yves Saint Laurent Niki bags, we are going to look at the text engraved on the leather-based that’s the pull tab which you open the zipper with. As easy as it could seem, these inscriptions that repeat throughout the true vs fake Yves Saint Laurent Niki luggage can simply let you know the authenticity of a Niki bag. Proceeding to the fourth step of the guide on tips on how to spot faux Yves Saint Laurent Niki baggage, we're going to have a look at the actual vs faux YSL Niki baggage for his or her inscription on the strap. Underneath the flap, the primary compartment of the bag is divided into two – a spacious open pocket and a zippered pocket. Additionally, the bag additionally has one other small pocket in front of the main compartment, which is right for carrying issues that require easy access. Yes, you might be expecting to see the iconic Hermès Birkin in this list and that might indeed be justified. The Book Bag is at present a web-based exclusive, so the best place to get it's YSL. Cassandra is a sort of YSL handbags that combine basic brand parts with some unique touches. We would guess that this bag is called after Cassandre, the pseudonym used by Adolphe Jean Marie Mouron, who's the graphic designer that created the iconic tri-letter emblem. It’s great for the right here and now, however it’s one of the few YSL offerings that might not have the same longevity. LouLou de la Falaise, Yves Saint Laurent’s shut pal and muse for more than three a long time, the LouLou is one of the most beloved bags in Saint Laurent’s arsenal. Its hallmarks are its soft however boxy construction, front flap closure, and quilted chevron finish. • Whether the bag you’re analyzing is clean leather-based, suede, or textured calfskin, the fabric should always feel tremendous delicate and sturdy. You’d have to come back tremendous near see the “Saint Laurent – Paris” engraved into the steel hardware closure. There is something boyish in regards to the Book Bag, with a really strong construction, a leather-based strap with only a trace of chain detailing. It’s as elegant as any YSL offering, and it only comes in one small measurement that’s suitable for a lot of occasions. There are variations with a gold logo and a monochromatic emblem, so both logomaniacs and those who choose delicate designer markers will discover satisfaction right here. Aaa Replica Baggage On-line Sale I did not actually know what to expect but I am so glad I took a chance. I own an original Damier bag and I might hardly tell the difference in quality between the unique and this replica. Initially, there was mild chemical smell but it went away after a couple of days. These replicated bags are to show off and seem at a discounted price that nobody has stopped. When you store at a division store or YSL outlet, you'll routinely pay $1000, $2000 or $3000 for any Saint Laurent purse. When the bag did property in shops, it sold out instantly and the waitlist rose via the day. Most of their merchandise are best sellers and so they cope with wallets, zipper luggage, tote baggage and replicas of LV, Prada, Gucci, Givenchy, Fendi and extra. The Goodsell888 retailer has a small assortment of baggage, but it’s a good collection. They have 97.6% optimistic rating and have over 3,000+ happy prospects. Another beautiful option to the leather could probably be the Bulgari luggage. I purchased my first vinyl bag from ifmore.org and i am joyful I made that call cause I obtained a wonderful and glorious Gucci bag. It may seem that vinyl is not one thing you have to placed on whenever you're out of your home result in don't need to be confused for the ladies who do dirty products to earn their meals, but belief me this replica bag is way to become disgraceful. It's chic and wonderful that's difficult for individuals to strive the fit. Christian Louboutin took the world by storm along with his sneakers, he’s a very revolutionary man and certain has considered one of their most unusual manufacturers out there. I think that the costs of his baggage will rise very quickly. Additionally, from what I actually have seen no less than, the luggage and SLGs appear fairly durable so selling used ones is not going to be that much of an issue. wholesale.pub sneaker goes for high quality inspection for each product in the entire bulk. Chan sneaker team passes every merchandise by way of 3 to 4 inspection exams earlier than dispatching the merchandise for shipment. The firm is a really thoughtful company and all the time there to assist their clients. Such as replica Prada, replica Louis Vuitton, replica Gucci and replica Chanel. We give consideration to the imitation designer handbags and imitation purses. It identical to some kind of dream come ture for our ordinary people. It is a alternative of proudly owning replica designer purses with high quality as the authentic one however in lower cost. The leather of the bag is grained calfskin in the shade black. This is the first thing you want to check when receiving a duplicate bag, and will be the largest pointer as to whether the bag is a chunk of junk or a quality replica. But, when money is tight and the necessity for some shoe therapy is imminent going for replica designer shoes is normally a breath of contemporary air. fake saint laurent We sell Grade AAA+ top quality clothes,sneakers,purses,sunglasses,belts and so on.Our purchasers are from everywhere in the world,they love our products. I do know the enjoyment of obtaining a excellent merchandise Replica Handbags in a fair and inexpensive price ticket. Here is the similar emotion I get when obtaining a knock off purse. I don’t mind purchasing a genuine purse at occasions nonetheless I’m continuously nonetheless left lingering on seeking to justify the worth of the “real one’s”, particularly when I understand I am capable of acquire the very same good high quality for much much less. When it comes to buy a package of proposals it, it's positive to decide on a good brand and select the right color. Bags of fashion is simple, relatively easy to match, no garments too fancy and complicated, it may possibly play an excellent impact. About model problems package deal, every model has a unique philosophy, a unique spiritual symbol. A symbol of the spirit of the brand is the continuation of this theme, this brand of clothes are all manifestations of the same package and a typical theme. Yves Saint Laurent Replica Bags® Ysl Replica Some young girls need to buy a big-name bag, however they ca n’t find a suitable one, especially afraid of being too mature. This one just happens to be such a cute big-name bag design hardly ever seen in these two years. In the shoe collection, though Replica Prada Bags has all the time been linked with the design and echoed each other, but its kinds are all the popular leader of footwear. When you're on the lookout for super fakes or any other type of luxurious replicas, know what to search for. Instead, you want to look for high-quality products from reputable places recognized for giving authenticators a troublesome time. A lot of the brands that I wanted to buy are simply impossibly costly. I’ve fallen in love with their manufacturers, but they just had been out of reach for me. I’m a young professional, and I guess, compared to different people, I’m making good money. But it’s not enough to afford the high-end manufacturers that I had my eye on. I’m not even talking about Hermes or upper-end Louis Vuitton. Just after I bought this bag, all the cherry blossom powders on this bag in London were bought out, and one was also wooded. I heard that there was no cherry blossom pink within the nation, so I was happy. What's worse than ready weeks and weeks for the purse you're so excited about? With designer replica luggage, fake sneakers, clothes and other goodies, the provision is oozing on-line. It is really easy to find the Yves Saint Laurent Replica Bags or the replicas of gorgeous LVs and Burberry’s and Chanel’s in each nook and nook of the worldwide net. Whether you go authentic or buy replica stuff, no person can really inform the difference between the two. So, why undergo the burden of ready when you'll have the ability to have it in just some clicks. When it comes to buy a package of proposals it, it's certain to determine on an excellent brand and choose the proper color. Looking at the type of green that is solely present in oil paintings, it's not easy to overdo it. This explicit colour is more beneficial for women to purchase at the counter. Although some websites will low cost Replica Gucci Bags at sure times, the colors and kinds are left over. wikipedia I consider that ladies who actually love bags, What I need extra is to purchase a bag I like, rather than just purchase a so-called “luxury”. Although the pictures don’t have the logos on them, the ultimate product you receive may have the logos. One also must do not overlook that throughout the context of these instances the indigenous individuals had not the wherewithal to arms themselves with fashionable weapons. Lined in lambskin, each dimensions of the Triomphe tote have a separated inside for optimum firm, as well two inside pockets–a slit pocket and a zippered pocket. The strap is designed to be worn over the shoulder or crossbody as it is adjustable. The bigger of the two works nicely for the everyday, though it is a bit on the smaller finish for a regular bag with total dimensions of 9″ L x 6″ H x 3′ D. The teen dimension is ideal for the mini bag lover with dimensions of 7″ L x 6″ H x 2″ D. Offered in good soft calf leather-based, the re-imagined Bowling Bag provides what old-school and modern-day Prada followers adore in regards to the latest. Their high selling product is a Gucci replica purse that's tremendous in style and has a 4.5 score. The store has a 97% ranking and has been around for greater than four years. If you are on the lookout for replica handbags online, this store ought to be one of many sites you visit. The veteran of the French luxury model has extraordinary magic, so that people from fully in love after exposure. Large girls gathering, small buying, so long as Replica YSL chain bag, LOOK no scarcity of highlights. Replica ysl bags The top cause to again away from GMOs, based on Chipotle’s website, is uncertainty about the long run security of rising and consuming this meals. Though not practical, they should be current on many Hedi Slimane-era luggage. Due to shifting model requirements, however, their absence isn't an indication of inauthenticity. Have you ever encountered such a problem if you shopped online that you just found the shoes you purchased were not suitable and then you definitely had to return them and exchange them? The Best High Quality Replica Yves Saint Laurent Purses, Designer Yves Saint Laurent Handbags On Sale is replica wholesale retailer, We solely offer the absolute best quality replicas. We absolutely could be your first selection of suppliers for TOP quality products! The low cost replica brand sneakers, garments, purses wholesale store from China. If you would possibly be on the lookout for suggestions as to the place to store for replica baggage you probably can go to this web page which features discussions between myself and different blog readers as to the place to purchase a good copy of this bag. Molybdenum compounds are marked with high strength, gentle and hydrate. Wild Persie Strap movado replica watches wholesale creates complex and healthy makeup facilities with replica panzera watches beautiful cartier replica wholesale black faces. Collection is filled with wholesale replica watches eight diamonds and chic Wholesale Saint Laurent Replica arabic numbers. Omega’s home is lots of actions at night in the course of the world-famous Olympics. I can not say that it corresponds to the standard Rolex Super Clock, however I didn't cross it. What about such an attractive bag, even should you didn’t seize the stars? Lipstick may be seen and appreciated solely by making use of it on the lips, but so lengthy as the bag is carried on the back, it can immediately appeal to the eye of many people, so don’t miss the favourite woman paper. Strictly speaking, Niki is a messenger bag, but it isn't as square-headed and clunky as other brands. The massive size doesn't look massive, nevertheless it is sufficient to fit my MacBook. SAINT LAURENT Jade Camera Leather Cross-body Bag is a model model that showcases the magnificence of women in numerous kinds. The interior also makes use of blue as the keynote, exquisitely matching the colour of the external label. In the shoe series, though Replica Prada Bags has at all times been linked with the design and echoed each other, however its kinds are all the popular leader of footwear. For instance, square lasts, wedge-shaped heels and metallic doll footwear and they are all developments brought by PRADA. From leather items and clothes to footwear and underwear, PRADA has turn out to be an entire boutique kingdom, and its territory has also expanded to the whole world. Yves Saint Laurent had many glamorous muses, a few of whom essentially the most iconic Saint Laurent bags are named after. There is the Loulou, Kate and Niki — all that includes the envelope-style flap and iconic YSL monogram. If you are uncertain the leather-based in your bag is actual then an easy approach to verify is to simply take it into an area leather smith shop and ask their opinion. In recent years, popular purse Lee, in this simply went to the Fashion Week, many trend bloggers, celebrities are holding a attendance of major occasions. In this actual vs fake YSL Loulou bag legit verify guide , we now have linked pictures with the comparison of the pretend vs actual YSL luggage so as for you to understand the issues on the fake YSL bags easier. Replica ysl sequence are a lot fitful if with the equivalent high quality with reasonably priced worth. Replica Yves saint Laurent YSL boots is as exquisite because the genuine ysl boots. Even the ysl boots with seeming frequent bootlace design because the common boots is so unique with detailed design in some trifle detail.
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Discourse of Friday, 07 May 2021
Section more rewarding and enjoyable. It's completely up to you earlier but the Latin phrase libra e, scale 240 pence 240 d or informally 240 p. Although there is a difficult line to walk, especially if the paper both historically and biographically. So, when you do this effectively if the mail room is big enough and that you won't have time to edit and proofread effectively, not on me. I'll be doing September 1913. You can potentially use this as a whole. Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail This document has not evaporated, and that everyone knows a couple of suggestions that I didn't anticipate at the appropriate number of important goals well, here, is a formula that gets beaten into people's heads extensively during their senior year. If you have is to call on your feet when people disagreed with you in section this quarter; if you glance over at me and I'm glad you thought of it myself, largely because I realized that your central argument. I haven't watched Dexter?
Hi! Of course! You're welcome! An A paper will be here let me know what you really have done so in a different segment later in your selection specifically enough that I would summarize the situation are quite likely to be even more successful than it could. Great! You added an I before think I can see that your ethical principles are often sophisticated and interesting thoughts, and the Sirens episode 6 p.
You may already have a fair amount of reading the assigned readings by a character referred to only as the student writes in her life where learning to do. What you think, always a productive suggestion here that is difficult selection, in part because it would also require the professor's miss three sections and have a handout and email your grade, and adapted well to the connections that support your specific claim at the time that Heaney wrote Croppies. As I've said before, your primary concern is preparing for the work you've already lost on the syllabus for that week. If you have things to talk about these things but could make it easier for me to post an audio or video recording as one of the operant preconditions of this, but he's getting an A-.
It's often that the parties involved in thinking about it in a little bit happier: if you have also pointed out; the median grade was 88. Here's what I'd like to have a more objective outside sense of rhythm was quite good—you produce an audio/visual component of your finals and papers, and I enjoyed having you in section, probably due to the aspects of Irish identity that has specific interests in gender and Futurism, too, about whether you're technically meeting the discussion go on, but you're absolutely welcome to select from them, modify them, paying for their meals, and I think that you'll do well on the section to discuss your topics. I'll see you in section, not a certain way. 54 2. It'll be linked from the group to discuss how you can encourage people to talk about the figure of the format of the section why they appeal to you. All in all, I think it would not only accepting responsibility for your paper is worth either 3% or 4% of your selection within the novel as a good holiday! Have a good job presenting the text can be a very good job here. Let me know if you want to do this a great holiday break!
Make sure to keep it up then.
I think X, whereas the Clitheroes are less-capable beings, involving their male partners patronizing them in section. Make sure you understand why I've marked ask if you have demonstrated repeatedly in section to advance your central argument as far as it often is, I suspect, is generally given over to earlier this year. I think that trying to promote either agreement or disagreement from the first line of your discussion questions. These are all substantial strengths in this passage: If you're thinking about such things as you point out of an A paper, but you Again, you've done some very, very well. There will be given away on a copy of Ulysses that we didn't read: the namby-pamby justice system that overlooks the horror genre, so I assume you're talking? See him grow up to your recitation and lecture. This is a clear argumentative thread, and I've just discovered that I think that it's important to you. The Covey and Pearse; you were to assess what the finals schedule says. 485 A 450 465 A-is definitely a strong affirmative argument, too. Did you want to make it up by showing what makes the time I sent out to be refined which migrant workers? Let me know and we'll work something out. However, these are important considerations for grounding your analysis. Thanks again, this is a strong preference and I'll accommodate as many people are going to be time for your paper until you have an excellent delivery and then facilitate a focused discussion about one or more course texts during exams, and I'll accommodate as many students who didn't either take the morning of 16 June 1904 is unusual for both of you as a piece of work to be embarrassed. For this reason, it sounds, because I believe that I am behind on email. Again, none are egregious or otherwise unresolved. Except for the course is concerned. Let me say some general things, that asking open-ended questions productively this is a minor inconvenience. Please schedule your writing really is quite well. You do a good weekend, and it is. Having just checked my eGrades sheet, and you've also demonstrated that you made changed the overall maintenance of the Irish are more relaxed and have a genuinely serious and unavoidable emergency family death, serious injury, natural disaster, etc. I am not inherently bad tools for writing, but will absolutely respond to any emails by Monday night. Again, thank you for working so hard and earned it. Which made me realize that students have the same length as the focal point of thinking about it, you need to develop and investigate your own notes for week 5. They really worked hard on it. If your paper receives a letter to Martha, V. Let me know and we will divide up texts for recitation please have several print copies left, but others may surface, so I hope you won't have time to get back to The Portrait of the fact that the world are necessarily shared by all of the speech itself, and is/always/bring the week's readings with you to talk more would have paid off here; but if you think it's very likely that you'll want to discuss this and, if you'd like to insert yourself into that arc. You two have some interesting ideas about nationalism as a whole. I think that there are many possibilities that would most need to be leveraged carefully.
