#in fact i want to argue that like. that's a really good type of hero. doing good things because you want to
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shindeyukichan · 5 months ago
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throwing things, killing, etc.
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opal-owl-flight · 8 months ago
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Edge of Chaos.
Remember how 4 gave herself up to Overlorder in my SO interp...what if 3 gives themself up to a chaotic entity?
Uhhh "side Chaos" type what-if situation bc I was inspired by fucking Lego Monkey Kid of all things. Deets below! (And LMK ending/spoilers for those who watch.) Its VERY ALL OVER THE PLACE FORGIVE ME
"Listen, listen. I am the light outside your dark cave. Come to me, Ill set you free."
I think the argument that sways them is the fact that the ordered world is suffocating everyone. The world as it is, its Plato's cave. The unknown, the chaos, its whats outside. Remember how tye point of Side Order is that an Ordered World would be shit, bc itd mean something perfectly stagnant?
Chaos leans HARD into that. But does it in a way that tears the current world apart. Burns whats going bad, but also whats going good.
"Look at everyone, writhing in pain, trying to fit in.
Wouldnt it be better, if those boxes were all gone?"
It slithers to whisper in 3s ear.
"Including yours?"
It starts with arguing abt the world's state. And then it pierces them where it hurts.
A life that they couldve lived. Alt3, yknow. A life outside the war.
...they look so much happier there...
The voice of chaos goes on, convincing them that if they join It, the world will be saved by them, which ALREADY gets them on board almost immediately. Then with the promise of a life better than what they have rn? Its the best of both worlds. They save the world, one final time, then they'll be free.
Theyre caught, theres no way out.
3 bowing to Chaos to save the world. Because its the only way for everyone to live a life beyond these secret wars. To live a life beyond the strict tenets the current world presses upon them. The world they carried all these years, and for what? Everyone STILL being stuck in those boxes? Status quo that wasnt the best thing in the first place? ("The world was breaking even before you started doing something about it.")
Theyre sick of having to keep the world the way it is. They gave EVERYTHING for this war. Theyve had enough.
3 finally living a life, like what 4 and 8 have been begging them to do, but oops. Oops. The rest of the world would get torn to shreds. A "burn everything down and start over" deal.
What makes it different from Order, then?
They cant think of that now, theyre finally free.
4 gave up her chaos in SO bc she thought that is what itll take for 3 to accept her again. 3 gave up their order in this hypothetical bc they wanted to set the world free, but also so that they can be fully with 4s chaos.
This ALL STARTED bc the mc of the show kept saying that it has to be him who saves the world, theres no other way. Which is...something 3 does on the damn regular. They carry the hero role and give this burden to no one else. To the ends of the earth, til the end of their life.
The lesson of this is "do things in moderation" -- that making the world a better place starts with little steps. Filling in the cracks. Some things work, dont burn everything to the ground so fast.
And most important of all. Stick together.
Which is a lesson 3 learns.
Neat design note: 4 has her black tipped tentacles from SO. 3 would get white-tipped ones from this thing.
Why white? Besides being the opposite of Overlorder's black ink, it represents its narrative of being the light at the end of the tunnel/out the ("ordered boxes"/destiny/etc) cave theming for chaos.
When they look at themself in tge mirror after what theyve done, they see someone unrecognizable AGAIN.
They thought for themself this time. And the world went to shit. Were they really the only pillar?
now they look even more dead than before. Is this really the life they were promised?
The one they wanted?
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dessarious · 7 months ago
What Makes a Family? Pt27
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Marinette walked down the stairs to find Cass scowling at Bruce and signing rapidly. Selina was whispering with her Maman, who looked far too amused, so Cass had to be laying into him pretty hard. Damian was looking on in confusion, but the other boys were nodding along with whatever her twin was saying. She really needed to have Cass teach her to sign. Chloe appeared next to her.
"I'm actually learning new terms. You sister is extremely creative with swearing." Of course, that would be what impressed Chloe. Mari had to wonder how much of it was just not knowing common terms, so she made up her own.
"I don't want to mess up her relationship with him." Chloe scoffed.
"Given the way the others are reacting, this isn't the first, or worst, of his overstepping. I'm thinking this is a long overdue rant."
"You did what when I was with Babs?" Dick's indignant shout startled most of the room. "Yeah, I'm never bringing anyone home ever again. Not unless I've been married for two years." Mari sent Chloe a questioning glance.
"Trust me, you don't want to know." Yeah, if Chloe was saying that... she really didn't want to know.
"You've never known when to butt out, old man. The difference this time is that you don't have any right to butt in in the first place." Jason's tone was downright hostile.
"She's my daughter."
"A biological connection doesn't mean you own me. I'll be eighteen in three months anyway and I'm completely financially independent, so if you want any type of relationship with me, it's going to be on my terms, Mr. Wayne. Those terms will include not interfering in my relationships with others, romantic or otherwise, and not telling me how I'm allowed to live my life." He looked like he was going to argue, but Cass signed at him before standing beside Mari. He looked at the boys for help, but the only one not glaring at him was Damian.
"Marinette, you're young. You have no idea the danger-"
"Do not pretend you know anything about me or my life, let alone what I do and do not know. I assure you, I know what I'm doing, and Luka and Kagami are not a threat or a problem. If you can't accept that, then you can leave." She hadn't wanted to get to this point so soon, especially since it put Cass's ability to stay in question. Unfortunately, she also wasn't willing to set a precedent with him by letting him think he could act this way with her. She'd been around enough powerful people to know that if she didn't set boundaries now, she'd never be able to enforce them. Jagged was proof of that.
"Perhaps we should discuss this privately." No way was that happening. She could almost see the hero lecture waiting to burst out of him.
"After what you just tried to pull, and your apparent history of browbeating your kids into things, we're not about to let that happen." Tom's voice was harder than she'd ever heard it. "If you won't respect my daughter's boundaries, you'll be asked to leave." The emphasis he put on 'my daughter' caused Bruce to flinch. She would feel worse about it if not for the fact that all her siblings, besides Damian, seemed to approve of it.
"I think we should separate for the time being, and try this again later. Tempers are high, so we all need space to calm down." Sabine sounded cheerful enough, but there was a hard edge to her words that everyone caught. As much as Mari thought it was a good idea, they were in a bit of a time crunch.
"Given that they're only going to be here for a week, it might be best to get things settled. But, if Bruce isn't willing to compromise, there's not much point in continuing this discussion." She could hear how tired she sounded and given the concerned looks at her and glares at Bruce, everyone else could, too.
"By compromise you mean letting you decide everything." The sulkiness in Bruce's voice made her roll her eyes. Yes, this had to suck for him, but he couldn't honestly expect her to let him just take over her life.
"No, but there are going to be things that aren't negotiable. I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, and I'd appreciate the same courtesy. We know next to nothing about eachother, and until we do it's not really fair to have an opinion on each other's lives." He didn't seem to know what to do with that. She was sure that, for a man used to being in charge, it wasn't something he had experience with. "I want to get to know you, all of you, but I'm not going to change who I am or how I live my life to do it. If you can't accept that, you can leave."
Cass hugged her from behind, and Mari could feel her twin glaring at Bruce. As much as she had hoped it wouldn't be necessary, it was obvious who Cass would side with in this. Of the boys, Jason seemed firmly entrenched on her side, Dick and Tim were more of a neutral, and Damian just seemed confused, but he'd most likely side with Bruce for the time being. Hopefully, it wouldn't destroy her chance of getting to know him permanently. When it became obvious Bruce either couldn't or wouldn't back down, Selina went over to start whispering in his ear. Alfred had been scarily silent through everything, and Mari really wasn't certain what to make of it.
"You need my help." Selina rolled her eyes, and Alfred just shook his head. The man really needed to learn when to back down.
"I need Cass. That's it." He flinched, and even the boys were trading looks. Bruce was closing off. She could see it. "I need to show Cass her new school. Why don't you take the evening to think things over? We can try this again tomorrow when everyone is calmer." Bruce looked about ready to explode.
"That sounds like a good idea. Master Bruce, we should head back to the hotel." The glare Bruce sent Alfred didn't phase the man at all. The stern look he sent back had the boys looking like they were ready to wet themselves.
"Fine." Bruce signed something at Cass and she felt her twin stiffen up behind her. Chloe looked like she was about to start screaming at him, too.
"Miss Cassandra will be staying with Miss Marinette. Indefinately." Alfred's tone was frigid and just about everyone seemed to be cowering or eyeing the man like he was going to explode. Even Bruce hunched in on himself a tiny bit. "Now we really should be on our way."
Mari had a feeling Alfred was going to be having a long conversation with Bruce. She just hoped it had the desired outcome. The man obviously had control issues, and she couldn't afford to have him try to take over her life. She had a feeling she was already going to have a major issue with Batman trying to step on her toes once he actually went through an Akuma attack. She couldn't count on there not being one before he and the others went home. Not to mention, if she'd heard right, he could just use some tech the Justice League had to teleport back at any time. She'd have to ask Cass about that, too.
Selina practically pushed Bruce out the door, while the boys followed under Alfred's gaze. Before going joining the rest, Jason shoved a piece of paper in her hand with a wink. She had a feeling he was one brother she could count on not to run to Bruce with information.
Once they were all out of the door, Mari felt herself relax. She felt terrible that things had gone downhill so quickly, but there really wasn't another option at this point. She couldn't afford to show weakness. There was far too much at stake, both in her personal life and as a hero. Cass tightened her hold on Mari.
"He needs time. He'll calm down."
