#in any case. sorry for having not been around all that much. those of you who have been patient with me i greatly appreciate it!
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I do have thoughts on how the situation between Mu and Haruka is being discussed.
I believe it's a bit disingenuous to behave as though Mu didn't know Haruka was getting worse and I just want to lay out why it is I feel that way. To be frank it simply doesn't align with anything we heard from Mu in her second voice drama or the things she was displayed as saying and doing within the Portal Timeline. As I am a petty individual I would say it's a stretch of canon to say she did anything other than what she said she'd do.
Which was nothing but support Haruka in his choice as his friend,
Mu Queen B 13:16
"Isn't it exactly because he's my friend? isn't friendship about letting your friends do the stuff they want?"
Though let's go a bit further back for a second how do we know that Mu was aware Haruka was planning to do something that would end his life? Well because she told us and she told us a good while ago in fact,
Mu Queen B 12:36s,
"Ah, but if you don't forgive me Haruka-kun will die. So, I think it'd be best not to do that." ...! [bell tolls] So you've heard about that nonsense too? "Mhm. Haruka-kun told me."
Literally her saying that last thing should be the nail in the coffin for presenting this situation as something Mu wasn't aware of. Because she was told by Haruka himself that if she was voted Guilty he would do lethal harm to himself. This is the first reason why I believe anyone behaving as though there is any chance Mu did not know Haruka planned to do this is either acting dishonestly or simply has not been paying attention.
Well, Gunsli maybe she knew he planned to harm himself but she didn't know how he was going to do it. Haruka didn't even know himself yet he was still trying to figure it out. That's fair. However, Mu still could have told the other prisoners that Haruka planned to do harm to himself just to be safe if she didn't want him to do that or just told him she didn't want him to do that. I guess that's neither here or there though.
Let's just keep walking down this-
Wow; I literally can't even say this is a road, bridge or anything someone is meant to walk on... What the fuck is this? Alright. This imaginary pathway certain people insist on telling those around them really exists despite it not aligning with anything that has occurred thus far. Yeah, I'll believe for a second this is the case and Mu just didn't know even though Haruka told her he would end his life if she was guilty and she would be the first to know if she was guilty.
Not even touching on the landmine of how Haruka would find out she was guilty to begin with. It was possibly when they were restrained after the verdicts but he implies he knew earlier than that when they're talking in the timeline on his birthday in 2023.
Still forgetting all of that maybe Mu didn't know how Haruka would do it.
She still knew he had the intent to harm himself and what her verdict was to her own admission. Then did nothing to even try to dissuade him from harming himself over the course of the portal timeline,
Trial Three Website Voice Lines
2: "You said youâd forgive me. You told me that you would forgive me! Just changing what you think on a whim, you really are the worst." 4: "What are you going to do about this? Haruka-kun died. Hey, guard. You knew this would happen, right?""
"Ah, but if you don't forgive me Haruka-kun will die. So, I think it'd be best not to do that."
The first time she brought him food she even stated that he had to eat it properly meaning she recognized he was not eating and persisted in telling people she had it handled anyway and that he was fine,
23/06/22 (Harukaâs Birthday)
Mu: Haruka-kun, I brought your food. Are you still alive? Has any mould started growing? Haruka: âŠâŠah, thank you very much. Mu-san. Sorry, umâŠâŠ IâŠâŠ Mu: You shouldnât just lock yourself in your room all day. You have to eat your food properly. Hm, wellâŠâŠ I do understand why youâre feeling down. It feels bad. The atmosphere recently Haruka: Um, Iâm totally fineâŠâŠ Just a bit, Iâm thinking, about how to do it. What to do, what to do, toâŠâŠ fulfil my promise. For Mu-sanâs sakeâŠâŠ
So, even the fact that he was not eating properly was something she knew long before any of the other prisoners or even us as the audience knew.
Hell, in this timeline Haruka brings up that he's thinking about how to do it. How to end his own life to keep his promise to her and she says nothing to dissuade him from it. While knowing full and well what he's talking about because again she told us he told her.
"Mhm. Haruka-kun told me."
These are the facts from her own mouth.
This is the sequence of events. I do not believe this is a difficult set of circumstances to follow or look into but they are easy things for people to purposely misconstrue. In a way that I can only consider to be an attempt to make Mu sound more considerate than her actions and own words display her as being.
Hell I know for certain that some overzealous individual is going to get in their feelings and go,
"Well Jackalope said in the trial three commencement notice that Mu has trouble putting her emotions into words. He said 'She doesnât know where or what her feelings are. She just lacks the skills to put them into words, but a human such as she, is quite complicated.'. Maybe this means Mu really did care about Haruka and just didn't know the proper way to express that or how to handle the situation."
One I'm not arguing against that.
I am however arguing what does that have to do with Haruka dying and the words she did say throughout the entire time he was slowly wasting away in his cell from starvation? Like I don't care about how she's feeling about it now when all is said and done. Because while Haruka was starving himself she was having people praise her for bringing him food she knew he wasn't eating?
Because again the first time she brought the food to him she verbally noted he was not eating properly. So the timeline and again Mu's own statements portray that she was aware Haruka was not eating from the onset.
Yet, continued to tell people things such as,
"Iâve been bringing all his meals to him so he should be fine. Isnât that great of me?" - [Milgram Portal Timeline-23/07/05 (Muâs Birthday)] "Iâve been taking his food to him like this every day. Isnât that great of me?" - [Milgram Portal Timeline- 24/06/22 (Harukaâs Birthday)]
However a lot of people want to spin it as though Mu went through something just as tragic as what Yuno went through.
That she spent months trying to do right by someone and help them get better just to have them die.
It's a pretty easy story to want to spin for Mu's character. Especially when the parties telling it have a vested interest in ignoring certain information. Simply because they want to see the best in someone to validate themselves regardless of how that someone has consistently behaved.
Even her saying you have to eat has been twisted around to say she was telling him to eat so she was really trying to help him and tell him not to do this through saying that. This was her showing concern for Haruka. When what it is- Is definitive proof that while no one else knew Haruka wasn't eating until they found him starved to death or near starved to death Mu did know.
How could she not have known.
She was bringing him food everyday. She saw him every day. Starvation isn't something that can go unnoticed. People will literally lose weight. They will get thinner. There's no way to starve gracefully. Heck it's not even that difficult to tell when someone isn't eating their food.
Definitely not in Mu's case because again it is something she noted he was not doing on June 22, 2023,
"You have to eat your food properly."
Mu Kusunoki to Haruka Sakurai on June 22, 2023 far long before he starved to death.
Now logistically what could she have done? It's not like she could have forced him to eat. What could she have done outside of saying hey you should eat properly?
Well you see there's this thing called an intervention. There's this thing called telling people there's a problem. There's this thing called when multiple people give someone the opportunity to tell them that something is going wrong and another person needs help far beyond what they can provide doing that.
Something Mu was given chances to do but decided to instead assure people that Haruka was fine and she was taking him his food every day. Stating and implying to them that he's being taken care of and eating properly through her statements. Because she's showing them the food, the plates, and saying this is what she's doing.
Why would they not believe her?
Now there's discussions around the fact that anyone within Milgram could have taken some time to go into Haruka's cell and check on them their selves. However, that takes us back to Mu as well because Futa and Shidou asked Mu if Haruka was alright because she was going there every day and they may not have wanted to barge into Haruka's space. This is just a polite thing to do. Since Mu assured them that he was in fact fine and look he's eating see I just took him this then possibly showed them an eaten plate of food-
What the fuck were they supposed to do? Go,
"LIAR- He's starving himself in there isn't he?!"
Shove Mu to the ground barge into Haruka's room and go,
"Haruka we're here to save you this is an intervention. You will have three meals a day like the rest of us and water. Then we will walk daily and start you on communications counseling because this isn't healthy physically or mentally. Kajiyama grab his legs we're taking him to the dining hall."
And force fed him like Curly is Mouthwashing. No, that would be wild. Just believe her. The fuck why would they not believe her? Fuck I would have believed her too. Like okay I believe you that's your friend. The fuck you gotta lie for. If you say you're taking him food then I believe you and I have other things to do but if this continues I'll go in there to check myself eventually.
At the end of the day she knew Haruka wasn't eating she noted that. All to then not get anyone to intervene or help in any way. In fact she assured people time and time again even after Haruka was probably dead that he was fine.
23/07/05 (Muâs Birthday)
Futa: Oi, you. Is he ok? Heâs not even left his room lately. Mu: You mean Haruka-kun? Hmm. Yeah, probably. Iâve been bringing all his meals to him so he should be fine. Isnât that great of me? Futa: Hah? Who the hell says that sort of thing about themself. âŠâŠah, no, well, right now I understand a bit. When youâre feeling down, itâs nice to have someone who relies on you and accepts you. The rest of us canât really understand you from where weâre standing. But well, if youâre Harukaâs âsalvationâ then I guess it really is great. Mu: SalvationâŠâŠ? I donât know what you mean. Futa-kun, you donât sound like yourself. Did you hit your head or something? Oh, wait, you actually did, didnât you. Ahaha. Ah, putting that aside though, did you know itâs my birthday today?
24/06/22 (Harukaâs Birthday)
Shidou: âŠâŠIâm worried about Sakurai-kun. I havenât seen him around in a while. Youâve been talking with him, right? Mu: Heâs fine. Here, look. Iâve been taking his food to him like this every day. Isnât that great of me? Shidou: Yes, very. Iâm sorry Iâve been leaving it to you to look after him. Usually, that would be the job of us adults, and yet weâre leaving you with the burden. Mu: Donât worry about it. After all, me and Haruka-kun are friends.
Something that goes straight back to what Mu said she would do in regards to Haruka threatening his own life. Again it's not Mu's fault he's dead I don't consider suicide murder and neither does Milgram. Haruka choose to take himself out and that's a choice I've gotta respect. Nobody forced him to make that threat or follow through on it.
Yet no one stopped him either. Milgram, Es, the audience or Mu. None of those things stopped him from doing that or even attempted to.
Mu's defenders can't have their cake and eat it too. They can't say it's the audience fault for not voting Mu innocent and stopping Haruka because Mu didn't stop Haruka either.
Like Mu said,
Mu Queen B 13:05s
You know about it and you're not trying to stop him? Haruka, that is?
"Why would I?"
"Haruka-kun says that's what he wants, so there's nothing I can do, right?" But you're calling him your friend.
Yeah Mu, you're right. That's what Haruka wanted to attach his life to and die for. Nothing we could've done about it. Es didn't make him threaten himself. The audience didn't either. We should just respect the choices he made to get himself to that conclusion.
Heck at least he got to choose how he went out. That's more than Shidou and Mahiru got.
The last timeline we see with him even supports this,
24/04/19 (Futaâs Birthday)
Futa: ââHey, are you really ok with this? If you come with me, thereâs a chance you can be saved tooâŠâŠ Haruka. Haruka: YeahâŠâŠ Iâve made my mind up. I have, something, that I have to do. Futa: Ah, is that rightâŠâŠ Haruka, you know, youâre an idiot. Thereâs no wayâŠâŠ that will save youâŠâŠ Haruka: Yeah, thank you. Iâm glad you came to talk to me, Futa. Um, thank you, for being so kind. Really. But, Iâm sorry. This is all Iâm able to doâŠâŠ
All those times she brought food and she never offered him a way out of that promise. She never said this is how you can get out of this. This is how you can move forward with me too. You're life doesn't have to end here. No the person who did that? Who was it again?
Was it the person that brought meals there everyday. That people are trying to jump through hoops to say couldn't notice someone starving right in front of them. Even though that someone was a person she'd been attached to at the hip prior. She could notice when he wasn't making eye contact or distracted by something,
22/06/22 (Harukaâs Birthday)
Mu: Whatâs wrong, Haruka-kun? Did something happen? You shouldnât look away like that when youâre together with me. Haruka: Ah, s-sorry, Mu-san. UmâŠâŠ No, itâs nothing. I just, suddenly got a feeling. That something is about to happen. Mu: Isnât that because itâs your birthday? Or perhaps itâs a sign the guard is about to wake up again soon? Fufufu, I bet theyâll be really surprised at a lot of things. Haruka: That, might be true. But, I want the the guard to see. âŠâŠthe new, meâŠâŠ.
But not a change in his weight. She's not observant enough to recognize the signs of starvation. Even though she went there every day with food. Alright, sure I believe you.
You know I'm not even mad at Mu because Haruka is dead. I'm mad at Mu because Haruka died for someone who no matter how much I comb through the facts did not give one fuck about him. To the point that the last notable thing Haruka did was not thank Mu for being kind to him didn't even thank her for that once if we're being honest but someone else.
Who even while going through the shit he did and saying he didn't have the luxury to bother being concerned about him. Was the first to ask if he was okay. Was the first to check in with the person he saw as being closest to Haruka to just check if he was alright. Then when the situation persisted went in there himself to check on his own birthday.
Just to be meet with what exactly. I was curious about what Futa saw that made him seem so panicked. Curious about how Haruka had done it. But now we know he went in there and saw a shell of person thin, starved, on the brink of death. Probably not too different from how Mikoto's trial three art looks at this point.
And he pleaded with Haruka to just leave be saved some other way. Like damn sure Amane's religion makes him vegan but at least he's eating. It's something I really can't let go it's not murder of course. Mu didn't kill Haruka with her barehands she didn't even kill him at all. But it's just the idea of going to same place every day with the thing that could save someone's life and knowing they're not taking it. All while again and again assuring people it's fine I'm taking him the thing.
"Isnât that great of me?"
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sorry it's been quiet over here ; i'm honestly still very nervous about large, populated rpcs so sometimes being on this blog can get very overwhelming for me. i'll try to do more with striker since i really do enjoy writing him!
#i think part of it is i don't really know how to engage but i'm sort of kind of trying to figure things out.#i just usually psych myself up and say like 'i'm gonna send a meme today! whoever i see first!' and then spiral about it instead O_O.#in any case. sorry for having not been around all that much. those of you who have been patient with me i greatly appreciate it!#certified cowboy enjoyer. â ooc.#in the meantime you'll probably have a better time catching me on discord or my other blogs.#if you want the former i'm always open to sharing it with mutuals haha.
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AN ANGEL d.winchester

đđ WORD COUNT - 4.5K



đđ SUMMARY - You're nervous to lose your virginity, Dean shows you everything that you've been missing out on.
đđ WARNINGS - smut, dom!dean, sub!reader, nervous/shy!reader, unprotected sex, creampie, p!v, teasing, loss of virginity, fingering, hickeys (r.recieving), size kink, praise kink, dean is experienced, reader is inexperienced, (1) thigh slap, big dick!dean, boob fondling, boob sucking, reader is smaller than dean, illusions to past masturbation, reader blushes, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread đ©·

dean liked having you sat in his lap.
this wasn't the first time, your legs stretched around his waist while your hands scrunched idly at the black shirt he'd been wearing, your lips against his own. making out with you had to be possibly the best thing he'd ever done. it was like getting sent to heaven and back, between each breath he damned the gods that disallowed him to press his lips against yours for forever.
but you were new to all this.
he had to be gentle.
dean was the first real relationship you'd ever had. and if he was being honest, you were sort of the first real relationship he'd ever had too.
he used to hop from girl to girl, bed to bed and not think twice about it. you were the absolute opposite. you were the type of girl that didn't speak unless spoken to, you kept your head down and got through everything without so much as letting your imagination wander with what it would feel like to be with a man.
then you met him.
his hands were pinching at the fat of your thighs, he found it hard to keep his hands to himself when you were like this. between kisses, he could hear the shakiness in your breaths, it drove him unbelievably mad.
you felt almost sorry for dean, knowing it'd taken this long to get comfortable enough to even make out with the man. you knew his history and how he wouldn't go longer than a week without someone in his bed. now he'd went more than three months with you like this, aching for more.
and it wasn't like you didn't want more, believe me, you'd been aching just as horribly.
you were just... scared?
deans hands moved harshly against your skin, right hand coming down to gently slap your thigh before gripping it once again. the feeling prompted a low whimper to leave your lips.
dean almost groaned. he could get used to hearing noises like those.
when the man pulled away from your lips, heavy breaths still leaving his own, you swore you could have whimpered again just from the loss of contact.
he looked down at you, eyes all blown wide, lips slick and swollen, it was a sight he hoped was never erased from his memory. he wanted to remember this forever. "y'so needy." he had that cocky grin on his lips, cocking his head to the side as he viewed you as a whole, all his, right in his lap for the taking.
you felt your cheeks get hot at the sentence, eyes immediately darting anywhere other than his face. "don' be mean." was the mumble you let out, eyes adverting and voice lowering. you weren't able to talk to him, not when he got like this, all 'bigger' than you, it made you feel small, it made you feel wet.
"'m not, 'm not." he spoke with a low chuckle, one of his hands raising to meet your face, you felt the padding of his thumb wipe across your hot cheeks, he could tell you were nervous. then again, you were always so nervous. "i think it's cute."
again, your face got increasingly hotter but dean didn't leave you any room for words, dipping his head so his lips could meet your neck.
there was something so surreal about being like this, your hands gripping at his shirt, top lip clamped down on your bottom as he kissed against the skin of your neck.
again, this wasn't the first time he'd done something like this. makeouts and hickey-leaving was getting more and more natural in your relationship, common, even.
he'd come home from his hunts with sam and all he'd want was you either below or on top of him, his lips against anything they could reach.
you felt his lips part, sucking against your neck as one hand ran up your back, the other cupping the back of your hair. once he sucked, his tongue would smooth over the skin, pleasure to ease the pain. and he'd go again, gradually moving to different places on your neck. marking you.
your own lips were strewn shut, you were hoping and praying on every star that you didn't let a noise slip from you. you were too nervous, too embarrassed but the whole point of this was to feel good, wasn't it? so why did you feel so embarrassed to show him how good it felt?
your eyes fluttered shut, the feeling suddenly overwhelming.
you didn't register the move of your hips until his lips left your neck and his hands clamped down on your waist, low grunt leaving his mouth.
you stared at him with those big eyes and he swore he was gone. "y'can't do that, sweetheart." despite his words, his tone was gentle. "can't start something if you don't want to finish it."
he knew how inexperienced you were, he thought you wanted to hold off on losing your virginity which is why he'd never made such a move but by the way you were looking at him now, he swore you wanted nothing more than for him to take you.
and he'd gladly do so upon your command.
"i do..." you uttered. ".. want to." the words made your insides twinge, made your nose scrunch and your lips purse.
you were too nervous, shaking like a leaf on top of him. even so, with so much anxiety bottled into a human, dean made no movements of caution.
you sort of liked that dean wasn't as awkward or nervous as you were. dean was confident, that much was for sure. but being so confident also gave him this openness, seeping comfort into your veins as his large, warm hands trailed up and down your thighs.
"yeah?" his voice was breathy and his smile had left his features. he didn't need to be so teasing now, he knew you would simply burst of shyness. and he didn't want you in a position of uncertainty. "what d'you want?"
he wasn't trying to tease you, though he knew his fingers that began to dance against your skin were doing nothing to calm your nerves.
he just needed to hear you say it.
you planted your face into his chest with an incoherent mumble, cheeks alight as flames.
dean could have laughed at you but he didn't want you thinking you'd done something wrong. on the contrary, he found it downright adorable how shy you'd been getting. but you couldn't help it, this was such an unfamiliar feeling bubbling in your stomach.
"can't hear you, sweetheart." his head came down to sit atop yours, his voice a gentle whisper. "i need you to tell me what you want, okay?" his free hand tipped your chin upwards to look at him, those pretty green eyes held so much sincerity. "use your words f'me, baby."
words felt stuck in your throat, you couldn't seem to get them out. but dean didn't want to let this get away from him, he steadied your chin between his fingers.
"i want..." your voice was all breathy, all needy. it had dean reeling. "i want you to touch me."
and as the words passed your lips, you swear all the air was knocked from your lungs. listening to yourself talk had made your head feel fuzzy. before dean, you couldn't have even imagined such words leaving your lips.
dean was struggling to compose himself but nonetheless, he did. his lips quirked into this proud yet sly smirk as his fingers ran up and down your thighs. "where, angel? here?" he practically mocked, fingers against your knee.
at this point, dean had never seen an angel, he didn't believe in them. but he was sure that if angels did exist, you had to be one of them.
you could have corrected him verbally, told him to stop teasing or even scolded him for mocking you while you were all worked up like this. but instead, you chose to grasp his bigger hand in your own and trail it towards your core.
as your hand cupped his own, he could feel them shake, he almost cooed at you but he didn't want to make you more nervous than you already were.
but when his hand finally reached your clothed core, he couldn't help but let out a groan.
it didn't take longer than a second for dean to have you flipped over with your back against the mattress of the bed. a noise left your lips as he towered over you, that infamous smirk etched to his lips.
but a type of seriousness washed over him. "are you sure you want this?"
you knew he wasn't asking you to tease you or make you wait, he was being sincere and you couldn't have been more sincere back by bucking your hips with a low whine of the word, "yes." quickly followed by a "please."
"so needy." he mumbled back, lips moving to your neck while his fingers fumbled at the cotton material of your baby blue sleep shorts. he hooked his fingers around the waistband and tore it off skilfully.
he supposed his experience was paying off.
you didn't have any time to counter what he'd said, too focused on the feeling building in your stomach. much of it was worry, anxiety even but the majority of it was this foreign, amazing feeling.
"fuck." his ring clad fingers circled against your panties. you were suddenly hyper aware of how worked up you'd gotten while making out with him, a blush creeping in on your face as you turned away from him.
dean all but tutted, dragging your face back.
"don't get shy on me now, sweetheart. This wet for me, the least you can do is look at me." he had that empowering stare that told you he was in charge here, it had you shrinking further into the mattress.
but dean wasn't demanding, sure he was dominating but he didn't make you uncomfortable. truthfully, you'd been rather scared of getting this far with anybody but you were sure that if there was anybody you wanted it to be with, it was him.
his hands toyed at waistbands of your panties. "this okay?" his eyes were glued to your face, trying to watch every way your face contorted, making sure you were okay.
believe it or not, there was a lot one could tell from just looking at someone.
you nodded your head briskly, darkened and bitten lips parted slightly, covered in the slick left behind from your tongue. your cheeks had turned a darkened colour too, blush spreading across your face.
there was something so surreal about looking at you like this, knowing nobody else ever had. he pulled the panties down your legs, watching you steadily with his own lips parting open. his eyes moved from yours to trail down your body, landing on your sopping core. he couldn't help but breathe in a breath.
"you're so pretty, angel." he moved his hand upwards again, closed fingers gently toying with your clit, which earned a soft gasp from you. his lips quirked as he brought his hand away, using the other to slip off his ring. he took your wrist, holding it up gently. "take care of this for me, yeah?" you nodded as he slipped the ring onto your thumb, seeing as your other fingers wouldn't fit it. "good girl." he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
he was suddenly hyper aware of the fact that you were a virgin.
now, dean wasn't necessarily put off by the fact that you were a virgin. dean couldn't have cared less what you were. but he needed to make sure he was gentle, more so than any other time.
because he was the first, the one you'd remember forever.
though, he intended to be your very last, too.
his fingers trailed across your pretty tank top, down to your hips and finally edging between your legs. he peppered kisses against your face and down across your jaw, finally landing on your neck, fingers pushing your legs apart with ease.
as shy as you were, you didn't hide from him, you allowed him to part your legs, his hand was against your inner thigh, softly soothing up and down against your skin.
but he had to make sure, before he touched you. "sure this is okay? not having second thoughts?"
of course dean wanted to but he only wanted to if you wanted to. but you nodded anyway, swallowing though your mouth was dry anyway. "'m just nervous." you admitted softly.
it was no secret to dean that you were a nervous creature already. he knew this was all new to you but he didn't want you to feel shy around him. "you don't need to be." he pressed a kiss against the supple of your cheek, hand moving further as you let out a shaky breath. "not with me." as the whisper left his mouth, his hand came up to touch your hot core.
the noise that left your mouth should have embarrassed you but right now, you couldn't think of anything other than the feeling of his hand right where you needed him.
he collected your wetness onto his fingers, spreading it up and down your folds, two fingers parting from the rest as he gently eased them into your hole.
heavy breaths suddenly left you, chest rising and falling while dean's face was practically hidden in your neck, peppering kisses, sucking and licking against the soft skin while his fingers settled inside of you.
he gave you hardly any time to adjust to the feeling, pulling them out and then thrusting them right back into you. "you're so warm, sweetheart." he mumbled in slight awe. suddenly, the image took over his mind, the image of him inside of you. he couldn't seem to wipe it away.
he knew that giving yourself to him even just like this was a lot for you, he didn't want to push you any further than he already had tonight.
however, the image still tainted his memory.
as the speed of his fingers increased, so did the volume of your noises.
a sticky, wet sound bounced from wall to wall, causing your cheeks to warm incredibly further. you flushed, your own hand coming up to cover your mouth, suddenly aware of how loud you'd been.
a coo left his lips, free hand coming to drag your wrist away from your mouth. "wanna hear every noise you can make, angel."
and his words alone made you whimper.
the palm of his hand bounced against your clit with every thrust of his hand, emitting these noises from you that you'd never been able to draw from yourself.
"y'sound so pretty, you know that, baby?" you made a noise to show you were listening, though all it told dean was that you felt good. "look so pretty too. so beautiful. all mine."
dean couldn't keep his hands to himself.
his free hand dragged against your skin, pushing at it as if trying to get closer to you in any way possible.
against his fingers formed a creamy ring. he looked down at his digits sliding in and out of you, wetness surrounding you both, keeping you together by a wet string.
he let his thoughts wander.
as evil as it was, he simply couldn't think of anything else, he imagined it was his dick sliding in and out of your hot, wet hole, the noises you'd make would be so much louder, you'd be so much fuller.
then he was suddenly aware of your experience once again.
you were tight, incredibly tight which only made him scissor his fingers. if you were going to take his dick, he needed to stretch you out first.
"dean!" you spluttered out as he scissored his fingers inside of you. "c-cant."
your hips bucked backwards, as if you were trying to tell yourself to stop, but it felt too good to stop.
and dean knew your body well, more than you knew it apparently for he only tutted, holding your wrist in his free hand. "you can take it baby, there you go." and he must have known what was happening because your insides were turning to mush.
you'd orgasmed by yourself before but this? this was true bliss.
he held your waist down to the mattress as your body squirmed, head falling back into the pillows as his name fell on your lips, moans and whines blissfully leaving your slick lips.
"good girl." he mumbled, pressing kisses anywhere his lips could reach. "you're so good, there you go. atta girl."
his words of praise fell on your lips, only making you squirm impossibly more. but nonetheless, he kept up his pace, fingers moving to help you ride out your high.
dean swore he'd never seen something so beautiful.
he watched in awe, staring at the way your face scrunched up, pretty lips parted and your eyes screwed closed, though he could only imagine you were seeing stars behind your lids, not that he was being cocky or anything.
the sight was pure bliss, angelic, even.
he swore he'd been to heaven and back, just watching your face contort.
and he'd watch it forever, if he could.
he was suddenly aware of how tight his jeans felt.