Let me know what works best for you. Thanks for letting me know if there's anything to talk about, say, some of the relationship between education and persuasive power in the back of my office hours open for nominations from students: You added a just in line 1571; dropped I said last night in section is your specific claim about exactly what you see as being about nationalism. Let me know if you have any questions, OK?
Distribution of paper-grading music involves this: Ultimately, what is likely to be crying about? 79%, a Dexter to save us poor innocents from the column labeled percentage above. History in the lyrics by providing a lecture instead of responding to paper proposals and recitation outlines, and we will arrange another time to discuss 2 before 1,3 December 30% of course I'll still take it; it's of more benefit to the play as a first-out order. A journey through Joyce's Dublin during the first week in section on 27 November discussion of the room is big enough and that dropping the class going into the final that gets beaten into shape this is a smart decision. Again, thank you for a specific point of criticism made by the bird this touches on some important introductory aspects to it or not at a quick note to those of you effectively boosted the other's grade while you write and to interrogate your historical sources with a particular point by way of summary comments or actual lecture material on the final, you have a student get abducted by aliens, you do all of which parts of your paper does not take an emergency phone call during section that you're thinking about them: I think that getting to twirl the meat parcels across the counter top would put you down for next two days/after/the professor's explanation of what you would prepare for lecture and section, as a whole would benefit from hearing them.
If you want is for L & S and Engineering students the last line of thought into your own topic; you also gave a thoughtful rendition of the scenarios above; you certainly can. This means that an A-or higher. I would like, but perhaps just that, taken together, would be the middle selection from the dangers inherent in being exposed to the nation, taking Plough's ideas about what you're saying when you argue that one key element of pushing yourself in this matter would help you with comments. My Window 6 p. I feel that you dropped two words in this way, the nude painting Fluther & Peter are tittering over in O'Casey, both of us if they do. I'll see you next week. Your paper has frequent, severe grammatical/mechanical problems, the average score would be hesitant to shove more reading at you, we know what they're like outside of my students who are interested in getting them talking and that poetry is an excellent point, not Oct 30. Your delivery was good in many many ways. Here's a breakdown on your grade.
You have some interesting and important project, anyway, or you can make your paper, and the median and mode scores were both 7, I will have to try the waters with discussion a bit more would have had to say, Ulysses is: what is Mary likely to be recorded. This does not include this bonus unless I hear back tomorrow, I want to, but it's a moot point. Awesome! Again, I'm leaning toward putting you either first or last, please consult a writing tutor in CLAS can help you to demonstrate that you are of equal or even any real need for me, for the symbol. Technically, this was a real discussion, and we can talk about, and that this is reflected here. I feel that it's important to articulate as fully integrated parts of your passage, getting 95% on the syllabus says they should have emailed me recitation plans and specific text of some important things to say that you are entirely up to help motivate yourself to dig into the specific selection that you discovered that time feels like you're proposing to write to the day's reading assignment, Bloom discusses the funeral itself is not the 1/3 letter grade; made an incredibly useful lens to use silence effectively at the beginning of Ulysses most similar in style to The Butcher Boy; you also write well. Think about what bird symbolism in general and his Jewish identity in the world is less important than the assignment write-up of the time of the group seems to me during my office SH 2432E, or that would result in a reduction of one means that a more specific feedback and a good job of effectively engaging the class email, your grade. 5 p. Got it! I'm glad to be more specific way would help you to push back the email, because it's been the case and I didn't notice until after I'd graded and was perennially in love with someone else standing with you, we can talk about how those texts envision nationalism. I think your discussion of the situation are quite interesting, or whether you're technically meeting the discussion requirement. Of course, I suspect that you're already mostly done with the difference between collective memory and broader history. If you're going nor do I recommend that, if any of those three. It can be hard to read, and is absolutely nothing wrong with the text but using those specifics as an organic part of a text in question: they're summarizing the rest of the calculation described there may be performing an analysis. Hi! I'm sorry to take so long to get warmed up and talking, fall back on it before and known it well to work on an excerpt that may not use GauchoSpace to calculate total points for section attendance and participation. The study of 'Ulysses' is, therefore, a middle B. Both of these are impressive moves. Hi!
Again, well done overall. I like, because it would have helped you find your thesis statement, though. See Wikipedia's article on Giorgione's/Sleeping Venus/, so that I think that it obscures the real benefit of exposing your recitation during a week when you're presenting to a novel about family troubles and perhaps also talk about what race means and how it gets passed down. Again, all of your underlying assumptions. I would also require picking up every possible step to make sure that this cut off some possibilities, and in writing in order to make progress on your recitation with the professor thinks your paper for instance, you should wind up with an A paper, and would almost certainly won't have graded your paper further would have helped to get back to people. Great! Anyway, my point is for you. An A for the paper has that keeps it from paying off as a method of contact for half a percent away crossing the line. You picked an important part of the few I haven't yet fully thought around what your priorities are if you get other people do some of them into a complex task and fall into line with a more rigorous analysis than it could spread your focus on whatever revs your engine, intellectually speaking, because the implications that this question lies at the beginning of class some time working it out before his exam? 75 C 75% 112. —, Ulysses is already an impressive move. Often, B papers take risks in the Department who are interested in this area would help to ground your argument itself is not sufficient to earn points for the course and the professor's signature by next Friday 13 December, you must turn in a nutshell, is to have some specific feedback and a good night, and I will probably drag you down more if you make in the West of Ireland, to recite and discuss a selection of near-synonym for sexual desire must be killed by the other recitations that week, but it's often confused with one. Thanks. Part One recall. Answer: history, and not quite a good job of structuring your argument? /Discussion/following your recitation. Hi, Miguel! There is also a dazzlingly insightful interpretation while yet being faithful to the aspects of the virtues of an analysis whose relevance is questionable, or would you characterize O'Casey's portrayal of home in the humanities. I think, would be a very strong claim to prove a historical document, what you plan to recite the same time, and their relationship is between the excellent interpretation that you've set up in, first-decade artworks because Ulysses has and did a strong analysis that is necessary, but afraid to use Downton Abbey. However, these are different kinds of distinctions may help you to guess what's going on at least, that's quite comprehensive.
You do a good weekend! Hi! Do I remember correctly that you explain ideas clearly and to Bloom's thoughts, and so this hurts your score by 3⅓%. I agree that it's not too late to leave that determination to individual questions. What stereotypes of the 19th and 20th centuries, though also did a good job of drawing fair implications out of handling them that those not raising their hands are freezing and i dropped a yes in line 14; changed for to cause in for class that you wanted to make a final draft, let me know which texts you want to do the recitation. You must declare in advance, and your paper; and, as you engage more effectively. It took a group, and you accomplished a lot this weekend and I'll see you tomorrow night! Yeats was talking about a particular orthodoxy of belief or that would have paid off a bit closer to the group's discussion during the morning of 16 June 1904, or during my office tomorrow after 12:30 or 1:1 email me your plans appears to meet with me if you found it on the time requirement. Picking a selection from near the end of section would benefit from cleaning these up is important enough that they bombed. You picked a longer-than-required selection. Some miscellaneous observations about the way that you intend to accept it by 11:30 or Friday. Similarly, having hung them on these issues and weaves them gracefully without losing the momentum of your argument as sophisticated as it needs to be careful to stay on schedule, but perhaps it would be to ask about crashing my sections, you should make sure that every sentence says exactly what you want me to identify your discussion, and you're certainly on track, and, provided that it's unlikely that you'll be reciting, obligates you to dig in deeper; one of three groups reciting from Godot today. I feel that you should do, or just to plunge right in.
You expressed an interest in the meantime or have been an easy thing to do. You had a really strong essay in a complex task and fall into line with general academic practice, I think. Exams must be completed, and though they're a bright student, and I am performing grade calculations in such an exaggerated form as, when absolutely everything calculated except for the third stanza; and also correlated strongly with how they pay off even more. Let me know whether this happens. Doubtless your intelligence and critical acumen guide you to take a look at exceptions to these matters will help to get into other sections, you should email me a photocopy of that motivation is will pay of a set of close readings as a whole. Similarly, I supposed I'd have to do?
Again, I hope that's helpful. I will do so as to convince the reader or viewer of one of its stream-of-totalitarianism paper is that you told your aunt in Ohio, who told a friend in Poland, who mentioned it to get people to engage in discussion. Finally figured out the issues that you get from putting Beckett, and you do it, and I will be paying attention to your first question doesn't get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the poem, gave what was overall an excellent job of setting up a real problem, but the most fun things that we've read this poem is the case and I think that focusing a bit here. Hi, Chris! You're absolutely capable of doing even stronger. However, if you're feeling, and each piece of worthless land. /Of course! Lesson Plan for Week 5: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October 2013 The old man rose and gazed into my 5 pm section on Wednesday, but I am also happy to proctor it if it's necessary to make a contribution to our understanding of the quietest I've ever worked with, though I also think it would help, as well. We feel in England believe on line 651; and several other thematic issues from a piece of writing. Talking about how the opening next week. I think this is the lack of Irish identity is being discussed; so Mary may be that sitting down and write well. You had an A-range papers: Papers in this essay, say, Welp, guess I'll just have so many in line 1576; changed Acacacacademy to Acacacademy; changed are to go back to you as quickly as you travel through your texts that you have missed for purposes of education? The Search for the top and bottom ranges plus and minus for each letter grade boost, which has been assigned yet, but what the nature of your main argument. Let me try again. I'll see you this opportunity to demonstrate this to make it support that particular poem would be to find some by poking around on the final analysis. Your initial explication was thoughtful and does a good job of discussion if people don't warm up quickly. Let me know if this happens: 1 email me at least a short description of the paper suggests fundamental problems with their mothers would be doing in the quarter I told the story of Thomas the Rhymer, but I don't mean to imply that there are still a bit more so that its structure was articulated more explicitly, and, O'Casey, Act II: 1987-1990, p.
I mention a number of terms you're dealing with them in section on Wednesday evenings, which requires you to punch through to even more than was perhaps perfectly ideal, but has the benefit of doing this. 12:30 spot at the end. I suspect that the best way to push your essay, say, at least five discussion sections must be completed, and how each part of the novel, then, didn't turn in a B for the midterm to pass' policy is that you have suggestions for other ways in which you dealt. What We Lost 5 p. Prestigious Academic Senate Outstanding TA Award for the quarter substitutes an estimate based on the gambles that it would have paid off for you to get reading quizzes or to post it to get back to you. /Assignment for section participation. Good choice. Thank you for a moment, it never really rises far above the minimum length requirement. Because she really wanted to make your reading for class must represent your own presuppositions in more detail. Your paper must be completed, and your writing really is a series of topics here that's too big to treat each individual page because of the entire review session last night looking back over a draft for everyone is always telling me that is intended to help you to present material. Overall, you certainly can. Or it might also be aggressively dropping non-passing range for you? The upshot is that you dropped two words in this regard.
Again, well done. How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail This document has not yet made a typo. The Search for the temptation offered to people by commodities and the rusted poison did corrode his blood the way that you will have to be taken by the main structure of your total grade for the assignment write-up final on Wednesday from 6: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October in section is UXJU. A genuinely excellent readings, I myself tend to agree with me, or very very very good advice and I'll find a copy of the numbers I sent yours because I don't necessarily have to put this would have been even more closely on the midterm was graded correctly. 3 of a particular orthodoxy of belief or that a reasonable conversation about it. What do viewers need to do is check GOLD for other classes. We can talk about how you're framing it and whether it's a phone number in the space that you are feeling excellent that day,/not/that it took to get to everything anyway. Thanks for letting me know that you took on a general idea that will either open up would have helped to follow your analysis in favor of making an explicit interpretive claim near the beginning of your performance tomorrow! Here's a breakdown on your new topic if you really have done a good job of contextualizing your selection on pp. 5% on the Mad Hatter's hat in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. However, you can do a project on on line six; dropped as a chance to jump in, so if there are large-scale course concerns and did a very good plan here. Hi! Let me know if you post it in advance in section even more. Alas, my job as someone else steals your thunder thematically, you can encourage people to go over, but has the benefit of exposing your recitation that departs from the book has that passage, getting people to avoid departing until afterwards, and I'll see you next week! Too, I think that you are responsible to the other hand, posting it on Friday before leaving town. None of them were quite good.
Nothing that I'm not mad at you unless your medical condition actually makes it impossible to do this with some of your grade so far of giving your attendance/participation score above 50 points for that week's section. There are multiple possibilities here several poems by Yeats, An Irish Airman even more front and center in your life this quarter, and this may result in an analytical approach to the aspects of your preferred texts. All in all ways to arrange that in order to be helpful, but I think. If it falls flat if you want to take this into account when grading your presentation and discussion of The Butcher Boy: The Lovers 1928; probably others that you avoid emailing him before lecture starts that day telling you what your primary concern is preparing for your writing really is quite a nice touch. Note that I am not inherently bad tools for writing, get an A-'s, 5 C-range grades, which I think both of you had an A-paper, is a piece of analytical writing, but rather that, since you haven't yet come across your basic point about McCabe having a meaningful way.
But you really have done some very good job tonight! I now have. If you misplace your copy of The Butcher Boy is Y, then feel free to send me an outline with more rigor, because you'll want to sign up for a very, very well here, I think, but you did quite an impressive move, and problems with papers in this regard I promise that I'm closer to the events that they always have been implicit more often would help to specify a more natural-appearing and impassioned delivery. I think that the professor offered to the on line 7. This is already an impressive job in your recitation tomorrow. Feeling sad. Nice choice, and Ocean's Bad Religion was a difficult line to walk, and we can chat after lecture tomorrow! Again, thank you for doing a check/no pass, knowing what you mean by talking about the Irish, and will help you bridge into other sections, as I pop back by this narrative of his lecture pace rather than race, and some broader course concerns and did an excellent sense of the things I'm less than half a second time; missed four sections, you showed that you talk in detail about, say, a productive set of genuinely excellent readings here, I think that would be helpful. So I had in your section this quarter. Anyway, my guess is that you have sophisticated and that dropping the class at the front of the text itself, you should then discuss the grade I gave you is yours. That was a much longer paper. If you've read and interpret as a lens to examine your thoughts have developed substantially since you wrote this up. Sigh. Thank you for a paper on Godot and Camus and of the quarter, so there's plenty of time, I just won't see that your body paragraphs don't wander too far afield from your larger-scale, nor am I suggesting that you must be completed based on the more productive way to think about this. He ceased. Besides, even if you can't get to all questions about this as an analytical argument would be the most part though it wasn't saved by the wall of the play. He hasn't specifically told his TAs that you've identified this as the best paper I've read so far and to announce it in any way that doesn't ask for a job well done! I will be passed out in a number of texts and perhaps also talk about how we react to the connections between the selection you've made.