"Unfortunately, time isn't something we have right now. If this doesn't get better, I'm going to have to force him to leave Paris before Hawkmoth is back in fighting form." She didn't even want to think about how much that would piss him off. She had a feeling Batman's ego wouldn't take too well to being thrown out of a city by another hero. Alfred and Selina would take her side... at least she thought so.
"Alfred will make things right." She wasn't quite sure what Cass meant by that, but she hoped she was right. She opened the paper that Jason handed her and heard Cass giggle behind her.
If you need someone to help you hassle B, give me a shout. ~Jason
It had five phone numbers on it. If she didn't know his 'occupation', it would seem excessive. It did mean she had at least one of her brothers on her side when it came to Bruce though. Whether that was a good thing or not was yet to be determined.
"Why don't we head over to the school? There are a few clubs meeting, so I know the building is open. That way, you can get a feel for the layout before tomorrow." She knew it would stress Cass out if they didn't scope out the building. It was going to be bad enough being around so many new people.
"You don't want to eat first?" Given the looks her Maman was shooting at the door, she was more worried about them running into Bruce than the actual food, but it was a good idea anyway.
"Of course, Maman. We wouldn't want it to go to waste." Especially since she made enough to feed the whole city again. Maybe she should text Jason and see if he wanted to meet them at the school and they could bring him some. "Maybe we could take some to go as well. I wanted to show Cass the houseboat, and if it's late enough, we might stay there." It wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth.
"Probably a good idea. It'll give your father and I time to talk to Bruce should he decide to come looking for you." She really hoped he didn't. Her Maman might actually kill him. She would text Selina or Alfred to make sure he didn't come over, but she had a feeling that would have the opposite effect she was looking for. After they ate and while her Maman was boxing up food, her Papa motioned her out into the hallway.
"What's wrong?" She heard the panic in her own voice and her Papa winced.
"Nothing's wrong. I didn't mean to worry you. I just wanted to make sure you were handling everything alright. I know things have been tense, and you tend to overthink everything without letting anyone know." She leaned forward slightly, and that's all it took for him to envelop her in a hug. Her Papa gave the best hugs.
"What if he makes her go back?" She knew it was an irrational thought, but it wouldn't go away. Her Papa hugged her tighter.
"That's not going to happen. We won't let it, and more importantly, Cass won't let it. I truly don't believe there's a force strong enough to separate the two of you. And if there is, Plagg will get rid of it." Marinette started giggling and couldn't stop. It was a little disturbing that she found the image of Plagg getting rid or Bruce amusing, but she was willing to chalk it up to stress.
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ppppxseur · 4 months ago
characters that i believe are black
what are my qualifications you may ask? i'm black. thats it those are my qualifications
also if i see a single comment about "blackwashing" i will lose my SHIT, i swear to god
also theres no fandom order for this so good luck trying to figure out what's coming next
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she breakdances, she's spunky, she's energetic. she's deffo one of those black girls who wears cookie monster pajama pants to school and adopts shy kids cuz she doesn't have that type of shame
like... need i make myself clear enough?
also she definitely has some sort of vitiligo
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i mean... he has no father. horikoshi practically screamed in my face that this kid is black as fuck.
he deffo cant cook tho, which i like to think is something that bakugou teases him relentlessly for
also this boy is tenderheaded as fuck and cries when mina does his hair
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LOOK AT HER. look me in the eyes and tell me RIGHT now that that is not an albino black woman
you cant, im simply correct on everything
god i miss my girl. lucinda you deserve the world and you deserve all of the screentime and i cannot believe that bitch aaron SNATCHED the screentime that was rightfully yours
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"but do you mean all of-" YES. ALL OF THEM. they are all black and they are all jewish hussie told me so himself, argue with the GODDAMN wall.
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my favorite weird girl <3
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"but the megidos are asi-" WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE. SHUT UP.
first of all the fact that damara's typing quirk was just Straight Up Japanese (and not even GOOD japanese either) is NOT the best fucking look if you want to potray another race. but also people can be biracial that is a thing and i hc the megidos as being blasian.
there is everyone happy? good now lets keep going
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(my second favorite weird girl)
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(my THIRD favorite weird girl)
i dunno. theyre my faves. i love them. therefore they are black. i feel like i dont need much explanation other than that
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ugh. the thing that sucks about ones with family (or... i guess in the trolls case, the closest thing of "family" you can get) is that you have to make them all the same race or otherwise you have to explain the weird shit
kankri is lightskinned and uses his white passing privilege for evil.
also before you even THINK about trying to pass off white vantas: LOOK at their fucking storyline. just LOOK at it.
(before i move on from homestuck, i just wanna mention a quick side note: i didnt include gamzee or kurloz for one Very Obvious reason and thats the fact that, just like damara and her incredibly broken and bad Japanese as hussie's horrendous attempts to include other races in homestuck, i simply believe that the notion of all purple bloods being naturally incredibly violent is Not A Good Look. especially adding in that the only reason why gamzee is pacified is because he's doing the troll equivalent of hard drugs. and you can make an argument because... well.. what about kurloz? and to that my response would be WHAT ABOUT HIM? because i dont remember dick diddly and SQUAT about him and i dont really care.
so yeah i didnt include the makaras because while i do believe they are black i dont believe theyre the best representation because the only reason why people think that is because of the incredibly racist undertones of it)
ANYWAY i'm doing ONE more because this thread is already so goddamn long
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the silliest girls possibly in the entire universe. i think they're black and hispanic mixed (im thinking maybe dominican or cuban)
ANYWAY! end of this long ass fucking thread. i cant believe my first fucking post on this account was this monster of a thread
anyway, follow me if you like any of these fandoms ig
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cluescorner · 11 months ago
Tim Drake has a weird fucking function
The thing about Tim that I find unique is that his life became SO MUCH WORSE after joining the heroing thing. Everybody else had a mid-to-shit life before becoming a hero/living with Bruce and mostly everybody (except Jason who LITERALLY DIED) had their life improved by being a hero/being Bruce's kid (or at least it is typically portrayed as such.
Tim had the exact opposite trajectory. His life wasn't perfect before he became Robin, but like...multi-millionaire/billionaire (canon is unclear, but he's within Gotham's upper-strata) kid with both natural intelligence + charisma and a bright future ahead of him and parents who were emotionally neglectful but nothing really beyond that (which is also a form of trauma, but all of the info we have indicates that the Drakes were no Arthur Brown or David Cain) and he still had other people he could rely on outside of them. He went to boarding school, which could be something horrible OR something amazing depending on your own thoughts/experiences. I grew up having a commute where we'd drive past a really pretty and rich af boarding school that literally everybody in our area DREAMED of going to, so to me the idea of going to boarding school sounds incredible but mileage may vary. Tim seems like the type of kid who would thrive in that though. Based on what we know in canon atm, his pre-robin life was fucking amazing.
And then he starts being the sidekick and working towards becoming Robin. His parents immediately get kidnapped and poison themselves through drinking tainted water; his mom dies and his dad is in a coma. This is not the fault of Robin, but Tim himself muses about the idea that Robin and dead parents are linked: to become Robin completely, you must lose your parents. And with how fate/destiny/canon events can operate in comics universes, maybe he isn't that far off. Once his dad wakes up, their relationship becomes strained as the man grieves the loss of his wife and realizes that his son has been doing vigilantism as a hobby. It is unclear exactly how good of a parent Jack was before the incident, but the results of Tim's involvement with the Robin mantle has definitely made things worse between father and son. Jack will also die within quick succession of 2 of Tim's best friends, his girlfriend, and his other father. He will also effectively lose like 1/2 his loved ones in the fallout of all of that mess including: his older brother, his other friends (both civilian and superhero), and the stepmother with whom he shared what I would argue is his best parent-child relationship (Dana also may have died, but it's left unclear). He has stopped pursuing higher education (the moment he even applied for college he 'died', and it seems he hasn't made another attempt since) and if he wasn’t a major focus of the media before he sure is now. He tries to quit briefly (in fact he initially was planning on quitting once someone more suited came along) and cannot bring himself to do so. Even when he does manage to get away for a while, his superhero life impacts the pre-robin life he is trying to go back to. Leaving is an impossibility, this is all there is for him now. He also isn’t allowed to make mistakes anymore, not when lives hang in the balance. The one who enforces that impossible standard the most (besides Bruce depending on who's writing) is himself. He’s got TRAUMA now and people want to hurt him constantly. He is constantly questioning his own sanity and morality and place in the world. He almost dies like every month. Tim grows colder and less grounded, he is becoming both a better and a worse version of himself at the same time. He’s saving lives in the same few issues as he’s setting up a Saw movie plot for the man who killed his father. He is haunted by the ghosts of his past and the looming figure of his future. His life becomes SO MUCH FUCKING WORSE after he becomes Robin. Some of it is the fault of others, some is the fault of circumstance, and some of it is due to his own actions. But basically all of Tim's worst traumas and life-changing moments are either tied to or caused by Robin. Dick's parents would still be dead, Jason would still be living on the streets, Stephanie would still have Arthur Brown for a father and a lot of other things that deserve their own posts/IDK if they've been retconned, and Damian would still have been raised in the eco-cult where death is a constant. Those are life circumstances that occur without the involvement of Robin, the only one who even needs Bruce involved at all in their series of events is Damian. But Tim? All of what is considered his 'worst' moments occur after he assumes the role.
This idea is what I find the coolest and most fascinating about Tim as a character. Being a hero is usually portrayed as either an outright awesome thing or a righteous duty that one must fulfill or (maybe in a grimmer and/or more grounded story) a sacrifice to your interpersonal relationships/mental health that is made for the greater good. For Tim, being a superhero actively ruined his life (both because of the general circumstances surrounding being a kid vigilante and the choices he made as part of that role). It's never portrayed that way in canon because we need to come out of issues going 'wow being a superhero is so cool! I'm gonna buy the next issue!', but when you just look at Tim's life literally everything really bad that we know of occurred after he became Robin.