"i need to fuck you." he was mumbling with a slight neediness in his tone, kissing up and down your throat, his hand only coming to a halt when your own practically pushed it away, the overstimulation becoming too much. "can i?" a beat passed. "please?"
his face rose to meet yours and you stared at him, all blissed out. you swore that his fingers were the most skilled, pleasurable feeling you'd ever felt, much better than to how it felt when you'd done it by yourself. your lips were glossed over, heavy pants leaving your chest. huge eyes and flushed cheeks.
almost a whine of the phrase, "uh-huh." passed your lips.
and it was enough for him.
his lips crashed into your own, kissing you ever so softly, though there was passion hidden somewhere between your heavy breaths.
needy hands pawed at the end of his black shirt, his own hands reached down to cup yours, helping you tear it off of his body. his amulet dangled downwards, just below your face and he was suddenly very aware of the fact that your top was still on. he supposed he'd been too focused on making you feel good to realise.
his hands reached the end of your own top, helping you push it over your head.
no words left his lips but they parted, tongue passing over the bottom one as he stared.
your pink bra was so pretty on you he almost had to think to decide whether or not he wanted to keep it on. but he decided with the latter, hands unhooking your bra skillfully, as if he'd done it a thousand times before.
he hardly got to see your boobs, for his hands cupped them as soon as they were let out of the bra. he cursed out a grunt under his breath, one hand leaving your breast so his mouth could replace it.
against the mattress, your back arched, stomach against his own while you bit back the pretty whimpers which he yearned to hear. his mouth worked against you, rolling his tongue back and forth, practically flicking your nipple in his mouth making you unable to contain the sounds you so desperately tried to keep back.
"dâdean!" you spluttered, eyes fluttering shut. his own eyes looked up at you, watching your face contort once again.
he had to have you.
as his face left your chest, a string of spit connected your boobs to his lips.
he wiped it away, though nothing could wipe away that smut smirk he held. nonetheless, he helped himself to shimmying out of his jeans, taking his boxers off with it.
it wasn't until he took everything off that reality set in. you stared, eyes blown wide, he was, well... big. and it was sort of hard not to get nervous, even with the fact that his fingers had just been stuffed inside of you, you weren't so sure it was going to fit.
"you okay?" he leaned down, towering over you. he realised your eyes hadn't moved from his dick, pulling your chin up with his two fingers. "are you sure you want this?"
you nodded your head, thoughts a mere muddle of clouds. "i just... 'm nervous." you admitted, feeling your stomach fill with this fuzzy feeling that you only got when you talked to dean.
"you don't have to be nervous, sweetheart, not with me, okay?" the palm of his hand rested on your face. "do you want this?"
"yes." you answered without a beat.
"promise?" you could have melted right then and there. dean winchester was of many things but above all, he was gentle.
"promise." you mumbled, finding yourself relaxing just at the mere sound of his voice. his hand trailed up to find your own, fingers interlocking yours. his free hand moved down to his dick, pressing it in his hand.
you watched with curiosity yet also nervousness. you'd never seen this done in real life, so the shyness was creeping in as you watched him move his hand up and down his shaft, dragging it towards your wet hole. instantly, a sound left your lips, blush instantly creeping in as your eyes snapped up to him. he only smiled gently at you, finding your shyness rather adorable.
the head of his dick slowly pushed inside of you and that alone had you feeling awfully stretched. he wasn't just long, he was thick too meaning he stretched you out completely. "okay?" you nodded at the sound of his question, the feeling of his lips on your cheek moments after. "'s gonna hurt a little, alright?"
you nodded your head, eyes shutting closed as you braced yourself.
you weren't an idiot either, you knew first times were supposed to hurt but luckily for you, you had dean right there, holding one of your hands tight in his own, soft whispers and kisses against your skin.
what more could you really ask for.
he slowly eased himself inside of you, worried he was hurting you. then again, there wasn't really any other way to get inside without hurting you. he watched as your face contorted, a gentle whimper leaving your lips but he knew it wasn't one of pleasure, more of pain, actually.
he mumbled gentle apologies and left a trail of them in kisses from your neck to your cheeks.
finally, he was in completely and he couldn't help the string of curses that he mumbled under his breath.
dean stayed as still as he could. worry set in, he didn't want to hurt you, not when you'd been so nervous in the first place. he'd been with many girls but you were a tight fit around him, swallowing his dick whole. he couldn't help but almost coo at the way your hole clenched around him.
he felt your hips shift, and he knew you were ready. "can iâfuck, sweetheart, can i move?"
again, you nodded with a subtle whine that told him in other words, yes, he absolutely could move. and that was exactly what he did.
he slowly pulled his dick out from inside you then suddenly slammed his hips back in, his dick hitting the spot deep inside your walls. instantly, he was met with a mewl.
"shit." he uttered, wanting to draw as many sounds like that out of you as he could. his two hands now rested on yours tightening his grip as he placed them over your head so he could gain better access. "oh, fuck, sweetheart, you're so fucking pretty."
it seemed as though dean had the mouth similar to a sailor when put in a position like this.
but he couldn't help it, you were staring at him with those doe eyes, pretty noises falling from you. his hips moved with ease, slamming in and out of you, it didn't take him long to pick up the pace either.
your legs lifted to surround his waist, moans leaving the two of you as his hips slammed inside of you.
"shit, you're so good for me." he was a mumbling mess, he meant every word of what he said, though he wasn't too sure what was leaving his lips as of now. "oh, my sweet girl, thaaat's it."
he tipped his head forward, connecting his forehead to your own. your whimpers and whines were swallowed by a kiss, gentle yet so full of neediness, it was exactly what you wanted.
"feels..." you mumbled once your lips had parted, though you were sort of dazed, not all the way there. "feels so good."
"good girl, 's it, take it all." you felt his hand suddenly trail down, fingers soft against your clit while his dick still hot between your gummy walls. "'s okay, you're okay."
you shook your head, swallowing thickly as your hips bucked. "'sâ's too much!" you panted out, moans leaving you as if you couldn't keep them inside.
"you can take it, baby, know you can." but he could tell by the way your face twisted again, you were close.
and so was he.
"you gonna let go f'me? huh?"
at this point, your eyes had fluttered shut and you lips were parted as you nodded, brows strewn together. "gonna... 'm gonna cum, dean."
"that's my girl." he answered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "cum all over my dick f'me, sweetheart."
you supposed you were more obedient than you thought.
dean watched as you squirmed and moaned, eyes screwed shut as you finally let go around him. he could feel your gummy walls squeezing him tighter, a ring of slick had formed at the base of his dick. the mere sight, his dick still stuffed inside your cunt and you, cumming all over him.
well, it was enough to have any man weak.
which was why he'd finished so quickly, too.
after all, he'd been holding on since you were sat on his lap.
and that one feeling, cumming in your wet, hot walls and watching you with that pretty, stricken and worn out face as you came on him too... he swore he had really been to heaven and back.
when you both rode out your highs, he laid himself on the bed next to you, watching as you reached your hand up, playing with his silver ring that sat on your thumb.
he swore he was staring at an angel.

main masterlist/dean's masterlist
#dean winchester#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester one shot#dean winchester imagine#dean winchester x y/n#dean winchester x reader fluff#dean winchester x reader smut#dean winchester drabble#dean winchester x reader angst#dean winchester x reader comfort#dean winchester fluff#dean winchester angst#dean winchester smut#dean winchester comfort#supernatural#supernatural x reader#supernatural x y/n#supernatural drabble#sleepyangelkami
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Yandere Boarding school thoughts... (Gender Neutral)
18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Multiple yanderes, non-con touching, dub-con, perverted thoughts, obsession, bullying, masturbation, aphrodisiacs, general perversion, dry-humping, voyeurism, controlling behaviors, typical yandere stuff, breeding, drug usage, horny posting.
(AN: I have rizz-en from my grave to be horny once more. All of these guys are avaliable for requests, but will be listed under the materlist simply as Yan!Boarding School.)
Background: Thinking about a Headmasters child!Reader at a private boarding school. For a Fem!Reader, perhaps you're just visiting daddy for the season while he's running the school, or maybe you've been bad, and need more supervision. For a Masc!Reader, it could be the same case, however, with Blackmoore Academy being an all male school, this opens up the availability for reader to be attending.
Student scenarios and profiles:
â Harrison Spence, star member of the swim steam, basketball player, and golden boy. Despite jock stereotypes, he's respectful and mature. He always looks out for others, and this lends to why your father suggests rooming with him. Plus... if anything were to happen, your father wouldn't hate to have him as a son in law. He's SOOO friendly when he meets you. Those big strong arms are perfectly suited to lug your bags upstairs to his room. Want help putting stuff away, sure! For a Fem!Reader, he's not suprised how awkward he is when he's unzipping your suitcase, only to be met with some thin lacy garments. He just coughs and backs off. For a Masc!Reader, he wears boxers too! So why does he still feel so hot. He should open a window.
He'll make sure you fit in around campus, mostly steering you in the direction of the athletics department. He'd love to see you at some of his games, cheering him on. You seem so nice, he could really seem himself with you long term, the more he thinks about crushing on you. Besides, you already share a living space. He feels awful about how his body reacts anytime you're too close. You left a jacket behind that smells just like you? He tries not to think about the consequences of fisting his cock into it. Late night out at one of his games? Who cares if you share a dorm and your bed is literally six feet away, it's too far of a walk. Slide into his bed, he's a gentleman. At least until he wakes up the next morning, mind foggy as he instinctively moves his cock up over the waist band, putting a leaky tip against your ass as he resists the urge to press his head into your neck, opting for a pillow instead. He's so, so sorry, but he's gott a deal with it, and you just feel so good. He rationalizes it by saying he's not just some horned up guy, no. You're his roommate, HIS. And what would the Headmasters think! No, he wants a future with you, romance, not just a warm hole to rut...
"Hey, roomie! Listen, practice is running kinda late tonight, so I'm gonna grab food on the way back. Why don't you text me your order, I can bring it back. We can make a whole thing out of it, no need to pay me back! I'm thinking burgers?"
â Carter Matthews, student body president, scholar, and in every AP class possible. Even some dumb ones. He doesn't pay much mind to you, you ate very attractive but so is he. If he felt the need for a relationship, he could get whomever he wanted. But he hates... hates how you make the other students, even some of the faculty act. He can't help but follow you around, making sure you obey curfew, and don't get into any trouble. He likes to keep order around here, and it bothers him to have to ignore his student body presidential duties to make sure some delinquent isn't trying to slip you a spiked drink, or some jock has you under the bleachers trying to get your mouth wrapped around their tips.
Eventually, he decides you could be helpful instead of a hinderance. He's busy, may need a form of stress relief, and given babysitting you when Harrison isn't around is one of the main sources of that stress, why shouldn't you help him out. Besides, you look so cute flustered. Maybe it starts small, he tells you your uniform bottoms aren't regulation, and while he tugs them down to 'fix' them, his hands wander a bit too much, grazing the soft skin of your ass. During random room inspections, he may let his hatred of the sports program taking up all the funding by mentioning how obvious it is your roommate wants to stick it in you. Harrison can't stand him, not trusting the cold creepy gaze of the prefect. He'll force you to come to student council meetings, under the guise of assisting him with preparing for a faculty dinner to appease your father, only to get you under his desk while he writes, trying to guide you with one stern hand. He doesn't like to go too deep, not one to enjoy gagging or unnecessary sound that would distract him from working.
"Keep it down." He scolds, cold eyes peering down through blonde bangs. With a sigh, his free hand strokes your cheek. "Just suckle, alright? There'll be plenty of time after I'm done for you to make sweet noises around my cock..."
â Evan Reed, CAPTAIN of the swim team, and student assistant PE coach. He's used to play basketball alongside Harrison, but got kicked out for being too violent. Shoving, pushing, and going as far as knocking teeth out. He's a fucking animal. He's handsome, of not a bit of a loner. He isn't popular or unpopular, people tend to leave him alone because of that bad boy attitude and his temper, but he's always welcome to party with the jocks, welcomed into parties and known as a keg-stand king. And boy do you catch his eyes, giving that your always hanging off Harrison, or being trailed by Carter. He's more than happy to accompany you to the pool or help you out in gym class, but it's obvious what he wants. He'll get up behind you in the pool, still smelling of cigarettes as he asks mundane questions while trying to pull your swimsuit to the side and get his hands on that sweet spot between your thighs. Or maybe he'll sit on the edge of the pool, congratulate you on how good your doing, legs spread as he pulls you between them, hoping you'll end up accidentally eyeing his cock. If you are a Masc!Reader, then there's definitely some internalized homophbia. He'll make sure you know these are just normal friend activities, even when he's got you bent over in the boys locker room, ass up. He doesn't EVER plan to be the one on the bottom.
He's a player, chasing tail outside of the school, hitting on peers sisters and mom's alike. But now, he plans to keep you around, not because he necessarily feels like he wants a romantic relationship with you, but because he loooooves how pissed it makes Harrison. He never liked the goody two-shoes, and half suspects he's one of the people who pushed to get him kicked out of basketball. He likes to pick on people, but Harrison sees himself as a knight in shining armor. So it gives Evan a major power boner to make you grind up against him on the dancefloor at some preppy party, while Harrison just has to stand by and not crush his beer can. Evan knows harrison will never, ever do anything to ruin your good guy image of him. Ever.
He's pissed, punching a locker as he let's out a growl. 4-0, what the fuck is wrong with his team? How could they get fucked over so bad after weeks of missing parties for shitty practices. Luckily for him, he sees you on the sidelines, probably waiting for Harrison to walk you back to your dorm. He takes this opportunity to slide up behind you, hands on your hips as you can feel his angry erection rutting up against your ass. "You. Me. Locker room, five minutes, stall three. Be ready, underwear off and bent over or I'll take you in front of the guys who are still changing? Got it?" He departs with a harsh smack on your rear.
â Joseph Mick, he's in the newspaper, but it's not like he's the head or anything. He just love photography, and he's the only guy at school to have really mastered the dark room. He's known to be a little... odd. He's the youngest in you and Harrisons class, with a petite stature and thin, lanky arms. He's pale, almost gaunt, but that could be a lack of sunlight given that he spends all his time in the dark room or toiling over photo arrangement mock-ups in the journalism room. People avoid him, but he's okay with that. He's more than happy to just watch from a distance, and photography is his real branch to the world. People only talk to him or react positively if he's taking photos for the paper or the school newsletter. He actually meets you at one of Evan's swim meets, he gets good seats for being student press, and you get good seats for just being Evan's new favorite piece of ass. Your aren't even sure why you were invited, you don't even know anything about how one wins a swimming competition. But Joseph does. He's been to enough of these, and you notice, so you lean over and start asking him questions. He's shocked someone is talking to him, and not about getting a bigger feature in the yearbook. He's more than happy to help point stuff out to you, even if he had to repeat himself or stutter his way through something. He's feeling his heart flutter and his hands shake so much so he can barely hold the camera. Soon, he's watching as you walk away, wishing he could grab onto you and hang you up on his wall to admire like one of his pictures. It's only made worse when he sees a pair of masculine arms dragging you into the boys locker room.
He's a stalker, but it's not his fault! For one, he's got no idea how to approach anyone, much less someone he likes as much as you. And since he's got that reputation as a creep, if he approached you in public, Harrison would be polite but firm at shooing him away, Carter would give him a look that makes him feel like a worm beneath his well polished shoes, and Evan would beat him to the brink of death, but then pass him over to his friends. But God, if he didn't think it was worth it sometimes to just be close to you. He can only get as close to you as his high-focus lens will allow. He's got hundreds of photos of you, some taken by him, some by campus security cams, and he treats each one like the piece that's gonna get him into a top art school. He almost feels bad taking risqué shots of you. He's always following you, and he sees the ways those... those pigs are treating you. If he could stand up to them, he would. He sees (from the cameras he's slipped into your bag) the boner Harrison is always sporting when he in your presence, he even caught a glance of Harrisons late night rendezvous with your pillow. He sees the way Carter leads you through the hallways like his little secretary, lithe fingers trying to get up your uniform bottoms. Worst of all is the way he sees Evan humping you in the pool like a dog in heat, with you obviously unsure about how you feel about this. He knows he'd treat you right, if you'd ever consider being with something like him. Notice he almost feels too bad to take risqué pictures. He can't help it if a picture or two from one of his hidden cams has a bit of an upskirt, or gets a little to zoomed in on your pecs. But know that as he drums humps the table in the dark room, those copies are only so he can keep one in his room and one on his person! He'd never, ever share your sexual exploits, not like Evan would, always bragging about what he does with, or more likely to you.
Being on the newspaper staff, he's got a pretty good idea of everyone's schedules. He's more than happy to try and squeak out some words to you if he knows your many admirers are preoccupied. Trust him, he knows A LOT of good spots to share a meal privately or maybe... maybe you'd like to see the dark room? He's even got a pillow in there, a cushion he can place on a soft stool in case you ever came to visit. He hopes he could get a private photoshoot in, maybe with some silly pictures of you, or even some lewd pics, he's just happy to see his collection expand. He doesn't have a lot of money, but he's more than happy to buy you as much cheap vending machine food as you want as long as you'll spend time with him.
"Oh, shi- hey! I didn't realize you'd be stopping by here. I'm just, uh, editing some photos for the paper." You don't notice as he slyly moves a tray of pics taken outside a dorm window that looks suspiciously like yours. He thanks whoever is out there in this moment that the dark room has a sink as he keeps his right hand out of sight.
â Tyler Mertz and Percy 'Pez' Goldberg, two outsiders, and self proclaimed 'dudes with bad tudes'. Put into the same headcanon spot because they aren't ever seen apart. Tyler and Pez got in on scholarship, and immediately bonded because they know they don't fit in among the rich kids at Ridgemoore. Tyler got in on a scholarship to pursue culinary excellence, because if he can do one thing, it's cook. Pez was awarded a scholarship by lottery two years ago, and even though he's barely passing most of his classes and is the biggest delinquent in school, he can't be kicked out. The school made too much of a big deal about his acceptance to create some good press, the faculty are planning to just wait the problem out. Repeating a year hasn't helped with that, though. Still, they are attached at the hip. Both struggle in classes, Pez because of a shitty social life and even shittier focus, and Tyler because he's just a little slow. Still, Tyler excels in cooking, and the faculty know he's trying. There's a few ways you might come across the pair. Maybe you decided to take culinary, and got paired up with a sweet, dopey guy who turns out to be a fucking MasterChef, or maybe your a brat!reader, like I mentioned earlier, and you meet Pez in detention, where he's glad to know the schools newest troublemaker is a looker too. Most likely, you come across them when either Evan makes you tag along to buy some weed and half-priced shitty beer for a post-game party, or Carter tells you he'll personally see to it that your father tethers you to him if he sees you talking to those 'deliquents'. Either way, they're probably some of the nicest guys in the school, even though Pez likes to fight. He's not a bad guy, but the school can't seem to recognize half of the shit he does is in retaliation to someone fucking with him or his friend.
Pez will like any kind of reader, any. If you're bratty!reader, he loves having someone to run around and bust shit up with. But he'll promise to leave the statue of your father alone, if that's what you want. If you're an innocent!reader, he can't deny he'd love to ruin that good guy/girl image you have going on. Smoke a little weed, sneak out a little, let him show you a good time. He promises he won't cross any lines or do something that would really scare or upset you. He's not a bad guy, he just wants to show you there's so much stuff out there to do. Unlike Joseph, he doesn't let the fact that others think he's a freak keep him from hanging with you. He wants them to see that you like him. HIM. He thinks your adorable no matter who you are, and frankly, snuggling up on the Headmasters kid is just another act of defiance he's happy to flaunt. Eventually, he might even open up to you about his shitty home life, and the fact he's only called Pez cause' when he's high that candy is all he wants to eat.
Tyler is a huge softie. He doesn't let the thing people say about him get to him, mostly because he's a bit dense in the moment to know he's being made fun of, but also because he's okay with being alone. He's happy with who he is, a nice guy. But, that doesn't mean he doesn't love his best buddy, or mind adding you to there little group. It's just one more mouth to feed in his eyes. He'll walk you to all your classes, slinging his big arms around you and keeping you close to his side. Unlike Pez, he grew up with a pretty loving family, and they're what he misses most about being away at boarding school. Most of the money he makes selling weed with Pez goes back to his family, but they don't really know how he makes it. He comes to see you and Pez as his new little family.
With these two, there will be lots of late nights with bad movies and pizza made from scratch. Being on some rundown couch squished between to large bodies, at least one set of arms wrapped around your waist. I think they both are pretty open about telling each other about the crush they have on you, given that they are best buds. These idiots probably got super high one night, and Tyler let slip that he, quote, 'thinks he wants to put a baby in you', to which Pez replies he'd like to put something along those lines in you too. It wouldn't be hard for them to both come to terms with wanting to share you, they share everything else. They just hope you'd want both of them, Pez and Tyler can't stand the thought of making things awkward by you only wanting one of them, so they both subtly try to transition you into the roll of being their partner.
Pez would be fucking fuming when he starts realizing the things boys at school are doing to you. Whether he witnesses it himself, or you come to him and Tyler seeking comfort, he'll pound the shit out of anyone who tries to touch you like that. If you like someone else, Pez wouldn't wail on them to eliminate a rival like Evan would, but rather he hands it over to Tyler. Tyler would come up with some rumors, maybe a reason the guy isn't right for you, and why would Tyler lie? He doesn't feel great about lying, but thinking about the things guys at this school do to you, fills the sweet chefs stomach with a bitter bile.
They wouldn't outright pressure you into sex, but rather try and find ways to coerce you into requesting or initiating it. Pez has some weed laced with something, nothing too strong, but it'll make even a nun feel a little frisky. He'll lay back or rub your thigh, hoping the weed will relax you enough to come out and say what you want. Maybe an aphrodisiac or two gets slipped into a warm drink Tyler made for you. It gets you feeling all hot, but don't worry, you can stay in their room overnight and wear their clothes, so they can... make sure you're not sick or anything.
"Hey," you can feel a pair of arms wrap around you from your spot at the library table. You look up and see Pez, with Tyler now playfully laying his head on the table beside you. "Heard that shithead Evan's got an away game, so it looks like your freed up after all to spend a little time with your favorite guys." His lips are dangerously close to your ear, making you squirm. "Yeah, man, we've got a bunch of movies n' shit from the store, and I'll even make your favorite. Stay the night, it's not like we've got anywhere to be tommorow, and my beds so cold..." Tyler teases playfully, eyes wide and feigning sadness.
All these boys make it difficult to get any alone time at Ridgemoor, but the men certainly don't make it easier... (Taboo part two with the faculty coming soon, because I'm horny for Dilfs and old men with questionable dynamics with reader.)
#yandere#yandere oc#tw.yandere#yandere fanfiction#yandere boy#tw.bullying#tw.noncon#yandere smut#yandere x reader#x reader#yandere headcanons#tw.dubcon#gender neutral reader#yandere oc x reader#drabble#yandere boarding school#x reader smut#yandere boarding school x reader#tw.breeding
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DPXDC prompt. Nanny Wilson
Little Danny is almost lost in the mall when his parents suddenly run too fast in an attempt to catch up a ghost that their equipment has detected. Young Fenton is not a crybaby at all, but being alone without daddy and mommy is a little scary, so he begins to whimper and run around, trying to find familiar features in the blurry figures around him. Finally, he bumps into the thigh with a gun. It doesn't look much like an ectoblast, but dad is always inventing something new, so Danny quickly hugs this leg as hard as he can and begs loudly.
Danny: Daddy! Don't leave me! Slade: What the hell⊠Boy, I'm not your dad.
Danny blinks a few times and realizes that this man really doesn't look like Jack.
Danny: Oh. I'm sowwy. Can you help me find my daddy?
Slade: What makes you think I'm going to do this?
Danny: You have a gun and dad has a gun, so you're good. Are you here to hunt too? Slade: Something like that...What's your father's name, kid?
Jack: Danny! There you are!
A huge figure in a hazmat suit rushes towards them and Danny notices that his new friend is hastily hiding the weapon. To cheer up the man who is obviously meeting Jack Fenton for the first time, Danny smiles broadly. Dad may look scary, but he doesn't steal other people's toys.
Jack: Oh, thanks for looking after him. Our goal turned out to be too fast and we didn't even notice when our boy started to fall behind. Slade: No problem, colleague. Maddie: ? Danny: Kind uncle is also a hunter. Maddie: Oh, that's great! Em, sorry, but is there any chance that you have a time to look after our boy for a few days? We'll pay you well. You see, he rarely trusts people so quickly, and we absolutely do not have time to look for a replacement for our old nanny, and we really need to complete the last project as soon as possible.
Looking at the giggling boy trying to see if there are any other interesting things on him, Wilson decides that this will not be a bad experience in case he decides to establish a relationship with his found daughter.
Slade: All right, I'll take your order.
~~~About ten years later~~~
Danny, who is much more familiar with death than in canon, after being freshly ghosted: Damn, nanny will be so mad at me.
~~~~~ Danny: Hey, Slade. Do you want me to show you something cool? Slade: Not now, kid, nanny is cleaning up. Danny: Yeah, about that. *makes a corpse go through the ground* Ta-da! Can we talk now? Slade at the first second: *Surprised Pikachu face*. Slade when he notices a strange glow around Danny, like from ectoplasm in the lab of the boy's parents: >:( ⊠>:( ⊠>:( Danny: S-stop it!
~~~~~ Slade: And take out the bloodstains from those shirts too, they're my favorites. Danny: Oh dude, have you heard that child labor is illegal? Slade: Whoever doesn't help uncle Slade doesn't get a new knife for Christmas. Danny: PfffâŠNow I'm my own weapon, come up with something new or I'll find myself a cooler mentor. Slade: Jackanapes!
When Wilson stumbles upon a distraught runaway Robin, he sincerely tries to take care of him as well as he took care of Danny. Deathstroke is an experienced babysitter, so there shouldn't be any problems with vigilante child being around on his missions. All children love knives, workouts and guns, right? Plus, staying alone when they are upset, as Jazz says, is unhealthy.
~~~~A few days later~~~~
Dick's thoughts: He wants to make me his evil sidekick, oh no! Wilson's thoughts: What's wrong with this kid? Batman so fucked up? Wayne needs to be stripped of his parental rights. I'm calling Jazz.
Wilson, who does not understand that he has been hanging out with Fentons too long, looks with perplexity at Grayson, who's running away from flying pieces of Maddie's pizza, then shoots some pepperoni and sits down at the table. It's going to be a long way. Poor boy.
Meanwhile, Fenton family is visiting Masters for the first time. Vlad tries to flirt with Maddie and then pretends to be good-natured while getting to know Danny.
Danny: I know 54 ways to kill you with this fork. If I were you I think I'd watch my mouth. Jack: He's joking, V-man. Danny: I'm not. Jack: He's just like his babysitter. They have such an unusual sense of humor. I think our boy really likes you! Usually Danny is too shy to talk like this with strangers. Vlad: Babysitter? Maddie: Yes, Mr. Wilson helped us out a lot and often did not even take payment. He's an angel. Vlad: I think I've heard that name somewhere before... Jack: Ugh, I want to introduce you anyway! Danny: Me too. Jack: Great. What about Wednesday? Danny: Dad, uncle might be busy. Let me ask him when he has time to, um, pay your old friend a visit.
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Dear Brother
Kinktober Day 14: Incest Yandere brother x male reader CW: Incest, noncon, memory alteration, mind manipulation, possessive yandere, protective yandere, general yandere behavior, versatile reader, anal sex, drugging, sedatives, aphrodisiacs, collaring, murder, Stockholm syndrome, major character death, reader's own cum as lube, masturbation, discrimination against those without powers, dead dove: DO NOT EAT Word Count: 3.8k (This is dark. Sorry for any errors, I did not have it betaread. I hope there are some who will enjoy this.)