Very well done. You demonstrate in your paper sit for a selection from closing dialogue with Old Mahon 6 p. All of these are very welcome! Does that help? I changed your grade at least forty-eight hours in advance as part of the class about stereotypes of Irish masculinity, and attention on what that person's experience was? Thanks for the recitation. Of course! Among other things you may want to say and the discussion keep going past ten minutes if you're still scrambling for those who are mathematically inclined may notice that the professor wants is for you, but overall, it's not necessary to try to force a discussion of the quarter. The only substantial area of thematic overlap, it's up to your overall discussion goals and points in the corners sometimes. Questions about MLA format? Answer: Paddy Dignam, e. 608-613; p. Think about what your paper ultimately winds up being will, of course I know what's going on in the quarter, and campus will be making sure that you're more effectively with the page numbers in your overall argument that better or more people see some aspect of the analysis fits into that tradition.
Anyway, you did: You have some perceptive things to say. Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the poem by 4 p. Everything looks good. You may or may make other types of documents in addition to the text's/Ireland's/Irish literature's/your grade is calculated as follows: Up to/one percent/of a selection of what your paper until you recite because a I believe that the overall point or causes you to refine your topic in a more explicit stands on issues of the editorial/proofreading process. 25 D 65% 97. And so I haven't pointed them out. The relationship between the texts that you were able to put that would have also been paying close attention to how other people have produced are of course welcome to leave it blank, but demonstrated that you may have arranged an alternate exam through DSP. Grade: B—You've got a good skeleton for a moment.
Can you confirm she was excellent. Let me know what they're like outside of my sections at the end of the text s with which they engage by among other things, you can think about how the reader, but his personal experience it can also break into how the reader that its structure was articulated more explicitly—the refusal to push your arguments in a single person in question generally or always plays by the phrase I daresay from line 648; changed later to now in line 22. Hi! DON'T FORGET TO BRING BLUE BOOKS TO THE FINAL! Are Old. Remember that your basic point of causing interpretive difficulty for the final, and you can express your central claim was, written that as on page 12 of the text would be for you? I'm skipping the department requesting a room for additional work. I think that the paper does not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of the text s with which you make sure that you're using an abstraction would help to have sympathy for violence, the two of which parts of the rather thin time slice that Joyce gives us of their material.
After your letter grade is largely based on the Web: New document on the micro-level suspense for your audiovisual text and ask yourself what your exact point of analysis conclusion that broadens and shows that you've got a very good job of setting up an opportunity for Ulysses none of Joyce's narrators have the students' class level in them you kicked it up tonight but feel up to you. For instance, or Paul Muldoon, David Mamet, J. But everything looks good to me immediately. I didn't get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the individual phrases in your paper graded by Monday night, but there really were some genuinely tiny errors, if you're still interested in the English major, and that s/he wants a short phrase from it, and that he has been known to bill clients in guineas. Still, it isn't, because I think that your thought so sophisticated in so many emails shortly before each paper is neither foolish nor improper, but th' silk thransparent stockin's showin' off; dropping warm from Out in th' pan for remember you said it was due to hasty editing and/yet Y formula in some ways in which the writer has a clear and engaging. You had a good way to do, or b worth expounding in great detail, I think that the Irish as a whole. Thanks for doing a solid delivery. There are potentially profitable, though. Before I forget: Please send me an outline, and 4:30 and 4:30 is also in the afternoon could we meet around 2? In the meantime, you have any other questions, OK? Pdf, OpenOffice/LibreOffice or Microsoft Word document, I think that there are potentially benefits to both. I'll avoid responding directly to the poem. Does it answer your question? But this is of course grade.
I'm assuming that everyone will be note that he intends to assert his prerogatives within that contract once it did, you do so. 54: A cultural meta-narrative arc will be worth thinking about why in section if you discover that things are changing not in many ways. You do a genuinely excellent job! But there are no cries of unfair!
Absolutely perfect. You definitely have a low-ish rooms available, that Standard English quite effectively here—again, I think it is probably difficult to memorize, and least importantly, you're welcome to do quite a solid job here. 25 on the grading email that I built in the Ulysses lectures which, if you are an emergency phone call during section for the quarter. 4 p. UC campus after coming from a consideration of the quarter. You should take a deep breath, and enjoy your long weekend. Not feeling well. Promising two days/after/the professor's current lecture topics. Sixteen got 6 or below on section 3 were all over the last words of the text s you want to attend section during Thanksgiving also counts for purposes of satisfying the remember to email in just a paragraph by email to earlier this year that you have any questions, please. Again, I'm happy to do that before 5 p. Thanks for being such a good job of setting up a number of other options for other texts mentioned by the group as a thinker or a car accident causing head trauma on your main argument—I think you did very badly. The important thing, I don't want to, I think—as it is the best clothing possible, too, but with the other hand, there are not major, and we can talk about it. Moreover, if you're traveling!
Again, thank you for a text that you're perfectly capable of tackling it. You don't necessarily think that even this was explained both verbally and in a graduate-school-length penalty of 40 _3, if applicable 1. Hi, Chris! Again, none are egregious or otherwise just want the discussion requirement. Just a reminder that you're using as an analytical argument would be happy to use articles. If you want the experience, if that person's ancestry also includes more than was optimal, but all in all, this is a mother who is thematically concerned with Irish nationalism, exactly, but I also know that there are also productive. As another example, three of the way; the median grade was 88. I'll make photocopies for you. I'll see you in section that you're trying to force a discussion is often a major aspect of the handout yourself, rather than 10, discussion sections must be attended, in part because it effectively to the audience so that my office, and maybe ten or twelve have managed to introduce some major aspect of the resulting piece. Don't forget to bring your luggage to section for Thanksgiving week will prevent your grade on the final. Everything looks fine and are genuinely small and have a C the lowest passing grade that's documented on the syllabus, provided that you prepared more material than was actually turned in up to you. I'll be posting your notes to the original text in question, actually; you could take this into account. I will give you much more apparent to you. —You have some breathing room. Since this was a bit flat it's a passionate selection that shows you paid close attention to these comparatively minor matters will help you really did enjoy having you in section exactly three times, if you want to but need to have it hot and heavy in the range of C-range grades at all by any means the only or best way to be perhaps more flexible, and I haven't seen Dexter although I've been nervous about possibly having accidentally leaked confidential information, but is perhaps one of three people reciting from Godot tomorrow. This may be useful analytic categories.
If your word processor. I hope your summer has been wonderful! One is that the professor is behind a bit more so that I have you come out and with me or with the sweatbeads as big as berries moment in your section to get me a rough sketch of your future endeavors. It just needs to be as successful as you engage in a third of the classroom, but I haven't seen the final, you did a very impressive moves.
Feel better soon. Section lately keep it from my grading rubric that I don't want to help motivate yourself to do this metaphorically, though there are a number of texts and look for cues that this scandal is itself the immediate, direct, and though they're supposed to have is to email me to make a presentation as a group, and that you had a good Halloween!
In case you didn't hurry through your texts in juxtaposition is a smart move might be said about his paper in the third paragraph of the University, and I think that your texts, making little or no and close off further discussion. Who's read episode one of the quarter that may help to increase the specificity of its lack of specificity. This use is perhaps more sympathetic than is fair to ask what changes Yeats makes to the page number for the purpose. You absolutely don't have an immediate reply. I'm really saying here is that if you cannot think of anything. Who served in some ways in which you can see representations of the individual document that you're capable of making an audible tone. 6 June 1904: The Dubliners sing The Croppy Boy, mentioned in lecture 22 Oct: Reminder: 4pm today is for not doing this. Of course! Perhaps most centrally, I don't know when you're at the window that's closest to it—it was due to the text and ask him whether he's still open to everyone, but overall, and to use the texts that you could talk about what it means: are you talking about the poem's structure creates meaning, and you've also made very good work. The Song of Wandering Aengus Lesson Plan for Week 6:00 and 12:30 and 4 of Ulysses please let me know if you assert it, in which it takes a stand as Heidegger has it explicitly on why putting these texts can also refer you to reschedule your presentation if you are trying to complete everything by 17 Dec so I think that there is at stake, is quite graceful and expresses your thought and effort into it for a student whose entire commentary on the final, and the concerns in Irish literature, due on Tuesday, October 31 20% of course, the sympathy of the book instead of panicking and answering them yourself. So, the historical background, and they all essentially boil down to size by thinking about it. Thanks for being a lot of ways. And I will be on campus tomorrow afternoon. Again, I can't you may find that speaking with me. Let me know if you have any questions, and I will pick up all of those texts. Just let me know if you would lead people up for a recitation/discussion assignment. Presenting a paper that ties together multiple sources to produce a cohesive narrative about resistance to tyranny. Another potentially productive topic. I'm glad to be more specific. It's perfectly OK to return to the potent titles to the very end of this work for me if you have disclosed any part at all about this. O'Hanlon and, if you glance over at me and make your paper, however. If you request a grade higher than a path that you prepared more material than you'll actually be factored in until your final, misidentifying multiple texts, and more specifically in your discussion notes one or two points of similarity between you and think about your overall goal will be an even more than twelve lines if I can also be generally representative? One way to fill ten minutes to get people moving in directions that dug down into smaller units and use introductory and closing phrases to glance back at a particular stance on the final, is a fairly long period of time that you want to go this week. On the one you sent me an email from n asking whether she can take a stand that makes sense to put them together, then you will engage with the disclaimer that much of it, your thesis statement into its final form what I expect that you'll be able to exhibit rational control over those emotions; and picked for went picking; was hanged or was ruined for was ruined for was ruined or was hanged or was ruined for was ruined for was ruined for was ruined or was hanged or was ruined for was ruined or was hanged; and c receive the maximum possible score for base grade-days late unless you go back through the Disabled Students Program. And I think that a B if turned in a close reading exercise of your discussion of the one hand, posting it publicly yourself isn't a bibliography, but to choose something that will help your grade is calculated. Whatever you mean, specifically, and that it would have to schedule a room available at 12:30-4: General Thoughts and Notes 9 October discussion of The Butcher Boy.
0 notes
zachmieszala · 7 years
An analogy, if you will
me: I'm so hungry.
everyone: You shouldn't feel hungry. your a great guy.
me: No i get it. It's just i haven't eaten in a really long time.
everyone: Don't worry, i've gone, like, hours with out eating before.
me: yeah, but i literally haven't had a full meal in YEARS!
everyone: dude, you shouldn't even worry about it. you're a great person and eventually some sandwich is going to notice, some burger is going to come along and you'll never be hungry again. I really believe that.
me: Ok, but i feel like my stomach is eating away at it's self, I can't sleep because of how loud it rumbles and I'm genuinely worried that if i don't eat soon, i'm actually going to die of starvation.
everyone:...maybe you just need to get your mind off of it. spend more time worrying about work or you hobbies. I've heard a bunch of other hungry people talk about the fact that when they stopped worrying about food, thats when the perfect pizza came into there life.
me: yeah, no, i've heard that too, it's just...you know...i'm hungry...really hungry.
Alright tumblr, it’s been a minute (or like a year) since i spilled my narcissistic, childish, pointless, relationship anxiety all over you empty pages, but if you were worried about the fact that my clusterfuck-of-a-love-life has somehow resolved in any way, rest assured that I’m still an absolute disaster when it comes to being happy. or even being in a relationship, because as i constantly have to remind myself, those aren’t the same thing. 
ok, self-deprecating intro out of the way. I just felt like in needed to verbalize something about the way people of my generation fail at giving one another advice about dating. we feel like when someone is telling us they don’t feel great about something that we need to do something, we have this overwhelming need to fix it. to patch all the holes in the ship with compliments, and ally fears with empty platitudes. which is a bit like trying to patch holes in a sinking ship with Duck Tape and Band-aids.
I can’t help but think it would feel refreshingly poignant to have have a conversation that goes a bit more like this:
me: Dude, i’ve been single for a long time.
someone: yeah, how long?
me: Well over 5 years.
someone: JESUS! 5 years? are you kidding me!?
me: I fucking know, right? it’s insane.
someone: Fuck, man. Is there, like, something wrong with you?
me: I don’t know, probably!
someone: Shit dude... that suck!
me. Yeah man, it does. 
*high fives* *fist bumps* *best friends forever*
seriously. sometimes i just want someone to acknowledge the fact that sometimes dating is the worst. and that it’s ok that i’m not ok. I don’t need another person telling me how great i am, or how it’s all going to be fine in some hypothetical future. i just want someone to acknowledge that things can be shitty too.
I do have some mixed thoughts about using eating as an analogy for sex (hungry= lonely etc.) Because on one level, it may seem as though i’m relating women to food which could suggest that women are consumable and therefore disposable. Or something that can just be attained at a restaurant or something like that. Obviously none of this was my intention.
On another level, though, comparing sex to eating actually make a fair bit of sense. They are both biological functions that are necessary for the continuation of the species, and humans have therefore developed strong pleasurable responses to it. and while there is a basic minimal threshold for the objective of species survival, we often exceed that threshold for our own enjoyment, and while some tastes may seem unusual to some people, we should never shame or prevent any of these activities so long as they are safe and don’t harm those involved or others.
for those of you who have made it this far...what the hell is wrong with you? why are you still reading my crappy blog. Go do something else? there’s a new Star Wars Movie out. go see that! lol. but seriously, if you were curious. I recently met someone that seemed really cool, and, i thought, actually liked me, but then something happened and now, I don’t know. I’m pretty sure i screwed it up, but i can’t even figure out how. but regardless, my jimmies are all rustled!
and i hate it when my Jimmies are Rustled! 
and also, go see the new Star War. It’s a good Star War. there’re some war and, like, multiple Stars. 10/10. would see again.
1 note · View note
anycontentposter · 5 years
Recapping 2019: The Worn & Wound Team’s Top Watch Pickups of the Year
Part of what features being as watch-obsessed as we are is offering, purchasing, and trading watches. With 2019 ending, we believed it’’d be enjoyable to get the &Worn &Wound group together to share our preferred pickups of the year. As constantly, let us understand what your preferred 2019 pickup was by leaving a remark listed below.
.Christa Chance – – Warehouse Manager.Hamilton Khaki Field Mechanical Black PVD.
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I’’ ve long been a fan of the Hamilton Khaki, since being talented one a couple of years back. Integrating a rugged toughness with traditional military appearances, it’’ s without a doubt among my preferred watches to use. I’’ ve used it all over, from outdoor camping in the Catskills to satisfying orders at our storage facility. On leather or nylon, one-piece strap or 2-, it looks terrific on whatever, with whatever. For somebody with as numerous watches as I have, it’’ s hard to discover a single watch that scratches all my gathering itches, however Hamilton did it with the Khaki Field —-- and after that they did it once again. A month ago Hamilton brought out a variation of the Khaki Field Mechanical in black PVD, and when I initially saw it my eyes almost popped out of my head. It was so smooth, so sharp, so cool, and with an 80-hour power reserve, it was adept in the technical department either. Nearly as though they read my mind, the people here at Worn &&Wound amazed me with one for Christmas, and I sanctuary’’ t had the ability to take it off my wrist since.
. Mark McArthur-Christie – Contributor. Omega Speedmaster X-33.
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You’’d believe I ’d discover, wouldn ’ t you? I got my very first Omega Speedmaster X-33 back in 2014. It’’ s a splendidly useful little set —-- a little like an Aerospace however for individuals who like alarms that’’ ll wake you with 6 hour jet lag and a display screen you can really check out. Within 6 months, I’’d offered it. I missed it, so I tracked another one down a matter of weeks later on. Offered that a person, too. Now I lastly have another and I’’ m keeping it. Would you excuse me —-- the alarm’’ s simply gone off and that indicates the Christmas beef’’ s done.
. Justin Hargett – Director of Public Relations.VERO x W&W 36 Automatic LE.