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dance-to-mythoughts-blog · 1 year ago
Pro-hero Katsuki Bakugo x Pro-hero Black fem reader
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful day and they enjoy themselves. I decided since I posted my first work earlier today why not provide a second one.
Synopsis: What happens when you fight fire with fire? You and Katsuki are the epitome of hatred. But when you are tired of his shit, what happens when fire meets fire?
Warnings: Dick in pussy, degrading, slight use of quirk play, nipple play, and swallowing, office sex, hate sex, nutting on ass, use of the word daddy ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP.
"Goddammit Katsuki! You always have to come and fuck up some shit dude! I told u I fucking had it! Now this bitch got away!" you screamed at the top of your lungs because again, Katsuki decided he wanted to take your shine away and paint you as a damsel in distress. You work for the top hero just like he does and can do the exact same things that he can but better!
"You sure about that brat?! Cause from the looks of it, you were about to get crushed like a fucking pancake until I saved your crying ass. So how about a little less bitching and a little more thanking since I saved you life!"
"You didn't save shit! I fucking had it. Now because you did that stupid shit dude got away. Not only did dude get away but you let that bitch Mirko get him and bring him to justice! MIRKO KATSUKI!!! OF all fucking heroes you let that nigga slip into her hands to bring him to justice."
You HATED THAT BITCH MIRKO. Since you guys were elementary-aged kids' you guys always had this fucking rivalry. Deep down you knew she was always better than you and you hated to admit that. And the fact that you guys had been going at it since yall were fucking kids and today was another mark on her Talley chart you were fucking heated! I mean heated so bad that the center of the earth would be damn cold because you were so fucking pissed of at him. You guys fought all the way back to the damn agency. Everyone knows you and Katsuki and oil and water but when you guys work together with your quirks, you guys are fucking unstoppable, which is why when the number one hero, Hawks added you guys on after graduation you were honored. There was so much paperwork that had to be filled out because you and Katsuki both had injuries and made kind of a big mess. It was late when people started dwindling out of the office when one of your mentors, Hellcat, stopped by your desk.
"Working late again sugar plum? You know it's not good to work all the damn time"
Taking in a deep heavy sigh " I know Auntie. But this work has to be done and I'm trying to take my mind off what happened earlier. I can't believe he did that goofy ass shit and let dude get away."
"You know baby, in watching the fight back again, he was actually right to defend you"
You looked at her surprised because you couldn't believe what she just said. She said that Bakugo had the right to defend you. That's fucking horse shit. "What!? Auntie that's crazy. Mans is self-centered and always wants to take my shine away. He's done it before so why is this time any different?"
"Well, that's part of being a hero. Accepting your flaws. Now I know both of you are fire. I went back to look at the fight and from the outside looking in, he did save you. You were about to take a huge hit that could've possibly killed you but you didn't because he did what he did. Sure, both of you came out bruised and a few buildings destroyed but if he hadn't, we would be planning a funeral right now for you. See you in the AM"
With that she left and really left you wondering why he decided to save your life. To think since you started working here 7 months ago and have been arguing with this man consistently and now he saved your life? Thats crazy. So, you decided to get on YouTube to see what Auntie was talking about. You typed i your hero name and the most recent fight popped up.
Dynamite saves hero name again. In reading the caption and the comments people were clowning you. They were saying how you should have not decided to be a hero but you should have done something else. It hurt. To see the people that you wanted to protect say such nasty cruel things about you hurt. You swallowed your pride and went to Bakugo's office. Upon nearing his office you could faintly hear him typing away on the computer. You knocked on the door.
"What?" Damn. This man is mean and doesn't have any fucking manners to just be saying what to people who want to talk.
"It's Y/N. Can I come in?"
"I don't fucking care". With that being said you opened the door and spoke to him. He mumbled something but you weren't able to hear what it was. He was focused on whatever the fuck he was doing on his fucking computer. Man didn't even look up once. You took the time to really study his features. Man was not ugly. He had a nice jawline, beautiful intense red eyes, and an undercut that you could see with the way he was angling his head. T-shirt that was tight enough to show his muscles, grey sweats that kind of hung low and some nike slides. He must've just taken a shower because he looks so good and looks like he is determined to finish whatever shit that he has going on.
"Thank you"
He looked up and cocked his eyebrow like he was confused.
"Saving me. I went back and rewatched the fight with the villain earlier and I see how you came in and saved me. I appreciate it. If you had not done what you did I would completely be dead as fuck. Maybe you could help me train, considering those comments on YouTube about me are fucking nasty"
"What comments?" You went over to his desk to pull up YouTube. You pulled up the video, played it for him and showed him exactly what they were saying about you.
"Dynamite saves H/N. She sucks. He's going to be a fire ass pro hero. Sis is gone be like Daphne on Scooby Doo, the damsel in distress. Dynamite is fine as fuck. H/N is cute but her getting caught a lot makes her kind of dumb. H/N gradated at the top of her class at UA? More like on top of the monkey bars at the park because she's childish. " Hearing him read those comments out loud hurt a lot more when its read out loud than read silently. He could tell you're unconfortable so he decided to help.
"Oi.. you not trash. But you could be better. We jut have to work on your defense. Thats all. But you could stop getting your ass kicked every now and again "
"Well thanks. I still fucking hate you tho. But seriously. I am not a fucking damsel in distress. Sometimes I can take care of myself but what you did today was needed. "
"How are you going to tell me thank you then proceed to be a brat in the fucking process?"
"How are you going to be an asshole while I'm thanking you for saving my life? I bet you liked reading those fucking negative comments about me didn't you?"
He gave me a little smirk "I mean.. in a way they weren't wrong" God you felt so fucking offended. You were trying to thank him for saving your life and he round here playing like he ain't got no fucking common sense.
"Whatever. fuck you nigga" As you started to walk out, he grabbed your wrist. You looked at this man like he lost his fucking marbles. "what the fuck is you doing?! Let my wrist go ass"
"Oi..stop being such a fucking crybaby. You signed up for the wrong profession if you gone let some random motherfuckers make u cry like a baby"
"Are you serious? That shit they said is fucking rude and disrespectful. Not only that nobody likes your punk ass either. They to busy gawking over how big your dick is, if you have one, and how cute you are. They dont like yo bitch ass"
"WOW. Who said I dont have a big dick? If you wanna see it all you have to do is ask princess" he said smugly while he had a smirk on his face that made him look like a fucking god.
The name princess just kinda made you feels some kind of way. It made your cheeks blush red as a rose and your pussy started to get a heartbeat.
" For your information, I think your genitals are smooth like Barbie Ken because you act like a bitch and can't do anything right! Second of all, don't fucking call me princess. Third, fuck you. I'm officially leaving. You can try and find another partner who can put up with yo shit. Nigga im out."
The way he looked at you like you just pissed him off with that comment about barbie Ken.
"What the fuck did u say about my dick brat?"
You scoffed with a smirk "Hoe I said that you act like a bitch and you are so bitch made that you don't have a dick. You don't have anything down there where ya dick should be because you are a bitch. B.I.T.C.H" As you spelled out bitch and pointed to his face and pushed his chest with your pointer finger when you spelled out bitch. And boy oh boy did that piss him off beyond fucking repair. It happened so fucking fast that you didn't even see it coming. He stepped close to you and grabbed your throat and pushed you onto his desk, grabbed your throat to make you look at him and he looked deep into your eyes.
"You are such a fucking brat and I hate it. Like I said crybaby if you cant handle rejection and people talking crazy, then you need to pick a different profession. Stop doing that shit man. Fucking ridiculous. If you wanted to personally see my dick, then you could've just asked but no you have to go be a brat."
The whole time he was yelling at you, you couldn't help but think of all the nasty freak shit you wanted him to do to you. He just manhandled you in his office you're soaking wet like Niagra Falls. He leaned into your ear and said something that shook you to the core.
"Since you wanna know about my dick so bad princess, why don't I give it to you?" he said as he slightly bit the lobe of your ear and also dropped his voice deeper than normal. You don't know what came over you but you turned completely submissive. To let him have whatever he wants with you.
"Fuck. You can do what you want Katsuki. I don't care. you have permission to break me like an egg."
"Good girl" and he picked u up and pushed you onto the table. Spreading your legs so he had enough access to feel your core throbbing and being soaking wet for him. He kissed you passionately. His lips were soft and warm. His kiss was fierce with passion but gentle. He licked the bottom of your lip to gain access to your mouth. The make-out session became heated as he was grouping you and kissing dow your jawline and then moved to your neck.
"You so fucking sexy. You know that?" he whispered to me while he was starting to unbutton my shirt. The way my hero costume is you have to unbutton it from the front. We're working on a new costume anyway. He unbuttoned the top half of my uniform to reveal my bra that had the girls sitting up there like I had surgery.
"Fuck these titties are pretty. When was the last time you had someone suck on em?" he asked as he popped a pretty pierced brown nipple into his mouth. You moaned at the feeling because it had been a minute since you'd had a mans touch. Honestly, you hadn't had any action since you stopped dealing with Denki.
"Fuck.. I-shit.. it's been a minute. God that feels good." He took that as a cue to pop the other nipple in his mouth and kneed your tit like he was making biscuits. It felt so fucking good. Here you are, being submissive to Katsuki Bakugo, AKA, Dynamite because he was making you feel good as fuck and also about to possibly fuck you senseless into the new year.