The meteor that crashed to the ground generations ago came with it a particularly invasive pathogen. A virus that infected all of humanity, changing the DNA of everyone on Earth, though a large portion of people remained asymptomatic with recessive changes.
Those with symptoms displayed mutations. They varied wildly from animal traits, elemental powers, enhanced strength, super speed, extra limbs, and many others.
Over many years, the DNA that the virus altered became increasingly prominent as mutations were inherited and compounded. Asymptomatics were rarer and rarer. Currently, they made up only 15 percent of the population.
A small portion of people used their extra human abilities for evil, and others became government sanctioned heroes to fight them.
The people who had mutations become highly sought after and fetishized. More laws came into effect to protect them from villains and criminals who would traffic them.
You were a mutationless nobody living in this society.
A brand new law had established a curfew for all people without strong enough mutations. They couldn't go out unless someone with a strong ability was with them.
Another law was that those with no abilities couldn't live alone.
Because of this, you became wholly dependent on your older brother, Drew.
Your older sibling was entirely fine with this arrangement. He had a love for you that wasn't entirely brotherly, though you didn't suspect anything. It seemed to you that his overprotective behavior was the product of being an older brother to someone without a mutation in a world that conditioned people to think of those like you as defenseless. You thought yourself fairly lucky. You weren't forced into an abusive or restrictive marriage or roommate situation because you had Drew. He was always happy to chaperone and escort you.
When he wasn't too busy with his work as a hero. Drew had moved the two of you to a small town due to a lower crime rate and desire to keep you safe and spend as much time with you as possible. It was also to isolate you from any potential suitors. But... you didn't really need to know about that... You had gotten too chummy with people online through various social media and dating websites who lived a bit too close for comfort in the large city you had lived in previously. It was getting burdensome finding them, intimidating them, burying more than one body when they wouldn't get the hint that you were spoken for. That had been rare, though.
If he really needed to, he could use a power no one knew he possessed. He could remove and replace memories. It was a tedious task, requiring a lot of time and energy, and not all minds were susceptible. Even if they were, it couldn't normally be used multiple times on the same person. Which is why he couldn't just make you forget or hate them. Luckily, most people were easily intimidated by Drew. He was tall and muscular, which was enough in some cases, but he also could move things with his mind and produce a psychic barrier around his skin to make him indestructible.
The quieter smaller town was kinda nice, but you were rather bored. Especially when Drew had to do his patrols. He made sure he worked more in the early morning and afternoon since you always liked to be up at night playing video games and going for walks at night with him. Sometimes, he'd take you out to eat at a 24/7 diner that the town had.
He thought of those outings as dates and considered himself to be courting his defenseless brother.
Your brother always ordered ice cream for you to share. Drew loved to watch you eat it, sometimes biting his lip as you so lewdly licked the cold confection from your spoon. It made his cock twitch in his pants. How he wished you were licking his manhood like that. Eager to get every drop of his cum.
The last time you were at the diner you had caught him staring at you with an odd expression.
"What's with that weird face?"
"Oh, uh... I just had a brain freeze."
You had chuckled at him and went back to eating. How he longed for the day when he could tell you how he really loved you. Hopefully it would be soon, but he just didn't know how to broach the topic.
He had let you walk in on him wanking a few times. But all it achieved was you turning red and scrambling out of the room with an immediate apology followed by you pretending that nothing had occurred. Nothing like the pornos.
The other day, you had been comfortable enough to fall asleep on the couch as the two of you watched a movie. He had been admiring your peacefully sleeping form when you slouched over and leaned on his shoulder. He could hear your breathing and felt your drool as it ran down his arm.
It gave him an instant hard-on that he had to address. You had been a busy bee and cleaned the whole house earlier before cooking dinner. You were totally wiped out. Though even on an easy day, you were known for sleeping deeply. Drew carefully shifted the shorts he had been wearing so his large cock was sticking out through the leg and cautiously jerked himself off while imaging you cuddling and clinging to him after a long day.
He had cum so hard that a bit had landed on your lips. He was worried you would wake up, but you remained out like a light as he gently massaged it into your lip like lip gloss.
After that, he had "accidentally" fallen asleep right beside you. He couldn't very well wake a sleeping angel by moving.
That had been well over a month ago, and his desire for you had only grown. He had taken to stealing your underwear and keeping a pair under his pillows so he could sniff them before bed and dream about you.
He knew one day soon he'd have you in every way.
But there was a setback.
His schedule had shifted temporarily while he was on an assignment to help take down a super villain coalition. For two weeks, he was barely home at all, and a vermin had slipped in.
He came home one day to find you on the porch chatting with some piece of absolute filth who kept brushing his hand against yours.
When he left and you came back inside, Drew was holding back serious rage. You had a look on your face that told him all you needed to know. He didn't even have to question you about who it was. You just kept gushing about him.
"That was Len! He's such a sweetie! He saw me on the porch a few days ago when he was walking by and noticed I was glum."
The way you swooned and gushed made Drew's stomach lurch.
"He's so cool! I'm sure you'll like him. He isn't a hero, but his mutation is awesome. He can spontaneously make fire."
Drew noticed you twiddling your fingers in the way you only did when you were brimming with joy. Would that piece of trash know details like that about you!?
Your brother immediately began planning for Len's demise. This was beyond intimidation, threats, and memory alteration. He lived far too close and touched your perfect weak hands with his disgusting grubby ones. Drew knew exactly how he'd do it. He'd infiltrate Len's home and use his telekinetic abilities to cause him to have a stroke. Then he'd burn the house down. It wasn't unheard of for people's mutations to run out of control.
On the night that Drew planned to end Len, you had been texting Len. Even though it was late, he had invited you over because he was playing a new game that he thought you might enjoy together. If you wanted, he'd leave the door unlocked so you could come in. He knew knocking and waiting made you anxious.
He was such a good listener. He would have come over and walked with you, but it was such a short walk, and you didn't want to wake up Drew. Besides, his house was just a few down from yours. If you ran, you could be there in under a minute. And, honestly, no one took these curfew laws seriously in small towns.
You rushed over as fast as you could and nervously opened the door and stepped inside.
"Dr-Drew? What are you-?"
The question was left unfinished as your gaze lowered to Len laying motionless at your brother's feet. Drew's eyes went wide, and his mouth agape when he noticed you. He obviously had not expected you to walk in on his activities. This was just like when you had just turned 20 and you had caught him killing your parents because they had wanted to convince you to go to an isolated island for the mutationless because they wanted you to feel normal.
He had wiped the events from your brain, made you think they had abandoned you both long ago, and finished by making you think he was the older brother so you'd accept him taking care of you a bit more easily when in reality he was a year younger.
But unlike last time, he couldn't erase Len or what you had witnessed. After doing it once, and so extensively, you were inoculated from it.
Your mind was reeling, struggling to piece together an explanation for what you were seeing. You took a few steps back, planning to just run away and hope you woke up from whatever awful nightmare this night was shaping into. But the door slammed shut before you could finish turning around.
"Y-you have to understand! He was going to steal you away... He didn't deserve you. No one does! Except me."
Drew used his abilities to make you slowly float towards him. The look on his face could only be described as deranged.
"I'm so sorry you had to see this. It was supposed to look like an accident..."
You squirmed in his psychic hold as you began sobbing. Your brain finally registered that your brother killed the man you had started to fall in love with. Nothing made sense.
Once his power brought you to him, he wrapped one arm around you tightly and used his free hand to pull a tiny spray capsule up to your face from his utility belt.
He spritzed you just once, and within a few seconds, you were fast asleep. With you taken care of for the moment, Drew could safely get back to the business at hand.
Your subconscious mind must have still been in denial because you found yourself in a dream pounding Len's muscular ass. He was riding you, and you found yourself bucking into his tight hot hole. In reality, your brother had been watching you sleep and decided to rub your crotch. He figured you needed the stress relief, and if you woke up, maybe the pleasure would prove he was just trying to make you happy.
It made sense in his warped mind.
He was originally just going to jerk you off, but when you got fully hard under his touch... he couldn't resist the urge to ride on it. Drew lubed it up and sank himself down on it. This was perfect, he thought. Your first official act as lovers. It would definitely make you forget about that sack of garbage he just took out.
The look on your face as you drooled in your sleep and let out little lewd gasps went straight to his dick and had him cumming in no time. He briefly lifted off of your cock long enough to smear his semen on it before lowering himself again.
You were fucking his cum into him and it would be mixed with your own once you climaxed. The thought made his stomach flutter as blush crept across his face.
Drew knew you were close, your moans had gotten louder and you had started bucking your hips into him. He was amazed you hadn't woken up yet. Though you had always been a deep sleeper and the stuff he sprayed you with was pretty heavy duty. Your eyes fluttered open as you shot your load inside him and moaned out the name Len.
L e n.
It was exactly the wrong thing to say. Your brother, who had never raised a hand to you, slapped you hard across the face.
"That loser is DEAD!! Len is a fucking corpse smoldering in the ashes of his house!"
You were shaking as you stared up at him, still confused about what was going on. Your brain was full of fog and struggled to piece together the events that transpired last night and the fact that your brother was on your dick and angrily yelling in your face.
When he realized the fear in your eyes, he got off of you and pulled you close.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know it's not your fault. You're so innocent, and he wormed his way into your mind like the greedy parasite he was."
He kissed your cheek gently where he had struck you.
"Just... try not to say his name, okay? You gotta forget about him. It isn't healthy to linger on toxic people like that."
He got up and made his way to the bathroom connected to his room.
"I bet a bath will make us both feel a little more relaxed."
You were pretty sure that you would never be relaxed again for the rest of your life. Your brother was a villain and you had no idea what he was capable of doing to you. The sibling you had depended on killed Len, forced himself on you while you were sleeping, and slapped you.
Since he was busy making a bath, you thought you'd take the chance to leave. You pulled up your pants and crept past the bedroom door and down the stairs. When you reached the bottom, you stared in dismay at the blockade he had put in front of the door. There was no other choice but to turn around. But as you did so you slammed right into the chest of your sibling, who was staring down at you darkly.
"I just came downstairs for a sn-snack."
You were trembling and hoped he bought it. You knew he had when his face softened.
"Oh, well after our bath I'll make us a late night snack."
He grabbed you by the hand and led you back upstairs.
"This will be our first bath together! I'm really excited."
The last thing you wanted to do was to bathe with this monster. But there was no escaping it.
"Haha I guess I'm excited in more than one way!"
You glanced over and saw what he meant. His cock was fully erect.
"I-I'm too shy to bathe together!"
"Don't be silly! We're lovers now and we both really need this."
He picked you up like you weighed nothing and took you into the tub with him. He sat down and positioned you on his lap facing towards him. His erection jabbed at you from below. It made you cringe and curl in on yourself.
Despite the bubbles and warm water, you had never felt so filthy.
"You're still so tense, but big bro will make everything better~"
He groped and massaged your ass before starting to rub your hole. You flinched.
"You have to relax to make this easier."
Eventually, he pressed a finger into you.
"Please sto-"
You were cut off by involuntarily moaning as he hit a special spot inside you.
"Oh, you liked that, didn't you? Made you sound so needy~"
As he kept attending to that place inside you, working his way up to three fingers, your mind got more clouded and distracted, and your body went limp and relaxed.
"Sto-ahhh AAAHHHH!!"
Your hole clenched tightly as you spilled your load on his chest.
Before you could catch your breath he slowly replaced his fingers with his cock. Careful not to hurt you as he slowly eased you down on his entire length.
You were already hard again despite being so sensitive. His hard cock entered you with a bit of pain despite the previous stretching.
For Drew, it was bliss. Heaven. His cock was wrapped in the warm paradise that was his beloved brother. Finally, he was with you in the way his heart yearned to be. He should have just done this the second the two of you had moved out here.
The slight bit of pain you had initially felt faded at the feeling of him battering your insides. His tip perfectly kissed that spot inside you, your resolve being fucked away with each thrust.
Drew moaned your name as he came in you all too soon.
"My cum is in you. My cum is in you. My cum is in you. Mycumisinyou."
He never lost his hard on and kept right on making love to you, his precious brother, without stopping for a second. As his movements intensified, the lavender scented water splashed against the two of you.
"I-I knew I could make it all better!"
You prattled on incoherently as drool pooled from the corner of your mouth.
"You're right. We should let our actions do the talking"
Drews lips dominated yours as he kissed you deeply, nibbling on your lower lip and licking up your drool as he made out with you. As both of you came once more, he slid his tongue into your mouth and rubbed it against yours.
He pulled away and kissed your forehead. Your brain was foggy, and your body was exhausted after all you had been made to endure.
"I guess I should clean us up before the water goes completely cold. Don't worry, we can do that some more after we've rested up, okay?"
You muttered something, but you didn't know what you were saying or even what you were responding to.
That didn't stop Drew from hearing whatever he wanted to though.
"Yeah, we can still make out in bed before we fall asleep!"
Drew cleaned you off then sat you down on his bed after dressing you. Then he ran downstairs and came back up with some cookies.
"You wanted a snack right?"
You nodded sheepishly and nibbled a few to maintain the lie you told earlier. When you finished you went to brush your teeth before bed.
You couldn't look at yourself in the mirror. You were ashamed you had let your brother violate you in such a manner. You were ashamed you were brushing your teeth like it was a normal night. Maybe you could escape or call for help when he was working. It was already early in the morning. His schedule had returned to normal, and he would be back to work in a few hours. You just had to play along and get into bed with him...
The trembling of your body didn't betray your fear, Drew just assumed you were cold and held you protectively under the blankets. He stroked your side gently. It would have been comforting before you knew he was a murderer. Now, it only made you tense. Though you did manage to grab a few moments of uneasy rest.
Upon waking, you realized you were oddly calm. Tranquil. When you had finally fallen asleep, he had sprayed you with another substance from his utility belt.
This time, it was just something heroes used to calm people down. Villains and sometimes people in shock. It was pretty harmless, so if he had to keep you mildly sedated with it, he could. Though he hoped he could adjust you to your new circumstances with it and then eventually wean you off. It made you a little calmer, happier, and more accepting of your situation.
You also found yourself collared. The inside was a soft fabric and the outside a rough material. It was locked to a long chain that was mounted to the wall. You could reach the restroom and the minifridge he had by his bed. A minifridge stocked with all your favorite snacks and cold meals, a mounted chain, a custom collar in your favorite color... How long had he planned for this possibility?
There was definitely anger and grief, but they felt much more muted than they should have been.
The first year or so as your brother's boyfriend was a bit messy. Despite the calming drug, you still had emotional outbursts and anxiety. But your brother understood. He wasn't going to abandon you just because you were a bit moody or said hurtful things sometimes.
He endured and the two of you got through. It didn't hurt that he had stockpiled illegal aphrodisiacs confiscated from human traffickers. They made a target especially horny for the first person who's DNA they were exposed to. Whenever he used it, you were hard and needy to the point of crying, and only his dick could make it any better.
It was a great breakthrough when your body finally got hard from his touch without the help of any drugs at all.
And then you started kissing him and leaning on your big strong brother whenever you got lonely from your isolation. He was the only person you were allowed to have any contact with, and the craving for touch became too unbearable.
Your broken mind slowly justified it and changed your perspective on how you saw Drew. The only other option was going insane.
He was just looking out for you and keeping you safe from evil people. It was all for your own good. He took care of all of your needs. Cuddled you, kept you safe, provided you with games and food, and he was always happy to give you his cock or hole whenever you needed it, even when he was tired from work. If you had trouble sleeping, he'd even gently slip his dick into you and rock you to sleep with the thrusts.
It had, at long last, gotten to the point where he could take you outside on dates again with no fear at all that you'd try to escape him. In fact, you'd cling to his arm for dear life no matter where you went.
Drew was so happy. Now everyone could see that you two were the perfect couple.
#yandere x reader#yandere boyfriend#male yandere#male reader#yandere scenario#yandere fic#yandere sibling#yandere brother#My OCs#My OC Len#My OC Drew#Male Yandere x Male reader#Kinktober#Kinktober 2024
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I could't contain myself guys sorry--
Bro, do you realize how scary it would be to have Vox as a Yandere?
just imagine it. You could be one of his workers, maybe too good at your job, because not only do you do what Vox tells you without asking questions, but you also know what to say and what not to say to avoid a "tantrum" from him. or rather, when his insecurities attack with force like when Alastor returns.
Vox would probably be a somewhat condescending yandere (as seen with Val) but don't think you can't turn tables easily, if you stroke his ego enough, you can have him around your finger. but that doesn't make it any less dangerous for those around you.
He makes the typical 180 degree turn in attitude when it comes to Other Employees and when it comes to You. Damn, you may be the only one of his employees who gets paid vacations (or even vacations) or even birthday bonuses, things like that. He likes to give you his things or products with the excuse that "they are for testing" even if they have already been released on the market.
Vox: who the fuck eat My leftovers!?! WHENEVER WHO WAS I'M GOING TO-
Darling: it was me sir.
Vox:--give You the rest and take You out for lunch, You haven't eaten in the whole day AGAIN, didn't ya?
He definitely avoids conflict with you by hypnotizing you, when he starts to feel hostility, fear on your part or that you want to leave, he makes you "out of nowhere" have "ONE MORE TASK" and you can't help but do what he says.
and IT IS NOT just to avoid fights or for you to leave, it is something CONSTANT (once every two days MINIMUM), although Vox is not worried about your brain turning into mush due to its powers, it always keeps nutritious things in your diet and they come out relatively often , as you have to follow him everywhere.
Eventually he becomes more clingy and needy in this case, it's practically not that he's proposing to you or anything, he's just slowly dragging you into a relationship without you realizing it (because you're not lucid enough). Unless you develop a higher level of tolerance to his hypotonic trick, I don't think you'll notice his Red Flags.
I think it would be ESPECIALLY BAD if Darling is also a Sinner, because then they wouldn't even be able to get out of the pride ring to run away from Vox. leaving you with many fewer options and having to avoid all of Vox's technology, which you could only achieve by 1- going to the Cannibal Legion or 2- going to the Hazbin Hotel.
Running away is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, not only because of his hypnotic trick, but because he literally has EYES EVERYWHERE, on every screen in hell. If you somehow manage to get away with it and run away, Vox would be SO ANGRY and looking for you all over hell with their screens.
Although definitely if you were gone more than a day, he would be more distraught than angry and would begin to despair. Even Val and Velvet would give him a hand because of how bad it would be.
Just imagine, thinking that you finally lost sight of Vox's search drones, without realizing that you stand in front of some store and VOX ITSELF appears on the screens :)
If you made the stupid decision to go to the Hazbin Hotel, Vox would be distraught and would even think that Alastor was somehow holding you hostage, obviously! Why would you go there if you knew his biggest enemy was there? Alastor must be using you as a bargaining chip! How dare he!?
(in this case, fortunately, the punishment is much less severe, but he would definitely monitor you for the rest of your life)
When he eventually gets you back (after a few days or even WEEKS of anguish) expect, first of all, to be in a mortal embrace that lasts AT LEAST 2 days and then receive your "punishment" which would be to be under hypnosis for AT LEAST 1 YEAR to be sure that this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
Although calm down! He gives your mind breaks periodically because 1- he doesn't know if that would ultimate mess with your head and 2- it's nice to hear YOU talk instead of the robotic version.
When that year FINALLY ends, you will be a much more obedient, more terrified, sweeter version of You, according to Vox, like a frightened Deer. It was a long and hard process, but the good thing is that you don't have to do anything anymore! absolutely! Just do what he tells you and everything will be fine.
Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Not one of the Best yanderes to have, but Def not the worst
#headcanons#drabbles#fem reader#neutral reader#male reader#hazbin hotel x reader#hotel hazbin#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel vox#hazbin vox#vox x reader#yandere vox#yandere hazbin hotel#hazbin alastor
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I'll wait for your love - 18+
See part 1 | See Part 2 | Part 3 of We can't be friends (wait for your love)
The only thing youâre sure of is that you donât want things to go back to the way they were and Spencer agrees that change may be for the best.
Spencer Reid X Fem! Reader
DISCLAIMER This story is NSFW and contains graphic depictions + detailed descriptions of adult content. It is intended for mature audiences only, minors do not interact! You are responsible for the content you consume. Make sure to read all necessary warnings. Please remember this is a work of fiction; if you donât like it, donât read.Â
WARNINGS: Panic attack mentioned, slight PTSD depictions, case details (barely) mentioned, alcohol mentioned like once. Smut (not the focus at all): making out, nipple play, clitoral stimulation, praise, use of pet names (angel, pretty girl, etc). Proceed at your own risk.
Word count: 10.4K See notes at end for authors note & spoilers.
Avoiding Spencer wasnât overly difficult on the flight back to D.C. You werenât entirely sure how to face him after he risked his life for you, so you just pretended to be asleep the whole time. You even took a separate jeep from the tarmac to avoid a car ride back with him, and almost made a clean getaway to your car in the parking lot when Hotch stopped you.Â
âIâm sorry to hold you back, but I do need the Anchorage report on my desk before tomorrow morning. It canât be put off any longer.â
He looked extremely apologetic and you understood. Youâre grateful he gave you as much time as he has. Thatâs how you ended up stuck at work til the later hours of the evening. Besides the few workaholics, security guards and janitors roaming around the corridors, the only other person there with you is Spencer, oddly. Even Hotch has gone home. Youâve spent more time stalking the doctor work through the pile of case files on his desk than you have writing in the one on yours. Only when you're caught do you look away.Â
âEverything okay?â The innocent curiosity in his big eyes further reddens the hot embarrassment in your cheeks.
âFine.â You mutter, dipping your head back down to the open page.
Youâre never going to get this damn file done if you canât get him out of your head, and him being barely three feet away from you doesnât help. Itâs very difficult for you to get your words from pen to paper. Anchorage wasnât haunting you like it did at first. It was a traumatic event, yes, but alone isnât the cause of thisâŠblock. Obviously the reality that youâre leaving is starting to dawn on you. Somehow your mind has linked this case with your departure and finishing this report makes it more official than your actual resignation.Â
Plus, as much as you definitely hate Spencer, you do did care for him. The shock of him almost getting himself killed in front of you is another thing occupying your mind. Itâs barely been twenty four hours since then, itâs still fresh. You can see him stand and grab his satchel in your peripheral vision, heâs preparing to leave. There are a lot of memories attached to that brown leather bag.Â
Things he would carry in there for you when you forgot your own bag.Â
You donât make it obvious that youâre watching him gather his things in small glances.Â
He bought extra hair clips for you to keep in there because you would often forget those too.Â
Itâs over now. No point in dwelling on it. You shake your head once heâs out of sight, trying to force him out of your thoughts. Now that heâs gone youâre hoping to actually be able to get some work done.
He taught you chess with the mini chess set he keeps in there. You discovered that you actually quite liked chess and would ask to play with him all the time. It was also his âsecretâ weapon to help you calm down.Â
You roll your eyes to push back the tears from the memories that refuse to stop playing. This can wait until you get home, itâs not important.Â
It wasnât the chess set that helped you feel calm. Spencer could win chess against you in just a few moves, but he would deliberately stretch out the game so you could have room to breathe. The longer the game, the more time you had to spend focused on the moves and slow down your thoughts. You could open up at your own pace. He would let you feel in control.
It doesnât matter if heâs near you or not, Spencer has a way of invading your headspace wherever he is. Your train of thoughts is interrupted with a light thud on your right. You covertly roll the tears away again and turn to examine the source of the noise. A mug of coffee placed on your desk by
âSpencer?â You sputter breathlessly.Â
âSorry. I know you told me to stop. This is the last time I promise.âÂ
You donât fully comprehend what heâs going on about, not expecting him to be here at all.Â
âI thought you left.â
âI didâ was. I was leaving, but I thought Iâd make you some coffee before I go. Since youâve been here a while.â He awkwardly explains.Â
You steadily direct your attention back to the mug, reeling in what was happening.Â
âBefore you get mad, this really is just a cup of coffee from a colleague who thought it might help keep you energised if youâre planning to stay late. Thereâs no ulterior motiveâŠâ
He continues rambling but youâre not mentally present to hear any of it.Â
He made you coffee.Â
Even though youâve been nothing short of an absolute bitch. Granted he was a bitch first, but the point is that heâs still thinking of your well being regardless. You canât hide your tears from him this time. Itâs the soft buzz of your name that draws you back to him.Â
âIâm sorry, I didnât mean to upset you! Iâll take the coffeeââ
His panicked sentiment is cut short when you jump out of your seat and shove past him. The breakdown youâve been avoiding hits you like a ton of bricks. You run into the nearest empty office and he runs after you, making it past the door before you can lock him out.Â
âSpencer pâplease get out! Iâm fine.â Youâre pacing in the same spot, fanning away the stream falling down your cheeks, hyperventilating.
He doesnât respond to you, instead cautiously taking your hand in his. Youâre in too frenzied a state to care. He guides you to sit on the couch against the wall and you blindly go along with it, still trying to get yourself together.Â
You want to stop the tears, but you canât do that until you get your breathing under control. He slowly wraps his arms around you and you slump into him, head buried in his chest. You should try to fight it, you should push him away, but you canât. Right now, surrounded by his scent, held in his arms, you donât want to move. Itâs not something you can properly explain, but the feeling is so comforting that nothing else matters. All you know is that youâre safe and thatâs enough for you to allow yourself to finally break down.Â
The first few sobs are loud, like thereâs not enough air in the world to stabilise your lungs. They fizzle out into silent whimpers and you grasp onto the fabric of his sweater, balling it in your fist, just letting yourself feel. Spencer still hasnât said a word. His right hand is rubbing circles on your back and his left hand is gently scratching just above the nape of your neck.Â
You stay like that for a while, even after youâve stopped crying. Itâs been so long since youâve been in this little bubble with him and you donât want it to end. You pull away when you feel the strap of his satchel across his stomach as your hand drops to his lap. He visually follows every move you make.Â
âYouâre still wearing your bag.â You sniffle, leaning back.Â
âI am.â He whispers, understanding that you no longer want to be touched.Â
He stays in his original position; facing you, but now with one arm resting on top of the backrest and the other idly in his lap. Youâve moved so that now you're facing ahead with your back leaning against the cushions, pulling your knees into your chest. You had never found comfort in silence until the first time you experienced it with Spencer. Staying huddled, you divert your eyes towards him. Thereâs a distinct wet patch on his shirt. Itâs less visible on his sweater-vest, but itâs there.Â
âYour shirtâs wet now.â Itâs almost impossible to make out what youâre saying with your mouth muffled against your arm, but of course, Spencer manages anyway.Â
âItâll dry.â He smiles, tone delicate.Â
âButâ germs.â You choke a little due to your previous crying.Â
âIt can be washed.â Heâs using his comforting voice again.Â
âIâm sorry.â
âDonât be.â
The silence resumes. Neither of you dares to move, trying to freeze this moment. Itâs obvious that you didnât grasp how badly you craved each otherâs presence.Â
âDâdoâŠâ The initial sound grabs Spencerâs full attention again. You take a deep breath, hoping he wants to stay here as much as you do. âDo you still carry that little chess set with you?â
A small, airy chuckle comes out from him.Â
âWould you like to play?â
He creates some more space between you and begins to set up the board once heâs pulled it out of his satchel. You move to accommodate the set up, now facing him with your legs crossed on the couch and shoes abandoned on the floor. You wait for him to make the first move. After the opening moves the game doesnât seem to get any harder and you know heâs throwing the game. Youâre okay at chess, but heâs obviously a lot better.Â
âYouâre going easy on me.â You mumble.
âBecause youâre not even trying.â He replies blithely.