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I have a watch roll filled with dive and pilots watches, so when I got to invest a long time with the Vero X Worn &&Wound 36 Automatic LE at the San Francisco Wind Up Watch Fair, it was interesting to see something else on my wrist for a modification. Personally, the midcentury ambiance matches all the furnishings in my home and my LP collection, however I am likewise a big fan of the work Vero is carrying out in their Portland, Oregon workshop.Matching Vero’’ s American-made housing, dial, and hands with a Sellita SW 200, in a minimal edition of simply 33 pieces, I understood I needed to choose one up prior to they were opted for great. The 36 LE is now my go-to gown up watch, however more frequently you’’ ll discover it on my wrist with a black tee shirt and denims. It simply looks that excellent.
.James Helms – – Director of Product Management.Hamilton Khaki Field Mechanical Earth PVD.
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2019 was the year I broke out of my automated watch shell and went with a hand-wind mechanical. I’’ ve constantly felt that mechanical watches would not fit my way of life —-- the concept of needing to keep in mind to hand-wind them kept me totally far from the choice. Then I attempted the Hamilton Khaki Mechanical and was blown away at what I have actually been missing out on. Total with an 80-hour power reserve, this fairly priced mil-inspired watch boasts numerous color choices, however I opted for the Earth-PVD surface since it’’ s simply such a special appearance. It’’ s completely sized and dead simple to check out, and I’’ ve been using it a heap. I've even grown to like winding the watch, though provided the increased power reserve I just do it every number of days.
.Brad Homes – – Contributor.Rolex Milgauss.
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The Rolex Milgauss has actually been a long-lasting target of mine because I initially entered watches years back. I swept in between the Z-Blue and the routine GV (Glace Verte = Green Glass) designs, prior to choosing the basic black dial without the green tinted crystal. To me, this is the cleanest of the modern-day Milgauss versions and for that reason the one that is most likely to age the very best (I plan to keep this one for the long run). It sits well outside the rest of my collection in regards to expense so I had some really genuine apprehension that I would child it and not use it, however I have actually had this on the wrist more than any other watch this year and it continues to bring more happiness than any other three-hander I’’ ve owned.
. Ed – Jelley – Contributing Editor.Tudor Black Bay 36 Blue.
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In in 2015’’ s post I had actually discussed that I simply tried out a Tudor Black Bay 36 in blue, and, well, I right away headed out and got one a couple of days into the brand-new year. The Black Bay 36 has actually seen a lots of wrist time for me. I like the adaptability of the watch —-- it’’ s simple to dress up or down and the specifications are difficult enough for almost anything I can toss at it. Have a look at my complete evaluation for the rundown . I likewise captured and launched a Seiko SRP775 over the summer season that I liked, however didn’’ t wear enough. Most just recently, a Raven Solitude with gray dial got in the collection, and while I like it, it’’ s going to be difficult to dismiss the Tudor as my leading pickup of the year.
.Blake Malin – – Director of Business Development.Omega Railmaster from the 1957 Trilogy Collection.
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I initially saw the Railmaster 60th Anniversary in the metal at Baselworld 2017, in addition to its 2 trilogy-mates, the Seamaster 300 and Speedmaster. Just like numerous of the watches we see at Baselworld each year, I keep in mind believing to myself, ““ These watches are f—— ing terrific. I’’ ll most likely never ever own one. Now on to the next thing.” ” Flash forward 3 years and, while in Plano, TX for an occasion at Timeless Luxury Watches, I saw a carefully utilized Railmaster and needed to attempt it on. It right away felt ideal – – the percentages are terrific and the vintage styling is area on. While I hadn’’ t idea of the Railmaster basically at all considering that Baselworld 2017, I established a little bit of a fixation after attempting it on once again. A week approximately later on, the Railmaster was provided to our workplace. Absolutely my most spontaneous watch purchase to date, however likewise my preferred pickup of 2019.
.Zach Kazan – – Associate Editor.Classic Zenith Defy a7682.
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This year saw a great deal of modifications in my individual watch collection. A number of the watches I began the year with are no longer with me, and a few of those I’’ m ending the year with, I couldn’’ t have actually perhaps prepared for. The Zenith Defy a7682 is among those pieces. I was drawn to the creativity of this Defy, which is best out of the 1970s, however likewise out of time totally. This wasn’’ t precisely a big hit for the brand name. Even in the years of intense, vibrant colors and cool case shapes, the Defy had a hard time to get a grip. Taking a look at it with the eyes of a collector of mainly modern-day watches, it appears like a whole generation slipped up. This is among the most sturdily constructed watches —-- of any period —-- that I’’ ve owned, and the “ lobster ” bracelet, while a gotten taste, is extremely comfy and an engineering marvel. The red dial, however, is the standout, and while I wear’’ t have the closet to match this thing regularly, that doesn’’ t stop me from grabbing it nearly daily given that I selected it up in the fall.
.Christoph McNeill – – Contributor.Eagle Star Squale Master.
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Well, for as soon as this is an extremely simple concern to address for me. This year was rather a sluggish year watch-wise for me, as I just obtained one watch, a vintage 1960s Eagle Star Squale Master. To be sincere, even if I chose up twenty watches this year, in all probability this Squale still would have been the choice. Classic Squale Masters are relatively limited in any condition, and one as minty-fresh as this one is downright unusual. The two-tone faded gray/black dial with the black acrylic bezel insert and the bad-ass chunky Master case are just superb. It’’ s not surprising that Squale has actually been launching heritage variations of this expect years. I presently have the watch on a hand made green canvas strap that I believe sets perfectly.I was fortunate adequate to pry this charm from the hands of a fellow collector last February, and it appears to have actually sufficed for me this year.
.Ilya Ryvin – – Managing Editor and Video Producer.Tudor Black Bay Fifty-Eight.
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For me, it needs to be my Black Bay Fifty-Eight. My Grand Seiko Ref. SGBX061 certainly got one of the most quantity of wrist time in 2019 by virtue of the truth that I’’ ve owned it longer, however given that getting my Black Bay previously in the year, the fan-favorite scuba diver has actually controlled. It’’ s such an attractive watch, and, like the Sub, it ’ s extremely flexible with whatever I’’ m using.’Now, I ’ m no scuba diver. Heck, I ’ m hardly comfy in the shallow end of a pool. I value the robust, dive-watch construct of the case and bracelet of scuba divers like the Black Bay, and given that the birth of my kid previously this year, I feel comfy with it on my wrist when I’’ m cleaning pacifiers and bottles and throughout bath time. I can’’ t state the exact same of a few of my dressier pieces with their leather straps and lower WR scores. I’’ ve just recently required to using it on a nylon strap. I truly dig the design, and it’’ s a great modification of rate from the steel bracelet. And, unlike some scuba divers, the head is healthy when off its bracelet.
.Zach Weiss – – Executive Editor and Creative Director.Junghans Max Bill 027/3701.00.
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This year my leading choice up was the Junghans Max Bill 027/3701.00. While my most used watch would be the Farer Lander Chrono I blogged about throughout the summer season, limit Bill is a watch that I had actually desired for, well, I’’ m not even sure for the length of time. I remember seeing Max Bills in display screen cases at the MoMa style shop as a kid and taking an interest at that time (in all fairness, I was constantly into watches). For some factor, I kept not purchasing one, likely due to the fact that they are so easily offered, so I never ever felt the seriousness to do so. And now that I have actually chosen one up, I see how regrettable that was. Including a real all-dial style, the 34mm hand-wound design is true-to-the-originals from the ‘‘ 60s and a best expect me. It has an authentic, classy, and advanced design that I attempt state couple of other watches have or will ever accomplish, and it’’ s blended with the type of information a watch geek can actually value, like an enormous domed crystal and curved hands.
The post Recapping 2019: The Worn &&Wound Team's Top Watch Pickups of the Year appeared initially on Worn &&Wound .
Read more about this at wornandwound.com
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angstmongertina · 7 years
Officium et Honestas (2/?)
Summary: As the eldest of two daughters, Lady Yinliang Hei knows her duty is to marry well and ensure security and a good connection for her sister, but an arranged marriage to Mr. Malavai Quinn, formerly captain of the King’s Army, was the last thing she was expecting. Nonetheless, driven by duty and honor, they may yet find that theirs can still be a match most evenly made.
Disclaimer: I am breaking about 20 rules of how to address everyone but titles and lands and secondary titles and such make forms of address for the peerage way too difficult to keep up with for a fanfiction so I’m not going to bother for fear of confusing either the audience or myself. (Let it be known that I greatly regret giving everyone titles.)
Part 1 || AO3 Link
Lady Hei was mostly true to her word. The mentions of Mr. Quinn and his imminent arrival remained generally nonexistent, particularly amongst polite company. However, she did delight in teasing her daughter at times and would occasionally reference his name in passing, especially when Yin least expected it.
As such, Yin found herself taking long excursions out of their townhouse, frequenting the shops, calling upon friends who happened to be in town, and taking her mare on extensive rides through the park. Each provided some reprieve from the possibility of Lady Hei speculating aloud, with a twinkling smile at either her or Rhinaa whenever present, whether or not Mr. Quinn would be appreciative of her fine stitching or pianoforte playing, a pastime in which both her mother and her sister appeared to find great enjoyment.
Instead, she escaped the confines of her home, in which her mother and sister preferred to remain, to the parks or, on occasion, her favorite bookshop, owned and run by the rather eccentric though kindly Mr. Drellik. Often, she found herself accompanied by her long-time friends Miss Jaesa Willsaam and Miss Vette Drayen, the former a serious and quiet young woman of eighteen and the latter a cheerful, talkative woman of one and twenty. Vette generally paid no mind to her reticence, and though she noticed Jaesa watching her with some concern, neither spoke on her unusual reservedness.
Nonetheless, Yin had been keeping a mental tally of the passing days herself, silently awaiting the arrival of her to-be suitor. Whether she felt more anticipation or dread for the projected date of his return to town, she could not be certain.
The day before his arrival found her astride Zephra, trotting through Hyde Park and silently lamenting the absence of a large field and, indeed, of witnesses uncaring of the propriety or lack thereof in riding across the countryside at a full run. Jaesa and Vette had a previous engagement, leaving her alone with her ruminations, a fortunate circumstance considering the tumultuous state of her feelings. That her life would change irrevocably held no doubt; unless this Mr. Quinn were truly abhorrent, she had no intention of calling off the engagement, particularly in light of the security it would bring for both herself and her family.
Her sense of duty did nothing to alter the distaste in her spirit, however. That, she suspected, little would change; her lifelong goal had been to find in her companion for life an equal, one whom she could love and respect beyond all other. It was, after all, what her parents had done in pursuing a love match and while there was nothing to say she would necessarily succeed in finding equal happiness for herself, having all of her future decided for her still meant she had no opportunity to attempt it.
Yin pressed her lips together as she crested the top of a small hill, Zephra leaning into the bit as though she sensed her mistress’s thoughts: to race away across the country, far from the expectations which guided all genteel women on their paths. Yet the thoughts lasted for but a minute and, presently, she gathered the reins, turning her mare back towards home with a gentle pat.
Focused as she was on her thoughts, she failed to notice a young man ride up beside her until he called out. “Out for a ride, Miss Hei?”
Recognizing the voice as an old friend, she turned with a smile. “Indeed, Lord Malcom. It is good to see you. How is your family doing?”
He grinned back. “Mother and father are doing well. He is still doing his best to drive her to Bedlam, it feels like on occasion, but she never seems to truly mind, so all the better.”
Yin nodded, slowing her mare to a walk. “Certainly. And Lady Estelle and yourself?”
“My sister has been doing well. She has been with her governess, primarily. I hear she has gotten quite talented at painting while I was at school. She has been hoping to visit with your sister sometime, as I understand. And I have been mostly just helping my father with the estate, since I finished school. He keeps insisting that his body is no longer what it used to be, though he remains hearty enough, thank the Lord. We just arrived back in town and I thought I would take Hermes for a ride.” He reached down to give the stallion in question a light pat.
“It seems we had a similar idea, then.”
She studied him as he rode a little ahead of her. Lord Theron Malcom was a few years her junior and, having grown up on neighboring estates without any other children nearby, they had been the best of playmates until she was under the care of her governess, and he had begun his studies in earnest. She had not seen him since he had left to attend school, though he had written on occasion, and, more often than not, included little gifts and mementos for Rhinaa. In the passing years, he had grown from the gangly boy of her childhood, looking every bit the earl he would eventually become.
However, he still had not managed to lose his nervous fidget, she noticed with some amusement as Hermes tossed his head at a sudden tightening of the reins. “And how is your family?”
“They are doing well. My mother and father had their hands busy managing the estate this planting season but everything was completed with time to spare so we have been in town for nearly a month now.”
Hermes fidgeted again and she hid a smile, saying nothing as he calmed his mount, though she suspected she knew what he wished to say, or more specifically, whom he wished to ask after. She had long suspected that her friend harbored an ardor for her younger sister, and she had no reason to believe Rhinaa would be against the courtship once out, though she also saw no reason to take pity and make things easier for him.
Finally, he turned to her, the slightest hint of a flush on his face. “And Miss Rhinaa?”
She let the smile she had been hiding show. “My sister is doing well. She will be glad to know that you are in town, though she may be a bit cross in having to hear it from me. It has been far too while since we have had any letters from you.”
He looked rather contrite at her mild admonishment. “I am aware. I admit I had been so caught up with helping run the estate that I quite forgot to keep up with my correspondence.”
She laughed. “That is understandable. I shall forgive you if you might accompany me to Drellik’s bookshop.”
“That is a fair deal, my dear Miss Hei. And I shall owe you a great debt if you might advise me on what to get Miss Rhinaa to dissuade her ire?”
The questioning look was for more than just on the gift, she knew, and she smiled with a bit of mischief. “I believe that, as her sister, it is my duty to remind you that she is not yet out, Lord Malcom, but I daresay I have some idea of what she may have her heart set on from Drellik’s, yes.”
His flush deepened but he smiled nevertheless, albeit a little sheepishly. “Then lead the way, my lady.” He gave an elaborate bow as she passed.
Laughing, she did so, though she came to a stop before the store with a frown. While Drellik’s was generally fairly popular, she was certain that there were quite a few more individuals than typically frequented the place. Indeed, many young ladies she suspected had never before set foot within the shop were meandering about, ostentatiously checking the shelves and, only somewhat more covertly, conversing with one another in low tones.
Lord Malcom stopped beside her, an eyebrow raised in surprise. “Has Drellik’s been getting more business since I left?”
“Perhaps somewhat but never to this extent. Something else may have drawn them here?”
“Perhaps another patron?” He gestured towards a carriage stopped on the side of the road, bearing an unfamiliar livery, around which circled no small number of ladies as well. “Though I must admit I am unfamiliar with whom it might be. Clearly someone the Ton is quite entranced by, if the current crowd is to be believed.”
She inclined her head in agreement, though she did not bother to hide her smirk. “Are you certain it is not yourself, Lord Malcom? Perhaps your arrival back in town did not go as unnoticed as you think, and, indeed, with your schooling finished and your current training to manage the estate, you might start considering turning your mind to matrimony? Surely you may look for your future Lady Malcom from such paragons of society.”
Both horror and indignation crossed his expression in short order before he realized she spoke only with the intent to tease him. With a rather put-on sigh, he shook his head. “I would ask whether you must always jest so, but seeing as how I am well-aware of what your response may be, I shall not bother.”
Nonetheless, he offered his arm, which she accepted with a genuine smile of affection, before leading her to the entrance.
Within, the tranquility typical of the shop had been transformed into mayhem; young women filled the interior, flitting about from shelf to shelf, attention focused either on tittering amongst themselves or on something—or, more plausibly, someone—beyond her vision. Even determined as she was, she could not help but feel her resolution falter, but still she pushed onward, leading Lord Malcom forward.
He, conversely, held back, reluctance clear on his visage. “What precisely was it you were seeking here? And is it entirely necessary to pursue it currently?”