"You got me all hard and shit. Look" He pulled back so you could see his hard-on through his sweats. And he looked fucking massive. "You did this shit and now you're gonna fix it. Get on your knees princess."
You did as told and got on your knees. He whipped his dick out and it was so impressive that it had you speechless. It was pretty. It was long and thick with a massive vein on the topside of the shaft. Very suckable. You immediately got to fucking work. You used two hands to hone into the dick and suck it like your life depended on it.
"Fuck... Like that princess. Spit on it baby" You spit on it. Made sure to go all the way up to his tip and suck antagonizing slowly. "If you keep that up im coming... Shit." with that he nutted in your mouth. You swallowed all of it like a good girl and decided to keep sucking after he came. You spit his cum back on his dick and slurped some more and made him come again. You didn't even need prepping with how big his dick was.
"Hurry up and fuck me please." you whined. Man oh man was he taking his sweet everlasting time with you. He grabbed you by your throat and provided a super sloppy kiss to you and then started to pull the pants down from your hero suit. Soon as he did, it was a large wet spot. Clearly you were soaked by being manhandled.
" Damn princess. You're soaked and I haven't fucked you yet" You let out a loud whine because you were tired of being teased. He teases you all fucking day for 7 months to be teased again while attempting to get fucked. He didn't even need to prep you because you sucking his dick and picturing his face while he put his hot cum down your throat was amazing. Made your pussy wet like fucking Niagra Falls. He turned you around so you were facing the back of his office with your ass facing him. He gave your ass a nice smack.
"Smack it again" He smacked it again and again. "Babe smack it again with your quirk activated" He looked at you with a mischievous grin. "You sure about that princess. Might be a little much for you to handle."
"Dammit I-" before you could even attempt to complain you heard little pops coming from his palm. Before you knew it, he activated his quirk and smacked your ass. "Fuck...do it again baby" He smacked your ass with his quirk activated a few more times before he stopped and placed a kiss to the red ass cheek. He finally put the tip to your entrance. You started throbbing before he could even do anything.
"look at you. being so fucking needy for me" he finally stuck the tip of the dick in and it felt fucking amazing. "Damn princess. Didn't realize you would be this tight" He bottomed out and started moving hella slow.
"katsuki.. please move" he let out a chuckle. "since you said please. your wish is my command." He started to really fuck you. And I mean fuck you! The man was rearranging guts that you didn't know you fucking had. You were rocking forwards so hard from him thrusting into you that you damn near knocked his computer over.
"Yes... Fuck..Ohh" you damn near screamed because he was fucking you so good. Fucking you better than Denki ever could. "Thats it. Right there."
"right here?" he asked as he sped up his pace and smacked your ass and activated his quirk. "you nasty slut. you like taking this big dick huh?"
you could barely talk and managed to squeak out a "yes daddy" as he fucked you into oblivion.
"this is for calling me a cunt when they first partnered us together." smack to the ass. Every time he smacked your ass he knew you like when he activated his quirk. "This is for talking about my dick" smack. "this is for letting the sled monster go" smack. This next smack was lethal and had you on the brink of coming everywhere. "this is for almost getting yourself killed earlier today and being a brat about it."
"ohh shit, I'm sorry! fff-fuck you feel so damn good baby" you cried out. "its to much baby...I can't" you wailed out. It hurt but it felt so fucking good. He was putting you on cloud 9 and scrambling your eggs to oblivion.
"take it baby" was all he said before he out one leg on the desk and started to really plow into your pussy. "fuck.. Im coming, im coming, im coming!" you cried out.
"Do it. Come all over my fingers princess. Make a mess for me." with that you had the biggest orgasm of your life! "pull out and cum on my ass daddy!" he pulled out and came all over your plumb brown ass cheeks. Best dick of your life! You also didn't fake it. You let him hit and he gave you a fucking orgasm that has you on cloud 9. Both of you breathing heavily you took the opportunity to look at him.
"You are so fucking fine but such an ass. I can't believe you got good dick and you just scrambled my eggs like that" you laughed. He laughed too and just smirked. "I fucked the great Dynamite, AKA Katsuki Bakugo."
"well if you like it.. how about we do it more? I'll pick you up this weekend and we can go out so you can get some more. If you act like a brat you wont get shit."
You pondered about it for a second. "What if I want to act like a brat? Will my punishment be you fucking me to the oblivion again?"
"Only one way to find out princess," he smirked at you. "Be ready because when I come get you we going to eat."
"Fine" you planted a small kiss on his lips and sat on the desk while he went back to doing what the fuck he was doing on the computer.
@fantasydaydreamers @dabisqueen This is the second oneshot I wrote. I hope you enjoy. Wanted to tag yall that's all lol
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televisionlassie · 8 months ago
The reason I find Jason to be boring is because people are so scared to hold him accountable. You can’t claim to like anti-hero’s or claim that Jason is an anti-hero if you’re going to excuse everything that makes him an ANTI-hero.
There is no doubt in my mind that I would like him a whole lot more if people accepted him as a character that does bad things. I understand he has trauma and his own reasons but trauma is only an explanation, not an excuse. While I like consuming content of the batfamily being a family, when it’s not based in pretty much an entirely different universe it doesn’t make any sense.
Pretty much all of the batfamily (except Bruce because he’s can actually be pretty awful to Jason) has reasons to hate or be mad at Jason.
Jason went out in a Nightwing outfit and killed people to try and ruin Dick’s image, and all the shit he’s done to Dicks other siblings. You really think Dick would just be cool with the fact that Jason beat one of his little brothers and shot another one?
Cass has a moral code probably stricter than Batman, she would HATE Jason for killing. And again same thing with the siblings.
Tim I just don’t understand why he would ever forgive Jason. Jason beat the absolute shit out of him, plus you gotta admit that guy is too much of a cocky bitch to ever just forgive and forget
Unfortunately I can’t say much about Steph as I can’t think of a single time where they actually interacted in canon. But I don’t think she would be too fond of the guy who beat up her best friend and shot Damian.
Duke I think has had one personal interaction with Jason and while it wasn’t too friendly I don’t think he would hold that big of a grudge.
Damian I think would be more understanding but it’s hard to forget how he was shot by Jason and had to have his SPINE replaced because of Jason.
I’m not trying to hate on Jason, he honestly makes me sad because he is filled with wasted potential. It’s not even that they never make him do bad things, it’s that there’s never any lasting consequences.
Many times when I see people who hate on Jason they bring in the death penalty argument, which as much as I hate and believe is stupid, still has some tiny bit of validity. The reason it sucks is because the world of DC comics is not even remotely similar to our real life. Criminals in real life don’t have plant powers or convoluted plans to distribute their weird ass poisonous gas. If they did, they wouldn’t even spend a night in jail because they would be shot on the spot. If Jason did just kill these types of criminals, then he would not be considered an anti-hero, just a hero. But that’s the thing, Jason doesn’t just kill the Joker, or the Riddler or any of the Rogues, he kills the type of criminals we would see in our real lives. THAT is where the validity lies in that argument, it’s not just that Jason is killing supervillains but that he is killing the type of people that we are fighting against the death penalty for. Obviously this argument means nothing to you if you are pro-death penalty but I just wanted to explain.
Jason would be so interesting if he was treated like the character he is supposed to be. A young traumatized person who does bad things for the right reasons but still has to face the consequences.
And if people really want to give him a character arc where he eventually stops killing, it shouldn’t just be he gets tried of killing or tired of arguing with Bruce, but that he sees how his way of crime-fighting can do more harm than good.
It’s just so frustrating to see how people just act accept anti-heros for what they are. It like people are so scared of making or admitting a character to be immoral, that they just erase the consequences of their bad actions to make it excusable.
Anyways, thank you for coming to my rant, Jason Todd fans this wasn’t me hating on your babygirl, I’m trying to help you.
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gigi-the-writer · 8 months ago
Ooo can I make a request? Ik there’s the whole hero x villain trope but I raise you: villain x Just Some Dude.
The vibe no matter which character is very much “we have GOT to stop meeting like this”. Imagine you’re just trying to work as an Uber driver part time and you pick up Demencia only to end up in a high speed chase (a little like that scene in Deadpool where all this shit is going on and the poor driver is just like “yea aight this is normal”.) She’s arguing with Flug in the backseat bc the Hatship needs repairs and god this is the worst Home Depot trip ever-
Or she frequents your family’s restaurant so often you know her order by heart, always having it ready for pickup. Studying for exams when you get a phone call asking if you can pick her up from jail “because the nerd said I had to stay and learn a lesson”. She’s the type that just drops into your dorm window the night before a big exam like “you should just ditch lol come play mailbox baseball with me”
On the other hand, Flug with a civilian s/o is simultaneously relaxing and worrisome to him. Like yes he can get an escape from the stress of work and all, but if you’re seen with him it’s dangerous. But you’re so sweet to his son, maybe you’re a teacher or daycare worker or really just anyone who works with kids, and a major sweetheart. Or you run a bakery or diner he loves going to (my moms hometown has an airplane themed one that serves the absolute best breakfasts so def got some inspiration there lol)
Often finds himself sneaking out to see you on down days, but unlike Demencia he tries to keep you his little secret. Will help you with your lab report if you ask.
There’s just…so many options for civilian s/o, and they can be fluffy or angsty. That’s the beauty of it. I’d love to hear your interpretations/headcanons!
Flug and Demencia x a civilian reader
Yes, I agree that Flug finds it both relaxing and worrisome. Though it’d be easier to hide his relationship from BlackHat, if you live on the island it’d be harder since BlackHat has eyes everywhere in that place.