âWhy are you doing this?â
âLike I said, youâre making it too easy.â He gently teases.
âNot that. Helping me. You hate me, remember?â You say it like itâs the most casual thing in the world.Â
âI donât hate you.âÂ
âYou literally told me that you hate me.â You chuckle, numb to the hurt that sentence once brought you.Â
âSo did you.â He counters in defence, trailing your hand as it carelessly moves your queen to her demise.Â
âI was angry.âÂ
âSo was I.â He spared your queen, in turn leaving his king vulnerable.Â
âIt doesnât matter nowâŠâ You donât finish the rest of your sentence but Spencer still hears it.
Youâre leaving soon anyway.
âIt matters to me.â If he left something unsaid you choose to ignore it.Â
âYouâre letting me win.â You whisper, feeling the urge to cry some more, but thereâs no tears left.Â
He doesnât make a move, bringing the game to a halt. Heâs waiting for you to meet his eyes. You know what heâs going to say.Â
âSpencer, don't.â You beseech.
âWhy?â If you looked at him instead of the board youâd see the way his eyes are pleading at you.Â
âThereâs no point.â This time itâs your voice that cracks.Â
You're looking everywhere else and it makes you too aware of your surroundings. Like how the couch is lined up directly under a window that anyone could peek into.Â
âLeaving is not the only option.â He solicits.Â
He regards your discomfort and closes the blinds from where heâs sitting, pulling you back into the privacy of your bubble.Â
âThereâs nothing that you can say to make things go back to how they were.â You bite the inside of your cheek, fiddling with a random pawn.Â
Itâs not a proper two way conversation. Youâre talking to yourself just as much as Spencerâs talking to you. Youâre both trying to convince you of what youâre saying.Â
âThings donât have to go back to how they were.â The squeaks in his soothing tone are starting to melt any resolve you have left.Â
âThereâs no reason for me to stay.â You oppose, trying to make any argument stick.
âI can think of more reasons for you to stay than for you to go.âÂ
Thereâs an underlying tension bubbling. Neither of you notice it over your desperate tug of war.Â
âI donât think thereâs anything that you can say to get me to stay.â Another baseless sentence meant more for you than for him.Â
âGive me one chance. One chance to convince you.â He can see your internal struggle at his request and he throws out one final plea to sway you. âFor nothing more than closure.âÂ
Youâve spent months in turmoil over the hows and the what ifs, trying to conjure answers to questions that wouldnât stop pestering you. You couldnât turn him down even if you wanted to.Â
âClosure?â You repeat, eyes finally latching onto his.
âClosure.â He whispers back in reassurance.Â
âEven if you canât convince me?â You caution, not wanting to give him false hope.
He doesnât say anything, thinking over the scenario in his head. He simply nods and you mimic the action, blinking away the blur in your vision and dragging around chess pieces. It takes Spencer a second to figure out that you were moving them back to their default places.
âOkay new game.â You announce.Â
Spencer blinks in confusion, waiting for you to elaborate.Â
âI can ask you any question I want and you have to answer honestly. If by the end of the game Iâm not convinced to stay, you back off for the remainder of my time here.â You pause for him to interject, but he doesnât. âThat means we stay away from each other, only talking when needed for work. Even then as cordially and professionally as possible. No more trying to make casual conversation or bringing me coffee or anything like that.â
âTill the end of the game?â He studies you.Â
âYup.â You smack your lips together. âTil one of us checkmates the other.â
âThis means youâll actually give me a fair shot?âÂ
âBetween the two of us, Iâm not the one known for cheating at games.â You jab, trying to ease the tension you could definitely feel now.Â
âI meant a fair shot at convincing you. As in youâll seriously take what I have to say into account.â He discards your attempt.
âNo, I know. The opportunity was just too good to pass up.â
He can tell youâre trying to hold back a laugh from the small smile on your lips. Itâs as adorable to him now as it was the first time he saw it.Â
âAny rules before we start?â He asks, unable to hide his own smile.
âOnly that we have to be honest.â You answer, immediately dropping your smile.
âOkay.â He agrees, smiling slightly wider.
âOkay.â You nod again.
When he finally makes the first move it hits you that you donât actually know where to start. Theoretically, you know what you want to ask, but donât know how to ask. You donât know if you should jump straight into the questions or start with some ice breakers. Nothing is said for about four to five moves when Spencer pauses the game.Â
âAre you going to ask any questions or have you decided that you just want to play one last game for your closure?â
âHuh?â You snap your vision away from the board. âOh, sorry. I was thinking.â
âDo you want to return to the game after thinking of a few questions to ask?â He raises his brow and relaxes his jaw.
âNo, no, we donât need to do that. Letâs keep playing, the questions will come to me.â You brush off his suggestion and motion for him to continue with his turn. He doesnât.
âWhat?â Your voice raises and you scrunch your nose from perplexity.
âSorry, itâs just that youâve put us on a time limit and this is how youâre using our time?â He airs, failing to conceal his amusement.
âWell excuse me if I donât exactly have a list of questions ready to go for you.â You narrow your eyes in annoyance.Â
âWhy would you suggest this if you donât have any questions?â He tries to hold back his laugh and ends up snorting as a result.Â
âI have questions!â You jabber, unable to maintain your annoyance. âI donât know whatâ where do I even start?â
âStart with whichever one comes to you first.â He shrugs, finally making his move.Â
A lot of things come to mind when you think about it. The thing that screams the loudest twitches a nerve and you become instantly irate.Â
âOkay.â You nod, tone harsh and flat. âLetâs start with whatever the fuck possessed you on the last case. What was your thought process when you put your life in danger like that?â
He almost gets whiplash from the change in mood, his face literally reads âare you serious?â.Â
âHe was going to shoot you.â He states like itâs the most obvious thing in the world.Â
âI was wearing a vest, I wouldâve been fine.â You contend.Â
âI wasnât willing to take that risk.âÂ
âRisk?! You literally put yourself in danger for no reason!âÂ
âI think it was a pretty good reason actually!âÂ
âSpencer that wasââ You stop yourself with a grumble, inhaling deeply.Â
âIt was instinctual, okay?â He softly explains. âI saw him aim the gun at you and I just reacted.âÂ
âWell it was a stupid reaction!â You whine.Â
âIâm not going to apologise for it.â
The glare you give is piercing, you bite the inside of your cheek to hold your tongue before you say something you canât take back. Spencer throws his head back and sighs.Â
âBut I will promise not to do it again.â He adds, not fully intending to keep it.Â
This was slowly turning into another argument, both of you shooting back too fast with your responses. You arenât in the mood for another argument. So you redirect your attention to the game.Â
âCheck.â You mumble, buying yourself time to think of another question. âWhy are you here so late anyway?â
âI wanted to finish some work before tomorrow morning.â He replies, moving his king to safety.Â
âYeah, whatâs up with that? You couldâve done those tomorrow as well.â Your voice softens out of curiosity.Â
âI wanted to get them finished in case there were more tomorrow.â Itâs not his best excuse. You donât know what he means by that. He doesnât know what he means by that. Heâs lying to you.Â
You scoff, poking your tongue against your cheek. âWow. You really canât not cheat during a game, can you?âÂ
âRight, sorry.â Spencer clears his throat after the initial confusion clears. Complete honesty, it was your only rule. âI wanted to be here.â
âForâŠâ You egg on, purposely rolling your ârâs to prompt him.Â
âI wanted to make sure that you were okay.â He admits, looking away from you.Â
âWhy?â Youâre genuinely puzzled at the admission. âYouâre the one who almost died. I mean, it was stupid and your fault, but still. If anything I should be checking up on you.â
âCheck.â Thatâs the only response he gives you. He hopes that you donât push further, but he knows that you will.Â
His lack of response only forces you to think about the possible reasons by yourself, using context clues to figure it out. You are a profiler, after all.Â
âIs this because of the panic attack?â You note how his jaw twitches when he swallows at the mention. âIt is! You seriously chose to spend your night stuck at the office because of that?âÂ
âWhat else was I supposed to do? Itâs not like you would talk to me, you literally refused to even look at me!â He gripes.Â
âSpencer I think anyone would panic if they got tackled to the ground by a six foot man without warning. Iâm fine.â You giggle.
âWhat happened to complete honesty?â Itâs his turn to glare at you.
âI am being honest!â You protest.
âLying by omission is not being honest.â He rolls his eyes.
âOkay Mr. know-it-all, what am I lying about?â You challenge.
âSeriously? You donât remember?â His approach is doubtful and he just stares at your dazed expression.
âFucking spit it out already, Spence!âÂ
Any sarcasm he had geared up for a response dissipates at your use of his nickname. Heâs heard it plenty in the last few months, but not from you. For a moment things feel like they never changed. It stings in a bittersweet kind of way.Â
âYou scâscreamedâ uhââ He clears his throat and rapidly blinks, his nose twitches in the process. âDuring that panic attack, you repeatedly asked me to stay with you. Yâyou, uhâ you said you didnât think you could liââ
âStop. Stop. Stop talking.â Your voice quavers and you hold your hand up, ears burning up. âI donât wanna know.â
You donât know why it makes your heart race the way it does, you donât even remember it. He waits a while before speaking up again, wanting to be careful about how he goes about the topic without you shutting down.
âMay I ask you a question?â He voices professionally, trying to make the conversation less personal so you donât feel cornered.Â
You nod, moving your king out of check.
âIs there anybody you will talk to about Anchorage? Without pushing them away?â He keeps the game going as he speaks to provide you with a distraction.Â
âWoahâ Anchorage? Where is that coming from?â You titter.
âI want you to remember that we promised to be honest and I wonât push if you ask me to stop, but I know for a fact that you arenât okay.â He waits for you to stop him but you donât, even though you know roughly what heâs going to say. âPanic attacks aside, your avoidant behaviour around the topic, inability to focus, being easily startled, youâre showing signs of PTSD.âÂ
âSpence, câmon. I donât need to talk to anyone. I already passed the psych evals.â You attempt to make light of the situation with carefully chosen words so youâre not lying. It was a futile attempt, you know heâs not willing to budge when he doesnât give you anything more than a blank stare.Â
âWhy does this matter so much to you?â You sigh in defeat. âWhatever happenedâŠthatâs a part of the job, you know that.â
âI also know, first hand, that it takes over your life. You canât run from it, no matter how much you try to.â His tone is soft as he speaks, yet you feel like heâs accusing you.Â
âI am not running! Why would you say Iâm running?â You object with a high voice, shrugging your shoulders. âAnd itâs not taking over my life. Also, check.â
âBecause thatâs what you do when you donât want to deal with something.â He states point blank.
âWoahâ soâ that was entirely unnecessary.â You stammer, unable to deny it.Â
âIâm not criticising you. I just happen to know you and I know that you have a tendency to run from your problems. And it is taking over your life.âÂ
âYouâre profiling!â You gasp.
âYou know that itâs not something we can just turn off! No matter how much we pretend like we can.â He waves his hands defensively.Â
You canât argue with that, your lips twisting to the side.Â
âYou want me to be honest?â You murmur sheepishly.Â
âAlways. Please.â He responds gently, wanting you to be as comfortable as possible.
âI donât want to talk about it. I spend a good chunk of my day actively avoiding thinking about it, but somehow I always end up thinking about it anyway. At times itâs like I can almost feelâŠâ You breathe in instinctively. âThis is the first time in months Iâve been able to do anything without it lingering in the back of my mind. Can we please talk about it another time? I would rather talk about other thingsâŠâ
Another time.Â
â...right now.âÂ
Youâve implied that there will be another time to talk and he definitely caught it, even if he pretends that he hasnât. You donât even know if what you said is true, you got too comfortable with the familiarity of his friendship. It was something you said out of habit from back when you two actually were friends. Not even a full hour's worth of conversation with him and heâs already worming his way back in.
âUmââ You drag yourself further back on the couch, creating more physical distance.Â
âThatâs okay. We donât have to talk about it at all.â Spencer senses your urgency to leave the situation and jumps into damage control. âItâs your turn.â
âNo, um, I shouldâ I should go. Thanks for doing thiâ helping me.â You turn away from him, aiming for your shoes and ready to bolt.
âThe gameâs not over.â He points out.
âYes it is.â You declare, still in the process of putting on your shoes.
âYou said til checkmate.â He huffs, shifting out of his seated position.Â
âI forfeit!â You throw your arms out in a shrugging manner, standing up after him.
âI canât believe this. Youâre going back on your word!â He doesnât even raise his voice. Heâs just hurt.Â
âWhatâs the point, Spencer? Closure doesnât mean anything, Iâm still leaving! You canât magically change my mind!â You yell, getting louder with each sentence.Â
âI disagree. I think that youâre running again!â He blocks your way and yells back, maintaining his volume throughout.Â
âMaybe you should think less!â You suggest, still yelling. Sarcasm is your defence mechanism when you have no actual defence.Â
âYou know what else I think?â He continues, emphasising the word âthinkâ every time he says it out of spite. âI think that you agreed to this thinking I wonât be able to convince you, but I am!â
âI donât care what youââ
âI think you donât want to finish the game that you started, because youâre afraid to ask the harder questions!â
âStop.â You command, but it doesnât deter him.
âI think that youâre scared to hear my answers because then it all becomes too real for youââÂ
âStop!â The words almost get stuck in your throat, but you choke them out. âYouâre wrong.âÂ
âIf Iâm wrong then prove it. To both of us.â He sits back down and motions to the board. âAsk the real questions.âÂ
âI donât need to prove anything, youâre wrong.â You uphold.
âSo leave.â He challenges, knowing that you wonât be able to.Â
If you truly believed that heâs wrong you wouldnât feel the need to prove it, but you do and he knows that. You walk back over to the couch, head nodding from irritation, tongue poking your cheek. You kick your shoes off with a bit of force and return to your earlier position across from him.Â
âYour move.â He reminds you as you settle in.
You donât reply yet, but move your rook to set him up for the next move. Â
âCheck.â He smugly states.
âWho was she?âÂ
You donât move, examining him close for any change in his behaviour. He obviously didn't anticipate that question first, snapping his sights back on you.Â
âThe woman who greeted me at your door. That night at your apartment.âÂ
âCharlotte.â He replies, holding your gaze to show you heâs got nothing to hide. âWe met at the library a week before.â
âAre you guys together?â You break away first, diverting your eyes to the chess board and trying to seem unfazed when moving your knight.Â
âNo, God, no.â He denies immediately.Â
âI donât know, she seemed pretty cosy for someone you met a week prior.â You donât mean to sound as snide as you come across.
âNo, it wasnât like that at all.â He shakes his head.Â
âYou sure? Because Iâm pretty sure I saw her mark you up with a kiss on your cheek before disappearing.â You donât look at him, examining a captured pawn as you wait for him to make his move.Â
âMark me up?â He cognizes it instantly. âAre youâŠjealous?â
âWhat? No!â You vehemently deny, your voice rising in several pitches.Â
âYou are!â His eyes widen.Â
âI am not jealous.âÂ
His jaw slacks and he lets out an amused scoff. He doesnât say anything, making you feel the need to fill the silence.Â
âI only bring it up becauseâŠI know you have a thing withâŠgerms.â Your words falter because of your own uncertainty and you want to dissolve into the fucking floor.Â
Spencer tries to suppress a smile by poking his tongue out slightly. If the atmosphere was lighter heâd tease you about it, but he doesnât want to make you take off again. Still, he feels the need to clarify the events of the night.Â
âI donât know why she kissed my cheek, it was completely random.â He takes his time saying it, still fighting a smile.
You swallow nervously and purse your lips to the side in response. One question answered and you only have new ones in its place. Did she stay the night? Did she sleep on the couch or on his bed? Did he see her again?Â
âI drove her home right after you left.â He can almost hear your thoughts.Â
âWas it a date?â You softly gulp again, unsure if you even have a right to know.
âYes.â He hesitates.Â
âI wanted to try out casual dating for once.â He chagrins. âI honestly donât know how you did it, itâs not even fun.âÂ
âNo itâs not.â You chuckle dryly. âSo no second date, I presume?â
âDefinitely not. I was just stressed the whole time.â He chuckles with you.Â
âTake a shot of tequila before you go next time, it helps settle the nerves.â You joke, jumping to give him advice you hope he doesnât take. You canât help it, itâs what youâve always done. Even if it goes against what you desire.Â
âWhile moderate consumption of tequila can help relax the nervous system, I will not be turning to alcohol for stress relief.âÂ
âThen blast classical music while you get ready and give yourself a pep talk out loud, itâs actually really efficientââ
âThere wonât be a next time. For a really long time, if ever.â He interjects, miffed at your insistence.Â
âYou willingly plan on committing to lifelong celibacy?â You exclaim with a puzzled look. âWhy?!â
Spencer laughs at how raw your reaction is. He didnât plan on giving out any more details but, with that prompt he decides that itâs now or never.Â
âI donât think any future dates will appreciate me picturing someone else in their place the whole time.âÂ
Both of you lock eyes at the same time. This is not a road youâre prepared to go back down, even if thatâs literally the whole point of this conversation. Youâre too stunned to reply and Spencer uses this as an opportunity to be elaborate. He doesnât want any misunderstandings this time.Â
âI couldnât stop picturââ
âShut up.â You blurt out the sentence in almost one word.Â
Your heartâs racing like youâre standing on the edge of a cliff. Youâre flustered, every part of your body is heated from how terrified you are.
âYâyou donât have tâtâŠyou donât owe mâme an explanation.â You try to elaborate, contradicting yourself and stumbling on your words.
âI want to.â He reads that youâre apprehensive but pushes regardless.Â
âPlease donât.â The tears that you thought had dried out were building again.
âWhy ask if you wonât let me answer?â
You donât have anything to say to that. Did you want answers? Yes. Still, you didnât expect how hard theyâd be to hear. He whispers your name and you scramble to think of your next move, and not in chess. Youâre unable to even think about the game right now. You want to bolt, but you canât even get yourself to move. So you deflect.Â
âBecause it doesnât matter.â
âI disagree.â Although his tone is subdued, the pace of his wording is faster. âI think it does matter and thatâs why youâre afraid to hear it.â
Heâs right but you canât bring yourself to agree. This is only going to over-complicate an already complicated situation.
âItâs not enough.â Your voice cracks.
âHow can it be if you wonât even give it a fair shot?âÂ
It comes out louder than you intended. His words trigger resentment within you and you snap.Â
âNothing about any of this is fair! I mean, fucking hell, Spencer, four years. Thatâs how long weâve been friends. I mean Iâve shared shit that I thought I would be taking to the fucking grave with you! You were my best friend for four fucking years and all it took was like, five seconds?â
You sob, softer than when you were first crying, but the frustration is clear. He reaches out to touch your hand, but you push his hand away.Â
âNo!â You choke, sobbing harder when you try to compile your thoughts. âFive seconds to destroy all of it! It makes me wonder if everything we shared, our friendship, was it ever even that strong?â
Your anger simmers to sadness, as evident with how your yelling fades into whispering in the last sentence.Â
âI canât even tell you when exactly those five seconds were. I mean, I knowâŠbutâŠI donât. Where did it go wrong, Spence?âÂ
âI donât know.â Is all he can say after a beat of silence.
He knows exactly where it went wrong.Â
âYeah, me neither!â You sniffle, immediately wiping a single tear that manages to escape. âSo again, it doesnât matter.âÂ
âWhen you took it back.â
âThatâs where everything changed for me. You showed up at my apartment drunk, after your date with Nathan. Your exact words were âI mean as an amazing friendâ.â His voice strains like heâs forcing himself to speak.Â
Your gaze falls, eyes darting everywhere as you try to jog your memory beyond the one sentence you remember.Â
âI donât understand.â You croak.
âYou know, if I wasnât who I am, maybe you could love me the way I love you.â He chuckles bitterly, fighting back tears of his own. âThat wasâ that was, uh, what you said before you took it back.â
âSpence, pleaseâŠâ You whine without sound, tilting your head back and chewing on your lip as a final attempt to stay composed.Â
âNo, you wanted to know where it went wrong.â He laughs falsely to downplay his tears. âYou can say it doesnât matter all you want, but the fact is, it does matter. It matters to me and I wonât let you run from it anymore.âÂ
You canât look at him. Not with tears free falling down your face. You cup your hands together in your lap, pressing your fingers and nails together.Â
âYou told me that I couldnât love you.â You struggle to sound your words.Â
âIâm an idiot.â Another chuckle, but he sounds defeated. âWhen you said that, all I could think about was how badly I wanted to say that I do love you.âÂ
You tearfully laugh at this admission.Â
âI only took it back because of what you said. I panicked. I thought Iâd ruined thingsâŠwhich I guess, I still did.â Another laugh from you.
Spencer responds with the same regretful sound.Â
The irony spurs another fit of giggles amongst you, this one slightly longer and infinitely more rueful than the last. You look anywhere but at each other until it grows quieter.Â
âIf you loved me, why the fuck would you tell me that I couldnât love you?â You sound just as, if not more, defeated than him.Â
âLove.â Spencer corrects without missing a beat.Â
Your brows twitch up and your heart jumps.Â
âI was so hung up on every single part of your sentence that I didnât know what to say first.â He proceeds to answer you without leaving much room to process what he said. âI wanted to tell you that I do love you. I love you as you are. Not as somebody else.â
âBut you didnât say any of that.â You ignore all his admissions, not fully comprehending.Â
âLike I said, Iâm an idiot. I was in so much disbelief and that was the first thing that came out of my mouth.â He sullenly huffs.
You donât reply, sniffling with your head down.Â
âFor like a second, I had everything I wanted. Then you took it back and it was like my whole world had been ripped out from under me. In those five seconds, youâd given me a taste of what Iâd spent four years convincing myself I couldnât have and I justâ I couldnât go back after that.â He adds after a stillness.Â
After a short while, your focus shifts from your hands to the board in front of you. The gameâs been long forgotten. Youâre immersed in the conversation, in spite of how strenuous it is.Â
âI understand why you were distant, even mean, at first.â You snivel. âBut after a while you just became downright cruel.âÂ
Spencer doesnât shy away from your gaze when you do look at him. His skin is as drenched from crying as yours is.Â
âI mean âI donât want to see your faceâ? I know that I donât really have a leg to stand on anymore, but, what the fuck Spencer?âÂ
He doesnât cringe any less with every reminder. Heâs truly regretted the words since they left his mouth.Â
âI wanted to hurt you.â He reveals. âI thought you were being deliberately cruel and I wanted you to feel exactly how I was feeling.â
He nods, hanging his head.
âI thought that you knew how I felt and were just trying to be funny or something.âÂ
âWell I didnât. I wasnât.â You cut him off with a constricted voice.
âEven if you did, itâs not an excuse.â His eyes are glistening from the outpour of tears, but he still lifts his sights back to you. âIâm sorry.âÂ
You donât know how to acknowledge his apology at all. Youâre not even angry anymore, all you feel is sorrow and regret for the way everything happened. An entire friendship down the drain due to an unfortunate set of circumstances.Â
âThis is so fucked up.â You say with another mordant laugh. âAll of this could have been avoided if we just talked about it.â
It stung less when you had somebody to blame for it. Your vision blurs and you make no effort to clear it, letting yourself cry openly.Â
âWeâre talking about it now?â Itâs almost a squeak, the way itâs spoken.
âYeah, but,â your shoulders slump, defeatedly, and you have to pause to control your sob, âwhat good does it do now? Iâve already lost the best thing thatâs ever happened to me in the most pathetic way possible.â
âIâm right here.â He counters in such a small voice that it gives your goosebumps.Â
âSpencer, too many things have been saidâŠâ
âWhen you first joined the team, I instantly knew I liked you.âÂ
He chews on his lip and darts his eyes around while he contemplates if he wants to continue.Â
âI thought it was because of your kind nature. You were so sweet to everybody.â He decides he does, but his voice shakes throughout. âYou have this giftâŠyou make people feel so good about themselves. Whenever you spoke to me, I felt like the most important person in the world. It was impossible not to like you.â
You want to pretend like you donât know where heâs going with this. You want to stop him, but your voice is stuck in your throat.
âIt wasnât until you bought me coffee for the first time that I realised just how much I liked you.â He chuckles again, as he reminisces in the memory. âYou didnât even get my order right until the fourth time, but it was still my favourite cup of the day.â
âYou make me sound like a saint.â You finally choke out, attempting to play down the confession so it doesnât crush your heart. âThe only reason I even started bringing you coffee is because you learned how I like my coffee first.âÂ
âNot a saint, an angel. Iâve fallen so deeply in love with you that there are times where it genuinely feels like Iâm in the presence of an angel.âÂ
Itâs stated with such sincerity that it knocks the wind out of your pipes. Your eyes are widened and youâre biting your tongue with your mouth closed, staring at him with your chin tucked. He seems so confident, even with the glistening from previous tears in his eyes.
âI wanted to be in your life in any way you would have me. Even when it meant that I had to accept you with other people. And it was bearable, untilâŠâ His reminiscence only ends at the memory of the night that changed everything. âLike I said, I couldnât go back.â
The last part fades into another whisper, only then do you find the courage to speak up.Â
âExactly.â You stick to your denial. âIt canât go back to how it was before.â
Your heart is so sure of what it wants, but your head is blinded by fear. Youâre at a crossroads, except one path, the path that leads to everything you long for, is clouded with a fog of uncertainty. The other path is so painfully clear, you can practically see whatâs on the other side. A fresh start, where the risk of fucking up further doesnât exist. What you donât see is Spencer.
âGood. I donât want it to go back to how it was.âÂ
Spencerâs waiting for you to enter the fog. Heâs going to be there holding your hand every step of the way.Â
âIâve already handed in my resignation.â
âThat matters less than everything youâve claimed doesnât matter.â He leans in, intensifying his eye contact.Â
âIâm pretty sure Hotch is really close to confirming my replacement.â You comment half-heartedly.Â
Youâre trying anything to dissuade both him and yourself from acknowledging the obvious, but he doesnât plan on letting you avoid it.Â
âI love you.â He whispers softly.
âSpencerâŠâ You begin when he takes hold of your hands and whatever you had to say disappears from your tongue.Â
âI love you. With every atom that makes up my body.â He repeats himself with further elaboration to instil it in your mind.
âIâm scared.â You whisper back with a sob, finally accepting it.Â
âWhy?â His voice canât be any softer, but it still cracks a little.
âBecause, you canât guarantee that itâs going to end well.â You allow your vulnerability to peek through. âAnd thatâs going to hurt more. Iâd rather leave now than fall deeper.â
Although you didnât say it back, itâs an indirect admission that you love him too. And itâs enough for him to fight harder.
âI know that my credibility isnât the greatest,â he coaxes a small, sad scoff out of you, âbut I truly believe that this, us, weâll work. Because I know that Iâm going to do everything I can to make this work.â
He feels bolder when you donât pull away from his touch, folding your fingers into your palms and cupping over them. You observe the sight as it unfolds in lieu of a verbal response.Â
âIâve spent four years judging any man that comes into your life, wishing I was in their place, swearing I would treat you better than all of them.âÂ
Spencer feels the need to fill in the silence and he lets honesty guide his confession. He leans in further as if heâs indulging his deepest secret.Â
âFour years wasted wondering what could be, cursing out those idiots, but taking no action to make it happen. And that makes me the biggest idiot out of all of them.â
When he speaks like this, with his big, imploring eyes and prayerful tone, it melts your heart to a point where it almost hurts. The more he talks, the more you begin to lean in, opening yourself up to him.