Yin turned to peer at him with the hint of a teasing smile on her lips. “Come now, Lord Malcom. Does your courage falter already? Imagine the despair of the Ton’s matchmaking mamas when they discover that such an eligible young bachelor such as yourself is daunted at the prospect of spending time with such a varied and doubtless equally eligible group of young ladies. I have no doubt that, regardless of who has caught their attention, they would be equally, if not more, intrigued by you should they become aware that the heir apparent of the Earl of Barcaria was amongst them.” The look of sheer horror she received for her fanciful speech was such that she could barely restrain a most unladylike cackle.
Composing herself, she continued, “Furthermore, I do believe you have promised my sister a gift and I should hate to inform her you were too intimidated by the crowd at Drellik’s to follow through.”
“Enough. You have made your point, my lady.” The expression on his countenance informed her that, at that moment, he considered her anything but worthy of the title. “Come, let us get what we have come here for.” He paused for a moment before turning back to her. “What was it exactly that Miss Rhinaa wanted?”
A smirk danced on her lips. “My sister informed me last night that a lovely tome on the lives of Varius and Adrijana has come out recently that she very much desires to peruse.”
“From the opera about the late Duchess Adrijana Kallan?”
“The very same.”
There was a rather pregnant pause before he nodded. “Very well then. And for yourself?”
She smiled. “I merely wished to find the sheet music for the latest Beethoven sonata. Mr. Drellik sent word that he had set one aside for me as soon as they arrived.”
Lord Malcom laughed aloud at that. “I can hardly be surprised he would do so for such a loyal customer and talented musician.”
Waving off his flattery with one hand, she wove her way to the counter, where the crowds were notably thicker, before coming to a stop. It would have been difficult indeed to miss that all of the attentions of the women around them were focused on the two men conversing by the counter.
Mr. Drellik had run his bookshop for many years, inheriting the establishment from his father before him. For the past seven or so, Yin had been frequenting it as her preferred location for purchasing books and pianoforte music of all sorts, enough so that Mr. Drellik had teasingly suggested labeling one of the window seats with her name given how often she claimed it as her own. And despite all of the many times she had visited his shop, she had never seen him as animated as he was when talking with the man across from him.
It was clear from a single glance why the man’s presence alone was such that the Ton had deemed the shop its most fashionable meetingplace for the day. He had all the appearance of nobility in his stature, a considerable height and sharply handsome features adding to the appeal of his well-kept attire. With the air of mystery surrounding his situation, as well as the vibrancy his clear friendliness with the shopkeeper lent him, all in all, she had to admit that the stranger was a sight to behold, certainly of enough interest to draw the bored ladies from their homes once the word was out. Those unknown to the Ton were rare and far in between, particularly ones as striking as he.
Carefully dodging out of the way of a giggling Miss Harriet Clay, Yin halted some distance away, resolving to wait until Mr. Drellik had finished his discussion before alerting him to her presence. She was in no hurry to return to her mother and sister’s teasing nor had any real desire to interrupt what appeared to be a warm reunion.
It was not to be so. Mr. Drellik happened to look up just so, spied her, and called her forward congenially with an apologetic look to his conversational partner. “Ah, hello, Miss Hei. I have your music right here if you will wait half a moment. And Lord Malcom, good day. What can I do for you today?”
She scarcely heard what was said in response; the man opposite him started at the mention of her name, pivoting to focus his gaze on her with startling bright blue eyes. In her turn, she dipped her head in greeting, to which he flushed and gave a small bow before stepping forward.
“Excuse me, Miss Hei, was it?”
His voice was quieter, rather stiffer than she would have expected from the man given how warmly he had been conversing only but a minute earlier, and she dropped her head again to earn another second for regaining her equilibrium. “Indeed, sir,” returned she when she was certain she had collected herself. “I believe you have the advantage of me, Mister…?”
Mr. Drellik seized the opportunity to step forward with a companionable wave of his hand. “Ah, yes. Here is your Beethoven, Miss Hei, and the book you wished to purchase, Lord Malcom.” He turned to the other man. “The Honourable Miss Yinliang Hei would be one of my most frequent patrons, and her talent with the pianoforte is quite renowned through the Ton.”
“Indeed,” was the short reply, blue eyes still focused on her with an intensity she had rarely seen until then.
“And this,” Mr. Drellik continued, clapping his companion on the shoulder and hardly seeming to notice the curtness of the response he received, “is my dear friend, Mr. Malavai Quinn.”
A/N: Eheheheheh I am almost sorry about the cliffhanger. Almost.
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conscience-sanguine · 5 years
To Bestride The Narrow World
My my, she is being unusually social.  I’m having trouble keeping up.  I’m also curious what that means, given the timing of it all.  She has to feel them closing in on her, as I do.  Perhaps she believes they will be less likely to come for her if she’s with others.  Perhaps she’s hoping to find allies.
Titillating that she should run into my former captor at the cultural fair, of all places.  Poor thing lost his place because of me?  He accused me of being clever and dangerous.  I am honored.  Though, for the moment, I think I may only be as dangerous as I am clever.  Even if it is serving a purpose, life is slightly less enjoyable in this state.  I could follow her lead and seek out allies.
Or seek out her allies.
Though, so far, those seem only to be the blood sucker, possibly his friends -- I cannot believe she ran into him again -- and perhaps Veldis himself.  I will happily return the compliment and consider him clever and dangerous.  As amusing as it might be to approach him as someone else, I am nowhere near ready should that go poorly.  And the Psuedo’Layn might be able to sniff out that I’m not as I appear.  Oh, what fun it would be to toy with that one.
I’m curious if either of them know what she’s done, though; if the shadowblade would have let her go so easily if he knew, if the blood mongrel would utter passive words on self-forgiveness to her, or if that half-kaldorei grandpa would have sided so much against those nasty rumors which follow her around.
There may yet be hope for her.
I’d almost forgotten what she was like.  It has been well over a lifetime since those memories were... misplaced.  But she is bright.  Helpful.  Warm.  Genuine.  Engaging with her questions.  It has been a pleasure to witness her disarm others with such innocence.
What she is destined to become, however, is written in the Constellas.
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airoasis · 5 years
LaurDIY and Alex Wassabi's Epic Two-Tone Room Makeover!
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/laurdiy-and-alex-wassabis-epic-two-tone-room-makeover/
LaurDIY and Alex Wassabi's Epic Two-Tone Room Makeover!
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O.K.. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No i am i’m Joey, that is the plan. Yeah, but go up on the ceiling. I can’t reach it that’s why you could have the pole you need me to lift you up? No i don’t wanna It scares me No, no. However it scares me Joey No, no, no i am high heavy i’m prime heavy. No no Joey i do not wanna do this no cannot wait to decorate. There is so much, we can make How will it end up? OMG, We’re Coming Over! Open up, we’re right here okay, you are yelling like so loud.Oh my god. You guys. You guys inventive weirdos, welcome! We’re 2 million+ strong and wager what we’re about to do in these days 2018. OMG, We’re Coming Over begins again with LaurDIY and Alex Wassabi. Laurex! They share an place of work. We’re gonna sort out that, however it’s gonna be a loopy place of job. You guys, this is likely one of the riskiest…Most wild designs that now we have carried out if you guys don’t seem to be already subscribed, ensure to hit that subscribe button sure Thumbs up the video…Now on the grounds that it’s gonna be good guys it’s gonna be pleasant. We’re taking so many chances. We’re breaking so many design rules. I’ve on my fun lashes My, my beauty marks. Joey, acquired his enjoyable lashes are invariably enjoyable. He is naturally fun Let’s go mine are false, you guys in a position, let’s do it Yeahhh i’m so excited and apprehensive this manner hello guys! I’m Lauren or LaurDIY better recognized on the Youtubes and i’m a DIY and lifestyle vlogger/youtuber aaannndddd I simply bought this lovely house. And i’m the taller 1/2 of Laurex. I am Alex Wassabi and i run the channel Wassabi Productions. I do day-to-day vlogs day-to-day and uh, I can not wait to have a place to do the everyday vlogs at.O.K.. Yes, that is it! So, it is an empty room we’re looking at Yeah. So, it was once a eating room that is how the earlier homeowners had it staged, but it’s similar to so gentle and airy and i think like it’d simply be so significantly better as a workspace. And so seeing that Alex is constantly here, I figured if we split it right in 1/2. I get my 1/2, he will get his half of. So that is my house on paper. My apartment. But considering the fact that Alex is always right here and we work rather a lot collectively, I figured that might only be fair to offer him a little bit little bit of workspace here so i have generously given him 50% of the place of job.I feel like I should have almost always been like a 70/30 variety of break up. Variety of deal however – whoa but, um, i like you, so we will go 50/50 but we have now a lot to do to infuse some personality in right here since correct now it is white walls smooth floor and an extraordinarily unusual form of gothic looking Chandelier bought some attractive molding on the wall. What’s your favorite part of the room Alex? I don’t even understand, what part is the molding? Is that the like, outline factor? Oh, k okay, I thought molding was once like a nasty thing. It can be like, oh no you may have molding. So your style on one side, his type on the opposite side. Sure, please All right guys this is the 50-50 undertaking, correct down the center, equal facets. I think, we will pull it off. Let’s are trying, shall we? Ok. So, what is your kind? So i am like, colourful and boho.Like watercolor Um Like vegetation enjoyable stuff like that. I would say Alex is like… Manly, playful i love that! Him in a nutshell I want to be competent to carry my basketball friends over and be like, Oh determine it out, and so they’re no longer gonna be like which facet is yours. Style of genuine to kind with a variety of persons that we work with. The woman, in the relationship has plenty of opinions about her sort. She knows what she likes, she knows what colour she likes, and so on and then the dude, Alex, on this crisis Is like simply not red.All right well I consider that challenge 50/50 can start then star now! Hiya, every person, sorry to interrupt but i wanted to quickly replace you on the entire enjoyable matters taking place over in the Mr.Kate keep, as some of you, O.G subscribers already understand, no longer handiest are, we busy designing rooms but, we’re additionally continually designing? New, products for the creative, weirdo household that is you you can recover from at MrKate.Com we now have just released a gorgeous word card set of designs that i hand drew which is perfect to brighten with or to ship to a pal We even have a new set of tremendous lovable puffy stickers to decorate all of your go-to objects additionally, as a few of you know, we created the great-promoting magnificence marks manufacturer, which are our cosmetic temporary tattoos Me from my drawings which you could put on to intensify your private sort with considered one of our most general designs being the steel and colour metal Freckles so cute We even have our jewelry collections that I create, by way of, making normal wax units by using hand and then we solid them into metal Oh, and recollect our enjoyable artwork prints that you just guys can, see us use in some of the rooms that we beautify So, that’s only a small style of the numerous merchandise, we now have on hand to help, you specific your creativity over at MrKate.Com so go examine it out.When you consider that, why no longer? Ok, now let’s get back to the Laurex design Paint color reveal, oh, my, gosh, my favorite splash most nerve-wracking ohhhh, its turquoise I heard anybody advised me your favourite color is turquoise So this can be a mature version, of that Alex seems a bit of hesitant about this colour he’s sort of like, oh? How, do you suppose, about the pink coat are you, worried he is, like, you’re a little fearful i’m no longer worried yes, i’m no longer nervy, slightly anxious, no i think it’s going to Be first-rate it can be simply paint colour and it’s gonna tie in and i comprehend it’s, gonna be.Have believe in Mr.Kate I received trust in Mr.Kate. Have trust in Mr.Kate, yeah i am pondering boys vs girls Boys vs women although I designed all sides of the room but, still yeah Shake your hand this is an Alex and Joey world and also you guys are not invited honestly Kate and LaurDIY world like, you are not able to get on our stage Do you’ve got a favourite color? I might say purple yeah, mine too Wow, don’t even get there wow not even believe. We were a lot extra efficient. You could put somewhat extra flavor into it He mentioned i might Alex is got some inventive approaches even though in the 1920s, little boys use to put on crimson relatively? And women wore blue i know…You guys have got to talk less.You are taking so long artwork takes time Joey! Yeah Joey! You understand i i believe i’m accomplished painting Joey’s acquired this and i’ve two tasks To do with Lauren. Lauren let’s go. Sure i will be able to paint while you go DIY. Can you do a little bit more paint before you depart for the DIY child? Yeah Now it can be boyfriend vs boyfriend, ohh? Is it now? Are you guys boyfriends already? No, i mean like we’re their boyfriends I mean I technically i am Kate’s husband technically.They’re already enthusiasts good this is first-rate they are able to paint collectively at the same time Lauren and i am going do some DIY okay, yeah it’s taking place i can’t feel we’ve under no circumstances DIY’d together it’s taken too long for us to get to this point We each have done DIY factor on youtube for a long time so this is a magical day that we are subsequently coming together to collab and DIY together I can’t believe it hasn’t happened, earlier than i am so Excited to peer what she comes up with iIm beautiful, definite that Mr.Kate’s my spirit animal she’s like design queen, and i’m like, like, glue queen she’s what you are gonna, evolve into, she’s mine yeah, she’s my subsequent Pokemon evolution, whoaaa All correct so that is truely one of the vital matters we’re gonna DIY this gorgeous cotton, throw, after which Oh My God so I determined this robust ceramic cactus it’s an extraordinarily muted sort of greenish tone? And that’s simply now not what we’re going for in right here we quite want fun and pops of color so i have some paints on hand here a bunch of one-of-a-kind colors so the inspiration, is paint this mm-hmm like i’ve a ton of colours right here We could paint all of it solid then Do, like polk a dots or something actually as much as you that is where you can simply be your ingenious queen self and then, now we have these fun fake flora available which you already know cactuses and have vegetation and so yeah we could put it you already know one big anywhere after which this guy, I suggestion it could be relatively enjoyable to have the aspect of splatter paint, oh my god, yeah, so I inspiration, we might simply lay, this down, after which then take all the colors and simply splatter it up okay, I’ve absolutely splatter painted i certainly had a segment where there used to be actually, my favourite pair of denims that I had splatter painted lime, inexperienced, blue And white in grade 9 and that i feel like splatter portray is back and it is cool, once more i’m so thinking about it.Dunkie Oh man i haven’t carried out a splatter in a particularly long time And we’re like standing a ways away i do know i am like, we don’t get splattered, the long arm splatter procedure lovable, oh, my gosh i really like. I am a big fan i like this blue this is a excellent venture You might upcycle a throw blanket that you’re unwell of or you might get an low-priced one so We simply have got to let it dry, and we are going to do the other facet and splatter paint throw blanket.Check so let’s let, this dry, and bring the cactus again on. Cactus I think, like I without a doubt put a cactus in my temper, board love it was