If you live somewhere like Atreno, he’ll visit, but only when he’s on missions, or on breaks (when he saves up enough). I doubt BlackHat would let him leave the island to take a few days off even if he did save up enough for that much time.
He does often bring 5.0.5 with him because there’s no way he’s leaving him alone with either BlackHat or Demencia. 5.0.5 feels..safer with you honestly.
Flug may hide the fact that he’s a villain from you, depending on how you are around the news concerning villains and heroes. He just wants to play it safe.
She’s actually less into something like that than you may think. She fell for BlackHat because of his evil and twisted nature, so I can’t see her really falling for some random civilian unless it’s a rare case of ‘genuinely likes them because of how they act towards HER’.
Demencia kind of knows BlackHat doesn’t love her, but she makes it seem like she can change that. She doesn’t get much understanding and comfort when she has any outbursts or powerful emotions. She doesn’t understand them but uses her fists to cope when ‘needed’. Having someone there for her telling her ‘it’s okay to cry’ and ‘it’s okay to be angry’ and such makes her view that person in a much more appreciated manner.
Both of them having a taste of someone/something peaceful outside of the chaos and havoc that is their daily lives is good for them. They desperately need it.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 6 months ago
I had an idea that maybe almost every trio in one way or another belongs to a certain type.
For example, Star Sanses are heroes, but let's ignore the fact that Ink is not really a hero without emotional colors. But despite this, all three have a lot of positive things, and there is hardly anything bad about them. (And also because Fresh is watching them, lol)
Epic Sanses are more likely antiheroes for the most part. Because everyone has something but from the negative traits, like Delta, has more murderous intentions towards those who somehow harm others. Epic and Color deal with mass murderers, which is not the best thing about heroes, despite their re-education and their attempts, and Color also has some problems with sociality.
on the other hand, there is a Murder Time Trio, who, if made independent of Nightmare, as villains, they fit (but the big villains are the alliance of Error and Nightmare)
and only Cross remains, who, in my opinion, is an anti-villain, despite everything he has done, there is something positive in him.
of course, there are many conventions here, but I think it fits everyone described, and what do you think about this?
Im a little stupid and never heard the word sociality before so I had to google around a bit lmao.
And yeah I guess this could make sense. Ink is definitely a morally grey character, although they can’t be a “hero” without their colors simply cause it’d make em into an unmoving husk, I’m pretty sure. And if I remember correctly, while in that state, others could finds ways to take control of ink—meaning his body can be used against him for things he doesn’t want or agree with.
But yeah it’s to my understanding that ink has their motivations for a lot of things they do involving aus and creators. they arguably do good things by protecting aus and encouraging/supporting creators to create.
but it can also be argued that they’re doing it for selfish reasons because they need that stuff to survive, or it can be brought up how ink views people as characters in a story (and potentially doesn’t view himself as one though? ive heard around that ink views himself as different from other characters even though he isn’t), and doesn’t interfere with creator’s scripts and stories. regardless of whatever the story contains.
I suppose it’s just a matter of “if this person does good things, does the reason why they do good things matter?”
But yeah I agree with this mostly. I had to look up the definition of an anti-villain but it seemed to fit with cross. (Im not a cross expert 😔)
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cascade05 · 2 years ago
Guys Deserve Flowers Too
Saw this post and it got me thinking…
Imagine see a handful of flowers that remind you of Katsuki. Imagine what they are but I was thinking of, well, Imma just collage it cause I don’t know how familiar with flowers y’all are…
On second thought, the picture is giant so I’ll put it…. so where else, maybe…
Anyway, you see these flowers and the kinda look like explosions and the flower lady tells you they (Dahlias) are stubborn flowers and they’re tough to kill so it literally is Bakugo Katsuki/Pro Hero Dynamight and now you HAVE to get them. So you do and you get a few others you think will look good.
Carnations last a long time when they’re cut, not withering as fast as other flowers.
Lantanas are cute little bundles of petals and the orange and red ones are so purty…
Course, you want some green in the bright conglomeration of bursting colors so you go with some leather leaf fern cause they’re big and refreshing.
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You leave the shop with two bags of flowers and you’re beaming about them. The excitement kinda plateaus when you get home and realize you don’t have a vase big enough. You’re shocked by that fact because Katsuki’s bough GIANT bouquets for you before. You look everywhere and cannot find a vase.
Then you see one of the decorative jar things—ya know what I mean, right? It was black clay and you never understood why people would get something like that and just eat it sit unused. It just collected dust on a shelf full of other things that collected dust so it’s existence was an annoyance to you but Mitsuki bought it as a housewarming gift so…
Anyway, you used that. It was about time it pulled its own weight anyway, even if your husband would think you’re an idiot for using a decorative like that as a vase. You would argue that vases were a type of decorative and they were meant to be used but that didn’t matter.
What matters is you and the amazing bouquet just finished. Yaaasss! It’s beautiful, no doubt, because it made with l o v e. A fact you will rub in your snooty husband’s gorgeous face if he dares to make fun of you because that’s who we are, right?! Right.
He comes come and you greet him from her spot on the couch. He kisses your head as he walks by, mumbling a greeting of his own before he hops in the shower. You continue reading or doing whatever it is you like to do.
At some point in life, he notices the giant bouquet on the kitchen island and he stops. He didn’t buy those. The man narrows his eyes in thought, mentally going through all the important dates before deciding it wasn’t an important day today. Unless something happened that he didn’t know about. The man decided to probe.
“You got flowers,” he grumbled stupidly.
“Uh-huh,” you hummed absentmindedly, not giving him anything.
“Look nice.”
You looked at his back, giggling silently to yourself before looking blankly at your book when he turned around. You could see the confused look on his face out of the corner of you eye and it took everything you had not to burst into laughter.
“You get ‘em from that shop by the bakery?”
“No. They’re from a new place that opened up—by where the farmers market is. It’s a cute little shop.”
He stares silently at you before looking back at the flowers then back at you. You could hear the frustration on his face. He would cave in eventually. Bakugo Katsuki hated admitting he didn’t know something important and if he forgot an important date then it was worse. He wouldn’t ask, but, well, he couldn’t think of a single special occasion that happened today. So, he had to ask.
“Any reason for ‘em?”
You hummed softly, kicking your foot up and down before turning a page. You weren’t really reading but, well…“For you.”
Did he really forget something? But you didn’t usually buy him flowers except on his birthday and, even then, it was always simple and never this large. “Why?” he asked.
“Cause I kinda like you, that’s why.”
He made a face and you laughed at it, getting up from the couch to cup his pouty cheeks. He gently grabbed your hips, tugging you a little close as you look up at him with a soft smile. “They reminded me of you, that’s all,” you say, smiling growing when his ears turn a soft pink.
He doesn’t understand that sort of thing—how flowers could remind you of him. You know he doesn’t, so you explain it. As you speak, your hands move and your arms end up resting on his shoulders as you fiddle with your fingers behind his head. You feel like a schoolgirl with a big fat crush when he wraps his arms around you and gently sways, his red eyes lighting up the more you talk. It embarrassing and you feel like you’re on fire, but you wouldn’t mind burning if it was for him. Not like he’d let you burn. It makes you nervous and shy but you explain it anyway because he’s worth being shy for.
You tell him how stubborn he is and how resilient. How determined and strong he is.
You tell him how his touch lingers on your mind endlessly, how you live for the way you can feel him—can see him in the world around you even when he’s not there.
He snorts softly when you tell him how beautiful he is—how pretty his eyes are—and you puff out your cheek in response, pouting at his lack of faith. You ask him if he doesn’t trust you or if he never looks in the mirror and he mumbles that he trusts you more than anyone else in the world. So you tell him again, that he’s the most gorgeous person you’ve ever met. That the small moments you share with him make you fell close to bursting because you love him so much and you know he loves you too.
You tell him you love how he fits against you—how you fit against him. How safe you feel in his large arms and how protected you feel just by seeing him. You tell him that, after a long day, all you need is one hug and you feel so refreshed and loved.
It mushy and soft and lovey-dovey but you tell him all that anyway. You’re too embarrassed to look at him and he must share the same sentiment cause he buries his face in the crook of your neck, planting a few small kisses by your shoulder. You shyly press your face into your other shoulder, biting your bottom lip as your cheeks burn.
“Do you like them?” you whisper softly, gently fiddling with his hair.
He doesn’t respond, not for awhile. He seeks refuge in your arms—in the safety of your love and you let him. You’re more than happy to. Eventually he mumbles against you. You can’t hear him. You don’t really need to. You know what he said—what he meant. It makes you smile, makes you press his head further into you as you wrap an arm around his shoulder and hug him close. It’s the same feeling driving Katsuki to press his palm against your back and press you even further into himself. His other hand fiddles with your belt loop while he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“You’re an idiot,” he finally says and you snort.
“Whatever, dummy.”
“I should be buying you flowers, dumbass” he mumbles.
You know how grateful he is and you know that he treasures everything you said. You know he only said what he did because he thinks he has to work to deserve you and you know that, even if you told him no. It was you who was undeserving, he would never believe you.
He appreciates your words, you know he does, but he’s an actions kind of man and everything will always mean more to him if he sees your love. You know he sees it which is why he’s so shy all of a sudden. You’re feeling a bit coy yourself and bite your bottom lip, puffing out your cheeks as you do and you can feel the tips of your ears tingling.
“Yeah, well, guys deserve flowers too,” you breathe, “idiot.”
He snorts softly, kicking your shin lightly. “Idiot,” he parrots and you burry your smile in his hair.