âIt took losing you to realise how badly I fucked up and for that I will never forgive myself. I know that I have no right to ask you to waste any more time on meâŠâ
Thereâs no more resistance against the pull you both physically feel to each other.Â
â...but Iâm begging you for a chance to do today what I should have done way before yesterday.âÂ
Your faces grow closer by the second, you can feel each other's breaths against skin.
âAnd Iâm going to spend every tomorrow proving what I said today.âÂ
The likelihood of him changing your mind with one conversation wasnât very high, both you and Spencer knew this when you got into it. Youâre not entirely surprised when he somehow manages to overcome those odds too. You take the step to close the gap and lightly press your lips to his.Â
It starts off soft, thereâs no lust, no ulterior motive behind it. Itâs a simple confirmation that youâre both present and this is real. Spencer doesnât shy away from the kiss, not that youâd call this a kiss. It feels more intimate, more unguarded.
Spencer pulls you onto his lap as he shifts and leans back against the backrest to allow more room for you. You wrap your arms around him and the kiss deepens. In the midst of you straddling him, he slides the entire chess board off the couch and the pieces scatter on the floor. Itâs only when you feel that the kiss canât bring you any closer to him does the lust emerge. It fuels a desire to prove that you both whole-heartedly belong to each other.Â
Thereâs no pinpointing when the switch happens. All you know is that the feeling of his lips against yours is no longer enough. You cup his jaw in your hands, swiping your tongue on his lower lip and it causes his grip on your waist to tighten. He parts his lips for you and it starts what you can only call a dance with your tongues.Â
Your breathing grows hotter, your hips subconsciously grind against him. Thereâs a prominent bulge that brushes against your heat and you whine into his mouth. Spencer grunts your name in response and then abruptly pulls away.
âWait, wait, wait, slow down.â He breathlessly whispers against your lips.Â
âWhat?â You whisper back with concern. âWhatâs wrong?â
âAre you sure you want to do this?â He gazes into your eyes, afraid that you might regret this later.
âIâve never been more sure, actually.â Youâre confident at first but the look in his eyes makes you pull back further. âUnlessâŠyouâre not sure?â
âNo, donât misunderstand me. I want you.â His tone rises just above the previous whisper with his clarification. âItâs just that the last thing I want to do is take advantage of you when our emotions are running high.â
âFour years, Spencer.â You lean in again, just brushing your lips against his. âThe only reason you should be making me wait is if youâre not sure.â
He shuts that idea down by crashing his lips on yours. The kiss is so hungry, so desperate, itâs everything both of you have longed for and denied yourselves everytime youâve been in each other's presence. It doesnât take long for hands to start to roam. He traces the curve from your waist to your hips, stopping just at the hem of your shirt, tugging it like heâs asking for permission.Â
You rush to undo your buttons and he meets you halfway, starting at the bottom. His fingers brush against yours as you two reach the final button and you pull the fabric off yourself. You do the same with his shirt, lips remaining locked, except for the small gasps of air you take in between. It requires a bit more manoeuvring with him, but youâre both soon shirtless.Â
His mouth travels to your jaw and you shut your eyes from pleasure as he continues down to your neck. The stubble on his chin tickles your skin. You cup it, gently pushing him away with a giggle.Â
âForget to pack a razor in your bag, Dr. Reid?â Your voice is teasing, more playful than seductive.
He chuckles, airily, hiding his groan. He knows youâre being sarcastic, but the use of his title, with your voice in this context, catches him off guard. You moan as you feel his growing bulge against your heat when his arms tighten around your waist, pulling you into his kiss. You swiftly undo the clasp of your bra, but before you can take it off, Spencer grabs you from just below the hips and lifts you up off him, gently laying you down on the seat of the couch.Â
Thereâs no room for hesitation as his lips find your neck again and he nips at the skin. Every suckle earns him short gasps and the grip in his hair tightens as he travels lower. He stops just above your breast, pulling himself up to sit on his knees. You stare up at him with a heated gaze, the nail of your thumb resting between your teeth with your lips parted to make up for the loss of his lips.Â
He reaches for your bra strap and begins pulling slowly, searching your eyes for any signs of you withdrawing consent. All he sees is how beautifully they sparkle when you give him a light nod. Itâs been too long since heâs seen the stars that you hold in your eyes, stars he accustomed himself to before he even got to properly know you.Â
Gazing into his eyes, youâve never felt more sure, more safe. You trust him implicitly and youâve never wanted anything more. His constant need to make sure you're comfortable sends shivers down to your core. He slides the garment off you and Spencerâs beyond grateful that heâs already on his knees, knowing that if he was standing heâd fall to them because of the sight below him.Â
His eyes donât falter once, heâs trying to permanently etch this moment into his brain. He hovers his fingers above your body, thumb brushing against your hardened nipple and you softly whine. He looks awestruck, almost like he doesnât believe whatâs happening. You canât help but wonder if he thinks your boobs look weird.Â
âBeautiful.â The words fall out of his mouth in a whisper, as if on cue. Heâs really just thinking out loud.
Before you can respond he lowers down and plants a small peck to your sensitive nub before taking it into his mouth. You gasp again, head lolling back in pleasure. One of your hands goes for his hair, while the other clings to his hand thatâs already holding yours. He switches between sucking, pulling and squeezing; rolling it between his tongue and uses his teeth to squeeze ever so slightly.
âSâspencer.â A strangled moan falls from your lips.Â
You tug his hair, whining and moaning as your hips roll against the strain in his pants. When your motions become continuous, he lets out his own strained groan and is forced to release your nipple with a small âpopâ.Â
âAngel, I really need you to stop doing that.â He murmurs in your ear with a gentle, gravelly tone.
As soon as the nickname reaches your ears your hips involuntarily buck up again, making his hips automatically push down against yours. His cock presses against your core and you both moan, his head falling against your shoulder.
âSpence, more.â You quietly whine in against his ear. âI need more.âÂ
âMore?â He echoes back, turning his head so that your lips brush past each other when speaking.Â
âMhm.â You nod weakly as he brushes a strand of hair out of your face and weakly connects his lips with yours.
Even when heâs got you vulnerable and at your most compromised, heâs still as gentle as ever. You donât feel him undo your pants or sneak his hand in them, but you definitely feel him press the pads of his fingers against your clothed clit. Air escapes through your nose in a huff of surprise and you hum in his mouth, hips jolting at his touch. He can feel your slickness through your underwear.Â
âOh, my pretty girl.â He sighs, breaking the kiss and directing his whispers in your ear again. âAll wet for me?â
âPlease..â Even with your broken whimper you beg him for more.Â
âLike this?â His deft fingers swipe your panties to the side, fingers landing directly on the clit this time.Â
They feel cold at first. The contrast against your heated body makes you squirm and you groan in a soft, high pitch.Â
âWhat are you feeling right now?â He pries a verbal response from you, circling your bud lightly. âTell me.â
âGood.â You sigh, eyes shut as you try to savour the pleasure.Â
âGood?â His voice is still soft against your ear.
âMhm.â You nod, one arm draping against his shoulder and the other hand running along his scruffy jaw. âSo good.âÂ
âAnd this?â He adds pressure to his movements. âDoes this feel good?â
Your hips buck again and he feels rewarded when you moan. Thereâs no doubt that the sound of your voice is his favourite. He especially loves it when itâs directed at him. Whether that be in the form of a laugh or your sweet moans. It makes him somewhat dizzy. His lips attach to the skin just under your jaw in an attempt to coax more.Â
Itâs very effective. Fingers working your bundle of nerves, circling and flicking while changing the pressure, and mouth kissing and sucking near your pulse. It makes your back arch, hand gripping his shoulder so you donât float away. Heâs careful not to leave any purple traces of him on your neck, mindful of you being bombarded with questions from your colleagues. Â
âI love how reactive you are, Angel. You sound divineâ fuck.â He canât help the grunt that escapes him. âYou are divine.â
His touch alone is enough to make you feel electric, but the sweet nothings heâs whispering in your ear will be what send you over the edge. Itâs a foreign feeling, being reminded that he values you for more than just your body. Just under an hour ago you had incredibly high walls built around you and none of them are left standing as you exposed under him.
Spencerâs not the first man to touch you, but he is the first that loves you. Itâs something youâre not at all used to and it feels as overwhelming as it does good. It transcends the want, no, the need for the man on top of you beyond lust or love. You plan to show him just how strong that need is tonight.Â
The carpeted floor is littered with your clothes, carelessly thrown around and tiny chess pieces scattered around the abandoned chess board. Spencerâs comfortably lying on the couch, facing the ceiling and youâre lying directly on top of him with your face buried in his neck.Â
You run your fingers back and forth along his jaw, scratching his beard in slow streaks. Heâs enveloped you in his arms, one around your lower back and the other playing with your hair. It doesnât feel as peaceful as it seems, both of you are afraid of being the first to speak. You know you canât stay like this forever and you decide to bite the bullet.Â
You only get silence from his end. You know heâs awake because his motions in your hair donât stop. You push yourself up to face him, trying to study his face. The sudden movement brings him back from wherever he was zoned out to.Â
âHm?â His features jump.
Does he regret it?
âWhatâs wrong?â Your voice shakes from worry. âYou have this look on your face.âÂ
âNothingâs wrong. Iâm just thinking.âÂ
âHow bad we are at communicating.â He chuckles. âItâs concerning when you think about how all we ever do is talk.âÂ
Hearing this makes you snort and you fall into him again. It sends both of you into a short fit of laughter.Â
âOh thatâs promising for the success of this relationship.â You giggle, sarcasm evident.Â
Hearing relationship makes Spencer inhale sharply.Â
âSo youâre staying?âÂ
âWell obviously, Dingbat.â You scoff playfully at the question and shift upright, straddling him. âBut we really do need to get better at the communication thing for this to work.â
Spencer mounts his weight on his hands by either side of him and pushes himself up to you, stealing a deep kiss.Â
âYes, we absolutely do.â He whispers, breaking away for only a second.Â
The kisses fizzle in you a plethora of smaller kisses.Â
âSpencer, Iâmâ serious.â You voice in between, loosely draping your arms on his shoulders.Â
âI am too.â He says in a hushed tone as he pulls away.Â
âI want to take itâ this,â you motion between the two of you with your finger, âus, slow. Not four years slow, but, like, by a couple of months at the very least.â
âOkay.â He agrees, his eyes scouring your face with complete adoration. Itâs not ideal, but he understands where youâre coming from.Â
âThat means that we start again. Romantically. We have to talk about a lot of things first.âÂ
He shifts his body out from under you, resting his back properly against the couch and pulls you back into his lap in one swift motion. Both of his hands graze from your shoulder to your wrist.
âHow aboutâŠyou come over this weekend,â He suggests, wrapping his arms around your waist for a hug, âweâll do snacks, a movie, maybe an actual game of chess.âÂ
âThat sounds like a date.â You wrap your arms around his neck to return the gesture and lean your forehead against his.Â
âItâs not a date. Not yet, anyways.â He whispers. âIâm asking you to come over this weekend so we can talk about things properly, because frankly, I donât think either of us is in the right headspace for it right now.âÂ
âShould I be offended at that?â You giggle, not entirely sure what heâs alluding to.Â
âNo!â He snorts with a high tone. âDopamine aside, our Norepinephrine and Serotonin levels are too high right now for us to have a proper conversation about this.âÂ
âIâm not saying that youâre wrong, because youâre not, but I also think youâre just using science to try and confuse me, so that I agree to wherever this speech is heading.âÂ
âItâs times like this where your attentiveness puts me at a disadvantage, because this tactic has a hundred percent success rate on everybody else.â He grins and you chuckle, both leaning in for another kiss.Â
âCan we hold off on starting over? Just for tonight.â He reluctantly voices, not wanting to push any boundaries.Â
You draw back and raise your eyebrows with your eyes widened.Â
âSpence, I have waited for years for this. Youâre insane if you think Iâm giving that up without relishing in it for at least a night. Weâre not starting over until weâre both officially back on the clock.âÂ
âOkay.â He heaves from relief, leaning in for another kiss, but quickly withdraws with a new question. âDonât you think the teamâs going to be suspicious when weâre not fighting tomorrow?â
âForget them, what am I gonna say to Hotch when I ask to withdraw my resignation?â You huff out a tiny groan. âHeâs gonna hate me for all this paperwork.â
Paperwork reminds you why youâre here to begin with. You audibly gasp, jumping off Spencer and scrambling to put your clothes back on.Â
âFuck! Spencer, get dressed!âÂ
Spencer doesnât share your panic, but adheres to your demand. You mutter a continuous line of obscenities as you throw on your clothes and when you donât seem to be getting calmer, he intervenes.Â
âHey, hey, hey!â He coos as he steps towards you, still undressed on the upper-half. âWhatâs wrong?â
âWhatâs wrong is that weâve been here for hours!â You shriek, now fully dressed.Â
You push past Spencer and grab his shirt, deciding that he was too slow on his own. He lets you dress him as he probes further.Â
âThatâs okay. No oneâs going to notice this late.âÂ
âNoâ Spenceââ You sigh, throwing your head back. âIn less than four hours, Hotch is going to walk into his office expecting the Anchorage report on his desk. Iâve barely been able to get half of it done in weeks, how am I going to finish it in four hours?â
You shake your head and begin working on his buttons. He grabs your wrists, urging you to look at him.Â
âYouâll have it done in less than one. Iâll help you!â His voice is light, airy, soft and accompanied with a chuckle.
âSpencer, youâve already been here later than you need to be. Itâs okayââ
âLet me help you.â He resorts to pleading, releasing your wrists and cupping your face.
You donât have it in you to argue, his eyes staring back at you with sincerity. He wants to help. Thereâs no point in pushing him away, because as scared as you are about being too vulnerable with your trauma from that case, you trust him wholeheartedly. You know he wonât push for more than what you choose to share right now.
âOkay.â You nod and smile into the kiss he leans in for after the confirmation.Â
âOkay. Now, you go and start some coffee.â he instructs softly with a wide grin, waving to the scattered chess ensemble. â Iâm going to clean up here and join you.â
âI love you!â You lean for another kiss and hushedly exclaim as you break away, receding towards the door.Â
Itâs Spencerâs turn to lose his breath. Heâs affirmed his love for you countless times tonight and this is the first time youâve verbally reciprocated it. He knows that it wonât be the last time either. That, to him, makes him the luckiest man in the world. He stops you from going any further by your arm and gently yanks you in his direction, crashing his lips with yours.Â
âI love you too.â He whispers after the kiss, letting you go.Â
Heat rises in your face again and you struggle to hide a huge dopey smile, one that Spencer has too. Youâre floating on cloud nine, finally out of the blurry hurricane youâve endured for months. Thereâs still a lot of things that you need to work out, but the thought of them doesnât make you feel dread like it once did.Â
"One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is Love." - Socrates
Spoilers: Yapperoni (so much dialog in this chapter), BAU! Reader, enemies (kinda) to lovers, hurt, comfort, love confessions (they might be a little too sappy, idk, I was sleep deprived), the praise made me giddy at some point, smut but I edge you by not writing out everything, happy ending.
AN - I have a little tiny fear that people (me) will nawt (I donât) fuck with this monstrosity, but out of all my drafts, this felt like the most natural course of action. I thought it would be really fun to go from friends to enemies to lovers. Now, literally nobody talk to me about writing fics after this. Uniâs started, so Iâll be very inconsistent for a bit. Casual reminder: I am not Spencer Reid. I donât have an IQ of 187. Any facts I make him spew could very well be bull-shit and he only spews them for the purpose of the story. I also have no knowledge of how the FBI works and lack a ton of common sense. A lot of things were made up for the purpose of this story.
A comment today keeps semicolon away (from showing up to your house and eating all your snacks).
Thank you for reading!
#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x you#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds imagine#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds fandom#ssa spencer reid#bau team#spencer reid fic#spencer reid angst#angst fic#criminal minds angst#spencer reid x fem!reader#fem!reader#dr spencer reid#spencer reid smut#criminal minds smut#smut#smut fic#the smut doesn't occur all the way#; fics
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So far this file is called 'birdritch'. Those of you who follow my art tumblr might know where this is going. I needed something light to write, been a low day. There has been zero editing or reading through and it is past 2am, sorry and enjoy! (Don't need any typos pointed out, ty.)
âYou are supposed to be home.â
Danny blinked up from his work to find Lucius Fox standing in the doorway of the lab. The man had the sport of expression one wore around a child who had just done something disappointing.
(Danny was used to the look, even if it had been a long time since he'd been a kid. Or seen his parents, for that mater.)
âOkay, but,â Danny started, âwe agreed that I could start at ten and take my eight hours and one for lunchââ
âA mandatory one hour for lunch away from your desk,â Lucius interrupted.
âYes, yes, Iâve been doing that! Iâve been eating out on the rooftop garden or even leaving the building and eating out or taking lunch to the park. Iâve been behaving, Lucius, I promise.â
Lucius raised a judgmental brow. âItâs after eight, Danny.â
âWhat? No. I have an alarm on my phone and everything⊠okay, well, that only works if my phone is charged.â Danny jabbed uselessly at his phone screen. He followed the charger, which was plugged in, all the way to the wall. He resisted the urge to let his head fall against the wall. âI guess Leslie fried the outlet again or something. Iâm sorry, Lucius.â
âItâs fine, Danny,â Lucius said, âbut only because, one, I know you have been trying, and two, I am going to buy you the most embarrassing alarm clock I can find and mount it to something in this lab. Now it is late and I am going home and so are you, Mr. Fenton.â
âYes sir, Mr. Fox,â Danny said and made an exaggerate show of packing up his backpack, dead phone and all.
Lucius gave a little snort at the antics, but left with a âget home safe, Dannyâ. After his boss was gone, Danny took the time to actually make sure everything was in his bag and secure. He still didnât get why he couldnât just work late, but apparently WE had something of an insistence of work life balance. According to Lucius, Danny crossed the line too often and so was being kept in line. (Danny didnât think mention he didnât have much of a life, literally and otherwise, would help his case.)
Still, Danny mused as he stepped inside the empty elevator, the rules did keep him from becoming his parents. And that was a very, very good thing! Being a mad scientist in Gotham usually ended up landing someone in Arkham. It was just that after the chaos that Danny grew up with, going back to his empty apartment was depressing. It wasnât as if Danny never got out and did things, it was just that all those things were mostly on the weekend. Most days he just didnât have a reason to go back to his place.
There was no getting out of it tonight, the great and powerful Fox had spoken and Danny knew better than to try and sneak back up. He lifted his hands over his head, stretching as the elevator descended the last few floors. Oh well, at least it was before ten. He could still grab something on the way home and have a full, warm meal to take his pain meds on. By the pull along his forearm he would need them.
âNight, Bill,â Danny said as he passed the security guard who was on the evening shift. He got another âget home safeâ in response and gave a little wave in reply over his shoulder.
Even after the few years in Gotham, it still amused Danny how much everyone wished everyone else some sort of safe travels here. As much as Gotham was a city of hardened realists, there still was so much hope about it. Hope people got home safely, that the Bats would get where they were need in time, that the city would rebuild again and again and again. The undercurrent of hope was so strong that Danny could practically feel it moving through the city like a river.
It had been one of the reasons Danny had taken the job.
He could use hope.
He also had been very careful not to look too closely into it all. While Dannyâs early life may have been dominated by the occult, he tried to stay away from it these days outside of the necessary visits to the Realm for his health. As much as the Far Frozen was full of ghost yetis, Frostbite was still a being of science and being there felt more like a cold vacation to his weird relatives than anything else those days.
Danny was actually worried that he was getting close to needing another visit. He shouldnât, not yet. He wasnât actually due back for another three months, but the thought of visiting Frostbite had been pulling at the back of Dannyâs mind. The most annoying part of it all, is that there wasnât any concrete reason that Danny felt he needed to go, just a lot of little things: the ache was deeper in his bones, heâd been missing noticing little things, his near constant vertigo was worse, and, oddest of all, he had been feeling chilled.
Maybe he should just take a long weekend and go for a quick visit.
Lucius would undoubtedly approve of the break.
Tomorrow, Danny would ask tomorrow.
(As long as he remembered.)
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Hi love! For your tortured poets department, can I request endgame from the reputation album, lando being the driver please please đ

END GAME | Lando Norris
Lando Norris x Friend with benefits Piastri!Reader
SUMMARY: You were used to have random hookups just for fun, including with Lando Norris himself. It's not until he decides to lock both of you up on his driver room and talk about your weird relationship that you don't realize that, deep down, you're willing to settle down your mind and start a dating him âł REQUESTED: Yes! Thanks for requesting and hope you like it đ Part of REPUTATION in MY TORTURED DRIVERS DEPARTMENT
WARNINGS: Slightly +18 at the end (sorry for leaving it there âșïž), mentions of friends with benefits, spelling with multiple people, angst, curse words
VEE'S NOTES: Haven't written Lando in a very, very long time, so hope you like this one! University and my mental health are killing me but you know what? Writing is what keeps me going (and specially your comments have been a boost of serotonin for me lately). Also... the 2k special is already living rent free in my mind and I can't wait to achieve the goal to post it đ I wanna give spoilers now so... you know đ€ âł TALK TO ME / REQUESTS! | FORMULA 1 MASTERLIST

© VETTELSVEE (2025). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!

"You finally decided to show up at a race. I was starting to think you only liked having me naked in your bed behind your brotherâs back."
You smiled at the screen, playing with your fingers as you thought how could you answer Lando. Your relationship was based purely on sex, moreover sexting, with barely any real conversations whenever you met, moans and orgasms speaking for you both instead.
You had never felt the need to go beyond that, to involve feelings in your relationship, or at least thatâs what you had made clear to Lando before sleeping with him the very first time. You also let him know that, besides him, there were other guys with whom you had no commitments whatsoever.
However, it was with Lando that you spent most of your time. The others were nothing more than a safe escape, an easy way out when the Brit wasnât around.
"Be grateful that I even came," you finally replied. "And donât flatter yourself. I came to see my brother, not to make you come before a race."
You hesitated, wondering if your reply was harsh enough to keep him from getting any ideas and, more importantly, to stop him from insisting on meeting up. You werenât sure how, but you wanted to end that strange relationship before it spiraled out of control because, whether you wanted to admit it or not, you had started to feel something for him.
Yes, just a few weeks ago, you had one of your usual encounters with a friend of one of your best friends. But everything fell apart when, right before reaching your climax, you couldnât help it: you moaned Landoâs name instead.
That was what made you question what exactly you felt for Norris and why the label of friends with benefits seemed to be fading away.
"Donât play dumb, Piastri. See you at the motorhome. You know exactly where."
You huffed. Of course, you knew exactly where youâd be meeting. After all, ever since your brother became a Formula 1 driver, you had visited his teammateâs personal room more than Oscarâs.
With a sigh, making sure neither your mother nor your sisters were nearby, you got up, grabbed the plastic cup that still had a bit of coffee left, and walked with as much determination as you could muster toward McLarenâs motorhome, finishing your drink along the way.
As you walked, mentally preparing a script in case things got tense with Lando, you greeted the people you knew, or at least those who knew you as Y/N Piastri. Lewis was genuinely happy to see you and even stopped to chat, but you excused yourself, saying you had already made plans. Fernando gave you a knowing look, as if trying to figure out what exactly you were about to do with a certain driver.
Even your brother crossed paths with you at the entrance to McLarenâs motorhome. You managed to lie to him, partially, saying Lando had asked you to take a few pictures of him before the race.
Oscar gave you a strange look, then rolled his eyes, offered a small smile and told you to enjoy whatever it was you both were about to do.
You said nothing, but you knew your twin brother well enough to realize he already had a pretty good idea of what you were up to with Norris. Not that you tried too hard to hide it.
When you reached Landoâs room, you didnât even have to knock. The door opened instantly, revealing a slightly tired-looking Lando with a cup in his hand. His race suit was already on but zipped only to his waist, leaving the top half hanging loose. His team cap was still on, though it didnât last long since he took it off and tossed it aside within seconds.
He grinned from ear to ear, like he had been waiting for you with far too much anticipation.
"Come in. Make yourself at home," he said with that mischievous tone you were so used to hearing, though something about it felt slightly different this time.
You walked inside without hesitation, crossing your arms and ignoring him, except for the occasional sideways glance to see if he would do or say something before you did. Unfortunately, he didnât.
"If you wanted a quick fuck before the race you couldâve just said so, you know?"
"I donât think todayâs the best day to fuck you and let everyone hear," he replied. "At least, not yet. Today, weâre going to talk."
"We donât talk, Lando," you shot back, feeling an internal alarm go off. "And when we do, itâs just to ask about the safe word of the day, what we want to do to each other, and how close we are to coming."
"Well, maybe itâs time we started talking, donât you think so?"
His answer took you completely by surprise. Your gazes remained locked on each other, and you felt the atmosphere grow tense.
For the first time in a long while, there was no excuse you could use to avoid that conversation with Lando. Maybe the fact that you had been ignoring him for the past few weeks was enough to make him realize that there was a chanceâhowever smallâthat things had changed between you two.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm the growing sense of unease settling in your chest. Lando kept looking at you with that same intensity he always did, except this time⊠it was different. It wasnât the first time you found yourselves in a situation like this, where there were a thousand unsaid things hanging between you, waiting to be voiced. But it was the first time, at least on your part, where feelings were involved beyond pure physical desire.
"I donât think thereâs anything to talk about," you said as nonchalantly as possible, but your tense posture betrayed you.
Lando set his cup down on the table beside him. Then, he sat on the edge, crossing his arms again, and reached for your hands only for you to pull away and take a step back.
"I think you know exactly what we need to talk about," he replied calmly. His voice was lower than usual, and you felt the heat grow between your legs. You shook your head, feeling guilty and doing your best to push away that sudden, but familiar, awakening in your body.
"Youâve been avoiding me, Y/N. And donât tell me you havenât, because you were in Monaco and never called me to meet up⊠to see each other," he added, his voice laced with something unreadable. "In fact, we usually sext almost every day, and you didnât even bother to tell me what new lingerie set you bought for when you came over."
"I didnât tell you I was coming to Miami either."
Your reply, rather than making you sound indifferent, exposed you completely. Lando raised an eyebrow, as if he had caught you red-handed. That was when you realized you had seriously screwed up.
"I havenât been avoiding you, Lando. Iâve just been busy," you insisted.
"Busy? You mean busy by ignoring me?" He scoffed, ironic. His expression turned much more serious now, and you started to worry about where this might lead. "Tell me the truth, Y/N. Whatâs going on? Whatâs happening with you?" he emphasized.
You averted your gaze, pretending to take interest in the roomâs decoration, a room you already knew by heart. You knew you couldnât keep dodging the topic, but you also had no idea how to confront it without changing everything you had so far. It was impossible to put into words what you felt for Lando, not when your relationship had always been purely physical. And especially not when there was a real chance you were just confused⊠and, well, you couldnât forget the possibility that he might only see you as his hookup.
"Nothingâs wrong," you finally responded.
"I thought we were always honest with each other," Lando sighed, running a frustrated hand through his hair.
You felt your throat tighten. It was hard to breathe. You had been honest, at least when it came to the unrestricted desire between you, to touching each other without attachments, to seeking comfort in one another without questions that went beyond your wildest fantasies. You had avoided anything personal.
But now, you were slowly breaking the unspoken rules that had kept you in perfect balance until this moment.
"Iâve been busy, Lando, and the last thing I wanted was to deal with you, alright?" you insisted, trying to sound as convincing as possible. "Things should have stayed the way they were until, according to you, I started ignoring you."