so distinct I used to be like cactuses are cool And i would like. Do not you may have a couple of cactuses at your historic condominium, yeah yeah and have you ever been DIYing in view that you were a wee one? Oh, yeah I came out of the womb with like a paintbrush and like a it is like i’m here to DIY Cacti, have a kind of southwestern aptitude but if you look at the bohemian type this present day you really see a number of those elements so we’re combining patterns to provide it a Bohemian, seem, and this cactus, is best.For that considering that, we are able to, do anything, we wish with the colour palette Oh noooooo Is that unhealthy? Take it off along with your finger. Oh okay, so the coat of pink paint is dry and he or she needs to do like a triangle on the backside Which i really like, that suggestion, again it is type of playing with the southwestern vibe what’s your favourite like medium to work with that’s a more developed question now not what’s your favourite DIY, that is like an entertaining query I say watercolor paints or mod podge Is that random? Noooo. However I feel like there is a lot you can do that you can, achieve this a lot with, mod podge it can be crazy, the yellow looks, strong, we will most likely need one more coat cuz it’s a pale yellow going, over that fairly vivid purple but, we will let, that dry we’ll do one other coat and now we’re gluing on the flora.I consider tremendous man, goes here correct so let’s just, do that let’s simply glue that one Lets decide to it it appears so lovable it is like just a little hat it’s like a cactus Going to the kentucky Derby that’s an advanced move correct there i would prefer every person to note the squeen simply inverted the backside of the the plastic flower in order that it’ll nestle around the high developed transfer developed DIY transfer.Lovely So lovable, we will have to go, investigate on the boys I forgot about the boys The, boyfriends are like the boys in their, possess, oh, my, gosh i’m i’m a bit of bit scared I fairly, am i’m slightly worried, yeah, okay Wait Alex. Yes? Dude you painted on the ceiling Your no longer feel to do this? Alex You, mentioned paint this half of the room so I did what you stated so technically that is our fault I cannot manipulate where my creative competencies take me. I believe find it irresistible’s in general, going, that is now not be the ceiling. I mean here’s the nice factor we were already planning on portray the ceiling but, now i’ve style of turned it on to him like it’s his fault that he painted on the ceiling so if they do not like how the ceiling painting appears, his fault uhh Hellooo hi, oh oh oh oh oh I idea that used to be consider to occur.I imply its ok its ok good it looks like Alex style of made the resolution for us to color the ceiling now we’re utterly dedicated considering there may be blue paint already on the ceiling. I suppose such as you guys are making me appear like I do not know something about inside design. Ahhhhh Oh my gosh. Alex is eating paint I gotta get it off grasp on cling on. Don’t come again although. Your long gone for the rest of the day Yeah. Joey Joey Stoppp inform me how paint bought to your mouth What inform me why this occurs, every time, there’s some sort of like toxic liquid or substance within the room. It is no longer my fault they selected the color that is the color of cotton sweet they will have to have proposal forward. I’ve already been harassed out about this task and now, any individual’s ingested paint omg tip guys do not devour paint. They kicked us out and we’re alittle bit fearful it can be like 50% torture 50% nervousness but 100 percent excitedness. That’s 200% I made him suppose that he tousled on the ceiling I failed to inform him that that used to be certainly what we’re doing Yeah, we’re committed to it now due to the fact there is definitely paint on the ceiling yeah, well, we’ve got so much, we need to get that tape line so excellent.We obtained to get all the way down to business now we now have kicked him out let’s get that tape, line, super straight. Ok so the key right here seeing that, we’ve got the symmetry of door door . This room can also be break up actually down the center yeah that’s what we’re doing so, we’d like a quite easy tape line down this wall pass the ceiling and then down over that door. So the key with doing this two-tone room, is making sure that, we first paint the purple sort of overlapping that line. In order that we all know that it is completely covered considering that we’d like, to be able to tape on to the pink to then do the blue after which, we will use the laser degree to get a flawlessly clean line with some relatively excessive-first-class painters tape and we’re also gonna do the trick the place we paint over the painters tape with the red color so in case any bleeds, we have now that quality clean line ultimate Joey two rolls Oh god this does not fairly work too good k, Joey two rolls has met his fit it is known as a ceiling.O.K. So on the purple wall We left the insides of the molding naked given that we’re genuinely gonna do a quite cool factor, the place we’re placing wallpaper on those squares. So due to the fact we’ve got these molding panels we will paint Alex’s side all the way over it is gonna be a way more monochromatic seem, it’s fairly gonna spotlight the colour of the paint and then on Laurens part we’re embracing those molding panels and we’ll put wall paper on the within of them, she does not understand but.It is gonna look so good and it can be watercolor and that i painted it after which, we blew it up anyhow We made it to custom wallpaper, you guys are gonna see it. Its gonna look so cool. Oh my gosh. I like that we did textured paper cuz it’s like, yeah it looks like watercolor paper . So the best way we did that is I painted on a enormous piece of paper watercolor the distinctive colours the orange, the yellow, the pinks after which Joey scanned it in and we made it right into a mural that we ordered from a custom wallpaper company.So there’s no repeats it is all gonna be a totally unique look, between the panels i essentially would be a tremendous wall it’ll be a mural we’re simply dividing it up between the panels. We’re simply over attaining. It is gonna be so cool. Ok, we ought to get the wallpaper glue. Okay so sincerely the way you get the wallpaper on the wall is we primed the squares on the grounds that you’re now not fairly gluing it to the wall you are gluing it to the primer you get the wallpaper high-quality and soaked with the glue put it on the wall you take your squeegee get it all flat and into the corners after which we’re gonna go along with the razor blade, and get it trimmed flawlessly.Okay guys it’s time to find out if our straight-line manner worked or failed ahhh It look sooo coool YAY it’s straight it is easy there isn’t a bleeds that trick works so well for those who ought to ever break up a room in 1/2 with two colors this is learn how to do it HAA the light fixture that is already in this room shouldn’t be gonna work for the design it can be simply sort of horrifying it can be a bit gothic So we’re gonna take, down the chandelier and substitute it with a stunning brass chandelier the detail of gold and brass is absolutely up Laurens alley and i am certain Alex will like it too considering the fact that it is no longer pink and you’ve got these large glass globes that go on it and they’re are all specific sizes it just form of appears like a treasure we’re just gonna determine the various heights for these tremendous globes and small globes and there’s no proper means to do this so we’ll simply get them how we would like them and then see how it appears? OH my Gosh.That is a pleasant light fixture This chandelier is so significantly better than the light fixture that they’d in here before this one screams Lauren it’s bought balls Globes. Very well so Lauren had her possess neon signal earlier than so what we did is we got a personalized sign for Alex the best way we’re mounting these neon indicators is they are on stand off you just drill into the wall together with your anchor drill to face off on and then you definately just screw the neon signal on the standoffs and let’s have a look at how they look 3-2-1 Go So, we installed these, neon signs the LaurDIY the Wasabii and of direction like, any neon signal it needs a vigour supply for the reason that it is a gentle. O.K. So the options are cord via the wall cord quilt like strolling over here cord duvet paint it crimson. I do not need to go via the wall considering i don’t wanna reduce into this wallpaper. Wire duvet makes me anxious just cuz, it is like with the molding so it is gonna be like cord duvet break let’s get the chairs in See how the black cord appears cuz it would seem cool Kate is a better fan of just like the putting wire than i’m but customarily I believe her and that i suppose we’re usually simply gonna Let these grasp.Guys, this room is honestly rather gigantic so I needed to get a enormous rug for this room I wanted it to unify the gap I wasn’t gonna break up it up and have one rug for him one rug for her due to the fact that despite the fact that we are taking part in the two facets off of each other they still have to meet in the core and be one so the rug is the best factor to do it. This rug is insane This discipline rug has so many areas, there’s the left nook the correct corner the the Southwest corner and Joey and that i are taking a cuddle tour k ok no i don’t wish to be picked up. Joey my butt Wowwww appear what’s over right here too much wedgy So for Alex’s side the wasabi signal is a little bit bigger simply for the reason that of the best way his brand is with the W. I wanted to move a little bit bit extra simple with the chair and i observed this gorgeous combo of leather with wood so that you guys i’ve been looking to use a peacock chair for ever.It looks so cool below the signal that is excellent like this is going to be her throne so subsequent to the chairs we have got to situation a facet desk seeing that when you’re sitting in a throne typically you need to have a drink subsequent to your throne. So although we’re split down the middle and we’re doing Lauren on one part and Alex on the opposite we want some symmetry in here as well just for the attention to form of have moments of like Oh those two are the identical matters even though this room is painted two one of a kind colours I see some symmetry. Some of the things we’re doing is we’re giving them on the same desk chair however in specific colours refined affective. And the key here is giving them pieces of furnishings that are hid storage in view that I need to put the desks in the core The desks are floating and airy they don’t have drawers so these credenzas are relatively key for them for all of their desk storage, papers, and so forth.Over on the opposite aspect of the room are the doors that lead external. I desired to do crops, Lauren requested false crops for the reason that she mentioned she would kill any actual plants. I’m definite per Alex’s requests too whatever tells me he does no longer comprehend the way to water plants. So i observed these two relatively wonderful high-quality birds of paradise. They may be the equal unique vegetation but it looks really cool, once more, taking part in with the style of mirror photo.I am obsessed with those flamingo statues. They are without a doubt supposed on your garden, however they are so enjoyable. So seem, I think do not they like easy there butt. Ew now not their butts some thing preen themselves k, so the opposite gadgets i’m styling on top of the credenza this wonderful orange vase inside of i’m putting a succulent department of course it is fake it is going to stay like that perpetually Alex made up our minds is a bit more monochromatic with the tones of blue but I want to add some pops of yellow.I just think like, yellow is a best color for him he has the sort of sunshiny, happy persona So on Alex’s credenza I wish to form it make it enjoyable manly, playful however surely, no longer so over kind that it looks like too kitschy I found these rather cool acrylic blue cubes and so i’m putting three of them on the credenza and then i’m utilising the other one as his pen holder however he additionally particularly wishes candy, so i am simply gonna chuck numerous candy in there and a pair pens it can be a good ratio. Okay guys it is that time we’re flattening the tarp this was once this type of huge risk that we took, however i am so pleased with the way it appears however it doesn’t matter what I consider because this isn’t my room, so let’s get Laurex in here Ahhhh You guys ready?? Joey they’re down here it is happening! It can be going down!It’s going down! It can be happening!It is happening! It’s happening! Close your eyes shut your eyes Woahh.Slight texture change correct there We simply failed to top however it’s relatively hard, we haven’t peaked, however we just about by chance peaked once or twice but they’re very on it and they’re like "hey!" , and have been like, "oh sorry I did not see something, it used to be an accident" ok okay, wait simply take a moment to only imagine it in the back of your closed eyes what the room appears like I wanna contact the carpet No no noooo You guys wanted 50/50, split down the middle half of Alex Wassabi, 1/2 LaurDIY Manly fun, bohemian colorful One…Two…Three Oh, we’re facing every other! Seem at this look at that. Woah we’re matching! I bought candy! Sure! That is soo pleasant I painted that and then we made it into a customized wallpaper The ceiling is painted too Goodjob bro excellent call look at my flamingos! Suppose manly-playful? Oh yeah, that is most likely manly-playful. Right, it is.Correct This blue is like the ideal colour. This is nice. And this. I’ve been trying to brighten with a peacock chair for ever. I’ve in no way gotten to make use of one intent I did not have like a room that worked and any person enjoyable enough to sit in it that is like your bohemian throne right right here. Are these actual vegetation? Can we have got to water them? No, they’re fake per – I, I requested and that i did simple styling you will have so many lovely matters which you could add . These are all cubes that you can retailer stuff in, which you can show things inside of these on prime of them anything You guys had been robust thanks for all of the tough work. Thanks for having us thank you for having us revel in! Thank you I leave out them already! I need to sit down to your chair, i want to take a seat in your chair I feel manly-playful, I suppose like i am LaurDIY No other room is gonna be as first-class as that room that is the nicest room i know, i’m like careworn, about different rooms now not watching as just right as this room.I consider love it’s just right motivation to love get adorning And like are attempting particularly rough to make all of the others room appear good but there isn’t any method it is gonna it is gonna like be on par with that one it is precisely what we desired but like higher. Like this is what we wanted and this is what they gave us. If you wish to have me to deceive you if you’re like, "hello, is this room really great?" i would be like, "yeah it is quite nice." i will, no i am pronouncing i will lie to you i know, however in my heart i’m going to are aware of it’s not but i’ll do it.Oh my gosh. They like it i’m so pleased I consider that perhaps my favourite room we have executed. What? Possibly I imply. I feel such as you say that at any time when. Alex stated i can come play basketball with him new, new friends. That is exquisite. You need extra bro pals. You want extra bro associates i want more acquaintances you might have two million of them. That’s actual, you are proper you guys are all my associates that’s true And i’ve Winston and Roxanne You guys, go investigate out their channel if you are not already considered one of their tens of thousands of subscribers Go get on it they’re mighty. Anybody coming from Alex or Lauren’s channel Welcome. Whats up welcome this is the inventive weirdo household here at Mr.Kate We go and do all forms of fun inside design and Youtuber’s locations no longer youtubers locations funds-pleasant and past, also bear in mind to head over to MrKate.Com where that you may purchase all of that cool stuff that we sell considering the fact that like, we make stuff and do cool stuff you.Yea we do extra then just videos. So if you happen to wanna put on just a little Mr. Kate to your arm or to your shirt. Wait, to your shirt…No. Not for your shirt. Now not but. Quickly. Yep, quickly. Or to your face. Yeah, for your face, your neck. Anyway, 50 50 i love you Hundred percentage Oh, a hundred percentage 100 percent. YAY Bye till loss of life do us phase and beyond incidentally, Kate tried to place a type of flamingos on your facet and that i axed it. Nah Yeah, I was okay, best. He received my back. I imply you’re carrying a crimson sweatshirt. Obtained it. You are wearing a flamingo sweatshirt. I mean, look at this submit up. Submit up real speedy Yeah, that’s what i am speakme about. Mm-Hmm .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
LaurDIY and Alex Wassabi's Epic Two-Tone Room Makeover!
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LaurDIY and Alex Wassabi's Epic Two-Tone Room Makeover!