It wasn’t until later in the week when Bakugo noticed the black paint on the substitute vase was running off due to the water and, well, you both had a great time trying to find that exact clay decorative in the store. It was a bonding experience, you told him. He called you an idiot but that was no surprise.
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tokiro07 · 2 years ago
In a recent interview, Eiichiro Oda said that he probably won't do any more manga after One Piece (or at least nothing huge) because the world he constructed for One Piece inadvertently allowed him to explore pretty much every type of story he wanted to: Mock Town was a Western, Egghead is both a sci-fi and a murder mystery, Thriller Bark was a horror, etc. He never did it, but Oda probably could have found a way to work in a high school drama or romantic comedy if he'd really wanted to. I would argue that's how the Hungry Days promotion came about, he probably wanted to see it explored at least a little bit but couldn't quite find a good excuse for it
Undead Unluck, as I think at least one of us has mentioned before, is very similar: it can be whatever it wants to be whenever it wants to be. A sci-fi horror against the emotion-eating aliens on the space station, a zombie apocalypse Western against Spoil, a wuxia against Feng, competitive gaming against Spring, sports against Void, and now of course the high school AU centered around Chikara; Undead Unluck can do it all! If we end up going into Lucy's mind and it becomes a swords and sorcery fantasy with Lucy captive in a castle by a dragonified Ruin, would any of you really be surprised? Would any of you even complain? I wouldn't, and in fact I hope it happens now. That'd be such a funny way to get both Ruin and Lucy back into the main story
I don't know if I've ever really talked about it before, but there are certain niches that Jump manga fill. I don't mean in the sense of genre like sports or gag manga, I mean more thematically. When My Hero Academia started, the consensus was that it was the "new Naruto," with its plucky underdog protagonist competing with a cruel and prodigious rival and a society that discredits him for the circumstances of his birth. Black Clover draws inspiration from a ton of big name manga, but Bleach is probably the one that it best resembles in the structure of its world (the Clover Kingdom resembles Soul Society, the Magic Knight squads resemble the Thirteen Court Squads, and the Grimoires are basically simplified Zanpakutou)
Over the years, I've seen many things take major inspiration from Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball, etc., but shockingly, there was a long stretch where I never saw anything try to emulate One Piece, at least not in a way that was particularly obvious. The closest was Toriko, creating wild and imaginative animals, plants, etc. the same way that One Piece creates its islands, but nothing had a cast that felt reminiscent to me
Interestingly, the first one that I noticed that felt like what I was looking for was Dr. Stone, and that only sunk in for me when Senku had his group build a boat and put up a sail with their own unique symbol. I realized in that moment that where Toriko had covered the spirit of adventure that One Piece had, Dr. Stone covered the spirit of friendship and togetherness: every time a dilemma came up, the solution was almost always finding a new ally and awakening their talents, applying them in a way that they'd never thought to before, or reconciling with an old enemy for the sake of progress. "My friends are here to do the things I can't, and I'm here to do what they can't." This is one of the core tenets of One Piece, and while it took me a while to notice, it was equally a part of Dr. Stone's core as well
Undead Unluck does something pretty similar, though not as overtly, since the cast don't really have neat roles like "navigator" or "doctor" or "chef;" instead, everyone has their areas of expertise that can be used in multiple situations, so the individuals best suited for each situation are carefully selected, and if none are available, the hunt begins for someone who is. I think this didn't sink in because it didn't become nearly as prevalent until after the timeloop, but in retrospect, the first half of the story was like the pre-timeskip Straw Hats', unprepared and unable to reach the world's ceiling when finally faced with it, only to come back stronger and wiser in their journey to come back together
Coupled with its ability to be (Chucky voice) genre-fluid, Undead Unluck has unexpectedly become in my opinion a more than worthy successor to One Piece's particular niche in Jump. I've had this thought for a while now, but I think that Undead Unluck might actually be a good glimpse into what One Piece would have been like if Oda had been able to stick to his original five-year plan. It isn't able to take nearly as much time to flesh out its world, but its streamlined approach elegantly allows us to get to know enough about the cast to be invested while still allowing attentive viewers to pick up on fine details. Where One Piece ballooned to be a 30-year venture because Oda kept having more ideas he wanted to share and angles he wanted to analyze, Undead Unluck seems to have a stronger clarity to its vision and commitment to ensuring that vision is realized ASAP without sacrificing any of the essentials. Neither approach is wrong, it's just good to see that there is in fact a world that exists where One Piece would have been able to be just as solidly executed even without entertaining every whim and flight of fancy that its author could dream of
Of course, One Piece is still going, and likely will be when Undead Unluck naturally concludes, so calling UU its successor is definitely a bit of an overstatement, but my main point is that I'm glad that we're starting to see authors who aren't afraid of sharing One Piece's niche, and more importantly are doing it in a way that's fairly subtle, but identifiable. It's an extremely comforting sign for the rapidly approaching post-One Piece world, and I can't wait to see what fills the coming power vacuum
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somecallmejohn · 6 months ago
Random thoughts on Wish
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Since I generally make lots of posts about Wish, either because of something I thought or cause of an ask, I thought I’d share some random thoughts that I’ve either shared before or that I don’t feel like they deserve their own posts
It’s the first animated movie in a long time whose Greek dub I really liked just as much as the original one. Maybe it’s that I’m older or whatever, but most modern Greek dubs don’t seem to have the quality they once had where the voices just matched the characters and sometime around 2017 and onward I just stopped watching movies in Greek unless I was at the cinema and they stopped showing the subtitled version. Granted Disney movies were usually the only ones with a decent dub and some really good ones like in Luca, Moana and Coco, but still they weren’t the same as the dubs for older movies like Hercules, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Aladdin and Mulan whose dubs are so good that I can’t watch them in their original dub and with Wish I often switch from one dub to another. I’d also argue that the Greek version of “This is the thanks I get” is better (sorry Chris Pine)
Speaking of songs, I actually really like the songs in the movie(except for “You’re a star”, I don’t like that one). Granted this movie’s soundtrack isn’t one of the best ones like Encanto’s, Frozen 2’s or Hunchback’s (or literally any from the renaissance movies), but I still like it fine. This wish, this wish(reprise), Knowing What I Know Now and At All Costs are songs I like to relisten to even when I’m not watching the movie
I forking hate Valentino, he’s like if they took Olaf from Frozen 2 and multiplied him 10 times and combined them into one character and he makes way too many butt and fart jokes than there need to be in a Disney movie. If I were to ever do my own rewrite I’d delete him completely.
Id like to remind to the people who prolly weren’t paying attention to the movie (you know who you are) that Asha suggested Magnifico to return the wishes he wasn’t going to grant, she never suggested him to grant them all, she just wanted people to have a chance to make their own dreams come true and not live without the most important part of themselves, because again wishes aren’t just some piece of clothing that you can give away and never miss (despite what she said earlier in the movie because she didn’t know how big their importance was and she just lived believing the partial truth Magnifico gave to the world) but they’re literally part of one’s soul and yes they did give the wishes willingly but under the promise that they would be granted but even if there wasn’t any promise Magnifico withholding the most important part of each citizen of Rosas like he’s some hoarder doesn’t make it any more ethical either and him being (implied) traumatized still doesn’t make what he did right, especially the things he did after he for his ego bruised by a 17 year old. Also before any of his defenders reblog to argue, why don’t you tell me first about how Ariel was a selfish brat who should have paid the consequences of the deal she made and that Ursula was the real hero of The Little Mermaid because she was so kind as to give Ariel a chance to be human.
I’m 70% certain that if the movie was about 20-30 minutes longer, it would have been better as one of the issues I personally saw is that things were happening too fast and plot points felt rushed.
The 7 teens should have had more screen time considering how much they were marketed as well.
I’m fine with the fact that Amaya didn’t end up as a villain, I really like her as she is in the movie.
I think Asha and Starboy work better as a Peter Pan and Wendy type of duo rather than a (movie)Howl and Sophie where there’s an implied romance, but ultimately they’re not meant to end up together but still work great as a duo,
I lowkey wonder why Asha and the teens hang out with Gabo, he doesn’t seem like a fun person to be around with his constant pessimism tbh
I genuinely believe that despite its flaws, it’s not a bad movie
I also believe that in like a decade and a bit, that it’s gonna be looked at more fondly like Treasure Planet, Atlantis and Black Cauldron are
Bazeema and Hal’s designs are so pretty it’s a shame they didn’t have more screentime
Those are enough for now, of if I think of more I might do another one.
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peopleiveghosted · 2 years ago
anti-hero is not "overrated" it's actually just that good, an essay of sorts
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so. earlier today, i was talking to myself (as you do), and while pacing my sister's living room floor, my imaginary conversation partner had some Bad Opinions about taylor swift's "anti-hero". and i was so mad at myself for not being able to immediately put to words why this song deserves all its hype, is a lyrical masterpiece, and means a lot to me, that i immediately sat down and almost gave myself carpal tunnel while typing out this line-by-line analysis of its lyrics. nothing i say could ever be as eloquent or well-put as the lyrics themselves, but nevertheless, in case anyone needs to be validated in how much they love this song, or doesn't understand why this song is such a hit with so many people, here it is. here goes.