"No, Y/N, things arenât like that," the Brit denied, shaking his head. He stepped closer, cornering you against the wall. "If you donât want to face something because youâre afraid of rejection, just tell me. But, for fuckâs sake, donât act like I did something wrong, because youâre killing me."
"Stop insisting that nothing is happening between us, when thatâs exactly what makes me think the opposite."
His confession caught you completely off guard. His wordsâclear, direct, and without a hint of sarcasm, threw you off⊠especially because you knew he was right.
You felt the urge to run, to disappear, to pretend none of this had ever happened. Most of all, you wanted to deny yourself any romantic thought you had ever had about Oscarâs teammate.
When you lowered your gaze, Lando moved back slightly, giving you space and making sure he didnât overwhelm you more than you already seemed to be. You sighed, trying to relax once again, but before you could say anything, he spoke first.
"Tell me nothingâs wrong between us, Y/N Piastri," he said softly. "If nothing has really changed, if everything is the same between us⊠dare to look at me in the eyes and say it."
Your chest tightened. You couldnât run away, not when Lando had you emotionally cornered, teetering on the edge of an explosion. Your breathing was unsteady, heavy. Your mind screamed at you to find an excuse, anything that would let you stay true to yourself regardless of what happened next.
Lando waited, unmoving, his blue eyes locked onto yours with an intensity that made you tremble for the first time in your lifeâwithout him even touching you. It was the first time he had shown himself to you like this: so vulnerable and yet so determined at the same time.
"Nothing is wrong between us, Lando Norris," you finally whispered, forcing the words out, ignoring both your heart and the boy standing in front of you.
"Say it again, but this time, look me in the eyes."
He didnât move an inch. He knew you were lying; your posture gave you awayâthe way you avoided his gaze, the way your fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt and your accreditation passâŠ
You squeezed your eyes shut tightly. You had no choice⊠at least, not entirely.
Lifting your gaze, you met his blue eyes once again. Your lips parted slightly, ready to try and let out a lie convincing enough for both him and yourself.
But it was impossible. You couldnât keep doing this, not when, deep down, and no matter how hard you tried to deny it, you felt something more than just pleasure for Lando Norris. The fear of rejection⊠it terrified you. The thought of him turning you away, of losing what you had with him, was unbearable.
"You donât have to say it if youâre not ready," he interrupted. "But please⊠stop pushing me away. Stop making this to us."
"Itâs justâŠ"
Nothing. No matter how much you tried to explain yourself, to find a logical enough reason for your sudden ghosting, you couldnât.
"Itâs just what, Y/N?" the Brit pressed. "Are you afraid to take a risk? To admit something because youâre scared of what might happen next? Because you donât want to change the life youâve had until now? Because you want toâŠ?"
Lando forced himself to stop. He ran his hands through his hair, exasperated, turning his back to you. Guilt hit you immediately, your body trembling as the storm inside you began to break free. The driver rubbed his face, frustration radiating from him. This was exhausting him. You were exhausting him, to the point where he was starting to doubt his own feelings. Feelings that had started to grow the moment he realized it hurt when you ignored him, when you didnât even send him a simple "Hey."
"I wish this were different, Y/N," he finally murmured, his voice thick with emotion as he turned to face you again. "I wish you didnât make me feel like this. I wish I could just be content with what we had before and pretend none of this was happeningâŠ"
Your stomach twisted painfully. That was exactly what you had been thinking, the very reason you had pulled away from him and from whatever this was. You had ignored the fact that your feelings for Lando Norris had become something much strongerâmaybe they had been there for far longer than you were willing to admit.
"Lando, listen" You tried to step closer, but he pulled away.
"No, Y/N, no," he said bitterly. "I tried convincing myself there was a reason you were ignoring me, acting like I was nothing to you, and then it hit me that I really want you as more than just someone to fuck."
"ThatâŠ" you struggled to say, stepping toward him. This time, Lando didnât stop you. The sincerity in your eyes, the way you looked both calm and nervous at the same time, made him realize he had to trust his instincts. And that was exactly what they were telling him.
"Thatâs what I wanted to tell you," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper, but Lando still heard you. "Thatâs why I kept you on standby for two weeks⊠I knew this would change everything, that youâd react badly, that weâd end up fighting, and I⊠I didnât know how to face the possibility of you rejecting⊠this."
Lando stared at you in surprise before a sad smile crept onto his lips.
"Y/N⊠Iâve always been good at reading signals, but this has been driving me fucking crazy."
"And you think itâs not been making me feel the same?" you shot back, feeling a weight lift off your shoulders.
Lando stepped closer, taking your hands in his. You didnât resist, feeling how the both of you tensed at the contact. His lips inched toward yours, and when they finally met, the kiss was so fierce, so full of passion, that you ended up straddling him on the couch, moving against him, desperate to feel him. Even though you both knew there was still a race in two hours.
"I donât want to touch you like this, Y/N," Norris whispered against your ear as you left small bites along his neck. "Y/N, stop it babeâŠ"
"I donât wanna be just another ex-love to you, LandoâŠ" you murmured between kisses, still searching for friction between your bodies.
"And I donât wanna miss you like your other lovers do, babeâŠ"
This time, Lando gripped your waist firmly, flipping you onto the couch beneath him. His eyes never left yours as he carefully lifted your shirt and started massaging your breasts over your bra.
"I wanna be your end game, Y/N," Lando breathed, unable to tear his gaze away from you.
Your breath came out in shallow pants, and you felt like you were teetering on the edge. Your hands gripped the unfastened gear around his waist, tugging lightly to keep him close.
"Then prove it."
"I have a race in two hours, loveâŠ" he murmured, his voice rough as he pressed his forehead to yours, his arousal growing.
"Then you better be quick," you teased, running your hands over his abs beneath the fireproof. "Especially if you donât want Osc to hear usâŠ"
"Youâre gonna be the death of me one day, Y/N Piastri," Lando groaned as he trailed his fingers up your thighs, lowering himself before you. "Now, open your legs for me... You deserve a punishment after being such a bad, bad girl these past few daysâŠ"
#f1#formula 1#lando norris#f1 x reader#formula 1 x reader#f1 fanfic#f1 fic#formula 1 x female reader#formula 1 x you#formula 1 x yn#formula 1 smut#f1 smut#lando norris one shot#lando norris x yn#lando norris imagine#lando norris x reader#lando norris fanfic#lando norris smut#lando norris angst#lando norris fic#ln4 x reader#ln4 fanfic#f1 imagine#my tortured drivers department#reputation
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The call came while you were halfway through folding laundry in the living room. You barely managed to grab your phone in time, Alessiaâs coachâs name flashing across the screen. The moment you answered, you could tell something was wrong by the apologetic tone in her voice. She quickly explained that Alessia had hit her head during trainingâcrashed face-first into the goalpost, of all thingsâand now had a rather concerning goose egg on her forehead.
âSheâs⊠fine,â the coach reassured, though her hesitation didnât do much to settle your nerves. âBut sheâs a bit dazed, and we think itâs best if someone comes to get her. Just to keep an eye on her.â
You didnât waste any time. Within minutes, you were in the car, heading straight to the training ground. Your heart pounded as you pulled into the lot, spotting a small group of players milling about near the pitch. And then there she was, sitting on the bench with an ice pack pressed to her forehead, looking like the picture of misery.
âBaby,â you called as you hurried over, your voice tinged with both worry and affection.
Alessia glanced up, her pout almost comically exaggerated as her big blue eyes met yours. âHi, love,â she mumbled, her words slightly slurred, though that could have been the pout.
You crouched in front of her, gently prying the ice pack away to inspect the damage. The large bump on her forehead was impossible to miss, and you winced at the sight of it. âOh, Lessi girl, what did you do?â you murmured, brushing a strand of blonde hair out of her face.
âI didnât mean to,â she said defensively, her voice soft and a little sheepish. âThe post came out of nowhere.â
You couldnât help but laugh softly, though you quickly sobered when she winced, clearly still in pain. âAlright, letâs get you home. Can you stand?â
She nodded, but as soon as she got to her feet, she swayed slightly, her hand clutching your arm for balance. âMight need a little help,â she admitted, her cheeks tinged pink.
You wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her to the car while murmuring reassurances. Once you got her settled into the passenger seat, you buckled her in, pressing a kiss to her cheek as you rounded the car to the drivers side.
âI feel stupid,â she mumbled as you started the car.
âDonât,â you said firmly, glancing over at her. âYouâre not stupid, baby. Just a little clumsy. But I already knew that.â
She huffed out a laugh, though it was short-lived as she winced again. You reached over to squeeze her hand that was resting limply on her thigh, your thumb brushing gently over her knuckles. âWeâll get you home, showered, and comfortable, okay? Youâll be alright.â
Alessia nods, letting out a quiet sigh as she leans her head back against the headrest of her seat. You squeeze her hand once more before putting both hands back on the wheel.
By the time you got her home and inside, Alessia was practically clinging to you, her pout firmly in place. She had every right to be feeling sorry for herself; concussions werenât exactly fun. After helping her kick off her trainers and shrug out of her training kit and dumping them in a corner to be dealt with later, you led her to the bathroom, keeping a firm grip on her arm in case she lost her balance.
âYouâre coming in with me, right?â she asked, her voice small as she looked at you with those wide, pleading eyes that always made your heart melt.
âOf course, baby,â you said softly, pressing a kiss to her temple, just next to the goose egg, before turning on the shower. âIâm not letting you out of my sight.â
Once the water was warm enough, you helped her step in, stripping off yourself and following after her, keeping your hands on waist her to steady her. She leaned into you immediately, her arms wrapping around your waist as the water cascaded over both of you.
âYouâre too good to me,â she mumbled against your shoulder, her voice muffled by your skin.
âYouâd do the same for me,â you replied, running your hands over her back in soothing circles. Alessia hummed in agreement, and you feel her lips press against your neck in a gentle kiss. You squeeze her softly in return, pressing your own lips against the wet skin of her shoulder.
After the shower, you helped her into one of your oversized t-shirts and a pair of her own shorts, the soft fabric clinging to her damp skin. She looked impossibly adorable, perched on the end of the bed, her damp hair sticking to her face as she let you fuss over her, brushing through the tangles and pressing gentle kisses to her temple every so often.
Once you were satisfied that she was comfortable, you led her to the couch, settling in first before pulling her down on top of you. Her taller frame sprawled out over yours, her head resting on your chest as she let out a content sigh. You reach for one of the blankets hung over the back of the couch to cover you both up, spending a little time in making sure Alessia was all tucked in.
âThis is nice,â she murmured after a few quiet moments, her voice already heavy with sleep
âDonât get too comfy,â you teased, pressing your lips to the top of her head as your fingers trail softly over her back beneath the shirt. âI have to wake you up every half hour, remember?â
She groaned, adjusting herself slightly so her face was buried in your neck. âThatâs so annoying.â
âI know, my love,â you said with a soft laugh, craning your head and pressing a kiss to her temple as you continue with the gentle ministrations against her back. âBut itâs for your own good, my clumsy girl.â
The first time you woke her, she blinked up at you with bleary eyes, her pout more pronounced than ever. âI was dreaming,â she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.
âAbout what?â you asked, stroking her hair gently
âAbout you,â she said simply, her eyes fluttering closed again
You smiled, your heart melting at her words. âGo back to sleep, baby. Iâll wake you again soon.â
The second time, she was even grumpier, swatting at your hand as you gently shook her shoulder. âLeave me alone,â she grumbled, though the slight curve of her lips betrayed her
âNot a chance,â you said, pressing a kiss to her nose. It scrunched up adorably in response, and you couldnât help but do it again, just because.
By the third time, she was too sleepy to protest, simply nuzzling further into your chest as you murmured soft reassurances.
âI love you,â she mumbled, her voice barely audible as sleep threatened to pull her under again.
âI love you too, Lessi girl,â you whispered, your fingers tracing lazy patterns over her back.
@ceesimz @marysfics @girlgenius1111 @codiemarin @simp4panos @silentwolfsstuff @goldenempyrean @xxnaiaxx @liloandstitchstan @ktgoodmorning @chelseacult
#alessia russo x you#alessia russo x reader#alessia russo#woso community#woso x reader#woso appreciation#woso imagine#fluff#woso fanfics#woso one shot
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Tie a Tie - S.R
a/n: i'm a slut for a good tie
âË â©Â°ïœĄâ⥠âËâĄâĄ âËâĄâĄâïœĄÂ°â©Ëââ§
pairings: spencer reid x bimbo!receptionist!reader
summary: you ask spencer to teach you how to tie a tie
warnings: cuties being cute!
wc: 1.2k
"How do you tie a tie?"Â
The question and the voice attached to it made Spencer do a double take, his pencil pausing mid-stroke. He directed he gaze upward, and there you were. Beside his desk. Looking angelic as ever.
Today, your hair was embellished with ribbons, pretty pink bows tied neatly above your two braids. It was cute.
You hardly visited at his desk, in fact, this might be the first time. He had always been the one to seek you out at your receptionist desk.
He realized the lapse in conversation had gone on longer than what social norms dictate. He cleared his throat and reached up to rub his neck, offering you sheepish yet attentive look.Â
"Do I have something on my face?" The question came with an uncharacteristic frown that didn't suit you. A shimmering nail reached up, brushing your cheek as he fought the urge to replace your hand with his.
"No, no sorry," he assured quickly, a sense of equilibrium returning as your mouth flipped into a bright smile. "Just--, you want to know how to tie a tie?"
His intention wasn't to question you, but he was curious. What did you need to know how to tie a tie for? The answer seemed clear, yet unwelcome, as he begrudgingly considered the possibility of a significant other in your life, leaving a sour taste in his mouth.
"Yes," you affirmed, nodding like one of those dashboard bobbleheads, sending your ribbons dancing. "There's this outfit on Pinterest that I wanted to recreate, but it needs a tie, and well, I immediately thought of you, Dr. Reid. You're the tie expert, after all. I know you're super busy, so it's totally okay if now isn't a good time, but maybe you could text me? Or write it down, or--"Â
The tension dissipated from his frame, and he interjected with a soft smile. "Yeah, no problem at all. I'll teach you," he said, rising to grab an empty chair. He placed it opposite his, motioning for you to take a seat. "And please, It's Spencer."
He doesn't know how many times he's told you that Dr. Reid sounded too formal coming from you.Â
"Oh, right, Spencer." They way his name rolled off your tongue sent a wave of warmth through him. You bit your lip, crossing one leg over the other, the tip of your kitten heel brushing his calve in the process. "Thank you so much. I tried to watch YouTube tutorials, but it wasn't really working out."
"It's no problem," he said, trying to keep his cool as his surveyed the vacant office, immensely grateful the team was out on a case, and he was left behind to work on documents.Â
It wasn't that he was embarrassed by you, he would be an idiot to feel that way. He was embarrassed by how utterly out of control he felt around you. "Uh, here--"
His hands moved with practiced ease, a brief hesitation passing before he placed it around your neck. Your smile was disarming, compelling him to avert his gaze to prevent any impulsive actions. Gently, he swept your hair aside at the nape of your neck, careful not to entangle it with the fabric.
Spencer's fingers stalled, suspended over the smooth silk encircling you. The awareness of your focused gaze was palpable, almost tangible.
"Okay," he started, his tone even despite the butterflies attacking at his stomach. "The first thing you need to do is cross the long end over the short end, like this."
He illustrated the motion, his hands lightly skimming over your collarbone, eliciting a soft giggle from the unexpected tickle.
"Like this?" you repeated, your tongue making a brief appearance against your pink stained lips, trying to follow his lead.
"Exactly," he confirmed with a nod, smile inching across his face. "Now you bring the long end up through the loop around your neck."
His touch was light on the fabric, his fingertips just grazing the skin below your ear, a reaction visible in the slight shiver that traveled over you, goosebumps taking over.Â
You watched his every move, your head tilting to the side, a lock of hair falling into your face. "And then?"
"Now, you fold it down through the knot you've just made." Spencer's voice was soft, almost a whisper, as he focused on the task at hand. "Pull it all the way though, and then adjust the tightness by holding the short end and sliding the knot up."
With his guidance, you managed to complete the knot. "I did it!"
The excitement in your eyes was infectious, and he felt the rosy hue take over his face, a blush he couldn't contain at the sight of you. His laughter spilled out in response.
"You're a quick learner." His hands remained on the tie, a touch too long, maybe.Â
The intrusive ring of his phone fractured the moment, like a glass dropping on hard ground. He glanced at the caller ID--Hotch, of course--and sighed.
"Sorry, I have to take this."
"It's okay. Thank you for the help, Spencer."
Spencer almost died the moment you entered the bullpen the next morning, almost toppling over and dying of asphyxiation because of how easily you took his breath away.
There you were, in what he could only deduce was the Pinterest inspired outfit, a pink tie neatly arranged around your neck, its tail slipped into the waistband of your skirt.
"Spencer, you forgot your tie yesterday," you called out, extending the forgotten piece of fabric with a smile.
A red akin to a ripe strawberry bloomed across Spencer's face as he watched Morgan and Prentiss freeze mid-step, exchanging knowing looks as they glanced between you two.
"Reid, what's this about a tie?"Â
Of course, Morgan was butting in, because it just wouldn't be a normal day of work if he wasn't.
"It's not--We didn't--," he faltered, his eyes meeting yours, finding an innocent cluelessness to the implications around them. Opting to dismiss the others, he focused on you, taking the tie with hands that weren't quite steady. "I mean, thank you."
You simply beamed at him.
"Do you like my outfit?" you asked, doing a little twirl that made the hem of your skirt flare out. He had to avert his eyes, knowing that the way he was looking you over would certainly not be perceived as innocent. "I got your text with the instructions. It was so sweet because I definitely did not remember everything you said yesterday. It gets kind of confusing with all the steps."
He was momentarily lost for words. "It's... you look... amazing."
Spencer was still fumbling for words when you stepped closer, the soft scent of your perfume wrapping around him.
"Well, it's all thanks to you."
Before he could respond, your rose onto the balls of your feet and planted a gentle kiss on his cheek. It was quick, innocent, but it left his knees feeling like they might buckle
As you pulled away, his skin tingled where your lips had been, and he stood there, utterly dumbstruck, his face a canvas painted with various shades of pink.
Morgan stared at him, his eyebrows raised in silent question, but Spencer didn't care. For a short moment, he didn't care about anything else--not the case files, not the teasing of his colleagues, not the world outside. There was only the warmth on his cheek and the sudden lightness in his chest.Â
He decided this was his new lucky tie.Â
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x bimbo reader#spencer reid x fem reader#spencer reid x receptionist#spencer reid#spencer reid fluff#criminal minds#dr reid#reid#criminal minds fluff#Spotify
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Seven // Mafia!Stucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: One week is all it takes for your world to come crashing down. Even though you could have everything you'd ever wanted, for some reason, something isn't right. Will your emotions and the smothering of overprotective Stucky come to an end?
Prompt: please read my 'origin' fics last hope (Ch 1) (Ch 2) for some reader backstory.
Requested by: 2 x requests mixed together. @hellsenthero for the safeword use, subdrop + lots of angst/comfort & anon with very overprotective Stucky. I hope you both enjoy, this gets quite intense so be ready!
Warnings (PLEASE READ): injuries, blood, safe word use, discussion of m*rder, severe panic attack. Not by the main characters: threats of abuse, unconsenting face touching, derogatory, misogony, slut shaming
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst (!), Overprotective (!), Dom/Sub, threesome, hurt/comfort, possessive, sir kink, oral (f + m recieving), squirting, subdrop, crying, anal, double penetration, praise kink, begging, rough sex, aftercare (sorry if i've missed any lmao)
Words: 9k (it's a long one!)
my masterlist đ AO3 Link

One week. Seven days.
Not a significant amount of time for most in the grand scheme of a lifetime. How much could change in a single week? Everything it seemed and yet nothing at all.
A week of not acting like yourself. Days filled with conflicting thoughts between overreacting and not having the energy to emote. Excuses became your best friend. Maybe it was because you were due to start your period; perhaps it was a mental breakdown. Who knows?
There was never a day that you EVER doubted your love for Steve Rogers and James Barnes. The term soulmates didnât even come close to how much you loved these men. The loves of your life. Saving you from a lifetime of pain, saving you from yourself. There would never be a day that you werenât grateful for these men, and every day, you tried to show them your appreciation with love and affection.
Yes, you were still human. There were days when you couldnât even cope with their assertive overprotectiveness. Yes, it was for your benefit; they loved you as much as you loved them. Scared of losing you, cautious of the horrible life and background that theyâd saved you from. Their job as heads of the Rogers Mafia was rifled with dangers, violence, and death. There was always a target on their backs and anyone they encountered. The list was endless as to why Steve and Bucky acted as they did.
For years, there was nothing but appreciation for this way of life. The dangers that surrounded every second were always at an arm's length away from you as you lived a comfortable, loving life with the men you loved.
Steve and Bucky were renowned for their protection of you. Going to extreme lengths to make sure you were safe. This ranged from 24/7 security, personal bodyguards always by your side unless they were there, and weapons hidden throughout your home that you had been thoroughly trained on just in case.
Next were the verbal and physical threats Steve and Bucky would give those who dared to look at you for more than 5 seconds. People died. MANY people had been killed, as a matter of fact, in the line of duty, love and a little bit of crazy. The lines that were crossed to make sure you were safe had no boundaries.
Except on these small occasions. Just one week for your patience to lose all hope.
It had been a calm day for you. You complete chores at home until youâre satisfied while your boyfriends are at work, making money and continuing to prove they own Brooklyn. You wanted to treat them to something special and decided to cook a hearty meal and have a romantic dinner.
The table was decorated with candles and fresh flowers from the garden. Even your dog Dodger was handsome in his blue and red bowtie around his neck. He sat his head on his paws, watching you chop vegetables.
âWhat do you think Dodger? Does Mama move well?â you ask him whilst shaking your hips in time with the song playing on the radio. The rottweilerâs head tilts as if to say youâre really going to ask me that?
âFine, maybe I canât dance, but I can cook; if youâre good, youâll get some of the meat scrapsâ. Dodgers ears perk up at this, and you canât help but grin down at your baby, âOf course, youâre going to be a good boy, youâre always my good boy- OW SHIT!â
The pain is intense, and the burn radiates from the centre of your palm. Blood, that's all you see at first. The crimson drips from the end of the knife in your hand before it clutters onto the cutting board.
âHoney, weâre home!â Bucky hollered from the front door.
You couldnât reply. Utterly frozen and helpless as more drips continued to coat the surface. This is how you die from chopping vegetables. Youâll be the laughing stock of the infamous mafia leaderâs lover dies from cutting a carrot.
Dodger, ever the inquisitive boy, began to bark hysterically, running out of the kitchen towards Steve and Bucky, jumping up at them, biting onto their clothes and pulling in the direction of the kitchen. Heâd been trained for moments like this to protect and alert if youâre in danger.
âWhat is it, Dodger? Where is she- Fuck! Bucky, get the first aid kit. Baby, let me see.â Steveâs hand's cup yours, pressing firmly against the area that was now throbbing and you couldnât help but hiss as the sting intensified. âI know it hurts, but I need to stop it bleedingâ, he explains whilst coaxing you toward the sink.
With surprising gentleness for such a big hunk of a man, Steve washed your hand, able to inspect the wound as Bucky appeared to your other side with the first aid box opened and ready.
âItâs not deep enough to need stitches, thankfully, but Iâm going to need to press on it for a couple of minutes to stop it bleedingâ. Nodding your head in response to Steve, you lean against his body, finding comfort in his warmth and firm body.
âI guess thatâs the last time you try and do anything romantic, huh, Doll?â Tilting your head toward Bucky, you glare hard at his joke as he sticks out his bottom lip in a pout. âOh, I love it when you try and look angry with me; you look so damn cuteâ, he finishes his teasing with a bop at the end of your nose with his finger.
âBucky, stop being a jerkâ, Steve chastises as you hide your face in his chest.
âI just wanted to make you both a nice mealâ, your voice muffled against Steveâs white shirt.
âAs much as we appreciate the sentiment, maybe use the precut carrots next time, yeah?â Knocking your shoulder against Steveâs chest, he laughs and kisses your cheek as an apology for his joke.
Your hand is then thoroughly wrapped in a bandage, probably more than necessary, and youâre nudged to sit at the table while they continue cooking the meal youâd planned. Guilt settled uneasily in your stomach. It was meant to be a pleasant surprise for them, but now theyâre left clearing up after you.
Dodger came over, licking at your uninjured hand, begging for pets youâre more than happy to give him as you contemplated how to make up for your mistake.
However, Steve and Bucky had other ideas as they took it upon themselves to ensure you were effortlessly cared for to the point that they refused to allow you to cut up your food or feed yourself, cuddling you into Buckyâs lap as he fed you. Next, theyâre undressing you slowly, carefully and tenderly, bathing you, being careful of your injury, and ending the day with enough orgasms to have your mind fuzzy and body sated.
 You were treated to the care and attention you were used to, and Steve and Bucky did not complain once. In fact, they had smiles on their faces, and they enjoyed looking after you, which is where your conundrum occurs. Sometimes, the overprotective attentiveness verged on being smothering.
It did not end. Youâre washed, dressed, and hair combed by them. Even lifting the damn spoon for your cereal to your mouth.
âI can use a spoon; Iâm not incapable of everything!â
All youâre given in response from Bucky is a soft smile, his eyes flicking across your face like heâs trying to memorise every pore, and then once more, he continues to feed you. âI like looking after you like thisâ.
âWhat, like a baby?â you ask in a monotone voice.
âYou know exactly what I meanâ he rolls his eyes playfully but doesnât stop.
You knew he was trying to be innocent and caring, but for some reason, this time, it was hitting you the wrong way. One small mistake, and now you arenât even trusted to do anything for yourself? Maybe it was because you were irritable, as they were only being nice to you, but something didnât feel right. You need a breath or moment to be independent, but for today, you let it go, thinking it would all be back to normal by tomorrow.
There was never a single complaint when it came to sex. They worshipped every inch of your body. Your trust in them was never-ending, especially in your most vulnerable positions. They both knew you better than you knew yourself in those intimate times.
When you need soft, they will give you love and gentleness. When you needed a more brutal, rougher fuck, they would absolutely be up for the job, which is why in the different situations and scenes played out in the bedroom, you all used the traffic light system for safe words. What might be right for one person doesnât always suit the others.
It wasnât even like you used the word âredâ often, but today, you needed it just because of your uncomfortable position. Kneeling over the back of the chair, Steve had one hand roughly gripping your hip as he fucked you from behind, blinding you with the pleasure pulsing in your cunt from his engorged cock. The other hand was in your hair, pushing you towards Buckyâs cock as he fucked your mouth.
It was perfect, hard and highly satisfying. Until Steve lifts your right leg, trying to rest your knee on the arm of the chair, giving himself more room to push his cock deeper. However, the angle at which he lifted your leg had a sharp pain shooting through your hip joint as it clicked.
Tapping your hand three times on the back of the chair, the pressure on the back of your head eased as Buckyâs cock slips out of your mouth as you rush out the word âRedâ.
Thereâs instant relief as Steve moves away, allowing you to lower your leg and rub the sore area that had clicked. The leg wasnât dislocated; it was just a bad angle and horrible timing.
âDid I hurt you? Christ, baby, Iâm so sorry I didnât mean toâ, Steve begs as he hovers behind you, looking helplessly down.