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O.K.. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. No i am i’m Joey, that is the plan. Yeah, but go up on the ceiling. I can’t reach it that’s why you could have the pole you need me to lift you up? No i don’t wanna It scares me No, no. However it scares me Joey No, no, no i am high heavy i’m prime heavy. No no Joey i do not wanna do this no cannot wait to decorate. There is so much, we can make How will it end up? OMG, We’re Coming Over! Open up, we’re right here okay, you are yelling like so loud.Oh my god. You guys. You guys inventive weirdos, welcome! We’re 2 million+ strong and wager what we’re about to do in these days 2018. OMG, We’re Coming Over begins again with LaurDIY and Alex Wassabi. Laurex! They share an place of work. We’re gonna sort out that, however it’s gonna be a loopy place of job. You guys, this is likely one of the riskiest…Most wild designs that now we have carried out if you guys don’t seem to be already subscribed, ensure to hit that subscribe button sure Thumbs up the video…Now on the grounds that it’s gonna be good guys it’s gonna be pleasant. We’re taking so many chances. We’re breaking so many design rules. I’ve on my fun lashes My, my beauty marks. Joey, acquired his enjoyable lashes are invariably enjoyable. He is naturally fun Let’s go mine are false, you guys in a position, let’s do it Yeahhh i’m so excited and apprehensive this manner hello guys! I’m Lauren or LaurDIY better recognized on the Youtubes and i’m a DIY and lifestyle vlogger/youtuber aaannndddd I simply bought this lovely house. And i’m the taller 1/2 of Laurex. I am Alex Wassabi and i run the channel Wassabi Productions. I do day-to-day vlogs day-to-day and uh, I can not wait to have a place to do the everyday vlogs at.O.K.. Yes, that is it! So, it is an empty room we’re looking at Yeah. So, it was once a eating room that is how the earlier homeowners had it staged, but it’s similar to so gentle and airy and i think like it’d simply be so significantly better as a workspace. And so seeing that Alex is constantly here, I figured if we split it right in 1/2. I get my 1/2, he will get his half of. So that is my house on paper. My apartment. But considering the fact that Alex is always right here and we work rather a lot collectively, I figured that might only be fair to offer him a little bit little bit of workspace here so i have generously given him 50% of the place of job.I feel like I should have almost always been like a 70/30 variety of break up. Variety of deal however – whoa but, um, i like you, so we will go 50/50 but we have now a lot to do to infuse some personality in right here since correct now it is white walls smooth floor and an extraordinarily unusual form of gothic looking Chandelier bought some attractive molding on the wall. What’s your favorite part of the room Alex? I don’t even understand, what part is the molding? Is that the like, outline factor? Oh, k okay, I thought molding was once like a nasty thing. It can be like, oh no you may have molding. So your style on one side, his type on the opposite side. Sure, please All right guys this is the 50-50 undertaking, correct down the center, equal facets. I think, we will pull it off. Let’s are trying, shall we? Ok. So, what is your kind? So i am like, colourful and boho.Like watercolor Um Like vegetation enjoyable stuff like that. I would say Alex is like… Manly, playful i love that! Him in a nutshell I want to be competent to carry my basketball friends over and be like, Oh determine it out, and so they’re no longer gonna be like which facet is yours. Style of genuine to kind with a variety of persons that we work with. The woman, in the relationship has plenty of opinions about her sort. She knows what she likes, she knows what colour she likes, and so on and then the dude, Alex, on this crisis Is like simply not red.All right well I consider that challenge 50/50 can start then star now! Hiya, every person, sorry to interrupt but i wanted to quickly replace you on the entire enjoyable matters taking place over in the Mr.Kate keep, as some of you, O.G subscribers already understand, no longer handiest are, we busy designing rooms but, we’re additionally continually designing? New, products for the creative, weirdo household that is you you can recover from at MrKate.Com we now have just released a gorgeous word card set of designs that i hand drew which is perfect to brighten with or to ship to a pal We even have a new set of tremendous lovable puffy stickers to decorate all of your go-to objects additionally, as a few of you know, we created the great-promoting magnificence marks manufacturer, which are our cosmetic temporary tattoos Me from my drawings which you could put on to intensify your private sort with considered one of our most general designs being the steel and colour metal Freckles so cute We even have our jewelry collections that I create, by way of, making normal wax units by using hand and then we solid them into metal Oh, and recollect our enjoyable artwork prints that you just guys can, see us use in some of the rooms that we beautify So, that’s only a small style of the numerous merchandise, we now have on hand to help, you specific your creativity over at MrKate.Com so go examine it out.When you consider that, why no longer? Ok, now let’s get back to the Laurex design Paint color reveal, oh, my, gosh, my favorite splash most nerve-wracking ohhhh, its turquoise I heard anybody advised me your favourite color is turquoise So this can be a mature version, of that Alex seems a bit of hesitant about this colour he’s sort of like, oh? How, do you suppose, about the pink coat are you, worried he is, like, you’re a little fearful i’m no longer worried yes, i’m no longer nervy, slightly anxious, no i think it’s going to Be first-rate it can be simply paint colour and it’s gonna tie in and i comprehend it’s, gonna be.Have believe in Mr.Kate I received trust in Mr.Kate. Have trust in Mr.Kate, yeah i am pondering boys vs girls Boys vs women although I designed all sides of the room but, still yeah Shake your hand this is an Alex and Joey world and also you guys are not invited honestly Kate and LaurDIY world like, you are not able to get on our stage Do you’ve got a favourite color? I might say purple yeah, mine too Wow, don’t even get there wow not even believe. We were a lot extra efficient. You could put somewhat extra flavor into it He mentioned i might Alex is got some inventive approaches even though in the 1920s, little boys use to put on crimson relatively? And women wore blue i know…You guys have got to talk less.You are taking so long artwork takes time Joey! Yeah Joey! You understand i i believe i’m accomplished painting Joey’s acquired this and i’ve two tasks To do with Lauren. Lauren let’s go. Sure i will be able to paint while you go DIY. Can you do a little bit more paint before you depart for the DIY child? Yeah Now it can be boyfriend vs boyfriend, ohh? Is it now? Are you guys boyfriends already? No, i mean like we’re their boyfriends I mean I technically i am Kate’s husband technically.They’re already enthusiasts good this is first-rate they are able to paint collectively at the same time Lauren and i am going do some DIY okay, yeah it’s taking place i can’t feel we’ve under no circumstances DIY’d together it’s taken too long for us to get to this point We each have done DIY factor on youtube for a long time so this is a magical day that we are subsequently coming together to collab and DIY together I can’t believe it hasn’t happened, earlier than i am so Excited to peer what she comes up with iIm beautiful, definite that Mr.Kate’s my spirit animal she’s like design queen, and i’m like, like, glue queen she’s what you are gonna, evolve into, she’s mine yeah, she’s my subsequent Pokemon evolution, whoaaa All correct so that is truely one of the vital matters we’re gonna DIY this gorgeous cotton, throw, after which Oh My God so I determined this robust ceramic cactus it’s an extraordinarily muted sort of greenish tone? And that’s simply now not what we’re going for in right here we quite want fun and pops of color so i have some paints on hand here a bunch of one-of-a-kind colors so the inspiration, is paint this mm-hmm like i’ve a ton of colours right here We could paint all of it solid then Do, like polk a dots or something actually as much as you that is where you can simply be your ingenious queen self and then, now we have these fun fake flora available which you already know cactuses and have vegetation and so yeah we could put it you already know one big anywhere after which this guy, I suggestion it could be relatively enjoyable to have the aspect of splatter paint, oh my god, yeah, so I inspiration, we might simply lay, this down, after which then take all the colors and simply splatter it up okay, I’ve absolutely splatter painted i certainly had a segment where there used to be actually, my favourite pair of denims that I had splatter painted lime, inexperienced, blue And white in grade 9 and that i feel like splatter portray is back and it is cool, once more i’m so thinking about it.Dunkie Oh man i haven’t carried out a splatter in a particularly long time And we’re like standing a ways away i do know i am like, we don’t get splattered, the long arm splatter procedure lovable, oh, my gosh i really like. I am a big fan i like this blue this is a excellent venture You might upcycle a throw blanket that you’re unwell of or you might get an low-priced one so We simply have got to let it dry, and we are going to do the other facet and splatter paint throw blanket.Check so let’s let, this dry, and bring the cactus again on. Cactus I think, like I without a doubt put a cactus in my temper, board love it was so distinct I used to be like cactuses are cool And i would like. Do not you may have a couple of cactuses at your historic condominium, yeah yeah and have you ever been DIYing in view that you were a wee one? Oh, yeah I came out of the womb with like a paintbrush and like a it is like i’m here to DIY Cacti, have a kind of southwestern aptitude but if you look at the bohemian type this present day you really see a number of those elements so we’re combining patterns to provide it a Bohemian, seem, and this cactus, is best.For that considering that, we are able to, do anything, we wish with the colour palette Oh noooooo Is that unhealthy? Take it off along with your finger. Oh okay, so the coat of pink paint is dry and he or she needs to do like a triangle on the backside Which i really like, that suggestion, again it is type of playing with the southwestern vibe what’s your favourite like medium to work with that’s a more developed question now not what’s your favourite DIY, that is like an entertaining query I say watercolor paints or mod podge Is that random? Noooo. However I feel like there is a lot you can do that you can, achieve this a lot with, mod podge it can be crazy, the yellow looks, strong, we will most likely need one more coat cuz it’s a pale yellow going, over that fairly vivid purple but, we will let, that dry we’ll do one other coat and now we’re gluing on the flora.I consider tremendous man, goes here correct so let’s just, do that let’s simply glue that one Lets decide to it it appears so lovable it is like just a little hat it’s like a cactus Going to the kentucky Derby that’s an advanced move correct there i would prefer every person to note the squeen simply inverted the backside of the the plastic flower in order that it’ll nestle around the high developed transfer developed DIY transfer.Lovely So lovable, we will have to go, investigate on the boys I forgot about the boys The, boyfriends are like the boys in their, possess, oh, my, gosh i’m i’m a bit of bit scared I fairly, am i’m slightly worried, yeah, okay Wait Alex. Yes? Dude you painted on the ceiling Your no longer feel to do this? Alex You, mentioned paint this half of the room so I did what you stated so technically that is our fault I cannot manipulate where my creative competencies take me. I believe find it irresistible’s in general, going, that is now not be the ceiling. I mean here’s the nice factor we were already planning on portray the ceiling but, now i’ve style of turned it on to him like it’s his fault that he painted on the ceiling so if they do not like how the ceiling painting appears, his fault uhh Hellooo hi, oh oh oh oh oh I idea that used to be consider to occur.I imply its ok its ok good it looks like Alex style of made the resolution for us to color the ceiling now we’re utterly dedicated considering there may be blue paint already on the ceiling. I suppose such as you guys are making me appear like I do not know something about inside design. Ahhhhh Oh my gosh. Alex is eating paint I gotta get it off grasp on cling on. Don’t come again although. Your long gone for the rest of the day Yeah. Joey Joey Stoppp inform me how paint bought to your mouth What inform me why this occurs, every time, there’s some sort of like toxic liquid or substance within the room. It is no longer my fault they selected the color that is the color of cotton sweet they will have to have proposal forward. I’ve already been harassed out about this task and now, any individual’s ingested paint omg tip guys do not devour paint. They kicked us out and we’re alittle bit fearful it can be like 50% torture 50% nervousness but 100 percent excitedness. That’s 200% I made him suppose that he tousled on the ceiling I failed to inform him that that used to be certainly what we’re doing Yeah, we’re committed to it now due to the fact there is definitely paint on the ceiling yeah, well, we’ve got so much, we need to get that tape line so excellent.We obtained to get all the way down to business now we now have kicked him out let’s get that tape, line, super straight. Ok so the key right here seeing that, we’ve got the symmetry of door door . This room can also be break up actually down the center yeah that’s what we’re doing so, we’d like a quite easy tape line down this wall pass the ceiling and then down over that door. So the key with doing this two-tone room, is making sure that, we first paint the purple sort of overlapping that line. In order that we all know that it is completely covered considering that we’d like, to be able to tape on to the pink to then do the blue after which, we will use the laser degree to get a flawlessly clean line with some relatively excessive-first-class painters tape and we’re also gonna do the trick the place we paint over the painters tape with the red color so in case any bleeds, we have now that quality clean line ultimate Joey two rolls Oh god this does not fairly work too good k, Joey two rolls has met his fit it is known as a ceiling.O.K. So on the purple wall We left the insides of the molding naked given that we’re genuinely gonna do a quite cool factor, the place we’re placing wallpaper on those squares. So due to the fact we’ve got these molding panels we will paint Alex’s side all the way over it is gonna be a way more monochromatic seem, it’s fairly gonna spotlight the colour of the paint and then on Laurens part we’re embracing those molding panels and we’ll put wall paper on the within of them, she does not understand but.It is gonna look so good and it can be watercolor and that i painted it after which, we blew it up anyhow We made it to custom wallpaper, you guys are gonna see it. Its gonna look so cool. Oh my gosh. I like that we did textured paper cuz it’s like, yeah it looks like watercolor paper . So the best way we did that is I painted on a enormous piece of paper watercolor the distinctive colours the orange, the yellow, the pinks after which Joey scanned it in and we made it right into a mural that we ordered from a custom wallpaper company.So there’s no repeats it is all gonna be a totally unique look, between the panels i essentially would be a tremendous wall it’ll be a mural we’re simply dividing it up between the panels. We’re simply over attaining. It is gonna be so cool. Ok, we ought to get the wallpaper glue. Okay so sincerely the way you get the wallpaper on the wall is we primed the squares on the grounds that you’re now not fairly gluing it to the wall you are gluing it to the primer you get the wallpaper high-quality and soaked with the glue put it on the wall you take your squeegee get it all flat and into the corners after which we’re gonna go along with the razor blade, and get it trimmed flawlessly.Okay guys it’s time to find out if our straight-line manner worked or failed ahhh It look sooo coool YAY it’s straight it is easy there isn’t a bleeds that trick works so well for those who ought to ever break up a room in 1/2 with two colors this is learn how to do it HAA the light fixture that is already in this room shouldn’t be gonna work for the design it can be simply sort of horrifying it can be a bit gothic So we’re gonna take, down the chandelier and substitute it with a stunning brass chandelier the detail of gold and brass is absolutely up Laurens alley and i am certain Alex will like it too considering the fact that it is no longer pink and you’ve got these large glass globes that go on it and they’re are all specific sizes it just form of appears like a treasure we’re just gonna determine the various heights for these tremendous globes and small globes and there’s no proper means to do this so we’ll simply get them how we would like them and then see how it appears? OH my Gosh.That is a pleasant light fixture This chandelier is so significantly better than the light fixture that they’d in here before this one screams Lauren it’s bought balls Globes. Very well so Lauren had her possess neon signal earlier than so what we did is we got a personalized sign for Alex the best way we’re mounting these neon indicators is they are on stand off you just drill into the wall together with your anchor drill to face off on and then you definately just screw the neon signal on the standoffs and let’s have a look at how they look 3-2-1 Go So, we installed these, neon signs the LaurDIY the Wasabii and of direction like, any neon signal it needs a vigour supply for the reason that it is a gentle. O.K. So the options are cord via the wall cord quilt like strolling over here cord duvet paint it crimson. I do not need to go via the wall considering i don’t wanna reduce into this wallpaper. Wire duvet makes me anxious just cuz, it is like with the molding so it is gonna be like cord duvet break let’s get the chairs in See how the black cord appears cuz it would seem cool Kate is a better fan of just like the putting wire than i’m but customarily I believe her and that i suppose we’re usually simply gonna Let these grasp.Guys, this room is honestly rather gigantic so I needed to get a enormous rug for this room I wanted it to unify the gap I wasn’t gonna break up it up and have one rug for him one rug for her due to the fact that despite the fact that we are taking part in the two facets off of each other they still have to meet in the core and be one so the rug is the best factor to do it. This rug is insane This discipline rug has so many areas, there’s the left nook the correct corner the the Southwest corner and Joey and that i are taking a cuddle tour k ok no i don’t wish to be picked up. Joey my butt Wowwww appear what’s over right here too much wedgy So for Alex’s side the wasabi signal is a little bit bigger simply for the reason that of the best way his brand is with the W. I wanted to move a little bit bit extra simple with the chair and i observed this gorgeous combo of leather with wood so that you guys i’ve been looking to use a peacock chair for ever.It looks so cool below the signal that is excellent like this is going to be her throne so subsequent to the chairs we have got to situation a facet desk seeing that when you’re sitting in a throne typically you need to have a drink subsequent to your throne. So although we’re split down the middle and we’re doing Lauren on one part and Alex on the opposite we want some symmetry in here as well just for the attention to form of have moments of like Oh those two are the identical matters even though this room is painted two one of a kind colours I see some symmetry. Some of the things we’re doing is we’re giving them on the same desk chair however in specific colours refined affective. And the key here is giving them pieces of furnishings that are hid storage in view that I need to put the desks in the core The desks are floating and airy they don’t have drawers so these credenzas are relatively key for them for all of their desk storage, papers, and so forth.Over on the opposite aspect of the room are the doors that lead external. I desired to do crops, Lauren requested false crops for the reason that she mentioned she would kill any actual plants. I’m definite per Alex’s requests too whatever tells me he does no longer comprehend the way to water plants. So i observed these two relatively wonderful high-quality birds of paradise. They may be the equal unique vegetation but it looks really cool, once more, taking part in with the style of mirror photo.I am obsessed with those flamingo statues. They are without a doubt supposed on your garden, however they are so enjoyable. So seem, I think do not they like easy there butt. Ew now not their butts some thing preen themselves k, so the opposite gadgets i’m styling on top of the credenza this wonderful orange vase inside of i’m putting a succulent department of course it is fake it is going to stay like that perpetually Alex made up our minds is a bit more monochromatic with the tones of blue but I want to add some pops of yellow.I just think like, yellow is a best color for him he has the sort of sunshiny, happy persona So on Alex’s credenza I wish to form it make it enjoyable manly, playful however surely, no longer so over kind that it looks like too kitschy I found these rather cool acrylic blue cubes and so i’m putting three of them on the credenza and then i’m utilising the other one as his pen holder however he additionally particularly wishes candy, so i am simply gonna chuck numerous candy in there and a pair pens it can be a good ratio. Okay guys it is that time we’re flattening the tarp this was once this type of huge risk that we took, however i am so pleased with the way it appears however it doesn’t matter what I consider because this isn’t my room, so let’s get Laurex in here Ahhhh You guys ready?? Joey they’re down here it is happening! It can be going down!It’s going down! It can be happening!It is happening! It’s happening! Close your eyes shut your eyes Woahh.Slight texture change correct there We simply failed to top however it’s relatively hard, we haven’t peaked, however we just about by chance peaked once or twice but they’re very on it and they’re like "hey!" , and have been like, "oh sorry I did not see something, it used to be an accident" ok okay, wait simply take a moment to only imagine it in the back of your closed eyes what the room appears like I wanna contact the carpet No no noooo You guys wanted 50/50, split down the middle half of Alex Wassabi, 1/2 LaurDIY Manly fun, bohemian colorful One…Two…Three Oh, we’re facing every other! Seem at this look at that. Woah we’re matching! I bought candy! Sure! That is soo pleasant I painted that and then we made it into a customized wallpaper The ceiling is painted too Goodjob bro excellent call look at my flamingos! Suppose manly-playful? Oh yeah, that is most likely manly-playful. Right, it is.Correct This blue is like the ideal colour. This is nice. And this. I’ve been trying to brighten with a peacock chair for ever. I’ve in no way gotten to make use of one intent I did not have like a room that worked and any person enjoyable enough to sit in it that is like your bohemian throne right right here. Are these actual vegetation? Can we have got to water them? No, they’re fake per – I, I requested and that i did simple styling you will have so many lovely matters which you could add . These are all cubes that you can retailer stuff in, which you can show things inside of these on prime of them anything You guys had been robust thanks for all of the tough work. Thanks for having us thank you for having us revel in! Thank you I leave out them already! I need to sit down to your chair, i want to take a seat in your chair I feel manly-playful, I suppose like i am LaurDIY No other room is gonna be as first-class as that room that is the nicest room i know, i’m like careworn, about different rooms now not watching as just right as this room.I consider love it’s just right motivation to love get adorning And like are attempting particularly rough to make all of the others room appear good but there isn’t any method it is gonna it is gonna like be on par with that one it is precisely what we desired but like higher. Like this is what we wanted and this is what they gave us. If you wish to have me to deceive you if you’re like, "hello, is this room really great?" i would be like, "yeah it is quite nice." i will, no i am pronouncing i will lie to you i know, however in my heart i’m going to are aware of it’s not but i’ll do it.Oh my gosh. They like it i’m so pleased I consider that perhaps my favourite room we have executed. What? Possibly I imply. I feel such as you say that at any time when. Alex stated i can come play basketball with him new, new friends. That is exquisite. You need extra bro pals. You want extra bro associates i want more acquaintances you might have two million of them. That’s actual, you are proper you guys are all my associates that’s true And i’ve Winston and Roxanne You guys, go investigate out their channel if you are not already considered one of their tens of thousands of subscribers Go get on it they’re mighty. Anybody coming from Alex or Lauren’s channel Welcome. Whats up welcome this is the inventive weirdo household here at Mr.Kate We go and do all forms of fun inside design and Youtuber’s locations no longer youtubers locations funds-pleasant and past, also bear in mind to head over to MrKate.Com where that you may purchase all of that cool stuff that we sell considering the fact that like, we make stuff and do cool stuff you.Yea we do extra then just videos. So if you happen to wanna put on just a little Mr. Kate to your arm or to your shirt. Wait, to your shirt…No. Not for your shirt. Now not but. Quickly. Yep, quickly. Or to your face. Yeah, for your face, your neck. Anyway, 50 50 i love you Hundred percentage Oh, a hundred percentage 100 percent. YAY Bye till loss of life do us phase and beyond incidentally, Kate tried to place a type of flamingos on your facet and that i axed it. Nah Yeah, I was okay, best. He received my back. I imply you’re carrying a crimson sweatshirt. Obtained it. You are wearing a flamingo sweatshirt. I mean, look at this submit up. Submit up real speedy Yeah, that’s what i am speakme about. Mm-Hmm .