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
bam. open with an absolute BANGER of a line. this line does one of the things that taylor does best, which is flipping a well-used and overly trite phrase on its head. how many times have i heard the phrase "older and wiser"? and how many times have people told me that those who are older don't actually have their lives together, don't actually know what they're doing any more than i do, and that they're just as lost no matter how much more "life experience" they have? this line also sets up the theme of feeling like you'll never learn, and continuing down a road to ruin because you don't know how to do anything else, which becomes very prevalent throughout the song
Midnights become my afternoons
line 2 continues along the same vein of flipping things on their head. older doesn't equal wiser, midnights are actually afternoons. the theme of the album comes in (things that keep her up at night). in plain words: she's wide awake at midnight
When my depression works the graveyard shift / All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
okay i really didn't want to say "cmon. it's self-explanatory." but CMON. IT'S SELF-EXPLANATORY. that's a fucking GENIUS LINE must i REALLY explain it? if i MUST, it's following the last line (about how she's wide awake in the middle of the night) to say that her depression is what's keeping her up, and when her depression keeps her up, the people she's "ghosted" (if you're not a native english speaker/are unfamiliar with the colloquial definition of this word, it means to avoid/ignore someone, often with no explanation. not replying to texts, ignoring them on social media, not answering their calls, blocking them, etc.) are like actual ghosts, haunting her, standing there and watching her with accusatory gazes in the middle of the night. aka she cant sleep because she's thinking about all the people she's hurt or cut off in the past.
I should not be left to my own devices / They come with prices and vices / I end up in crisis (Tale as old as time)
okay. quadruple rhyme? all right, taylor, i see you. spitting fire. continuing the story from the first verse, she's by herself (left to her own devices) and going down a late-night spiral, and when she's left to her own thoughts bad things happen. and i'd argue the second part of the line (they come with prices and vices) is ambiguous in who she hurts. the last part (I end up in crisis) implies she's the one hurting herself when she's left to her own thoughts, but "prices and vices" doesn't say who's paying the price (her or the people around her?) and when someone gives into their vices, they often hurt their loved ones too. this line is mainly about self-destructive tendencies, late-night spiraling, bad thoughts, the consequences of bad thoughts, but i'd also say that combined with the fact that it immediately follows "all of the people i've ghosted" this line is also about how she's self-aware of all the people she's hurt. and that's the source of her "crisis" (though, of course, it could be a nod to 'existential crisis' which has become a phrase that's well known amongst our generation). "Tale as old as time" --- she's not special. everyone has experienced this. but also, she's done this so many times, but she never learns (gotten older, but not wiser)
I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day, I'll watch as you're leaving / 'Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time)
ANOTHER QUADRUPLE RHYME. here enters the elusive "you" she's addressing. they seem to be a partner, or at least someone very close to her. the idea of taylor "scheming" or being a mastermind/manipulator is one that's existed in media and is acknowledged/addressed throughout this album, but even within the context of just this song, it nods to the fact that she likes to overthink, is anxious and overplans, stays up all night. she's obsessive, and she thinks she'll end up alone because of it (meeeeeeeeeeeeee)
It's me, hi / I'm the problem, it's me
memeable. catchy. a very simple line, but that's what makes it such a gut-punch. the epitome of what someone who literally can't sleep at night because of things they've done or at least think they've done says to themselves
At teatime, everybody agrees
she's imagining everyone she knows over afternoon tea talking about how she's the problem and how they hate her. i have also done this. i think most people who are anxious, especially socially anxious, have wondered if everyone actually secretly hates them, and are just too polite to say so to their face.
I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror
another "c'mon it's self-explanatory" line. my jaw literally dropped when i first heard this line. she'd rather blind herself, hurt herself by staring directly at the sun, than face her own reflection. she can't bear to look at herself. self-loathing at its peak
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
this can very easily be read as taylor talking to her fans: it must be so hard being my fan, when i'm the "anti-hero" aka someone who lacks all the traditionally heroic attributes. but in other words, outside the specific context of taylor and her fandom, this line can read as "i'm the opposite of everything people like or want to champion. it must be so much work, loving someone like me."
Sometimes, I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
"sexy baby" is meant to be an oxymoron here. she thinks everyone but her has found out how to be both "sexy" (mature, attractive, confident) and a "baby" (innocent, young, blameless). knowing taylor, it's likely specifically a nod to the stereotypically (but not necessarily exclusively!) female experience of having to be both sexy but not too sexy as to be a slut. you have to have it, but not flaunt it. you have to be physically mature (have that hourglass figure, tits and ass, etc., and be aware enough of it to know how to look good but not TOO good) but mentally pure (like a child, untouched by the world, not jaded, still full of wonder despite everything). i've heard people say this line makes them feel uncomfortable, because the idea of "sexy babies" is weird and off-putting to them, but that's kind of the point. it's an uncomfortable idea because it shouldn't exist and mixes two concepts (sexiness and babies) that people don't often put together, thereby showing how society puts an impossible, unnatural, and perverse double standard on people (particularly women).
And I'm a monster on the hill / Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city
she thinks she's the opposite of the idealized "sexy baby" expectation that, in this moment, she imagines everyone else has managed to achieve. she's just this big monster. "too big" to me clearly speaks to body image issues. and it might be easy to be like "it's taylor swift, what does she know about body image issues?" but that's like. kinda part of why this line hits? even taylor swift has these problems. and the image of something large and unsightly and inelegant, moving in such a way that's more like "lurching" and coming to destroy everything you love…and the fact that that's how she sees herself, at least in this moment? more self-loathing, obviously. that's the theme of the song
Pierced through the heart, but never killed
continuing the monster metaphor. she's the monster, so people attack her, and it hurts. it pierces her straight in the heart. but it never kills her. and in the movies, in this story, people always want the monster to die. the monster is the antagonist. so not only does she have to live through and suffer this pain, this pain that pierces her straight through the heart, she thinks no one wants her to live, that no one's on her side, that no one's cheering for her. she's attacked over and over, but she always gets back up, and that's a bad thing, because she's the monster. her efforts to keep going is to the detriment to everyone/everything around her, she's a blight just for existing.
Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism / Like some kind of congressman? (Tale as old as time)
triple rhyme! sorry for constantly pointing the obvious out, but it amazes me that not only does she manage to eloquently state these complex ideas in very few words, but she manages to rhyme at the same time. i'm so bad at rhyming, so this just blows my mind, even if here the last one is more of a slant rhyme. it's still close enough to work and be satisfying. the opening words are "did you hear" which again, refers to how she's imagining what everyone must be saying about her. and the covert narcissism that's actually altruism? like…i have this exact fear. "am i really altruistic/a good person? or am i only pretending to be a good person because i'm a narcissist who wants praise and attention, only doing it because it looks good to other people rather than out of any innate goodness (like a congressman just trying to win an election)?"
I wake up screaming from dreaming / One day, I'll watch as you're leaving / And life will lose all its meaning (For the last time)
she has a fear of losing that important person and having nothing left. and this time, she won't survive it. following the second verse, to me it also means that she won't get back up this time, it's the end of the line, the monster will finally be slain (and isn't that what everyone wants anyway?)
CHORUS 2 (repeat)
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money She thinks I left them in the will The family gathers 'round and reads it and then someone screams out "She's laughing up at us from Hell"
okay this part actually took me quite awhile to figure out. but once i got it, it absolutely destroyed me.
i (me, the person writing this analysis) have these things i call "fear fantasies." basically, if you think of a nightmare (a bad dream you have while sleeping) and a daydream (a happy thing you imagine while ur awake), then a "fear fantasy" is a nightmare/daydream where you're awake, but your mind just spirals into this nightmare of an overly-specific, self-punishing, weirdly gleefully masochistic imagining where something terrible happens to you or someone around you. i feel like a lot of people with anxiety will know exactly what i'm talking about. but if you're lucky enough to not count as one of those people, just know this: some people spin stories of worst-case scenarios in their head that are highly specific, highly unlikely, and very terrible for no decipherable reason other than perhaps self-torture and an inexplicable craving for suffering and self-punishment. it's irrational, hard to explain, and mostly, not under our control. it just happens.
that's what she's describing here, though she does describe it as a "dream" instead of a "daydream" so it's not an exact match with my "fear fantasies". basically, she has this dream, and it's a dream where she hypothesizes about something terrible happening. it's overly-dramatized, probably unrealistic, definitely a case of catastrophizing. in fact, in the music video, she plays it for laughs, like she's making fun of her own imagination. but in actuality, when she's imagining it in the middle of the night, or dreaming, it probably feels very real.
and what is that worst-case scenario?
the worst-case scenario isn't even that her family hates her so much they kill her because all they really want is her money. it's the idea that that's all that will be left of her legacy, which she didn't even bequeath to anyone, because she lived knowing she was unloved and hated. "what if, after everything i've achieved, it all amounts to nothing because i have no one to share it with? and what if that was my fault? what if, at the end of it all, i have nothing left in me but my spite, so i die hated by everybody while hoarding my money?" it's not just "what if i had a daughter-in-law that hated me" it's "i put no one in my will out of spite, because i hated them too, i was the problem, and maybe even, i deserved to be killed for being so horrible and petty, and so, my death is not a cause for grief, and my only revenge is their outrage." it's "my existence is one that's so loveless that all i can breed is hatred, amongst those closest to me and within myself." it's "i'm so profoundly lonely, and i can't think of a reason for why i'm so alone except that something must be very wrong with me, but i don't know what it is or if it's even possible to fix it, so i'm just going to lie here and imagine what the end of such an existence would look like: ugly, nothing but petty drama, inconsequential, ultimately forgettable, and full of hate, just like the rest of me."
and then the song begins to wind down with the breakdown of "it's me, hi, i'm the problem it's me" repeated over and over until she hisses "everybody agrees, everybody agrees" just to drive home that idea of literally everyone hating her, including herself.
and finally, the chorus one more time. ending with "it must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero" aka, as i said, "it must be so hard, to love me" (which is why no one does, not even myself)
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theantleredfool · 1 year ago
I can’t believe that I wasted an entire class period typing this out, but hells, it’s a hyper-fixation now.