âI just- need a minuteâ, you say, trying to catch your breath enough to explain what had happened. The muscles around your hip ached, but nothing more as your breathing slowed enough that you could look up and try and give a reassuring smile. You hated how they both appeared terrified, glancing between your hip and face. âItâs fine; I just twinged my hip a little. Maybe if we just move positions or something so Iâm not kneelingâ, you suggest whilst trying to stand, but wince when the soreness returns to your hip.
Steveâs eyes are almost bulging out of his head, and he is concerned as he shakes his head, leaning down to lift you into his strong arms. âAbsolutely not; Iâm taking you to the hospital. I could have broken your hip; Iâm not risking itâ.
Gripping his cheeks, you force him to look at you while trying to remain calm and stern. âSteve, stop! Itâs fine; it was just a little twinge. Iâm not going to the hospital. Nothing is broken; I would have told you if it was, and youâd never break me.â
Steve didnât look convinced as he carefully settled your body into the centre of the bed, his calloused hand lowering over your body until resting over your right side. âYou donât know that. I could have dislocated your hip or something.â
Moving your leg to emphasise that this much damage hadnât happened to your hip, you comb your fingers through his blonde hair to soothe him. âSteve, please stop overreacting. Iâm not going anywhere. Iâm fineâ.
Bucky suggested, âIf you wonât go to the hospital, then Iâm still going to call Doctor Banner to come and check you over. There could be a trapped nerve or-â
âNo! You arenât listening to me. Please, will both of you just stop? I donât want to go to the hospital, and I donât want the Doctor to come and see me. It was a little twinge and nothing more. Iâm perfectly well.â The blonde and brunette exchanged an uncertain glance but thankfully didnât say anymore.
It was safe to say the pleasurable mood was thoroughly out of the window as they began to tentatively and extra carefully give you aftercare. Cleaning you up, ensuring youâd had something to eat and drink and wearing comfortable clothes. One of them continued to touch you at all times, even as you fell asleep, stroking over your back and massaging any aches and pains away.
Usually, after an emotional night, youâre feeling needy, but today, youâre withdrawn, potentially experiencing a subdrop where your emotions are heightened and vulnerable.
If you thought Tuesday Steve and Bucky were constantly at your side, this took smothering to a whole new meaning. Even when going to the bathroom, one was there to ensure you were okay, to the point where you stopped answering and continued with your day. It was too much, and it wasnât like you meant to push them away, but you just needed space, a moment, a second, to catch your breath. It was like you were drowning with the want to be ok, but being constantly reminded that you werenât made it more difficult to recover.
Your friends who had children would always speak about those moments when theyâre overstimulated with touch by these kids. No matter how much they love them, it becomes too much when someone constantly needs to be on you at all times of the day. This was exactly how you felt. You love them with all your heart, but it becomes too much.
By the time the sun had set over your home, you were hardly conversing with either of your boyfriends, which had them both tense. Deep lines were imbedded between their brows; fists clenched to stop from wringing their fingers together. Some of you felt sad and guilty even for pushing them away, especially when it came to bed, and you wanted to spoon a pillow rather than one of them.Â
Due to their lifestyle, there were days when they could stay at home and others when they were needed at work. Today, they were needed at work and for a change of scenery, you wanted to join them, which had never been an issue before. Especially after the last few days with your emotions all over the place, you just wanted some normality with the two men you loved.
âWait, what do you mean I have to stay here?â you ask in a state of shock, feet planted into your living room carpet.
The men share a look youâd seen multiple times this week already. Where no words are shared, but enough was said for you to read between the lines. The mafia leader stepped forward, all towering and handsome in his suit, enough to distract you momentarily. Especially as his big hands cup your face, tilting it back so that he can kiss you enough to take your breath away. As he pulls away, youâre lifting onto the tips of your toes for more.
His hands remain framing your face as he explains, âWe just think it would be best for you to stay here and get some rest, thatâs all. Thereâs also an important meeting today with some unkind people, and weâd rather you stay here where itâs safe.â
You sigh exasperatedly, holding onto his wrists to keep him in front. âBut there are always meetings with those types of people. Iâve attended many, might I remind you? Iâve rested enough this week; I want to come with you both.â
Steveâs blue eyes drill into yours as he chews on the inside of his cheek, contemplating before glancing over to his boyfriend, but itâs your turn to hold onto his face, forcing his gaze back to yours. âNo!â you snap, âDonât look at Bucky for backup. I want a genuine reason for being forced to be kept in the house. I want to stay with both of you today, and I thought thatâs what you wanted over the last few days?â
It was a low blow, and you had to refrain from cringing.
âI can stayâ, Bucky begins as you look over at him as Steveâs hands fall to his side.
âNo. Thatâs not fair. Iâve been here for four days now. Please let me come with youâ. It wasnât often you had to beg either man for anything other than during an intimate moment. They were always happy for you to do anything, especially if it meant for you to remain at their side.
However, as both of their blue eyes clash in another knowing gaze, you give up. Feeling once more vulnerable and tired. It had been an odd week, to say the least. Stepping away from them, your shoulders drop in defeat. âYou know what, Iâll just see you both when you get home. Please be safeâ. With that, you escape up the stairs with the plan to rot in bed for the remainder of the day to catch up with your emotions.
Bucky heaves a sigh as you reach the top of the stairs. A small part of you wished that seeing you this upset, they would have chased you, but this didnât happen. As the front door opens and closes, you canât help but drown in the emotions of the last few days, crying into your pillow.
Later, when they return home with bags of take-out and unharmed, useless, this would be enough to pick up your spirits. However, you arenât in the mood, unable to pull yourself out of the grump, mentally still blaming it on your impending period.
So, you ate the delicious food and climbed back into bed. It wasnât like you were going out of your way to be distant, but the rejection from earlier still hurt, so being petty, if they wanted to be without you, they could continue that way.
Wake up alone, but you know theyâre somewhere still in the house. It takes you considerable time to even crawl out of bed with how groggy you feel. Youâd probably spent more time in bed this week than any other time, so you decided enough was enough. You texted your friend Laura Barton.
I havenât seen you in a while and need a distraction. Coffee date?
Five minutes passed before your phone was lighting up with a response.
Love in paradise? You know Iâm always free for you; Iâve just got to bring Nate along as no babysitter, but Iâm down!
My mindâs just all over the place, and I really need a friend, you respond immediately.
I can pick you up in 20, and weâll head to a coffee shop.
Your fingers are typing before you have a moment to think about what youâre sending, and you reply, "Thatâs if they will let me leave the house."
The three dots on your phone appear and disappear multiple times before Lauraâs text arrives. Wow, if youâre revolting against their overprotectiveness, things must be tough there. Iâll be there soon. Iâm sure if you bat your pretty lashes at them, everything will be fine.
If only you thought rather than responding and taking the next 15 minutes to prepare. After getting dressed, you feel much more motivated and in better spirits; speaking to them about leaving the house is the only issue. You just needed an hour or two away to clear your thoughts from all of the protective, macho-man bullshit that seemed to surround you on the daily.
Theyâre both working out in the gym, and for a second, you admire them, your mouth slipping open in awe. Dressed in only their gym shorts, youâre momentarily jealous of the sweat dripping down their chests, the muscles covering their bodies flexing with each movement.
âIf you want a closer look, Princess, why donât you come here?â Bucky eyes you just as hungrily as he lowers the weight, wiping a hand over his stubbled jaw.
Taking a deep breath and trying to remain on the plan, you shake your head, straightening your posture. You can do this.
âIâm going outâ, you firmly state. Usually, you ask so that they can prepare a bodyguard or security guard to patrol the area, but not today. You were a grown-ass woman who didnât need to ask.
Steve nods, moving some strays of his wet blonde hair out of his piercing eyes. âI hope itâs somewhere funâ.
Your gaze is still flicking between them, especially Bucky as he saunters over, his eyelids lowered, and he looks like an animal on the way to pouncing on his prey. Youâre like molten lava by the time heâs by your side, all but ready to jump into his arms, kissing him until youâre breathless. Your fingers slide over his firm chest, feeling his muscles, thumping heart and skimming over the scars where the metal of his arms connect with his skin.Â
You mewl pathetically as he pulls back, grinning as he realizes how needy youâve become. âIf you give us a few minutes, Sam can prepare a car.â
Sam is your trusty bodyguard and best friend, and as much as you love spending time with him, today, you didnât want to be reminded of how you always needed to be coddled.
Taking a hearty step away from him, you firmly say, âNo. I donât need Sam. Iâm just going out with Laura, and sheâs picking me up. Itâs just coffee. Iâll be fineâ. Much like the rest of the week, the atmosphere soon sours as Buckyâs grin fades until you can see his jaw tighten as he swallows.
âOk, thatâs fineâ, he begins slowly, like heâs careful with what to say. âLaura can drive you, but Samâs still coming with you, Sweetheart. Itâs too dangerous out thereâ.
A negative heat flushes through your chest as rage slowly takes over. âNo. I just need some space, I just-â. You hated how difficult it was to articulate yourself when angry. Most of the time, your instinct was to cry, but you needed to explain how you were feeling to them.
Steve enters your eyeline as he lowers his height so youâre both eye to eye. âOk, Sam wonât go.â
âBut-â Bucky tries to interrupt but stops when Steve holds up a hand to silence him.
âTake my card with you and buy yourself something nice. Have fun, baby girlâ. Youâre so shocked by Steveâs reaction that you hardly respond when his lips caress yours in a simple kiss.
âReally? Youâre letting me go like that?â you ask suspiciously.
âYeah, why wouldnât we? Weâre a team, right?â Thereâs something in how he looks at you with such uncertainty that your chest is tightening. A beat passes before your arms are locked around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him slowly and deeply. Savour the touch of his stubble against your cheeks, the softness of his tongue. Youâre relieved when his fingers dig into your waist, holding on with just as much eagerness.
Your phone vibrates in your back pocket. The reminder that Laura has probably arrived outside has you taking a step back, licking your lips while looking down. Your fingertips slip over his abs, which flex as you touch them.
âIâll see you both later, love youâ Quickly pecking Bucky, you turn and leave the gym, tickling under Dodgerâs chin as Steve and Bucky simultaneously shout âLove youâ back.
Sitting with a coffee that probably had a week's worth of caffeine and a cake the size of your head, you could finally go into detail about what was happening with Laura.
âSo after all that, they really let you come out with no security? Iâve never seen that happen beforeâ, your friend muses whilst sipping her drink and trying to entertain her toddler, Nate.
âI guess not that Iâm going to complain about it. Feels rebellious to be out here by myselfâ.Â
The time passed, and it was relieving to catch up with her, definitely needed someone to validate your feelings. You still absolutely loved them and appreciated everything they did for you, but you were smothered over the last few days.
Just as youâd taken another sip of your coffee, the fine hairs on your neck rose as you felt like someone was watching you. Keeping the coffee at your lips, your eyes darted, looking out the window to the street and the patrons in the coffee shop when you saw them. Both of them.
Sensing your change in demeanour, Laura frowns as she looks at you. âWhat is it?â She looks around the room, and it takes seconds before she chuckles. âYouâre joking, right? Did they really think a baseball hat and aviator sunglasses would be a good enough disguise?â
The fury that had first hit you when spotting Steve and Bucky soon turned to sadness. It was like they didnât trust you at all, feeling overwhelmed by them. Initially, you wanted to confront them, but there was no point; you just wanted to escape and go to your safe space.
âCan you take me home, please?â you quietly ask Laura, pushing away the rest of your coffee.
You try to ignore your friend's sad look as she leans across the table to hold the back of your hand. âHoney, Iâm sure theyâre just trying to look out for youâ.
âYes, I know, they just could have told me. It makes me feel incompetent when they sneak around behind my back.â
âItâs not that, you know itâs dangerous to be dating them-â
âYes, I know. Please, can we just goâ. You didnât mean to snap at her, and it was clear she didnât seem offended as she packed up her belongings and rested Nate on her hip.
Standing, you walk without stopping towards the exit, conveniently where your boyfriends are sitting. Out of the corner of your eye, they both stand, and Bucky tries to reach for you.
âJust listen, we can explain why weâre hereâ.
You donât stop. Even as the tears begin to fall and you see the visible flinch from Bucky, you donât stop.
Laura tried to comfort you in the car, but it was useless. Youâre home with a brief goodbye to your friend. Weaving past the security to the entrance to your home, you finally are at your front door.
By the time Steve and Bucky return, youâre upstairs, changing into your pjâs with a tub of ice cream and Dodger at your side. âBaby, where are you?â You donât answer, but it doesnât matter as in a matter of seconds, Steve is standing at your bedroom door, breathless and clearly distraught. âJust give us a minute to explain. Itâs too dangerous to be out by yourself. We didnât want to make you feel crowded by having someone at your side, but you need someone close just in caseâ.
Allowing him to speak, youâre too much of a coward to face him, turning away as the tears continue to fall and soak your clothing. âMmm hmm, I understandâ. You feel drained of energy, and the caffeine from earlier has no effect. Moving towards your bedside cabinet, you unplug your phone charger, collect your phone and ice cream, and bundle the fluffy decorative blanket from the bed.
âWhere are you going?â Bucky now asks where he appears at Steveâs side, appearing just as concerned as his boyfriend, with the hat and sunglasses gone.
âThe spare roomâ.
You can hear the audible breath that your boyfriends suck in. It took everything in you not to change your mind immediately. It hurt them, but they also hurt you this week. It wasnât like you were gathering all your stuff and going to stay in a hotel; it was only across the hall for the rest of the day.
 It was just a break, a place to cry without having someone watching and then consequently feeling guilty for having emotions.
One of them begs, âWhy are you going there? Just let us talk,â but youâre done.
âI donât want to talkâ Your bottom lip wobbles as you hold back the sobs, threatening to burst free.
Bucky steps forward, whose metal hands are cupping the point of your chin to tilt your face up to his, âDonât stay in the spare bedroom; if you donât want to sleep with us, weâll stay on the couch. Just give us a minute, pleaseâ.
Trying to ignore the pleading in his tone, you shake your head, not trusting yourself to talk. Walking around them, they let you walk past, and no word is shared as you walk across the hall to the spare room.
Locking the door, you can just turn the TV on before releasing the pent-up sob youâd held in. Nearly the entire tub of ice cream has been emotionally eaten, and eyes are sore from the crying. It also felt soul-soothing to get all your emotions out, and by the time hours passed, you were ready to speak to them both, except for one long blink, which turned into a full sleep.
There was no sense of time when you began to stir, only aware that the room was mainly cast into darkness except for the glow from the TV that was still playing whatever trash TV show youâd picked on Netflix.
Youâre so incredibly comfortable you have to hold back a groan of pleasure with how content youâre feeling. It was like you were in a cocoon of warmth and contentment as you nuzzled further into the firm yet soft heat beneath your cheek as the bubble surrounding you tightened.
Thump thump. Thump thump. The therapeutic beat against your cheek was something you had already memorised in your dreams.
All the memories came flooding back. The crying, the argument, the locked door, the ice cream and more crying. The locked door. Something you specifically remember doing, yet somehow, youâre wrapped in a boyfriend sandwich, and youâre pretty sure the heavy weight across your feet is Dodger.
In truth, you were happy to be there and had planned to speak to them before your eyes had closed. Youâd never fallen asleep during an argument before; it felt unhealthy in a relationship to do, and god knows how stressed Steve and Bucky must have been.
Snuggling closer to Steveâs chest with your back pressed against Buckyâs, you finally feel content after a week of wobbly emotions. Youâre sure you need to speak with a therapist or something with how up and down youâve been all week. You didnât want to move from this spot ever again.
However, the urgency and pain radiating from your bladder had you cursing. Carefully and with great difficulty, you can wiggle out of your beefy cuddle and sneak to the toilet with Dodger following closely at your side. On the way, youâre able to see the door knob to the room has been shaped like it has been gripped, assuming that Buckyâs metal hand was behind the breaking into the room whilst youâre asleep.
Once in the bathroom, you take in your dishevelled look, showering, freshening up, rebandaging your hand, and dressing in one of Steveâs comfortable jumpers. On your way back to the boys, you pause, overhearing them awake and whispering.
âI told you we shouldnât have broken inâ, Steve groans frustratedly.
âYeah, well, Iâm not sleeping without herâ, Bucky argues, his voice crackling lowly from where heâd just woken up.
Thereâs a momentary pause, and youâre about to go in when they continue. âYou donât think weâve pushed her too far, do you?â Bucky asks.
âYou tell me. Sheâs not in here now. Sheâs kept up at arm's length for days. I feel like I canât do anything right. I just want to keep her safe, but I feel like weâre losing herâ.
Broken. Thatâs how they both sounded, and you have done this. Your eyes sting as they, once again, well with tears, and you move back into the room, pulling the sleeves of your jumper down over your hands to wipe away the moisture.
âIâm sorry I made you both feel this wayâ.
Strong arms wrap around your body, cradling you carefully against their body as youâre moved to sit across Steveâs lap, and Bucky takes your feet into his lap so that you are facing one another. âI love you both. I donât know whatâs wrong with me. I donât know whether itâs my impending period thatâs finding everything too overwhelming. Iâm sorry!â
Youâre hysterical as they both attempt to ground you with soothing shushes and strokes of their hands over your back and legs. âSweetheart, itâs okâ.
âNo, itâs not okay! " Reaching up, you take Steveâs face in your palms and say, âI love you! I would never leave you. EVER!â Next, you hold onto Bucky, half crawling fully into his lap to get your point across: âI love you so much; Iâm sorry I wasnât there to fall asleep in your arms.â
âHey, hey, calm down, Mama. Iâve got you, weâve both got you. We arenât going anywhereâ.Â
Eventually, you can calm down enough, cuddled up against Bucky with Steve massaging the souls of your feet. You all discuss everything from feeling smothered by them to your up and down moods, feeling incompetent, and yet understanding why they are the way they are to keep you safe. It was like the world had tilted back to the right way up. Boundaries are set, so some understanding will be shared if you ever feel overwhelmed again.
âWe just need you to know that weâre never going to stop protecting you until our last fucking breathâ, Bucky promises as he kisses your temple.
âGood thing neither of you is going anywhere. Did you really think Iâd ever leave either of you? Do I need to remind you of the hell hole you saved me from all those years ago?â
âYes, and youâll never have to live like that again. Youâre mine and Buckyâs. No one will touch you againâ.
If only Steve knew what was to come.
It was the early morning hours after your long chat, but it was late enough for Steve and Bucky to forgo sleeping and head to the office. Having a couple more hours of sleep after they left, you were fresh and ready to go by the time Sam was knocking on your front door.
It had been a long week, so you surprised your bodyguard by hugging him. âDid they tell you about my week?â you ask, needing to know if Sam had been updated about everything from your boyfriends.
âI don't know what you meanâ Judging by his tone, he damn well knew what had happened, but nonetheless, his arms tightened around you, âas much as I love your company, the bosses will kill me for touching youâ.
You pull back, alarmed to see him trying and failing to hide the smile on his face. Rolling your eyes at his jokes playfully, you climb into the waiting SUV.
âJust a warning, boss lady. Thereâs a meeting being held over the next 10 minutes,â Sam explains as he pulls into the parking lot that opens into the warehouse.
âOh? Do you know who it is with?â
Sam shrugs, helping you out of the car whilst looking around at the chaos surrounding him as men and women rush around the crates and trucks. âSome hotshot guy who owns a couple of clubs wants to have the protection of the Rogers team so he can run his underground market. HEY! Thatâs not supposed to be in that shipment, you dickwad! Sorry, do you mind if I go kick their heads in?â
You know heâs joking, but he nods, grinning as Sam, the group's mother hen, rushes toward the offending truck. âGood luck! Iâm going to head to the office. Iâm sure the meeting will be over soon.â
Lost in your daydream world, youâre half paying attention as the elevator arrives at the corridor leading to the office. Stepping out and into the elevator, expecting it to be empty but stopping short when, you find a man leaning against the wall, staring at his phone.
The walls felt as if they were caving in. Everything, including your breath and heart, pauses momentarily as you know who it is. Youâd know him from his voice, aftershave, and grimy hands. He was one of the many that plagued your nightmares from a past you were trying to forget. No happiness existed when your brother controlled every aspect of your miserable life until Steve bulldozed his way into it.Â
Ralph Pannone, the man before you, was one of the highest individuals in your brother's gang, but over the last few months before it all came crashing down - thanks to the Rogers mafia - he had been missing on a job. It had been a relief, if not a blessing, those weeks without him and the years that followed, and itâs easy to think youâre safe from those past demons when they donât haunt you in reality.
The wolf tattooed on his throat is ingrained into your mind. The silver of his fingers glinted in the dimmed light that was shockingly cool against your skin from all the times he had inappropriately touched your face.
Later in therapy, you would talk about your instinct to freeze when in a shocking, fearful situation. For example, on Monday, when your palm was accidentally cut, and today, staring at one of Hellâs workers in your safe space, all you could do was freeze.
He must have smelt your fear because his face slowly turned to yours, his typical devilish smirk causing your knees to shake. You wanted to scream. Scream for help for Steve and Bucky to save you.
âI was saddened to see my little kitten wasnât on her knees and waiting for me in that meeting like I thought she would be. But, it appears she wants her own personal meetingâ. Heâs now walking towards you, and thereâs nothing you can do except tremble with fear.
Kitten. That nickname that always had you flinching. It was his favourite thing to call you. Heâd say itâs because youâre soft and cut, and whenever he decided he had the right to touch your face, you would swat him away with your âsharp little clawsâ. He was degrading, misogynistic and utterly terrifying.
The tip of his boots brushes against the front of your shoes as you breathe in his nauseating aftershave. âCome on, kitten, cat got your tongue? Itâs funny how your brother gave you everything, but it wasnât enough, was it? You still had to have my BEST friend killed and sleep your way to the top of Brooklyn.â
You finally have a visible response when you flinch away, staring at the floor as you struggle to catch your breath at his derogatory words. Your throat burns with the threat of vomiting as his fingers graze against your forehead, brushing aside a strand of hair until it's tucked behind your ear.
Leaning even closer until his lips are close to his fingers around the shell of your ear, he whispers, âDonât worry, my sweet kitten. Youâre going to be mine soon. These pretend soldiers arenât going to stop me from getting whatâs mine.â
And then heâs gone.
Like that, your world is once again tilted on its axisâthe safety net youâd been cocooned in, shattering into dust. Time doesnât seem to exist when youâre in this state of shock as the next minutes or hours flash by in brief glimpses.
Lying on the floor of the corridor, high-pitched ringing in your ears.
Samâs face hovered above your own as he shouted, but you couldnât hear what he said as the world felt muffled. All you could tell was that he was conflicted between being scared and furious.
Now youâre in the office, specifically Steveâs personal office on the couch, your head in Buckyâs lap as Steve paced a hole into the carpet.
Natasha was here, by your side, talking lowly to you. It feels like youâre responding, but you canât be sure. It was like your body was in a weird limbo of sorts.
Home. At last, you were home, in your bed, with Doctor Banner lightly touching your wrist with his eyes closed. He was counting, you thought, and as he finished and glanced up at your face, he was happy to see you were awake. A bright light flashed in your eyes as you flinched away, trying to shield yourself.
âIâm glad youâre back with us.â
âWhat happened?â you croaked from the dryness in your throat as you tried to sit up.
âCareful, hereâs some water. It appears that you had a panic attack and fainted. Luckily, there doesnât seem to be any head injuries or lasting injuries. Maybe a bruises here and there. Do you remember what happened? What was the last thing you remember?â
The next thing you know, youâre breathing into a paper bag as the Doctor rubs slow circles over your shoulders, trying to reassure you to breathe slowly. It took a few minutes to calm down before you could ask, âBucky, Steve, please, I need to see themâ.
âOf course, Iâll go right and get them. Iâm on call tonight, so please donât hesitate to get them to phone me if you need anythingâ. Youâre hardly paying attention as he leaves, and suddenly, youâre first welcomed by a lick on the face by an excited Dodger and arms around your waist and back as Steve and Bucky are finally at your side.
They all hold you as you cry, not a single tear reaching your shirt as either Dodger licks them away or Steve and Bucky wipe them with their fingers.
âIâm not expecting you to explain what has happened, and I have never been more scared than seeing you on the floor, barely conscious, without an obvious reason for it. I want you to know youâre safe, and the threat has been eliminatedâ.
Turning towards Steve, you give him a questioning look so he continues explaining. âWe watched the security camera from the corridor. He saw what he did, and we heard what that scumbag said to you. For some reason, a background check wasnât completed on him so he could weasel his way into a meeting with us. We found plenty of evidence of his involvement in your brother's gang.â Steve has to take a deep breath as his anger increases again, his jaw tight.
Bucky, therefore, continues, but you can tell by the venom in his voice that his anger is just as severe as his boyfriend's. âIt took me minutes to track him down whilst Natasha and Sam stayed by your side. We wanted to stay, but we needed to be the ones to end that fuckers life. I wanted to see the light leave his eyesâ.
âTo be honest, we killed him too quickly. I wanted to inflict as much pain mentally as he had done to you, but know that he died screaming and begging for his lifeâ.Â
Steve and Bucky held no remorse when he came to you. This was the life they lived, the protection they offered for someone they loved.
Appreciation and regret are the two words spiralling through your thoughts. Appreciation for them both, for everything theyâve ever given for you and regret for how youâve overreacted this week. Yes, you were human; it was expected to have ups and downs days, but right now, there was nothing more you wanted than to show how much you loved them right back.
You were done being the victim.
Youâre in Steveâs, thighs burning from the stretch of straddling over his, your fingers desperately clutching into his blonde hair, pulling onto it and drawing his face towards yours. You feel his body tense and then wholly break. Warm hands grip your waist, dominantly tugging your body closer until you flush against him.
âDodger, go to bed, buddy,â Bucky instructs, clicking towards the door. The good boy that he is, your baby strolls out of the room to his bed downstairs.Â
Your hands are all over Steve, combing through his locks, to the stubble on his cheeks, to the muscles over his shoulders. You needed to feel all of him, the softness of his skin, the power in his legs, the hardness of his cock.
âMore, I need moreâ, you beg against his lips whilst trying to undo the buttons of his shirt.
âWoah, ok, hold on a momentâ, Steve urges gently whilst cupping both of your hands away from his chest. âI think we need to walk about this. Youâve been through a lot, and I just need to ensure youâre alrightâ.Â
âI can and will talk about this, but not right now. I need a distraction, and I need you to remind me that everything is alright. I need you to remind me that I am yours, and you are both mine, and no one will change that!â
âDamn right, youâre oursâ, Bucky growls possessively, tugging on the strands of hair at the nape of your neck, angling your head back and devouring your mouth. At the same time, Steveâs on your throat, leaving open-mouthed kisses and nippin' in the sensitive spots. Your hips instinctively grind against Steveâs crotch, needing pressure and stimulation to your pussy.
Youâre rewarded with the outline of Steveâs cock, hard and squished within the confines of his suit trousers. Buckyâs tongue enters your mouth, and he groans at your taste, his sharp teeth catching your lower lip and soothing the bites with more kisses.
âNeed this off!â Steve demands as he roughly grabs the hem of your shirt, tearing it down the middle and discarding the pieces across the room. His mouth is then attached to the swell of your breasts, sucking until pain and pleasure pulses in the areas. With a simple snap of his fingers, the clasp of your bra is the next to be removed.
Topless, his bare hands are finally able to cup your breasts, his thumbs pressing on your hardened nipples. âThese are mineâ, he speaks against your skin before sucking a nipple into his mouth, pulsing the sensitive area until youâre crying out his name against Buckyâs lips.
Your panties feel uncomfortable and restrictive with how warm and wet you are between your legs. However, your needs are the last thing on your mind right now as you need to please your boyfriends and show them your appreciation.