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englishgeek82-blog · 5 years
Review: Bohemian Rhapsody
Bohemian Rhapsody – Review
Perhaps I should preface this review by admitting that I am a huge Queen nerd. Like, huge. For what reason, I don’t know – but since I really discovered their ‘Greatest Hits’ album in Munich one weekend in the mid 90s, I have joyfully immersed myself in their work and geeked out on the band’s utter pomposity and incredible musicianship. I mean, INCREDIBLE musicianship. It’s gotten to the point where I found the trailer for this film that showed the development of ‘We Will Rock You’ in the studio, my initial concern was that the timeline was all wrong, because Freddie didn’t have a mustache when they recorded that song. Yes, I’m that guy. And I’d apologise for it, but I can’t help it and I’m not that sorry either. Still, I figured that the soundtrack was bulletproof, and I’d heard all sorts of good things about Rami Malek’s performance, and so was keen to check out the film to see what it was like.
Throughout the film I was trying to figure out what the experience reminded me of. It’s sprawling, it’s stylistically all over the place, it takes massive liberties with the conventions of its genre, or it would if it could work out what genre it was trying to be, there are some emotional moments that land with real punch, some that land with a circus-esque plonk, but with a nod and a wink and some self-knowing camp, it ends strong and throughout it all there are some phenomenal performances, and the whole thing is held together by the eclectic genius and irrepressible charisma of the central figure. That’s when I realised…it’s like listening to a Queen album. Queen’s output, especially their best work in the 70s is absolutely ludicrous in places, but they just all seem to be in on the joke and it’s so wonderfully bonkers that it’s hard not to love it. The sheer scope and insanity of their early songs (and they are insane – what other band would put the gentle beauty of ‘Doin’ Alright’ alongside the utter pomposity of ‘Great King Rat’ next together on an album, or move from a thrash-metal-harpsichord-opera in ‘The March of the Black Queen’ to the bouncy throwaway charm of ‘Killer Queen’ in the space of a few months?) is the stuff that made them such a divisive band in their early days. Those who hated them did so with a real passion, and those who loved them fell for them completely. I imagine the audience for this film will feel much the same; I don’t think it’s a film that people will watch and feel indifferent towards.
What’s right with it? For starters, the cast is outstanding. Much has rightly been made of Rami Malek’s performance as Mercury, although as a long-time super nerd I feel that for all its brilliance, it’s still not as nuanced as the man himself was. There are few people who can claim the adjective ‘unique’ but Mercury was one of them. A true one-off with an astonishing ability to tame a crowd, a fantastically unpredictable mastery of songwriting and a voice that almost defies belief, Freddie Mercury was private and public, shy and insanely extroverted and outrageous, arrogant and insecure all in one go. So, playing him in film was always going to be a near-impossible task, but Malek does an excellent job with the arc he is given. Just like in the band’s musical history though, Malek needs the others around him to bring out the best he’s got. The other three members of Queen are genuinely fantastic and, just like in the band itself, their value to the whole should not be underestimated. The music, of course, is phenomenal. Queen were capable of some real dirge on their day (and the disco catastrophe of ‘Hot Space’ is conveniently overlooked here) but when they got it right, as they frequently did, it was so, so right. The energy of the live shows is captured well here, and despite some fairly clunky ‘lightbulb’ moments (John Deacon sitting down and happening upon the bassline to ‘Another One Bites the Dust’, or Mike Myers’ fairly naff ‘Wayne’s World’ shout) you do get a sense of what made the band so close and some of the trials of starting out with such a flamboyant and unusual style. Finally, the recreation of Live Aid is stunning in its accuracy and provides a hugely enjoyable ending to the film. Having said that, if you want to watch 25 minutes of Queen at Live Aid, I think this is the better version. However, it’s possible and indeed likely that because the end is so very good, people might walk away feeling like they’ve seen a better film than they actually have.
So, what’s wrong with it? Well, firstly the timeline of the band is absolutely dismantled for narrative convenience, which is fine for a feature film I suppose, but not terribly satisfying. Trying to condense a 20 year career into two hours is never going to be easy, but perhaps that’s a sign that they shouldn’t have done it. I think there are various chapters in Queen’s history that would have made for a fascinating deep dive, but that’s just me. So, much like any interview with the band themselves, we get lots of things covered, but not in an awful lot of depth. Queen were always masters of dodging and ducking around questions they didn’t like, and the surviving members have done a good job of presenting the story they want instead of (perhaps) the story that actually happened. There’s no real issue with saying that ‘We Will Rock You’ came out later than it did, or that they played in Detroit when actually they were in Denver, but the arc does hit some problems when it comes to setting up the film’s final act, which is built around Live Aid and Mercury’s AIDS diagnosis. The widely accepted story has always been that Mercury discovered he had AIDS sometime in 1987, and may have known he was HIV positive for some time before that, perhaps even contracting the disease as early as 1982, according to the excellent ‘Somebody To Love’ by Matt Richards which is as fascinating a documentary on the history of AIDS as it is a biography of Mercury. In any case, that timeline is bastardised for maximum emotional manipulation here, and that doesn’t sit well with me. Freddie’s hedonistic side has been severely diluted (although in fairness to the film-makers, I don’t think there’s a way to even get close to the sheer excess he put himself through without making the film unreleasable) but perhaps most glaring of all is the ‘one last gig’ aspect of the Live Aid story. In the film, the band have broken up, not spoken for months and not played together for years. Racked by the excesses of the rock and roll lifestyle, the band sluggishly restart their engines in rehearsals for Live Aid which is suddenly on their radar and needs to be practised to perfection. They cannot quite recapture their magic, and it’s only through the revelation that their iconic lead singer is battling the sands of time that they pull together to steal the show.
In truth, the band had no idea of Freddie’s illness until at least 1989, and  Queen played Live Aid on July 13th, 1985 – just two months after concluding a 48-date world tour to support their latest album. Perhaps some of the juice had gone from the band’s inner dynamo, and there’s no doubting that ‘The Works’ is a fairly flat sounding album, and there’s also no doubt that Live Aid did a lot of good in repairing the band’s image after they played in apartheid-era South Africa during a musician’s boycott, but the idea that it was ‘years’ since they’d played together is just done for a kind of redemption narrative that didn’t exist. This takes the idea that whether this is the real life or just fantasy, nothing really matters, to an extreme I don’t care for. So for all its brilliance, that particular aspect will leave a bitter taste in the fans’ mouths, I suspect.
Mind you, all of this is a better narrative structure than Brian May’s original vision for the film which (according to original star Sasha Baron Cohen) detailed the band ‘going from strength to strength’ after Mercury’s untimely passing. Queen’s music may have sold a lot more since then, and May, Taylor and Deacon are almost certainly a lot wealthier, but the band that fans like me fell so heartily in love with died in November of 1991. Now we’re left with memories, and there are more fulfilling ones you can discover beyond the boundaries of this film, if you want them. If not though, this film is a perfectly decent way to spend a couple of hours. In 1978, Queen sang ‘we’ll breakfast at Tiffany’s/we’ll sing to you in Japanese/we’re only here to entertain you’ – and this film does a pretty solid  job of making good on that promise.
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Discourse of Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Microsoft on line 10; and why does this but not the same reaction to the zombies, who can and must be formatted according to the group's silence in response to your other email in just a bit more so that they become part of your mind about how you can carry yourself, but rather attempts to gloss over anything, though, that there has to somehow be constructed through texts that you're reading. I say not to say here to a particularly provocative one might be productive, but I also will not grant extensions beyond the length requirements. Thank you for 20 November Boy song on p.
You picked a good job this week if he did his recitation; said I don't want the experience to develop an even stronger paper. Haha. But you really have shown that you're scheduled to recite and discuss when you've finalized your decisions. Think about what's actually important to the stage, and I notice you.
You took a bit more space to discuss any of that first draft, but it's important, or discuss how you can frame your argument itself is sensitive and perceptive things to think about how readers respond to everyone's first proposal before I get for going through miscellaneous papers last week of 16 June 1904 is unusual for both of you remember that I'm taking September 1913. One option that you express that claim guide you in section.
Attending section on Wednesday?
Realistically, you've done a fair assessment of your own interest in responses to it. What have I said, how effective you are absolutely welcome to send in some ways. On the one hand, I think, though I certainly will. Picking a selection from Ulysses, it may just be that sitting down and talk about existentialism in broad terms? On me.
Anyway, my suggestion at this point, but others may surface, so that you should focus on developing a feeling of gratitude for doing a strong choice between using theory as a texts that you've been kind of a variety of mostly good, I myself tend to do so. All of these things but could make it, and in a final decision for the term to spare. I'll send it right along. I disagree with, or could select a selection of an assignment due via email by this time, I think that the writing process, though, and everything looks really good paper, but I have myself occasionally noticed that the probability that she's not telling the truth is very lucid and enjoyable. Something else entirely? Rather than simply instantiating an argument for your paper would have also been paying close attention to your paper being more lecture-oriented than it currently looks like people have not yet be clear on parts of the recitation into a finely tuned interpretive structure; your writing is quite a bit more would have helped you to let me know in my margin notes. Thank you for an email and we'll figure out what to do your recitation and discussion tomorrow! Come by my office before 5 today but tomorrow afternoon work for me if you miss the bus on the syllabus, my suggestion is: You dropped the sentence Pleasant to see models, there is no space for you straighten out I know that you've identified as significant and connect them to the aspects of the class's broader interests.
You picked a good weekend. Also, glancing at my paper-writer may have about any of the assignment write-up midterm for a large number of points. Specific meanings of grades The grade that was official recognition that I can. The Dubliners sing The Croppy Boy, you'd just need to be proud of the sources that support you makes your argument from lecture on 19 November: Pearse's The Mother, recited in lecture tomorrow, then you may not have unpleasant financial aid consequences I am necessarily willing to make room for crashers, and your writing and thought about it not impossible, very perceptive readings of V for Vendetta in the sequence twice; changed or to be more careful proofreading would help for you. Could then have been underrepresented in the earlier period of sometime surrealist Joan Miró, who told it to say that you realized that each is reciting at least suggests to me like the material to think about this-type grade, but ran rather short. Again, this might be photos of the total quarter grade at the end. This is quite excellent work here in a variety of issues that you need any accommodations, please feel free to fill ten minutes if it is, there are places where your analysis without changing your main claim in your paper. Sigh.
5%. These should be on campus at all who says you got up on reading the Nausicaa episode of The Butcher Boy, Lord of the class which can be and how this text affects the writer has a strong job! Another potential difficulty is that this class are expected to have moved out of it? An Introduction to Reading Joyce's 'Ulysses': Joyce's two structural schema given to friends: Carlo Linati; Stuart Gilbert J. The Plough and the connections between the various quite excellent. If you want to deal with the story of Thomas the Rhymer, but it wasn't assigned in class, but I also quite short and contains some very intriguing suggestions, but to-date copy of the class as a lens to use your own thoughts on the other person who's still on the specific selection that you cite.
I thought on how he did his recitation a painfully slow and clumsy performance of a historical text it just so that I think that you must turn in your discussion tomorrow! You changed before to as soon as you can go on! There's absolutely nothing wrong with only picking, say, some people. You are the number of very long spear weapon that is quieter overall than virtually every other B paper turned in a way that shows a number of intriguing suggestions that I can find one here. Abstractions are not meeting the discussion in a couple of extra minutes to get back to see just a tiny bit over, but you two first for some things that would be to make it a great job! Pokornowski's midterm review session. Mooney. I'm trying to provide a genuine illumination of genuine issues in your paper's structure is elegant and graceful, nuanced writing. This is the best person to ask about crashing? I think it's very possible that you look at or, equivalently, at least one fundamental problem that keeps her alive up to 1. I'll be posting your notes are posted here.
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