Anyway, here’s part 1:
I think both Jokerbat and Superbat are cute, however, Jokerbat makes more sense logistically, only because they are villain and hero in that classic ship. Superbat makes less logical sense, but they do make a good team when they need to work together.
(I can't believe I'm actually about to make a whole ass essay about this rn)
So, in order to actually talk about this, We gotta break down the potential categories they could fall under. Starting with Jokerbat, it can fall under a few different, and commonly seen, tropes:
Hero/villain, a tale as old as time and a long beloved trope to many.
Enemies to lovers, ah the long argued and debated trope that is either loved or hated with no in between.
Forbidden love, seen in many forms of media, most commonly romance novels.
Now, getting into the break down of Jokerbat.
As much as I love and support the ship, I feel like it runs into a few problems.
The relationship is built off of the fact that Joker is Batman’s villain, and that they’re a duo that’s been together for years. Although it is a relationship, it’s not necessarily one that can build a romantic bond mostly because it’s been a fight between the two since the beginning of any Batman media. The lego Batman movie seem to be trying to imply that joker really wants to be more than just a villain to Batman, seen as the entire movie it jam packed with innuendo and hints at an intimate—in one way or another—connection between the two. However, that doesn’t necessarily make it a healthy relationship. One thing is for certain: Joker’s romantic, or non romantic feelings towards Batman are very one sided, and are not entirely reciprocated on Batman’s part. The only time Batman has ever really acknowledged any type of relationship that is more than a hero/villain one is in the lego Batman movie when everything is going to hell and back. During that scene, Batman confesses to Joker—or “J-bird” as he so lovingly put it— that he also has feelings for him and begs for his help, essentially saving their relationship by saving the city. The two have to reconnect in order to save Gotham in an oddly cute scene where it looks as if the two are about to kiss, but that’s disregarding why Joker was planning to destroy Gotham in the first place. Joker wanted to prove he was truly Batman’s greatest enemy.
Their relationship is not built off of trust, but the fact that they are made to be enemies. A romantic relationship could be formed, but it would not be healthy. They’ve been fighting for years, so who’s to say that if they did form any form of romantic bond that it wouldn’t just crumble and break under the pressure of a long upheld villain/hero relationship?
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hvwks · 1 year ago
like i understand that a lot of people really think that mha is going to end with izuku having his quirks taken away completely and that by the completion of the story, he's going to be quirkless again, but i just don't... agree. or at the very least, i'll be really disappointed if that's the case. now hear me out! [cut for spoilers]
i understand that with danger sense taken, it's being speculated that each of izuku's quirks will be stripped away one by one. it makes sense from a predictive perspective--as in, it makes sense if you're solely looking at the deku vs shigaraki fight from a purely action-based standpoint. but narrative-wise? i just don't understand what having izuku becoming quirkless again would achieve for the story.
mha, as a narrative, is focused around themes of what it means to 'save' others, whether certain people who commit acts of evil are worth redeeming or not, and a slightly on-the-nose discussion about the commodification of good deeds (IE: pro-heroes who pursue the career for the fame and the glory of it, saturating the market with people who lack the 'true' spirit of what it means to be a hero.)
we see a lot of this in bakugou's characterization, for example.
we see him go from selfish and destructive to becoming cooperative and a strong team-player. he goes from being the kind of kid who wants to be a hero for the title of being 'the best' to being an aspiring hero who understands that working for the greater good requires sacrifices.
i also think with bakugou in mind, if we even look at the dynamic between him and izuku (whether you want to take it as romantic or platonic idk i'm not the boss of u) we see that he feels guilty for treating him poorly. while he did bully izuku for being quirkless, it was the fact that izuku was always trying to help him that pissed bakugo off even more. their relationship developed for the positive not because bakugou magically decided that quirkless individuals are on the same level as him (NOT to say he still holds discriminatory feelings towards quirkless people still) but because he sees that izuku is powerful now, almost more powerful than him, and the fact that he's being driven to become better and better to help people now that he has one for all show's bakugou that he still has a lot to learn about what it means to be a hero.
it's hard to articulate the exact nuance i am trying to clarify, but... basically, it's not that izuku's quirklessness is a major thematic element for the character arcs that occur throughout the show. the story isn't about how a quirkless teenager can become a hero. it's a story about how a quirkless teenager inherited the strongest quirk in the world and how he takes it and uses it to save the world.
the relevance of izuku's quirklessness mainly comes up when discussing whether he's suitable for OFA or not. the only other times it comes up is when he's reflecting on how he managed to stumble his way into being an OFA holder.
however, we don't really get any dialogue on how even the quirkless can become heroes without having a quirk or acquiring one by other means. even if izuku was to lose all his quirks, what is that intended to symbolize? izuku leaving the war a winner is one thing, but him being quirkless while holding that win doesn't add depth to the victory. all it does is reduce izuku's entire character development throughout the entirety of the series to him being nothing but a vessel for OFA and the key to victory, nothing more and nothing less.
that feels like shoddy storytelling to me and would be a huge L for izuku who, for the most part, has shown so much growth and maturity over time through the series. giving him a quirk when he wsa at his most hopeless, allowing him to win, then taking it away feels both cruel and counterintuitive.
while some people may argue that it's just another take on the "doomed from the start" type of narrative, i just think that this kind of move is... almost a cop-out. i feel like the story would be so much more impactful if izuku came out of this fight victorious with at least the core of OFA still intact (do we remember how the vestiges refused to be taken? both canonically during the paranormal liberation war arc AND in the movie where he attempted to transfer OFA to bakugou? i like to think that at the very least, the core power of OFA without the ability to pass itself on via Yoichi) would be a great way to show how the obsession with quirks and strengths is detrimental to hero society.
if he also completes his objective of saving shigaraki over killing him (which i really hope for!!!) then we now have the perfect way to tie up the narrative of MHA, where we see the question of "can everyone be saved?" get answered while also exposing the cracks in hero society. it would be the perfect jumping point for hero society as a whole to break down and rebuild into something better than what it was before.
i think those are important themes that would just lose its impact if izuku was made permanently quirkless all over again. after all, izuku midoriya shouldn't have to just be the vessel, he should get to come out of this war as the very EMBODIMENT of what OFA stands for.
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bobbydagen24 · 9 months ago
when you think about it Magnifico is Basically two Different characters in the first and second half's of the film.
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like at the start of the movie he's shown as someone who sure thinks Highly of himself but also still recognises and appreciates others like his wife.
who he Remarks he's lucky to have and when talking to Asha he of course opens up about his past of his old home being invaded and his family being murdered.
and how he swore to protect his new home no matter what which establishes him as a kinda well intentioned villain who genuinely believes what he's doing is for the betterment of everyone.
( and you could argue it kinda is since not everyone is going to have good posotive intentions with their wishes )
which is further stated in the song "" at all costs "" where he's alongside Asha literally singing about how he will protect his new home at all costs.
so while he may not necessarily be 100 percent Right he's the kinda antagonist we the audience can see his side of things and sympathise with him a bit
since its very easy to understand given his Traumatic past why he'd be afraid of even 1 evil intentioned wish causing his kingdom to collapse and him to lose everything and everyone he cares about yet again.
sure he shows a flash of vain anger when Asha questions him but to be clear I'm not saying the version of him in the first half is actually some perfect hero or anything
what I'm saying is he was an interesting antagonist but not a straight up pure evil villain.
I feel the problem is the move doesn't acknowledge the fact that the thing with the wishes is complex and both sides have a point instead it Treats it as if Magnifico is 100 percent wrong
and then has him turn into a moustache Twirling Villain in the second half in order to make Asha seem more Valid and
while it seemingly tries to use the thing with the magic book having a corrupting influence to explain his character change.
I'd argue that's just kinda lazy story telling if a villain is gonna escalate and become more evil over the course of the film just have it be natural as a result of the plot points in the story
don't make it due to some corrupting evil crap unless your going for a more tragic fallen hero type villain who started out with good intentions but lost themselves to a point of no return
but again that clearly isn't how they wanted us to think of Magnifico since his fate is Treated as Deserved and comedic not Tragic and somber.
ideally I think the ending would be some sorta compromise where both sides admit the other had a point and had good intentions and they both want what's best for the people.
Magnifico at the end of the day wanted to keep his Rule sure but he also wanted to prevent the destruction and loss of another home he built.
that isn't really an evil thing just because he has this view that he needs to be in charge in order for them all to be safe that's just him being a bit of a control freak
but for understandable reasons given the Trauma he went through and the lack of control he likely experienced in it.
so that's a very Human character flaw Magnifico could learn from in the end seeing someone else's point of view and realising he doesn't need to be in complete control in order to keep them all safe
and Asha can learn people are more complex than she thought and Magnifico isn't the pure evil Dictator she Built up in her head
and that not everyone in the city are pure hearted and would have good intentions for their wishes but again she and Magnifico can work together to make the system work a little better for the people of Rosas.
in short the Magnifico in the first half is complex sympathetic and interesting and not even a straight up villain but an antagonist to Asha.
but the Magnifico in the second half is narcissistic cruel sadistic and power Hungry just for the sake of it really.
by themselves these two characters are pretty good I'd say I have nothing against pure evil villains when done well they can be just as great as sympathetic villains in my opinion.
but the writers needed to choose one and stick with it and also write their movie around it as like I said if we stuck with the more complex Magnifico of the first half.
then the movie needed a story and an ending that acknowledged his point of view and didn't just slap a pure evil label on him and stick him in a Dungeon.
also Chris Pine Deserved Better he clearly gave this Role his all.
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