Reaching between your bodies, your fingers press against the swell in Steveâs crotch, massaging the throbbing erection until heâs bucking into your palm. Undoing his buckle and zipper, youâre able to free his cock, moving your tight fist up and down his length as he groans hungrily against your breasts.
With unsteady legs, you climb off Steveâs lap and lower to your knees on the carpet; however, his hands pull up against your arms, stopping your movement. âNo, this is supposed to be about youâ.
Shaking your head with a reassuring smile, you move back to your knees, massaging your hands up Steveâs thigh. âNo, actually. Itâs supposed to be about all of us. Now, please, let me suck your cock, sirâ.
The name works wonders as his cock visibly throbs against his abdomen, and his eyes darken as he licks his lips. To his side, Bucky pulls off his shirt, muscles flexing as he does so, and you continue with your plan for the rest of the evening. âI want to take you both at the same time. So why donât you help me, sir?â youâre looking directly at Bucky now, who grins in response.
âFuck yes, Dollâ.
He helps to take off the remainder of your clothes until youâre left kneeling, back arches and ass perked up with Bucky behind you, his hands massaging your ass cheeks.
âI want your pretty little mouth on Steveâs cock whilst I make you cum. Do you think you can do that for me, Princess?â Bucky asks whilst kissing up the length of your spine.
You donât need to verbally answer him as your mouth is instantly on the blondeâs cock, teasing at first with licks around the sensitive head before wrapping your lips around the thickness and sucking inches of it back into your mouth. Youâre welcomed with a sinful gasp from the man who spreads his legs further, giving you more room to settle between them, his big hands resting on the back of your head.
Bucky watched whilst removing the rest of his clothes before delving into his own personal feast. Growling with hunger as he spreads your cheeks and licks from your clit up to your puckered back hole. Your body reacts by pushing back into his face as his tongue slips into your pussy, slurping all your juices lewdly.
His tongue played special treats against your clit, circling, sucking, pulsing whilst his finger dipped into your asshole. He knew exactly how to get you worked up as he used your wetness to lube one finger, then two, gently easing in and out, trying to stretch the area for his cock. It burned, but it was a delicious pain youâd hoped for when asking him to complete the task.
Just as he had three fingers penetrating your hole, your orgasm burst in pleasurable, mind-numbing waves as your pussy squeezed his tongue desperately. Your moan also caused your mouth to vibrate around Steveâs cock as he verbally coached you through your pleasure.
âThatâs it, cum around Buckyâs tongue. Taking his fingers so well, arenât you, baby girl? Youâre made for us.â
Nodding with his cock still in your mouth, youâre suddenly pulled off by the hand on the back of your head as Steve leans down to heavily make out with you, not caring that your mouth had just been on his cock. âI need to taste youâ, he demands against your mouth, and within seconds, youâre led out over the bed.
His head dips between your thighs, his mouth hungrily eating and sucking away as your back arches, fingers and nails desperately clawing into his hair. âYes! Sir! Oh my god!â
âDamn right, Iâm your god nowâ, he spoke the words against your clit. Your mind was rushing with the need to agree verbally and yet desperately hold on to his hair.
A cool hand cups your cheek as Bucky tilts your face in his direction, and you open your mouth, accepting his cock as you had done with Steveâs. Bucky isnât as demanding as heâs fucking your mouth as he rolls his hips carefully so that heâs slowly fucking your throat.
It takes almost no time at all before thereâs overwhelming tightness between your legs like everything down there is going to explode. Pulling away from Buckyâs cock, you cry out, âI canât- itâs too much!â
âYes, you can. Come for us, Baby,â Steve encouraged as he slipped two fingers into your wet pussy, curling them to hit that perfect spot within. That was all you needed to both cum and relax all your muscles between your legs, and without shame, you could feel the bed soaking beneath you as Steve and Bucky cheered you on, âThatâs it, squirt for us! Damn, youâre so beautifulâ.
The breath is knocked out of you by the time the waves of pleasure have subsided. However, your arousal is still at a ten as Steveâs arms circle beneath your body, and youâre now koalaed around him. Arms around his shoulders and ankles crossed behind his back.
âSteve!â your head tips back as the thick length of him slowly enters your pussy. No matter the number of times the two of you fucked, there was never a time when you werenât shocked by how full you felt with him inside of you.
âFeels so good to be inside of you. Do you think you can still take Buck?â
âYes, please, sir, I need you both inside of meâ.
The warmth of Buckyâs chest finally surrounds your spine as he kisses the junction between your shoulder and neck. âEasy there, got to be careful when slipping this big dick in this tight little hole back hereâ, Bucky teases as you feel the head of his cock pressing against your asshole.
Your head tips back and rests on his shoulder, mouth gaping open with a constant string of curses and pleads. Much like with his fingers, the initial burn mixing with the pleasure is the perfect mix as the head of his cock gently breaches your warmth.
âYouâre so fucking wet and tightâ, Bucky moans against your neck as you take inch after inch of him until youâre stretched and full of them both.
The first orgasm with both of them fucking you at the same time is enough to nearly have you passing out again as you continue to squirt until thereâs a small puddle on the floor.
The second orgasm has every nerve in your body feel as if itâs burning with pleasure. Youâre entirely limp in their arms, but theyâre holding you up with firm hands on your thighs and waist. By the third orgasm, you were hardly coherent as both men finally joined you in that blissful state, their cum filling your used holes and dripping into the puddle below.
It was hard for you to stay awake as they carefully cleaned you with warm wash clothes and fresh clothing. Youâre thoroughly wrapped in their arms as the three of you settle into the centre of the bed.
âIâm so happy to be yoursâ, you admit tiredly before sleep takes you.
#mafia!stucky#mafia au#stucky x reader#stucky smut#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers smut#steve rogers#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes#marvel smut#mine*
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hi jade!! itâs currently nearly midnight for me, but, i was wondering if we could get some comfort with spencer (or hotch, whichever one is more fitting in your opinion) and his girlfriend when sheâs getting burnt out (in case you couldnât tell this is grossly self indulgent. Oops.) love you jade!!!!!
ty for requesting, love you! fem
Aaron has conducted an investigation on you in the past few weeks. He doesnât like his findings.Â
âYouâre acting like me.âÂ
Laid on his couch with a box of chocolates on your chest, you send him a suspicious look. Jack sneaks over to take one of your favourites in a blur of brown hair and blue pyjamas. You hardly react.
âJack, did I get those for you?â Aaron asks.
âHe can have some,â you say, glaring at him. Itâs not necessarily fake anger, but itâs also not real anger either. Annoyance, perhaps, of which youâve found yourself a victim these last few weeks.
âTheyâre supposed to make you feel better.â
âJack being happy makes me feel better.âÂ
Aaron rolls his eyes. âAlright, but when thereâs none of the best ones left, donât come crying to me.âÂ
âCome here. Iâve saved you the one with the walnut.âÂ
Aaron answers your demand. He lifts your legs and lays them across his thighs, and he only eats a chocolate every time you force it into his hand or against his cheek. The gifts heâs been giving you seem to work some in repairing whatever it is thatâs getting you down. You have no answers for him âirritates you more, being asked, because you have no answer.Â
As far as Aaron can tell, youâre still in love, work is fine, and Jackâs your best friend. He isnât even doing it in the name of chocolate. Aaron reaches over to stroke Jackâs hair and Jack, apparently too old for fatherly affection, wonât let him do it, but youâre allowed to scratch your nails along the back of his neck.Â
At nine, Aaron takes Jack upstairs for bed. Again, heâs too old for stories now, but not too old to get tucked in and kissed goodnight. He thinks of it as a dad win. Jack doesn't fuss. He says, âNight dad,â and âLove you,â and then âLove you more!â when Aaron pesters him.Â
Aaron pokes his head back through the door. âWhat, sweetheart?â he asks.Â
Jack grins. âCan you tell Y/N I said goodnight, please?âÂ
âOf course I can. Love you three times, okay? Try to sleep now, otherwise youâll be tired in the morning.âÂ
Jack rolls his eyes but puts his head down.
Aaron smiles about Jack, his growing boy. Heâs worried about you, which has the smile surely fading. Aaronâs worried about you too, but he hasnât felt like he could do much about it. Youâre agitated, restless, tired but somehow not. Youâre just drained of all your energy, no matter how much sleep you get.Â
Aaron goes down the last of the stairs, following the sounds of you to the kitchen. Youâre making two cups of something, Aaron canât tell. But youâve stopped at the sink, flaring your fingers, watching the skin tighten around your knuckles.Â
âHaving that headache again?â he asks softly.Â
âIâm sorry for being grumpy all night.âÂ
âIf we had to apologise for grumpiness, I would always be emphatically sorry.â He taps at your elbow until you fall into his chest. âOh, honey,â he says, a little theatrical, but mostly genuinely sympathetic, âwhatever this is, itâll go away.âÂ
âFeel garbage and stupid.âÂ
âYou are neither of those things.âÂ
âI need to get over it, though. I canât just feel like this. It has to end eventually.âÂ
âI think by rushing it, youâre actually erasing any progress youâre making. Youâre burned out, honey. It could happen to anyone, but itâs happening to you, so why donât you just let me spoil you for a few days? Ooh, letâs play hooky.âÂ
âAs if.â
âYou should actually take a few days off if you feel like this.â Aaron hugs your forehead to his nose forcefully, which makes you giggle all weird. He loves it. âLet me call your doctor, you can get an appointment. Just a few days for emergency mental health care, mm?â
âYou are asking me a very serious question but acting very non-serious,â you murmur.Â
Aaron kisses your cheek. âDo you want me to be more serious?â he asks sincerely. âSerious hasnât worked so far. I thought weâd fake it till we make it.âÂ
You curl your arm behind his neck to stop him from rubbing the scruff of his chin against you anymore, pulling away, meeting his eyes with warmth. âThanks for saying âweâ.âÂ
âYou and me,â he says, rubbing you with his chin anyways.
#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner x you#aaron hotchner x y/n#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner fic#aaron hotchner blurb#aaron hotchner drabble#aaron hotchner imagine#aaron hotchner fanfic#aaron hotchner fanfiction#hotch x reader#hotch#hotch x you#hotch blurb#hotch drabble#criminal minds
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What about jj saving rafes gf instead of Sarah when she falls off the boat? Even though jj and Rafe hate each other
of course babes! sorry this took a while, i hope you enjoy! :)
đđ§đđŁđđ đđŁđ
warnings: not proofread, language, slight angst
wc: 2.4k+
Before you were Rafe Cameronâs girl, you were a Pogue through and through. You grew up with JJ and John B, learning to boat, fish, and work hard for the things you wanted. Life was simple but full, with endless summer days spent on the water and nights filled with laughter. When Pope and Kiara joined your crew, it felt like your family was completeâespecially since having Kiara around meant you finally had someone who understood what it was like to be a girl surrounded by all that chaotic, masculine energy.
But things changed when you caught the attention of Rafe Cameron. At first, it seemed impossible. A Kook and a Pogue? The idea alone was laughable. Yet, against all odds, there was something magnetic about Rafeâa spark you couldnât ignore. And to your surprise, he felt it too. It wasnât long before stolen glances turned into secret meetings, and those meetings turned into something deeper. But every step closer to Rafe felt like a step away from your childhood friends.
Sure, it was fine when John B started dating Sarah Cameron. But when you got with the older Cameron sibling, it was a problem. Rafeâs constant harassment didnât help your case. Sarah was much kinder than her brother, and the Pogues saw her as someone who genuinely cared for John B. Rafe, on the other hand, had a reputation that preceded himâa volatile temper and a knack for trouble that made him nearly impossible to trust. Except when it came to you. Your presence seemed to calm the storm in his mind.
Choosing Rafe wasnât easy. It wasnât that you stopped caring for the Pogues. In fact, you still loved them fiercely, even if your paths had diverged. Being with Rafe meant walking a tightrope. While he harbored a burning hatred for your old crew, he knew better than to act on itâbecause hurting them meant risking you. And losing you was unthinkable for Rafe, who had grown to see you as the one thing anchoring him in his stormy world. But even his restraint couldnât erase the tension. The Pogues saw your relationship as a betrayal, and you feared theyâd never forgive you.Â
Now, you sat alone on the edge of a boat, staring out at the vast expanse of the Atlantic as it stretched endlessly before you. The journey to Morocco wasnât one youâd ever imagined taking. But here you were, caught between two worlds, trying desperately to keep the peace. It was your idea to bring Rafe and the Pogues together for this mission. Youâd convinced Rafe to help them track down Groff, who had made off with his money, knowing it could also give JJ and Pope a chance to evade capture. Even if you werenât close anymore, you couldnât bear to see the people you once called family thrown behind bars.
But, as expected, not everything had gone to plan.
The Pogues didnât trust Rafeâand for good reason. His track record spoke for itself. As soon as they got him on the boat, they tied him up in the tiny bathroom, keeping him under lock and key. You understood their logic, but that didnât make it any easier to see your boyfriend treated like a prisoner. Worse still, theyâd forbidden you from seeing him until you reached Morocco. You didnât fight them on it. Confrontation had never been your strong suit, and besides, you knew better than to argue with JJ when his mind was made up.
So, you sat in silence, listening to the rhythmic crash of waves against the hull, the salty breeze brushing against your face. The solitude of the sea was both comforting and suffocating. It gave you time to thinkâabout the choices youâd made, the people youâd hurt, and the fragile balance you were struggling to maintain. You wanted to believe this trip could be a turning point, a chance to bridge the gap between Rafe and the Pogues. But deep down, you knew the odds were slim. Trust was hard to rebuild, and the wounds on both sides ran deep.
As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, you let out a weary sigh. All you could do now was waitâfor land, for answers, for the moment when everything would inevitably come to a head. Until then, the sea was your only companion, its endless expanse reflecting the tangled mess of your heart.
Sarah was kind. She always had been. Even after all her brother had put her through, she still cared for him enough to make sure he was fed and hydrated. She did the same for you.
âBrought you some dinner,â she said, plopping down beside you.
âThanks,â you responded softly. You took a few bites of the sandwich she brought you before putting it aside. Your appetite had been wearing thin the entire trip.
âI think itâs stupid too,â she said, looking out at the horizon while the late sun cast bright ripples on the calm water.
âWhat do you mean?â you asked.
She shrugged her shoulders. âThe whole Kook versus Pogue thing. Rafeâs done his fair share of bad shit, but havenât we all? I really think he wants to help this time.â
âHe does,â you said. âAll he wants is to get his money back from Groff. He doesnât care about the crown. Honest.â
âI know,â she said, offering you a soft smile. âWeâll be there soon. Try to rest.â
You pondered her words as she walked off. You werenât overly close with Sarah. It was almost as if you and she had swapped lives. You started seeing Rafe around the same time Sarah and John B got together, and for the last three years, sheâd been getting a taste of lifeâs adventures while you enjoyed the finer things. You loved Rafe. You were in love with him. You couldnât imagine being without him. But you often found yourself missing the life you once lived with the Pogues.
You cringed as you swallowed one final shot of whiskey, a vice that did close to nothing to take the stress away. You tossed the bottle to the side and rolled over, closing your eyes and trying your best to relax to the soothing sounds of the ocean. Eventually, you were lulled to sleep, dreaming of Rafe. He smiled as he took you into his large arms, and you felt secure in his warm embrace.
The dream was short-lived, though, as you were thrown roughly against the hard wall of the boat. Disoriented, you struggled to find something to grip. Rain lashed against your face as the boat pitched violently from side to side.
You made your way to your feet and took in your surroundings. The storm had hit fast. You could see movement inside the helm as the Pogues scrambled to navigate the chaos and secure the boat.
âRafe,â you whispered, your breath hitching. âRafe!â your voice rose into a frantic scream as you stumbled toward the helm. You knew you had to find himâif he was left unsecured, heâd drown.
âY/N, get inside!â JJâs voice cut through the storm. You turned to see him and John B holding the door open, JJâs hand extended toward you. You reached for him, but another violent wave threw you to the deck.
âWhereâs Rafe?!â you yelled, coughing as salty seawater stung your throat.
âKiaraâs getting him!â John B shouted back.
Moments later, Rafe appeared in the doorway, drenched but alive. âY/N!â
Relief flooded through you at the sight of him, but your joy was short-lived. A massive wave loomed on the horizon, crashing into the boat with terrifying force. You screamed as the water dragged you off the stern, the world disappearing into a churning abyss.
âY/N!â JJ and Rafe shouted in unison.
âRafe!â you screamed, fighting to keep your head above water. The sea clawed at you, threatening to pull you under. âRafe! Help!â
âIâm coming, Y/N!â JJâs voice rang out as he dove into the water after you.
âJJ, what are you doing?!â John B yelled, trying to hold Rafe back from following. âJJ, no, no, no!â
But it was too late. JJ had already disappeared beneath the waves.
âY/N!â Rafeâs scream was raw with desperation, tears streaming down his face. John B had never seen him so unhinged, so consumed by fear.
John B pressed his hand firmly against Rafeâs chest, forcing him back inside. âCome on, man! We canât help them if we drown too!â he yelled over the howling wind. He shoved Rafe into the cabin and slammed the door shut.
âNo, no, no, no, no!â Rafe sobbed, pounding his fists against the wall. âI have to go help her! I have to find her, man!â
âRafe!â Sarahâs voice cut through the chaos as she wrapped her arms around him. âRafe, itâs okay! Letâs just get to land. Iâm sure theyâll find their way back!â She rubbed his back as he crumpled, his sobs echoing through the small cabin.
The water finally calmed as you and JJ struggled onto the sand, every muscle in your body screaming with exhaustion. The cold night air bit at your skin, but the relief of solid ground beneath you was overwhelming. Collapsing onto the beach, you coughed violently, lungs burning as you fought to catch your breath.
âAre you okay?â JJ asked, his voice ragged between gasps for air.
You nodded weakly, words feeling like too much effort. After a moment, you managed to rasp, âA-Are you?â
âYeah,â he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.
Minutes passed as you both sat in silence, trying to steady your breathing. The ocean stretched out before you, dark and infinite, illuminated only by a pale sliver of moonlight. A single tear slid down your cheek as your thoughts turned to Rafeâhis face, his voice, and the uncertainty of whether youâd ever see him again.
âTheyâll be okay, Y/N,â JJ said softly, his tone more reassuring than he probably felt. âAt first light, weâll head down the beach. Weâll find them.â
You nodded, swallowing back another wave of emotion. âHey, Jayj?â Your voice was barely audible.
âThank you,â you murmured, gratitude lacing every syllable.
He turned to you with a tired but genuine smile. âCanât kill a Pogue, right?â
The next thing you knew, the sun was warming your skin, its gentle rays coaxing you back to consciousness. The once-violent sea was calm now, its rhythmic waves bringing an unexpected peace. You stretched, muscles stiff and aching, before glancing toward the shore.
JJ was standing near the water, absentmindedly dragging his foot through the sand. You rose to your feet, brushing off grains of sand stuck to your damp clothes, and made your way over to him.
âHey,â you greeted softly.
He turned, offering you a small smile. âHey. Sleep okay?â
âGuess so,â you chuckled. âDidnât even realize I passed out.â
âNot surprising,â JJ said with a shrug. âYou were pretty wrecked.â His tone was light, but concern lingered in his eyes. âI was thinking we head up the beach toward where the boat was headed. If they made it to land, thatâs where weâll find them.â
You winced at the word if, the uncertainty slicing through your chest like a blade. âOkay,â you replied firmly. âLetâs go.â
For the next 45 minutes, the two of you trudged along the beach in silence, your shared determination a quiet bond. Every step brought a mix of hope and dread as you scanned the horizon for any sign of your loved ones.
âYou know,â JJ said suddenly, breaking the silence, âtheyâre probably feeling the same as usâlike they might never see us again.â
You shook your head, gripping tightly onto hope. âWeâll find them, Jayj. We have to.â
âYeah,â he said, his voice soft but resolute. âWe will.â
A few more minutes passed before you gathered the courage to speak again. âJJ?â
He glanced at you, his brow furrowing slightly.
âDo⊠Do you hate me?â The question felt heavy on your tongue, dredging up years of unspoken tension.
JJâs expression shifted, a flicker of pain crossing his features. He sighed, raking a hand through his damp hair. âNo, Y/N. I donât hate you. I donât think I could hate you even if I wanted to.â
His words caught you off guard, and you looked down, fiddling with your hands. âIt just⊠it felt like you did.â
JJâs voice softened as he continued. âI was hurt. You were my best friend, and when you and Rafe got together, it felt like he stole you away. From me. From all of us.â
A tear slid down your cheek, and you quickly wiped it away. âIâm sorry, Jayj. I never wanted to hurt you.â
âYou donât need to apologize,â he said firmly. âAll youâve ever done was try to keep the peace. I shouldâve seen that sooner. And last night, when you fell off the boatâŠâ His voice wavered, and he looked away. âAll I could think about was how I couldnât let you die thinking I hated you. Youâre my sister, Y/N. You always will be.â
Tears blurred your vision as you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around him. JJ hugged you back tightly, resting his chin on your head.
âI love you, Jayj. Iâve missed you so much,â you whispered.
He pulled back, his hands on your shoulders. âWeâre gonna fix this. All of it. Iâll even make an effort with Rafe if it means getting you back.â
An hour later, the sun was high in the sky when you spotted movement in the distance.
âJ, is that them?â you asked breathlessly, shielding your eyes with your hand.
JJ squinted at the figures. âLetâs find out,â he said, quickening his pace.
As you got closer, the shapes grew clearer: Sarahâs golden hair, Kiaraâs familiar stance, and Rafeâs unmistakable silhouette towering above the group.
âRafe!â you cried, breaking into a run.
He turned at the sound of your voice, his eyes widening before he sprinted toward you. The moment he reached you, his arms wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground.
âOh my God,â he murmured, his voice breaking as he buried his face in your neck. âI thought I lost you. I thought Iâd never see you again!â He cried.
âIâm here,â you whispered, tears streaming down your face. âIâm safe. JJ saved me.â
When Rafe finally pulled back, his gaze shifted to JJ, who stood a few feet away, watching the reunion. Without hesitation, Rafe approached him and pulled him into a hug.
âThank you,â Rafe said, his voice thick with emotion.
JJ stiffened for a moment, then relaxed, clapping Rafe on the back. âYeah, well⊠couldnât let her die on my watch,â he said with a crooked smile.
As you stood there, watching the two men who meant so much to you, hope swelled in your chest. For the first time in years, you felt like things might finally be okay.
© loveesiren 2025 - do not copy, translate, transfer, or repost my work without my permission. if you find my work on sites other than through links i've provided, please notify me.
Tags: @torturedtypewritersdept @bigenergy777 @outerbankspov @purplerose291 @shayofandoms @mirellef2001 @seojunandsoju @niktwazny303 @jjmaybankmylovee @simp4f1 @faephoria @toftomgmf @bunnykoo901 @adarkskinarchives @millietozier @babybreadamericano @hwaaholic @dilfluvr4evr @wtfdudesblog @harrys-housewife @sereneera @lizziesangel @akobx @kieeslove @serrendiipty @esquivelbianca @agnxstic
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What are some ways the Mafia crew would try to further woo their dearest love? And in return, what ways could we further endear ourselves to them?
Scary spooky mafia guys...... trying their hardest to woo a pretty human. AGH it hits all the notes!!!!
Horror gets overwhelmed. You make him so happy, so fuzzy, so warm - but he doesn't believe he can 'woo' you. Not when he can't bear his own reflection, not when even his Dust and Killer consider him violent and frightening. Horror believes his affection for you is his only redeeming quality. He doesn't think you'll like him, but he literally can't stop himself from trying, so when he has his heart set on you his methods are... surprisingly slow and tentative. Especially considering how mercurial he usually is. He brings you flowers that made him think of you, he makes you food, he pores over his brother's dating manual and panics when something happens that he hasn't read about. He's nervous to even hold your hand in case he scares you; the other skeletons are so handsome and eloquent and flirtatious, how could he ever compare? If he frightens you off, he'll never get you back. He has to be gentle.
How could you endear yourself to Horror? Tell him how handsome he is. Tell him how often he's charming without realising. Compliment his cooking. It really won't be that hard, he's already head over heels, but hearing that you like him means so much.
Dust... does not struggle with wooing. Sorry Horror. Dust is frightening, certainly, but his quietness gives him an undeniable magnetism. Like a wolf - sure, you can see his sharp teeth when he smiles, you can see the moonlight flash in his empty eyes. But when he draws close... you can't help but want to move nearer, and touch his soft, silver pelt. Compared to the other three, his romancing is much more underhanded, more about you than grand gestures toward you - which can honestly be a relief when you're being pursued by such big personalities. He turns on the charm, talks quietly and sweetly, stands just a little too close to be platonic, rents your favourite movie when you're down, and (most importantly) positioning himself as your friend and confidant against the other bad guys. He clearly doesn't want to be involved with them, and it's easier to keep you close if you trust him more.
Dust is won over by sincere affection and compliments. For all that looming and flirting, he sure does fall apart quickly when you look right into his eyelights and tell him you like having him around. At that point, he's all yours.
Killer firmly believes that if he can make you laugh, he can make you love him. It's all about getting those giggles, baby. Whatever kind of jokes you like is the kind he tells, he's impressively quick on the draw and never runs out of material, on occasion you may have to ask him to stop joking because your cheeks and abdomen hurt from laughing. He's careful not to be too much... he knows when to be bombastic, when to just be a bit silly and teasing, and when to offer a shoulder to lean on because you're not in the mood. His romantic side is obviously going to be in full force - bouquets, sweets, cards, dates - but his number one wooing technique is getting you to smile. The world you've been unwillingly dragged into can be truly terrifying, and even with the skeletons surrounding you, you'll no doubt feel the nerves and pressure. Killer's humour is a welcome distraction.
It's... hard to tell what endears you to Killer. Honestly, it's hard to tell what Killer is ever thinking. How do you know what's real affection, and what's just a way of making you feel comfortable around him? How can you tell when he's not acting anymore? Though, if you look at how hard he's working every single day to make you that little bit happier... maybe it's not possible to be any more dear to him than you already are.
Nightmare likes to throw his money around. He has an incredible skill for catching when you really like something, reading your face for even the subtlest shine in your eyes, and no matter how much you try to cover your reactions he will catch when you want something and buy it for you. ... But that's not his only wooing trick. Nightmare is, to most people, a violent and unpleasant man who lets his temper take him wherever it pleases. But once he understands his feelings for you and fully commits to romance, he's charming. Lethally charming. He was raised a prince, after all, Dream isn't the only one who has a way with words. You'll start a simple conversation with him, and then you blink and you're sitting on his desk in his study telling him things you've never told anyone. You'll go to him specifically trying not to be swayed - and then when you snap back to reality the two of you are sharing a very luxurious bottle of wine in his room and you've just agreed to be his plus one to a gala this weekend. After all, if he wants to buy you another eye-wateringly expensive necklace, he's going to have to convince you to try some on first.
Nightmare appreciates any attempt to get to know him. His whole life, he's felt like he's living in Dream's shadow, so when you try to actually understand and learn about Nightmare he gets as flattered as he does flustered. Find out about his favourite painters and musicians, read his favourite books, ask him about himself. No one ever has before.
#llamagines#bad sanses#mafia au#being with nightmare is like suddenly waking up from a crazy night out#except instead of waking up in bed with a hangover#you wake up listening to an orchestra from a private booth. wearing jewellery that costs twice your old rent
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